Use the word differently in a sentence

Asked by: Prof. Evert Skiles DVM

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Differently sentence example

  • But he’d treated her so differently than Sasha. …
  • If I have since learned differently , I am not going to tell anybody. …
  • In this matter, differentiation has proceeded very differently in animals and plants respectively, no nerves or sense organs being structurally recognizable.

Where do you put differently in a sentence?

1. Or, put differently: At first, we belong to the culture; over time, the culture belongs to us. 2. Put differently, my thesis is a qualitative study.

How do you use the word differently?

  1. [S] [T] I should’ve reacted differently. ( …
  2. [S] [T] I wish I’d done that differently. ( …
  3. [S] [T] We need to do things differently. ( …
  4. [S] [T] Tom should have done things differently. ( …
  5. [S] [T] I now view life differently than I used to. ( …
  6. [S] [T] I don’t want you to treat me any differently. (

Is differently proper grammar?

1. Both are correct but mean different things. Differently is an adverb and indicates that something would be done in a different way. Different is an adjective and suggests that whatever might be done would be similar to what was done before.

Is it differently from or differently than?

They are both standard, “but only ‘different from‘ seems never to meet objections.” “Different from” and “different than” are both standard, but some guides frown on “different than.” If you want to be safe, use “different from.”

45 related questions found

Can you say different to?

Regional Differences

Different than‘, meanwhile, is primarily used in American English. … But you might want to avoid ‘different to’, which is not typically used in American English. Luckily, ‘different from’ is the most common of these phrases in all regional variations of English.

Why do I think differently?

Differences in the physical connections of the brain are at the root of what make people think and behave differently from one another. … Differences in the physical connections of the brain are at the root of what make people think and behave differently from one another.

Is Think Differently correct?

‘Think differently’ is perfect because the verb ‘think’ is followed by the adverb ‘differently’. It is based on the rule that to describe action verbs we should use adverbs.

What is mean by differently?

adverb. in a manner unlike another in character or quality; dissimilarly: This home alarm system works differently from the one in your office. in a way unlike a previous way: I’m looking at life differently these days. in diverse ways; variously: Several of the sauces look similar, but they are differently flavored.

What word type is different?

As detailed above, ‘different’ can be an adjective or a noun. Adjective usage: Mona is different from Eloise. Adjective usage: Several different scientists all reached this conclusion at about the same time.

What does it mean to be different from others?

The Oxford Dictionary defines different as being ” not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form or quality”. This definition and in general the term different can often be perceived as a negative asset to have however it is all based off perception. … Being different does not define as “being wrong”.

Is Put differently formal?

Both expressions are appropriate for a formal text.

What are the four types of sentences in English?

The four types of sentences are declarative sentences, imperative sentences, interrogative sentences, and exclamatory sentences.

What is the meaning of for one thing?

You can say for one thing when you are explaining a statement or answering a question, to suggest that you are not giving the whole explanation or answer, and that there are other points that you could add to it. She was an excellent colleague. For one thing, she was very reliable.

What is the meaning of the word Recusant?

1 : an English Roman Catholic of the time from about 1570 to 1791 who refused to attend services of the Church of England and thereby committed a statutory offense. 2 : one who refuses to accept or obey established authority. Other Words from recusant Example Sentences Learn More About recusant.

What is a synonym for do not agree?

In this page you can discover 79 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for disagree, like: disagreement, disagreeable, dissentious, disagreeing, inconsistent, dissent, dissident, inconsonance, argue, oppose and concur.

What is a synonym for creative?

Synonyms: imaginative , clever , artistic, original , inventive, innovative , ingenious, inspired , visionary.

How do you think differently?

Here are three ways to train your brain to think differently:

  1. Reframe your unhelpful thoughts. Thinking things like «This will never work,» or «I’m such an idiot. …
  2. Prove yourself wrong. Your brain lies to you sometimes. …
  3. Create a personal mantra. Take stock of your negative thought patterns.

Do people’s brains work differently?

Like with fingerprints, no two people have the same brain anatomy, a study has shown. This uniqueness is the result of a combination of genetic factors and individual life experiences. Like with fingerprints, no two people have the same brain anatomy, a study by researchers of the University of Zurich has shown.

How can two people perceive the same event differently?

