Use the word death in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word death, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use death in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «death».

Death in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word death in a sentence.

  1. After Howe’s death, the C.

  2. Truly an arena of death.».

  3. After the death of John A.

  4. Yeats wrote of her death:.

  5. After his death, his son J.

  6. Cẩn was sentenced to death.

  7. It was a very bloody death.

  8. Incomplete at time of death.

  9. To death, to havoc, to ruin!

  10. Again, he falls to his death.

  11. Atheist had previously fused death metal with jazz.

  12. He edited the Home Journal until his death in 1867.

  13. After An’s death, his wife, Empress Dowager Yan (d.

  14. Mouzone and Omar corner him and shoot him to death.

  15. The time of her death that most historians give (c.

  16. Alternate circumstances of Banza’s death have been reported in Time and Le Monde.

  17. The hurricane produced flooding and caused one death in the northwestern Bahamas.

  18. After Clay’s death, Crittenden became the most prominent Whig leader in Kentucky.

  19. After Jackson’s death in 2009, Fox reran «Stark Raving Dad» on July 5 in tribute.

  20. It was given for us in grossly material form, subject to wounds, blows and death.

  21. The death of Abu al-Misk Kafur in April 968, without leaving an heir, paralyzed the Ikhshidid regime.

  22. After his death, she was appointed regent until the restoration of Constantine I the following month.

  23. As with other Old Kingdom pharaohs, Nyuserre benefited from a funerary cult established at his death.

  24. In this episode, Mulder and Scully investigate the death of a baby born with severe physical defects.

  25. Alexander III’s unexpected death in a riding accident in 1286 precipitated a major succession crisis.

  26. Before her death, Norman met with each of her followers; she died on July 12, 1993, and was cremated.

  27. The hubristic Archdeacon Brandon is driven to domestic despair, professional defeat and sudden death.

  28. The accompanying mortuary temple is believed to have been built promptly following Neferefre’s death.

  29. If his body was found my son would have been the Earl of Lucan and we would have to pay death duties.

  30. The two became friends, and DeBaptiste became his personal servant, staying with him until his death.

  31. On 22 February 2007 a ceremony was held in Équateur to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his death.

  32. Later that morning, Solange’s husband Clésinger made Chopin’s death mask and a cast of his left hand.

  33. After the apparent death of her child, Eve leaves Boston and gives up music to attend medical school.

  34. A year later, John made arrangements so that on his death the king would receive all of his property.

  35. Pierce grew angry, expressing sadness over Lincoln’s death but denying any need for a public gesture.

  36. Vansant’s left thigh was stripped of its flesh; he bled to death on the manager’s desk of the Engleside Hotel at 6:45 PM.

  37. Etty remained commercially successful in his lifetime, amassing £17,000 (about £1,800,000 in today’s terms) by his death.

  38. One member subsequently objected to Sadler’s leadership, alleging that he became hungry for power after his wife’s death.

  39. The character meets his demise at the end of Spaceballs when he becomes «locked in his car and [eats] himself to death.».

  40. William was unhorsed by Robert and was only saved from death by an Englishman, Toki son of Wigod, who was himself killed.

  41. His valet, William Lee, was freed immediately and his remaining 123 slaves were to be emancipated on the death of Martha.

  42. He said the readings were inconsistent with an arrhythmic heart attack, but consistent with death from internal bleeding.

  43. Because Kutner left no note, House suspects foul play, though the death is accepted by the other characters as a suicide.

  44. After the Admiral’s death in March 1867, the estate passed to his son, George Arthur Ferguson, the sixth and final laird.

  45. It is claimed that on their death they bequeathed five plots of land to the village, known as the Bread and Cheese Lands.

  46. Lorenzo Taylor, writing for the Deseret News shortly after Bush’s death, said, «[H]e has taken an active part in the missionary work, doing much good among his fellow men.

  47. Models of the evolution and death of single very massive stars predict an increase in temperature during helium core burning, with the outer layers of the star being lost.

  48. Holst’s death was a severe personal and professional blow to Vaughan Williams; the two had been each other’s closest friends and musical advisers since their college days.

