Use the word dependent in a sentence

This means that the children are still studying and dependent, when the person retires (especially if it is an early retirement)

As a technician, of course Bahkmar knew that the view rendering busses that supplied all souls eye-stream input was dependent on all objects in the field of view

However, not all study and learning is dependent upon the individual

A real partner wouldn’t be someone so dependent and wouldn’t be someone whose sensitivities she had to worry about so much

That sugar, in the last analysis, can cause serious malnutrition is proved by the fact that although like alcohol, it is a quick source of energy the effects do not last and as the body becomes more and more dependent on these ‘quick lifts’ it becomes less inclined to eat nourishing food

And computers … wonderful tools, but a society has been created which is so dependent on the things that, should a major catastrophe wipe them out, vast numbers of people would not have the first clue how to survive

«Why are women so dependent on sexual satisfaction?» Thom asked

She hasn’t been dependent on me financially for some years – she earns more than I do anyway – and when she pulled the plug on our marriage she insisted on being financially independent, seeing it as some sort of compensation for me if I didn’t have to maintain her

She loved the cottage but would be dependent on public transport; she couldn’t hack the thought of two buses just to get to uni and it would be terribly difficult if she wanted to get involved in any social life

Your happiness is dependent on your being aware of what you

Being with him that long would have left her utterly dependent on him

He wasn’t talking like a wizard, but still the naive and dependent little child

But though in many respects dependent upon the laws and policy, this proportion seems to be little affected by the riches or poverty of that society, by its advancing, stationary, or declining condition, but to remain the same, or very nearly the same, in all those different states

Some of them became dependent on

A slave, however, or one absolutely dependent on us for immediate subsistence, would not be treated in this manner

Masters of all sorts, therefore, frequently make better bargains with their servants in dear than in cheap years, and find them more humble and dependent in the former than in the latter

Though they lived at a distance from his house, they were equally dependent upon him as his retainers who lived in it

The occupiers of land were in every respect as dependent upon the great proprietor as his retainers

In a country where the surplus produce of a large estate must be consumed upon the estate itself, it will frequently be more convenient for the proprietor, that part of it be consumed at a distance from his own house, provided they who consume it are as dependent upon him as either his retainers or his menial servants

A tenant at will, who possesses land sufficient to maintain his family for little more than a quit-rent, is as dependent upon the proprietor as any servant or retainer whatever, and must obey him with as little reserve

Though in some measure obliged to them all, therefore, he is not absolutely dependent upon any one of them

Even a tenant at will, who pays the full value of the land, is not altogether dependent upon the landlord

You rent a small apartment in a run-down neighborhood, and you are dependent on a no frills 1980’s auto in so-so shape to get around in

Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?

The outcome of this is not dependent on me, nor is it my doing

In case of any of those accidents to which no trade is more liable than theirs, they would find in their ordinary customer, the wealthy corn merchant, a person who had both an interest to support them, and the ability to do it ; and they would not, as at present, be entirely dependent upon the forbearance of their landlord, or the mercy of his steward

Nonattachment is a way of living wherein you actively engage in life, but your happiness is not dependent upon the result of what you do

When happiness is dependent upon the satisfaction of desire, you cannot experience the happiness that is natural to you

The ability to be happy is, to a large degree, dependent

This country became so dependent on the illegal work force that laws were changed and they were granted citizenship automatically after five years of residency

Though the produce of his estate may be sufficient to maintain, and may, perhaps, actually maintain, more than a thousand people, yet, as those people pay for every thing which they get from him, as he gives scarce any thing to any body but in exchange for an equivalent, there is scarce anybody who considers himself as entirely dependent upon him, and his authority extends only over a few menial servants

‘It will secure you a steady career,’ her mother had said, ‘so then you will never have to be dependent on a man for your security

The members of the committee of nine being all merchants, and the governors and factors in their different forts and settlements being all dependent upon them, it is not unlikely that the latter might have given peculiar attention to the consignments and commissions of the former, which would establish a real monopoly

