Use the word delaying in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word delaying, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use delaying in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «delaying».

Delaying in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word delaying in a sentence.

  1. He began by delaying the presumed nomination of James G.

  2. A thick fog rolled in around midnight, further delaying them.

  3. At first the attack was slowed by effective VC delaying tactics.

  4. The Finns abandoned Petsamo and concentrated on delaying actions.

  5. He accused Borglum of delaying so that the Association would be embarrassed.

  6. The DSi’s size was changed midway through development, delaying its release.

  7. His intention was to keep Cisneros in power by delaying any possible action.

  8. Moreover, Boydell’s engravers fell behind schedule, delaying the entire project.

  9. The storm damaged a new gas platform, delaying the project for nearly two weeks.

  10. Its mission was to destroy the Aliakmon River bridges, delaying the German advance.

  11. Others blame Landis for, in their view, delaying the racial integration of baseball.

  12. This force was successful in delaying the South Seas Force but was unable to halt it.

  13. Fowler, had needed time to study the problem, further delaying the report’s issuance.

  14. However, Ruth insisted on delaying the meeting until he came back from a trip to Hawaii.

  15. Once opened, the door blocked the entrance to Ashley’s flat, further delaying the officers.

  16. On lap 28, Robby Gordon moved into the lead for one lap, delaying his pit stop until lap 29.

  17. Hiller fought a series of delaying actions, attempting to buy time for the defence of Vienna.

  18. The flooding washed out roads and railroads, delaying relief efforts into the devastated area.

  19. It was eventually evacuated by sea after delaying North Korean forces for a considerable time.

  20. Negotiators concluded that these were delaying tactics rather than an effort to resolve the crisis.

  21. The surprise attack on Ancona succeeded in delaying the Italian deployment to the Alps for two weeks.

  22. With three days to replace it or else risk delaying the release, Khan made do with what he could find.

  23. Randall did not commit, but permitted the House to take recesses several times, delaying the decision.

  24. Although eventually broken, the defenders of the Metaxas Line succeeded in delaying the German advance.

  25. He categorically refused to carry out the conference without Armenians and instead proposed delaying it.

  26. The degree of his disfavour was shown when he was reprimanded for supposedly delaying diplomatic letters.

  27. On this occasion, however, Webster visited the local alehouse and returned late, delaying Thomas’s departure.

  28. This angered a faction of the Métis who saw it as a mere delaying tactic; they favoured taking up arms at once.

  29. On another occasion, he threatened to shoot Italian sentries who were delaying his passage through a checkpoint.

  30. Blunt fought a delaying action in the Second Battle of Lexington on October 19, but his force was brushed aside.

  31. Moore, delaying in his reply to buy time, eventually declined that demand, essentially calling MacDonald’s bluff.

  32. In 1953, however, the station in Shandia was wiped out by a flood, delaying their move until September of that year.

  33. To defeat the delaying tactics of Copperhead opponents, he had the House set debate limits as short as half a minute.

  34. The 20th Brigade approached Slonim from the east, further clogging the roads and delaying the arrival of supply units.

  35. Initially, Monteverdi had little enthusiasm for Le nozze di Tetide, and sought ways of avoiding or delaying work on it.

  36. Hammond scored 203, freely punishing Fleetwood-Smith’s bowling and in effect delaying his Test debut for several years.

  37. Rain fell minutes before the race, delaying the start, and as the track dried Massa established a lead of several seconds.

  38. His opponents launched numerous delaying tactics; the Senate session before the vote to confirm Minton lasted until midnight.

  39. In late April 1911, Kroonland hit the breakwater in Dover Harbour, disabling the steering gear and delaying the ship by a day.

  40. Walter Goehr, who conducted the Morley College orchestra, advised delaying its first performance until a more propitious time.

  41. The title controversy embroiled the Stones in a conflict with Decca, delaying Aftermath’s release from March to April 1966.

  42. Another gap wind event soon impacted the system, temporarily delaying development of the disturbance into a tropical depression.

  43. In October 2015, Roufus announced that Punk had suffered a shoulder injury, delaying his UFC debut until the next calendar year.

  44. Blackforce was to be kept as a mobile reserve to strike the Japanese once they landed, with the Dutch conducting delaying actions.

  45. Research and writing extended over two years during which Waugh did little other work, delaying the third volume of his war trilogy.

