Use the word disappointed in a sentence

She was disappointed in love.
Она была разочарованы в любви.

Both countries will probably be disappointed.
Вероятно, обе эти страны будут разочарованы.

You seem disappointed, by its figurative language.
Ты расстроена, потому что судишь не сердцем.

I was disappointed at the result.
Я был разочарован результатом.

Somebody is likely to be surprised and disappointed, but there is no way of knowing who.”
Кто-то, возможно, будет удивлен и расстроен, но пока неизвестно, кто именно«.

I was disappointed with his speech.
Я был разочарован его речью.

You can be disappointed, start sobbing.
И хотя вы можете быть разочарованы, и начать рыдать.

And I was so disappointed, and I was like, «Oh my God, you know, what am I going to do?»
И я была так расстроена, и я думала, о Боже мой, что же я буду делать?

He was disappointed about the result.
Он был разочарован результатом.

I was very disappointed at the news.
Я очень разочарован из-за новостей.

His crew chief Chad Johnston said the 14 team was disappointed, but will now start focusing on next weekend’s race in Richmond, Virginia.
Руководитель его команды Чед Джонстон сказал, что 14 членов команды расстроены, но теперь сосредоточатся на гонке в следующие выходные в Ричмонде, Вирджиния.

But they are likely to be disappointed.
Но они, вероятно, будут разочарованы.

Russia’s ambassador to Washington is disappointed.
Посол России в Вашингтоне разочарован.

Luxury-brand companies’ stock prices plunged in July, after their financial results disappointed investors, owing largely to slower sales in emerging markets, especially in China.
Курс акций брендов, выпускающих дорогих товары, относящиеся к предметам роскоши, резко упал в июле, после того как финансовые результаты этих компаний расстроили инвесторов, в основном из-за замедления продаж на развивающих рынках, особенно в Китае.

But Trump will likely come away disappointed.
Но Трамп, скорее всего, останется разочарованным.

Washington has been disappointed by Ukraine’s intransigence.
Вашингтон разочарован неуступчивостью Украины.

It is impossible to say to Afghanistan, for example, “You have deeply disappointed us, so, from now on, you must clean up your own mess.”
Например, можно сказать Афганистану: «Вы очень нас расстроили, поэтому с этого момента наводите у себя порядок сами».

A lot of sociologists actually are quite disappointed.
Многие социологи весьма этим разочарованы.

I find I’m most disappointed in Tony Gillingham.
Я крайне разочарован в Тони Гиллингеме.


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Those hoping for clear outcomes were disappointed.

Несомненно, что те, кто ждали от них конкретных результатов, были разочарованы.

We are disappointed because we wanted three points.

Мы разочарованы, ведь нам было необходимо набирать три очка.

We are disappointed that consensus was broken.

Мы выражаем разочарование в связи с тем, что консенсус не был сохранен.

We are disappointed that our warnings were not heeded.

И мы испытываем разочарование в связи с тем, что наши предупреждения не были услышаны.

I apologize to everyone I have disappointed.

Я хочу извиниться перед всеми, кого я разочаровал.

I guess I disappointed a few folks.

Мне всё-таки кажется, что я разочаровал некоторых людей.

Those who expected swift progress have been disappointed.

Поэтому люди, которые ожидали резких изменений, оказались разочарованны.

I was very disappointed you had not.

Horrible customer service, very disappointed.

Крайне поршивое отношение к клиентам, сильно разочарован.

But when that didn’t happen, we were slightly disappointed.

И когда этого не произошло, все, конечно, были немного разочарованы.

I think most people, like myself, are really disappointed.

Я думаю, что большинство людей, как и я, сильно разочарованы.

He says they were disappointed, but still love their son.

По его словам, они разочарованы, но все же продолжают любить своего сына.

We were not disappointed, we have very good employees.

Мы не были разочарованы, и теперь у нас есть очень хорошие сотрудники.

And they don’t seem disappointed.

Nobody returns disappointed after visiting this gorgeous building.

Никто не возвращается разочарованным, после посещения этого шикарного сооружения.

I began to take them and was disappointed when nothing happened.

Я начала принимать их, и была разочарована, когда ничего не произошло.

And you’ll be very disappointed when you see it.

Но я уверен, что вы будете очень разочарованы, когда увидите его.

