Use the word dancing in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dancing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dancing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dancing».

Dancing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dancing in a sentence.

  1. It’s all about the dancing.

  2. Also Jumping in bags and dancing.

  3. Non-stop dancing, that’s the idea.».

  4. He also mastered dancing in big boots.

  5. He died last night dancing with his friends.

  6. At the left, five men eye the six dancing women.

  7. Favourite books, colours, dancing, playing, nap time.

  8. As the Buddhist god Vināyaka, he is often shown dancing.

  9. A silk-clad figure dancing to the tune of a flute player.

  10. She began law school but left to take a course in dancing.

  11. The video features dancing holographic versions of Aaliyah.

  12. One attendee was horrified to find the attendee’s grocer dancing in the same set.

  13. Japanese hip hop dancing duo Hamutsun Serve also made an appearance in the video.

  14. I like the thing of dancing along and then listening to what I’m actually saying.».

  15. Ferrier met Albert Wilson in 1933, probably through dancing, which they both loved.

  16. Mary Poole appears in this sequence as a woman dressed in white dancing with Smith.

  17. Several of the album’s tracks were designed for clubs, and contained electro beats meant for dancing.

  18. Her singing and dancing and electrifying stage presence transcend the predictable words and phrases».

  19. The use of bracket figures depicting dancing girls became common on pillars under beams and cornices.

  20. The court noted that many of Geneva’s notables, including Perrin, had breached a law against dancing.

  21. A sixth man has made his choice, and lunges forward to grab the arms of a bare-breasted dancing woman.

  22. For women, ermine skins provided liveliness and energy, while loonskins helped with music and dancing.

  23. The song’s music video was directed by Jake Nava and mostly shows Beyoncé dancing in various locations.

  24. In:Motion is an annual series which takes place each autumn and delivers 12 weeks of music and dancing.

  25. Rastafari music developed at reasoning sessions, where drumming, chanting, and dancing are all present.

  26. Its music video was directed by Kiko Guerrero and features Miguel dancing with several women on a beach.

  27. The men who appear in the video are models and dancers, and were selected based on their dancing ability.

  28. Many of Hathor’s annual festivals were celebrated with drinking and dancing that served a ritual purpose.

  29. William Ruhlmann of AllMusic gave it a positive review, complimenting Shakira’s vocals and dancing talent.

  30. Inspired by triple step dancing patterns, «Don’t Stop» includes both conventional acoustic and tack piano.

  31. Later, when Barton celebrates the completed script by dancing at a USO show, he is surrounded by soldiers.

  32. Performing arts in Imperial Brazil also encompassed the staging of musical duets, dancing, gymnastics, comedy and farces.

  33. He wanted the final scene for the pilot, in which Clark fantasizes about dancing with Lana, to express the show’s essence.

  34. Later, she joined a Fanchon and Marco troupe in California after they discovered her dancing in a San Francisco cabaret.).

  35. This work combined elements of madrigal singing and monody with dancing and instrumental passages to form a dramatic whole.

  36. He compared Buchanan’s dancing to that of American girl group Destiny’s Child in the video for their single «Bootylicious».

  37. Other competitions in music include highland dancing, solo and band piping, drumming, Scottish fiddling, and Scottish harp.

  38. Etty’s painting is a Bacchanalian scene, centred on a group of six scantily-clad women dancing, while a group of men watch.

  39. Gambling was a popular pastime, particularly backgammon and other dice games, as well as dancing, singing, and storytelling.

  40. Other religious survivals noted by Blassingame include funeral rites, grave decorating, and ritualistic dancing and singing.

  41. Monroe spent her first six months at Fox in learning acting, singing, and dancing, and in observing the film-making process.

  42. He became known locally as an industrious and good-humoured man who often entertained his clients by singing and dancing to them on their doorsteps while plying his trade.

  43. For the role, she learned an Ozark accent, chose costumes and make-up that lacked the glamour of her earlier films, and provided deliberately mediocre singing and dancing.

  44. Monteux later recalled «Debussy was behind me when we played L’après midi d’un faune because he did not want anything in his score to be changed on account of the dancing.

  45. The video, which has a Star Wars theme, depicts men dressed as stormtroopers dancing with cheerleaders whose costumes were inspired by the Star Wars character Darth Vader.

