Use the word description in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “description” in a sentence. How to connect “description” with other words to make correct English sentences.

description (n): something that tells you what something or someone is like

Use “description” in a sentence

His description was too general.
We recognized it from your description.
Can you give me a brief description of the thief?
We need a detailed description of what happened.
Can you give me a brief description of the thief?

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  • Use the word description in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A body just washed up at Point Dume that matches the description of Timothy Jackson.

For those able to shake off the convention, working in colour proved revelatory. Photography’s about description. And so if the camera describes things, then don’t you want an instrument that describes more things?

So if you want authenticity and description and power, spatial power…this.

Your husband gave us a description.

So, I would like to check your description with his. Oh, I…

Before I actually fill out the report, if I could just double-check that description that you had…

It was hardly a description.

Sir, you match the description of the murderer.

That ain’t much of a description.

But we got a good description of him, though.

Something of that description. yes.

The script has a description here of a moving camera shot worthy of Karl Freund that was never quite realised.

Here is the scene’s description before being toned down for the shooting script.

DID YOU GET A description?



Rowitz certainly fits the description, all right.

His description was sent to all officers?

Every age, kind, and description.

And here’s the description of him:

The description, and I knew I’d seen him someplace before.

You’re telling me simply because Kirk fits some description in your horoscope… that you’d deliberately break up things between him and Miss Hatton?

He died before they reached port, not before the skipper had a description of the island and got an idea of where it lies.

Can you give me a description of this person you saw?

I have a complete description of Jerry the Mug on the teletype.

Broadcast a description of him.

I can’t believe that one of my friends has bored you with a description of my poor little room.

The police will want a description.

Now, give me a description of the corpse.

one of them is half-breed, but we do not have any description of the other.

Good. Good. I’ll have the necessary papers drawn up- all except the legal description of the property… which, of course, I can get from your deed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologise for my hesitation in rising… but to tell you the simple truth I’d entirely failed… while listening to the chairman’s flattering description… to realise he was talking about me.

Master Copperfield, your conduct’s always been of the most delicate and obliging description.

Tell them to telephone their broadcasting stations with the description and number of the car as soon as we get ’em.

I want to have a description of that brother of yours.

Get all information concerning this shooting at Ace Casino… also description of killer.

The description of the killer at El Paso fits Holt… and I just caught him letting the ape out.

Man answering description of escaped maniac just seen at 16th and Hill.

But long time ago use same description for honorable mother.

And I’ll send you a full description by phone.

Yes, but what makes it so difficult for me is that her description varies.

We made the rounds of all the hotels, Countess, but the description

Following is the description of Mantee’s car heading for the border.

Mantee’s description follows:

Among the key scenes, we can name the description opening with «In this time, the peonies…», in which he’s contemplating the falling petals.

If any of our listeners see a man answering this description kindly notify the police.

No passenger ships had sailed since noonmeal, the next packet out was the Jemson’s Luuker and she was ready to cast off so he had time for only the most cursory look but he did not find Venna or anyone answering her description on board, nor did he find her in any of the watering holes along the docks were someone would wait for a vessel’s departure

Description of sin would never bring sinners into repentance,

Description of Disease: Canes turn brown from tips, plants most affected in colder climates, right after winter protection is removed, not a disease itself but can led to disease attack

His description of the food was extremely accurate … he has got an extensive selection of food … we’ll never eat all that

That was the closest description he could make

I grope in my handbag for the information which the agency sent me about the job … reading through the job description again … personal assistant to the sales director – all usual computer skills, office practices etc — no problems there

I don’t mention any of this, in my monthly phone call to Amy, but entertain her with a description of the demo we had last Friday afternoon by a local potter

I recognize there are some qualifications (married-children-apt to teach) that set some men apart as not being qualified but generally speaking the qualifications set forth by Paul are a wonderful description of God’s man

You can find the description of it in Luke 16 with the parable of Lazarus and the rich man