  46. This mixed group of units fought a delaying action at Budalin, 40 miles (60 km) north of Monywa, on 4 May before withdrawing to Ye-u.

  47. The unit was to take the initial «shock» of KPA advances, delaying much larger KPA units to buy time to allow reinforcements to arrive.

  48. Although badly mauled, the 24th Infantry Division accomplished its mission of delaying North Korean forces from advancing until 20 July.

  49. Henry’s pace through Staffordshire was slow, delaying the confrontation with Richard so that he could gather more recruits to his cause.

  50. The overall command was to be retained by Papagos and the Greek and British commands agreed to fight a delaying action in the north-east.

General information about «delaying» example sentences

The example sentences for the word delaying that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «delaying» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «delaying».

1 Deliberating is not delaying.

2 The spokeswoman said that Nimby attitudes were delaying development of the site.

3 Republicans accuse Democrats of using delaying tactics to prevent a final vote on the bill.

4 The government is accused of using delaying tactics .

5 If that means delaying the trip, so be it.

6 Children are adept at delaying tactics.

7 ‘It’s just delaying the inevitable,’ he said.

8 He’s a past master at delaying meetings.

9 They’re playing a waiting game, delaying their own offer until they know what the others are offering.

10 Ministers are using delaying tactics to postpone the report yet again.

11 The morass of rules and regulations is delaying the start of the project.

12 The advisers are delaying the key decision on whether to float 60 per cent or 100 per cent of the shares.

13 There is nothing to be gained from delaying the decision.

14 She decided on a delaying tactic.

15 Such concessions as they made were mere delaying tactics.

16 Both projects reported success in delaying onset of smoking among adolescents and in achieving lower levels of smoking uptake.

17 But that would be perfectly possible without delaying Mrs. Bidwell’s arrival.

18 He keeps delaying matters so he can squeeze more money out of me.

19 Voynet was exasperated by the delaying tactics of certain councils.

20 The delaying action kept the case out of court and minimized bad publicity until after he won re-election.

21 The question was just a delaying tactic to stop her leaving the room.

22 Appeasement caused by blindness was followed by delaying tactics and doublespeak intended to buy time.

23 Couples seem to be delaying the start of a family even though they then go on to complete it within the same time.

24 This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics.

25 Dodd made no appeal of his death sentence and, further,( instructed his attorney to sue anyone who succeeds in delaying his execution.

26 Especially on liberal initiatives, they face defections by moderates, as well as Republican delaying tactics.

27 Seton and Ramsay were in favour, especially as this might well have a delaying effect on invasion moves.

28 At the same time, larger companies may take advantage of smaller suppliers by delaying payment.

29 Congress can try to neutralize new legislation by modifying it or delaying it.

30 The Kremlin has consistently opposed their return, invoking security problems and resorting to delaying tactics.

«I’m inclined to allow we leave them here,» Kelvin said, «especially when we have to consider that we don’t have suitable replacement entities available without delaying our departure

others from delaying their movements

Both have to do with reaching long-term goals through delaying short-term gratifications

Delaying the inevitable, I combed my hair then twisted it into one long tress

“I don’t see the point in delaying

What you are doing here is merely delaying it

Would the black badger accept his offer, or would he choose a hero’s death? He hoped the former because to lose more of his guards now would mean delaying his follow-up attack on Badachro Sett

These are just some of the potential causes of delaying the integration or blending of step-families

There was no delaying the need to prove or disprove his theory

So then, there are people who consider that delaying this war is neither ethical nor practical, but rather irresponsible and suicidal

In keeping with the stated reason for delaying his departure, he left the Polonia and strolled around the adjacent streets, gawking at the war damage and at the shops and street vendors’ merchandise

“EPA recently announced that it is delaying the announcement of the new ozone standards until «late

I found that rather annoying, but I suppose to his mind he was delaying his first responsibility to deal with his second, me

I was only fifteen and there was so much I wanted to do with my life, but even if I didn’t die in that grim house I was only delaying the inevitable

However, one of the best options in delaying the aging

It has contributed to delaying and in some cases stopping various projects such, as building of oil refineries, and has generally caused increased costs and problems with our production of energy

―EPA recently announced that it is delaying the announcement of the new ozone standards until «late October

Highway 90, I was told by Jeff Kominers, SEA 00L1, not to enter the shipyard nor start work because an executive order was both holding up my hiring and delaying my being granted the requisite secret security clearance