  49. Before leaving Melbourne, he deposited in a bank a parcel that contained an essay and photographs related to his sex life, not to be opened until 10 years after his death.

  50. Delius was not on the whole an admirer of Elgar’s music, but the two men took to each other, and there followed a warm correspondence until Elgar’s death in February 1934.

Synonyms for death

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word death has the following synonyms: decease, expiry, dying, demise, end, destruction, and last.

General information about «death» example sentences

The example sentences for the word death that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «death» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «death».

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  1. And killed the Amazonian warrior queen Penthesilea, but later grieved over her,


    , At first, he was so distracted by her beauty, he did not fight as intensely as
  2. Collapse),that she realizes that the moral code of the looters is one of,


    ,: they recognize what is good and necessary for life, but wish to destroy it
  3. At Delphi to give her prophecies. Hera sent the serpent to hunt Let to her,


    ,across the world. To protect his mother, Apollo begged Hephaestus for a bow and
  4. Of the mythical» White Island» which he was said to inhabit after his,


    , together with many other heroes. The kings of the Virus claimed to be
  5. At the mouth of the river Danube (see below). Another version of Achilles ‘,


    ,is that he fell deeply in love with one of the Trojan princesses, Polyxena.
  6. Her own magazines and releasing several collections of essays until her,


    ,in 1982. In her philosophy of Objectives, Rand advocated reason as the only
  7. Tradition in antiquity suspected Aristotle of playing a role in Alexander’s,


    , but there is little evidence for this. Upon Alexander’s

  8. Influenced his beliefs and public expressions. On a personal level,the,


    ,of his son Willie in February 1862 is said to have caused Lincoln to look
  9. Poems of the Epic Cycle in which we can find description of the hero’s,


    , Curia (unknown author),Æthiopis by Arctics of Miles, Ilias Mira by
  10. Baby and gave it to the centaur Chiron to raise. Pleas was irate after the,


    ,of his daughter and burned the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Apollo then killed
  11. To stone and so no one buried the Niobium until the ninth day after their,


    , when the gods themselves entombed them. Consorts and children Love affairs
  12. Epic only covers a few weeks of the war, and does not narrate Achilles ‘,


    , It begins with Achilles’ withdrawal from battle after he is dishonored by
  13. A few articles about Rand’s ideas appeared in academic journals prior to her,


    ,in 1982,many of them in The Personalist. One of these was» On the Radian
  14. His other liaisons was with Agatha, the spirit of the acanthus tree. Upon her,


    , Apollo transformed her into a sun-loving herb. According to the Biblioteca
  15. April 4,1853, and died of heart failure at the age of 18 on July 16, 1871. The,


    ,of their sons had profound effects on both parents. Later in life, Mary
  16. Proto-Somali *UAW/*-am-w (t)- ‘die’ ). Also, Mot, Canaanite god of,


    , * *s-n ‘know ‘, attested in Chadic (for example, Hausa San),Berber
  17. Remains and those of his wife and three of his four sons. Within a year of this,


    , his image began to be disseminated throughout the world on stamps, and he is
  18. Party’s free-soil platform. Lincoln rejected the idea, saying,» I will suffer,


    ,before I consent … to any concession or compromise which looks like buying
  19. Argued that episode inspired many details in the Iliads’ description of the,


    ,of Patrols and Achilles’ reaction to it. The episode then formed the basis
  20. His famous weakness (heel); in the later vase paintings presenting Achilles ‘,


    , the arrow (or in many cases, arrows ) hit his body. Pele us entrusted Achilles
  21. With Lillian Rear den and after being beaten for showing James his code of,


    , *Mayor Mascot is the mayor of Rome, Wisconsin,who reveals part of the history
  22. Sympathizer John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre in Washington’D. C. His,


    ,marked the first assassination of a U. S. president. Lincoln has been
  23. Is now lost, except for scattered fragments quoted by later authors. The,


    ,of Achilles, as predicted by Hector with his dying breath, was brought about by
  24. The academy took after control passed to Plato’s nephew Speusippus upon his,


    , although it is possible that he feared anti-Macedonian sentiments and left
  25. Blood, Apollo created a flower named after him as a memorial to his,


