Use the word cue in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cue, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cue in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cue».

Cue in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cue in a sentence.

  1. Her maneuvers with the cue ball are fantastic.

  2. I knew that I could scream on cue like that.».

  3. One player might hear the cue and run the other way!

  4. This kind of music is known as diegetic or source cue.

  5. The event was sponsored by cue manufacturer Predator Group.

  6. Lots of pointing at people to change dynamics and cue solos.

  7. The cue ball is placed inside the «D» ready for the break-off shot.

  8. Reardon accepted, using Fagan’s borrowed cue to complete his victory.

  9. Macdonald takes this as a cue to send two thousand troops to the area.

  10. Spielberg recounted that Allen was so scared she could not scream on cue.

  11. I can’t write cue music to get the player to do this, this and then this.

  12. They took part in filming, screaming on cue and running to escape the monster.

  13. The music is used like a visual cue, so that Lester and the score are staring at Angela.

  14. Throughout the speech, Bryan had the delegates in the palm of his hand; they cheered on cue.

  15. Bingham said he wanted to «spend some time with the family and put my cue down for a while».

  16. During the third frame, Kyren used a lighter on the top of his cue tip to burn off frayed edges.

  17. While Waters sang his opening verse, in darkness, Gilmour waited for his cue on top of the wall.

  18. After potting the ball, Taylor held his cue stick above his head, and waggled his finger in celebration.

  19. She borrowed a cue from someone present and proceeded to run 100 points at straight rail without problem.

  20. Life magazine reported that «San Franciscans who did not know a cue from a cucumber crowded in to see her..

  21. For each battle sequence, the musical cue was divided into sections and mixed differently for each section.

  22. The motif also appears in the action cue as Kirk and company land on Nimbus III and try to free the hostages.

  23. Thorburn’s cue tip split during the sixth frame and was not replaced until after the end of the first session.

  24. I’d cue Peter and he’d do all the radio personalities and chuck in a few voices of his own invention as well.».

  25. Reardon would have been allowed 15 minutes to replace his cue tip, but Fagan offered to let Reardon use his cue.

  26. A snooker ball set consists of twenty-two unmarked balls: fifteen reds, six colour balls, and one white cue ball.

  27. Triplet babies portrayed Sam in the episode’s teaser, and production found it difficult to get them to cry on cue.

  28. After potting the final ball, Taylor raised his cue stick; he «waggled» his finger and kissed the winner’s trophy.

  29. Composer Gerard Marino stated that it was the first cue written for the game, based on concept art and screenshots.

  30. Midway through the film, Tyler Durden points out the cue mark—nicknamed «cigarette burn» in the film—to the audience.

  31. Instead of miming, Dylan illustrated the lyrics by throwing cue cards containing key words from the song on the ground.

  32. When Frusciante began playing «Under the Bridge», Kiedis missed his cue and the audience began singing the song instead.

  33. In 1974, Mutual began using its distinctive «Mutualert» network cue tones, or «bee-doops» as they were frequently called.

  34. Starr soon returned «tiptoeing past my back rather quickly», in McCartney’s recollection and performed his cue perfectly.

  35. The World Snooker Championship is an annual cue sport tournament and the official world championship of the game of snooker.

  36. Founded in the late 19th century by British Army soldiers stationed in India, the cue sport was popular in the British Isles.

  37. When Frusciante began playing «Under the Bridge», Kiedis missed his cue; the entire audience began singing the song, instead.

  38. The game continues until every red ball has been potted and only the six colour balls and the cue ball are left on the table.

  39. In frame 17 after O’Sullivan suffered a kick, he whacked his cue stick on the table in frustration, Higgins winning the frame.

  40. Each player has a cue stick (or simply a «cue»), not less than 3 ft (91.4 cm) in length, which is used to strike the cue ball.

  41. The World Snooker Championship is an annual cue sport tournament and is the official world championship of the game of snooker.

  42. The tip of the cue must only make contact with the cue ball and is never used for striking any of the reds or colours directly.

  43. The conductor then gives a cue at number 8 (and indicates the tempo of the following section) for two oboes and the cor anglais.

  44. After the creation of the World Snooker Championship, snooker overcame billiards as the most popular cue sport in the United Kingdom.

  45. When Chekov flees detention aboard the aircraft carrier, Rosenman wrote a bright cue that incorporates classical Russian compositions.

  46. He built each cue around «small, endlessly repeating phrases»—often, the only variety through a «thinning of the texture for eight bars».

  47. These are shots that are designed to make playing a legal shot harder, such as another ball being between the cue ball and the object ball.

  48. With the score tied at 3–3 in the first session, Wilson miscued and split his cue tip, requiring a 15-minute break to carry out the repair.

  49. The cue ball may contact an object ball directly or it can be made to bounce off one or more cushions before hitting the required object ball.

  50. A foul can occur for various reasons, most commonly for sending the cue ball into a pocket, or for failing to hit the correct object ball (e.g.

Synonyms for cue

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cue has the following synonyms: , clue, clew, cue stick, pool cue, pool stick, discriminative stimulus, prompt and remind.

General information about «cue» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cue that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cue» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cue».

Synonym: clue, hint, key, lead, signal. Similar words: rescue. Meaning: [kjuː]  n. 1. an actor’s line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech 2. evidence that helps to solve a problem 3. a stimulus that provides information about what to do 4. sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards. v. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned. 

1 I had never known him miss a cue.

2 Her husband took the cue, and said that it was time for them to leave.

3 Our success was the cue for other companies to press ahead with new investment.

4 The actor missed his cue and came onto the stage late.

5 Jon’s arrival was a cue for more champagne.

6 Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry.

