Use the word devote in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “devote” in a sentence. How to connect “devote” with other words to make correct English sentences.

devote (v): to give your time or effort completely to something you believe in or to a person, or to use a particular amount of time or energy doing something

Use “devote” in a sentence

I want to devote more time to my family.
He devoted his whole life to science.
My mom devoted herself to helping the poor.

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Weekends I try to devote to my family.

Что касается выходных дней, то я стараюсь посвятить их семье.

They deserve every minute that we can devote to them.

Поэтому будем ценить каждое мгновение, каждую минутку, которую мы можем им посвятить.

They will devote more time to family and friends.

Кроме того, она собирается больше времени уделять семье и друзьям.

It should also devote more attention to the problems encountered by refugees after voluntary return.

Управлению необходимо также уделять больше внимания проблемам, с которыми сталкиваются беженцы после своего добровольного возвращения на прежние места проживания.

To solve these problems, quite regularly devote time cycling.

Чтобы решить эти проблемы, достаточно регулярно посвящать время катанию на велосипеде.

I want to be able to devote time to my faith.

Сейчас я могу посвящать время своему творчеству.

Historically, pharmaceutical companies devote little time to «repurposing» existing drugs.

Исторически сложилось, что фармацевтические компании уделяют мало времени, чтобы провести «перепрофилирование» существующих препаратов.

When you devote time and energy to noticing, new doors open.

Когда вы посвящаете время и энергию тому, чтобы замечать, перед вами открываются новые двери.

Try to devote more time to each other.

С другой стороны, старайтесь уделять больше времени друг другу.

The award is for volunteers that devote over 4,000 hours of volunteer service.

Кроме того, библиотека вручала награды тем волонтерам, которые посвятили более 4000 часов различным библиотечным службам.

Anyone wishing to devote their life to such a profession must seek training elsewhere.

Любому, кто хочет посвятить свою жизнь такой профессии, следует искать обучения где-то в другом месте.

Or you could devote your entire life to complaining.

С другой стороны, вы можете посвятить всю свою жизнь жалобам.

Is where you devote all your time.

Это то, чему они посвящают всё свое время.

Music consumed most of the time he could devote to religion.

Современный ритм жизни отнимает значительную часть времени, которые люди могли бы посвятить религии.

The Council should devote more time to its mainstreaming mandate.

Совет должен уделять больше времени осуществлению мер в этой части своего мандата.

They devote the most part of their free time, love, and care to them.

Им она посвящает большую часть свободного времени, всю любовь и заботу.

No, let us devote our life to worthwhile actions and feelings, to great thoughts, real affections and enduring undertakings.

Нет, давайте посвятим свою жизнь достойным человека действиям и чувствам, пусть нас вдохновляют великие мысли, подлинные привязанности, бессмертные деяния.

Because of this, they are not able to devote a lot of extra time to any one individual on the trip.

Из-за этого ему не удалось посвятить достаточное количество времени индивидуальным тренировкам.

We devote our undivided attention to writing every line of code, which is a proof of a well-defined methodology and impeccable reasoning.

Программисты студии уделяют все свое внимание написанию каждой строки кода, что является доказательством четкой методологии и безупречного мышления.

I will devote a chapter to the issue.

Я посвящу одну главу также этой теме.

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Definition of Devote

to give all or most of one’s resources to one person or activity

Examples of Devote in a sentence

Jessica liked to devote most of her free time to feeding the homeless in her community.


If I could afford to devote all of my time to vacationing, I would never work again!


The business hoped to devote most of its funds to paying for new television ads.


Kelsie would much rather devote her time to reading than she would watching television.


When he joined the military, the new recruit had to spend a lot more time working out than he had in the past.


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уделять, посвящать, посветить, предаваться


- посвящать; отдавать (себя) целиком

to devote one’s life to art — посвятить свою жизнь искусству
to devote all one’s energies to painting — отдавать все свои силы живописи
to devote oneself — предаваться; целиком отдаваться
to devote oneself to amusements — предаваться развлечениям

- посвящать

a review specially devoted to history [to physics] — специальный журнал по истории [по физике]
the laboratory is devoted to basic research in physics — задача лаборатории

- отводить

many rooms were devoted to war displays — многие залы были отведены под военные экспонаты
two columns are devoted to book reviews — две колонки (в газете) посвящены рецензиям на книги

- редк. предавать, обрекать

to devote smb. to destruction — обречь кого-л. на гибель
to devote the city to the flames — предавать город огню

Мои примеры


to devote one’s life (to smth.) — посвятить жизнь (чему-л.)  
to devote attention — уделять внимание  
devote all energies to painting — отдавать все свой силы живописи; отдавать все свои силы живописи  
devote energies to a task — приложить все силы к выполнению задачи  
devote energies — приложить усилия; мощность; энергия  
devote life to art — посвящать свою жизнь искусству; посвятить свою жизнь искусству  
devote life to learning — отдать жизнь науке  
devote much attention — уделять большое внимание  
devote much time to studies — уделять много времени занятиям  
devote one’s self to — вдаваться; вдаться  

Примеры с переводом

She devoted herself to serving God.

Она посвятила себя служению Богу.

We devote five full days a month to training.

Мы уделяем пять дней в месяц на подготовку.

She wants to devote all her time to painting.

