Use the word crying in a sentence

Similar words: trying, frying, burying, carrying, dairying, drying up, worrying, ferrying. Meaning: [‘kraɪɪŋ]  n. the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds). adj. 1. noisy with or as if with loud cries and shouts 2. demanding attention 3. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible. 

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1) It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 

2) It is no good [use] crying over spilt milk. 

3) It is no use crying over spilt milk. 

4) Napolean himself was once a crying baby. 

5) Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. Samuel Johnson 

6) Dinah was crying as she drove slowly away.

7) Is is no use crying over spilt milk.

8) I could hear someone crying in the next room.

9) The baby was crying for its mother.

10) I just couldn’t stop crying.

11) His jokes amused the crying child.

12) Her eyes were red and watery from crying.

13) The peddler was crying up his wares.

14) I was suicidal and just couldn’tstop crying.

15) The families of the victims are crying for justice.

16) I could not help crying.

17) You showed great restraint in not crying.

18) This floor is crying out to be scrubbed.

19) She was crying with vexation and shock.

20) He could see she had been crying.

21) We stood there crying and hugging each other.

22) Anna was almost crying with frustration.

23) I’m not crying. It’s been raining on my face.

24) What’s the matter? Why are you crying?

25) I found him crying his eyes out .

26) Her cheeks were puffy with crying.

27) That child is always crying for no good reason.

28) The child is crying. I think he wants out.

29) Her daughter was crying for some more cake.

30) She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying.

More similar words: trying, frying, burying, carrying, dairying, drying up, worrying, ferrying, quarrying, worryingly, carrying capacity, card-carrying, pry into, every inch, discretionary income, military-industrial complex, saying, vying, lying, flying, slaying, undying, outlying, cloying, playing, annoying, bullying, spraying, straying, edifying. 

As she was crying and washing Jesus feet with

Millie dragged her feet in a last act of defiance, crying as she went

That morning, when the light arose, God came upon Adam like a father to a crying child

Men are mono tracking; if a phone call comes they would ask for the TV to shut, child to stop crying and so on

baby crying quietly and then it

Peadar was crying now

He is apparently wailing, screaming and crying simultaneously

He too is crying now

‘No, he doesn’t have a clue what to do with a crying female, does he?’ I said smiling despite myself

Man in love —> When you look the distance a woman crying

The young crying exclaims his sadness

Ignoring persistently a strong heartbeat and an inner voice crying “Don’t go!”, I arrived at St

They were a size too big and I felt like crying again

Nothing can be so bad that you are crying like that!’ he exclaimed as I sob myself silly into his jacket

He jumps up and finds the defeated, miserable girl full of dangerous secrets and lies, still crying on the floor

crying after they were in the tree

We are brought to a place of eternal priesthood – a people that offer up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save (Hebrews 5:7)

There is still a moment when mourning and crying flee away

A daughter and her crying dad

And what kind of indictment is it that those who are able to see do not recognize Jesus as a Son of David, and yet the blind man in the streets could not be shut up when continuously crying, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me?”

and the crying game that swells a bank balance

in which the crying boy with a melon,

» She felt tears wet her cheeks again, she really didn’t know she had been crying until he noticed

Oh Jerry, Beth was crying softly, I want to try

You are gorgeous darling, absolutely gorgeous! He was crying, overwrought with emotion

She was crying still, but it was out of happiness

howling with the surf, crying out,

With a cry, I drop the brush and fly into his arms, half crying with sheer joy

Later, as they lay in each other’s arms he saw she was crying; panic set in as he thought he had hurt her

The riders were all crying openly, it was a terrible blow for all of them

Come the evening of the party, and even with a substantial layer of foundation on her face, the guests could still see red rings under her eyes from all of her screaming, bawling and crying

She had come to him crying with joy; told him it was the only thing she had ever really wanted

‘At any rate, by the time I left, the mother was crying with her husband – when I arrived they were hardly speaking to each other

Outside several brick-heads straggled past, making crying noises until they drew level then howled a juvenile howl to their friends inside who promptly got up, paid their bill and left

Over tea there was an almighty row that ended with Tiffany crying, her mother shouting at her father and the bunch of flowers being thrust head first into a wheeled dustbin standing out on the pavement ready for emptying the next morning

And as fate would have it, at exactly the same time that Tiffany’s father said this, the young man was lying on his bunk bed crying his eyes out

A son Jake, a son! He was openly crying, tears streaming down his face

They both saluted her as the others did; Steve stood there holding his little girl lost in her beauty, and crying

I was crying for myself, for losing him

She was crying softly, holding her bloody arm

‘ He was crying — as I was

‘What is it, Ben?’ he looks shamefaced then admits that he’s upset Katie and that she’s crying

‘Go away,’ Ali said, crying as he kicked me with his tiny legs, I don’t want you

… poor child … she’s been so courageous … this must have been the last straw emotionally … the crying she never did for her parents … perhaps it is better this way

For crying out loud!

It’s obvious that she’s been crying; ah bless! She looks quite pale

cold, his mother was crying over her lost son

She was crying tears

When her father came down to that room to hide out with his bottle, he found her still crying as she tried to get her clothes back together

His smudged face told me he had been crying inside

‘Aunty, isn’t it strange that all the men in the ward are crying while the women

from crying every time she hears a certain song, a song

crying, her mother shouting at her father and the bunch of flowers

crying his eyes out

I was right about the crying bit though

However, I sometimes hear her crying and her voice too harsh and loud

One woman was crying over the pending execution and hoping that it would be stayed

‘Hey, you’ve been crying … what’s up?’

‘You’ve been crying, corcula

Amanda heard him shout but she could not answer for crying from the pain that ripped through her body

to stop from crying out

Jorma’s accusations made too much sense for her to just lie here crying about it

She was crying

Mucous drips from his nose where he has been crying, and it joins the mud on the back of his hand

vision, he was laughing and crying, and calling out, again and again,

He’ll be crying by now

Billy almost trips over him, and is only stopped from crying out in surprise by the swift movement of Alex’s hand across his mouth

supported his wife, but he just couldn’t deal with crying

Jack stopped crying, and nodded with fear

Dave is crying too, overwhelmed by his proximity to other people’s lives

‘It’s Terry, she’s crying in the kitchen

Terry’s sitting in the kitchen crying while one of the other girls hovers ineffectually in the background not quite knowing what to do

I don’t want…” Monica trailed off, and then she found herself falling to her knees, crying softly on the cold wooden floor

Her eyes where as black as her own; red and puffy it was obvious the she had been crying for a while

Monica fell to the ground, crying as glass fell around her

Monica, on the other hand, was crying over spilt milk, as the imps had littered her bedroom with spilt-over milk cartons, as her father Byron tried to catch the blighters with a butterfly net

Monica began crying as Andrew held her close

It was a girl crying

Joe lay in the cold snow, crying

She started to run towards the couple, the closer she got, the more she could hear the girl repeatedly crying no

mourning or crying or pain, for the old

It was coal black adding contrast to her gray hair and soft blue eyes, which looked as if she’d been crying for days

Now she is crying

He merely rocked back and forth with her, until she stopped crying

Before lowering her head to the table and crying her eyes out

When he stopped shaking her and let her go, she simply slumped to the cement, crying

John Smith sat on the top row smiling and crying at the same time

Can anyone hear me crying behind this wall?

The crying sky is

However, they had to ride past the grave, and there, on the tree, sat the two pigeons, crying out:

Preparing to meet the final wave, the defenders raised their melee weapons to the air, crying out, “So that all may live!”

«What are you crying for?» asked he

crying, a mother from the waiting room patted her on the

`Come, there’s no use in crying like that!’ said Alice to herself, rather sharply; `I advise you to leave off this minute!’ She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it), and sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes!’

generation is the voice in the wilderness crying out, “Prepare the

«One more sensitive than I would have expected,» Glenelle said, «She has retreated to her home space crying hysterically

Learn how to use crying in a sentence and make better sentences with `crying` by reading crying sentence examples.

  • On the next page baby bear is crying.
  • I’m crying a bit while writing this.
  • All I can say is, somewhere out there, Hugh Hefner is crying tears of sadness because of this club.
  • There will be sadness, depression, suicide thoughts, crying.
  • Completely unrelated to her line of work, she is supposed to be a nurse for crying out loud.
  • The reason behind her crying was so stupid and THAT alone made me take away a star.
  • Had my poor sister stressed out, crying, and angry because she believed her.
  • Crying is meant to get your attention and move you to action.
  • Well because I’m pretty emotional myself, and I usually end up crying.
  • It had me smiling in some places and crying in others.
  • A wonderful simple life story, I was crying when I finished it, such a surprise great ending.
  • The result is a hodgepodge of burgers, beers, parked cars, raw fish, and crying children.
  • My toddler is also finally enjoying her lessons now instead of crying like in the first few classes.
  • We started the morning with her crying non stop and left with her giggling and smiling.
  • I was a mess crying everyday after the wedding.
  • Ummm, you forgot an entire entree for crying out loud, why the attitude.
  • Well, you end up crying, laughing and cursing your kindle.
  • They have so much sexual tension going on that it’s making me horny for crying out loud.
  • I was first impressed that they have a crying room.
  • I had a crying kid who wanted to play with the other kids and a wife who was on the verge of crying.
  • I laughed frequently, but also did a fair bit of crying as well.
  • Remy, Rule’s twin brother bought her home to his family after he found her crying at school.
  • But crying is something that every baby does.
  • There were many parts that made me cry and laugh while crying.
  • Her voice is so real, I found myself laughing and crying with her throughout the novel.
  • I was crying at some parts and laughing through others.
  • For those crying and saying that Franchise Mode doesn’t exist is wrong.
  • To have the owners kid running and screaming and crying isn’t an enjoyable experience.
  • It was so spicy I almost started crying.
  • They did n’t have a bracelet and was crying about it.
  • Crying my eyes out and they know just what to do to make those last seconds tolerable.
  • It has grabbed me from the first page and I am laughing and crying awhile reading it.
  • I found one in the bathroom, crying profusely.
  • Belle,I’m a crying mess.
  • She ran away like a pathetic coward and left my poor daughter there crying with no consolation.
  • This is a heartwarming tell that will have you crying and laughing with the main character.
  • Ordered Tom Gai Khan soup, Pad See Ew with shrimp, and crying tiger beef.
  • During one of the earlier missions, a child is crying.
  • Samus isn’t a robot, she’s a girl in a suit for crying out loud.
  • I was crying after just reading the first few pages.
  • It will have you laughing, crying, angry, and believing in second chances.
  • He starts crying because that is really all he wanted.
  • I have been blessed with friends who have put up with two years of crying and frustration.
  • I was crying when he pushed it in harder and he continued to do it.
  • Im not lying when I say I can make an amazing pasta dish that would put this one to a crying shame.
  • Also, it’s the 1850’s, people got married the day they met each other back then for crying out loud.
  • I also found myself crying at some points in the story as it took some emotional turns.
  • Had me laughing and crying but very heart warming.
  • I can send u home crying but wait you already are.
  • Once again you have had me crying with laughter.
  • There will be people coming in with their babies, so there is some crying going on while you wait.
  • Walking, talking, busting a bottle of water on the floor, crying.
  • Crying the management blues these days.
  • I made it through so many scenes without crying but when Alex met with her dad that was it.
  • I felt serious hurts and couldn’t stop crying which I wasn’t intend to.
  • I felt what the characters were feeling, and I was crying big, fat, ugly tears.
  • Our fur baby woke up crying in pain and not eating on a Sunday morning.
  • My son is crying so hard I go back in and she tells me the only way will be to give him an iv.
  • The Burgers were just OK, it’s Burger King for crying out loud.
  • Are your friends their to support you when you are crying in the night.
  • I caught myself holding my breath, yelling at my tablet, and flat out crying.
  • It remains the only place that has ever served me cheese jerky, for crying out loud.
  • My god I literally started crying mid bite because i was choking on it.
  • It’s been really frustrating for my daughter, and she has started crying because of it.
  • Not that I don’t understand why she keeps crying, but at the same time.
  • Just think, when April comes around again, you will be rejoicing instead of crying.
  • My son was 3 weeks old and crying incessantly.
  • This stage may have a lot of crying and self recrimination.
  • This novel will leave readers laughing, crying and empathizing with the woes of the quilters.
  • Some parts had me laughing uncontrollably and others I was crying.
  • She was gentle, patient, and understanding for any crying, whining, and even dirty diapers.
  • I don’t cry easily, but I found myself crying at different parts of this story.
  • This story had me laughing, crying and sighing, sometimes all in one chapter.
  • It was so good, funny, had me crying and wanting more.
  • I went from heartbroken to angry to crying and to hopeful, all to be heartbroken yet again.
  • There was a crying baby in one of the back rooms.
  • On his way to the beach one day he picks up a dog he sees crying.
  • It took me on a rollercoaster ride from smiling to crying or just talking to a character out loud.
  • Less the ugly crying of course.
  • Beg had me cheering, crying and all emotions in between.
  • Think of children, for many the answer is automatically negative, sulking, screaming, and crying.
  • I felt like crying when I finally realized just how messed up Coley’s life really was.
  • This tourist spot can be overrun with screaming and crying kids.
  • Unless you don’t like crying, then I’m wrong.
  • I left your establishment crying.
  • The server almost made my wife crying over there tonight because of his rudeness.
  • Had me turned on in some places, crying through the last three chapters.
  • So there were four guys crying over their loss while we were there.
  • Emotional overload, the story had me crying from the very beginning, warning alert.
  • He’s Brad Pitt for crying out loud.
  • I felt like I was wondering in world of crying souls, and I was contributing to their exploitation.
  • All you can do is to laugh to keep yourself from crying, or dying.
  • She isn’t sitting around crying waiting for someone o fix her.
  • Sunday comes along when the doctors closed and my daughter won’t stop crying.
  • Shes 7 and left crying because I had no clue what I was doing.
  • While my child is hysterically crying she thinks I’ll just leave.
  • My mouth is watering, no, crying thinking about it.
  • I put this in a review online, and they continue crying to Yelp that I have the wrong company.
  • An hour and a half later my aunt called me crying, telling me how much she LOVED the flowers.

