Use the word define in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word define, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use define in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «define».

Define in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word define in a sentence.

  1. For most of us the images define the songs.

  2. I cannot define it; I can only tell you my own faith.

  3. To directly exploit these objects, one may define b0.b1b2b3..

  4. Species boundaries in the nuthatches are difficult to define.

  5. As a result, gods’ roles are difficult to categorize or define.

  6. Bentham observed that the characteristics Brown used to define B.

  7. The precise diameter has been hard to define for several reasons:.

  8. There are several equivalent ways to define or represent reciprocity.

  9. It was later dropped to further define Persona as a standalone series.

  10. Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

  11. This, coupled with elevation and snow, helps define the geology of the region.

  12. Most researchers define Avialae as branch-based clade, though definitions vary.

  13. He served in this role until 1957, and helped establish and define the position.

  14. Day had Bicknell draw up a contract to define the terms of the girls’ indenture.

  15. Boeing uses two characteristics fuselage length and range to define its 777 models.

  16. A god’s connections and interactions with other deities helped define its character.

  17. These changes are sometimes fairly sudden, and define what are called temporal castes.

  18. A common development of decimal expansions is to define them as sums of infinite series.

  19. All these rocks appear to have a common origin and define an alkaline–peralkaline suite.

  20. The volcanic rocks erupted during the Holocene define a potassium-rich calc-alkaline suite.

  21. Since they define exactly the same structures as groups, collectively the axioms are no weaker.

  22. Their shared attributes of minimalism and speed, however, had not yet come to define punk rock.

  23. It also helped to define what constituted an «administrative practice» of systematic violations.

  24. Camp was central to several more significant rule changes that came to define American football.

  25. As well as club nicknames, names have been used to define memorable periods in the club’s history.

  26. Another approach is to define a real number as the limit of a Cauchy sequence of rational numbers.

  27. The series definition above is a simple way to define the real number named by a decimal expansion.

  28. Volcanic rocks dredged from Horizon Guyot are of basaltic composition and define a tholeiitic suite.

  29. Like other structured biopolymers such as proteins, one can define topology of a folded RNA molecule.

  30. However, the interior design of Norfolk House was to define the London town house for the next century.

  31. They objected to Cranmer’s power and title and argued that the Act of Supremacy did not define his role.

  32. Every non-player character required a voiceover, which helped Troika define its characters more quickly.

  33. It has qualities that helped define what it is like to be a bird, such as its long, powerful front limbs.

  34. Clark, coming from a non-political background, had no position papers to define his agenda for the public.

  35. It was during this debate that Amdahl’s law was coined to define the limit of speed-up due to parallelism.

  36. Aid agencies define the prevalence of FGM as the percentage of the 15–49 age group that has experienced it.

  37. McVeigh later acknowledged the casualties, saying, «I didn’t define the rules of engagement in this conflict.

  38. The significant and enduring public appreciation for the film has often been difficult for critics to define.

  39. This homologous structure is a diagnostic character that helps define this clade (related group) of primates.

  40. For any nonzero integer n, one may define the 2-adic order of n to be the number of times n is divisible by 2.

  41. In such cases, nDNA did not vary, but the mtDNA that had been used to define it as a species was still distinct.

  42. Together with Megalosaurus and Hylaeosaurus, it was one of the three genera originally used to define Dinosauria.

  43. The peace treaty of the First Kappel War did not define the right of unhindered preaching in the Catholic states.

  44. Other markings define the position of the ball or players at kick-offs, goal kicks, penalty kicks and corner kicks.

  45. George Jackson Mivart countered these arguments and proceeded to define the primates by a list of anatomical features.

  46. Although each category romance novel is unique, it is required to conform to the general parameters that define its line.

  47. Clevelanders geographically define themselves in terms of whether they live on the east or west side of the Cuyahoga River.

  48. The differences between subspecies are small, making subspecific boundaries hard to define, and the exact distribution of S.

  49. Many reviewers noted that despite being highly similar to Aria of Sorrow, it managed to define itself as a standalone title.

  50. This plan deviated from a 2009 proposal (using the panels to define the runway) in favor of panels producing twice the power.

Synonyms for define

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word define has the following synonyms: , delineate, specify, delimit and delimitate.

General information about «define» example sentences

The example sentences for the word define that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «define» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «define».

Examples of how to use the word “define” in a sentence. How to connect “define” with other words to make correct English sentences.

define (v): to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, is

Use “define” in a sentence

Some words are hard to define.
Things are not clearly defined.
How do you define literature?

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


The two main factions that define the

MANAGE…STAIRS?” In fairness to them, it is very hard to define what

That’s one reason fall prevention programs aimed at seniors point out the need for appropriate lighting throughout the home to clearly define changes in floor surfaces or levels and to eliminate both shadows and glare

Once we stop comparing ourselves with others and define our identity based on our own terms, we remove the constraint we have put on our mind

Also define the risk you need to assume, which should be in tune with your comfort level

Define an asset allocation between cash, equity, debt and other assets

Most people define ‘wrong’ as that which is different from their way of thinking

We would define this as the Church

Apart from His essential character, we cannot define these words aright

Layout pages, can define sections, which can then be overridden by specific views making use of the

Define a one-to-many dependency between objects where a state change in one object results in all its

For himself, Harry enrolled for the Summer Term at Malvern and set his mind to completing his education with that hallowed institution within the shortest time practicable, driven by an imperative which he could not satisfactorily define

«What?» was he really asking her to define it?

So OK, she built a virtual environment and tried to define it in the language used by this protocol

«You said these universes are self-unfolding, which I would imagine means that the fractals which define the decorated skeleton aren’t evaluated until someone looks in that direction

Eventually she realized that the mere fact of sleeping did not define the nightmare

If asked to explain, scientists would probably say: “Time expands or contracts according to a number of physical factors in a define situation

Many of my words have many definitions and interpretations; therefore, in this glossary I will define how I am using them and hope to help you understand better in this book

language cannot define nor describe the experience of beholding the One face to face

Experimentally-calculated methods define corresponding experimental parameters (strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption, etc

Calculated methods allow to define approximately frost resistance of concrete

It is necessary to take into account that at production conditions, sand and crushed stone (gravel) have some humidity unlike laboratory (nominal) compositions of concrete, which define for dry initial materials

I define prosperity as being the abundance of all things

Remember that I define wealth as a holistic and

I define those five aspects as being material,

Define it by what it is

you stop and define your success this very day

This time it was by recommendation of the chief medical consultant who’d treated him for injuries from some peculiar accident, citing possible psychological abnormalities (not that she could define what normal is, or look to herself as an example these days)

