Use the word device in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word device, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use device in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «device».

Device in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word device in a sentence.

  1. Patent 5,255,452 for the device.

  2. Portland police removed the device.

  3. This clarified that it was a two-stage device.

  4. Wilson developed a device known as an isotron.

  5. Specifying device addresses makes the dataset unmovable.

  6. A low-power test of the device succeeded six years later.

  7. Blonde, who kills him after disabling his cloaking device.

  8. A circular plot device concludes and resolves the fantasy.

  9. It is primarily used as a toiletry device or grooming comb.

  10. Zombies was later released on another BlackBerry device, the BlackBerry Playbook.

  11. They boosted patriotism and were a good marketing device for drumming up support.

  12. Intelligence from these operations indicates Al-Asad has a Russian nuclear device.

  13. Science and technology educator Henry Feinberg created E.T.’s communicator device.

  14. The Wii reads games from an optical media drive located in the front of the device.

  15. Then too, critics started to focus on Hamlet’s delay as a character trait, rather than a plot device.

  16. A directional filter is a device that combines the functions of a directional coupler and a diplexer.

  17. This is after Goldfinger reveals he will use an atomic device to open the vault: «Bond sighed wearily.

  18. To alleviate these problems, Saunders created a detached control device, essentially an early gamepad.

  19. The Alcotest has replaced the Breathalyzer as the standard device for determining blood alcohol level.

  20. He can hack people’s brain implants with a device known as the Dream Eater, for interrogation purposes.

  21. Professor Ogden Coles (Brandon Maggart), a scientist who studies the Orb, heals Brisco with the device.

  22. The device and colours represent the London Rowing Club for which Graham Hill rowed in the early 1950s.

  23. In 1613 Wright published The Description and Use of the Sphære, which described the use of this device.

  24. The trap was redesigned as well, into a gold-colored, round-shaped device with an opening hatch atop it.

  25. Progestin is present in the combined oral contraceptive pill and the hormonal intrauterine device (IUD).

  26. One of his first inventions was a device capable of measuring the amount of gas being pumped from wells.

  27. The device protected the upper arm, head and face when the retiarius kept his left side to his opponent.

  28. The cybernetic device was described as being capable of amplifying brain functions by a multiple of ten.

  29. A commemorative plaque nearby lists the names of the 52 people known to have been executed by the device.

  30. The gift, which arrives the following morning, is a «Star Projector», a device for viewing images flashed across the sky.

  31. This rhetorical device highlights the autobiographical elements in the story and emphasizes the reality of «the fiction».

  32. BDAM accepts disk addresses as either actual device addresses, as relative track addresses, or as relative block numbers.

  33. The committee pushed for rapid development of nuclear weapons using gaseous-diffusion as their isotope separation device.

  34. If alerted, enemy characters would hunt for the player, set up traps, and fire blindly to nullify Nova’s cloaking device.

  35. The concept involved packing large numbers of expendable X-ray lasers around a nuclear device, which would orbit in space.

  36. Mahler first employed the device in an early song, Erinnerung («Memory»), and thereafter used it freely in his symphonies.

  37. The device of «a pelican in her piety» or «a pelican vulning (from Latin vulno, «to wound») herself» was used in heraldry.

  38. The catalog was constructed using Rejewski’s «cyclometer», a special-purpose device for creating a catalog of permutations.

  39. Nova was also equipped with thermal imaging goggles and a special EMP device for disabling electronic devices and vehicles.

  40. The laser is essentially a focusing device, taking the radiation falling along the length of the rod and turning some small amount of it into a beam traveling out the end.

  41. David Bullowa, in his 1938 work on commemoratives, wrote, «every symbol and device on this issue has significance as connected with the early Colonial history of New York.

  42. Swiatek and Breen referenced «the quaint device of King Neptune riding backwards on a spouting whale, whose eye is represented as being about where its blowhole should be.

  43. This artistic device was used either to simulate the fluttering of the flags or to actually display the metallic thread and paint that was sometimes used to decorate them.