Costa for delaying her treatment by at least nine months

48 But if that evil servant should say in his heart ‘My Lord is delaying his coming’

From now on you shall be speechless and shall not be able to speak until the day in which this shall come to pass because you did not trust this my word which shall be accomplished in its time; And the people were standing awaiting Zacharias and they were perplexed at his delaying in the temple; And when Zacharias went out he was not able to speak to them: so they knew that he had seen in the temple a vision; and he made signs to them and continued dumb; And when the days of his service were completed he departed to his dwelling

problems came up with the ship, delaying us by a few weeks

farmhouse at least for a week by delaying the reports, but at this

So now that the Wellmans had brought up my leaving, there was no point in delaying it

» He stretched and yawned, delaying the game as long as possible

She would have to risk a distraction, as to wait for the army would mean failure although any action to disrupt and delay the ritual of transportation would be of some benefit, as by delaying them, they would have to go back over some of the magical rituals again or maybe even restart it from the beginning

Maturity can be defined as the delaying or denying of short term gratification in favor of long-term reward

The prefrontal cortex is involved in delaying gratification and impulse control and moderates the impulses from the limbic system

issue can be resolved without delaying in

delaying the need to install invertors but

One way to catch up on one’s sleep without delaying the present operations was to go back in the distant past, park the ship in Earth orbit and put the autopilot on before going to bed

It would be very difficult delaying the coroner’s inquest, especially with his lack of suitable grounds on which to base his request for a postponement; those things were usually wrapped up in one or two days following the incident, as after that details could easily be overlooked resulting in a miscarriage of justice

procure the delaying drug

months (for some trusts) into your finances and will penalize you by delaying Medicaid eligibility, if you have given away assets during that period

If this is the case, it does help us by delaying the transaction

Over the last four hours, the wind had risen quite strongly and presented a strong headwind to the approaching aircraft, delaying their arrival by minutes

So instead of delaying the inevitable we could draw a line in the

Canceling or delaying the attack just because of the arrival of these French planes would only spread fear and defeatism among our men

Nevertheless, small groups of paratroops played a vital part in delaying German counterattacks which could have destroyed the US beach-head

Then all expectations that the Germans would fight only delaying actions in southern and central Italy underwent a startling change when German divisions were observed moving from northern Italy to reinforce the troops south of Rome

Therefore, in all probability, Truman ordered the bombings because delaying the war’s end would have been political suicide

In his experience in World War Two and in the Korean War, the various units of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Army Air Force couldn’t coordinate a joint operation without wanting to constantly refer to their respective higher commands, often delaying the planning of operations by days and greatly complicating coordination

They all feared delaying tactics on the part of the authorities

“Bhaiya, what has happened? All the trains are delaying today?” I asked the shopkeeper

As it turned out, the rocks were bigger than she had thought making it more difficult to keep her balance, and they had small, hard spikes protruding from their uneven surfaces, poking into the soles of her shoes and delaying her progress with such intensity as it seemed they had been purposely laid there so she would be apprehended

I gulped down a glassful of mineral water, without delaying any second

And it wasn’t his normal OCD death wish delaying him from taking action

The man bent down to retrieve them and caused our agent to fall to the ground delaying him

Garcia deactivated the SaLing skin, delaying his departure in order to study the

Gerald would send him away for an hour; he’d employ some delaying tactic

If you can clearly see that a buyer is deliberately using delaying tactics to

But it was immediately obvious that Jim was no longer able to play any further part in their plans, so there was no point in delaying any longer the activation of the next stage of their plan, which was for the two Swiss banks to start distributing the money they had accumulated over recent months

But caught in the whirl of ticket distribution and rallies across the country, Modi kept delaying the interview

I lost nothing by delaying a response

Zuma’s response was generally seen as yet another delaying tactic given the imminent elections

Hunter took a deep breath and nodded, no point delaying the inevitable

“I would have,” said Ryan, delaying while he struggled to

He knew well that any omission could cause him a great loss, for it might mean that he would fail to witness the Night of Valuation, thus delaying the achievement of his aspirations for a whole year

Delaying their lunch meeting until she appeared was a waste of everyone’s time

I was just delaying until I have spoken about it with my father

closed most eastern airports, delaying his return to Ottawa

She might and did catch cold there for anything he cared, she should never cross the threshold and start interfering, delaying, coming between

And here was Ingeborg through the door, and not interfering, not delaying, but positively furthering