  46. One member of the company, Giovanni Gallini, had made his début at the theatre in 1753 and had risen to the position of dancing master, gaining an international reputation.

Synonyms for dancing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dancing has the following synonyms: dance, terpsichore and saltation.

General information about «dancing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dancing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dancing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dancing».

Sam proceeded down the stone corridor to the sunlounge, where Tatania was dancing by herself with a gin in one hand, looking very pleased with herself

Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

The noises that plague the night are countered by the sound of singing and dancing, of joyful whooping and hollering

They’ve grown out more than she’d like and it gets in the way of her dancing

All Rose wants is to keep dancing, but deep down she realizes she will have succumb to her parents wishes and concentrate on her studies to become a doctor or a lawyer or something prestigious

Rose will be a housewife who dreams of being a child again, dancing with her friends in the studio across from the corner market

His keda by the name of BobbingTwo saw the harness coming out and strolled over toward it with his eyes dancing on their stalks

of advice that his aunt and his dancing love had given him; “Don’t get out of bed”

’ She said over coffee in her kitchen one afternoon as I am waiting to lock up the hall after the dancing session

We both stood there for a moment, Menachem waiting, quiet and still, and me dancing a palsy of relief and joy

It was like dancing with Death

dancing in your PJs! You don’t have to run on a treadmill to

Just imagine the early videos that went viral; animals doing crazy things, babies dancing and other content that had never been shared in this past

When Moses came down from the mount, he found the Israelites dancing before the golden calf

ERICK moves with her as if they are dancing

ROBERT: During dancing and after the dance, was there a considerable amount of embracing and touching?

Berndt, singing faultlessly as he consigns his friend’s body to the elements, his voice being whisked away by the breeze almost as though Joris were dancing before us again

dancing the music but never the steps,

The Dancing Pig philosophy is simple – embrace technology and use its broad ability to create presence

And then, just when I thought life couldn’t get any better, I opened the door to a full moon raging in the sky, defiant and blazing and dancing on the waters of the ever ancient sea

Behind me the music was mocking and brash and the dancing and clapping against the coloured lights grated on my nerves

Later that night in the Orgasmatron Nightclub, where the boys had gone for some shampoo and some dancing after another hard week at the tactical grindstone, Terry told his best friend, left-back and room-mate, ‘Boozo’ Van Honk, that he was going to marry Bling

Their evenings were a riot of dancing, laughing and the after hours bliss of the marital bed, and after all of this the happy couple even found time to sit quietly as the dawn rose and talk of life, love and their plans for the future

The sun rose slowly and its rays flowed into the room through a large stained glass window high above sending colorful prisms of light dancing about the room in a descending pattern

As Rayne sat there watching the dancing colors, a dream, or maybe memory, unexpectedly broke and all the information she was seeking suddenly flowed into her mind

‘Do you remember how she insisted on going up to the woods and dancing ‘sky clad’ to celebrate midsummer? When it was pointed out to her that this was more appropriate for the spring or autumn equinoxes, she said it would be too cold then

“That is the dancing room

Dancing the next day was out of the question

a riot of dancing, laughing and the after hours bliss of the marital

barn dancing as well

He dreamt of indians, out in the wild, hunting, feasting around a large bonfire, singing, and dancing the night away

She started dancing, her body reacting to the beat of the rhythm almost automatically

Sleep was a long time coming, the growing ache of her muscles and the chemicals the activity had released into her bloodstream dancing through the cells of her mind

normal, the flames dancing steadily and the blackened ends of the

‘No, but you’ve got your dancing training

The dancing mass parts like the Red Sea

It must be getting on for five years … or was it six? She’d been dancing in the troupe for several seasons – become a long standing member of the group of girls who spent their time working in the revue, keeping body and soul together on the wages Masa paid them

dancing wasn’t his thing anyway

The dancing for the court began with only Heather and

I stopped dancing and

The dancing stopped and heads turned toward the laughter

crowd was dancing to “Lady in Red”

She’d got a job dancing somewhere

And I used to work my fingers to the bone so she could have her fucking dancing lessons and all that

dancing on the ceiling and listening to the sound of traffic in

Safely inside she closed the door and tried to lock his dancing eyes away, but the feeling she’d received when he said he was just next door, still had her heart beating out of control