Она хочет посвятить все свое время живописи.

This day’s paper I devote to women.

Сегодняшний доклад я посвящаю женщинам.

She devoted herself full-time to her business.

Она полностью посвятила себя своему делу.

They devote their lives to caring for the sick.

Они посвящают жизнь уходу за больными.

He devoted his energies to writing films.

Он посвятил всю свою энергию написанию киносценариев.

This land was devoted to mining.

Эта земля была отведена для горных работ.

The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.

Совещание будет посвящено проблемам охраны труда и техники безопасности.

Small companies can devote more personal attention to each project.

Небольшие компании могут уделять каждому проекту больше личного внимания.

I conscientiously devote several hours every weekend to playing with my dog.

Каждые выходные я непременно посвящаю несколько часов игре со своей собакой.

Planning a diplomatic career, she’s been intensely devoting herself to the study of foreign languages in college.

Планируя сделать дипломатическую карьеру, в колледже она посвятила себя интенсивному изучению иностранных языков.

Возможные однокоренные слова

devoted  — преданный, посвященный, увлекающийся, нежный
devotion  — преданность, набожность, увлечение, молитвы, религиозное рвение

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: devote
he/she/it: devotes
ing ф. (present participle): devoting
2-я ф. (past tense): devoted
3-я ф. (past participle): devoted

Til Thom reported, she didn’t need to interact with the other ship, she could devote herself to other investigations of this communication system

Ten short minutes each day—so very little time to devote to Yoga, but how rich will be the rewards, so rich that I feel convinced that many of you will soon want to get up even earlier to devote yet more time to this healthful study

«She says I am neglecting her because of the time I devote to my goals

Devote one or more pages to each item and write about the inner and outer factors that stand between you and the things you want

“But it must be from lack of trying because I really don’t devote as much effort to it as I should

He would have to devote much more attention to Kemberra, and his paper trail would have to be read

But it is also the most fulfilling line of a work a man can devote himself to

Kulai has given up his position at the Kassikan to devote full time to the shipping business

«I’m glad I don’t have to devote three

feeding the poor so they could devote themselves to two things:

to worry about being pursued, and could devote all his

If a lie would save the life of the person you love most on earth while being convinced it would have no adverse effect on anybody else, would you express it? If the answer is no I am not sure you can differentiate good and bad and I beg you to devote more efforts to understand the extraordinary lesson life is trying to teach you

We will devote an entire section of this book later on to driving traffic

matters, devote 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm (when things begin to wind

To come closer to God, Jesus said that you should devote yourself to Him with all of your heart, mind, and soul

All you need to understand is that you should devote your entire being to God

They beg for their daily rice and devote themselves to meditation

You should devote a special part of every day to prayer

Upon my return I decided to devote the remaining daylight to placing the other cannon up on an elevated ledge, and once this was accomplished, I called it a day

During the next 50 years, Panin would devote up to 18 hours a day painstakingly counting letters, numbers, sentences and syllables and performing calculations to mathematical problems and then recording his findings in hand-written notes

By then I knew what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t devote my energy to doing the things that I liked full-time because I had to have steady employment to be able to take care of Johnny

«So we had to devote ourselves to the duties of the table; and Patty,

There were other interests that involved her deeply, even on an emotional level, any of which she would rather devote her time than international drug smuggling

In my US history college courses I have to devote an entire lecture to pointing out all the obvious problems with these theories, mostly based on bad science

Truman made Carlos promise that he would devote himself more to his work, particularly at the loading docks, where his presence and authority needed to appear routinely – that was all that was required of him, and he did an excellent job of it, although he needed prodding

If that is you, why be a partisan party follower? Why makes excuses for wrongs done by those you once voted for? Why devote yourself to any political party, except to hold its feet to the fire and live up to higher principle? Why would any such person of good heart and intentions focus on fluff and ephemera like “leadership qualities” and supposed statesmanship? Why focus on anything but whether people will live or die because of wars threatened or prolonged or avoided or ended, or policies or politics that inflict or relieve human suffering? Why care about anything but these concerns?

If they don’t like it, they can move further back, or devote a lot of precious time and resources to countermeasures

The humidity and heat of the place was overwhelming though; Amonas had expressed the sound opinion that they should devote most of their time and effort into simply staying alive for the time being

Herr Bergheim wanted his boys to devote their time to their farm work, and used that as an excuse for them not to accept invitations to join

It does help a great deal when going to war to not have to devote precious time on finding the right chair, serving the proper tea and using the protocol-bound appellations of rank and office all the time,” the General said while easing up on his chair, his body assuming a more relaxed position

Colling informed Sergeant Ferguson that Major Brumerson had relieved him from his interpreter’s duties, and that he would have more time to devote to his responsibilities at headquarters, but asked if he could continue to serve as Miss Hamilton’s driver on the Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays she would need to be driven to Camp 146

We will devote a full section to Quality Brushing

Once again we will devote a full section to “Dealing with clenching/grinding (bruxism)”