«An invention that has just been perfected,» he replied without delaying his preparations,

It was just delaying the inevitable

limiting population, such as delaying the age of marriage

The purpose is to gradually teach the horse to wait for the second click, delaying it a little and always before he starts backing up SO THAT THE HORSE WOULD NOT LEARN TO GET THE REWARD BY

and was troubled (He realized that His delaying,

Roger where possible would inform the media and cynical locals, that it was the lengthy delays in acquiring the stone from Turkey that was delaying progress

Driving on to the Caulfield house, he thought up a plausible delaying tactic

All your efforts to “prepare” the bird or to “know” the nest are just delaying the moment

it’s possible for Jed to write his three books without stopping in the cocoon and delaying

Playing along with this delaying tactic, the Dai-laman was after their trust not obedience

Delaying the inevitable, he thought

As he was going in search of Camilla it happened by chance that he observed her boxes were lying open, and that the greater part of her jewels were gone; and now he became fully aware of his disgrace, and that Leonela was not the cause of his misfortune; and, just as he was, without delaying to dress himself completely, he repaired, sad at heart and dejected, to his friend Lothario to make known his sorrow to him; but when he failed to find him and the servants reported that he had been absent from his house all night and had taken with him all the money he had, he felt as though he were losing his senses; and to make all complete on returning to his own house he found it deserted and empty, not one of all his servants, male or female, remaining in it

being severely punished for delaying to return with whatever I was sent to

delaying it, but for respect I should in good time acquaint him with

Newt called to him from behind, delaying the decision

Since July, in order to maintain support, we have been conducting a delaying strategy

And, without delaying an instant, he recommenced running for his

Gamut, who had stood prepared to pour forth his spirit in song when the visitors entered, after delaying a moment, drew a strain from his pipe, and commenced a hymn that might have worked a miracle, had faith in its efficacy been of much avail

Many of the living grabbed desperately at him, delaying his progress

Here you can see my daily ritual of lolling in bed for an extra five to seven minutes, delaying the inevitable

Although Earl Roland had lost the court case, he had almost certainly succeeded in delaying the building of the bridge by a year

Any number of reasons could be delaying things

The Nearly-Mark-Killin’ storm only ended up delaying me by four sols

After long missions, groups of planes occasionally came back so low on fuel that none of them could wait for the others to land, so they’d land simultaneously, with the lead pilot delaying his touchdown until he was far enough down the runway for the planes behind him to land at the same time

He pressed me indeed tenderly to satisfy his ardent curiosity, both with regard to my past and present state of life, since his being torn away from me: but I found means to elude his questions, by answers that shewing his satisfaction at no great distance, won upon him to waive his impatience, in favour of the thorough confidence he had in my not delaying it, but for respect I should in good time acquaint him with

The weather turned, sending the skies a gunmetal grey and delaying flights with tropical rainstorms, so the airport was filled with bad-tempered passengers, and then, with immaculate timing, the baggage handlers went on strike

He would have preferred for those dismounted troopers to be less determined to die where they stood, delaying his advance, yet what bothered him more was that they were rifle-armed cavalry

I think, frankly, that Silken Hills will require more than four hundred thousand men to be confident of holding, or at least significantly delaying, the sort of army Eastshare’s just demonstrated he commands

If they were delaying ten seconds, twenty, I could be up the fence and over, at least temporarily out of sight

Even if she worked on his sympathies and his duty toward his future family getting more and more worried over the fact that she was practically an old maid and she would move heaven and earth to prevent anything from delaying her marriage

A mainframe down yesterday in the Rockies, delaying some connections, knocking out others

91, who has done studies showing that gap-year alumni outperform their peers in college, who nonetheless worry that high-profile gappers like Malia Obama con-tribute to the «widespread perception that gap-year experiences are the delaying of the rich and famous.»


A stay of adjudication involves either a guilty plea, or a finding of guilty after a trial, but the judge staying (delaying) adjudication of guilt upon conditions, for some period of time.


So putting it off until 2016 doesn’t look like an effective delaying tactic because whatever form the next government takes, it’s likely to support Trident.


Observer article on the MTA delaying affordable housing construction at the Broadway Junction, featuring BP Adams.


Someone like Anthony Watts or Fred Singer or Ian Plimer (though they probably wouldn’t be around anymore if and when the catastrophe hit) would perhaps have reason to feel a bit guilty for their delaying tactics.