  44. The dog version of Stewie quickly confronts the two, revealing that he has also developed a universe-traveling device that would allow them to return to their own universe.

Synonyms for device

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word device has the following synonyms: , gimmick and twist.

General information about «device» example sentences

The example sentences for the word device that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «device» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «device».

Examples of how to use the word “device” in a sentence. How to connect “device” with other words to make correct English sentences.

device (n): an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose

Use “device” in a sentence

The device will be in production by the end of the year.
Computer is an electronic device.
This is a very sophisticated device.
All these devices are unreliable.

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  • Use the word DEVICE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This is a tracking device.

I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, so I put a tracking device in Gong Shil’s bag.

I’ve developed a device for travelling through time… which I call a «time machine.»

Luckily, we, too… have developed a time travel device… to transport you back to the Sixties.

We need you to plant this homing device on him… by any means necessary.

Last night, I planted a homing device on Fat Bastard.

This device is dangerous …

Yes … it is a new device attached to the one where you had to burn yesterday, and produces a force of unexpected effects.

Uses the recording device as an instrument of investigation.

The death-dealing device with which the state enacts the supreme penalty.

This device renders the engine completely silent.

You’ll not save yourself with that device this time.

When device fail, murderer resort… to more practical methods…

Not a whit. I have a device to make all well.

This device is from one of Poe’s stories.

May inquire nature of strange device?

Arranged simple device to give warning.

A capitalistic device for the exploitation of the masses… fostered by the meatpacking barons to promote the sale of pigskin.

What is the operating radius of the device, Mr. Hopkins?

But in Mr. Cartwright’s device, we’ve successfully overcome that.

The ordinary mechanism is intact… but the most important part of the device is missing.

Evidence that device was carefully removed… prove fire started later.

I’m no detective, but it’s apparent to me… the pilot stole the device and tried to burn the plane to cover the theft.

The Clipper left here Wednesday at 2:00… the day after the device was stolen.

Mr. Cartwright is standing by in Customs to identify the device.

When he thought they had the device safely in Germany, he murdered her as he did Miller.

The woman arranged all this herself… so she could get ashore with the stolen device and escape pursuit.

Most improbable lady would risk injury to delicate device… by bath in salt water.

Life in danger while device in your possession.

The Roland woman was associated with Masters, and the device was in his sweetheart’s luggage.

Very obvious now why Miss Roland borrow camera- give her excuse to visit stateroom… and conceal candy box with device in Miss Betty’s luggage.

Might have been safer to leave the device in the hotel vault overnight.

He ignored me, went over to the desk and started to pack the device in a handbag.

By this time he’s probably disposed of the device and is on his way out of town.

device will be returned to United States War Department.

I didn’t even know you had the device in your possession.

But if I have your authority to use the device… we can deal with these criminals.

You may put the device on the desk, Mr. Chan.

Soon we will be there, and you will have your device back.

Then, assisted by Miss Roland, you murder Miller… and turn device over to Miss Roland… for delivery to Mr. Zaraka, head of foreign spy ring.

Here tonight he perform heroic deed… when, at risk of his own life, he identify imitation as real device… to assist Charlie Chan in rounding up ring of spies.

device to be exploded by officer commanding Company One.

Okay, boss! — [device Buzzing]

It isn’t likely that I’d question any device of yours.

Is your vote count device.

I hope this dangerous device will never be allowed into the hands of the people.

The principal of Dr. Tobel’s device involves the use of three sonic beams.

