Use the word differ in a sentence

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1. Tastes differ.

2. The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament.

3. My brother and I differ in many ways.

4. Our tastes differ from each other.

5. The regions differ in size, but not in kind.

6. Ideas on childcare may differ considerably between the parents.

7. We differ about moral standards.

8. The two systems differ in many respects.

9. The brothers differ widely in their tastes.

10. The two approaches differ markedly.

11. The husband and wife differ in their interests.

12. These bags differ in size,[] but not in shape.

13. French and English differ in this respect.

14. States differ in standards for products and the labelling thereof.

15. The symptoms did not differ between the two groups.

16. I differ with you on that point.

17. They differ in degree but not in kind.

18. The three birds differ in small features .

19. The two parties differ on all the major issues.

20. Your needs can differ from day to day.

21. We must just agree to differ on this.

22. Lifestyles differ and tastes vary.

23. His views differ considerably from those of his parents.

24. Economists differ on the cause of inflation.

25. Opinions differ widely on this issue.

26. On one point I differ from you.

27. We differ with them on this point.

28. The findings of the various studies differ significantly/markedly/radically.

29. In the end we agreed to differ.

30. I’m sorry to differ with you on that.

More similar words: different, differ from, difference, make a difference, difficult, diffident, offer, offering, modify, stiff, cliff, refer, plaintiff, offense, effect, affect, transfer, offender, reference, interfere, offensive, in effect, preference, conference, interfere in, take effect, effectively, interfere with, effectiveness, decaffeinated. 

  • Use the word DIFFER in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Opinions seem to differ as to whether I’ll ever be able to make good.

No, I beg to differ with you, sir.

The most disgusting fellow in Petersburg. Tastes differ.

It’s amazing how people differ.

That, my dear Charles, is where you and I differ.

They differ as other classes do.

I beg to differ, sir, and I can assure you that the knife is definitely the one given to the late lord by the Shogun.

Maybe you can trust one woman— authorities differ— but three?

You see, Miss Agnew, we differ.

That’s how they differ from men. Nature wanted it that way.

Obviously, if A does not differ from X, this ratio has no meaning.

How did he differ from Ford, Hearst or John Doe?

Your ideas differ from mine.

That’s where we differ. I rush in where sergeants fear to tread.

That’s just one of the points where we differ, my dear Nurse Erna.

must not differ from those which exist for the students.

I’ll just tell the Bishop that this young man and I differ.

Our objective is much the same as yours, we differ only in method.

Sadly, our tastes differ.

Darling, women do differ, if you don’t mind.

All the manners of training differ, so do the guises of all sects.

I differ with him emphatically, Ames.

Our viewpoints differ, that’s all.

This is not the right can! I beg to differ Madame, it is the right one.

I’m sorry, but our interests differ.

So what if we differ in rank?

A diplomat’s opinion must differ from yours

I’ve been to three, and their opinions don’t differ.

I’m going to bring in a handwriting expert because your printing and the printing on the holdup note will have to be compared and proved to differ.

Aside from your sad failure to give throat to spirited battle cries, did your behaviour differ from that of other men in your company?

I beg to differ, Mr. Blount.

On that, we happen to differ.

Sir, may I remind you that, while our behaviour is similar, our motives differ.

Especially if their reports differ from the truth as much as yours.

Even if Cordelier’s views differ from yours, it’d be unreasonable to declare him crazy.

Do French and American women differ in their romantic attitudes?

Hands reflect the person. They differ.

As I got to know you this evening, I thought that you, a bit more refined, of course, do not, essentially, differ from your people.

Despite our respect for the Prosecution, we beg to differ

And if you’re still alive… i think you’ll see how we differ.

Our ranks differ, but we are alike.

This Robin Hood’s methods differ from his predecessor.

The classic texts say vendettas differ from ordinary combat.

Studies have led to the realization that sexual interest and the need for sexual contact continue throughout the life cycle, although patterns differ somewhat for women and men

Women differ from men in that the decline in sexual responsiveness with aging is quite gradual

The desk and pocket systems differ only in the size of the crystal ball and keys

They differ only in style from those of the Dos or Yakhan basins

These two testing methods differ in that, while

I have dealt with evil men before Kai; the race and language may differ, but they are all basically the same

«I beg to differ» said Beauty sweetly, «we are parked in the correct place and paid the correct fee

So even though our profession or occupation may differ, the ultimate objective remains the same

Those whose prayers have not materialized would certainly beg to differ

Along with ordinary coarse aggregate concrete, in construction are also used types of concrete which differ from their structural peculiarities, composition and properties

Mortars are composite heterogeneous materials which differ from concrete only by absence of coarse aggregate and poured as a rule on the basis with thin layer

When the followers of the reformation in one country, therefore, happened to differ from their brethren in another, as they had no common judge to appeal to, the dispute could never be decided; and many such disputes arose among them

differ in the sense that they are often used outdoors

I beg to differ

I must, however, differ from those who consider it a monolithic tongue, due to the fact that, in its present state, it has evolved from the ancient Briton, the Roman Latin, the Anglo and Saxon as well as the Frisian, the Norse, and of course French, after the Battle of Hastings in 1066, which resulted in the reign of the Plantagenets that lasted for two hundred years and resulted in the Court of England speaking French accordingly

Well, as I write in the Year of Our Lord 2011, May 2, an American Special Forces unit begged to differ with Clinton»s legalistic non-starter

I hereby differ with the wisdom of the ages, and maintain that it is a dish best served not only warm, but steaming

The amounts given as compensation differ drastically between the two when it comes to seduction awards

Any number of individuals, as indicated above, enjoying equal rights and privileges consonant with the legal requirements of a free society, may differ in a variety of ways; materially, intellectually, physically, morally, spiritually, by temperament, motivation, its expectancies, the list is endless

(I understand that you and I differ on the question of married and women priests so I won‘t press the issue )

changed, it is true — the man’s ideals differ from those

Of those with whom they differ

I had a long discussion with my friend Pueng about my experiences and how they differ from the general perception and why so many don’t live the Buddhist way

“The wound in your lip begs to differ

But histories differ according to interpretation

even though specific actions associated with each operation may differ

printed in the same way only their storage and operations differ

• How much the values tend to differ from one another

We differ only in the contents

The names differ, but not

I call such ideologies a political religion, because they hardly differ from a spiritual religion

So we can reduce «morality» to normative conventions that are endorsed by the majority—and these normative conventions differ with time and from place to place

His reply was printed by “The Collegian” under a sensational caption spread across the letters to the Editor section “Instructor, Columnist Differ on Views of Communism”

lines, appearing to differ in length, represent an objective illusion because the lines, when

technique, or when measuring under different conditions, the lines will not appear to differ in

technique B under conditions Y? These results may substantially differ, and the only way to

When we believe that two lines differ in length, as in a naive beginning of the Müller-Lyer

How can these judgments give rise to true error when X1 and X2 differ conceptually at the

the concepts of length differ, then the illusion still cannot begin:

believe he is deceived, but only because your expectations differ

however, justification procedures differ almost without bound, rendering the above illusionary-

A medical source and a medical problem also differ in that the

Material interventions and religious prayer interventions share in this forceful directedness; they differ in believing different external sources of this force

Of course, we differ in our capacity to wield directedness, and I am not claiming that we should forsake the particle directedness of today’s medicine that

Thus they agree with John Locke regarding the primacy of private property; they only differ in how it is to be distributed

and simply acknowledging that there are viewpoints that differ from

Also, there may be some variance in the data as a function of its location in the original list; that is the earlier entries (analyzed) may differ in some way from the later entries (not analyzed)

“I beg to differ!” Yazadril frowned

When next we meet, I’ll expect you to know how you differ from all of them in those qualities, and to be able to quantify that difference to at least the nearest order of magnitude

