Use the word customs in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word customs, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use customs in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «customs».

Customs in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word customs in a sentence.

  1. Taxation took two primary forms: levy and customs.

  2. James became a customs collector in 1835 at the port of Chippawa.

  3. These customs vanished with the popularisation of the wrist watch.

  4. The roof of the customs house was detached and landed on the street.

  5. In the process, they acquired Chacoan customs and agricultural skills.

  6. Nevertheless, Atangana supported traditional Ewondo customs on marriage.

  7. Do not worry yourselves—I will not change the customs and rites of our ancestors.

  8. In 1830, Bradburn established a new military and customs post, Anahuac, in Texas.

  9. Due to the station’s international connections, the station housed border customs.

  10. The airport provides customs services for flights arriving from the United States.

  11. Through customs, the four-lane freeway proper begins, immediately curving northwest.

  12. Delegates also requested customs exemptions and asked that a ban on immigration into Texas be lifted.

  13. However, the money is confiscated at customs in LAX, and Keamy is disappointed to discover it missing.

  14. A customs officer, seeing any of the book covers in one’s luggage, would immediately pass one on through.

  15. I saw my family as strange aliens whose foreign customs, rites, and very language defied comprehension;..

  16. He encouraged the spread of Christianity by meting out severe punishments for ignoring Christian customs.

  17. On October 4, 1830, Bradburn was ordered to create the first customs post, to be located at Galveston Bay.

  18. Davies was in a relationship with Andrew Smith, a customs officer, between 1999 and Smith’s death in 2018.

  19. Delegates again insisted that the ban on immigration should be repealed and that customs duties be lifted.

  20. Early burial customs show a strong belief in an afterlife and a spirit path to it that needed facilitating.

  21. By 1904, Carabane had lost several of its amenities, including its customs services, which were centralized.

  22. When they returned to Glasgow on one trip, a search by customs men found several bottles, which they seized.

  23. In mid-1899, the British inspector of Chinese maritime customs, Alfred Hippisley, visited the United States.

  24. The laws also called for the establishment of customs houses within Texas to begin enforcing customs duties.

  25. Those who learned to work with the Japanese and follow their customs would be better suited to lead villages.

  26. By the time the court cases had been heard, the customs men had amassed a considerable number of the vessels.

  27. They were also hampered by customs law, which only allowed charities to bring medicine into the country without taxation.

  28. You will not arrange for landing marines or seizing customs house without specific direction from the [State] department.

  29. A major source of Manuel’s wealth was the kommerkion, a customs duty levied at Constantinople on all imports and exports.

  30. The former customs space is now used for small shops, such as a flower boutique, Albert Heijn, HEMA and some snack stores.

  31. She and some friends traveled to Eastern Europe in 1989, specifically Bulgaria and Bosnia, to study local musical customs.

  32. Levine then reminded him that they would be going through customs and that they had better not bring anything inappropriate.

  33. They were also familiar with its highly territorial nature, and it features in a song in their Burndud, or songs of customs.

  34. It estimates another 759 informal sites known only to land owners, customs, and members of the enthusiast group Air-Britain.

  35. The islanders involved in removing the whisky were resentful of those who had provided information to the customs officials.

  36. Much to the displeasure of the colonists, a new military post was established in Anahuac to begin collecting customs duties.

  37. He expressed the opinion that «in these days Kent possesses so few genuine popular customs of this kind that we cannot afford to be indifferent to those still in existence.

  38. As evidence of Khayyam’s faith and/or conformity to Islamic customs, Aminrazavi mentions that in his treatises he offers salutations and prayers, praising God and Muhammad.

  39. To enforce compliance with the new laws, the Townshend Acts created a customs agency known as the American Board of Custom Commissioners, which was headquartered in Boston.

  40. He was invited to participate in the 1946 Indianapolis 500, and originally intended to drive one of the W165s, but was unable to have them released in time by Swiss customs.

  41. The situation exploded on June 10, when customs officials seized Liberty, a sloop owned by John Hancock—a leading critic of the Customs Board—for alleged customs violations.

Synonyms for customs

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word customs has the following synonyms: customs duty, custom and impost.

