Use the word difficult in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “difficult” in a sentence. How to connect “difficult” with other words to make correct English sentences.

difficult (adj): needing skill or effort

Use “difficult” in a sentence

This question is difficult to answer.
He finds it difficult to stop drinking.
Is French more difficult than English?

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  • Use the word Difficult in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I admit, it is difficult to even think encased in this rotting piece of meat. The stink of it filling every breath, a suffocating cloud you can’t escape.

Now, the interactivity on this side is difficult to access.

Is looking at my face difficult for you?

Actually it’s quite difficult to talk about William Eggleston’s work, and he can’t tell you the answer either. Actually not a lot of people are gonna make sense talking about it. I don’t know quite what you mean by that.

Let’s not make this more difficult.

Jerome began gardening in the lowlands of the Basalt area with the understand that it would be too difficult to grow near his home on Basalt Mountain due to the arid soils and difficulty in harnessing water but once I learned about permaculture

But according to the specialist, the permaculture is difficult to apply into the intensive agriculture, in which the fruits have to be aligned and harvested with machines.

Wey the African man Wey the African woman Find it very difficult to succeed

As we ought to know the reason why The African man and the African woman find it difficult to su… Su…

And it’s difficult to really trust yourself.

Do you understand how difficult this is gonna be?

But it can be difficult to bring that goodness out of them.

I’ve seen something that makes it difficult for me to trust him.

It’s difficult for me to comprehend. Make it easy for me, and be the candy girl.

My decision to leave was an extremely difficult decision for me to make.

I know this is difficult for you.

I’m sorry it put you in a difficult position.

The arrival after a difficult journey

Very difficult to summarize the 60’s world, you will…

It’s strait difficult sincerely to interpret this is a visitation of the divine spirit or is a revelation of a transcendental world. It simply is an act of self deception to put that kind of religious interpretation on out of thought.

«It will be difficult for her this fall when she is sitting at home.

«This is a difficult question, Ingmar,

It wasn’t difficult to see what kind of job he had.

She understood that he had wanted to make everything genuinely nice, but that it then had gotten too difficult for him.

«How can it be that I sometimes worry and think it’s difficult to be alive?

«just as I used to ask him for advice in all difficult matters.»

I’ve been given a secret and a difficult mission:

I will cure him, however difficult it will be!

Yet he did not consider how difficult it is to control passion, once it is unbridled.

It is a difficult to imagine how young Hutter, his energies sadly dectimated, managed to surmoung the difficulties of his homeward journey.

This version also corrected misspellings and incorrect translations from recognizable titles in the Swiss version when the meaning was difficult to understand.

You know, it’s terribly difficult to reconcile the creative abilities of the writer with the trivialities of the balance sheet.

A difficult exercise is to mark the rhythm according to the rule:

But for the worker it is just as … just as … difficult

We want to study something more difficult.

difficult days followed for old Lord Bellamont.

Now, mind you a knife is a difficult thing to handle.

Se’ that for you is difficult to be single and in addition Machiko wanted to come.

You see, it’s rather difficult.

You tell me it’s difficult to find a husband for me?

Today we have an especially difficult case.

They’re rare. difficult to find

At certain moments the big rush of hasty travellers made recordings very difficult.

Ouessant, which is separated from Bannec by the difficult Fromveur passage… is the biggest and mildest of the islands of the archipelago.

It might be difficult to get that many volunteers.

In any case, it would be difficult to have been more

There are lots of small things one can deliberately do to maintain a positive atmosphere even when under difficult situation

I recently rang the Hospital to arrange a meeting to clarify a number of points – arranging this transpired to be more difficult than I had ever 35

Note any subtle ways in which you might already feel somewhat better as you deal with difficult situations

What would you have done differently? ; Difficult to say because it

«There’s a lot at stake,» she said, «More than you could know, but I do care for you more than you think and that fact is making it difficult to fulfill my obligations

How we know that, is because of the difficult test that God

This forces us to avoid certain hard, sticky and difficult to chew foods

Saliva production also reduces causing dry mouth and difficult mastication and swallowing

The real story is that it is most likely very difficult to program the autoresponders or whatever item they are trying to talk you out of

You can help yourself stay safer by becoming active now – and it’s not difficult or expensive

A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep

One should pray not only during difficult times but more so when one is healthy and happy

While it is difficult to plan a trouble free retirement, being better prepared will help us deal with the uncertainties more effectively

It is certainly difficult to remain silent when you see your grandchildren making poor decisions

If your grandchildren know that you are available, then you can be assured that whenever a difficult situation arises, they won’t hesitate to ask you for advice

In our case also similar impressions would have been created that we find very difficult to get over

‘Not very well … in fact, I found living opposite them extremely difficult, Inspector

and I think the Inspector feels much the same way, but proving it might be difficult

This first step is one of the most difficult stages in the meditation process and involves constant unremitting ability to keep bringing the mind back to that «object» upon which the aspirant has chosen to concentrate

There’s no denying the wallpaper has to come off … but that shouldn’t be too difficult to do and a coat of paint on the walls will soon brighten the place up

It is difficult for in-

‘How difficult would it be for you to shift your stuff, Mrs Wynell?’

