Use the word cut in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cut, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cut in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cut».

Cut in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cut in a sentence.

  1. It oozes a red latex when cut.

  2. Commercial rates had been cut.

  3. He was cut on February 1, 2007.

  4. This included having her hair cut.

  5. Such a locus is called a branch cut.

  6. The first sod was cut on 9 June 1863.

  7. Her throat was cut from left to right.

  8. This cut the running time by 1 minute.

  9. The cut flowers have a long vase life.

  10. M-275 would have cut through Dodge No.

  11. The film’s final cut ran for a total of 98 minutes.

  12. By late February, Khojaly had largely been cut off.

  13. The album includes the cut song, «Now Is the Time».

  14. The logs may be cut from different species of tree.

  15. Her funnel tops were also cut to a more raked angle.

  16. They were cut off from the rest of the brigade for the remainder of the campaign.

  17. Indian men shot charges of gunpowder into Crawford’s body, then cut off his ears.

  18. I mean, people who can just cut through problems like a hot knife through butter.

  19. On 20 December 303, Diocletian cut short his stay in Rome and left for the north.

  20. Downed wires in Newton and Quincy, Massachusetts, cut power to roughly 250 homes.

  21. He returned the next year, noting that the brushwood had since been cut away to reveal the megaliths.

  22. This subplot, which was filmed but later cut, would have tied into the original ending for the movie.

  23. Included among the special features are the deleted scenes which had been part of the television cut.

  24. Carefully cut and shaped shell tools dating back 32,000 years have been found in a cave in Indonesia.

  25. Each panel measured 47.5 cm x 39.5 cm (18.7 in x 15.6 in), but the left hand panel has been cut down.

  26. Tecumseh captured Hull’s outgoing mail, which revealed that the general was fearful of being cut off.

  27. Seydlitz’s troopers pursued and cut down the fleeing Allies until darkness made the chase impossible.

  28. Throughout Sinaloa, several damaged roads left many communities cut off from the rest of the country.

  29. Pakistan, attempting to force the issue of Kashmir’s accession, cut off supplies and transport links.

  30. The scene in which Jane is hacked to death after having her arm cut off was filmed about eight times.

  31. He demonstrates his healing power, through his glowing fingertip, on a minor cut on Elliott’s finger.

  32. I remember watching a rough cut of the film and these characters have these big, square, weird hands.

  33. Claims that Stroheim’s original cut was a completely unabridged version of McTeague are not accurate.

  34. A third also sank slightly out of position when the tug towing it cut it loose to avoid the shelling.

  35. When the Bills cut their roster to meet the NFL’s 2013 53-man limit by August 31, Gragg made the team.

  36. At about 2:00 pm Hunter and Brandreth cut Huskisson’s clothing away from his damaged leg to give it a proper examination.

  37. Rail tracks were cut thousands of times but the Finns hastily repaired them and service resumed within a matter of hours.

  38. Eggs are laid in a series of slits usually cut by the mother’s ovipositor in live branches or twigs of their food plants.

  39. Placing the line in a shielded box completely avoids any stray coupling but the substrate must now be cut to fit the box.

  40. It initially was priced at 2/-; the price was cut to 1/6 for the third issue, but returned to 2/- with the seventh issue.

  41. Instead, Barrymore signed a non-exclusive contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) and took a $25,000 salary cut per film.

  42. Some men put gloves on before they start to cut the tree, and from then on never touch the badnjak with their bare hands.

  43. Up to forty pieces might be cut out for the most complex garments like the outer parka, although most used closer to ten.

  44. Di Suvero’s expertise was in marketing: he formed a company called Sapphire Trading to cut and market the Yogo sapphires.

  45. Carleton continued to build new blockhouses and trenches over the course of the winter and cut a trench in the frozen St.

  46. In 2008, the number of legislative seats was cut in half to 113, of which Taiwanese aborigines are represented by six members, three each for lowland and highland peoples.

  47. The ship’s superstructure was cut down nearly entirely; Hessen retained only a single funnel, a tower foremast, and the two armored barbettes for the main battery turrets.

  48. When the two brothers-in-law rode together, accompanied by soldiers, the heretic suddenly struck Jovan with a sword at a mountain pass named Derven, but could not cut him.

  49. Seized by the Canterbury Mounted Rifles on 28 May, a squadron of the WMR immediately took over the position but were attacked in the evening and cut off for over 24 hours.

  50. The scene originally ended with «snipers emerging through the jungle in these incredible, elaborate, jungle camouflage uniforms»; however, this was cut in post-production.

Synonyms for cut

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cut has the following synonyms: chopped, shredded, sliced, cut up, incised, perforated, pierced, perforate, punctured, severed, cut off, split, cut out, hewn, hand-hewn, sheared, slashed, emasculated, gelded, castrated, unsexed, gashed, injured, mown, new-mown, shortened, abridged, decreased, reduced, thinned, weakened, diluted, dilute, trimmed, clipped, , baseball swing, swing, cut of meat, cutting, cutting off, deletion, excision, gash, slash, slice, snub, cold shoulder, stinger, track, undercut, abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, contract, reduce, burn, thin, thin out, edit, edit out, geld, hack, ignore, disregard, prune, rationalize, rationalise, cut back, cut down, trim, trim down, trim back, bring down, cut away, cut into, skip, swerve, sheer, curve, trend, veer, slue, slew, cut to, switch off, turn off, turn out, tailor, write out, issue and make out.

General information about «cut» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cut that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cut» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cut».

Examples of how to use the word “cut” in a sentence. How to connect “cut” with other words to make correct English sentences.

cut (v, n): to break the surface of something, or to divide or make something smaller, using a sharp tool, especially a knife; an injury made when the skin is cut with something sharp

Use “cut” in a sentence

How do you want your hair cut?
I need a sharp knife to cut them out.
She cut the sandwiches into triangles.
Where did you get your hair cut?
He cut the advertisement out of the newspaper.
I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper.
Where did you get your hair cut?
We’re trying to cut down expenses.
I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper.
They cut out all the sex scenes.
The doctor advised him to cut down on drinking.

