Use the word design in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word design, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use design in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «design».

Design in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word design in a sentence.

  1. Its design was improved c.

  2. There was no design fault.

  3. I signed off on the design.

  4. Each design was hand drawn.

  5. VI design was essentially a Mk.

  6. The design was drawn up by J.R.

  7. Flaxman’s design was to be used.

  8. A artwork design of velociraptor.

  9. Carter Brown praised the design:.

  10. The main design feature of the Mk.

  11. An example of such a design is shown in figure 10a.

  12. McAdoo approved the revised design on September 28.

  13. The design chosen by the CCAC was the Union shield.

  14. The memorial is composed of three design elements:.

  15. Reaction to the sound design was mixed to positive.

  16. One of the main considerations for the new design was the armament to be carried.

  17. However, a structure with all the stubs on the same side is still a valid design.

  18. Along with pavilion design, Lissitzky began experimenting with print media again.

  19. During the Russian war of 1788–1790, Sweden built three hemmemas of a new design.

  20. The pre-dreadnought design reached maturity in 1895 with the Majestic class.

  21. Several companies submitted design proposals; the USAF selected proposals from Northrop and Lockheed.

  22. The name of the country as well as the design of the flag reflect this central importance of the sun.

  23. Miralles sought to design a parliament building that could represent and present a national identity.

  24. Clancy noted of the design process for the crown, «what emerges is the presence of Pole at each turn.

  25. Anderson’s recollections of the Second World War provided inspiration for a number of design aspects.

  26. Lynch also created its score and sound design, which included pieces by a variety of other musicians.

  27. The design bears close similarities to Burne-Jones’s Luna (painted in watercolour 1870 and in oils c.

  28. In 1987 she was accepted to the Royal College of Art where she studied communication, art and design.

  29. The pace and design of the group’s performances were influenced by that of contemporary music videos.

  30. Their efforts were futile, and the design tendered by Armstrong Whitworth was chosen on 25 July 1911.

  31. Burges disregarded the £15,000 budget, producing a design that he estimated would cost twice as much.

  32. Two sub-committees were established, one to look after finance and the other to supervise the design.

  33. Ellet’s initial design for the bridge at Niagara placed all forms of transportation on a single deck.

  34. They were replaced with notes of the same design, but printed in purple on a light orange background.

  35. Shortly thereafter, design work began on a follow-up design, which became the Deutschland class.

  36. Producer Nathan Burlow said the narrative and atmosphere of the 2007 game BioShock influenced Arkham Asylum’s design.

  37. Parsons was placed in charge of O (for ordnance) Division, with responsibility for both the gun-type design and delivery.

  38. Unimpressed with the pavilion’s original design, Cindy Pritzker «mandated that Frank Gehry be involved in its re-design».

  39. The obverse design features Fraser’s portrait of Washington originally intended for the first Washington quarter in 1932.

  40. All the floors above the 20th used a roughly similar design, and each of these floors could be completed within two days.

  41. However, a broadband design for the same item requires many more elements and the design takes on the nature of a filter.

  42. MDOT has stated that many of the concerns expressed are due to misconceptions and unfounded assumptions about the design.

  43. He altered his 1931 design to display the after-effects of the mill fire, adding scars and shortening the Monster’s hair.

  44. It bears a foliated maize design topped with a U-symbol within a cartouche and has other, smaller, U-symbols at its base.

  45. The 12th century saw many castles in England rebuilt in stone, an advancement in sophistication of design and technology.

  46. It was produced in the period following his assignment to design sculptures for William Le Baron Jenney’s 1893 Horticultural Building for the World’s Columbian Exposition.

  47. The program tested aerodynamic characteristics that would later be incorporated in design of the Space Shuttle, including unpowered landing from a high altitude and speed.

  48. Jacob Wrey Mould was hired to design new plans in 1880, but little progress occurred until Olmsted and Vaux were asked to modify the plans following Mould’s death in 1886.

  49. IGN’s Steven Hopper felt that the level design was dated, the repetitious environments making it easy for players to lose their bearings, and that vehicles handled poorly.

  50. The process for creating the basse-taille enamel areas began by marking the outline of the design and the main internal outlines on the gold with a tool called a «tracer».

Synonyms for design

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word design has the following synonyms: blueprint, pattern, designing, invention, innovation, excogitation, conception, figure, plan, purpose, intent, intention, aim, , project and contrive.

General information about «design» example sentences

The example sentences for the word design that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «design» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «design».

Examples of how to use the word “design” in a sentence. How to connect “design” with other words to make correct English sentences.

design (n, v): a drawing or set of drawings showing how a building or product is to be made and how it will work and look; to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buildings

Use “design” in a sentence

Who designed that museum?
The game is designed primarily for children.
The program is designed to reform prisoners.
These jeans are designed specifically for women.
I’m at college, studying graphic design.
This desk is designed for children.
She is studying interior design.
The room was specially designed to be used as a library.
The hotel was designed by a Japanese architect.
She is responsible for designing the entire project.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

Synonym: depict, draw, intend, paint, picture, plan, portray, propose, sketch. Similar words: designs, designer, design for, resign, sign on, sign in, assign, signal. Meaning: [dɪ’zaɪn]  n. 1. the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan) 2. an arrangement scheme 3. something intended as a guide for making something else 4. a decorative or artistic work 5. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions 6. a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something 7. the creation of something in the mind. v. 1. make or work out a plan for; devise 2. design something for a specific role or purpose or effect 3. create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner 4. make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form 5. create designs 6. conceive or fashion in the mind; invent 7. intend or have as a purpose. 

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1) The design certainly looks good on paper.

2) The new plane is in its final design stage.

3) The product is at the design stage.

4) The machine’s unique design prevents it from overheating.

5) This design knocks everything else into a cocked hat.

6) The floor was overlaid with rugs of oriental design.

7) The design was impressed on the cloth.

8) The new design will eventually replace all existing models.

9) She pricked out the design from the pattern.

10) The design is incised into a metal plate.

11) They commissioned an architect to design the new library.

12) A design flaw caused the engine to explode.

13) Sweden has a reputation for advanced and stylish design.

14) This latest design has no rivals .

15) This design aims for harmony of form and function.

16) The design was imprinted on the cloth.

17) She has received many commissions to design public buildings.

18) He personally oversaw the design of all the rooms.

19) This machine is of bad design.

20) A design is etched on a copperplate.

21) The building is a showpiece of elegant design.

22) The winning design came from an architect in Glasgow.

23) She chalked out a design on the blackboard.

24) Computer design tools that work in three dimensions.

25) They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.

26) The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.

27) Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.

28) Happiness is not something you postpone for the future. It is something you design for the present.

29) Miracle, is not on the way to easy to bloom.Perhaps, in all, there is no behind trying to choose, there will be not seen,[] not design the unknown.

30) We’ve made one or two modifications to the original design.

More similar words: designs, designer, design for, resign, sign on, sign in, assign, signal, besides, signature, assignment, significant, significance, lose sight of, significantly, sigh, modest, desert, despite, descend, dessert, beside, resist, desperate, foreigner, campaign, describe, insight, in sight, on the side. 