A Professor of political science teaching a class in which I was enrolled chose the first meeting of the class to define government as the determination of who gets what, when, and how

Without the empire to define an ideology for them, they would be lost

Might it be a “professional” choice to define her as “work” and stay focused on his goals? It was probably better not to ask

The above represent a sampling of the essential characteristics that typically define what is meant by ―being‖ (human)

Therefore, can any of us ascertain, without qualification, that the manner an individual behaves is either moral or immoral without properly assessing that individual‘s underlying assumptions or conditions without compromising our (own) judgment? Insight into ―things‖, as indicated above, requires that an individual be cognizant of the internal factors that correctly define the quality of his or her actions; that such qualities ―unseen‖ are nevertheless as real as Character, Decency or Virtuosity, or their opposites, that become readily apparent to an inquiring mind

the end, this is what will define you and your success

For Conservatives, a William Buckley, for example, to help define the moral and intellectual climate of conservative viewpoints

‖ The Conservative Movement, I believe, has yet to fully recognize the vast pool of potential converts, people who are principle conservatives in their everyday lives yet are seemingly unable to define themselves politically because their values are not being properly reinforced by the ―mainstream‖ media or are not being ―targeted‖ by conservative groups, including members of the Hispanic and African American communities, who, aside from their voting ―habits‖, are otherwise socially conservative in many respects

may mean this little story written from the perspectives of cultists (as I define them in

Therefore, most people are likely to embrace viewpoints that have come to define them as (uniquely) individual

Such qualifiers that otherwise define an individual remain subject to revision; modifying attitudes, a (calculated) means toward an uncertain end, that, when understood in the aggregate, however, ushers a uniquely complex, multi-dimensional individual unrestricted by the limits of determined viewpoints

What many of these women and their proselytized (male) cohorts fail to recognize, howe ver, is that manly qualities are determined by nature and that although the underlying characteristics(s) that typically define (most) males may be artificially modified, nature‘s tenacious capacity to overcome such efforts is demonstrated in the remarkable manner it is able to recover itself

These models (I will refer to them as models for purposes of discussion) that serve to properly inform an individual; that is to say, define appropriate rules of conduct, vary in proportion (or meaning) to that individual‘s or society‘s present stage of spiritual, moral and intellectual development

Conflicting viewpoints and differences of opinion are perennial rites of passages that typically define traditional parental/child relationships

Nevertheless, it is not without irony that from the smoldering ashes of defeat emerged off-centered platforms that would quickly come to define both party‘s sociopolitical ideologies in the coming years

Such viewpoints are oftentimes engendered by the perception of ―partial justice‖ as it seems to apply to a particular racial or ethnic group, influencing the (collective) mindset of that group seeking justice within narrower limits that typically define that group‘s self interests rather than the interests of society

Our nation‘s political institutions have provided meaning to free and open societies that ultimately define us as a people (given to ideas)

The avoidance of controversial themes and other subject matter has become one of the modern ―virtues‖ that has gradually come to define our collective mindset

These are the driving forces (or values) that typically define achievement

As indicated above, anti-gun proponents are (oftentimes) likely to define violence in American Society in terms of gun ownership by comparing its own (violent) crime rate(s) with that of other Western Industrialized Nations (including Japan) that have lower (violent) crime rates then we

With the coming industrialization of America, labor struggles would define America for the next century

to define the concept of “family

Hence, we may define the Aura as a electro-photonic vibration response of an object to some external excitation (such as an ambient light for example)

“Now, I know what you’re thinking since you’re in such a good mood, but any similarity with a donkey’s strap and rein is purely unintentional and simply a product of the same basic design principles that define both pieces of gear

One of the problems with executive orders is that Congress has not tried to define the authority a

Memories are stored in it in a way connected with the mind, but no one, until the advent of modern science, seemed to be able to define how that connectivity works, and they’ve only just begun to consider the wonder of it all

The latter of the two, the spirit, appears to attempt to define a certain essential, non-physical element, an essence that seems to be common to all life, and apparently disappears at its end, or dissociates from it as some would describe an otherwise puzzling process

rescind all executive orders which are not covered in that definition and further define the scope and

“We believe that preparation eradicates cowardice, which we define as the failure to act in the midst of fear,” says Four

The second article discusses the failings of choosing government officials based on their faction, asking why only people who define themselves as selfless should be in government

These misfires are often enough and alike enough that we can attempt to define them

The IQ definition of Dumb and Bright: One way to define misfires is to rate the ability to memorize and logically apply the memory

“Let’s define Karma again and expand on this concept

characteristics that helped define psychiatric illness—were absent

, though painful and humiliating, had a congealing effect on the country and helped it define its goals under a reform movement

define the future for the company

You should establish SLAs with all of your external vendors that define things like the

What three to six measures really define your business, things that mean the

The global vision needs to define the ideal goals and the actions by which all the

We define ‘»object-oriented programming as an approach that

Creating classes that define objects and their behaviour,

· Clearly define in your heart your spiritual principles

Documents and records should be created to define, operate and control the Service management system, this includes, Service management policy, objectives, processes required, SLA’s, service management plan, catalogue of services and other required procedures and records required by the standard

the city of Amarillo, open spaces still define the Texas Panhandle

with eloquent words to define our beliefs and a ‘to do

It would define his future if all of the pieces dropped into place

Critical studies theorists thus define themselves as lawless in the literal sense of the term

There is no mechanism to define what a wrong is

What they learn about their inheritance will eventually course through the whole of society and define its future

«Exactly how does one define being normal? Is the presence of limbs normal? Does the use of all but one limb make one abnormal? Does the fact that all pieces of the body are intact mean that a person is normal? You really don’t have to answer the questions that I have just asked, Monica, as I will define for you what I believe the

individual is totally conscious, as we would typically define the state

are the principles of energy, which define the ‘rules’ by which reality is created and experienced,

are so obsessed with a long life that we don’t even try to define life

failure, whose exploits define who he is

We are egotists utilizing excuses to define who we are, and then quote the Bible so we can cover up our lack of commitment to truth

Actions define their beliefs

it is our decisions that define our existence

One who has not made the choice to defend faith but instead looks to define it

And we imagine that we know what we can define!