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Synonym: abbreviate, abridge, compress, condense, contract, curtail, reduce, sever, shorten, split. Antonym: bind, chain, fasten, knot, link, tie. Similar words: cute, cut up, cut out, cut off, cut in, cut down, cut into, cut back. Meaning: [kʌt]  n. 1. the act of reducing the amount or number 2. a wound made by cutting 3. a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass 4. a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc 5. the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge 6. a share of the profits 7. a step on some scale 8. a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation 9. (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next 10. the act of cutting something into parts 11. the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage 12. the style in which a garment is cut 13. the act of shortening something by choping off the ends 14. in baseball; a batter’s attempt to hit a pitched ball 15. a remark capable of wounding mentally 16. a canal made by erosion or excavation 17. a refusal to recognize someone you know 18. (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball 19. the division of a deck of cards before dealing 20. an unexcused absence from class. v. 1. separate with or as if with an instrument 2. cut down on; make a reduction in 3. turn sharply; change direction abruptly 4. make an incision or separation 5. discharge from a group 6. form by probing, penetrating, or digging 7. style and tailor in a certain fashion 8. hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction 9. make out and issue 10. cut and assemble the components of 11. intentionally fail to attend 12. be able to manage or manage successfully 13. give the appearance or impression of 14. move (one’s fist) 15. pass directly and often in haste 16. pass through or across 17. make an abrupt change of image or sound 18. stop filming 19. make a recording of 20. record a performance on (a medium) 21. create by duplicating data 22. form or shape by cutting or incising 23. perform or carry out 24. function as a cutting instrument 25. allow incision or separation 26. divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult 27. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch 28. reap or harvest 29. fell by sawing; hew 30. penetrate injuriously 31. refuse to acknowledge 32. shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of 33. weed out unwanted or unnecessary things 34. dissolve by breaking down the fat of 35. have a reducing effect 36. cease, stop 37. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements 38. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture 39. have grow through the gums 40. grow through the gums 41. cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses). adj. 1. separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument 2. fashioned or shaped by cutting 3. with parts removed 4. made neat and tidy by trimming 5. (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine 6. (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit 7. (of a male animal) having the testicles removed 8. wounded by cutting deeply 9. (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply 10. mixed with water. 

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1. Let not your tongue cut your throat. 

2. Good company on the road is the shortest cut

3. Cut your coat to suit your cloth. 

4. Words cut (or hurt) more than swords. 

5. Cut short the nonsense and return to one’s muttons. 

6. Measure thrice before you cut once. 

7. Cut the coat according to the cloth. 

8. Words cut [hurt] more than swords. 

9. The finest diamond must be cut

10. Score twice before you cut once. 

11. Cut your coat according to your cloth. 

12. Many words cut [hurt] more than swords. 

13. Many words cut (or hurt) more than swords. 

14. Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. 

15. The cut worm forgives the plow. 

16. Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 

17. Icannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions. 

18. Disease, enemy, and debt —these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow. 

19. There is always something to be cut off young trees if they are to grow well. 

20. Diamond cut diamond.

21. She cut the meat into small pieces.

22. He was spitting blood from a badly cut lip.

23. You need a powerful saw to cut through metal.

23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

24. When costs are cut product quality suffers.

25. They still cut turf here for fuel.

26. The bus service has been cut to the bone.

27. Cut the vegetables into thin strips.

28. You’d better cut your report to five pages.

29. Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 

30. Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade. 

More similar words: cute, cut up, cut out, cut off, cut in, cut down, cut into, cut back, scuttle, execute, cut short, executive, cut across, execution, cut through, prosecutor, prosecution, consecutive. 


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порез, разрез, снижение, отрезанный, разрезанный, отрезать, резать, разрезать


- порез; разрез

a cut on the finger — порез пальца
cuts on the face after shaving — порезы на лице после бритья

- резаная рана
- резание
- глубина резания
- разрез; пропил; выемка

ещё 36 вариантов


- разрезанный; срезанный; порезанный

cut finger — порезанный палец
cut flowers — срезанные цветы
cut nails — подрезанные ногти
cut velvet — текст. бархат с разрезным ворсом

- скроенный
- шлифованный; гранёный

cut sugar — пилёный сахар

- сниженный, уменьшенный

cut prices [expenditures] — сниженные цены [расходы]
cut goods — уценённые товары

- кастрированный
- разг. подвыпивший
- сл. разведённый, разбавленный; с примесями, нечистый (часто о наркотиках)

cut and dried /dry/ — заранее подготовленный; шаблонный, трафаретный (о мнении, доводах, планах и т. п.)


- резать, разрезать

to cut smth. in two — разрезать что-л. на две части
to cut smth. in half /into halves/ — разрезать что-л. пополам
to cut smth. to /in/ pieces — разрезать что-л. на куски
to cut glass with a diamond — резать стекло алмазом
this knife won’t cut — этот нож не режет
to cut around the defence — воен. сделать прорыв с обходом противника

- нанести резаную рану

I cut my finger — я порезал палец
I cut myself — я порезался
to cut open — рассекать
to cut smb.’s head open — раскроить кому-л. череп
the icy wind cut me to the bone — ледяной ветер пронизывал меня до мозга костей

- резаться (при помощи режущего инструмента)

the butter was frozen hard and did not cut easily — масло сильно замёрзло, и его трудно было резать
cheese cuts easily — сыр режется легко

- срезать, отрезать

to cut flowers — срезать цветы
I’ll cut away the dead leaves — я обрежу /срежу/ завядшие листья
to cut a piece of cake [a slice of cheese] — отрезать кусочек пирога [сыра]

- нарезать

to cut bread — нарезать хлеб
to cut meat — резать мясо (за столом)

ещё 44 варианта

Мои примеры


cutting a piece of string — отрезая кусок верёвки  
a two-inch cut in the cloth — двухдюймовый разрез в ткани  
cut from one scene to another — перейти от одной сцены к другой  
to cut costs to the bone — снизить цены до минимума  
to cut / reduce a budget — сократить смету, урезать смету  
to cut / slip one’s cable — отдать концы, умереть  
to chum the fish with cut-up shrimp — приманивать рыбу измельчёнными креветками  
to cut in a circuit — включаться в цепь  
cross-cut file — поперечный напильник  
to cut one’s finger — порезать себе палец  
to cut the hedge — стричь (живую) изгородь  
to cut across the field — пойти напрямик через поле  

Примеры с переводом

Cut the cake.