As mentioned above, the brain does not record reality like a camera; it constructs a representation of reality through analysis and synthesis of sensory information. Therefore, each person’s perception of any given event will be unique, which explains why people can have such differing memories of the same event.

What is the sentence of different?

1, The room looks different without the furniture. 2, There are different categories of books in the library. 3, My son’s terribly untidy; my daughter’s no different. 4, It’s very different to what I’m used to.

Is different from or with?

No, you cannot say different with each other It can only be different from each other. Different with and different from have two distinct meanings and cannot work interchangeably.

What is the preposition for different?

Different. There are three common prepositions or conjunctions used with different: from, than, and to.

  • Use the word DIFFERENTLY in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I could frame them differently, I could print them differently and so on.

You spoke differently yesterday.

I would sing that differently.

We in London have been informed differently.

Excuse me, Headmistress, but I see it differently

I have arranged differently.

Tomorrow you may think differently.

Why? I see it differently.

I’d acted entirely differently if I had known.

It alters you, changes you, makes you feel differently.

I might see things differently, but she might have a point. -You’re defending the competition?

Not because I love him any differently, but because it means more to me now to be loved than it used to.

In the first act, you must approach the scene with Madeline differently.

«In the first act, you must approach the scene with Madeline differently

I know, too childish. If it were played differently

Well, it’s not going to be played differently.

You’d feel so differently then.

Murray, if there’d been any other way, I’d have played it differently.

You here saying meaningless words while all the rest of you keeps telling me differently every second.

I never treat Sadao differently from Kosaku.

Has your mother ever treated you and Kosaku differently?

Mother… you’re treating Kosaku differently again.

I’m sure you’ll feel differently about it then.

The history books could have Told you differently.

We all look at things differently.

But Mrs. Martin thinks differently, so there’s nothing to do but tear up the contract.

If we landed this job, you’d feel differently about everything.

As a doctor, a surgeon, I look on these things differently.

We’ll handle it differently.

I knew when she saw you she would think differently.


Before you came in, he described her differently.

I look at it differently.

So you think you can live differently?

Well, maybe you’ll think differently after tomorrow.

You look so differently, and you… you act so differently.

I found that out I think you’ll feel differently after you’ve been with Johann for a while

Northern girls are just educated differently.

I play differently from my mother.

No! I see Kristian quite differently.

We’ll live differently now, we needn’t save every penny.

Dry your eyes. If you had it all to do over again, you’d do no differently.

I say — I say, you’re talking differently.

I tried to think differently but I knew it.

Not in the way I loved Clem but differently.

In the way that you love Jim differently.

What would you have done differently? ; Difficult to say because it

Psychosomatic patients and frequent consulting persons are naturally to be treated differently

As most couples are aware, men and women respond differently to stress

Fermented products are treated differently then you might think by the plant kingdom

They should be encouraged to think differently as long as it is not harmful or dangerous

“What would you have done differently?” Vinnie challenged him

practiced and believed differently than what God commanded!

In too few years he would feel differently about her sitting on his lap

MacKenzie understood the world differently now

Have I achieved anything similar in the past? What can I do differently /better?

Before sleep they both prayed separately and differently just for me to sleep through the night for now

‘Not to this degree, this boy’s brain is wired differently

that you choose to feel differently

Second, you will begin to relate to your thoughts, feelings, and fears differently

Self-testing works a little differently than the other

differently? Examine how point A leads to point B

doing something differently should not stop you from making positive

Bex thinks differently

Then he pours out three small piles of differently coloured sand from plastic carrier bags

Now, it could also have occurred differently

The girls’ external training proceeded a bit differently as had Harry’s

But maybe he was raised differently

«It makes a body wonder what else you might be viewing differently, than everyone else

Beth viewed things differently than she did, perhaps because it was her second marriage, or just because she’d had the opportunity to date as an adult

Even though she had done things Desa considered many times more degrading than admitting a mistake, Valla thought differently, maybe it was because she had grown up too fast out in that pass? If Desa could avoid teasing and prodding, Valla was going to come around

Every inch of her wanted him to hold her, to kiss her, to make love to her, but the tiny voice inside said differently

The people dressed and spoke differently

God speaks to me differently now than he did years ago

The rise and fall in the profits of stock depend upon the same causes with the rise and fall in the wages of labour, the increasing or declining state of the wealth of the society ; but those causes affect the one and the other very differently