I define spirituality as the choice to make a commitment that goes beyond talking

We could define humanity and life, and define addictions and failures on a spiritual level, and even define solutions involving truth

Define your idea of aid and subjugation

In his mind, Josie’s professed lesbianism was just a state of sexual temptation that did not define her, for she was much more than just her sexual conflicts

A content strategy is typically used to define what type of content you’ll be sharing with your followers in your tweets, when to post it, and how to evaluate its effectiveness

Once you know what type of content they are hungry for and more likely to engage with and share with their connections, then you are in a better position to define this crucial element of your content strategy

You’d note how they are using those words in order to help define your content strategy

Define what it would mean to you to accomplish those goals

treatment,” which it does not define

Taking these considerations back to the possibility of objective illusion, were we to define

At the stage of life they are in, the needs of those who are retired can be defined clearly

The mind of India can be defined as that conveyed by the most significant aspects of Indian Philosophy through scriptures and discourses

defined by the contours and ripples of a thin white sheet

is defined by the word “agape”

Faith is defined by the faith of Abraham

As he walked he could feel his hard and defined physique ripple under tight, figure-hugging cloth

solitary, defined anew as mother

her limbs lengthen, become thin and defined,

space without a defined edge,

From my perspective, mental illness is defined as any abnormal or imbalanced brain activity that leads to inappropriate actions, this being enough for diagnosis and sometimes too soon a course for medication

Where are the routing rules defined in an asp

Probability can be defined as,’ I said as I wrote the lines:

them, having lost everything else that defined their world during

alone on a small hill, it’s clearly defined borders

defined and his dark hair was still wet from the shower

defined the other and the two were inseparable

The nightmare had become defined by reality

appeared, as the “Science of Policy” defined it, if

Once you have your key strength defined, it will be easy for you to see if a new

Standard were a shining example of what their culture had defined as being moral, hardworking individuals who had formed a respectable legal and holy matrimony that resulted in the much valued and desired undertaking of procreation and thus the continuation of their bloodline and species

Executive function as defined by Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child is a combination of working memory (aka, those 700 neural connections per second), selective and focused attention on important tasks (or self control), and mental flexibility – being able to revise a course of action based on changes in the environment

A few seconds later six walls defined their space within the newly-formed cube

Chemical activity of slag is defined by quality coefficient К, calculated according to following formulas:

He had come full circle along the walls, when he spotted a topographical picture over a place called Ohiopyle, where he could make out a faded outline of a defined trail

He could see that the walkway was almost buried in growth at some locations, but still clearly defined, especially when it followed along the rivers

the rule that determines how all other rules are defined

defined destination and c) have a road map or game plan

that spare tire you carry around), each with a defined job

Our ability to imagine is defined (limited) by our

what they mean because they have not defined them

It was human, he thought, but couldn’t be sure: not sharply defined, but a blue and beige ghost of a man

There was a defined break in the oncoming blackened sky, nighttime darkness and an oncoming deep blackness of a storm

It was difficult to pick a team for a task that was, at best, only partially defined

If we consider the accurate letter skips that are used in each case, the unique and defined starting positions in each book, and the patterns that are mirrored around Leviticus; it is statistically much more improbable that this phenomenon occurred as a result of mere chance

Today, there is no defined layer of water, suspended high-up above the sky that would remain there under normal conditions, but we know that water can be suspended in the atmosphere in the form of ice crystals

Can one really take a relativistic stance with confidence, when it comes to anything for which proof exists, contrary to that in which one believes? If the Bible tells us that we are eternal beings and our choices today affect our relationship with our Creator and that our eternity depends on the choices we make while we are alive on Earth, should we not pay attention to what is said in a document that comes from Someone who holds the world’s past, present and future in his hands? If this Person is intimately involved with you, having given you your body and having created your soul and spirit within you which will never die, who is with you every second of every day of your life and says that He knows you better than you know yourself, who even knows how many hairs you have on your head at any time of your life; should we not listen to him if he states that he loves us and wants to be in a relationship with us? If the information within the pages of this hyper-dimensional document paints a defined picture of the wonderful gift that God has given us

Clearly defined space in the music for major poses is usually

Defined by Ayn Rand as the weed that only grows in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind

The monitor AI was evolving at such an exponential rate that – notwithstanding the obvious considerations of sentience – there may be a risk of insanity or simulated insanity perhaps, the difference was not something that could be easily defined

An interesting concept that may be loosely defined as a group of symptoms, usually in reference to a living organism, and usually with an expectation of some sort of ultimately negative effect on that organism

45, “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined

A moment defined in history

The surgeon replied, ‘that is not something which can be defined in absolute

Nothing seemed quite so well defined as it once had been; he didn’t see black and white, but only

Of course, handling good fortune with grace, dignity, and charity are, also, self-defining acts, but we, as a whole, are ultimately, defined by the way we overcome adversity

Having dismounted the craft she looked around at a sharply defined cratered landscape, half-expecting Darangi solders to jump out from behind one of the craters and accost her

The law defined Crimen Injuria as «unlawfully, intentionally and seriously impairing the dignity of another

There are defined, strategic rules for capturing such a position

Informed decisions based on evidence and points of law clearly and properly defined, are gradually giving way to preliminary jousting matches between opposing counsels seeking a propitious ―mix‖ that will ‖carry the day‖

Capitalism, when unregulated and properly tuned, is designed to promote upward social and economic mobility along a broadly defined cross section of individuals and groups

“Reason” is defined as “the mental faculty that integrates information

In fact, it may be correctly argued that these aren‘t societies at all, however dimly perceived masses of people who have adopted a survival instinct rather than learned how to live a meaningful existence; to behave reasonably, within socially defined parameters, in his or her own manner, to pursue his or her (own) interests or to develop his or her (own) underlying potential or render informed judgments in consonant compliance with his or her Conscience

America‘s ―expanding‖ middle class is merely an artificial construct synthesized by the fusion of ―easy credit‖ and arbitrarily defined (economic) assumptions

The ―growth‖ of the American middle class is generally defined by its spending habits and adopted lifestyles rather than capital or income

Success may also be defined as having achieved a stated goal

The edges of the first impression seemed well defined and firm

Nevertheless, the social and political divisions that typically defined that decade extended well beyond the appropriate limits of conventional tolerance

In this manner, Satan is the embodiment of Essential Evil defined as ―a privation…negation of being…a partial negation of being in being…

I had a cricket bat in my hands, which could have been defined as a weapon in my hands rather than a bat

Addendum to the above: The undermining of traditional values has precipitated a socially divisive undercurrent in our nation that has further alienated lower income groups from the very values and customs that typically defined ―middle-class‖ success; principled standards that have (historically) improved (its) social and economic standing in a variety of ways over the years

We are all (ultimately) defined by the choices we make whether or not such choices are circumstantial or embarked upon voluntarily

A society is defined by its formal as well as its informal social and cultural institutions