Early marriage might require delaying, or bypassing altogether, a big expensive wedding.


She does not need to be rocked etc. but we HAVE noticed some delaying tactics.


Ticking off every demand the New Democrats put on their long list — from giving motorists a break on their insurance to delaying and eliminating some corporate tax breaks — the Liberals have thrown down the gauntlet and put the party that holds the balance of power between a rock and a hard place.


The landlord is always licking the legal ramifications and responding tenant is abusing the law by continuously taking it for granted and applying the delaying tactics at their disposal which the so-called professional tenants are very well aware of it.


Dammeier said delaying work on the teacher compensation issue until the Legislature is scheduled to reconvene in January would be a bad idea — partly, he said, because lawmakers» short 60-day session in 2016 doesn’t allow much time to address such a complex issue.


Although we always suggest you start blogging and creating a platform for your future readers as soon as you start writing, there is no more delaying once the book is published.


The act of delaying, for greater eating enjoyment, seems to be perfect for photographing your meal for an Instagram post.


It’s clear that for years most private sector employers have successfully fought union organizing and collective bargaining using every legal delaying tactic and in many cases illegally firing workers.


There is a good chance of delaying or preventing many projects which would otherwise worsen humanity’s total historical carbon emissions.


If they delay, and keep delaying, the chances are, they’re not as into you as you think.


In fact, it has an important delaying power.


We’re trying to see how we can support the standards and find solutions instead of delaying and creating more confusion.


When no communication is initiated by the delaying parent, and pick up or return of a child does not occur within a reasonable time, the time and conditions of the exchange may be rescheduled at a time and place convenient to the parent not responsible for the delay.


Finally, your pet’s teeth are professionally polished and rinsed with an anti-bacterial solution used to aid in the delaying of new tartar accumulation.


In one suit, a lawyer for seven employees won a court order delaying by one week the effective date for the terminations of district employees who have not returned to work after Hurricane Katrina.


This item wasn’t actually included in the review box, but that’s only because there was an issue in the factory delaying delivery, meaning IndieBox had to decide to either delay shipping or ship without the pouches so subscribers still got their boxes on time.


High levels of insulin will lower circulating IGFBP3 delaying apoptosis of keratinocytes that line the follicle, leading to more flaky cells to clog up your pores.


I want people going to this policy to be doubly careful because if the customer service even before starting the policy is pathetic, you may imagine on what will happen if risk happens and the insurer is no more — I was told that they give some reason for either delaying or not making payments if risk occurs.


Self-trauma plays a significant role in delaying healing and contributing to secondary bacterial infection.


Moreover, administering immunotherapy prior to surgery could potentially produce immune-related side effects that could require delaying surgery.


A vote of cloture, which requires a supermajority, puts a stop to this delaying tactic by restricting, among other things, how long Senators can speak both individually and collectively.


The theory behind delaying and reducing Paps has to do with the rate at which infection turns into abnormalities into cancer.


The proposal goes for review by the White House Office of Management and Budget, which has a history of delaying, weakening, and blocking science — and health-based rulemaking at EPA and other agencies.


If there is a high incidence of allergies in your family history, if your baby was born pre-term, or if your baby has an illness delaying solids might be a good option.


Examples of mistakes by medical personnel that can cause a birth injury including delaying or failing to recognize the need for a Caesarean Section, failing to detect an umbilical cord wrapped around the baby’s neck, or failing to attach enough significance to signs and symptoms of fetal distress.


Are you ready to give up the self-defeating delaying tactics attached to perfectionism?


It’s important to seek specialist legal advice as soon as possible, as delaying could go against your case.


A recent study showed that delaying or not prescribing antibiotics for acute respiratory infections resulted in no difference in the severity or duration of symptoms when compared with those that received antibiotics.


See Commonwealth v. Tuitt, 393 Mass. 801, 804 (1985)(denial of defendant’s motion for removal of counsel proper on day on which trial was scheduled to begin, where judge conducted detailed colloquy, and concluded that «these motions for a new attorney [were] no more than a delaying tactic»).


He notes dissatisfaction with each main point of the meeting, citing lack of scalability and future-proofing for the spec, unnecessary complexity in Segregated Witness security, and the overall increase of centralization delaying 2 MB support will allow:


Further delaying progress just means New York will continue to lose out on the economic benefits and job creation potential that will come with expanded natural gas development.»


