Use the word discuss in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “discuss” in a sentence. How to connect “discuss” with other words to make correct English sentences.

discuss (v): to talk about a subject with someone and tell each other your ideas or opinions

Use “discuss” in a sentence

Let’s discuss the plan.
We discussed where we should go.
We have important issues to discuss.
I will discuss it with my staff.
We discussed a wide range of topics.
I see no reason to discuss it further.
We discussed the problem at length.
We will discuss this again on another occasion.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

This is a grammatical and spelling question that asks about the difference between “discuss” and “discuss about”.

“Discuss” or “Discuss about” – Which one is Correct?

The word “discuss” is usually used when talking about a topic in general. The actual meaning of “discuss” is “talk about”. The usage of the word about after Discuss is redundant or unnecessary. Hence “Discuss about” is incorrect. You can also use talk about in place of Discuss.

One of the most common errors in English is redundancy, which means using an unnecessary word or phrase. For example, if one says “discuss about,” they are saying more than they need to. The word “discuss” already has the word “about” in its meaning. If one uses the phrase “discuss about,” they are using more of that same word. Consequently, this will lead to redundancy. In order to avoid this, we just say ‘discuss‘ and not ‘discuss about‘.

For example;

  • Let’s discuss about the importance of solar energy. (Wrong Sentence)
  • Let’s discuss the importance of solar energy. (Correct Sentence)
  • We’ll discuss the topic in layman’s terms. (Correct Sentence)
  • We’ll discuss about the topic in layman’s terms. (Wrong Sentence)

We can use the phrase talk about in place of the word Discuss. For example;

  • Let’s talk about the importance of solar energy. (Correct Sentence)
  • We’ll talk about the topic in layman’s terms. (Correct Sentence)

Discuss in a Sentence

  • Let’s discuss the details of the project at the meeting tomorrow.
  • Can we discuss this issue further before making a decision?
  • I want to discuss the possibility of working on a new project together.
  • The two leaders discussed the importance of improving trade relations.
  • We’ll need to discuss the budget before proceeding with the plan.
  • She suggested that they discuss the matter over a cup of coffee.
  • They discussed the pros and cons of the proposal before making a decision.
  • Can we discuss the matter privately?
  • Let’s discuss how we can improve the efficiency of the process.
  • The team decided to discuss the options for the next steps at the next meeting.
  • They discussed the results of the experiment with the professor.
  • The board members discussed the recent financial report.
  • Can we discuss this further in our next team meeting?
  • He suggested that they discuss the matter by phone.
  • I want to discuss the presentation topic with you before we begin.
  • Let’s discuss the feasibility of this idea before we invest too much time in it.
  • They discussed the problem and came up with a solution.
  • Can we discuss the timeline for the project?
  • I want to discuss my concerns with you before making a decision.
  • Let’s discuss the strategies we can use to achieve our goals.

Talk about in a Sentence

  • Let’s talk about your plans for the weekend.
  • Can we talk about this issue later?
  • I don’t want to talk about it.
  • I’m tired of talking about the same thing over and over again.
  • She didn’t want to talk about her personal life.
  • Let’s talk about how to improve the project.
  • Let’s talk about what we can do to help the situation.
  • We need to talk about the budget for next quarter.
  • I want to talk about a new idea I have.
  • He asked me to talk about my previous experience.
  • Can we talk about the details of the plan later?
  • The meeting was scheduled to talk about the upcoming event.
  • I don’t have time to talk about this right now.
  • Let’s talk about the changes we need to make.
  • I can’t talk about it right now, it’s confidential.
  • Can you talk about what you learned from your last project?
  • We should talk about how to market the product.
  • They were talking about their recent vacation.
  • Let’s talk about how we can improve customer satisfaction.
  • She suggested we talk about how to increase productivity.

Final Words

It is better to use ‘discuss’ instead of ‘discuss about’. You can also write ‘talk about’ instead of ‘discuss.’

Definition of Discuss

to talk about something at length

Examples of Discuss in a sentence

The students discuss the details of their group project with each other.


Briana met with her wedding planner to discuss food, flowers, and invitations.


The teacher called Murat’s parents to discuss his poor behavior and what could be done to improve his attitude.


The United Nations Council on Women called a meeting to discuss problems women face when applying for government jobs.


The guidance counselor called Jane to her office to discuss her plans for college.


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“Aren’t ya done with her yet? I need to discuss some Super Superfood Supermarket business with you

Discuss the risks and benefits of treatment and non-treatment

“Are you going to stand in the elevator all day? We have important things to discuss,” Ackers chastised them, and then, without waiting for their response, he turned and started walking down the hall

This Chapter will strictly discuss the application of nutritional foliar spraying and not the use of foliar spraying concerning pest controls

What on earth can Stephen have to discuss with me that he can’t talk about on the phone?

Of course Tahlmute would discuss nothing about the journey with Estwig along, instead he discussed the theater in this region and what he found interesting and what he found provincial

He thought Tahlmute was going to discuss his suspicions of Estwig again

If he did doostEr was going to discuss his suspicions again, now that they were so alone in these wilds

«I don’t have any business to discuss with scum like you Gino

«Why don’t we talk about where we are instead of this, why don’t we discuss the philosophy of this civilization, a civilization that exists without violence and coercion

the slave opportunity to discuss the work of the local congregation and have an equal say in Ch

I occasionally meet Mandy (aunt Hermione’s extremely boring niece: the only thing she does is answer »yes» or »no» to my questions), Lena (an incredibly dull, married hen: I visit her once a week, and as soon as I get there she starts helping her sons with their homework; she won’t stop until I leave) or Persephone (rather depressed, yet she is the only one with whom I have something to discuss)

‘Perhaps I could ring you sometime about Easter perhaps and we can discuss it with a view to getting something in place for the start of the school year in September?’

