Use the word costume in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word costume, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use costume in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «costume».

Costume in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word costume in a sentence.

  1. The costume was worn by Lawrence.

  2. Sharaff won for best costume design.

  3. However, costume deductions are rare.

  4. Clown’s costume was «garishly colourful ..

  5. Dancer Sandra Gimpel wore the costume on-screen.

  6. He selected Elizabeth McBride as costume designer.

  7. Mr Darcy’s costume went through a series of phases.

  8. Robert Fletcher served as costume designer for the film.

  9. He returns after a séance, dressed in his Hamlet costume.

  10. An Ōkami costume was included in Monster Hunter Generations.

  11. Michael Kaplan was responsible for the costume design overall.

  12. When Davies met costume designer Roland Sanchez, he was wearing a thin black tie.

  13. The four disguise Beeks with a gorilla costume and cage him with the real gorilla.

  14. Each costume had the shoes built into the pant leg to further the futuristic look.

  15. Rodis’ input in developing the early character and costume designs was significant.

  16. This mode also allows players to change Kratos’ costume, but trophies are disabled.

  17. Madonna’s wardrobe included 85 costume changes, 39 hats, 45 pairs of shoes, and 56 pairs of earrings.

  18. She was pregnant while filming, and to prevent this from showing, she wore corsets under her costume.

  19. In Lipnick’s next appearance, he wears a colonel’s uniform, which is really a costume from his company.

  20. He often told his stories in costume; sporting outrageous attire and bushy moustaches.» In 1932 Harry S.

  21. The event typically draws thousands, largely Kent State students, and includes many who dress in costume.

  22. Fauna, at first in the costume of a witch, seems to transform her costume into that of a Fairy Godmother.

  23. Bobby Porter was hired to wear the Slimer costume until the character was removed from the film entirely.

  24. On stage, the duo appear in clown makeup at one point and quickly go through a number of costume changes.

  25. She is so distracted and embarrassed that she prefers to go home in her ham costume, which saves her life.

  26. The Spider-Man costume used in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man film trilogy was released separately in December 2018.

  27. Once the set arrived at ILM, Von Homburg was positioned in it wearing full costume, makeup, and prosthetics.

  28. Gregory Nicotero and Berger sculpted a full-body, foam latex suit for Kane Hodder to wear under the costume.

  29. Her costume is mostly black or brown, with a wide but high neckline and white fur lined hems on the sleeves.

  30. Legacy Effects designed and fabricated props, weapons, armor, and a Covenant Brute costume within two weeks.

  31. Venkatesh, editor Suresh Urs, production designer Thota Tharani and costume designers Sai and Nalini Sriram.

  32. The film’s costume design was overseen by Alexandra Byrne, who created clothing that appeared «lived-in» and «realistic».

  33. Von Homburg’s costume and the set were painted by the same team to ensure they had the same texture and blended together.

  34. Anil Mehta, Manish Malhotra, and Sharmishta Roy were the cinematographer, costume designer and art director, respectively.

  35. Robert Fletcher, costume designer for the previous Star Trek films, was responsible for The Search for Spock’s wardrobe.

  36. During the funeral, elder women perform the Ma’katia dance while singing a poetic song and wearing a long feathered costume.

  37. Tony was reworked as a costume that was worn by actor Jim Fye; it was given elongated appendages to appear unnaturally thin.

  38. Four heads were created for filming, one as the main animatronic and the others for facial expressions, as well as a costume.

  39. The technical theater program offers college-level training in stage management, lighting, sound, and set and costume design.

  40. I am sending two photos, both of me, one of me in a bathing costume in our back yard, while the other is me with some fairies.

  41. Each of the eight characters in this line wears a color in the visible spectrum, a conscious decision by the costume designer.

  42. Roy Harper, performing at the same event, on discovering that his stage costume was missing, proceeded to destroy one of Pink Floyd’s vans, injuring himself in the process.

  43. The name Windows came when the actor for the role, Thomas Waites, was in a costume fitting and tried on a large pair of dark glasses, which the character wears in the film.

  44. Bonuses for preordering the game included a Master Chief Xbox 360 avatar costume and an exclusive Grunt Funeral skull, which toggles whether enemy Grunts explode upon death.

  45. The style is somewhat rigid and is reminiscent of formal olmec sculpture, and various costume elements resemble those found on Olmec sculptures from the Gulf Coast of Mexico.

  46. Newman also had success with more traditional BBC fare such as the costume drama The Forsyte Saga in 1967, a Donald Wilson project on which Newman had not initially been keen.

Synonyms for costume

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word costume has the following synonyms: and dress up.

General information about «costume» example sentences

The example sentences for the word costume that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «costume» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «costume».

«You went all out with your costume,» she yelled across the intervening distance

Hand-embroidered bed covers, chair covers, head covers, shirts and blouses of the national costume all decorated the yard, set off by a backdrop of rolling sea on one side and rolling hills on the other

They stand in small groups, laughing and talking like extras waiting to take part in some theatrical costume production, glittering eyes beneath their scarves, laughing at the Yamaha, laughing at our bumbling stumblings across the pebbled beach towards the bike

She was obviously used to this costume and projected proudly out of it with no difference in her skin color whatsoever

I gather that the costume changes are going to be horrendous

Even though he had his hormones set at thirty percent, she was still a very pleasant presence to have in his space, especially if she came in a costume from Alan’s world

There were a few others passing in this hall, even one woman with an authentic Minoan costume

He makes sure that Leona isn’t wearing any metal jewellery, removing her watch and a costume bracelet from her left wrist

wanted to dress in a costume, you could as long as you didn’t break any of the

Even in the caricature of native cold-weather costume that he was dressed in, there was no mistaking the machine that had pretended to be his father thru his childhood

The costume didn’t leave much to the imagination

They had never seen such a daring costume before – in fact, they didn’t in their wildest dreams think that Helez would even own such a thing, never mind wear it

Xonia had been adamant about making her a special costume

“No way – I can’t wear that! People will think I’m a prostitute!” Helez had said when Xonia showed her a sketch of the costume she had in mind

Holy Queen of Heaven – she is beautiful! Although the costume covered her firm breasts, her erect nipples were exposed

She turned her back on him again, slowly undid the top portion of her costume and then cast it aside

As they reached a sharp turn, she decided to ‘make a costume exchange’ with one of her companions about the same height and build

“Is that how they keep down revolt then?” the Elf quizzed as she pulled on the new costume

Senta took in the scenes in front of her and realized unhappily that she’d adopted the costume of one of the sex-slaves

Jista spoke up, “Actually: Yes;” And she unclasped the thick leather thong at her neck, from her costume aboard the flagship, and put it into Pim’s waiting palm

rest of his clothes, tapered to boots made of cotton, the same material as the rest of his costume

dresses, in order to prepare them for bed, not a single costume would

Other than at costume parties and parades, she had never seen anyone dressed like him

” She looked at this grown-up in a cowboy costume, who had the audacity to say with hayseed casualness that the emotional horror Truman suffered was a welcome gift

Colling was reminded to some extent of the Grabensheim kaserne when he saw that the Rathaus walls facing the main street were decorated with color paintings of figures in Bavarian costume

Colling found the costume strikingly reminiscent of official Soviet dress, and wondered whether it was imitation or genuine

