Use the word display in a sentence

«Not as ostentatious a display of wealth as that boat

Ackers studied the holographic display on the wall

The panels in the ceiling and wall slid back and the holographic keyboard display materialized in the middle of the room

display of disgustingly twee kiddie birthday cards with his shoulder and knocking

display of love when he died on the cross for our sins

In the days that followed Smiler’s callous little display of brutality I counted the passing moments of my life through the waves of pain that accompanied my steps along the corridor for the morning’s ablutions

By the way she held her body away from the display, he thought it was obvious she didn’t want to even look at it

Each of them lasted a ten-thousandth of a second, but each one burned itself on his retina so that in only a few moments of looking up at that dazzling display, his vision was a network of slowly fading veins of blindness

The bundles of control conduits feeding into Horcheese blocked the projection in a few places, but the bridge’s tactical display covered half the bridge

On the tactical display, the Squidy was a blank, gray region, like a menacing, disembodied shadow

In a daze, I walk round the aisles pushing the trolley and putting items in it … reaching the pharmacy section, I stand before the display of condoms and pregnancy testing kits feeling very ignorant

And here God just continues to display that He isn’t angry, He does care, and He is satisfied simply because He loves

He had never seen such a display of skill

The calling to display the Kingdom and priesthood is not something to take lightly

Can we confess our faults one to another? Are we willing to humble ourselves in such a way that we are willing to display our faults and our struggles to the community? We all have our faults

He would not be so petty as to put on another display of power now that this one didn’t work

anything other than our tracks on display” said Joe

Kate was smiling at the open display of affection from Big John, “yes John, he knows

practised the display, they passed each other as close as they

The whole window display was unnerving and over-excited in delicious bad taste

Everything on display was multi-coloured crockery, a ceramic graveyard of the most weird and wonderful kitsch I’d ever seen

He pointed with great display to a sun-bleached photograph of a super-tanker, ‘My ship

are interested in someone with kids, you need to display sensitivity towards the issue of

Even if she didn’t have any credit she could display his number and call him on one of her friends’ telephones

He was also deeply impressed by the sheer opulence on display inside his friend’s sumptuous motor car and in between fits of pique about the riff-raff who walked today’s streets, he wondered whether he could get a car like this as a perk of his new job

It was decorated as a corporate officer’s office back in his days on mortal Earth, high on a tower overlooking a smokey city-scape with huge screens that could be levitated around the room, all driven from his phone display

interaction, manipulating the model, and ultimately choosing a view to render to display UI

And when they sang and I saw such a bold display of pride and such skill in crafting mantinada they left me astonished and full

With an elaborate display of inconvenience, tutting and huffing and blowing, his mates shuffled about making a song and dance about trying to make a space for him to sit amongst them

He spent the day preparing the soil in his allocated spot, mulching, weeding and hoeing, before gently placing his prize specimen in its ornamental pot in the middle of his display

In the middle of the room on an elegantly proportioned drop leaf table her great-aunt had set a Royal Worcester tea service, with one of those lacy three tiered cake stands at the centre of the display

The shop was full of display stands and

There are quite a few parents in the school hall when we get there for the skiing trip meeting; the three of us examine the display showing photos of previous skiing trips and then the kids go off with some of their friends

Alastair is sitting at the piano practising; clearly this wild display of bohemian life throws Tilly

open the clamshell display and pressed the connect button

arrived at old Ted’s display

He looked up from what he was doing with the instrumentation display

She could see the display herself, as could everyone in the front row

“Documentaries are fine, as long as they display the truth

The display on the reader confirms the transaction and a printer on a desk behind the receptionist churns out two copies of his invoice

He had watched, months before, as the boy and his father spent weeks rowing around the lake, which had culminated in the amazing display of gymnastic prowess before his own eyes as sole witness to the performance down on the little boat dock

But when the ships gates first opened, he had been one of the people gaping up into it and the glittering fortunes on display

In the late hours, when he, Jock and Maggie have sat nursing tumblers of liquid gold, Billy has often wondered why people collect anaemic porcelain figurines and display them in wall cabinets

attention was on the display from the opposite shore

With the resilience of youth and a fair display of will-power, it

There’s a display on one wall of the work they’ve done which will stay there for parents to see when they pick their kids up later today

” He exclaimed abruptly, and threw his arms around Harry’s shoulders in a most uncommon display of affection

‘ Titania wasn’t so enamored of what she was perusing that she didn’t notice their approaching figures in the reflection of the shop window, but not giving them much thought at first continued her inspection of the display

The display was not lost on Jameson who was near to tears himself

He hit the back of his head on a glass display, and he was shocked as to what he saw as he turned around

The town folk made a point of inspecting the display once all was said and done; some even making rubbings for scrapbooks back home

Johnson walked to it, pushing a number of buttons on its display, and then laying

In a minute or two Hipolyta and Titania noticed the display and each pinched, or flicked two nuts apiece towards the gentlemen, which were likewise caught and chewed