It was noted that the laws of various nations differ to varying degrees

They differ in strictness and in severity of punishments, and there are acts which are forbidden in some places, while being allowed, or even officially encouraged, in others

“The point was then raised that only one set of laws can be the most just, since true justice should be the same for everyone, and therefore all other sets of laws that differ significantly from that one are less just

In the end, they agreed to differ

Although this land on the other side of the border did not differ much

Push and pull type spells only differ as to whether the contributor of the power or the receiver of it casts the spell and controls the flow of power

There is still much of the workings of reality that none of us knows, but our ignorance has shrunk by half this day, because each of our civilizations know important subsets of the rules that differ from what the other knows, and our combined knowledge will be far more complete

My taste in clothes may differ from yours, but remember the Proverb about a book and its cover

sincere believers differ in their understanding of some of the ways

Softly he muttered, “I beg to differ with you Doc

On this we differ,” Barbara said

Elizabeth Phelps at New York University, Janet Metcalfe of Columbia University and Margaret Funnell of Dartmouth College found that the two brains differ in their ability to process new data

differ, they co-exist without the knowledge of the intelligent beings in ei-

which differ greatly in size and shape

processes that differ from

We beg to differ

The actual amount and calculations involved will differ from

Bill: I beg to differ with Michael on one point in this lengthy metaphysical musing

We beg to differ on this point

I do not know two persons in the world who had no difference of opinion, and as I am a follower of the Gitā, I have always attempted to regard those who differ from me with the same affection as I have for my nearest and dearest

There are a number of data collection techniques that each differ

Observe how this ability doth differ from another one wherein a Folk can place Their form in multiple realities

Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; 7

Arguments can arise because views differ so sparks may fly

Women differ greatly, there’s a surprise! and none more so in terms of whether or not they are happy to have sex during their periods

application, and differ only in the form of their expression from those which

differ much in this respect

The results of these two methods differ greatly

that in the long run they should differ; it is only in the case of such a

Children differ so widely that it is not surprising to find that the relation between the egos and the personalities involved differs widely also

religions differ, but the points in which they all agree have to be accepted by

Previous trial outcomes show that although states differ in their opinions, most courts rule in favor of the child – the offspring of the plaintiff

The definition of burglary arises out of state law, and thus, the components of the crime may differ slightly depending on the state

All states prohibit sexual assault, but the exact definitions of the crimes that fall within the category of sexual assault differ from state to state

Said Jesus: «Though human beings differ in many ways, the one from another, before God and in the spiritual world all mortals stand on an equal footing

That individuals so differ in their life performances indicates, not only the varying endowments of heredity and the different influences of the environment, but also the degree of unification with the indwelling spirit of the Father which has been achieved by the self, the measure of the identification of the one with the other

The other burning question that we debated time and again was this; where are we? Our original journeys from London had differed, with Menachem moving straight to our previous location rather than being held underground like me

He fully understood that the wildlife in different areas of this planet differed from that of this area more than the wildlife of Brasil differed from any other continent on Earth including Antarctica

Points of view differed

opinions differed and that arguments could become quite lively and

mercy at all, and this was significant in the way he and Lincoln differed in how the Reconstruction of the Union would be

There was another way in which they differed, he realized: they were family

They differed from those she would lay later

Eminent scholars differed, admitted Sim, but the actual dates were irrelevant, except in a more recent sense

And, there were apparently some benefits from the flavinoids in black tea that differed from green tea because of the fermentation process, too

Wouldn’t it be irrational to elect a Congress controlled by a Party that differed from the President’s Party? —The voters would be thwarting their own desires to obtain the spending levels that they themselves prefer! Sure, it is possible that some people might not understand this, but most people will be able to see that voting a split ticket would allow politicians to continue lying to us about their intentions

You have learned about my studies of my dear departed leftists Mother and how I differed with her

To those in witness and who differed with Kerry’s report, the term refers to the impact of truth on falsity, which in his case, lost him an election

Oh yes, she recalled, Aleidian courtship differed slightly from Earth traditions

If we examine history, we discover how «morality» has changed over the centuries and differed from culture to culture

saying that it differed in important ways from the draft they had approved

Walter Thompson and Kincaid Advertising I was asked by my father to come home to straighten out the outdoor division he owned and restore it to profitability? And why after a couple of years, when that was done, did my father hire professional managers to run the company and move me into his broadcasting company? And after the outdoor division had slipped back into a loss situation, five years later, why was I asked to either take back its management or find another job? Was it because my father and I differed on which direction it should go? It was not easy to come to blows in the office and try to act like nothing had happened sitting around the dinner table at night

They differed with the Bolsheviks on how to achieve control and fought them vehemently but lost

He couldn’t help but think it must have eroded significantly over the thousands of years since the last ice age, particularly if weather patterns had differed from present-day prevailing westerlies

He backpedaled until he struck the cart, realizing how frighteningly this differed from their games back in the US

They differed on one question regarding these hikes

ignored the fact that they differed over the physical nature of space

that opinions aboard the ship differed

They have differed much in their method of presenting it, but they all

4 While the Jews differed greatly in their estimates of the nature of the coming kingdom, they were alike in their belief that the event was impending, near at hand, even at the door

The inner curve of the further wall of that court differed from the others he had seen, in that, instead of being smooth, it seemed to be banded with long lines or ledges, crowded with small objects the nature of which he could not determine

This court differed from the others he had seen

be considered abnormal insofar as he differed from the female form and norm

The style of art differed so strikingly from that of the rest of the valley, that Conan wondered if it did not represent a different era and race, and was itself a relic of an age lost and forgotten at whatever immeasurably distant date the people of Alkmeenon had found and entered the haunted valley

This boat differed from the ordinary craft plying the broad Khorotas—fishermen and merchant barges loaded with rich goods

These three differed only from the regular production version by the removal of the flight deck and the extension of the space frame beyond where the flight deck would have been to the frame that supported and linked the rest of the ship together

Every soldier in the Orderran military wore a uniform of that design, but the secondary color differed with each nation

When I mentioned words in the Declaration of Independence in an earlier chapter, my interpretation differed greatly from that of the Founding Fathers

differed in one aspect: he liked to pay his business lieutenants’ wages out of his

As Feltus glanced to his side, he noticed the stiff upper lip that Terence had maintained since the hotel had come into sight once again and how it differed markedly from the attitude that had possessed him upon their return journey

Milosz re-affirmed his opinion that although their systems differed, no distinction could be made between the Germans and Russians as occupants of Poland

the essential nature of each, and their relationship, differed among the churches

Where the TF-58R variant of the XF-83 really differed, though, was at high supersonic speeds

Even though she realized it was impossible to move inside or outside the building, make a noise that differed from ambient, or create hot spot temperature changes from body heat, Carla was still far from discouraged

It differed from tax records, but the money was in a non-reporting country

Early in the century, in 1809, Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had presented a theory of evolution in which he postulated that plants and animals differed based on different environmental conditions shaping their development

It was precisely on this point that our Protestant Reformers differed most widely from the Church of Rome

Jacques’s own conspiracy theory differed as it related to the Chinese infrastructural, mineral resource and agribusiness spends in Africa, all of which were a factual reality

Some coincided others differed

These results differed from those found in a second preliminary trial using

trial, however, was the fact that the average starting body weight differed considerably

brilliant perverts imprinted in human history differed from other «geniuses»

However, circumstances may change the situation and those days may turn out to be different than planned, the program for sex again is differed to some other day, this carries on for some time by when the pleasure of having sex in the past erases from the memory

Manning’s attention the attack rate of the bacteria and how it differed

Not that there wasn’t room in the world for everybody, Miss Entwhistle reminded herself, sitting at her tea-table observing Wemyss, who looked particularly big and prosperous in her small frugal room, and no doubt one star differed from another in glory; still, she did wonder at Jim

but sense of purpose and emotions differed as the knowledge of goodness was in utter contrast