I overheard a couple of football players on the back of the bus talking about some weirdo that was walking down Main Street on Saturday wearing a Halloween costume

Opening, I saw a young-old face on slender body wearing the costume of an early nineteenth-century Victorian woman

I read a description of his appearance before Panuco, but I had not imagined the costume to be so resplendent

“Yes, it is quite a costume

And the costume of culture

costume clung to his figure, taut over the braces and belt of his

When I arrived at the hall that evening dressed as an angel—a costume I’d

I was thankful that his costume didn’t include gloves, because then I wouldn’t

I changed into my solo costume, it was a skimpy policewoman costume, I couldn’t help but smile knowing that there was a weird connection there

Still wearing my costume I walked through the club, towards him

Mabila was struggling into a costume that was way too small

Even the warrior-styled costume; rich black pants matching the military jacket embroidered with gold buttons and chevrons over a collared, glacier white shirt with an oversized ribbon tie is not enough to hide that theatrical posture

He wondered casually whether his new face and costume made him more appealing, but he shrugged this off as a bit of ridiculous vanity and settled back against the concrete wall to wait for curtain time

She returned the kit to its proper place and gave Ken a chance to readjust his costume

In full costume

Still tasting the Overlord’s words in his mind, Simon smiled; he couldn’t help noticing how the other man’s costume belied him

They were dressed in full military costume, helmets resting in their hands

white mother of pearl to match his costume

Marion played Chopin reasonably well, was an interminable flirt, everybody was madly in love with her and she had wealthy relatives in the USA who sent her beautiful dresses, shoes, costume jewellery and all those accoutrements that can turn a plump, short-legged teenager into a devastatingly beautiful young woman

You may want to frequent different venues while you are in costume so you meet new people and see how they react toward a perfectionist

It took up only a small portion of the van, leaving plenty of space for the costume baskets and four passengers in the rear

I explained that my Sweeney costume showed pubic hair and the Caesar and Macbeth costumes were brief, and the director considered hairy legs, chests and other bits to be aesthetically displeasing on stage

Your costume already laid out across your bed, the black matador costume with gold trim you picked up from Spain

Emmy flings herself across your costume rolling over the bedspread

-What is that costume? -He asked bluntly down my body with his eyes in mock

He just seemed to hear me and in a way that showed that he did not agree with my costume, continued:

I stayed with Alwyn and Edgar in Chiswick in the week preceding our trip north, and we rehearsed in their parlour – a hell of a squeeze! Positive audience reaction to the nudity in Apollon and Sweeny, and the London performances we’d given of Tempest, gave Alwyn the impetus to pull out all the stops in the costume department

A dagger at the belt and a broadsword completed the costume for War-lords

Help me open and put on this costume

It was very erotic, the way she moved and the tiny costume barely covering her strip of black pubic hair and large, stiff nipples

Several Thais, dressed in Traditional costume came in carrying cutlery and table decorations, turning the table into an extravagant dining area and several moments later more stewards entered carrying plates of piping hot Thai food

I did a lot of research on Indian culture, religions, costume, music, dance and

Flaring-topped boots of soft leather came almost to her knees, and a low-necked, wide-collared, wide-sleeved silk shirt completed her costume

Another strip at the back of her girdle completed that part of her costume, which she wore with a cynical indifference

I think I might even still have the costume

“I didn’t know this was a costume party,” I said

There’s a stewardess with costume make-up on

There laid a costume, or garment, displaying colors such as the Greek had never seen

Him and his stupid idea to revenge that shit eatin‘ deaf mutt and all that costume Indian warrior crap

She was dressed in an Indian costume with Chuckie sporting a breechclout, his head resplendent in a band of grimy chicken feathers salvaged from last Sunday‘s home cooked chicken dinner

These digital adventures increased, reaching such intensity that he blatantly ripped the horrified girl‘s costume off while displaying his sexual readiness

It contained six costumes, three male, and three female, and he announced that everyone was to select a costume, take a shower and return to the lounge with their new identity

Sometimes the monsters were hard to distinguish from the kids in costume, but this year they had Limpy

One came from a guy wearing a Dracula costume

A young woman perhaps in her early twenties wearing a Boogie man costume and sitting on the passenger»s side pulled out a water gun and proceeded to fire at me

“What if your wigs fell off? That would have been a fuck up job! And Preeti I didn’t expect this from you, I’m so disappointed,” Rani rolled up her Arabic costume and threw it in the further end of the van

Tracker’s sense of humor and his frequent costume changes did make the time go faster

“Oh, that would be wonderful; I collect costume jewelry, and would love to look them over

Jamie was smiling and thinking of her wedding as she began putting away the costume jewelry exhibit

And then draw a costume of a veeeery evil butterfly

Add a second costume for the Cat

This costume will show up when the Cat can’t turn away

Imperfect as the costume was, Forbes looked terrific in it

Had He been a God of war and not of love, his divine Son would have changed into a Superman costume and 102

wear a creepy costume, as he/she will become that creepy person,

but only as long as the costume is worn

with the Halloween People, telling them that her costume was in

reason removed off his face mask but left his body costume on,

the costume must’ve known me or maybe he had a special hatred

To my utter shock it was a guy dressed in a tiger costume

” If the phrase had been “business costume casual,” would that mean you could dress up as a gorilla but would need to wear a suit? Could you come dressed as a salesman? I’m thrilled to have left that rat race and now that I think of it, should have retired sooner

the costume shop owner really knows his stuff

Given the recent craze for costume jewelry, he found it refreshing to see such a fine gem displayed in the public domain

Her levitation suit was a one piece, body-hugging costume, with a hood, socks and gloves

He was wearing running shorts underneath the spandex for just this reason: he figured that someday the time would come when he would have to leave behind his chicken costume in order to protect his identity

It was colorful, like a clown’s costume in many ways

costume while a million thoughts entered his mind all at

” In his once majestic talons, Gusto clutched a shapely blonde woman spilling out of a torn acrobat’s costume

Rooster had given me the eyesore lower-halves in hopes of converting me to the land of Prepville but I had promised myself on the day of their arrival that I wouldn’t wear them for anything but a Halloween costume

about Orions and so, he could only imagine that it was a ‘trick or treat’ costume

‘’I’m here!’’ Said the voice of Sarah a mere second later, making both Hien and Ingrid twist their heads to look towards the private study, where Sarah had gone to supposedly change into a costume

distracted by what she was wearing, which was a maid’s costume

He was still in costume, sitting in a red antique chair

I’d settle for that,” Mysterieau said, oblivious to the effect of his lurid, over-lengthy, lavender costume

Costumed and made up for the stage, Kaitlyn stood in the wings prepared to send in her Theseus and Hippolyta, with Philostrate, for Act One, Scene one

Imperials, or so she hoped — rather they not be costumed bandits rumored to skulk along the roads

hunched over, spears in hand, while others depicted costumed

So many costumed visitors came calling; Mrs

Speaking to no one in particular the costumed half-breed‘s grin widened

and all the costumed children flew

Andy had provided passes that allowed the girls to avoid the long line of costumed students at the front entrance and enter instead through a side door manned by a trio of Borderlines

A couple hundred costumed students already filled the place, but there was room for many more

Rave shook his head as he scanned the jumble of costumed students, wondering what he had gotten himself into

To blend in with the costumed students, he had borrowed one of Balin’s buckskin outfits