They then discovered their very lives were dependent upon the brother they had sold

Each detachment was not only independent of the sovereign of the country in which it was quartered, and by which it was maintained, but dependent upon a foreign sovereign, who could at any time turn its arms against the sovereign of that particular country, and support them by the arms of all the other detachments

The tenants of the clergy were, like those of the great barons, almost all tenants at will, entirely dependent upon their immediate lords, and, therefore, liable to be called out at pleasure, in order to fight in any quarrel in which the clergy might think proper to engage them

She wanted her medication, even though it disgusted her to have become dependent on the chemical cosh

This is just another example of numeric structure found in the Bible, but it is a level higher than the actual compositional structure of the text, but it is nevertheless fully integrated and fully dependent on the structural composition

Others, without acquiring the property, obtained leases for terms of years, of the lands which they occupied under their lord, and thus became less dependent upon him

35 A continuous mist watering system would also have ensured sustained plant growth all through the year all over the earth as plants would not have been dependent on rainfall for their water

«But he’s still dependent on us

A wife and a dependent loving child, lots of friends and a fantastic

With regular and rather complex meals, little variety, little exercise and no fasting at all, the dogs system becomes toxic and most of these dogs would benefit greatly from herbal treatments that are heavily dependent on a class of herbs called alterative

The one insurance policy the Darangi thought they had was Gerrid: if he was immersed and dependent on the program, he would likely face death with the threat of L-Seven-Six’s shutdown

Laws are dependent on a society‘s

‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs

who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them

The son was as much a dependent as a caregiver

Today the island’s economy is utterly dependent on the US military

The island is very dependent on money sent back by relatives working on the US mainland

It would be poorer than it is now, but also not utterly dependent on the US economy

That would not change until the 1950s, when the economy became dependent on money sent back by Puerto Ricans living in the US mainland

Math is heavily dependent on symbols and the

“However, now that we are dependent on satellite communications and power generation, things have changed

His injuries were critical, and his parents were informed his chance of survival was dependent on emergency surgery, but there was no surgeon capable of performing the operation at Nambour Hospital

“I don’t know for sure, but I think it is likely that Boulder will end up mostly full of trust-funders and others who are willing to pay high housing prices, but who are not dependent on having a job

failed miserably for we are now more dependent than when it was organized

It only affects us and keeps us dependent on others for our oil

thus enable it to tax anything done in the seas and in that way have a source of income not dependent on

But this procedure is totally dependent on an ongoing stable societal environment

Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries The basic idea of the presentation of this Project appeared of the need of putting end to the practice of the coexistence with social problems that turn the human being in eternal dependent of aid of the State, of the nonprofit organizations and of the social investors

For being lame and unable system of supplying the international backers organisms, it also turns those dependent and slave organisms of its speculation under false mantle of the investment to export and to pay the foreign debt

Another aspect of the speculation that mines the dependent countries is to force them to burn billion dollars to maintain its stable coin, that is, exchanging real efforts for imaginary coin when transferring immense wealth for financial speculation

It is dependent of the State, even with the label of deprived initiative, without having full dominion of its businesses

It makes us dependent on our parents because it is unsafe to be out in the world on our own

The consequence of this is that many young adults are reaching puberty without the leadership tools required to take charge over their own mind, which has been dependent upon their parents since birth

To limit Liam’s freedom and make him dependent on his parents, codependency restricted Liam’s mind with tools such as lack of self-confidence, anxiety if unprotected, search for external leadership and validation, etc

The fact that he gave power to wealth and people to give him standing in his community shows that he looked at himself through the eyes of everybody else, and he was dependent on other people’s approval or validation, as a ten-year-old kid would do

He reminded me that we Candor are in a weak position, dependent on Erudite for our survival, and told me that if I intend to keep my faction free, I will have to meet a few demands

One of our political parties is the party of dependency, and the more unskilled, dependent people that come to the United States, the more potential voters that party sees and caters to

WAS he such a remiss, careless father as she had accused him of being? HAD he so scandalously neglected the bodily and spiritual welfare of the four little motherless creatures dependent on him? WERE his people talking of it as harshly as Mrs

Were we that dependent on Mexican oil? Had we figured the Hispanic vote correctly?

