Use the word difficulty in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “difficulty” in a sentence. How to connect “difficulty” with other words to make correct English sentences.

difficulty (n): the fact of not being easy to do or understand

Use “difficulty” in a sentence

We have to overcome many difficulties.
A new difficulty has arisen.
The old lady climbed the stairs with difficulty.
Did you have difficulty finding the house?

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Antonym: ease, simplicity. Similar words: difficult, multicultural, faculty, diffident, diffidence, diffidently, agriculture, horticulture. Meaning: [‘dɪfɪkʌltɪ /kltɪ]  n. 1. an effort that is inconvenient 2. a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result 3. a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one’s ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome 4. the quality of being difficult. 

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1) The first step is the only difficulty

2) The friend is known in the time of difficulty

3) He mustered up enough courage to attack the difficulty.

4) He found the place without difficulty.

5) Bad planning will lead to difficulty later.

6) This project involves much difficulty.

7) The bank is in difficulty / difficulties.

8) He finally solved the difficulty of transportation.

9) The old lady climbed up the stairs with difficulty.

10) The old woman had some difficulty straightening herself up.

11) They had great difficulty in finding a replacement.

12) He had great difficulty in English grammar.

13) These things can be arranged with difficulty.

14) He could bluff his way through any difficulty.

15) The detective-constable picked out the words with difficulty.

16) We’re having difficulty recruiting enough qualified staff.

17) The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.

18) She had difficulty learning English pronunciation.

19) He was pushing a handtruck with difficulty.

20) She has difficulty breathing.

21) Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.

22) A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

23) The police had difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing on to the pitch.

24) We had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment.

25) There is no insurmountable difficulty before a brave man ; it is in difficult circumstances that a hero distinguishes himself.

26) Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. 

27) As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it(,[] so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. 

28) The tests in this book are arranged in order of difficulty.

29) The old lady can mount the stairs only with difficulty.

30) None of us should ever underestimate the degree of difficulty women face in career advancement.

More similar words: difficult, multicultural, faculty, diffident, diffidence, diffidently, agriculture, horticulture, agricultural, diffuse, differ, faulty, diffract, different, differ from, difference, indifferent, beg to differ, diffraction, sniffing, indifference, agree to differ, differentiate, edifice, reticule, ridicule, office, make a difference, differentiation, cult. 

The dangers of meditation are largely the dangers of our virtues, and therein lies much of the difficulty

«Look, Sergeant Biggs, I just recently heard that you is having difficulty with the mortgage, init?»

‘What am I doing here?’ she said, helping me out of my difficulty

I thought I would have little difficulty pitching

’ I commiserated, responding to her warm embrace with difficulty – my arms full of her son

I lay prone in a metal coffin slung underneath a flat-bed truck, sheathed and bound, breathing with difficulty through my nose because of the tape over my mouth

I’ve no qualms at all on the basis that it is your child, and I argued with myself that if you’d already had a child, I’d have no difficulty with that …

In fact, the more I think about it the less of a difficulty I have

She had some difficulty finding her egg; it was under a piece of shell

If you can perform the Head to Knee successfully the Forward Bend will not give you too much difficulty

You will be in a kind of Headstand at once by this method but why I do not favour it as much as the other one is that in this position your spine is uncomfortably arched instead of being held naturally and because it shows quick results students tend to rely on this method and become so used to the support of the wall that they have difficulty, afterwards, in doing the Headstand without it

Having just described, in this chapter on disorders of the respiratory tract, one of the most difficult of the Yoga asanas, I will now describe a really easy one which will present not the slightest difficulty

There are four variations of this posture and I will describe them in order of difficulty

If you are still having difficulty with the Lotus Pose, and I know that many of you will take quite some time to master it as it is very difficult for the average Westerner, then perform the easiest of the variations of this posture until you can go a stage farther

It is called the SIDESLIP and it should not present too much difficulty if you spend the first couple of days limbering up your torso with the following simple movements

And having practiced it for a day or two you should graduate with no difficulty to a more advanced lateral twist called THE SIDESLIP POSTURE

Breaking and entering was not something that Archibald had studied with his tutors, and so it was with some difficulty and quite a lot of noise that he eventually managed to force a window at the back of the ramshackle and degenerate building