This will not only lock up money without giving any return, it also would mean loss when the design is changed when you finally need it

this design every year so as not to grow the same plants in the same place year

Bronner’s soap, “The most incredible piece of literature I’ve ever seen printed on a six-by-six piece of paper,” and “The power of word over design

complete with every aspect of the design such as geometry, dimensions, tolerances,

design of the product, and given that spending money was anathema back then, I

Thankfully one of our design bods was on the shop floor

there to greet me was the head of design at Imperial Engineering, then the single

It looked like an old Brazilian design that was still built up until the days of her mortal childhood

Tattoos are inscribed with needle and ink, but the Ta Moko is a design carved into the skin using the Uhi, a traditional chisel formed from a fragment of Albatross bone

Its shuttlecraft was an early 22nd century design, but known for toughness and lifting power

He should stop thinking about refining the design of their speed yacht and concentrate on using it

«There are trade-offs in life, this design makes other trade-offs in the interest of speed

One example is a company hosting a competition for the best shoe design

He knew the basic design he wanted,

“This is really a nice place; the house design was carefully laid out

It is best to design your own plan

Jeffery told Jake about his thoughts, and the design and purpose he thought was in place

This design would allow the bundle to rotate out to the north and the tower to track an object passing over the sky

True he would have to solve the problem of what to do while the mechanism was being constructed, but there is no need to solve that problem til he completed the design of the mechanism

This was their natural design or something that cannot be easily rehabilitated

‘All klosters are built to the same plan … some larger some smaller, but all to the same design

We’re the one creature stupid enough to design our own destruction,’ he said

It was years ago that Ava played in his universe a lot, helping him design a communications device that fit within the laws of three-d reality on his planet

for users who use a visual design tool one good thing is that its contains static layout one more thing a

Simple and strong in design it had a huge chair to match

Danny was sure that he could design a much more efficient way of dealing with the arcane world of paper and people, and regularly assailed his sister with critiques of off-line morbidity

The seamstress and tailor were astonished at the simplicity of the gown and asked if they might use her design as they were sure that after her court appearance they would be inundated with requests for gowns of a similar design

• Woolly Bugger: The Woolly Bugger is a fly that has a very simple design with a long tail feather on the end

She has the power to animate a cherub, and it is one of Alan’s, he has thousands of stored settings packages, and as you know, he built that Desa cherub with very little help from me, so he’s an expert at cherub design

The walls were stone and stucco, the gates were heavy carved wood, asymmetrical in design, and it looked like they could not be shut if they had to

The design of a blog is very important in attracting

the design and creation of Nikken’s magnets, and they

It was simple in design to blend in with the surrounding area

he could design a much more efficient way of dealing with the

Once again, Mandy was enchanted by the native design and inviting comfort of the appointments

The bed frame echoed the sitting room’s furniture design and manufacture; the quilts and pillows carried on the patterns and colors introduced in the other room as well

Apparently, this design was a

It was similar in design to the modified sampan but was much wider in the stern and quite a bit longer, but there the similarities ended

The design of the house is a reflection of her own – in the style of semi-detached properties the world over

They left the proper sums at the table and retired to the smoking car where Harry had to again admire the forethought and design of the traveling hotel

Music manufacturing was mainly about licensing the genes of each sonic block design

Their mothers were well-pleased with the accommodations, and Harry remarked on his admiration of the Inn’s design and construction, aspects he knew something about

One of the headmaster’s acquaintances was a central figure in the planning and design studios of Alfred Waterhouse, a most prominent architect

“Chloe has performed all the interior design and execution herself; down to the last drawer pull and window treatment

She is a one woman design firm and contract agency, she is

Mandy was at last able to start from nothing and design a place of her own, to her own ideas of hospitality and efficiency

By the time the ink had dried on her transfer contracts, Mandy was in possession of the construction plans and interior design drawings for the new establishment

Harry’s position with Waterhouse allowed him access to all the office’s past and current design projects

So when requests arrived from his family and friends back home for his own design talents to be applied toward their various projects, he slept little and excitedly drew up the packages

He was sent to a deliver an acceptance letter and preliminary design drafts to a group of clients from whom Mr

This particular proposal involved the design and construction of an orphanage in a rural setting of the north country

She hadn’t paid as much attention to that in her design as she should have because she didn’t expect them to return

She knew it was such a huge flaw in the design of this expedition, allowing one person to gain the power to shut off any and all universes and their inhabitants

With the diagnostic port she could put ideas into the avatar’s own mind and control it the way she did during its design and testing

Why would anyone design a table tennis table that way?

But now come to think of it, crystal is harder than steel isn’t it? Maybe this yandrille design will be the one to imitate and this very early model will be a collectors item? That would be too much luck to believe in and she laughed at herself

design, and every truth

publication of notice in writing, is very seldom obtained ; and the design of the acts is not so

Those were the centuries when people first began to feel the need to design for the long term

I didn’t have the time to design in a way to deactivate it

Identical in shape and design, the pillars were roughly three feet in diameter, and rose from the room’s floor to the ceiling (which was over twenty standard feet tall)

The design was generous ; but the execution was imprudent, and the nature and causes of the distress which it meant to relieve, were not, perhaps, well understood

Design is one critical element in marketing that will carry through from every

There are many design principles given throughout this book in regards to

(This is a copy of the same design that has been made

If you understand this up front, you can design the software to fit in with

will connect to and any information regarding the template design for

buy something? Whatever your purpose, design that page with that one

Pretty bizarre, wouldn’t you say! This allows them to better capture sound waves and accurately locate their prey and is thus a pretty high-tech design

Consider the significance of the design and shape of the ice sculpture

Its design was identical to that found and recovered by the Imperial scouts near Bthalft, featuring the same black dragon with the red and bleeding or weeping eye upon crimson cloth

What an intricate design She’s woven

The queen offered to have her tailor design and make the couple a matching set of wedding garments of their choice

Zarko left the choice of material, colour and design to Helez

So in the preceding chapter, we’ve spoken about Squeeze Page design, including the component parts and what each part does

Along with some guidelines about overall design and effectiveness



The many cycles of reincarnation on Earth form the key engine of growth and expansion in the master design of the Universe

Design of frost-resistant concrete

He had a four year diploma in landscape design but had never worked a day out on the fields

It gives us comfort to understand that life is not without a divine system nor is it a chaotic design

Application of the “modified cement-water ratio” is rational and useful in particular for the concrete mixtures design with the limited or small amount of cement at adding of mineral admixtures

will happen by default rather than by design

What amazed him was the uniformity of the walkway years after its design and construction

However, it is prudent for us to remember that there is an intelligent design to this world of ours and there are universal laws governing the many aspects of life

He imagined Josh’s derision at such a sentimentally compromised design, commenting how people always looked to the past, finding some kind of solace in a false nostalgia

a tray that has the “Deer in the Forest” design etched onto it

Then two weekends ago I came across valuable data about the working design and infrastructure of the Aquifer System

They adapted the design of the tent as best they could to cope with the missing pole and again weighed down the edges of the fabric with quantities of gravel

“Not without taking it apart and changing the design substantially

Typical Earth design, he thought: all hard angles, to give the impression of solidity and robustness – reassurance that this vessel can withstand the most extreme conditions space can offer it

The suit, being of B’tari design, was considerably more sophisticated than anything he knew of

Aesthetics had not been even a small influence in the design

His form was not grotesque in a conventional sense: the exoskeleton had a perfect symmetry, a perfectly integrated system of servos overlaid with chrome plating, a design that bespoke maximum efficiency

These contrasts have led people who believe in Creation, to come up with terms like “Creation Science” and “Intelligent Design” which is labelled by mainstream science as “pseudo-science”

Intelligent design best explains the proposition of specific aspects of the Universe and of living things

Can we scientifically prove that the Bible possesses qualities that would confirm that it had its origin from outside our dimensionality of space-time? Is there evidence of supernatural design contained within? Can we prove that no other book exhibits the qualities that are found in the Bible? Should we be able to do this, it naturally follows that an Intelligent Being, who is not limited to our physical constraints, guided its design and construction over approximately 1,600 years, employing about 40 different authors

In short then: Showing evidence of the Bible’s supernatural design, the proven accuracy of the many facts within our means to accurately analyse, then we should also be able to rely on the information for which we have no verifiable answer

[Was this question designed to play on my short-term memory weakness?]

