Use the word director in a sentence

Use Director in a sentence. How to use the word Director in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Director. Sentence for Director.

Use Director in a Sentence - How to use "Director" in a sentence

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Examples of director in a sentence

  1. He was the director of its Steward Observatory from 1918 to 1938.
  2. In 1938 she emigrated with her ailing father to London, where she became director of the Hampstead Child-Therapy Clinic.
  3. He was professor of botany and director of the botanical garden at Pisa and later physician to Pope Clement VIII.
  4. The director was surprised by his frankness.
  5. John Seely Brown is director emeritus of Xerox PARC and visiting professor at USC.
  6. The commission’s findings were inconclusive, but Eijkman remained in Batavia as director of a scientific laboratory.
  7. He retired as director of electronics research for RCA in 1954, with the title of honorary vice president, and continued to serve as a consultant.
  8. “I am not a friend of emotions in commerce,” said Peter Kenny, managing director of Knight Equity Markets in Jersey City, New Jersey, who has been trading shares for more than 25 years.
  9. He was director of Madrid’s archaeological museum from 1872 until his death in Madrid on Aug. 26, 1884.
  10. The corporate name of the new company is Regional Express Americas, “explained Julián Laverde, general director of the regional company, who added that in the coming days they will announce the company’s commercial brand.
  11. Barnes was the author of several works on art, including Art in Painting (1926) and, in collaboration with Violette de Mazia, the foundation’s educational director, The Art of Cézanne ( 1939 ).
  12. Through her years in the show business, Salma Hayek has made herself an icon – from TV to the big screen, she has proven herself as an actress and also as a director and producer.
  13. “With Brexit, Britain is choosing to leave the European Union,” said Meera Selva, director of the Reuters Journalism Scholarship Program at the University of Oxford, “and yet, with Megxit, there is the outrage that someone chooses leave Britain.

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Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center

It was sixty-three when our Managing Director called me into his office and

I grope in my handbag for the information which the agency sent me about the job … reading through the job description again … personal assistant to the sales director – all usual computer skills, office practices etc — no problems there

Writing: Director of Publications for Truth for the World

In less than two minutes, my phone rings; it is Mr Gryparis, the managing director: “Have you got any untyped texts of Mrs Parissis?” he asks

A little later, Mrs Stavrakis informs me that shrew of Parissis went to the managing director and told him “This morning Yvonne was half an hour absent from her office!” – that’s when I was out to buy Mrs Stavrakis some coffee

The director of the live television special whispered into his microphone and the cameras panned in on the hangman, on the judge and on the soldier

Through the latest audio communications wizardry, the director asked the hangman to wait

The director wanted to build both the atmosphere and his chance of a gong at the annual television awards ceremony

The director of the broadcast panned his cameras around the studio and zoomed in on every smile and every grin as the audience pulsated in time with the continual explosion of flash bulbs and the shouts and screams of the wildly happy crew

The director of the live television special

communications wizardry, the director asked the hangman to wait

The director wanted to build both the

The director of

director of the television broadcast cut to close ups of the young

“Didn’t you read the memo from the director about case reviews? It was through the office about a week ago

Harry didn’t have a firm grasp of even modest compound interest earned over time with monthly and annual contributions, otherwise he might have been prepared for the sums he ogled as they sat with George’s Bank Director friend in his office

“Harry, just sign where the Director has indicated please

Chloe was now the busy Director of Staff at The Rooms, handling every little crisis with deliberation and resolve, and having the time of her life enjoying every day, rain or shine

Miss Spelman, as the de facto director and producer due to her own training with the Royal Shakespeare Company in the bard’s own hometown, solicited ideas from their rolls at their next scheduled meeting in the new School House

His posture was proud like the director of a Tony winning

The office door opened again, and Harry’s Supervisor’s Boss’s Director stood waiting for instructions from his master

Strenhowell, the Director said, “Well done, I look forward to your presentation at the meeting with Brown & Backhouse and the Scottish Rite principles Monday next

No sooner had we gone to sleep when we were awake and in the cloned bodies of director Lan Trant and his wife Lyn

The next few days were a mixture of visiting the various places that the director and his wife would visit while trying to keep a low profile