My anger for that would come out and I would be placed back in there, sometimes easily and sometimes with more difficulty

chest pain and difficulty breathing; her left arm was

studied with his tutors, and so it was with some difficulty and quite

He was having difficulty eating, sleeping,

I think he realized my difficulty, I caught him several times looking at me with an amused expression on his face

reason, and that she was having difficulty walking

difficulty when it comes to socialization

you could make six flats out of a large house without any great difficulty

Valiant, who was having difficulty with his gait, or the

He was surprised that he could follow the river without too much difficulty

was so narrow that it was only with difficulty that two carts could

Without too much difficulty, she found a book about the flora of the area and settled down to read it

There are two girls, not much older than Leona and Bex, who are having difficulty standing

Without apparent difficulty, Sheila grabbed Chrissie’s hands and, forcing them over her head, pinned them down in the mud with one hand

Without knowing what she has taken the crew are having difficulty assessing the criticality of the situation

Tom noticed that Sophia had no difficulty in keeping up,

The pub sign, for example, he could now read without difficulty

The questions went on; Sergeant Williams asking for Andy’s basic details … date of birth, address – that caused a bit of difficulty

What about that?” asked the host, then added, “You have already told me about how our ‘machine’ doesn’t work right—though I have a little difficulty thinking of my body as a machine; it sounds so Cartesian—But what about that, ‘microcosm of the great world’ and the ‘necessary steps to make it perform as intended’? You haven’t told me about that yet

Now, you said you have a little difficulty thinking of your body as a machine

much worse if the invaders had not had so much difficulty with their

“You said, the other day, that ‘you have a little difficulty thinking of your body as a machine

We have difficulty dissuading ourselves from the habit of thinking we are ‘one;’ so to not acknowledge our presumed ‘unity’ by avoiding saying ‘I’ is tantamount to denying our existence

With difficulty, he got out of the car – the last stop had been some hours down the motorway and his knees were stiff

“Try not to punish me with pounds I’ll have difficulty removing

difficulty was trying to find what he was after without the

circumstances he was going to have difficulty fulfilling his

The only difficulty was, how much of it was true? Most of the crew followed Delos’ belief that she was really just a kid making up stories because Alan would believe anything

» Emma interrupted to press a point that had caused her great difficulty, in the past

Otto had difficulty walking up the hill from the car to the restaurant

He again repeated their location, and then walked around to where she’d taken a seat in the snow, attempting to calm herself enough to ease the difficulty she was having with breathing

With some difficulty he had placed a microprobe inside a biology classroom in an institution in the native city

It was with serious difficulty that we dragged ourselves

The accounts of all travellers, inconsistent in many other respects, agree in the low wages of labour, and in the difficulty which a labourer finds in bringing up a family in China

They hardly spoke to each other and when they did speak it was with difficulty

Rabbit: «Don’t you have any difficulty in the water? Doesn’t it get into your eyes and mouth?» For he really longed in his heart to see the strange sights

In years of scarcity, the difficulty and uncertainty of subsistence make all such people eager to return to service

The great difficulty is to get that little

Many people must borrow, and nobody will lend without such a consideration for the use of their money as is suitable, not only to what can be made by the use of it, but to the difficulty and danger of evading the law

Montesquieu, not from their poverty, but partly from this, and partly from the difficulty of recovering the money

themselves; secondly, the easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and expense of learning

Secondly, the wages of labour vary with the easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and

The profits of stock seem to be very little affected by the easiness or difficulty of learning the

The difficulty of obtaining settlements obstructs even that of

Klowa got the address with only minor difficulty

I believe, in all other countries where there is no difficulty of settlement

«Moth eaten means worn out for those who don’t know» Grandpa glared at Flitter, «Anyhow the bank has foreclosed as Todd had difficulty in meeting the new contract

relationship which had resulted – the difficulty of leaving

Jean was only able to restrain him with difficulty

Because of the difficulty of

‘Ah! There’s the difficulty

difficulty is that she’s chained to a table

’ Philippe followed the words with difficulty,

The Spanish armies, though they scarce ever exceeded five hundred men, and frequently did not amount to half that number, found almost everywhere great difficulty in procuring subsistence

the town, as their animals were having difficulty

the traffic with difficulty, grateful for a brief break in the

Mr Kalm, the Swedish traveller, when he gives an account of the husbandry of some of the English colonies in North America, as he found it in 1749, observes, accordingly, that he can with difficulty discover there the character of the English nation, so well skilled in all the different branches of agriculture