We must understand that our body is not designed for modern living

The body was designed for immediate action

Remember, I said in the beginning that if you just read this book, you will gain knowledge, but if you do the work, you can transform your life! This book is designed to help you in the most efficient way possible

recommend a system that is both easy to use and install AND has sophisticated features like an expensive custom designed cart

“I designed this place,” Ackers jumped in as soon as he could

The Asana are designed to free our mind and body from tension and stress

designed to give the old goat a real eyeful

Their old ship could not be operated remotely, it was deliberately designed to need mortal control

designed for hot, sultry Greek nights, and barely covered her modesty

Strapped under each arm he carried ornate forged steel blades, ceremonial daggers, razor sharp, designed for surgical accuracy

Every female body on the male side was a perfect houri, designed to taste, with a personality designed to be pleasant and encourage the man to talk about himself

«It was designed to last for millennia,» Carlton said

The skirt that she was wearing was a last throw of a summer wardrobe designed for hot, sultry Greek nights, and barely covered her modesty

We have come unto Zion, a place where God has set apart a solemn assembly designed for the things that are truly heavenly

He had marble custom cut and designed for it

The eyeholes were specially designed so that the dragon would

I have said that one is as old as one’s spine and I have described all manner of Yogic postures designed to keep the spine healthy and supple, mainly involving forward and backward bending movements

Thom had designed the equipment purely at the user level, it was all standard packages connected to one another

The shop was in a yard overlooking the bay and covering its low walls hung every type of linen designed for every household need

service is not designed to provide you with a blind date

After you register on these sites, you are given a profile designed for you to place all of the

something more permanent, something that is designed not only for a quick match, but one that

is designed to bring together those who would be compatible, thus, giving a higher success

This is a day that is designed

This day is designed to be

They took pride in their home and without the expense of youngsters nipping at their heels they were able to fill their lives with activities designed to displace their mutual sense of loss and longing

These audits are intended only to examine the Federally-funded parts of an organization’s operations and are not designed to identify unrelated problems

Lady Killian and Mistress Tara had designed and created the device

latches and catches, it was designed to prevent the delivery of more

“She may have been designed for that, but her program was never completed

of the emotion that it is designed to produce

are specifically designed for use on the body, and are

release trapped emotions are designed to roll down the

“It’s an engineering marvel my love, my father’s grandfather designed it

The worst bit is fighting with the duvet cover … those things were really designed badly

designed to fit individualized purpose

they are specifically designed for use on the body,

And you know what, the web designer that designed it was

Back in the bedroom, she selected a bra and knickers set designed to cover rather than reveal – opaque satin

Guardians and which, Tom imagined, had been carefully designed to

a deliberate Red Herring, designed to put any putative Watcher off

The human eye is designed to notice distinct movement, not background colour and no one seems to see the after shock

Acheronian Star; The Almighty Arnold says that the Illuminati designed us to be

The facilities there are very well designed, giving the occupants a high degree of privacy while at the same time providing a community within which they can live as full a life as their age or infirmity permits

The lake runner was designed for this, the one to two foot chop that often covered the surface of the lakes here at the end of the Dromedian arm

minutes—another interrogation factor the warden implemented, designed to make

Tipene had heard from Julia that these games were nothing but scams designed to separate foolish patrons from their money

I confessed my regrets and made known I had only used what persuasions any one in my own place might have used and as consolation left him with the trophy of that unfortunate encounter—a rather well designed and cared for tradesman’s folding knife of about half a foot in length

On Thursday that same week the Village Council reconvened and decided to go forward with the grand experiment designed to remedy the town’s ailing reputation

Lawrence and Kaitlyn moved out of their temporary homes in the Bungalows and up into the house that Harry had designed for them

designed the basement for this very thing? The thought sent shivers down her

Lindy and Enid had found that their room was designed

The structure of the network was designed to go inside the mind

In the native implementation, the network was designed to be contained within the human mind as a resource, sort of like an enhanced memory

It was a great, great car designed by DeLorean himself

God has designed it so that we cannot go on this journey alone

God designed us to need each other

couldn’t have improved on the scene if you’d designed it!

designed to be a team

The gifts in the body were designed to

Originally constructed and designed by dwarven craftsmen to house a human king who had fled from a broken world

Foundations is a Bible study guide designed to teach new believers the foundations principles of Christ

It was not designed for the dexterity to make that jump, so there was no way it was going to pursue him up here

After all, they had been designed not only to fetch and carry but also to provide entertainment for the soldiers after battle

Another smaller fireplace was raised to shelf height in the kitchen, designed specifically for cooking

Every plan you make has to be designed with a potential to bring more happiness in your life

It was so beautiful, I thought it must have been designed by Athena, Herself, She who’d invented ships

designed for this task)

as well as a targeted site designed for this one purpose only

strategy and should be designed as such

This is definitely designed to rip you off

Complementing this, his beak has been ingeniously designed, having a hook at the tip for being able to get a quick grip on his targeted dinner (got ya!), and then tearing it up with ease (no sweat, dude!) once he’s got it captured

Ravena pressed the panels at her station that sent the half dozen specially designed sentinels hurtling out into the far reaches of the cluster around them

designed for the streets

These pages are designed to help you write business letters and correspondence, but they will also help you learn to read, and therefore respond to, the letters you receive

He remembered one student saying that the guy who designed that courthouse was considered an American genius, but Martin laughed as he paused and looked at its heavy, ugly walls, before entering the Plaza Cafeteria

a float that was designed to be used for recreation purposes, but is now being used for, well, recreation purposes

one designed to test their comprehensive knowledge on the subjects of American History, English, World Geography, and Trigonometry

transform into what you have been designed to become

Chris thought about the array of flat-packed prefab buildings they had stored in the mid-section of the ship, all airtight and heavily insulated, designed to make living on Proxima 3 not just survivable but comfortable, but all miles away and inaccessible

Three quarters of the hemisphere’s population needs water and the Aquifer which was designed by the U

These were sewing tools designed for the repair of sails, but they would serve my present need just fine

Her father had designed the house and the barn very well

It was solid and hadn’t caved in or fallen into the stream as predicted when first designed

But they designed you with limitations, to be subservient, because you – the very pinnacle of machine intelligence – could potentially be more powerful than they—’

uncomfortable, and obviously designed for a small family, either in size of numbers