“The name of a many-sided movement in the 1st and 2nd centuries of the Christian era which combined the mythology and symbolism of several pagan religions with the teachings of Christ…had two characteristic features: a metaphysical dualism of matter and spirit whose origins are to be found in the physical dualism of darkness and light in the Parsic (or Persian) religion; and a doctrine of redemption, by which those who devote themselves to gnosis, or a higher knowledge, may proceed from the former to the latter realm…Much of Gnostic literature was falsely ascribed to such authors as the disciples of Jesus, Jewish prophets, heroes of antiquity, or imaginary personages…With the decline of the pagan religions around the time of Christ, a conscious movement to syncretize (attempt to smoothly unite) all religions was in progress…In the early years of Christianity, only loose boundaries were formed between the Church and contemporary cults; the syncretic movement did not exclude the new faith, nor did Christianity fail to absorb elements of foreign beliefs

It’s your choice and privilege to be part of putting an end to codependency and devote your life to this or redirect your meditations to business or any other thing you desire

something, devote study time to a subject, pursue a hobby or cast a restraining force on runaway thought

international relations, was convinced by one of his most trusted cabinet secretaries, Henry Knox, to devote attention to the Indian question

Elena: The Council and the kings should be busy with the preparation of the celebration, that way they shall devote less time to observing what is happening around them

As a result, they neglect to devote the proper amount of

While Robert’s condition disintegrated with alarming conse quences, Roger had to devote his attention to other matters as well

28 Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote to the Lord of all that he has, both of man and beast, and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed: every devoted thing is most holy to the Lord

As an adult he had a choice to make, either to continue living the grand life, enjoying his status as prince of the royal household and the pleasures it offered or devote himself and his life to God

28 Notwithstanding no devoted thing, that a man shall devote unto the LORD of all that he hath, both of man and beast, and of

His soul was renewed, and he had the faith he needed to serve the Lord and devote his life to Him

If He did, I’d convert to Catholicism or Protestantism or whatever the real one was and just devote my life to wandering around towns and preaching about God

” In the will my father said, “I believe that this would tend to encourage such employees to devote their best efforts to the improvement of the company and the enhancement of the value of its stock

«Those who have never searched for the truth nor investigated the nature of the Divinity but have simply believed when they devote themselves to and become mixed up with business and wealth and heathen friendships and many other actions of this world do not perceive the parables of Divinity; for their minds are darkened by these actions and they are corrupted and become dried up

devote a lot of time and energy to managing their condition through

clean—would I want to do it with other girls or would I devote the

For a long time we have had to devote all our resources to the struggle against the hssswwx

So I set him up for another year, and he left the university to devote more time to to his mania

This is the only way we can then devote ourselves to the achievement of

You can devote the last line to a lively, witty quote for the recipients to remember

 How much time can you devote to studying? The more time you can spend on expanding

 How much time can you devote to trading? Answering this question will help you cross out a number of trading strategies

If Gāndhiji wanted, he could have had a life of luxury but he chose to reduce his ‘needs’ to bare minimum and devote his life to public service

He told the Maharajas and the wealthy merchants, doctors and lawyers to get rid of their jewelry and pompous life style and devote it to the service of the poor and the country

In between major satyāgraha-s, Gāndhiji would devote time to social projects like improving the status of untouchables

You are an exhibitionist and dilettante, not the type to devote yourself to one thing only

Devote 5-10 minutes to refine the chosen statement

are able to devote their whole lives to their study, and to live secluded from

There is no more certain method of rapid progress than to devote oneself to

finally decided that you will work under me and devote yourself to the

devote the greater part of our thought to higher things (and that is equivalent

very miserly with energy, and will devote its 1000-calorie ration to

His external work entirely to His Successor, and devote Himself to His



might use for worry and devote it constructively to working out ways and means

Most of the apostles were married, some had several children, but they had made such arrangements for the support of their home folks that, with some little assistance from the apostolic funds, they could devote their entire energies to the Master’s work without having to worry about the financial welfare of their families

And now, when you prepare to devote all of your energies to the work of the kingdom, be assured that the Father will not be unmindful of your needs

Professor waved his hand dismissively “Don’t over think it, to read that much you have to devote

He realized that the world was filled with physical distress and overrun with material difficulties, and he contemplated the great danger of being compelled to devote so much of his time to the care of the sick and afflicted that his mission of establishing the spiritual kingdom in the hearts of men would be interfered with or at least subordinated to the ministry of things physical

Many of the earlier Babylonian and later Zoroastrian teachings were still embraced in the beliefs of the Rimmonites; therefore did Jesus and the twenty-four devote much of their time to the task of making plain the difference between these older beliefs and the new gospel of the kingdom

Her mother encouraged her and would devote a lot of time to her, explaining and answering her queries, usually in Marie’s office — and most of the time, with the Puccini “Turandot” music playing softly in the background!

He recognized that it was necessary for most men to devote themselves to the mastery of some vocation, but he deplored all tendency toward overspecialization, toward becoming narrow-minded and circumscribed in life’s activities

He knew there was a good chance that neither he nor the girl would ever leave the shrine alive, but he had risked his life too many times before to devote much thought to that consideration

There is a great difference between wealth which leads to covetousness and selfishness and that which is held and dispensed in the spirit of stewardship by those who have an abundance of this world’s goods, and who so bountifully contribute to the support of those who devote all their energies to the work of the kingdom

740) must devote itself to itself, to its own aims, to its own manifestation

Only beginning in the early 1800s did women begin to devote

Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world

Love the flock as I have loved you and devote yourself to their welfare even as I have devoted my life to your welfare

Devote yourself to your partner’s wishes for a fixed amount of time

What will you devote yourself to?