There would immediately, therefore, be a run upon the banks to the whole extent of this superfluous paper, and if they showed any difficulty or backwardness in payment, to a much greater extent ; the alarm which this would occasion necessarily increasing the run

But as that coin will not be allowed to lie idle, it must, in one shape or another, be sent abroad, in order to find that profitable employment which it cannot find at home; and this continual exportation of gold and silver, by enhancing the difficulty, must necessarily enhance still farther the expense of the bank, in finding new gold and silver in order to replenish those coffers, which empty themselves so very rapidly

“I see no difficulty,” said Aetes

Such a paper money would, no doubt, fall more or less below the value of gold and silver, according as the difficulty or uncertainty of obtaining immediate payment was supposed to be greater or less, or according to the greater or less distance of time at which payment was exigible

If you’re having some difficulty with your poem, maybe the version told in

difficulty but even a poor understanding of the

I knew it was merely play and that I could revert back to my normal appearance at any time, but I had difficulty accepting myself as it was

shocker, and he did have difficulty in doing so, as was evident

For though neither the rude produce, nor even the coarse manufacture, could, without the greatest difficulty, support the expense of a considerable land-carriage, the refined and improved manufacture easily may

The corn which could with difficulty have been carried abroad in its own shape, is in this manner virtually exported in that of the complete manufacture, and may easily be sent to the remotest corners of the world

“Historically, you human beings have celebrated great achievements in many areas of development, yet all the while have suffered every kind of difficulty, treachery, and unspeakable aggression and violence that could be imaginable on our planet

When that is obtained, there is no difficulty in making any subsequent purchase

My first difficulty with the traditional view is that it seems to

It is not any scarcity of gold and silver, but the difficulty which such people find in borrowing, and which their creditor find in getting payment, that occasions the general complaint of the scarcity of money

That part of his capital which had usually been employed in purchasing materials, and in paying his workmen, might, without much difficulty, perhaps, find another employment ; but that part of it which was fixed in workhouses, and in the instruments of trade, could scarce be disposed of without considerable loss

They seem, however, to have found some difficulty in importing European wines from the places of their growth; and they could not well import them from Great Britain, where they were loaded with many heavy duties, of which a considerable part was not drawn back upon exportation

” The old man spoke with difficulty and his words were barely audible

A child who fails to develop these skills will have difficulty developing and sustaining personal relationships, since their immature behavior, such as acting out verbally or physically when angry or afraid, tends to destroy social connections

Despite the difficulty of turning experiences into thoughts and words, humans feel the need to objectify and share them

The Difficulty of Thinking About Experience

Frithjof Schuon shows the difficulty of understanding experience, especially Divine experience, when he describes how hard it is for God to communicate with humans:

Though Britain were entirely excluded from the Portugal trade, it could find very little difficulty in procuring all the annual supplies of gold which it wants, either for the purposes of plate, or of coin, or of foreign trade

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

The board fell apart because the members had difficulty collaborating

But though America were to send fifty or sixty new representatives to parlimnent, the door-keeper of the house of commons could not find any great difficulty in distinguishing between who was and who was not a member

No private merchant, it has been said, could well have capital sufficient to maintain factors and agents in the different ports of the East Indies, in order to provide goods for the ships which he might occasionally send thither; and yet, unless he was able to do this, the difficulty of finding a cargo might frequently make his ships lose the season for returning; and the expense of so long a delay would not only eat up the whole profit of the adventure, but frequently occasion a very considerable loss

The main difficulty is that the data obtained from around the world does not belong to them, and obtaining permissions from all and sundry has proven to be an exhausting process. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Its main difficulty is that it is not warm or cuddly, unlike God or Oprah. by Gregory Benford and Michael Rose. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Created by a range of leading designers and illustrators, the Perplex City puzzle cards range in difficulty from the fun and easy to the captivatingly complex. ❋ Unknown (2006)