I wasn’t really in it, it was just an I/O device to me

She found she didn’t remember most of the stuff in here, she probably should have thrown it all out decades ago, the papers that were hers were already obsolete and could now be learned by examining any common electronic device with a polarizing microscope, but twenty decades ago they had been some of the Kassikan’s most closely guarded secrets

Vinnie pulled out a small remote controlled device

“I think it’s going to take all four of them,” he said to himself as he pointed the device at Red while walking quickly toward Johnny and the Chip

Vinnie pointed the remote controlled device at her grenades and pressed a button

Johnny pulled out his yo-yo device, Nancy pulled out a rubber ball

Ackers carefully inserted the device into the crack on the door, and then he squeezed what looked like the blue mercury down the tube, out of the device and into the door

He kept squeezing until there was no more blue liquid in his device

500 watts is applied to the house thru a funneled device the size of a toaster oven setup on a tripod close to the wall

She took his device

Though she had been at the center of getting device manufacture going, she didn’t actually carry one, but had a data terminal at the house

His device was one of the new 3D ones with the seed pod with holes in it connected to a pair of spectacles by a piece of tough monofilament

She took the device away from her ear and slipped it back into her pocket

Herndon used the device to speak directly to her sister, «We need you to keep an eye on them

at first they connected a device to my head

When the device was already on, i put my hand on the man’s leg

The problem with mind control, she had immediately realized, is the problem of ‘who controls the controller?’ It was one of those dilemmas of recursions, like ‘who created God’? If a device was capable of mind control, it had to be programmed, so the programmer could control it

Any one with a second device could control a person with the first, and so on, and on to infinity

To be able to enter those words into a device and transmit those thoughts into a specific target

Version two had introduced the partial binding, whereby the device and the host’s mind could inter-operate without the bother of typing or talking or displaying images on a screen

Version three had introduced trans-volitional search, whereby the device would immediately seek and discover throughout the connected universe whatever topics had entered the host’s little mind

Ginger merely told the renegade device to return to the Riverside Burger Joint, wait there for Kandhi Clarke, and surrender itself to her

A tall young security guard ran his hand-held detector over him and then reached asked Joshua to raise his arms when the device began to whine

Actually Enrico was no more in the bot than anyone else in the crew, if anything, as a tech, Bahkmar was closer because he could tap into the raw I/O to the device that was the bot and encapsulate Enrico’s controls

This android is an I/O device for me, I still need to know how to drive a starship

They can hear only thru devices such as this,» he pointed to his device, «see only thru cameras like I have in that phone

It was bad enough that she had to go along with his starship story even though she was pretty convinced that all he had wrong with him was a bad trip on RNAcid and that eldritch device someone had found

What was out there before Big Bang? The question is answerable only by an apparently endless circling of the square root of our own experience or by accepting that there is an absolute version of an almost impossible conceptual device; nothing

wondered if it was only a short-range travel device

Catwhiskers had hold of the travel device

If we haven’t found your device in that time

The travel device could have landed anywhere

Device safe in the deep pockets of Joes’ long coat

Joe took the Travel Device out of his pocket and handed it over

“It’s ok; when we use the Travel Device we always end up at the

that the Travel Device would take them back to where they left

Fred handed the Travel Device to Catwhiskers

Catwhiskers pressed the red button on the Travel Device

Travel Device in the bottom drawer of his room at home

about the Travel Device?

“You know Kate, I’ve been thinking about those beasts,” Steve began as he was pouring honey on his second plate of biscuits; “maybe I could rig up some kind of a warning device

Catwhiskers Picklebuns had last used the Travel Device

the drawers where he kept the Travel Device

far, but once we pass the Travel Device, we should be able to slip

in his pockets whilst he accepted the Travel Device off Joe

used the Travel Device

opened his room and put the Travel Device back in the bottom

“Oh yes and I have got the Travel Device too

“We need the Travel Device

It is a device used to move things between the starship and any planet with a significant atmosphere

“Are you ready to use the Travel Device” asked Catwhiskers

folk was one thing but been caught by the Travel Device twice

Cosmicblasto took the Travel Device out of his shirt pocket and

But they told all about the Travel Device and how it

Are you sure the Travel Device can cope with the four of us”

would need to use the Travelling Device

But if they didn’t use the Travelling Device it felt they

Cosmicblasto had used the Travel Device without telling

“I think we have been getting careless with the Travel Device

Put the Travel Device

start to use the Travel Device again next year after completion of

He had the Travel Device in his shirt pocket

Cosmicblasto pressed the button on the Travel Device

they had some more of communications device between them

“Well we just press this button on the Travel Device” said

“Gladly” said Cosmicblasto and handed over the device

“Is this the unit, what you call the Travel Device” he held it up for

Travel Device to me

“How many times have you used the Travel Device?”