We shall note more about this when we discuss unity

If you are looking into that, you must believe I have something clandestine to discuss

They proposed buying a corridor thru the wild chaparral to connect their lands and Ernesto was arriving with a delegation of his sons to discuss it

Since Herndon had long had a mistress back in Sao Luis, she fit into his life without undue bother, except for the fact that Jalloo would ask Elond if she might borrow him and they might discuss him the next day and be distressingly matter-of-fact about it with ‘why don’t we do it like that’s?’ going back and forth

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the theological arguments for and against leaving souls with the biology station

Lets discuss that as a community who actually engages and practices it, because how many Christians will say there is no more dietary law only to stuff their face with prepackaged garbage and high fructose corn syrup?

discuss it with him

The news that you were nearly intercepted is extremely serious – Father is going to have to discuss this with the High Guild

Maybe this was the way it would have to end up, Desa would shake him loose as a mother turns a grown son out into the world and Luray would be his first real relationship? Could he stand that? Did he have a choice? Should he discuss this with her?

He had a problem and wanted to discuss something with her

Ah, my friends, Jake called to them, come, I have much news to discuss with you both

Having warned you that I have no magic formula dreamed up by the ancient Yogis with regard to recovering a slim, beautiful figure, let me discuss the first step in this ‘battle of the bulge’

Kate returned the rest of the students back to their cave so they could better discuss this turn of events

‘Perhaps we could discuss it in more detail some other time

They didn’t need to discuss it

He would have to discuss this with Jake after the battle

If Elmore wasn’t going to discuss the proceedings, Alan was going to pretend Ava had never told him

«The captain has asked me not to discuss it, he or Glayet are probably watching

They smile, discuss, and are most relaxed

«I’m sorry, was there something you wanted to discuss

They insisted he come alone as they had a matter of extreme importance to discuss with him

He might discuss her with Ava, but he was still forbidden to speak of her and even if he could, he couldn’t use any of the nonsense Yellelle spouted in the upcoming discussion

He suggested she speak with Mistress Sera in regards this matter; she would be better able to discuss these things

Naria would discuss and dissect the politics and politicians of the day and Altera would listen and learn; both agreed that change was needed, and needed quickly

The last step of presenting your charter may involve attending committee hearings to discuss and review the application

«She’s definitely here after Thom’s experiments, that’s all she would discuss

As the dishwasher chuntered, we sat down to discuss the wedding

Jim and the Inspector discuss the possibilities for a few minutes

substance, they met in secret conclave to discuss the issue and to

I show her the small back bedroom where we stand and discuss the best place to put the cot, and then the bathroom

through being of service, which I wil discuss further on in this book

They discuss school and university

Ava did not hang out with them thru most of the weeks in the interconnect, but Venna was willing to discuss Tdeshi, especially when they were alone like this in the early part of the day

I’ve got to discuss arrangements with Barry

Now is not the time to discuss Maggie’s plans to leave the country

It wasn’t wholly unexpected, as Belle had made an a tentative appointment with Mandy to discuss the ‘meal plan’ arrangements earlier considered for the Lodge’s patrons

“Now, about the proposition you said you wished to discuss?”

“It seems like you don’t like to discuss it

‘There are more important aspects to this case to discuss

“Where is he now? I would like to discuss this with him

Please do not discuss this case with him

She knew no one was technically above suspicion, but was he telling her personally that she was not above suspicion? “Althart knows these things about himself and he will not want to discuss it with you

She was too intelligent and knew to much of the Kassikan to play with like this wasn’t she? “Ava, I can’t discuss the case

My afternoon is taken up with a meeting intended to plan the office move at which I present my outline plans and we discuss the incipient problems; the move is scheduled for the first week of May so I have two and a half weeks to get everything organised with bank holidays to be taken into account

When they were settled in the train coach and at liberty to discuss the sudden trip, he passed the wire to Harry

Lawrence Spelman took advantage of their shared quarters to discuss with Harry certain things he had been wishing to impart

Once at the gate, he again instructed Kaitlyn to refrain from mentioning her activities with any specific reference to her training, but to otherwise feel free to discuss anything else she may wish to share with Chloe, her mother, or Mrs

We shall discuss these conditions and these centers’ roles and purposes at greater length

As August wound into its last week the Village Council met to discuss a very pressing issue indeed

what’s her name, was supposed to be there sometime around ten, to discuss the preparations for the Summer Fair, but before then she had to do all that she’d let laps, while pretending to keep up with Jim

But how could he discuss this with them? Would they discuss anything at all, as long as it had been since he reported

She couldn’t explain his change of heart, but he made it clear that he didn’t want to discuss it any further

Within a few hours, they had totally run out of things to discuss and the room fell silent

called to discuss the court case, he had to wait for her to hobble up from the stable

“I must have Otto von Eschen over to discuss a possible new venture

You say that you have another venture to discuss?”

That was the only thing they had to discuss right then

‘There’s something I need to discuss with you,’ she

«Business of a fashion, but it’s something you might not want to discuss here in the hall

They went to the inner city, to the Archenon to discuss matters with Rafe

At one time the man was all the Order cared to discuss

This was going to be a longer interruption than Desa wanted, she was pretty sure of that as soon as this guy said she might not want to discuss it in the hall

been unwilling to discuss what had happened

But there’s something you said that I want to discuss

‘The first thing that I wanted to discuss is the question of how possible would it be to defend the abbey successfully

until he’d been able to discuss it with Marguerite

She would not be eager to confront someone who claimed he was conceived there with that belief on the first night, but Desa knew she would discuss it with him in the upcoming days

But there is one thing I wanted to discuss

troubling me lately and who better to discuss them with, than her

It is fascinating to discuss all this with

need to discuss it

We will discuss how to improve on this and write excellent copy later

Of course, we can discuss the advantages and

When they arrived back at the stables Zarko asked Helez to join him under the trees in the garden to discuss her options

Come to my place tonight so that we can discuss this in detail

“Why? What has he done this time?” Zarko asked, ignoring the fact that he wasn’t supposed to discuss private matters that involved the king

When he asked about Mitzka’s father, Lerukka, Crissy quickly changed the subject, refusing to discuss the father of her child

I know it’s not easy on any one of us, having experienced death in our respective families, but I have something important to discuss with you – something that can’t wait

I discuss the nature of unconditional happiness in Chapter 2, so will not repeat it here