Tetloan was the second closest to Emily in strength, though for him, his power had manifested itself differently than anything Brice had ever seen

«If we’d been conscious of the data at the time,» Alfred said, «we might have directed you, or rather your android, differently

Every independent organism treats time differently

I may have misgivings about Liam, but I should have handled it differently

They processed their memories differently and relied heavily on senses rather than emotions

If only I had been there, he thought, maybe things would have turned out differently, who knows? They were adult men and knew the dangers of being out in the desert alone at night

She’ll ponder over it through the day and by tomorrow she’ll see things differently

Carol the carer would be there and time went differently here

Also, they will be priced differently because of that

The screen appeared slightly differently to each person

There were two areas of the tank that had differently textured material

It may have been that way that once upon a time but I do things differently now,’ it paused, ‘despite, your lack of invite

Compare the mercantile manners of Cadiz and Lisbon with those of Amsterdam, and you will be sensible how differently the conduct and character of merchants are affected by the high and by the low profits of stock

Experts say that such information is actually hidden in our subconscious mind but whatever the case may be, this missing link will always cause ourselves to treat others differently

$500 a month, and you will think differently about the opportunities that present

With a change in consciousness, humans opted to play the game of life differently this time and that is the reason why the present times are special

Chief astronomer Zorandi Entola knew differently

As the interest of nations so differently circumstanced is very different, so is likewise the common character of the people

What should we have done differently?”

“What will we do when we have other children? Will they be different from Jesus? Will I treat this Baby any differently from our other children?” The questions were the same ones I had asked myself many times

With this track record of absolute accuracy, how should we approach information that is provided in the Bible with regards to events that will only happen in the future or information about the Creation account? Should these be treated differently? Are we supposed to apply our own interpretation of information contained in the Bible for which we are unable to provide verifiable evidence? Especially when we know that for all cases in which we are able to collect data, the Bible’s accuracy is proven to be 100% true

One would be entering speculative territory by assuming that the Bible should be interpreted differently

Put differently – the force with which the objects attract each other will be multiplied by 16 or the inverse of (¼), squared

The real reason was that the livers of Nightchilds function differently to that of humans

For example, you golf differently on a windy day than if the air is still

it differently because I have been reading about it

to spend differently on yourself

albeit differently had Lincoln not been assassinated

Recently she had begun to look at him differently, although he couldn’t say how

“It will be interesting to examine your cadaver and see if the disease affects women differently than men

Talking of police shootings, it must be kept in mind that all scenarios are different and treated differently

otherwise think or behave differently than we do

So you must ask, what did they do differently?

It is seen in their weapons, and of course they could have done it differently

That we all perceive things differently is a matter of conditioning rather than their (underlying) essence

thing differently in the past? Stop it

Plainly it is very irresponsible to believe differently or dismiss it as a President Bush (43) invention

The contours of the walls curved differently than those he remembered studying only a few days before

What could have been done differently? The answer is simple and obvious, not use a vulnerable people as a cynical bargaining chip for a brutal dictator

What could McKinley have done differently? General Otis certainly played a central role in provoking and then worsening the war

The German bombing was purely accidental, but even had the British government known that, there is little reason to doubt they would have acted any differently

The people looked completely different and were dressed totally differently than those we had seen at the other stations

Any number of examples may be cited such as a public servant who compromises core principle values (or motivating factors), that would normally prompt that individual to act or behave differently, for (political) expediency or an individual, feeble in mind or body, who involuntarily acts contrary to how that individual might otherwise behave if he or she were not under emotional or physical duress or a

It is important to understand the difference for they have different motives and thus dealt with differently

All my Polish pride was fading and I slowly began to think differently

When in SA and you feel those symptoms within six months of coming back please test for Malaria and tell your doctor where you were for there are different strains of Malaria which is treated differently

Pregnant nannies will behave differently too

―would have done it differently

There is little reason to think Grant would act any differently under these scenarios than he did in actual history

There were some guys who felt differently, in fact a lot of men felt different

emotions impacted financial behavior differently

Truman could only be wrestling with thoughts of family and home, while she struggled with an uncomfortable awareness that their moment of final separation was soon to be upon them, and who (besides perhaps an occasional letter from Herminia) would there be that remained in her life? Truman was a drug trafficker, true, but would she really have chosen differently if his life had been hers to live? If only…