The report said he’d found they differed by a couple of misspellings — obviously caused when the Master was hurriedly repaired over the weekend, he suggested

Where I differed with them was that I saw clearly and was sometimes revolted by the decadence

It would take five thick books, just to go over the endless variations of Alexander’s copycat successors, and how these variations differed only slightly from his example; and were re-lived over and over since Alexander died

� The forms she made from common objects differed from that which others saw

‘The Jewish Fathers of our Lord’s time, differed on the ultimate issue of the state of punishment in Gehenna

Mankind was a single community; then they differed

The Sabbath was decreed only for those who differed about it

The symbols were identical to mine but differed only in size and choice of colour

You will judge between your servants regarding what they had differed about

But the factions differed among themselves

and so she might, for the girls’ tastes differed as much as their characters

They did meet him, and sent word to the duke, who, having already settled what was to be done, as soon as he heard of his arrival, ordered the torches and lamps in the court to be lit and Altisidora to be placed on the catafalque with all the pomp and ceremony that has been described, the whole affair being so well arranged and acted that it differed but little from reality

Its content was the same, but the form differed

It is possible that Heyward’s estimate of danger differed in some degree from that of the scout, for, instead of replying, he now sat in silence, while the canoe glided over several miles of water

The color of his skin differed from that of most around him, being richer and darker, the latter having been produced by certain delicate and mazy lines of complicated and yet beautiful figures, which had been traced over most of his person by the operation of tattooing

The indelicate clacking of the men’s heels and the shuffling of their soles reminded him that their grade of culture differed from his

A resolution was a resolution, and an amendment was an amendment; then there was what was called an amendment to an amendment; the procedure of the House of Commons differed very materially from that of the House of Lords — and so

These differed from Nimrod’s lot inasmuch as they were not content

It then almost invariably appeared that they were subject to the most extraordinary hallucinations and extravagant delusions, the commonest being that the best thing that the working people could do to bring about an improvement in their condition, was to continue to elect their Liberal and Tory employers to make laws for and to rule over them! At such times, if anyone ventured to point out to them that that was what they had been doing all their lives, and referred them to the manifold evidences that met them wherever they turned their eyes of its folly and futility, they were generally immediately seized with a paroxysm of the most furious mania, and were with difficulty prevented from savagely assaulting those who differed from them

Hatch said that even though he and Kennedy differed much on policy and philosophy, he “never doubted for a minute [Ted’s] commitment to help the elderly, the ill, and those Americans who have been on the outside looking in for far too long

They stigmatized as `infidels’ all those who differed from them, forgetting that the only real infidels are those who are systematically false and unfaithful to the Master they pretend to love and serve

They looked neither older nor younger now; the beards of the aged were no whiter, nor could the creeping babe of yesterday walk on his feet to-day; it was impossible to describe in what respect they differed from the individuals on whom he had so recently bestowed a parting glance; and yet the minister’s deepest sense seemed to inform him of their mutability

But, I pray, what, and how many, were the things wherein you differed?

It remains a mystery why these three young men, veterans of the same training and the same crash, differed so radically in their perceptions of their plight

When they stood near the guards, it was impossible not to notice how much the Americans differed from typical Japanese people, and not simply in facial features

Memories later differed as to the subject of the map, but everyone recalled that it showed Allied progress

It was typical of the earl that he was able to recognize the capability of an officer whose politics differed so radically from his own

Yet it was only from that point of view that he considered every laborer, though in many points he differed from the economists and had his own theory of the wage-fund, which he expounded to Levin

From much of what was spoken and written on the subject, Sergey Ivanovitch differed on various points

The ascent was gradual on this side, and the soil and scenery differed much from those within Blakemore Vale

Minchin had never been in open hostility with him, and never differed from him without elaborate explanation to Mrs

Of course, as a servant who was to be told nothing, he knew the fact of which Ladislaw was still ignorant, and had drawn his inferences; indeed, had not differed from his betrothed Tantripp when she said, «Your master was as jealous as a fiend—and no reason

Solomon Featherstone differed from Lord Medlicote, were yet unanimous in the opinion that in selling land, whether to the Enemy of mankind or to a company obliged to purchase, these pernicious agencies must be made to pay a very high price to landowners for permission to injure mankind

They differed from the High Elves of the West, and were more dangerous and less wise

Within a few weeks, he showed me his own Trade Apgar, which greatly differed from mine

However, option volatility differed dramatically from the first half of 1989, at times being twice as high

These differed from the old-time bank-stock purchases in the one vital respect that the buyer did not determine that they were worth the price paid by the application of firmly established standards of value

Few would have come up with identical choices and many of the lists would have differed completely from each other

The relationship between price and indicated value has also differed greatly from one case to another

As a result, products made by other manufacturers differed in their recommendations for physical layer elements such as cable lengths and the maximum number of workstations allowed on a network

The Command Frame Command frames, also called MAC frames, differed from data frames only in the information field and sometimes the frame control field

These two constituent options differed quite a bit in the amount they were out-of-the-money

The two younger ones were embroidering: both were rosy and pretty and they differed only in that one had a little mole on her lip which made her much prettier

They differed from them

Amid a long series of unexecuted orders of Napoleon’s one series, for the campaign of 1812, was carried out- not because those orders differed in any way from the other, unexecuted orders but because they coincided with the course of events that led the French army into Russia; just as in stencil work this or that figure comes out not because the color was laid on from this side or in that way, but because it was laid on from all sides over the figure cut in the stencil

differing opinions on what constitutes pretty

Low moans could be heard up stairs, from the wood expanding and contracting to the differing temperatures outside

The last third of the book was composed of pure light, but a light with differing degrees of substance

Added to this, consider the possibility of this layer of water serving as a lubricating section between the inner parts of the planet, resulting in differing rotational speeds between the inner and outer parts

In today’s situation, where relativism has taken over and where there are more than 10,000 differing religious beliefs in the world, people are encouraged to find the truth that suits their lifestyle

Now what I have to explain is the differing attitudes of post-

The door last opened centuries ago when the owners received delegations of differing races in their quest for peace or fortune for their people and the guidance of the occupier

They came in differing colours and languages and included the New Testament and Psalms only

Since it is nearly impossible to predict the correct date of its completion, the differing theories regarding the work’s author(s) and date of completion will never resolve

Both were more or less aware of the problems of differing sentient species making contact for the first time

Judging by some of the anodyne comments made by the more liberal Moderators in recent years, there are some who believe in so little as to leave nothing about which it would be worth differing

There have been initiatives – and few things seem more dated than yesterday’s innovations – with differing degrees of success

“You raise some interesting questions, Dave,” answered Charles, “but it would be very unlikely that there would be enough jurisdictions like that to result in control of the Congress by a party differing from the executive branch

People who attempted to leaven their newly found faith with some of the old, as well as the Mysteries of other intriguing ideas, both ancient and new, as well as the differing beliefs of family, friends or acquaintances

Right between the two periods was a narrow layer of a white substance that seemed to be a point of separation between not only the two geologic strata themselves, but the differing fossils of the two periods also

Could it be that they didn’t have to contend with as rapid or numerous environmental changes as Man, who radiated out into many differing climatic zones and exponentially expanding dangers?

put forth in a manner that might suggest differing understandings, and possible alternate routes to that ultimate authority

Rom 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

There are many who speak against tyranny, and the large populations labeled as terrorists only hold differing views

Often there are other factors that create differing energy creations through various types of healing, but this can have the same impact no matter what healing modality is selected or what method is used to request it