Разрежь пирог.

I had a cut finger.

Я порезал палец.

This knife cuts well.

Этот нож хорошо режет.

The meat cuts easily.

Это мясо легко режется.

The baby cut a tooth.

У малыша прорезался зуб.

The knife does not cut.

Нож не режет.

The actor’s agent gets a 10 percent cut.

Агент этого актёра получает десять процентов комиссии.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Staffing levels had already been cut to the bone (=reduced to the lowest level possible).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cut away — срезать, отрезать, обкалывать, удалять, убегать, отрезать что-л.
cut back — возвращаться, идти обратно, повторить данный ранее кадр
cut down — урезать, сокращать, рубить, вырубать, свернуть, сражать, губить, ушивать одежду
cut in — врубать, врезать, включать, вклиниваться между машинами
cut off — отрезать, обрезать, отсекать, прерывать, выключать, отстригать, обрезывать
cut out — вырезать, выключать, выкраивать, выпиливать, кроить, раскраивать, вытеснять
cut over — вырубать лес
cut under — продавать дешевле
cut up — разрезать, раскритиковать, взрезать, подрывать, разрубать на куски, уничтожать

Возможные однокоренные слова

cutter  — резак, фреза, резец, катер, резчик, режущий инструмент, закройщик, монтажер, тендер, бур
cutting  — резкий, режущий, резание, разрезание, наперерез
cutty  — короткая ложка, безнравственная женщина, коротенькая глиняная труба
incut  — врезка, вставка, вставленный, врезанный
uncut  — неразрезанный, полный, несокращенный, с необрезанными полями
undercut  — вырезка, поднутрение, подрубка, подрезать, сбивать цены, сбивать цену

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cut
he/she/it: cuts
ing ф. (present participle): cutting
2-я ф. (past tense): cut
3-я ф. (past participle): cut

ед. ч.(singular): cut
мн. ч.(plural): cuts

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«I have a little cut on my finger.«
(little, small, tiny, minor, slight)

«He had a bad cut.«
(bad, deep, nasty)

«I got a paper cut.«

«We will take a big cut in our pay.«
(big, deep, large, major, sharp, dramatic, huge, massive, small)

«We are facing federal cuts.«
(federal, government, budget, funding, job)

«We are forced to take a pay cut.«
(pay, salary, wage)

«The president promised a tax cut.«

Used with verbs:

«I have a deep cut from the sharp knife.«
(have, got, suffered)

«Could you help me bandage the cut?«
(bandage, cover, dress)

«The cut will heal.«

«The government must make spending cuts.«
(make, impose)

«The workers will face pay cuts.«
(face, accept, suffer, take)

Used with prepositions:

«Try to make a small cut in the cloth.«

«She had a cut on her leg.«

«He suffered cuts to his arms and face in the attack.«

«If he didn’t have a starship to cut up, he could never afford it; but it is fast

«Yeah, but do you think I am forcing her dead body to twitch using electrical impulses? Do you think if you cut me open you would find some crystal implanted in Tdesi’s head?»

Berith is derived from a root word which means «to cut,» and hence a covenant is a «cutting,» with reference to the cutting or dividing of animals into two

Again, I am not telling you to cut this stuff out completely but be aware of how often you are consuming it

Cut down on tea, coffee and alcohol

Cut the crap! Cut the crap out of your life! Reduce it

Cut the crap out of your life and it will increase your energy

regular basis can cut their risk of heart disease by up to half

cut off, thou shall see it

Here are a few jokes from the west where it is not unusual to cut jokes around religious leaders and mythological figures

Entering a series of commands, Vinnie effectively cut off Ackers from all further communication

The city is not on Beghtik dam, but draws water power thru the cut into the last canal of the interconnects

‘How far did you go?’ he asked, the pain giving his voice an edge you could cut steel with

By local standards ‘short’ was if cut at all

He had been tired of being ignored, so Ackers had found a way to cut through the volume controls and punish Vinnie for treating him with so little respect

The ones he opposed would establish a boundary and cut off all but rudimentary contact with local society

His sobbing was cut off by Chemall’s powerful voice

They had already completely cut off his way back out

Cut your wants and better prepare your cash flow chart of money supply and finally develop the habit of spending a little for the less fortunate people of the community and also practice practical spirituality to enjoy the bliss of life

It looked a bit like someone had cut off Al Pacino’s face and tanned it to make an Al Pacino mask

When we cut the grass and remove it we are cutting off the cycle

Before you cut the lawn, you should inspect it for signs of stress

cut at both ends, place one end into the lawn then pour soapy water into it

I’d try to cut back on the fiber for a while

Slam cut back to John in the parking lot

Cut to John’s POV: Fuzzy and out-of-focus, Zitteraal stands by his bed in the hospital, taking his pulse

Slam cut back to parking lot

«Ah,» he said, ready to cut a lot more slack

I had to cut it back just after I moved in so that I could get to the washing line and ended up with several lacerations as a result

truck cut her off

CUT TO: Inside the car

‘the serial killer cut off his tattoos’

back, a well proportioned man, with a smile that could cut chiffon in mid-air float

Cut back to: Dave and John on the ocean in the boat

Cut back to the boat

To cut a long story short, over the next two years I swapped overalls for a shirt

I daresay she didn’t intend for it to come over so clearly, and maybe I am being over-sensitive but I felt it all the same … Well, if the only job I can get is in Taunton, I’ll just have to move back to Bridgwater … at least that will cut my travelling costs

Cut to: John under the sea

’ I assured her, thinking that it would have been kinder if Jack hadn’t lived to fade slowly away with emphysema – he’d not found life at all easy and it had cut me up terribly watching him degenerate into frail helplessness

He thought it was tiresome and tried to cut through it when he could

I went thru a dozen women in that time and they were scarce out there where that cut was