    , and his tears stained the flower petals with άί, meaning alas. The Festival
  26. In an over-ardent lovers’ embrace. In this version of the myth, Achilles ‘,


    ,therefore came in retribution for this sacrilege. Ancient writers treated
  27. In Alexander’s


    , but there is little evidence for this. Upon Alexander’s,


    , anti-Macedonian sentiment in Athens once again flared. Jurymen the
  28. Ottoman Empire by Hardin Barbarossa and his brother Arum in 1517. After the,


    ,of RUC Was in 1518,his brother succeeded him. The Sultan Selim I sent him
  29. Was endangering his life, he refocused and killed her. As he grieved over the,


    ,of such a rare beauty, a notorious Greek jeered by the name of Termites
  30. Of Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial in Lincoln City, Indiana. After the,


    ,of Lincoln’s mother, his older sister, Sarah,took charge of caring for him
  31. Her activities within the Objectives movement declined, especially after the,


    ,of her husband, on November 9,1979. One of her final projects was work on a
  32. One of these is Achilles, who when greeted as» blessed in life, blessed in,


    ,», responds that he would rather be a slave to the worst of masters than be
  33. 1976). *»Achilles’ Wrath» is a concert piece by Sean O’Loughlin. *Achilles ‘,


    ,is mentioned in the song» Helen and Cassandra» from the album» Last Days of
  34. From the machinations she abhors, Cherryl throws herself from a bridge to her,


    ,after witnessing her husband James Haggard sleeping with Lillian Rear den and
  35. Lead a proper assault on the city of Troy. After receiving the news of the,


    ,of Patrols from Antioch, the son of Nestor, Achilles grieved over his
  36. Pythias. She bore him a daughter, whom they named Pythias. Soon after Hermits ‘,


    , Aristotle was invited by Philip II of Macedon to become the tutor to his son
  37. Tolerable in low levels, led many to suicide. Thinking that this consequential,


    ,would lead to freedom and access to the Taoist heavens, the ensuing


  38. Took his place, but Heracles managed to» persuade» Thanos, the god of,


    , to return her to the world of the living. Niobe, the queen of Thebes
  39. Antioch, the son of Nestor, Achilles grieved over his beloved companion’s,


    ,and held many funeral games in his honor. His mother Thesis came to comfort the
  40. Is the healer under the gods, but he is also the bringer of the diseases and of,


    ,with his arrows,similarly with the function of the Vedic terrible god
  41. In the lost Trojan War epic of Arctics of Miles as living after his,


    ,on the island of Luke at the mouth of the river Danube (see below). Another
  42. Face and killed him instantly. Demon, and the fall of Achilles Following the,


    ,of Patrols, Achilles ‘ closest companion was Nestor’s son Antioch. When
  43. Tunnel. *Emma Chalmers, Kip Chalmers’s mother, gains some influence after his,


    , Known as» Kip’s Ma,» she starts a soybean-growing project in Louisiana and
  44. In The Personalist arguing that Notice misstated Rand’s case. Since Rand’s,


    ,in 1982,interest in her work has gradually increased. Historian Jennifer Burns
  45. With Aristotelianism. Legacy More than twenty-three hundred years after his,


    , Aristotle remains one of the most influential people who ever lived. According
  46. Caused Lincoln to look towards religion for answers and solace. After Willie’s,


    , in the summer or early fall of 1862,Lincoln apparently attempted to put on
  47. Of Achilles during the Trojan War, including his defeat of Hector and eventual,


    ,when an arrow shot by Paris and guided by Apollo punctures his heel. Extant
  48. To which individuals leave the state of nature because of» fear of violent,


    ,» or its» inconveniences. » Rhetoric and poetics Aristotle considered epic
  49. The Shield of Achilles, described in great detail by the poet. Enraged over the,


    ,of Patrols, Achilles ended his refusal to fight and took the field killing
  50. Religious reverence. Some historians also conclude that when he suffered the,


    ,of his son Edward, Lincoln more frequently acknowledged his own need to depend on

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Examples of how to use the word “death” in a sentence. How to connect “death” with other words to make correct English sentences.

death (n): the end of life

Use “death” in a sentence

He isn’t afraid of death.
Death is inevitable.
I was scared to death.
The doctors couldn’t determine the cause of death.
She was nearly frozen to death in the snow.
His death was very sudden.
We were shocked at the news of his death.
His death is a great loss.
I was scared to death.
His death was totally unexpected.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The death of nature is the death of humans.