Once everybody had settled down Aunt Azubah had them sit down to discuss the wedding ceremony

How substantial reality is created or changed I will leave to others to explore and discuss

Lying-down positions are also common, and I will discuss those in the next chapter

I’ll need to discuss it with my Lieutenant

I talk about wisdom later on when I discuss the Eightfold Path

let’s discuss the terms of my power to be used

council together to discuss the invasion —

Watch how each of the elements that were discussed in this first section come into play

This was not her idea of a fun way to spend the dusk, especially when she imagined the fine cups that would be going around at Kulai’s duskmeal while they discussed the upcoming evening’s entertainment

He was worried that he hadn’t discussed this trip with anyone, not even Talshi

While they discussed, doostEr was looking around and saw that getting the rockasaur into here would be a rigging job in itself

He knew the councils in the Yakhan only discussed deals recorded on documents with signatures and thumbprints

Of course Tahlmute would discuss nothing about the journey with Estwig along, instead he discussed the theater in this region and what he found interesting and what he found provincial

We never discussed the price, did we?”

They blinked into a news center together to have what was known on the native media around them while they discussed this

By the time they were done most of that hour had gone by and little serious issues had been discussed

He seemed to be a polite, nice guy; the three of us discussed various subjects and he proved to be an interesting person; he has sympathy with metaphysics too: he used to carry out astral projections but for some strange reason he can’t anymore; yet, he can still see people’s auras, he said

I realize there are minor things that need to be discussed and have brought up such in

We have discussed the creation and the fall because of the foundation they provide upon

improper leadership of Israel by evil shepherds is discussed

already been discussed more thoroughly in chapter 2 of this book

Qualifications, definitions, and duties of elders have been adequately discussed in another chapter of this book

discussed in previous chapters of this book

We have already discussed the need for unity

This writer is well aware that the matters discussed in this chapter are essential in a

In his irregular visits to my cell during the day we discussed many things, although mostly we ended up bantering about my escape

All of the land that any of them had purchased with their bits of metal was well into the rural land, the only small holds were right along the brooks out here, the land they discussed was high on the plateaus between

Whether we leave the mortal on the surface is a separate issue that can be discussed after the separation

The teacher’s discussed about the syllabus and

Joe and Fred had discussed the

They discussed what to do about the car, how to store it so the battery wouldn’t go bad

If core values, beliefs, strengths, enthusiasm and everything else we discussed were the ingredients of a cake, then spirit would be the ingredient than holds them all together

This was best discussed between riders only

We discussed this earlier and you may have heard of skin care treatments such as

She had come up with an idea and discussed it with Jeffery

IN the previous chapter I discussed backache and aching legs due to bad posture and long hours of standing

Non-violence I have already discussed

Later that night Daniel and Kate discussed his conversation with Jake

She and Alan really should have discussed what she had talked about with Yarin

Numbers were discussed

At the end of the meal the two men said their goodbyes to the landlord and headed for the car park, the businessman promising to drop his friend a line shortly to confirm the details discussed

«Have you discussed this with him?» Heymon asked

There’s a lot to be discussed

«Have you discussed it with her?» Arthur asked

They ignored me as they discussed TV brands

He couldn’t admit that to anyone else, he should have never discussed it with Ava

She’s very good, Alan claims she didn’t get much from him because he didn’t know what clearance she had, but she discussed what has been made public intelligently

It was the fosgene precursor that was actually lowest, and they discussed ways the biology lab could have been used if it was brought home with them

discussed, as was direct action of the Red Army Faction variety,

the other methods we have discussed, and are therefore

Yellelle and Koruki discussed the wine in Minoan for awhile, Yellelle told her, “you probably don’t need to sit thru any more than ‘it was a great year for Kotsifali’ out of that

Both men discussed the ramifications of Naria’s foresight to providing a sanctuary for the young Scathers

“Lord Duncan!” Tarak roared, “That is something not discussed with another

we have previously discussed, by simply having the

measures discussed here will keep hackers away? A backup is not only the

They were astonished, dismayed as they discussed what to do

No-one had said anything to her about how Sheila came to die and, as far as she knew, they hadn’t discussed it amongst themselves … she was pretty sure Ozzie would have mentioned it to her if there was any doubt

Miss Mandy Hill ran across the lad on the boardwalk shortly after leaving the stables, and so she explained to him about the kitchen position she had just discussed with his father, Jameson was thrilled

Spelman discussed the impact of rail and oil on the future economies of the United Kingdom and the US, while Mrs

She had been thinking more and more about Himla, and discussed it with Kulai

The ladies discussed the jaunt to Stratford, on the ‘inspection’ tour, and the gentlemen, wisely, listened without interruption

Allcock with a list of the items they had discussed after breakfast

He discussed the matter with Jameson as if with a business partner, and of course to test the depths of Jameson’s attachment to the livery in memory of his father

They discussed Harold’s proffered position, his hopes for their new home in Stratford, and Harry’s own background

Olivia and I have discussed this thoroughly and are in consummate agreement on this point

He made a generous amendment in the development plans he discussed with George

They discussed their mutual fondness for the work itself and of Harold’s being able to call upon Lawrence for any assistance he might be able to advance on his friend’s behalf

She had discussed this, of course, with Sarah and Belle ahead of time and knew what to suggest and how to suggest it

What was discussed and what might have been decided was not discussed later outside their own company

She’d no idea what he was talking about, but Jim seemed to understand the question and for the next half hour, they discussed the pro’s and con’s, of heating the place with underground water pipes, that ran out of the hot springs, not too far away

ars nova style that he had heard being discussed when he

She discussed these microeconomic observations with his macro and decided that it did appear likely that the average native was getting enough to eat

«I think I would have done the deal with next year’s log after having discussed it in person with the woman still raising your child

On more than one occasion this had come in handy in his own work, so he often discussed cases with her

discussed as he was sleeping

So the two of them sat down and discussed the problem, should they or shouldn’t they destroy it

the one that I have just discussed:

We discussed this earlier, but it’s important, and it’s a myth that friends may well insist is