She sat, at once mesmerized by the display, then could not believe her own eyes and at last spoke up

After the fireworks display on the fourth, Jimmy and Kit interfaced, all the computers located in different houses with the big house

His family and friends were in such a state of sudden and complete awe at being present for this unexpected display of unprecedented passion from their Harry, that not a whisper of sound came from the assembled audience

her phone book on the display and hit the name “Tony

Children who have been abused may display:

Back then Arby’s would display a whole slab of roast beef in a glass case like a roast beef aquarium fish twirling on the spigot

The hallway leading into Rafe’s chamber was lined with empty shelves, and shattered display cases

Was he mad? she wondered, focusing on the display of him in his present state

You would not display flowers in an ugly

A display of religion is a display of our strength, and how is that more than what they already have? God will be glorified when

display His heart in the earth

many who didn’t display the heart of God have spoken in the

with the Spirit of God will display His power and wisdom in the

the dead, we display that message with truth and authority

wonders, we display to the world that there is indeed a God in

who display the glory of God, but it will not be because of our

Still fuming over Alec’s display, Brice attempted to rejoin his lecture from where he left off

Whimly continued backpedaling, seemingly terrified at Emily’s display

Another display of the Destroyer’s awesome power and invincibility

You should now be left with a display as follows:

And what a display of wizard-flare, nearly as impressive as M’jillner’s glow

rain had stopped, the heavy clouds gone, to display a spectacular

The spiritual building blocks and supercharged images housed in my subconscious were on display and glowing with phosphorus luminosity

still stirring his first, tweaked the display, “This one is

Deep inside he wished he could one day be lucky enough to witness a display of divine power


Zarko was feeling a little flushed after Crissy’s display of flesh and open affection

” There was no outward display of fear or even nervousness

A couple of police cars passed by the van, driving in the opposite direction towards the convenience store, their sirens making a vivid display of blue and red colors and an ear deafening noise

She surprised both of them with this unusual display,

The main screen showed that they had indeed dropped from wrinkle, as if every display at the helm wasn’t proof enough

Looking up from the little display in her hands she muttered, “Naudi signatures all over this lot

“There! It is moving and,” she glanced at the progress display floating above the helm of their relative positions and those of their probes—all in the three dimensional holo-depiction, “it’s headed toward the probe itself

A flicker of a smile played around Mr Snickerty’s lips, but he resisted the temptation of an open display of mirth

“And why the sudden display of verbal communication?” Senta asked not a little impressed with the Nephlii’s surprising abilities

‘Close,’ Raiya told the display

’ His watch display confirmed it

The console display forward in his vision – receiving data from the FTL probes half a light year ahead – gave a confused analysis

Of course, they expected him to carry this wristband everywhere – it looked like an antique wristwatch with its OLED text and numeral display; but he calculated that their level of reliance on him afforded a certain freedom from their preferred constraints

” Warlock said pointing to his pocket screen with a topographical display of the quadrant they were flying over

The chair’s arm presented a control panel, the red button brought up an HDU display and menu for music or film

Scott could feel his heart hammering, relayed to him in a red pulse-rate helmet display; it seemed to feed back in to his nervousness

In the above control room an array of fixed, curiously antiquated display screens were giving the various intermix ratios, projected stability levels coupled with the power requirements for sustaining negative energy

The fear at the back of his mind before he’d fallen asleep had been the steady decline of the ship’s temperature, but he wouldn’t have its doom-laden reminder on constant display

Then bits of body and gore would fall back down onto the sand lying there like meat in some kind of hellish butchers shop display on the beach

Surrounding it were display panels, much like in the maintenance bay but with symbols that even without seeing from close-up appeared somehow odd: green and blue shapes swirling

On a basic portable device – with its screen display that only allowed him to observe – he noticed the probe’s sensors had detected a spatial field anomaly: space was being warped

Off to the side were multiple holographic workstations displayed in the air from hidden projectors around the room

The power of the Spirit is displayed in the power of the word that is spoken

In chapter 9 of the Gospel of Matthew – Jesus, as a teacher, displayed

Everything about the living room also said ‘home’, from the child-made drawings displayed proudly on the walls, to the collection of pony paraphernalia strewn about the place

and blood, and is then displayed in the body

In bearing our own cross, the cross of Christ becomes all the more clear as to the glory that God displayed there

How will it be displayed?