She knew he was making light of the situation; laughing at her, but there again his dancing eyes causing her chest to burn

Some couples were always dancing if there was music playing

She loved his dancing eyes

His eyes were once again dancing

First at a distance, its dancing light could be seen across the valley, then grow closer and closer; like the big band in the homecoming parade

Soon even the china in the glass hutch was dancing under its thundering crashes

was quite drunk, and as they watched Collette dancing

The local Cumba dance involves people dancing in a circle, holding a lit candle in their hands

And there was no folk dancing

of the day by singing and dancing with his fellow

But I am the strongest of the Order, and therefore by right, I am this world’s Supreme Protector,» LeCynic said, not bothering to hide the licks of energy dancing in his eyes

Alec saw faint wisps of blue dancing about the man’s skin

Alfred’s pocket light continued to throw dancing blue-grey beams thru all the cracks, and there were many, many, wide spaces between boards, so it wouldn’t have done any good to be silent if he did have a light

» Lemoss continued dancing down the lines’s then he’d shout ‘full up’ and Rosecare would hand him another bag

Look even the Grimes and the Clothiers are dancing

Several feet away, the hooded figure and the demon fought, a pair of silhouettes dancing against the backdrop of a red horizon

The big man whirled just like a dancing bear Nerissa once saw exhibited in Smyrna on the Feast Day of Apollo

her hair flying and ear rings dancing

eyes, now speckled red from the candle’s dancing flame

dancing with a girl

“We are dancing, Tejas, maintain the sanctity of the art, just

So that mystery was solved but none of us could explain away the dancing stars and UFOs we saw

Following that we started to observe two playful cats dancing in the White Light and the lucid dream faded out

To dream that you are ballroom dancing indicates success in your endeavors

She continued dancing and when she moved, Zarko caught glimpses of her secret place through the thin leather thongs suspended from a leather belt around her hips

To dream that you are tap dancing indicates that you need to keep up with life or else you will be left behind

He would find her a short distance from the boundaries, looking toward Ivarstead and captivated by its flickering lanterns and their glows dancing on the waters of Lake Geir

The Capoeira student defends himself through the use of dancing

The fire built up quickly, flames dancing more than a foot in the air

It’s almost dancing

‘It’s the first position in dancing

Rays of the sun shimmered atop the road, making dancing ghost-like images

As we moved onward the bullets moved towards us dancing across the beach and looking almost beautiful in their precision

Those who had been dancing and dining and having a good time in the building where the star appeared, said little

“It’s the 1st of May today for what it’s worth bloody hell back home the maypoles will be out and the kids will be dancing round them and enjoying the day with food and pop”, and his eyes looks dreamily into the distance I felt sorry for him because I knew how much he missed his wife and kiddies

The state, by encouraging, that is, by giving entire liberty to all those who, from their own interest, would attempt, without scandal or indecency, to amuse and divert the people by painting, poetry, music, dancing; by all sorts of dramatic representations and exhibitions; would easily dissipate, in the greater part of them, that melancholy and gloomy humour which is almost always the nurse of popular superstition and enthusiasm

The sky was still an incongruous mixture of sunlight and dark, but now these areas were alternating, like dancing spotlights

His dancing kept strict time with the unheard rhythm

filled with a young blonde dancing to the calliope music

A small group of girls were dancing on their own up near the stage

The initial impact of the music settled to a steady rhythm and the crowd composed itself into an organized dancing shape

If Marjory disapproved she seemed to lodge her protest by dancing on her own and getting drunk or stoned, as she had done at the party and now again to-night

Maureen simply waved after her and continued dancing as if nothing adverse had happened

Jack complimented her on her dancing

The Hungarian waiter was highly amused at Jack’s demonstration and had turned up the piped gypsy music and soon had them all dancing the Csardas awkwardly between the tables

shots such as dancing with his trousers down whilst stood on top

This continued until the late hours, and all hands had a frolicking time singing, dancing, and joking around

(Moderate Islamists? Recall the dancing in the streets of the Palestinian Authority

people were out on the streets, dancing and cheering and feeling liberated and thanking God for this moment

“I miss my wife,” Carl said with a sigh, he was also apparently having trouble taking his eyes off the dancing lady

There were cheers and shouts, and dancing in the streets! The relief was so significant that it was difficult to control one’s emotions

At first he was afraid, but as he watched the red strands of flame dancing, he saw it as beautiful, comforting

His attention was pulled back to the ring as the spotlights, which had been dancing around the arena, focused upon the contenders

  • Use the word Dancing in a sentences

Sentence Examples

All day long he taunted at them until hoarse with their shouting… wearied with their paganistic dancing, they were exhausted.