My main difficulty is the tightness of the plot and my need to inject «Dean-ness» (my sensibilities) into the work. ❋ Dean Francis Alfar (2003)

In fact the increase in difficulty is much greater, and even more so at very selective schools, because so many other factors have changed. ❋ Unknown (2003)

But the main difficulty is that the great Hindu and Moslem religious communities which play such a vital part in the social and political life of India have not yet been able to compose their differences and to agree on a Constitution which would divide authority equitably between them and protect the rights of minorities. ❋ Unknown (1943)

The major part of the difficulty is the substantial support they need and their drive for personal gain, with both being heavily financially oriented and their total focus. ❋ Unknown (2009)

COOPER: But I have read some of the dissenting opinions from this 2002 Supreme Court ruling, and they basically said, look, we’re leaving this incredibly vague and we’re not really telling courts — lower courts, how to deal with this, because who can — I mean, the line for determining what they call difficulty controlling your impulses, it’s a very shady line. ❋ Unknown (2003)

At the same time what he described as the difficulty of keeping Peelism for ever so short a space upon its legs, was as obvious to him as to everybody else. ❋ John Morley (1880)

The move by Platts may cause «short term difficulty» in the futures and derivatives markets for swaps and options

Afghanistan, at that same NATO conference that the much-anticipated campaign to secure Kandahar, the homeland of both the Taliban and the Karzai family, will begin later and proceed more slowly than planned, because of what he described as difficulty in winning local support. ❋ Jackson Diehl (2010)

Frustrated by what they describe as difficulty in getting their work produced, enough female playwrights to make a standing-room-only crowd are planning to attend a town hall meeting on Monday night to air their grievances with representatives of New York’s leading Off Broadway and nonprofit theaters. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This kind of difficulty is not why I doubt a global flood I would just hope that you would be consistent in your theories peace ❋ Unknown (2009)

Anyway, my present difficulty is that I recruited a friends kids as reviewers for a youth version of my book blog, they are 10 and 12, both precocious readers in terms of ability. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The difficulty is getting yourself immersed in their world and living in it, which you must do in the weeks before shooting. ❋ Unknown (2010)

However if you add a family, work and work travel, the degree of difficulty is multiplied several times over. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The difficulty is compounded because officials suspect the individual members avoid travelling as a group, the official said. ❋ David Crawford (2010)

We send text messages to communicate by phone because I have difficulty hearing Spanish and the difficulty is intensified over the phone when visual cues are absent. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I’ve [run] into a difficulty upgrading my [hardware]. ❋ The Grammar Nazi (2002)

[Hey], [crank up] the difficulty on [the radio]. ❋ Daniel Ippolito (2004)

Man, [I’m tired] of these [females] always [livin life] on that recruit difficulty. ❋ Chimachima (2017)

[Skyrim] on Master is [artificial difficulty]. Enemies are no more intelligent than normal, but have double health and [damage]. ❋ Chiller678 (2013)

Guy 1: my [supervisor] almost fired [me when] that Mexican dude didn’t understand that we don’t sell [tacos].
Guy 2: what did you tell him?
Guy1: that we were having some ethnical difficulties. ❋ Medicalmechanica (2011)

Player A: I paid $60 for a game I really wanted to enjoy! But because of the [difficulty gate] I’m not going to be able to [finish this]!
Player B: Have you tried getting better at the game? Screw difficulty gate, [git gud]!
Player A: Don’t talk to your mother like that! You know I’ll never to be able to do what you can do! ❋ KnightimeX (2017)

An example of the appeal to difficulty is when you [submit] a Python-related question on [Stack Overflow], only for the first answer to be [a cuck] chiding you for not using a more difficult language like C or C++. ❋ Yammock (2021)

«Sorry I couldn’t [show up] to your [gig] mate, I was having a few [technical difficulties]» ❋ Mary (2004)

The Survival Difficulty is based on [Safety], [Security], and [Entity Count]. ❋ MaybeARealWord (2022)

Putting a bunch of enemies [all over the place] to [overwhelm] the player is not good level [design], it’s forced difficulty. ❋ LobsterCopter (2018)

Definition of Difficulty

a problem or obstacle that makes something complicated

Examples of Difficulty in a sentence

A flat tire was the only difficulty we experienced on the road trip and we were able to solve that problem rather quickly.