Kosmo held that the proponents of big government wanted as many dependent people in

Chimalpopoca, the first he had known, was considered weak, much too dependent on the Khan

bonus for that quarter dependent on success and acceptance of the new

The Khan thought that was rather churlish, since it would ultimately make the Mexica less dependent on others for food and help in time of flood

When people are dependent upon charity or debt or government they are proving to themselves and others that they are not earning enough to provide for their own needs or for that of their family

Since jumps were dependent on missing large gravity wells, they had to be carefully routed well in advance

He knows exactly what he is doing, and he knows that we are dependent on him to handle his part of the plan

ANY ailment, and you criticize folks for taking a medication for depression, you are a hypocrite! Yes, I do mean that! How foolish can you be to accept that any of your body’s organs can malfunction except for your brain? No, we should not be dependent on medications

production of sperm and egg is dependent on the male and female sex

And now we are dependent on two of them, a witch and a Protector

He said that the advantage of galeras was that not only did they have a shallow draft, but they were also not so dependent on the wind

dependent to God, sin rears its ugly head

At the bottom is a growing dependent class insistently told they are unjustly held down

The most lethal weapon of the Civil War is to destroy the common man through seemingly compassionate social programs that kill the spirit of the individual and make of free citizens a nation of beggars dependent on government

In his book Not with A Bang But A Whimper: The Politics and Culture of Decline Dalrymple observes that when a population becomes dependent on government for the needs, and even the whims of life, it becomes

ence pain, be dependent on others for movement and, as was the case

like relations where the part was dependent upon and connected to the whole

survey respondents had experienced an OBE, with experiential data highly dependent on the age

How utterly dependent is the per-

Beware of all that makes you dependent

all you were dependent on

Because veterans on disability are financially dependent on

Does the success of your sex life seem overly dependent on or driven by fetishistic interests?

If the student isn’t a dependent and is the owner of the 529 account, the account is treated as the student’s asset and will generally increase the student’s EFC at the higher rate of 20 % of the account’s value.


Poland, heavily dependent on coal-fired energy production, threatened to block the deal unless the costs to its economy and industry were discounted by $ 15bn — $ 20bn (# 12bn — # 16bn) between 2020 and 2030, under a complicated system of concessions from the EU’s carbon trading system.


Crypto Derivatives are financial instruments that are dependent upon, or derived from the price of underlying cryptocurrency.


As in Campus’s earlier videos, photography and projection slip a stage between object and eye to implicate vision as contingent, abstract and always dependent on time and space.


This colonization is driven by the ecology of the skin surface, which is highly variable, and dependent on, among other things, geographic location, health of the «host» (you!)


But this enzyme’s ability to split table sugar into glucose and fructose is temperature dependent and the babies that need the sugar are generally too cold.


It’s one of the largest cotton growing areas in the world, and much of the local economy is dependent on the industry.


While it can display rich multimedia content it is dependent on daily battery charges unlike Kindle.


There’s an almost Buddhist calm and confidence that begins to replace the fear and anxiety that comes from being 100 % dependent on a single source of income.


You think about it nonstop, none of your conversations would pass the Bechdel test, and it creates a cycle of mania and self-loathing that’s entirely dependent on male attention.


These are used for defeating enemies typically, but each have a special action associated with them as well; whether it allows for easier traversal or temporary invincibility is dependent on which you equip.


On the side of crating, dependent upon the breed, various characteristics of the canine, their personality, and a number of other factors, the majority of dogs are perfectly content spending some of their time in a crate.


My age: 30, Single (will get married in a year), parents are not dependent on me (but I wish to take care of them in future) Residing country: Singapore (Planning to come back in 1-2 yrs and settle down in Hyderabad Heath status is good, non smoker & non drinker Health insurance: Yes.


Clearly, it is important not to design a building that is dependent on having a lot of people in it to stay warm.