Could it be that God did not care so much about the ponds and chicken coops they built to help the village as He cared about a fulfillment of wisdom displayed through a willing Church that there is something more important than this life? What was expressed to that community was that these men were not simply there to help with the economy

Jesus displayed that the Kingdom had come in demonstrations of power and mastery over the powers of darkness

The departure TV displayed Stephanos — Gate 5 — Area A, and since my luggage was hopefully in transit since Bristol, I thought I might as well check in right away and relax

Needless to say, and despite the threat of imminent penury, she could hardly contain her contempt for the men displayed before her

James displayed his best dragon etiquette and told Ichor he considered it a great honor to meet the Second of the Ancients

He was going to have to re-tweak that med panel to control himself with those melons displayed like that

» He displayed a diagram of the ship, a dark body, his antimatter in a jar and the forked tangler beam of paired photons that was illuminating his antimatter and the dark body

He displayed the cutting for two years after that

It’s a good job I’m not bothered about money because the price tags on the lingerie displayed to us by the very discrete lady in the next shop we visit are an education

As the female grew, she displayed wisdom far beyond her years

she could hardly contain her contempt for the men displayed before

“How authentic is this?” Ava asked Yellelle as she also made sure she was displayed proudly

She also displayed her knowledge of the galaxy and the one beyond

Finally, displayed across the man’s broad chest, there were

displayed several lines which Tom surmised were the names of

” And he moved over to the hand tools shelf and methodically picked up each displayed tool, twisted, waved, or pushed it through the air

Harry looked at the gifts already displayed on the table and in hands around the room

His excitement was matched by the eagerness with which Kaitlyn displayed, also on her first trip to England

ears as he concentrated on the images displayed on the screen in front of him

Titania stopped in front of a shop window to admire some newly displayed items

The three diplomas were proudly displayed on the great room’s walls

Avery Goodman does have a real flair for direction, and an intuitive grasp for subtly managing the extremes of emotion displayed by the Players from time to time

A small paper tag, held in place with a gold string displayed a name, but she couldn’t read it from where she’d knelt

At the age of twelve his nephew displayed skill just like Daedalus

Philip was a man of the Spirit, a man who saw the power of God displayed in mighty ways, but he is also mentioned later in scriptures

As far as LeCynic could discern, the girl’s womb had ruptured, the force of which was yet displayed on the ceiling and adjacent wall

displayed her approval by pricking up her ears and

displayed for showing what place in the world

Zachary’s name was displayed on the bracelet

The late Mahatma Gandhi displayed great tolerance in promoting non-violence

The departed Mother Theresa who endured hardship and suffering in her noble work displayed unconditional love

He told me that the data would then be automatically entered into the surveillance network which meant his profile would be displayed at

When he had finished that reading, he turned and looked at the calendar and it displayed today’s date!

In simultaneity both devices powered up, their levels displayed on the projected screen in front of him

It displayed a menu

Through the remote connection, displayed in a series of graphs showing heart and neural activity levels, it informed him that Dr Fredrick Lichman had ceased to be alive precisely eighty-four minutes ago

For a moment the screen displayed the message “Please Wait

The telemetry, displayed in the outside observation room, showed that all the power was ramped up to the max – every systems feed

Food was displayed on the counter and people were constantly going to the bar, eating a few bites, then returning to their groups

Dark eyes displayed love and compassion

He checked the address displayed on his electronic pad once again and then turned down what was little more than an alleyway between two blocks of prefabricated accommodation pods

Displayed on the screen was a dialogue box showing:

Kevin pressed the button to activate it, but when the screen activated it just displayed a prompt warning that there was no network connection

She was dismayed at the sadness Shelagh suddenly displayed as if it was buried in the past, but could think of no comfort to offer except to mumble, ‘I’m sorry

But in the half-second it was open, Jack saw the neat array of crisp business suits displayed

Small as she was, she had a fierce temperament and a mind of her own, both of which she displayed often, to everyone except Papa

Why, pray tell, are they displayed in the chambers of the United States Supreme Court but, judicial decision after decision, prohibits them from being displayed, even in a state Supreme Court? This, while the residents of Boulder, Colorado, home of the University of Colorado, are treated with ceramic displays of phalluses

How powerful would his depression have to become to overcome that incessant voice? She was pained to see him struggling so, yet at the same time she could not help but feel a guilty fondness for the humanity he displayed

Above the door, a clock displayed the time

when docking their ships in friendly ports than what Jhordel now displayed; and once again he

Knife throwing and flame eating were also displayed

Rosamond led the way to her room, and there displayed the cards which

Sadly the sergeant who gave the interview on television that night with the dead cheetah proudly displayed in front of him died a few months later on duty

He came to a large ornate gateway, the nearest post of which displayed a fancy iron plaque declaring that this was the Booker Mansion

Rank did not count for much and not often displayed on uniform either

(This is not to imply that the latter should not be commended only that the former, by stepping out of character by doing something out of the ordinary, arguably displayed greater courage)

The crowd cheered and whistled and clapped for each model as she displayed herself like a peacock showing its glorious feathers with pride

William was not sure if he detected a tone that was less friendly than the one displayed by Thomas yesterday

On a few occasions he stopped to appreciate the news and the ads displayed in the eighty-year-old newspaper

William was thinking how the time the clock displayed did not matter to him

He glared, curling his lip in disgust and displayed his middle finger to them while mouthing the words, ‘fuck you

Despite the exquisite taste displayed in the balance of the furniture and the sophisticated play of texture and shade, the bedroom left the impression of complete neutrality

The other, also seated in the sand with his legs covered by the bundled net, glanced up and displayed a wide grin

