Use the word definition in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “definition” in a sentence. How to connect “definition” with other words to make correct English sentences.

definition (n): a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase

Use “definition” in a sentence

The definition doesn’t cover all the meanings of the word.
What is your definition of happiness?
Can you give me a definition of this word?

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Do not capitalize the word unless it is a proper noun or falls at the beginning of a sentence. The definition should be enclosed in quotation marks.

How do you define a definition in an essay? 2: Define the term in your own words in your thesis.

  1. Keep the definition in your thesis brief and basic. You will elaborate on it more in the body of your paper.
  2. Avoid using passive phrases involving the word “is” when defining your term. …
  3. Do not repeat part of the defined term in your definition.

Likewise How do you put a definition in an essay?

To use definitions effectively, you should be concise, use your own words and introduce the definitions in the body of the essay rather than in the introduction. Determine whether the word is unusual enough to warrant a definition.

What are the three types of definition? This lesson will introduce you to the three different types of definitions: formal, informal, and extended.

How do you write a definition paragraph?

The starting point for a definition paragraph is a simple definition* which becomes the topic sentence of the paragraph. Topic sentence gives a simple definition. Support sentences give more information through the use of examples, description or explanation.

How do you start a definition essay example? Introduction: Like most essays, the introduction paragraph in definition essays should start with an introduction sentence or “grabber,” followed by a transition sentence, and end with a strong thesis statement (which is often a clear statement of the definition).

Why are definitions important?

Definitions are useful in practically any field. They help us think and communicate more clearly, which in turn help us understand our businesses (our customers, our product, our processes, our value-proposition, etc) better.

What are the three main parts of a definition? All definitions have three parts: term being defined, classification and identifying characteristic(s). In order to learn, understand, and use the definition of a term, it is necessary to identify the three parts of a definition.

Why is definition important?

But why is a definition so important? Because definitions enable us to have a common understanding of a word or subject; they allow us to all be on the same page when discussing or reading about an issue.

What are the 4 types of definition? Here are just four among the many types of definitions: (1) Definition by synonym; (2) Ostensive definitions; (3) Stipulative definitions, and. (4) Analytical definitions.

What are the 5 types of definition?

The Various Types of Definitions

  • The two general kinds of definitions.
  • Intensional definitions.
  • Extensional definitions.
  • Stipulative definitions.
  • Lexical definitions.
  • Partitive definitions.
  • Functional definitions.
  • Encyclopedic definitions.

What would be your definition of good? morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health. of high quality; excellent.

How are definitions made?

The definitions in dictionaries are attempts to explain the actual meanings of terms as those terms are used by the community of language-users. … Yes, in the sense that all definitions are invented by language-users rather than arising independently of language-users.

What are the rules for a good definition? Rule 1: A definition should state the essential attributes of the word (or object being referred to by the word.) Rule 2: A definition should be noncircular. Rule 3: A definition should be neither too broad nor too narrow. Rule 4: A definition should be expressed in clear, literal, unambiguous language.

How do you give a good definition?

  1. LAY THE GROUND WORK. Start by giving students a specific definition. …
  2. PLAN AHEAD. When you provide students a definition, it’s first crucial to plan them in. …
  7. 6 Tips on How to Write a Definition.

What are the 3 main parts of a definition? All definitions have three parts: term being defined, classification and identifying characteristic(s). In order to learn, understand, and use the definition of a term, it is necessary to identify the three parts of a definition.

What are the types of definition?

This lesson will introduce you to the three different types of definitions: formal, informal, and extended. Formal Definitions. A formal definition. consists of three parts: the term, the part of speech to which it belongs, such as a noun.

What word can I use instead of after? In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for after, like: next, afterwards, following, later, later-on, afterward, ulteriorly, after a while, subsequent, subsequently and soon.

How do you use the word good in a sentence?

Good sentence example

  1. It felt so good to be home. 812. …
  2. You have a good family. 467. …
  3. She is such a good seamstress. 495. …
  4. It was a good thing they were going home tomorrow. …
  5. It was all just good clean fun. …
  6. It meant a good deal to him to secure a home like this. …
  7. It would do no good to ask him why. …
  8. He had done one good deed.

What’s a better word than good? What is another word for good?

excellent exceptional
nice pleasant
positive satisfactory
satisfying superb
wonderful acceptable

What is formal definition and informal definition?

Formal language is less personal than informal language. It is used when writing for professional or academic purposes like university assignments. … Informal language is more casual and spontaneous. It is used when communicating with friends or family either in writing or in conversation.

Why do we do definitions? Because definitions enable us to have a common understanding of a word or subject; they allow us to all be on the same page when discussing or reading about an issue.

What are the different types of definitions?

However, the two most general types of definitions are intensional and extensional definitions.

