Use the word denote in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word denote, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use denote in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «denote».

Denote in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word denote in a sentence.

  1. Prizes in bold denote an event win.

  2. Players in bold denote match winners.

  3. Players shown in bold denote match winners.

  4. The symbol is used to denote common time (4/4).

  5. Numbers in parentheses denote appearances as substitute.

  6. Highlighted names denote a player still playing or available for selection.

  7. It is used at buildings and on vehicles to denote the presence of the president.

  8. The gold-highlighted years with symbol © denote Career Grand Slam achievement years.

  9. Numbering in brackets shows player’s seed, whilst those in bold denote match winners.

  10. The numbers in brackets are players seedings, whilst those in bold denote match winners.

  11. In his fiction, a woman’s hair is often symbolically important and used to denote gender.

  12. The numbers in brackets denote player seedings, whilst match winners are denoted in bold.

  13. The numbers in brackets denote players seedings, whilst players in bold are match winners.

  14. Scores in parentheses denote player breaks, while frames won are denoted by bold text and .

  15. Iḍā is also used elsewhere to denote a substance that Devas (demi-gods) and Asuras (demons) vie for.

  16. To avoid cumbersome notation, it is common to abuse notation by using the same symbol to denote both.

  17. Glas has been used to denote a range of colours: light blues, greys, and greens of the sea and grass.

  18. Players in bold denote the match winners, and numbers to the left of the player names are the seedings.

  19. Jesus and Brasenose men competed over which college’s flag should be hoisted to denote the winning boat.

  20. Astronomers denote this value by the decimal logarithm of the gravitational force in cgs units, or log g.

  21. The term Ausland and prefix TA were used to denote that she was a captured vessel put into German service.

  22. He often rearranged drapery fold lines or to denote perspective, enlarged or diminished the size of figures.

  23. Tapia concludes this is why Peruvian pisco bottles denote their vintage year and the Chilean versions do not.

  24. Other plaques on the memorial commemorate its unveiling and denote that it was paid for by public subscription.

  25. To denote its development as an exclusive neighborhood, Macy planted distinctive shade trees along Underhill Road.

  26. Not until May 15, 1965, was an historical marker erected in Independence to denote her contributions to Texas history.

  27. In 1933, Bengt Strömgren introduced the term Hertzsprung–Russell diagram to denote a luminosity-spectral class diagram.

  28. The elements of the flag denote a young nation on the ascendant, universal brotherhood and equality, and national ideals.

  29. The numbers in parentheses beside some of the players are their seeding ranks, whilst players in bold denote match winners.

  30. Most nouns have one or more particular classifiers associated with them, often depending on the nature of the things they denote.

  31. Another theory is that it comes from the word «ema», which is used in Portuguese to denote a large bird akin to an ostrich or crane.

  32. Wet lands were called kalani, galde, nir mannu or nir panya and was specifically used to denote paddy land requiring standing water.

  33. Most notably, he introduced the concept of a function and was the first to write f(x) to denote the function f applied to the argument x.

  34. At the feast Kahkewāquonāby was given a club to denote the power of the thunder spirit, and a bunch of eagle feathers to denote its flight.

  35. Samul nori eventually came to denote an entire genre as training institutes and ensembles were established throughout South Korea and Japan.

  36. The word castle was introduced into English shortly before the Norman Conquest to denote this type of building, which was then new to England.

  37. Though the word carillonneur literally refers to carillon players that are men, the French carillonneuse to denote women is not used in English.

  38. Most of these loanwords denote things indigenous to central Mexico, which the Spanish heard mentioned for the first time by their Nahuatl names.

  39. For an extra payment, businesses could have their listing displayed in bold type or have a star next to it to denote that they were «recommended».

  40. His flashbacks of this traumatic relationship use piano music similar to that used in Blade Runner to denote memories and a desire for former times.

  41. The word anekantavada was coined by Acharya Siddhasen Divakar to denote the teachings of Mahavira that state truth can be expressed in infinite ways.

  42. In author Antonia Fraser’s opinion, this affectation was somewhat inappropriate at a time when «clothes were supposed to denote rank rather than money».

  43. The left and right edges of each bar correspond to the perihelion and aphelion of the body, respectively, hence long bars denote high orbital eccentricity.

  44. All other characters, and officials on informal occasions, wear the chezi, a basic gown with varying levels of embroidery and no jade girdle to denote rank.

  45. The class prototype was initially numbered 790, with the rest following consecutively with a prefix «A» to denote a locomotive designed for the former SECR.

  46. Numbering was initially a continuation of the Southern Railway system, though an ‘S’ prefix was added to denote a pre-nationalisation locomotive, so that No.

  47. The Romans used the designation «Scythian» to denote many tribes, regardless of their ethnic origin, and sometimes the term would be interchangeable with Goths.

  48. Halogenated refrigerants, termed Freons in informal contexts, are identified by R-numbers that denote the amount of fluorine, chlorine, carbon, and hydrogen present.

  49. Certain other events, such as those in the Cazoo Cup series, use the one-year ranking list to qualify; these use the results of the current season to denote participants.

  50. On February 12, 1844, the Virginia General Assembly passed an act authorizing the society to denote the balance of the moneys raised by the lottery to the Romney Academy.

Synonyms for denote

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word denote has the following synonyms: announce, and refer.

General information about «denote» example sentences

The example sentences for the word denote that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «denote» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «denote».

Fingers: Burnt fingers denote that you should let others be and mind your own business; a cut finger bodes sorrow; if you have more fingers than five, there will be a new member in the family

We are intrigued by the phrase ‘matters of mutual interest’ and keen to learn what it might denote! Until tomorrow — Liesse Yare

What symbol would you use to denote, the start of a code block in razor views?

What symbol would you use to denote, the start of a code block in aspx views?

The words, accordingly, which in the original languages denote those different establishments, have very different meanings

But in the present times, through the greater part of Europe, a creditable day-labourer would be ashamed to appear in public without a linen shirt, the want of which would be supposed to denote that disgraceful degree of poverty, which, it is presumed, nobody can well fall into without extreme bad conduct

, a subsidy came, in the language of the customs, to denote a general duty of this kind of five per cent

” Through this system a platform of understanding that I have called the wisdom of the ancients (or the ages) was constructed to denote those things that seemed not to have changed over time

But “Casserole Cookery” is a phrase used to denote cookery in earthenware pots

It does not denote a level of con-

23 And some of them said these words to the king saying, The seven good cattle denote that seven children will be born to you, and they will kill seven of your children’s children in the latter days; and the seven good ears of corn which you did see in the second dream, are those princes against whom seven other less powerful princes will fight and destroy them in the latter days, and avenge your children’s cause, and the government will again return to your seed

To denote the strength

23 And some of them said these words to the king saying The seven good cattle denote that seven children will be born to you and they will kill seven of your children’s children in the latter days; and the seven good ears of corn which you did see in the second dream are those princes against whom seven other less powerful princes will fight and destroy them in the latter days and avenge your children’s cause and the government will again return to your seed

«Once and for all time I could see that caution and quiet denote your preferred mode of life

The term “Sutratma” is always used to denote the idea of a thread con-

the ‘ultimate physical atom’ or UPa He uses the word ‘ultimate’ to denote

She used the respectful Greek phrase to denote the housekeeper was married

This was a common term used to denote the main street in most English towns

When the word Father is employed to denote God, it should be understood in its largest possible meaning

Anatta (Sanskrit anatman) or “non-self” is used in the suttas both as a noun and as a predicative adjective to denote that phenomena are not, or are without, a permanent self, to describe any and all composite, con-substantial, phenomenal and temporal things, from the macrocosmic to

the Keys of David in that Jesus used bread to denote

The tactical positioning and the choice of the arcs of fire of the trenches of this regiment denote either a lack of tactical judgment on the part of the officers of this unit, or general neglect about defensive works

In other words, they denote whether this catching up to be with the Lord occurs before the tribulation, during it or near the end of it at Christ’s second coming to the Earth

devised to denote all possible position and volume combinations of every variable constriction point of the human vocal tract, from vocal chords of the larynx to the pharynx, jaw, tongue and lips; and speech could be accurately represented all around the world similar to reading and writing sheet music

The word Samyama is used in Yogic literature to denote the triple process of concentration, meditation and Samadhi practiced at one and the same time

The posters had Rahul in the middle, surrounded by anonymous faces, dressed so as to denote ethnic origins—Muslim girl in a headscarf, Sikh boy in a turban, an Adivasi in a dhoti

[1-24] ¿Tendrá? ‘can he have?’ The future indicative may beused instead of the present, to denote probability or conjecture

to denote one of the four spiritual states which are distinguished only by

circles denote life-never-ending, maternal new-life-making from out of life already existing

1The saints who are believed to be the seven stars of the constellation named Ursa Major denote the seven steps of yog

and, O Parth, the word is also used to denote a propitious act

These verses denote that those who exceed the humanist bounds in his life and incline to mean pleasures and rush to attain them as fast as possible preferring the world at hand to the afterworld: when such people shall be laid in their tombs they will view the hell and ascertain that it will be their resort in the other abode on the Day of Resurrection

‘Dabh’ is also used to denote the sounds produced by horses, rabbits and foxes, in reality expressing the sound of the air which runs through their mouths

com to denote the second domain you are going to add into the WordPress network

Its use here is to denote a

“So they’d had around three hours to make a getaway, so assuming they could have done around 150-200 kilometres in that time, that was a fairly wide area to cover,” said Taksin as he circled a section on the map to denote the area

He merely craned his head down to denote respect before also taking courteous leave

The couple on the next table smiled and pointed to their nearly empty bowls and then pointed at the dogs, and stuck their thumbs up to denote they had enjoyed their stewed dog

In addition to its usual meaning, vira, or virilla,is used to denote the border around the top of the shoe,

{66-1} quien; this use of quien with an antecedent that isplural and does not denote persons is now archaic

denote a mild obligation

In this process, Time is a peculiar set of marks that denote all Formo-systems of Worlds and establish an exact correspondence between dimension values, Forms of manifestation (for “human” Realities, it is NUU-VVU), and the entire aggregate of individual rotation Cycles that are characteristic of these Forms

denote the ancients’ awareness of the plain’s sacredness,

To denote what? Bringing new generations of beetles emerging from a ball of dung

Used as sacred Amulets to denote meanings of sacredness

All effigies hanging from ropes: to denote dead souls who once lived…

Thought), and cosmic consciousness – are expressions used to denote the consciousness

� Until some new sets of words arise that denote relationship without possession, we will find ourselves stuck with some very awkward locutions

allusion to the end of the prophecies because all of the prophecies used days to denote years as part of the process of sealing (encoding) them until the ending of the times when this activity was

Given unto (him)–There are several places that this exact phrase is used to denote someone has

Bridles control horses and denote what the riders (leadership) use to drive and direct (sit upon) the actions ( feet) of these horses, by turning their heads and mouths

However, in The Apocalypse the symbol spirits only denote the Creator’s Seven Spirits ( ways, paths, inspirations)

deceptive and supernatural spin, the symbolism of “spirit” was used to denote the essence of moral

to denote the essence of moral character (marks and the works of one’s hands), qualities, and

Horus are given a bird’s head to denote a feminine mindset

First, is the symbolism of hands, which denote deeds

A corresponding action on the word ‘life’ so often used in the Bible to denote the eternal reward

The word hell is used here, not to denote a place of punishment

On the other hand, “spirit” was used to denote

If the above language does not denote the utter destruction of the wicked, what

«It (nehphesh—does not denote the immortal part of man, but his animal life


allusion to the end of the prophecies because all of the prophecies used days to denote years as part

Bridles control horses and denote what the riders (leadership) use to drive and direct (sit upon) the

The seven heads denote a mindset and focus on the Seven Spirits of Evil, which are opposites of the

denote the Creator’s Seven Spirits ( ways, paths, inspirations)

A corresponding action on the word ‘life’ so often used in the Bible to denote the eternal

cause of complaint at the want of definiteness in the terms used to denote the punishment

and heaven are used figuratively because they are opposite terms, and denote the complete

used here, not to denote a place of punishment in the future world, but a state of desolation and

917 «It (nehphesh–does not denote the immortal part of man, but his animal life


denote the immortal part of man, but his animal life

Nehphesh or soul, can only denote the individual life with a

«It (nehphesh_ does not denote the immortal part of man, but his animal life

hell is used here, not to denote a place of punishment in the future world, but a state of

A corresponding action on the word ‘life’ so often used in the Bible to denote the eternal reward of the saints would result in making it stand for the strange idea of a happy extinction, or a blessed abolition of existence—an euthanasia

Why should Protestants boast over the Catholics in this respect? Do not both, virtually, claim that the language of Scripture is mystical, or has a meaning that does not appear in the common signification of the words? and, therefore, the Priests must interpret them to the people? Might we not as well give our Bibles altogether into the hands of these interpreters? Especially, if the plain common sense meaning of words is not to be followed, when there is no clear necessity for departing from it…What should we think of a law that says, «For murder thou shalt die,» if we were told the meaning is not, that the transgressor shall actually die, but be kept alive in indescribable torments, protracted to the greatest possible extent? Would any man think he was fairly dealt with by such an administration? And would he not have just cause of complaint at the want of definiteness in the terms used to denote the punishment threatened!” Sermon One, page 13