In mice, it was possible to prevent the death of β-cells and even reverse the process of their death.

У мышей удалось предотвратить гибель β-клеток и даже обратить вспять процесс их гибели.

In 2002, death rates returned to pre-crisis trends and a dramatic increase in diabetes death was observed.

В 2002 году смертность вернулась к докризисным показателям, и произошло значительное увеличение количества смертей от диабета.

Furthermore, the increased rate of cell death would also mean the death of the tumor cells, preventing their proliferation.

Кроме того, повышение скорости клеточной гибели также означает гибель раковых клеток, что предотвращает их пролиферацию.

Aortic aneurysm is a fairly common disease that causes death in 1-2% of total death rate in developed countries.

Аневризма аорты является достаточно частым заболеванием и причиной смертности в 1-2% случаев от общего количества смертей в развитых странах.

The death rate of the entire project was 408.12 death per a thousand employees.

There was no early neonatal death, and no maternal death in the first week of puerperium.

К счастью, на территории отсутствует материнская смертность, нет случаев мертворождения и гибели новорожденных на первой неделе жизни.

Rabbinic interpretations effectively abolished the death penalty centuries ago.

Реформаторское движение, однако, последовало за раввинскими толкованиями, которые эффективно отменили смертную казнь много веков назад.

Compiled 1940 just before her death.

Книга была написана аж в 1940 году, прямо перед его кончиной.

In Singapore this gesture signifies death.

Все дело в том, что в Италии такой жест означает казнь.

Treatment of prostatitis with death is an excellent anti-inflammatory therapy, ready-made death can be obtained at pharmacies.

Лечение простатита подмором является отличной противовоспалительной терапией, готовый подмор можно приобрести в аптеках.

I also compared that marriage to a death sentence on death row.

The death penalty was overwhelmingly practised in poor and authoritarian states, which often employed the death penalty as a tool of political oppression.

Смертная казнь была всецело осуществлена в бедных и авторитарных государствах, которые часто использовали смертную казнь как инструмент политического притеснения.

Concerning application of the death penalty, some 100 death sentences passed had subsequently been commuted.

Что касается применения смертной казни, то около 100 вынесенных смертных приговоров были впоследствии смягчены.

A death in the first seven days is called an early neonatal death.

Первые семь дней жизни человека принято называть ранним неонатальным периодом.

Wrongful convictions are frequently cited by death penalty opponents as cause to eliminate death penalties to avoid executing innocent persons.

Убеждённые в несправедливости часто цитируют противников смертной казни с тем, чтобы отменить смертные приговоры во избежание казни невинных людей.

The band had not yet developed their own style, swaying from melodic death to brutal death.

Собственный стиль группа еще не выработала и колебания происходили от мелодик-дэта до брутальщины.

The death penalty in law remained, although no death sentences were reported throughout the year.

Смертная казнь по-прежнему предусматривалась законодательством, но в течение года сообщений о вынесении смертных приговоров не поступало.

Federal laws providing for the death penalty most often involve serious crimes in which death results.

Федеральные законы, предусматривающие смертную казнь, чаще всего относятся к серьезным преступлениям, связанным с лишением жизни.

The death verdict triggered a mixed reaction in society and drew attention to the death penalty issue once again.

Приговор вызвал неоднозначную реакцию в белорусском обществе и в очередной раз привлек внимание к проблеме смертной казни.

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Antonym: birth, life. Similar words: the death penalty, feather, leather, beneath, breathing, out of breath, idea, deal out. Meaning: [deθ]  n. 1. the event of dying or departure from life 2. the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism 3. the time at which life ends; continuing until dead 4. the personification of death 5. the absence of life or state of being dead 6. the time when something ends 7. the act of killing 8. a final state. 