The majority of the others – mostly twenty-somethings – were costumed to some extent, and the surroundings made me instantly feel comfortable

And the old Peanut Shoppe, where a costumed Mr

She looked suddenly like a costumed waif in her feathered finery, gazing up at the face of this bizarre and sardonic creature

Rochester, costumed in shawls, with a turban on his head

Nowhere are there larger bands or more marching organizations, with corps of costumed girls whirling glittering batons

We are using the large room behind the stage area for changing … men on the left and women on the right with a row of mobile clothing racks down the middle, where we each have our personal designated areas to hang our costumes, giving some sort of modesty division, though to be honest, who the hell wants to gawp? As the play takes place in the present day, the clothes are not really costumes anyway, but, all the same, my character has certain things she has to wear – some my own and some provided by wardrobe

Brasil was a place daddy was from, a distant curiosity with some neat features like carnival costumes and caipirinhas

By now she had gotten over the fact that Ietana had been relocated, and spent most of the big day chattering to Yellelle as they went over their costumes one last time

Mel and her husband are keen sci-fi addicts and frequently attend sci-fi conferences where they dress up in elaborate costumes

I gather that they worked for weeks on costumes for the recent Star Wars conference

costumes started showing up, along with white beards, wise men, and a few angels

Some of them seemed to attract people with wildly divergent costumes, some others were imparting quick movements to their consumers

There were some amateur photos of the robots, though they could have been actors in makeup and costumes

(probably army) and two in specific costumes of

costumes were stored inside

Halloween costumes and then marched

He didn’t mention the trouble he had gone through getting the costumes

But he had gotten the costumes, fair play to him

Celebrations poured out on to the streets of Nordhel from the houses and inns within the city where people held grand parties in fancy costumes and gilded and feathered masks

Why would caring parents tart up a six year old girl and parade her around in costumes that she should not have been wearing until she reached maturity? Just how much did this tarting up have to do with her murder?

Young women at Robo Car Washes wore eye-catching costumes when the

The children were to select their own costumes; the Mayor

the costumes would come off then

delight, that the costumes would come off

The models were escorted by the security officials to the dressing rooms where they would change into their costumes to complete the desired effect

Each float had on its back either live music or enormous speakers and trailing behind, hundreds danced to hip swaying Latin beats encouraged by young people in colorfully fringed costumes, shaking maracas to the beat

She smiled, remembering her own costumes from past Hallowe’ens, when she herself used to trick or treat around this same neighborhood

A few men in white official looking costumes circled among us, asked us for our names, and marked the cost of the meal against our debt

The police found boxes full of Halloween costumes among the ―things‖ in the van

You ought to think of raiding the costumes and fit yourself out in caricature

She had said if they muzzled him in the classroom, he should borrow some duds from the cache of costumes and set himself up

Through the costumes, setting

On Tuesday we were putting the finishing touches to my routine, just when I thought the routine was sexy; the costumes were worse

While Josie was taking pictures of the Moroccan women with their beautiful costumes at the crossing of the border, those women being photographed were making hostile signs to them and calling them names, such as “bad Christians”

simple tie on costumes

they hadn’t been so cheap about the costumes

They shrugged out of their costumes and wandered back

They wear long masquerade costumes; Victoria in a midnight-blue, mermaid styled dress and Megan in a revealing electric-blue, mini dress with a matching feathered mask

That’s why Vee and Meg were shopping for their costumes today

“How can I see a prince when they are all covered in these costumes and masks?” She moans

Meanwhile, I was busily observing the silent Mayans in their fascinating, elaborate costumes

Now she stared around the broken mirrors, the abandoned wigs and torn costumes

dates change, as do the traditions and costumes, but the story

happened to wear special black costumes (and were often just as

To participate in virtual reality movies, one has to don specially-made costumes with the relevant sensors and motor response mechanisms attached

That night, the villagers wore skull masks and skeleton costumes

“Get out of your costumes and you can head out to the treehouse,” Mrs

What is more, in her opinion, the witches were not but women dressed in outlandish costumes that cured with herbs and potions, which had nothing magical

After greasepaint and costumes were removed, friends milled backstage offering congratulations, getting in the way of stage crew who had already started dismantling the set

Actors had to supply their own costumes, personal props, and makeup which they applied themselves – even for character roles

I had to assist anyone who asked; Stage Manager, Director, wardrobe, prompt, set-building, fetching food, ironing costumes, sound effects, electrics, working the follow spot, pulling up and bringing down the curtain, clearing rubbish from back stage, carrying messages, going out for cigarettes, calling the actors… My job was everything and nothing

A bevy of tight perms, tweed costumes, well-aligned stockings, sensible shoes, silk blouses and modest strings of pearls, shared hostess duties with a few couturier clad bosoms swathed in yards of silk, stiletto-heels, smart hats, handbags, and demurely clasped gloves

Alwyn’s costumes were ‘medieval’ doublet and hose, wimples and flowing gowns and cloaks because, he insisted contemptuously, there was nothing either magical or poetic about the modern world

Costumes were white sheets with hairy white legs and modern sandals dangling beneath

It was a trip to Stratford on Avon that cemented Alwyn’s determination to ‘sex up’ the rest of our costumes

On our return Alwyn called a meeting and said that as our sets were minimal, exactly enough to suggest the scene, so our costumes should be minimal; suggesting the period and style rather than trying unsuccessfully to recreate it

I explained that my Sweeney costume showed pubic hair and the Caesar and Macbeth costumes were brief, and the director considered hairy legs, chests and other bits to be aesthetically displeasing on stage

It was a revelation to the other actors that a naked body can be more expressive of both power and despair than one draped in expensive costumes

I gave my standard show – a real striptease with several layers of costumes, many laughs and audience involvement – even got some of them up to dance

Servers dressed in candy costumes began to bring them treats and snacks

A hundred cheerleaders or more lead the way for a troop of teenage boys in shiny metallic fireproof cloth hunter costumes

Requiring no costumes, of course, and using only his ‗wand‘, a polished stick in which he had carved symbols, he played every role in a tale about a handsome young prince who battled dragons, wizards, trolls and other weird things, then rescued another young prince and they ruled as joint monarchs

to get into their costumes too

Costumes in vivid colours dazzle and enchant

” They had gone back out to the main area of the club where people attired in various costumes and stages of undress mingled together, dancing, feeling, squeezing, smoking, drinking and generally having a riotous good time

Costumes or uniforms are in the service of signaling the

Rosalie and Kristina were arguing about the colour of our costumes as well as the skirts that Kristina had picked out

It contained six costumes, three male, and three female, and he announced that everyone was to select a costume, take a shower and return to the lounge with their new identity

It seemed that the real monsters took advantage of the costumes running around

“We don’t have descriptions of your faces, but we have excellent descriptions of your costumes

Old costumes were repaired and in some cases new ones made

Others were wearing Halloween costumes

“Pleeeeeeeease lets just try on some costumes, we’ll stay in the van, it will make the others laugh! You know everyone is slightly stressed with all this, lets lighten the spirit

With the costumes ready, the seven of them practiced their dance routine on the upper deck of the ship in the sun

Preeti went to the store to check that the costumes were ready for tomorrow

The butterfly will have only three costumes: a kind, evil and very evil

Draw 6 costumes this way

creature of their respective costumes

They’re just Halloween costumes of a sort, useful for showing up in the

They’ll keep the same script, costumes, and scenery, just reshoot the part with the angel

expecting to find a room ful of clothing rails stuffed with various costumes, wigs,

sure that he hadn’t missed a huge pile of pirate costumes and police uniforms in

He could feel both his hair and the costumes at the same

costumes, based on the region we’re beaming down to

hot costumes for the music videos

And you really should reconsider your costumes

Painted in heavy, caked grease makeup and wearing the tattered, soiled remains of clown costumes

He then thought of the collection of costumes she had in the closet and how she looked forward to every event where she got away with wearing one

dressed in our swimming costumes and head out to the

Losira appeared, her dress something that resembled the costumes from the sci fi

Still, the costumes were scant

outfit was a drab yellow, whilst Halfshaft and Hubert were wearing costumes coloured in a much

have them tucked into your dainty little costumes, are you?”