After all, Tesla’s autonomous vehicles are inherently dependent on machine learning software.


DOE cleverly tied student loan debt into the regulation by making student loan access dependent on a typical graduate’s estimated average loan payment compared to his or her income.


These three interrelated points are mutually dependent on each other for their internal consistency and coherence.


What makes this especially interesting is that they have an economy highly dependent upon coal exports and coal burning.


And as much as we might want our dog to behave well in public, we don’t project onto them all that baggage that our public lives are dependent on.


This system allows the Asterion two different driving modes: in hybrid mode it is combining the V10 engine with the three electric motors guaranteeing a permanent four-wheel drive without being dependent on the battery’s state of charge.


My valuation may seem harsh, but then again it’s alarming to see how dependent it is on Tysabri, a drug with its own fair share of problems and competition.


And while he shouldn’t shoulder all the blame — he’s a shot taker not a shot maker, and therefore his dependent on service — he hasn’t been as clinical or precise as we’ve seen in the past.


The catch is that almost all of these potential new venues to digitally arrayed success seem to be dependent on loosening up one or more of the principals formerly held as near-gospel.


Additionally, angle dependent magnetotransport was used to obtain structural information.


And if we have ignored the Constitution in times of crisis, and survived, are we really as dependent upon it for our political survival as we thought?


How you use the home equity loan is dependent on your immediate needs.


His independence undermined, he remains dependent on the approval and praise of the parent who remains all-powerful.


We happen to think that, with or without alternatives to fossil fuels, any argument for lifestyles which are less dependent on energy use are a bad thing, with bad political and tragic human consequences.


Applying Canavan’s argument, we begin to see that Arthur’s (and other neutralists») refusal to impose any conception of the good is itself dependent on a particular conception of the good — a radically individualistic conception grounded in each individual’s «moral autonomy» — which Arthur is willing to impose on everyone by giving it a constitutional imprimatur.


«It’s an amazing interaction of all these different aspects of Earth and surface processes, which are so dependent on one another,» he says.


However, retention of eLearning courses is also dependent on how well we are able to support and re-enforce the learning over time.


«It is also important for parents who smoke to know that their children may model the behavior, particularly if a parent is nicotine dependent


Currently, measurement of the impact of these investments is largely dependent on surveys and self-reported data; there are few common standards and useful tools investors can use to evaluate impact investments.


Yes, I believe you have to be current, former, or dependent of the military to join, but once you are your family is in perpetuity.


If Mom is taking a longer leave of absence or not returning to work, she is now more dependent on her partner for her financial security.


You’ve made me suffer from anxiety and depression just so I would be dependent on the brief feelings of bliss you gave me.


I agree, although making something a treat isn’t always time, cost, or scarcity dependent issue.


It does not explain why — if there is a quality of certainty about The Law dependent in part on the fact that legal principles acquire a specific content, in lawyers» and judges» minds — so many hundreds of thousands of law cases seem to keep coming to court, with full-fledged lawyers arguing on opposite sides.


Our findings reveal that nuclear organization of motor neurons is dependent on inside-out positioning, orchestrated by N-cadherin, catenin, and afadin activities, controlling cell body layering on the medio-lateral axis.


The amount of carbohydrates that you intake per day is largely going to be dependent on your overall goals.


* Weighting may be adjusted to equivalent levels dependent on the requirements of the Assessment.


Retaining the current three-tier approach to employment status, but replacing the «worker» category with a new category of «dependent contractors».


Other education programs, such as those ran by our local high schools, are available but dependent on the program and its requirements and are arranged on a case by case basis.


The author stated that what can be interpreted as evidence of a big bang, «adds scientific support to the idea that the universe was caused — or created — by something or someone outside it and not dependent on it.».


Much of the choice of the nursing home for your loved one is dependent on the needs of the person.


When he files for his Social Security benefit, the children are eligible for dependent‘s benefits based upon his Social Security record.