7 As if on cue,( Sam arrived.

8 I can’t just cry on cue!

9 I sprang my cue yesterday.

10 They all took their cue from their leader.

11 He chalked his billiard cue again and again.

12 And then, on cue, the weather changed.

13 Will you cue me on my lines?

14 Follow her cue, and one day you’ll be a great scholar.

15 The studio manager will cue you when it’s your turn to come on.

16 When I nod my head, that’s your cue to interrupt the meeting.

17 The studio manager will cue you in when it’s your turn to sing.

18 The architects took their cue for the design of the new pub from the nearby Jacobean house, Aston Hall.

19 Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.

20 That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining.

21 When she coughs, it’s my cue to come onto the stage.

22 She had not yet been given the cue to go on to the stage.

23 This was the cue for him to come into the room.

24 She watched his lips carefully and took her cue from him.

25 Ella came in right on cue, just as they were being rude about her.

26 I think that’s my cue to explain why I’m here.

27 Can you cue me when you want me to begin speaking?

28 With interest rates, the smaller banks will take their cue from the Federal Bank.

29 He said his mother would be back very soon and, right on cue , she walked in.

30 She stood nervously in the wings waiting for her cue.

кий, реплика, сигнал, намек


- реплика

to miss one’s cue — а) пропустить реплику; б) не откликнуться вовремя; упустить возможность

- сигнал

light [sound] cue — световой [звуковой] сигнал
an offstage door slam was his cue to enter — стук захлопнутой за сценой двери был для него сигналом к выходу (на сцену)

- пример (поведения и т. п.)

to follow smb.’s cue, to take one’s cue from smb. — равняться на кого-л.
his comrades kept behind him, taking their cue from his conduct — его товарищи стояли за ним и по его поведению решали, что надо делать

- намёк

to give smb. a cue — намекнуть /подсказать/ кому-л. (что делать или говорить)

- тел., радио сигнал
- арх. настроение

nobody was in the cue to dance — ни у кого не было настроения /никому не хотелось/ танцевать

- ключевая, опорная информация
- кий

cue ball — бильярдный шар

- косичка
- шутл. хвост (животного)
- очередь

to drop a cue — сыграть в ящик, умереть

- кью, название буквы Q


- театр. подавать реплики или сигналы
- заплетать в косичку

Мои примеры


cue for smth. / to do smth. — знак, сигнал к чему-л.  
billiard cue — кий  
light cue — световой сигнал  
informative cue — информационный отклик  
semantic cue — семантическая подсказка  
billiard-cue — кий  
cue-biter — актёр, наступающий на реплику партнёра или неясно подающий реплику партнёру  
cue card — текст роли, лежащий перед глазами исполнителя; иллюстративная карточка  
cue chapter — ключ сегмента  
context cue — контекстная подсказка; контекстный ориентир  

Примеры с переводом

I think that’s my cue to explain why I’m here.

Я думаю, мне пора объяснить, почему я здесь.

She stood nervously in the wings waiting for her cue.

Она нервно стояла за кулисами, ожидая сигнала к выходу на сцену.

Our success was the cue for other companies to press ahead with new investment.

Наш успех послужил сигналом для других компаний в продвижении вперёд путём вложения новых средств.

The studio manager will cue you when it’s your turn to come on.

Руководитель студии подаст вам знак, когда придёт ваша очередь выходить на сцену.

Greg’s arrival seemed to be the cue for everyone to get up and start dancing.

Казалось, все только и ждали появления Грега, чтобы подняться со своих мест и начать танцы.

Фразовые глаголы

cue in — вставлять в сценарий, давать сигнал, ко вступлению, вводить в курс

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cue
he/she/it: cues
ing ф. (present participle): cueing
2-я ф. (past tense): cued
3-я ф. (past participle): cued

ед. ч.(singular): cue
мн. ч.(plural): cues

” Aldous took this as a cue to vanish back into the inner office

He walks over, lines up his stick on the cue ball, expertly sinks a shot

Bush snatches up the cue ball, holds it up for John to see

He slams the cue ball into some other balls, watches as the balls bounce around the table

As if on cue, the donkey steps out of the path of the vehicle

The whole episode played out on a video screen, a new level in a deadly shooting game in which we were the canned crowd expected to applaud on cue

Using just as much theatrics, Moamar read the long list of charges, the council shouted ‘witness’ on cue in unison if not quite on key, and then Moamar shouted ‘GUILTY’ and that was about the extent of it

The Man waited for us to respond, and as craven as it felt, both Menachem and I took the cue and thanked him profusely

Shouted out by a million assembled voices, on cue,

On cue, Alastair hands me a glass and I take a quick swig; bless him … a stiff vodka and tonic is just what I need …

In my earlier avatar, this was my cue to frown, to comment about the grease

Almost as if on cue, they received an impromptu visit from the restaurant proprietress, Mandy Hill

Mickey takes his cue, walks up and joins the group

This seemed to be his cue to speak about the time he had skived

“Why do you say that, Great-uncle?” answered Harry to his cue in their new game

cue – the woman herself re-entered the room

He’s had lunch with her a couple of times (cue another outbreak of sobbing from Terry, I reach for another handful of tissues),

He had by now put down his cue and had come to where they stood

Then as if on cue, Harry called shift at every toss and the trio were juggling nine balls between them as if practicing for a circus act

As if on cue, Mandy and Harold rose from their chairs and made a bow and a curtsy, respectively

Or one cue converges on many neuron cloud clusters Into the dialectic of the absolute