1, There is no medicine against death

2, He that fears death lives not. 

3, An honourable death is better than a disgraceful life. 

4, Nothing so certain [sure] as death

5, Nothing is certain but death and taxes. 

6, Debt is better than death.

7, The valiant never tastes of death but once. 

8, In the midst of life we are in death

9, Death pays all debts [scores].

10, Life without friend is death.

11, The swan sings when death comes. 

12, Cowards may die many times before their death

13, Death when it comes will have no denial. 

14, Death is the grand leveller.

15, The wages of sin is death

16, Death is the grand [great] leveller. 

17, Life without a friend is death without a witness. 

18, Better a glorious death than a shameful life. 

19, Death frees us from ills.

20, Death is common [sure] to all. 

21, Death spares neither small nor great. 

22, A fair death honours the whole life. 

23, They who live in a worryInvite death in a hurry. 

24, Conquer of fear of death and you are put into possession of your life. 

25, Death levels all men.

26, Death pays all debts.

27, Death squares all accounts.

28, Death is the only pure,( beautiful conclusion of a great passion. 

29, The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb. 

30, I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. 

This time it’s for the romance of being who I really am, who I am without the distractions of an early death and resurrection in an experimental environment, a starship expedition that went wrong and the founding of an industry to deal with

“If he put more points in constitution, he wouldn’t have choked to death on the smoke

» He knew that wasn’t getting across what he wanted to say, she’d already said it, ‘Frankensteined back to life’ after Tdeshi’s death

Just death and rotting corpses

He looks confused and frantic, like my father was in the weeks before his death

So if their commitment was ‘I do until death do us part’ and they don’t honor that commitment,

through the shadow of death, it does not mean He will

days after His death

«There is no power of life and death here

“What is death?” the little ant wondered

“What is death like?”

It was dying—James was dying—and while she was afraid of what he had become, it was miserable to watch the man she loved in this condition, struggling against death

Heb: 7:23: And they truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death:

His death was documented, photographed, and he was filed away in the morgue

death and confessing with his/her mouth that Jesus is

He closed his eyes and prayed for a quick death

· It is the beginning of a new phase in life rather than a stage preparatory to death

If a child has not been given correct information, relevant to our perception, about questions he may have asked about God, birth, death, gender difference and so on, then the incorrect or insufficient impressions could affect his life all the time

The mind that was born naturally of these genes had erased itself, tragically; and she had rescued the abandoned body from death

Alan’s body had been conceived of Earth, from sperm of Paul Larkin and ovum of Grace Larkin, taken before their death and donated to the expedition in the afterlife

There wasn’t anything noble about his death

For example, if you mention your child as the owner of your home but you expect your spouse to reside there till his/her death, then a mention must be made in the will to this effect

It is your soul companion after death

towards the great sea of eternity, sailing towards his death just as he had always

There are no ‘punishments’ or ‘rewards’ after the death of the current physical body

For doctor, death is a failure

For relative or friends, death is disaster; only to the soul death is a relief

I knew in my heart that my infernal machines of death would come

valley of the shadow of death

years until Johnny’s mother fell prey to an untimely maternal death, and he

and I understood that the death came as the competent doctors had

from, my Lord? At that moment I commanded the cancer and death

It would be intoxicating if it weren’t for the visceral fear of mutilation and death it induces

Having walked through the valley of the shadow of death with God,

when they were threatened with death, they trusted in Him when were

glory? We will see the wounds heal, the pain move away, and death back

laced with power and death for ever more

Life and death are in the power

life and death are in the power of the tongue

Her android looked like she did when she died, the second youngest on the crew of Gordon’s Lamp at death, Ava being the youngest by far at twelve

Paul had the ability to face death

And when death came to him at one point, Paul simply

He knew with certainty that death did not have power

Death, the destroyer of worlds, the bringer of the final pain and the ultimate darkness

death for your crimes the same as

with His blood and won a victory over cancer, death, aidS, and hell… i

it can mean death (there is nothing worse)