After the usual preliminaries — dinner and dancing he invites me to Bermuda.

With the dancing… with the dancing, the anger, the suffering you still find joy and peace.

We were literally dancing in the aisle.

dancing is her whole life, her soul

«You are dancing, you are having fun, I am pleased, very pleased.»

Come morning the dancing of the pear.

It’s quite all right — and from the balcony you can see uis dancing.

Through open windows it came in, dancing.

I picked her out of the dancing crowd and took her away.

» Tancho crane dancing in the air with its wings widely spread.

There is more danger in dancing than in dining.

«Beneath your dancing feet are the tombs of tortured men- this does the Red Death rebuke your merriment!»

dancing is a fundamental instinct of mankind.

On Saturday evening all the local youth were dancing on the village green.

When Gjermund saw that Berit was dancing with his rival, he was consumed with jealousy.

We shall die dancing in each other’s arms!»

Show me more of that wonderful dancing!

dancing with those girls.

Me, Kitty Darling, dancing for a lot of drunk stags.

But look, everybody’s dancing, and the music is playing and everything.

I keep them dancing for their money.

If you’re too old for dancing

singing, dancing and entertainment.

My great, big, dancing, teasing, trancing man.

Just dancing with you, honey?

dancing with me is like having a rabbit foot in each pocket.

I guess Eastern dancing‘s different.

And—and about a thousand beautiful blue-eyed blondes was dancing all around me.

Thorpe just stole my partner and left me dancing with myself.

You’re dancing with me, not giving me an osteopathic treatment.

Looks like a «J» when it stops dancing.

Been dancing with a beautiful brunette, name of Eleanor.

Funny ones, modern ones, with syncopes for dancing.

dancing, singing, typing, stenography, English and French, horse-riding, chauffeuring, card tricks and fishing. Well, you won’t have much opportunity for that with me.

dancing, singing, being gay… drinking champagne, being among other people, listening to music…

I only showed Herr Toenli a few dancing steps

Must have lost it when we were dancing:

I wanted to take you dancing.

I don’t feel like dancing.

I’d go back to dancing, like I used to before I met you.

1. She was dancing while someone substituted at the piano.

2. From earliest childhood she’d had a love of dancing.

3. She is an amateur in dancing.

4. Couples were dancing cheek to cheek.

5. Look at that boat dancing on the waves.

6. Her dancing is pure poetry.

7. You’re dancing off your time!

8. She took to dancing like a duck to water.

9. She does line dancing and yoga in the evenings.

10. How should I dress for the dancing party?

11. She asked us to the dancing party.

12. Some of us like singing and dancing.

13. Her dancing has great subtlety.

14. After a little while she joined the dancing.

15. She won an international dancing competition.

16. Will you escort this young lady to the dancing party tonight ?

17. Jackie has been learning flamenco dancing at an evening class for three years.

18. I’m no good at dancing — I always get hopelessly out of step.

19. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche 

20. She’s crazy about dancing.

21. David had been dancing about like a child, but suddenly he stood still and looked at Brad.

22. Let’s go dancing tonight.

23. We need an experienced player who can fiddle away for hours for the country dancing.

24. I kept treading on his toes when we were dancing.

25. We put in the darkneof the heart is called the moon dancing.

26. we put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing.

27. To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away[],the eternity is always there.

28. It was felt inappropriate by some that such a serious occasion should include dancing.

29. The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water.Will you carry the burden of their lameness?

30. to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.