Plasticity of mature hippocampal CA1 synapses is dependent onl-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptors containing the glutamate receptor A (GluR-A) subunit.


The final endorsement decision was dependent on both the membership vote and the votes of the WFP’s national advisory board, which includes representatives from all state organizations.


We will be dependent for a long time on coal oil and gas.


All this is of course dependent on the climate sensitivity and the damage that the climate change will bring with it.


Antonym: independent. Similar words: independent, independence, depending, tendency, respondent, correspondent, spend, suspend. Meaning: [-dənt]  n. a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support). adj. 1. not independent 2. contingent on something else 3. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence 4. supported from above 5. being under the power or sovereignty of another or others 6. addicted to a drug. 

Random good picture Not show

1 The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism.

2 The islands’ economy is largely dependent upon tourism.

3 He is dependent on his wife.

4 We are completely dependent upon your help.

5 He has a mother completely dependent on him.

6 Norway’s economy is heavily dependent on natural resources.

7 They are almost totally dependent on Western know-how.

8 You can’t be dependent on your parents all your life.

9 Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.

10 The local economy is overwhelmingly dependent on oil and gas extraction.

11 They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.

12 The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.

13 Many families on a low income are dependent on state support.

14 Married women have traditionally been treated as dependent on their husbands.

15 With a dependent wife and children,( he can’t afford to lose his job.

16 Many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support.

17 The country’s economy is dependent on tourism.

18 A child’s development is dependent on many factors.

19 It is largely dependent on the weather.

20 The country is dependent on foreign aid.

21 Those not gainfully employed are dependent on their savings.

22 The land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation.

23 Jan’s mother was dependent on her for physical care.

24 She had grown ever more peevishly dependent on him.

25 It’s very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills.

26 Jane had never met anyone so utterly dependent.

27 She is completely dependent on her daughter for money.

28 The charity is totally dependent on the Church’s bounty.

29 Like most psychotics[], she was very dependent on others.

30 Success is dependent on how hard you work.

More similar words: independent, independence, depending, tendency, respondent, correspondent, spend, suspend, spending, render, tender, gender, offender, vendetta, extended, defender, rendezvous, happen to, incident, student, evident, identity, identify, resident, diffident, confident, president, identical, by accident, residential. 

  • Use the word DEPENDENT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And finally when you take LSD it is a drug more than any other that I know which is dependent upon your own expectations of it and the setting that you’re in when you take it

The Duke Adorno… right of objection… we’re dependent

I’m not a dependent girl.

The entire operation of night mail service in South America is dependent on the most exact adherence to the plan laid down.

And then, as he learnt more about civilization he’d realize he was dependent on his rich wife.

No need for him to be dependent.


But there are 50 living people dependent on you.

We’re all of us dependent on one another, every soul on Earth.

I’ll let you see whether I’m dependent on you.

And even then, our bases would still be dependent… on the longest, most vulnerable lines of supply… on the face of the globe.

I don’t want to be dependent on anybody.

I’m not dependent on you? !

Or do you perhaps think I’m dependent on you?

Whether you think that I’m dependent on you?

And he’s… not dependent on her!

Whether you think that I’m dependent on you…

I’m not dependent on you.

Do you think I’m dependent on you?

Do you perhaps think I’m dependent on her?

Whether you think that I’m dependent on her, eh?

I’m not dependent on her!

How awful to be so dependent on a man living or dying it could ruin your whole life.

As dependent as a baby that doesn’t know how to get anything except cry for it.

Discipline and confidence, the one dependent on the other.

It makes me horribly dependent on you.

Marry me and get yourself a dependent.

Don’t be silly. You’ve become so dependent on me… you won’t be happy until I feel the same way about you.

For the Imperial Valley of California like many other farm areas of the great Southwest is almost entirely dependent on Mexican labor.

She’s very dependent on me.

The only place left is a German hotel, but you’re a dependent.

I wonder if they are, in any way, dependent on each other?

Well, some kind of dependent.

Maybe play a little with it, touch it… Without getting dependent of it.

Lonely and dependent on a man.