I took up Griffin’s cue

On a silent cue, they began: ‘Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday to you; Happy birthday dearest sister

On that cue everyone moved to the edge of the precipice to peer down into the darkness

Lights in the tiny chamber beyond came on on cue and Kate poked her head up to have a closer look

The large woman appeared on cue with an infuser

“What are the other species doing?” asked Chris, unable to resist the cue

On cue, Frank rotated the top part of his

She heard the music cue

“Is that Edima?” Melanie the battleaxe appeared on cue in

On cue, the actress races to the center of the living room rug, pirouettes, and topples with a wail or a pitiful eek, one paw draped over her face

Taking our cue literally from the Latin, the word homophobe means fear of men

As if on cue, the music cut out as a gang of security officers closed in on Kiri, ripping her away from the microphone

The artist merely turned around and stared out the window; Dorro understood this as his cue to leave

Investment and Consumption decisions often receive their cue from the economy

’ I tried to find the right words to say and then as if on cue I was spoken to by another old lady and that ended our conversation

‘You okay to go on an assignment in Pretoria for a few days?’ Rodger interrupted my thoughts as if on cue

She broke down on cue, her sobs uncontrollably loud

By two o’clock, the room was packed with people and on cue, President Stanton Patterson and his wife entered the room

Kinsman then took her cue to respond in kind

I was idly watching the crowd silently — and almost on cue — part in half and create a wide path, as Novorski jumped off stage

At that moment, vet and nurse entered on cue, as though they had been watching the proceedings through a window

The loser, with a pool cue in one hand, took three steps forward and raised his right hand

Her silence was his cue to continue:

The machine took that as its cue:

Almost as if on cue, then came his father’s voice

He hit it right on cue, the director pushed a button, and the scene changed yet again

He popped the case, and screwed the cue

chalked his cue, and called out to the crowd

He chalked his pool cue, and broke

John chalked the end of his cue

Waiting in the wings for my cue I could see him seeking the assistance of his mate and his, quite attractive, Thai wife or girlfriend

As if on cue, Matthew opens a desk drawer and takes out a small, flat piece of glass

It is important to take your cue from that, sir, as there will not be enough time to warn you verbally

On my mental cue Darnath moved forward and lowered the shields around the ship

Jerran took that as a cue to telekinetically lift some chairs and bring them to us

Oh how she had loved this movie, the complex sexiness of the eastern European features of the modernized dracula; she remembered the first time she saw it before George entered her life; how different it appeared then, before it had value of as a cue to a memory of a creature which now existed vivid in reality constantly nagging at her mind

They had finally followed Suzy’s cue as she watched Jack with sheer admiration, clapping her hands furiously to rouse the crowd

made the passage of time bearable, and I took her cue and tried to enter back into the

long smooth handle of his pool cue in between my thighs as I wiggled past him and his

She raised her eyebrows at me; that was the cue that my time with her was up

As if on cue everyone looked at us and I could tell that they were already stirring up gossip

And, on cue, the chilling caw of a crow shatters the peace

That was the cue for the others outside

her story I noticed my cue

away the dura mater,” was the cue for Aaron to

As if on cue, somewhere in the labyrinth of houses a baby

” He had barely spoken when she left him to answer her cue

Lucy took that as a cue not to ask about it

to the counter to retrieve her pool cue, and then directly

the end of her cue using the same precise and

Then, as if on cue, the man took note of Starret’s

Nobody seemed to mind the elaborate cue card and camera platforms erected to film the Hope show for the paying audience in the U

Jemelda understood this was her cue to speak, although it was strange he could exercise the power to grant it, when he should have no such power

Following his cue, I replied in song, “Who could ask for anything more? Don’t forget that you’ve been under a tremendous amount of stress in the past few months

there was the cue for the overture, a dance number with the Troy Devane Dancers

Gianni stuffed down two more huge bites, swallowed hard, and then, as if on cue, Gianni and

‘Good job with the magic illuminations Sorus, bang on cue, I almost believed that half of Tanaria was out there myself

Jacoba took Nem’s hesitation as a cue that the sales pitch was getting through

to me as the song that would become our own began on cue

Father rose, the cue that breakfast was over

«Ah, this is my cue to leave,» Reinhardt said with a slight laugh

As if on cue, a half-dozen bizarre creatures floated through stone portals built in the ceiling and walls

Mabel could see that was her exit cue, so she turned and went

» Unfortunately, it was exactly the cue she wanted

She rehearses the skit in her mind, knowing exactly what she’ll do, while waiting for her cue to come floating down the river

who were in the cue

Stu knew this was his cue to leave and go to his room, so he said goodnight to the couple and went to his room

As though on cue he looked at her, and found her staring at him

While she cooed coyly, as if on cue, he fondled her at her midriff

As if on cue, she slipped out of the room,

head against his back for a few minutes and then as if on cue I

Her audience clapped and cheered as Claire left the stage and right on cue the resident DJ started his gig with Happy Birthday by Stevie Wonder

Two lever action carbines rested against the cue stick rack

The cue of a final warning

This was Paul’s cue that the meeting was over

Alex Harvey is right on cue as he sings about having a ‘Gang Bang’ and Suzy sees a change in Lewis, Suzy can see by his eyes and the way that he is staring at her that he is remembering their earlier times together

As though on cue the big bird spread his wings to the night wind and

This was Pam’s cue

The director prepared for a commercial break as the video technicians cued up and quickly reviewed each and every camera’s video sequence of the accident scene, for it would be called for when they came back

As he pulled away from the curb, he slipped a CD into his player and cued up his

«Cued up,» Lawson replied watching as the ambulance sped away

for over a minute and then Erin was cued in again

Skorvalsen, getting accustomed by now to this spacetime jump business, cued her computer and got that information for Laplante

After ten or so of these experiences, none shorter than an hour, I was able to slip in and out of channels cued by the cold spot on my forehead

His internal script cued him ask with a wink, “By the way, have you seen my new car?”