for her own Travel Device and pressed the button

“In the meantime, here have this Travel Device” the Queen gave

He could find no notes connecting Thom’s device to any theory of physics

It was years ago that Ava played in his universe a lot, helping him design a communications device that fit within the laws of three-d reality on his planet

It is probably more device than life

“I guess with the war on I’m ashamed to delve into something that esoteric when we should be looking for the roots of that doomsday device

Using his famous listening device he was able to locate the mysterious Dragon Riders, and he sent a group to make contact

“There is no chance that the device would crack open and release this virus,” asked Lord Boras

This was where he would be forced to speculate on what sort of device or being was performing all this quantum state changing

Testing the device proved to be the problem, they’d left the androids behind at 61 Cygni since they wouldn’t be seeding that planet

Instead he worried that his vessel would be lost to the defenders of that doomsday device

He decorated his as a small tablet device

Duncan, you don’t mind if I call you Duncan do you,” she purred, “my scientists tell me that they have come up with a device they can install above your planet; it should provide the shielding you will need to repel a Scather attack

Three days later Prime Minister Gordon came up with a solution to Duncan’s dilemma that would guarantee no one would mess with the device

Once the device was in place and turned on, any touch would arm a safety mechanism and the device would self-destruct

Duncan also learned that Prime Minister Gordon and two female scientists would accompany him to Earth with the device

Lady Killian and Mistress Tara had designed and created the device

Thom attached his gear with a DNA, a Diagnostic Network Adapter, and one of the functions in that device is a remap block

The hacker would only need to set that up to reflect his packets thru Thom’s device and on to the controls of that cherub

Be very careful not to touch it, it is an explosive device

On the panel directly in front of you, you will see a green plate light up; press it and the device will disarm

“They could have turned on some kind of cloaking device

placed in a highly sensitive device that was able to

device containing the still-living white blood cells was

Using this device, scientists have learned that all of

It was well armed, and the shields cloaking device would provide them with the ability to return and mount a resistance before the Elders knew they were there

The scientists won’t be touching the device circling Earth, she convinced them the result wasn’t worth the risk

“Commander, after we pass the Anterian Moon please bring the cloaking device up

Please take the device Brent, and place it in your pocket

She lives in a universe of complete magic tied to ours by that ‘fabricator,’ the device that builds her virtual world out of Narrulla

One of his front teeth was missing, replaced by a Yingolian device, and his charge-blue eyes were ringed with the deep folds of an obvious pump addict

Synonym: apparatus, implement, instrument, machine, plan, scheme, tool, trick. Similar words: service, social services, civic, victim, convict, levity, devote, review. Meaning: [dɪ’vaɪs]  n. 1. an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose 2. something in an artistic work designed to achieve a particular effect 3. any clever maneuver 4. any ornamental pattern or design (as in embroidery) 5. an emblematic design (especially in heraldry). 

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1. The retention of data in a storage device.

2. The listening device was concealed in a pen.

3. Cover the entire device to prevent water penetration.

4. The device was defused by army bomb disposal experts.

5. The device automatically disconnects the ignition.

6. Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions.

7. Feminism is simply another device to ensnare women.

8. The television receiver is an electronic device.

9. The device was protected by patent.

10. The device exploded underneath a van.

11. The government patented the device to its inventor.

12. A computer is a device for processing information.

13. The device simulates conditions in space quite closely.

14. The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.

15. Rescuers used a special device for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.

16. The device is not a real bomb but a dummy.

17. The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.

18. France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few

19. This portable device enables deaf people to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking.

20. The device was thrown at an army patrol but failed to explode.

21. We feel safe with a protective device in the house.

22. The lifting device is a system of ropes and pulleys.

23. The device detonated unexpectedly.

24. The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off.

25. A detonator is any device containing an explosive that is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity.

26. A computer is a device for handling of processing information.

27. This tiny device fits into the palm of your hand.

28. Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.

