Use the word culture in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word culture, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use culture in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «culture».

Culture in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word culture in a sentence.

  1. In this study, a liquid culture of P.

  2. Your culture will adapt to service us.

  3. Birds figure throughout human culture.

  4. The Sao culture arose around Lake Chad, c.

  5. Balzac has also influenced popular culture.

  6. The name was soon embraced by wider culture.

  7. Eastern culture partially influenced Sorabji.

  8. The media emphasized its roots in gay culture.

  9. He and his classmates adapted to Dutch culture.

  10. When grown in pure culture in the laboratory, C.

  11. Giraffes have a presence in modern Western culture.

  12. Orion served several roles in ancient Greek culture.

  13. The statue is a frequent subject in popular culture.

  14. Stafford’s music has been referenced in popular culture.

  15. They were educated in Chinese language and culture at St.

  16. The game—and references to it—has appeared in numerous facets of popular culture.

  17. It celebrates Canada’s fur-trading past and French-Canadian heritage and culture.

  18. Under his culture conditions, ‘Big Easy’ has also never flowered or gone dormant.

  19. In modern culture, pinnipeds are thought of as cute, playful and comical figures.

  20. During this period, China’s power, culture, economy, and influence were thriving.

  21. Its storyline focuses on the divides between European and American culture, between art and commerce.

  22. Kaczynski has been portrayed in and inspired multiple artistic works in the realm of popular culture.

  23. By that time, Kertész was determined to photograph the sights in Paris and join its artistic culture.

  24. The industry had a considerable influence on the culture of the area and on that of Wales as a whole.

  25. At the time, the hippie movement still affected Sausalito’s culture and drugs were readily available.

  26. This glorification of violence within mainstream American culture is the central theme of the record.

  27. The cultivation protocol consists of preparing a spawn culture that is mixed with nutrient-poor soil.

  28. Classic Maya rule was centred in a royal culture that was displayed in all areas of Classic Maya art.

  29. In contemporary internet culture, individuals and organizations frequently pay homage to the number π.

  30. On the tours, Seacology encourages travelers to explore the culture and economy by trying local foods.

  31. It dissects a patriarchal culture that separated the sexes and pressured women into dependence on men.

  32. To varying degrees, they influenced or transformed the culture and language of the indigenous peoples.

  33. However, to properly understand local culture, some tourists may instead wish to house in Manantenina.

  34. However, the fountain has survived its contentious beginnings to find its way into Chicago pop culture.

  35. Ultimately, the Dutch influence did not subdue Torajan culture, and only a few Torajans were converted.

  36. The media coverage of the murder has been considered by multiple sources to be part of a wider culture of victim blaming.

  37. In bacteriology, NAD, sometimes referred to factor V, is used a supplement to culture media for some fastidious bacteria.

  38. The divergence and evolution that has occurred in the ensuing centuries has resulted in a distinctive Australian culture.

  39. During this period, the expanding Sanskritic culture mingled with local Dravidian vernaculars which were already popular.

  40. Chinese immigrants made the city a polyglot culture, drawn to «Old Gold Mountain», creating the city’s Chinatown quarter.

  41. In the Andes, a jaguar cult disseminated by the early Chavín culture became accepted over most of today’s Peru by 900 BC.

  42. It was amidst a background of inter-colonial rancour and a belligerent Australian sports culture that the riot broke out.

  43. Other artifacts from the Pueblo-period Anasazi and the Fremont culture (up to the mid-12th century) have also been found.

  44. The Italian-style clothing likely represents the high level of interest in Italian culture in early 19th-century England.

  45. At least one older Paiute said his culture called the hoodoos Anka-ku-was-a-wits, which is Paiute for «red painted faces».

  46. Scholarly Latin rapidly fell into disuse among the educated classes although the language continued to be at least a ceremonial part of the Empire’s culture for some time.

  47. Mark Langer, in the American Dictionary of National Biography, writes that «Earlier evaluations of Disney hailed him as a patriot, folk artist, and popularizer of culture.

  48. Certainly that shows your feelings that though my Korea is beyond the sea, its clothing and culture being the same as China’s, it cannot be considered a foreign country ..

  49. Brown also obtained Borden’s extensive collection of literary works on horsemanship, Arab culture, and the Arabian horse, which included 8th-century Furusiyya manuscripts.

  50. As part of their program to suppress Polish culture, the German Nazis attempted to destroy Christianity in Poland, with a particular emphasis on the Roman Catholic Church.

Synonyms for culture

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word culture has the following synonyms: acculturation, , civilization, civilisation, polish, refinement, cultivation and finish.

General information about «culture» example sentences

The example sentences for the word culture that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «culture» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «culture».

1) The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 2) She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture. 3) She’s studying modern Japanese language and culture. 4) These ideas have always been central to Western culture.Jul 16 2016

How do you use the word culture in a sentence?

Examples of cultural in a Sentence

There are some cultural differences between us. We attended several cultural events over the weekend. The center provides a wide range of cultural activities. The city is the cultural center of the state.

What is a good example of culture?

Culture – set of patterns of human activity within a community or social group and the symbolic structures that give significance to such activity. Customs laws dress architectural style social standards religious beliefs and traditions are all examples of cultural elements.

What is two sentence culture?

1 : the beliefs customs arts etc. of a particular society group place or time a study of Greek language and culture today’s youth culture Her art shows the influence of pop/popular culture. 2 : a particular society that has its own beliefs ways of life art etc.

What are 5 examples of culture?

The following are illustrative examples of traditional culture.

  • Norms. Norms are informal unwritten rules that govern social behaviors.
  • Languages.
  • Festivals.
  • Rituals & Ceremony.
  • Holidays.
  • Pastimes.
  • Food.
  • Architecture.

See also why reproduction is necessary

How do you use traditional culture in a sentence?

The theme of traditional culture and art was purely accidental for one failed to see in the play their concern for traditional art and culture. A pervasive and insidious traditional culture continues to haunt him no matter how he tries to extricate himself from it.

What is a good sentence for culture trait?

According to Bastian innovations and culture traits tended not to diffuse across areas. Experts say pulp fiction provides a trove of popular tropes political trends and culture traits. Although some Mason culture traits such as net impressed pottery and shaft-and-chamber graves are found in Late Woodland Cultures.

What is culture with example?

The definition of culture means a particular set of customs morals codes and traditions from a specific time and place. An example of culture is the Ancient Greek civilization. … An example of culture is to plant a seed and provide everything necessary for the seed to become a plant.

What culture includes?

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called “the way of life for an entire society.” As such it includes codes of manners dress language religion rituals art.

What are the 3 types of culture?

Types of Culture Ideal Real Material & Non-Material Culture…

  • Real Culture. Real culture can be observed in our social life. …
  • Ideal Culture. The culture which is presented as a pattern or precedent to the people is called ideal. …
  • Material Culture. …
  • Non-Material Culture.

How do we use culture?

“Do you understand their culture?” “We should maintain our culture.” “Their artwork reflects their culture.” “It is important to learn other cultures.”

Can we say cultures?

The noun culture can be countable or uncountable. In more general commonly used contexts the plural form will also be culture. However in more specific contexts the plural form can also be cultures e.g. in reference to various types of cultures or a collection of cultures.

What is someone’s culture?

Culture is the shared characteristics of a group of people which encompasses place of birth religion language cuisine social behaviors art literature and music. Some cultures are widespread and have a large number of people who associate themselves with those particular values beliefs and origins.

What are 7 examples of culture?