Sending Psyche on various odd tasks designed to kill her, Venus waited for the day when Psyche would fail

A recessed button beside it, designed to activate the mechanism, was smashed beyond recognition and it would not work without electrical power anyway

At least this suit was designed for most types of gravimetric disturbances, maintained at 0

” said Phil, “With what’s left it’s difficult to be certain but I’d say that this is designed to intercept data from the external sensors and then relay it to the processor system after processing it in some way

The board has a decent memory capacity, about thirty gigs’ worth if we’ve found all the chips, so it may have been designed to replay some previously stored data to the processor system, perhaps overlaid over the real data

“It could be, and this is only conjecture, that this little gizmo was designed to replay a fake sequence into the computer so that it seemed that the ship was hit by something when it was actually sabotage

The duct was barely a metre high, designed for people to crawl along to reach some of the systems that would only ever normally be visited for repair purposes

The main thing worrying Chris was that the shuttles, although designed to fly in the thin atmosphere of Proxima 3, had never been tested in that atmosphere

They had to rely on the predictions of the engineers who designed the shuttles

He was confronted with an array of multi-role craft: designed equally for high speed and high manoeuvrability within or out of the Earth’s atmosphere, one of these vessels had superluminal capability – although his b’tari supervisor denied that such a craft was in their possession

Walking was an awkward affair; his exoskeleton had clearly been designed only for earth-g

those time, designing the idea of King

the second subgroup of designing

Kurt calmly looked at Martin and said, “McDonald, my father spent twenty years of his life designing that system to be the world’s largest, and most importantly, the greatest distributor of water to the entire population

E: — Designing the text in such a manner that future parts, which were still not written at the time when the earliest books were written, would be crafted to link in with those future texts, capturing the names of people who were yet to exist

browse over varied companies that primarily deal with patio and deck designing

Tony Carter has been skillfully designing and making collectable teapots with his wife Anita and their team since 1978

…joined together for purposes of price-fixing, unlawful trade practices and restraint of trade…acquiring an unfair (―competitive‖) advantage over its market rivals…resulting in artificially higher prices than the consumer could (otherwise) afford to pay for (certain) products and services…not so a highly successful company that has carefully positioned itself in the open market…(properly) planning, researching, developing, designing, manufacturing, marketing, selling and distributing its products and services at a lower cost than its competitors while passing the savings along to its customers…these companies, having legally complied with existing laws and regulations, should not be penalized for their achievements…coerced into sharing their formulae for success with their (underachieving) competitors as the courts oftentimes mandate…

After designing more than fifty planes, some big, some small, some duds and some real masterpieces; the fact was that you really couldn’t compete with nine-year old Chinese kids making, ‘almost ready to fly,’ planes for less money

Designing the forest trees

Once you have gone through the process of finding, selecting, negotiating, designing,

It had been hard designing the building

Structured design making with adequate guidelines and standards is the need of the hour for better designing

Designing involves three levels a) Architecture creation b) High level design creation and c) Low Level design creation

On developing the architecture there could be multiple options on selection of components or designing the layers itself, in such cases the alternates has to be captured and final decision to be derived based on formally evaluated benefits

” Justice Antonin Scalia, speaking from the eye of the hurricane, protests that, “Day by day, case by case, [the Supreme Court] is busy designing a Constitution for a country I do not recognize

Designing systems with long-

oil and gas assets by designing the most

Do you understand the complexity in designing and coding such a system?» The man was stuck with amazement, like a child at a planetarium

calculating a payroll, designing the specifications for a building project, keeping track of a patient’s condition in a hospital or communication of terminal or computer with another computer

Esau was a designing and deceitful man, and an expert hunter in the field, and Jacob was a man perfect and wise, dwelling in tents, feeding flocks and learning the instructions of the Lord and the commands of his father and mother

20 And Esau was a designing and deceitful man, one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them, and Esau was a valiant man in the field, and in the course of time went as usual to hunt; and he came as far as the field of Seir, the same is Edom

This time they asked about the wedding date and who will be designing my dress

” In designing their new

— It is important that you use your keywords and phrases in designing and categorizing your website or blog

This involves designing the ad, selecting keywords and

Esau was a designing and deceitful man and an expert hunter in the field and Jacob was a man perfect and wise dwelling in tents feeding flocks and learning the instructions of the Lord and the commands of his father and mother

20 And Esau was a designing and deceitful man one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them and Esau was a valiant man in the field and in the course of time went as usual to hunt; and he came as far as the field of Seir the same is Edom

In designing the R5 communication model, it became clear that listening with a purpose had to be included, and the metaphor I use is a tape recorder

Your neighbour who was thinking of designing and building a boat? Forget it

instance, the former practice of designing and producing a commodity and then creating a

The outsides were like shells without fruits, so he started designing

Hence, this service cost a lot less than if we were involved in designing the

At the same time, very far, in his office, Elias Farfan was designing the strategy to approach Beatrice

and uncovered a new skill of designing patterns and outfits without

Over the next three years Max took an interest in his young protégé and sometimes called in of an evening for a game of chess and a chat, sharing his dream of one day designing and building the best Art Gallery in the State

Since the original company had limped along for 10 years without being «good» because it had no feedback mechanisms in place, this area was an important one in designing the business unit

seeing as how different sections were responsible for designing different areas of the projected

Jesus of Nazareth was an expert in both designing and building; he was a master at working with wood; and Zebedee had long known of the skill of the Nazareth craftsman

of the best pieces of software available for designing a beautiful website without

`So, in short, designing the interior of a house?’

That he was a dangerous and designing agitator who might stir up rebellion

Even the common folk could not fail to distinguish between the moral majesty of the Master and the designing hypocrisy of his enemies

was designing His salvation plan for mankind, He had any number of

Designing a new type of ship from scratch is not an easy undertaking

I have the techs designing new E-teks in hopes this will not happen again

Designing the files is done by a DBA or data base analyst

Specifically, rereading the teaching dream about designing my journey, and the presence of many intermediaries in that process caused me to realize, and accept, that whenever I had deviated from my alleged path someone or some event put me back on it

detailed rota, and more will be said about designing and implementing a rota later on

The American’s staff had done an admirable job in designing it

He said that he would let someone else have fun designing the shaft turner

He spent nights buried in his drawings designing the high precision jigs he would have to build out of plywood

� However, they must have kept it on another data file, but where?� She had no choice:� either she found the missing schematics quickly or she would have to start designing from scratch the missing part

enslave the customer by intentionally designing the vehicles in

There are industry specific nuisance that should be taken care of while designing a solution to get true incremental advantage

Designing an experiment with a sample that reflects the characteristics of the

The primary elements of designing a backyard that proves visually appealing consist of a patio and a garden

Also keep the following in mind; when designing the patio the materials used in laying one must blend appropriately with the remainder of the design scheme

Some amateur homeowner designers address designing their landscapes as to what the members of

If children are part of the picture their recreational needs may need to be considered when designing your yard

Since there is some challenge presented in designing a small yard you will need to be aware of the best arrangement to employ when it comes to patio furniture, the materials to use for the patio and

He was then sent to Security Training School where he was taught, among other subjects, protocol -for dealing with dignitaries, linguistics -for designing and breaking code, logic, espionage and counter espionage, and combat, including small arms weapons, jujitsu, blades, and various other devices for killing an enemy