A number of (politically) prominent individuals have achieved historical repute for their providential and skillful management of exceptional events that defined their tenure in (public) office notwithstanding the reluctance of some who were neither willing or able to meet the extraordinary challenges that confronted them; provoked to action, however, by the enlightened examples of others before taking formal or appropriate action in response to such events

Such thinking has prompted a twentieth-century mindset defined by the supercilious designs of social engineers seeking to modify, if not micro-manage, human behavior on the basis of implausible, formulaic theories

And by his mouth is he defined before others

It fails to acknowledge sin as such; although it is willing to entertain forms of appropriate/inappropriate behavior defined by popular customs or manners that (in any event) oftentimes lose their social mandate as arbitrary conventions may vary

Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society

What sets our Nickelodeon Generation apart (in some manner) from prior generations is a troubling disregard for parental authenticity; a legacy passed down to them by their emotionally and morally stunted Boomer Parents whose puerile adolescence and (the) mixed messages conveyed to their offsprings have all but erased the traditional boundaries that formerly defined the (proper) role(s) of parent and child

defined, would be excluded from receiving SS benefits regardless of much these individuals have contributed to the system over the years

From this we can deduct that they are not to be used for COIN or anything which is not conventional with clearly defined objectives

He found many but none were as defined as the one both Helen and Kate were certain they saw William in

But even our nation‘s inherent capacity to forgive a public or private misdeed has its (defined) limits, however

Such defined the wisdom of our first president (George Washington) who, properly aware of the (inherent) temptations of political power, limited himself to two terms in office

This is the inevitable outcome for individuals seeking to promote reform without a clearly defined roadmap of the future

The radical assumptions that defined that generation did not seek reform in the conventional sense but establish, rather, a new social order out of a vacuum lacking transitional (customary) support or intellectual substance of any sort

Success, however defined, arrived sooner for some than for others

Unless I too have fallen victim to the imaginary ideals of youth, I believe that, on some level at least, many of the athletes of my generation were properly aware of the underlying aspects that defined their ―relationship‖ with their fans; notwithstanding (obvious) concern over their own public persona

They also ensure that they testify in criminal and other defined proceedings

Nevertheless, this remarkable decision should demand closer scrutiny by reasonable men and women over the question of competency as such vaguely defined standards may apply to certain individuals of ―limited‖ intelligence or stunted emotional development that (supposedly) renders their ability to make sound judgment problematical; yet for all intent and purposes, however, seem sufficiently capable of leading normal, productive lives; and whose marginal ―deficiencies‖ are not considered in any manner an impediment to the legal requirements respective of property and person

That the war in Afghanistan was dealt with swiftly and with minimal losses is not so much a blessing for those who privately hope for our defeat; thereby belying the underlying assumptions that have defined our great nation for so many years

Numbering 300,000, they reported more than 3 million cases of disloyalty, vaguely defined

“The left one there seems a little more defined,” said the hulking big fellow at his elbow

Fernández splashes his latest book with quotations from writers who have left written opinions on the art of traveling, creating a sort of universal time frame where the future appears to be defined by the past

This place where I am is defined by a dream

Is it any wonder then, that there is a clearly defined pack or herd hierarchy? The safety

The ritual of smudging can be defined as «spiritual house cleaning

has defined genius as the capacity for hard work

The seasons are not clearly defined, but there were four rivers that ran through this early habitat of humanity that seemed to run “to the four corners of it

defined below*) we will be in a far better position to alter our

Much lobbying expense is ‘defensive’ in nature, being undertaken to offset lobbying efforts of broadly defined competitors in the political arena

’ Viewing humans as being critically defined, say, by a level of intelligence high enough to conceive of God, might eliminate the fighting between those believing in evolution and those believing in creation or intelligent design or whatever

institutions in any defined national emergency

as defined should be turned over to the states

Well, I thought, random, chance, chaos; all terms indicating lack of predictability, the opposite of order and regularity, “that which can be defined or measured

Blazin’ started ranting and raving to us that hip hop was the music that defined us B-boys

Even the muscles in his forearm are taut, defined

This working capital is calculated with base in the necessities of organizational resources, quantity of beneficiary people and defined goals that are foreseen in the Usuarist Project of each organization to accomplish the production of products and services with completeness and feedback of its process productive or social with sustainable development

name that defines Abraham relationship with God

a living depth that defines the metre of this universe,

Merriam-Webster defines it as the “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress, together with a desire to alleviate it

This law defines that “like energy is attracted to like

Ayn Rand defines it as „…the frozen form of a living intelligence

Language is the cornerstone that defines a Culture

I would like to express some (scattered) thoughts about Dress: Dress defines a society and its people; its customs and habits

(Adversity ultimately defines the limits of Character)

Suffering (oftentimes) defines or softens the heart of an individual by making that individual (more) receptive to of other individuals who are suffering or who have suffered in some manner

Each ultimately defines a society‘s probable place in History

either because he or she needs the money or because these collectibles no longer hold the same intrinsic ―value‖ that they once did, so why not part with (them) for a profit? This is not meant to imply, however, that that individual‘s principled belief system has been fundamentally modified in any manner; such accommodations do not (necessarily) alter the underlying (moral) assumptions that (otherwise) defines that individual

HaveInotsaid, “Who you choose, not what you choose, is the answer, for who you choose defines what you do

Cloning is Humankind‘s crowning achievement that defines its (own) conceited self-centeredness!

Tolerance requires an ―intuitive‖ capacity to render sound (moral) judgments as they relate to essential motives and/or principle ideas that form the template of a well-ordered society that do not reflexively support tolerance for its own sake without giving proper pause to discriminating factors that correctly defines appropriate conduct

For who you choose defines what you do

Therefore, a forest populated by trees, in a manner that properly defines a forest, may be misconstrued by less discerning minds as a collection of trees (parts) rather than a forest (whole)

Who you choose, not what you choose, is the answer, For who you choose defines what you do

(Read: Conservative Blacks!) Although it is not my intention to marginalize the organization‘s historical importance (or value) for peoples of color, its neo-radical, oftentimes racist agenda has long abandoned its intended purpose of advancing civil rights and equal opportunity in favor of consolidating a political power base in a manner that incorrectly defines the ―needs‖ of its ―constituents‖ by propagating the meanest forms of race-baiting that (otherwise) serve to advance political ambition by fanning artificial expectations that have lost much of their historical relevancy

ultimately defines an individual‘s (moral) character are the decisions that he or she makes