The police see the city’s traffic as a serious obstacle, but it’s only a minor difficulty for most commuters.


Thunderstorms were a major difficulty during our beach vacation since they caused us to spend most of the days indoors.


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Used with adjectives:

«He walks with considerable difficulty.«
(considerable, extreme, great, major, real, serious, severe)

«They have had increasing difficulty in filling that position.«

«This plan presents a potential difficulty.«
(potential, special)

«We knew it would be an economic difficulty.«
(economic, financial, practical, technical)

«The child has emotional difficulty.«
(emotional, learning)

Used with verbs:

«You will encounter difficulty.«
(encounter, experience, face, get into, have, run into)

«I don’t mean to cause any difficulties in the situation.«
(cause, create, pose, present)

«I admire her ability to cope with difficulty.«
(cope with, deal with, overcome, resolve, solve)

«It’s impossible to avoid difficulty.«

Used with prepositions:

«She goes to work despite her difficulty.«

«We hiked the mountain with difficulty.«
(with, without)

«The difficulty of finding a job frustrated him.«
(of, in)

«My father has difficulty with the computer.«

difficulty — перевод на русский


We can find a way out of this momentary difficulty.

Мы преодолеем эти временные трудности.

And have you had any difficulty getting into our velvet rope restaurants?

Были ли у вас трудности попасть в рестораны с бархатной веревкой?

I said she’d be fine for the part but there were practical difficulties. —Such as?

Я просто сказал, что она подойдет на эту роль, но есть и практические трудности.

It is easy to disguise the face, sahib, but with me, the real difficulty is here.

Изменить своё лицо легко, сагиб, а вот настоящие трудности здесь.

«I believe all our difficulties may be ended.»

Думаю, что все наши трудности скоро будут позади…

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Come to think of it, the little sun is also the sun living with difficulty because there are so many that follow her.

у нас с маленьким солнцем схожие проблемы — ее тоже везде поджидают.

Twice already this week I’ve been late… and I don’t want any additional difficulty with Mr. Reisman.

Я опаздываю второй раз за неделю… и мне не нужны дополнительные проблемы с мистером Рейсманом.

Having some difficulty, old man.

Проблемы, старина?

What is the difficulty?

акие-то проблемы?

Any difficulty?

Какие-нибудь проблемы?

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I know, but we ran into difficulty.

Я знаю, но с этим вышли сложности.

Expect further difficulty from miners.

Ожидаем дальнейшие сложности с шахтерами.

Difficulty level: Novice.

Уровень сложности: новичок.

The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise to the occasion.

Сложности громоздятся, как гора, и мы должны подняться на эту гору.

I think that the 60s and the beginning of the 70s can be called the Third Golden Age… of Japanese cinema. In this period, various gifted filmmakers, which were born during the war, but grew up after it, had an opportunity to overcome… numerous difficulties and attain a forceful creative expression.

Я полагаю, шестидесятые и начало семидесятых годов следует назвать третьим золотым веком японского кино, в этот период режиссеры с разнообразными талантами, родившиеся в войну, но выросшие в послевоенной Японии, имели возможность преодолеть многочисленные сложности и достичь творческих вершин.

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You should have little difficulty getting there tonight.

Вам будет не трудно попасть туда ночью.

I’m having difficulty concentrating, which is most disturbing.

Мне трудно сконцентрироваться, что меня очень волнует.

Unquestionably, an immensely powerful field of energy is being generated around here somewhere, but we’re having difficulty focusing on it.

Мощнейшее энергетическое поле генерируется где-то здесь, но нам трудно на нем сфокусироваться.

I am having difficulty maintaining the ship control.

Мне трудно управлять кораблем.

While Zhukov’s still having difficulties. He’s still breaking through the defenses.

А у Жукова дела идут пока трудно, всё ещё прорывают оборону.

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We managed to break through it with great difficulty.

Мы с большим трудом прорвались сквозь него.

