Use the word described in a sentence

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1. Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human in-telligence long enough to get money from it. 

2. One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate.

3. An eyewitness account described the plane as a «fireball».

4. They described him as unfit to govern.

5. Several people described seeing strange lights in the sky.

6. Their daily lives are described in detail.

7. He described the government’s economic policy as misguided.

8. He was aptly described as ‘tall, dark, and handsome’.

9. The president described these activities as futile.

10. The President described the killings as an abominable crime.

11. Police described it as a sickening racial attack.

12. His latest film is described as a ‘romantic comedy’.

13. She described the new policy as «morally indefensible».

14. Mr. Lincoln once described this journey to me.

15. He described what had happened in sickening detail.

16. Police described the attack as horrific.

17. He described her book as absolute rubbish.

18. The paper’s leading article described the government as weak.

19. Her condition after the operation was described as ‘satisfactory’.

20. Police described it as a particularly gruesome attack.

21. He described talk of sackings as scare stories.

22. Jim was described by his colleagues as ‘unusual’.

23. She described the shooting as a wicked attack.

24. The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable.

25. Conditions for prisoners were described as inhumane.

26. He described their living conditions as tolerable.

26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

27. The writer described the creative process.

28. They described the man as a scoundrel.

29. She described the accident very carefully.

30. Rogers, an iconoclast in architecture, is sometimes described as putting the insides of buildings on the outside.

More similar words: describe, prescribed, inscribed, proscribed, prescribe, indescribable, scribe, ascribe, subscribe, inscribe, subscriber, proscribe, transcribe, subscribe to, circumscribe, nondescript, descriptive, description, scribble, prescription, tribe, bribe, briber, bribery, crib, diatribe, tribesman, cribbing, scrip, escrow. 

Examples of how to use the word “description” in a sentence. How to connect “description” with other words to make correct English sentences.

description (n): something that tells you what something or someone is like

Use “description” in a sentence

His description was too general.
We recognized it from your description.
Can you give me a brief description of the thief?
We need a detailed description of what happened.
Can you give me a brief description of the thief?

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When you’re trying to get your point across, it’s important to use the right words. This article will discuss the difference between “describe” and “explain”, with examples to help illustrate the point. By understanding the difference between these two words, you can be sure to use them correctly.

What Is The Difference Between “Describe” And “Explain”?

The main difference between “describe” and “explain” is that when you describe something, you are giving a general overview of it, while when you explain something, you are providing specific details. In other words, “explain” is more detailed than “describe”.

describe vs explain

For example, “Describe the taste of a lemon” would be an instruction to list the properties or features of a lemon’s taste, whereas “Explain how sugar is used in baking” would be an instruction to provide information on how sugar interacts with other ingredients in baked goods.

Most of the time, “describe” and “explain” are interchangeable. “Describe” is often used more when talking about objects, while “explain” is often used more when talking about concepts or theories. 

However, there isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, and you’ll sometimes see one word being used in place of the other. For example, you might see someone say, “Can you explain this to me?” or “Could you describe that for me?”

What Does “Describe” Mean?

The word “describe” is derived from the Latin word “describere,” which means “to write down.” When you describe something, you are providing a detailed account of it. This can be done through written or spoken words or through visual means such as art or photography. 

In order to properly describe something, you must first have a clear understanding of it yourself. This requires taking the time to study the subject matter carefully. Once you have a good grasp of the concept, you can then begin to convey your ideas about it to others. 

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, “describe” is a verb that means “to say or write what someone or something is like”.

See the following examples of how to use “describe” in a sentence.

  1. Please describe your experience working with our company. 
  2. Can you describe the product in more detail? 
  3. Could you describe the scene in more detail? 
  4. Can you describe your feelings toward the subject matter? 
  5. What words would you use to describe this painting? 
  6. How would you describe your relationship with your father?  
  7. Tell us about a time when you had to describe something complex to a child.

What Does “Explain” Mean?

To explain something is to provide an understanding of it. Usually, this means breaking the thing down into its component parts and describing how each part works. It can also involve providing examples or a story that helps illustrate the point. 

Essentially, explaining something to someone is taking something complex and making it easier to understand for someone else.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the word “Explain” as a verb that means “to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it”.

Explore the following examples of how to use “explain” in a sentence.

  1. Can you explain what happened at the party last night? 
  2. I don’t understand why she’s so upset — can you explain it to me? 
  3. I don’t know how that works — could you explain it to me? 
  4. She didn’t really seem to want to explain what had happened.
  5. Could somebody please explain this concept to me? 
  6. It’s not exactly clear what’s going on — could someone please explain it further?
  7. Would you be able to explain that in simpler terms?

 Is “Describe” Or “Explain” Used The Most?

According to the Google Ngram Viewer graph, the word “explain” is more used than “describe” in English.

describe vs explain english usage

The word “explain” is more used than “described” because it has a stronger connotation of making something understandable.

To explain something is to make it clear, while to describe something is to just give a factual account of it. 

In other words, when you explain something, you are going beyond the facts and providing an interpretation or explanation of what happened. This makes the information more meaningful and easier to understand for most people. 

 “Describe” And “Explain” – Synonyms

Here are some other words that can be used instead of “describe” and “explain”:

  • Outline
  • Depict
  • Detail
  • Enumerate
  • Illustrate

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


It can not be described in words, it is best to come and experience all that all your senses.


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Она не может быть описано словами, то лучше прийти и испытать все, что все ваши чувства.