‖ Goodness lies in Humility of Purpose; without intended purpose, however; that is to say, undetermined and without motive; an impartial or uncertain ―Will‖ to Goodness that internally defines the Self; a Goodness that does not issue from the Conscious Self but the Hidden Self, rather, that must necessarily refute its own ―apparent goodness‖ or the self-sustaining content of its (own) intentions

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines worry as a state of

The government defines regulations as “significant” if they have an impact on the economy

In another vein, he defines a miracle as, “exactly what it seems, an event offering access to the divine

Yahushua told a story in the Book of Luke that clearly defines

“If our lives are a rolling sequence of choices, then that is what defines us, wouldn’t you say

And as a few economic indicators go south, all of a sudden we’re in a recession even if we didn’t have two quarters in decline, which defines recession

The oxford dictionary defines the word “bury” as follows:

It defines an array called student that consists of 100 elements

Note that each sub-class defines only those features that are unique to it

However, unique to each object and so the draw procedure will be redefined in each class that defines the

As its name defines, it is used to clear the output screen

The emotional division, then, defines an individual’s over-

” Huxley defines a good metaphysics, as against a bad metaphysics, as one “that corresponds reasonably closely with observed and inferred reality and one that doesn’t

Q: You said the body defines the outer self

that which defines the future of mankind

If we compare religions and their bottom line, which is the percentage of souls making it to Heaven, we can see that it is our honest commitment to our spirituality that defines this bottom line

If we can die with low vibration we have the ability to empower our soul to travel the path of light that defines our reality

Truth is the word that defines Blake’s quest

The fear that defines our species

What truly defines femininity? It’s not the clothes you wear, or even the shape of your body

Imagine a quadrant, if you will, where the vertical axis defines

He does not realize that our constitution defines the best government in the world and adherence to it would solve our financial problems

Our response defines our relationship with God and determines our place in eternity

In a world that defines the individual as autonomous and free to act so long as his acts do not interfere with the freedom of others, governments should play only a subsidiary role and should not be

The Constitution clearly defines the responsibilities of each

Defines the word it

Anti religion defines someone who is opposed to religion

But how one defines one’s

appearance of what I feel defines crazy, at least some of the time, in

This author, many years ago, before he was one, accepted a proposition with “less than sufficient proof to afford positive knowledge” as the dictionary defines belief

Each of the 11 Coast Guard Great Lakes cutters have been more heavily armed since 2004, as have boats smaller than the 65-foot minimum length which defines a cutter

The Random House Webster’s Dictionary defines usury as the charging of exorbitant interest above the legal rate for lending money

defines the goal and gives it its final shape

Sophia-Analysis is also based on a theory which defines humanity as

agency that defines the pathways of molecular transport and positioning,

The oscillator defines overbought or oversold conditions when the oscillator line is above 70 (overbought) or below 30 (oversold)

defines the intermediate term trend of the price and also uses two standard deviations of the instrument being traded to work out the width between the simple moving average

defines themselves as lawyer or student are they not also stereotyping themselves and

philosophical dictionary defines it as The branch of philosophy concerned with questions of

an introduction to the pragmatic therory of value, which simply defines values as actionable

I’m not talking about a chapter outline that defines what goes in each chapter or even how many chapters there are

defines jnana as “emptying out” the mind and soul of

Panaghia in the Church defines the relationship of al monastics to her Son

It defines the

which one is raised and lives defines what can and cannot be conscious or, viewed

time (which defines history, among other things) and place, what we perceive and what

Rape, as well as unforced intercourse, defines action and status for men, as reflected in the language

If masculinist culture defines male sexuality in terms of

only if the individual who has it so defines it

What one defines as excess fat comes to be

Each feeds and defines the other

human being, but I believe the bible defines it as three score years and

Your brand strategy defines what you stand for and how you’ll communicate with the market

“Poetry defines a culture,” John conjectured

defines the shape that you want

defines OCD and ways you can heal

Further, the same section defines aggravated rape as a

In above example defines has the same meaning as the definiendum

This is how we configure the array and note that the above statement not only defines but also give our array values

It is this reason that defines and separates us from others in the animal kingdom

a great word and nobody defines it more clearly than Stephen

You can use the built-in dir function to list the identifiers that a module defines

To start with, Webster defines a conspiracy as a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act

Revelation 1: 3 defines this guarantee:

This scripture defines that there were indeed two gospels operating concurrently:

Webster defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and race and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

This chapter is all about miscegenation, which the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as a mixture of races, esp

You’re so different than the average Joe who defines shallow, that I see at work every day

This migration file defines the queries to

Why would you place code in a library and not a helper? Well, some people become quite agitated by the reasoning for this and I’m sure that if you thought hard enough about it, you could come up with some strict rules that defines when a bit of code is a helper or a library

The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology defines conscience as “a reasonably coherent set of internalized moral principals that provides evaluations of right and wrong with regard to acts either performed or contemplated

There is no universal consensus on what defines a «microprocessor», but it is usually safe to assume that the term refers to a general-purpose CPU of some sort and not a special-purpose processor unless specifically noted

The relationship between short-term interest rates and long-term rates defines the

However, the flexibility of what is termed “parametric statistics”, defines the relationship

immediacy, there’s a wide range of concern people display for the health and happiness of others that truly defines the character of the individual

This defines what it is to be a teacher:

the best ones we can, knowing that each one defines who we are

Meaning ―to have and to hold,‖ which defines the quantity of the

Defining and overriding sections is optional

They had known each other before they swam that river, but that was the defining moment of their friendship and something they would always have together

I’ve often wondered if there would be something in looking back to the year of conception to see if there is some defining link

Too many children, and adults, have learned to focus too much on their IQ score at 2nd grade as defining their level of intelligence

defining the sub-atomic quarks that the size

The second characteristic defining capillary porosity of concrete is degree of cement hydration which depends on cement strength, rate of hardening, time and conditions of concrete hardening

you have are defining (limiting) your ability to create that

capable of building orbiting space stations, defining the

In spite of his admitted and admired learning and intelligence, he got it exactly backward when he said that we are defining deviancy down

Rather, we are defining it up, in our continuing expansion of the parameters of the outrageous to be tolerated

And, if we actually have any self-identity in our elementary years (other than who our parents tell us we are), then, it is these defining moments that give us that underlining identity

The inherent ―right‖ to terminate one‘s (own) life as it relates to vague or questionable notions defining quality of life, introduces yet another dubious precedent as it relates to Choice, especially in rather gray areas where the decision to either perpetuate or curtail an individual‘s life has been proxied (sic) at a time when that individual could not possibly foresee the (uncertain) consequences of such decisions entrusted to the care of family members or friends (concealing underlying motives for authorizing such decisions, perhaps) or where a potential illness at some uncertain point in time or that individual‘s problematical reaction (to that illness) could not possibly be understood in advance; that is to say, until that individual is actually sitting on Death‘s doorstep