Some users report they are disappointed.

Как отмечается, некоторые пользователи заявили, что разочарованы.

We are as disappointed as you.

I am disappointed, because I came here to win.

Конечно, мы разочарованы, ведь мы приехали сюда, чтобы победить.

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disappointed — перевод на русский


How disappointing.

я разочарован.

I’m very disappointed in you, young man.

Я очень разочарован в Вас, молодой человек.

Well, I’m disappointed in myself.

Ну, я сам в себе разочарован.

No nudity at all. I’m disappointed.

Нет никаких голых тел. Я разочарован.

The baron will be disappointed.

Барон будет разочарован.

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Coco, I’m disappointed in our little Professor.

Коко, наш профессор разочаровал меня.

Shinza, you disappoint me.

Шинза, ты меня разочаровал.

I disappointed him.

Я разочаровал его.

Sorry to disappoint you, Halliday.

Простите, что разочаровал Вас, Халидей

Only now have I realized that I’ve already disappointed you.

Только сейчас мы познакомились по-настоящему, и уже разочаровал вас.

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I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed.

Не хочу вас разочаровывать.

Pringle, we mustn’t disappoint the audience.

Прингл, мы не должны разочаровывать аудиторию.

I can’t disappoint them.

Я не могу разочаровывать их.

It might be unwise to disappoint Big Brother.

Было бы неразумно разочаровывать Большого Брата

Sorry to disappoint you.

Мне жаль разочаровывать тебя.

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He was disappointed in the world so he built his own, an absolute monarchy.

Он разочаровался в мире, построил собственный — абсолютную монархию.

We were afraid you’d be, you know, disappointed.

Вдруг ты бы разочаровался.

I’m disappointed in Taro. I know everything.

Знаешь, я разочаровался в Таро.

Can’t you see that he thinks you’re disappointed in him?

Ты что, не видишь, что он думает, что ты в нем разочаровался?

Yes, on the whole, I am… but I tell you frankly, doctor, I’m disappointed in the captain.

О, Да, в целом доволен Но честно сказать, доктор Я разочаровался в капитане

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— Ma’am… Look how disappointed he is !

Графиня, посмотрите на него, посмотрите, как он расстроен.

Enatsu is disappointed. He finally gives up on a home run.

Инатсу расстроен — он проиграл хоум ран.

Disappointed, aren’t you?

Ты расстроен?

I just can’t tell you how disappointed I am to find you here.

Просто сказать не могу, как я расстроен, что вижу тебя здесь.

I can see that you’re disappointed.

Я понимаю, что ты расстроен…

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I’m disappointed.

Такое разочарование.

Disappointed in love?

Любовное разочарование?

Most disappointing.

Какое разочарование.

I let her down, disappointed and hurt.

Только разочарование и боль.

I’m afraid he’d be disappointed.

Боюсь, его ждет разочарование.

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Melly’d be so disappointed if you weren’t surprised.

Мелли расстроится, если сюрприза не получится.

She’d be so disappointed.

Не мочень расстроится.

And Riton too. He’s gonna be disappointed.

— Как же расстроится Ритон.

He’ll be very disappointed.

Он очень расстроится.

He’ll be disappointed.

А то он расстроится.

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It will be a shame to disappoint a nice old lady like Mrs. Smith, won’t it?

Нехорошо расстраивать такую милую старушку как миссис Смит…

I don’t like to disappoint her.

Я не хочу расстраивать ее.

No, I don’t want to disappoint the Captain.

Нет, я не хочу расстраивать капитана.

And besides, he was so keen to be in a film that I wished I had money to make a film so as not to disappoint him.

Кроме того, он так загорелся идеей фильма, что я захотел найти деньги на съёмки, чтобы не расстраивать его.

You don’t want to disappoint Dad.

Зачем расстраивать папу?

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Disappoint all my regulars?

— Просто уйти с работы и расстроить всех моих клиентов? — Ну и чёрт с ними!

We certainly can’t bitterly disappoint Zoe.

Мы, несомненно, не может очень расстроить Зою.

They don’t expect much from you, so you can’t disappoint ’em.

Они не ожидают от тебя слишком многого, так что ты их не сможешь расстроить.

Do you really wanna go home early and disappoint Lester Freamon ?