Mark Bowen, the author of «Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth About Global Warming» (Fresh Air interview) said he was initially skeptical about the investigation, but was pleasantly surprised that it captured not only the basic violations of the public trust, but also dealt with «the subtler aspects of censorship — the delaying of information, the sorts of intimidation that cause self censorship.»


«Money issues will come up, so avoiding them is not an option and delaying could be costly — both financially and emotionally.


Early diagnosis and treatment is critical to ensuring the most positive prognosis for the patient and delaying treatment can result in permanent physical and mental impairment.


If it «was a delaying tactic, that would only make sense if the deal got better,» he said.


But of course delaying action until then means we can’t avoid catastrophic outcomes except with the most onerous of government policies.


Occasionally, delaying is due to a recognition that an Act won’t quite work the way it was intended.


It also preserves the fairness of the incentives to delay, so that couples can not simultaneously receive a benefit and get a bonus for delaying.


We already heard rumors about EA delaying Andromeda to the companies» 4th quarter their fiscal year (which ends on March 31, 2017).


On the horizon, though there have been successful concerted delaying actions by the fossil fuel industry to address it to date, is the issue of mandating limited Mercury (Hg) emissions largely released from coal-fired power plants.


As reported by MacRumors today, based on information gathered from another internal memo sent out by Apple to its retail stores and Authorized Service Providers, there is still a shortage delaying replacements.


Negotiated with airlines to recoup $ 500K in fees associated with delaying or canceling delivery of several aircraft


Too often, meeting the financial demands of today means delaying, diminishing or simply never starting to save for tomorrow.


Sen. John Rockefeller warned last week that he might present a delaying measure.


Some people have told me that’s utterly ridiculous while other moms have shared their experience with delaying.


  • Use the word DELAYING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

What’s delaying that coffee pot?

If I’m delaying you all, I apologize.

Flott keeps on delaying his arrival.

Get to work, Steve. — Come on, mastermind. You’re delaying the game.

Perhaps just delaying the inevitable.

By delaying the end of Napoleon, you have also delayed Manon Lescaut.

We’re only fighting a delaying action here.

They delayed the enemy and kept delaying them until we got strong enough to hit them harder.

We’ve become what they call «a delaying action.»

I believe you’ve been delaying here just to fight those men.

delaying him, upsetting him, playing on his nerves.

Yes, I’m delaying my work too long.

You’re only delaying the inevitable Colonel Moran.

I don’t want you to think I’m trying to poke holes in your little scheme, or or try delaying tactics, or anything like that…

I apologize for delaying your supper.

We’ll have to make them think our rearguard is not a delaying action… but a forward outpost to this division’s bivouac.

But whatever happens, we don’t want them to find out… we’re just a small rearguard holding a delaying action.

May I point out that these monkeyshines… are seriously delaying the concert of our student orchestra?

Ridgeville penalized five yards for delaying the game.

What’s delaying your takeoff?

It meant delaying my trip to Hong Kong and my marriage to Dalabo but I had to strike while the iron was hot.

I’ll see what’s delaying them.

If you’ll excuse me, I’ll see what’s delaying Van Raisen.

Everything was ready for the takeoff, but he kept delaying the departure.

You’re delaying King Edward and the Duke of Normandy.

I repaid you by delaying you, involving you needlessly.

Hurry, Nicholas, you’re delaying the trip to the country.

You’re delaying the trip to the country!

I wonder what could be delaying her?

What we’re going to do is to fight a delaying action.

The United Nations Commission on Palestine is still delaying… its recommendations to the General Assembly.

-did you know they’re delaying the dance?

For a few days, mon pere. Let’s put it this way, Padre. Remember when we was clobbering nips here in that delaying action?

If you insist on delaying you can be replaced.

Well there’s no point in delaying, as soon as John and I reach the entrance you start directing us.

Well, if that’s settled there’s no point in delaying.

No purpose would be served in delaying these proceedings further.

I believe that the reason we haven’t seen them up to now… is because our efforts succeeded in delaying them.

I was thinking of delaying my return for a few days.

As they say, no sense in delaying a good thing.

No sense in delaying a good thing.

Difficult as it is for me to wait an entire year, delaying my happiness, it will give you some time to test yourself.

Barclay is delaying action.

I stepped back many times, delaying today’s problems to think of the future.

Now, why are we delaying here?

The fog must be delaying their attack, sir.