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in

(when the spirit is renewed and passes from death to life, it means the

We know that we have passed from death to life…

fur, to bury her face in the texture of death

the gates of death

My kiss is not death

has given us the authority over demons, diseases and death

without the mark of human death, a time when lone wolves would appear as out of the

demons and death in your life

that he was sixty years old, he could wait for death

The ticket price for their death has already been paid

It was not his wife’s death

that forces of life are matched by those of death and that in all things there is a

death, I will serve only Him for the rest of my life”

patrol guard on the border of life and death at the last moment I put her

diagnosis, and bring you to victory over weakness, illness and death

death across the vast expanse of the void, small packages of His thought leaked out

Man cheated by death

Final witnesses the death of this young man, last sating his

and death, thereby ministering to all the sheep (Ephesians 4:11 — 12)

Bahkmar had nursed a secret hope that the afterlife would be free of such senseless edicts of privilege, but that hope had been squashed within days of his death

Love comes in the midst of death and destruction, the man

Death is the end of eternal sleep

The two meet face to face with death

  • Use the word Death in a sentences

Sentence Examples

For these reasons I request the death sentence According to the Article 2 of the Act of March 10, 1792.

You see, I played a part in the thing, the part of a juryman. And it was not until the curtain was rung down on the death sentence, that I said to myself…

The application for commutation of the death sentence of Edward J. Gallagher for the crime of murder in the first degree is herewith denied.

How can you talk about musicals at a time like this, with the world committing suicide, with corpses piling up in the street, with grim death goggling at you from every corner,

My faith has been oozing away minute by minute whilst I’ve been waiting here… with death coming nearer and nearer… with reality becoming realer and realer… with stories and dreams fading away… into nothing.

Her death was doubtful. And, but the great command oversways the order, She should in ground unsanctified have lodged

but the meagerness of food and medical assistance, makes them an easy prey for death.

When I listen to those cleanest notes, I feel I’ll beat someone to death in minutes.

Aren’t you afraid of death, Thorfinn Skull-Splitter?

And then we started to write «doomy music,» we used to call it… of this death music, doom music.

I wonder what Munch’s paintings would be if he didn’t feel the agony of living or the easiness of being alive compared to the inevitable death.

With all due respect, Brother Fareed, the Hadith says that the prophet Muhammad Sall-Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam told his followers that they could lie about being Muslims to save their lives if death was imminent.

We’ve decided to hold a novena on behalf of our C├®cile, who is still, unfortunately, between life and death.

Essentially, if you get caught in a pyroclastic flow, you really don’t know whether you’ll get crushed, whether you’ll suffocate, whether you’ll burn to death first.

Cloche, dunce hat, death cap, coif, snood, barboosh, pugree, yarmulke, cockle hat, porkpie, tam o’shanter, billycock, bicorne, tricorne, bandeau, bongrace, fan-tail, night cap, Garibaldi, fez…

It’s not like it was hard to live or even starve to death.

Nowadays we don’t have much customers and we’re about to starve to death.

Going off stealing things Mom, I’m so embarrassed to death because of you.

I was freezing to death so we held each other.

The usual gardening is death.

When faced with his own death, Jesus knew that he had to…

I know I’m doing a really good job and all, but let’s not get too carried away, I mean, a lot of the people here are so scared to death of that General Koni guy.

Just because the Lamanites have big death Star weapons and stuff, doesn’t mean you should let them run your lives, you know?

They must all be put to death!

And if you don’t get out of this village, right now, he is going to command the angel Moroni, from the death Star, to unleash the Kraken, which will then… which will then… which will then…

You faked your sister’s death to get votes?

Taking a stand and telling everyone here that he faked his own sister’s death.

It would be the death of this campaign.

Meghan’s death is affecting me more than I thought — because it is affecting me — and I need something to take the edge off.

It’ll be a death worthy of a friend.

Mortal KombatNis not about death Nthe preservation of life

death is the only way out

Please accept this offering I do not want your death

Did the tattoos you sawNflee the fighter upon death?

Since she has no idea that she’s looking around for her death spot.

Who knows when she’ll die? She’s not doing so well since the death of her daughter.

I wish I could follow her in her death.

I can’t even follow her in her death because I have to go on living. So, why in the world are you doing this to us?