Ты в самом деле хочешь вернуться пораньше и расстроить Лэстера Фримона?

What’s gonna disappoint him?

А что его может расстроить?

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I told her not to be disappointed, we’d probably lose this one.

Я велел ей не разочаровываться, если мы проиграем на этот раз.

It is wonderful when you don’t rely on anything, it’s the only way not to be disappointed.

Когда ни на что не надеешься, это прекрасно. Единственный способ не разочаровываться.

They don’t like to be disappointed.

Они не любят разочаровываться.

I feel like i’m constantly having to project something that I don’t really feel …and i’m so tired of being disappointed in myself and feeling like i’m living this big lie.

Я чувствую, что я постоянно должна изображать то, чего я не чувствую, я устала разочаровываться в себе и чувствовать что я живу во лжи.

I would rather think that people are good and be disappointed once and again.

Я лучше буду считать, что люди хорошие и буду разочаровываться раз за разом.

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Examples of how to use the word “disappointed” in a sentence. How to connect “disappointed” with other words to make correct English sentences.

disappointed (adj): unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen

Use “disappointed” in a sentence

I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed.
He seemed disappointed at the results.
I must say I’m a bit disappointed.
The less you know about him, the less disappointed you are.

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There are many things that we are disappointed about,

She was disappointed with herself for noticing that the fact that he had kidnaped her only added to his appeal to her body’s glands

Jewish leaders called the speech “a step backward” and were disappointed by the Vatican’s anti-Semitism, believing that this speech will cause some Jews to close dialogue with the Catholic Church

Deeply disappointed that it is not Stephen, I kick myself and try to sound enthusiastic as I scribble down the details

the neighborhood watch thing?» He tightened his lips in supportive resignation and nodded again, like a disappointed undertaker

I don’t believe him because he sounded disappointed

Will this be enough to protect him from the hatred of those he has disappointed? Will he be able to prevent the terrible disaster that looms in the corridors of the Boston Monitor? Will he run and hide or will he match brave words with brave actions? Sometimes knowing what’s coming next just isn’t enough

’ I said, hoping he wasn’t disappointed

Yet, I keep on playing the role of the match-maker, hoping that Dimitri will eventually be disappointed from Mandy’s frigidity and notice me

He was disappointed that they would not get to study here, but the fifty year voyage to Altair would be far quicker than the thousand year wait till this one could be inhabited again

I hope you aren’t disappointed in that?»

and the disappointed joined heads,

and their disappointed molls,

He was disappointed, of course, that the flowers had not been allowed to brighten up his darling fiancé’s home for longer, but he thought that he understood

It turned out that she had misread the results of the pregnancy testing kit, and although disappointed, she told her husband that they should keep practising in the bedroom of a Sunday morning

Disappointed, Rayne stepped back and looked over the gate at Lord Tarak just as he turned his head, smiled a wicked smile, and winked at her

They were tired, disappointed and frustrated

Annie, knowing her brother from years of quiet observation, correctly suggested to her great-aunt that he would dedicate his new found personal freedom and financial independence to the pursuit of private digital excess, and it was this that great-aunt Edith was thinking about as she lay in bed after a very pleasant Saturday in the company of her poor, disappointed relative

Disappointed, he threw the bat on| the crease

She realized she didn’t want to, that she was anticipating sex and would now be disappointed without it

He was disappointed, of course,

I think she was disappointed that her own life

disappointed, she told her husband that they should keep practising

nights out Terry had, he never disappointed on the field of play

Saturday in the company of her poor, disappointed relative

Jorma was rather disappointed when that whole avenue was emptied well before lunch

Jorma was disappointed when that name meant nothing to him, hell, Kulai couldn’t even pronounce it

He was disappointed, she could be vulnerable now and he had always admired the wizard from a distant star transplanted into the body her companion had been following