  • The two general kinds of definitions.
  • Intensional definitions.
  • Extensional definitions.
  • Stipulative definitions.
  • Lexical definitions.
  • Partitive definitions.
  • Functional definitions.
  • Encyclopedic definitions.

What’s the definition again? Doing what you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has disappeared

There are novel ways to get power, viral spy circuits in the hardware mask definition often get their power by rectifying electrical noise in the air around the circuit they’re parasitic on

‘They’ve always been far more my definition of ‘home’ than anywhere else

We mention this definition to point to that an «example» is to be followed or imitated

We mention this definition to point out that an «example» is to be followed or imitated

A good definition of love is the degree to which one is willing to deny himself for the good of another

This is possibly the most crucial doctrine of the faith because upon it rests every word and the definition of those words

Definition fades with the closing in

I’m just not sure what his definition of the word was

They were of course mentally ill, so to speak, only in a worse definition

Sometimes our definition of love becomes askew with our emotions

Is the following route definition a valid route definition?

No, the above definition is not a valid route definition, because there is no literal value or delimiter between the placeholders

‘Well,’ I said slowly, ‘unless the definition of friendship has changed while I wasn’t looking, I don’t think there is any doubt about that!’

To my surprise, rather than coming back with an amusing comment, he sits thinking about my definition of love

‘Katie asked me for a definition of being in love the other week

Tom was not entirely sure that the definition of a “comfortable

After yet another year of frustration she had watched enough sessions open that she was able to figure out that the system was erroring out trying to access what she called an environment definition

definition, Christian, even when he declares himself to

torment? You certainly have to import an alien meaning to the definition of the

opposite of the old definition, death is no longer death; it is

Nirvana may be entered when we are in elevated states of spiritual consciousness or in any true state of meditation during which, by definition, the ego has been transcended

‘Like attracts like’ is the simplest definition of this Law

Until present there is no direct definition for the types of concrete, which can be considered as high-strength ones

If we were to consider success at the soul’s level, we intrinsically know that its definition is different from the ego’s level

In other words, our present definition of ‘family’ is very restrictive

definition of what it means to win at the game of life

On the other hand, if we look at concepts such as “chaos” or “disorder”, we have the opposite of “design” with the following definition:

By definition, they were reproducing

If we use this word definition then elders are placed in

determined which definition they would choose based

This definition is obtained by locating the Greek word

This definition would also be synonymous

with the Greek word definition of an elder as an older

man or the contextual definition of an elder as a man

The definition of hegeomai to lead, go before, go first, or lead the way could be translated as a positional or

word definition of hegeomai, then the role should not be

The very definition of trying the same thing over and over again, with results not expected nor anticipated, nor wanted, but nevertheless happening over and over

close, but his definition is more appropriate for the neoconservative (ex liberal) such as himself, rather than for the traditional conservative

The key to Paul Meyer’s impact on me is his definition of

Whether or not ―hate crimes‖ have increased in recent years as a matter of fact or (by definition) is not necessarily a function of diverse impressions, (although they might be) especially when there is nothing of material value to be gained other than the perverse enjoyment derived by inflicting harm on someone considered socially or morally offensive or inferior in some manner or for no other (apparent) reason than someone‘s race or ethnicity

There has been a disturbing tendency in recent years to categorically broaden (read: create more poor people) descriptive statistics designed to either support or reject existing assumptions relating to poverty rates that are oftentimes overstated, unreliable, unsupported by fact and likely to provide biased conclusions about poverty, its definition, extent, causes and prognosis for the future

Nevertheless, Power, however limited in scope or whatever its assigned role or whatever its form(s) or for whatever purpose (end) it is channeled, should be considered absolute or complete (or excessive) in the manner that it (Power) seeks to promote a desired end, and that however ―restricted‖ by definition remains absolute in its intended design

This question was asked: What is the definition of a Jew?

Then William showed up, both proving the real definition of “different worlds” and illustrating the fragility of anyone’s existence

By definition, they use terror to promote or achieve that cause

Either way, it is definitely atrocities on a massive scale against noncombatants, which is both the UN and the dictionary definition of genocide

Every one of those but accomplishments are extremely vague to the point where no two people could agree on a definition

Unfortunately, it doesn’t give clear definition of ‘unused’, and neglects to describe what methods may be employed to gain access, or later, to remain on a property

Actually capitalism is less than 400 years old, by some scholars’ definition less than 250 years

The Definition of Hatred

Based on the above definition of hatred, we can conclude

I needed a clearer definition of “short time”

«I‘m not ‗alive‘ by your definition as I don‘t have flesh and blood, but who says that is the criteria for being alive

“While I respect your feelings in the matter, it should be noted that Hartle is a sentient being by definition of the Convention of ‘667,” said Sim

The most commonly accepted definition of stress is that it occurs when a person believes