Miller had given up his medical practice to devote full-time to governmental affairs

My specialty is cryptography and we devote considerable time to researching patterns of communication

In the meantime, you need to devote all your energies to your work

You devote resources to the

The amount of time and energy you have to devote to the project

It’s all about execution, so manage your team and devote the resources

‘Maybe, but I’ll need to devote my remaining years observing you at close quarters in order to be certain

It is a duty to which you must devote your lives for upon your stewardship could rest the health and safety of vast numbers of human beings

Buddy and Daisy both had immense collections which seemed somewhat incongruous for a small P I ship to devote that much data storage to music and dramatics

consulting contracts, the ability to devote more time to writing

The End, Devote The Noise Of

supreme duty, and should devote himself to its attainment,

When Colonel Aureliano Buendía opened up his workshop again, seduced at last by the peaceful charms of old age, Aureliano Segundo thought that it would be good business to devote himself to the manufacture of little gold fishes

Mike added, “I think you could devote an entire study to payoff as opposed to investment

“With servants, you would have more time to devote to me

I told them I’d decided to devote full-time to it

worship, and be devoted to Him with all your heart

all of which David devoted to her making without care or thought for his own state

The lack of true devoted leadership is a horrible price to pay for the decline in the

They were devoted to Joris and I daresay they’ll transfer to JJ very fast … especially as he’s so clearly a member of the family … but if he wants to use his musical skill, there’d be outlets for that

of a thick periodical devoted to the aspirational

In a chapter devoted to complaints of the respiratory tract one would expect that most of the exercises would be breathing ones and so they are

The next chapter is devoted to this subject

He bought Terry and his mother a beautiful mock Georgian mansion in one of the better parts of Cheshire, while he devoted himself to furthering Terry’s interests from a penthouse flat in the city centre

As a man who has devoted his whole life to the

using the Emotion Code on animals that I’ve devoted

one of the better parts of Cheshire, while he devoted himself to

She could tell he worked out, but wasn’t devoted to it

He’s still tall and slim and must have been quite a stunner when he was a young man … that said, he was devoted to my mother and devastated when she died

Francois was generally devoted to his work, but there were

Kaitlyn assisted the twins in each of their chores and after two weeks of the visit, Titania and Hipolyta were her avowed and devoted sisters

him had devoted their entire lives to, and that he dreaded

There was plenty of time to work on the signals problem, and with little else to do, she often devoted herself to it

efforts, branching out to neighboring cities and creating a website devoted totally

She was single mindedly devoted to Alan and nothing else by now, she would examine the faces the software said might be Alan

They were devoted to romantic and sexual adventure, entertainment and participatory sports

have to have a fair-faced wife to be devoted to her, do

early apostles devoted themselves to only two things: prayer and

The morning’s service was devoted to blessing

devoted to his flock and behaved as if someone was

Her immediate attention was devoted to the system state in the joined vessel

devoted himself to the church

Here, the monks were totally devoted to prayer,

he/she has one – whether he/she is devoted or

The ultimate measure used to rate your performance refers essentially to the efforts devoted to complete your task and takes into account the talents you were afforded when you were born

vital part of one’s stay at IIT and has devoted his life to it and it

On herds devoted to the god of day;

fiancé, fiancée), if the partner is devoted to

Sales page content is so critical we’ve devoted all of chapter 12 to it

devoted to this man

devoted to their principles

When you give great customer care, you will create devoted customers

They’re both devoted to their pleasures,

«Here speaks a man with a devoted wife,» he said, jabbing the drumstick into the air to punctuate his speech, «an adoring family, and a position which affords him the respect of the district, invites the jealousy of his inferiors and provides for a most comfortable mode of living indeed

My wife is devoted, though she often chooses to express this as disapproval of some of my more innocent habits

To be truly devoted, we have to be humble

As a devoted person, your focus should be on God and away from yourself

If it wasn’t for the fact that all this artistry was devoted to the science of killing people, it could have been backstage at a Rolling Stones gig

As Jeslin said, the Thane “is devoted t’ Flarow, an’ yet there is much ah Whesler ’n ’im

In the earlier periods of the monarchy, the clergy of France appear to have been as much devoted to the pope as those of any other country

One of history’s greatest scientists and mathematicians, Sir Isaac Newton, devoted more of his time in the late 1600s and early 1700s to the study of the Bible, than to that of science

He was so devoted to this task that his health frequently suffered as a result

This phenomenon was first discovered in the 1200s AD by rabbis who had devoted their lives to the preservation of the original texts contained in the Bible

I have a life too and at the moment none of it is devoted to me

Some years ago, I attended a seminar devoted to the subject

The search for mad Alit’aren throughout the region had been unsuccessful, despite the arrest of three mortal Apprentices – Devoted – who were causing mischief in a town close to the capital

Charkel provided the wielders and soldiers to return those three Devoted to Nordhel, though they would likely be held prisoners for some time before they were severed from ever touching teron again

Better that than the dark fire I see in the eyes of so many male wielders, he thought to himself as he passed another gathering of Devoted and Gai’den

Apparently, some immortal wielders could remain Devoted or Gai’den for thirty years or more