She certainly wasn’t disappointed with his lovemaking

then looked at Johnny who was shaking his head like a disappointed parent

‘The King will be disappointed that his subjects

Holiness would be very disappointed in his representatives

unspoken cry for help, and he wasn’t disappointed

They said he was very disappointed in her and it crushed his spirit when he had to do it

they were sadly disappointed

Jewish?’ He was disappointed with her ready and

little disappointed that their perfect afternoon had been

once again by the housekeeper, who looked disappointed

because He is angry or disappointed with us, but because He

Bernadette was disappointed that she couldn’t think of

Summoning his best acting skills, he looked disappointed and said, «It’s not them

disappointed at the apparently mundane nature of their

disappointed, but Jacques urged her to be patient

could see that she was disappointed, however, and took

virtually non-existent, and he was disappointed to

Was disappointed that it hadn’t been immediately

’ Richard looked disappointed, but tried to put on a

be disappointed that the trial took so long

the mother, disappointed, looks at me with hatred

disappointed but I really wanted to kiss her

Maye would have been disappointed if I dropped Liam off without being completely sure he was taken care of

“Unbelievable,” he said, excited and that disappointed me

Zarko was a little disappointed – he had hoped to see more of her body now hidden beneath her garment

He was sorely disappointed at being unable to have her as a new addition to his harem; he would have enjoyed the feisty redhead

The king felt disappointed, but he didn’t show it

She had felt disappointed and betrayed when she’d heard that he was betrothed – and to a foreigner at that! A slave! What was wrong with the women of Babylon? The fortunate woman proved to be that one with the fiery-coloured hair; the one who’d arrived with the exiles

She was disappointed as he merely chuckled and took another swig, scarcely turning to face her

Arkaneh found himself slightly disappointed at that

She even found herself disappointed each time her monthly flow occurred

Zarko was so disappointed

If he opposes them, on the contrary, and still more, if he has authority enough to be able to thwart them, neither the most acknowledged probity, nor the highest rank, nor the greatest public services, can protect him from the most infamous abuse and detraction, from personal insults, nor sometimes from real danger, arising from the insolent outrage of furious and disappointed monopolists

After another very passionate goodbye kiss he left for home, disappointed that the evening hadn’t panned out as he had hoped

“Well, that wouldn’t really have changed anything – he’s still a Babylonian!” her aunt managed to say, sounding very disappointed

She felt utterly disappointed and hurt

What did the Buddha have to say about God and the soul? He said little, which disappointed some of his followers

With that, a very disappointed Carius headed toward the commander’s tent to speak briefly with his lieutenant

He was not at all disappointed by what followed

«I take it that you disappointed her?» the collector asked

There are also companies and organisations offering free autoresponder services, but my advice would be to steer clear of these, as you will be disappointed by the quality of the service you’ll receive from them

They have hitherto been disappointed in both

She was rather disappointed with his performance

I was disappointed that the cards were not available for sale during the course

The avidity, however, which suggested this notable piece of mercantile ingenuity, most probably disappointed itself of its object

Their avidity, however, upon this, as well as upon many other occasions, disappointed itself of its object

He pressed the open button yet again and was disappointed when the door jolted and stopped again, not opening even enough to show the light outside

she had disappointed him

He had disappointed her too

was depressed and disappointed

Jack was disappointed

He had invited his friends to hear his group of lads, the best group of musicians in the city, in the country, man, and he didn’t want them to be disappointed

Grant expressed how disappointed he was that Rex

They had each gone their own ways; avoiding each other for a while; hurt, disappointed, withdrawing, rebuilding, and finally compromising

He was disappointed when Shelagh had taken her home early

” I think he desperately wanted us to ask him when the attack would take place but he must have been desperately disappointed because not on of us said a word

Ladies golf has been around for sometime but the popularity has consistently grown and the association has not disappointed its fans

” His face looked haggard and I knew he was disappointed that we would have to leave this German trench that had cost so many of his men’s lives

She was disappointed that he hadn’t escaped her charms

The men were disappointed, but, at the same time, relieved to

Around the hall, prisoners watched the confrontation with a universally held breath and were disappointed when the tension dispersed

Alex wanted her? What possible interest could he have in her? And wasn’t he everything she had taken pains to avoid? He was a polished businessman who would be as disappointed in her rustic lifestyle as she would be with his lavish way of living

Jimmy opened his eyes only to be disappointed at what he saw before him

I was very upset and disappointed, but I wasn’t going to kill him

Red came by, and didn’t seem disappointed at all that I had a companion

It became a game between us actually, and I am sure he would have been disappointed if we had stopped playing it! I really liked old Sergeant van der Merwe whose views were entirely SAP and nothing wrong with that either