This definition is sufficient for the purpose of reading Auras, providing that we can train ourselves to see the Aura vibration

A quick definition of anchoring: Refers to the application of a

industry Act, currently has 113 cosponsors and was introduced to “(1) exclude from the definition of the

Because you are a ‘Farang’, by definition, you must have money and lots of it

then identifying those orders that should be voided according to that definition

The neurological investigations into the cellular seat that must support that construct still evades certain definition

I sat with my eyes glued to the screen that showed Monique’s uterus in high definition 3D

rescind all executive orders which are not covered in that definition and further define the scope and

As I’ve proposed in a previous chapter, if God is not of this material world, then His image by definition is not either

” Included in his definition, concerning the “Ancient Hebrews—they did what they could, they saw what they could see

His definition of a miracle, “an event offering access to the divine” leads me to a rather different one, but different only in tone

And we already know that the definition of belief is an assertion that lacks sufficient proof to provide positive knowledge

There‘s that definition of insanity again? If it was just Adam in trouble, who would care, but it affected all of us around him, his children especially

Of course, Adam‘s gratitude for our help was underwhelming, why it would be any different? I think I mentioned earlier that doing the same things over and over again without different results was the definition of insanity – wake up Amelia! At some level, though, I think I eventually accepted that Adam was not going to change and that neither could I

f) Definition of exemplary punishments for the

a) Definition of norms or rules that will be standard in

The IQ definition of Dumb and Bright: One way to define misfires is to rate the ability to memorize and logically apply the memory

c) Definition of the working capital that an agreed

with the definition and administration of the Virtual

d) Definition of economic indicators and the form of

If you doubt they are fascists, look here at Kosmo’s definition

Jason wasn’t quite sure of the definition, but the term had been tossed about with a sneer

Prove from scriptures that Yahshua (Jesus) was a Christian, compared to the churches definition of Christianity and religions beliefs, creeds and dogmas of today

The more I read, the more a gorge developed between my very definition of Christianity and the Word of God

The definition of “Viral” on Facebook is determined by the

and has the same definition of success

When we place the function definition in the local declaration

It is also allowed to combine both the structure definition

understanding of the external environment and definition to the behavior, they cling to at the

This line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function

contained within this function’s definition will always be the first ones to be executed in any C++ program

area (), of which for now we have only included their declaration, not their definition

The most important new thing in this code is the operator of scope (::, two colons) included in the definition

You may notice that the definition of the member function area () has been included directly within the

declared within the class, but its definition is outside it

In this outside definition, we must use the operator of

the same scope properties as if this function definition was directly included within the class definition

the prototype and later its definition, is that in the first case the function will automatically be considered an

They were a group that defied easy categorization, and they tended to challenge – and in some cases, upend – the easy definition of American society into the categories of Black and White.

Eric Goldstein

Found on CNN
10 days ago

To me, progressive is forward thinking, moving into the future and building a better city, for too long, we have not followed that definition of progressive. Progressive is a city that works and functions and builds toward the future.

Joel Engardio

Found on CNN
22 days ago

With a term like ‘incel,’ and with any term of identity, the definition lies in how people use it to describe themselves and others, that explains why the origins of incel differ from its current usage, and why it’s so hard to arrive at one exact definition.

Brette Steele

Found on CNN
29 days ago

Their team is already testing this with brain organoids, and I would say that replicating this experiment with organoids already fulfills the basic definition of OI. From hereon, it’s just a matter of building the community, the tools, and the technologies to realize OI’s full potential.

Thomas Hartung

Found on CNN
1 month ago

The definition of insanity is decreed far too often by individuals with no proof they themselves are sane.

Meaghan Buisson

added by JokerGem
2 months ago

Demand in the US has collapsed, two months ago, your wait time was two or three months. Now you can get one immediately. They’re going to build more cars than they sell for a third straight quarter. It’s the definition of excess capacity.

Gordon Johnson

Found on CNN
3 months ago

Continuing to push this nominee after signing that bill into law is the very definition of tone deafness, unfortunately, the Biden administration is sending a message to victims of sexual harassment in the workplace that they’ll only be believed when politically convenient.

Chuck Grassley

Found on FOX News
3 months ago

The pandemic really made it clear that people who are renting their housing are insecure by definition. Their housing could be taken away from them in some cities for no cause and a massive rent increase is functionally an eviction, there’s just more and more stories.

Ryan Bell

Found on FOX News
4 months ago

It did not adopt a platform at the 2020 convention. So, there is not a set of central principles on which it’s based. It’s whatever Donald Trump says people should believe at any particular moment, that’s not my definition of a party.