“You’d be surprised what we have tucked into our dainty little costumes,” Halfshaft countered

It wasn’t until their Games’ costumes arrived that she perked up

In solidarity three single ladies, fresh out of university and out to conquer Scarlet City, the hub of the country’s wealth and with all its industries (from overalls, costumes to suits)

He shook hands and joked with everyone about their costumes

“What do you think some of the most popular guy costumes will be?” she asked, diverting the subject away from Rave

One was a tall, muscular guy showing off his physique with a leopard skin loincloth; the other two were dressed as a pirate and a vampire, verifying Cali and Caitlin’s prediction about popular costumes

dressed in their native Chinese costumes, mandarins with sparse

Layer upon layer of costumes, stage makeup and protective gear produce the same result as fifty years of house-painting

Behind the awesome beauty of the music, the ballet’s costumes and scenery, and lovely bodies moving so gracefully it hurts, I happen to know it is really one of those deeply-hidden “bad” things we humans do to one another and ourselves

Annie can help with the costumes and we can all help with

Their contents, previously old costumes and fabric off-cuts, were now strewn over the sofa and floor, and had been replaced with coats and hats and books of newspaper clippings

Annie was flirting rather than working on the costumes with Mother

She seemed to have such power on the stage as she danced, and the costuming! He thought the tail with the arrowhead on the end was a cute touch, marveled at the red glowing eyes and the small horns and reminded himself to ask her how she got the scaling effect on hands, arms and legs under the spotlights

real, not stage costuming

Wardrobe was especially vocal when it came to costuming the dead

Costume is the distinctive style of dress of an individual or group that reflects their class, gender, profession, ethnicity, nationality, activity or epoch. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

From the restful beauty of Lake Como on a summer’s day to the colourful costumes and excited buzz of Venice’s winter carnival, Italy is a destination for all seasons and all visitors, and a joy to explore by rail.


Although you are in costume and surrounded by people in masks, sheets and outlandish outfits, you want your true, charming self to shine through.


This means that as a costume designer one can really get to know what the director wants to say with the character.


Explore the cultural diversity and rich history of Africa’s people through works made from ancient stone, clay, wood, and metal, as well as utilitarian objects, musical instruments, ceremonial costumes and contemporary paintings.


Oscar-nominated costume designer Mary Zophres tackles the project as a whole before detailing lead characters» looks.


Instead, we get a teaser that shows T’Challa’s main cast of villains and heroes in all their badassery, but the most interesting aspect of Marvel’s films as of late are the costumes that seem to be similar in each of the last five films not including Ant-Man.


The book illuminates the minds behind the costumes, props and characters in Hugo, but what interests me most is the story’s fascinating history.


The scan reveals that Kung Fu Luffy will have his own moveset and will not just be a change in costume.


The list goes on we can only hope Dragon Ball Fighterz adds additional cosmetic features and costumes if the game is a success.


Mark Bridges» costumes create a signature hourglass style for the house of Woodcock.


I did not do that for my costume however.


That’s a rhetorical question, by the way, so you can stop putting on the costume.


Record high heat, unwashed masses in sweaty costumes.


This means when he puts on his costume and starts to amaze as Spider-Man, it’s a gesture of defiance towards those cool kids who looked down on him when he’s in his human guise.


Wayforward has released the last DLC pack for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero today, which adds three costumes for the bubbly protagonist to wear…


In other words, the film very capably filled the role of «tasteful British picture about class and/or costumes» in my festival schedule (joining such memorable company as Made in Dagenham, The Young Victoria, The Angels» Share, and Good Vibrations).


However, Batman is this dark avenger, this superhero for people who don’t love brightly colored costumes, the epitome of badassity as he swoops across Gotham City like it ain’t no thing.


Rauschenberg, Cunningham, and Cage continued to collaborate in the early years of the company, with Cage providing musical direction and Rauschenberg designing costumes and set pieces and occasionally joining in the performances.


He decided he also needed a hobby, so instead of doing one of those normal «retired guy» things, he decided to buy a clown costume and just start wandering Florida, scaring the crap out of people.


If you play for a sports team or have created your own cosplay costumes for comic cons, then these are interesting points to include.


Kristen Scott Thomas provides the biggest pop, in terms of costumes.


But while their literary costume dramas scored a lot of craft and acting awards — and Jhabvala took home statuettes for her A Room with a View and Howards End screenplays — Merchant and Ivory themselves walked away empty-handed from ceremony after ceremony.


(Real-life costume designer Trish Summerville truly outdoes herself this time, especially with Katniss» glittering, transforming wedding dress.


Through his use of sculptural costumes and alterations to both human and animal bodies, Barney created a large scale work that is as beautifully mesmerizing as it is brutally horrifying.


The narrative is clear, but it’s up to the viewer to think about what all the costume changes mean.


You will even get other cool modes like the Extra Battle Mode, which is where players can spend Fight Money to join exclusive challenges for a chance to win more Fight Money, experience points, special titles, and premium costumes.


How many of everyone’s favorite plumber’s costumes and suits can you identify?


Hang wreaths on the undead and watch it spit out electricity, attach fireworks to a crossbow to thin the herd, mix nitrogen with a costume penguin head to freeze zombies and so on.


There are a few dozen new character sprites for the SMB 1 style, to go with the new «costume Mario» gimmick; more on that later.


The clarity and detail in facial features, costumes, dirt, rocks, the ark, and other visuals is at times so realistic, it’s nearly tangible for the viewer.


In the Krypt you can spend coins earned throughout the rest of the game to smash open tombs and gravestones, revealing rewards like concept art, alternate costumes, secondary Fatalities and more.


Still, if you held off this long to try out «complete» edition of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (with all its additional swimsuit costume glory) it’s certainly worth a look for under a fiver.


Now Greyson just needs a Black Panther costume and my husband will have to work with an outfit like CIA agent Everett K. Ross (Martin Freeman), and our cosplay dreams will be complete!


With a costume this sweet, you’ll want to eat your little one up!


The big-screen adaptation of Matthew Whittet’s play of the same name is an impressive feature, boasting magnificent set and costume design, and wonderful cinematography.


Tickets include two drinks (and there’s still a chance for a free shot glass); costumes are highly encouraged!


The Sims 4 announcement makes us wonder if the Windows Store version will get a special costume pack too?


I will actually be ON a carnival float on Rose Monday, wearing a costume.