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Можно было бы запатентовать любой тип музыкальных идей, который можно было бы описать словами.


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Он понимает, но не может описать словами, потому что в


есть разница.


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Красоту канадских озер и водопадов невозможно описать словами— это надо видеть.


A fourth configuration is described in words, because it is similar to the Node and Disk Majority configuration illustration.

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Четвертая конфигурация описана на словах, так как пример для нее был бы аналогичен примеру для конфигурации« Большинство узлов и дисков».

Thus he tightly shuts his studio door for the audience:


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Тем самым он наглухо захлопывает перед зрителем двери мастерской:


Granting them our time, skills and a part of our soul,


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Посвящая им свое время, умения и часть души, получаем что-то возвышенное,


What was done


Gaza at the beginning of the year 2009 by the Israeli regime


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То, что было сделано израильским режимом в Газе в начале 2009 года,


But once we have lived the same life, and had victory


the same areas, we have a powerful and

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Но когда мы живем одной и той же жизнью, и получаем победу в тех же самых областях- тогда нас связывают

сильные и глубокие духовные связи, и это невозможно описать словами».

Compose a program where the following conditions are realized: If the price exceeds the predefined level, the program must inform the trader about it


other cases, the program must inform that the price does not exceed the predefined level.


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Составить программу,


которой реализуются следующие условия: если курс поднялся выше заданного уровня,

до 10 пунктов);


остальных случаях сообщить, что курс не превышает заданный уровень.


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Поиск и трудоустройство на первой работе- этот процесс сложно описать словами.


And I feel that something mysterious is going on, that is impossible to describe in words.

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И чувствую, что что-то происходит такое, потаенное, что словами невозможно описать.

Difficult to describe in words, balcony, view of the fact that the third party

can sit difficult to.


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Сложно описать словами, балкон, вид на то, что третья сторона может сидеть трудно.


It is very difficult to describe in words what you can get as a result of such manipulations.


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Очень сложно описать словами то, что вы сможете получить в результате таких манипуляций.


There is no way to describe in words what the Eagle’s emanations really are,» don Juan continued.

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Невозможно описать словами, что представляют собой эманации орла,- продолжал дон Хуан.

That’s what really struck me;


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Именно это берет за

душу и вызывает такие эмоции, которые мне было сложно описать словами.



lots of images human beings are able to describe in words, using familiar concepts.


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МИР ЯЗЫКОВЫХ ОБРАЗОВ- множество образов,

которые человеческие существа способны описать словами с использованием присущих им понятий.


It is difficult to describe in words what is like to visit one of the seven natural wonders of the world.


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Трудно описать словами то опыт и те впечатления, которые Вы приобретете в одном из семи чудес света.


The suffering and pain that was experienced by Tabitha, a mixed breed female dog of ten months,


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Мучения и боли, перенесенные Табитхой- десятимесячной собакой смешанной породы-



it’s a mad flow of energy and emotions that are difficult to describe in words, because the musicians are laid out at 100% and even a little more.


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Каждое выступление БЕЗ

ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ- это безумный поток энергии и эмоций, которые трудно описать словами, потому что музыканты выкладываются на все 100% и даже немного больше.


The beauty of Armenia»in bloom» is difficult to describe in words, but believe us,

once you see you will never forget this delightful sight.


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Красоту Армении« в цвету» сложно описать словами, но поверьте, увидев однажды,

Вы уже не сможете позабыть это восхитительное зрелище.


All the charm of Bavaria is impossible to describe in words, it just need to see for yourself

and contemplate the splendor of this city will discover even 2-3 trip is just saturated with some curiositiesand local secrets, know when you live with it.

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Всю прелесть Баварии невозможно описать словами, ее просто нужно самостоятельно увидеть, созерцать и великолепие этого города

не откроешь для себя даже за 2- 3 поездки оно просто насыщенно какими-то диковинками и местными тайнами, познающимися, когда ты живешь вместе с ним.

Borrowing from formal grammar, you may be interested in using subject. Quoting from Capital Community College Foundation:

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something.

For an example, consider:

That is a really pretty painting. It is simply sublime.

The painting is the subject of the sentences; it is the thing being described by the speaker. In the phrasing of the quoted source, the painting is being pretty and sublime.

Another term that could apply is object. In contrast to the subject of a sentence, the object is the recipient. Formal English grammar further breaks it down into direct objects

Art critics praised the painting as very pretty.

* Subject: art critics
* Direct Object: the painting
* Object Complement: as very pretty

and indirect objects

The art critics said «truly sublime» as they described the painting.

* Subject: The art critics
* Direct Object: «truly sublime» — an adjectival phrase, quoted, turning it into a noun.
* Linking verb: as they described
* Indirect object: the painting

Summarizing the differences (again quoting from CCCF)

A direct object is the receiver of action within a sentence.
The indirect object identifies to or for whom or what the action of the verb is performed.

In both cases, the definition of object applies to your question.

object [n. ob-jikt, -jekt; v. uh b-jekt]
2. a thing, person, or matter to which thought or action is directed:
an object of medical investigation.


As Jim Reynolds points out in the comment, these words are fairly broad. They are hypernyms of your specific example. It seems that the askers own find of «Descriptum» is the most accurate, most specific word. Nevertheless, subject and object remain well understood parts of speech. The sentence «This painting is the subject/object of the description in question.» is perfectly understandable. Whether subject or object is more correct depends on the grammatical voice; in other words, the phrasing of the description itself.

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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