Paul did teach the utter DESTRUCTION or PERISHING, or DEATH, or EXTERMINATION of ungodly men…No stronger expressions can be found in Greek or English, to denote the utter extirpation of the ungodly

The word hell is used here, not to denote a place of punishment in the future world, but a state of desolation and destruction as a city» Barnes Notes on Matthew 11:23

If the above language does not denote the utter and complete destruction of the wicked, what language could God have used that would? None

Nehphesh» page 917 «It (nehphesh–does not denote the immortal part of man, but his animal life

to denote srj, charam, is ejxoloqreu>w

For the words used by Moses to denote, as is conceded, ‘temporal’ destruction of life, are the fiery words used by the Apostles of Christ to denote the penalties of Gehenna; they employ the same terms death, destruction, perishing, utterly perishing, consumption, in their Greek equivalents, which Moses employs in the Hebrew of the law; and it is surely to make a large demand upon men to ask them to believe that such terms under one dispensation signify all that can be even imagined of utter and complete extermination; and, under the other, all that can be imagined of indestructible being, and endless misery

, that the Bible writers of all ages use the same terms throughout 10 denote the final curse of God on sin; and hence the ‘popular and scientific’ are not only not at variance, but coincide

Luke’s design to represent our Lord as proving the resurrection, and not simply survival, is certain from his use of the verb ejgei>rw both in his gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles, which is strictly confined to denote resurrection

Now when it is considered that Christ’s words were for the most part uttered in the hearing of the two hostile sects of Pharisees and Sadducees, whose controversy on immortality gave a special interest and a peculiar edge to every term employed to denote a future slate, the conclusion appears inevitable, that Christ could have intended by His language only the sense here imputed to it

It is inconceivable that such language as this would be used to denote the idea of a life which was only bliss or spiritual character given to a nature already immortal

For, as Lightfoot says, ‘The New Testament was written by Jews, among Jews, for Jews ’ (a Jud eis, atque inter Judaeos, et ad Judaeos); and if it is evident that the phrases Ages of ages, or generations to generations, were used by them in a strictly limited sense in relation to the subject of future punishment, it will be needless to pervert the plain meaning of the ordinary Greek words, used in the New Testament to denote the destruction of the wicked, or words used to denote limited duration, from deference to supposed Jewish idioms requiring them to be taken in the sense of endless misery; specially when it is proved that no such idiom exists in the Talmud (which enshrines the traditions of the nation from a period far more ancient than the age of the Pharisees), where we find the very phrases even of the Apocalypse used to describe a punishment explicitly declared to be terminable

Nearly every reader understands that this English word, Atonement, signifies at onement, or reconciliation; and is used to denote the reconciliation of the world to Himself by God, through the death of His Son

’ No stronger language could be used to denote that not even the germ of grace had been communicated by baptism

also has this strong expression to denote the condition of ungodly men, yucikoi, pnuema

A corresponding action on the word Life, so often used in the Bible to denote the eternal reward of the saints, would result in making it stand for the strange idea of a happy extinction, or a blessed abolition of existence—an euthanasia

They are precisely the terms generally chosen in the New Testament to denote the punishment of the wicked;—with this difference, that Plato says the soul will not suffer qa>natov, ajpw>leia, o]leqrov, fqora>; that it is not destined to (ajpole>sqai, katafqei>resqai, diafqei>recrqai, ajpoqnh>skein; while the New Testament writers declare that wicked men shall suffer what is denoted by these terms

The man had a calm beauty about him, no less denoted by his family name

Since one of the score in tennis is denoted as “love”, then the game of tennis may be a metaphor for a romantic relationship or a courtship

Pushing through the forest there were few animals to be seen; occasionally a rustling among the bushes announced some lordly snake on the prowl, or a chatter and cracking overhead denoted that a solemn palaver of monkeys had been disturbed

Bolton showed him a box of technician-fourth-grade insignia, and Colling counted out several sets of the three chevrons surmounting a “T” that denoted his new rank

6:2–6, where it denoted certain heavenly creatures of human form but having each six wings…Their station was above the throne of the Most High…The Seraphim are in the later Jewish theology and in Christian Angeology classed as the highest of the orders of angels” (Amer

it denoted that i was in a season with the Lord; He was doing

Darcy’s reaction denoted more guilt than rage but it might’ve been from opening the suitcase

Which is also denoted

They are certified by The High Circle of Spell Casters of The Just Alliance as Eminent Artifacts of Power and Justice, and as such, an oath of justice sworn upon either of them will be sufficiently binding to merit being denoted by the Marking spell that serves as passport to The Just Alliance

uniform of an officer whose helmet denoted the rank of captain of hundreds

The lead rider gave the hand signal that denoted a watering hole ahead and the two thousand riders continued to ride into the area long after the Su-Katii leader, Lord Banok had dismounted

pacitors: a Farad may be denoted in various ways as:

reactance is denoted by Xc, and can be calculated

Her look denoted excitement and the desire to accompany us

The Magician was imposing; his words denoted authority and his manners reflected the assuredness granted by the knowledge that his will were always obeyed

His speaking denoted the refinement of long study hours, good for the expansion of the culture, for social conventions or for some other motives that were not coming to the case

Nothing in his behavior denoted taste or displeasure for the kiss

face was pale, and his ravaged appearance denoted another night

The magician was distant, and his facial expressions, gestures and attitudes denoted a great contempt for me, at least so I thought

About nine o’clock in the morning, Leonardo hastily entered and clinging to the gate, with a face that denoted urgency, he began to say:

write out every permutation by hand is to use what is called the factorial, denoted by the “!” symbol

The indicator Average True Range denoted in the USA, as ATR is a grade of the volatility

The coming of the middling years added a slight paunch, which denoted a peaceful and contented life

The face of this stranger waif reflected the opposite of every characteristic the countenance of the queen denoted

A glow appeared in the center of the green felt right above the amber square that denoted the city of Topaz

A slight blurring of the picture, that might have denoted a passing of time, and then Conan saw Prospero and his knights filing out of the gates and spurring southward

may see denoted as the H1

denoted as the H0, now this simply states that any observed differences between

An impressive quantity of books and magazines, many dealing with military affairs, geopolitics and history, denoted a person of learning, while the various sports gear and outfits also told of someone who took care of her body as much as of her mind

It is denoted by the combinational characters ?: and

“Don’t move yet, Nancy!” She said before adding the medal of the Purple Shield with three rubies, which denoted the fact that she had been wounded three times while on duty with the Time Patrol

promises that the new savior (or husband as denoted by the morning star — prophet) will

The sleepy voice of the RAF officer suddenly denoted intense interest

While he was a man of medium height and built, he was in top physical shape for his age and his manners denoted a strong, dominating character

In reality, each symbol on the sensors sphere that denoted a ship hit or destroyed added to her emotional distress

His penetration was keen and denoted a superior intelligence

Marilyn Monroe, smiling with anticipation while waiting besides Ingrid’s F-83, eyed the 158 small flags painted on the side of the cockpit, which denoted all the air victories credited to Ingrid during her career as a fighter pilot

The attacks in Chicago and Washington however denoted something much bigger than just a battle for power in New York

They were dressed in the gray tunics that denoted them as criminals and their hands and feet chained

(POSITION(16) denoted the position of empty spot

” Life’s face denoted a seriousness that was almost painful to see

“It is a culture of class and privilege denoted by purchase and ownership

Metaphors have connotative blowback which then effects their euphemistic application in other denoted situations, e

The voice itself was unfamiliar, yet it had a tough accent which denoted infallibly the section of the city where it was acquired

She had also found Rose Quartz deposits, which usually denoted gold, so maybe there was some of this precious mineral too

The ritual of crowning Kings comes from Rome; 2,300 years ago: as the laurel wreath of hay… and then later oak leaves, denoted who was the best Roman amongst them

at war the facts of the Greek language for five centuries, in which it denoted life and its derivative

That the Godhead should be itself distinguished into Persons, such as may be denoted by the relationships of Fatherhood and Sonship, or by such images as that of Mind and Speech, or Thought and Word, is itself a notion altogether foreign to the circle of ideas respecting Deity gathered by the study of matter and mind

They are precisely the terms generally chosen in the New Testament to denote the punishment of the wicked;—with this difference, that Plato says the soul will not suffer qa>natov, ajpw>leia, o]leqrov, fqora>; that it is not destined to (ajpole>sqai, katafqei>resqai, diafqei>recrqai, ajpoqnh>skein; while the New Testament writers declare that wicked men shall suffer what is denoted by these terms

Neither did He object to their interpretation, but confirmed it, by predicating of Himself an existence denoted by a form of speech suitable only to a pre-existent divine nature ‘Before Abraham was I am;’ an existence therefore on which, in fact, the life of mankind might depend

They are precisely the terms generally chosen in the New Testament to denote the punishment of the wicked, with this difference: that Plato says the soul will not suffer qa>natov, ajpw>leia, o]leqrov, fqora>, that it is not destined to ajpole>sqai, karafqei>resqai, ajpoqnh>skein; while the New Testament writers declare that wicked men shall suffer what is denoted by these terms

That every unregenerate being, who, having been born in sin, has died in sin, is destined to an endless existence in some degree of misery of body or mind, or both—an existence, the duration of which would be only commencing when it had lasted through a number of millenniums denoted by lines of figures as numerous as the vibrating beams of light which extend from all the suns and stars of the firmament into the infinite darkness—even if these innumerable lines of figures should be multiplied into each other,—this is a proposition which requires for its support something more solid than two or three disputed texts out of the English version of Matthew’s and Mark’s gospels, and which nothing short of absolute demonstration ought to persuade any man to embrace as from God

We must bear in mind that the seventh or synthetic characteristic of each of the rays is denoted by the ray name and is not specifically stated in the other six qualities

A murky red and yellow sky, and a rising mist from the Seine, denoted the approach of darkness

There is something ridiculous in the expression ‘master of himself;’ for the master is also the servant and the servant the master; and in all these modes of speaking the same person is denoted

And things great and small, heavy and light, as they are termed, will not be denoted by these any more than by the opposite names?

There is one principle with which, as we were saying, a man learns, another with which he is angry; the third, having many forms, has no special name, but is denoted by the general term appetitive, from the extraordinary strength and vehemence of the desires of eating and drinking and the other sensual appetites which are the main elements of it; also money-loving, because such desires are generally satisfied by the help of money

While, however, these manifestations of weakness were exhibited by the young and vain of the party, the more experienced warriors continued their search throughout both caverns, with an activity that denoted they were far from being satisfied with those fruits of their conquest which had already been brought to light

The deeper tones of one who spoke as having authority were next heard, amid a silence that denoted the respect with which his orders, or rather advice, was received

By the frequency with which the Indians described the marks of a forest trial, it was evident they urged a pursuit by land, while the repeated sweep of Hawkeye’s arm toward the Horican denoted that he was for a passage across its waters

Their rounded roofs, admirably molded for defense against the weather, denoted more of industry and foresight than the natives were wont to bestow on their regular habitations, much less on those they occupied for the temporary purposes of hunting and war

Then a low, but increasing murmur, ran through the multitude, and finally swelled into sounds that denoted a lively opposition in the sentiments of the spectators

In the meantime, Duncan saw Alice to a place of safety, and then sought the scout, with a countenance that denoted how eagerly he also panted for the approaching contest

Andrea seized the certificate of his father’s marriage and his own baptismal register, and after having opened them with all the eagerness which might be expected under the circumstances, he read them with a facility which proved that he was accustomed to similar documents, and with an expression which plainly denoted an unusual interest in the contents

He answered quite seriously, and used the word as if it denoted some

It denoted the

detected the familiar change in her expression that denoted the working of thought; a crease showed on her smooth brow

The single golden sword which denoted a general officer in the Royal Chisholmian Army had been replaced by crossed golden swords, marking the duke as the first high general in Chisholmian—or Charisian—history

Though unsophisticated in the usual sense, she was not incomplete; and it would have denoted deficiency of womanhood if she had not instinctively known what an argument lies in propinquity

When Izz Huett and Tess arrived at the scene of operations only a rustling denoted that others had preceded them; to which, as the light increased, there were presently added the silhouettes of two men on the summit

Abraham read: ‘‘This warrant renders unto the bearers the unchallenged right to examine all house, home, and household goods of the residence denoted below, by order of the Chief of Police in the township of Eudora, Mississippi

It capitalizes on trends when the signal is profitable as denoted by the [Big Gains] moniker, then a fail-safe mechanism kicks in to limit losses if the signal is false

Continuous rates of return can be calculated using the exponential function,7 denoted by either exp(x) or ex

The latter is sometimes denoted by the Greek letter phi (Φ)

1 The sample standard deviation is sometimes denoted with s (instead of σ)

Notice that most of the volume is taking place in the near month, September, and that many strikes in October have not even traded (those denoted with a C in front of the last price)

» The district-attorney directed the attention of the jury to this stupid attitude, evidently deliberate, which denoted not imbecility, but craft, skill, a habit of deceiving justice, and which set forth in all its nakedness the «profound perversity» of this man

Everything was bathed in a computer-generated false light and he immediately picked out two separate targets in the bright orange that denoted body heat