There are seven elements or parts of a single culture. They are social organization customs religion language government economy and arts.

What is culture in your own words?

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people encompassing language religion cuisine social habits music and arts. … The word “culture” derives from a French term which in turn derives from the Latin “colere ” which means to tend to the earth and grow or cultivation and nurture.

What is culture in simple words?

Culture is a word for the ‘way of life’ of groups of people meaning the way they do things. … Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities also known as high culture. An integrated pattern of human knowledge belief and behavior. The outlook attitudes values morals goals and customs shared by a society.

How do you use ethnicity in a sentence?

Ethnicity sentence example

  1. Ethnicity is not something that should set people apart but allow us to learn from one another. …
  2. Maram wanted to research the roots of her ethnicity . …
  3. Because of her Hispanic ethnicity Maria had a great appreciation for Spanish culture.

See also what does drifted mean

What is a good sentence for traditional?

He has become very traditional since getting married.” “She is very traditional.” Used with nouns: “She wants a traditional wedding.”

What word goes with culture?


  • accomplishment
  • civilization
  • couth
  • cultivation
  • polish
  • refinement.

What is my culture?

Put simply your cultural identity is the feeling that you belong to a group of people like you. This is often because of shared qualities like birthplace traditions practices and beliefs. Art music and food also shape your cultural identity.

How do you use pop culture in a sentence?

The chorus to the song became part of the pop culture fabric in the 1980s and has endured. The song was successful at the time – it reached number eight on the charts – but it has had one of the longest history of pop culture uses of any popular music.

Why is peace culture necessary write in a sentence?

Understanding learning and spreading Culture of Peace is indeed very crucial in our current time when people are divided in their opinions. Culture of Peace brings people together regardless of their nationalities religions and cultural background.

What culture means kids?

Culture is a word for the ‘way of life’ of groups of people meaning the way they do things. Different groups may have different cultures. … Culture is seen in people’s writing religion music clothes cooking and in what they do.

1. A complex set of meanings habits values and behaviours adopted by one or more social formations.

What are the 4 types of culture?

Four types of organizational culture

  • Adhocracy culture – the dynamic entrepreneurial Create Culture.
  • Clan culture – the people-oriented friendly Collaborate Culture.
  • Hierarchy culture – the process-oriented structured Control Culture.
  • Market culture – the results-oriented competitive Compete Culture.

What culture means to you?

Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge experience beliefs values attitudes meanings hierarchies religion notions of time roles spatial relations concepts of the universe and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and …

How is culture shared?

Your cultural traditions can be shared through storytelling music song dance or art. You can also help bridge the gap by sharing aspects of your social influences. As you meet new people in the USand start to form connections and friendships you may take part in their celebrations or significant life events.

Why culture is a way of life?

Culture is our way of life. It includes our values beliefs customs languages and traditions. Culture is reflected in our history in our heritage and in how we express ideas and creativity. Our culture measures our quality of life our vitality and the health of our society.

How many culture do we have?

The Ethnologue records some 6909 extant languages [10]. Price’s Atlas of Ethnographic Societies [11] records over 3814 distinct cultures having been described by anthropologists certainly a major underestimate.

What are 10 different cultures?

Examples of different cultures around the world that have captivated many include:

  • The Italian Culture. Italy the land of pizza and Gelato held peoples’ interest in captivity for centuries. …
  • The French. …
  • The Spaniards. …
  • The Chinese. …
  • The Land of the Free. …
  • The Second Most Populated Country. …
  • The United Kingdom. …
  • Greece.

See also what does habilis mean

Is India a culture?

India has a diverse and distinct culture that has been developing for thousands of years and varies from region to region. Here is a brief overview of culture and tradition in India. India is considered the birthplace of some of the world’s major religions: Buddhism Hinduism Jainism and Sikhism.

How do you write a culture statement?

How to Describe Company Culture

  1. Step 1: Lean on your core values. To start refer back to your company core values. …
  2. Step 2: Incorporate your mission statement. Image via Shutterstock. …
  3. Step 3: Consider your employees. Lastly think of your current employees and how you would describe them.

What verb do you use with culture?

verb (used with object) cul·tured cul·tur·ing. to subject to culture cultivate.

Is culture plural or singular?

The plural form of culture more than one (kind of) culture.

English Sentence Structure – English Grammar Lesson

IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons – Topic NATION and CULTURE

English Conditional Sentences (with examples!)

TAURUS – BIG THINGS ARE COMING! This is Positive! November 29th – December 5th Tarot Reading

Examples of how to use the word “culture” in a sentence. How to connect “culture” with other words to make correct English sentences.

culture (n): the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time

Use “culture” in a sentence

He is familiar with Japanese culture.
His music reflects his interest in African culture.
I am interested in studying German culture.
Our economy depends on agriculture

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


All of her soul found that wonderful, along with his culture and intelligence

Kulai might ply her with two evenings of romance and culture in exchange for one union by the light of Narrulla on the cushion of their bedroom balcony

He’d reproduced an artifact from his old culture, a culture that had changed beyond his recognition while he lay frozen between the stars

Whatever had happened to Earth that caused its interstellar signals to cease, the culture that built his daedalus sleepership was as gone as the solid fuel chemical booster by the time those signals ceased

We have become selfish individuals, taking all decisions based on materialistic considerations and adopted a culture marketed by others

Neither was willing to accept enough of the native culture to leave the familiarity they provided each other

Now she was in the native culture

She had a fine home in the native culture

She was with a fine man in the native culture

I wish to retain some of the good parts of our culture alongside the native culture

That is enough, all the wealth we can consume in what really is a glittering city of art and culture and ideas, in spite of the rafts-in-a-rainforest decor

But he never abandoned himself to the culture, he could never just let go and became one of the natives

Kulai was so sophisticated, a well practiced amorist from an ancient and decadent culture, but in a sense more tease than Tdeshi’s hormones wanted her to live with

In the mad rush of things we have built a culture of ‘instant’

During lunch she met his current partner, a lithe, orchre-skinned Elf woman who was fascinated with his alien culture

She had run off with the guy who looked more like what her old culture called ‘manly’ hadn’t she? Against her better judgement, every step of the way

To understand the reasons why this culture flourished completely intertwined with the ocean and the earth around them, we must look at their relations with those around them

There was another faction who felt that it was acceptable to do daily business with the locals but retain their own culture with no more ‘political boundary’ than land ownership, and a third group who wanted to remain in voluntary association like the core of any other ethnic group, but not be required to join one contiguous territory

» There probably was an Elven community down there, but they would not be the majority and there would certainly be a lot of Megnor culture in evidence in daily life

He was of the ‘Culturalist’ faction that desired to preserve what they could of Brazilian culture in this new world on a voluntary basis

They had completely replaced Americans and Chinese as the boogeymen in their culture

It was a whole culture of pretending to be hard-line while being secretly sybaritic

He knew the culture of violence was born from the struggle to throw off the Americans, but that was four hundred fifty years ago now, get over it

And wasn’t that the problem, all the little things about their culture that prevented them from having feelings for each other as individuals? Yet he had only to feel it to know the feeling was right

What they knew about the planet was evil to be sure, but there was so much culture and history hinted at in the reports that it seemed a shame we don’t gather some data first

He retained some of his homeland’s culture in the structure of this home

The culture encouraged one to make the least impact possible

Artificially inflating demand was not considered an acceptable business practice in this culture, and people did not patronize merchants who engaged in ‘push’ advertising

Since everyone expects to live indefinitely, there is a lot more incentive to think sustainably in this culture