Aunt Billie cut him off immediately

You fuckin’ got that? Your son, he was worth the price of his skin, his kidneys, his heart and whatever else my team cut out of him

His throat tightened, threatening to cut off the air to his lungs

» He hissed and cut the connection

‘No, I don’t think so – the cut is too smooth round the edges

down from the ceiling, thick fronds and razor sharp leaves cut and smothered his

’ I said, going over to investigate how it’s cut

‘Oh, it’s cut on the cross

They cut off the main highway onto a side road in the desert

They will cut your

She should cut and run

Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said

«The guy’s an ass,» Ava said when he cut the connection

» Ava cut him off with, «I don’t know how she ever stood him, I don’t know how she stands him now

The jacket shoulder linings cut into my armpits and began to split

It seems a white van came out of nowhere, cut in front of him – you know how they do — and then did the same to Liz

creative types has taken the odd short cut or two

Mountains rose and rivers cut deep scars into the surface of the

The thug, and I was assuming this was Sammy the Shark, would have cut a ruggedly stylish figure except for the filthy looking street tattoos all over his arms and creeping up the visible side of his face to the left temple

frames of rough cut, foot square timbers

knife and cut your throat, you witness what you have before

«Squidyman is gonna use the small-bore particle streams maybe… cut up this junk slow

Doctors say the leg needs to be cut off because it has started to rot

I go there, I cut a leaf off and hold it in my hand

Over those first grinding miles I fought against the bonds, twisting my arms and wrists against the tape, but all that I did was make the tape coil tighter and tighter so that it cut into my skin

That was soon cut off by the bulk of the hammer

Rose is very concerned that you’ve cut off communication with Nick, she hasn’t said much, but she sees a lot and she’s very close to him

To watch your soul-brother take a beating for some off-hand remark or imagined slight, is to have your heart cut, slice by slice, into ribbons

Just the fact that his home was proudly built out of cut timber and earthenware block was enough to mark it as foreign

The natives derided cut timber as ‘plank-up’ and deemed it temporary construction, even if the beams were eight by sixteen

Unlike a Highland Elf, he was not about to wait four hundred Earth years for his home to be completed, with clay blocks and cut wood he was able to get a fine home done in the outrageously short time of a dozen Earth years this way

It took them an hour to get to shipping cut

This cleft thru the hills cuts off over twenty miles on the route to henarDee, but it is cut into the sandy hillside up to two hundred seventy five feet, over a hundred feet most of the way

«Yeah, and I have to admit, an hour and two to shipping cut is record time

Shipping cut comes up the side of the city, and right at the turn the buildings along the canal are small so the view of the whole city from the land side spreads before you

Fingers: Burnt fingers denote that you should let others be and mind your own business; a cut finger bodes sorrow; if you have more fingers than five, there will be a new member in the family

There was a period of time when her whole self was cut off from both sides of the separation

was covered with diamonds so when Son slept the stones cut into his skin

Son cut the hand

He cut off one of the guards’ hands and picked up the torch that was

Thorns: They signify obstacles which will be finally surmounted only if you cut off the thorns in your dream

Her knotty black hair was cut shoulder-length and she often wore a harness of shoulder-pockets but never anything else unless she was ashore in town

The prophets of Ba’al cut themselves, as was their custom (1 Kings 18:28)

He was careful not to cut himself as he climbed

They had to pole the ship thru the canals they cut thru the weeds

His ligaments had been cut, and many

Even his eyes had been cut out by the soldier

And he’d cut a strip of the bacon to see how that was doing

Now every time he countered an attack, Son would cut the neck

of his opponent the same way his neck had been cut

“¡Yield!” Son shouted as he cut the neck of yet another soldier who

“My son, if you receive my words, and store my commands within you, inclining your ear to wisdom, and applying your mind to reason; if you appeal to intelligence, and lift up your voice to reason; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures – then will you understand reverence for the Lord, and will discover the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom, out of His mouth comes knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, and protects the way of His pious ones; then will you understand rectitude and justice, and will keep to every good course; for when wisdom finds a welcome within you, and knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, discretion will watch over you, reason will guard you – saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, exult in wanton wickedness’ who are crooked in all their ways, and tortuous in their paths – saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress who plies you with smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets her pledge to God; for her paths lead down to death, and her tracks descend to the Shades; none who go to her come back again, or reach the paths of life – helping you to walk in the way of good men, and to keep to the paths of the righteous; for the upright will live in the land, and the honest will remain in it; while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless will be rooted out of it

As the old hunter said this, the soldier cut him down with the sword

went through Sons’ back and cut through the sack that held the water from

Mountains rose and rivers cut deep scars into the surface of the planet

Then, a stone is cut without any hands from a mountain

In Danton’s wake a red capped guard hurried on, head bowed, taking two pigeon steps for every one that the committee chairman slammed down onto the unyielding flagstones as they swept past heavy browed doors set in frames of rough cut, foot square timbers

Reality kicked in as she cut a plateful of sandwiches for lunch and, by the time she was ready to set out for the bus stop, normality – as she knew it – had reasserted itself again

Because I think that I am a secondary beneficiary of the Gospel instead of the primary, I will never boast against the natural branches (or root) lest I be cut off (Romans 11:18-20)

“We had Theo and Vera on our show before,” Becca cuts in

Also avoid breathing or getting on cuts

Boric acid powder is an excellent, safe (do not ingest! Keep away from cuts, wear gloves) control of roaches inside the home if used correctly

‘Man cuts out tattoo after split with girlfriend’ Maybe

He cuts the rest of the raw meat of the fish into thin strips, hands a piece to John, puts some in his mouth

Ricci cuts his song short and comes quietly over to the bed

Suddenly, Majeed lays on the horn as a motorcycle cuts him off

He veers left, then right, then left again, losing control as he cuts over the median into oncoming traffic

Unperturbed, Ricci cuts across the highway median and peels out, slinging sand and gravel, speeds back in the other direction

Then suddenly, my attention cuts to a bloodcurdling scream that pierces above the chatter of the crowd