• Delta-neutrality can be achieved within the broad interval of criterion threshold values (denoted in the table as “variable criterion threshold”)

These portfolios are denoted with bold frames in Table 1

This portfolio is denoted with a bold frame in Table 1

2, these areas are denoted with sequence numbers

It was suggested to use the standard deviation of asset returns (or their dispersion) as the measure of price variability, which is usually denoted by the term “historical volatility

The current point of time is denoted by T0 and the future time point for which we build the empirical distribution of the underlying asset price is denoted by T

The length of the historical period used to build the distribution will be addressed as the historical horizon of the empirical distribution and will be denoted by L (L > τ)

The position occupied by a combination in the ordering is denoted as k, k = 1,

The elements selected during the first iteration will be denoted as belonging to layer 1

I waited a few moments, expecting he would go on with the subject first broached: but he seemed to have entered another train of reflection: his look denoted abstraction from me and my business

Night: It denotes that you have neglected yourself and the joys of life; stop worrying so much about everything

Poppy: This red flower denotes that you will soon need consolation

Scales: It denotes that you are an honest and reasonable person, which will help you earn money and a good reputation

If you see a vase full of flowers, it denotes that your financial condition is satisfactory

It’s quiet out here, chilly but without that biting cold which denotes winter

(Not all abusers are male as this poem denotes – there are plenty of women who abuse)

revolting, but it denotes a society inversely settled

of the metal pieces of which it is composed, but to include in its signification some obscure reference to the goods which can be had in exchange for them, the wealth or revenue which it in this case denotes, is equal only to one of the two values which are thus intimated somewhat ambiguously by the same word, and to the latter more properly than to the former, to the money’s worth more properly than to the money

It also denotes the connection between the spiritual and the earthly

To dream that you are in a cafeteria denotes that there may be a lot of issues “eating” you up inside

To dream that you are calm denotes a fulfilling life

To dream that you have cancer denotes hopelessness, grief, self-pity, and un-forgiveness

Alternatively, it denotes your drive, tenacity and ambition

To dream that you run away with the carnival denotes that you will be involved in or closely connected to the entertainment field

To dream of a bursting dam denotes that you have lost control of your anger and are overwhelmed with emotions

To dream that others are in despair denotes that someone around you will be in need of your help

To dream that you are climbing to the top of a fence denotes success

To dream that you fall from a fence denotes that you are in way over your head in regards to some project which you are dealing with

To dream that you are joyful denotes harmony amongst friends and loved ones

To see a pallbearer in your dream suggests denotes that you have to keep your temper in check

To see a stack of papers in your dream denotes overwhelming responsibilities and stress that you have to cope with

To dream that you are having sex with an ex or someone who is not your current mate denotes your reservations about embarking in a new relationship or situation

To dream that you are sailing the high seas in a ship denotes that you are still standing tall despite the emotional turmoil occurring in your life

Alternatively, the dream denotes your readiness to expose or reveal an aspect of yourself that was previously private

To see someone tipsy in your dream denotes that you need to be careful with whom you associate yourself with

To dream that you miss a train denotes missed opportunities

It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation

To hear running water in your dream denotes meditation and reflection

To see a messy and unkempt yard denotes that aspects of your life are out of your control

The symbol may also share the same significance as a circle and thus denotes infinity, eternity, completeness, absolute freedom and holiness

in the manifestation of actualities is what denotes

It denotes that he is subject to government, indeed ; but that, as he has some property, he cannot himself be the property of a master

Creationism—A term that denotes a belief in a Creator who created the earth in

M: ‘I am’ denotes the inner, ‘there is’ — the outer

It denotes a large bird that is native to his planet

» Mercy here denotes the height and depth and breadth of the truest friendship — loving-kindness

This denotes ambition and interest

This denotes career elevation

Weather Bureau in the 1950s, and denotes the fluffy cumulonimbus clouds that people find attractive

The word can denotes power or ability

The word Catahoula denotes a

When you see a green box around a horse’s odds, it denotes that the racetrack is predicting the horse will be the favorite for the race—the horse who the public thinks is most likely to win, but whose payout will be the lowest if it does!

The speaker soon noticed Jordan in the room and apologized to her for his colorful group of words, the first of which denotes an offspring and the final one rhymes with ditch

Here brotherhood denotes no specific sex

The RED text denotes how it practically applies to the example of CIMR & TIMGP

It has too nice a ring to it when in reality it denotes nothing but bad news, unless you are a stockholder

Many believe that it denotes God’s fullness

The noble saying denotes: “There is a reality for each truth, and a light for each rightness

That denotes a very high potential for powerful magic

here, as often, denotes continued or repeated action

It denotes the Serpent’s curse for the return of light

The number denotes Caesar – Nero deducted from the Hebrew alphabet having one six scale less (666)

The subconscious denotes the parts of mind that includes memories, motives, intentions that are momentary not present in consciousness but can readily be recalled to awareness

denotes the fall of religion and is tantamount to Himsa

Darwinism says: “the word God denotes to absolute nothing”

rashtr denotes the “insolent or profligate nation,” 25 and born from it is Duryodhan, the image of infatuation

clear: that in the true sense it denotes yogic contemplation and worship

So this verse denotes: “You, man, ! Look at the state of that who denies the right; and see the vicious deeds coming out of him

That is what the word “the communicated” expresses and denotes

It denotes: Does this man think that his money will make him last forever so that he will not meet death?

So, this verse denotes: You man! Contemplate these winds when they run, and notice that sound emanating from them; then behind that, seek to recognize this Grand Provider who sends them and moves them

So, this verse denotes: should not this man know and think seriously of his end when he will come out of his grave on Doomsday? How can he forget that day on which his happiness depends?

That is what this noble verse of Valuation fortress denotes

Also, this verse denotes that all what our Provider granted us of science, knowledge, life and strength are but a consignment He has put at us

The Holy Saying (Hadith Qudsi) denotes: “I was a hidden treasure, and then I desired to be known, and so I created creation and acquainted them with Me, so that they knew Me through Me

So this verse denotes: “After I have revealed to My obedient followers the just steering of the universe and the perfection it has been established upon, what is that which doesn’t affirm your saying? Is there any logical objection against this sublime and high demonstration?

Indeed, the Messenger’s worry and sorrow for creatures were so great so that they overburdened him and tired out his back, so, this verse denotes: “have We not released you from this weighty burden when We acquainted you with the way of indication?”

It denotes: what is this great power that threw the mountains on the earth?!

The noble Hadith denotes: “The licit is plain, and the illicit is plain

A comparison for more acquainting with His Grandeur, the Almighty says: “I don’t swear” this statement denotes: you, man! Whatever you view of the world’s greatness, know that your Creator is greater, and there is no limit or end of His Might

The noble saying denotes: “That whose heart has involved a little bit of belief will come out of Fire

This verse denotes: Oh man! Your Provider who supplies you with life is always with you

This verse denotes that the Almighty watches all what those infidels put and secrete in their spirits of wicked yearnings, and therefore He drives to them what befits their states

This verse denotes that the pure nectar which is driven to the righteous, that is to say, the noble deeds which they achieve in their life are tempered and intermixed with sublimation, i

This verse denotes: will not their deeds have been returned to them? Will not they have been clothed their actions as a garment so that people may learn lessons from their such fate?

It denotes, why do you meet these boons and that favor with such a rejection to the commands which I put only for your advantages?

It denotes: ‘since you have led his heart to the right path and has become a believer, so leave him and turn to those with all attention so that they may believe’

It denotes that this absolute will of freedom of choice granted to man could not be directed to any direction by anyone whatever was the effort he made unless it (that is, the spirit of free choice) seeks by itself to discriminate that which benefits it from that which causes harm to it

The verse denotes: “what a strange state this man is! What makes him unbeliever while all what is in the universe indicates its Creator’s and Existor’s mightiness? What is the thing that makes him turn away from his Provider while all what is in the universe yield to God’s favor and charity?”

It denotes that the Almighty has not made man’s food only a material devoid of any delight, yet He has perfected His favor when He created in the food a delight that man enjoys and made the building and the creation of this body based on it

“Briskingly”: this word denotes that the act of these winds is based on rules

It denotes: “surely, you have heard the story of Moses, have not you?”

This verse denotes: you who dissents from the commands of your Provider! before you ask about the time of the Hour, steer clear of your negligence and prepare yourself for it

It denotes: “you, disbeliever! Move your thought and stop your straying

This verse denotes: Have you not looked at the movement of the earth?

The verse “and overflowing cup” denotes that they will get a cup, viz things containing all the sorts of luxuries and these luxuries are constantly flowing and presented

That is what the phrase “those who are in linkup with God” expresses and denotes

This denotes the supreme Merits of Almighty Al’lah

Again, the final syllable of this word in Arabic, ‘na’, denotes the Supreme Merits of Almighty Al’lah

This Verse also denotes that all the science, knowledge, life and strength that our Provider granted to us are but a consignment that He has left with us

The Holy Saying denotes: ((Neither My earth nor My heaven could witness My Supreme Attributes like the heart of My believing follower did

The Holy Saying denotes: ((I was a hidden treasure, and then I desired to be known, and so I created creation and acquainted them with Me, so that they knew Me through Me))

Denoting mainly the agent or doer of a thing

Denoting state, action, result of an action

For they were the very familiar Shad-owmarks denoting both affiliation with “the Guild” and

When the chaos ceased, Torbin had a clear view of space, and overlaid symbols and grids denoting sectors and individual stars

They seem to have been called customs, as denoting customary payments, which had been in use for time immemorial

Coordinates denoting the ten metre area within which the laser must be targeted

In verse 4 the name Edom means the colour red, so denoting Esau, who was born

Simple open-air bedding-down arrangements were interspersed with an occasional small lean-to structure denoting those of less modest circumstances

He peered at the sewn black bars denoting captain on each of Bannister’s shoulders

to structure denoting those of less modest circumstances

denoting something that is related to mission, or has qualities or dynamics of mission

A giant relief map appeared on Central»s screen, a map denoting South East Asia

The skeletons of young Sarmatian girls were actually found in my time, with bowed legs denoting a life spent on horseback and with weapons surrounding them in their tombs

They often painted the sign of a (salt water) fish over doorways denoting their secret

Yet, contrary to his past experience in prior naval battles, the radio frequency of their air armada was nearly empty, denoting an impressive level of radio discipline by the women of the 99th CAG that would have put to shame most naval aviators he knew

As Larsen and his pilots leveled their torpedo bombers at an altitude of less than fifty meters, the squadron commander saw with a pinch of the heart a long flame appear in the sky, denoting a plane that had been hit

The attacks by the P-38s and B-25s also seemed to have hit hard the four battleships, with thick black smoke denoting fires onboard all four and also on the two heavy cruisers of the Japanese armada

Receiving a steady tone from the infrared seeker head of her selected missile, denoting that it had acquired a target, Ingrid fired that missile and watched with growing expectation as it tracked the bomber she was targeting

The man’s second shot was even less accurate than the first, probably denoting poor pistol training

Revelation 13:17 as denoting the Mark of the Beast which contains its

However, the chances that a girl raised among pirates could speak seven languages, play the piano like a virtuoso and sing the way she just did were about nil, her talents denoting instead the education of a true aristocrat

The men were however well armed and had plenty of money, denoting possibly a long mission in France, which would jive with a surveillance operation

He says that David followed after Him with all of his heart – which again is denoting someone who was following God with maximum intensity, maximum love, and maximum loyalty

a different code denoting

gestured with his face denoting high concern while

There was a question mark next to it, denoting humility, so I followed through

And as a chef, a culinary school graduate, what was I? A slave apprentice begging for indentured employment, conforming to an old world patriarchy, dressed in uniforms denoting status

But how was he going to pick up this heavy weight? He bent over the sack, put both arms around it, and undeterred by the enormous weight he stood up with new found strength, denoting the compassion, generosity, zeal, and love for rendering good and magnificent deeds, that were enfolded within his spirit

Despite these reforms, non-general use kanji are still in circulation although they may be given furigana (small hiragana found above kanji denoting their pronunciation)

Atall man came through the door, his features denoting a certain seriousness and a strong-willed character

showing that truth with an example denoting or concluding this truth, God says:

I picked up the box of matches that were in the centre of the table and lit my cigar that I noted had the wrap denoting it as an El Rey Del Mundo

It negatives an action by denoting

Left hand: Denoting the north

In the middle is a blacksmith at work, denoting industry

Observe the use of the ending azo, denoting a blow, cut, or shot with a weapon

Men have been wearing the sign of infinity around their necks for over 200 years now: first as scholars, then as artists, and finally as a fashion statement denoting the highest social status and then by people in the highest educational institutions

The mathematical symbol denoting absolute zero doesn’t even belong in our Universe because Space is not made up of absolutely nothing: our Space is a Formless Medium made up of Everythingness: not Nothingness

Science uses the organic symbol of birth as a mathematical symbol denoting nothing instead of everything

The very fact that the abstract logic of mathematics begins with a symbol denoting nothing instead of the symbol of birth, is one reason why educated people have an unconscious mental block when it comes to exploring and understanding the origin and birth of anything… never mind the birth of our Infinite Universe