29. The school’s audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media device.

30. They claim that military spending is used as a device for managing the economy.

More similar words: service, social services, civic, victim, convict, levity, devote, review, evident, develop, conviction, previous, developer, evidence, inevitably, previously, developing, inevitable, development, devastating, iced, rice, nice, developmental, juice, slice, price, voice, office, officer. 

Definition of Device

an item modified for a specific purpose; of electronic or mechanical

Examples of Device in a sentence

A mouse is a device that makes it easier to select different options from computer menus.


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The terms «device» and «devise» have identical pronunciations. And their spellings are so similar that it’s not that difficult to mistake one word for another at first glance. Give either of the terms a gander for an additional second or two, however, and you shall realize the apparent disparity between the two – both in their spellings and the contexts.

Despite how similar they appear and spell, the words «device» and «devise» are two completely different words. «Device» is a noun and must be used to refer to a piece of equipment or gadget. The term «devise» is a verb and should, therefore, be used to denote a «plan-based» action.

As mentioned above, «devise» and «devise» seem quite similar. If you have any doubts concerning how vastly different the two are from each other, how they can be used in varied writing scenarios, and lots more, keep reading.

device word in the dictionary

«Device» – Definition

The word «device» is a noun that denotes a gadget, object, tool, or any equipment «devised» for a particular purpose. In modern usage of the word, «device» typically refers to smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other personal electronics.

The gadget that the term «device» denotes is primarily used at an individual or non-industrial level. The noun is seldom used to indicate commercial equipment or industrial machinery.

«Devise» – Definition

The verb «devise» denotes «to plan, form, create or invent» – usually in one’s mind or thoughts. Not to mention, one must have a sane and stable mind to «devise». Alternate terms or synonyms for the verb are «imagine», «conceive», etc.

In legal terms, «devise» means «to give (real estate, for example) by will». The verb could also denote «the act of transferring lands or similar properties». Non-lawyers or people who are not related to the legal profession invariably have zero familiarity with the legal meaning or do not use the term for this alternate meaning.

Generally speaking, «devise» is only conceived as a verb.

Using the Word «Device» in Writings

Though «device» could mean any tool or gadget, it is invariably used to denote «electronic items». For example:

  • When flying, passengers are instructed to turn off their electronic devices or put them in airplane mode.

The noun can also be used to denote a work of literature, however. For example:

  • The author employed the figure of speech as a literary device.

The term is also used in the well-known idiom, «leave someone to their own devices» or «leave to own devices». The expression means «to let someone do what they can or want to do without being helped or controlled by anybody». For example:

  • She was left to her own devices to see how far she could proceed with the project without others’ inputs.

The above expression could be rooted in the fact that the term «device» was used to denote «scheme».

The sentences above indicate that «device» is not always a tangible thing. In other words, the word could also be a method or technique to attain a particular effect. Here is one more sentence demonstrating that:

  • In his poem, Lewis used the portmanteau as a literary device.

Regardless, if you’re using «device» in a sentence, it is always a noun.

Using the Term «Devise» in Writings

As mentioned above, the term «devise» denotes an «implementation» or «development» of ideas or plans. The verb can be used in sentences as a «past tense verb» or an «infinite verb».

Here are a few sentences illustrating that:

  • She devised a technique to procure more cookies from her mother. (Past tense)
  • After discussing the issues, the city leaders devised a stratagem for the betterment of the neighborhoods. (Past tense)
  • They put in genuine efforts to devise a method or plan that brought down the students’ homework load. (Infinitive)
  • The colleagues came together to devise techniques that help remedy that issue. (Infinitive)

Discerning «Device» from «Devise»

Both «device» and «devise» have their roots in «deviser», the Old French term. But that is perhaps the only thing that brings the two terms close, besides their similar spellings and pronunciations. In pretty much every other aspect, the terms are poles apart from each other.