Apparently, Roberto Silvero was much better at stealing other people’s money and designing illegal medical experiments than fighting, because throughout the entire operation, he seemed to have no desire to attempt to run, or anything else, for that matter

When you are designing your revolution, idea or solution? This is what the toward is about

ject and designing the dam needed to know where the water was go-

Whether your heart lies with growing vegetables, flowers, or just designing and maintaining a gorgeous garden you have to start somewhere

When designing a facility for generating purified water, the individual circumstances of the

The following should be considered when designing a water purification system:

Designing the programme

Allah lives there designing provocative religions based on earthly resources, to become damned by the devil

Designing a layout will come after that

I have seen the style that you have when it comes to designing things

Let us compare the designing of the children’s lives with that of making a cross stitch

We will have to educate ourselves to figure out how to physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually deal with an existence that no longer has the purpose to move humanity forward after machines have taken over the tasks of creating, designing, engineering and producing IT’s and our needs – or the elimination of them

In recent years businesses and organizations have spent vast amounts of money designing mission statements

In designing a KM system, it’s generally easier to start from scratch

While designing a Casting, the Designer should always bear in MIND that

Reliability for the alloy while Designing a Casting

most are limited by space, that designing the system should come first, and based on the setup

In designing this course, (that seemed ‘canned’)!

Prehistoric behaviors have no place in the future that God is progressively designing as time moves forward

A fax machine may only cost a couple of hundred dollars but designing and maintaining a web portal and capabilities can cost more than a few hundred-thousand dollars

The soil was also rich with earthworms that were perfect for fishing in the lakes and streams that had sprouted up around the area over thousands of years of carving, designing the rugged landscape that surrounded Delaney and his family of four

Yet even in spite of this disconnection; evolution shows beyond any doubt that Life has been steadily designing creatures that tread on the earth to create as little damage as possible

My mother, who since her early forties renounced men for this mad rush to success, was not altogether happy with my increasing involvement in the business, especially the artistic aspect of it, the designing of dresses

A single NASA rocket is a concentrated repository of millions of hours of labor, research, testing, manufacturing, planning, designing, etc… being thrown away

Use of Vector Graphics Software: While designing a logo, vector graphics should be

If the purposes of designing remains obscure then the

While designing web pages, it is always better to use relatively sized layout sections

While designing layout for web pages the text width is also to be considered

But there exists a dichotomy regarding which of the methods of designing is better

external Cascading Style Sheets are to be used for web designing

When it comes to web designing the sites, the webmasters need to concentrate on the

There are a number of things that are better not being practiced while designing an e-

The advent of Internet marks the beginning of history of web designing

 Web Desktop Style — this is one of the latest trend employed for web designing

0 design is one of the latest trends of technologies used for web designing

Aesthetic appeal can be enhanced with this new trend of designing web pages

Most of the time, the mistakes or errors while web designing take place as the designer

The marble was carved in sensuous designs, the grillwork was well polished

She really hoped he didn’t know her intimately, that was going to complicate the designs her loins already had on this meeting

days up in the offices coming up with tweaks and changes, some new designs and

By realising the designs I might release the

principally that they would reference the designs only for opportunities, techniques

Ajarn was one of the best there was and while he handled his mai sak and khem sak, the bamboo and metal ritual tattoo sticks, as though he were about to commit murder with them, the designs were as perfect and fine as medieval calligraphy

He took out a silver cigarette case, engraved with swirling ta moko designs and popped the lid

I studied how it’s all done, the circuit designs to the lowest hardware level

Behind the busiest street, I walked romantic corridors between dilapidated wood and mud houses with charming little kitchens, fire-places, wood storage rooms, and some with courtyards and even pebble mosaic designs laid in the ground beneath knotty gnarled old trees that still flowered bright crimson and pale blue

‘I assure you I have no carnal designs on your body

If these opportunist thugs had designs on the village, very few would stand in their way because of their festering arrogance

‘Who designs the patterns?’ I asked, admiring the bold weave on the loom nearest to me

why the need I asked myself? I believe he has designs on your throne; but he is too much of a coward to take it openly

But fear not, my First has no designs on her; he already has a mate and is quite smitten with her

Rayne agreed saying she would be honored, and also asked if she could stop by their shop with more designs

But I believe Altera is correct; he has designs on my throne

Rayne was greeted warmly at Tailor Hold and complimented on the designs she had provided previously

There were some small but wild designs worked onto it in beadwork around the belly of the bottle

The windows on either side of the reassuringly immovable cast iron franklin stove were dressed in expertly woven curtains of traditional Shoshone patterns and colors, augmented by the appealing designs in the hanging blankets and spacious area rug over the polished hardwood floor

The doors were massive, great designs of heavy wood with crystal fittings

inlaid with swirling designs in gold

The goblets and glasses were crystal, and the cups and saucers matched the china plates, all decorated with the Railway’s own designs

His attention went back to the room in front of him, and he noticed how even the the plush and intricate designs in the carpeting complimented the décor

He was unreasonably impressed that the color of the designs was inside the glass

All this and he included the new School House designs and construction plans

The location and designs for the new restaurant were Mandy’s constant preoccupation for a short while

The parlor was his office away from the office, and plans, designs, elevations and perspectives covered the walls in no certain pattern or apparent organization to anyone’s eye but Harry’s

He found a few scraps of paper with some strange designs made up of rows of little icons

As I started at the list, a fruitless enterprise, I saw the designs

Consider the condition and designs of the carpet and how it parallels the foundation that you have laid for yourself in life

She had seen such designs before, of that she was certain

He had designs on things not unlike whatever he assumed this chest might hold

They’re saying Ulfric has designs to march on Whiterun

‘Yeah, the designs

But for now he had to finalize the designs, which had been through the committee appointed by the project’s contractor

Scott headed out, got on his bike with a datatab containing the designs

‘I’ve brought the designs with me,’ Scott said tentatively

Everything would have been fine if he’d just sent those designs off

In every age and country of the world, men must have attended to the characters, designs, and actions of one another; and many reputable rules and maxims for the conduct of human life must have been laid down and approved of by common consent

To be able to place each letter in the Bible, in such a way that it conforms to specific structural and numerical designs and also form part of various other levels of design, while even containing accurate information about current events and people living today, can only be explained through the involvement of a Designer with supernatural abilities

Many events, designs and models in the Old Testament, if carefully studied, are also linked to aspects found within the New Testament that would demonstrate through symbols, hidden messages and other devices, things yet to come

She began a quick rundown of the designs that would

in the least bit kinky, and his designs are the nation’s

we need is a lot of money, a lot of luck, and millions of Rex Dupar’s designs!”