Coming back here had been difficult

‘I’m 100% sure I know who it is, but getting the evidence is proving difficult

It had been a difficult morning already

A difficult week

The next three hours are the longest and most difficult hours I have spent since Dorothy died all those years ago

‘It was extremely difficult casting this play

It was difficult to imagine walls in this darkness

It’s comforting – living alone can be difficult when you are worried about something and just having someone who is not involved to talk to can clear your head

Although factual input from television and newspaper is with us all the time, and we live in a world saturated with information, I found it very difficult to remember anything specific about the other hostages

There was a very noisy week when we rehearsed to the sound of carpenters constructing the set, which made it very difficult to concentrate, followed by a weekend papering and painting the result of their labours to make it look like the interior of a house

Most congregations have a difficult time getting people who are willing to serve

Writing this is not difficult

There is a spell check on my computer so correct spelling is not difficult

What is difficult is you

As difficult as it may be, the church that lives under «Majority Rule» will not prosper and grow

This act will probably be the most difficult; by getting the rank and file of the

The simple fact of taking regular meals made such considerations difficult to maintain

It would be difficult to find a more vivid

I am tempted to stick my tongue out at him, but decide it would be too difficult explaining to Rose

’ He said stiffly, concentrating on his plate, and I am reminded of Rose’s prediction that things would be difficult for us

It was difficult to get either of the sons to even acknowledge the existence of the asteroid

After an excruciatingly difficult fifteen minutes in which she tied herself in several knots, she gave up trying to explain stone technology only to get horribly bogged down virtually immediately in the various historical differences that had affected modern day cultures … comparative history had not been her strong point

Author Michael Neill said the most difficult thing to adopt is

bodyguards also trained because their task was the most difficult

We, the readers of books and tales, find it difficult enough to answer questions even when our reading is wide and our thinking deep

Parking isn’t too difficult either

our TV shows and struggles that’s a difficult thing to

The first is the most difficult: God was sending judgment

That is extremely difficult to swallow

As long as she was in the main thoroughfare it would be difficult if not downright foolhardy for anyone to attack her … but there was a stretch just the other side of the river where the pedestrian path separated from the road, sloping down into a sort of culvert … a subway … if I were going to ambush someone, that’s where I’d choose

foreground of white, it was difficult to see anything

This fabrication must be hidden from Alfred, a relatively easy ruse, but also from her avatar on Gordon’s Lamp, a much more difficult task even now that the delay was several seconds

I am also frustrated by the knowledge that, even if I could present you with such tokens, you probably wouldn’t wear them … I have never met a woman who wears less jewellery or who is so difficult to buy presents for! This being the case, I am sustaining my ego by building up a little store of surprises for you – one day I shall dig them out of storage and watch as you open the various boxes

We have a difficult time even finding enough strength of the Spirit to overcome our lust and pornography addictions

It was … a difficult time

“Yes it can be difficult knowing for the best” said Poopsie

Finding something small enough for me is difficult – most of the garments are for men and far too large, but eventually, we come across a set of leggings and jacket intended for a teenage boy which fit reasonably well

He’s got something in his hand, though in this light it is difficult to see what it is

The following simple exercise will help to limber up the spine and prepare it for more difficult postures

It was very difficult to listen to them; there was so much hate and negativity

This variation of the Locust Posture is much more difficult but the added effort involved

Simply for the very good reason that it is difficult for the beginner to master and I wanted you to limber up with some easier exercises before attempting to balance on your head

Having just described, in this chapter on disorders of the respiratory tract, one of the most difficult of the Yoga asanas, I will now describe a really easy one which will present not the slightest difficulty

It can’t be that difficult

And now for something more difficult but equally beneficial

If you are still having difficulty with the Lotus Pose, and I know that many of you will take quite some time to master it as it is very difficult for the average Westerner, then perform the easiest of the variations of this posture until you can go a stage farther

It was a very difficult time for everyone and, pretty well as reaction, Sanna and I decided that we would marry