This cleft thru the hills cuts off over twenty miles on the route to henarDee, but it is cut into the sandy hillside up to two hundred seventy five feet, over a hundred feet most of the way

She cuts herself

at cute cuts and proportioned pleats on darling twelves,

The only antioxidant proven to increase collagen synthesis, it aids in the healing of minor cuts and wounds

That wind cuts straight through you!’

he cuts the frayed cord and runs free

that perfect someone, as this process cuts down on the long, drawn out process of meeting and

We go into the kitchen and he cuts a couple of slices of bread, butters them and hands them to me with a chunk of cheese from the fridge

preferring the possibility of death by a thousand cuts to the

battered doors and kicked at cars, inflicting cuts and bruises on

Sporting bruises and cuts to their heads and hands, and with the

There are no short cuts of true value

It would have been a lot more if it wasn’t for the lakes, the cuts and the bridge

The doctor cuts in immediately

» The sound of the shower cuts out

He felt several cuts along his legs and arms and probably his back also

He removed his helmet and checked his head for cuts or bumps and found none

The picture cuts to their manager who is swearing blue murder

«Mister Whitlow», one of them begins but Billy cuts him off

The shot cuts back to the studio and the girl in the red blouse pauses and looks sad for a moment before resuming her stock smile and moving to another story about the happy farmer and then another plan for the redevelopment of Plymouth city centre

beaten by Grinly, and was covered in cuts and

As the female presenter’s voice cuts away to the next story Alex turns to Stevie

The news reader cuts from the lead report on Exeter City’s vital game chasing promotion from the Conference to the story about the girls in the nightclub

The bulletin cuts to a recording of a police statement

An answer phone cuts in

At the main roundabout the lady behind the dashboard cuts into the silence

The madness of taffeta and slurry cuts into his thoughts; maids a-milking dressed in chiffon and silk, wearing elbow length gloves and tiaras

Lying in the bed, Chrissie muffles a scream as she feels again the smarting of the cuts he inflicted to her arms and hands as she fought to defend herself

I could see the cuts running from his elbow to his forearm

steadying it so he could dab in some kind of lotion into its cuts

collection of cuts and bruises

Double-glazed, it cuts the voice off completely

“It would be all random cuts though, they aren’t up for that much effort

25Who cuts a channel for the torrents of rain, and a path for the

Final cuts were posted

With a nod toward his chair, it slid backward, screeching, leaving a pattern of white cuts on the stone floor as it moved

Ignoring a few cuts from the shards of plastic, Alan found the cover to the kvarit tank latched

He wasn’t bleeding profusely but had a few cuts and scratches that stung pretty bad

Cuts were probably common if you chop one or two hundred kvarit a week

The cuts weren’t as deep as to need stitches but they were deep enough to allow the blood to flow freely from them

Without a tear, she continued on, describing every disastrous turn that took away her loved ones like a farmer’s scythe cuts corn

The tear cuts through

He cuts himself off

stomach, Prometheus had hidden all the choicest cuts of meat

pruning shears and cuts off some dead branches off of a

and eventually targeted a turtle that seemed to have some fine cuts of meat but was not overly large

The various Space Administrations have been crippled by massive budget cuts

Blood seeped from several deep cuts in her body, running down the stone slab to the floor

He carefully slipped the shirt off, telling himself not to look, just remove the shirt and change her, but he needed to tend the cuts on her sides

They were healed shut now, but the blood that had dripped out of them had dried over the healed cuts

Sebastian carefully wiped Aspen’s cuts clean

Sebastian took her near arm with the IV needle it in and looked at the cuts that had been at her wrist

Guardians also had regenerative abilities though, and the cuts were attempting to heal themselves

I checked Joseph and Jesus for cuts and bruises

between different cuts of the same meat before

much as cuts by scalpels

On April 15th of this year 2011, the Republican House, bless them, passed a sensible budget that includes both tax decreases and entitlement cuts

He splashed water over the cuts, wincing as the cold liquid hit the wounds and stung indescribably

He managed to wash away most of the congealed blood from around the sore cuts, taking care not to open the wounds anew, and dried himself gently with his dirty, old towel

The material snagged on his matted wounds and rubbed against the tender cuts

He looked down at his chest, where the cuts from the previous night had been cleaned and soothed with cream

The old cuts that criss-crossed his skin were raised in deep red welts, but they did nothing to obscure the beauty of his strong, young body

“This is Fire on the Water,” she said as stepped in again, four long strides, flicking the blade in precise wide cuts that was created for warding off demons

flow, the street widths, the necessary curb cuts, and all that, and made a recommendation regarding the impact on the surrounding

Otherwise, just a few more cuts and scrapes to go along with the ones Soot had previously given me

some cold cuts, bread and those fancy deli chips that Mother preferred

* The “three fighter pilots” comment refers to an article that the South African Air Force (because of budget cuts and a failed employment discrimination policy—no whites allowed) now has almost no pilots and very few operational aircraft

His cuts had been dressed and he’d been given a tetanus injection

The cuts were deep, the blade grating against bone as the man slashed each wrist

The cuts themselves weren’t enough to kill Holland, such cuts seldom were, but they signalled that here was a man who wanted to end his life

Supply and Demand cuts both ways, and in most instances will (actually) generate higher salaries for workers in conjunction with their job‘s specific skill requirements

The Republican Party has been operating under the mistaken assumption that it will be able to successfully rally its conservative base, never traditional allies to begin with, by pushing for higher tax cuts

Although tax cuts promote investment, production and (economic) growth, not to mention spending, that fuels all of the above; and while such measures should be vigorously pursued whenever possible, the underlying crisis concerning most (critically minded) Americans is (correctly) understood as Moral rather than Economic; especially among social conservatives, the illegitimate offsprings of an Establishment Party who will not be easily swayed by the prospect of a few additional dollars in their wallets

For as the scythe cuts through the stalk,

He came to my house swollen and bleeding from his mouth with cuts and bruises on his face and body; he could hardly stand

But there is no such thing as short cuts in law

Don’t take short cuts because it is Africa and don’t listen to half-baked ideas which cost which we discussed above regarding quick solutions