Christine Todd Whitman

Found on FOX News
5 months ago

Reports of DHS’s involvement inefforts to be the arbiter of truth onwide-rangingtopics are extremely concerning, this is not DHS’s role,as evidenced by thefierce backlash against and ultimatedisbanding of the Disinformation Governance Board earlier this year. Simply put:The American people do not approve of the department engaging in unclear, unaccountable and opaque efforts led by the Biden administration’s ever-changing definition of ‘truth.’.

John Katko

Found on FOX News
5 months ago

I believe the law would cover this piece, it was dismissed on technical grounds and I believe under the broad definition of what this law means under the statute, it should be covered.

Lawrence Kaye

Found on FOX News
6 months ago

Dr. Gold is the definition of what a political prisoner looks like — something I never thought I’d see here in the United States of America.

Congressman Gohmert

Found on CNN
7 months ago

In an economy that’s 60 % driven by services, you can see how easily that outlook on spending in a narrow group of income earners has a bigger effect on a larger group of Americans, this is the definition of trickle-down.

Marvin Loh

Found on CNN
7 months ago

Yes, there may have been an undercurrent there of anti-Liz sentiment, but there is no way she would have had any trouble getting elected, her relationship with that portion of the party has been uneasy from the beginning, and they probably never totally embraced her because she has been the definition of an establishment Republican. But she was right on the policies.

Tim Stubson

Found on CNN
8 months ago

Her relationship with that portion of the party has been uneasy from the beginning, and they probably never totally embraced her because she has been the definition of an establishment Republican. But she was right on the policies.

Tim Stubson

Found on CNN
8 months ago

Mr. Reffitt’s reluctance to admit early that Guy Reffitt behavior is illegal is concerning, and I want to be very clear… under no legitimate definition of the term’ patriot'( does) Mr. Reffitt’s behavior on and around January 6 fit the term. It is the antithesis of the word.

District Judge Dabney Friedrich

Found on CNN
8 months ago

Everybody has a different definition.

Nir Eyal

Found on CNN
9 months ago

We don’t even have a clear definition of what we are talking about.

Kaicheng Yang

Found on CNN
10 months ago

The people you’re drafting into the fight against inflation when you raise interest rates and slow the economy are the most vulnerable, the purpose of raising interest rates is to take the air out of the sails of the economy. If it works, you are, by definition, going to have fewer jobs. Even small increases in interest rates, if they have the desired effect, will cause job losses and wage losses.

Robert Reich

Found on CNN
11 months ago

If there is no black-and-white definition for Covid deaths or Covid-related deaths or how these deaths should be reported then everything is just up to that expert panel to decide, that’s the reality.

Jin Dongyan

Found on CNN
11 months ago

Open sourcing something by definition means you can see the code, but it doesn’t mean you can understand the policies or influence the policies that lead to that code.

Vladimir Filkov

Found on CNN
12 months ago

There’s a very easy compromise, we should define what serious human rights abuses are. Otherwise we have a definition you can drive a truck through, and you can sanction anybody in the world.

Senator Paul

Found on CNN
1 year ago

I think he will meet the legal definition of that as well.

President Biden

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

There isn’t one single ‘biological’ answer to the definition of a woman. There’s not even a singular biological answer to the question of ‘what is a female,’.

Rebecca Jordan-Young

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The dictionary gave a clear definition of the word.«
(clear, concise, exact, precise)

«There are broad definitions for that word.«
(broad, expanded, wide)

«It is not easy to understand the strict definitions in the contract.«
(strict, formal, official)

«What is the dictionary definition?«
(dictionary, legal, accepted, standard, textbook, traditional)

Used with verbs:

«Can you give a definition for this word?«
(give, provide)

«This does not fit the definition of beauty.«
(fit, meet)

«The teacher did not accept that definition.«

Used with prepositions:

«According to the definition of friendship, you are not a friend.«
(according to)

«You are, by definition, a true friend.«

«Under the definition of children, her adult son is still her child.«

Definition of Definition

the meaning of a word

Examples of Definition in a sentence

Before spelling the word, the spelling bee contestant asked for an explanation of the definition.


Looking up the definition of a word can help you understand its true meaning.


The thesaurus will not give you the definition of a word, but it will provide you with a synonym that has a similar meaning.


Scientists have recently expanded the meaning of climate change to include more recent information.


While reading a challenging article for school, the student had to look up the definition of several tricky words.


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What is the subject in the sentence Can you give a definition for that word?

In the sentence ‘Can you give a definition for that word?’, YOU
is the subject.

What is the definition of the word?

word is something that is used in a sentence

Main word which the sentence is about?

That is the definition of the word subject.

What is the definition of a sentence?

A sentence is a word or a group of words that expresses a
complete thought.

What is the meaning and definition of negative sentence?

Negative sentence: A word used in denial or refusal; as, not,

Read the words and write definitions for them. Then, write one sentence with each word.

1. Sightings

2. Horrifying

3. Violently

4. Survive

5. Creature

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  • Use the word define in a sentence
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