My eyes traveled over the wealth of family history displayed upon the walls

Payne checked his co-ordinates against the map displayed on his tablet and grunted in satisfaction

It blinked out, then back again, but this time there was a white box displayed in its centre

He turned and waddled towards the incredibly long series of illuminated showcases in which his varied assortment of handguns was displayed

The demeanor displayed towards the couple was less amicable now that they no longer wore American uniforms and their papers showed them to be Polish

It was over! He had won! He displayed the grimace of satisfaction, while giving a middle range hoot of invitation

A weathered blue and gold metal sign with the word Poczta under the familiar horn and lightning symbol was displayed on one of the buildings

several years ago an event happened that displayed the divine

but they certainly displayed god’s love in action

Powers both fickle, as well as fearsome displayed themselves, often with disastrous results for mere Man

Again in chapter 9, “Man’s gods, that had thus been brought forth, evolved in step with his own growing abilities to manage other forms of life to his benefit…Then, those forces of nature whose powers were at a level unmatched by any displayed by mere animals, gained ascendancy in the fertile mind of Man

displayed the lack of relationship between the leadership and their

In this book, he describes that the liberalism (Leftist madness) displayed by President Barack Obama and the present Democrat party leaders can simply be described as a psychological disorder

One of the walls in the reception displayed a wealth of certificates attesting to board certifications and course attendance

“You, for example, have displayed extraordinary serum resistance—most of the Divergent aren’t as capable of resisting serums as you are,” Matthew says

4 You have given a banner to those who fear you, that it may be displayed because of the truth

prepared to negotiate on some points, but firm on others, and displayed a genuine

As they were being displayed one by one to them, she said, “They are immune to most physical attacks, but your energy and particle weapons will work well

Flag decals for Jamaica and other Caribbean islands were proudly displayed on the windshields of cars that sat outside some of the houses

There, displayed on what looked like a little pulpit standing in a corner, was a large book that was so old, the edges of its paper had turned brown

” Delbert displayed a set of nicotine-stained choppers and nodded his approval

The Lord displayed His power in and through Joshua at least three times:- 1)

There were more which Akito had displayed in a glass cabinet, but they were all so old that most people had forgotten what they did

They dealt in feathers mostly and proudly displayed some of their wares

She next whispered to the two: “You have displayed quite the show

brochure had ever displayed a place like this; he could however,

Patriotism is an integral part of any gathering or celebration in the Texas Panhandle; it is often displayed with a western twist

displaying my power in a certain time

We must give full attention when the grandchild is proudly displaying or talking about something that he has achieved

Version two had introduced the partial binding, whereby the device and the host’s mind could inter-operate without the bother of typing or talking or displaying images on a screen

When she saw the projection of Tipperary spinning slowly in the air above the Ops console, displaying the damage to the ship, she flew that way

Have you considered displaying your paintings? They would certainly be of a sufficiently high standard to exhibit, I think

Further, when we are no longer Israel and the Church, but are now the New Jerusalem – the Holy City – the Bride of Christ – we are now displaying a further degree of God

Terry continued to stand there, staring at the shin pads, his face displaying the mixed pleasures of vacant distrust and horror

“Views” in a MVC based application are the components responsible for displaying the application’s

application the view is only about displaying information – it is the controller that handles and responds

Their jowls retracted displaying a row of razor sharp teeth; they took a step and their claws suddenly appeared over their paws

Dog, displaying his usual

displaying the mixed pleasures of vacant distrust and horror

It was then that Altera walked by him brazenly displaying Matai’s belt buckle fastened to her sword hilt

“Yes, you could say that,” Bram responded, once again displaying

displaying destinations and times in the angular Lyndesfarne script

“It’s a step into the past,” remarked Henry as they lingered at a little shop displaying the local varieties of cheeses and woolens

They were onto the second item on the agenda long before the servers had finished displaying their plates of flapjack morsels Kelvin had set out for the first course

It was good that for centuries they had been perfecting the science of making themselves beautiful and artfully displaying that fact

The place should have been displaying awards!

His mouth dropped in awe as one of the larger species of birds spread its feathers, displaying a vast rainbow of colors that had previously been concealed beneath a pair of black wings

The 21st century is displaying events that signal a shift towards unity

Now he was seeing them as they truly were: a civilisation perhaps a millennia ahead of humans, yet still flesh and blood; fearful, paranoid about their perceived threats from humanoid races displaying a potential for galactic spread

Trees clung to the sides of the mountains, displaying their different shades of greens

He looked quite handsome and mature, if it wasn’t for the obvious discomfort he was now displaying

forcefully displaying the Founders» intention never to allow the establishment in America of a state-supported Church analogous to the Church of England

Item: Schools have been prevented from displaying the American flag (and this, from the founding state of our revolution)

I walked over to the hole and my state of mind had now left me off guard and not thinking clearly or I would never have walked straight up to where the two bastards had fallen without taking care and displaying some caution

Yet the recording had appeared to be genuine, displaying the time code as the young woman was being interrogated