West Africa has an electricity problem and it is not unusual to have power cuts eight times a day which can last for minutes or hours

Cuts made included $4,000 from officers’ $22

6% unemployment, low interest rates and the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovering around 12,000?), I must confess some disappointment, however, over this Administration‘s failure to encourage a (―friendly‖) Republican Congress to follow its tax cuts with concomitant reductions in federal spending

“I prefer pain that lasts, don’t you? Pain that cuts to the very heart of matters

But later, when Cole had added a few more, deeper cuts, the pain would become apparent

The blood from his cuts had flowed across his cheek and was trickling down into his ear

My cuts had already sealed over

Deep cuts, the length of both cheeks, exposed slices of flesh flowing freely with blood that quickly reached her chin and dripped onto the street

x-rayed, treated for various cuts and bruises by the nurse and left to wait while the doctor tended Herminia

Republicans, not wanting Obama to succeed anyway, concentrated on tax cuts and sabotaging unions, both guaranteed to worsen the economy

The stimulus was limited, almost as much tax cuts for the well off as spending to help the economy

agreed to the greatest arms cuts in history, well beyond what Nixon achieved

Berith is derived from a root word which means «to cut,» and hence a covenant is a «cutting,» with reference to the cutting or dividing of animals into two

It didn’t help that he kept cutting off any potential escape route; he was always just at arms length away

I would dream up the most vivid scenarios of me pulling off his toenails or tying him up in barbed wire or cutting off his penis and shoving it in a knife wound in his side

When we cut the grass and remove it we are cutting off the cycle

Cutting the grass is a very important step

Cutting too short or too long depends upon the type of lawn and the type of lawn mower

conversation with herself, cutting tighter and tighter until we can only see her eyes

«The hillside they were cutting thru was made of them, I perfected this rig over about, let’s see, maybe ten decades, maybe only four, but it was a length of time

The pitch of Marat’s voice was sharp and angular, cutting through the thick prison

move dodges with cutting off a limb

‘We women are at the cutting edge of it most of the time – what with birth and all that

Menachem made a cutting motion across his throat with his thumb

lord of Mirage could feel the diamonds cutting into his throat

That was just enough to stave off the worst of the depression that cutting off yaag could bring, leaving her functioning but with a sad and quiet air

Suddenly Son felt the blade of a sword cutting into his neck

The hall was full to bursting and the comments I heard afterwards were very complimentary – I enclose a cutting from the Readersein describing the event

the scything of stems, cutting down the flower of life

Two men suddenly spring into our field of vision, cutting into the bushes not far from where Joris is hiding

The sky is winter pale with a light, chill breeze cutting

The men opened fire cutting them to bits one by one, but still they came

though once outside in the cutting

Before he could elaborate someone again butted in, cutting communication by asking if there was a problem to save their own asses

She careened down the road, cutting corners and bends, tendrils of wet hair whipping at my face, my hands on her hips and my head in the clouds

They might be kind enough to give me a hand with the grass cutting as well

Then she moved forward slicing and cutting her way towards the warriors, (all the while keeping her attention on her rear)

He displayed the cutting for two years after that

«Indeed», said Archibald, cutting across her reminiscences about

We spend the afternoon in the garden, cutting the grass as short as we dare and tidying up the borders

desired and diminishing what is not (which is better than simply cutting out

Give rest to an aching problem by cutting out the problem and

Cutting up a frog and inspecting his sexual organs is not the same as studying my body from a distance and learning what it’s doing; when I don’t

tracks sunk into a deep cutting, with heavily overgrown banks on

The bulk of the cutting itself was performed by mechanical

He considered dropping the idea completely – just cutting their losses and going home

She watches as he conscientiously crosses and re-crosses the small area of grass, concentrating on neatly trimming the herbage and careful to avoid cutting into the trailing cable

After several minutes, he stops to survey the results of his labours, cutting off the power to the mower

It would be unlike Don Cascarino to mess with the cutting edge, though

They edged closer to the stairs cutting a

took a big bite, cutting the apple with his teeth into two smaller pieces

“What involvement do you have with shonggot,” Jorma asked, cutting him off

would be cutting through ’em

“You better worry about the wheels too, there’s none in this town that can hold the wood they’re cutting

She cut a sapling and stripped it’s bark, and then used it as a tiny cutting board to clean the tiny animals

It wouldn’t hold all the roots at once, but after cutting them up pretty small they would cook fast

He would not be able to speak to his children, cutting off all chances of evolving to a higher standard

one of them, out in the cold air, cutting lumber, measuring beams, having jokes

Cutting her wheel sharply to the right, she plowed into a mound of snow and came to rest against a misplaced bolder, from the steep overhang of the cliff above her

sanding, and cutting the wood that would eventually be a giant mural covering the

Nelson was also in the bucket with the plasma cutter cutting into the tail

Nelson was cutting the tail and Carlos had almost removed the black boxes

Accordingly, the next day I went to my country house, as I called it, and cutting some of the smaller twigs, I found them to my purpose as much as I could desire; whereupon I came the next time prepared with a hatchet to cut down a quantity, which I soon found, for there was great plenty of them

«I was cutting fern

The gate was formed of cutting winds; but Gerda repeated her evening prayer, and the winds were still as though they slept; and the little maiden entered the vast, empty, cold halls

The humans sought to defend themselves as the creatures flooded their ranks, but instead of biting into the demons’ flesh, their blades slashed and stabbed at emptiness, cutting harmlessly through the air

«Perfect,» Alec said, a fake smile cutting through his bearded face

The living before the dead was the maxim, so he headed across his land towards the boys now obviously frightened out of their minds until another wind gust blew more embers behind the lads, now cutting off any chance of escape, the only sound was the deafening roar of grass and trees catching alight and two boys trapped in an ever degreasing circle of fire

In its rude beginnings, the greater part of every country is covered with wood, which is then a mere incumbrance, of no value to the landlord, who would gladly give it to any body for the cutting

The fact is, trying to lose weight by drastically cutting calories is not only ineffective, it is unhealthy