It wasn’t all that late by the time we checked in, but having been up most of the previous night, and having driven all day, we were just disappointed upon our arrival

He thought he had disappointed his friends because he had failed to fly

After seven hours of non-stop drinking the truth came out! Apparently, they appointed their fattest constable as chef as was the SAP COIN tradition and he did quite well even if bitterly disappointed not to shoot some terrorists

» Grindel sounded disappointed as that observation left his lips

«I can’t help being disappointed, Miss Ware,» said Bertie, his eyes

Could not believe it was that simple and being deeply disappointed in their long haired liberal tendencies for breaking a 20 year old appropriation tradition I told everyone I appropriated it from them

I was a bit disappointed with the texture.


All I no is on the old nanos I definitely used it to play video so i am a bit disappointed but on the other hand the new Nano makes a kick ass watch


Browse our website and buy whatever you like, you will not be disappointed!


Lara wasn’t offered the job, but she wasn’t too disappointed.


Try one out I do not think you will be disappointed!


Still, lots of Republicans are just a little disappointed that their candidates didn’t turn out to be utterly invincible everywhere.


Goldman Sachs may have disappointed investors in the most recent quarter, but its employees still have something to cheer about.


Sadly, what I was most disappointed, was the abundant use of vegan substitutes (ie vegan cream cheese, sour cream and Vegenaise), although that probably helps prep time for restaurants.


I was super disappointed and totally confused!


I got a ct200 hybrid and I’m a little disappointed about the MPG.


The risk is that people who hope Brexit is the perfect opportunity to implement their favourite tax reform could be disappointed because there is no spare resource to do it.»


variations on the theme of how we should push away our disgruntled or disappointed thoughts because (thank God!)


I am really disappointed that my breastfeeding experience evolved this way, but happy that I can still nurse as much as possible before providing a bottle of formula and pump enough for one feeding a day, but the idea that the antibodies can concentrate down would be uplifting for me to know that he is still getting as much (or close to) of the good benefits now even with this small amount.


I was never disappointed — maybe a bit frustrated and wanting to shake her, but also understand that her mind worked in a specific way and she made decisions based on what she thought was acceptable — what made sense at the time.


I was not disappointed, as I had a bowl of great potato soup, pork chop with rice and hominy along with a dessert.


Now that I no longer need the maternity stuff, I ordered some «pencil pants» from there and was so disappointed.


well., after braising our chicken and following the recipe to the end., i will tell you that 3 hrs on low on slow cooker leaves the chicken rubbery., so we had to move it to high for the last hour., very disappointing.are you sure 3 hrs is enough??? we cook at home quite a lot so our opinion is factual., very disappointed..


Since I love them so much, when they are served and they are not up to snuff I am deeply disappointed.


Vice President, Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia remained in Tamale after a pre-departure Durbar at the Tamale Sports Stadium to bid them farewell but eventually got disappointed.


«Naturally, I’m quite disappointed at our inability to make some progress on a lot of issues,» Mr. Meguin said.


i personally would be very disappointed if we didnt beat them..


Star Citizen, I am disappointed (Robert Purchese / Eurogamer — ARTICLE) «tar Citizen is a bit like an Instagram account: what you see looks amazing but the reality is hollow.


Then, of course, we are disappointed because he got the second, but that is football.


Stay at Holiday House Gilda and make sure to make dinner reservations at La Tagliata you won’t be disappointed!


If you heard that Irrational Games were returning to the BioShock franchise with their new game, you may be a little disappointed that they’re not moving on to new projects.


I was very disappointed as I would love to find a light and airy banana cake recipe.


If its normal then I am quite disappointed because that tang made them taste horrible.


Also online Baloon Fight sounds like an amusing time although I am disappointed that apparently it will just be NES games for now.


I was also a little disappointed with the five-speed automatic in this application — I was impressed with how quickly other Mazda gearboxes responded to throttle input, but this one required a good stomp before instigating a downshift.


I am very disappointed, as Billy Graham led me to become a Christian.


In the meantime, there’s a constant barrage of cheap jokes which the actors pull off with their usual charm, but the movie also makes you disappointed that they’ve stooped to this level of humor.