«Dad, I’ve got a culture and religion question

I am preserving some of the culture, but I am smart enough to understand where we are

Herndon took them to a roastery, the only type of dining with significant pieces of meat available in this culture

He found her stylish, with awesome breasts, but chilly and insufferably snobbish about her culture

Everything in our culture is based upon these principles

She didn’t know enough about Earth culture to know if this would be acceptable socially or not

The culture at this time would have considered that life is a cycle

Do you see the implications in the culture? The altar and the sacrifices have been symbols of oppression and anxiety

‘By the standards of Earth technology, life is certainly a lot simpler on Errd … slower in some ways … no, that’s not accurate, less frenzied would be better … but we have a high standard of living … and I think it’s fair to say that our culture is more ecologically sound

” What happened in this story? Well, lets do a quick culture study… Rabbis would wear prayer shawls

I suppose it’s partly the fact that we have fewer people and partly the culture of family or communal living that tends to be the norm

When someone became a Christian in Rome, they not only opposed the established religions, but also opposed the entire culture and State founded upon those religions

This is your culture and I can’t expect to take you out of it and I will try very hard not to complain about it

I told you that and I told you I love you just as much in spite of the culture you’re from

Kofo Awoonor, by seeking his voice and reflecting on all that he did to inform our imagination and culture

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

bases her science fiction work on the culture of the islands

This is your culture, you have been living it for longer than the nation of my ancestors has existed

It looks as though he is singlehandedly changing the culture of your world, Karal – did you realise how far-reaching the effect of your action has been?

To discover that the Yeti people actually exist was sufficiently stunning to this poor Earthman and the realisation that they have a sophisticated culture still seems fantastical

Why? Are we not all within the same Kingdom? Does that Kingdom not have it’s own culture to teach us how to live?

Instead he should have tried to explain how he came from a culture where it wasn’t permissible

He had to let this intellectual information about this culture penetrate to his soul

This society seems to have been dominated by a culture that wanted to turn them into a male fantasy, they had to act out the part, but he could see on her face that it hurt to do so

She felt guilty for forcing Alan to adapt to their culture and guilty for insulting Luray by forcing Alan to mate with her

There could now be no doubt that he was telling the truth about YingolNeerie so he certainly WAS from a different culture

the project culture, will evangelise and strategise,

But Trenst does have a culture and a way of life as lazy as Zhlindu, and it’s basin is huge, with billions of people and the Karedarzin, the world’s greatest river, over nineteen thousand miles long

«Alan is also like you, a very monogamous culture

But I didn’t mind, and anyway, they were closer to the truth than they realised and so by the time I left college, I felt a real affinity with Greece and not just from my studies but also from the long summers spent with my uncle, and as I grew and continued my interest, a new dimension developed with a cherished awareness of a different culture

She was a lot less intellectual than Alan, not quite what one would call limited, but other than pop culture and basic reading and writing, she wasn’t educated and she certainly wasn’t the deep thinker that he was

A much older person from an alien culture would have been more trouble because a much older person would have been more set in his ways

She was not the stuff of legend nor of heroism, being the sort of person who worried that she was letting her whole class down when her shoes got dirty, and here she was facing down three members of an alien youth culture, whose sole intent was to inflict grievous bodily harm on another vulnerable individual

Given her local fame as the woman who had a go, as the woman who stood up to racist yob culture, she was delighted to be asked onto the committee of the “Asylum Centre Campaign Group”

The culture of a city is driven by its residents so visiting a new area is often a chance for you and your partner to enjoy a new adventure together

Our culture fascinates me

This stands true in almost any culture on the Earth at this point

In his eyes, I was the reason why Hindu culture had

Considering their culture, to be hanging here in a place of honor meant it was very important

Their role is confined to teaching Islamic culture

we had the best culture and administration thousands of years ago, why not

members of an alien youth culture, whose sole intent was to inflict

My time was where that lead, a ruined economy and a culture overrun and corrupted by foreigners

The female equality in this culture worked both ways because Podata was the captain and had the tiller, leaving Ava and Yellelle to row

That had only been a diversion, but it had been a fun time in her life and the Herndon personification and the culture of Kassidor Yakhan had gotten Thom out of his stuffiness for a good many years

Once we were in the great days of our past, we found the branch of the future where Thera never exploded and the mainlanders adopted our culture rather than stole it

popular culture to maintain a true being of self that is inclusive toward

Bex describes how her teachers fall into one of two categories; the ones who have come to resemble their books, hidebound, stiff of spine and congenitally dusty; and those who’s pages get dog eared and torn as they try to remain part of the ever-changing youth culture that surrounds them

We have millions of pages on their history and culture, their biology, facts and figures about Earth and human evolution

Even after all this time, her mind was Yingolian and many things could have many different connotations in their culture

What I remember thinking about you is how remarkably normal you seem for someone from that far away and different a culture

No matter what their culture, he was sure she would want to feel she was attractive, even if she was Yingolian, even if she was the founder of a study

That was a pleasant change from the pop culture, sex and bodies that she had talked about all evening

That role had caused most of her troubles in all her relationships in this culture hadn’t it?

But this was a very different culture

” She imagined having the time to get him to understand what that was like, but he continued, “What I remember thinking about you is how remarkably normal you seem for someone from that far away and different a culture

There’s was an austere culture and he admired it

He had studied her a bit, knew she aspired to a certain level of culture and guessed where she would go to kill a few hours before her ship departed

He could not imagine how foreign that must be, brought up in a culture from another star, especially one as savage as the one in her childhood

He suspected Ava made up the YingolNeerie story up right on the spot to protect the real source of the new soul and Kulai just went along with it because she was an expert on the technology and therefore the culture from which it had sprung

We seriously considered promoting you instantly to the Lower Sixth, but I had to account for your inexperience in a formal educational setting, and therefore would wish you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with both that new arena and our own culture here at Malvern

The first term was challenging, not so much for the studies, but the school’s culture, events, activities and clubs kept him so occupied and pulled this way and that, he was ready for the break of term

“I come from a culture in which it’s illegal to have sex outside an exclusive marriage with a partner agreed to by both families at an elaborate and expensive ceremony

It was clearly a different culture than the basin Alan was in

This culture has as much cropland as the Soviet Union had land at its height, going all the way to the iron curtain

People in this culture enjoyed light switches and motorboats, things that were all but unknown in other basins

Packed with culture and mountains, lakes and wetlands

«Your culture is very Angelic, I have to give you credit for that

Of course, in that culture, they rarely took

of a culture of worship and prayer in the Church

The early Church saw a literal restoration of the tent of David, for they had a culture of prayer and fasting

Arbnor Jasari can be cultured

She is growing to love his oddly cultured yet innocent use of the English language

He was cultured and considerate, had a bit of dry humor, and a wide range of knowledge

Actually it wasn’t, it was a musical, cultured sort of giggle

“Does he share us? You mean— No, he seems a cultured man

Carius, as fun-loving and devious as her brother, was additionally quite cultured and appreciative of the scholarly and finer arts – something he had in common with Heron’s eldest sister

If some had their way he’d be in a padded cell (a view he’d cultured ever since the media broadcast, when he’d declared the aliens’ existence)

“Sir Craig Holland,” the man said in a well cultured voice

I befriended the chief of the NKWD in Namangan, who was learned and cultured, not arrogant and a lover of art

This man was so intelligent, so cultured

She only wore clothes that were white, lavender or lilac and always with a single strand of cultured pearls

In my life I have had many drinking experiences, some of them have been quite cultured; others, I have to admit, have left a lot to be desired and I would be surprised if I can remember most of them