Is the description being given to draw us to understanding the first statement by antonyms? This can’t be

see in the world, that is likely a very accurate description

For Smith, without access to heaven’s as yet empty libraries, the darkness was beauty beyond description, solitude was a cruel mistress who only ever tasked without instruction, and silence was the wonder, the brilliance, the radiance of an eternal symphony half remembered

This beast has ten horns and seven heads – which is the description given to Satan in Revelation 12

description of Catwhiskers, and if that is he then the other has to

This is the exact description given to the Amalekites

I had imagined that Nepal would be just snow-capped mountains – but that says more about my lack of geographical knowledge than anything, I feel! Your description of the fauna and flora found in the tropical savanna and the forests was most interesting and the watercolours you enclosed are extremely good

” We find in Revelation 21 a description of the city of God

And no description could have prepared me for that breath-taking first impression

’ I invited, his description reminding me of the paper I should have read more closely when I first came across

Altera was very interested in his description of the battle, especially Rayne’s involvement in it

Start by writing a brief description or bulleted list of the type of life you wish you could have

Rayne was fascinated by his description of the structure

a description of who they were socially

Great canals had been carved thru the inner island and those rowboats covered the water, along with sailing ships of every description

‘All Joanna told me was that he had a gorgeous bum and that’s hardly a description

‘From what I have discovered, that would appear to be an accurate description of Bunty Danvers

‘Yes, your description is quite accurate

Andy laughed at her question, launching into a highly technical description of how they would have to follow the strata and extract the layers which left her totally in the dark

All I got was a note saying there was a need for a shonggot victim fitting this description and one had been found

“This description of her, where did that come from?”

“Was there a reward for bringing in a shonggot victim fitting my description?”

I have confirmed that there is no record of a Tdeshi fitting your description

Plato left us a detailed description of the death of Socrates

That Ozzie character was another one he wouldn’t mourn – what that wife of his went through beggared description … he wondered idly who she was before she married the Hartley-Jones man

“But there are just as many others with the same result, someone ‘forgot’ a step in the dilution because he knew his friend would be on a boat crew that night when someone answering the description would be picking it up

Shaun Lloyd is taking the greatest pleasure in giving the boys in blue a full description of events, about how he was dragged out here against his will and was being framed

He did know that there was a picture of Ava sent out to all medical facilities with a description of the body they wanted

“Some,” Jorma answered, and listened to a description of a machine used to make coach wheels, something called a rotary laminater

The description says the

“For a more complete description of this phenomenal story you would be better served to read that master’s own writings in his words

They were each entertained by Harry’s description of his taking of the Entrance examinations and or their aftermath every time it was read

Why she chose to ask about the way he’d pronounced the small house’s description like a name, she wasn’t exactly sure; after all, it belonged to her and she could call it anything she wanted

” Belle began, but searched for an accurate yet non-labeled description

She didn’t seem to think he had come out with anything completely improbable however, in fact helped verify his description

» playing on her description of him, a minute earlier

It was, without a doubt, the most incredible thing he had ever seen, beyond all mortal description; it almost looked like a living, breathing thing, and it looked older than the entire universe

«That’s a pretty broad description, are you sure you have that to offer

» Jim responded, but Jesse didn’t approve of his description, neither did she

Thanks to the description provided by the Innkeeper, Jean

Jean provided them with a brief description of the events

detailed description of his quarry

He gave a detailed description of the two

operator, nor the genealogical description she offered in

Actually she thought this wording was a little more direct and not quite so allegorical in its description of what was happening here

«Nah, chow-hound would be a more accurate description

Just about everyone knew who he was talking about from even a brief description

‘Did you get a description of the thief?’ asked the

«I know them only by Alan’s description

‘I don’t have a description, I only know that he

leave his description unfinished

Yes I was interested in either the rolled gold or silver as long as they worked of course so I checked my accounts and looking at the photo’s and description

We knew from Alan’s description that the starship flies by fans, so when it landed and shut itself off to let the ghost named Alfred carry Alan in, Klarrain drove the floater in low from the bushes and dropped a tarp over one of the fans

Instead of a description — which wouldn’t do but

When finished, put the description in your journal

I don’t intend to make a description of the

Divine places had been described to me many times, but never had their description lived up to the reality