As if cued to her question, there was a massive explosion

One of his songs cued

Participants are cued by the high priest as to what to do next

Amy cued the excerpt

” the blankness cued her, but she could not recall the necessary response to allow herself access to her own A-ware programming

It was this sense, this feeling, this real feeling of not feeling a synthesized or prefabricated emotion that surprised Unitito, which, in turn, was a surprise to one who could not feel surprise, but was designed to express wonder and unexpectedness when properly cued

The lights lowered and the orchestra cued up again

Cued by her earlier texts, the boys grabbed Claire as gently as possible and forced her to leave the girls alone

The stage was set for the Beastie Boys to play “Sabotage” until I entered, pushed Ad-Rock off the mic, and cued “Radio Radio” with the Beasties proving their worth as a garage band

Sam placed the headphones on Charlie’s head—a weirdly intimate gesture—and cued up the B side and watched his face while he listened

Cued by the hanging rise in her inflection and the silence that followed, Alice knew it was her turn to speak but was still catching up to all that Lydia had just said

Then I cued up my Raid the Arcade playlist—my digital re-creation of an old analog mixtape I’d found among my father’s things with that title carefully printed on its label in my father’s handwriting

That’s why I made sure I had it cued up before the start of every mission

Bobby! The stutter hadn’t cued me, but now I recognized his face

Then he cued up the DVD

Dropping onto my back on my bed, I pulled the covers up under my chin, plugged in my earbuds, and cued up a recording of Harry playing the solo part from one of Bach’s concertos

Sitting on the couch a few moments later with the DVR cued to play, Ali said, “You’re gonna love this, Dad

Meil WM, See RE (1996) Conditioned cued recovery of responding following prolonged with-

The audience cued him with a roar

· Ability to realise that food choice and intake is controlled by external cues such as sight, smell etc

He moans about it to me as we wait for our cues

She is sitting on the floor, resting her head on his knee as he selects records and tracks, and cues them up on the turntable

Leona cues up the backing track

Some cues from others are objective and obvious, clearly communicating their judgments of both acceptable and unacceptable behavior

Sometimes, though, the cues that we receive from others are ambiguous

It seemed that a few soldiers took the cues from their Praefect and took care to make sure that she lacked nothing, offering to carry her gathered materials back to the camp

with them, what cues and signals you give them, your energy state, and on what you

Jason was now holding an index card, from which he took his cues

Sexual cues are all around us in pictures,

spirit takes its cues from the Holy Spirit

overheard conversations or other sensory cues, plus information gleaned afterward or even

In nature, the mating dance is always accompanied by showing off fertility cues and signals of interest and availability” she debated, “That might have been what we did wrong the first time

“And he did it all without needing to hum a note, without needing any gestures or audible frequency cues at all!” Talia proudly stated

Always allow the client to explain with minimal vocal urging or cues

Do you think he took his cues from her?”

These were cues she could repeat in order of sequence when it came time to sing at the investigator’s office

Most provide the usual fare of light to heavy shaking synched with onscreen explosions and vibrations, but some game provide an even deeper level of interactivity –providing tactile cues for players that is not provided visually

 Read the interviewee for nonverbal cues

Many of these cues have been incorporated since childhood and are things that barely register to us at a conscious level anymore

Profuse cues are registered early on that food is a source of comfort and reward

Social cues, then, are a huge part of why we overeat

When it comes to social cues, ask yourself:

The emotional cues that cause us to overeat are probably the most difficult to identify and overcome

If you have trouble identifying emotional cues (e

look out for the non-verbal cues of the

subtle cues will tell us about the state of

childhood may lead women to attend to interpersonal cues and to the relative (or

be made to be responsive to the meaníngs of weight and of eating ítself along with, or instead of, the physiological cues for hunger and satiety

visual cues that indicate to me how powerful your feelings are

I do not know how I knew this—what cues there may have been—only that knowing things not otherwise apparent in the dream state was standard fare

Taking his cues from the officer holding the nominal list, De Gaulle then distributed French War Crosses and War Crosses with Leaves to the members of the Time Patrol, with the field agents receiving the medal of Knight of the Legion of Honor on top of their War Cross with Leaves

As for the few American ships present in Darwin, mostly transport or support ships, they took their cues from the Australian port commander, deciding that his opinion was worth more than the one from an American army commander

‘’None yet, but that could mean that whatever is there is keeping strict electronic silence and is taking its cues from the KJ-2000

problem is, such cues from your environment might have caused you to learn the wrong

HUD: Heads-Up Display: Another device pioneered on the USAF F-15A Eagle, the heads-up display projects important flight information, like air speed and altitude, the current weapon selected, and various firing cues, onto the aircraft’s windshield

Niki nodded and followed his cues, adding to the mix the computer offered

“The computer does it for me and gives me the cues on my PADD

That would not be the beginning and the end of our silent exchange, it would go on throughout the lecture in non-distractive intervals at specific cues as if we shared the same frame of mind and sixth sense