The family ties were more a burden, as Marilee always forget her cultured grandfather and her colonial past, when she sat at the crisply set linen covered dinner table in Toorak, and felt the cheap shoes and the lack of Private School Educational Ties that all the others seemed so casual about, and brought into the conversation so easily

Emeroth addressed the assembly in a cultured contralto that sounded surprisingly normal to human ears

Whatever you say, I won’t be convinced he’s a cultured man

» I’m sorry to hear that» Amanda said in a cultured voice that was supposed to be Anna

After a light meal I had a nervous shit, an intensive once over with a sponge dipped in aftershave to ensure the sweet-smelling purity of all orifices, and at eight jogged to my rendezvous with The Colonel’s cultured cohorts

” His timing was superb and they melted away, awestruck by the cultured drawl that had so subtly reminded them of their distinctly unladylike behaviour

Now cut the wallowing in self-pity and prepare to receive the cultured hordes

And now I revealed that not only could I speak, I spoke with the cultured accent of a Dej noble

East of Grondar, whose people were less highly cultured than those of their kindred kingdoms, stretched a wild and barren expanse of deserts

Though he sat among the glittering ruins of shattered palaces and clad his hard body in the silks of vanquished kings, the Pict remained the eternal barbarian, ferocious, elemental, interested only in the naked primal principles of life, unchanging, unerring in his instincts which were all for war and plunder, and in which arts and the cultured progress of humanity had no place

Noziak,” Ling Mai said, her voice as cultured as I remembered

As his commander, Schmidt knew the young man as a shy, reserved teenager whose cultured tastes were more typical of those found in a university than in a Wehrmacht unit

“And that’s testing it on Missy’s cultured stem cells?”

“Planning on trying some of that?” Richard asked as he reached for the last dish of the cultured stem cells

Master Vernon Duffy is it, that you are seeking?” The voice was soft, cultured and a little sibilant, “Oh dear! I’m afraid you’ve missed him

The cultured and proud

was more the mark of a gentleman, someone refined or cultured, not

Toulouse had a reputation through the Middle Ages for being a tolerant and cultured city compared to most of the rest of Europe

We know that for thousands of years, in prehistoric times, we lived much as we do today, just as civilized, refined and as cultured

Rather, he was one of millions of cultured experiments, where bits of stolen reproductive materials combined in test tubes were allowed to fully develop

They inject the semen that is obtained from renowned and cultured men of the world in order to improve the race

David used his old spatula that his father gave him to flip his cultured soy hockey pucks onto the plate

cultured but very correct

There was a crackle of static from the speakers, then a cultured voice said

matches between the two cultured and elegant institutions were banned for several

What’s more, they’re quite cultured and good-natured

This being the week of the book festival, maybe they were not local yobs, but the cultured

I shall try to help the peasants to educate their kids; by the way what else serves the mankind better than educating the children of the underprivileged? It’s the educated children that make aware fathers to perpetuate cultured generations, and the more they are, the better it is for the world

was such a cultured woman until

There used to live fifty-to-sixty cultured Kshatriya families in a village

Aware that her cultured tones would be unlikely to secure a room for Humphrey, she had asked an acquaintance, a gravely voiced cattle farmer, to telephone the hotel and make a reservation

The present revolution in the opinions of all classes of men, the highest and most cultured of men as well as those of the laboring class, stands unparalleled in the history of the world

Most vaccines are cultured on animal tissue or use other animal cells-most often

” His voice was soft and cultured

No excitements, no clothes, acquaintances so shabby that they seem almost moth-eaten, the days filled with the same dull round, a home in a little town where we all get into one groove and having got into it stay in it, to which only faint echoes come of what is going on in the world outside, a place where one is amused and entertained by second-rate things, second-rate concerts, second-rate plays, and feels oneself grow cultured by attendance at second-rate debating-society meetings

I prefer to suppose you cultured

Oh, I can see you shiver at that impertinence, for I know down in your heart, though you always take pains to explain how ignorant you are, you consider yourself an extremely cultured young man

And so you are; cultured, I should say, out of all reason; so much cultured that there’s hardly anything left that you are able to like

She may be as beautiful as the stars, as wise as Pallas-Athena, as cultured as Goethe, as entertaining as a circus, as affectionate as you please—he cares nothing for her

 Aqua Cultured — This is porous rock that has been placed in the ocean artificially and left for

cultured specimens should be a little easier to feed

For example, tridacnid clams are often cultured in canals or raceways that are

As the brown sedan carved its way through the traffic frequently stopping for traffic lights, when not to arouse the curiosity of passengers in vehicles nearby the armed man nodded and smiled condescendingly, Brigit continued her tirade in a mixture of French and English that would in any circumstances bruise the eardrums and sensibilities of a normal cultured person

His office was in a bright and airy building in cultured Westminster, surveying a skyline hard to match anywhere else in the world, and when he wasn’t there he spent a good deal of his time at high priced and highly prized events we could only dream of attending

The victims described their attacker as handsome and cultured, and coming from a foreign background, possibly Latin

known to the cultured atmosphere in which the playwas to be

And as Americans appreciate their heritage of freedom and take stock on this special day of where our country finds itself in relation to the tangled web of despotic nations and nihilistic revolutionaries attempting to snuff out freedom for all mankind, they would do well to consider the so-called cultured despisers of liberty who would rend asunder our preeminence in the world just assuredly as any diaper-headed terrorist but in simply a far more subtle and thus possibly far more seditious manner

accepted in cultured circles that therefore any attempt in doing so is fruitless and foolhardy

procedure, immature sperm are removed the epididymis and cultured in the

As civilized and as cultured, as tolerant of races and religions (though a nonbeliever), and as aware of our world and universe as my unexceptional intellect allowed me

Also cultured and well-read

Anyway, Edward was a PhD in Sociology and a very cultured person with interests in music and literature

Who needs to hate and fear people that are educated better than you? Who needs to hate and envy people that are smarter than you or more competent? Who needs to hate and envy people who are more cultured than you? All you have to do is tell them that they are overqualified for the job

Jack was about my age, cultured, intelligent and well read

Where the lower classes could enjoy this new high-class beverage in high-class surroundings… and feel as if they were cultured and affluent and high-class also

It is a selling image of leisure, affluence, ease, good-times, socializing, and cultured elegance

They wanted to be seen as leisurely cultured, and elegant also

Before bead making: we were never actually cultured or civilized

It happened so fast… that they actually had a chance to compare two completely different ways of living in one lifetime: first as an affluent, propertied, cultured, educated ethnic community, and then; as a money-less, homeless, starving, educated, cultured ethnic community

Everything a civilized, cultured human says, and why they say it

Romans were supposed to have been honest, just, fair, cultured, wise, and the bravest of the brave

If you did not learn how to lie well, artistically, with finesse: you were not cultured

It is supposed to be the most sacred universal human custom that marks us as being cultured and civilized, and different from all other animals and superior to them

That is the one-sided blindness of the cultured ego that is not aware of itself

This lure of becoming cultured: was the entire reason for its existence

It is bad form among cultured people

His fervor survived success in study, and he came through his course intense and scholarly, fervent and accurate, faithful and accomplished, courageous and cultured

The finest example of the union of the primitive with the most refined and cultured art the world has ever seen is probably the Parthenon at Athens, a building that has been the wonder of the artistic world for over two thousand years