General information about «customs» example sentences

The example sentences for the word customs that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «customs» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «customs».

rubbish we are fed about local customs and dishes when we stumble

The customs official looks at Russ askance, shakes his head, begins to stamp the passports

Daniel held out his hand to Joshua once they had passed through customs

In a mortal lifetime, he knew as much as anyone did of the facts and figures and customs of this world, native or terrestrial

Klowee had her first decade and was introduced to the privileges and responsibilities of a one decade in the native tradition with only a vedn cake frosted with whipped sugar froth to mark customs of Earth, a token of which only he and Beeta partook

The interchange with the customs takes place in Spanish and goes completely over my head

In keeping with our part, he asks the customs man if he can recommend the best road to see the talaiots … enormous stone constructions set in the landscape thousands of years ago by primitive people

At four in the morning it was like waking into a dream and no sooner was I through customs and onto the concourse that I tried to let Auntie know I’d arrived safely but in between the crackles on the mobile I couldn’t get a word in edgeways

customs duty, but there was a lengthy list of proscribed goods

and accommodation, as well as assistance with customs and practice

She had met him when she first investigated the person who’s body she was in, but was too timid of native customs to bed him at that time

Otto walked over to his employees and explained the procedure for customs and immigration

Family members and friends congregated just outside of the customs hall for the arrival of MH370

“Yes but I don’t know the customs of Prom

‘The card has been held up in French Customs for

wait the twenty-four hours in Customs which it’s

of reason The interests, prejudices, laws, and customs, which have given occasion to it, I shall

In Carolina, where the planters, as in other British colonies, are generally both farmers and landlords, and where rent, consequently, is confounded with profit, the cultivation of rice is found to be more profitable than that of corn, though their fields produce only one crop in the year, and though, from the prevalence of the customs of Europe, rice is not there the common and favourite vegetable food of the people

If, notwithstanding a great rise in the price, it still continues to prevail through a considerable part of the country, it is owing in many places, no doubt, to ignorance and attachment to old customs, but, in most places, to the unavoidable obstructions which the natural course of things opposes to the immediate or speedy establishment of a better system : first, to the poverty of the tenants, to their not having yet had time to acquire a stock of cattle sufficient to cultivate their lands more completely, the same rise of price, which would render it advantageous for them to maintain a greater stock, rendering it more difficult for them to acquire it; and, secondly, to their not having yet had time to put their lands in condition to maintain this greater stock properly, supposing they were capable of acquiring it

underline the weakness of some current customs, on the

The customs of merchants, which were established when the barbarous laws of Europe did not enforce the performance of their contracts, and which, during the course of the two last centuries, have been adopted into the laws of all European nations, have given such extraordinary privileges to bills of exchange, that money is more readily advanced upon them than upon any other species of obligation; especially when they are made payable within so short a period as two or three months after their date

It still continues, however, to be the residence of the principal courts of justice in Scotland, of the boards of customs and excise, etc

Though I’m new to Ithaca, I should have guessed your customs would be similar to ours

Those laws and customs, so favourable to the yeomanry, have perhaps contributed more to the present grandeur of England, than all their boasted regulations of commerce taken together

customs of gamos di’ agoras must be obeyed

All the sanguinary laws of the customs are not able to prevent the importation of the teas of the Dutch and Gottenburg East India comnpanies; because somewhat cheaper than those of the British company

The variety of goods, of which the importation into Great Britain is prohibited, either absolutely, or under certain circumstances, greatly exceeds what can easily be suspected by those who are not well acquainted with the laws of the customs

Taxes imposed with a view to prevent, or even to diminish importation, are evidently as destructive of the revenue of the customs as of the freedom of trade

imposed in 1779 and 1781, upon all the former duties of customs, being allowed to be wholly drawn back upon the exportation of all other goods, were likewise allowed to be drawn back upon that of wine

The period between the granting of this indulgence and the revolt of our North American colonies, was probably too short to admit of any considerable change in the customs of those countries

The revenue of the customs, instead of suffering, profits from such drawbacks, by that part of the duty which is retained

The drawback, therefore, may frequently be pure loss to the revenue of excise and customs, without altering the state of the trade, or rendering it in any respect more extensive

Make a point of developing relationships with neighbors and other children and adults in your community – perhaps especially those that may have different customs or languages, or be different in other ways