Similar words: Cryptanalytics, Cryoscopy, Cryolite, Cry, Crystallochemistry, Cryoconite, Cryptonym, Cryogenically, Cryotrons, Cryptonemiales, Cry Baby, Cryptograph, Cryptomnesia, Cryptodiran, Cryptanalytically, Crying Out For, Crystalline Structure, Cryptologist, Crystalloid, Cryptically

  • Use the word CRYING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

In the wickiup my mother is crying.

No excuses. No equivocations. No crying.

Huh, why are you crying for.

Why are you crying, Miss?

[ up-tempo music plays ] [ crying ]

I want to be able to hear everyone crying and talking about how they miss me.

Surely you are not crying because you cannot speak?

Obviously, since I’m crying!

«She seemed so soft, and she was crying because she didn’t have her child.»

Pipe down, guys They’re both crying‘. What dopes!

«People are crying from the bloody battlefields.»

Henry’s smiling, the sun is shining, Cathy’s sitting home and crying

Well, then? Are you crying because of a man?

And she’s crying for you — I mean Betty, not the baby -«

Why, the old connoisseur is liable to burst right out crying.

Here, honey, this ain’t no time for no crying.

I’m crying because I’m happy, Mammy.

Stop crying we’ll meet again someday

Mr. President, my state of New York is crying out against this endless slaughter.

# Don’t ask me that one question, don’t ask why, # don’t ask why I’m crying, # don’t ask why.

# I wanted to give you the most beautiful thing in life # don’t ask me that one question, don’t ask why # don’t ask why I’m crying, # don’t ask why.

# don’t ask why I’m crying, # don’t ask why.

You’re laughing and crying at the same time.

You’ll have me crying in a minute, Eddie.

No, I’m just sort of crying.

You’re going to have me crying in a minute.

That jury’s so homesick, they’ll bust out crying when you walk in.

You’ll be crying out for your mother.

Was that why you were crying all night long too?

Do it then, because if my child goes on crying, I’ll set fire to this place.

It’s no use crying. It won’t change my mind.