The first clay tablets used for barter had insertions denoting each sold item

As a cheap, affordable vice denoting affluence

An affordable addiction denoting upward mobility

Out of this came the Protestant religious insanity of worshipping abstract-dead things as status symbols denoting wealth and privilege, they began collecting objects d’art

Making the mass murder and killing of innocent people in Warfare more excusable and acceptable; by simply inventing a better politically correct phrase denoting mass murder

Heads of social organizations, institutions, the concept of a Supreme head-being: God, the making of bread by cutting off the heads of grain, the head of a bed, the head of a burning cigar or cigarette: knocked of as ashes: getting ‘ahead’, the concept of progress as the most important thing in life, competition: getting ahead of your competition, the concept of competitive elimination: ‘heads will fall’, ‘if you are not up to snuff’, snuff: sneezing your head off by taking a pinch of snuff to clear your head, giving ‘head’ sexually, warheads, bombs, firearms, bullets, artillery: any weapon that shoots something: slingshots, arrows, spears, rocks, the heading of a page, a header in grammar, the heading on a page, the heading on a sentence, the heading on a paragraph, somersaults, head-over-heels, crowns, the crowns of Corinthian pillars, pillars do not have heads: all pillars are decapitated, all segments of pillars: all decapitated columns, the idea of decapitating pillars of the community, the idea of dethroning kings, the eating of fruit like grapes, apples, etc; all edible things like coconuts, papaya,, unpeeling the head of a banana and eating it, all vegetables in the shape of a head like onions, cabbage, lettuce, the picking of leaves, the picking of fruits, the picking of beans: all drug foods the picking of spices: creating every single drug we call food, ice cream cones, all ice cream in the shape of a decapitated head, all food portions in the shape of a head, all toppings on all food, decapitated flowers, the Rose Parade: hundreds of millions of decapitated heads of flowers, all fire with flames that are decapitated, all fireworks, the crushing of spices, the picking of decapitated heads like mushrooms, eating nuts, cracking their shell, eggs, corks and bungs used to seal barrels and bottles, the tops of bottles, the sealing and taking off the tops of bottles, jars; all tools that have a head, the head of a hammer, nails, the head of a nail, pounding the head of a nail, the cutting off of the heads of large trees before decapitating them, cutting off the heads of animals to kill them and eat them, all mathematics: the counting of heads, or I’s and adding them up, the using of tools to create decapitated segments, all sports, all balls used in sports, the hitting of all balls, ping-pong, badminton, bowling, bowling pins: the decapitation of bowling pins by a bowling ball, kingpins, kings, jewelry, stickpins with diamond heads on them, canes, walking sticks with metal heads, staffs, any artifact denoting being the head of something, scepters, globes, flyswatters, turbans, musical instruments that blare out sound: decapitating it; using holes in wood and brass instruments to decapitate the natural sound into a shorter wavelength, all fretted and unfretted musical instruments, pressing on a fret to make the note shorter, like a violin or guitar, drums, drumsticks, cymbals, the heads of shoelaces, the detached mentality called the ego: decapitated and disconnected from all the other needs and energy flows of a human being, the concept of life after death as a detached form of spirit, the structure of all hierarchy, all capitalist companies and corporate bodies being ruled and controlled by detached heads of business, the capitalization of letters at the head of a word or sentence or paragraph: especially in ancient sacred Christian texts: where the first capital letter is huge, the eating of fish by decapitating them first, the use of all drugs, narcotics wine, coffee, pills: to create a disconnection between the brain and the rest of the human being, the concept of anesthesia, using drugs to numb the brain or prevent it from feeling the body’s pain, all cultures that value stoicism, macho pigs who cannot love, the concept of the hero as a stone face refusing to face the truth, refusing to feel love, refusing to feel any emotion whatsoever, refusing to cry, the stone carvings of all the ancient Kings, the decapitated carvings of all Kings on coins, the insane idea of all kings ruling by only using their decapitated heads as decapitated coins to spread their authority, all stone busts, plaster busts, the stone faces of all heroes in modern media who refuse to feel human emotion, ping-pong, the computer game: pong, King Kong: the King cut off from State: King Kong falling off the Empire State building: all the video games that are based upon decapitated heads decapitating other heads, which are all based on the old arcade pinball machines that shot decapitated heads that bounced around scoring points hitting and scoring on as many stationary targets of decapitated heads as possible, the decapitation of hair… haircuts, shaving daily, cutting your nails, the idea of assassination as a political tool, the concept of character assassination used in all human societies to cut off people who are thought too uppity or stick out too much, and do not conform… the detached form of observation that only use instruments for the eye: microscopes, telescopes, star-gazing, stamp collecting, the collections of anything from bric-a-brac to gold coins, portraits, still pictures of decapitated heads, cameos, brooches, belt buckles, shoe buckles, still photographs of decapitated heads, talking heads, heads on celluloid talking, heads on screens, moving pictures of talking heads, the idea of a leader as a talking head, all pictures on money of decapitated heads, mouthpieces, microphones, the idea of one person speaking for another, speechwriters, lawyers, politicians, amplified music coming out of a loudspeaker, amplifiers of singing-talking heads, the idea of doing nothing but talking as being the only form of social activity allowed in polite societies, the heads of shoelaces, all knots, topknots, tying hair into knots, the idea of cutting up sounds into words, into letters, into decapitated abstract symbols of meaning separated from thee body of the meaning by segmentation, all segmented forms of tool-use, all tools that segment things into decapitated heads, all decapitated forms of awareness-thinking-feeling, all forms of specialization, all segmented ways of living-doing-seeing, decapitating the natural order of things into decapitated insane pieces: decapitating a family into age groups, decapitating a community into alienated isolated individuals, all mass butchery of living animals by cutting off their heads, morse code, ticker tape, all digitalization of signals into meaningless decapitated codes, the invention of the glass tube: the first decapitated head that could mechanically receive and send energy through nerves called wires, the invention of the transistor: the first sold decapitated head that could send and receive signals, the invention of microchips: tiny decapitated heads with their own tiny brain circuits that could perform more complicated functions than the first huge glass-blown giants called vacuum tubes: because there was nothing inside them, all glass blowing, blowing up molten glass with hot air and then decapitating it to make a glass vase or bottle, all containers from bottles, jars, gourds, ladles, to pitchers and teapots with decapitated lids, all containers, chests, holding treasure, wealth, valuables, all spices and decapitated herbs, all furniture made from decapitating trees, all houses made into decapitated heads where the people living inside them only use their heads and not their hearts or bodies, the steam engine: decapitating steam to explode out in puffs of decapitated destroyed power, all wheels, all round wheels used in machines, all watches, with dials pointing at the decapitated numbers of a disconnected circle, the decapitation of all circles into wedges, pie slices, the invention of the wedge, the invention of the axe as a metal decapitated head to stick on a wooden decapitated piece of branch, all idols, all icons, all figureheads, all abstract symbols representing the head, the pinnacle, the top, the apex, the height of anything, all hierarchical awareness and structures that deem the head as the most valuable, the best, the most noble, etc; Jack-in the Box, all boxes, everything that is put into a box or container, FedEx: the obsession of transporting boxes and parcels, the song; ‘Pop goes the Weasel’, all mass-produced goods that are boxed and shipped, the detachment of specialized labor and work, the creation of holes, digging, all mining, piston heads, engine heads, everything that is called the ‘head’ of something, the froth on the top of a glass of beer,: to be blown away, the use of all zeros and ones: as in Japanese Zeros decapitating American ships, zeros and ones being created and then decapitated inside computers, the use of all zeros and ones in mathematics, scalping, the taking of heads, the shrinking of heads: which the computer microchip is the latest evolution of, …

Orange is one of the colors in Nature denoting poison

Denoting the way the energy auras of undead entities can bounce reflectively off things

A box with many partitions inside it: denoting the coffins where each undead resides inside him secretly, as all the secret manipulation of the upper hidden undead realm cooperate to keep that man from ever getting up

Furthermore, Dan is given the symbol of the snake, denoting deception and lies

Their dress uniforms denoting them as servants or slaves

symbol of the snake, denoting deception and lies

No fact in literature is capable of clearer demonstration than that the majority of these nouns and verbs, denoting destruction of some sort, are used by Plato again and again in the Phaedon, a dialogue on Immortality, expressly for the purpose of conveying the idea of the literal destruction or extinction of the soul

As the Greek language does not afford two stronger expressions than these for denoting the idea of literal death and extinction of being, it requires a large amount of evidence to prove that they were intended by S

It is not certain whether ‘the beast and the false prophet’ are abstract symbols of the ‘Fourth Kingdom upon earth,’ in its double form of Church and State; or symbols denoting particular classes of persons, whether satanic spirits who inspired that fourth system of government, or human kings and priests who received and acted on such inspiration

The seed of the woman is to ‘crush ’ the ‘head’ of the serpent—an image vividly denoting the destruction of his life

«Humph!» Ned Land put in, his tone denoting reservations

At certain moments the ship encountered ice at a depth of 900 meters, denoting a thickness of 1,200 meters, of which 300 meters rose above the level of the ocean

Lastly, on January 12, 1842, with his ships, the Erebus and the Terror, the Englishman Sir James Clark Ross found Victoria Land in latitude 70° 56′ and longitude 171° 7′ east; on the 23rd of that same month, he reached the 74th parallel, a position denoting the Farthest South attained until then; on the 27th he lay at 76° 8′; on the 28th at 77° 32′; on February 2 at 78° 4′; and late in 1842 he returned to 71° but couldn’t get beyond it

His gaze at the ramparts was not that of a curious or idle spectator; but his looks wandered from point to point, denoting his knowledge of military usages, and betraying that his search was not unaccompanied by distrust

«Is that man your husband?» he asked mechanically, denoting by a

Words denoting exuberance, confidence, hope, joy, and the like are also significant, though far less common in newspaper headlines

As we would expect, the most dense area of volume is in the first area of price congestion, with two volume bars denoting the significance of this area, one above average and one extreme

Next we move to the third level and here we see more sustained volumes at this level with two above average volume bars denoting an area of price congestion which is significant

If the CS denoting the onset of the cocaine infusion was presented noncontingently

In the orchestra the sounds denoting them are emitted, and they talk about whether Siegfried does or does not know what fear is

It is possible to listen to these whistles, and connect no other idea with them than as denoting the time: “There’s the whistle already, it is time to go to walk

Let the numbers denoting the frequency of these chords below C be denoted by a, b, and c, and their temperaments, before the position of C is changed, by m, n, and p: and let the frequency of the chords above C be denoted by a′, b′, and c′, and their temperaments by m′, n′, and p′, respectively

Their merits, when every consideration is taken into view, are nearly in the inverse ratio of the sums denoting their aggregate dissonance

Synonym: express, imply, indicate, mark, mean, say, show, signify. Similar words: take note of, denotation, phenomenon, venom, enough, noumenon, enormous, venomous. Meaning: [dɪ’nəʊt]  v. 1. be a sign or indication of 2. have as a meaning 3. make known; make an announcement. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Red eyes denote strain and fatigue.

2. The flashing lights denote dangerous roads ahead.

3. What does the word ‘curriculum’ denote that ‘course’ does not?

4. We often denote danger by red letters.

5. Crosses on the map denote villages.

6. Bold words denote chapter headings.

7. Dark clouds denote rain.

8. The colour red is used to denote passion or danger.

9. Arrows denote the positions of the close migrating bands.

10. The bar lines denote standard errors.

11. It can also denote an idea.

12. Seniority does not necessarily denote competence in all procedures.

13. The colour is white,[] to denote an absolute beginner.

14. Measurements denote the average heights of mature plants.

15. Thus these symbols now denote quantum states.

16. The loss of colour does not denote any particular condition.

17. The three dotted lines have different elevations and denote differences in relative organ size associated with changes in life style.

18. They also denote deliberate obfuscations deriving from Dada and Surrealism.

19. Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally, regardless of historical epoch or type of society.

20. Also used to denote a specially styled company name designed as part of a corporate image.

21. It served above all to denote the superior status of chiefs against commoners.

22. The English word «family» used to denote all the people in the house( ), including servants.

23. As the bell sounded to denote my last lap, I decided to hurdle the barriers.

24. Furthermore, it is also used to denote a belief in the uncontrollable and wildly sensual nature of women.

25. That might well denote a private problem of your own, not involving the Palace at all.

26. These lexical items act upon the grammar to constrain the temporariness sense since as lexical items they denote temporary activities.

27. A careful examination of the full context, however, suggests that see may well denote mental inference here as well.

28. The dynamics depend only on the product of survival and fertility, which we denote by.

29. The Vikings themselves are represented as small characters which have an amusing range of animations to denote their current state.

30. From denoting women friends or gossips, the word came to denote the speech of gossips.

More similar words: take note of, denotation, phenomenon, venom, enough, noumenon, enormous, venomous, give notice, indigenous, note, take notice of, vote, rote, quote, voter, remote, devote, potent, rooted, vote in, protest, protect, notebook, protein, promote, antidote, potential, protection, potentially. 

Definition of Denote

to point out something

Examples of Denote in a sentence

If you get lost, look for the two red flags that denote the hotel entrance.


The colored stickers on your desks denote your team during the scavenger hunt.


During the yard sale, we will use colorful labels to denote the prices of most items.


The intoxicated man who went into the ladies’ restroom did not realize the image on the door was there to denote the sex of the entrants.