The two description lines

part of the job description

When the meal was served, she quickly attacked her plate without missing a beat in her drawn-out business description, and continued on with the same through the dessert afterwards

It was quite a strange description

‘Mostly intact’ was a generous description

Ravena added, “And with the ancient text’s description of it sitting right here in his own notes!” she thumped her hand on the page

But he never put that little treasure together with that description

It is about, for want of a better description, mind control

He was not very willing, however, to believe that they were not the same with some of the countries described by Marco Polo, the first European who had visited, or at least had left behind him any description of China or the East Indies ; and a very slight resemblance, such as that which he found between the name of Cibao, a mountaim in St

Angel told me that there were many pressing security problems and the possible defection of an Anglo historian might not be classified as high priority, but he would send in the report and Kurt’s description to Security Headquarters

The description of the card was —

That is just the allegorical description of the Law of

,” he paused and then picked up, “I guess tough daughter of a bitch is more accurate,” he said, laughing at his description with a feline like smile on his face

Can you give a name and description of the visitors?’

In Martin’s mind the most critical thing was the description of height, weight and heat that were close to what Sloan may look like in hiking clothes

The man who ran was white, which made the description valid because not many whites would be out walking the Laurel Mountain trails these days

He could have been a farmer but that GPS feedback put him into the overall description, so we’ll assume it was him

Sebastian exhaled heavily, certainly not happy with that mediocre description of his job, but he realized it would have to do

The hills were covered with grass and flowers of every description

“No don’t tell me you’d be Elijah then you fit his description to a tee your one who he said was a best mate as well

The creation he saw was hideous in a way that defied that simple description

Did the Bible provide any information in the Old Testament to the Jews on how to identify their Messiah when he would be presented on that day or where to look for him? In Zechariah 9:9 a clear description is given in another prophecy of how the Messiah would be presented to the Jews, so that they could know exactly what to look for

If one is to rely on the information as it is provided in the Bible and compare it with what Evolution depicts, can one find similarities where the two viewpoints meet or are they opposing? From the Internet, the following description of the Universe’s formation after the Big Bang occurred is given:

From her mother’s description of the evening, Jill

repeated a few lines of the description — height,

I was impressed as I looked at him and asked how did you know that? Oh he replied Billy Boy often talked about you and I must admit that his description of you was spot on you are beautiful

Whenever I encounter the disgusting description „the high forehead of the intellectual,» I remind myself that Dr

In medical terms Jimmy Findral’s state had no official classification; cellularly inanimate would perhaps be the closest description

Only yesterday’s correlated with each program’s description

Witnesses, however, have been unable to provide police with a description of the man

warship of some description

He left out a fact or two that he felt neither Larkey nor Fysto needed to hear, but still both officers were shocked by his description of the violence that occurred in the alley outside the Sea Dog tavern

It didn’t seem any description could be adequate with something so beyond every day experience

Random good picture Not show

1. The catalogue gives a full description of each product.

2. That’s a marvellous description, Mrs Drummond. You’re unusually observant.

3. Can you give me a description of the thief?

4. Police have issued a description of the gunman.

5. Berlin sounds fascinating from your description.

6. He gave a description of what he had seen.

7. The beauty of the scene defies description.

8. The earliest description of this species dates from 1703.

9. She gave an exact description of the attacker.

10. He’s not very good at description.

11. He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.

12. Police have issued a description of the man who was aged between fifty and sixty.

13. She was barely able to stammer out a description of her attacker.

14. She has written her description of him in a mildly humorous vein.

15. There was a degree of exaggeration in his description of events.

16. His description was accurate.

17. ‘Scared stiff’ is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.