And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains all differing each from the other, and the stones of it were magnificent and beautiful, magnificent as a whole, of glorious appearance and fair exterior: three towards the east, one founded on the other, and three towards the south, one on the other, and deep rough ravines, none of which joined with any other; And the seventh mountain was in the midst of these, and it excelled them in height, resembling the seat of a throne, and fragrant trees encircled the throne; And among them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt, neither was any among them nor were others like it; It had a fragrance beyond all fragrance, and its leaves and blooms and wood wither not forever, and its fruit is beautiful, and its fruit n resembles the dates of a palm; Then I said: ‘How beautiful is this tree, and fragrant, and its leaves are fair, and its blooms very delightful in appearance

Why do leaders insist on ignoring history? If there is a differing answer to solving the problem, certainly mankind would have found it in these thousands of years past

And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains all differing each from the other and the stones of it were magnificent and beautiful magnificent as a whole of glorious appearance and fair exterior: three towards the east one founded on the other and three towards the south one on the other and deep rough ravines none of which joined with any other; And the seventh mountain was in the midst of these and it excelled them in height resembling the seat of a throne and fragrant trees encircled the throne; And among them was a tree such as I had never yet smelt neither was any among them nor were others like it; It had a fragrance beyond all fragrance and its leaves and blooms and wood wither not forever and its fruit is beautiful and its fruit n resembles the dates of a palm; Then I said: ‘How beautiful is this tree and fragrant and its leaves are fair and its blooms very delightful in appearance

deliberations on these themes show their estimate of and preference for differing political systems and legal structures

Of course, the dark picture he painted of me to her was further motivated by our differing philosophies, the natural result of my trying to run the outdoor division at more than a survival level

come into conflict with others that have differing beliefs, but the

This is one example of the Initiate’s morality differing from conventional morality as a result of his wider vision

were separated into two groups, differing only in the water with which each

differing when ideas are moving along and the group seems

Of course, they will be defined at differing levels of detail, but they can and should be aligned

Many states recognize differing degrees of arson, based on such factors as whether the building was occupied and whether insurance fraud was intended

It may also explain why the degree of income inequality of a society is a better predictor than the absolute income level of the society for male-male homicides; income inequality creates social disparity, while differing average income levels may not do so

Mankind can appropriately be divided into many classes in accordance with differing qualifications, as they may be viewed physically, mentally, socially, vocationally, or morally, but as these different classes of mortals appear before the judgment bar of God, they stand on an equal footing; God is truly no respecter of persons

Given the divisiveness of color, creed and culture, how can there ever be one universal dharma? Won’t the able-bodied, the handicapped, the haves, and the have-nots with differing abilities come to live together? Wouldn’t that by itself result in an unequal quality of life on earth? Why, even in heaven there are gods and demigods, going by our puranas that is

And one needs to reckon with the divergent male female psyches and the differing individual natures of men, women as well as children

Let me now teach you concerning the differing levels of meaning attached to the interpretation of this rule of living, this admonition to `do to others that which you desire others to do to you’:

Now the seed which fell on good ground and sprang up to bear, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold, represents those who, when they have heard the truth, receive it with varying degrees of appreciation — owing to their differing intellectual endowments — and hence manifest these varying degrees of religious experience

He had encountered a force differing subtly from Khemsa’s mesmerism, and he could not advance, though he felt it in his power to retreat if he wished

differing, just as the culture at large does, without questioning this assumption

The monster below them, to Conan, was merely a form of life differing from himself mainly in physical shape

needs, albeit of differing needs

versus late childhood: Differing patterns of pathology as revealed on the Rorschach

The problem, though, is that there are differing opinions about these rules and it seems that no one can

atoms of iron and carbon, differing only in the composition of the nucleus and the

It is acceptable for all to live and let live in those differing beliefs

There are many who speak against tyranny and the large populations labeled as terrorists only hold differing views, much as the world did in the many hundreds of years as this society was building up around the world

Differing views are not often heard unless it is the controlling party’s controllable opposition

Their differing views are not ones that should be looked upon or thought of as less evolved or advanced

Simply because you choose a differing job than what you first intended does not mean that you will have missed on some opportunity or lesson

It is important to consider all possibilities and no matter your source it is one view point or many view points, but there is always a differing viewpoint

differing ear types; the Norfolk terrier wore dropped ears while

They are so powerful and spiritually evolved, that they concentrate on issues dealing with the many differing phases of consciousness, which impact the multitude of planetary systems throughout the different universes

which have wildly differing carbon ages

Any mass media suspected of carrying the views and values of its owner, or any one sided view, rather than reporting the truth on everything (with equal time for differing unproven opinions), will be subject to review for monopolistic practices

and hissing from differing creatures

In Mark we have a slightly differing account but still

property of appearing different from differing vantage points as represented by the

property of appearing different from differing

changing) and the hologramś relativistic property of appearing different from differing

In terms of diets differing based on geographic locating, there is some evidence

The hard facts told another far differing story, but the

wide variety of differing reasons

Unless the family is extraordinarily wealthy the possibility that they will have differing financial needs is very common

Though what are we suggesting here? We are asking you to consider viewing life from a differing angle

It is the same energy only with a different name, at differing ends of the pole

Their differing viewpoints led to a fatal compromise

As far as motivations go, there are many types, some of which correspond to differing

Our differing ways of being is something that our schools don’t

Though there are dosage variables involved that include selecting among insulins of differing effective speeds, in addition to exercise and diet considerations, the common medical treatment of Type 1 diabetes is so simple a ten year old can do it

although they have differing functional

Phenytoin-folate interactions: differing effects of the sodium salt and the Free Acid of phenytoin

There are many differing opinions as to what the third woe may be

Like the government, and other organisations for whom Bill’s company provided facilities, the banks’ major need was for security and privacy, but given the differing global timescales in which the banking community operated, they also required total 24-hour reliability

with differing attitudes and levels of expertise

But do not just visit; integrate with the differing peoples, cultures and opinions that

land populated by widely differing citizens

specialized types of packaged waters, differing in their designated applications, packaging

Maybe the judges should have tweeted their differing views before announcing their decision

In the display was a selection of cheesecakes of differing flavours, pre-cut into small wedges for the customer to choose from

You don’t want to be late, now do you!” Wanting the event to go as smoothly as possible for them all, for differing reasons, she had kept an eye on everything they did

Strange, indeed, is the way one tends to react to the differing peculiarities in others

Why not make the courses for the horses instead of flogging the lagging but to no avail; it’s only in the sports that the differing capabilities are appreciated to devise ways and means for all to have their place under the sun; won’t the bantam and heavy weight classification in boxing, wrestling and weightlifting suggest that; the perils of pitting a lightweight champion even against a heavyweight trainee are not beyond anybody’s imagination

women have differing views about being single over 40, but men are NOT that different

The passages are not homogeneous differing in the treatment of the same subject

renunciation in Chapter 18, Krishn singles out one of the four differing

and hair became differing shades of blue and green

Chrovel explained, “There are differing prophecies about you

sometimes come to differing conclusions about the relationship between salt intake and

digitally dependent and image contingent – have varying prices in differing markets

Love is the heterozygotic meme that allows for differing manifestations of itself

Ankle sprains have differing

Differing from both the Hebrew and the Greek biblical historical narrations of times past, most

distinguish between the differing parts and functions of the human psyche

differing race, differing talents, we are all of the same species

As for the various differing supernal215 mental powers I have heard or read about in the founding

Because his position on faith and the differing religions which people have established closely

The time that people need to mourn a loss differs for everyone but most people need at least a year or so for loss of a spouse, for instance

This differs from the Halasana I have just described only in the position of the arms

Supposing, however, in the mean time, that they have this effect, and they have it undoubtedly, this general enhancement of the price of all commodities, in consequence of that labour, is a case which differs in the two following respects from that of a particular commodity, of which the price was enhanced by a particular tax immediately imposed upon it

Consider the following: The original sequence of the Books of the Bible differs somewhat from the sequence that is presently found in the English Bible

In its tenets there is no question of doing good here and being rewarded in the next world, and in this respect, it differs greatly from the lowest forms of Hindoo idolatry, for even the Thugs professed to think they would reap a rich posthumous reward for every victim they secured with the sacred noose and pickaxe of Kali

Being of the right age is dealt with more under marriage where it differs from country to country but most are fixed at about 15 years of age for the female

It differs only in that it is smaller, attracts fewer tourists, and observes an even slower pace than the tortoise-like march through time observed in Chauita

English is not his first language, and some of his phrasing differs from an American writer

This scenario has the subsequent result that if the preacher so much as dares to preach biblical truths, where these truths differs from what the employers (congregation members) wants to hear, he gets fired or loses paying congregation members!