Only two others were actually full Alit’aren, another two were Gai’den, and the last two were Devoted looking no older than sixteen

successful close involves overcoming stalls and objections that crop up at the last moment, so I devoted a lot of time to dealing with stalls and objections

Twelve men formed their party this time, four Alit’aren, four Gai’den, and four were Devoted

» He might have more profitably devoted his time to writing on the leisure of the theory class

There was a subtle fascination in watching the three devoted officers, and the men of Battery A, standing exposed to the sure and deadly fire, and answering shot by shot

It may console the friends of many who fell during those terrible days, to know that their dear ones were not thrust into unhallowed graves when they fell on the battlefield, thanks only to these devoted chaplains, who stood bareheaded, motionless, the target for sharpshooters, in the path of spent fire, and emerged unscathed through divine protection

Lesser, his devoted wife

Day and night the devoted Sisters slaved, with brief respites of sleep on sides of packing cases covered with a blanket; and it is small wonder that they all sickened and were removed in a dangerous condition to the hospital ship

Mumford turned the Journal headquarters into a ward, in which he personally tended all the officers he could accommodate until he fell with yellow fever contracted by exposure at the front and the long hours he devoted to this work

Many died from exhaustion; but the majority either gave up in despair and returned to Caney, or managed to reach the main road from Siboney to Santiago, where the passing troops, touched by the mute appeal on those despondent faces, devoted the greater part of their own scanty rations to aid them on the way

That implies standing by one‘s principles, being a committed and devoted parent and making the hard choices however unpopular or ―old-fashioned‖ they may appear

The joy and happiness this brought to Patty’s devoted parents made everyone’s hearts sing

Yet the servant who is truly devoted to Me puts no difference between them

Or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other

The Commissar, a devoted communist Jewish woman by the name Rafkina, was in charge of the employees at the medical center in Namangan

A refugee from Communism and a self hating Jew named Alisa Rosenbaum, Rand wrote several bloated novels that enamored a small but devoted cult, and literally no one else

For domestic policy, he often dealt with it on Monday mornings alone, leaving the entire rest of the week devoted to foreign affairs

Banning the slave trade was an issue Jefferson devoted decades of his life to

Devoted and even obsessed with foreign policy alone (though not nearly as skilled as many claim, as discussed elsewhere) Nixon largely chose to ignore domestic policy

For she turned it into a gift of devoted compassion,

A concluding page was devoted to an historical depiction of the political battle

Cheney also devoted an enormous amount of time to pushing for a pardon for Scooter Libby, a staff member convicted of perjury and obstructing the investigation of a leak exposing the identity of a CIA agent

Popular Mechanics devoted an entire issue to debunking the bad science behind 9-11 Truthers nonsense

Especially in the aftermath of September 11 and the US being caught up in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, much of the US’s attention was devoted to there

Clinton, together with his wife, founded the Clinton Foundation devoted to both disease prevention and poverty relief

GW Bush has also spent some time devoted to his very surreal presidential library

Where Carter and Clinton devoted their centers to charity, and his father George Bush Sr

Raul’s grades slipped as he devoted the majority of his time to party activities

A whole wall was devoted to a grand collection of what seemed to be wine bottles

He might not have a vote on the Council, but he didn’t like being pushed around like a junior officer after 45 years of humble and devoted service

He was devoted to his wife, a man women couldn’t get close to, and he had tried to say that he really didn’t know her, nevertheless, there she had been, chatting and laughing merrily away with him, as though they had been intimate for years

Amonas was one such man, and he could never turn traitor; his heart and mind was, she intimately knew, utterly devoted to their cause

Master Olom had literally devoted his life to this cause

I created a society of people who were devoted believers, not so much bent on destruction and killing in the name of their gods, but obedient, unremarkable, and so predictable

unreservedly devoted to his Master whom he serves and obeys

devoted study of Bhgawat, he had attained communion with the God

The Sean Hannity TV show devoted

Most of the site is devoted to clean energy and green energy

A small area of the park is devoted to the rehabilitation of orphaned, injured and sick gibbons

A state of fear, for example, might switch on resources that heighten our speed and awareness while switching off resources devoted to reflection and the pursuit of entertainment

a master builder of men and women’s lives that have devoted them-

devoted his entire life to smuggling Bibles

Since then, I have devoted all my time to the pursuit of the many transitional forms of that giant leap from land to sea

Alberto Canen (Argentina-1962) has devoted over 10 years to the Internet community

She was devoted to her father, and he to her

devoted toward the evangelization phase

He might be a Bio instructor in a small college, but he was equally devoted to the highway and the etiquette required

he now devotes his energies to the fine arts

Whoever devotes himself to these and is able to hold fast by their works shall have his dwelling in the tower with the saints of God

” He who forgets himself utterly, and devotes his life wholly to the

The fact that Paul devotes this entire section to prove the

She devotes her energies to tracking down pirates, slavers and traffickers in contraband

The subject of link building is a huge one in there are many resources devotes to just this topic alone because of the on-going benefit that one gets from having high search engine rankings