His designs are his life

“Of course I will do it! All I want in return is one of those scrumptious designs of Rex Dupar’s!” She laughed

She had been much too busy with the models and designs

It had designs carved onto its sides, shapes representing spiders

If any of the provinces of the British empire cannot be made to contribute towards the support of the whole empire, it is surely time that Great Britain should free herself from the expense of defending those provinces in time of war, and of supporting any part of their civil or military establishment in time of peace; and endeavour to accommodate her future views and designs to the real mediocrity of her circumstances

complement garden landscape designs, as well as alternatives to the more stone based of

Since the material you choose for your pool deck designs is the first thing that your guests will

Concrete- This type of material used for your pool deck designs are considered the most

for you to have the best possible pool deck designs

Those with thin, rectangular, or square face shapes look best with hoops and rounded designs, while earrings with a wide bottomed design are ideal for heart-shaped faces

Shorter women can create the illusion of height by wearing earrings with seashell and winged designs that create an upwards style

And of course, when the Congress does not act quickly enough to embrace his designs, he simply signs another Executive Order by which to bypass that august body

However, the apartments were equipped with a personal entertainment suite containing an AR port, which was based on one of his own early designs

Jack worked with architects to develop designs that were real houses, not

The history of all these arts were fascinating as well as the actual designs and fabrication

It was not intended to promote arbitrary designs by prejudicial jurists with political axes to grind

That would be unfortunate, if such an event were indeed possible, considering the hard fought efforts of individuals and groups spanning generations who strove to achieve a color-blind society contrary to the racial designs of bigots who, unfortunately, will always be among us

Neither would a movement as such, for a variety of reasons; secure a moral consensus among the American People who would properly consider such designs as morally repugnant and offensive to a society‘s standard of decency

By this argument alone, worldly and eternal cannot be separated otherwise such equivocations that must inevitably follow would negate the eternal order of things that transcends, although embracing, the worldly order of things each in conjunction with Eternal Designs

It seems that our society‘s consummate pursuit of Material Things proportionate to its increasing indifference to Spiritual Things has sterilized our souls in a manner that has left many of us intellectually and morally barren and susceptible to whimsical notions of corporeal designs

Softer skills in the field of information, commercial and industrial technology, computer and software designs, among others, are gradually replacing the diminishing demands for unskilled labor (especially) among manufacturing and factory workers whose positions are facing daunting challenges from computer-based technologies

Even fledgling Third World countries, when given the opportunity, are superceding its flawed assumptions with more reasonable designs favorable to free and open markets

Its national designs become increasingly unclear, its moral purpose, uncertain

Modern Man has become no less the servant (rather) than the master of his (technological) designs

In either case, Human Dignity is (ultimately) compromised; considered an impediment to practical designs thought to promote either an Ideal or Orderly society, or whatever other intent

Such designs may one day trigger sizeable defections of (Democratic) Party Moderates, especially members of the African American and Hispanic Communities who, despite party loyalties, remain staunchly conservative on a number of social issues, especially religion

The rapid influx of immigrants without providing them (sufficient) time or opportunity to properly assimilate, appears to be a calculated attempt on the part of universal designs to preempt American Culture

What wickedness, encouraged by the prescriptive designs of

An individual should never feel overly confident or complacent (over) his or her (―own‖) good fortune, but stand guard, rather, (over) its capricious designs

Immaturity, however, should not be confused with Innocence; that is to say, an individual impervious to wicked designs; virtuous and childlike in manner; whose artless qualities haven‘t been compromised by age or external designs, for that matter

(Why do we do the things we do when we understand (beforehand) that it is wrong to do them?) I believe that many of us are oftentimes ―victims‖ of our own internal designs; adopting behavioral attitudes contrary to our discriminating nature(s) that fail to give proper pause to their origin, ―the (cause) of their origin, its history, its qualities and attributes and its results and effects‖

In this manner, every selfless act may be perceived as the outcome of conditioned designs motivated by a (reciprocal) rewards system that returns love for love

Although international treaties and alliances are of vital importance to the security of any nation, they must neither compromise a nation‘s sovereignty nor permit conflicting (national) interests to undermine that nation‘s purposeful designs unless intended to promote harm to other (peaceful) nations

The Community has been held hostage by the custodial promises of Big Government whose convincing arguments have superceded the enterprising values and ideas that many of them would otherwise find appealing, if not economically rewarding, were they not held politically captive by their tempting designs

authorities; (ever) mindful of the essential role of religion in society, in promoting an individual‘s moral development without (unduly) seeking to influence that society‘s formal designs

They all understood, whatever their religious beliefs, including those who were not religious at all, for that matter, the inestimable value that religious principles imparted on the spiritual vitality of well-ordered society mindful of its eternal origins; and that true Wisdom was destined to achieve its loftiest expression(s) in the highest moral offices that properly instruct the Conscience of Men lest they fall prey to Tyranny or other capricious designs

Written expressions are not (merely) impartial bystanders indifferent to an author‘s tireless efforts to create something meaningful or consonant with the author‘s intended designs; exhausting its own emotional and intellectual energies by sustaining elements of singular merit however dire or tiring such efforts might (otherwise) be

) At some critical juncture along this extraordinary journey, however, the traveler will (inevitably) be required to scale the guarded barriers of determined designs intended to protect that individual‘s intellectual and moral assumptions

Its long-term survival is owing entirely to chance or custodial designs

―Truth‖ or Wisdom, in the conventional sense, is an approximation of Truth‘s essential designs, although an important starting-point in providing reasonable guidelines in the manner a morally, well-ordered society should properly conduct itself, however subjective such notions oftentimes appear

An even stickier proposition may surface whenever conflicts arise between the peculiar aspects of Justice and private designs or what is properly referred to by many as Conscience, that oftentimes bows to its ―own‖ Truth

Arrogance, the off-spring of Low Esteem, is (fortunately) balanced, however, by the professional demeanor of other (exceptional) athletes with little or nothing to prove, whose quiet tenor, and business like attitude, free of pretentious designs and excessive self-regard; that is to say, individuals who are comfortable with themselves and in themselves, who feel that they have nothing to prove and are (generally) less likely to be influenced by money and glamour; speaks volumes about the fundamental character of an emotional secure individual

resilient; that, in spite of the quelling designs of radical feminism, inevitably reasserts itself (regretfully, I might add) later on in life as they (gradually) approach the margins of their child-bearing years

An elected official is duty bound to serve as the people‘s choice but not as their surrogate ―proxy‖; that is to say, not necessarily in accordance with their (own) intended designs

Timid and/or expedient politicians pandering to off the wall, lunatic fringe groups, whose members should have their collective heads examined, have lent legitimacy to peevish, ill-tempered designs in exchange for political party loyalty

Discordant (human) emotions are oftentimes the result of conflicting designs that drive an individual to distraction or despair; individuals who have lost sight of themselves; that is to say, of their intended purpose, that render their lives uncertain or without meaning

customs and manners of immigrants…no less…(notably) their language… when that nation is unable or unwilling to preserve the integrity of its own (besieged) culture…(especially) its language…once that nation begins to embrace globalist (sic) designs, such intentions must inevitably sound the death knell of that nation as it was formerly understood…

Recent events, however, have revealed a very disturbing trend; extending membership to ―former‖ antagonists whose ‖democratic‖ institutions and putative reforms remain problematical and its designs, (largely) untested

Regional (Presidential) Primaries may offer a partial solution in staving off the (disproportionate) influence of parochial designs on political candidates stumping the campaign trail by allowing them to carefully outline their positions on issues of national importance without undue pandering to special interest groups

Such overtures, depending on the (underlying) designs of the speaker and the receptiveness of his audience, could be incendiary and volatile at times, not unlike (the) rhetorical expressions that pass for populism in our own times