My good friend’s wife is the assistant director

Well, the director of the scene would have wanted to me to

Well the chief at that time was chummy with the director of Selective Services

“Yes,” the Elf chuckled, “Surprising what just a word in the ear of a Guild Director will do

senior director after the chairman responsible for day-to-day direction

conducted by the director whose name is

The court of twenty-four directors had before been chosen annually; but it was now enacted, that each director should, for the future, be chosen for four years ; six of them, however, to go out of office by rotation every year, and not be capable of being re-chosen at the election of the six new directors for the ensuing year

“She’s going to be a movie director when she grows up

Through a contact that I made while doing some research, I was referred to the director of Women’s Studies at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas

Let»s not forget the death panels, especially as they are described and forgotten into nothingness by the current Director of the Office of Management and Budget

And then, to go on and amass a fortune (several millions) as a director of Fannie May, while that organization and Freddie Mack were on their last legs, thanks to the egregious Community Reinvestment Act, fostered by Carter, and strengthened by Clinton, lays her bare as one of the most devastating females in power in all of American history

Toran decided to do something he’d never have considered rational in his early days as director of news, certainly not when the prime factor had always been profit

He was never proclaimed to be the director, only the one on whose idea everyone else built around

There was of course a real director; someone behind the scenes, giving little nudges, he guessed, in the right direction

in Cabo so much they promoted me to national sales director, my

He promised a call to the Director of the FBI

I am senior director of T

I am a director myself these days

As she was not merely an employee but a director and a member of the Board, they were eager for her to regain her health and return to work

He had no idea that his release was due to a conversation that had taken place between the director of the hospital and the commander of the NKWD, who looked into his file and found that he posed no risk

When the hospital director wanted to contact the local military headquarters to inquire about Dr

“I am the director of the center and will gladly give you any and all the information that I have, that may be helpful to you

You have a business card stating that you are the CEO or director of such and such a corporate

I requested a meeting with the hospital director

The hospital director sat in his chair totally humiliated and did not say a word the entire time that I was speaking

Pade, director of Tel Hashomer hospital, Dr

Hirsch director of Hadassah hospital and many other prominent people

Further the Director of Corporate Affairs and the Media Relations Director should be on the team

Normally this would be the Corporate Affairs Director who should have some standing in the local community

This is normally done by the HR Director and a member of the Board

The HR Director was not amused and the MD had to report to Regional HQ to explain

Normally the senior director will not pay the bill himself but leave that to the junior director or FD to sort out whilst the senior directors escort their clients to the door

In other words a Managing Director could also be a Chief and thus must be addressed as Chief (and Surename)

9 million per year, according to Hadley Monroe, director of corporate services

Spokesperson Catherine Creeper and Don Phybes, Scow site director; will speak publically about the company’s intentions for the Chemical Alley properties it owns and operates

FBI Director Louis Freeh, who jointly ran the siege with Reno

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Director Steve Higgins planned and approved the raid, hoping for a high profile success

Louis Freeh remained Director of the FBI and Reno remained Attorney General for five more years, the rest of Clinton’s time in office

He was appointed site director of operations specifically to close the facility

He shortly became the Director of the CIA

She and her poor sainted mother had suffered enough of his lifetime of drunkenness and affinity for prostitutes that Sylvia assumed that the nursing home director was probably doing her a favor by not calling the police

Grant’s Director of the Indian Bureau, Ely Parker, the first American Indian director, was from the Seneca nation

John Collier, Director of the Indian Bureau, formulated the New Deal for Indians

(Technically, the US was ‘not involved’: the official decision by CIA Director, William Casey, to ‘offer support to’ the Contras or Frente de Democracia Nacional, FDN came later, in 1981

Gordon Edward is the Director of the Port Authority of Limon and the only person who can help you

Grayson Murphy was the treasurer for the League, Director of Goodyear, mining and rail companies, and on the boards of Bethlehem Steel and JP Morgan

‘So who was to blame for the mission screwing up in Paris’ shouted the Director

‘It seems Director that young Norman here walked into a great steaming pile of searing horse shit in France

This small group of key players including the Minister of Defence and the Home Office Minister, a Civil Service Director and the Chief of Staff sat around a table, surrounded by various TV screen, which showed the latest pictures from Edinburgh, and various other places in and around Edinburgh

Commission in an Assistant Director role, combining that with his many athletic commitments

The Director of OIJ, for example, and the judge you would go to for a warrant, they all receive Gordon’s money, and plenty of it

He hungered for the opportunity to avenge his friend’s murder by turning his notebook over to the police, but Truman was probably correct in his charge that Gordon Edward’s power reached all the way to the director of the OIJ