Politicians seeking imaginative ways of defining poverty in our nation by targeting its ―root causes‖ plays well among certain audiences however fundamentally flawed their analysis

The Vietnam War was a defining moment in American and European politics that produced ideological divisions at home and abroad, giving rise to moral equivocations and modernist geopolitical assumptions whose (dire) impact on critical political thinking continue to resonate through present times

There was a defining moment in our nation‘s history when the laboring classes (en masse) went from resenting the rich to emulating their lifestyles…or trying to, at least

This in no manner implies an nullification of Free Will that (inevitably) continues operating within the (singular) guidelines defining one‘s existence however guided by its fundamental designs

These defining aspects typically characterize a nation by keeping it Whole

Great nations and civilizations have been defining and re-fining themselves for centuries

The one defining event for those who dislike him was the Iran hostage crisis

Truman’s administration only called for “continued progress,” never defining what that was

Hilderich could sense the sorrowful note in his voice, his wife understandably a defining part of him, part of who he felt he was

Once they were past the last few trees and plants, a trench of sorts lay there; it was mossy but clearly man-made with clear-cut lines and angles defining it, not deeper than the height of a man

The Congress needs to pass a law defining the authority of the President in issuing executive orders and

The inevitable expansion and codification of these first decisions defining allowable behavior between individuals, families, groups, tribes, etc

He would show the girls the magic of his martial art, and at the same time put a defining kick on his victim

scope (::) to specify that we are defining a function that is a member of the class CRectangle and not a regular

The only difference between defining a class member function completely within its class or to include only

quite clear, so defining these terms he is using in this theses

have come to a defining moment in our quest for the winner of the

Faith is a topic worth defining

In defining the thoughts and actions of a modern Christian

” He further said, “The fact that the cosmos is comprehensible and that it follows laws, is the defining quality of a God, who reveals himself in all that exists

Start by defining the voice of your brand

In order to write an effective tweet, start by defining the specific objective you want to accomplish with the tweet

Supreme Court of California arrive at the decision the Proposition defining marriage as a rite between a man and a woman unconstitutional? They came to this decision for one reason only

whole person, becoming the defining substance and stability of that person

figuring out the maximum cost per click that you are willing to spend and defining bid

himself beyond the willingness to be in charge of defining who I

Now Kelsen’s motive for so defining law was with the best of intent: he wanted to clear the road for a benign Socialist system and natural law was not flexible enough for him

The scene started without defining the context as a dream, so

I had to develop a marketing campaign defining the target audience, and a media plan and budget and, finally, the TV commercial storyboards, billboard copy, magazine and newspaper ads

” To ensnare oneself by overbuying into a situation that seemingly has no foreseeable escape or that creates mental suffering is not true enslavement as I am defining it, because it is self-inflicted

What has been learned after thousands of sales projects is that the time spent up front in defining needs, understanding the results and getting the solution right, produces successful projects

Peter had a team working on clearly defining the company structure and its interlocking business interests

The Top Five Console Defining Exclusives for the Playstation 3

In between stages, players are able to micro manage their armies by defining the job specialties of the various “-Pon” units and what equipments they will use

Much has been written on the topics of defining masculinity and femininity

com — Defining the future of Education

To awaken is to know yourself as awareness without defining attributes

Process — a repeatable phenomenon marked by gradual changes through a series of states that we become aware of after defining objects and relationships and observation

The perspective was sad! At the beginning they would be very altered, I have no doubt; but with the passage of time, the letters of my name will fade away, the defining features of my person would be evoked by the diffuse help of the memory, and my silhouette would no longer resound in the crowded streets of life, and this way blurred in the cloak of forgetfulness, I would get lost forever in the days, in the months and in the years, up to being only a memory named in afternoon conversations with the accompaniment of a cup of coffee with French pastry

Defining the Strategy is inherently a leadership responsibility

Thinking outside the box when defining core processes can pay immense dividends to making work and the re/org all that much better

That is why we first emphasize defining and aligning work execution

Generally, the best and easiest way to utilize the Organizational Support Matrix is to do assessments of organizational support needs while defining work models at the four levels of work execution

Additional re/org needs for each phase are added for completeness of a typical re/org, such as defining business plans and strategies, identifying best practices, loading the work and so forth

They spent 30 working days defining all the current jobs and current processes—using the case authors Language of Work(tm) Model (see authors or HRD Press, 1995)—in the organization in order to develop a clear picture of the «AS-IS» state of the organization

The process—the Language of Work ModelTM—used for defining the new business unit contained the following steps in a facilitated meeting

defining whether or not this is the real

But speaking to kids of the age you would like to write for, reading books for kids of that age, watching TV shows for that age group, all of that helps with defining an age group’s language immensely

Empty shells littered the floor around her, each expelling smoke and adding a stinking ambiance to her defining scene, an advertising shot for hopeless rebellion, a panorama that generations would ponder over and learn about in text and picture, the content of a million T-shirts and countless discussions by eager students, all wishing to be part of something bigger than themselves, pretending to understand

Although the statutes defining battery will vary by jurisdiction, a typical definition for battery is the intentional offensive or harmful touching of another person without their consent

out what the main problem areas are on your website and defining accurate

for the purposes of this report, I want to separate the two by defining a

Rules that end up determining the identity of a group defining its characteristics

that-complex-as defining individuals within the cultural context, as well as the culture itself

was a verb defining what gravy does? He supposed that if the gravy was suitably

them and subsequently they have their defining moment

meet and handle the defining moment in their lives as the

God who have had their defining moments

The CONVENTION; a novel about defining moments

assist in defining goals increases the probability that they will

“Are there clear defining moments when you will know

It lets us know that we are defining a file

Fortunately by defining the account balance as

The change begins with defining the desired situation

questions you will ask, eg, about defining goals and visions, best

These you could have gotten by simply defining the fields needed and not worrying about the others

Defining the path and the steps to reach the goal

You have seen how you can reuse code in your program by defining functions once

you can control what your objects return for the repr function by defining the __repr__ method in

get more for his budget than he first thought, so in the process of then defining the final specs

Please don’t skimp on this defining and costing and timing process

the preliminary work of defining, specifying and costing the job

negatively defining what he had done; my position with the kids was

In the preceding code snippet, we’re defining the message as info, but we begin the message with four asterisks (****)

For seventy years that great defining crucible hath been allowed to reign righteously