There are some natural touches of character about him, such as his mixture of irascibility and placability, and his curious affection for Sancho together with his impatience of the squire’s loquacity and impertinence; but in the main, apart from his craze, he is little more than a thoughtful, cultured gentleman, with instinctive good taste and a great deal of shrewdness and originality of mind

«I could see you were a cultured person,» Kring went on

They had given up everything that makes life good and beautiful, in order to carry on a mad struggle to acquire money which they would never be sufficiently cultured to properly enjoy

—He’s a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he said seriously

His voice had a cultured ring in it and though he spoke in measured accents there was a suspicion of a quiver in the mellow tones

With a touch of fear for the young man beside him whom he furtively scrutinised with an air of some consternation remembering he had just come back from Paris, the eyes more especially reminding him forcibly of father and sister, failing to throw much light on the subject, however, he brought to mind instances of cultured fellows that promised so brilliantly nipped in the bud of premature decay and nobody to blame but themselves

He was cultured, spoke several languages, and was rich thanks to his status as heir to a fragrance fortune

First of all, the word had no sense for cultured minds, to whom the narrowness of every belief is odious; and secondly, in connection with the everlasting troubles of this unhappy country it was hopelessly besmirched; it had been the cry of dark barbarism, the cloak of lawlessness, of crimes, of rapacity, of simple thieving

Sometimes a cultured voice came from the shadows: my horse?” Sometimes it was the hard burring of a mountain voice, sometimes the odd nasals of the flat Wiregrass country to the far south, occasionally the lulling drawl of the Coast that caught at her heart, reminding her of Ellen’s voice

The driveway’s cars looked like cultured pearls in the moonlight, or a line of cooling embers

«It was my idea,» said a cultured voice

A gentleman entered, with a pleasant, cultured face, high-nosed and pale, with something perhaps of petulance about the mouth, and with the steady, well-opened eye of a man whose pleasant lot it had ever been to command and to be obeyed

If hereafter any highly cultured, poetical nation shall lure back to their birth-right, the merry May-day gods of old; and livingly enthrone them again in the now egotistical sky; in the now unhaunted hill; then be sure, exalted to Jove’s high seat, the great Sperm Whale shall lord it

‘ You see, he examined me, mamma,’ Olya said to me afterwards, ‘ and what a clever man he is,’ she said ; * it is not often one speaks to such a well-educated, cultured man

It is a Russian type, but since it is taken from the most highly cultured stratum of the Russian people, I have the honour of being a representative of it

And there have been many instances of fathers and heads of what have been cultured families, laughing at what their children perhaps would have liked to believe in

In this most affluent of cultures on this world, more than half the population cooks with the dead sticks that fall from the trees

Europeans were one of the earliest cultures to formally recognize the importance of the ocean to their agricultural practices

These folks also learned fast from other cultures, as they were able seaman and traveled around the world, and would see many wonderful things and this knowledge would return to their own lands, where it quickly would spread like fire upon the land

Well, all Abrahamist cultures had exterminated any different civilizations

‘But I’m not really the best person to describe the differences between our cultures

After an excruciatingly difficult fifteen minutes in which she tied herself in several knots, she gave up trying to explain stone technology only to get horribly bogged down virtually immediately in the various historical differences that had affected modern day cultures … comparative history had not been her strong point

early on in a number of religious cultures, including

Anxiety, avarice and violence are evident everywhere in our so-called technologically sophisticated cultures, but no one seems to think of the children

It was all because those cultures had religions that couldn’t adapt to science

If it hadn’t been for Alan’s universe and the fact that women were topless most of the time in many cultures on his world, such as where he lived, she probably wouldn’t have been able to do this at all

Harry reopened a text on the cultures of classical Greece and Rome and set to absorbing the nuances of ideals propounded by this or that philosopher, statesman or general whose insights filled the pages of the volume

We know that many cultures believe in the deadly ‘evil eye’, an apparent ability to kill others with nothing more than a stare

“The impact upon cultures of their own folklore, myths, and legends, actually

It is cal ed ‘the beating heat of the Amazon’ with its rainforests and jungles, and is influenced by many cultures

impact on their cultures because they were in tune with the

heartbeat of God into the cultures they lived in

The symbols on my skin would represent the many cultures witches descended from

“Of course, I do understand your concern regarding the difference in cultures and the reservations you might have with this

knowing that your Gorim guides on one leg of your tours would inevitably make that particular planet a side trip—Chéri is quite right that many cultures share these stories and some are prouder of their heritage than others—the Gorim and Seranim are two of those

In Eastern cultures desire is said to be the

This study also included an in-vitro portion, which compared tissue cultures of cells exposed to various combinations of lutein and detrimental, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is known to promote atherosclerosis

Water is required by all cultures, all people

Both the Hebrew and Greek cultures made use of a numbering system that was incorporated in their alphabet

Granted that the West has always absorbed ideas from other cultures

„Ho, Ho, Western Culture»s got to go,» whether he would have received the same reception at the University of Peking, shouting: „Ho, Ho, Eastern Culture»s got to go

Certainly, his mother had never explained anything about the myriad of different cultures he may come across in life

All the while he was pointing out the similarities not the differences in religions or cultures

Being pregnant is no reason in law or otherwise to get married but it was not always like this and in some cultures that would be enough reason for a marriage

It is often times, however, the result of self-destructive tendencies common to decaying cultures that have grown (morally) listless and (intellectually) indifferent to their (historic) traditions because of their (material) opulence, perhaps

Such distinctions, until quite recently, where common among certain cultures (or groups) who, for centuries, acquired cultural and intellectual sustenance from homogenous gene pools

Your question on Saturday, how does an individual reconcile the Reincarnation of Jesus Christ with diverse Peoples and Cultures who knew or knew Him not, far exceeds my capacity to explain although I would like to give it a try

Nevertheless, it was the Word, the Holy Spirit, if you will, that, preceding the coming of Christ, inspired ―Christian‖ Attitudes, on some level at least, among the more ―civilized‖ cultures

Christ was the fulfillment of God‘s promise or Word, first to the Jew (who rejected Him) followed by the Gentile through Paul‘s ministry and afterwards to all Peoples and Cultures through the efforts of His Universal Ministry

In oriental cultures an engineer was held in higher esteem than the physician

The term ―useful idiot‖ is no longer the exception however the rule among left-wing zealots at home and abroad whose uniform style of pacifism, internalized by guilt feelings, must inevitably encourage Islamic underachievers and malcontents who, given a ―proper‖ forum, would gladly lay their collective failings on the doorstep of Progressive (Western) Cultures

Although laws are not in every respect universally binding, many generally underscore the nature of time-honored (moral) precepts; that is to say, eternal truths and timeless values transcending the limits of parochial custom(s) and tradition(s); whose eternal precedence have been intuitively understood by a (variety) of people among a (variety) of cultures across the course of History

The hard Left‘s calculated undermining of liberal values and common sense for its own political reasons, reinforced by its own self-loathing, has generated a leery perception of (supposed) Western arrogance and intolerance for other cultures that felicitously plays into the hands of our nation‘s mortal enemies

Primitive Cultures possessed an inchoate awareness of its superior (natural) standing vis-à-vis the Beast although such impressions were comparatively intuitive rather than properly informed by ‖reason

However imperfectly formed in their thinking, primitives were guided by a transcendent moral authority that, however unclear, informed their respective culture(s)

Ethnic neighborhoods have historically generated a systematic inflow/outflow of diverse cultures that settled into self-contained communities that remained self-sufficient through its schools, churches, community and political organizations and local businesses until more favorable (economic) opportunities beckoned

A variety of cultures broadly applied runs the risk of creating a Cultural Vacuum!