It simply needs the proper cues to awaken it

But she missed the cues

“So, you’re saying,” Olive was happily compliant to Steve’s directorial cues

Use cues for feedback about hip flexion

cues of how the situation is developing from the scripts within our minds

Use tape on the ground to provide cues

Use cues for feedback about lateral displacement of the hips

Use cues for feedback on limb alignment

In small doses, at an early start, both mother and father can provide daily cues to

the cues they give you through the way they express themselves

what you’re doing, because they are trained to look for the most subtle of cues

Pole bending is based on the trainer being able to control the horse’s front end with “come” cues and “yield” cues that have been taught to the point of being routine for the horse

Of course, you can train all this without using so many treats by using only control of your own space, yield and call cues

If he is paying attention here to your cues and signals and doesn‘t walk over you or rear up, you can start at the same point as with Nicey Horsey

Being able to pick up on body cues and other nonverbal signals is something I want to learn at some point

Now that I know what I’m looking for, I realize that aside from reading body language and cues like that, someone doing this ‘for real’ likely would’ve noticed this book on the shelf as a clue to what the announcement would be

Some cues that mental health needs some attention

Lack of Cues or Guides — We are able to retrieve material to the extent that we

have cues to remind us of it

search our memory with the help of cues or guides that point the way to the

cues or guides in getting back the information stored in the vast neural

“So what’s eating you, then?” Brien pushed, ignoring Akenji’s obvious cues to not be bothered

the cues that he or she set forth during the date as to how the relationship

we are teaching them cues that signal we want

Most poker winners are calm, good at reading the cards of opponents, focused, and can easily pick up unconscious cues

receive your own words and non-verbal cues, what could you learn

• Then there are the visual cues

Understanding others meant understanding yourself – and vice versa – and he’d long ago become attuned to body language and vocal cues people displayed as they shared their fears and flaws and regrets

Without him they forgot their cues and garbled their lines; they needed him to ring the curtain up at the right moment; they needed him to direct the lime-lights they needed his whisper in the wings, and his imperious eye on the leader of the band; without him there were no photographers from the weekly press, no prearranged goodwill and expectation of pleasure

Other than this, the emotional cues were pretty disguised

The blueprints and cues for all the King of America songs were to be found in Nashville, Memphis, or New Orleans

I was completely reliant on his expertise as an orchestrator to combine my themes and his own and turn them into coherent film cues

My collection of Hitchcock cues by Bernard Herrmann

Without the aid of the visual cues of the person she talked to, conversations on the phone often baffled her

Langer (1975), who first coined the term illusion of control, showed that it was more prevalent in tasks when “skill cues” were present—competitive tasks with clearly defined and familiar outcomes where the individual seems to have the ability to make a choice

These factors tend to be powerful cues for intuition, but it is also important to guard against emotional distortions due to fear and greed

Even long-term investors will benefit from writing down important cues and planned reactions to price movements over the course of days to weeks; intraday traders will need a very detailed and specific plan for each individual day

Trading-psychology literature takes its cues from scientific study of psychology, common sense, and the experience of traders and trading gurus

Special Projects: Okay, so this, right here, are the QQQ’s (cues up the QQQ 15-minute chart; see Figure 6

Signal-line crossovers are the primary cues provided by the MACD

There were no cues to direct the question

Relapse, which is often triggered by exposure to the drug, stress, or to cues

sucrose, cocaine, or alcohol, they will also respond for reward-paired cues in the

2006) also impair the ability of cocaine-associated cues to induce reinstate-

not the CeA, following exposure to discrete cues previously associated with cocaine

learned cues that come to be associated with the act of voluntary self-administration

Effects of Drug Cues on Tonic Dopamine Concentration in the NAcc

This is because stress, re-exposure to the drug itself, and drug-associated cues

nondrug reinforcers, where cues that predict availability of these reinforcers are

behavior is comprised of signals in relation to approach, conditioned cues, and the

drug cues (see Sect

1) and by contextual cues associated with aversive stimuli

can be reinstated in animals by presentation of conditioned drug cues (e

Titania, Hipolyta and Jameson had been the only constant resource for the infrequent, though necessary cuing of the rest of the cast on the occasions of a dropped line, and were acclaimed by the cast and crew as the saviors of the show

anticipated that he wouldn’t be able to use the communicator and even as he fell he was cuing a text message to send with his neural implant

cuing the damsel in distress on the ski slopes?—soothing her

Whatever he thought was never voiced, due to the fact that the shrill sound of the bell pierced the air, cuing the students to scatter for lunch

A magician is constantly steering and cuing his audience to see what the magician wants them to see

Definition of Cue

a signal (as a word, a gesture, or phrase) for somebody to do something

Examples of Cue in a sentence

If one of them wanted to leave the party, their cue was scratching their left ear.


The teacher relied on her clapping cue to get students to become attentive.


Our cue for the surprise party was a whistle blow.


The director wanted a cue to cue rehearsal.


The actor missed his cue, so the characters onstage had to ad lib.


Other words in the Uncategorized category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

ANGRY BROOMSTICK yeah the title cue is amazing and dark, but that’s the whole point of the story. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Keep workin ‘those scales, baby; your cue is about to be called. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Other countries would be well-advised to a cue from the Aussies! ❋ Unknown (2009)

Lents neighborhood association might take a cue from the neighbors in Eliot, adjacent to the Rose Quarter. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The chatty flowers in Alice in Wonderland take their cue from the talkative trees in The Wizard of Oz. Updated | Comment | Recommend ❋ Unknown (2009)

At a cable industry gathering earlier this week, News Corp. founder and CEO Rupert Murdoch opined that more newspapers should take a cue from the Wall Street Journal and have customers pay for content. ❋ Unknown (2009)

With a medium as diverse as games, I’m starting to take a cue from the music folks and trying to broaden my tools as a critic. ❋ SVGL (2009)