The church’s teachers on the other hand must be very careful what they say as they can lose their jobs in an instant if they start preaching the truth from scripture which differs from the church’s false doctrine or when it is politically or socially incorrect

While this differs from the idea of rebirths, nevertheless the thoughts, words, and actions of this life influence the future life

The waking state differs from deep sleep in the

Though man has evolved from animal, he differs from every other species

the WikiLeaks document is disturbing, because it differs from the information

to element that differs from the occupant of the deceiver’s similar space

Protons are parts-of or bound-to our universe, and this parthood differs substantially from the parthood of a mechanical mechanism

God, we could say, differs in his very ontology from any and all created beings

This differs from an ad

Background noise only but it differs from the internal sound of their thoughts

Government ‘enterprise’ differs from Socialism by the fact that some of its activity still operates in the market economy

spokes The number of these ‘spokes’ differs according to the frequency of

follow that he at once understands how the astral world differs from the

and change of a planet’s crust — differs from Earth’s

mass as an electron but differs from the electron in having a positive

The CNO cycle differs from the p-p reaction mainly in that it involves

“The ancient civilization of India differs from those of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece, in that its traditions have been preserved without breakdown to present day

The Scottish legal system is based on the French and differs from England and the colonies in that, instead of looking for legal loopholes and scoring points, they attempt to get at the truth

This differs from

Please note that some of the terminology used in the case studies differs slightly from that used in this e-book

This of course differs from one to

However, it differs

Children differ so widely that it is not surprising to find that the relation between the egos and the personalities involved differs widely also

This Initiation differs from all the others in that it has this strange double

which differs from other forms of the same Craft in that the necessity of our

The mental state of the perpetrator of these crimes differs from that of one who commits murder

Statutory rape differs from other types of rape, and from child molestation, in that the act would not be a crime if all participants were above the age of consent

and, if so, why? A relational orientation is not just one thing consistently fueled by the same forces and the same consequences, but differs situationally and motivationally in

Since women’s experience differs in many crucial ways from that of men in this

The ability to gain differs from person to person so progress cannot be tracked by comparing it with your training buddy, even if both of you started at the same time

This energy differs from that of simply mind intervention because, when a different person other than you is used to deliver it, there is now the power of two

It differs from simple observation in that

This energy differs from that of simply mind intervention because, when a different person other than you is used to deliver energy, there is now the power of two

It just differs from one person to the next

The program differs by the number of repeats and the direction of the movement

It also differs by the number of repetitions and the direction of movement

The way in which this works when it comes to house shares differs according to the

This is similar to the file upload recipe mentioned earlier in the book; however, it differs from it, as we’re making CodeIgniter upload images (rather than upload any file type) and perform specific tasks on images, which wouldn’t be relevant to the other upload example in the book

Differs not at heart from the giant pine which lives for a thousand years

The crucial issue wherein Buddhism differs from Hinduism is that it doesn’t say who you are; it has no idea, no concept

What is seen is the same; it is the seeing which differs

And their lifestyle also differs significantly from most animals in that young sponges are mobile in the larval stage, but soon attach to objects where they remain sedentary for the rest of their lives

Islam and see how that differs from the one in the Judeo-Christian

differs from one to another is the

Each contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, but the rate of vibration differs in ice, water and steam

Science differs radically in its outlook from philosophical musings

For one thing, the constitution of diocesan conferences is not uniform, and differs widely in different dioceses of England and Wales

‘See how it differs from those ice-cream jerks,’ he said even as she returned with two cups of steaming coffee for them

The FHA short sale, however, differs in ways that benefit the homeowner:

The Chinese culture differs by its state of religion to have greater opposition to Christianity

It differs from a routine thinking by the high points it scores

So we see that the taste of the ears differs from

The revelation also differs widely

What if a law said no guy could fornicate with any woman who would not conceive and bear a child, as the result of his using his life-igniting material? The principle is the same, even if the process differs somewhat

To explain the meaning of the “tenfold” we say, we have demonstrated before in ‘Al-Fajr’ fortress that the night’s length differs between one night and another and that these differences are arising from the night’s decrease and increase during the four seasons in every year

Being raised in a post-information computer age differs significantly in many ways from being raised in a pre-enlightenment agrarian age, with each age producing different beliefs about the acts, responsibilities and privileges of love

differs from animals by having a more complex psychological structure, in which

As mentioned above, a person whose “soul” is alive differs from a person with a

He differs at

For the next nuclear war is distinguished, like other wars, by quickness and surprise, but this war differs from those preceded it concerning the aim, as in the previous wars, the aim beyond fastness and surprising was to achieve victory, but in this war, that is, the nuclear and hydrogen-war, the aim is to avoid the danger of total ruin and to wipe up the opponent completely before he has the opportunity to retort his enemy

Taking back the spirit when death also differs from that when sleeping in being accompanied by taking back the soul and getting it out of the body

But this appreciating and revering of the others differs from one spirit to another according to what one likes and his spirit inclines to, for some spirits magnify others for their science and knowledge, their possession and authority, their perfection and noble morals, or for other regards

Yet how we appreciate and revere others differs from one spirit to the next, according to what one likes and to what their spirit inclines

They differ only as a drop of water differs from the ocean

Let us see how the action of the subconscious mind over the body differs

the fare, finds a seat, so what changes? Only the cloths and where she sits differs in

3, groupware differs in responsiveness and the maximum number of simultaneous users that can be accommodated

“I’m very intrigued by the rate of attack and how it differs in victim to victim

She sits there, saying meek things about the weather, expressing a modest optimism, ready to relinquish even that if my uncle differs, becoming, when he takes up a book, respectfully quiet, ready the moment he puts it down to rejoice with him if he wishes to rejoice or weep with him if he prefers weeping; and the more she is concerned to give satisfaction the less well-disposed is he towards her

It is Keynes who said that the economics of a system as a whole differs profoundly from the economics of the individual

Compound interest differs from

«The hand of Allah (His support and help) is with the group, Satan runs with that who differs

Many other Configurations of NUU-VVU-Forms, which we cannot perceive in any way (because their specific frequency of manifestation of Aspects of their Qualities differs from ours), exist at the boundaries of the “physical” manifestation of our biological bodies

I should point out that Intuition generated in the Self-Consciousness by the activity of Creators of the third and the fourth Centers (through lower Levels of SSAASSFATI and ULGLUU) differs very much from the “intuition” which is incessantly initiated by Creators of the two lower Centers through wave systems of “the intestinal brain” and which is responsible mainly for the normal functioning and the survival of the biological body

The point is that a purely subjective and ambitious idea about receiving “a creative pleasure” from something done “personally” in current “physical” Worlds differs very much from our deeper and higher-quality conceptions of this process in Those Worlds into which we refocus sequentially, and where we already are “now”, at this instant, as multidimensional Creators