First the swimming and the chance to walk beneath Apollo’s sky, knowing she could do this every morning from now on, then finding the ingredients for her salve, then the interesting things the men discussed that night

discussed among themselves what they’d do on the tour

We have noted and discussed about the

discussed and established the division of

that needed to be discussed

Izzy, Willow, and I barely discussed Kali and Asmodeus during the following days

As discussed earlier, not all leads are created equally; however, the more

It is very important to note that the only other time it is used in all of Tenach (The Hebrew Bible) is in Isaiah 66:24, which was discussed

We’ll let you know as soon as we’ve discussed when the big day will be

Nonattachment, discussed in Chapter 12, is a way of actively engaging in life without your happiness depending upon the result of what you do in life

In Chapter 3, I discussed the need to overcome self-centered needs and desires, and the wisdom of lessening your focus on conditional happiness to weaken its hold on your attention

Meditation, discussed earlier, is the practice of controlling one’s attention and awareness

As discussed in Chapter 3, as you turn your attention to the Source of happiness (which may be God), you turn your attention away from yourself and your self-centered desires

The core of what I discussed in Appendix 2 is relevant to the practice of Buddhism

All of the schools hold to the basic principles discussed in this chapter

A letter of intent often outlines the major issues that will be discussed in future negoatiations

Cultural differences can also be seen in body language, which we have just discussed

Pierre: Thanks, you’ll have ten minutes to remind us of what we discussed last meeting

During this time of waiting for the baby, Joseph and I had often discussed the men who rebelled against the Herods

With Relativism influencing people’s thinking today, especially when considering subjects like spirituality and faith, as we have discussed earlier, it would be good to firstly reset our own thinking: For this, I would ask you to take a totally objective stance and bury all preconceptions that you may have about this subject

On TV channels (such as National Geographic, Animal Planet or one of the Discovery channels) we often hear about the evolution of specific animals in reference to aspects of design that are evident in the creatures being discussed

“We discussed, months before your birth, about the prophecy that stated the Savior would be born in Bethlehem

We just discussed a lot of different subjects

He always discussed the most interesting subjects

21 If we now consider the numerical properties of the code itself and the subjects around it, we once again find the same design patterns that we have discussed in the surface text of Matthew and Genesis

Through this example we can see that the patterned design around 8 is not only contained in the text that comprises the ELS, but even factors in attributes around the life of the person being discussed

Both are found in passages from the Bible and form part of the supernatural aspects as discussed

As discussed earlier, it is clear that rapid burial had to have occurred for animal remains to undergo fossilisation and to preserve the detail found in some of these fossils

discussed even with their mates

Lopez is also the founder of the ClubIG which he started in an effort to raise the consciousness of all those concerned with their environment The club publishes a newsletter every month on website or yearly via snail mail, which discusses new products new procedures, and a number of timely topics relating to planting and growing

It also discusses how to make the best of a situation in which a congregation has no elders, thus lacking in leadership

the Greeks discusses today with passion

they discusses I don’t know, but I know that

Apart from describing the theories of battles, this text also discusses the diplomacy and developing relationships with other nation�s importance for the sovereignty of a state

He discusses all the different types of aggression and the many ways to deal with each one

The foregoing discusses the fact that we have many government organizations that were not planned by

The second article discusses the failings of choosing government officials based on their faction, asking why only people who define themselves as selfless should be in government

Andrew McCarthy’s recent book Willful Blindness discusses the first WTC bombing and the failure and futility of prosecuting war as a legal approach to crime

chapter that discusses the medical perspective will confirm the

The following section discusses some

Subsequently, he discusses the status of the Irish

so this section discusses the evolution of single stars first

Another book to read is The Logic of Failure by Dietrich Dorner in which he discusses failed systems such as Chernobyl

Writing To Sell In the Internet Age discusses the new earning power that Internet

Pillar #7 (this chapter) discusses 5 ways in which you can build links to your

Digestive health may not be mentioned in many other books that discusses how

in the literature section that discusses the popularity of vampires

In the Symposium, Socrates introduces Diotima of Mantineia, a wise and respected woman, with whom he discusses immortality and !ove

discusses how she can eat desserts in front of her husband now that she is married to

“This article discusses symptoms related to existing sedative termination

The 2009 documentary, Saving the Bay: The Story of San Francisco Bay traces the history of the bay back to the Ice Age and then discusses the industrial desecration of the land as well as the brave trio of women from the city by the bay

Estulin discusses the conniving greed of a group of people that have been around for centuries – I should correct that to type, since I don’t believe you will find anyone still living who was around when Christ threw the moneychangers out of the temple

In contrast, Acts 19:32 discusses another use of the word ekklesia (assembly)

Sharon Levy’s 2011 book, Once & Future Giants: What Ice Age Extinctions Tell us about the Fate of Earth’s Largest Animals discusses the end of the lives of the mammoths and mastodons brought about by the Ice Age – or was there another influence? – connecting it to what the planet is going through today

In Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl discusses many of the misguided myths associated with goal setting

The card of temperance discusses the various ways in which our

«One of the documents which we retrieved from a dig discusses briefly the advent of suspended animation, and how they were experimenting with it

she discusses with Doctor Crusher a previous injury while cliff diving in a program called, Cliffs of Heaven, 47-c

In it, Jung discusses the almost insoluble problem of

The meeting takes its name from the ancient practice of reading a chapter of the Rule before the community discusses any business it needs to attend to

discusses the crystal skulls

This write-up discusses a project that was already underway — and already behind schedule — when the project team switched to Critical Chain scheduling

That is what the phrase “When he discusses or speaks, he lies”

information below discusses fat sources that some researchers are concerned might

In his book ‘The Power of Myth’, Joseph Campbell, the pre-eminent scholar, writer and teacher, discusses the idea of a sacred place

discusses some behavior she has observed that lends some insight into

• How much could establishing a KM program improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the current business process? Chapter 4 discusses Knowledge Management as it relates to business processes

As this list is updated (the author discusses ongoing drastic changes online) it would be in Foboko’s best