So you’re twice as dependent. Yes.

You have a talent for making a woman feel close and dependent on you.

He’s depressed. He feels himself totally dependent on others.

I’m dependent on him somehow.

Since I was a child, I think I’ve been too dependent on the love and good will of others.

I think I got too dependent on the goodness of your heart.

It was I who was dependent on you and Shinako.

And so I applied to my brother for permission to return here with Deborah… as a complete dependent… which I am in every sense of the word… including being listed as such in his income tax report.

Stop being self-centered and dependent on other people.

Here I am, ten thousand miles from home in a strange city and… completely dependent upon your persuasive friend.

To be dependent on a man.

They’re dependent mostly on winds and thermal currents to carry them along.


 Meanings and Examples of DEPENDENT


 a.  relying on or requiring the aid of another for support

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  The sea, or rather the vast river of ice, wound among its dependent mountains, whose aerial summits hung over its recesses.

2  I sympathized with and partly understood them, but I was unformed in mind; I was dependent on none and related to none.

3  A more reasonable cause might be found in the dependent situation which forbade the indulgence of his affection.

Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 4

4  Mrs. Smith has this morning exercised the privilege of riches upon a poor dependent cousin, by sending me on business to London.

Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 15

5  And she had a long white veil dependent from her hair, and she had bridal flowers in her hair, but her hair was white.

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In Chapter VIII

6  I glanced at Herbert’s home, and at his character, and at his having no means but such as he was dependent on his father for; those, uncertain and unpunctual.

Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In Chapter XXXVII

7  ‘For being quite alone and dependent on myself in this rough world again, yes, I fear he did indeed,’ sobbed my mother.

David Copperfield By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 1. I AM BORN

8  Another aspect of the same idea had presented itself to her, and she felt that it was beneath her dignity to have her nerves racked by a dependent relative who wore her old clothes.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 11

9  For an unskilled man, who made ten dollars a week in the rush seasons and five in the dull, it all depended upon his age and the number he had dependent upon him.

10  The workers were dependent upon a job to exist from day to day, and so they bid against each other, and no man could get more than the lowest man would consent to work for.

11  Even so; sucking babes are not more dependent on those who guide them than we who are of larger growth, and who may now be said to possess the stature without the knowledge of men.

The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 4

12  She had never had a slave under her control previously to myself, and prior to her marriage she had been dependent upon her own industry for a living.

The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

13  These Gentiles, cruel and oppressive as they are, are in some sort dependent on the dispersed children of Zion, whom they despise and persecute.

14  Yet he was absolutely dependent on her, he needed her every moment.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 2

15  The Crofts were to have possession at Michaelmas; and as Sir Walter proposed removing to Bath in the course of the preceding month, there was no time to be lost in making every dependent arrangement.

Example Sentence: (96 in 7 pages)

16  All is dependent on your decision.

17  Equivocal tokens shown by a gentleman of family and a man of the world to a dependent and a novice.

18  Some U.S. officials believe Pakistan wants the U.S. to remain dependent on the ISI for that intelligence.

19  Then try to find an immigration lawyer, prove that a dependent is counting on you.

20  Where we are fortunate is to be dependent on actual imports of oil only to a limited degree, unlike Japan and some European states.

21  Its path to the playoff is dependent on utter chaos; but the teams ahead of it have faced several more.

22  What is actually paid will depend on the bonus payments made at the end of the policy.

23  Place allow me to smal proud,because like you depend on.

24  Please allow me to small proud, because like you depend on.

25  I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.

26  Apply yourself to true riches; it is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life.

27  Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions.

28  Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.