A standing order of the Port Authority Police Department mandated that the Director be advised immediately of any significant or unusual incidents

“At any rate, I will be leaving my position as Director of the Port Authority which, as the two of us know,” he lowered his voice, “is a position sensitive to my other activities

I’m recommending for the job the current director of the OIJ, and I know the people will back my selection

However, I shall need to be in San José, more or less on a permanent basis, as of Monday to begin transitioning into my new office, and allow our next Port Authority director to do the same here

He returned enraged that the announced shuffle of public figures included Gordon’s recommendation of the current director of the OIJ for his position, and Captain Flores’ elevation to the nation’s top police officer

Also, his Port Authority Police had humiliated the OIJ; perhaps to mend intradepartmental fences, he could offer Captain Flores, as the new OIJ director, the opportunity to arrest Michael when he arrived, keeping him completely out of the picture

As the director of the Port Authority, I have complete control of the Port Authority Police and also considerable influence within the OIJ

The director went to a brief commercial segment while Jesus and His guest moved across the studio, and microphone checks were conducted, in preparation for the Chinese acrobats

The director switched back to the crew as the replay cut off

The director busied himself with picking back and forth through various camera angles as the field moved off

The director timing action to the millisecond

whoa!” shouted Raoul as the director quickly switched shots to catch a vehicle as it slid backwards at a high rate of speed, spewing out white vapors and casting debris in a wide swath down the track

The director prepared for a commercial break as the video technicians cued up and quickly reviewed each and every camera’s video sequence of the accident scene, for it would be called for when they came back

He hit it right on cue, the director pushed a button, and the scene changed yet again

The door of the Director of Cultural Affairs office lay ajar

director of the Center of Budget & Policy Priorities

In the words of its founding director Julian Huxley, “The general

“czars,” namely, Director, White House Office of Health Reform; the Assistant to the President for

White House Director of Urban Affairs

On March 8, 2010 Douglas Elmendorf, director of the Congressional Budget Office, reported that the

The public relations director

Luca told me that he is the school director, Danish guy, super smart

Synonym: conductor, film director, manager, managing director, music director, theater director, theatre director. Similar words: direct, directly, in all directions, direct investment, sector, collector, inspector, the private sector. Meaning: [dɪ’rektə]  n. 1. someone who controls resources and expenditures 2. member of a board of directors 3. someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a show 4. the person who directs the making of a film 5. the person who leads a musical group. 

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1) She is accountable only to the managing director.

2) The director resigned in protest at the decision.

3) In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim.

4) The director has the most to lose.

5) Did the director say anything against your suggestion?

6) She was upgraded to sales director.

7) The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.

8) I’m well in with my director.

9) The director was not available for comment.

10) He rose through the ranks to become managing director.

11) The Director is currently having talks in the USA.

12) She works as PA to the managing director.

13) The director expresses his sorrow in his film.

14) The director motioned to me to come forward.

15) The first duty of a director is to recce his location.

16) I see that the director has appropriated the best office to his own use.

17) Even the company’s director flies coach most of the time.

18) I’ll get onto the director and see if he can help.

19) The director of the charity made an impassioned plea for help.

20) There’s a board of five directors,[] but she is the Managing Director.

21) They banqueted her royally when she became the director of the company.

22) The new director is likely to make major changes in personnel.

23) I daren’t be late for work again or director will call me over the coals.

24) The director tends to establish his relatives in the best jobs.

25) Dr Nussbaum is director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King’s College, London.

26) The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.

27) She felt he was degrading her by making her report to the director.

28) If you wish for further explanation, you’d better apply in person to the director.

29) Comparison with his previous movies shows how Lee has developed as a director.

30) These films stand as an epitaph to the great director.

More similar words: direct, directly, in all directions, direct investment, sector, collector, inspector, the private sector, actor, doctor, factor, factory, instructor, contractor, correctly, dirt, act on, act out, facto, wire, tire, hire, reck, retire, admire, on fire, fire up, empire, recall, require. 

Director example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use director in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for director.