When stores have wet floors, they generally put down large yellow cones to denote the presence of a possible hazard.


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  • Use the word denote in a sentences

Sentence Examples

‘Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother… nor the customary suits of solemn black… nor the dejected ‘havior of the visage… together with all forms… moods, shapes of grief… that can denote me truly.

Coagulated blood denote murder committed some time ago.

Heels on beautiful slippers… denote recent burial in soft earth.

Absence of wedding ring denote lack of affection for deceased husband.

Tis not alone my inky cloak, good Mother, nor customary suits of solemn black… together with all forms, modes shows of grief… that can denote me truly.

Never, so help you mercy, how strange or odd so eer I bear myself, as I perchance hereafter shall think fit… to put an antic disposition on, that you, at such times seeing me, never shall, by the pronouncing of some doubtful phrase as, WWell, well, we know,»»┬┤ or wwe could, and if we would,»»┬┤ or such ambiguous giving out, denote that you know aught of me. This do swear, so grace and mercy at your best need help you.

You shall observe him, and his own courses shall denote him so that I may save my speech.

Thy tears are womanish, thy wild acts denote the unreasonable fury of a beast.

Fast enough to dig on a tune overheard in a service alley… and denote maybe the fact that you were all alone in the car, that Detective Ferro was nowhere to be seen.

Well, a great label doesn’t always denote a great wine.

White neckbands denote freshmen, blue- juniors, and red- seniors, kind of like college.

Well, Curtis, white neckbands denote freshmen, blue- juniors, and red- seniors, kind of like college.

And what do those symbols denote?

Nicknames generally denote fondness, a diminutive shared between friends.

There is no scarring on the planet surface that would denote heavy construction of any kind.

‘Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother… together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief, that can denote me truly.

You know, it┬┤s supposed to denote a certain authority.

Large ear lobes which denote an enormous pleasure-giving masculine force?

Gold and crimson denote power and glory.

You should denote the three monkeys every time you make a deal.

Cruel deeds not always denote cruelty!

Spelled in the middle English style to denote an artisnile approach well beyond both your palette and comprehension.

As you can see, Doctor, the stigmata are not circular or jagged… which would denote a puncture with a common ice pick or knife… but symmetrically square and smooth.

The blue markers denote the footprints.

The yellow markers denote the paramedics’ boot prints.

Body parts in the mail generally denote a kidnap, but eyes?

I hope Robin told him there isn’t a flag above Buckingham Palace. There’s the Royal Standard, which flies for one reason only… to denote the presence of the monarch.

The white doves released to denote peace around the world.

Early scholars denote the place as Camlann. The Saxon name for Camelot.

I’ve never heard the term before, but it denote the inability to speak.

‘Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, nor customary suits of solemn black, together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief, that can denote me truly.

Okay, I only include that and the personal interactions to denote the passage of time.

The next two numbers denote the year that the shark was purchased.

While the flourishes on the lower zone denote a highly creative yet meticulous nature.

It’s meant to denote «hollows,» I would imagine, but it’s not like those are actually hollowed into the mountains, are they?

They denote accomplishment.

But down here, these lines denote the trans-dimensional demarcation.

Like tattoos, jewelry and other adornments on a gang member’s body denote rank and accomplishment.

I denote from your brogue that you hail from the Americas.

Entwined around the bar sinister is a leafed stem of the Camellia sinensis, the tea plant. Its meaning is used to denote bastardy — thus, Pickstock’s bastard, or the bastard laid upon Pickstock.

«Let RA, RC, RE denote the circum radii

«And let P denote the perimeter of the hexagon.»

When you see the brackets denote an array.

Only the mighty one will denote the worthy from the fallen.

Phi, which is sometimes used to denote latitude.

But laws, in their more confined sense, denote the rules.

You know, I’ve never been entirely certain what that phrase is supposed to denote.

Unfortunately, these records only denote the crimes for which Alfredo was caught.

‘Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother nor customary suits of solemn black, nor windy suspiration of forced breath no, nor the fruitful river in the eye, nor the dejected havior of the visage together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief that can denote me truly.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), de·not·ed, de·not·ing.

to be a mark or sign of; indicate: A fever often denotes an infection.

to be a name or designation for; mean.

to represent by a symbol; stand as a symbol for.


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There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of denote

First recorded in 1585–95; from Middle French dénoter, Latin dēnotāre “to mark out,” equivalent to dē- de- + notāre “to mark”; see note


de·not·a·ble, adjectivede·note·ment, nounun·de·not·a·ble, adjectiveun·de·not·ed, adjective


connote, denote

Words nearby denote

denominationalism, denominative, denominator, denotation, denotative, denote, denoting, denotive, denouement, denounce, de novo Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to denote

stand for, announce, argue, bespeak, betoken, connote, evidence, express, finger, flash, imply, import, indicate, insinuate, intend, make, mark, peg, prove, show

How to use denote in a sentence

  • The rivalry game in Dallas often denotes the moment pragmatism makes its way into the postseason-expectation conversation.

  • Those rocky deposits denote the edges of ancient, bulldozing glaciers.

  • To synchronize all the data, the team added an artificial “marking signal”—a strange-looking electrical pattern—into brain recordings to denote the start of an experiment.

  • The children were given wristbands denoting their group’s color.

  • The title tag denotes what will appear as the page title in search results, and the meta description is the descriptive text that appears just below the title in those results.

  • There are different types of kimonos to denote something about the wearer, married or unmarried, young or old.

  • And so we are all supposed to denote something from “working mother” as a descriptive adjective.

  • The notion expanded to denote a personal spirit and protector by the time Horace and Ovid wrote in the first century BC.

  • […] Western societies almost never give their children names which denote violence.

  • The word citronette has come into vogue to denote vinaigrette made with citrus juice in place of all or part of the vinegar.

  • In Scotland, even a beggar has none of those abject manners that denote his class elsewhere.

  • The reception of it did not imply the attainment of grace; but as a sign, it was appointed to denote grace received.

  • This again was used equally to denote a potentate of either sex, until at last we find the interjection dame!

  • When we swung into the clearing there was nothing in his appearance to denote the terrible experience he had passed through.

  • The differentia should include all the members that the term denotes, and it should exclude all that it does not denote.

British Dictionary definitions for denote

verb (tr; may take a clause as object)

to be a sign, symbol, or symptom of; indicate or designate

(of words, phrases, expressions, etc) to have as a literal or obvious meaning

Derived forms of denote

denotable, adjectivedenotement, noun

Word Origin for denote

C16: from Latin dēnotāre to mark, from notāre to mark, note

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

1  We were, as we believed, many hundred miles from any land; but this apparition seemed to denote that it was not, in reality, so distant as we had supposed.

2  There was, at times, a want of spirits about him which, if it did not denote indifference, spoke of something almost as unpromising.

Sense and Sensibility By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 4

3  The professional gentleman thus familiarly pointed out, had been all the time standing near them, with nothing specific visible, to denote his gentlemanly rank on board.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 100. Leg and Arm.

4  The expanded chest, full formed limbs, and grave countenance of this warrior, would denote that he had reached the vigor of his days, though no symptoms of decay appeared to have yet weakened his manhood.

The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 3

5  You have, undoubtedly; and there are situations in which very high spirits would denote insensibility.

6  Mr. Dawkins gave his hat a ferocious cock, after delivering this sentiment, and looked at Master Bates, as if to denote that he would feel obliged by his saying anything to the contrary.

Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVIII

7  The words chance and genius do not denote any really existing thing and therefore cannot be defined.

War and Peace(V6) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 16: CHAPTER II

8  Those words only denote a certain stage of understanding of phenomena.

War and Peace(V6) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 16: CHAPTER II

9  One wore a cap of two staring colors, denoting the class of persons to which she belonged.

Andersen’s Fairy Tales By Hans Christian Andersen
Context  Highlight   In THE SHOES OF FORTUNE

10  All that evening smart sounds denoting an active packing up came from Yeobright’s room to the ears of his mother downstairs.

Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: 6 Yeobright Goes, and the Breach Is Complete

11  A step, a gesture, a word, on your part, denoting an effort to escape, and you are to be fired upon.

The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas

12  In a flash she remembered Mrs. Trenor’s complaints of Carry Fisher’s rapacity, and saw that they denoted an unexpected acquaintance with her husband’s private affairs.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: Chapter 4

13  His motions plainly denoted his extreme exhaustion.

Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 81. The Pequod Meets The Virgin.

14  The deeper tones of one who spoke as having authority were next heard, amid a silence that denoted the respect with which his orders, or rather advice, was received.

The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 13

15  Then a low, but increasing murmur, ran through the multitude, and finally swelled into sounds that denoted a lively opposition in the sentiments of the spectators.