It is more difficult than I anticipated but I achieve it and by the time Berndt knocks on my cabin door, I have the words firmly in my mind and am just putting the finishing touches to my appearance

Afternoondays were hopeless and she found the other days were now difficult

’ Drens said huskily – clearly he is finding the parting as difficult as we are

‘That is going to make things very difficult

But the reach to that dock is difficult, the currents are strong

These times are so very difficult – people blame themselves and put up barriers

I started to write poetry though my vision made it difficult

Being thoroughly practical and having been trained to deal with difficult situations, the soldier put the dog back by the cash machine and proceeded to empty all of his pockets and his trouser legs of ten and twenty-pound notes

There’s a group of pilgrims ahead of us –how I am going to find the Element? If there are loads of people around, it could be difficult … wouldn’t it? I mean, I can’t go delving … it would look odd

This can create a difficult situation so you might consider having a conversation with your girlfriend about your status before shopping for Valentine’s Day

Finding the ideal match has always been difficult and has caused a ton of pain over the

Bringing them together would be a challenge, not as difficult as she and Daniel, but still a challenge

Difficult though it was for you, you tried to hide your pain

He did not want you to know how difficult each day was for him, so he also hid his pain from you

The air is full of birdsong; I try to spot individual birds but the trees are now coming into leaf and it is difficult to see

It was difficult to keep his mind on it with his hundred and ten year marriage coming to an end

Of course, now we have a generation who have no concept of church at all and trying to frame services which are accessible to them whilst at the same time meeting the needs of the believing congregation is very difficult

The incident with Barrie has brought home to me how difficult it may be at times for both of us … but especially you

Some of the harmonies in the accompaniment are rather difficult and he’s going over and over the pages so that he will get it right at rehearsal

The last two weeks had been difficult because now that he couldn’t have her, he saw her all the time

It’s actually more difficult to quit this way, especially during the last days, because although you can have a cigarette here and there, you’ll still be craving them like mad in between and you’ll still have to go through the three days of hell that will follow

Ken found company difficult, preferring the routines of parenthood, work and horticulture to the efforts and strains inherent in the pursuit of conviviality and social exchange with his peers

He admired the way she handled the difficult situation, keeping herself in tight restraint

The most difficult part of this process is that the old pain and fear you felt years ago can suddenly rise to the surface and threaten to overwhelm you again

That was the easy bit … once we start note bashing the Mozart, with Alastair on the piano, I realise just how difficult a task I have set myself

“Yes sir,” Elmore said with a glance at Heymon, “but the testing is difficult, it could be some time

She was having a difficult time dealing with life when

It was incredibly difficult to keep his hands from sliding down to her ass

It’s proving to be a very difficult problem, not least because anything bulky would be difficult to transport to Italy

1 Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 

2 All things are difficult before they are easy. Thomas Fuller 

3 Nothing is difficult to a man who wills. 

4 The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. 

5 Nothing is impossible (or difficult) to the man who will try. 

6 Education makes a people easy to lead,( but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. 

7 The three things most difficult are, to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of labour. 

8 To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, but to spend it wisely most difficult of all. 

9 He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions.

10 These jokes would be far too difficult to translate.

11 She’s being downright difficult and obstructive.

12 It is difficult to verbalize his lifetime of frustrations.

13 He is difficult to deal with.

14 This meat is difficult to chew.

15 You have clarified this difficult sentence.

16 The surrounding mountains make the city difficult to evacuate.

17 He showed tact in dealing with difficult customers.

18 The government is wrestling with difficult economic problems.

19 He simply sailed through the difficult exam.

20 It would be difficult for us to accept .

21 Difficult the first time, easy the second.

22 He is a very difficult character. He manipulates people.

23 Birth rates are notoriously difficult to predict.

24 That puts me in a difficult position.

25 Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 

26 Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 

27 It is easy to learn something about everything, but difficult to learn everything about anything. 

28 If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find it less difficult to hide a thousand guineas, than one hole in our coat. 

29 Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. 

30 The more you fight something, the more anxious you become —the more you’re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. 

Definition of Difficult

needing a significant amount of skill or ability to complete

Examples of Difficult in a sentence

It is difficult to perform any sport at an Olympic level, as it requires years of practice and dedication to reach that level of skill.


Archery is a difficult skill to master, especially now that bows are not the primary means of fighting at a distance.


Anything that you are not particularly good at will be difficult for you to accomplish, such as acing a math test if you are not naturally skilled at math.


I’ve always been shy, so I find it very difficult to be outgoing and make new friends when I go to a new school or even a social gathering.


If your leg is injured, you will find it difficult to move around the house, and it might be impossible to run altogether.


Other words in the Difficult, Stubborn category:

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