On the cutting edge

“Who?” said Thea, looking up from a loaf of barley bread that she was cutting

gesticulating as if cutting a water melon

He shouted in Ionian, saying how he handled thieves by cutting off their hands

Her long bangs needed cutting and she

But she did not stay on the path long – her impatience saw her cutting through the forested areas outside and around Solitude

It took a swipe at the Breton, knocking her halfway to the ground and cutting right through the thin leather armor on her sleeve

through the cutting of his cord and the washing of his skin

To dream that you are cutting your hair suggests that you are experiencing a loss in strength

When she returned home, the two field slaves were cutting this season’s crop of flax

It felt in every way like the calm before a great storm and he presently found himself facing the cutting winds and murmuring thunder

have possessed a sword or long knife capable of cutting bone

“Captain,” Elenir responded from the science station, “the cacophony of radiation is a mess on our sensors; however our scanners are, as Pim said they would be, still cutting through the soupy mess

When Danny Boros decided to head for home by cutting through a vacant lot and several backyards in his new neighborhood, he had no idea of the excitement that lay ahead of him

“That is correct and I’m cutting out of this call

“Well here’s my…,” Kurt said but Elizabeth interrupted, “How do you expect…,” she stopped and they both chuckled at their cutting each other off

” said Fletcher as he pulled his rucksack onto his back and adjusted the straps in an attempt to stop them cutting into his still sore shoulders

She’d listened to updated versions of this programme all of twenty times, hoping with each new report there would be something – at least evidence that he would never be returning, rather than what amounted to no more than speculation; there was always the expert detailing how such cutting edge technology inevitably carried a risk of catastrophic failure

The enfilading fire coming from these was murderous and was cutting what was left of the Company to pieces with casual ease

It was a gap not much more than a metre square, clearly looking quite artificial, cutting down into the rock at about 45 degrees and apparently dropping down some four to five metres into the ground

So, with a relish that somewhat offset his apprehension, he pulled out what he knew to be a cutting laser (he tested it on a dividing bulkhead during the journey) and set it working against the seal

“Poor Matthew can»t pick up a tool without bruising, or cutting his hand or something even more dramatic

” announced Jones, “They say the airlocks are refusing to open on Callisto station, so they are commencing cutting the doors open

The troop transporter dropped slowly away from Callisto station, leaving behind the squad of marines who were still cutting their way through a series of locked doors

Then they fired their shrapnel shells at us and this with the bullets chopped the bush to pieces flinging greenery everywhere and cutting our lads to pieces

In that case, the only other thing I have to tell you is that Earth is cutting you off

’ He remembered now: the work he’d been doing, the fail safes they ensured against this very occurrence – that once the process was in train it could not be stopped by simply cutting the power

Johnny who was also cutting the wire said to me

“Keep bloody still will you how the hell am I supposed to cut you free when your wriggling like a fucking eel”, and he went back to cutting through the wire

“Right Sir listen to what I am saying we are going to start cutting the wire now and as soon as you’re free get up and fucking run for it I hope you’re not injured?” Lieutenant Smith shook his head I looked at the pained expression on his face and knew what he was feeling having been in the same position not long ago

This year, as I sat in the large room of the caravansary I felt as though Joseph should walk in and begin hammering or sawing or cutting something to repair or build anew

After a moment’s pause as they stopped in line, and then a quick nod to each other, the brass section wailed a long low mournful chord, gently augmented by the rhythm section and lifting it gradually as the front spots came on one by one illuminating each musician in turn, until the rich ring of brass reached its apex, brought it to a cutting halt so that in the split second of silence it seemed to hang in the room like a clarion

These would bury animals and plants, rapidly cutting off exposure to decaying agents and allow the remains to fossilise during the subsequent years that followed

We countered this by spreading our groundsheets over the floor thus cutting the draughts down to a minimum

” Then we heard another voice cutting across his and saying

By placing the ball in back of his or her stance, a golfer can get more elevation on the ball, while cutting the distance

History lesson: How many of us are aware that, had the Ottoman Turks not overrun that city, the last bastion of the Eastern Roman Empire, in 1453, thus cutting off overland trade routes to Cathay and other places east

Fresh breezes spread the butterscotch scent of pine, thick in the air on days when neighbors have been cutting wood for winter

The German machine guns scythed through our wave as though they were cutting hay and the swishing sound they made reminded me of this

bringing the whale alongside the ship, to cutting and boiling the blubber

It was a disease that had to be stopped like cutting off an infected limb

cut — перевод на русский


Then we’ll get hurt too. In order to wake up, cutting off a couple of fingers is a must.

Тогда нам тоже достанется. нужно отрезать несколько пальцев.

I should just cut it off!

Я должен его немедленно отрезать!

Well, would you…? Could you see your way to cutting off 10 cents worth?

А не могли бы вы… отрезать на 10 центов?

Well, have it cut off.

Значит, придётся их отрезать.

If she cut off her head, she’d be very pretty.

Если отрезать ей голову, она будет очень даже ничего.

Показать ещё примеры для «отрезать»…

Don’t cut!

Не надо резать!

Put that down before you cut your hands. I’m spanking’ it!

Положи на место, прежде чем резать свои руки.

Why the devil should we keep knives to cut one another’s throats?

Так какого чёрта мы будем резать друг другу глотку?

and there is throats to be cut, and works to be done; and nothing ish done, so help me God!

Тут надо глотки резать и дело делать, а у нас ничего не сделано, спаси меня Бог!

That fog, you could cut it with a knife.

Вот это туман, Ты можешь резать его ножом.

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I cut my finger while operating.

Я порезал палец во время операции.

Cut your eyes?

Глаза порезал?

He cut the couch to ribbons with his spurs.

Он весь диван в клочки порезал шпорами.

Did the prisoner’s wife show you a knife and tell you that her husband had cut his wrist while slicing bread?

Показала ли вам нож жена обвиняемого, и сказала ли, что он порезал запястье, нарезая хлеб?

And when you said that he had accidentally cut his wrist, again, you lied?

И когда вы сказали, что он случайно порезал запястье, снова солгали?

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Cut that out. Come on.

Прекрати это!

— Say, cut it out! They’re new. — That’s just it.

Прекрати, это же всё новое!