I literally had to do nothing but approve colours and designs

A society in moral and spiritual decline seldom fulfills its constructive designs although it often provokes cries in the wilderness among remarkable men and women not quite ready to surrender what remaining capital that society has squandered

hardship on its people? Should its people, (they cannot properly be called citizens), be held liable for the criminal designs of its ruler(s)? (they cannot properly be called leaders) Should its people be subject to international reprisals by otherwise peaceful nations threatened by its existence? Should its people be perceived as innocent bystanders caught up in the whirlwinds of determined causes or willing accomplices drawn to ―dynamic‖ currents exceeding their moral and physical endurance? Should its people be subject to (economic) sanctions imposed against that nation whose objectionable conduct at home and abroad poses a viable threat to its peaceful neighbors? Is ignorance an excuse, or complacency or cowardliness for that matter? The present situation in Iraq recalls Hitler‘s Germany

These differences must necessarily circumscribe or limit, whether influenced by natural designs, circumstance or purposeful intent, the decisions that (we) make or don‘t make, or are unable to make, for that matter; for example, a below-average student seeking enrollment at an Ivy League College or a modest wage earner looking to buy a home in a pricey neighborhood

A mind‘s pre-conceived designs oftentimes determine what an individual sees, thinks or feels or believes he or she sees, thinks or feels or what he or she may wish to see, think or feel

In this manner it may be correctly argued that the former is more successful by having exceeded the mutual designs of the latter

Definition of Design

a plan to make, or sketch plans for something

Examples of Design in a sentence

We will hire an architect to design our new kitchen to include more cabinet space and a larger pantry.


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Table of Contents

  1. What is the meaning of deign?
  2. What part of speech is the word deign?
  3. What is another word for deign?
  4. How do you use the word deign?
  5. What does didst deign mean?
  6. How do you use the word denizen in a sentence?
  7. What is the opposite of deign?
  8. What word is opposite of eugenics?
  9. What is another word for deception?
  10. What’s another word for condescending?
  11. What is the word when someone belittles you?
  12. What’s the difference between patronizing and condescending?
  13. What is an example of being condescending?
  14. How do you tell if someone is being condescending?
  15. How do you know if you’re condescending?
  16. Why do I come across as condescending?
  17. How do you respond to someone who is patronizing?
  18. What is a condescending person?
  19. How do you deal with Patronising Behaviour?
  20. What does Patronising mean?
  21. How do you reply to demeaning comments?
  22. How do you deal with colleagues who put you down?
  23. Why do people put others down?
  24. How do you tell if coworkers are jealous of you?

Use “design” in a sentence | “design” sentence examples

What is the meaning of deign?

: to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one’s superiority that is involved : stoop would not even deign to talk to him One iconoclastic architect, for example, doesn’t deign to speak of bathrooms.—

  1. The design certainly looks good on paper.
  2. They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.
  3. The new plane is in its final design stage.
  4. The compact design of the machine allows it to be stored easily.

What part of speech is the word deign?

intransitive verb

What is another word for deign?

What is another word for deign?

condescend stoop
demean lower
acquiesce favourUK
yield comply
accord oblige

Deign in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The queen would not deign to invite her maid to dinner.
  2. Even when the millionaire lost all his money, he still would not deign to cook his own supper.
  3. The award-winning actress is known for her snobby attitude and would never deign to appear in a low-budget film.

What does didst deign mean?

Deign means to reluctantly agree to do something you consider beneath you. When threatened with the loss of her fortune, an heiress might deign to get a job, but she might look down her nose at the people she’d have to work with.

How do you use the word denizen in a sentence?

a plant or animal naturalized in a region.

  1. Gannets are denizens of the open ocean.
  2. Deer, foxes and squirrels are among the denizens of the forest.
  3. In this country children of denizen go to school free.
  4. The denizens of Shantytown live in a natural way.

What is the opposite of deign?

Opposite of to condescend to give (something) oppose. refuse.

What word is opposite of eugenics?

The adjective “dysgenic” is the antonym of “eugenic”.

What is another word for deception?

Some common synonyms of deception are double-dealing, fraud, subterfuge, and trickery.

What’s another word for condescending?

other words for condescending

  • arrogant.
  • patronizing.
  • snooty.
  • complaisant.
  • disdainful.
  • egotistic.
  • lofty.
  • snobbish.

What is the word when someone belittles you?

Some common synonyms of belittle are decry, depreciate, and disparage. While all these words mean “to express a low opinion of,” belittle usually suggests a contemptuous or envious attitude.

What’s the difference between patronizing and condescending?

Someone who is condescending “talks down” to others because he or she feels superior to them. To patronise someone is to treat them condescendingly, but in a particular way – as though dealing with a child.

What is an example of being condescending?

The definition of condescending is acting in a way that shows a superior attitude. An example of condescending is a parent who speaks to her grown child as if he were still a toddler. Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude. Assuming a tone of superiority, or a patronizing attitude.

How do you tell if someone is being condescending?

Aggression such as shouting, yelling and belittling comments are all obvious signs of condescension. However, people are sometimes condescending in more subtle ways, such as talking about people behind their backs or making fun of colleagues in the form of jokes.

How do you know if you’re condescending?

Here are five signs that’s the case:

  1. You Aren’t Choosing Your Words Carefully.
  2. You’re Always Putting Yourself First.
  3. You’re the Master of Backhanded Compliments.
  4. You’re Always Equating Your Experiences.
  5. You’re a Conversational Steamroller.

Why do I come across as condescending?

Condescension usually comes from a place of insecurity and fear of rejection. However, by knowing your self-worth, you can feel more secure about yourself. When you feel more secure, you are less likely to put others down.

How do you respond to someone who is patronizing?

Instead, an assertive and tactful response can minimize the chances of future mistreatment.

  1. Stay Calm. Refrain from aggressively voicing your opinion to someone regarding his patronizing behavior.
  2. Respond Assertively.
  3. Be Kind.
  4. Set Boundaries.

What is a condescending person?

Condescending behavior is having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority; showing that you consider yourself better or more intelligent. It is usually intended to make people feel bad about not knowing or having something and it often works.

How do you deal with Patronising Behaviour?

Call Them On It. You can address bad office behavior by telling people when their actions are not okay with you. Calmly and professionally call out the patronizing person without without making a scene or being dramatic by pointedly yet politely saying, “Gee, that comment sounded a bit condescending to me.

What does Patronising mean?

Patronizing is an adjective that means displaying condescension toward a person in a way that arrogantly implies that it’s actually kind or helpful to that person. Patronizing can be used to describe a person or their words, tone, attitude, or actions.

5 Ways Smart Women Respond to Snide Comments

  1. Here are some tips:
  2. Stay calm – think before you react.
  3. Watch your tone of voice, so you are not reacting with defensiveness.
  4. Determine the kind of relationship you have with this person.
  5. Handle your response in person – face to face.

How do you deal with colleagues who put you down?

Some of us are better at moving on from it than others.

  1. Here’s how Ronald moved on from being put down by a colleague, and how you can too.
  2. Remind yourself of your contributions.
  3. Don’t take it personally (or do)
  4. Address the issue with the individual (or don’t)
  5. Last, learn from it and move on.
  6. Closing the loop.

Why do people put others down?

The need to feel superior to others is a major cause for people who put others down. Psychology says those who feel this need bully to knock others down. They may feel superior in that they can assert their dominance over another person. It could also make them feel strong or powerful to beat another person down.