I fancied I was slightly disappointed in Taglioni, whose dancing followed Pasta’s singing, but I suppose the magnificent tragical performance I had just witnessed had numbed as it were my power of appreciation of her grace and elegance, and yet she seemed to me like a _dancing flower_; so you see I must have like her very much. ❋ Fanny Kemble (1851)

Mark, who as well as being a highly skilled conservator and connoisseur of Latin American dancing is also a dedicated twitcher, knew what I meant. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Hula dancing is a lot like sign language: If you don’t know the language, you can’t enjoy it as much. ❋ George Heymont (2010)

At Purdue, Tiller was always looking for what he described as «dancing bears» up front who could handle the team’s complicated blocking schemes. ❋ Scott Cacciola (2011)

The main distinction in Mr. Stern’s design is the inclusion of dozens of what he calls «dancing mullions.» ❋ Robbie Whelan (2011)

Shalene’s been watching me … and my dancing is actually watchable! ❋ Unknown (2006)

I get them all enthused about it, and through long experience I am able to tell which group is going to be what I call my dancing girls or boys. ❋ Ned Wayburn (N/A)

Then their women are so immodest; striding about in ball-rooms with very little on, and embracing strange men in a whirligig which they call dancing, but very unlike the dignified movements which our male dancers exhibit in the Confucian temple. ❋ Herbert Allen Giles (1890)

‘You’re, no doubt, what they call a dancing-man?’ said he. ❋ Robert Louis Stevenson (1872)

But it is aggravating to be sitting at home and what we call dancing in the chair, back and forth, trying to get in a position that doesn’t really stiffen up.

That kind of dancing is what made me fall in love with ballroom in the first place — it brought me back to the first time I walked into the Marriott Marquis at the Brooklyn Bridge during the Manhattan Dancesport Championship and just knew I had to be a part of that world … ❋ Tonya Plank (2010)

Having chaperoned my fair share of high school dances in my day as a teacher, this kind of dancing is nothing new for 16 year olds … but usually they dance with kids their own age, not 44-year old men. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The terms expressing relief are poetical, and not to be pressed, though «dancing» is the translation of a word which means a lute, whose cheerful notes are contrasted with mourning, or (Am 5: 16) wailing. ❋ Unknown (1871)

Even the dancing is crap: people bump into each other; scuffles and fights break out. ❋ Lyn Gardner (2010)

Cinderlla went ([formal]) dancing.
[Jenny] and I were ([urban]) dancing all night at the club, then more at her house. ❋ Richie (2003)

dancing [is fun], [I wish] I [could do] it horizontally ❋ Johnny Que (2007)

[Frank Sinatra]:»for what is dancing than [making love] set to music,, [playin].» ❋ Jarell Reloj (2007)

did you see [John] [last night] dancing [on the table]? ❋ JY (2003)

She was dancing at [the party]. ❋ Z (2004)

[Max 300]? They [call] this dancing? ❋ Dress3d2k1ll (2006)

[OMG] dancing is [so stupid]. ❋ Fuck Mtv (2005)

people should [start] [DANCING] [in bed]. ❋ Ihate (2007)

He took her dancing on their [first date], and she [dumped] him that [night]. ❋ BrittOmnRex (2005)

That was a dancing [good] [muffin]!
That [song] is so dancing awesome! ❋ Zippo364 (2005)

By giving vague, nonspecific information and making comments like ‘everyone’s potentially at risk’ or ‘there’s possible spread through sharing a bed, clothing or close dancing’ … that kind of dilutes the message, and people who engage in risk behavior that does put them at risk get confused, and they say ‘well, maybe this isn’t really a route of spread,’.

Jeffrey Klausner

Found on CNN
2 months ago

I have fallen in love with dancing and music and acting and being a student of the craft again.

Julianna Hough

Found on CNN
2 months ago

COVID made my cancer look like nothing, i was pretty close to dying. The doctors kept telling me, ‘Jeff, you’ve got to fight. You’re not fighting.’ I was in surrender mode. I was ready to go. I was dancing with my mortality.

Gabriel Olsen

Found on FOX News
10 months ago

Being around people with the same interests who are older than Khamyra Sykes, Khamyra Sykes’s learned so much, khamyra Sykes’s learned about different avenues such as skits, music and dancing from the others. Keith Dorsey and Robert Dean( Robert Dean) have taught them financial literacy and how not to blow all their money.