How to use crying in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «crying» and check conjugation/comparative form for «crying«. Mastering all the usages of «crying» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Crying is healthy, crying is good, crying is healthy, crying is good.
«I remember just crying and crying and crying,» said Turner.
Then there’s folding, folding, folding, accompanied by crying, crying, crying.
I would catch myself in my car crying, in bed crying, taking a bath crying, doing something with her siblings and crying.
«I saw a lot of parents hugging their kids and crying, crying, crying,» she said.
» Crystal Espinal: «He started crying & you were like, ‘Shut up, shut up, stop crying, stop crying.
What an effort,’ and he was just crying and crying, and we were like ‘Why are you crying?
I’d walk her up and down the hall, sometimes just crying (me crying, that is — obviously she was crying).
I’m not crying, you’re crying … • So the Cleganebowl happened.
Not even a Crying Brady meme for crying out loud.
He did it at 66 I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying!
«I wasn’t, like, sobbing, but…» We’re not crying, you’re crying.
She was crying and she got all the other moms crying.
Nick was crying, Kristina was crying — it was all very unpleasant.
I’m not talking about Crying Jordan, I’m talking about Crying Clifford.
«I feel like crying, but what good is crying?» he replied.
But crying is really … Absorbing sadness and crying is really wonderful.
«Get me the helicopters, girls crying, girls crying on helicopters,» he said.
When the dude’s crying at the end, you’re like, ‘Why’s he crying?
Get me the helicopters, the girls crying, the girls crying in helicopters.
There’s no crying in baseball, but I’m crying watching this sweet video.
«I started crying, she started crying, it was messed up,» she said.
«He started crying, so of course I started crying,» Becky told Inside Edition.
It is important to note here that I’m not crying, you’re crying. You.
«We called her up and she was crying and crying,» McDowell told Newsday .
I would hug my landlady, crying again because she was crying for me.
If you stop responding to a crying baby it will just stop crying.
I was crying, and I couldn’t quit crying, and I was throwing up.
Callimachi: He’s crying, this man, oh — why is he crying, do you think?
Several readers talked about crying in the bathroom or finding coworkers crying there.
They say there’s no crying in baseball, but there is crying in basketball.
His colleagues are crying now, crying hot tears at the indescribable beauty of it.
We were both crying and people were telling us, ‘Why are you guys crying?
«I was crying, and the owner of the restaurant was crying too,» she said.
That would be a crying shame — but the one crying hardest would be Mayweather.
I started crying and she told me that crying wasn’t allowed in the house.
You’re crying over the loss of your family, you’re crying over sharing your kids.
I&aposm crying and crying, this guy&aposs like, &aposCan I get a selfie?
I&aposm crying and crying, this guy&aposs like, &aposCan I get a selfie?
The country is crying out for solutions; the country is crying out to be unified; the country is crying out for a positive vision that brings us all together.
Crying into a tissue on a therapist’s couch is different than crying in someone’s arms.
Transforming more lives, giving you all the feels,» later adding, «I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Basically, I’m good with myself crying, but I’m not so good with other men crying.
He started crying, I was thinking why you crying i gotta pay for this shit.
She started crying, but performed oral sex on him, «crying the entire time,» she said.
Crying is okay, even at weird times and when no one knows why you’re crying.
» As the baby starts crying, Kimbro says: «As long as she’s crying like that she’s breathing.
«People were crying for water, people were crying for food and they were helpless,» he says.
Yesterday I saw a woman walking on the street and crying, no clear reason, just crying.
He grabs his phone and saying he’s calling the cops and I’m just crying and crying.
I was literally crying bent double—it felt like I was crying to mourn this relationship.
«And of course, there’s hella crying,» a narrator says, before showing characters crying in the skit.
Jordan: After all the crying I slept really well, crying really takes it out of you.
«When parents experience excessive crying in their baby, the first important thing is to record the crying in a diary to evaluate the duration and intensity of the crying,» she said.
Now you can Crying Jordan your friends: The «Crying Jordan Meme Generator» app, which serves up little Crying Jordan cutouts, has been downloaded more than 40,000 times since its February release.
I just can’t stop crying and I can’t imagine how many bunnies are crying for u too.
I don’t know if they were crying about their dads too, but they were crying about something.
He was crying, and I was crying, and I wondered if my actions could be considered abuse.
Crying in front of your mother is not the same as crying in front of your boss.
This is really a crying shame so at this point I will use the crying shame emoji.
That’s exactly what Knausgaard is trying to do for his daughter, and no, we’re not crying, YOU’RE crying.
Larson had begun crying when Stone turned to greet her and, in turn, Stone began crying as well.
Cassie may not be crying because she was eliminated; she could be crying for some other reason entirely.
But in this one the lawyers are crying in the courtroom, the judge is crying in the courtroom.
I was crying as I drove, crying as we pulled into the parking lot of the Grand Union.
At the end of the film, we got the longest standing ovation, everyone was crying, we were crying.
Subjects then listened to recordings of babies crying, adults crying or birds singing, and played the game again.
It was like, Oh, I’m not crying, but obviously I was crying and totally trying to hide it.
Lando and Han reunited at the ‘Rise of Skywalker’ premiere and shut up we’re not crying you’re crying.
Her daughter, the writer Lisa See, remembered her mother calling her, «crying and crying and crying,» after reading the edits she received from the ex-husband: «You’re right, I didn’t,» he wrote in the margin.
«There was one day I was really tired, really on edge, Calvin just kept crying and crying,» she remembers.
«Kanye and Virgil have the sweetest moment and they’re both crying, all of our friends were crying,» Kim said.
But it wasn’t just the characters crying, Glazer and Jacobson were actually crying real tears in that final scene.
The show knows it’s peddling positivity, sporting «I’m Not Crying, You’re Crying» billboards—it is extremely hard to get through an episode with crying, yes—and serving updates on the marital status of early makeover subjects.
Crying is an evolutionary strategy to summon adult aid; over millennia, crying has probably evolved to be hard to ignore.
I tried really hard to do what my mom said and stay strong, but I couldn’t stop crying and crying.
She said some foster families report that the children start crying at dinner time and continue crying throughout the night.
Quite often, for men, because crying is still not socially acceptable, their experiences of crying outside therapy have been bad.
One of my favorite moments is after she’s been beaten by the Man in Black and she’s crying and she says, «I’m not crying for me, I’m crying for you,» and beats the s— out of him.
«Everybody was crying, everything went silent but all you could hear is people crying,» wedding photographer Allix Ruby told ABC News.
In its classic version, the Crying Jordan meme is executed by pasting Jordan’s crying head onto the body of someone else.
Unlike many political figures, Spicer’s antics are the kind that make you alternate between laughing and crying rather than simply crying.
«Sorry @JohnLegend, I tried!!!» she wrote in a retweet of the image, adding a crying laughing emoji and a crying emoji.
«Sorry @JohnLegend, I tried!!!» she wrote in a retweet of the image, adding a crying laughing emoji and a crying emoji.
«Last year, I was crying of joy; this year I was crying because I was sad,» Pouille said after the loss.
They are crying because they were there, they are crying because they are not there, they are crying because their dads are yelling at them for crying while watching the Coachella live stream, because Jack Ü. Imagine, if you will, a giant 1984 Macintosh 128k, from which human letter jacket Diplo descends carrying a proportionately enormous floppy disk.
«As soon as I met her I started crying and I gave her a big hug and she said I should stop crying because Olivia would have wanted me to stop crying,» she said as she fought back tears.
«Since the ceremony is a little long, someone’s crying because he’s hungry,» the Pope said in Italian, after hearing a crying baby.
Vanessa starts crying, and Jessica shifts to hover over her, her little voice repeating, «You okay, you fine,» until her crying stops.
«Everybody was crying, everything went silent but all you could hear is people crying,» wedding photographer Allix Ruby told ABC News. 6.
«People are crying (out) for good roads, and at the same time crying (out) for the protection of the land,» he said.
To top it all off, you get to enjoy an Extremely Dad message shared in the caption: I’m not crying you’re crying.
A crying person draped in a French flag hugs a crying person with a Belgian flag, suggesting solidarity between the two countries.
«That tantrums end with crying and not with anger is significant because kids’ crying tends to elicit parent comfort-giving,» he said.
«I told myself I had to just suck it up — there’s no crying in baseball; there’s no crying in politics,» she said.
Excessive crying is known as infantile colic, and a new study suggests that acupuncture may reduce colicky crying when other treatments don’t help.
» Clarkson did end up crying after she took a small bit out of the orange pepper, crying out, «My tongue is on fire!
Thus we now have the history of the United States as told in Crying Jordan memes and the world’s first Crying Jordan pancake.
She was not crying because she was moved by the compliment, but crying because I had clearly aroused something she was insecure about.
Later, she told the cameras that she’s done limiting herself or selling herself short and NO I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE THE ONE CRYING.
And whether your go-to crying movie is a Nicholas Sparks adaptation or something else, crying at movies can be cathartic as hell.
«When I was getting prepped to go into surgery, my dad was standing right in front of me, crying and crying,» Harpin recalls.
Village warriors searching for the princess could hear her crying in the forest (tagimoucia can be translated as «crying tears,» Mr. Cavuilati said).
You’re in nesting mode, and as the Sun connects with Neptune in Pisces (one of the most emo signs in the zodiac), you’ll feel the need to hide away and do some crying (happy crying and baggage-clearing crying alike) and reflecting.
«It is very gratifying, not just because the babies are crying and you help them to stop crying,» Deutchman, from Atlanta, Georgia, tells PEOPLE.
On the day Evans confirmed her children were back in her arms, she tweeted, «Crying in tears of joy» alongside three crying face emojis.
To get calls and messages from old, great friends who are saying they’re crying — totally crying — and proud, that meant the world to me.
I was that girl sitting on the street of New York crying, and people kept asking what it was and why I was crying.
«Since the ceremony is a little long, someone’s crying because he’s hungry,» the pope said in Italian, referencing the noise of a crying baby.
We got there and a guy came crying, crying, he said, ‘My daughter was shot in front of me, her head was blown off.
Mayweather might not stop fighting until he loses, and that would be a crying shame — but the one crying the hardest would be him.
The desk clerk was crying because Andrea Yates had just drowned her five children in the bathtub in Texas, so Hader began crying, too.
Whatever it was, I chose the simplest fix: Over the years, I learned to stop crying, without ever really understanding what the crying meant.
Similarly, they found themselves to be more likely to comfort a crying girl, while they would tell a crying boy to brush it off.
He was crying for the people of Brussels: People Are Sharing Pictures Of Tintin Crying In Response To The #Brussels Terror Attacks #Bruxelles pic.twitter.
» Jacqueline added, «I heard someone crying so I ran upstairs and I looked in her room and she’s against the wall and she has a gun pointed at her chest and she’s just crying and crying and I’m like, ‘Brandy please don’t, Brandy no.
» She added, «I heard someone crying so I ran upstairs and I looked in her room and she’s against the wall and she has a gun pointed at her chest and she’s just crying and crying and I’m like, ‘Brandy please don’t, Brandy no.
Grande recalled meeting Campbell’s mother saying, «As soon as I met her I started crying and I gave her a big hug and she said I should stop crying because Olivia would have wanted me to stop crying,» she said as she fought back tears.
«I don’t know if we were crying because we were sad it was ending, or if we were crying because it was so fucking tiring.»
«I was crying from happiness, but then I was crying from fear all at the same time,» Grace told Inside Edition in the clip above.
Dej Loaf & Leon Bridges «Liberated» I’m not crying, you’re crying after watching this beautiful video for a so-necessary song about self-expression and equality.
I turned around, he was on one knee, he was crying, I was crying, I grabbed his hand and he said, ‘Will you marry me?
I don’t know if we were crying because we were sad it was ending or if we were crying because it was so f—ing tiring.
«I’m not crying, you’re crying,» Dale, the sound operator played by Fallon, screams as he interrupts yet another scene between Sterling K. Brown and Chrissy Metz.
«I’m like almost crying because she’s crying and all I wanna do is pull over so I can attend to her,» she told ABC New York.
Oh that’s 🔥 Crying — and lots of them 😢 😭 😂 There is the crying face emoji 😢, which frequently is used to show some sadness.
Usually crying around thousands of strangers would make me uncomfortable, however in this moment crying was not a sign of weakness, but a sign of courage.
It’s not the only movie on this list that ends with someone crying (don’t worry, that’s not a spoiler), and you’ll probably end up crying too.
«I heard someone crying so I ran upstairs and I looked in her room and she’s against the wall and she has a gun pointed at her chest and she’s just crying and crying and I’m like, ‘Brandy please don’t, Brandy no,&apos» Jacqueline told the outlet.
He also shared the album’s cover, which invokes the Crying Jordan meme, except it’s in black and white and Jordan’s actual crying face has been wiped out.
But if you put her in her bouncer, she is in heaven, and she bounces on one leg, then the other, laughing and crying, crying and laughing.
After that emotional performance (we’re not crying, you’re crying), Hernandez was off to the finals — and survived round one, ultimately winning the Mirrorball trophy on the Nov.
«He kept crying all night … He wasn’t crying because he was beaten or tortured, though the scars were still visible on his face and body,» she said.
«He kept crying all night… He wasn’t crying because he was beaten or tortured, though the scars were still visible on his face and body,» she said.
Are you like me where you show up somewhere after crying and have to lie about your allergies because I look like a total mess after crying?
The only thing worse than a baby crying in the backseat is a baby crying in the back seat and upsetting the older child sitting next to them.
Despite the stigma attached to crying — we usually cry when we’re experiencing a negative emotion, so crying equals bad — it is the first physiological step toward overcoming hardship.
» Fans could hardly contain their excitement, leaving notes like «I heard a rumor to this effect, SO happy for you guys!!» and «I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING OMG YAY.
Using Kim Kardashian’s crying face as her muse, makeup artist Alexis Dosamantes recently created a singular work of museum-worthy art — on her own, non-crying face, no less.
«I speak to my son every day and he says that they’re so happy»: I AM NOT CRYING YOU ARE CRYING FUCK OFF AND ALSO BLESS THIS SENSITIVE DAD.
You will watch as the rabbi hugs the man from the F.B.I. and you will see that the FB.I. agent is crying and notice that you are crying, too.
But while one 2001 article analyzed 140 years of popular articles about crying, and found that 94 percent promoted crying as beneficial, the actual research paints a murkier picture.
» — Katie, 25 «Outside her house drunk and crying.
» — Mara, 30 «Consistently alternated between crying and yelling.
I was crying a lot, a lot of people were crying, trying to call their mums and stuff but we couldn’t really do anything just wait and trust the captain.
Jesse Bering, director of the Institute of Cognition and Culture at Belfast University, says in NPR’s «Teary-Eyed Evolution: Crying Serves a Purpose» that crying keeps communities and couples strong.
Everybody: You know those moments between crying about one thing and crying about the next thing, when you finally have time to catch your breath and just cry about nothing?