Some of the risk will always remain subjective, although we try to eliminate it by defining

interest rates on the CAPM, defining three levels of beta: low medium, and high

1993’s Doom in particular was largely responsible for defining the genre and setting it apart from other first-person perspective games

thoughts and terminology of Christianity, another of its defining characteristics has always been the extremely close relationship it’s maintained with the world powers

intrinsically connected to the city of Rome, defining “The Church of Rome” as “that great city”

A defining aspect of apostate Christianity in the last days seems almost certain to be the rejection of biblical teaching concerning the last days

But while more precisely defining sound, the enormous size of such an alphabet capable of representing the totality of spoken sounds would make it tediously cumbersome

allowed ourselves to be held in the sway of Augustine’s defining

Consider the following factors when defining what a good deal

endorsement of this is that when defining morality (in

We find new ways of defining ourselves as different

It was his fault for not clearly defining their roles as a

Synonym: clarify, describe, establish, explain, fix, outline, set. Similar words: definition, definitely, deficit, fine, benefit, defense, find, defender. Meaning: [dɪ’faɪn]  v. 1. give a definition for the meaning of a word 2. determine the essential quality of 3. determine the nature of 4. show the form or outline of. 

Random good picture Not show

1. We need enemies to help define ourselves and our lives; they help us to know who we are not or who we do not want to be. 

2. How do you define laziness?

3. The duties of the post are difficult to define.

4. The term ‘mental illness’ is difficult to define.

5. It is important to define these terms accurately.

6. They disagreed on how to define «liberal».

7. There is only one person who can define success in your life and that’s you.

8. Please define the words.

9. It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship.

10. We were unable to define what exactly was wrong with him.

10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

11. Can you define the word «define»?

12. This word is hard to define.

13. Social values are not easy to define.

14. He was asked to define his concept of cool.

15. We can define burnout as exhaustion.

16. It’s hard to define exactly what has changed.

17. Define precisely what you mean by ‘crime’.

18. language and slang is hard to define.

19. We need to define the task ahead very clearly.

20. Before proceeding further, we must define our terms.

21. I’ll now try to define the term ‘popular culture’.

22. Please listen while I define your duties.

23. It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty.

24. The first step is to define and analyse the problem.

25. We define education very broadly and students can study any aspect of its consequences for society.

26. It is important to define the nature of the problem.

27. It is difficult to define what makes him so popular.

28. No matter what label is thrown your way, only you can define yourself.

29. It depends what you mean by ‘hostile’. In formal written English, depend should always be followed by on or upon:It depends on how you define the term ‘hostile’. Upon is more formal and less frequent than on.

30. Definitions should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define.

More similar words: definition, definitely, deficit, fine, benefit, defense, find, defender, aside from, defensive, defendant, find out, finger, finally, benefit from, the first person, finance, finish up, in the first place, financial, finish with, finite element, financial crisis, pine, line, spine, outline, engine, marine, divine. 

  • Use the word Define in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I ask to define the nature of evidence.

We┬┤ll have to observe him a little longer before we can give you a define answer.

Who can define the boundary between the superstition of yesterday… and the scientific fact of tomorrow?

You should have asked him to define it.


You’d be surprised at the number of people who define justice as something they think they’d like to get.

Strange thing You’re something that I can’t define

A largesse universal, like the sun, his liberal eye doth give to everyone, thawing cold fear, that mean and gentle all behold, as may unworthiness define,

Something I can’t define, can’t diagnose.

You’re his first student to define a triangle as two women crazy about one man.

Indeed, I think it’s a mistake… to try to define our thoughts about it in human terms.

Mad call I it, for to define true madness, what ist but to be nothing else but mad?

Well, it’s taken medicine a good many years to define that connection… and I haven’t time, unfortunately, right now to explain it all to you.

To be your long time define something to bring your talent to life .

How would you define «ballet», Lady Neston?

It is this court’s intention to review once again the claims of both parties, define the issues, and deliver a verdict.

If that’s how they define elegance, then I —

Deputy, how are we going to define Italy?

How would you define «»money»»?

define it for me as you see it.

ÔÖ½ And some thrills I can’t define

The witness must define her terms, if the jury is to clearly understand her.

That’s why I believe it’s very important to clearly define… if he’s a charlatan or a sorcerer.

That’s a quality that’s difficult to define, but it’s there on that screen.

whose relationship with the outlaws is hard to define.

Mr. Chairman, a little while ago, Senator Knox asked me to define what I meant by «outworn principles.»

We’ve to define all from the legal point of view too, I’ll be there.

An actor is someone who gets on stage and acts. Someone who tries to play a part who tries to define, to create a character and to go beyond himself, his feelings, his ideas.

the agony of creation has finally forced him… to define the indefinable.

Wanting to define an infinite number, I write a horizontal eight and divide it by one.

Well, if I do not comprehend but I can define it, I am getting near poetry, which seems to be nearer to life than we suspect.

The parliament, which should order and define the rights and duties of magistrates, no longer contents itself with this privilege and now claims other powers.

Today, if you were to be asked the question, by someone who doesn’t know the cinema, asking you, Fritz Lang, how would you define what man is, and more particularly, one who is a film director?

Still, language in itself cannot accurately define the image.

I would define him as anti-social, going on the information we’ve received from the political office.

Today’s task is simply to define, to face these problems in light of day if we want to give some existence and consistency to Marxist philosophy.

You can disagree with the terms I use to define the problem.

Perhaps the imperialists define them as refugees, but they are on our side and act as informants.

define the term «decadent art.»

It’s far easier to recognize a leader than to define leadership in clear and in universally understood terms.

Not in the way we define life.

But as much as you can define… a perfect man… I believe that he would be the one that… Yes, Nikos.

The tradition, which all the ball dresses obey, I would define as follows: to render light, diaphanous, ethereal for that superior form of walking called dancing, the deity appearing on their cloud.

Well, it’s rather difficult to define.

Depends on how you define unnecessary.

Definition of Define

to state or explain the identity or nature of something

Examples of Define in a sentence

In order to define infinity, you must first understand the concept of boundaries and limits, as infinity by definition is limitless and never-ending.


A dictionary will define any word in your language, telling you what each one of them means, and how many meanings they may have altogether.


It is impossible to define the nature of color to someone who has been blind since birth, since you cannot describe color without referencing itself.


I had to stop and define the game of tag to my friend from another country, as he had never played before and didn’t know anything about it.


If I had to define the sound that the car made as it scraped against the wall, I would say it sounded sort of like a very loud dying cat.


Other words in the Making & Creating category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Use define in a sentence?