They appeared to be scanning him, observing a biometric monitor displaying what she recognised as EEG waves

Instead, he was confronted with icons for options to run diagnostics or displaying input and feedback levels

Amaranthe had heard of wine-stompers displaying more courtesy to the grapes in their vats

Uncle Hobart rounded on her, his twisted face displaying his inner turmoil

«A bath?» I exclaimed, when he finally stood back, proudly displaying the object

“I was in the Coast Guard, in America – see? I’ve put on a few pounds since then!” Patty said, displaying a faded and distorted USCG tattoo on his huge upper arm and laughing at how the letters had spread

Zat is vat I mean,” he replied with an ever-deepening frown, and pressing another button on his chair, the screen changed back into displaying the earlier map

“Lookie, what Personal has in his jacket pocket: business cards,” he said, displaying a small packet

With Hilderich displaying genuine culinary audacity mixing various fruit-stuffs together and roasting them in small leaf parcels, they had indeed made the best of what Amonas had come up with, which was surprisingly and thankfully, quite a lot

Some vendors had set up canopies over rough tables displaying their goods, others operated from blankets and tarpaulins laid on the ground

Displaying more cards and some sticks in his hand, the alien stood and waited for the other aliens to pay up, which they did grudgingly and with much vocal complaint

How can we ask children to do something that we are not prepared to do ourselves? It is almost guaranteed that if children are displaying an over fondness for sweet things one or both of the parents have that same behaviour or habit

hall with about 100 vendors who were displaying their merchandise

So, ignoring my request and displaying his usual lack of consideration for any inconvenience his timing might cause, the phone rang and, of course, it was Adam

He felt that the Universe was displaying itsówn brand of Justice, so he let the robber go when he could have easily apprehended him

Some of the protesters were displaying boards which read: “Over my dead body!”

Since we were inside a space dock, presently the screens were displaying a view from outside the station instead

anything else was the sheer number of posters displaying their

The shark heading up is upside down and has its mouth open, displaying its white, sharp teeth

In displaying the work of his few thousand, topped by only a few dozen, Murray affirms Lukacs’ view of how fragile civilization is

It had large glass window displaying probably a dozen babies sleeping in their separate cots

At least I abstain from displaying the Administration’s arrogance and smug self-certainty, when faced with doubt and unknowability

To his dismay, the road straightened, displaying a view of the river, if such was

front gaped open, displaying her bra underneath

In following it, the optimates were displaying traditional values and acting in a manner consistent with ancestral custom

Others kept their original monster forms, displaying a variety of characteristics, usually a mixture of several animals with cleft paws, reptilian skin, cat eyes, and various horns

feminine in that he did not fear at all displaying a soft,

Another thing you’ll need to think about is when you are displaying your ads

she accomplished this fairly quickly by displaying a

mouth forward and displaying it for me on the end of his tongue

You’ll see that there are many websites that are devoted ONLY to displaying these high

Google Page Rank is simply Google’s way of displaying how important a webpage is

next to each of the cell doors, displaying the inmates inside

hand at them, displaying the RKU logo on his gloves

Displaying a large onion he said, «This? Sweet Spanish—it’s mild

After a goodly amount of pointless chit-chat, including Carl displaying the new stove to the admiring girls—taking credit for everything except mining the iron ore—the party showed signs of breaking up

Within minutes of docking local tradesmen were all over the deck displaying their wares, but Polish emigrants had little money and the crew was not terribly affluent either

He was displaying his invention before the audience

A table was set up in the lobby displaying all the

The moon was out and the sky was starred, displaying the bright tail left by the Milky Way

It was painted bright orange, yellow and white, displaying large flowers, a palm tree and a Hawaiian woman swaying her hips

The sun shone brightly on the deck, tourists conversing lively, often about two girls sunbathing on their stomach displaying their shapely bodies

disallows dealing with the particular party by displaying credit restrictions, or shows the trader only the price made by banks that have open lines of credit

Bar charts have the obvious advantage of displaying the currency range for the period selected

Mannequin: a life-size dummy of the human body, used in the making or displaying of clothes (the meaning in the printed dictionary was out-of-date, so I had to look on-line for this one)

Despite it being a bitterly cold day with showers of sleet, a whole group of children dressed in their winter woolly’s assembled at the green area at that end of the park displaying and playing with their toys

advert, it is certainly worth bearing in mind that the URL that you are displaying

Rumble and Ngem rushed from the maternity room to the machine and looked at the TV screen displaying the image from an electron microscope, which showed cells dividing and growing at a vast rate

Tony was displaying de-motivation

The hill-girl glanced at Yasmina over her shoulder, displaying a bold, handsome face, and then continued her cooking

And our neglected neck and chest take vengeance by wrinkling, sagging, and displaying dark spots that beg to be hidden by a turtleneck

Gerard takes him to the hospital out of town, fills in the papers for him, displaying a doctored driver’s license that indicates it has expired, and referring to a medical plan number whose file exposes his past excesses and criminal behavior, but in Gerard’s old name