We just wonder why more candidates haven’t taken a cue from the last election cycle and included young people in their outreach. ❋ Heather Smith (2010)

Let me be the first to call for us sportsmen to take a cue from the wolves and turkeys! ❋ Unknown (2009)

Or President Obama could take a cue from the Reagan administration and bring back elements of the Fairness Doctrine: Equal Time, no personal attacks, free airtime for political candidates, local community programming. ❋ Sue Wilson (2010)

And when your section screws up in some way — when a cue is missed or a chord is out of tune or an interval is wrong or a voice is sticking out — everyone has to take responsibility and work on getting it right next time. ❋ Kateelliott (2009)

Nicolette Aizenberg from Miramax says: INXS cue is on all 35mm prints and Digital-Cinema masters. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Inspired by early rave and dream-pop, witch house also takes its cue from the «chopped and screwed» remix technique so prevalent in early 90s hip-hop. ❋ Tim Jonze (2010)

“Other countries would be well-advised to a cue from the Aussies!” ❋ Unknown (2009)

Word on the street was that Snafu takes a cue from the Superman comics: by day a mild mannered watering hole but by night a super human drink fest. ❋ Unknown (2010)

When you start placing them on the board in cue cards, it shows you what you really know, or don’t know about your story. ❋ Theyellowjester (2009)

The entire scheme is covered with a plush green roof that takes its cue from the surrounding countryside. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Schwarzenegger will not be running in 2010 — unless of course he takes a cue from a friend and fellow political moderate on the East Coast, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and seeks to change the term rules. ❋ Unknown (2009)

There’s a great song on cue.
On his [monitor] [headphones], [the DJ] is listening to the cue song. ❋ Tadrian (2004)

[Click] on [the cue] [you dumbass]! ❋ Slimy Gizka (2005)

We’re going to cue this [weekend] as [long] as it doesn’t [rain]. ❋ B & C (2003)

OMG!!! Did you see that fluffy little [puppy] with [the princess] [crown]? It was SOOO cue! ❋ 3vi1M0nk3yz (2019)

[zack] is cue because [ana] [said] so! ❋ Ana Banana (2006)

Cue-to-Cue can be [one of the most] [frustrating] rehearsals. ❋ GatorDesigner (2008)

Guy 1: Dude, she took forever to [jerk me off] last night. Her hand kept [sliding] all over my dick and I barely even came.
Guy 2: You know better than that, dude. Tell your girl she needs to be [cueing]! ❋ Mr. Pound Town (2011)

[Gotta] [get me] some of that ‘cue ❋ Garnet V (2008)

In [modern times] [the cue] is usually [taking action] by calling or texting and sometimes emailing. ❋ PineappleJuice (2015)

In [modern times] [the cue] is usually [taking action] by calling or texting and sometimes emailing. ❋ PineappleJuice (2015)

We found 1064 ‘cue’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use cue in a sentence.