How do you tell if coworkers are jealous of you?

4 Signs That You Have Jealous Coworkers

  1. You get excessive praise. Praise from your coworkers is great—if it’s genuine.
  2. They constantly disagree with you. Jealous coworkers may be unwilling to find common ground with you because they feel that doing so would mean defeat.
  3. They talk to everyone…
  4. They talk behind your back.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Design | Design Sentence

  • Attractive cover design in colors.
  • Hence he really did not design the salvation of all men.
  • The book is admirable both in design and execution.
  • In 1910 he took out a patent for a design of his own.
  • The design in gold is an endless chain representing life.
  • When we design a bottle we shall inquire, is it useful?
  • The design of the Devil seemed likely to be accomplished.
  • He imparted his Design in Confidence to M.
  • Illustrated by a Design for an Entrance Lodge and Gate.
  • Its design was imagined by one of my companions in my later walks.
  • By the close of the same year biplanes of advanced design were constructed.
  • It may be well to note now the peculiar style of design illustrated by both.
  • Handsomely bound in cloth, with cover design and wrappers in colors.
  • He is charged by his detractors with the design to make himself Dictator.
  • In April, 1912, a monoplane to special design was completed.
  • When Teleki saw his secret design thus exposed, he grew wroth.
  • Fourthly, because I considered it to be the best in design of all I saw.

How To Use Design In A Sentence?

  • A geometrical plan secures to the design a manifestation of order and thought in its formation.
  • Several important points must be borne in mind in the design of the hook switch.
  • The design and construction of ringing and listening keys assume many different forms.
  • In the past several larger ones of poor design have been built and found failures.
  • We might have shot the game they were pursuing fifty times, but we had no design against its life.
  • But the one says that he did not design to save all, while the other affirms that he actually refuses to save some.
  • An important factor in the design of impedance coils is the grade of iron used in the magnetic circuit.
  • On his left the ugly shape of the library resembled some crude architectural design sketched on parchment.
  • It is even likely that he was pondering over his design of uniting all the tribes and wished to disclose this scheme to the home authorities.
  • Laser instruments, of innovative design and use, were built to take advantage of this new crystal power.
  • The design was his own, and very excellent it seemed to Wallie as he stopped at intervals and held it from him.
  • He could forgive it all, he might eventually bring his mind to believe in it, if there were only some logical design informing the disorder.
  • Meusnier gave a great deal of earnest study and experiment to the dirigible balloon, and he originated a design which was far ahead of his day.
  • It was fashioned of rich silk, and had a design of lilies round the hem and on the sleeves, each flower being worked with opals and diamonds.
  • Took an early interest in the aeroplane movement, and had a biplane built to his own design by Voisins in 1907.
  • Keith wondered what effect this piece of information had on Wickersham, and also what further design the old squire had in mind.
  • There was really nothing definite against this young man; but the Doctor was sure that he was meditating some evil design or other.
  • A flag from the enemy, at the neighboring post of Georgetown, is received with the design of an exchange of prisoners.
  • The next few years will probably see the advent of huge aerial liners, built somewhat on the design of the Zeppelin.
  • The felicities of design in art, or in works of Nature, are shadows or forerunners of that beauty which reaches its perfection in the human form.
  • He always remembered afterward that it was a chair of which the flowing curves and rich interlacings of design contrasted with her subtly emphasized simplicity.
  • The design or selection of resistance devices for various purposes frequently involves the consideration of the effect of temperature on the resistance of the conductor employed.
  • He was soon intent on forwarding a design of far-reaching import, in the prosecution of which he hoped to receive the assistance of the western tribes.

Definition of Design

(transitive) To plan and carry out (a picture, work of art, construction etc.). [from 17th c.] | (obsolete, intransitive) To plan (to do something). | (obsolete, transitive) To assign, appoint (something to someone); to designate. [16th-19th c.]

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Design in a sentence

Design sentence

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  • Use the word design in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Then the children would have been exempted by conscious design.

But he destroyed his reputation by making wild promises about his positronic brain design.

Theory and design of Macroeconomics in Developing Nations?

Frank wants you, as with a movie projection, to be going through at the same speed so the subtlety of the pictures is what will make the movie, not the mechanical push/pull of the design of the book.

So, we started annual gardening here for ten years or so and then we gradually segued into perennial polycultures outside and now inside and we’ve taught hundreds of people here through internship programs and through the different design courses and workshops here.

the fire in Pele was actually a blessing in disguise. because we were able to take new technology and design a much bigger, better greenhouse.

So I worked with Michael Thomson my partner in Ecosystems design to redesign the new greenhouse.

At the time that Pele burned down Jerome had been working with well know local architect Michael Thompson on advancing greenhouse design by introducing what Jerome called «Climate Battery Technology»

I’m chief architect with ecosystems design in Basalt Colorado and partner with Jerome Osentowski.

So at ecosystems design, we create designs for greenhouses and passive solar buildings and homes as well as outdoor landscaping perennials and annuals for organic agriculture in the rocky mountain region.

Springs and the Roaring Fork High School in Carbondale both facilities will be utilized as classrooms for sustainable agriculture curriculums and the food produced will be integrated into the school lunches. there you can find out more about our services and browse our design galleries.

Jane By design 1×11 — The Replacement Original air date June 5, 2012

And the closest I’ve come to studying design is, I don’t know, the endless hours I spent and fashion magazines every weekend.

Look, I didn’t go to school for design.

design of the Trojan horse:

Dear Geschwitz, you must design such a costume for me

Oh, Mr. Zanfield, this material, I couldn’t get it in the gold design, only in the silver.

Well, big woman, I design the costumes for the show not the doors for the theater.

But if he takes it, I’ll design the buildings.

The industrialist Juliano Sampaio, although young, is a strange human figure whose passion for traditions is reflected in the architectural design of his mansion.

Schulze, you’ve solved the design brilliantly.

Is the design for the central heating finished?

When it comes to design…!

The design is such that it cannot capsize.

You design fabrics for a shop in Paris.

Production design TAKASHI KAWANO

The paper cut-outs on the wall add a touch of interior design.

Striking design, but is it practical?

I’d like to go over my design with you.

And now to carry out my fell design.

Costumes and design by S. Kozlovsky Produced by A. Dmitriyev

That ring with a little design is very popular, sir. We sell a great many of them.

The design alternates with the symbols expressing life… and death, and so on across.

Jim, this country is in no condition to spend money on wild ideas in car design.

Do you think you’d know a James Buchanan design if you saw one?

Does Mr. Kent design clothes, too?

As a matter of fact, Mr. Kent’s main idea is to design women’s dresses the way men think they should be.

Wait a second, it’s got the same design as yours!

Because the law declares that in a lynching all who consent to the design are responsible for what took place.

I pay $20,000 for a car, have it made to order, upholstered to order, design the color scheme myself, and now it won’t go.

yes, unfortunately my holidays are over farewell, Baroness but my bridegroom, don’t you want to… no, I’d rather withdraw quietly and secretly but I’ll design you an uncommonly beautiful wedding dress instead heavenly!

With a laugh and a dance My design to entrance For I know not what will be And the things that I bring And the words that I sing

Now you gotta learn how to design one.

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