I understand it makes more sense from a multiplayer standpoint just to have everything out in the open, but as an unlockable junkie, I miss the sense of accomplishment that came with whipping out a special costume or alternate color your opponent hadn’t seen yet.


Have any last minute costume ideas if we go to the party?


You can check out pics of the costume‘s creation here.


* Such an instantly recognizable uniform (and any uniform may also be a costume: I was a tennis player for Halloween once, effortlessly).


You have to buy sticker packs to gain new costumes, character variants and consumables.


The other aspect of the film that fails to satisfy is in the costumes.


We’ve all been there; waking up in the middle of the night worrying about contracts, money issues, where the next lead is going to come from, whether or not your clients are happy with your performance, how you’re going to buy your daughter that dance costume and so many other worries that float through our sleepy heads.


This package, alongside the Steam Edition, comes with a physical map, Adam-ska special handgun, silver ballistic shield, wetland cardboard box, blue urban snake costume and Metal Gear Online XP boost.


The change of costume and role may explain the repetition of the word nth in verses 1 and 16.


«Cloud Atlas» has locks on Oscar nominations for best makeup and costume design.


For a movie that cost little to make, the costumes and cars are all present, making for a handsome production.


I flung myself in the house, plaited the youngest’s hair for her «Music around the world» dirdnl costume, hustled the kids into the car, bolted back to work, grabbed the sushi, chucked it at them and wove my way through the traffic to drop the youngest at the auditorium by 5.15 pm… Well, 5.25 pm by the time we battled the traffic.


  • Use the word COSTUME in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It’s the crummiest costume I’ve ever seen.

I’m on my way to a costume party.

During the party, a strange person appears wearing a costume that looks like the Mechanical Man.

I think your costume is ridiculous …

Here are the costume designs for your revue, Alwa

Dear Geschwitz, you must design such a costume for me

Mr. Hammer, your costume is wonderful.

This costume has been condemned by Good Housekeeping.

What a fascinating costume!

But Pierre, you don’t have a costume.

Great costume opera in several acts and one tableau.

I’m all set to sing «The Bohemians» in this costume.

You’re so handsome in that costume.

That’s the «Bohemian» costume.

Your costume was exquisite.

Don’t you think my shepherdess costume makes me look young?

The handkerchief matches the costume that she was wearing that day.

A costume tailor, who has no custom.

He had to send to Paris for his costume.

Do you find my costume out of place, Madame?

Why did you tell me it was to be a costume party?

What’s the idea of this fancy dress costume?

Music, costume, girls, cats.

Oh, you’ve put on a beauty-and-beast costume, eh?

And, Jack, don’t forget the costume box.

Over the fireplace is an oil painting of some ape in a costume holding a sword.

Put on Barbara’s costume.

Without costume… and without ball gown.

I usually wear one like that with this costume.

Get my parade costume out.

March past of farmers in traditional costume and presentation of the harvest to Hitler

And I think you look marvelous in that fancy dress costume.

And when I saw you in that magnificent costume, with the tartan over your shoulder and a big silver buckle…

costume BALL Prizes Will Be Given For The Best Costumes

Did you see someone in an ancient Scottish costume?

Mr. Martin, if you don’t mind my saying so, I don’t think that costume is quite appropriate to a serious scientific meeting like this.

And besides, I know of no one in the United States who has a better right than me to a geniuine Scotch costume.

Mrs. Prentiss… Mr. Schultz is the greatest scenery and costume designer in the world.

Here is my scenery and costume bill for the production.

What are you doing in my costume?

Get into a costume quickly.

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sicko with a costume Acting this whole thing out.

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Псих в костюме заварил всю эту кашу.

Right, right— we went to a costume party dressed like the top

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Ага, конечно! Костюмированная вечеринка, где мы одеты, как фигурки на свадебном торте?

Think about why no one in the evening does not go without a costume?


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Подумай, почему вечером никто без костюма не выходит?


Including a costume contest and bobbing for apples And


Ouija board.

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Включая конурс костюмов, ныряние за яблоками, и спиритическую доску.

It is time to start thinking about a costume that is up to par.


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Настало время подумать о костюме, который соответствует номиналу.


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Поверить не могу, что у вас нет костюма.

A costume parade was held, the winners received candy-prizes.


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Был проведен парад костюмов, победители получили призы- конфеты« Сладкие привидения».


Star Wars Chewie is just


man in a costume, so he’s not scary.

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Чуи из» Звездных Войн»- это просто человек в костюме, он совсем не страшный.

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This is the second time he has come here in a costume.

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Это второй случай, когда он приходит сюда в костюме.

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Я женился на тебе, а не на каком-то чудике в костюме.

That reminds me, I was thinking about wearing my NASA jumpsuit as a costume.

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Я тут подумал, а не надеть ли мне мой скафандр в качестве костюма?

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Она решила покончить с собой в костюме.

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Но я могу вычислить девушку в костюме.

If you do not have a costume, wear ordinary- the ski.

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Если же у вас нет такого костюма, наденьте обыкновенный- лыжный.

No, everybody was in a costume, just not like me.

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Нет, все были в костюмах, но не в таких, как мой.

He always needed a costume they didn’t sell in the stores.

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Он всегда хотел костюмы, которых не было в магазинах.

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I will go to the store and return with a costume that is the pinnacle of wit.

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Я пойду в магазин, и вернусь с самым остроумным костюмом.

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М- м- мне стоит надеть что-то типа КОСТЮМА?

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Such a costume game will definitely be fun and emotional;


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Results: 225,
Time: 0.0211





How do you use costume in a sentence?

Costume sentence example

  1. Maybe you should take off that wolf costume and show him how it’s done.
  2. That’s because your usual costume isn’t a costume at all.
  3. But Dolokhov, who in Moscow had worn a Persian costume , had now the appearance of a most correct officer of the Guards.
  4. Sonya’s costume was the best of all.

What does costume mean?

“Costume” often refers to a particular style of clothing worn to portray the wearer as a character or type of character at a social event in a theatrical performance on the stage or in film or television.

What does costume mean in British English?

B2 [ C ] (UK also fancy-dress costume) a set of clothes worn in order to look like someone or something else, especially for a party or as part of an entertainment: Our host was wearing a clown costume. The children were dressed in Halloween costumes.

What kind of word is costume?

noun. a style of dress, including accessories and hairdos, especially that peculiar to a nation, region, group, or historical period. dress or garb characteristic of another period, place, person, etc., as worn on the stage or at balls.

What is the difference between costume and custom?

The two words sound very similar, and there is only a small difference in their spellings. It’s important to learn the difference between custom and costume, because one word refers to a tradition and the other refers to a type of clothing.

What is custom or dress?

The word custom is derived from the Latin word consuetudo, meaning usage, habit, tradition. A costume is an outfit one may wear as a character in a play or film or as set of historical clothing one wears in order to perform traditional rituals or to reenact historical times.

What is custom made?

adjective. If something is custom-made, it is made according to someone’s special requirements. Furniture can also be custom-made to suit your own requirements.

What is costume and tradition?

Traditional costumes Traditional costume is no longer only worn to festivals, weddings and family celebrations. Traditions such as Lederhosen Donnerstag and Dirndlgwanldsonntag are celebrations which see the people of SalzburgerLand wear their national costume with pride.

How is a traditional dress different from a uniform?