America was uniquely conceived in the principle manner it has been able to embrace and assimilate a variety of cultures forming unqualified or hybrid expressions symbolizing the normative elasticity of its people; of ―old world‖ customs and manners that gradually introduced themselves to the American Mainstream over the years

Multi-Culturalism should not be confused with Inter-Culturalism that otherwise suggests a mutual exchanging and/or assimilating of the higher (Arts & Sciences, Music, Literature and Architecture) and lower (Cuisine, Fashions and Sports) cultures whose synthesis finds its ultimate expression within an overlapping culture that oftentimes acquires its own unique standing over time

Understood in this manner, diversity does not seek to diminish the collective value of other cultures considered separately, however as a whole

A variety of cultures operating within the framework of any (pluralistic) society should neither tolerate nor encourage, however, the discriminate non-participation of any of its members

Present tendencies, however, seem to be running counter to traditional practices that sought to integrate diverse cultures (E Pluribus Unum)

It would not be the first time, however, that evolving cultures have compromised traditional arrangements

The French, not unlike other (relatively) uniform cultures, lack the traditional foundations and temperament to support the social, political and economic requirements of burgeoning multi-ethnic societies

Proving that bigots do not have the best grasp of other cultures, they also imprisoned many people they mistook for Germans and Austro-Hungarians: Greeks, Dutch, French, Belgians, Ukrainians, Polish, Serbs, and Italians

The New Deal for Indians also ended forced assimilation in boarding schools that killed thousands of Native children and destroyed cultures and languages

) In its place came bilingual and bi cultural education that preserved Native cultures and taught self sufficiency on Native terms

8 million inhabitants is constituted along the following lines of various ethnic groups of diverse cultures: 77% Chinese, 14% Malaysian, 7

The good part of this policy is there would be no war on Native cultures, and attempts to destroy Native languages stop or are at least delayed

But for about 50 years, Native children were often kidnapped, stripped of their cultures, language, religions, and heritages

“Essentially, it is our suspicion that someone invented a religious system to perpetuate the god-king, usually male, to control the populace in virtually all the cultures we have studied

They were the two most advanced cultures, but there were plenty of barbarians scattered all over the north, the east and the west,” Brendan said

For this reason in most cultures «death» is depicted in WHITE (not black), because in the past, people could actually see a white Aura before death

Rapid transportation technologies may be preparing people to interact with other cultures and types of people

This relationship has implications for psychological and emotional health as well in that enjoyment and pleasure is often seen in some cultures as wrong, selfish or ‘sinful’

There are many contentious issues related to religious and ancient cultures, such as female circumcision, which are confined to small communities in the under developed world, many of which are still cut off from the modern world

It seems that it is more important for the less informed or poorly educated that foreigners should understand Thai culture rather than Thais should understand other cultures whereby a balance can be achieved

By reading it we have seen the enormous difference between the Genesis and the other cultures of the area

The people are hospitable; it acts in harmony with more than 70 ethnic groups that interact with the thousands of tourists of the most diverse nations and cultures in a fantastic integration

We met in each other’s rooms at RVC for coffee and good conversation — not about boys (as in high school) or teaching prospects (as at college) but travel, unusual careers, different cultures and the meaning of life

Be that as it may, when we consult the Word of God for answers, we also have to look at the world around us, especially people’s customs, cultures and religions

There are different cultures within Hinduism

there can be observed from which directions and cultures the influences came

carve out large land grants for the Indians complete with mineral and oil rights, allowing them to keep their culture(s) in parallel with the emerging America? Exceptional as that might have been for its time, historian Ellis tells us in American Creation, it almost happened, or at least it became a priority for President Washington in 1790

Remember that I am not judging cultures where cremations and associated rituals are practiced

Other cultures and other people’s speech against him, also can produce bias

ancient cultures had been painted on the wall in colours of deep

Since the Celts, like many cultures, started every day at sunset of the night before, Samhain became the “evening” of “All Hallows” (“hallowed” = “holy” = “saint”) which was eventually contracted into “Hallow-e’en” or the modern “Halloween

She could make out many self-improvement and spirituality titles among them, along with books about various cultures

I would think cultures change when they see such change as an improvement, although sometimes it is just because they are impressed by the new culture and think the adaptation will make them equally impressive

has been embedded into cultures throughout history as symbols, buildings, paintings, and

I also mentioned my misgivings about the match considering how alien our two cultures were, but I did say the child in question was pretty and seemed to have a pleasant disposition

with over a dozen cultures worshipping together

While the two cultures had seemed to disagree on such matters as the machine vs

knowledge of other cultures grow, we are paying more attention to them

grounds, of all cultures, of all patterns of thinking and feeling

of these aftereffects across cultures and age groups, and – again – the fact that these aftereffects

Examples of the extremes are Evangelical Christians who promote love and happiness and are seemingly overjoyed with their mission, versus those people who are raised in extremely negative and sometimes violent cultures, who may carry those scars and this baggage with them all of their lives

It also reminds the reader of authors of other various and diverse cultures, some very far away, in order to initiate a simple conversation with literature

” Putting aside that this is not a crisis of cultures, but rather a question of justice that must be meted out against a group of terrorists without borders, the fact remains that all the polls in the United States approve of Bush’s actions in this matter with more than 90%

Roger believes that this situation of apprehension and uneasiness will not change until global terrorism has disappeared, for such is the American society that is composed of so many diverse cultures

In different places and at different times, various cultures have considered homosexuality either «immoral» or «moral», according to the majority consensus

Here again, was another lesson Roger had failed to remember: get acquainted with customs and traditions when visiting other countries, other cultures

He needed a rest, and students needed to understand other peoples and cultures, so he looked forward to fulfilling his tour of duty with enthusiasm

Roger’s unwavering dedication to International Education stems from his sincere belief that it fosters friendships among peoples of different languages and cultures and contributes in a very positive way to world understanding and peace

Convinced that international education is the wave of the future when world reciprocity and inter-cultural cooperation are destined to be the norm rather than the exception, Roger hopes to show to his students that diversity of cultures is not a hindrance to progress but rather a vigorous drive toward success

going to the library and studying cultures from all over the

He obtained a BA in Mathematics from Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York, an MA in Hispanic Cultures from St

In the early cultures, such unions involved ‘partners’ being selected for the young by parents, churches and even governments and ‘love’ between the ‘couples’ was not considered essential or even important

On Earth, we have many cultures, many religions

These continuous culturing techniques enabled the laboratory to produce sufficient blood cells to supply the needs of all the incubators in the Section

They lacked the finer culturing that higher societies often possess at the cost of going soft militarily speaking such as was apparent with the Western Kingdom

culture — перевод на русский


You don’t want them snuggling up over the one dish that connects their cultures.

С ума сошла? Ты же не хочешь, чтобы они ласкались за единственным блюдом, объединяющих их культуры.

Tokyo… city of culture and progress…

Токио — город культуры и прогресса…

But you are the unfortunate product of a doomed culture.

Вы всего лишь продукт обреченной культуры.

I was investigating the early pre-Islamic cultures.

Я изучаю доисламские культуры.

They think it’s a sign of culture.

Они думали, это — признак культуры.

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I see him perfectly— An attractive, cultured, distinguished man of the world, not a callow boy.

Я прекрасно могу его представить — привлекательный, культурный, человек с положением, это не то что неоперившийся юнец.

The director there is a cultured man who creates exceptional conditions for medicine.

Там культурный директор и для медицины создаст исключительные условия.