Was he displaying the same single-mindedness and toughness that characterized his noted forebears or was he a self-serving shadow of these time magnified ancestors? What would his namesake, great Granddad Can Martin say? What‘s the difference the sweating rancher rationalized, no one would know what he did tonight much less his illustrious ancestors

There laid a costume, or garment, displaying colors such as the Greek had never seen

These digital adventures increased, reaching such intensity that he blatantly ripped the horrified girl‘s costume off while displaying his sexual readiness

Each suite was supplied with a fully stocked drinks cabinet and a table displaying an exotic buffet

The walls had no inside corners and were displaying a tranquil, 360 degree forest scene in 3D complete with ambient sound

An inset image before the President was displaying a view of the abandoned citizens at the city entrance gate; they were removing the bodies of their dead comrades

Lezura and Marina knew who the man was, and Lezura was willing to translate, even with the same emotion Joey was displaying

“I can sense the type of emotions you are displaying in your honoi energy

All of us in the Direct Response Marketing business are constantly displaying our

ing each other, displaying love and virtue toward each other

Yet, Miriam was displaying the telltale signs of morning sickness

The wallscreen in front of them started displaying base pairs

Then there are also banners which are capable of displaying several different images simultaneously

They also had shown distinctly human feelings, often displaying love or affection for others in their group, while proving able to show solidarity and to help strangers, like when they had helped another group that had crossed their path three months ago

If you think George, who has a wooden leg, and Richard, in an old photo, displaying a hand and a hook, might be related, you may be on to something

It was displaying the name of his father «Victor Simmius» and the number

Though she had lived through several hurricanes in Charleston and dealt with them all her life, Faye refused to take away any of the pride this humble woman had in displaying her knowledge about the destructive forces of nature

He began zinging the ball harder to Chance, displaying a more aggressive style to coach Ryan

The four-engine aircraft then pivoted around to present its rear cargo ramp to the waiting women, displaying at the same time the female flying gremlin insignia of the Fifinellas proudly painted on its twin vertical stabilizers

Suddenly, she disappeared, and the only thing left on the displays was the three dimensional map of the building

“What’s happening? Can any of you read me?” Vinnie asked as he looked at displays of the bank’s basement floor

displays all symptoms of a bad flu, you will not be lying

He pauses to see what effect the news will have on her, but Teekra displays no emotion, does not avert her eyes from his gaze

I said that this statue displays that the same satanic antichrist spirit rules these kingdoms

Catwhiskers, and yours truly astound with displays on our

As a result of the recent eruption of Vesuvio, the sunsets are fantastic … deep reds streaking across the sky, interwoven with oranges and greens, resulting in the most amazing displays

of floral displays, seeing the object

‘They suggest we present the village as having the most technologically advanced displays of cultural and historical interest in Greece,’ said Theo

Not a man given to open displays of affection, he was overwhelmed to learn that he and Lucy were held in such high regard by the dragons

ValidationSummary is not a validation control but a control that displays summary of all error occurs

high street signs and shop displays, the streets echoed to the sound

«He never displays proper obeisance,» Elmore added, with only a flick of his eyes in Kelvin’s direction

show the most prolific displays of iced fish

The lobby was the whole bottom floor, an open room with elevators and signs, sitting areas, information stands, art displays and the course listings

A nurse appears in the doorway, says hello and checks charts and displays

The exhibitions and displays of the museum afforded Harry an opportunity to match some of the information from his school texts to tangibles, and he once again entertained the Spelman ladies with the depth of his knowledge about the things they were viewing, of which he had only read before now

The earpipers were as eager to flash their hind-wings in mating displays as they were to find any crumbs that had fallen from the cook’s clothes

“Does everybody know? We have tried so hard to avoid any public displays of our affections

Nothing displays his glory more than signs and wonders and the supernatural, because they are beyond our ability and nobody can say we did them in our strength

gates, and displays a good picture of what God will do in the last

«So are they,» Alan said, «The media just displays consumption without limit

displays the top 100 searches for the last hour

consider using an Amazon’s affiliate plug-in that displays some relevant

Ravena finally looked up from her displays and monitors

Such displays of that unceasing inner turbulence were not unknown to him

com displays a list of reliable mediums and their contact information

A quick glance at the displays on each informed him that the main core and six of the sub-cores were active

The graphical displays then went into further detail: a dispassionate clinical analysis from a subsentient AI, that felt no obligation to inform him

I remembered the market places in the narrow, stone-lined streets where tables held displays of trinkets and fine goods

” she commented, studying the various displays

At the Earth’s Polar Regions, we can also see the effects of these harmful agents on our atmosphere in brilliant displays of the Aurora Borealis as charged particles from the sun are captured in the Earth’s magnetic field

This organization displays a continuing negative animus with respect to two venerable institutions: teaching and the use of the English language

A flightless bird species, the male of which displays a wonderful variety of colors when extending his tail feathers