The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 29

How to use denote in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «denote» and check conjugation/comparative form for «denote«. Mastering all the usages of «denote» from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the darkness, we cannot tell if the flags are white to denote civilians, or black to denote those accused of using them as human shields: ISIS.
It’s possible they denote a pause; it’s equally possible they denote that Trump said something in between those two sentences that the White House would rather not reveal.
«I’d like to know if in your eyes ‘actor’ and ‘actress’ denote anatomy or identity and why it is necessary to denote either in the first place?» they wrote.
But as far as I can tell, Reuben and Charlie denote a kind of unformed evil through their physical difference, which is a pretty lazy way to denote wickedness.
Her surname was Simoni, one that can denote «convert» ancestry.
It has been amended over generations to denote masterful drivers.
Oftentimes, «daddy» doesn’t even denote a coherent set of traits.
They are scattered with small dots that denote force positions.
People used these objects to communicate, pray, and denote ownership.
Even a faint line might still denote a positive result.
Extra stitching could denote cheekbones or the creases of age.
The term is often used to denote the restoration of life.
Does the term denote a burly physique or an older lover?
Readings above 50 denote expansions in activity; below 50, a contraction.
It certainly doesn’t denote the experience produced by being by oneself.
The transition, she said, seemed to denote the power they gained.
Depending on the bearer, it can denote creativity, maturity or eccentricity.
Even the movies’ color schemes denote their diverging outlook on the universe.
These figures, it should be emphasized, denote bulk tonnage, not metal contained.
The term is also often used to denote the restoration of life.
Gone is the simple blue bubble to denote a fellow iPhone owner.
Shiny golden placards on the stalls denote the name of each stallion.
State law requires that campaign literature denote who has paid for it.
The first, descriptive logos, denote what a company does through its imagery.
The shields seen do not denote membership, nor does the white shirt.
These figures, it should be emphasised, denote bulk tonnage, not metal contained.
An empty chair was placed at the witness table to denote Barr’s absence.
The difference in models denote different sizes, and in some case lighting options.
This would denote an increase of 11 percent above the year ago period.
The tattoos are an intricate line-drawing meant to denote their survivor status.
What does «dark» tend to denote in drum & bass, musically, attitudinally, and culturally?
You can see the results below, where the asterisks denote relative statistical significance.
Check. Can the second word in ALL phrases denote a piece of clothing?
Also, everyone wears a hamburger or tomato mask to denote which team they’re on.
Men are drawn to careers with uniforms, we are told, because uniforms denote competence.
«Inclusion doesn’t denote engagement,» says David Brear of 11:FS, a bank-technology consultancy.
The yellow evidence tents denote that the indicator was photographed and its positioned measured.
Armor and weapons both have a numerical rating that denote their defense/attack power.
It has «Founder Member» printed in the top-left corner, to denote her seniority.
It grows at the rate of interest, which we denote with the letter r.
Check. Do ALL phrases regularly denote something that is not a piece of clothing?
Right now, you can only denote yourself as online (green dot) or away (no dot).
The archaeologists speculate that coloring pigments were used to denote identity, status, among other possibilities.
» Full capitals are used to denote strong emphasis, or «volume of laughter in lol vs.
Company names with * denote that Facebook is still in the process of ending the agreements.
In fact, «Allah» is even used by Christian Arabs to denote God in Christian prayers.
Philips has been referring to it as «Hue gen 2,» to denote the major changes.
It was not until 1756 that the word came to be used to denote individuality.
Lengthy telomeres, on the other hand, are thought to denote relative cell youth and vigor.
But there will always be that question, that doubt: What, exactly, do those cheers denote?
» — one that did not denote marital status — and were largely successful with the honorific «Ms.
There are lines to denote partners, illicit lovers, heartbreaks, complicated romances, friendships and, yes, enemies.
For long tweets, Trump uses the good old ellipsis (1/3)… to denote he’ll continue his thought in the next tweet, often breaking up the thought mid-sentence without so much as a (2/3)… number system to denote where in the thought you are.
For your convenience, we’ve used asterisks to denote the nine episodes that appear in both parts.
Cultivators still categorize strains by indica and sativa labels to denote growth patterns and physical traits.
By now it should be clear that a smiling Kim does not reform or denuclearization denote.
It’s an imperfect measure, but is generally used to denote a tweet that went over poorly.
Picasso’s dashes and dots denote stubble on the man’s face and texture in his straw hat.
Another chat platform was using pound signs to denote channels, and that gave him an idea.
» He doesn’t think badly of people who use #ROFL to denote «rolling on the floor laughing.
They are usually bald, and many have protruding ribcages that seem to denote an aged nature.
Rather than denote physical market stress, low stocks and tight spreads are a manifestation of low liquidity.
Taking the original labeling as ABCD, we denote the new labeling resulting from this transformation as BADC.
Women have historically changed their names after marriage to denote that they became property of their husbands.
Issie Lapowsky: To vet the sites, they use a checklist of nine criteria that typically denote trustworthiness.
Astrological glyphs are a system of shorthand to denote the signs without having to write them out.
Inclusion on the list does not denote a ship or its owners are being put under sanctions.
In the chaotic hours after, analysts and experts search for certain «hallmarks» to denote the ISIS influence.
HKmaps uses emoji to denote live police and protest activity around Hong Kong, as reported by users.
Johnson and her colleagues, much as «typewriters» was used in the 19th century to denote professional typists.
That was during a time when accents were thought to denote character traits, including intelligence and articulateness.
AAA’ National Ratings denote the highest rating assigned by Fitch on its national rating scale for that country.
I definitely dislike any terms that have historically been used to denote oral sex with a cis male.
The rest of the letters found on the end of a processor’s name denote the series they’re in.
Reflective brass plaques inscribed with the work’s title denote victims whose photos Malallah couldn’t locate in her research.
The women are outfitted in maid dresses and lucha libre-style masks that denote the currency they represent.
From power tools to helicopters: 6 famous prison escapes Lap of luxury The images denote pleasure, not punishment.
Historians don’t exactly know why, but in tennis, love is the word that’s used to denote no score.
ISIS marked Christian houses with the Arabic equivalent of the letter «N» to denote the derogatory term ‘Nazarene.
Hence the recent «unicorns» buzzword, which was coined to denote private companies valued at more than $1 billion.
The show’s shapeless red clothes denote victimhood; there’s no complexity or subtlety to the role of a Handmaid.
The new naming scheme doesn’t seem to denote a widening gap between the new phones Apple has released.
The echoing of certain shapes is further enriched by the use of different hues to denote each form.
Clothes do not denote values, but a wardrobe is the clearest way women navigate an embattled public sphere.
At minimum, the rating system should denote when loot boxes are utilized in physical copies of electronic games.
Some experts even believe that it won’t be called the iPhone 8, to denote a more significant revision.
Other badges, like purple ones, denote technical or support staff and limit their holders to a few areas.
Note: Asterisks and ellipses denote sections of the president’s conversation that were left out by the White House.
Such epithets denote a permanent trait, the editor explained, and people in the caldron of politics were mutable.
The Mayans were using a symbol of a shell to denote absence in their number system 2000 years ago.
The handmaid uniform women are forced to wear in the series is meant to denote their status as handmaids.
Bill Shorten, Labor’s leader, says a plebiscite would denote a «fundamental failure of this parliament to do its job».
The endings on Russian family names change according to gender, with the letter «a» added to denote a female.
STUNNING BIBLICAL &aposSPIES&apos MOSAIC DISCOVERED IN ISRAEL Rectangular marks on the mosaic may denote where couches were placed.
Turkish authorities commonly use that term to denote deaths but it can also refer to those wounded or captured.
Blooms will be predicted and forecasted, with different levels of alerts to denote the scale of the Sargassum event.
It is also, as I learned today, a symbol used in typography to denote the addition of a space.
The term «sanitize» is often used to denote construction or demolition work intended to remove traces of nuclear material.
After all, these published rents merely denote the maximum potential fee that can be charged in any one year.
Bold, bright letters decorated with the diacritics that denote tones in the Vietnamese language advertised the dishes on sale.
Down the street from Mr. Dahill’s house, city notices and plywood affixed to brownstones denote more homes under construction.
Some platforms that aren&apost sober-specific also make it easy for you to denote your lifestyle, like
We’re here to talk about the kind of PIPS that denote a number on playing cards, dice and dominoes.
Práven, a word derived from the Slavic verb «to celebrate», can be used in Yiddish to denote any happy occasion.
AA’ National Ratings denote expectations of very low default risk relative to other issuers or obligations in the same country.
The Sicilian term «pizzino» has since become common usage in Italian to denote any written message with a criminal function.
Short distances make this easy—simply paint a perpendicular line across the track to denote the starting and finishing points.
Could «occupation,» for instance, denote a primary vocation, a part-time avocation or even just a paid hobby or pastime?
Others with ** denote data partnerships that the company will continue without allowing the outside company access to friends’ data. 473.
These boards denote every single piece in its correct color and shape that will be needed to assemble Rey’s speeder.
If for some reason you can’t, look hard for those ineffectual USB Implementers Forum logos that theoretically denote safe cables.
At times, the tweets came from his Android phone, which the Twitter application may denote at the bottom of tweets.
Last year, the Entertainment Software Rating Board also introduced a new label to denote games that have in-game purchases.
At the State Department, where higher floors denote seniority, Holbrooke ended up in a cramped office on the first floor.
«The pith helmet is sometimes used to denote a ‘frontier’ spirit of adventure and exploration, This is wrong,» he said.
His entry, along with more than a dozen others on the list, was highlighted in red to denote physical violence.
For Ms. Pickowicz, the more casual outfits denote the end of the masculine environment that has long dominated the industry.
NormShield uses letter grades to denote how skilled a hacker would have to be to exploit red flags they found.
Blinding florescent lights from the shops lining the nearby Avenida Directorio road denote that the butchers are already at work.
So, instead of leaving it at interested, you choose passionate, hoping it will denote an extra level of enthusiasm and sincerity.
It does not denote the absence of the problem but an unwillingness to show awareness and forge a conversation around it.
The lights will then blink to denote what notes to play while the app listens to hear if you’ve hit them.
Though she’s currently in a same-sex relationship, she hints that she’s a bit more fluid than one label might denote.
This is not really a «picture» of a black hole, and the shadow does not denote the black hole’s event horizon.
Furthermore, if the categories of ‘actor’ and ‘actress’ are meant to denote assigned sex I ask, respectfully, why is that necessary?
People already use emoji to denote sex on social media (🍆, anyone?), so this actually makes a weird kind of sense.
I’m not talking about MCs using various phrasings of «dropping shit» to denote how they’re spitting some niceness into a microphone.
Jewish men and women alike had to wear a yellow item of clothing when outside the ghetto, to denote their difference.
Firefox users with ETP enabled will see a shield icon in the URL bar to denote the tracker blocking is working.
This is especially true for the so-called C264s, a term derived from market research to denote skilled and semiskilled workers.
An article last Sunday about skiing in the Italian Dolomites misidentified the colors used to denote the difficulty of the slopes.
I wished that the wristbands that designated our groups didn’t also denote which of us could sit and which should stand.
He blamed a conspiracy perpetrated by unnamed «sides» — a term often used in Iraq to denote other countries or political blocs.
Increasing support for the existing health law may not denote newfound love so much as dread of what might replace it.
The Etoile station is, for now, «On a 2 Etoiles» (We have 2 stars), to denote France&aposs second World Cup victory.
Keep in mind that all information below is subject to change, and applies only within the U.S. Asterisks (*) denote Best Picture nominees.
Gaps in the fringe of hair denote the hour and the minute, and the gaps move ever so slightly as time passes.
And furniture is being constantly rearranged (often at dizzying speed) to denote not only changes of place but also of emotional temperature.
The response, from a female voice, was just two syllables, «29-four,» a phrase commonly used in law enforcement to denote acknowledgement.
One shot shows Thompson’s character holding out a clipboard, asking a woman to check off «yes» or «no» to denote her consent.
The works in «Color Field and Solid Grey» denote a shift away from representation, a paring down of content to its essentials.
In the first case, almost inconceivably, the term was commonly used to denote a type of artwork produced, exhibited, and sold inside.
The Central Commission of Discipline Inspection announced the investigation into Cai Niangeng using a form of words often used to denote corruption.
Unfortunately, influencers who do abide by the rules and denote branded content where appropriate can suffer from the mistakes of their colleagues.
Security experts often decry the burgeoning number of neologisms using «cyber» as a prefix to denote control of a system using technology.
The testing was confirmed to Bloomberg by an Amazon spokesperson, who said it was to denote brands that are popular with customers.
Let’s also denote the primary surplus of the U.S. government by S(t): If that is negative, we have a primary deficit.
American diplomats in Cuba have fallen ill with a variety of perplexing symptoms, including — reportedly — some that might denote mild brain injury.
But the term «jazz» is an important industry tool, one that can denote a consumer experience more than a particular musical style.
«Chappaquiddick,» meanwhile, passed into the political lexicon, becoming a form of shorthand to denote a scandal that can sink a politician’s career.
The term «microaggressions» is used to denote subtle comments or body language that can have a significant impact, whether intended or not.
Soft singing fills the gallery: it is the sound of Ms Dewey-Hagborg and her partner singing «CYIQNCPL», letters which denote oxytocin’s proteins.
Trump’s repeated use of «fake news» to denote everything he doesn’t agree with has become one of the defining characteristics of his presidency.
The name, however, is used to denote an unknown serial killer who operated in northern California in the late 1960s and early ’70s.
Now, the alliance wants to denote the capabilities of different networks by simply calling them WiFi 4, WiFi 5, or WiFi 6. Simple?
Facebook says that if publishers want to denote there’s a video behind a link, they should indicate that through Open Graph meta tags.
The signs showed Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg as two heads of an octopus, a symbol that’s been used to denote monopolies.
Many of the individual states are painted in red and blue, as US maps are often color-coded today to denote political leanings.
Here’s another message: We’re happy to have you prove your loyalty by serving in the armed forces, but that doesn’t denote unqualified equality.
An American tweeted that wearing the pin would denote an individual loyal to the cause of those discriminated against by racists or homophobes.
I don’t want to denote it the common cliché term ‘hot and arid’ because I hate to be another stereotype of limited description.
We get that the word «mutation» is bandied about in popular culture to denote a dramatic and fundamental change in a living being.
An art world favorite, the term Anthropocene is used freely in the exhibition to denote the current era of human domination over nature.
People who know Ms. Baker were surprised when the hashtags used to denote advertisements — #sponsored and #ad — started popping up on her account.
Twitter has banned political ads entirely and has said it will largely not muzzle political leaders’ tweets, though it may denote them differently.
Colloquially, pandemic is used to denote the outbreak of a new pathogen that spreads easily person-to-person across the globe, Jasarevic said.