Zarko could see the turmoil in Azubah’s eyes as she battled to come to terms with the realisation that her niece was about to do something against their customs and traditions

As no bounty was-paid upon the outfit of the boat-fishery, no account was taken of it by the officers of the customs or salt duties

the barrel, the delivery of both British and foreign salt duty free) were, during the space of fourteen years, for every hundred pounds which they subscribed and paid into the stock of the society, entitled to three pounds a-year, to be paid by the receiver-general of the customs in equal half-yearly payments

But if, at any time, this deduction or abatement of customs, which is to be made as aforesaid, shall in any manner be attempted and prejudiced, it shall be just and lawful for his sacred royal majesty of Portugal, again to prohibit the woollen cloths, and the rest of the British woollen manufactures

The greater part of the citizens had no land ; and without it the manners and customs of those times rendered it difficult for a freeman to maintain his independency

Those very fortunate women were the first to reassemble the arcane traditions and customs of our people—the Lascorii, I mean—into an intelligible, cohesive compendium of training and instruction

Every owner of wool within ten miles of the sea coast must give an account in writing, three days after shearing, to the next officer of the customs, of the number of his fleeces, and of the places where they are lodged

32), is so very indulgent as to declare, that this shall not hinder any person from carrying his wool home from the place of shearing, though it be within five miles of the sea, provided that in ten days after shearing, and before he remove the wool, he do under his hand certify to the next officer of the customs the true number of fleeces, and where it is housed; and do not remove the same, without certifying to such officer, under his hand, his intention so to do, three days before

Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer no strangers to possess any fortified place within their territory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, minister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen, and, in their disputes with the natives, may by means of his public character, interfere with more authority and afford them a more powerful protection than they could expect from any private man

The collection and application of the general duties of customs, therefore, have always been left to that power

18, reducing the fine for admission to twenty pounds for all persons, without any distinction of ages, or any restriction, either to mere merchants, or to the freemen of London; and granting to all such persons the liberty of exporting, from all the ports of Great Britain, to any port in Turkey, all British goods, of which the exportation was not prohibited, upon paying both the general duties of customs, and the particular duties assessed for defraying the necessary expenses of the company ; and submitting, at the same time, to the lawful authority of the British ambassador and consuls resident in Turkey, and to the bye-laws of the company duly enacted

They were said, at the same time, to possess another revenue, arising partly from lands, but chiefly from the customs established at their different

The masters who instructed the young people, either in music or in military exercises, do not seem to have been paid, or even appointed by the state, either in Rome or even at Athens, the Greek republic of whose laws and customs we are the best informed

In the ancient monarchies of Europe, the manners and customs of the time sufficiently prepared the great body of the people for war; and when they took the field, they were, by the condition of their feudal tenures, to be maintained either at their own expense, or at that of their immediate lords, without bringing any new charge upon the sovereign

In some countries, where the greater part of the other feudal customs have gone into disuse, this tax upon the alienation of land still continues to make a very considerable branch of the revenue of the sovereign

The duties of customs are much more ancient than those of excise

They seem to have been called customs, as denoting customary payments, which had been in use for time immemorial

With this distinction, the ancient duties of customs were imposed equally upon all sorts of goods, necessaries as well its luxuries, goods exported as well as goods imported

The ancient customs were divided into three branches

When the woollen manufacture came to be established in England, lest the king should lose any part of his customs upon wool by the exportation of woollen cloths, a like duty was imposed upon them

, a subsidy came, in the language of the customs, to denote a general duty of this kind of five per cent

It has entirely prevented the importation of foreign wollens; and it has very much diminished that of foreign silks and velvets, In both cases, it has entirely annihilated the revenue of customs which might have been levied upon such importation

The high duties which have been imposed upon the importation of many different sorts of foreign goods in order to discourage their consumption in Great Britain, have, in many cases, served only to encourage smuggling, and, in all cases, have reduced the revenues of the customs below what more moderate duties would have afforded

Swift, that in the arithmetic of the customs, two and two, instead of making four, make sometimes only one, holds perfectly true with regard to such heavy duties, which never could have been imposed, had not the mercantile system taught us, in many cases, to employ taxation as an instrument, not of revenue, but of monopoly