18. His face is weary beyond description.

19. I’m afraid that would be outside my job description.

20. A witness gave a detailed description of the man.

21. Her description of what happened approximated to the truth.

22. He matches the description of the attacker.

23. His description had been reasonably accurate.

24. Cleaning the office is not in my job description.

25. My description of it needed reassessment.

26. Her description of the area is full of colour.

27. The guide gives a general description of the island.

28. Write a very brief description of a typical problem.

29. The brochure tries to give a fair and accurate description of each hotel.

30. Police have stressed that this is the most accurate description of the killer to date.

More similar words: prescription, script, describe, discrimination, option, adoption, perception, reception, exception, assumption, corruption, conception, consumption, destruction, descend, subscriber, bumptious, notion, motion, nation, action, question, fiction, edition, portion, mention, section, auction, function, fraction. 

Definition of Description

an account or narrative

Examples of Description in a sentence

The detailed description of the product was listed incorrectly on the label.


A description of the suspect was given by an eye-witness and sketched out.


When arriving at the realtor’s open house, the potential buyer quickly realized that the shack they were selling did not match the description listed online.


A quick description of the problem was enough to give the doctor an idea of what was going.


Reading the perpetrator’s description of the events, the investigator was not surprised that it differed from the police and victim narratives.


Other words in the Words that describe material category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

What was that Description again?

All right. How about a Description?

That’s the most accurate Description I can give.

List of works and Description of these(see below).

That’s the only Description I get?

Uh, it’s not really part of my job Description.

Description: Touch the numbers in the right sequence.

Description: sitting in the grass.

Detailed Description of the product as follow:.

Description of Men’s Cufflink:.

From the Description in the papers.

Well, a Description is better than nothing.

A Description of the car he was driving.

It’s not really part of my job Description.

He won’t be able to give us a Description.

Description for instrument and electric design.

Description Automobile Steering Component.

Search for meta name=”Description”.

From there click the“+ Channel Description” button.

Description: With self-discipline, all things are possible.

Description: It’s your first day of college.

Does your home fit this Description?

Description of 141 Ebury Street.

Description A traditional savings account.

No one with his Description was admitted.

Used Arezoo’s Description to create this sketch.

The Description Office and Telephone.

Description of the bristle of styloid.

Description of the drug»Loratadin». Indications for use.

Display Description of the plugin.

Look at the responsibilities listed in the job description and word the description of your experience in a way that makes it sound applicable.


Fun whole class activity, plenary or review activity Based on «concentration» card game — find matching triples of diagram, word description and tr…


There’s nothing wrong with one word descriptions or short phrases.


List one or two word descriptions for your articles that you will use and re-use (short story, free read, new book, or the name of a character you discuss often).


The heading should provide the reader with a two to five word description of the job applicant’s background or area of expertise.


Apparently a two word description of EXACTLY WHAT IT IS isn’t enough for me.


Each title listing will feature a front cover image, your 90-100 word description, basic bibliographic details, and your contact information so that interested parties can connect with you directly to learn more about your title or even to make a purchase!


After notes are taken on the right side of the vertical line, students should write 1-3 word descriptions on the left side.


The main features of this package include: • Homepage featured listing ** • Full color bio pic, logo, or other image of your choice *** • 200 word description of experience and services and… • One click link to your class schedule • DirectLink to your website • One click directions link on Google Maps • Contact Information


Pretend you were going to write a 500 word description of what you are eating — and it’s going to be graded!?


Do use descriptive points that start with action verbs — instead of 2 word descriptions such as «wrote reports» have phrases like «managed several employees» and «developed streamlined reports»


I would write 100 word descriptions of various business (everything from AstroTurf companies to high-end hotels) which would be submitted to directories.


If you’d like to share your letter with us for a future Player’s Voice feature, write a short 100-250 word description of the title you’re currently enjoying — this can describe a particular moment or feature, or simply talk about the game in general — and send it to us via email at with the subject line «Player’s Voice».


Next is a series of one word descriptions and you are to indicate between «Not at all» to «Somewhat» to «Very Well» rating yourself.


I look forward to them and your comments… the three word descriptions were perfect.


For each breed the AKC registers, there is a breed standard which is a word description of the perfect dog of that breed.


Fill out the Actions Entry Form, located Here, which consists of your contact information, a maximum 500 word description of your action, and two (2) photos of yourself executing your action (or your action being executed).