«I’m neither a dove nor a hawk,» she said Thursday, using terms used to denote how aggressively central bankers believe in combating inflation.
The promised land The word «Azania» was used by Arab sailors up until the 10th century to denote an ancient east African society.
In recent years, economists have used the terms «developed countries» to denote First World and «emerging markets» to refer to Third World countries.
Then there are the new measurements of the planet’s magnetic field taken just 63,550 kilometers above the line scientists use to denote its surface.
AT&T is using the logo to denote parts of its 28G LTE network that support the faster LTE Advanced and Advanced Pro technologies.
» The title of the piece is in reference to a character used in mathematics to denote «the inclusion map of on space into another.
The basic idea is the same, but players want in-game UI that facilitates everything, such as markers that denote where the president is.
The trade in animal parts used for traditional medicine or to denote high status, especially in China and Vietnam, is an even bigger racket.
A clear and solid return above $1,290 would also denote the break-out of the bearish trendline that has marked the last few months.
This month he amended his own decree after many Kazakhs criticized the use of apostrophes combined with Latin letters to denote some Kazakh letters.
This can denote an ancestral being as well as its actions, and it may be a code for relations between people, places, and things.
The language of intersectionality is popular among liberals and on the left, used to denote the speaker’s attention to the subtleties of structural oppression.
She said her decision to brand her lo mein «Hi-Lo Mein,» was just meant to be «cute,» not to denote its superior quality.
Both indexes on Friday closed firmly in «corrections,» a term investors use to denote a market decline in a range between 10% and 19.99%.
In some cases, the images are easy to identify: outlines of soccer fields, pockmarked with numbers to denote formations and arrows to highlight runs.
The change in public opinion may not denote newfound love of the Affordable Care Act so much as dread of what might replace it.
But the trailer breaks its rhythm just to connect the film to the Oscars, to denote its quality and to label itself a contender.
During the decade of the 2010s, future unicorns — a term used to denote startups worth at least $1 billion — were born left and right.
There is no doubt that the Crow «would have understood the word ‘unoccupied’ to denote an area free of residence or settlement by non-Indians».
Many of these payments are legitimate: missing paperwork does not necessarily denote an undeserving recipient, and underpayments as well as overpayments can be deemed improper.
The story is told from the point of «Offred» — a name given to one handmaid to denote her status as «Of Fred,» her assigned officer.
The light blue and light red districts denote districts represented by members (light blue: Democratic, light red: Republican) who voted nay on the farm bill.
Singh plays with the conventional language of art, and even calls herself an «off-set artist» to denote her preferred way to display her images.
It was formatted to appear on FCC letterhead in business letter format and used a term preferred by the far right to denote ineffectual conservatives.
I was surprised to see that surrounding words in multiple parentheses, also called an «echo,» remains common practice to denote something or someone as Jewish.
In a tweet, Trump did not denote him «acting,» a designation Mulvaney never graduated from in the turbulent 14 months he spent in the job.
In «Drawing for City Willows» (1978), for example, Wilmarth uses blue and purple watercolors to denote the absorption and radiation of light from his contraptions.
The rocky outcropping is sexually suggestive in its pink fleshiness, while the silver foil of the farther range might denote snowcaps or mountains of quartz.
In later years, the honorific Alhaji was added to his name to denote his participation in the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, which began in 1960.
The plug-in models will bear a new 4xe badge, which is a play on the term 4×4 used to denote four-wheel-drive vehicles.
Every task card on a student’s playlist is tagged to denote not just academic skills, like math and literacy, but also social and emotional skills.
Economists call the work «service sector» because it doesn’t produce a physical commodity; but increasingly, «service sector» seems to be used to denote social class.
That his beats tend to be concomitantly sturdier and more tangible than the trap label has come to denote is appropriate to the vocal strategy.
Fill power does not necessarily tell you how warm a parka might be because it doesn’t denote how heavily packed the down is inside your coat.
One thing is certain: Intrinsic value is not to be confused with the way the word «value» is used to denote an entire class of stocks.
In 2005, the team produced Element 113 in a second event, but the chemistry union did not consider the demonstration strong enough to denote a discovery.
Indeed, disposing of the dead could denote feelings of empathy and respect, an understanding of their own mortality, and a distinction between themselves and other creatures.
Most people view it as a set-and-forget, utility-focused device, not unlike the gas and power meters that denote where electricity enters your home.
In 1992 the «Euro 1» was introduced as a standard class to denote the fitting of catalytic converters to gasoline cars to reduce carbon monoxide emissions.
The NC-17 rating was created as a replacement for the older «X» rating, which was originally intended to denote a film that hadn’t been rated.
Ayahuasca is a powerful South American psychedelic tea and entheogen, a term ethnobotanists and mythologists apply to sacred plants like ayahuasca to denote its cultural sanctity.
The phrase can no longer denote sex if uncovering the nakedness of one’s father is an act that also involves one’s mother — as the gloss implies.
Last month, Facebook announced partnerships with outside groups to help fact-check stories on its site and to more clearly denote which ones may be false.
«Series X» is meant to denote that there will be more than one (Microsoft isn’t saying so, but my colleague Tom Warren knows another is coming).
But if we take a broad view of ‘recreational’ to denote consumption that is not simply necessary for survival, then this is merely scratching the chronological surface.
In both of the pictures, light blue and red upside-down triangles indicate «nay» votes and darker blue and red right-side-up triangles denote «yea» votes.
Two months after Scalia’s death, Mr Gorsuch praised him as a «lion of the law» whose «great project» was to denote «the differences between judges and legislators».
I’m supposed to be coordinating an escape with some half-dozen other people standing on numbered circles beside me, under orange spotlights that denote our criminal status.
«You want to be sensitive to the fact that someone could lose a pregnancy, and I imagine they’re trying to avoid comparisons that denote personhood,» she said.
THE TERM «public company» to denote a group with shares listed on a stockmarket suggests that society at large has an interest in how they are run.
Tyrian purple and imitation dyes were also used to make expensive bibles and to denote their value with purple pages written upon with gold and silver inks.
It was not until after 1453 that a serious blow to the Byzantine and ecclesiastical use of purple (particularly purple silks) to denote high status was dealt.
At best, a second season of 13 Reasons Why would clearly denote that life goes on after losing someone important, and that simple closure is wishful thinking.
The most common way to relay stolen signs from second base is for the baserunner to do something subtle to denote the pitch he thinks is coming.
The term is meant to denote music from and of the roads, detailing the fabric of street life lived outside the supposed mainstream of middle class experience.
The verdict—third-degree homicide—does not denote an intentional killing, but requires some showing of malice, or extreme disregard for human life, on the killer’s part.
For one, Hispanic does not denote a race, but rather an ethnicity; the sprawling population of Hispanics has differing priorities, depending on region, nationality and citizenship status.
Perhaps there are other approaches such as comprehensive front-of-package symbols to denote healthier choices or new technologies that will suggest better, more individualized healthy choices.
This is how the term has been used for decades in aerospace: to denote a support system that operates under the direct supervision of a human pilot.
The term «meritocracy» was Young’s own coining, and he chose it to denote a new aristocracy based on expertise and test-taking instead of breeding and titles.
It was a way to expand its remit, giving another layer of meaning to the title, «The Beautiful Ones,» which could denote an entire community of creators.
The sensitive touch-screen allows you to manually set time and temperature controls in seconds, and the high-quality sound will denote that you’ve done everything right.
The term «hard hats» even became shorthand for working people with a conservative patriotism, and New York tabloid reporters still use the term to denote construction workers.
Tapping Female Health will open up a calendar that is color coded to denote days when you have your period (pink) and a potential fertile window (blue).
» She used it to refer to the way she employed clothing to denote character, and changes in character, particularly as they applied to her book «Mrs. Dalloway.
He notices what routes they run when they line up on the bottom of the numbers — the digits that denote 226-yard increments — compared with the top.
As of August 2017, 413 Thai restaurants in the US have been awarded «Thai Select» certificates by the Thai Ministry of Commerce to denote quality and authenticity.
The number of paw prints next to each of the Pokémon denote how close they are; fewer paw prints means they are closer to your position.
He has also previously linked it to the archaic phrase «unalienable right», which conservatives use to denote the rights to liberty and property enshrined in America’s founding documents.
Until the confusingly named 980 for mobile devices, the mobile cards always had an M latched onto the end to denote the sacrifice in performance their use entailed.
«My thinking is that as long as Apple sticks with a consistent, annual upgrade pattern for iPhone, nomenclature should denote the uniqueness found with each update,» Cybart said.
Similarly, the «Billions» star doesn’t mind being the first performer to question why some of Hollywood’s most recognized award shows feel the need denote gender in their categories.
In one note from the documents, the FBI writes that Clinton said she did not know what the marking (C) — used to denote classified information deemed «confidential» — meant.
They bent through the low door into the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, where, under oil lamps, two white marble slabs denote the location of Jesus’ rock tomb.
Mengele’s crimes form the backdrop of Affinity Konar’s affecting new novel, «Mischling,» which takes its title from the term the Nazis used to denote people of mixed heritage.
On two webpages, Amazon lists both Hong Kong and Taiwan as countries, while Uber also describes them — using the suffix «(ROC)» to denote Taiwan’s official name — as countries.
Correction: The Model 3 and Audi E-Tron were both awarded IIHS’s «top safety pick+,» not «top safety pick,» which the group uses to denote a lower accomplishment.
While Facebook does not ask users to denote their race, it uses a variety of information to identify someone’s ethnic affinity, which can be useful for targeting ads.
The paint textures range from a thick stucco (used mostly for sheep) to a thinned-down Impressionism (thatches of strokes that denote either grassy banks or overflowing water).
A basketball or football coach might use an X and an O in a different way: to diagram a play, using «X» and «O» to denote teammate and foe.
When it comes time to make a payment, the electromechanical pins that comprise Scrip’s surface leap to attention, generating patterns that denote the denominations you’ll use to ante up.
The heads have circular photos beneath them, pulled from a synced Facebook account, to help denote who is who, while software simulates lip movements to bump up the realism.
The highly glycosylated (a term used to denote addition of sugars) mucins are then packed into big containers and these containers then mature whereby the mucins almost become crystalline.
While stories are presented in chronological order by publication date, the recurring themes become so visible that they create a form for this collection and denote Coover’s literary trajectory.
Sharing options include natively shot photos and 15-second videos, as well as uploaded media, including GIFs that are shown inset with a black border to denote they’re old.
And this is just the «social» bit that investors weighing the deal’s so-called «ESG» profile (the other letters in the acronym denote environmental and governance factors) must consider.
Christina Aguilera in «Dirty» Indeed, in the early 90s, the chair dance and wide-legged stance was something of a taboo, used to denote a fearless, but fringe, sexuality.
These circles denote areas where you might like to park your Gulf Stream, climb on the roof, and extend your arms to the heavens, backlit by a solar flare.
According to the site TipHero, sales prices ending in 7 are full-price, prices ending in 5 denote first markdowns, and prices ending in 1 indicate a final markdown.
Collins, another dictionary-publisher, nominated the slightly more imaginative «climate strike», originally coined to denote the schooldays that climate activists such as Ms Thunberg began skipping as a protest.
His white opponents were given an epithet of their own, with the term ‘The Great White Hope’ coming into popular usage to denote the next challenger to Johnson’s world title.
In this instance we would call the woman a «gestational» surrogate to denote that the surrogate is carrying the child but is not its genetic mother — that would be Vergara.
Official: When funding dries up, ‘this is the result’ No signs on the large warehouse facility denote what it is, apart from small US government logos on some perimeter fencing.
Two months after Mr Scalia’s death, Mr Gorsuch praised the late justice as a «lion of the law» whose «great project» was to denote «the differences between judges and legislators».
«M» signifies individuals with the mutation; black circles represent individuals with MS and age of disease onset; gray circles or squares denote individuals with the mutation whose health is unknown.
If you’re a guy who likes to hold your batting gloves, when you take your lead you might slightly wiggle one or the other to denote a fastball is coming.
Future versions will be able to account for what they call «single instance conceptualization with context,» which would essentially mean that «stranger» and «knife» could be connected to denote meaning.
Order of play on the main showcourts (all matches fourth round unless stated, times GMT, prefix numbers denote seeding): Court Philippe Chatrier (play starts at 0900) 143-Madison Keys (U.
Different body types and even pregnant women were often celebrated, and even sought, through search terms like BBW (Big Beautiful Women), which could denote a range of sizes and shapes.
Sensors embedded at the end of some of the fiber optic cables will denote the reaction of the piece depending on the intensity of the light source shining on it.
«Defense lawyers tell us that the parents being prosecuted for crossing the border are being made to wear yellow bracelets to denote their status,» said Eve Krief, a protest organizer.
The glasses have clear markings that denote a specific metric liquid measure, such as the half-liter for its golden helles, a German-style lager served in a large mug.
The adjective «alt-right» does not just denote recycled extremist views — it also reflects the way those views have been pollinated by other internet concerns and updated in the process.
The name «Pensieve» is a pun, using the homonym «pensive» to denote deep thought, and the word «sieve» to suggest the sorting of the mass of thoughts and memories within.
The exposure draft includes a proposal to append ‘+’ or ‘-‘ modifiers to ‘CCC’ Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (and long-term debt ratings) to denote relative status/creditworthiness within this rating level.
Through her work, Saar responds to Morrison’s protagonist whose quest for blue eyes — symbols of whiteness — denote the character’s desire to be valued by a society that often discounts Black beauty.
One source, cited by Reuters, suggested that the buying this year had been underpinned by BAIC’s ambition and that Monday’s selling may denote that the buyer is nearly finished acquiring stock.
Maybe a browser could denote the credibility of the page with a colored light in the corner, Hawke says, or offer an interstitial warning to users visiting a known misinformation peddler.
«In Finland there is a special word – ‘kalsarikänni’ – to denote ‘drinking at home, alone, in your underwear,» reads a description of Pantsdrunk: Kalsarikanni: The Finnish Path to Relaxation by Miska Rantanen.
This is why my favorite work in the exhibition is Rafa Esparza’s «Tierra» (2016), a long field of 1,400 adobe bricks, dotted with spare and specific touches that denote human settlement.
It seems the union of these two institutions was an unintended consequence of the World War II price controls, which explains why some historians denote it as an «accident» of history.
Kissa means cafe (with specific reference here to the traditional jazz cafes of Tokyo), and tanto means «a lot» in Italian; together they denote a «house of plenty,» Mr. Watanabe said.
On hookup apps, the crystal emoji is used with an upper case «T» in the middle of words, or alongside the abbreviation PnP to denote an interest in meth with sex.