The defalcation of the revenue of customs occasioned by bounties and drawbacks, of which a great part are obtained fraudulently, is very great

The gross produce of the customs, in the year which ended on the 5th of January 1755, amounted to £5,068,000

In consequence of these deductions, the revenue of the customs amounted only to £2,743,400 ; from which deducting £287,900 for the expense of management, in salaries and other incidents, the neat revenue of the customs for that year comes out to be £2,455,500

upon the gross revenue of the customs ; and to something more than ten per cent

All goods imported, unless particularly exempted, and such exemptions are not very numerous, are liable to some duties of customs

In point of perspicuity, precision, and distinctness, therefore, the duties of customs are much inferior to those of excise

The revenue which is levied by the duties of excise is supposed to fall as equally upon the contributors as that which is levied by the duties of customs; and the duties of excise are imposed upon a few articles only of the most general used and consumption

It has been the opinion of many people, that, by proper management, the duties of customs might likewise, without any loss to the public revenue, and with great advantage to foreign trade, be confined to a few articles only

These different articles afford, the greater part of the perhaps, at present, revenue which is drawn from the duties of customs

customs officer with something close to a sense

The importer of commodities liable to any duties of customs, it has been said, might, at his option, be allowed either to carry them to his own private warehouse ; or to lodge them in a warehouse, provided either at his own expense or at that of the public, but under the key of the custom-house officer, and never to be opened but in his presence

If, by such a system of administration, smuggling to any considerable extent could be prevented, even under pretty high duties ; and if every duty was occasionally either heightened or lowered according as it was most likely, either the one way or the other, to afford the greatest revenue to the state; taxation being always employed as an instrument of revenue, and never of monopoly ; it seems not improbable that a revenue, at least equal to the present neat revenue of the customs, might be drawn from duties upon the importation of only a few sorts of goods of the most general use and consumption ; and that the duties of customs might thus be brought to the same degree of simplicity, certainty, and precision, as those of excise

If to this saving, which would alone be very considerable, were added the abolition of all bounties upon the exportation of home produce ; in all cases in which those bounties were not in reality drawbacks of some duties of excise which had before been advanced ; it cannot well be doubted, but that the neat revenue of customs might, after an alteration of this kind, be fully equal to what it had ever been before

When such duties are imposed, not according to the bulk or weight, but according to the supposed value of the goods, they become properly a sort of inland customs or excise, which obstruct very much the most important of all branches of commerce, the interior commerce of the country

Such taxes upon luxuries, as the greater part of the duties of customs and excise, though they all fall indifferently upon every different species of revenue, and are paid finally, or without any retribution, by whoever consumes the commodities upon which they are imposed ; yet they do not always fall equally or proportionally upon the revenue of every individual

The neat revenue of the customs does not amount to two millions and a-half, which is levied at an expense of more than ten per cent

upon the neat revenue of the customs, the whole expense of levying that revenue may amount, in salaries and perquisites together, to more than twenty or thirty per cent

The officers of excise receive few or no perquisites ; and the administration of that branch of the revenue being of more recent establishment, is in general less corrupted than that of the customs, into which length of time has introduced and authorised many abuses

By confining the duties of customs to a few sorts of goods, and by levying those duties according to the excise laws, a much greater saving might probably be made in the annual expense of the customs

The laws of excise, though more effectual for the purpose for which they were instituted, are, in this respect, more vexatious than those of the customs

When a merchant has imported goods subject to certain duties of customs; when he has paid those duties, and lodged the goods in his warehouse ; he is not, in most cases, liable to any further trouble or vexation from the custom-house officer

The duties of excise are, upon this account, more unpopular than those of the customs; and so are the officers who levy them

pretended, though in general, perhaps, they do their duty fully as well as those of the customs ; yet, as that duty obliges them to be frequently very troublesome to some of their neighbours, commonly contract a certain hardness of character, which the others frequently have not

Both in the provinces of the five great farms (called so on account of an ancient division of the duties of customs into five great branches, each of which was originally the subject of a particular farm, though they are now all united into one), and in those which are said to be reckoned foreign, there are many local duties which do not extend beyond a particular town or district