She said she’s going to continue to watch over you and see you again in your death. Just like you did to her.

So, he couldn’t kill it and almost starved to death.

This picture was taken a year after Cha Hee Joo’s death.

When I’m by your side… I feel like I become a sun of misfortune who only invites death to those around me. That makes me really fear and hate myself.

death, the end, and not being attracted… I said some words that I never should’ve said if it hadn’t been for that specific situation.

I’ve dragged President Joo into my life and made him stand on the brink on the death.

Raphael’s death is a shock to us all.

Raphael Baena, but instead I am talking with a homicide cop. We attend all cases of sudden death.

Yeah, well the words sudden and death are not making me any less nervous.

Promoted to Headline (H3) on 8/21/09: On ‘death panels,’ ‘socialized medicine’ and other red herrings yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = ‘On ‘death panels, ‘ ‘socialized medicine ‘and other red herrings’; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = ‘Article: Ain’t it a shame our so-called liberal media is obsessed with «death panels» of fevered imaginations rather than death panels that exist in the real world, notably in our present health-care system?’ ❋ Unknown (2009)

He felt that he was dying — «The taste of death,» he said to his sister-in-law, «is already on my tongue — _I taste death_; and who will be near to support my Constance if you go away?» ❋ Various (N/A)

Now, sir, he offers us nothing but unconditional submission to political death; and not political alone, but absolute _death_. ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

So in the next verse, «If he continue a day or two,» his death is not to be avenged by the _death_ of the _master_, as in that case the crime was to be adjudged _manslaughter_, and not ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

So in the next verse, «If he continue a day or two,» his death is not to be avenged by the _death_ of the _master_, as in that case the crime was to be adjudged _manslaughter_, and not _murder_. ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

All the distresses growing out of inequalities in human condition; as wealth and power on one side, and poverty and weakness on the other, were terminated by death; the grave brought both to a level: the small and the great are there, and there, (that is, in the grave,) he adds, the servant is free from his master; made so, evidently, by _death_. ❋ E. N. [Editor] Elliott (N/A)

So in the next verse — «If he continues a day or two,» his death shall not be avenged by the _death_ of the _master_, for in that case the crime was to be adjudged ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

I’m going to shut this, and it’s like the good-bye of death — a mean and ugly — _death_. ❋ Humphry Ward (1885)

— Comp. edwīt-līf. līf-bysig, adj. _ (striving for life or death), weary of life, in torment of death_: nom. sg., ❋ Robert Sharp (1879)

— Comp. edwît-lîf. lîf-bysig, adj. _ (striving for life or death), weary of life, in torment of death_: nom. sg., ❋ Robert Sharp (1879)

It only strips off the circumferential mortality, but the soul rises up untouched by it, and shakes the bands of death from off its immortal arms, and flutters the stain of death from off its budding wings, and rises fuller of life _because of death_, and mightier in its vitality in the very act of submitting the body to the law, ‘Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.’ ❋ Alexander Maclaren (1868)

«_It’s death, madam — death_, and it’s coming on me, too,» answered Miss Porter, clasping her hands over her heart, which throbbed as it never had done before, and which at last prostrated her upon the lounge. ❋ Mary Jane Holmes (1866)

The fear of death still haunted her; she lay in bed with every curtain drawn, the room lighted up with wax candles; whilst she hired watchers to sit up all night, and insisted that they should never cease talking or laughing, lest, when she woke, the fear of _death_ might come over her affrighted spirit. ❋ Philip Wharton (1847)

«‘_Thou shalt take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer which is guilty of death, but he shall surely be put to death_’,» said Wood referring to another text. ❋ William Harrison Ainsworth (1843)

— You labour some time on another subject which concerns the mode by which death was introduced, but you have said nothing about whether God _originally designed death_, or not. ❋ Hosea Ballou (1811)

Nothing appears more evident than that the death of Christ was designed for the good of mankind; and as he is the head of every man, so his death is considered, in the scriptures, a gracious benefit to every man; as the apostle expresses it, «That he, by the grace of God, should taste _death_ for every man.» ❋ Hosea Ballou (1811)

death ❋ Mlkdj (2009)