Yes… with no other film we’ve had so many difficulties.

Да… еще ни одна фильма не давалась нам с таким трудом.

It was with difficulty that I could admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood.

С трудом я заставил себя поверить, что эта бледная тень и есть былой товарищ моего детства. А ведь черты его всегда были примечательны.

The lieutenant had difficulty getting his head out of his ass and left us in the jungle like a bunch of crazed motherf uckers.

Лейтенант с трудом высовывает башку из задницы, поэтому и пришлось скакать туда-сюда по джунглям.

Lady Millicent might raise with difficulty the sum of £ 5,000.

Леди Милисент может с трудом осилить сумму в пять тысяч фунтов. Пять?

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Evan had been in financial difficulties.

У Ивэна были финансовые затруднения.

Are you in difficulty?

У вас затруднения?

«In attempting to resolve the staging difficulties «in a production of Peer Gynt «I would present it on the radio because, as Ibsen says,

«Для того, чтобы преодолеть затруднения, возникающие при постановке пьесы «Пер Гюнт» в театре, я бы порекомендовала инсценировать ее на радио, потому что, как отмечал сам Ибсен, он писал ее как пьесу для голосов

Tell me, if I’m not prying did you ever resolve your personal difficulties?

Скажи, если я не сую свой нос, ты уладил свои личные затруднения?

Because they are having economic difficulties, let me assure you here.

Ведь там, поверьте мне, тоже переживают экономические затруднения.

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Leon, tell monsieur seated over there— the gentleman with the big hat and boots— if he’s having difficulty in choosing his breakfast, i’ll be happy to assist him. Ask him if he wouldn’t perhaps prefer to be served at my table. We’re old friends.

Леон, скажи тому господину джентльмену в белой шляпе если ему сложно выбрать себе завтрак я буду счастлива ему помочь спроси его, возможно он согласится сесть за мой столик мы старые друзья поскорее развратница, грязная развратница!

Furthermore, we must rely on the difficulty of dragging the car through the forest.

Вспомни как сложно тащить корзину через лес.

I confess I have difficulty accepting a definition that says:

Признаюсь, мне сложно принять определение, которое гласит:

No, Doctor, there is no real difficulty.

Нет, Доктор, все не так сложно.

Oh, I don’t anticipate a great deal of difficulty.

О, я не думаю, что это будет так уж сложно.

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The buses were held up by mechanical difficulties, but now we’re ready.

У автобусов были неполадки, но теперь мы все готовы.

Mechanical difficulties.

Технические неполадки.

Sorry, technical difficulty.

Извините, технические неполадки.

We seem to be experiencing technical difficulties.

Кажется, у нас технические неполадки.


Технические неполадки.

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He has difficulty getting down the stairs.

Ему тяжело спускаться по лестнице.

I bet even Madonna has difficulty with her shoes.

Даже Мадонне сначала было тяжело снимать обувь с носками.

You have difficulty…

— Вам тяжело…

You’d have had a bit of difficulty doing this with your gloves on.

В твоих перчатках тяжело так сделать.

No matter how great the difficulty, I will not run away

Не важно, насколько тяжело, — я не сдамся

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Has difficulty breathing and chest pains.

Имеет затрудненное дыхание и боль в груди.

Kidney failure, spiking fever, breathing difficulties.

Отказ почек, сильный жар, затрудненное дыхание.

He’s on ten liter, non-rebreathing mask, complaining about difficulty breathing.

Он на 10 литрах, дыхательная маска, жалуется на затруднённое дыхание.

He can talk, but has difficulty breathing.

Он может говорить, но у него затрудненное дыхание.