  • Bizzarre solutions from a cue sheet mentality.
  • The Republicans can only take the cue if the Kochs tell them they won’t object.
  • Everything seems to arrive right on cue.
  • One of the 5 said he’d take care of it and removed my keys from the cue.
  • I hope other authors take this cue as well.
  • Cue the walk of shame back to the table to ask to borrow some money.
  • I’ve been using cue publications since 1991 and I see no reason to switch.
  • These imaginative graphics will certainly have people wanting to take a closer look at your cue.
  • I have had great times at cue club.
  • Have read all the cue ball mysteries and loved them all.
  • Is that a cue to just keep asking for coffee.
  • Enjoy the crisp air and take a cue in your decorating from nature and the outdoors.
  • Can you cue me when you want me to begin speaking?.
  • And cue the CD of movie theme songs by Ennio Morricone.
  • Cue delirium from the City fans and an agitated inquest among the Ciren players.
  • It will just stay in a cue with the error and that will be it.
  • Cue the cuteness.
  • That’s your cue that it’s working.
  • But then there are 4 more that seem like they are reading cue cards.
  • I had no cue as to the person who hired the hit,and the true identity of Marquit blew me away.
  • Alard resorted to giving silent performances with the actors’speeches displayed to the audience on large cue cards.
  • Natural selection takes its cue from random mutation, specifically, molecular changes in DNA.
  • Unable to cope, Joey nearly strangles Kevin to death with a pool cue.
  • Take your cue from this season’s number one colour RUST and add your own unique glamour to it.
  • I was just wondering where Sarah was, when, right on cue,(Sentence dictionary) she came in.
  • Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.
  • Cue up the Tiny Violin.
  • Everything I tried is so o o o true ‘Cue.
  • Cue string session.
  • Visual cue, the city courthouse where you make the turn onto Basic.
  • Mill cue Club is the best bars on mill ave always have a great time there.
  • Cue the Fae and Werewolves.
  • Some players have thought that a heavy cue would make them break better.
  • Any glance at the server was enough of a cue for attention.
  • The excitable Rodolpho sings a clackety sort of hyper-aria about his dream of one day owning a motorcycle, concluding with a tenorial high C, a cue for the audience to applaud in the grand tradition.
  • Cue violence, gore, and mayhem.
  • Walking in being greeted by that messy and trash infested disaster should have been my first cue.
  • Cue several bad dates, all in the same little coffee shop, owned by a nice guy named John.
  • Cue Cooper, a HOT ex marine.
  • As for the ranting and raving Jim does on his TV show, that is my cue to change the station.
  • The seat’s only design cue is a shallow indentation that runs around the upper part of the lid.
  • Cue the best friends, Sasha and Tony.
  • That was the cue for » Unfoolish, » a sequel to » Foolish » in which the woman finally leaves her man.
  • For the Black Widow, choosing a pool cue probably doesn’t depend upon any financial considerations.
  • You should think of MDF, ISO, BIN, and cue files as archive files like.
  • Cue the revolution.
  • Stop playing back the cue card in your head from your training.
  • That was my cue to grab the tissues and keep going.
  • Take a cue from these leggy beauties by choosing a suit that is cut high on the leg.
  • He’ll probably take his cue from Rep.
  • If he were a more adept cue reader he would never have asked this girl for a date in the first place.
  • Plates cleared and drinks refilled without a cue.
  • You know you have your pool cue, and any billiard accessories you might need.
  • Cue Morgan, who is charged with rescuing Charly and ensuring her safe return home.
  • Virtual Pool can even make masse shots by allowing the user to raise the butt of the cue stick.
  • Lord Theta, and his squire Dolan, ride into Dor Eotrus as if on cue.
  • Lauren is a bit of a cold fish but lights up with passion cue lots of pretty hot sex scenes.
  • Or worst case you just have to cue behind the last shuttle of assholes.
  • Roseanne looked like she was reading from cue cards.
  • I sat there waiting for a social cue that it was over but nothing.
  • Cue Me In was a quick, fun read.
  • Additionally, players can also unlock new pool tables and cue colors.
  • Cue sad trombone sound.
  • Cue Dean’s exit again, this time with my car keys.
  • And so cue maybe the most violent, epic superhero slugfest Kirkman has ever scribed.
  • During weekends,come early to avoid the long cue beginning 11am.
  • They should take a cue from Y The Last Man and actually plan an ending, but not any time soon.
  • Bar b cue and cornbread are excellent.
  • Roll out the red carpet and cue the dramatic music.
  • When one is responsible for giving an offstage cue, even the simplest ones, like the ring of a telephone or a birdcall, demand considerable sangfroid, and the job is nervewracking.
  • That was our cue to leave and get some Earl’s of Sandwich across the street lol.
  • When I teach adults, I have to cue them by saying, We’re going to get up and talk to others.
  • Taking cue from the above statement, let us now discuss 3 steps to make money online for free.
  • The bar b cue is the best ever also.
  • Cue the violins and happy cartoon bunnies.
  • Cue in the sinfully delicious Sir Michel Xavier Bayard.
  • Right on cue, David.
  • When her master was departed, Mrs. Deborah stood silent, expecting her cue from Miss Bridget.
  • The primary physiological cue for migration are the changes in the day length.
  • What they don’t believe in is Democracy, cue Steve Bannon.
  • What will normally cue her at first that something is wrong is she might feel sharp pains in either the pelvis or abdomen that does not go away.
  • He said his mother would be back very soon and, right on cue , she walked in.
  • Cue the election to the presidency of the most delusional public person in history.
  • If this were a movie, you’d cue the harp.
  • First, it is a good thing when leaders of a political party take their cue from members of the party.
  • They can cry on cue, loudly proclaim their innocence and turn on the self pity.
  • Turn down Contrast until the black and white cue stick appears perfectly straight and smooth.
  • The waitress was sooooo nice and kept refilling my water on cue.
  • The title takes its cue from Augustine’s City of God, but it will be built by a City of Swords.
  • We had a great experience with On cue Billiards.
  • In that case, take your cue from aromatherapy.
  • That suggests that a partner can become a » discriminative cue,».
  • That brought him his first nickname, cue Ball.
  • The object of the game is to cause the cue ball to knock certain balls into the pockets.
  • Would definitely recommend for ‘cue lovers of all ages.
  • Cue the bay watch theme song.
  • Like the band, a couple weeks back I was At The Drive In with my cue tay.
  • Cue a three minute wait, and then they brought the regular short ribs.
  • Overall, this restaurant could take a cue from Barrio in both guac and tortilla chips.
  • Cue the » Sports Center » highlight reel and stand back.

Other Words: CU

Use the word cue in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use cue in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for cue.

  • Mabel, dear, do take my cue. (8)
  • The cue struck, the ball rolled. (8)
  • Fleur, with her cue akimbo, was watching with a smile. (8)
  • And I thought it would be ungallant not to take my cue from the ladies. (2)
  • She paused with the cue poised on the bridge of her slim hand, and shook her crop of short dark chestnut hair. (8)
  • The gentleman called Mabbey chalked his cue, and, moving his round, knock-kneed legs in their tight trousers, took up his position for the stroke. (8)

Also see sentences for: suggestion.

Definition of cue:

  • cue, k, n. the last words of an actor’s speech serving as a hint to the next speaker: any hint: the part one has to play. (0) | cue, k, n. a twist of hair at the back of the head: a rod used in playing billiards. | v.t. of the hair, to form in a cue. (0)

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for cue. Now that you’ve seen how to use cue in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Cue is a Swedish pop duo group made up of musician Anders Melander and Niklas Hjulström. They have topped the Swedish Singles Chart with «Burnin'». (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Taking some not-so-subtle cues from the iPhone 6s, the Axon 7 also features a Live Photo mode that creates GIF-like images by capturing a few seconds after your shot.


We had the high-neck, back and sleeves removed to make it more modern, but knowing that it was hers made it even more special and emotional (cue tears).


My trip to Zara Home didn’t yield anything (cue violins) and I will probably have to wait until next year for another chance to hit the store.


Anyone who has attended a dog training school will tell you it’s important to practice dog obedience cues anytime you need your canine to relax.