Why, pray tell, are they displayed in the chambers of the United States Supreme Court but, judicial decision after decision, prohibits them from being displayed, even in a state Supreme Court? This, while the residents of Boulder, Colorado, home of the University of Colorado, are treated with ceramic displays of phalluses

It was similar to the displays you see at Ace Hardware or Home

windows were brilliant with Christmas displays, and thousands of warmly

The Soviet Empire‘s pre-meditated attempt (and subsequent failure) at eliminating all vestiges of God from the hearts and minds of its oppressed subjects offers some glimmer of hope in America‘s own internal struggles with anti-religious forces who, in a similar manner, are avidly seeking to promote a Secularist Agenda by advancing legislation aimed at removing religious symbols and displays from public forums and driving them underground where it is hoped such forms will one day be lost on future generations otherwise lacking the necessary (spiritual) predicates and values formerly derived by enlightened examples that, for centuries, provided structure and moral sustenance and meaning to religious thought

What had I done to her that she displays such animosity towards me? Suddenly, Boris became her big hero

Among the film‘s more striking (alluring) scenes displays Ms

In both towns, the populace displays an identical warm, open friendliness that sets the mood of the visitor for relaxation

He then lifted up a rock from one of the displays bringing it crashing down onto his head killing him immediately

The kid consulted the calendar-conversion tables after clicking on the icon, looking at the secondary displays for a moment

A market was in progress, and a fair crowd was milling around the displays of produce and other goods offered for sale

And, it’s true enough, when you consider the inner reality of the ship, where I can cook real bacon and eggs for breakfast, combined with the bogus displays of the simulator windows

The females kept a respectful distance outside the circle, mewling anxiously as they witnessed the increasingly aggressive displays of their mates

In both stories the older brother displays some ill will toward his brother, after the younger one appears to have gained greater favor in the eyes of the father

Shop windows beckoned with enchanting displays in the best European tradition

On the flip side of these two displays were two others, policed by Chip

Orb preened as parents emerged from the maze praising these displays

Orb now had knowledge of Jason’s influence if not signature on most of the displays that referred to “The Litany

Except this ethereal form has no defects and displays itself in perfection and suffers no ill effects of the aging process

The standard C function that prints or displays a single character by sending it to standard output is called

As we cleared the doors all the computer displays dimmed as the shipped slipped into the low-power mode associated with complete stealth

While he often showered her with private displays of affection, he had insisted on remaining celibate until their wedding night

proudly displays on the second finger of his left hand

which he proudly displays on the second finger of his left hand

displays a selection of fountains, dinnerware,

Body Parts displays 25 intact corpses in various poses, and some 175 body parts arranged to suit the artist’s esthetic sensibilities

owner, page ranks and type of content that the website displays

something that displays that power, call it God or Self or the

Up with Displawallä! Pay a visit to a retail store that displays merchandise on the wall, and these same grooved panels offer the most flexible storage solution for the garage that is available today

And along comes the «Anti-Christ» with his comments on the truth of history and science, and how it displays who we are without any means to deny it

Science is the truth that displays the reality of the bottom line of spirituality

This displays a lacking in the overall commitment to parenting, and our failure in society

The Act Of Giving displays the opposite of ego, and our ability to choose the soul over the ego

The fact that we do not deal with truth in society displays our current situation

Under partial restoration at the present time, it intends to shelter, in the future, art exhibitions, cultural workshops, displays of history and natural history, art classes, conferences and gift shops

This addiction displays that a smoker has no self respect, and desires to be something other than what they are

Known as the “sail city” for its quantity of yachts, Auckland displays for visitors its shining and radiant face with its notable marine port that is, besides, the busiest and most active in the country

But the ceiling displays a more artistic touch, with thousands of ribs and short bones pinned together in various geometrical patterns

On the other hand, traffic in this city displays something unique that up to now Roger had never seen

For a young rebel, his wisdom displays the maturity of an Ancient Greek philosopher

Along the journey, the sightseer feels magnetized, if not hypnotized, by the extraordinarily picturesque scenery that displays itself before their eyes: a panorama stunningly rich in lively and dazzling colors

And we, residing in this universe, exist as a consequence of being in one of these ‘baby’ universes that displays the correct ingredients to give birth to life

Emily turns to me with raised eyebrows, but soon displays a smile

” He displays a faint smile

Sean displays a closed-lip smile

“As reflected in the incredible displays of various merchandise available here!” Talia nodded gleefully as she eyed the endless tables and racks of items all about

“So you might think that the wealthy individuals who paid for the displays and feasts out there are the ones who truly deserve your gratitude, yet they have more than profited from their venture by having the chance to display their wares before such a great crowd, insuring many sales, and by the chance to enter new markets in the future!