This is just culture shock.

Ёто просто культурный шок.

Cultured, impeccably dressed.

Культурный, изысканно одетый явно состоятельный.

I don’t want you to get culture shock.

Я не хочу, чтобы у тебя был культурный шок.

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I’m part of popular culture now.

Теперь я — часть поп-культуры.

The point ofthis course is not to critique popular American culture.

Смысл курса не в критике американской поп-культуры.

She’s probably just fanning the flames of popular culture.

просто раздувает пламя поп-культуры.

Besides, I don’t think the History of Pop Culture is exactly her speed.

К тому же, я не думаю, что история поп-культуры её заинтересует.

Looks like Mr. Goodwrench has been too busy throwing his back into his living to soak up pop culture.

Похоже, что мистер Автомеханик был слишком занят, зарабатывая себе на пропитание, чтобы впитать немного поп-культуры.

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He was a very cultured man.

Он был очень образован.

He’s cultured and entertaining.

Он образован и интересен.

Rich, idle, typical of his era, smart traveler, cultured.

Богат, холост — обыкновенный тип своей эпохи. Умен, образован, путешествует..

I am a rich and cultured boy.

Я богат и образован

We listened to him speak, so cultured, well prepared,..

Мы слушали, как он говорил. Образованный, подготовленный…

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And the intravenous line should be sent for culture.

Кровь нужно послать на посев.

Your mother’s blood cultures came back positive indicating she’s bacteremic.

Посев крови вашей матери указывает на то, что у нее бактериемия.

Chlamydia cultures would’ve come back positive.

Посев на хламидиоз вернулся бы положительным.

You think you can do a strep-throat culture without the swab ending up in the guy’s poop chute?

Считаешь, что можешь сделать посев на острый фарингит, не взяв у парня мазок и не достав при этом до самой задницы?

Shouldn’t we be getting a sputum culture?

Разве нам не нужно взять анализ на посев мокроты?

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What about cultures, in Nationa/ Geographic where everybody is naked?

А что насчёт народов, как в передаче «Занимательная география» где все ходят голыми?

Well, actually, insects are a dietary staple in many cultures.

Вообще-то насекомые являются основным диетическим продуктом у многих народов.

Ten, if you count Religion of Other Cultures, which you didn’t because you refused to go.

Даже 10, если считать религии других народов хотя, ты сказала, что это фантастика и не ходила Да.

Entities in altered states have been recognized for an extremaly long time in many cultures over the millennia.

Различные существа в измененном состоянии сознания появлялись ещё давным-давно у многих народов на протяжении тысяч лет.

He appears as an iconic image in the artwork of many cultures, and there are several documented accounts of his appearances and his warnings to the many who attempted to open the box before its time.

Он стал культовым образом в искусстве многих народов. Зафиксированно несколько его появлений и обращений к тем, кто пытался открыть ящик преждевременно.

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Complicated by a feudal trading culture that turns its—

Плюс торговые традиции между…

In Minbari culture, we are taught it is an honor to help another save face.

Минбарские традиции учат нас помочь другому сохранить лицо это большая честь.

Getting high isn’t part of our culture yet.

Курение травы в Чехии пока не имеет традиции.

— It’s just culture.

— Таковы традиции.

— l hope that didn’t ruin everyone’s mood… I remember the South American people, the normal people — they have this culture of hugging and kissing, it’s very charming…

— я надеюсь, что это не разрушало всеобщее настроение… я помню южноамериканских людей, нормальные люди — у них в традиции обниматься и целоваться, это очень очаровательно… они обнимают вас все время, это не означает ничего особенного

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I’m sending a nurse in here to draw cultures. And I’m ordering a chest x-ray.

Я пришлю сюда сестру взять анализы, и распоряжусь сделать рентген грудной клетки.

Get a tox screen, chem 20, STD panel, blood cultures, then you run a CT, and you check her house.

Сделай анализ на токсины, биохимию крови, анализы на ЗППП, проверь кровь на инфекции, Ты — компьютерную томографию, а ты — проверь ее дом.

I put him on antibiotics and took some cultures to verify the strain.

Я назначу ему антибиотики и возьму анализы, чтобы определить штамм.

Unfortunately, his cultures Revealed that he has fungal pneumonia,

К сожалению, анализы показали, что у него развилась грибковая пневмония.

The sputum examination and blood cultures were indicative, and the chest X-ray showed fluid on the lungs.

Это показали анализы мокроты и крови, и флюорограмма показала скопление жидкости в легких.

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I’ll use a method to… convince the boy that both cultures are equal partners, and that he, as a mediator, can benefit from both sides of his life.

ментаскопический метод и мне удастся убедить мальчика в том, что обе цивилизации — это равноправные партнеры. И он, как посредник, сможет всю жизнь пользоваться благами обеих сторон.

We can’t even find a decent culture to be colonized by.

Не смогли даже найти достойной цивилизации, чтоб нас завоевала!

» It’s what keeps culture alive.

Это не дает цивилизации погибнуть.

I suspect these are the hieroglyphic remnants… of an ancient culture.

Я подозреваю, что эти иероглифы свидетельствуют… о существовании древней цивилизации.

Is that evil exists in all cultures, no matter how advanced they are.

Зло присуще любой цивилизации. Независимо от того, насколько она развита.

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That bank statement might have made it possible for you to go to grammar school, for us to have a house, for you to understand that culture you drivel on about.

Благодаря банку у тебя есть возможность учиться в хорошем колледже, жить в красивом доме, ты должен понять, что всё это искусство, чепуха.

One day you’ll realize There’s more to life than culture.

Однажды ты поймешь, что жизнь — это не только искусство.

You can transform culture

Ты бы мог изменить искусство

Ah, the cuisine, the music, the culture.

Ох, местные кухня, музыка, искусство.

Now he’s buying his way into culture.

А теперь он покупает свой путь к искусству.

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Synonym: acculturation, civilisation, civilization, cultivation, finish, polish, refinement. Similar words: agriculture, cultural, agricultural, sculpture, faculty, difficult, feature, gesture. Meaning: [‘kʌltʃə]  n. 1. a particular society at a particular time and place 2. the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group 3. all the knowledge and values shared by a society 4. (biology) the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatin or agar) 5. a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality 6. the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization 7. the raising of plants or animals. 

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1) The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. 

2) The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that,Its use is for life, Its aim is not beauty but goodness. 

3) The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture.

4) She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.

5) She’s studying modern Japanese language and culture.

6) These ideas have always been central to Western culture.

7) India is where I first experienced real culture shock.

8) They adopted western culture, institutions, and even clothing.

9) Universities are centres of culture.

10) She is a woman of considerable culture.

11) He is a man of culture.

12) The adverts target yoof culture.

13) British culture now appears to revolve around the unholy trinity of sport, shopping and sex.

14) Tradition and culture are often at variance with the needs of modern living.

15) Beauty is forever yoked to youth in our culture.

16) Tunisian culture has been westernized.

17) American culture is in many ways still fairly prudish.

18) Death is one of the great taboos in our culture.

19) She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.

20) Because of its geographical isolation,[] the area developed its own unique culture.

21) He was one of the world’s foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.

22) Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990.

23) Callum, recently arrived in Glasgow, is jobless, homeless, friendless, and suffering from culture shock.

24) Not returning phone calls is a grave crime in today’s culture.

25) The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.

26) The monarchy in England plays an important role in British culture.

27) The author builds up a useful composite picture of contemporary consumer culture.

28) All sorts of illustrious and influential persons lent their names to our national culture.