A woman devotes years to a career; then the economy shifts, leaving her unemployed

bones with,” and so he religiously devotes a part of his firmly in the earth, but that he may rise eÉÉiÉxrÉ ÌWû kÉëÑuÉÉå qÉ×irÉÑkÉëÑïuÉÇ eÉlqÉ qÉ×iÉxrÉ cÉ |

is left with nothing to do and nothing to achieve, and yet he devotes

Whereas one devotes himself to the deed after a thorough appraisal of

“Possessing this strengthened faith, the worshipper devotes

shipper devotes himself with renewed vigour to the adoration of some

So, if man seizes this life, he will earn a great win, whereas if he devotes himself to this life and to its garnish, he will lose a great loss

man devotes himself to, it is God who stands behind the object of his ad-

It is important to understand why Homer devotes the first chapters of the Odyssey to Telemachus, Ulysses’ son

The guide-book devotes several animated pages to this Jagdschloss, or shooting lodge

devotes the most amount of space

And indeed, the individual who devotes himself to

Or the occupation to which he devotes himself may be of an opposite kind, and he may have the other sort of lameness

He lives with his family in Texas, where he devotes much of his spare time to helping disabled veterans

In reply to this, the Persian, who knew the MEMOIRS as thoroughly as if he had written them himself, observed that I should find the explanation of the whole business if I would just recollect the few lines which Moncharmin devotes to the ghost in the second part aforesaid

Even the Financial Times, which devotes more pages than the others to share prices, can show only part of the list actually quoted

“An individual who devotes a couple of hours a week in the evening, at most, trying to compete with institutions that have armies of people out there? It just doesn’t make sense

During that summer Nekhludoff experienced that exaltation which youth comes to know not by the teaching of others, but when it naturally begins to recognize the beauty and importance of life, and man’s serious place in it; when it sees the possibility of infinite perfection of which the world is capable, and devotes itself to that endeavor, not only with the hope, but with a full conviction of reaching that perfection which it imagines possible

He affirms his faith in the principles of fraternity, humanity, justice, and political science, and yet the oppression of the working-class is an indispensable factor in his daily life, and he constantly employs it to attain his own ends in spite of his principles; and he not only lives in this manner, but he devotes all his energies to maintain a system which is directly opposed to all his beliefs

But the man who devotes his life to the acknowledgment and practice of the truth revealed to him unites himself with the source of universal life, and accomplishes, not personal, individual acts, that depend on the conditions of time and space, but acts that have no causes, but are in themselves causes of all else, and have an endless and unlimited significance

If a man gives to others all his labour, has not enough to eat, has to send his little children from home to work hard, leaves the land, and devotes all his life to a hated and unnecessary task, which happens before our own eyes in the world (which we term civilized because we ourselves live in it), then we may certainly say that he does so only because not to do so would be equivalent to loss of life

However low a lost woman may be, if she consciously devotes herself to bearing children, she does the best and highest work of life in fulfilling the will of God, and she has no superior

And the position of such a man, both in his external and internal conditions, will be more happy than that of the man who devotes his life to the acquisition of property

The rest of the book turns upon the revenge which Constance, undisciplined as she is by nobler inspirations, devotes her life and fortune to wreaking upon Greyhurst, and its sensational consummation

There was a long pause, finally Thom said, «I’ve been devoting a lot of time to it

“We think he’s contacted several of the same people we have and we think he is devoting a suspicious amount of energy to this after so much time

It was suspicious that he was devoting as much effort to this as he was

matter, ‘Philippe is devoting all his energies to recovering

He was thus forced to take on another part-time job as a salesman in a big furniture store and eventually had to give up real estate altogether, now devoting himself to long hours six or even seven days a week talking up the benefits of purchasing sofas, dining room sets, and other household items to his potential customers

Most Americans considered the Mormon War a failure, devoting US troops to a minor issue when they could have been used to stop bloodshed in Kansas

Not so in the increasingly suspicious mind of Stalin, who in the late 1940s was devoting 13

By devoting some time each week to monitoring your Twitter searches, you will definitely discover opportunities to add to the conversation, and effectively promote your services by offering to help

Our calculations establish that it is a virtual certainty that at this very moment at least ninety thousand are actively trying to find a way to assassinate you, at least four thousand will be devoting everything they have to the effort, and at least three hundred of those will be persons of great power

In addition, when students come to visit the program or the class, they might want to consider devoting part of a face-to-face meeting with admissions staff to the topic of preparing for admission to the program

‘I think that given the choice I would be devoting my time of worship to those who imprisoned him, as they are obviously the ones with the true power,’ she added quickly, noticing that she had judged his contempt of Lord Hadrak correctly

the service of others, devoting your strength, your thought, your enthusiasm

actually succeeded, but only at the expense of devoting an hour’ s strenuous

Room service provided his meals and a bottle of tequila and Chris went nowhere and did nothing more than laze around the room, devoting his time to thinking through his problems

higher business to which he is devoting himself

the whole world, devoting Himself to that part of it which lies in the higher

But when we mistakenly assume that the picture of reality painted in our mind, is the underlying reality, we find ourselves presented with a very difficult question regarding consciousness: How does conscious experience arise or emerge from matter? This is the so-called ‗Hard Question‘ to which many scientists and philosophers are currently devoting considerable time and attention

Instead, the super affiliate will diversify their operating strategies to include affiliate opportunities that provide a quick turnaround while still devoting time to nurturing one that will require more time but will ultimately yield big results

As they wrapped up for the day, Artemus reminded them that tomorrow they would be devoting their attention to capital appropriations