In 1963, in the midst of his broadcasting expansion, my father’s real estate division, RHP Incorporated, began the acquisition of some 3,000 outdoor billboards, under companies he named Park Outdoor Advertising and Park Displays

“That would be fine, for these are beautifully done!” Mark grinned as everyone started walking around the table, inspecting the displays

Most of the events the gargoyles contested involved flight, and every race except the selkies had at least one such event, so the air in the crater and above it was the site of many impressive displays of skill

And again I said: Lord thereafter what will You do? And I heard a voice saying to me: Hear righteous John; Then shall appear the denier and he who is set apart in the darkness who is called Antichrist; And again I said: Lord reveal to me what he is like; And I heard a voice saying to me: The appearance of his face is dusky; the hairs of his head are sharp like darts; his eyebrows like a wild beast’s; his right eye like the star which rises in the morning and the other like a lion’s; his mouth about one cubit; his teeth span long; his fingers like scythes; the print of his feet of two spans; and on his face an inscription Antichrist; he shall be exalted even to Heaven and shall be thrown down even to Hades making false displays; And then will I make the Heaven brazen so that it shall not give moisture on the Earth; and I will hide the clouds in secret places so that they shall not bring moisture on the Earth; and I will command the horns of the wind so that the wind shall not blow on the Earth

When finished, she displays the result of her calculation, three

prejudice, one need only look at the heroic displays during the

This displays a trust in God’s provision that

some cents, standing between the adults more impressive displays

Andre paced back and forth in main engineering, constantly glancing between the various computer displays and the main entrance

12) displays the ‘busy’ able NAND gate A, and the oscillator starts functioning

displays the will of God, and the other his power

faithful handmaid, since the one displays the will of God, the other his power

On certain days, especially when I had time to visit both displays, the romantic in me believed they had more of a relationship than we will ever be able to prove

  • Use the word DISPLAY in a sentences

Sentence Examples

But this example is so over whelming in its display of his generosity, humanity and willingness to learn from the wisdom of others that you will forget everything you think you know about Stan Smith!

And there’s an excellent viewing position for the fireworks display and, of course, the aquacade.

6:30 p.m. After witnessing the gratuitous sex display… at Streebek’s favourite coffeehouse and an outlay of $50 by me… to one of his old informants, I proceeded by Celebrity Cab… to 3396834 108th Street… an illegal drug lab disguised as a legitimate place of business.

This was on display at Paris Photo. Do you know it? No.

It’s a section of the Louvre where they display the best photos. It’s very prestigious. Prestigious?

In order to display in their correct position on the image the cropped elements taken from the 16mm negative, the missing portion of the frame has been marked by black.

The emissaries of the king found Baron Kempelen, at the time, who was, after a triumphant tour, preparing to travel to Germany with Sophie and Wanda, in order to display his prodigious automaton

My friends, I’m highly gratified of this display of effusion.

My friends, I’m highly gratified of this display of effusion…

Would you deny the professor a display of my art?

The display of a crucifix.


He did put the clock into the display window.

I have some moving pictures which I wish to display as evidence… as to the soundness of this boy.

As we display this grand array of feminine charm and grace

I take the opportunity at this time to congratulate my opponents for their fine display of sportsmanship.

May display ignorance of Egyptian history by asking question?

No display of emotion can have the least weight with me. You’ll lose breath.

Come now, I want you to see absolutely the finest display in the history of Florida, provided by Martin’s Fine Foods.

Obviously it’s strategic to put on a display of force for the Suristani tribe.

If you young ladies have finished with you vulgar display of lack of restraint… we will begin our lessons.

He invited all the neighbors to display it!

If I was the Minister for Culture I’d put you on display in a museum!

All in all, a very poor display.

If you’re not quiet I’ll have you do the Halloween display.

They’re on the third display.

Now I’ll sketch out the drafts for the new display windows.

Gaetano, look at this and tell me it’s not the best display you’ve ever seen.

For a display window, it’s all about the idea and the colour.

Mr. Fabian’s methods display a certain genius.

Shall we display the kill?

Know what our little athletic display reminded me of?

But doctor, attracted by electrical display behind chair, turned head.

It would be wise to satisfy the crowd’s hopes and… publicly display the good feeling that reign… between Your Majesty and Your Highness

The Hynkel stadium, Before half a million spectators the greatest ever display of arms marches by in review,

I have no time to listen to this ridiculous display.

The art of putting up $100,000 to display the shapely legs—

By the way, I have some unusual ideas for that window display.

I am well aware that nothing short of a miracle could add luster… to this already dazzling display.

Is there any doubt about the character of the Daltons after this display?

It’s risky to have it on display like that.

Even our furniture display on the ninth floor was never like this.

Besides, it isn’t often that a man gets to display heroics before his wife.

If it means that much to ya, I’ll put the books on display at the public library.


That was before your hideous display of charm last night.

Mrs. Acuna told me to forgive your display of temper, so I have.

Definition of Display

to actively exhibit something much like in a museum

Examples of Display in a sentence

Museums display artwork from hundreds of years ago.


Bookstores display bestsellers and new releases on shelves at the front of the store.


The grocery store places all sale items on display at the front of the store.


The dancer liked to display all of her competition medals in the living room whenever relatives visited.


The flight attendants display how to use air masks and floatation devices in the event of a plane crash.


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