29) We speak Danish at home so that the boys don’t lose touch with their language and culture.

30) When the government had come to power, he had been named minister of culture.

More similar words: agriculture, cultural, agricultural, sculpture, faculty, difficult, feature, gesture, venture, mixture, lecture, picture, texture, capture, creature, in future, in nature, by nature, furniture, departure, structure, signature, in the future, for the future, legislature, architecture, manufacturer, infrastructure, built up, adult. 

Definition of Culture

the practices and beliefs of a particular group of individuals

Examples of Culture in a sentence

Pavi’s style of dress is determined by her Indian culture.


In the army, there is a strict culture every soldier is expected to follow.


Technological advances lead the culture of today’s young people.


Because Ally’s religious culture frowns against homosexuality, she has to hide her true feelings.


Popular culture tends to place a great value on brand names and expensive gadgets.


Other words in the Aspects of culture category:

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Learn how to use culture in a sentence and make better sentences with `culture` by reading culture sentence examples.

  • It is the culture in Vegas a very bad one.
  • Great representation of Hispanic culture in Charlotte.
  • Once that happened, I enjoyed the story and the view of Istanbul and Turkish culture it provides.
  • The total culture is refreshing and needed.
  • Contrary to this, in our country the ‘library culture’ is fast declining instead of growing.
  • It’s got paranormal wrapped up with sci fi along with some hot romance and pop culture references.
  • What 20 years ago was a very small sub culture has now gone world wide.
  • The shop vacuum is being used in homes and businesses around the world by every culture.
  • Like someone took a soda shop from the 40’s and mashed it together with hipster culture.
  • Do you swoon over by Germany’s grandiose architecture and enchanting art and culture.
  • Naturally, one of the first things that I wanted to discover was the bar and night life culture.
  • They want an excellent representation of the modern British culture in these establishments.
  • The physicians aid performed a Strep culture that took 5 minutes and came back negative.
  • And while in India, you simply fell in love with the country, the culture, and the people.
  • Credit to the architect and family for capturing the essence of Thai culture and their own hip vibe.
  • The SAT is perhaps the most feared and misunderstood test in our culture.
  • In our culture today, wealth has almost become a forbidden word.
  • Take the kids let them pick and experience the culture.
  • Coming in, the restaurant is decorated proudly of their culture.
  • In reality it’s only the first impressions of someone who is not familiar with church culture.
  • Overall, I was fine with the service great Japanese culture.
  • All of them are the foundations for creating the Six Sigma culture.
  • Love the view of the mural arts and the rest of the culture of that street.
  • That is the way we do in China, that is one kind of culture.
  • It is twenty towers high and is filled with a mixture of ancient history, culture and jewels.
  • It is Malwas center of education and culture.
  • Tokyo Discount is the best place in Las Vegas for your Asian Pop culture needs.
  • The outfit is one way of answering issues of emo culture.
  • Goa showcases a rich tradition that is a blend of Indian and Portuguese culture.
  • Chinese culture and symbols are included, which increase sense of authenticity.
  • What it stands for the culture the atmosphere the food.
  • This article aims to describe the unique feel and culture of the time.
  • John Kotter has provided insights on organizational change and culture shifts for several years.
  • This restaurant gave me a full experience of the Filipino culture.
  • His beauty transcends time and culture.
  • I ENJOYED the pop culture references, delivered tongue in cheek.
  • The main detractor was the overuse of pop culture names spelling a bit differently David Bo.
  • They present the true culture of Japanese food at the same time they are very Canadian.
  • But this is a culture I’m not accustomed to, so maybe I shouldn’t be so judgmental.
  • The Distinguishing Features of Ancient Chinese culture.
  • Movies are a big part of our modern day culture.
  • I love that Vegas is trying to revamp downtown and bring in more artwork and culture.
  • As you know, the Japanese culture is obsessed with service.
  • It deserved some really good, really strong stories to surround the culture with.
  • In India the states are mainly divided according to Languages and culture.
  • We live in Miami with limited asian food culture.
  • Did you know that pizza is not only a dish, but also a representation of a rich European culture.
  • Nothing gets you more entrenched in the local culture than seeking out the lower end deals.
  • The culture everything.
  • The old countries of culture in the east of Europe can now be more easily visited than ever before.
  • The church’s culture reveals what’s really at the heart of the congregation.
  • Their common bond was the culture of radical Islam.
  • This is the city of romance, culture and cuisine.
  • Once frowned upon as prison art, it is now invading the culture of the young.
  • Maybe it’s just the difference of culture for some people.
  • Legend’s authenticity relies as much on the food as it does on the restaurant culture.
  • Savvy has to deal with culture shock, adaptation and finding her place in her new school.
  • Yes there is a long line for dim sum but that’s part of the culture.
  • It is a land of latest fashion trends, and also of centuries old mafia culture.
  • It has beautiful scenery, culture, and people.
  • They serve Counter culture beans, some of the most famous artisan coffee in the country.
  • Our culture is in overdrive and it’s a challenge not to get run over.
  • A great mix of North American culture with Korean culture.
  • The answer is that Rome has a rich culture and a vast history spanning over centuries.
  • They have tons of band t shirts, and some pop culture shirts, posters, and other novelty items.
  • Okay the last time I checked Coolio was relevant and a pop culture force about 10 years ago.
  • B2B businesses typically have just a Selling culture, a PUSH culture.
  • If you’re a fan of pop culture or cute quirky items this is your place.
  • They serve Counter culture coffee.
  • Weight loss is becoming an unhealthy obsession in our culture today.
  • As we know that massage play a very important role in some culture in treating all kind of diseases.
  • In Indian culture, Gold is given preference over the silver when it comes to Jewelry.
  • This is a great section on the importance of the church in culture.
  • The decor is inspired by the Greaser culture with lots of crucifix and taxidermy for some reason.
  • Hot rodding is a popular American culture.
  • While you’re in Beijing you will want to learn about the culture, the food, and people.
  • Build a culture of interdependence.
  • I heart drag queens, the historians of pop culture.
  • And as usual, GTA IV satirizes many aspects of society and pop culture that are just begging for it.
  • With this long history, the people and culture of the country is unique and rich.
  • Just imagine a holiday amidst tropical beaches, culture, monuments, and ancient cities.
  • One can buy or order custom jewelry, but designer jewelry has carved out a niche in our culture.
  • Cook presents the culture in a very moving and touching way.
  • Typically in Japanese culture it is dark meat chicken.
  • Travelers are mainly come here for relaxation and to know about India traditions and culture.
  • It is a devilishly hard thing to see how one’s culture informs one’s sense of self.
  • The strip is completely devoid of culture or anything I want to actually put money into.
  • This article briefly explores the traditions and culture of the Plain people.
  • And I think that people are not used to having culture in spas.
  • Could be management or leadership or corporate culture problems.
  • This is so opposite of our culture today where people hop in bed on the first date sometimes.
  • I love the culture there, I feel very comfortable and would eat here every day if I could.
  • Exceptional food with a culture of great customer service.
  • Are the customs and culture in the Old Testament confusing and foreign.
  • Culture hounds can flock to the wonders of Pompeii, Rome and Florence.
  • I asked her to Please give me the culture results.
  • You truly FEEL immersed in the culture that surrounds you.
  • Being the capitol of 13 dynasties has left Xian filled with history, and culture.
  • Less 17 takes a lot of looks and inspiration from skate culture and makes it a little more grown up.
  • The one area of our culture these days that disturbs me the most is our youth.

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