The fact that «device» is a noun and «devise» is a verb is well-established, and knowing this fact can help you ascertain which term to use in specific writing scenarios.

However, it’s not rare to see people using «devise» instead of «device» and vice versa. Even relatively established sites known for putting out lists of sentences for a particular word could be seen using «devise» in contexts where «device» should have been used.

If you’re having a hard time remembering «device» is a noun, note down the word «vice», which is a part of «device». «Vice» is a noun by itself, and remembering that should help conclude that «device» is a noun as well. Knowing these distinct attributes about «device» would help you not mistake it for «devise» or vice versa.

You may also focus on the letter «c» in «device» and correspond it with «c» used in the word «cell phone», which apparently is also a «device».

On a related note, here are a couple of sentences that use the two words «device» and «devise» in similar contexts:

  • The iPhone 12 Pro is the new electronic device I bought yesterday.
  • She devised a plan to buy the iPhone 12 Pro by trading in her existing iPhone.

In case the above mnemonic tricks do not work as expected, or you need another way to remember the discrepancy between the two, just remember the difference between «advice» and «advise» and try to recollect the same when you’re stuck between «device» and «devise».

Example Sentences with the Word «Device»

devise word sign thought bubble

Here is a list of sentences that use the word «device»:

  • The smartphone is arguably the most useful and popular device ever made.
  • Kindly stow all your electronic devices before the take-off.
  • If the device is in good working condition, expect a fairly decent trade-in discount on it.
  • The device is used to track live locations.
  • Most people have some form of a handheld device with a GPS and an Internet connection.
  • To detect currents, push the device into the antenna circuit.
  • She turned the communications device on by touching the buttons on its flat control panel.
  • The device’s origins and the inspiration behind it are quite fascinating.
  • It is not precisely clear when the device was first used.
  • Dry powder-inhaling devices usually have the medicine either in the disks or within the inhalers themselves.
  • He dropped his handheld device, causing its screen to develop spiderweb-like cracks.
  • Tim made millions of dollars after inventing the device that helped people eat their tacos without creating a mess.

Example Sentences with the Word «Devise»

The following is a relatively long list of sentences that employ the word «devise»:

  • The various disadvantages and the total time it takes to get rolling with the method have prompted the team to devise alternate processes.
  • The parents devised a classification system so that their kids could manage their allowances.
  • We must devise some solutions to address the issues.
  • Tom devised a strategy to rescue Mark from the well.
  • She thought the scheme she devised would help her walk out of poverty, but it didn’t turn out that way.
  • They devised the technique to convert sunlight into electricity.
  • Mr. Murray help devised the large American automakers’ bailout plans.
  • The meeting’s purpose is to devise a marketing strategy that provides more visibility and recognition to our products.
  • The quiz was devised to come up with a more customized diet plan.
  • Only if someone devises a more efficient method to prevent such wastage of food.
  • The chefs were asked to devise a six-course menu that incorporated all the special ingredients.
  • Devise a way that preserves his insights while ensuring he doesn’t fall prey to the vicious regresses.
  • These publications shall help with devising strategies and techniques for quality improvement.
  • Our goal is devising tax credits, abatements, and refunds so that the non-profit organizations benefit considerably.
  • Devising a checklist and asking line managers to do them all is not how it works.

Example Sentences with Both «Device» and «Devise»

The following are example sentences that use both «devise» and «devise» in the same context, proving the point that «a device is a thing that is devised«:

  • She devised a device that could quickly and cleanly slice a pizza.
  • I prefer using this music app on my device as it lets me devise my playlists.
  • Multiple efforts have been put in to devise cotton-picking devices, but none of them have reached fruition.
  • The newest project entailed devising a super-efficient water filtration device.
  • The student devised multiple mnemonic devices for remembering things during an exam.


devise an idea graphic art light bulb

If you know the meanings of the two terms, the kind of words they are, and/or the contexts in which they are typically used, you will never get confused between the two. And that is precisely what this article tries to achieve by throwing as much light as possible on the two non-identical terms.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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