29  Many adults still depend on their children to work the video.

30  My wife and daughter depend on me for their living.

Listing Results Dependent Recipes

  • Total 20 Results
  • Low carb

  • Low cholesterol

  • Low fat

  • Low sodiumt

41 Healthy, LowCarb Recipes That Are Full of Flavor

WebA good place to start? These chicken «enchiladas» made with zucchini ribbons instead of tortillas — a simple hack that cuts the carb count to just 10 grams per …

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50 Healthy LowCarb Dinner Recipes Cooking Light

WebLowcarb recipes don’t have to be just meat and vegetables, though if you search for any lowcarb dinners on the Internet, that’s about all you will find. We’ve limited these lowcarb dinners to 30 grams of carbohydrates per …


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20+ LowCarb DiabetesFriendly Dinner Recipes

WebLowCarb Cauliflower Fried Rice with Shrimp Credit: Jacob Fox View Recipe This fried rice variation uses riced cauliflower instead of traditional rice to lower the …


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Because American and British English sometimes have different spellings for the same word, beginning writers and English language learners can easily become confused.

In some cases, the spelling of a word also changes based on its usage in a sentence. Dependent is one such word. In the past, it had been spelled as dependant when used as a noun. As an adjective, writers used dependent.

Modern English has all but dispensed with this differentiation. It still exists in British English, though it is rarely enforced. Continue reading to find out in what situations you should use dependent and dependant.

What is the Difference Between Dependent and Dependant?

In this article, I will compare dependent vs. dependant. I will use each in a sentence, and then I will show you a helpful trick to use when deciding if dependent or dependant is the better choice.

When to Use Dependent

dependent versus dependant What does dependent mean? Dependent can fill multiple roles in a sentence. It can be an adjective, where it means the condition of relying on someone or something.

For example,

  • A dependent clause is not a complete sentence by itself.
  • The researchers hoped their independent variable would influence their dependent variable, so they could justify more funding.
  • Bahrain also faces increasing economic pressure as its oil-dependent economy has suffered from depressed global crude prices. –The Washington Post

It can also be a noun, where it refers to someone who relies on someone else to provide basic necessities. In this sense, it is most often used in the context of taxation.

  • If you claim someone else’s children as dependents, you could be investigated by the IRS.

When to Use Dependant

Definition of dependant definition and definition of dependent definitionWhat does dependant mean? Dependant is an older word than dependent. Historically, dependant was the preferred spelling in British English when used as a noun. As an adjective, dependent has always been the preferred spelling. This distinction is waning, however, with dependent being with increased frequency in all contexts.

  • Determine if you are a student dependant (under 23), a mature student dependant (over 23 but living with parents on January 1st, 2016), or an independent mature student (over 23) who can prove independent living prior to October 1st, 2015. –The Irish Times

American English, for example, has used dependent in all contexts since at least the mid-20th century. There is no reason to use dependant when writing for American audiences.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Define dependant and define dependentHere is a helpful trick to remember dependant vs. dependent.

Dependent is the safe choice in all contexts. It has become accepted even as a British English noun, where dependant was the historically preferred choice. Dependent is preferred as an American English noun and as an adjective.

You can remember to avoid using dependant since dependant and avoid both contain an “a.” Dependent is the better choice in all contexts, even for British English nouns.


Is it dependent or dependant? Dependent and dependant are two variants of the same word.

  • As an adjective, this word means the condition of relying on someone or something.
  • As a noun, it is usually something a person claims when filing their taxes.

Dependant was the historically preferred variant when used as a noun in British English, but today both variants are accepted. American English uses dependent as a noun, and dependent is the adjective variant in both American and British English.

Dependent will always work, so avoid dependant by remembering the a it shares with avoid. If you still can’t decide whether you should use dependant or dependent, you can refer back to this article for guidance.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Dependent and Dependant?
  • 2 When to Use Dependent
  • 3 When to Use Dependant
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

Definition of Dependent

needful; reliant on something or someone else

Examples of Dependent in a sentence

Our kitten will not be placed in a new home until she is no longer dependent on her mother for milk.


Because she was still dependent on her parents for financial help, the young woman allowed them to claim her on their tax return.


The shipwrecked passengers were totally dependent upon the kindness of the natives for their survival.


The toddler seemed overly dependent on her mother, crying every time she left her even for a second.


Because he is dependent upon us for both food and love, we always try to hurry back home to our dog Rover.


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