Since the peace, agriculture has been still further improved; the rents of houses have risen in every town and village of the country, a proof of the increasing wealth and revenue of the people; and the annual amount of the greater part of the old taxes, of the principal branches of the excise and customs, in particular, has been continually increasing, an equally clear proof of an increasing consumption, and consequently of an increasing produce, which could alone support that consumption

A more equal land tax, a more equal tax upon the rent of houses, and such alterations in the present system of customs and excise as those which have been mentioned in the foregoing chapter, might, perhaps, without increasing the burden of the greater part of the people, but only distributing the weight of it more equally upon the whole, produce a considerable augmentation of revenue

So great an extension of market would soon compensate, both to Ireland and the plantations, all that they could suffer from the increase of the duties of customs

In a poor country, the consumption of the principal commodities subject to the duties of customs and excise, is very small; and in a thinly inhabited country, the opportunities of smuggling are very great

The duties upon the distillery, and the greater part of the duties of customs, in proportion to the numbers of people in the respective countries, produce less in Scotland than in England, not only on account of the smaller consumption of the taxed commodities, but of the much greater facility of smuggling

If the revenue, however, which is at present raised by the different duties upon malt and malt liquors, were to be levied by a single duty upon malt, the opportunity of smuggling in the most important branch of the excise would be almost entirely taken away ; and if the duties of customs, instead of being imposed upon almost all the different articles of importation, were confined to a few of the most general use and consumption, and if the levying of those duties were subjected to the excise laws, the opportunity of smuggling, though not so entirely taken away, would be very much diminished

In consequence of those two apparently very simple and easy alterations, the duties of customs and excise might probably produce a revenue as great, in proportion to the consumption of the most thinly inhabited province, as they do at present, in proportion to that of the most populous

with local newspaper clippings to the Collector of Customs,

communications from both the collector of customs in San

of customs in San Francisco informing that the men left stranded on Ponape Island by the Shenandoah had been left on the island for about two months

He was in charge of his people serving as carriers to the Expedition, and proved to be a perfect mine of information in respect of West African habits and customs

The role of traditional customs in the Modern World may be properly measured in Half Lives

residing in congested urban centers, have grown (sensibly) immune to the outbreak of unsightly or unpleasant appearances that are gradually undermining congenial customs and manners

Provided ample opportunities to self-destruct, that child soon acquires disagreeable habits that, reinforced by common attitudes, establishes the rocky foundations of a society populated by lingering, single-minded adolescents who, guided by their own (―exceptional‖) rules of conduct, acquire self-centered and perhaps anti-social points of view devolving into a collection of interchangeable parts reflecting the questionable character of that society‘s lowest forms that must negatively impact its social, cultural and political institutions including schools, churches, political organizations, judicial system, the news media, corporations, all! A free and open society should never impose arbitrary limits or draw uncertain conclusions as to how an individual should (otherwise) think or act however eccentric or unconventional such attitudes may appear; although that society, by example, should seek to broaden exemplary manners and customs essential to the maintenance of proper form if that society hopes to function effectively

If one allows that worldly values are the off-springs of worldly customs, (alone); that is to say, restricted to non-spiritual matters, and that eternal values are necessarily eternal in meaning; neither limited by space nor time, which would otherwise render them meaningless and incomprehensive in form; universal or eternal Values must necessarily embrace all existence, including the ―Material‖ that (always) was, is and will become, without exception; the expression or starting point of God‘s own Creation, in His own Image consonant with His own laws or (Eternal Values), whose impressions have been (indelibly) stamped on all things potentially eternal

The shortcomings inherent in Modern Art (merely) serve to debase the dignity of our society, its customs and traditions, while degrading (higher) culture in general

A well-organized society grounded on and supported by fidelity to its traditional customs and manners once superseded by falsely conceived revisionist assumptions promotes an impressionist view of that society

Anti-Heroes have always fascinated our imaginations symbolizing, as many of them do, wayward lifestyles and manners in contrast with conventional customs (seemingly) common and lacking spontaneity and originality

The former employs the legal system and democratic processes to achieve its stated objectives; the superseding of traditional customs and norms with ―universal‖ standards, whereas the latter disregards such pretenses of limited authority altogether in its efforts to reduce a society to its basic components