Children, I’m in a hurry, and you’re delaying me.

Listing Results Delaying Recipes

  • Total 15 Results
  • Low carb

  • Low cholesterol

  • Low fat

  • Low sodiumt

25 Easy LowCarb Dinners You Can Make in 20 Minutes

WebThis lowcarb chicken dinner whips up in only 20 minutes, thanks to thin-cut chicken breast and packaged zucchini noodles. If you have a spiralizer and want to make your own zucchini noodles, use two …


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50 Healthy LowCarb Dinner Recipes Cooking Light

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LowCarb Recipes

Web30-Minute Meals Soups, Stews & Chili Comfort Food Main Dishes Sheet Pan Dinners View All Meals Meals Breakfast & Brunch Lunch Healthy Appetizers & Snacks Salads Side Dishes Soups Bread Drinks Desserts …


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40+ Best Low Carb Recipes Downshiftology

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20+ LowCarb DiabetesFriendly Dinner Recipes

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Tomorrow I will stop Delaying the inevitable.

Delaying while responding to questions.

But Delaying a decision will cost you.

Delaying this talk… will only create confusion.

Helps in Delaying death.

Delaying the signs of ageing.

Loving someone is just, Delaying pain, isn’t it?

I’m not Delaying anything.

How am I Delaying business?

My dear lady, stop Delaying.

They’ll just keep Delaying it.

Why do you keep Delaying it?

I’m sort of Delaying it, really.

Can you stop Delaying their time?

You kept Delaying our break time!

But Delaying this isn’t the answer.

Just like you’re Delaying right now.

Hurry up! You’re Delaying this class.

No use Delaying, let us move on.

Is there any chance of Delaying it?

Are you Delaying because you want money?

I feel they are deliberating Delaying for time.

What was the purpose of Delaying for two days?

Your mother is Delaying time, but your baby can’t.

After all, Delaying retirement doesn’t mean you will live longer.

Delaying gratification can increase your chances of developing a deeper connection.

So, let’s start Delaying and know, what is this Cloud Computing?

RZA disappeared for one hour during the shoot, Delaying the production.

Delaying the inevitable could only lead to future chaos for this industry.

What Action can I Take Against a Builder who is Delaying Possession?

Learn how to use delaying in a sentence – Example sentences:

Many women pursue higher education and careers, thus delaying marriage and childbirth.

The student was using delaying tactics to avoid having to give his class presentation.

Under the Canadian political system, the Senate’s powers are largely limited to delaying the endorsement of legislation passed by the House.

It can aggravate debt problems, and lead to consumers delaying spending.

In certain districts, Rauner is delaying the licenses for further review.

960920You may be better off delaying the job-talk for as long as possible.

City officials were accused of delaying the dig for bogus technical probleMs. She’s delaying her promised big-picture announcement speech, POLITICO reports.

A truck and a tractor each broke down, delaying Laprak’s delivery by a full day.

Golding has been rightly criticised for delaying and bungling the Dudus extradition.

For reasons I couldn’t understand at the time, she kept delaying buying those shoes for me.

Putting “dead” individuals on ice reduces brain cells’ need for oxygen, delaying cell death.

“It’s most important that we get that first dose into children in a timely way, without delaying.

The animation studio hadn’t had a release in two years after delaying “The Good Dinosaur” last year.

He added: “After issuing my earlier statement, I understand the Government is now delaying the vote.

Refining margins have widened so much that plants are delaying shutdowns and repairs until next year.

Delaying the signs of ageing .

Basic 10 sentences
5 Advanced Sentences about delaying in a sentence

Home Who is delaying investigation into the fate of missing Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija?

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Кто затягивает следствие по делу о сербах, пропавших без вести в КиМ?

Unfortunately, Ukraine is delaying this process at most too.


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К сожалению, Украина и здесь максимально затягивает процесс.


According to her, Air Astana, for unclear reasons, is delaying the investigation.


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По ее словам,« Эйр Астана», непонятно по каким причинам, затягивает расследование.


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Ты добиваешься всего лишь задержки процесса.

However, lack of financial and logistical support is delaying progress in all areas.


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Однако отсутствие финансовой и материально-технической поддержки сдерживает прогресс во всех этих областях.


But even here the Ukrainian side is delaying the process as much as possible,

bringing in the document such paragraphs that


obviously unacceptable to us.