What could I have done differently? That plane had to go somewhere

He never doubted anything would have turned out differently had he not reported Truman’s whereabouts: someone else certainly would have

If he had, things may have turned out quite differently, but here he was: Truman’s handcuffed prisoner, a gaping stab wound in his arm, and Edgar lying dead out on deck

However, when Flores entered his apartment, things began to look a little differently

to one’s attitude, and a continual effort to think and act differently

They were shaped differently too

Any time manipulation would already have happened, so it isn’t possible that we would remember it differently than how the effect came out, thus magic

He might have seen things differently

And now, even the other workers looked at him differently

Could there not be something she could change, something, she could do differently? Something, which was not as unalterable as the fact that she was jani?

Last, but not least, the many archaeological discoveries in the “Land between Two Rivers” that includes ancient Ur of the Chaldes were of a nature that would lead to the assumption that there had been a differently named god for each of the cities that developed over time

It also appropriated some differently interpreted Jewish rituals, some time after Mohammad and his followers had been rejected as equal partners with them

“You are suggesting that the same historical religious events could be perceived quite differently by people at that time?” continued Dad, returning to the point

Could this be them that Jesus had spoken of? Was there a poverty of spirit awful enough to deny entrance into heaven all of itself? But no! He had long ago told us differently! Hadn’t he? But what does it mean, “inherit the earth”?

Joshua could see, in his day, some who could be persuaded by others to look at things differently, and he remonstrated mightily against that influence when he challenged, “Choose this day whom you will serve

Wil you remain true to Him as life unfolds differently than what you

to emphasize that families are raised differently, and a family being

ed differently, and the members copied their actions, not their words

may come wrapped differently than what we think, but the end will be

1. Men and women use their brains differently, but that their brains may actually be designed differently. 

2. Can’t you think of it differently?

3. Words written alike are often pronounced differently.

4. Different people might interpret events differently.

5. Men in liquor must be handled differently.

6. Different lawyers may construe the same law differently.

7. They behave differently when you’re not around.

8. If I was in charge, I’d do things differently.

9. Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.

10. People today think differently.

11. People pronounce the word differently in this part of the country.

12. The male bird has a differently shaped head.

13. Things could have turned out quite differently.

14. Risks are perceived differently by different people.

15. We know the French order things differently.

16. I see things differently now.

17. Portuguese is pronounced completely differently from Spanish.

18. With hindsight,[] we’d all do things differently.

19. My generation behaves differently from my father’s and grandfather’s.

20. In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.

21. Having a child makes you see things differently.

22. Boys and girls may behave differently.

23. People tend to behave differently in different social settings.

24. You’ve had your hair done differently.

25. The Americans look at life differently from the British.

25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. Parents still tend to treat boys differently from girls.

27. I would have phrased it quite differently.

28. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently

29. Though John and Andrew look exactly alike, they act quite differently.

30. With the benefit of hindsight , we would do things differently.

 Meanings and Examples of DIFFERENTLY


 ad.  in another and different manner

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  Plainly the letter had come by the laboratory door; possibly, indeed, it had been written in the cabinet; and if that were so, it must be differently judged, and handled with the more caution.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson

2  And Connie felt herself released, in another world, she felt she breathed differently.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 7

3  «We see things very differently,» cried Maria.

4  I have seen too much of Mr. Crawford not to understand his manners; if he understood me as well, he would, I dare say, behave differently.

5  My dear aunt, you cannot wish me to do differently from what I have done, I am sure.

6  So long divided and so differently situated, the ties of blood were little more than nothing.

7  His displeasure against herself she trusted, reasoning differently from Mrs. Norris, would now be done away.

8  You were differently dressed at that time, and I only passed you in the street, but I should know you again.

Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVII

9  Such confidence, powerful in its own warmth, and bewitching in the wit which often expressed it, must have been enough for Anne; but Lady Russell saw it very differently.

10  His sanguine temper, and fearlessness of mind, operated very differently on her.

11  I think very differently,» answered Elizabeth, shortly; «an agreeable manner may set off handsome features, but can never alter plain ones.

12  She had already acknowledged it to herself, and she could not think differently, let him think of her as he would.

13  She, however, was soon persuaded to think differently.

14  You might, some time or other, be differently affected towards him.

15  I think differently now; time and sickness and sorrow have given me other notions; but at that period I must own I saw nothing reprehensible in what Mr Elliot was doing.