Bella threw up a couple photos that appear to show her crying — with puffy, red eyes — and her caption this time read, «When ur ex gets engaged» with crying emojis.
The babies are crying, he said, because they are in an unfamiliar place, or because they had to get up early, or sometimes simply because they hear another child crying.
» She continued: «I had an incident where I thought he got hurt because something happened to his leg and he was crying and crying and whimpering, and I started crying and I was like, ‘oh god tell me what happened,’ and it’s like, he’s a dog he can’t tell you what happened.
«When Kim told me that I was being released, I started jumping and screaming and crying, and everyone else was crying,» Johnson said during her June 7 «Good Morning America» appearance.
«I felt bad, because I’m crying, and she’s crying, and she just won, and I’m not sure if they were happy tears or sad tears because of the moment,» she explained.
» In the campaign, crying jags happened so frequently — «at least once a day,» Palmieri writes — that her room in the Clinton White House press office became known as «the crying room.
Rob said, «When I first saw Neil crying [in the movie], I realized I had to rethink everything I knew about Neil Armstrong,» because you never thought of that guy crying.
Wolker said the new crying chart would help health workers reassure parents whether their baby is crying within a normal range in the first three months, or may need extra support.
In the «I’m not crying, you’re crying» moment of the night, little Jasmine sees right through Bailey’s cheery follow-up routine and asks her point-blank if her mom is dead.
» Crying, she replied, «Because I still see the boy.
» Mariscal added: «I almost started crying to be honest.
Wade’s shot, obviously, got the Crying Jordan + Drake treatment.
» I stared at her and calmly explained, «I’m crying.
» And I was really crying, going, «Nobody wants me!
There’s crying, but this time it’s all about feeling your true beauty and confidence, a brief detour into scalp psoriasis, and some more crying about feeling too masculine in a buzz cut.
If you’re regularly crying at work, or you break down in sobs at a staff meeting, or you’re crying in response to mild feedback … yeah, it can hurt your reputation, for sure.
«I surprised Cece, and when he came out onstage, she started crying—and then I started crying,» Watson, 31, says in the current issue of PEOPLE of the 2016 performance in Biloxi, Miss.
So you’ve got tears and I’m pushing people out of freight elevators and my kids are crying — I don’t know where they going — all of that was happening and the staff was crying.
In today’s adorable-and-I’m-not-crying-you’re-crying news, NDTL reports that an engineer in New Delhi named Milind Raj saved a puppy using a drone he equipped with a giant claw.
Cantwell was profiled in a Vice News documentary about the rally, and was also known as the «crying Nazi» after a video of him crying about the possibility of being arrested went viral.
«I can’t tell you how many times my phone rings and they’re crying, or they walk into my office and they start crying — the parents,» Ms. Austen said of high school application season.
Though, hopefully, we’ll all be crying a little bit less.
«People were trampling each other, hopping fences, crying hysterically,» @tylergabriel_wrote.
I know he’s crying for me, wondering what’s going on.
One chapter you’re swooning, and the next one you’re crying.
«When we’ll be unemployed, we’ll really be crying,» Nayyar joked.
People were screaming and crying, and it was just great.
None of them look good, and I feel like crying.
Sometimes laughing is the best way to keep from crying.
Not like, «I’m laughing so hard that I’m crying» laugh.
I was crying because this guy, he never liked refugees.
And then he would welcome seeing kids crying and screaming.
The Real Story Of Elephant Mothers & Babies Not crying yet?
I’m crying at YG’s «Only Birkin, not Dooney & Burke» line.
«You know I like you,» DelVecchio tells a crying contestant.
He even has a man bun, for crying out loud.
I’m really surprised I made it that far without crying.
This groom who started crying before even seeing his bride.
«The crying stopped and the screaming started,» Nemis told CTVNews.
«You’ve literally saved people’s lives,» Van Ness tells her, crying.
I promise not to cry, I’ve done enough crying onscreen.
She recalled crying in her car after purchasing a laptop.
» Drummond adds: «None of the kids were crying or screaming.
«I was crying when I found out,» said Herman Valsson.
» Another tweeted, «Was crying over #prince and now over @ladygaga.
There’s no crying in baseball — unless you’re a newborn sextuplet.
She said Noah and his mother were crying and hugging.
«He was crying when I had the operation,» she says.
The baby reportedly never lost consciousness, but was crying hysterically.
I would be at work, crying for thirty minutes straight.
«I can literally start crying over a leaf,» she said.
«We were both talking to her and crying,» she recalled.
Notice I said sobbing instead of just plain ol’ crying.
» Grande responded to Garner’s Instagram post, writing, «nooooooooOoOOoOo I’m crying.
» With the fellow employee responding, «I can&apost stop crying.
«She called me and said, ‘Mom, I’m crying,’ » says Ziegler.
Demi is crying in The Bachelor trailer for the Feb.
«I can’t stop crying,» witness Carmen Pena, 30, tells PEOPLE.
But that doesn’t mean we’re all the next Crying Jordan.
Consider crying yourself to sleep shortly after your monthly budget.
While authorities began investigating it, they heard children crying inside.
Finally, he admits he is trying to keep from crying.
He was crying as he was telling me the story.
«On the way here, daddy was crying,» she told Joe.
Answers to the «crying» question were broken down by gender.
You’ll also get a push notification if Suzy detects crying.
I don’t need to go back to kissing and crying!
But, aside from that, YG says crying ain’t his thing.
«It doesn’t make any sense to me,» she says, crying.
In my perfect world, crying would happen alone in bed.
The nuns who worked there hated the sound of crying.
She was pretty sure the girl in there was crying.
I had a bad dream and I woke up crying.
She wrote the text over a selfie of herself crying.
You suddenly find yourself crying, and you weren’t remotely prepared!
They take an oath about that for crying out loud.
Arthur couldn’t stop crying over the death of his brother.
She said she then ran out of the room crying.
There’s no crying in baseball, but sometimes there is booing.
Everyone is crying (myself included), as Nova tries to leave.
«The country is crying out to be unified,» he said.
I was holding on to the car door and crying.
Ofmdmfnnd she looks so good in crying,» wrote one. «Solange!!!!
During the ride, she filmed herself crying over the incident.
«I started crying I’m so scared,» Duarte told her friends.
Spicy food can turn anyone into a snotty, crying mess.
I remember crying for two minutes, and then saying, ‘OK!
Then her daughter came running through the front door, crying.
Needless to say, there is a lot of crying involved.
Protesters are «taken into custody,» sometimes while screaming and crying.
I thought not crying was what manhood was all about.
And she would usually be crying as DQ described it.
«She was crying out to be accepted,» said Quantisha Henley.
My family were all in the audience, ­crying and cheering.
They gathered around the coffins, crying and comforting each other.
«He was screaming, crying, and whimpering,» Trump said of Baghdadi.
It hurt so bad, I started uncontrollably screaming and crying.
Kris tells Kourtney that Kylie called her upset and crying.
Myth 9: Picking up a crying baby will spoil them.
Pressman: Picking up a crying baby will not spoil them.
And it’s like, Teddi, come on, for crying out loud.
You remind me how to smile even when you’re crying.
Nick was crying before he even started the rose ceremony.
If it’s no use worrying, what’s the point of crying?
He had trouble saying his vows because he was crying.
«I’m tired of crying,» said one person at the vigil.
I was like, ‘I need anything to stop this crying!
Currently crying tears of joy re: the triumph at #StandingRock.
I would just spend the whole time hugging and crying.
In that one scene when she’s crying in the car?
Did she have the same crying arc that I did?
It’s the sound of hearts breaking and elves crying everywhere.
«It was so scary,» she continued, crying at the memory.
Crying, she asks him if it’s safe to be there.
And then I hear Kash screaming, he’s crying very loud.
Paul Hogan has been up to recently (just crying, apparently).
When authorities arrived, they allegedly found Mortimer crying and screaming.
Rachel McAdams and Kate Winslet crying after Lady Gaga’s performance.
He remembered his mother crying; again, they had lost everything.
Some would start crying out of sympathy on my behalf.
I feel like crying now, but I’m glad it’s over.
Think of your appetite as a hungry, crying newborn baby.
She crouches backstage, still crying, until she’s ready to emerge.
«I’m still crying and beaming,» Kimora said in the video.
I was for Crying Jordan before I was against it.
He was not crying at any point during the rescue.
Rose is so happy she could burst, and I’m crying.
Well, it’s worth more than a few crying laughing emojis.
Im worn out from crying so much an no sleep.
Hearing that, of course, I all but burst out crying.
Fallon begins crying when describing the backlash against his show.
Crying means you’re feeling something that needs to get out.
I wasn’t prepared for that, and I just started crying.
We were all crying about it because we’re a family.
Then if I did, the other person would start crying.
I started crying and she said she’d pray for me.
So is this just a bunch of kids crying wolf?
Bieber was later photographed crying in his car with Baldwin.
No one should be surprised that Google is crying foul.
I sat at my kitchen table crying out of frustration.
Did you hear the audio of those kids crying, «Mommy»?
No one is crying, that’s not how you get fitter.
A lot of people were bleeding, one guy was crying.
«Imagine if I walked on the runway crying!» she continued.
Then it hit me, and I spent all day crying.
All across the country, middle school English teachers are crying.
She’s raging (and crying, and feeling, and constantly falling apart).
It took a few months and a lot of crying.
But what about the loudly crying emoji 😭, you ask?
So this was definitely a ‘start crying‘ moment for me.
Pulled over for speeding Sunday, he just broke down crying.
The wife was crying and the man looked really nervous.
I wasn’t crying but I was thinking and was sad.
«I want you to hear my daughter crying,» she texts.
So, yeah, just playing nice man, just crying and praying.
Some of his children were in shock; others were crying.
«None of this is anything worth crying over,» Vanderpump said.
Liberals weren’t crying wolf at earlier stages of that evolution.
I have been crying myself to sleep, it’s so good!
«Half of them end up crying about something,» he said.
When my mom called me I was hyperventilating and crying.
So, there were tears in the family, there was crying.
«I was crying tears of joy,» Eller’s mother told KHON.
I walk by a homeless woman twice who is crying.
Did Trump throw a crying baby out of his rally?
She started crying and eventually hit me, then said yes.
That Moment When Peeing Feels So Good You Start Crying.
Eventually other kids arrived, and the birthday boy stopped crying.
«I love them as my granddaughters,» she added while crying.
What does crying look like in an urban, industrial wasteland?
I was like, ‘Look, I should be the one crying.
Are they crying from laughter at me or with me?
I just collapsed and I was crying my eyes out.
He was in his apartment and he heard her crying.
«»I was crying, ‘Why is this happening to my baby?
The next morning he rings you, crying, from Trafalgar Square.
I think she was projecting, and she just started crying.
In response, some users on social media are crying foul.
There was plenty of talk of crying, shaking, and screaming.
I walked out, like, scratching my head but not crying.
You might hear something that sounds like a baby crying.
Most importantly, they are basically crying out for gel inserts.
«People were crying, people were just in shock,» she said.
I am crying again, so that officially makes three times.
«I’m really crying, I’m not making it up,» she began.
Your crying out that you too are human is meaningless.
Siggy, better known as ‘Soggy Flicker’ with all the crying.
Well, he has a song called «Crying» that I covered.
Someone even called it the Convention’s own Crying Jordan meme.
«She didn’t say anything because she was crying,» Halep smiled.
Crying Piccolo Girl will live on in our hearts forever.
Many of them were sitting on the beach and crying.
«They were so happy they were crying,» Dr. Ghali says.
The sport’s crying out for more drivers like Max Verstappen.
«I’m trying to laugh to keep from crying,» she said.
Remember those creepy crying baby masks a few years ago?
«I’m crying,» he said, visibly shocked by his own reaction.
I have seen men crying in jail without being mocked.
Sometimes I walk in here and she is crying. Why?
When I would cry, Diana would be off camera, crying.
Then I looked around after and they were all crying.
The firemen pretended not to notice when I started crying.
«She comes into my arms and starts crying,» Deutchman said.
No one is seemingly safe from the Crying Jordan treatment.
Either I end up crying, or we’re laughing about it.
«We were crying because we were so happy,» Sabater says.
«I remember going home and seeing Mom crying,» she said.
«The world is crying with us,» Lewis told the crowd.
His crying sister walked up the hill from her home.
Victims have been crying out for more than 30 years.
«I would never purposely hurt someone, ever,» she said, crying.
She says it’s from the tear gas and the crying.
It’s those really fussy days when he’s frustrated and crying.
«I was crying at their story,» Schultz recalls to PEOPLE.
«I have been crying all night, this morning,» she said.
«I don’t see him crying uncle anytime soon,» said Moore.
She was towering over me, crying, sniffling, trying to explain.
USA Today reports that some critics are already crying foul.
Lucy sat totally stunned and Desi left the stage crying.
She did, but she was not the only one crying.
«Because it is my name!» the character says while crying.
«A woman in the front row began crying,» it says.
The crying has unnerved some White House aides, source says.
«They were bullying her; she was crying,» Ms. McCardell said.
And don’t worry about crying, because all real men cry.
That has developers crying foul and analysts questioning its effectiveness.
Now some of those born female competitors are crying foul.
When I looked at those sketches, I couldn’t help crying.
If that happens, you’ll find me in a corner crying.
Sobble’s tears force everyone around it to start crying, too.
Through the commotion, the woman can still be heard crying.
Crying my eyes out all the way back to Nashville.
I was like, ‘I don’t even know why I’m crying.
He was crying and fussy one night about 6 p.m.
She was crying and bleeding — she was 5 or something.
«Staffers in our broadcast truck were actually crying,» Lorenzo said.
«I got home to find her crying hysterically,» Wolf said.
I was crying all night because I was so scared.
Again, and again until completely overwhelmed, Blaifaa went down crying.
When she finally let go, she was crying and smiling.
They’ve become conditioned to blow it off as crying wolf.
The image of a crying man is a misandrist’s dream.
Growing up I spent a healthy amount of time crying.
He is crying his heart out, spewing great big sobs.
A smash cut of babies crying, people shouting, subjects frowning.
I was literally crying because the music was so beautiful.
I was crying, and she didn’t know what to do.
She got off to find Mae crying, bloodied and terrified.
He sits in his condo, watching Thai TV and crying.
This isn’t a post about crying at a tech conference.
«I can’t stop crying,» Rowling told her 7.46 million followers.
We see Alex holding the potato in her bunk, crying.
No racing thoughts, no crying episodes that lasted for hours.
Are they sitting there crying into their pillows at night?
«Crying and could not provide his name,» the officer wrote.
Footage reviewed by Business Insider did not show him crying.
Crying at work is much more common than you think.
We found Cleofila Carillo crying softly under a mosquito net.
«Please don’t burn this, my daughter is crying,» he said.
«So I’m sitting in my room quietly crying,» Briannan wrote.
And then she started crying, and we paused our interview.
He was crying on the other end of the line.
She dropped the glass in her hands and started crying.
Employees shared their emotions freely, often crying at the office.
«I was crying,» said Mahmood Abdallah, 38, a truck driver.
«I did not see her crying or laughing,» he said.
They kept firing, and our staff kept crying and screaming.
On Twitter, he was mocked by some liberals for crying.
Your country was crying for help and you heard it.
We heard the two heartbeats, and we were both crying.
The reading sessions were filled with discussions, arguments and crying.
Bret Barnum, approached him to ask why he was crying.
Where I went to school: reading, crying, and being uncoordinated?
You weren’t there to see your mom crying every night . . .
But owners of slaughterhouses and meat shops are crying foul.
Neighbors, a few of them crying, gathered at the home.
Crying babies get pushed to the front of the line.
If you are asked why you’re crying, you can’t answer.
She gave me a hug, and I was totally crying.