Shivering, nausea, difficulty breathing…

Дрожь, тошнота, затрудненное дыхание …

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  • Low carb

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50 Healthy LowCarb Dinner Recipes Cooking Light

WebLowcarb recipes don’t have to be just meat and vegetables, though if you search for any lowcarb dinners on the Internet, that’s about all you will find. We’ve limited these low


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LowCarb Recipes

Web5-Ingredient Dinners One-Pot Meals Quick & Easy 30-Minute Meals Soups, Stews & Chili Comfort Food Main Dishes Sheet Pan Dinners View All Meals Meals Breakfast & Brunch Lunch Healthy Appetizers & Snacks Salads …


See Also: Low carb casserole recipesShow details

125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

Web3. Baked Shrimp and Broccoli Foil Packs with Garlic Lemon Butter Sauce. 125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less. This baked shrimp foil pack meal is ready in under 30 …


See Also: Low carb recipes for dinnerShow details

Healthy LowCarb Recipes EatingWell

WebAnd with 15 grams of carbohydrates or less per serving, these recipes can help you follow a lowcarb eating pattern while reaping the benefits of a high-protein dish. 12 LowCarb, High-Protein Casserole Recipes. 20 …


See Also: High protein low carb recipesShow details

16 LowCarb Dinners That Aren’t Boring Tasty

WebGet the recipe here. 13. Peanut Chicken Zucchini Noodles. This low-carb version of pad thai swaps noodles for spiralized zucchini. If you can’t get your hands on them (or don’t own …


See Also: Free low carb recipes printableShow details

45 Budget Friendly Low Carb Recipes Budget Bytes

WebLow Carb Poultry Recipes. (Listed left to right, top to bottom) Slow Cooker Chicken Ropa Vieja – This is pictured with rice, but can be served as is or stuffed into a lowcarb


See Also: Low Carb RecipesShow details

25 Easy LowCarb Dinners You Can Make in 20 Minutes

Web20-Minute Chicken Cutlets & Zucchini Noodles with Creamy Tomato Sauce View Recipe This lowcarb chicken dinner whips up in only 20 minutes, thanks to thin-cut chicken breast and packaged zucchini …


See Also: Dinner RecipesShow details

1,300+ Delicious Low Carb Recipes Recipe Diet Doctor

WebLow carb chocolate peppermint cheesecake mousse 12 g ★ 5.00 110 m Challenging Low carb lamb roast with broccoli purée 0.5 g ★ 5.00 320 m Medium Homemade chicken stock 0 g ★ 5.00 5 m Easy …


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Top 30 simple & delicious low carb recipes — Diet Doctor

Web6 g. Keto saffron panna cotta. 24. 2 g. Keto hamburger patties with creamy tomato sauce and fried cabbage. 25. 9 g. Chicken skewers with low carb fries and …


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40+ Best Low Carb Recipes Downshiftology

WebIn a small bowl, stir together the garlic powder, basil, thyme, oregano, salt and pepper. Lightly coat the chicken breasts in olive oil. Then rub the herbed spice mix …


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30 LowCarb Meals That Are Under 400 Calories Each Taste of …

WebCrunchy Chili Lime Shrimp. Easy, quick and family friendly, this chili lime shrimp recipe is dairy free and comes together in about 30 minutes. The secret is the …


See Also: Meals RecipesShow details

41 Delicious and Tasty Vegetarian Low Carb Recipes

WebReady in: 10 minutes. Recipe by: HurryTheFoodUp. Carbs: 3g. Bonus: gluten-free and high in protein! The 2-ingredient Low Carb Cream Cheese Pancakes. Just mix eggs and cream cheese to get …


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33 Easy Low Carb Recipes olivemagazine

Web33 easy low-carb recipes. Published: August 5, 2022 at 12:52 pm. Post a comment. Try our lighter, lowcarb meal ideas that pack in plenty of flavour, from sumac …


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Cranberry Orange Low carb Muffins • Low Carb with Jennifer

WebInstructions. Preheat the oven to 400F and line a 12 cup muffin pan with liners. Spray the inside of your liners with cooking spray. In a large mixing bowl, combine …


See Also: Low Carb Recipes, Muffin RecipesShow details

The Best Low Calorie Recipes of 2022 Taste of Home

WebSteak and Shrimp Kabobs. These steak and shrimp kabobs make any get-together special. Cubes of marinated steak are skewered with shrimp and veggies, then …


See Also: Share RecipesShow details

Lowcarb diet and meal plan Eating with diabetes Diabetes UK

WebIt’s really important to first reduce your carb intake from unhealthy sources such as sugary drinks, pizzas, cakes, biscuits, chips, white bread, fruit juices and smoothies. And it is a …


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