Answer: Actually uniform and traditional dress both are clothes or dress(whatever you say). It is also cloth but uniform means having perfect dress code . Like in school we have uniform, lawyers have their own uniform,employees working office have a formal uniform and many more.

What makes a good costume?

Factors that a costume designer considers when composing the costuming of the entire cast might include putting the leading characters in more noticable clothing, working within a restricted color pallette, or demonstrating relationships among characters through silhouette or color so that some look good and some silly …

What is meant by traditional clothing?

Traditional dress may be defined as the ensemble of garments, jewelry, and accessories rooted in the past that is worn by an identifiable group of people. The phrase traditional dress or costume is often used interchangeably with the terms ethnic, regional, and folk dress.

Which traditional dress is most beautiful?

The kimono is one of the better-known traditional dresses from around the world since it has appeared extensively in fashion and popular media. A warm and heartfelt ‘arigato’ to the Japanese for giving the world this wonderful dress!

What is traditional clothing give examples?

Answer. Traditional clothes are those types of cloth which shows our culture, rituals, tradition, etc. Ex= saree, kurta, etc.

Why traditional dress is important?

Wearing traditional clothes is not just for show off that you value your cultural traditions. But the fact is, wearing traditional clothes at festive occasions is not only to show respect and love but also reflects traditional values of the family.

Why are clothes so important?

There are 5 reasons why we wear clothing. Protection: Clothing that provides physical safeguards to the body, preventing harm from climate and environment. Identification: Establishing who someone is or what they do. Modesty: Covering the body according to the code of decency established by society.

What is the purpose of clothing?

The most obvious function of clothing is to protect the wearer from the elements. In hot weather, clothing provides protection from sunburn or wind damage. In the cold, it offers thermal insulation. Shelter can reduce the functional need for clothing.

What is traditional Indian dress called?

Traditional Indian clothing for women in the north and east are saris worn with choli tops; a long skirt called a lehenga or pavada worn with choli and a dupatta scarf to create an ensemble called a gagra choli; or salwar kameez suits, while many south Indian women traditionally wear sari and children wear pattu langa.

What do you wear under an Indian dress?

Put on your regular undergarments. This could include panties, a bra, a camisole, and any other apparel you normally like wearing under your clothing. If your salwar kameez is transparent, you may want to wear a camisole or tank top underneath.

Can females wear shorts in India?

Clothing tips for women in India Skip wearing shorts and short skirts above your knees as these are not acceptable. Make sure that your underwear and bra is well covered and should always be worn discreetly under your clothes. Try to skip tight-fitting clothes that reveal the true shape of your body from outside.

What is the most traditional Indian food?

What the Most Popular Indian Dishes?

  • Aloo gobi. Crisp golden potatoes and cauliflower.
  • Butter chicken. Learn how to make the perfect Indian butter chicken with this recipe.
  • Chana masala. Chickpea stew.
  • Palak paneer.
  • Chicken tikka masala.
  • Doughy, butter-brushed naan.
  • Crisp papadum.
  • Fish curry.

Is Indian cooking difficult?

Indian food isn’t hard to cook, if you get down to basics. Texture and colour have low importance, complexity of flavour is very important. A pleasing aroma is nice to have, but not essential for all dishes until they are fully cooked. Start by frying your dry whole spices.

What Indian food should I try first?

We find it takes a few attempts to try and get people to try Indian food for the first time.

  • The Samosa. In each culture, you’ll find a portable snack food.
  • The Pakora. Many think of the pakora as a fritter.
  • Saag Paneer.
  • Tandoori Chicken.
  • Chana Masala.
  • Butter Chicken.

What is the best Indian dish to order?

The Top 10 Best Indian Dishes And Recipes

  • Chicken Makhani (Butter Chicken)
  • Samosas (Deep-Fried Potato/Veggie Dumpling)
  • Aloo Gobi (Potato and Cauliflower)
  • Naan (Flatbread)
  • Matar Paneer (Peas and Cooked Cottage Cheese)
  • Rogan Josh (Curried Meat)
  • Masala Chai.
  • Lassi.

What you should never order at an Indian restaurant?

What You Should Absolutely Never Order From An Indian Restaurant

  • Biryani should never be eaten as an Indian side dish.
  • Skip the garlic naan at your favorite Indian spot.
  • Pass on the vindaloo, unless you’re a badass.
  • You don’t need an Indian appetizer like samosas.
  • Don’t order butter chicken the next time you eat Indian food.

What to order if you’ve never had Indian food?

5 Dishes to Try if You’re New to Indian Food

  • Samosas. The only way to describe these is like a crispy pastry filled with vegetables or meat, most commonly in the shape of triangles.
  • Naan. This is a sort of flat-bread with a light, fluffy texture that is baked in a clay oven.
  • Butter chicken.
  • Biryani.
  • Gulab jaamun.

Which is the tastiest food in the world?

The world’s 50 best foods

  1. Massaman curry, Thailand. One more reason to visit Thailand.
  2. Neapolitan pizza, Italy. Neapolitan pizza: always delicious no matter the size.
  3. Chocolate, Mexico.
  4. Sushi, Japan.
  5. Peking duck, China.
  6. Hamburger, Germany.
  7. Penang assam laksa, Malaysia.
  8. Tom yum goong, Thailand.

What is the saltiest food?

Restaurants have the saltiest foods, Quader said. Processed foods not only raise blood pressure, but may also increase the risk for cancer, one nutritionist said….The Saltiest Foods May Surprise You

  • Bread.
  • Pizza.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cold cuts and cured meats.
  • Soup.

What’s the tastiest part of a human?

If you had to eat a human, what part should you eat? The brain and muscles are probably your best bet according to Yale certified nutritionist Dr. Jim Stoppani. Muscles offer protein and the brain would provide slow-burning energy since it’s high in fat and glucose.