We’re told Danielle started crying when she got the news.
«I was crying all the time,» said Ms. Arain, 45.
When it finished, Rodríguez and his mother were both crying.
«I was crying every day,» said Mr. Levy, now 24.
«I went to school and just started crying,» she said.
Your team won’t know you’re crying because you’ll be unconscious.
«I saw people crying and shouting with anger,» she said.
Laughing to keep from crying, resisting to keep from hopelessness.
He didn’t want me to see that he was crying.
A lot of them were crying in the dining halls.
As they cried, the other children began crying as well.
Crying is a kind of communication, and communication is awesome.
Callimachi: I saw him crying as he was coming out.
I have never seen a room so filled with crying.
He’s fine with his crying, what choice does he have?
They really didn’t expect it, and so they were crying.
«She was crying desperately,» Edgar recalled in a telephone interview.
After Round 4, McCall was seen to be crying copiously.
She came to me crying, ‘Father, can you hide me?
From crying children to leering grandpas, she’s seen it all.
And the people of Afghanistan are crying out for it.
Minutes later, she found Dulce’s brother on the playground crying.
He often wakes up shaking, crying, and grinding his teeth.
But for the crying of babies, the passengers are subdued.
The man broke down crying as Constable Wheatley comforted him.
«I heard a lot of crying and screaming,» she said.
Her mother was on the line, and she was crying.
«Once you are assaulted,» she said, and trailed off, crying.
The children were crying uncontrollably; their cat was still inside.
You weren’t there to see your mom crying every night . . .
I’m so happy, I was crying the whole (last) lap.
Maryam, 20, said she ran crying to her husband, Babagana.
Mr. Ohene could be heard crying out at that point.
Like a boy crying wolf, indiscriminate outrage is eventually ignored.
The kids are crying … because adults are yelling at them.
Then, he said, he saw a woman crying for help.
Soon, crying and screaming could be heard around the gym.
Some were crying as they lined up to greet her.
Here he becomes a roaring lion, furiously crying for freedom.
Longtime clients are coming in with gifts and food, crying.
The only sound in the room was his stepdaughter’s crying.
He may have been crying, but I can’t be certain.
I feel like I might be crying by the end.
I found myself crying again while I watched the movie.
So if I see them crying, I go, ‘Ha ha!
The other child left the bathroom crying at some point.
The episode opens with Hannah Ann and Kelsey both crying.
The operator says he was out of breath and crying.
The operator said Cameron was crying and out of breath.
President Trump is not part of the Washington crying crowd.
For crying out loud, Christopher, you are such a baby!
You might already be crying at the thought of it.
Then Ruby opened her arms, and Mallin, crying, embraced her.
When we heard the two heartbeats, we were both crying.
That’s when Cara sat in the red chair, crying inconsolably.
To his right, Jamie Dantzscher started crying during her testimony.
«The first two weeks I was crying excessively,» Hathaway said.
He was crying with pain, making a terrible mewing sound.
The shofar sounds like a broken, crying voice when blown.
«The Italian in me is crying right now,» another added.
This kind of journalism is so bad, now I’m crying.
Human voices shouting, crying, asking questions in a foreign tongue.
At one point, out on the sidewalk, she was crying.
Were you concerned about crying in front of your colleagues?
«I’m not crying because I’m on my period,» Zehtabchi said.
But at least I’ve made crying about taxes my brand.
The girl was crying for her father daily, she added.
She looked stricken, and her eyes were red from crying.
She is still crying about going to school at night.
«You’ve got to give up this crying stuff,» Corcoran said.
I saw some people crying just before the show started.
I was crying because I hadn’t seen her in forever.
I’ve also been told to expect to do some crying.
The installations included audio recordings of detained migrant children crying.
I had been up all night and I was crying.
I’m reading this because Kara is crying right now. Yeah.
The next morning some of them were actually still crying.
We are crying, waiting for these brothers to come out.
I started crying because I thought I might get deported.
You woke up and he was just lying there crying?
She came back pink and breathing and crying and wonderful.
You know when you can tell somebody was just crying.
A collaboration from them would sound like crying during sex.
When the nurse stuck the needle in, I began crying.
You may resume crying … on your 9th hour of work.
The goal is to not end up crying during lunch.
Specifically, the amount of crying I imagine I’ll be doing.
Other lyrics include familiar favorites like «there’s no crying in the club» (hint: the title is «Crying In The Club») or «I make money moves» which I refuse to believe people don’t actually recognize.
I always tear up when I hear ‘Pomp and Circumstance,’ but when he came down the hallway and got to the door of his dad’s room and he started crying, we all started crying.
The supermodel detailed the symptoms she had that eventually led to her diagnosis in December — including detachment, crying, exhaustion, sadness, spontaneous crying, extreme body pains that sent her to the hospital, and self-isolation.
The problem is not only abusers but more broadly a society that often disbelieves or scorns those crying for help, like that young woman curled up on her bed crying during the Golden Globes.
Which means that as well as Britney’s video, we get another amazing morsel of internet: During the concert, she spoke via video message, saying: I’m not crying you are crying shut the hell up.
«I can remember crying while nursing my welts after being whipped and hearing, ‘Stop crying or I’ll really give you something to cry about,’ » the star of the upcoming First Wives Club TV series writes.
«We freak out when a birthday girl starts crying because we don’t know if those are tears of joy or sadness, or if they are crying with laughter,» added Bernardo Méndez, who impersonates Niall Horan.
And of course there is an emoji ha — which is crying tears of laughter and should not be confused with the crying tears of sadness that is apparently the most commonly used emoji on Instagram.
Mr. Coley started crying as he recalled his time in the building he loved — «I’m not ashamed of you writing I’m crying, as I am» — because it is now in danger of being lost forever.
But as far as how people feel after crying (a separate question from whether crying has objectively observable health benefits), it seems that a person’s response to their own tears depends largely on the context.
It seemed like every day I was crying or freaking out.
«You do everything for your kids,» she said, crying, and paused.
I broke out crying at the sight of my swollen head.
«There was a point that I stopped crying,» she has said.
With lots of hugs and crying, it’s on to the final.
«I’m crying because this whole situation deeply saddens me,» Miller said.
«Why is everyone talking about a crying basketball player?» they’ll ask.
I didn’t know how to respond — I just started crying uncontrollably.
«I’m always crying,» Kate then says, in a very meta moment.
Just when fans thought they were done crying … Netflix releases this!
Your sooooo special I couldn’t stop crying when you were born.
«I heard the kids crying … I couldn’t save them,» he said.
No more crying in a Harry Potter bar for these two.
Can you hear the sound of parents crying in the distance?
It’s notable that they’re crying, and it’s notable that they’re men.
«Here we go, you’re going to find me crying,» Ventimiglia said.
While there had indeed been crying, there was no actual dispute.
A long crying started after that while I almost went crazy.
I cannot stop crying but I will be strong for you.
He literally can’t stop crying, which makes us cry uncontrollably too.
«Nobody was really crying foul that the Rams moved,» Willis says.
She is left crying and so should the rest of us.
«Why did I try to be better!» they say, crying openly.
Here he is, crying because men can cry too, you know.
Louise was seen crying as she listened to it on Wednesday.
This points to a second niggle: Amazon’s rivals are crying foul.
«When Dolly (gave) me her picture, I was crying,» Borella said.
«It was the best birthday I ever had,» Lorelai says, crying.
But I start crying when it’s time for him to leave.
«She went to get ice and she started crying,» Green says.
«Wow wow… I’m going to start crying and s—,» Anthony says.
Border Patrol agent Carlos Ruise explained why the girl was crying.
And my cousin leaned down and said, ‘Why are you crying?
Defenders of the trade agreement said TiSA critics were crying wolf.
The girl had been crying, but put on a brave face.
The tender way James McAvoy asks Keira Knightley why she’s crying!
There’s no crying in gymnastics – at least not for Simone Biles.
Were they the same staff who locked crying toddlers in cages!?
The past two days they have been crying all the time.
«We were crying laughing,» Benson told ABC News of the display.
Her eyes flicked towards me, red, as if she’d been crying.
Video footage showed her crying as she prayed at the wall.
The boy was seen crying and apparently fearful in the video.
Chris Krovatin is crying into his Black Tooth Grins on Instagram .
TIMPF: But I&aposm not crying on the couch every day.
GUILFOYLE: I like the laughing one, like «Ha, ha,» crying laughing.
We were crying and screaming, frantic to get out of there.
Police found her crying, with a reddened neck and ripped shirt.
We are crying out to be heard, not screaming for execution.
Hours later, she reposted the photo with a crying laughing emoji.
He says the baby crying can come back into the room.
«She came into my office crying,» he testified to the committee.
«They were crying, but they were defending each other,» Williams said.
I found my mom crying one night on our back porch.
Recently, I found myself crying in front of my cousin again.
Was it the little girl in her mother’s lap, confused, crying?
«I started crying when I read it,» Martinez told BuzzFeed News.
The operator had said Cameron was out of breath and crying.
It was tight around my middle, and I broke down crying.
I was shaking and crying and trying not to get sick.
I get teary-eyed thinking about them, I’m crying right now.
When Alia Shawkat cries, she looks like a real woman crying.
I was laughing, I was crying — I felt all the emotions.
And Connor Jessup joins the cast as the boy crying rape.
A few days later she called me up, she was crying.
Are you crying because it’s over, or smiling because it happened?
She finally stops crying and asks me if it gets easier.
He looks upset, and sort of like he had been crying.
She was curled up in a ball crying in the backstore.
It was something that had one fan crying in the shower.
Soon as I put the baby down, the baby started crying.
And today I’m crying because of how much I loved him.
Even when it physically hurts to keep crying, you can’t stop.
Her exaggerated, tear-faced crying sequence went on to become apparel.
«It’s loud because kids are crying because of cold,» Ventura said.
«Stop crying — nothing happened that you have to cry,» they continued.
The woman was crying and bleeding from the mouth, Richard said.
I was a woman crying in the offices of Playboy magazine.
The program involves plenty of crying, dramatic music, and other theatrics.
Maria held them close to her, rubbing their shoulders, and crying.
She can handle the balancing act without crying in the bathroom.
The loudly crying emoji face, or 😭, is similarly high-risk.
«He stopped crying after wearing that plastic bag shirt,» Ahmadi said.
Oftentimes I end up crying because I am just so proud.
She mourns her friend through quiet crying sessions and public outbursts.
Passengers started looking and staring at the tiny, fragile crying infant.
«That’s when I walked out of the courtroom crying,» she added.
«After a night of crying and yelling, I surrendered,» she said.
He was in his room crying to himself and writing poems.
No wonder there are so many upcoming scenes of someone crying.
«I’m crying 24 hours later…there were so many happy tears.»
«There are no words,» he said, visibly crying, during his sentencing.
Services like elderly care and tourism are crying out for workers.
Under Obama, Republicans were forever crying «executive overreach» and impending tyranny.
Other witnesses can be heard crying and yelling in the background.
» So the Trump people staged a counterdemonstration, crying «We want Trump!
Some people were clearly upset, crying, swearing and shouting, he said.
How will you possibly know if your baby is crying then???
I wasn’t sobbing, I wasn’t losing control, but I was crying.
Women living nearby were crying as they gathered with their families.
I was crying and she said, ‘It’s going to be fine.
«Still crying,» Cuoco captioned the same video on her social media.
I did a lot of crying and a lot of praying.
He’s pretty good at it too because I was crying laughing.
«It always shows me crying, that’s all it is,» she said.
«She became hysterical, crying, you know, just lost it,» she said.
I look out the window and start crying, quietly, I think.
This was all we got before all three kids started crying.
«Still crying,» Cuoco captioned the same video on her social media.
The cranky guy who just wants the baby to stop crying.
They’re holding on to each other’s flippers, for crying out loud.
Another post eulogized the Indonesian, receiving sympathetic comments and crying emojis.
It will have you crying on the edge of your seat.
If you hear crying and clapping in the background, it’s him.
He was holding his arm, crying and saying that it hurt.
«I was crying and trying to peel it off,» she says.
Betty ends her night alone, sitting on a bench and crying.
The child was crying its eyes out as I came past.
«We heard (her) crying and we couldn’t find her,» Bossard said.
I have additional problem with somebody crying during their congressional testimony.
My mom put her head into her hands and started crying.
Grace begins crying and tells McDermott she wishes Nancy were dead.
Now, with some 200,000 still unissued, the opposition is crying foul.
She was crying and wondered if I was available to talk.
Throughout the terrifying ordeal, children could be heard crying and squealing.
One young woman came up to me and she was crying.
«He started crying, which made me want to cry,» he said.
«Casi was crying because she was so excited,» says Joey, 83.
That’s when people around us started crying, and getting very emotional.
«I just started crying,» Thibou told the site of her reaction.
«10 pages into reading the script I was crying,» Nyong’o said.
She spent the whole night crying with her mom and sister.
«I tried to be strong for her,» he says, now crying.
«As soon as I heard her crying…» he said, trailing off.
Is it in revenue, or in eyes gone bleary from crying?
Not much was said, it was just a lot of crying.
She’s even been kissed by Zac Efron, for crying out loud.
When you’re crying over every meal, that’s draining for your partner.
Our cribs can detect crying and start soothing on their own.
The next day she called me crying and told me everything.
«This is no crying time,» said Lane&aposs nephew, Wendell Lane.
But you know what’s really unusual and has us crying today?
I felt like crying as I crawled out of the library.
I recently found myself crying at an episode of Bojack Horseman.
Both of them are already crying, and we are just starting.
On the morning of her wedding, Vicky called her husband crying.
I promise not to cry — I’ve done enough crying on-screen.
I remember my mom crying and getting punishment from my dad.
Some were shivering, some were crying, but each child was different.
She couldn’t help crying, and she imagined the Lifebrarian videofeed blurring.
«I feel like my future was ripped away,» she says, crying.
But then the baby stopped crying and seemed to sleep peacefully.
As the servers went dark Twitch streamer Titus_Furius broke down crying.
Maureen O’Boyle couldn’t stop crying — and she couldn’t figure out why.
Ice skating, making songs, mixing, laughing, and crying among many things.
I called my mom, crying,» she said, and joked, «Never mind.
It’s the #1 restaurant chain in India, for crying out loud.
» Crystal Espinal: «And then he kept crying because he was scared.
His sister who loved him more than anyone, crying beyond belief.
Traditional game pieces are swapped out for crying emojis and hashtags.
Iron Man might be real by then, for crying out loud.
«Oh, for crying out loud, what century is this?» said Sen.
Kendall says she started crying on the spot in the nightclub.
I spent the rest of the morning crying behind the gym.
I knew in that minute because Trav had already started crying.
Selena [Gomez] is singing a song and crying [during her concert].
Overwhelmed with emotion, Sophia walks to the pier and starts crying.
Mommy was crying, something we rarely saw her do as kids.
Otherwise, crying is generally not acceptable in the office, she notes.
She crawled, moaning and crying, to a phone and dialed 911.
«A lot of people are crying, I guess,» he added dryly.
«When I got the bill, I called them crying,» she says.
And — as with most «This Is Us» episodes — everyone is crying.
His medium of choice is Power Point, for crying out loud.
His platform includes a «plank» for Guam, for crying out loud!
Those crying foul who could be divided into three distinct groups.