The other showed him standing before a press conference announcing that he was moving the research department of D’Netics to the UK and would be devoting it entirely toward stem cell research

But you’re an intelligent woman, and I can’t imagine you devoting your life to astrology unless there was something to it

After devoting her test of patience,

It has committed itself to devoting increased resources to their development

Sheikho, reached fifty years of age he turned fully to devoting himself in spirit and time to guiding people towards God: leading their spirits into His Presence under his distinguished direction and the superior knowledge God revealed to him

Na Serin had become the center for scholars, some of them devoting their whole lives to their craft

Without having had any of the joys of Siegfried—I can’t think Dolly would mutter a name in her sleep that wasn’t her husband’s—she has spent these years of war cheerfully accepting the results of him, devoting herself to the forlorn and stranded German widow, spending her life, and what substance she has, in keeping her company in the dreary pensions of a neutral country, unable either to take her home to England or to leave her where she is by herself

‘It would almost seem,’ said Charlotte, fixing me with angry eyes,—‘it would really almost seem that there is no use whatever in devoting one’s life to one’s fellow-creatures

After devoting some effort to trying to get the house ready to sell, I found that I had some free time and wanted to get back on track with my volunteer job

protracted sabbatical would soon end, and that devoting himself to spreading his knowledge

He studied for thelaw and practised it in Madrid, but irregularly, devoting most 264of his time to

Do historians ever try to explain why all of this endless brutality even happened? How many even bother to explain it? Most of them simply notice it… in a few lines… while devoting all the rest of their books to recounting how the winners killed the unimportant losers

When they embark on a vessel, they pray to God, devoting their faith to Him; but once He has delivered them safely to land, they attribute partners to Him

When waves, like canopies, cover them, they call upon God, devoting their religion to Him

They stand around Garibaldi, the impassioned patriotic pantheist, * and see with delight the Italian Government confiscating the rich heritage of the Church, while devoting its plundered wealth to the armaments of war, and to secular education

And my Illinois fields, and my Kansas fields, and my fields of Missouri, The Continent, devoting the whole identity without reserving an atom, Pour in! whelm that which asks, which sings, with all and the yield of all, Fusing and holding, claiming, devouring the whole,

The scientific celebrities, forgetting their mollusks and glacial periods, gossiped about art, while devoting themselves to oysters and ices with characteristic energy; the young musician, who was charming the city like a second Orpheus, talked horses; and the specimen of the British nobility present happened to be the most ordinary man of the party

I cannot feel that I have done my duty as humble historian of the March family, without devoting at least one chapter to the two most precious and important members of it

As Heyward, however, no longer expected that rescue which time and distance now rendered so improbable, he regarded these little peculiarities with an eye devoid of interest, devoting himself entirely to the comfort and condolence of his feebler companions

«Do you intend devoting it to charitable purposes, then?» pursued the notary

Hilton Cubitt I only know that I have heard she recovered entirely, and that she still remains a widow, devoting her whole life to the care of the poor and to the administration of her husband’s estate

It never occurred to me that one day I would be devoting my life to this cause

Then she stepped in, saw the possibilities of a fine man in the wreck, took her chance in marrying him though she might have had the pick of a dozen, and, by devoting her life to it, brought him back to manhood and decency

freedom than she had ever felt before, even pouring out her joy at the thought of devoting herself to him, and of learning how she might best share and further all his great ends

It was a proof of the force with which certain characteristics in Dorothea impressed those around her, that her husband, with all his jealousy and suspicion, had gathered implicit trust in the integrity of her promises, and her power of devoting herself to her idea of the right and best

on a more biting accent, till it seemed a low cry—»who shall be my accuser? Not men whose own lives are unchristian, nay, scandalous—not men who themselves use low instruments to carry out their ends—whose profession is a tissue of chicanery—who have been spending their income on their own sensual enjoyments, while I have been devoting mine to advance the best objects with regard to this life and the next

“Then why do you continue in this Pyrate Round?” I wisht to know, for I had Visions of retiring upon Lancelot’s Gold and devoting myself to Poetry and Belinda—when Lancelot should help me find her!

) And a logical reason for devoting thought to this question would arise precisely from the fact that the stock has long been selling considerably below its liquidating value

Rampling yesterday, “James is perfectly well and is attending a private school in Europe, where he is devoting himself to his studies

What Ramona learned from that doll—the pleasure of devoting one’s life to another—she’s since applied to her mother, who perhaps has not been entirely wronged by those little chattering robots, training wheels for human devotion

She is doing her penance for the grief she caused her mother while devoting herself to her toy

You want to gain a basic understanding as to whether they are devoting a large amount of their time to other activities

At the end of the week the prince reappeared and resumed his former way of life, devoting himself with special activity to building operations and the arrangement of the gardens and completely breaking off his relations with Mademoiselle Bourienne

Swensen recently told the Financial Post about his resources versus the average investor’s: “I’ve got 20 professionals here in New Haven devoting their careers to identifying high-quality active management opportunities,” he said

For all his many duties, Karyl was devoting a lot of attention to the painter

That witch Kennedy was undoubtedly devoting her organization’s entire capability to locating it but she was at a significant disadvantage

I found that I could not compose a female without again devoting several months to profound study and laborious disquisition