Now fearing death he discusses his life with his crew

Chapter 11 discusses the 1260-year period and two candlesticks, which visually match

Chapter 9 specifically discusses the Vatican’s use

He also discusses that it’s important for you not to lean

discusses what he designated as the Implicate and Explicate orders

Should have been “dragon” since this section discusses the dragon persecuting the woman

Every time Paul discusses life after death he always points to the resurrection; without it there would be no life after death

We have created a book that discusses everything in this book, from a diet standpoint

Chapter 5 discusses lecithin and other nutritional

The following section discusses retirement annuity and its benefits

In The Bonds That Make Us Free and Leadership and Self-Delusion Warner discusses a philosophy and a psychology that is very reminiscent of Martin Buber’s I-It and I-Thou modes of being

In his book, Here Comes Everybody, author Clay Shirky discusses four forms of social interaction that the internet facilitates: conversations, sharing, collaboration, and collective action

Here are two signatures of the German text—in my opinion, the crudest charlatanism; it discusses the question, ‘Is woman a human being?’ And, of course, triumphantly proves that she is

“I told you, no husband discusses sex with his wife

An article in the latest issue of the “New Republic” discusses the recent hearings on the Office of Federal Contract Compliance and contrasts Senator Dirksen’s “clowning performance” with Ted Kennedy’s “cool and clever handling” of both himself and the situation

Jim Lemmon discusses Ebright’s use of a training table in his Log of Rowing at the University of California Berkeley, 1870–1987 (Berkeley: Western Heritage Press, 1989), 97–98

charlatanism; it discusses the question, ‘Is woman a human being?’ And, of course, triumphantly proves that she is

Al Brooks, in Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar: The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader (2009), discusses many variations of breakout trades

There is little discussion of other patterns and supporting factors (though the MACD and Keltner channels are reproduced on these charts, the text rarely discusses the patterns on these indicators)

The next section discusses strategies you can employ to address these concerns

The brokerage houses promotional material usually discusses option buying, centering on the benefits of the limited risk aspect of options and the potential for unlimited profit

Seminar instructors are talking about volatility, Robert Krause’s Volatility Handbook is making a big contribution, and the widely read Opportunities in Options newsletter discusses volatility as a matter of course

“Gambling Theory and Other Topics” by Mason Malmuth discusses how top gamblers can “

Matthew Syed discusses this in his great book Bounce

Table 6-1 discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages

This chapter discusses the various methods of security specifically for wireless devices and networks, both at home and in business settings

The fourth edition of his book classic How to Make Money in Stocks (McGraw-Hill Companies, 2009) that discusses CAN SLIM in detail is now available, and I highly recommend it, even if one has read earlier editions

The timing method that he discusses in his book caused some confusion among many followers of his methods

O’Neil frequently discusses how to use price-to-earnings ratios and their associated expansions during a stock’s uptrend to come up with price targets, but there are actually three different methods that can be used

” The Zero Point is the state of being in the now, of being in the present, of being “in the zone,” a state the writer and philosopher Eckhart Tolle discusses fully in his seminal works The Power of Now (New World Library, 2004) and A New Earth (Penguin, 2005)

“Tandy selectively discusses,” he offered

Hacker, a political science professor at Yale University, discusses how in recent years various risks—job risk, family stability risk, retirement risk, and health care risk—have been shifted increasingly from corporations and governments onto the backs of individuals

Second, it discusses the limitations—problems—inherent in usual research department–conventional money manager approaches

This chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method in light of the following factors:

This chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each method in light of factors such as pricing issues, securities law issues, income tax issues, other regulations, availability-of-information issues, ability-to-finance issues, financial commitment issues, doability issues, social issues, speed, and rates of return

This chapter discusses the 2005 leveraged buyout (LBO) of the common stock of Hertz Global Holdings at a relatively high price earnings (P/E) ratio and a substantial premium above book value

The first section discusses precious metals

While on the topic of energy and oil, this makes for a great segue into the next chapter, which discusses the potential of peak oil and how this will affect both commodity and stock prices in the coming years

In the book Employees First and Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down, Nayar discusses his idea that employees create the most value at a company, because they end up knowing the most about the customer

Each also discusses the short interest as it is at relevant levels for these names

The MECOM™ Method discusses the components of investing success

This book’s material is naturally relevant for making strategic decisions that could be coded in a benchmark but it also discusses tactical “beta-timing” tools

Chapter 17 discusses pitfalls with this measure

Shefrin (2002) discusses evidence that individual investors tend to extrapolate (predict trend continuation) while professional managers and strategists tend to predict reversals

(I use yet another dataset in my 2003 Journal of Portfolio Management article that discusses these issues in much more detail

This chapter discusses other (more useful) decompositions of equity returns

[1] This chapter focuses on the yield spread of corporate bonds but at the end briefly discusses other types of non-government debt

In another recent study, Phalippou drills into PE funds’ salient and less salient fees and costs and discusses various ambiguities in performance reporting (e

This section discusses two opposite interpretations of why prospective yields differ across assets and presents empirical evidence to help assess which interpretation is more consistent with reality

Chapter 7 discusses data mining further and argues that it is an inevitable feature of systematic trading models

Especially where it discusses the spatial metaphors conveyed in the foothills of the Antipurgatorio and the Paradiso Terrestre on top of the Mountain

This appendix discusses the sources and construction of the various time series used in this book

When each parameter value corresponds to a constant number of utility function values (in our case, it is constant and equals 5), then additive convolution is equivalent to the arithmetic mean and multiplicative convolution—to the geometric mean (Chapter 7, “Basic Concepts of Multicriteria Selection as Applied to Option Combinations,” discusses different types of convolutions in detail

Each Friday, the Weekly Spread Commentary draws two spreads from MRCI Online and discusses seasonal fundamentals that may have helped generate their seasonal patterns; presents the supporting charts and history; and then tries to highlight any relevant chart levels, recent or upcoming government of industry reports, and any news that could affect the spread this year

» He could hardly believe he was actually discussing this with a Yingolian

‘And is there any reason why the police should think that you would want to shoot her?’ he asked almost conversationally – we could be discussing the weather