❋ Wouldnt You Like To Know (2003)

1. Joe got hit by a bus and caught death.
2. Mom: O, Jimmy, grandma isn;[t sleeping], she’s dead! Jimmy: Nooooooo!
3. Sleep: Hi, Death! Death: Yo [wusup]? Sleep: Want to come over? I have some [Tim Burton] movies u might like. Death: SWEET! K I’ll b ther in an hour. Sleep: K. ❋ The Pwn3r (2007)

[Death] is just a [part] [of life]. ❋ The_James (2008)

[She can’t] wait for death to release her from this painful and [utterly] [pointless] life. ❋ Everything’s Been Used (2018)

your only [freedom] after [marrige] ❋ Mr M (2004)

[Death] Death Death Death Death Death Death Death ❋ Chadwick Jones (2004)

*[knock knock]*
Entity at door: Hello, [my name’s] [Grim Reaper] and I’ve come to take you…
Unshaven man wearing only his boxers: Oh, your that death guy right? Ok, just wait for a second while I get my shoes.
Entity at door: No ❋ Reverend Chaos (2003)

[My life] has [finally] amounted to [something]. My death. ❋ Happy_death_elf (2009)

The end of life; the permanent [cessation] of vital [bodily functions], as [manifested] in humans by the loss of heartbeat, the absence of spontaneous breathing, and brain death. ❋ Keith Godat (2006)

смерть, гибель, конец, смертный, смертельный


- смерть

- отмирание, омертвение

the death of the tissues — омертвение тканей

- смертельный случай

death toll — количество жертв
the earthquake caused a death toll of 500 — землетрясение унесло 500 жизней, число жертв землетрясения достигло 500
there were three deaths on board — на борту судна умерло три человека

- смертная казнь

death house — амер. комната приведения в исполнение смертных приговоров (в тюрьме и т. п.)
on pain of death — под угрозой смерти
under (a) sentence of death, condemned to death — приговорённый к смерти /к смертной казни/
to be sentenced to death — быть приговорённым к смертной казни
to suffer death /the penalty of death/ — быть казнённым
to put /уст. to do/ smb. to death — предавать кого-л. смерти, казнить кого-л.

- гибель

spiritual death — духовная смерть
everlasting /eternal/ death — вечные муки (в аду)
death in life, a living death — ≅ не жизнь, а каторга
this will be the death of me — это сведёт меня в могилу
the children will be my death — дети сведут меня в могилу
you’re running to certain death — ты идёшь к верной гибели

- конец; исчезновение; утрата, потеря

death of a language — исчезновение языка
death of memory — потеря памяти, амнезия
the death of one’s hopes [plans, ambitions] — крушение надежд [планов, честолюбивых замыслов]

- эмоц.-усил. до смерти; смертельно; в высшей степени, совершенно

Мои примеры


the death of a marriage — конец брака  
a death in the family — смерть в семье  
the passage from life to death — переход от жизни к смерти  
undaunted in the face of death — неустрашимый перед лицом смерти  
the wages of sin is death — библ. возмездие за грех — смерть  
bored to death — смертельно скучающий  
clinical death — клиническая смерть  
the coming of death — наступление смерти, приход смерти  
certain / sure death — верная смерть  
lingering / painful death — мучительная смерть  
sudden / unexpected death — внезапная смерть  
death by firing squad — смерть, казнь через расстрел  

Примеры с переводом

He died a violent death.

Он умер насильственной смертью.

He bores me to death.

Он мне до смерти надоел.

Smoking is the death for him.

Курение для него — смерть.

It’ll be the death of me.

Это сведёт меня в могилу.

Death to tyrants!

Смерть тиранам!

He was battered to death.

Его избили до смерти.

The animal died a painful death.

Животное умерло мучительной смертью.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the happiness brought by a new baby was a timely counterpoise to the grief occasioned by a death in the family…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

deathless  — бессмертный
deathlike  — мертвый, подобный смерти
deathly  — смертельный, мертвенный, роковой, смертельно
deathful  — смертельный, мертвый, грозящий смертью, смертельно опасный, смертный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): death
мн. ч.(plural): deaths

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