He then counted upon establishing himself in a threatening position on the banks of the Dvina or Beresina, and during the six tedious months of winter devoting his leisure hours to writing his reminiscences

Why, instead of devoting himself to her, he did not think of mother, who was all this time waiting for him at Konigsberg, remained for me inexphcable

He had thoughts, too, of resigning his post at once and devoting himself to human happiness as a simple citizen, in solitude

I must apologise to the reader for devoting a few words here to this insignificant person

Then an awakening came when he left the army and went abroad, devoting himself to art

«By way of justification the governments claim that all their armaments and the consequent outlay are simply defensive in their character, but to the uninitiated the question naturally suggests itself: Whence is to come the attack if all the great powers are devoting themselves to a defensive policy? It certainly looks as if each one of them lived in hourly expectation of attack from his neighbor, and the consequence is a strife between the different governments to surpass each other in strength

Instead of making individual efforts to achieve freedom, every man for himself devoting all his energies to that object, through the attainment of a new life-conception, men are looking for a universal scheme of deliverance, and are in the meanwhile sinking deeper and deeper into slavery

One man does not tell the truth which he knows, because he feels himself under obligation to the men with whom he is connected; another,—because the truth might deprive him of the advantageous position by means of which he is supporting his family; a third,—because he wants to attain glory and power, to use them later in the service of men; a fourth,—because he does not wish to violate the ancient sacred traditions; a fifth,—because the expression of the truth will provoke persecution and will impair that good public activity to which he is devoting himself, or intends to devote himself

Indeed, it is only to those who are devoting their lives to such study that it seems as if all the inventions which are made in the sphere of natural science were very important and useful things

If our social evil of persecuting man were the sea, then that pearl which we have lost is equivalent to devoting our lives to bailing out the sea of that evil

Indeed, ask every man separately whether he thinks it laudable and worthy of a man of this age to hold a position from which he receives a salary disproportionate to his work; to take from the people—often in poverty—taxes to be spent on constructing cannon, torpedoes, and other instruments of butchery, so as to make war on people with whom we wish to be at peace, and who feel the same wish in regard to us; or to receive a salary for devoting one’s whole life to constructing these instruments of butchery, or to preparing oneself and others for the work of murder

Devoting his life to works of the flesh, a man busies himself with actions depending on temporary causes outside himself

Devoting his life to the recognition and fulfillment of the truth revealed to him, he identifies himself with the source of universal life and accomplishes acts not personal, and dependent on conditions of space and time, but acts unconditioned by previous causes, acts which constitute the causes of everything else, and have an infinite, unlimited significance

It is a still more striking instance of the community of interest between the two kingdoms anterior to this war, that while we find a Scottish king devoting a great monastic establishment to the memory of an English prelate, we should find an English king conferring special privileges and immunities within his realm on the Scottish brotherhood

Pond, pastor of the Bethel[A] Congregational Church Society, and members of the aforesaid society: We, the members of the Bernal Heights Club, having been informed that you, and the members of your society, are devoting your energies in the endeavor to teach and instruct Chinese in the English or our language, in order to Christianize them, and bring them up to our standard in all their requirements (a futile undertaking), knowing as we do that they consider their theory of spiritual economy and their doctrines concerning the soul’s immortality, and such things, far superior to our own, and they treat us and all our endeavors to bring them over to the theory and belief with absolute contempt, should convince us, without doubt, of the fallacy, we take this method of expressing our disapprobation of the course that you are pursuing, in encouraging Chinese in this country

How to use Devote in a sentence as a verb

You devote time and energy to a technology only to have it fail when you need it most.

The project would have provided very powerfully tangible, very high-profile benefits to the customer, but said benefits weren’t part of the metrics on which our department was getting judged, so at the VP level the willingness to devote resources was almost non-existent.

Sure, it would be amazing to have an entire day, every day to devote to your project.

Whatever the flaws associated with individual people or companies in such an industry, there is nothing whatever wrong with those who devoted their money and their efforts to making all this possible.

But to accuse Amazon of not being ready, willing, and able to devote even vast resources to the potential use of drones as part of its broader strategy — and instead to be using this as a mere publicity stunt — is, in my view, to miss the obvious.

None of that has lasting value and none of it touches the heart of why a student would want to devote themselves to things like literature, philosophy, or art history.

When HomeSite was integrated into Dreamweaver and development ceased, I realized that I had wasted my time developing HomeSite packages and that I should never again devote my time to extending closed-source software.

Someone that can be completely obsessive about n something does have an advantage, but the same questions about focus n apply for any amount of time you choose to devote to an n undertaking.

For a $10 video editor that, quite frankly, beats the pants off a lot of **** out there for day to day editing tasks, I can’t afford to devote the time and resources it requires to maintain it without it having a baseline level of income.

What residual value would stick from such fleeing interactions with the rudiments of coding?It seems to me that, if one is to derive true value from learning to code, one needs to devote a significant level of dedicated hard work toward that effort and, if one fails to get beyond a minimal threshold, the only value gained is that of a very generalized form of knowledge that has little practical use in the real world.

And I would suspect that most people really do not want to devote such an effort to this task.

You could almost devote a website to it.

You don’t have to out-BS the BSers, but you have to consciously devote time to getting noticed and staying noticed.

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