Note that these aren’t «story» books; instead they have one word descriptions of the pictures and feature colorful illustrations.


Give us your nominee’s company name and URL, if possible, and a brief, less than 100 word description of what they do and why that makes them so great.


Advaita means non-dual and is actually beyond word description.


Be sure to click the «Annotation «field as indicated on the image, to include a 250 word description for your book.


The worst resumes are filled with boring, bland, 2-4 word descriptions like, «Cleaned tables,» «Wrote reports,» or «Dealt with customers.»


Various people from all over the organization and spoke about the culture, perspectives on growth, and shared one word descriptions of Kobo.


I’m terrible at describing myself so I will just use one word descriptions.


No one has the time or inclination to read a 600 word description of your book.


And I loved your word descriptions of fall.


Some time ago, it was absolutely acceptable to fill the skills section on your resume with a dozen or more one word descriptions stating how skilled you are.


Bold, as it is labelled, is a pretty spot on single word description of the scent.


bandwagon — and means it — the one word description that seems most appropriate to the entire phenomenon is «surreal».


Additionally, each team is required to submit at least three (3) in-game screen shots, a game-play video or a trailer and a 150 word description of the game.


To enter, all you need to do is write a short 100-250 word description of the title you’re currently enjoying — this can describe a particular moment or feature, or simply talk about the game in general — and send it to us via email at with the subject line «Player’s Voice».


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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ dih-skrip-shuhn ]

/ dɪˈskrɪp ʃən /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a statement, picture in words, or account that describes; descriptive representation.

sort; kind; variety: dogs of every description.

Geometry. the act or process of describing a figure.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of description

1300–50; Middle English descripcioun<Latin dēscrīptiōn- (stem of dēscrīptiō), equivalent to dēscrīpt(us) (past participle of dēscrībere to describe) + -iōn--ion

OTHER WORDS FROM description

pre·de·scrip·tion, nounre·de·scrip·tion, nounself-de·scrip·tion, noun

Words nearby description

Deschutes, descloizite, descramble, descrambler, describe, description, descriptive, descriptive bibliography, descriptive cataloging, descriptive geometry, descriptive grammar Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to description

characterization, confession, definition, depiction, detail, explanation, information, narration, narrative, picture, portrayal, report, sketch, statement, story, summary, tale, version, character, nature

How to use description in a sentence

  • By drawing on a fundamental description of cause and effect found in Einstein’s theory of special relativity, researchers from Imperial College London have come up with a way to help AIs make better guesses too.

  • However, as the workaround description implies, this separate tracking carries the risk of someone still being served the same ad even after the limit has been exceeded.

  • Nurses found that working safely isn’t only about PPE and sanitation, but also a much broader range of practices, from using technology in new ways to changing job descriptions.

  • Those restaurants’ profiles on Goldbelly are then linked to in the description box of the video and Thrillist makes a commission off of any transactions.

  • Later this year, developers will be required to include information in a so-called “nutrition label” about how their apps collect data on their app description page.

  • Perhaps lording over goblins is the right description after all.

  • Baby cigarette “No worry of cancer with this cigarette costume,” the description for this gem reads.

  • But one description was abhorrent on a level far above politics: “Aspergery.”

  • And, in truth, many of the major political figures fit that description.

  • Since he matched the rough description of the killer in the Genovese case, he was questioned about it.

  • Each picture bore a label, giving a true description of the once-honoured gem.

  • The king was struck with horror at the description I had given him of those terrible engines, and the proposal I had made.

  • Also there is a description of Bampton, which once thrilled the readers of the Tiverton Gazette.

  • This habit of scribble may persist after a child attempts a linear description of the parts of an object.

  • In the yard, which was kept scrupulously neat, were flowers and plants of every description which flourishes in South Louisiana.

British Dictionary definitions for description


a statement or account that describes; representation in words

the act, process, or technique of describing

sort, kind, or varietyreptiles of every description

geometry the act of drawing a line or figure, such as an arc

philosophy a noun phrase containing a predicate that may replace a name as the subject of a sentence

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with description

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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