Glenelle didn’t continue the conversation about her sister’s love life that she had been listening to, she was more interested in discussing her sister’s existence

(26) Striving over words to no profit is always a danger in discussing the affairs of the

Recently, in discussing with a fellow preacher his desire to encourage the congregation where he was preaching to appoint elders I told

«We are merely discussing the price of the whore,» Vincef said

«Once we agree that lives are expendable for objectives, we are only discussing the price

He should feel more at ease discussing important problems with him

None of them had spared each other’s ears when discussing the glacial pace of native construction away from a major city and the tribulations of trying to get something done about it

We shall be discussing who it would be best to send with you

«We wouldn’t be here discussing them unless we were already convinced of that,» Althart said

After discussing it among themselves, the riders felt that this was inevitable

It seemed like Nuran had decided to share her shift in their space permanently with Tindairn, without really discussing it with Alan or Desa

He came to me and we have been discussing them

Jake contacted the White and asked him to set up a friendly meeting under the guise of discussing the coming battle

The ladies all went to her and hugged her in welcome, and immediately started discussing the symptoms of their impending pregnancies

We talked about the property David had left, discussing the different options open to us, suggesting that it might be best to keep the house for the time being, depositing anything precious in storage and, putting it in the hands of a reliable agent, letting it out until such time as Abi was of age

It was lovely seeing her though I think you should know that we spent quite a time discussing you and your brother

Dimitris wasn’t concerned whether pirating between pirates was legal or not, he was more interested in discussing the implications in sailing the Princess of Stephanos back to Dorini top-heavy

They were discussing the phenomenon they were chasing, which they had already observed even before they finished the calibration

They sat around in small groups discussing in hushed tones the coming Scather attack and formulated a plan that would be put into motion should they try to attack the city in the forest

As everyone stood about discussing the pros and cons of this, Brent backed away and

Then he looked away from her to George and White Feathers still discussing something of import in the doorway of the Mercantile

He would feel more comfortable discussing this with Ava, even though she interrogated him just about as much and admitted she had talked to I

She contemplates the room and tries to imagine it with the colour scheme they are discussing

They have been discussing the redecoration of the front room for half an hour now – throwing around various ideas of how the furniture could be better arranged

conversation around the fire from the trainees discussing the story

the conversation was discussing what their new postings were going

The Eidolon Corporation’s ‘Ground Crew’ is already discussing plans to send a rescue ship out

If there was a more discussing job there about, she hadn’t seen it

discussing business with clients, a large wine cellar in the

She recalled discussing it last week with the contractor but was sure they’d told her they couldn’t get there until next week

She really wasn’t that interested in discussing the mortal all evening, she could sense that the sand on these secret beaches was just perfect in temperature and softness

I was discussing it with my boss the other day about it and I told her that I don’t feel like to spend to Philippines because I’ll pay more than thousands pesos again to the government that I don’t have enough money

It dawned on Emma they had been discussing the holidays, or at least the preparations for the holidays

«We are not discussing this

The two men passed the rest of the morning discussing

They dined late, discussing the

There are only two, and you are the only one I feel secure discussing it with because the one called Ava is still on the starship

Now, create a plan of action, which may include discussing the idea with

Shaking her head at this symbiology, she snapped The book shut, and snatched another nearby book, The Eternal Life Sequence, to read its preface Discussing the possibility that if “there already was An ‘elixir of life’ or ‘fountain of youth’ which Is guarded by a few—how would we know?

Best of all, she’d just spent an hour discussing Hesiod with Father

One thing he hated most was the Vinius family’s interest in discussing Cyrodiil

She secured her sword in the corner of her tent and after looking to see Carius back to busily discussing apparently classified news with his officer, she set about to investigate what she had seen

Even as he stood discussing such matters with his officer, he was always contemplating, strategizing and imagining all sorts of tactical possibilities for his principal task



they both sat on the deck chairs discussing

We could spend all day discussing this, but we have to get to the next item

He was very careful about discussing the matter over the phone, but told her, after ascertaining her address, that he would call on her that same evening about nine o’clock

” Her face was thoughtful, remembering how we had considered the subject and eventually decided it wasn»t worth discussing

Jim was still sitting in the large conference room, discussing the impact of the government plan with the various union representatives and other spokespeople who were able to get to the Callisto station in the last few hours

people discussing the day, a child»s laughter, donkeys braying

We told them what we had been discussing, then Joseph continued

If Evolutionists then make use of the word “Design”, when referring to specific aspects in organisms that supposedly came about by chance, they in fact acknowledge that a designer, having in mind the skilful execution of a plan to put together a work of art with a specific purpose, was behind the subject that they are discussing

They had been discussing the future

Discussing what happens within the Chameleon Arch could also be fatal to your destinies

Then without discussing it first, they linked with one another; it was partly done through the will of their Battle Angels and the kigare, and the rest was their own decision, a shared request, and acceptance to link

He wanted to know what they were discussing though it was considered very rude for an immortal to eavesdrop on the conversation of a ruler

Simply for discussing the subject of interrogation resulted a pain he never thought possible without passing out

It was obvious people were discussing the curiosity of their togetherness

He began discussing something Jimmy had remembered once learning in a science lesson, about values of energy

Esther could see that there was no point in discussing anything further with Nathan, he was done-in and depressed, better to leave it for now

If there were, I’m sure we’d not be here discussing the matter

Then there was the brief history that she had told me when we were discussing her, she

I’m afraid Fysto, Netfiddle, and Bilge must have been discussing livestock and gloating over the profits, but nothing more sinister than that

Making bets or discussing the number of wanted posters they had seen him on?

What were they discussing in here so late at night?

At once stage he even joined the PT Sergeant in discussing our deplorable lack of water skills

They sat around his desk, drinking hot milk-less tea, discussing their options

[Addendum: The word of The Lord, spoken to Jayse, while we were discussing The Lord’s words above]

The biggest mistake people make when discussing this particular war is to focus only on the COIN operations in Namibia which is a country just to the north of South Africa on the western side

Why are we actually discussing this?”