For example, literally each type of NUU-VVU-Forms, whose Configurations of Self-Consciousness are organized by approximately the same type of different-quality Synthesis of the same Aspects of Qualities (that is, UU-VVU-copies can intensively exchange energy and information because the Creative Activity of Aspects that belong to the same pair of dominant Qualities differs from the Creative Activity of definite Aspects of recessive Qualities), stays inertially in a given dimensional diapason of Space-Time together with a frequency manifestation of all other Forms of Collective Intelligences within its Formo-system of Worlds, and forms only its own characteristic type of Realities with its subjective life creativity

) which differs considerably (cardinally in many aspects) from everything that inertially existed before

— This notion, dear Uksstukkullur, differs from a space-time Continuum in that all multidimensional dynamics of its Forms belonging to different “historical epochs” (frequency ranges, dimensions) are structured by a much greater diversity of different-quality Time Flows and OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems

“Other you” have no idea about your existence, which differs from “theirs”, and have no idea about the way all your acquaintances, friends and close relatives know you “here and now”

In this case, a Stereo-Type differs from any computer system in that a choice in a skrruullerrt system is made, not on the basis of “an algorithm” related to the functioning of the Self-Consciousness, but as a result of an expression of a corresponding function of the wave structure that works according to the rezonation principle and is subject to fluctuating deviations in dynamics of mental-sensuous processes (UU-VVU-copies)

Simply speaking, they differ from each other in the same way that your computer differs from a certain program, even if it is a vital one

That which we subjectively define as “biological Life” is a specific Form of the Creative Activity of Collective Intelligences, which differs from all other Forms in an information method of modeling of identical Formo-structures (with the help of DNA), with a transmission of VVU-Information to them (transfer on the molecular level) — in the form of a particular Experience — for a further interpretational use in “individual” life creativity

Likewise, transitional (diffusgent) NUU-VVU-Forms inside of the Collective Intelligence of humankind also belong to different Spheres of creativity; their mental-sensuous creativity differs in the intensity of Activity of Aspects of the two Dominants (ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence) and is also located on slightly different “planes” (sublevels of ODS) not only relative to each other but also to NUULL-VVU-Forms

While in irkkulligren Continuums structured by an innumerable set of Formo-systems of Worlds and their subjective Realities, where the creative dynamics are formed by two other Dominants (or at least by one of the other ten Dominants that differs from the two Dominants in the Worlds where We focus), that which we define as “gravitation” has completely different sources

You have to understand that after “Death” bio-Creators of the collective Consciousness of cells and organs decode, directly from ODS (but not from the dynamics of TEC!), Information of completely different quality, which differs greatly from that which was used by the Formo-Creators of the brain for the organization of the psychological and mental activity of the living “personality”, because more primitive Self-Consciousnesses of the bio-Creators of cells and organs are involved in the Synthesis of Aspects of completely different Qualities (ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Essentiality-ALL-Permeability, and afterwards, at definite stages of the biochemical transformation of organic matter, — ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Steadiness-ALL-Stability)

In the following inertial duvuyllerrt Formo-system of Worlds, this specific frequency “curvature” formed by the energy-information Content differs slightly from the previous one, maybe, just in an energy-information Potential of one “quantum”, but even such difference creates some length between them, that is, relative dynamics of Time subjectively and individually perceived by each different-qualitative Form of Self-Consciousness

Definition of Differ

to disagree or clash

Examples of Differ in a sentence

After discussing the dress code, the teacher’s opinion of wanting longer skirt requirements would differ from the students wanting to wear shorter skirts.


If a mother’s decision to allow her kids to stay up past their bedtimes differ from her husband’s decisions, this will send mixed messages to the kids.


The carefree woman’s perspective on childrearing would differ significantly than that of a strict military father’s.


The artist’s collection of paintings showed various angles of a scene so that people would differ their perspectives about the scene.


Since the boss refused to allow his diligent employee any time off for the next few months, they would differ in thoughts about each other.


Other words in the Disagreement category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

отличаться, отличать, различаться, различать, разниться, расходиться во мнениях


- отличаться; различаться

to differ from each other — отличаться друг от друга
to differ in appearance — быть непохожими
to differ from smb. in age — отличаться от кого-л. по возрасту

- редк. отличать; различать
- расходиться во мнениях, не соглашаться

the witnesses differed — свидетели не соглашались друг с другом; показания свидетелей расходились
to differ from /with/ smb. — не соглашаться с кем-л., оспаривать чьё-л. мнение
to differ in opinion — расходиться во мнениях
to differ about the issue /on the point/ — расходиться (во мнениях) по этому вопросу
to agree to differ — оставить попытки убедить друг друга; остаться при своём мнении (о спорящих)
I beg to differ — позволю себе не согласиться

- спорить, ссориться

tastes differ — посл. ≅ о вкусах не спорят; у каждого свой вкус

Мои примеры


to differ in phase — отличаться по фазе  
two Greek words which differ only in accentuation — два греческих слова, различающиеся только ударением  
to differ good from bad — отличать хорошее от плохого  
subtlety in distinguishing wherein things agree and wherein they differ — тонкость различения сходства и несходства вещей  
differ in sense — различаться по направлению (о векторах)  
differ in kind — различаться по своей природе  
differ in degree but not in kind — отличаться степенью, но не качеством  
they differ in size but not in colour — они различаются по размеру, а не по цвету  
customs differ from country to country — в каждой стране свои обычаи  
agree to differ — отказаться от попыток убедить друг друга  

Примеры с переводом

The number of cookies in a box may differ.

В коробках может оказаться разное количество печенья.

Tastes differ.

О вкусах не спорят.

She differs from her sister in the colour of her eyes.

У её сестры другой цвет глаз.

I must differ from / with your opinion on the matter.

Моё мнение по этому поводу расходится с вашим.

Opinions differ.

О вкусах не спорят. / У каждого своё мнение.

The two brothers differ in their judgment of this piece of music.

Мнения двух братьев об этом музыкальном произведении разделились.

I beg leave to differ with you, sir.

Позвольте мне с вами не согласиться, сэр.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

These two tests differ in only one respect

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

difference  — разница, различие, разность, разногласие, отличать, вычислять разность
different  — различный, разный, другой, отличный от, необычный, неодинаковый, непохожий, не такой
differing  — отличаться, отличать, различаться, различать, разниться, расходиться во мнениях

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: differ
he/she/it: differs
ing ф. (present participle): differing
2-я ф. (past tense): differed
3-я ф. (past participle): differed

Differ example sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use differ in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for differ.

  • We differ there. (4)
  • It was no good to differ. (8)
  • Here again opinions differ. (3)
  • We differ more than we mean to. (9)
  • In what respects did an opera and an oratorio differ? (3)
  • In what respect did the Disjunct form differ from the Conjunct? (3)
  • When opinions differ, talk becomes animated, warm, continuous. (16)
  • See how we all hate not only our enemies, but those who differ from us. (8)
  • In what respects did the English Opera differ from the Italian and French form? (3)
  • In what respects does the form used by modern composers differ from that of the classical symphony? (3)
  • I disliked to differ with him, and perhaps he subtly felt this so much that he would not dislike me for doing it. (9)
  • March felt authorized to take them up and read them consecutively; when he had done, so he did not differ from his wife. (9)
  • I call them the Queens, because the Dutch do; and I like Holland so much that I should hate to differ with the Dutch in anything. (9)
  • The drawings show about all the possible ways, and any types which appear to differ from these can be shown to be merely variations. (17)
  • Our certainty also misleads us to constrain others to think as we think, and to despise them and persecute them when they differ from us. (5)
  • On their lips our continental English will differ more and more from the insular English, and I believe that this is not deplorable, but desirable. (9)

Also see sentences for: contend, contradict, disagree, dissent.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for differ. Now that you’ve seen how to use differ in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Asked by: Micah Corkery

Score: 4.9/5
(70 votes)

differ. If two things are different from each other in some way, you can say that one thing differs from the other. Differ is a fairly formal word. Schoolchildren’s needs differ from those of adults.