She held it open for them, crying, unsure what was happening.
I don’t need all that fancy shit, for crying out loud!
I usually can’t watch an episode without crying at least once!
«Everyone was crying,» a source close to the family tells PEOPLE.
«Every time I open the book, I start crying,» Millan says.
Relatives gathered around the wooden coffins, crying and comforting each other.
One day, his friend who spoke Spanish turned to him, crying.
Seriously, they look like they belong to a crying cartoon child.
When the children were finally freed, they were crying, she said.
Then they realized that crying and worrying was not the answer.
Is your barren mantle crying out for a lightsaber hilt centerpiece?
It’s such a small moment, but I found myself suddenly crying.
«I wanna show you the new world, Carl,» he says crying.
I woke my husband up crying thinking something horrible had happened.
That’s what you’ll find at Crying Tiger in Black Rabbit Rose.
Her head was removed from the shot because she was crying.
I watched this, said «fuck» outloud to myself and started crying.
The latter makes particular sense: Crying is absolutely better than sex.
Countries are crying foul, claiming that Chinese exporters are dumping goods.
Everyone was crying, and I had trouble sleeping for days after.
«Forgive me for leaving you all alone,» said Gonzalez-Garcia, crying.
He hears a small voice crying out for help — a child.
Then I was like, ‘I’m leaving,’ and I just started crying.
Then, I was in a lecture and my professor started crying.
«I was sitting up in the room crying,» Lewis Stiles said.
Crying is for Normal Babies, of which he is not one.
Crying election fraud gives Trump someone to blame other than himself.
And a nation responded to the crying little girl he documented.
Mr Bercow was known for crying «orderrrr!» and breaking parliamentary conventions.
«If they don’t pay her, she just starts crying,» Ajmal said.
«They were crying on the side of the building,» he said.
Small businesses are crying out for tax relief as we speak.
Then, the woman right next to me, she was crying, too.
«#PathologicalLiar,» Hilton said in the comments, adding a crying laughing emoji.
No more sad nights of crying on the phone to mom.
He said they found their daughter, Micah, 235, crying and upset.
A «crying room» has been installed just off the turbine hall.
Shaking his head, Sanders put his arm around a crying Johnson.
I sat on the phone with a helpless tech person, crying.
«I just wanted her to wake up,» Mr. Kwok said, crying.
«I couldn’t sleep at night and couldn’t stop crying,» she said.
It was intense screaming and crying, more of a terror screaming.
There’s even a fake trailer for a fake crying Jordan documentary.
«I have no words and I can’t stop crying,» Khurram wrote.
«I felt like crying when they were doing introductions,» he said.
Future presidents did not want Americans to hear about them crying.
Why were Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin crying while riding bikes?
The punch causes grown men to roll around the floor crying.
«The people of Iran are crying out for freedom,» Haley said.
The Democrats are now crying that Hillary had more popular votes.
That doesn’t mean crying foul and pointing fingers at the feds.
«Why is he crying?» my wife asked when we got home.
«They’re coming together, they’re crying together, they’re praying together,» McLean said.
I saw you crying on T.V. It’s OK to lose sometimes.
Will we spot Justin crying facedown in the grass anytime soon?
«I went into a classroom and just started crying,» he recalled.
He was last seen crying while he built some metal contraption.
His eyes were swollen from crying and his expression was empty.
But there’s zero evidence that Chozick was crying because Clinton lost.
I was crying into her shoulders, which were warm and shaking.
No one is allowed to talk—no crying out, no sound.
Sitting on a bench, confused and upset, Lucas broke down crying.
» / «505» / «The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala» / «Crying Lightning» / «Do I Wanna Know?
A few started crying as Tim’s big body came at them.
I’ll never forget seeing one of my oldest servers, Julio, crying.
But don’t come crying about it a couple of months later.
They’re both crying, and Audrina’s mascara wouldn’t run, and Lauren’s would.
No one (including the mom), wants a crying baby on board.
When he came out, he squeezed me firmly and started crying.
They said that their daughter was crying and petrified of clowns.
Why does he sound like a baby crying inside a computer?
«The parents come in crying,» said Sucre welfare director Angeyeimar Gil.
He looks like he’s just been crying or chasing a train.
She sat next to her father, holding his hand and crying.
And she’s just crying, a friend sped off in her car.
«All of them were crying and desperate,» said a Reuters witness.
I rejoiced then and I rejoice now, when I’m not crying.
Sometimes people will come up to me after the screening, crying.
A lot of guys get ripped off and go home crying.
Madison is crying uncontrollably, barely able to get the words out.
For hours I lay alone, moaning, screaming, and crying for help.
I didn’t realize that crying on an airplane was a thing.
«I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying,» I told him.
I just don’t try too hard to stop them from crying.
It’s biologically indicative of how crying keeps society safe and functional.
«I can never get through this story without crying,» he warned.
Yeah, there was a baby crying at one of the rallies.
But I have seen some sadness — students in the hallway crying.
«When they turned on the lights, we were crying,» Aparicio said.
They said she was crying and appeared to be in pain.
After the show, he saw her crying in the parking lot.
«There was a lot of crying, the whole weekend,» he said.
They would — never cried in their life, and they were crying.
«I’m anxious,» I said as I lay crying on the floor.
I had to look at Facebook, so I wouldn’t start crying.
You came in crying, your brother and a sister trailing behind.
Crying is a natural human response to joy, stress or sadness.
The youngest, who was about 7 months old, was crying furiously.
When I was listening to the hearing, my friend was crying.
When I first read her, I was getting chills and crying.
Nicholas Kristof RAKHINE STATE, Myanmar — Sono Wara spent the day crying.
The other woman began crying hysterically and ran out the building.
At one point he wails in pain and appears to crying.
She had missed her nap and was tired, crying and inconsolable.
Then they showed Canada, and Marie-Philip Poulin was crying uncontrollably.
They seem to begin crying, for example, by the 28th week.
«The children are crying, they just want a biscuit,» Maram said.
One day she was seen crying by a recuperating Russian soldier.
I remember people crying and yelling at others to be quiet.
«When we found them, most of them were crying,» he said.
She was crying, and it was time to go to work.
It was just a classroom full of crying kids all day.
«I’ve had little old men crying holding my hands,» she said.
They were all huddled up together and they were all crying.
Ms. Kim and several of her fellow musicians were crying, too.
It was tense and there was some crying on both sides.
«I’ve seen grown men curled up in balls, crying,» Bowman says.
The audio is seven minutes and 47 seconds of children crying.
«I heard her voice and I just started crying,» Nadja said.
«Every day I drive home, I start crying,» a nurse said.
Ms. Vega clutched her hands to her chest and started crying.
I ran home crying and told my mother I was pregnant.
There is a pregnant woman here and she won’t stop crying.
The girls broke down crying and admitted the story was fabricated.
Taking a rectal temperature with a crying, wiggling newborn isn’t easy.
Bronfman began crying as she told me about her friend’s death.
Since Friday she has been crying, and now she is sick.
«We are tired of crying for the dead,» one resident said.
The youngest, who was about seven months old, was crying furiously.
Sometimes my face was soaked because I was crying so much.
«One day, I left rehearsal and couldn’t stop crying,» she says.
«Baby, oh baby, why are you crying,» she remembers him saying.
«She sat on the bed and started crying,» Mr. Schneier said.
One teenager in our case frequently broke down crying in custody.
» Another wrote, «I’m in the gym and I feel like crying.
But the sound of a baby crying produced a drastic response.
But more often than not, the two ended up courtside, crying.
She’s crying at the hospital with my mom and my grandpa.
«I was so embarrassed,» she said, crying on the witness stand.
I remember calling my parents crying, unsure of how to proceed.
«It feels like crying,» she told CBS in a 2014 interview.
«But I do not know about the future,» she said, crying.
And, naturally, a few people are left crying on the beach.
To her surprise, several of the Taliban negotiators were also crying.
Crying in lifetime achievement acceptance speeches, though, is certainly all right.
He was weeping, and I could feel him crying on me.
They say that if you’re sweating your fat is crying, right?
It’s like you’re holding a tiny, crying baby in your hands.
«People are crying and people obviously were super scared,» she said.
«We were just looking at each other and crying,» she says.
Crying over the complexity of the storyline alone is totally acceptable.
«I always thought myself being so known for crying,» she said.
Crying, Lisa kneels on the floor and rips up her piece.
He stopped crying, wiping away his tears with his denim jacket.
They maintained that expression and volume for the entire crying bout.
Some of the old people showed up — [CRYING] There was Tsinii.
I started crying because I was going so deep in emotion.
«(She was) crying hard and screaming and all frustrated,» Scherbring said.
She gets through the day without crying or being sexually assaulted.
Crocodiles supposedly look like they’re crying when they consume their prey.
She soon found herself crying into a bowl of shrimp scampi.
«I was so embarrassed,» she said, crying on the witness stand.
Why does he look like he’s one second away from crying?
Her eyes were red, as if she had just been crying.
«You could just hear cellphones ringing and children crying,» he said.
«We were hugging and crying in the street,» Mr. Matyash said.
While she did, she began crying in front of the group.
«I’ve been crying ever since it happened,» de Jesus told CNN.
«They were crying all the time,» Cortés said of his relatives.
And, for crying out loud, stop throwing away money on lattes.
One day in mid-November, he picked up and started crying.
And yes, the third main Kardashian sister is crying this episode.
I remember crying during the closing credits for the Ghostbusters remake.
Honestly, I’m crying too hard to hear anything else she says.
He broke down crying, saying he had to pay his bills.
We last see her crying for what seems like an eternity.
In the corner of the screen, she spotted Kavanaugh’s wife crying.
These children exhibit loss of appetite, sleeplessness, crying fits and fear.
In the clip, Clary is crying and Savage is comforting her.
But I’m always crying anyway, so they didn’t listen to me.
Change does not follow a straight line, he told crying aides.
It was a while before he noticed that he was crying.
The slaps continue, and the crying from the audience grows louder.
She just was crying because she wanted her specific hairstyle, whatever.
She smiled on the outside, but inside she was always crying.
Novak glanced down the table and saw that Bob was crying.
Joan rose from the table and went into the kitchen, crying.
She had recently found him curled up on their couch, crying.
«He started crying when I told him he could go home.»
She won’t simply cry, she will ask what crying consists in.
Btw what’s the record for crying at a middle school graduation?
Her children can be heard crying and screaming in the background.
She broke down and started crying in the middle of sex.
«No time for crying, or something like that,» Saric told reporters.
She was sitting on the pavement in front of me, crying.
«I saw doctors standing in front of victims crying,» he said.
You wake up and don’t remember what you were crying about.
I had to clench my jaw to keep from crying again.
Suddenly Raheel grabbed his throat, crying, and fell to the floor.
«I started crying when I heard he was killed,» Najim said.
«When I came into Ojai today, I was crying,» she said.
Others were included for reasons that left many Democrats crying foul.
«That’s when you heard the moaning and the crying,» he said.
You said you were crying while watching it, in all caps.
Adults and children began crying when they realized what had happened.
It doesn’t feel particularly genuine because the writers keep crying wolf.
G. is still crying about going to school in the morning.
«I went back into the house and started crying,» she recalled.
I feel like I have this memory of seeing her crying.
My son stopped crying as soon as he saw the forklift.
Well, I had members of Aaliyah’s family crying on my shoulder.
«I wanted to make fun of you,» she tells him, crying.
«There were people crying everywhere and screaming for help,» he said.
I was crying, I was screaming, I was asking for help.
«Instead of crying when you think of him… smile,» she suggested.
The next few days are a blur of snacking and crying.
Eye roll, crying emoji, forward to John Oliver for sick burns.
» (We’re not crying; you’re crying.) In the same speech, Davis explained that she «became an artist and thank god I did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life.
It doesn’t capture all the magic of the first, but it’s got: Elsa in a wetsuit, Anna ugly crying, Sven ugly crying, Kristoff singing a ’90s rock ballad, Olaf at his wisest, and… THIS GOOD BOY!!
«Crying in response to a video, no matter how depressing the scenes in it may be, isn’t the same as crying in response to an actual sad situation in your life,» Whitbourne wrote in Psychology Today.
Crying can be a sign of pain, but is probably not a serious issueGas buildup can cause a lot of pain for your infant and cause crying spells lasting longer than 3 hours, known as colic.
The same ambiguity runs throughout Ms. Hahn’s other paintings, which depict young women laughing and crying — or perhaps laughing and crying at the same time — in groups and pairs, or alone with a cat or a candle.
What surprises me is the presence of «Chandelier,» because that is a triumphant, powerful song about being depressed and drunk and crying and the only activities it’s suited for are singing, crying, drinking and dancing, preferably simultaneously.
«What they are talking about is they were bitter over losing the election and some of the people right in Mueller&aposs office were the ones cryingcrying like babies the night that Hillary lost,» Giuliani said.
«We have been crying/laughing/crying through Jerry’s last day with Garry all afternoon,» Seinfeld captioned a photo of her husband, Jerry and the comedy legend laughing while doing Jerry’s Crackle series Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.
I was on my way to rehab, I’m in the car on the way to the plane, and I call my parents and I called Jonathan Buttram and his wife Connie and I’m crying and they’re crying.
«nerdy crying devil face with open eyes nerdy crying devil face with open eyes»When you’re about to say aloud, «I think the Pokémon: Detective Pikachu movie looks pretty good» and you’re bracing for the horrified screams.
And, because human crying frequency tends to dip in the teens and early-to-mid adulthood, I learned that my years of tearlessness fell roughly within established trends for when crying tapers and then starts up again.
«I just feel like if you’re not laughing, you’re crying,» Sursok said.
In court records, Jordan described hearing «screaming and crying» during the attack.
Aria was five pounds, two ounces and crying as she came out.
It’s crying on the floor of its cell but it’ll be okay.
«I’ve got bagpipes, a baby crying and bombs going off,» explained Depp.
While I’m putting my makeup on, S. wakes up and starts crying.
As I’m finishing up my cereal, S. wakes up and starts crying.
S. is awake and crying by the time I finish getting ready.
«We walk into this ballroom, and I almost started crying,» she says.
«When I went inside I could heard the baby crying,» he says.
I call an Uber and end up drunk crying in the car.
A couple behind me were very upset and were crying and hugging.
Beliebers are tweeting in all-caps, posting cryface gifs … and actually crying.
«I was just lying there, sort of broken and crying,» she continued.
In the last shot, it’s not clear if she’s laughing or crying.
«This is not American industries crying wolf,» she said in a statement.
«[He] was a tough little boy, wasn’t even crying,» Cook told PEOPLE.
«Still crying,» she captioned a video of herself sobbing after Cook proposed.
Similar allegations focused on crying Islamophobe have also been made against Rep.
«Immediately upon trying on the dress her mom began crying,» Chapman shares.
People online cut together videos that contrasted Cantwell bragging with his crying.
«No, you’re crying at Adam Sandler’s Chris Farley tribute,» wrote Avery Thompson.
Crying Michael pretty much sums up how we feel about that finale.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see that she’s crying.
Photographers get their fair share of crying, distracted or otherwise difficult children.
«She’s probably at home crying right now, waiting on me,» Harper said.
Their poor parents are powerless to stop the crying, yelling and screaming.
So, here’s Exhibit A — watch and LISTEN to baby Freddie crying out.