Paul was ignoring Kate and Helen discussing such a trivial matter; rather he was busy collecting droplets released from the underside of the bridge

This is a big problem and very difficult to counter though there is ways which I am not discussing here for reasons which I am sure you will understand

They also grow beards and are seen discussing their new faith and beliefs in public

A friend and I were recently discussing the (practical) merits of stem-celled research; an area that I am not totally comfortable with because of moral and ethical objections that continue to trouble me

A slim shop assistant approached and they spent the next fifteen minutes discussing the merits of the different footwear before he made a choice

Clinton also was not a racist, but did pander to the same stereotypes that Reagan used when discussing welfare

If a boy, in a prankish mood, angry at being forced to eat his Brussels sprouts, should take one of his sister’s dollies, take its clothes off, and put it with a boy doll, just back from years of combat? And if that boy doll should be in a state…of need…but wait a minute…these are dolls we’re discussing

The world was on the brink of turning into a wasteland, and we were discussing the need for xerox machines

They continued discussing the prospects of successfully extricating Elizabeth’s uncle from Poland

Colling also remembered that Elizabeth had brought her camera along on one of their Fridays at the farm, more than a month previously, and felt a renewed sense of uneasiness at the thought that she might have been making plans for this journey well in advance of discussing it with him

The three men seemed pleased at the prospect, and were in the middle of discussing the various steps that each of them would have to take to prepare to depart Poland, when Colling interjected, “I do not think this is such a good idea, Elzbieta

The several articles discussing what was to be done with post-war Europe did not hold his interest, and he absorbed himself in the new C

I have become much more interested in the wider aspects of spirituality and more open to discussing such difficult issues as reincarnation with others

“If we’re in Poland, why is everyone speaking German?” Colling had a perception by the tone of her voice that she was asking the question to avoid discussing something else

Discussing what might have gone wrong in the past, and seeking to come up with logical explanations for what had occurred, seemed to permit Elizabeth, at least to a limited extent, to come to grips with what she had experienced

For the first time, she began relating parts of what had happened to her, discussing them in such an objective way that Colling characterized it in his mind as forced indifference

Colling, as you say, you are a deserter, and I am not in the habit of discussing matters with the family members of deserters and criminals

Many hours passed with discussing ideas and dispose of everything they in advance knew would not work

Nearly one third of the time is spent in the General Assembly discussing and condemning the

with glenn and began discussing our theologies, the city of Lawson,

brew language, and he loved discussing the Bible in its original ety-

we started discussing some of the difficult things we had been through

In normal circumstances, someone would probably reprimand her for discussing her old faction, but these are not normal circumstances

“Well, I was planning on discussing it with our subjects here,” Matthew says

The White Herons gathered at their airship’s lounge, discussing their

Synonym: confer, consider, debate, reason, talk over. Similar words: discussion, disc, disclose, discourse, discount, discourage, discouraged, discharging. Meaning: [dɪ’skʌs]  v. 1. to consider or examine in speech or writing 2. speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion. 

Random good picture Not show

1. There are more important matters we need to discuss.

2. They had important matters to discuss.

3. The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.

4. She’d rung up to discuss the divorce.

5. Discuss your worries with your partner.

6. Discuss any problems with your team leader.

7. I don’t have anything special to discuss.

8. I’m perfectly willing to discuss the problem.

9. Naturally, you’ll want to discuss this with your wife.

10. I’ll discuss it with you whenever you like.

11. I have no desire to discuss the matter further.

12. They discuss their problems in group therapy sessions.

13. Can we have a meeting to discuss that?

14. He flatly refused to discuss the matter.

15. I won’t discuss the minutiae of the contract now.

16. I want to discuss your work with you.

17. They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations.

18. I had no opportunity to discuss it with her.

19. I don’t discuss private matters with my colleagues.

20. This is hardly the time to discuss such matters.

21. We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.

22. Littman refused to discuss the case publicly.

23. They will hold a council to discuss the proposal.

24. I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of a raise.

24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. The Prime Minister convened his ministers to discuss the matter.

26. The police want to discuss these recent racist attacks with local people.

27. We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.

28. We will, no doubt, discuss these issues again at the next meeting.

29. The team went into a huddle at half-time to discuss their tactics.

30. The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.

More similar words: discussion, disc, disclose, discourse, discount, discourage, discouraged, discharging, discrimination, Russian, rescue, scuttle, accuse, sculpture, custody, excuse me, customer, the accused, fiscal, accusation, in this case, dish, disk, dismal, disturb, display, distant, dispute, dismiss, distinct. 

  • Use the word DISCUSS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I’m not that familiar with lady stuff, so I’d really rather not discuss it. Uh-huh. Hi, Billy.

What were you expecting to discuss with Raphael Baena?

«I don’t want to discuss it.

«We will discuss your case later.»

Sir Archie wishes to discuss this matter with the skipper.

But fairness and consideration for his friends would call him for caution, he ought to think it over and discuss it and similar catchphrases.

I still have many details to discuss with Canez.

We would greatly appreciate a visit in our office to discuss a possible contract with our theater.

Couldn’t we discuss that over breakfast?

If our offer suits you, please visit us to discuss the details.

There is nothing further to discuss.

As you know, I can’t discuss with you what happened on the jury…

I’ll discuss the simultaneously produced Spanish-language versi├│n, also included on this special edition, and will draw extensively from Stoker’s original novel, from the stage adaptations, from Universal’s final shooting script, and earlier scripts and treatments,

So, as Dr Seward and Professor Van Helsing discuss vampire superstition, I’ll give a fuller outline of the genesis of Stoker’s novel in folklore and literature, and its transformations via the theatre that resulted in the classic film we are now watching.

And now, if you’re not too fatigued, I would like to discuss the lease on Carfax Abbey.

This meeting is to discuss the war.

Shall we sit down and be comfortable while we discuss the matter?

We may have private matters to discuss.

Why, i didn’t discuss it with anyone.

I will discuss it in the presence of nobody, if you please.

We’ll discuss that in the boardroom.