This feels key to me because it resists the narrative of an authentically «black» culture that is only constituted in those materials and practices that denote (a mythologized or overly simplified) Africa.
At the same time, an experience that could be accurately described as, say, an «election,» or «free,» had been preemptively discredited because those words had been used to denote something entirely different.
The dissonance between the scientific titles, and the concepts they denote, with the content, and form of the poems often creates cognitive openings for understanding how science, history, life and poetry intersect.
As part of the lawsuit, she noted that her host was a «superhost»—a designation granted by Airbnb to denote the very best of what the home-rental platform has to offer.
The manufacturing PMI released on Monday showed a slight dip to 52.8 from 53.4, but that still indicates growing activity as PMI readings above 50.0 denote expansion and below 50.0 signal contraction.
We caught up with Nyong’o as she was promoting her new fragrance campaign for Calvin Klein Women, a woody floral fragrance created by Raf Simons to denote the individuality of all women.
How a ban increased demand As the profile of the AR-15 rose, talk continued of banning «assault weapons,» a term used by lawmakers to denote certain types of semi-automatic firearms.
In Trinitat Nova, one of the developments built in the 1960s for people who moved to Barcelona from other parts of Spain, there are comparatively few flags that denote support for independence.
Early on he spotted a banner that read «South Guard,» with the O replaced by a Celtic cross, a symbol widely used by neo-Nazis to denote the concept of white supremacy.
If shoppers look for a scarf, gloves or hat that sold out during the holiday rush, that doesn’t so much denote a victory for the retailer as it does a lost sale.
«The term supernatural is here used to denote everything that is above nature and beyond human control,» Francesca Leoni, the curator of the exhibition, and editor of the accompanying catalogue, told Hyperallergic.
A silver oval shaped like a crown at the top of the triptych connotes heaven, while the darker black impasto slabs at the bottom of the painting are meant to denote hell.
Louw is collaborating on an app that will reverse this dynamic by introducing templates that denote a specific place (in this case, Lajamanu, Northern Territory) and stickers or emojis designed by Warlpiri artists.
The verb «broadcast» originally comes from farming, to denote methods of planting that spread seeds over a wide area, rather than those that plant a seed directly into a specific spot in soil.
Instead of the privacy of the voting booth, Democratic caucusgoers will meet in more than 85033,600 caucus locations to publicly support their candidate, often by physically standing in a group to denote support.
Protease inhibitors are another class of antiviral drugs, like lopinavir and ritonavir used to treat HIV (the -vir suffix is used to denote an antiviral drug, similar to how -cillin denotes an antibiotic).
Krak exclusively warns of a leopard, but krak-oo is a generalized alarm call; isolated pairs of booms are a «Come this way!» command, but booms preceding krak-oos denote falling tree branches.
Dear Amy: Recently you wrote an item in your column (responding to «Finger Lakes Fan») defending your use of the word «they» to denote a singular person without referring to the person’s gender.
I did not know that TMZ stood for «thirty-mile zone,» an imaginary circle around an intersection in Hollywood that is used to denote local (rather than on-location) cinematic and TV productions.
Mr. Cumpsty, for instance, clasps his left hand into a fist to denote the fact that Mr. Watson was born without that hand, though in real life Mr. Watson regularly uses his left arm.
One of the reasons AT&T is able to do this is partly because 5G is defined somewhat nebulously, with the «G» in 5G used to denote the evolution to fifth generation wireless networks.
Marginalia can record boredom, distraction, and mental drift, or even the refusal to read: in my used copy of John Milton’s » Comus ,» the text is covered in elaborate calligraphic «Z»s, to denote snoring.
Using a special logo, Microsoft will denote that a game is using the extra horsepower for one or more of these enhancement options, though it won’t always be super clear what will be changing.
The new feature, spotted by Android Police (via Mashable), displays the posted speed limit on roads in the corner of the app, and also introduces an icon to denote the location of speed cameras.
EditorsNote: Updates to denote home team Joe Mauer’s three-run, pinch-hit homer highlighted a four-run seventh and the host Minnesota Twins edged the Detroit Tigers 5-4 on Friday at Target Field.
The new system has been the subject of furious argument because it designates a holder’s nationality as «Afghan», a term used in the past to denote Pashtuns, traditionally the most politically powerful ethnic group.
He conscripts Tony Jaa into this totally realistic gang by kidnapping his pet elephant and searing «01» into Jaa’s flesh to denote the fact that Tony Jaa is the best fighter in his gang.
The new black box warning—the strictest label used by the FDA to denote potentially life-threatening side effects—will apply to three drugs commonly used for insomnia and sold under various brand names.
A «price tag» attack is a term used by radical Israeli settlers to denote reprisal against Palestinians in response to moves by the Israeli government to evacuate illegal West Bank outposts, according to officials.
San Francisco’s’ authorities, like those in other parts of the country, find themselves embattled with a burgeoning «pop-up club» scene, a term sometimes used to denote unlicensed raves going down in abandoned buildings.
«There may be a few iconic titles you are not going to change because they are so deeply rooted and have been there for so long that they don’t denote gender,» Mr. Mabus said.
The second piece of legislation, called the «No Sanctuary for Criminals Act,» would deny federal dollars from sanctuary cities — the unofficial term used to denote cities that curtail their enforcement of national immigration law.
She wrote the week after «Landmarks» was published to tell him about «lighty-dark,» a word «invented by me (aged 11)» to denote the particular sort of dusk that follows a cold, clear day.
And it sure feels as though there ought to be a way to denote a Twitter account as a bastion of hate-filled vitriol, even if it’s technically obeying the letter of Twitter law.
We do not share the Fourth of July, (over here we do Canada Day) and we don’t celebrate President’s Day, but we’ve stolen Black Friday and we still print calendars that denote Secretaries Day.
Yerba mate, the term used to denote its dry form, is best consumed on its own as an energizing and nutrient-rich infusion, sipped through a filtered straw straight out of a mate gourd.
This stylistic shift was Ms. Kirkland’s version of a Glow Up, the expression used to denote a reinvention brought on by a personal transition: a new job, new money, a breakup or simply maturity.
The Greek word was used to denote the pruning of trees or the clearing of land for cultivation, and hence was applied metaphorically in Aristotle’s time to a medical procedure: purgation, or therapeutic evacuation.
The map in the film shows the «nine-dash line,» used on Chinese maps to denote the nation’s claim to large sections of what Vietnam considers its continental shelf, according to the news service.
Budget directors can also employ the «magic asterisk» (popularized by David Stockman, the budget director for President Ronald Reagan), which is used to denote unspecified budget cuts that will someday, somehow offset projected deficits.
In North Hudson, N.Y., a buffalo farmer named Dorreen Ossenkop told a local news site that the large signs, some of which denote local attractions like her Adirondack Buffalo Company, have helped her business.
Mr. Almagro called the move a «self-inflicted coup,» a term used in Latin America to denote takeovers typical of the 1990s in Guatemala and Peru — but virtually unheard-of in the region today.
Lastly, in Ethereum’s game, the global domination theme is seemingly absent, with the board looking more like Chinese Checkers (or the blockchain itself), to denote the possible cyber reality of a borderless global economy.
In the chart above, red bars denote the shows whose streaming rights are controlled by studios that have their own streaming services in the works, and thus might pull them from Netflix at any time.
The Series 4 is also expected to offer an LTE model as well, similar to last year’s Series 3, although with a more subtle red ring on the digital crown to denote the cellular status.
Alex is among my closest friends and allies, taught me to use the word «froth» to denote editorial excellence, and always looked at my moles to tell me whether he thought I had skin cancer.
Because budget reconciliation instructions denote specific savings requirements for each committee, the Freedom Caucus is pushing for higher savings assigned to committees with purview over welfare programs, like the Agriculture Committee, which oversees food stamps.
«Delta is used to denote change and uncertainty in mathematics and the sciences, and my generation was shaped by change and uncertainty,» she explained, mentioning terror attacks, wars, the Great Recession and the 2016 election.
With coffee in hand, owners, trainers, news media members, employees and friends watch intently as horses wearing the all-important yellow and pink saddle cloths that denote Derby and Oaks contenders emerge from their barns.
Evoking the up-cycled metal lattices of Ghanian artist El Anatsui, Padernos has composed an intricate postcolonial work that touches on one’s attachment to everyday objects and domestic materials that denote the concept of home.
In Anglo-American legal parlance, «Blackacre» is a standard placeholder used to denote a fictional piece of land, often a bequest, much as the term «John Doe» is used to indicate a fictional or anonymous individual.
The whole Crypto section of Robinhood is styled with an 80s Tron design to denote the 24-hour trading window, compared to its day and night themes for when traditional stock markets are open or closed.
The term has evolved to encapsulate a political meaning, one that now equates mainstream conservatives with effeminate values, with the term cuckservative used to denote someone who willfully absorbs conservative values with a liberal/centrist bent.
To this day, it’s conventional to denote the existence of a political scandal by appending «-gate» to a noun, as if «Watergate» had to with water rather than originating with a burglary at the Watergate Hotel.
Its «Goodwill» team — which is behind efforts like Friends Day and various messages at the top of the feed, including the recently added Weather greetings — is now rolling out new animations to denote the changing seasons.
«These projections denote ongoing commitment to fiscal consolidation,» said Marie Diron, an associate managing director, at Moody’s Investors Service, adding Australia’s fiscal position was a key support to the government’s triple A rating and stable outlook.
By the time Carter was twelve, Oppie had come to denote his alter ego, who began each morning by smoking a blunt and was often drunk by noon, and whose principal skill was beating people up.
Detainees are given different-colored uniforms to denote their potential violent threat level — blue means no criminal history, orange means arrested in the U.S. in the past, red means «serious» felony convictions in the detainee’s past.
«The United States was willing to note the report and express appreciation to the scientists who developed it, but not to welcome it, as that would denote endorsement of the report,» it said in a statement.
The key here is the journey into the dark forest, the land of fire, the underworld, the belly of the whale — these images from world literature and art that denote delving into the unknown and dangerous.
Such seepage of passive money into what should denote active money is a recurring and volatile theme across many commodity markets, according to Wolf, but one that is compounded further by the nature of the LME.
In the Jewish tradition, the Hebrew word «chen» for «grace» appears in the benediction «May the Lord be gracious to you,» though the word «baruch» for «blessed» is used more frequently to denote an unmerited gift.
Games scholar Todd Harper, in his book, The Culture of Digital Fighting Games, uses the term «Asian fast hands» to denote this idea in the fighting game scene rife with the fetisishization of highly skilled Japanese players.
It works like this: you press the «intelligence» button — yes, that’s what it’s labeled as — to bring up a bunch of little icons on your screen that all denote different points of interest in your surrounding area.
All these images support the ongoing propaganda used to condone Jim Crow laws and romanticize the Confederacy, so Adams adds subtle red markings, usually over figures’ eyes, to denote her own protest against their supposed historic validity.
Because of how many disorders and symptoms confabulation can denote, Kopelman thinks we should have a narrower definition: One that is distinct from delusions or conditions like anosognosia, because he worries they might have different underlying mechanisms.
Navy veteran Dana Zzyym, a Colorado resident born in 1958 with ambiguous sex characteristics, sued the federal government for refusing to issue a passport because it requires an applicant to denote either male or female on applications.
She and the village elders track where expecting mothers live as well as homes with children inside using a map they made themselves on parchment paper with markers to denote different types of households with different colors.
Today, those five days in 22017 are often called an uprising, to denote the eruption of community frustration after a jury acquitted four Los Angeles police officers of assault charges in the infamous beating of Rodney King.
So how is it that the term Black Friday has come almost universally to denote joyous commercial excess, stupendous deals and big profits on the day when people head out to shop for the holidays after Thanksgiving?
The term blockbuster used to denote films that cost $100 million or more to produce; in 2016, $100 million is the budget a second-rate director gets for a low-rent remake released in the dregs of August.
Even with FSD, Tesla’s cars are not considered «driverless,» meaning that they don’t meet the SAE Level 4 standard used to denote a car that could handle every aspect of driving in some conditions without any human intervention.
We estimate the company’s financial metrics will remain robust with positive free cash flow and net debt/EBITDA below 1.0x ‘AAA’ National Ratings denote the highest rating assigned by Fitch on its national rating scale for that country.
A well-liked Silicon Valley investor who spent more than a decade at Kleiner Perkins — and who coined the term «unicorn» to denote a billion-dollar startup — she is trying to wage an outsider’s battle with insider’s tactics.
«The United States was willing to note the report and express appreciation to the scientists who developed it, but not to welcome it, as that would denote endorsement of the report,» the State Department said in a statement.
One cached Facebook event which appears to be the same one flagged by the Beast had just 48 interested attendees, with only four marked as «went,» a category that does not necessarily denote a physical presence at the rally.
Tsvetkova says authorities took issue with the words «blue» and «pink» in the play’s title, which in Russia are used to denote the LGBTQ community, a group which remains in contempt by the government of the socially conservative country.
In one episode, he goes off message at a press conference, telling a television correspondent how a pure-hearted Ukrainian can readily turn into a khokhol , an epithet that Russian speakers sometimes use for Ukrainians to denote weak-mindedness.
Chris Messina, a former Google developer, probably had no idea that his crazy concept — using pound signs to denote groups — would catch on, turning the world as we know it into a land of #tbts where everything is #beautiful.
Four days later, the Samsung announced «safe» replacements would indeed have a black square on the phone label located on the outside of the box and a green battery icons (instead of white) to denote they contained safe batteries.
Syria’s military declared the three-day «regime of calm» — a term it uses to denote a temporary truce — on Wednesday to cover the Eid al-Fitr holiday celebrated by Muslims at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.
Invoking the term is meant to denote seriousness, to suggest that the activism you are engaged in will not disappear with the passing of the news cycle or be headed off by the most recent tidbit of celebrity gossip.
As noted in Gizmodo’s prior coverage:One of the reasons AT&T is able to do this is partly because 5G is defined somewhat nebulously, with the «G» in 5G used to denote the evolution to fifth generation wireless networks.
For Xavier, Gaspard, and their close-knit ensemble of handlers and friends, this means plates of blood-red steaks—in isolation—each with a flag atop a cocktail stick pressed into its flesh to denote its country of origin.
Couples use cocktails as a vehicle to deliver a message about their relationship, incorporating, say, a margarita-inspired drink to denote their first date a local taco restaurant or an ingredient discovered by the couple on a memorable trip.
Other apps have also allowed these functionalities, but Copilot lets you denote whether you want every transaction with a particular vendor to route to a certain category or bypass your budget entirely, so it actually learns from your activity.
But after that, the screen is filled with offerings for AmazonBasics batteries, many flagged with badges that denote them as a «best seller» or «Amazon’s Choice,» a designation for items that are highly rated and have low customer returns.

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