I was hoping for some changes but the overall feel and look of the game to stay the same and I was pleased in some ways but also a little disappointed in some other ways, it is complicated so enjoy reading me trying to express my feelings on the new Borderlands game Borderlands the Pre-Sequel.


However, after a frustrating couple of weeks dealing with loose ends for a recent meeting that I had volunteered to manage, I analyzed what I had earned and was initially disappointed.


So, say if I was a little disappointed in The Force Awakens, I should go out and make my own Star Wars?


But I was so disappointed when I tried it.


Too often, people are not taught realistic expectations for relationships, so they understandably become disappointed.


In light of these leanings, I can’t help but be a bit disappointed with Monster Hunter Generations.


Sadly, if you’re expecting a road-going derivative of the Abarth 124 rally car you’re going to be very disappointed: the GT gets a carbon fibre hardtop, lighter alloy wheels and a BOSE stereo, but is mechanically identical to the regular Abarth 124.


Today we are perhaps more disappointed in life than former generations, and the repeated upheavals in the life of society and of individuals may be explained by this mood of despair, because there is so much colourless boredom in life despite its great possibilities.


I’m disappointed, and I’m out, unless I hear shockingly good things coming from film festivals.


U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, in his typical machine-gun staccato delivery, pop culture references dished out with an arched eyebrow and declarations best suited for a James Ellroy noir, seemed more disappointed than angry at yesterday’s news conference that he keeps having to police Albany.


Some might be a little disappointed to hear that this is not an entirely new Daytona game and it’s not officially called «Daytona 3 «— but it does feature enough new content to be enjoyable, especially for an arcade title.


I have hope and expectations, but not so many, nor so high, that they will be easily disappointed


We were only disappointed that we didn’t get any mermaid coffee or dog biscuits.


It ends and you’re disappointed and thinking «all that for nothing».


And to those who are disappointed it’s IE… come on, what were you expecting?


I’ve read of several fans of the first game who were very much disappointed that familiars were removed in Ni No Kuni II, and some of them aren’t even sure if they will buy Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom.


When your clients open their statements and see «For legal services rendered,» they are disappointed and potentially unhappy with the level of customer services that your office is providing.


I very disappointed by the statement put out by the Geological Society.


I’m very disappointed than B&N decided to drop capabilities of the 1st gen, especially 3G and dropping audio.


разочарованный, разочаровавшийся, огорченный, несбывшийся


- разочарованный, разочаровавшийся; огорчённый

disappointed look — огорчённый вид
disappointed customers — неудовлетворённые /недовольные/ клиенты

- обманутый, несбывшийся

disappointed ambitions /hopes/ — обманутые /несбывшиеся/ надежды

- непрошедший, неизбранный, провалившийся

disappointed candidate — кандидат, которому отказали в доверии

Мои примеры


deeply disappointed — глубоко разочарованный  
no end disappointed — ужасно разочарованный  
shrewdly disappointed — сильно разочарованный  
be disappointed in love — разочароваться в любви  
be disappointed of prize — лишиться награды; лишиться приза  
be disappointed — быть разочарованным; разочаровываться; расстраиваться  
disappointed ambitions — обманутые надежды  
disappointed hopes — несбывшиеся надежды  
he was disappointed of the prize — приз ему не достался; его лишили награды  

Примеры с переводом

I’m very disappointed in you.

Я в вас очень разочарован.

I was disappointed in him and with his work.

Он меня разочаровал, так же как и его работа.

I feel very disappointed at not getting the job.

Мне очень жаль, что меня не взяли на эту работу.

‘Disappointed?’ ‘No, actually I’m rather glad.’

— Разочарованы? — Нет, на самом деле я даже рад.

He is really disappointed about not being able to go with us.

Он искренне огорчён, что не может пойти с нами.

Disappointed hope untunes the soul.

Несбывшиеся надежды расстраивают душу.

Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.

Показалось, что папа больше расстроился, чем рассердился.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He got to thinking how disappointed his parents would be.

Don’t be too disappointed if everything doesn’t go as planned.

I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed.[del]

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Возможные однокоренные слова

disappoint  — разочаровывать, лишать, расстраивать планы, разрушать намерения
disappointing  — разочаровывающий, неутешительный, вызывающий разочарование
disappointedly  — разочарованно, разочаровавшись, огорченно

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