Oh, cut it out, Sally.

Ну, прекрати, Салли.

Cut it, Peppino, you’re worse than the flood.

Пеппино, прекрати, ты хуже наводнения.

Cut it out, Angelina!

— Анджелина, прекрати!

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I was going to the great, all-merciful Emir… But I met a man who told me that Emir wanted to cut off my head. I was frightened, so I tried to escape, dressed like a woman.

Я ехал к великому, всемилостивейшему эмиру, но мне встретился человек и сказал, что эмир хочет отрубить мне голову, и я в страхе бежал под женской одеждой.

We wanted to cut off your head?

Мы хотели отрубить тебе голову?

Did we want to cut his head off?

Мы хотели отрубить ему голову?

And so, my opinion is that we should… cut off his head!

И вот поэтому, мое мнение, всего вернее будет… Отрубить ему голову! — А-ах!

Then cut off his head!

Отрубить ему голову!

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I used to sit up nights thinking of a way to cut her throat.

Я, бывало, ночами засиживалась в мечтах, как бы перерезать ей горло.

— oh, I could cut my throat.

Ээх, перерезать бы мне глотку.

You want to cut my throat?

Хочешь перерезать мне горло?

As I was gazing at you, bound and hanging I saw that I too was bound by an unseen rope And I could not cut the rope by myself

Когда я смотрела на тебя, связанного и висящего, я поняла, что тоже связана невидимой веревкой… но я не могла перерезать веревку сама

Very simple. Cut their necks.

— Очень просто, перерезать им глотку.

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Why insist on cutting up the chicken?

Почему ты так упорно хочешь разрезать этого цыплёнка?

Don’t be lazy! Don’t cut that rope! Untie it!

Что ты там делаешь Что ты делаешь Не ленись, ты должен развязывать эти верёвки, а не разрезать их!

Right now, our problem is to cut that cake.

Точно сейчас наш проблем есть разрезать этот торт.

He claims that Garin built an apparatus that can easily cut a dreadnought’ like butter.

Он утверждает, что Гарин построил аппарат, который легко, как масло, может разрезать дредноут.

This is a costotome, for cutting through the ribs.

Это костотом, чтобы разрезать ребра.

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It’s a bad knife cut.

Вырезать ножом не годится.

— He’s got to have them cut out.

— Он сказал, что их надо вырезать.

But cut out that bit about shadows in a world of make-believe.

Но «тени в зазеркалье» нужно вырезать.

I’ll ask for a stone with the letters cut deep… so they won’t wear away before you come to me.

Я попрошу на надгробном камне вырезать глубокие буквы… и они не сотрутся до вашего приезда.

Показать ещё примеры для «вырезать»…

Cut it out, Pa.

Перестань, пап.

Cut it out, Cricket.

Перестань, Крикет.

Cut it out, Angelina!

— Да перестань!

Cut it out, Chuck.

Перестань, Чак.

Cut out all that talking, Leo.

Перестань болтать, Лео.

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Oh, Ezra, are you gonna cut me off like a ripe banana?

О, Эзра, ты собираешься срезать меня, как спелый банан?

Ezzy, you wouldn’t cut off poor old Horace like a ripe banana, would you?

Эззи, ты и вправду смог бы срезать бедного старого Хораса, как спелый банан?

You can save three miles and cut him off through Low Wood.

Ты можешь срезать три мили через Тихий лес.

— If I lose, should I cut it in half?

— А если проиграю, срезать наполовину?

It was like taking a life to cut a daffodil.

Для неё срезать цветок, все равно, что убить.

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You can cut your steak or you can cut through paper, but can you correctly use the irregular verb «cut» for each tense? This page provides example sentences of the verb «cut» in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. Test your understanding with the quiz at the end!

All Tenses of Cut

Base Form cut / Past Simple cut / Past Participle cut / Gerund cutting

Present Simple

I cut paper with those scissors.

Present Simple Passive

Paper is cut by John.

Present Continuous

He is cutting the figures out now.

Present Continuous Passive

The figures are being cut out now.

Present Perfect

Jack has cut out fifteen figures.

Present Perfect Passive

Fifteen figures have been cut out by John.

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been cutting out figures for the past twenty minutes.

Past Simple

He cut out twenty figures yesterday.

Past Simple Passive

Twenty figures were cut out yesterday.

Past Continuous

He was cutting the paper when she came into the room.

Past Continuous Passive

The paper was being cut when she came into the room.

Past Perfect

Jane had cut out the figures before they began the work on pasting.

Past Perfect Passive

The figures had been cut out before they began the work on pasting.

Past Perfect Continuous

They had been cutting out figures for two hours before they began the difficult work.

Future (will)

She will cut those out. Don’t worry.

Future (will) passive

Those figures will be cut out by Jack.

Future (going to)

Jack is going to cut those figures out.

Future (going to) passive

Those figures are going to be cut out by Jack.

Future Continuous

We will be cutting figures out at two tomorrow afternoon.

Future Perfect

Jack will have cut out all the figures by the time we begin.

Future Possibility

Jennifer might cut class tomorrow.

Real Conditional

If she cuts class, the teacher will be angry.

Unreal Conditional

If she cut class, the teacher would be angry.

Past Unreal Conditional

If she had cut class, the teacher would have been angry.

Present Modal

You must cut these out before you begin.

Past Modal

Jack might have cut out those figures.

Quiz: Conjugate With Cut

Use the verb «to cut» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

  1. Fifteen figures _____ out by John.
  2. I _____ paper with those scissors.
  3. Jane _____ out the figures before they began the work on pasting.
  4. She ____ those out. Don’t worry.
  5. He ____ out twenty figures yesterday.
  6. Jack will _____ out all the figures by the time we begin.
  7. If she _____ class, the teacher will be angry.
  8. The figures _____ out before they began the work on pasting.
  9. Paper _____ by John in our company.
  10. Jennifer _____ class tomorrow. You never know.

Quiz Answers

  1. have been cut
  2. cut
  3. had cut
  4. will cut
  5. cut
  6. have cut
  7. cuts
  8. had been cut
  9. is cut
  10. might cut

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