  • The director mentioned a name. (12)
  • Rubinstein was the first director. (3)
  • The director uncrossed his legs, and bowed. (8)
  • The present director is Mr. W. H. Cummings. (3)
  • The director received us with the utmost deference. (9)
  • He is director of the Academy of St. Cecilia, at Rome. (3)
  • Hemmings moved a finger, as if reproving his director. (8)
  • Woodseer was the better comrade and director of routes. (10)
  • Minor details are speedily adjusted by the equestrian director. (21)
  • Late in 1850 he went to Düsseldorf to take a position as director. (3)
  • He was in one her physician, her spiritual director, her man-at-arms. (10)
  • This school was established in 1850, Ferdinand Hiller being the first director. (3)
  • The director finished his remarks, combed his beard with his fingers, and sat down. (8)
  • The equestrian director tells of the circus as it used to be, and all enjoy his stories. (21)
  • The equestrian director decides whether or not the possibility of disaster is too great for the act. (21)
  • He spent some years in concertizing, and in 1822 located at Cassel as the director of the orchestra there. (3)
  • The musical director discovered him in Rochester, N. Y., and has great hopes for his professional future. (21)
  • Up to the time of his death, August 15, 1907, he was director of the Royal High School of Music in Berlin. (3)
  • He thought that he could satisfy the director, and if he succeeded with him, the rest of the way was clear. (13)
  • The rough old face looking inscrutably down on the little, bald-headed figure of the director gave no sign. (13)
  • Adela was ordinarily the promoter, Cornelia the sifter, and Arabella the director, of schemes in this management. (10)
  • In 1767, he became musical director of the principal church in Hamburg, where he remained till his death, in 1788. (3)
  • Her chief agent, as director of three Companies and chairman of one, was perhaps competent to advise her, he remarked. (10)
  • If the musical director changes an air, the dressing-room inmates must be thoroughly informed to avoid delay and confusion. (21)
  • Sir George Grove was director for a number of years and was succeeded by Sir C. H. Hubert Parry, the eminent composer and theorist. (3)
  • He studied the piano with Dionys Weber, director of the Prague Conservatory, and at fourteen played a concerto of his own in public. (3)
  • He was kept busy these days by consultations with the trustees and the director of the school, getting their ideas about the building. (13)
  • In 1893, he went to Boston as organist and director of music at Trinity Church, and in 1894, to Yale University, as professor of music. (3)
  • Hart attended one of the dinners where the new director spoke, and afterward engaged Dr. Everest in a long conversation about the new school. (13)
  • Veiling under a Jove-like serenity that perpetual antagonism deep-seated in the bosom of a director towards his shareholders, he faced them calmly. (8)
  • Probably the German conservatory best known to American readers is that founded at =Leipzig=, in 1843, by Mendelssohn, and of which he was the first director. (3)

Also see sentences for: commander, governor, lord, manager, master, ruler.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ dih-rek-ter, dahy- ]

/ dɪˈrɛk tər, daɪ- /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a person or thing that directs.

one of a group of persons chosen to control or govern the affairs of a company or corporation: a board of directors.

the person responsible for the interpretive aspects of a stage, film, or television production; the person who supervises the integration of all the elements, as acting, staging, and lighting, required to realize the writer’s conception.Compare producer (def. 3).

the musical conductor of an orchestra, chorus, etc.

the manager or chief executive of certain schools, institutes, government bureaus, etc.

Military. a mechanical or electronic device that continuously calculates firing data for use against an airplane or other moving target.



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Origin of director

From Late Latin, dating back to 1470–80; see origin at direct, -tor


di·rec·tor·ship, nounpre·di·rec·tor, nounself-di·rec·tor, nounsub·di·rec·tor, noun

sub·di·rec·tor·ship, noun

Words nearby director

direct marketing, direct memory access, direct method, direct object, Directoire, director, directorate, director general, directorial, Director of Education, director of photography Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to director

administrator, chief, executive, head, leader, organizer, player, principal, producer, supervisor, boss, chair, controller, exec, governor, kingpin, overseer, skipper, executive officer, helmer

How to use director in a sentence

  • Rodríguez and Maykel González Vivero, director of Tremenda Nota, the Blade’s media partner in Cuba, are among those who the Cuban government has prevented from leaving the country.

  • Because of the large number of votes coming in by mail, “we may have to prepare for election week or even election month,” wrote Elaine Kamarck, director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution.

  • The OPM is being headed on an acting basis by its deputy director, Michael Rigas, who has been nominated to become the deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget.

  • Terry Schilling, executive director of the American Principles Project, decried the decision by Facebook in a statement.

  • Both nonprofits are required only to disclose the salaries of directors, officers and key employees, said Marc Owens, a tax attorney with Loeb & Loeb.

  • Toomey lives here with her husband, Mark, a managing director at Goldman Sachs, and their two daughters.