Example sentence — If I were to define the perfect day, it would
include a beautiful sunrise.

Define subsistence and use in a sentence?

there was to many subsistences in the earth

How do you use somniloquy in a sentence?

The teacher asked the class to define the word somniloquy

Define tissue use this word in a sentence that describes how organisms accomplish tasks?

go get tissue

How can you use the word absolved in a sentence?

Absolutely! I will define the word, provided that I am absolved
of any responsibility for the consequences of my definition…

I would define the word success when, I get a letter in the mail from someone that says that there are inspired by my exhibition or on my Facebook page when kids are motivated by the work.


For example, in a rental agreement, it defines words like dwelling, tenants, landlord, handyman, etc..


Depending on which word he chooses, your child will then have to use the word in a sentence, define the word, spell it with his eyes closed or name a rhyming word.


As noted by a user, defining a word with Cortana is a lot easier and faster than using Google or Bing search functionality.


He is full of curiosity and asks me to define words like God, football, and bet.


I discovered I could not even define this word, much less figure out what it should be for me.


The much-discussed flirtation of Supreme Court justices with foreign law and transnational standards is something they can seemingly turn on and off at will, argues CEI’s Iain Murray in a WSJ letter to the editor: «to allow more lawsuits, the Supreme Court disregarded every foreign court ruling defining the word «accident» in the Warsaw Convention, in Olympic Airways v. Husain (2004)….


These dogs truly define the word «survivor» and these are the conditions that our vet team deals with each and every day.


To assist in the analysis of fear, and in the denunciation of its expressions, I have coined the word fearthought to stand for the unprofitable element of forethought, and have defined the word «worry» as fearthought in contradistinction to forethought.


The way insurers define words could affect the way cyber insurance works for businesses How insurers define certain words may end up shaping cyber insurance as a whole.


I also am so loving the way you have displayed these velvet pumpkins just so exquisitely… but then again, you define the word exquisite!


It is tricky to define the word «witch».


The Noun Project uses crowdsourcing to gather an army of people to define words using icons.


I am wondering how you would define the word «church».


But then came last week’s front-page New York Times article, in which Botel insisted that, «Because the statute does not define the word «ambitious,» the secretary has the responsibility of determining whether a state’s long-term goals are ambitious.»


Students roll a die, move a counter and spell or define the word they land on (variations would be simple, too — give a synonym/antonym etc).


The existing language of subdivision (26) of section 10-183b of the Connecticut General Statutes defines who qualifies for a teacher pension by defining the word teacher as «any teacher, permanent substitute teacher, principal, assistant principal, supervisor, assistant superintendent or superintendent employed by the public schools in a professional capacity while possessing a certificate or permit issued by the State Board of Education…»


If you define the word functional and functional training as something that has a function or fulfills a function, free weights are also more functional.


Maia, the challenge is defining the word «good.»


This album defines the words «Good Music» but instead of good it’s Masterful, it’s so different, so special, and is something that will bring Daft Punk to the top of the charts.


Students will use a dictionary or the Internet to define words related to Dr. King.


When you train yourself to speak and write using clearly defined words arranged into concise sentences, you’re training your brain to think more clearly.


On the lighter side, words such as «cryptocurrency,» «blockchain» and «ICO» are joining «Bitcoin» in the dictionary as officially recognized and defined words.


Sally Kravich, a holistic nutritionist based in Los Angeles and New York, however, warns that loosely defined words like «natural» and «organic» printed on a label can lead people to assume the contents are good for them, even if that’s not the case.


How do you think Ginny might define the word «friend»?


Players clash swords and unleash ninpo powers in high-flying rounds that define the word «deathmatch».


«Depending how you define the word collaboration, maybe as much as 75 %.»


Beyond defining the word, this is a great opportunity to talk about anger and nuance.


«Now, however, systems are being discovered and studied which are neither obviously living nor obviously dead, and it is necessary to define these words or else give up using them and coin others.»


I think you have helped define the word «patience».


If a fantasy novel includes a made up language, a plethora of cities and places with odd names, or a complex and rich history, the author may opt to include a glossary to define words, places, or «historical» events that are brought up in the book.


In addition to the Laurel Court, which is an attraction in its own right (afternoon tea here is delightful), one should not pass up on an opportunity to go to the Tonga Room, a tiki bar that practically defines the word kitsch.


Pictures define these words: fine, mine, spine, vine, pine, twine, whine, shine, valentine and wine.


There are dedicated devices for these scenarios, e.g. Cryptosteel is a steel made plate, allowing you to define words of choice.


The day after groups define the words, each student adds the words to their vocabulary book on their Book Creator app.


The Flash Briefing Skill API defines the words users say to invoke the flash briefing or news request (utterances) and the format of the content so that Alexa can provide it to the customer.


Alexa can also spell, define words, complete conversions, and make simple calculations.


Regarding the above video, I agree with her when she defines the word «diet» as a way of eating and not a specific weight loss program that you do for a short period of time.


Most people would initially define the word «profit» as «the positive difference between what you paid for an investment versus what you made from the investment.»


Playa Las Flores defines the words «Beautiful Beach.»


I wanted to share that 80 percent of our students had learned how to debate differences, solve a school problem, or define the words in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Google the term and it is ~ the action or process of innovating a fairly unhelpful definition for those who subscribe to the notion that you cant define a word using a derivative of it.


The key is in how people define the word market.


If you voice your opposition to the validity of my belief statements I will dishonestly lump you into a single catagory, use a false dicotomy and define words any way I see fit to make my point.


I am interested in Dan Hind’s proposal to distribute a portion of research funding according to a democratic public vote (11 December 2010, p 26), but it would be helpful if he would define the word «public».


Ask an institutional Christian and a non-institutional Christian to define the word «church» and you will get some very different answers.


Ask students to help you define each word, and brainstorm with them on other words to add.


At the final stage, students still have to find and define the words, but unlike at the other levels, they receive only hints for the words but no word bank.


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word «haven» as «a place where you are protected from danger, trouble, etc.» Referencing junk bonds as a place where investors «are protected from danger» is the epitome of theatrical absurdity.


The article references a recent post post in John Battelle’s Searchblog for the term, and laments a user’s failure to differentiate between what the engines are good at doing (defining words or returning short bursts of information — when proper search operators are used) and what they do not do well (providing more complex information from a question not likely to be understood by the engine).


See also:

  • Phrases with TO DEFINE THE WORD
  • Synonyms for TO DEFINE THE WORD (related words and expressions)

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  • Use the word defence in a sentence
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  • Use the word dancer in a sentence