Myra Andrews

Found on CNN
11 months ago

We got the water bottles, went crazy, we started dancing. It’s fun to win.

Jaylin Williams

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

I said to William that when [his brother] Prince Harry came to Belize he was dancing and didn’t need encouragement, he is a wild card. William laughed and said, ‘Harry’s not self-conscious.’.

Cynthia Ellis-Topsy

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

We’re hoping that the Miami Beach police team are more on top of the crowds, people were dancing and jumping on cars. They were extremely intoxicated, high on drugs, fights everywhere. It was just very unsafe. It was a very unsafe place to be. I felt unsafe to walk on that street because people would just punch people randomly. It was just very chaotic.

Len Evans of Palace Bar

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

I think that set me back. There are times that I feel like apologizing to my body for the way I treated it… I have arthritis and all those things, but I keep moving… I didn’t discover dancing and singing until I was in my 30s. It just happened out of nowhere. I regret that I didn’t train a little or take some vocal coaching or something. But I just enjoyed what I had and had fun with it. If I had to go back, I’d train.

Van Dyke

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Well, I would not have smoked or drunk anything, i think that set me back. There are times that I feel like apologizing to my body for the way I treated it… I have arthritis and all those things, but I keep moving… I didn’t discover dancing and singing until I was in my 30s. It just happened out of nowhere. I regret that I didn’t train a little or take some vocal coaching or something. But I just enjoyed what I had and had fun with it. If I had to go back, I’d train.

Van Dyke

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

dancing with death when he whispers in your ear is a very erotic moment in a man’s life and it may not have
happened yet for me but he’s sent his assistants many times to try me out. we’ve all been failures much to death’s disappointment

Scott C. Holstad

added by scottholstad
1 year ago

The governor needs to make a decision. Either go one way or the other. She’s dancing, and she’s not taking a stance on either side. And that’s not right, either, take the side of law and order or take the side of no law and order – one or the other. You know, you can’t keep dancing.

Paul DiGiacomo

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

He actually pushed me and started dancing.

Lu Dort

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

And I told him (Bazley) the first time I hit my real game-winner with the buzzer going down, I was going to do the dance. And then I forgot to do it. And then as soon as I saw Baze on the court, it came back to my head. he actually pushed me and started dancing.

Lu Dort

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

I would just gasp because she could do the splits all the time, and she would just laugh, she loved dancing.

Sandra Hooker

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Those darn torpedoes, they just kept hitting us and kept hitting us. I thought they’d never stop, that ship was dancing around.

David Russell

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

We have music in the warm-ups and that, so it’s fun, people are dancing, having fun. So I think maybe music would make practice more fun and little more up-tempo.

Associated Press

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

If life doesn’t change music, find the rhythm that suits you best and live dancing.

Wesley D’Amico

added by WesleyD’Amico
1 year ago

She was just the life of the party, always dancing.

Annette Orta

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

What did she like about it? Everything, she liked the instructing. She liked the dancing and the camaraderie of the women. She liked to perform.

David Sorenson

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

I had nothing to post and I was kind of frustrated. I started scrolling through my Instagram feeds for inspiration, and I saw some guys dancing and I thought to myself, ‘I could probably do that,’.

Nick Kosir

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

I never took a dance class or lesson in my life, never have prided myself on dancing prior to this, it’s endlessly entertaining to me because it’s so weird that people think I’m a good dancer.

Nick Kosir

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

When I woke up from that nap, man, nothing has been the same since, people actually like the dancing, which I couldn’t believe… so I’ve been doing it ever since.

Nick Kosir

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

They’ll be some dancing there, but, you know, it’s like any of these other people that you see on TikTok, there are professional nurses, lawyers, realtors, there are other news people that have a job to do during the day, and they take it seriously, and that’s what they’re doing 99 percent of the time. But every once and a while it’s nice to have a little fun and not take yourself so seriously at work, that’s kind of where I’m coming from.

Nick Kosir

Found on FOX News
1 year ago

Our results can be an important piece of evidence towards our understanding of the origins of our rhythmic abilities, our love for dancing and our passion for music.