When to use differ or differs?

‘Differ’ is a verb that means ‘be unlike or dissimilar’; ‘disagree’, for example: Tastes differ. She differs from her sister in the colour of her eyes. I must differ from your opinion on the matter.

Does differ differ?

3 Answers. differ in: The two animals come from the same family but differ in body shape and breeding habits. differ from: English differs from Spanish in that it is not pronounced as it is written. differ widely/significantly/greatly (=be very different): Laws on pollution differ widely from one country to another.

How do you use the word differ?

Used with prepositions:

«Their salaries differ according to their skills.» «The test scores differ among the students.» «My plans differ from yours.» «The boys differ in size.»

Does it differ mean?

intransitive verb. 1a : to be unlike or distinct in nature, form, or characteristics the law of one state differs from that of another. b : to change from time to time or from one instance to another : vary the number of cookies in a box may differ.

41 related questions found

What does Big differ mean?

: lead to important changes Her suggestion made a big difference in the final product.

What does differ mean reading?

to be unlike, dissimilar, or distinct in nature or qualities (often followed by from): The two writers differ greatly in their perceptions of the world. Each writer’s style differs from that of another.

What is an example of differ?

Differ is defined as to be unlike or to disagree. An example of two things that differ are an apple and a brownie. To be of a different opinion; disagree. The experts differ on what should be done to fix the economy.

What is the root word of differ?

The verb differ can mean simply «be unlike,» but it can also mean «clash» or «dissent.» The Latin root, differre, combines dis, «away from,» with ferre, «carry.»

What does the word differ mean in math?

Difference is the result of subtracting one number from another. … So, difference is what is left of one number when subtracted from another. In a subtraction equation, there are three parts: The minuend (the number being subtracted from) The subtrahend (the number being subtracted)

Does differ and different mean the same thing?

To differ means to be different. To differentiate means to make (someone or something) different in some way. Differentiate also means to see or state the difference or differences between two or more things.

What does I beg to differ mean?

: to politely disagree with someone You say that the candidates are essentially the same, but I beg to differ.

What is the adjective of differ?

differ is a verb, different is an adjective, difference is a noun:The two theories differ from each other. He is different from all the rest.

What preposition goes with differ?

When differ means “disagree,” it is followed usually by the preposition with or sometimes by the preposition from. I differed with Bill about our bike club’s budget. Denzil’s answers to the math questions differed from Samantha’s.

What does do not differ mean?

1 often foll by: from to be dissimilar in quality, nature, or degree (to); vary (from) 2 often foll by: from or with to be at variance (with); disagree (with) 3 Dialect to quarrel or dispute.

What is mean by deferring?

Verb (1) defer, postpone, suspend, stay mean to delay an action or proceeding. defer implies a deliberate putting off to a later time. deferred buying a car until spring postpone implies an intentional deferring usually to a definite time.

What is the synonym of differ?

vary, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar, be distinguishable, diverge. coincide. 2’their beliefs differed from those of other religious parties’ deviate from, depart from, run counter to, contradict, contrast with, conflict with, be incompatible with, be at odds with, be in opposition to, go against. resemble.

What does var y mean?

verb (used with object), var·ied, var·y·ing. to change or alter, as in form, appearance, character, or substance: to vary one’s methods. to cause to be different from something else: The orchestra varied last night’s program with one new selection.

What does the word trigger?

1a : to release or activate by means of a trigger especially : to fire by pulling a mechanical trigger trigger a rifle. b : to cause the explosion of trigger a missile with a proximity fuse. 2 : to initiate, actuate, or set off by a trigger an indiscreet remark that triggered a fight a stimulus that triggered a reflex.

How do you use differ from in a sentence?

Similar words: differ, different, difference, make a difference, far from, hear from, diffident, difficult.

  1. Our tastes differ from each other.
  2. Your needs can differ from day to day.
  3. On one point I differ from you.
  4. I differ from her about this question.
  5. I beg to differ from you on the opinion.

How do you use the word vary in a sentence?

Examples of vary in a Sentence

The cost of a room at the hotel varies with the season. Their services vary depending on the customer. They’ve tried to improve their procedures, with varying degrees of success. The diamonds vary in size.

What does dissimilar mean?

: not the same or similar : different or unalike people with dissimilar backgrounds dissimilar materials The responsibilities of the resident were not dissimilar to those of the intern …— James D. Hardy.

What does the dithering mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : shiver, tremble the dithering of grass— Wallace Stevens. 2 : to act nervously or indecisively : vacillate dithering about what to do next There’s no time to dither.

What does hours may differ mean?

This means you have to go in and manually add the specific date and the “special” hours, even if they are not “special” and just regular. Here is what it looks like logged into Google My Business.

Will make a big difference?

to improve a situation or condition in an important way: He’s much happier now – his new school seems to have made a big difference. Want to learn more?

Sentences ending with differ

  • I believe that two men who try to be honest may conscientiously differ. [9]
  • It has been said that he was not fluent in conversation, but, with the above experience in my mind, I differ. [5]
  • In this matter Judge Douglas is preparing the public mind for you of Kentucky to make perpetual that good thing in your estimation, about which you and I differ. [7]
  • Whether all this is a blessing or a curse, like that one which made Pharaoh and all his household run to their toilet-tables, is a question about which opinions might differ. [6]
  • You suggest that in political action, now, you and I would differ. [7]

Sentences containing differ two or more times

  • If for this you and I must differ, differ we must. [7]
  • But the name of _this_ valley doth woundily differ from the name of _that_ one; indeed to differ wider were not pos—» «What was that name, then? [5]