How to use costume in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «costume» and check conjugation/comparative form for «costume«. Mastering all the usages of «costume» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Up to 50% off all costumes Evil Jester Costume Phantom Darkness Costume Skeleton Costume Graveyard Bride Costume The Joker ‘Dark Knight’ Costume Pennywise Deluxe Costume SUPVOX Blood Bag Drinks Litake LED Skull Candles Metal Garden Halloween Pumpkin
Your work costume has to be different from your party costume, which is often different from your day-of costume.
Of course — you know, a costume is a costume.
Scrambling to find a costume for tonight’s big Halloween costume?
She loved Bernal’s costume, thus making it the best costume imaginable.
For the super-fast, easy costume, there’s the Jelly Belly costume.
Two of our favorite costume dramas are having a costume drama.
It is the Costume Institute, not the Anna Wintour Costume Center.
Bunny costume: $91.98 on Party Zone USACatwoman costume: $44 on Target
Up to 50% off all costumes Smiffys Surgeon Costume Smiffys Adult Pumpkin Costume Smiffys Adult Graveyard Bride Costume Rubie’s Marvel Avengers Black Panther Costume Rubie’s Official Marvel Thor Costume Wolverine Morphsuit Fancy Dress Costume EVERSEE Halloween Makeup Kit LIK Halloween Scar Tattoos Portable Hanging Makeup Cosmetic Bag All the best personal care deals, including discounted smart scales, electric toothbrushes, and electric shavers.
The costume shop needs time between premieres and costume-heavy story ballets.
Add to your costume, wear a skin-colored unitard or layers If you already have a costume, think about what could be added to your costume.
«I get criticized about my costume, but I nailed that costume,» she says.
So that’s what they felt is the scariest costume… the ugliest, scariest costume.
She’s offered a noob’s guide to Costume College, a conference for costume makers.
While dramatic music plays, a suited-up firefighter lights child’s costume after costume.
I think the costume that was just revealed is not the only costume.
«The biggest reason for costume failures is strictly an engineering issue, because people want so much of the costume cut away,» costume designer Gail Johnson told Refinery29.
This one combined the most popular costume for dudes and ladies into one costume.
I went to a Halloween costume store, saw the gorilla costume, and bought it.
Kaplan, the costume designer, keeps mum on what this Sith-ish costume could mean.
Abu Costume for Baby, $34.95, shopDisneyHow adorable is this Abu costume made for babies?
If you haven’t figured out your costume yet, might we suggest the following group costume.
The costume is so well-executed that I am now reconsidering my couple’s costume idea.
She referred to her costume in Episode 7 as her Sunoco gas station attendant costume.
My other favorite costumed people to photograph are people who are eating in costume, sitting on the ground in costume or arguing with someone on the phone while in costume.
The giant cylinder at the core of Monster’s costume ended up amplifying everything the star inside the costume said and sang, leaving a weird, echoing noise in early costume tests.
If you’re in need of some last-minute costume inspiration, try out the digital Costume Wizard.
The Sketchtron 6000 would make a great Halloween costume, as would Jenna Maroney’s unfortunate Smurfette costume.
OITNB actor Uzo Aduba responded that she loves «the costume choice» And love the costume choice.
But the new costume took some time to develop, as the show’s costume designer told Insider.
I bought another costume new because I wanted to own the officially-licensed costume: $130 for the costume and a prop, plus $55 for a new wig and wefts to add volume.
One of these is Customade Costume & Merchandise, one of the largest costume rental companies in the country.
This particular mascot is known for having an inner skeleton costume, in addition to the outer costume.
Then he made costume after costume after it—jumping from Star Wars to RoboCop to Warhammer 40,000.
A classic Halloween costume, a witch was the second-most searched costume during the month of September.
Then, there was the more bare-bones costume, which they called the Ant-Man costume on set.
Actors get added to the acting branch, costume designers to the costume design branch, and so on.
«I was in love with costume design before I even realized it was costume design,» she says.
Rubie’s official Harry Potter Gryffindor classic robe — £24.993 (list price £20.00) Harley Quinn kids costume — £12.38 (list price £19.98) Rubie’s official Harry Potter deluxe Quidditch robe — £13.70 (list price £26.00) Rubie’s official Harley Quinn adult jumpsuit — £27.48 (list price £44.99) Melissa & Doug astronaut costume set — £11.69 (list price £23.99) Melissa & Doug fire chief costume — £39.993 (list price £23.99) Melissa & Doug doctor costume — £15.53 (list price £23.99) Melissa & Doug construction worker costume — £242.49 (list price £249.99) Melissa & Doug pilot costume — £21 (list price £299.99) Melissa & Doug ninja costume — £2139.99 (list price £224.99) This bundle saves you over £6139.99.
«Costume was an essential part of blaxploitation,» Chris Laverty, costume consultant and editor of Clothes on Film, writes.
For her Halloween costume last month, Krupa opted for body paint over fabric for her Miss Butterfly costume.
Ahead, we’ve rounded up some sexy couple costume ideas inspired by Yandy, sexy costume (and lingerie) store extraordinaire.
According to data on Pornhub’s most popular costume/cosplay searches, Harley Quinn is this year’s «sexiest» Halloween costume.
The idea for this costume was just the natural evolution of the pop-up store ‘sexy costume‘ formula.
The Costume Shop generally needs about a week to organise the hire and prepare the costume for you.
The costume, emblazoned with the phrase «AGENT WALL,» retails for $29.99 at Spirit Halloween, a NYC costume store.
Bob learns the hard way what happens when you show up to a costume party without a costume.
He’s got a Darth Vader outfit, and a knight in shining armor costume and a rocket dog costume.
Minion Dog Costume See Details Minion Costume with Accessories See Details Be honest — you’re the sidekick in this relationship.
With a record number of adults planning to wear a costume this Halloween, what is the top costume choice?
So if you’re a costume designer, you nominate costume designers, if you’re an sound engineer, you nominate sound engineers.
They had a surprise costume birthday party for me and had picked out the Dolley Madison costume for me.
I am a sucker for a costume-party episode, and this one is about a ‘210s-themed costume party.
I have only heard of this costume through Halloween legends, but quite frankly it’s a genius and simple costume.
A bedsheet with eyeholes makes a lovely, if lazy, costume for Halloween—and a lousy costume for a film.
He was commenting on a costume from earlier in week and said Miss Philippines won the National Costume Contest.
Heidi Klum promised that her 2017 Halloween costume would be «scary,» and her hair-raising costume delivered on all fronts.
Just a ‘Halloween costume‘ Stivender never actually says the word «blackface,» though he shows a photo of himself in costume.
Costume conundrum Before you head out in that costume of yours tonight, you might want to consider this handy guide.
A costume contest will also be held, and ideally, someone will go as my dream Halloween costume: Billy the Zombie.
Jenn Rogien, the costume designer for Orange Is the New Black and Girls, was given the Excellence in Costume Design Award.
Ahead of her Ariana Grande-inspired costume, she put out a call for help on coming up with a costume idea.
While together, Kim learned that a costume company had used her traumatic robbery experience in order to create a Halloween costume.
You can save on a Harry Potter Gryffindor classic robe, a Harley Quinn kids costume, an astronaut costume set, and more.
Heather: The costume side is all from me because when I was working in the theater I loved doing costume design.
Edith Head was an American costume designer who won a record eight Academy Awards for Best Costume Design throughout her career.
Alexis Waters wore a shark costume to Nick Viall’s season because she liked dolphins and thought it was a dolphin costume.
Pair an alien costume with a UFO vibrator, or slip a dragon dildo in the pocket of your Daenerys Targaryen costume.
Not only is it a sold out chicken sandwich costume, it is, in fact, a sexy sold out chicken sandwich costume.
But costume designers think of costume as part of the character that they’re creating, so it’s the hair, the costume, the props, the makeup, the way they move, whether these costumes and props are ever physically made or not.
Legend of Zelda Link Costume See Details There’s still time to order your officially-licensed Legend of Zelda costume for this Halloween.
We hope the actors find the costume comfortable, easy to wear, and that the audience enjoys the artistic beauty of the costume.