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for Crying.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is tears
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is weeping
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is instant
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is insistent
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is clamant
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is exigent
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is gross
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is rank
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is egregious
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is flagrant
  • • Relevant word or phrase for Crying is glaring
  • Sentences ending with crying

    • When I went up to my room, I found there the young man called Rogers, crying. [5]
    • Her face was turned away from me, but presently I realized that she was crying. [9]
    • He was near to crying. [5]
    • But she had stopped now with a folded gown in her lap, and had her face in her hands, crying. [5]
    • So I wilted right down on to the planks then, and give up; and it was all I could do to keep from crying. [5]
    • Sonya did not pull it away, and left off crying. [2]
    • You couldn’t make out what the preacher said any more, on account of the shouting and crying. [5]
    • The woman was muttering and crying. [11]
    • It was the Mistress,—she was crying. [6]
    • Collect yourself, little man, and stop crying. [10]

    Short sentences using crying

    • Virginia was crying softly. [9]
    • There, now he’s crying. [2]
    • The countess was crying. [2]
    • What was she crying for? [6]
    • What are you crying for? [5]
    • Why—you are crying again. [5]
    • She was crying. [5]
    • The crying ceased. [11]

    Sentences containing crying two or more times

    • A minute afterward she was crying and sobbing there, and Conrad was crying and sobbing in his chamber. [5]
    • But when I got to the tent door I stopped and stepped back, grieved and shocked, for I heard Joan crying, as I mistakenly thought—crying as if she could not contain nor endure the anguish of her soul, crying as if she would die. [5]