Example Sentence: (165 in 12 pages)

16  My brother and I differ in many ways.

17  Even countries with broadly similar cultures can differ in what they define as criminal.

18  The regions differ in size, but not in kind.

19  Rules can differ depending whether the purchase is a residence or an investment.

20  Although our looks differ, we are both attractive.

21  At present the same form of paean is employed at the beginning and at the end, whereas the end should differ from the beginning.

22  They were able to concert their difference.

23  The difference between successful persons and others is that they really act.

24  You can ask him again if you like, but it won’t make any difference — he’ll still say no.

25  The age difference was a complication to the rela-tionship.

26  Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

27  The texts still contained an important difference on the issue of maximum overall foreign troop deployments allowed to the two military blocs.

28  There is one key difference with the earlier version of the software.

29  There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.

30  She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ dif-er-uhnt-lee, dif-ruhnt‐ ]

/ ˈdɪf ər ənt li, ˈdɪf rənt‐ /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


in a manner unlike another in character or quality; dissimilarly: This home alarm system works differently from the one in your office.

in a way unlike a previous way: I’m looking at life differently these days.

in diverse ways; variously: Several of the sauces look similar, but they are differently flavored.

in an atypical way; unusually: Dressing differently is just part of her bohemian style.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of differently

First recorded in 1350–1400; different + -ly

Words nearby differently

differential weathering, differential windlass, differentiate, differentiation, differentiator, differently, different strokes for different folks, difficile, difficult, difficulty, diffidence Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to differently

individually, negatively, separately, variously, abnormally, adversely, antagonistically, antithetically, asymmetrically, conflictingly, contradictorily, contrarily, contrastingly, contrastively, discordantly, disparately, dissimilarly, distinctively, divergently, diversely

How to use differently in a sentence

  • Because Snowflake structures its software differently, it can run resource-intensive AI programs more efficiently than its competitors, including juggernauts like Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure.

  • On a per-capita basis, however, things shake out a little differently.

  • In every experiment, there are always things I could have done differently.

  • He said he would not do anything differently with regard to his response to the pandemic, despite nearly 200,000 Americans having died from the outbreak.

  • Selin believes in Whorf because she’s bilingual, and she knows that when she thinks in Turkish, her parents’ native language, she thinks differently than she does in English.

  • In 2007, Huckabee said he stood by these earlier remarks, but would phrase them differently.

  • In the ten pages of commentary, if anyone felt differently they were in the clear minority.

  • My pessimism leads me to fight harder, or try to understand how I can do it differently.

  • Another group of mistletoes, dwarf mistletoes, does things a bit differently.

  • With better training on how specifically to deal with people with ID, the deputies might have handled the situation differently.

  • In the nine differently colored circular tracks, rolled little globes representing the planets.

  • A great many people besides the Governor desired to see letters the substance of which could be so differently understood.

  • As to that I venture no opinion, but Ireland is very differently situated.

  • The same case therefore may be regarded differently by different tribunals.

  • They would have been very differently written, had they been intended for other eyes than his own.


You are asking about rules….

The short answer is that adjectives modify nouns and adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

“Feel” can be a linking verb or a regular verb.

If feel is used as a linking verb, then the adjective “different” must be used. A linking verb “links” a subject with a subject complement that describes or explains it, and the subject complement must be a noun, pronoun or adjective. A linking verb expresses no action so it cannot be modified by an adverb.

I feel different

Subject – Linking Verb – Subject Complement (adjective)

In the phrase feel differently from, feel functions as a regular verb and not as a linking verb. We know this because differently is an adverb (-ly ending), and differently can only modify “feel.” Differently cannot modify “from” because adverbs do not modify prepositions.

As a regular verb, feel means:
Touch (to examine, test some quality)

So, it is perfectly ok to say: feel differently

Some grammarians allow the use of from in differently from if there is no verb in the words that follow:

Do men feel differently from women? (“Feel” means “believe.”)
The surface of the wood table feels differently from the surface of the glass table. (“Feel” means “touch.”)

But some grammarians prefer differently than over differently from, and others rewrite sentences using either construction to avoid a false or questionable comparison between grammatical elements before and after differently, but that’s another story.

Anyway, this is my thinking and I’d appreciate any corrections to my reasoning.
Hope this helps…..


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