De Gregorio

Found on CNN
1 year ago

Listing Results Dancing Recipes

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Fun & Flirty Dance Workouts, Low Carb Recipes, Inclusive …

WebEasy To Make Low Carb Shrimp And Cauliflower Grits. Hip Shake Fitness / September 1, 2021. This low carb shrimp and cauliflower grits is my …

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Healthy LowCarb Recipes EatingWell

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LowCarb Recipes

WebBaked Fresh Rainbow Trout. 114 Ratings. Oven Scrambled Eggs. 742 Ratings. Daddy Eddie’s Roast Pork (Pernil), Puerto Rican-Style. 56 Ratings. Oven Roasted Stuffed Chicken Breasts. 79 Ratings. Grilled Beef …


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85 LowCarb Dinner Ideas to Make During the Week Taste of …

WebLowCarb Shrimp Sushi Bowl Sushi is one of our family’s favorite treats. This is an easy-to-prepare version that can be ready in less than 30 minutes. It’s low carb and packed with vegetables. With all the …


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125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

WebFrom garlic butter steak bites and zucchini noodles to sausage and cauliflower rice skillet, these low carb dinner recipes are all ready in 30 minutes or less. Cooking low carb meals doesn’t have to be a chore …


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50 Easy Low Carb Dinner Recipes Ready in Under an Hour

WebLow Carb Keto Teriyaki Chicken Get ready for the most scrumptious, low carb meal you’re going to love — tender teriyaki chicken and broccoli paired with fluffy …


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165+ Keto Dinner Ideas for Easy Low Carb Meals Low …

WebThe Easiest Low Carb Pasta Recipe Ever! Total Time: 0 minutes Net Carbs: 4g Sheet Pan Steak Fajitas (Low-Carb & Keto) Total Time: 5 minutes Net Carbs: 0g How To Perfectly Cook Bacon In The Microwave …


See Also: Dinner Recipes, Keto RecipesShow details

20+ LowCarb DiabetesFriendly Dinner Recipes EatingWell

WebGinger Beef Stir-Fry with Peppers. This vibrant, colorful dish is great for those who love a little heat. Adjust the amount of chile-garlic sauce according to your preferred …


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40+ Best Low Carb Recipes Downshiftology

WebIn a small bowl, stir together the garlic powder, basil, thyme, oregano, salt and pepper. Lightly coat the chicken breasts in olive oil. Then rub the herbed spice mix …


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41 Healthy, LowCarb Recipes That Are Full of Flavor

WebAlton’s chicken recipe is a garlic lover’s dream, and at only 6 grams of carbohydrate per serving, it’s a lowcarb meal that’s also …

Author: By: Food Network Kitchen


See Also: Healthy RecipesShow details

50 LowCarb Recipes for Thanksgiving Taste of Home

WebThanksgiving is the time to indulge, so do it with lowcarb recipes that have less than 8 carbs per serving. Now that’s something to be thankful for. 1 / 50 Roasted …


See Also: Thanksgiving RecipesShow details

24 Best LowCarb Recipes The Spruce Eats

WebKeto diets keep carbs to a minimum while allowing adequate amounts of protein and high amounts of fats. Our keto cornbread recipe checks all the boxes and …


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1,300+ Delicious Low Carb Recipes Recipe Diet Doctor

WebKeto. Our top-rated ketogenic recipes (5 E% or 7 g of net carbs or less if it’s a meal) are a bit more restrictive. Still, they are usually more effective for weight loss without hunger and to reverse type 2 …


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15+ LowCarb, Vegetarian Breakfast Recipes EatingWell

WebHere we transformed this trend into a super-simple 3-ingredient breakfast option you can enjoy all week long. All you need to do is fill muffin cups with halved …


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LowCarb Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Dessert Recipes Food …

WebMustard-Maple Roasted Salmon. Recipe Courtesy of Food Network Kitchen. Total Time: 20 minutes. 243 Reviews.


See Also: Breakfast Recipes, Dessert RecipesShow details

Sheet Pan Andouille Sausage Recipe • Low Carb with Jennifer

WebFor a full printable recipe, see the recipe card below. Step 1 — Preheat the oven to 400F. In a medium size mixing bowl, combine your veggies, seasonings and …


See Also: Low Carb Recipes, Sausage RecipesShow details

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