I can’t discuss it with you.

Let’s not discuss it, please

Adolphus, I have something very serious to discuss with you.

Please, we are here to discuss the merger.

We will discuss this thing at breakfast time.

Suppose we don’t discuss that.

Well, we may as well discuss this frankly now that you know the facts.

This charge is so absolutely ridiculous, I just can’t discuss it.

I don’t want to discuss it over the phone.

I don’t care to discuss it further. Listen.

We’ve come to discuss the adoption.

Will you forgive me if I don’t discuss it?

She laughed in my face. Won’t even discuss it.

What a fortunate coincidence. We can now discuss the whole matter together.

Now, this is no place to discuss that.

I don’t think we ought to discuss her anymore.

Both discuss the pros and cons of the situation in grownup dialogue.

Max, I don’t care to discuss them at all.

Oh, I see. Well, gentlemen, we have serious matters to discuss.

I wish to discuss the tariff.


Well, I haven’t time to discuss it now.

Come to my house to dinner tonight and we can discuss it then.

Is there any business you wish to discuss with me?

I’d at least discuss it further.

You see I can’t discuss it over the phone.

I can’t discuss my worries with them.

You might be asking yourself, is it correct to say discuss about? Well, we have the answers that you need. While saying something like “talk about” might make sense, you might be surprised to learn that “discuss about” isn’t what you think it is.

Should You Use “Discuss” Or “Discuss About”?

You should always use “discuss” and it is incorrect to use “discuss about”. The word “discuss” implies that you talk about something, meaning that if you say “discuss about”, you actually say “talk about about”. The “about” in “discuss about” is thus redundant.

Should You Use "Discuss" Or "Discuss About"?

If you need further clarification, just take a look at this meaning in The Cambridge Dictionary. They say that “discuss” means “to talk about a subject with someone and tell each other your ideas or opinions.”

See how they include the words “talk about” in their meaning. There’s no other way to explain the meaning of “discuss,” therefore, you should always assume that “about” is already present when you use it.

Examples Of How To Use The Word “Discuss” In A Sentence

While we can tell you all about the right and wrong ways of writing it, we believe the best thing to do is show it to you in action.

We’ll include various examples below and mark each one as being either correct or incorrect. We encourage you to play along at first by covering up the part of your screen that gives away the answer! You should start to notice that using “about” is never correct.

  1. Correct:We need to discuss the situation further when you have a minute.
  2. Incorrect:We should discuss about the things we need to go through.
  3. Correct:I should discuss this matter with you, but I don’t have time right now.
  4. Incorrect:You should discuss about these things with me before you make a stupid decision!
  5. Correct:Did you not want to discuss this with me?
  6. Incorrect:Why can’t we discuss about these things in private?
  7. Correct:We should discuss this more later when I have a bit more time.
  8. Incorrect:I’d like to discuss with you about all the things you marked as incorrect in my essay.
  9. Correct:I need to discuss the issue because it’s tearing me apart!
  10. Incorrect:Shall we discuss about your problems at school?

You’ll notice the trend between every one of these examples. Every time we write “about” in the sentence with “discuss,” the sentence is incorrect. If you refer to example 8, you’ll notice that even when we place something between the words like “with you,” it’s still not correct to write “discuss about” in any form.

Again, “discuss” already means “talk about,” so you should remember that the next time you’re using the word. It works perfectly on its own and is already grammatically correct, with no additional language needed.

Can You Say “Discuss Regarding”?

When we use the word “regarding,” we’re often using it in the same way as “about.” In fact, “regarding” means “concerning” or “about,” so the two words are synonymous (though “regarding” is the more formal option).

We can’t say “discuss regarding” for the same reasons that we can’t say “discuss about.” “Discuss regarding” means “talk about regarding,” which still isn’t grammatically correct and should there be avoided.

Although we’re not directly using the word “about” twice when it’s unnecessary, the direct translation of “regarding” holds a very similar meaning. That’s why it’s important to remember that neither of these words is allowed when you’ve already used “discuss.”

It may be tricky for you to wrap your head around at first, and that’s okay. It’s a new language rule that you might not have thought too much about in the past. However, over time, you’ll be made much more familiar with the rules associated with “discuss” and using unnecessary words.

It’s common for extra words to be omitted from sentences if it allows them to still hold their meaning. “About” in this context is one of those extra and unnecessary words that we can remove while keeping the sentence meaning the same. That’s why we keep it out; for the sake of simplicity.

Is It A “Discussion About” Or A “Discussion On” Something?

Now things might get a little confusing because we’re about to tell you that there is one exception where “about” works after a word using “discuss.”

  • We should have a discussion about this later.
  • We should have a discussion on this topic.

Both of the above sentences are correct for different reasons.

A discussion is a process of talking to someone or a group of people about a certain topic or thing. The idea of them is to exchange ideas or reach an ultimate decision after a solid discussion takes place.

Both “about” and “on” work as prepositions after the word “discussion.”

“Discussion about” typically keeps things broad and open and refers to exchanging ideas rather than looking for a direct solution. “Discussion on” is more specific about a topic and usually has the goal in mind to come to a decision at the end of it.

Other Ways To Say That You Want To Discuss Something

If you’re still struggling to come around to the idea of using “discuss” on its own (especially now we’ve shown you the exception with “discussion”), then you can use an alternative.

Alternatives are a great way to still get your meaning across without worrying about any finicky language rules. So, let’s look at some of the best ways to say that you want to discuss something with someone else.

  • Can we have a conversation?

This is a good alternative where we use “conversation” instead of “discuss.” It’s not a commonly said phrase, but it works nonetheless.

  • Talk about

The direct meaning of “discuss” also works well as a synonym.

  • Put our heads together.

This phrase works well as a replacement when we want to discuss a situation and put ideas together rather than finding a direct solution.

  • Consider

Another good alternative that works by allowing two or more people to weigh up the options of a debate or discussion.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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  • Use the word excited in a sentence
  • Use the word disaster in a sentence
  • Use the word exchange in a sentence
  • Use the word disappointed in a sentence
  • Use the word excessive in a sentence