Random good picture Not show

1. Every country has its customs.

2. So many countries, so many customs

3. We cleared customs by five o’clock.

4. Travel will acquaint us with new customs.

5. Customs have made their biggest ever seizure of heroin.

6. The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin.

7. Some strange customs have survived from earlier times.

8. Customs and excise receipts rose 2.5 per cent.

9. The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter.

10. Funeral customs vary with different religions.

11. The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.

12. The car slowed down as they passed Customs.

13. Our customs vary from place to place.

14. They went through our luggage at the customs.

15. He refused to conform to the local customs.

16. The guide offers information on local customs.

17. The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.

18. They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment.

19. Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears.

20. He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.

20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

21. The customs are looking for such things as drugs or alcohol.

22. Several customs officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers.

23. The customs official rummaged through the contents of his briefcase.

24. What’s the maximum amount of wine you’re allowed to take through customs duty — free ?

25. It is difficult to get used to another country’s customs.

26. He had an unrivalled knowledge of south Arabian society, religion(, law and customs.

27. Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.

28. The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.

29. He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn’t understand our local customs.

30. You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.

More similar words: customs duty, customs officer, custom, accustom, customer, customize, customary, custom house, accustomed, customarily, unaccustomed, customer interface, custody, custodial, custodian, locust, stomp, stomata, stomach, gusto, dust storm, stomachache, hocus-pocus, rooms, doomsday, groomsman, room service, random sample, excuse, accuse. 

  • Use the word CUSTOMS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A contact inside customs and Excise.

We went back to our campsite and we were greeted by this irate woman whose farm it was who we somehow camped wrongly in her field and it turned out the customs.

Goodbye, Mrs Executive customs Inspector Secretary!

In «History of customs«, Edward Fuchs shows us how the accused is tied up.

We judge the dead according to our customs.

«Unjust customs consume us like cancer.»

customs require that each time a guest shouts «Aigre» the new husband should embrace the bride.

Against all customs, Fujimoto has asked Orie to visit him.

By recording customs and facets of life in Minas, although in quick details, we try to register, in a way, a part of the simple and kind soul of our people.

World-End, recently transformed in an elegant cottage by one of his last masters, is, nevertheless, the property of one descendant of the Tavares family — severe in its customs and zealous of its past traditions.

Our economic plan is stronger than religion and old customs.

You see, he happened along as I was going through the customs and insisted upon taking care of it for me.

Did you by any chance meet this man Renaul as he… just happened along at the customs?

I came down here to see the United States customs Inspector.

And when I was standing in the customs office, what did I sight?

But while I am gone please do not introduce to Belinha too many American customs.

I believe that is one of your customs, is it not?

I always take meals by myself. I like these antique customs.

Katrin, this is Mr. Waddington, in charge of customs.

So, without a doubt, it was Sir Stanley’s idea that you, knowing the language… and customs of the country, would succeed where we might fail.

From the customs‘ Office.

customs never bother him.

First, I thought they were customs agents.

customs had searched the ship and didn’t bother us!

He’s worked 35 years at customs.

Police and customs searched it.

Esposito will sneak it out right past customs!

With the help of this lace, if I can get it through the customs duty-free…

See, I just slip it thru the customs without paying the duty then I’ve got a bit of capital to go on with.

Having got wise to his little game, pass the information on to a customs officer who, recognizing you as a man of public spirit chalks his moniker on your baggage, and there you are with your cargo, duty-free.

ALdebert Brun, customs inspector, Captain Escartefigue, retired, ex-stoker Innocent Mangiapan and Dr. F├®Licien Venelle

Marius, Listen. The false customs officer will catch us, fire a few shots in the air…

Step inside the customs Building.

Let’s get through the customs.

Doctor, would you mind rushing down to the docks… to see if our trunks have passed through the customs yet?

And open house on New Year’s, and all-day picnics in the woods. And even that prettiest of all vanished customs, the serenade.

Mr. Cartwright is standing by in customs to identify the device.

The customs officials hardly looked at the luggage of the Olympic athletes.


It’s my duty to observe the old customs

Are you familiar with old Japanese customs?

Here tradition and customs stand for something.

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