Today, however, I’m going to take my cue from JL Knapp’s comment earlier about his friend who had made it through the slush pile but who did not make it to publication.


The interpretation of ambiguous cues can be difficult at times and often depends on context.


In pursuit of a strong family of vehicles with similar design cues the 2013 Range Rover was released to critical acclaim and unprecedented world wide demand.


It’s important to pay close attention to your baby to catch their hunger cues and start nursing at the right time.


Discontinuing HCs may interact with husbands» facial attractiveness because it recalibrates women’s relationship satisfaction to be more sensitive to such cues.


We study cell (endothelial cells, fibroblasts, osteoblasts) guidance cues on biodegradable scaffolds (e.g. polymers).


Musical cues are clean and presented without any distortion or hiss.


But in situations where you want to make a good impression and you’re not sure how to fit in, you might just take a cue from your surroundings and sync up!


While in a very pleasant state of relaxation and hypnosis, you’ll be guided to choose a special word cue that you will use to become instantly relaxed and completely calm in any situation, from now on.


• Make sure you practice cues frequently enough for your dog to truly learn the desired behavior.


Your puppy will learn to settle down calmly in the crate and any place else, be okay when left alone, where to pee and where not to, play appropriately with other dogs, meet people confidently, what’s free game for chewing and what isn’t, body handling for grooming and veterinary visits, coming when called, drop-it on cue.


Titled «Boosting Beauty in an Economic Decline: Mating, Spending, and the Lipstick Effect,» the paper argued that «recessionary cues consistently increased women’s desire for products that increase attractiveness in mates,» causing what the researchers called the «lipstick effect.»


The Vision C seems to have borrowed the design cues from its cousin, the Audi A7 Sportback.


The perceptual trick, called synoptic vision, is apparent on any nearby two-dimensional image, but is especially marked where other depth cues exist.


Telling him the standard cues of «extend your knees and hips at the same time,» or «explosively extend your elbow,» just isn’t working.


Instead, take your cues from Netflix and Amazon for your initial release, then adopt the metered strategy HBO and Hulu prefer.


Moreover, previous research has found that female fertility cues tend to trigger this type of behavior in men.


Her heavy reliance on textbook readings and written assignments means students can not pick up cues from her teaching strategies and she is unable to gauge how they might present themselves in a classroom, she said.


Able to follow production schedules and provides cues and support to facilitate with program continuity.


The side profile is expected to maintain its large proportions like the outgoing Fortuner, whereas the rear will have the quarter-glass shape changed for better styling cues.


The result could be due to the inattention to facial cues, not reduced empathy, among people with autism


One of her strongest points is her ability to recognize cues for sales opportunities and identify unexpressed needs.


British Journalists are calling Rory a hero, urging Parliament to take a cue and pass a similar bill.


This incorporates a brief descriptive cue and a rule reminder.


When you’re fundraising for a ballet production or to sponsor a Chicago Public School student to take ballet class you are asking a donor to join your team and trust this is the best use for their charitable giving, just like you are trusting your acting partner to say the next line and the stage manager to deliver the right lighting cue.


If breastfeeding, feed on demand (cue feeding), for nutrition as well as comfort, as often as your baby needs a calming influence.


Performing pinch-zoom and two-finger scroll was a breeze, but I was disappointed at the absence of three-finger tap to cue up Action Center.


«Laminins function as attractive chemical cues for haptotaxis of axonal growth cones,» explains NAIST Prof. Naoyuki Inagaki, whose lab studies how forces are generated in the cellular microenvironment to create directed axonal migration.


As previously mentioned, rodents will find their way to a hidden platform by referencing visual cues, like high contrast posters arranged around the room.


If this story were an infomercial, now’s the time we’d cue the «You get all this!


The interior has diamond-like design cues and comes with some of the top technological features that Toyota has to offer.


Taking cues from similar events across the river in Brooklyn, the weekly event caters almost exclusively to the foodie/artisanal set out there.


Press the power button once and an audio cue will let you know the Flip is alive, while the power LED glows white, indicating that the speaker is unpaired.


These values are felt from the Stelvio’s design cues to its expertly-crafted interior, but what often gets overlooked is the fact that it’s very, very strong.


Pay attention to the cues shes gives you.


Thus, it is essential to investigate whether it is possible to develop a therapeutic alliance in the absence of visual and auditory cues and whether the working alliance has the same predictive value in online treatment as in face-to-face therapy.


If we place infants in playpens and cribs and don’t co-sleep, we may miss the early cues that babies are in distress.


Another problem retained from Monster Hunter is the fact that you’re only able to carry a limited amount of items, which may not sound too bad in itself, but since the game expects you whilst you’re out hunting to combine items to create new ones as well as fashioning new weapons and armour once you’re in town, it simply isn’t good enough, cue much traipsing backwards and forwards to your item storage box to get all the required items.


It’s appealing by design, blending a sporty appearance and, fortunately enough, plenty of styling cues it can call its own.


Move over LBD a new dress trend is in town for the spring… cue the LWD aka Little White Dress!


These bars are intended to provide a visual cue as to the extent to which the case is discussed in the cited cases.


There are many ways dogs learn, but if you are training your dog to respond to a cue or if your goal is to change his emotional response to a trigger, you will very likely use basics of operant and classical conditioning.


I think it is important for pet owners to sometimes take a cue from their pets.


DETROIT, Michigan — It’s as if Jeep anticipated that Kia would borrow cues from the controversial ’14 Cherokee for its new Kona crossover/utility.


Will Apple adopt the design cue if they don’t necessarily have to?


The frame, suspension, and some styling cues are similar to the F-150 Raptor model.


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