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Но и здесь украинская сторона максимально затягивает процесс, внося в документ пункты,

заведомо неприемлемые для нас.


Thus, it


obvious that the prosecution is delaying consideration of the change in the measure of restraint,

and Valentin Chimpoesh, meanwhile, unjustly continues to


in the pretrial detention center.


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Таким образом, очевидно, что обвинение затягивает рассмотрение изменения меры пресечения, а Валентин Чимпоеш

тем временем безосновательно продолжает находиться в следственном изоляторе.


and we have some long-term suits that haven’t paid out yet.

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Патрик Эдельштайн задерживает свой ежемесячный платеж,

и несколько долгосрочных дел еще не оплачены.

While the Russian Academy of Sciences is delaying with the transfer of its territories,

the town in cooperation with Rusnanotech JSC builds the TechnoSpark Nanotech Center near the village of Krasnaya Pakhra.


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Пока Российская академия наук затягивает с передачей своих площадей, город

совместно с ОАО« Роснанотех» строит рядом с селом Красная Пахра наноцентр« ТехноСпарк».


Another union, supported by the company, is delaying the process of collective bargaining by going to the labour

court to claim that they have also members in Furukawa.


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Еще один профсоюз, поддерживаемый руководством компании, затягивает процесс коллективных переговоров, обратившись в суд по трудовым вопросам с

заявлением, что у них тоже есть члены на заводе Furukawa.


He should


changed to ant yesterday or even the day before yesterday,

but personnel replacement is delaying every time.


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Менять ее на муравья надо было еще вчера( позавчера),




still working on some issues in the MMORPG build, which is delaying the start of the first phase of Closed Beta tests,

so unfortunately, we


unable to give an ETA at the moment- but we will keep you updated!


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Мы все еще работаем над некоторыми вопросами в MMORPG сборке, которые оттягивают начало первого этапа испытаний закрытых бета, поэтому, к сожалению,

мы не можем назвать дату релиза на данный момент- но мы будем держать вас в курсе!


The Committee


informed that

lack of sufficient staff resources at The Hague is delaying the processing of material related to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,

since the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia gives priority to its own language services.


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Комитету было сообщено о том,

что в результате нехватки кадровых ресурсов в Гааге задерживается обработка материалов, относящихся к деятельности Международного уголовного трибунала по Руанде,

поскольку Международный трибунал по бывшей Югославии уделяет первостепенное внимание переводческому обеспечению собственной работы.




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Задержки в отправлении правосудия означают отказ в доступе к нему.


The operation is delayed due to local circumstances.


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Задержка в операции из-за местных условий.



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Задержки в осуществлении проекта<< Умоджа.


The operation is delayed awaiting consignee’s instructions.


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Задержка в операции, вызванная ожиданием указаний грузополучателя.


Or, your supplier may get upset that your payment is delayed again.


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Или, Ваш поставщик может расстроиться, что ваш платеж снова откладывается.


So, every day payment is delayed


another day that a child wakes up without a future.

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Таким образом, каждый день задержки платежа оттягивает выздоровление еще одного ребенка.

Ou, your trader may bite your head off if that pricing model is delayed again.


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Или, ваш трейдер может откусить вам голову, если эта модель ценообразования снова откладывается.


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Задержка в операции, вызванная различными причинами.


The establishment of the Law Reform Commission was delayed.


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Railway operator America

Latina Logistica SA said the strike was delaying shipments.


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Железнодорожный оператор America Latina Logistica SA сообщает,

что из-за забастовки произошли задержки в поставках.


In April 2016, the state trial was delayed to January 17, 2017.

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В апреле 2016 года государственный суд откладывается до 17 января 2017.



no extra charges if your flight is delayed.


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Задержка рейса не повлечет дополнительной оплаты.


The result had been delays in payments to troop-contributing countries.


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В результате имели место задержки в выплате компенсаций странам, поставляющим контингенты.


This may be delayed unnecessarily if the release procedures for geographic names




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Возможна ненужная задержка появления такой возможности, если процедуры разблокирования географических наименований окажутся чрезмерно сложными.


Draining(backflow) may be delayed due to the float in the measuring tube.


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Возможна задержка слива( обратного потока) вследствие наличия поплавка в измерительной трубе.


If unlucky, it‘s delay by custom, we promise reship for you.

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Если незадачливый, задержка таможней, то мы обещаем решип для вас.

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  • Use the word effort in a sentence
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