    More example sentences with the word crying in them

    • He said: ‘There—now you have touched upon a crying defect in the complaint system. [5]
    • Virginia struggled, and yet she refrained from crying out. [9]
    • It seemed but yesterday since she had watched with amused eyes the sherbet-sellers clanking their brass saucers, the carriers streaming the water from the bulging goatskins into the earthen bottles, crying, «Allah be praised, here is coolness for thy throat for ever! [11]
    • I know you would not be happy when you heard that we were crying for your loss. [12]
    • Once a drunken woman spat at me and cursed me; once I was fired at; and many times from dark corners I heard voices crying, «Sauvez-moi—ah, sauvez-moi, bon Dieu! [11]
    • Some one conversing with her once objected, in my presence, to that part of «Jane Eyre» in which she hears Rochester’s voice crying out to her in a great crisis of her life, he being many, many miles distant at the time. [14]
    • But the king’s wife, seeing, came and spoke to the king and the others, crying out for the honour of her dead son; so that in a moment of anger they all cried out for death. [11]
    • Lucretia and Virginia were the first that he thought of; but then came up those pictured stories of Titus Livius, which he could never read without crying, though he had read them a hundred times. [6]
    • The old men were crying in their vacant way. [6]
    • The silence, the weirdness, stopped his tongue—besides, what was the good of crying out? [11]
    • You see, it was the kids crying with cold and starvation, and she got so she just couldn’t stand it. [9]
    • I knew it was prophecy; and I sat down crying, as knowing we should lose her. [5]
    • Always, when he was not on the point of crying over a holy place, he was on the point of killing an Arab. [5]
    • Now, whether she was in her laughing joy, or in her crying one, the Marchioness could not help turning to the visitors with an appealing look, which seemed to say, ‘You see this fellow—can I help this? [12]
    • The old landlady was crying and moaning, and her husband was wiping his eyes and shaking his head sadly. [6]
    • She felt a warm moisture on her cheeks, and realized that she was crying with the first real sorrow of her life. [9]
    • She thrust the volume into the desk, turned the key, and burst out crying with shame and vexation. [5]
    • There cometh a voice from out the North And a face of living flame— A man’s soul crying, Behold what worth Was life till her sweet soul came— Heart of the World break forth! [11]
    • The rain beat upon the panes, and then she knew that she was crying softly to herself. [9]
    • It had swept up to Vadrome Mountain, and had marched furiously through the forest, carrying down hundreds of trees, drowning the roars of wild animals and the crying and fluttering of birds. [11]
    • Then he sprang up once more, crying out so loud and passionately that I felt as if I must die of grief and pity: ‘Forgive me if you can! [10]
    • She would come tripping into the stable yard, daintily holding up her skirts, and crying, «Oh, Harvey, I have heard so much of Tanglefoot. [9]
    • When Hannah went to lay fresh handkerchiefs on Selene’s wounds she saw that she had been crying, but she did not enquire into the reason of her tears. [10]
    • But he’s gone to heaven, and ’tis vain crying for last year’s breath,» he added, with proud philosophy. [11]
    • It had only to do with understanding, with the call of nature and of a motherhood crying for expression. [11]
    • I was near to crying myself at the thought that I should grieve my grandfather. [9]
    • Aunt Polly fell to crying and wringing her hands. [5]
    • They dragged her to a tree and threw a rope over the limb, and began to make a noose in it, some holding her, meantime, and she crying and begging, and her young daughter looking on and weeping, but afraid to say or do anything. [5]
    • Only a brief time for consideration remained; for, even as she bowed her head on the bosom of her friend, the «introducer» entered the room, crying, «Her illustrious Majesty will expect those whom she summoned in a few minutes! [10]
    • There nine and thirty lashes were bestowed on the unfortunate image, the people crying out that this was the Mosaic Law. [9]
    • Hands on hips, they swung along erect, with baskets of cakes and sweetmeats on their heads, musically crying their wares. [9]
    • It was in there when you was crying there, away in the night. [5]
    • At this moment Theokritus came leaping down the stairs, crying out to her: «The lion—a physician—where shall I find a leech? [10]
    • However, we convinced them; and then, instead of saying something, or going on crying, they grew very still—words could not express it, I suppose. [5]
    • He suddenly held them up on high, crying with a loud voice: «Do these shoes belong to any of you, you people? [10]
    • I can see them hopping around her in the Peters yard crying out:—«Nancy’s in love with Hugh! [9]
    • He glanced at the woman, who had ceased crying, and stood surveying the wreckage with the calmness, the philosophic nonchalance of a class that comes to look upon misfortune as inevitable. [9]
    • It was like the voice of Lear crying over the body of Cordelia: «Never, never, never, never, never! [11]
    • She screamed from the violence of his grasp, and ran away crying to her attendants, who took her back to her apartments. [10]
    • That was at the time, also, when Fleda Druse returned from Winnipeg where she had been at school for one memorable and terrible six months, pining for her father, defying rules, and crying the night through for «the open world,» as she called it. [11]
    • The sound of the sakkia was in his ears—the long, creaking, crying song, filling the night. [11]
    • Then she left the room hurriedly and George thought that he heard her crying outside. [10]
    • The list of the material benefits, for which there was a crying need, bore a strong resemblance to a summary of the worthy measures upon which Mr. Crewe had spent so much time and labour in the last Legislature. [9]
    • As I passed the great square of the new barracks, a sereno (so the night watchmen were called) was crying the hour. [9]
    • She rushed through the courts of the palace, and out into the streets, crying like a mad woman «I am free! [10]
    • The wave on the barricade quivered, and then Gabrielle’s voice was heard crying, «Avenge him! [11]
    • I had noticed that the Young Girl—the storywriter, our Scheherezade, as I called her—looked as if she had been crying or lying awake half the night. [6]
    • The surgeons said that pretty often a patient was compelled to laugh, in the midst of his pangs, but that had never caught one crying out, after the open-air exhibition was instituted. [5]
    • She burst into tears and threw herself on the ground before her, clasping her knees and crying, in a voice broken with sobs: «Oh Klea! [10]
    • He had no strength to cope with them, he at once saw the futility of crying out, so he played the eel, and tried to slip from the grasp of his captors. [11]
    • All the strange spasmodic movements, the chokings, the odd sounds, the wild talk, the laughing and crying, were in full blast. [6]
    • At the first sound of the voice crying outside, the Chinaman beside Li Choo leaped thrice in front of the brazier, the mat and the moveless body. [11]
    • Her eyes were so red with waking and crying, that the Tragic Muse might have winked with greater consistency. [12]
    • She was well-nigh smothered; but at last she shook herself free and struck back, crying out: «Listen! [5]
    • She was walking slow, and her head was bent down, and her wings hanging limp and droopy; and she looked ever so tired, and was crying, poor thing! [5]
    • Her brothers and sisters followed at her heels, and when they saw their favorite sister bewailing herself they followed her example without knowing at first what Arsinoe was crying for, but soon with terror and horror at their father lying there stiff and disfigured. [10]
    • Your mother and sister stretched their arms to me, crying for help. [10]
    • And she, though she did not look, knew that his gaze was on her; and all her will was spent in holding her eyes from his face, and from crying out to him. [11]
    • At one time she could not be touched ever so lightly without shrinking and crying out. [6]
    • But what could she be crying about? [5]
    • Joan tried to rally them and face them around, crying to them that victory was sure, but it did no good, they divided and swept by her like a wave. [5]
    • And then he raged right along with his awful tale, everybody a-staring and gasping, judge, jury, lawyers, and everybody, and Benny and Aunt Sally crying their hearts out. [5]
    • Then the pioneer pushed him angrily back, and when at last the beggar clutched his garment, he raised his whip, and struck him two or three times, crying out: ‘There-that is your portion! [10]
    • The sanctity of private property is being menaced, demagogues are crying out from the house-tops and inciting people against the men who have made this country what it is, who have risked their fortunes and their careers for the present prosperity. [9]
    • Suddenly she had pierced the hard layers of the outer shell, and had heard the imprisoned spirit crying with a small persistent voice,—a spirit stifled for many years and starved—and yet it lived and struggled still. [9]
    • They fairly shook out of me what had happened, and then dropped me with a war-whoop and started for the prairie, I after them, crying out to them to beware of the run. [9]
    • Our Celtic Bridget, or Biddy, is not a foolish fat scullion to burst out crying for a sentiment. [6]
    • Down to the opaline lips of the sea Wander the lost ones, fallen but mighty, Stretching out hands, crying, «Turn unto me, O Aphrodite! [11]
    • Mademoiselle Bourienne at once began crying again and kissed that hand, speaking of the princess’ sorrow and making herself a partner in it. [2]
    • Her head was on his shoulder, and she was crying a little. [4]
    • And Marget, and old Ursula crying all the way. [5]
    • What is that old gentleman crying about? [6]
    • His coat was off before Silver Tassel’s words were out of his mouth, and crying, «In the name of the Great White Chief! [11]
    • There were plenty of ways to get rid of that officer by some simple and plausible device, but no, I must pick out a picturesque one; it is the crying defect of my character. [5]
    • And the train of thought hurdled the rising, crying protests of that other self whose poise she had lost. [13]
    • In the midst of this we were interrupted by a dirty fellow who ran in, crying excitedly: «Sir, the Archbishop of York is getting drunk at the Bear, and swears he’ll be d—d if he’ll act to-night. [9]
    • An indescribable bedlam of confusion followed, lords and gentlemen, tradesmen and grooms, hostlers and apprentices, all tumbling after, many crying with laughter. [9]
    • You are crying now,» he said tenderly. [9]
    • Why, I could not tell, save that the crying seemed so a part of the landscape that it might have come out of the sickly sunset, out of the yellow sky, out of the aching earth about me. [11]
    • But she did not hear, for, with a burst of crying, she had hurried into her own room and shut and locked the door. [11]
    • For she was not crying now, but was looking as she had used to look a year and a half before, when her heart was light and her spirits high. [5]
    • I heard a night-hawk go by on a lonely mission, a beaver slide from a log into the water, and the delicate humming of the pine needles was a drowsy music, through which broke by-and-bye the strange crying of a loon from the water below. [11]
    • And I shall never forget the fright she gave me as she rose from the table and handed me the sheet to read, crying but the one word. [9]
    • After a while my mother came up to me, crying, saying that Mr. [9]
    • Only speak!—I know my brother’s letter from the camp had no good news in it; the evening before last I saw you had been crying, and yesterday you did not look well; even the pomegranate flowers in your hair did not suit you. [10]
    • This was too much for the old woman; past all self-control she flung herself on to a seat that was standing by, covered her face with her hands and began crying bitterly. [10]
    • In spite of Mr. Lawler’s Pilot, which was as a voice crying in the wilderness, citizens who had wives and homes and responsibilities, business men and clerks went to the voting booths and recorded their choice for Trulease, Watling and Prosperity: and working-men followed suit. [9]
    • Arsinoe attempted once more to show her some marks of affection, but her sister pushed her away still more decidedly, crying out loudly, as if in desperation: «I shall die if you do not leave me alone. [10]
    • The congregation became more and more moved, as the pathetic tale went on, till at last the whole company broke down and joined the weeping mourners in a chorus of anguished sobs, the preacher himself giving way to his feelings, and crying in the pulpit. [5]
    • And into the midst of this dismayed throng rushed Orpheus, the son of Karnis, who had been till now on guard on the roof, crying out: «The world is coming to an end, the heavens are opening! [10]
    • Her eye danced merrily, and she turned upon him crying out: «A dozen men! [5]
    • He could hear Mary crying, and putting in a kindly word for him from time to time. [5]
    • He killed a man, and the law wants him; and she can’t free herself without ruining him; and she can’t marry the man she loves because of that villain yonder, crying for his life to be saved. [11]
    • You hear the loon crying on the water, or the last whistle of the heron up the pass. [11]
    • I started and looked again, and was near to crying out at sight of one of them. [9]
    • He was no longer crying in the empty wilderness, but at last in touch-in natural touch with life: with life in all its sorrow, its crudity and horror. [9]
    • They sat a little while downstairs near his room till they had left off crying and were able to go to him with calm faces. [2]
    • It was a little elf in blue indienne who jumped first and ran down the street, crying the news in a shrill voice, the others following, the fiddler gazing stupidly after them. [9]
    • It refreshed Ephraim like a cool drink after long thirsting, and he could not refrain from shouting aloud and crying joyously to the others: «Saved, saved! [10]
    • Why dost thou lie so idle there, when thy little friends come creeping to the door, crying «where is Nell—sweet Nell? [12]

    This page helps answer: how do I use the word crying in a sentence? How do you use crying in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word crying?
    It contains example sentences with the word crying, a sentence example for crying, and crying in sample sentence.

    Crying or loud laughter: Serious illness or death.

    He was Crying with hunger.

    Even now this guy’s still Crying about Preethi.

    Some children can be heard Crying as well.

    And that boy Crying for help,

    Girl Crying With Name.

    And now he’s Crying out Crying out.

    Night to hear her Crying.

    He was alive and Crying.

    Lassie, Timmy’s Crying in the other room.

    She was sitting under a tree Crying.

    The children began Crying for help.

    Right here,” she was almost Crying.

    Crying and not able to be comforted.

    He was Crying until morning.

    She was alive, and Crying.

    Crying, frightened, unable to understand.

    He was frightened and Crying.

    It also helps babies by reducing their Crying.

    Then why are you sitting here Crying?

    He saw his wife sitting there Crying.

    The child is anxious, often Crying.

    Umar asked,‘Why are these children Crying?’?

    They looked up and saw a woman Crying.

    And a few little kids Crying too.

    Ha! You Crying Antonius?!?

    Mothers and sisters Crying.

    And this is what I get, Crying.

    Both were distraught and Crying.

    A little boy sat at her feet Crying.

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