  • Decades ago, the writer-director wrote an episode of the animated comedy that never was.

  • This is a Hollywood director at the height of his powers creating original, wildly ambitious epics.

  • This is not the first time the director has fallen for Russian propaganda.

  • His surprise marriage to theater director Sophie Hunter may have broken hearts, but the squeals of delight were even louder.

  • He then received the honour of knighthood but had retired from active service and become a director of his company.

  • The Briton, holding the documents in a pudgy hand, looked at the swift-gestured director with portentous solemnity.

  • Mr. Jump, a director on the mine, pointed out a balance-beam that Mr. Trevithick had put up thirty years before.

  • A director who performs a different service, serves as an attorney, for example, may receive compensation for it.

  • Suppose each director of a bank wished to obtain a loan of money from it.

British Dictionary definitions for director


a person or thing that directs, controls, or regulates

a member of the governing board of a business concern who may or may not have an executive function

a person who directs the affairs of an institution, trust, educational programme, etc

the person responsible for the artistic and technical aspects of making a film or television programmeCompare producer (def. 4)

Derived forms of director

directorial, adjectivedirectorially, adverbdirectorship, noundirectress, fem n

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Learn how to use director in a sentence – Example sentences:

Director of Music, Royal Belfast Academical Institution.

The disadvantage was that it restricted where director Shane Abbess could place the camera.

I became a director.

They appointed him as a director.

He is acting for the chief director.

I want to see the director of the company.

I have a high opinion of the film director.

He is a director, and should be treated as such.

His official title is Director of Communications.

Jennifer Harris has been promoted to Finance Director.

Without his wife’s money, he would never be a director.

Our managing director is incompatible with the president.

The director’s name is appended to all official documents.

The director came to the meeting with her assistant in tow.

The tall guy smoking a cigar over there is a famous director.

He is without doubt the most successful movie director in the world.

As head of the sales team she reports only to the managing director.

Conflicting reports prompted the director to reconsider her position.

I was delighted to hear of your promotion to Senior Managing Director.

I spent three years looking for a good director, but couldn’t find one.

The Representative Director supervises Directors’ performance of duties.

As well as being a successful actor, Clint Eastwood is a talented director.

The program director was able to furnish me with all the information I needed.

The company director wants to allocate additional staff to the marketing department.

The research director had the department do a thorough job in testing the new product.

The jury at the Cannes Film Festival awarded the director a special prize for the movie.

The DVD of the movie features a special commentary by the director and the film’s stars.

The program director vetoed the teachers’ request for more professional development time.

Rehearsals for the play have been really stressful because the director is very demanding.

I haven’t heard for sure yet, but Marjorie is apparently going to become our new director.

Mimura Yasuyuki (Konichika LTD, Managing Director) died of heart attack on the third, age .

The director suggested we were to expect many changes, and by inference a number of lay-offs.

The leading actor had a serious disagreement with the director over some of the lines in his script.

The director ran the meeting in his usual brisk, efficient manner, so we were done in about 30 minutes.

You will be interested to know that we have just introduced our new Managing Director, Mr Masaru Ezaki.

She’ll need some help during the time of her transition to her new position as director of the program.

Director Peter Jackson recreated Middle Earth for his film version of Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.

“The director has affirmed in writing to me his intention to expand our department and hire additional staff.

The director of the film decided to remove the offending scenes from the movie in order to avoid an X rating.

Film director Alfred Hitchcock once remarked that there is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it.

The director wants the writer to make some changes to the script in order to make the story a little more exciting.

The director will be out of the country for a period of six months, and Kathy Burley will be in charge for the interim.

The director likes things to be honest and straightforward.

She doesn’t want people agreeing just to please her.

A radio DJ in Birmingham was recently suspended after staging a mock burglary at the home of the station’s program director.

Our director is working on marketing our programs in different countries in order to attract a more diverse student clientele.

Movie director Billy Wilder once said, “I have never met anybody as mean as Marilyn Monroe or as utterly fabulous on the screen.

“In 1899, the director of the U.S. Patent Office declared that everything that could be invented had already been invented.

The director of the English Language Program administrates a number of different long-term and short-term programs which run throughout the year.

The French director Roger Vadim has been married to some of the world’s most beautiful and glamorous women, including Brigitte Bardot, Jane Fonda, and Catherine Deneuve.

One initiative which the new director is responsible for is getting the administration to meet regularly with the factory workers to discuss ways of improving efficiency.

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