More example sentences with the word differ in them

  • We might differ with them about the causes of our disorders. [4]
  • If these powers, which differ much in different animals, are capable of improvement, there seems no great improbability in more complex faculties, such as the higher forms of abstraction, and self- consciousness, etc., having been evolved through the development and combination of the simpler ones. [1]
  • Beginning with the usual formality, he said: «I am obliged to differ from nearly every sentiment expressed by the Earl of Eglington, the member for Levizes, who has just taken his seat. [11]
  • It is agreeable to the traveler to see that the provincials disport themselves within bounds, and that an hilarious spree here does not differ much in its exercises from a prayer-meeting elsewhere. [4]
  • It helps greatly to make this country interesting that nearly every State has its peculiarities, and that the inhabitants of different sections differ in manner and speech. [4]
  • The writer happens to know of two diaries which record, on the testimony of eye-witnesses, the circumstances of the last hours of Garfield, and they differ utterly in essential particulars. [4]
  • It was some time before he calmed himself again, then laying his forefinger on the side of his nose, he said: «Therein the immortals differ from human beings. [10]
  • The hordes would thus be exposed to slightly different conditions and habits of life, and would sooner or later come to differ in some small degree. [1]
  • If there be those who differ with me upon this subject, they have not pointed out the substantial difficulty that exists. [7]
  • In this respect they differ remarkably from the tail-feathers of Polyplectron, which in most of the species are ornamented with larger ocelli than those on the tail-coverts. [1]
  • Our naturalist would then perhaps turn to geographical distribution, and he would probably declare that those forms must be distinct species, which differ not only in appearance, but are fitted for hot, as well as damp or dry countries, and for the Artic regions. [1]
  • To be sure, their scales differ, but have they not the same freezing and the same boiling point? [6]
  • I shall treat the Ten as a whole because they did not materially differ from one another in dress or habits or ambition or general usefulness on this earth. [9]
  • This is not the place in which to indicate the points on which I feel myself obliged to differ from Weingarten. [10]
  • I differ from the other side when it says that they are bound to exercise no more care than was taken before the building of the bridge. [7]
  • She was pensive, the next day, and subdued; but that was not matter for remark, for she did not differ from the mournful friends about her in that respect. [5]
  • Witnesses differ, but the majority say that she struck thus. [7]
  • The next higher spot does not differ at all from the upper ones in the same row. [1]
  • Persons differ in regard to their sensitiveness to cloudy, rainy, and gloomy days. [4]
  • His temper was quick, the prospect of opposition often made him overbearing, yet on occasions he listened with surprising patience to his subordinates when they ventured to differ from his opinions. [9]
  • Only after two or three generations can its effects upon the character of a great people be measured: Observations differ, and testimony is difficult to obtain. [4]
  • Now wherein does one cow-track differ from another? [5]
  • Moreover, there is one circumstance in which the orang’s and chimpanzee’s brains resemble man’s, but in which they differ from the lower apes, and that is the presence of two corpora candicantia—the Cynomorpha having but one. [1]
  • The reproductive system offers various rudimentary structures; but these differ in one important respect from the foregoing cases. [1]
  • In the family of pigs, and in the tapirs, the young are marked with longitudinal stripes, and thus differ from all the existing adult species in these two groups. [1]
  • That the degree of limitation should differ in different species of the same group will not surprise any one who has studied the laws of inheritance, for they are so complex that they appear to us in our ignorance to be capricious in their action. [1]
  • She was perplexed now and then by her husband’s business, but did it differ from that of other men she had known, except that it was on a larger scale? [4]
  • The Australians did not seem to me to differ noticeably from Americans, either in dress, carriage, ways, pronunciation, inflections, or general appearance. [5]
  • If he did not differ from his red brothers he had a powerful imagination, and was ready to please the whites with any sort of a marvelous tale. [4]
  • His process did not differ from Edison’s; he put this and that together and drew an inference—and the peg, too; but I made him sweat for it. [5]
  • And might it not be a useful task to investigate how their estimates differ from ours? [10]
  • Our certainty also misleads us to constrain others to think as we think, and to despise them and persecute them when they differ from us. [10]
  • Or the young may have an intermediate character; or again they may differ greatly from the adults in both their seasonal plumages. [1]
  • Seeing in how many ways the tail-feathers of humming-birds differ, why should not the four central feathers have varied in this one species alone, so as to have acquired white tips? [1]
  • Philip was not long in discovering that people in Washington did not differ much from other people; they had the same meannesses, generosities, and tastes: A Washington boarding house had the odor of a boarding house the world over. [5]
  • It is by little things that we know ourselves; a soul would very probably mistake itself for another, when once disembodied, were it not for individual experiences which differ from those of others only in details seemingly trifling. [6]
  • Our friends in Kentucky differ from us. [7]
  • As early as July, «in his sickness time, the President did easily fortell his own deposing from his command,» so much did he differ from the Council in the management of the colony. [4]
  • And the same is true in all joint operations wherein those engaged can have none but a common end in view and can differ only as to the choice of means. [7]
  • The saturation-point of individual minds with reference to evidence, and especially medical evidence, differs, and must always continue to differ, very widely. [3]
  • Save for an impatience which at moments I restrained with difficulty, the moods that succeeded one another as I journeyed did not differ greatly from those I had experienced in the past month. [9]
  • Cattle differ from horses in this peculiar quality. [5]
  • Although the three horns differ so much in appearance from the two great prolongations of the skull in C. bifurcus, we can hardly doubt that they serve the same general purpose in the economy of these two animals. [1]
  • When the adults have a distinct summer and winter plumage, and the young differ from both, the case is more difficult to understand. [1]
  • The latter’s reproaches had dismayed Uri like the flash of lightning, the roll of thunder, yet how did Joshua’s proposition differ from Uri’s? [10]
  • We do not greatly differ about the law. [7]
  • The Marsupials differ from the Monotremata by possessing nipples; so that probably these organs were first acquired by the Marsupials, after they had diverged from, and risen above, the Monotremata, and were then transmitted to the placental mammals. [1]
  • This difficulty arises from the impossibility of judging what passes through the mind of an animal; and again, the fact that writers differ to a great extent in the meaning which they attribute to the above terms, causes a further difficulty. [1]
  • The engineers differ from him and said they kept on going ahead. [7]
  • These animals differ from all other Carnivora in the form of their bodies and in the structure of their limbs, far more than does man from the higher apes; yet in most systems, from that of Cuvier to the most recent one by Mr. [1]
  • Another excellent case for investigation is offered by the ocelli on the wing-feathers of the Argus pheasant, which are shaded in so wonderful a manner as to resemble balls lying loose within sockets, and consequently differ from ordinary ocelli. [1]
  • The British Empire—Its Exports and Imports—The Trade of Australia—To Adelaide—Broken Hill Silver Mine—A Roundabout road—The Scrub and its Possibilities for the Novelist—The Aboriginal Tracker—A Test Case—How Does One Cow-Track Differ from Another? [5]
  • The needs of every person differ from the needs of every other; we can make no standard for wants or possessions. [4]
  • It doesn’t differ essentially from the struggle in the animal kingdom. [9]
  • I have no doubt myself of General Cass on this question; but I know the Democrats differ among themselves as to his position. [7]
  • The noises uttered differ from those of T. [1]
  • These confluent ocelli differ from the single ocelli of the peacock in having an indentation at both ends, instead of only at the lower or basal end. [1]
  • And how essentially did they differ from those other barbarians before whose bewildered, lustful gaze had risen the glittering palaces on the hills of the Tiber? [9]
  • Now, then,—the Master continued,—I ‘ll tell you what is necessary to all these artistic idiosyncrasies to bring them into good square human relations outside of the special province where their ways differ from those of other people. [6]
  • Women differ from chickens, however, in the fact that they find pleasure in being chased by a certain kind of a man. [9]
  • But this view cannot be extended to the many waders, whose summer and winter plumages differ very little in colour. [1]
  • Truth is invariable; but the Smithate of truth must always differ from the Brownate of truth. [6]
  • I am well aware that I differ herein from the sturdy English moralist and the stout American tragedian. [6]
  • We can judge, as already remarked, of choice being exerted, only from analogy; and the mental powers of birds do not differ fundamentally from ours. [1]
  • Nor is she artificial, except as society requires her to be, and if she regards the conventions of her own set as the most important things in life, therein she does not differ from hosts of excellent wives and mothers. [4]
  • This is especially apt to occur when the parents differ in characters which first appeared as sudden variations or monstrosities. [1]
  • This same principle applies to many birds belonging to various groups, in which the young closely resemble each other, and differ much from their respective adult parents. [1]
  • But the higher animals differ in exactly the same way in this power of association from those low in the scale, such as the pike, as well as in that of drawing inferences and of observation. [1]
  • In some closely-allied and resplendent Indian cuckoos (Chrysococcyx), the mature species differ considerably from one another in colour, but the young cannot be distinguished. [1]
  • We are not among those who seek to impugn motives, and while giving Mr. Crewe every credit that his charges against the Northeastern Railroads are made in good faith, we beg to differ from him. [9]
  • His challenge to all fun and satire and misrepresentation was, «What’ll be the differ a hundred years from now! [11]
  • I have to agree with you, and to differ from you. [14]
  • Our natures differ a good deal from each other, and our tastes also. [5]
  • Finally she said, «No, our staid, steady-going Hawkeye friends’ notions and mine differ about some things —they respect me, now, and I respect them—better leave it so—I will go alone; I am not afraid to travel by myself. [5]

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The pair of them differ so much.

Their opinions often differ.

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How does this brand differ from that one?

Their speeches differ quite a lot.

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