Caroline’s is hosting a Halloween comedy event with music, costume prizes and comedians who may or may not also be in costume.
«I am truly shocked at the inclusion of anton shulepov’s free skate costume in the best costume list,» Twitter user @viewofsilence wrote.
«Not because I wanted to be a costume designer — which I did — but because my mother really wanted to be a costume designer.»
«As one person tweeted shortly after Aldean’s costume mishap: «Nobody needs to be in blackface to successfully pull off a Lil Wayne costume.
The British actor stopped by the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in costume where he greeted many of its young wards while in costume.
For Ms. Fulton, the assistance came from Olaogun Opeyemi, a Nigerian costume designer and the film’s costume supervisor, who helped make nuanced choices.
«She was more interested in talking to me because she is not a costume person, and I was not in costume,» he said.
The chef’s kiss of the costume was a floor-length red cape, sewn by Ms. Dalton, which matched that of her Supergirl costume.
» Alex adds: «Our costume designer has this amazing ability to find pieces that are incredibly distinctive and unusual but don’t feel costume-y.
An edgy, mysterious Dubfire costume could also work as a sexy Darth Vader; a Skrillex costume is indistinguishable from an emo teenager stuck in a 2007 MySpace wormhole; a spooky Marshmello costume doubles as trash pulled from a landfill in Staten Island.
The Nicest Neighbor is one of the 1,000-plus Sexy Halloween Costumes that Yandy sells, and it’s right up there with the Sexy Wednesday Addams Costume, the Sexy Freddy Krueger Costume (complete with a «burned skin hood») and the Sexy Bob Ross Costume.
To help you craft the perfect KKW costume, we’ve rounded up some of her looks that can easily flip into a last-minute costume.
Think of a costume, any costume, and I bet you someone out there is thinking of how to make a «sexy» version of it.
In this episode of DIY Costume Squad, Dustin McLean transforms a pile of old clothes into a DIY costume worthy of everyone’s favorite pirate.
This Halloween, it’s perfectly fine to have your dog celebrate without a costume — just being a dog is already the cutest costume there is.
«A good rule of thumb would be: ‘If your costume calls to mind an event where millions were killed, choose another costume,’ » he wrote.
Game, who has a weed line with MedMen dubbed «Trees by Game,» also has an easy Tekashi Halloween costume suggestion … actually, no costume required.
To assemble Robert Redford’s costume, used pieces were pulled from the Twentieth Century Fox wardrobe department, while others were rented from the Western Costume Company.
It was pretty and glamorous, for sure, but it looked like a Jessica Rabbit costume that would have won a Halloween costume contest in 1992.
It&aposs also a smart idea to get a costume one size bigger, that way there is enough room to add layers beneath the costume.
Costume designer Danielle Hollowell and assistant costume designer Provi Fulp Ramphal included Black designers such as Virgil Abloh, Carly Cushnie, and Brother Vellies’ Aurora James.
She told PEOPLE on Sunday that she and her go-to costume designer Johnny Wujek had explored a few costume ideas before settling on Ursula.
This is fancy jewelry that doesn’t have to be worn like fancy jewelry — costume jewelry pricing for stuff that isn’t, well, all that costume-y.
Teddy convinces Bob in Season 3 to don a fat suit when he shows up to his black-and-orange costume party without a costume.
Whereas Luke’s costume changed with his journey throughout the original trilogy and Anakin’s in the prequel trilogy, Darth Vader’s badass bad guy costume never changed.
This would be a relatively simple couples costume, so it’s perfect for those last-minute people who don’t have their Halloween costume bought by August.
If, like me, the process of deciding on a costume in the first place fills you with dread, Google has a clever answer: The Costume Wizard.
For his chilling homemade costume of the Game of Thrones villain, a Filipino cosplayer rightfully took Best Costume over the weekend, at the AsiaPOP Comicon 2017.
Costume designer Michele Clapton reveals that she threaded a similar hint about Cersei Lannister’s intentions into the queen’s imposing dragonpit costume in the Season 7 finale.
Whether you’re fixing for a Halloween costume or putting the finishing touches on your New York Comic Con cosplay, costume season is definitely in full gear.
The New Jersey-based costume company suing Kmart for stealing its banana costume has reached a settlement outside the court, said Rasta Imposta CEO Robert Berman.
This Halloween have some fun with pop culture and dress just like the Queen of Social media with our sensational ‘Parisian Heist Robbery Victim CostumeCostume.
Carter, the artistic master behind the film’s Afro-futurist looks, is also the first Black costume designer to take home Best Achievement in Costume Design award.
Because unlike a lot of hero movies, this character is as interesting and as engaging outside of his costume, as he is inside of his costume.
In New York, the geek might create a costume from 99-cent stores, craft supply shops and Abracadabra NYC, a Manhattan costume shop, Mr. Glaser said.
The ISU has since removed the costume from the list — insisting it meant to feature Shulepov’s costume from his «Short Program» routine, a plain blue outfit.
Yandy’s Kylie Jenner costume—excuse me, its «Yandy Rise & Shine TV Star Costume Kit»—is basically just a dress and a crown (?) from its existing collection.
The costume sells for $80 and is even available for two-day shipping — making it a great option for anyone still scrambling to find a costume.
«There’s nothing wrong with wearing a costume that some people might consider «slutty» – and no one should be shamed, harassed, or bullied for her costume choice – but if the costume is making her feel anxious, that is a sign she should pay attention to,» she says.
«Nowadays, even if I want to make a costume of that era, the fabrics and colors don’t look as they did then,» said the costume designer Andrea Flesch, who spent a year searching costume houses all over the world to find garments with the right texture.
What is so curious about the phenomenon of the celebrity costume gaffe is that celebrities should be the most aware of this social function of a costume.
»   After seeing an image of the costume, some fans of the Matt and Ross Duffer series took to Twitter, where they deemed the costume «disgusting» and «offensive.
» In the case of «Kubo,» Perez said, «the woman who designed that was a true costume designer and fought to get the credit as a costume designer.
The costume masterminds at Yandy decided to get in on the Bone action with a sexy costume inspired by the 34-year-old newly crowned internet sensation.
New mom Kylie also wore a coordinating butterfly costume and matching skeleton costume with eight-month-old daughter Stormi Webster in the days leading up to Halloween.
If you’re still trying to figure out a couple’s costume for Halloween, look no further, for we have found the perfect couple’s costume: the filter/no filter.
Other auction items include Captain America’s distressed army rescue costume from the 2011 «The First Avenger» film as well as a Superman costume, worn by Christopher Reeve.
«I got to Hollywood as a costume designer, and one of the things you do as a costume designer is shop all the time,» Mr. Schumacher said.
Other auction items include Captain America’s distressed army rescue costume from the 2011 film «The First Avenger» as well as a Superman costume worn by Christopher Reeve.
Daly says Shweta was asked to go backstage and change into her National Costume to be showcased as «Best National Costume,» which Steve was about to announce.
Just in time for the new Wonder Woman film watch as the DIY Costume Squad show you how to make your very own DIY Wonder Woman costume!
«The ISU regrets that by error the wrong costume (Free Skating instead of Short Program costume) of Mr. Shulepov has been presented for voting,» the statement read.
For this question, a favorite of Warby Parker cofounder and co-CEO David Gilboa, the reason you wore the costume is more important than the costume itself.
Costume designer Carl Emil Doepler, who included horned helmets in his gorgeous costume designs for the 1876 performance of Wagner’s classic Norse saga, Der Ring des Nibelungen.
And she has been involved with the recently named Anna Wintour Costume Center at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the annual Costume Institute Benefit at the Met.
He’s been photographed wearing a Peter Pan costume, a Snow White one too… If I’d had a costume when I was a kid, I would have been Wolverine.
«I purchased what I thought was a coyote costume from an amusement park costume vendor and had it shipped to the company,» he said in a separate interview.
In an interview with Uproxx, per Vanity Fair, the Emmy award-winning costume designer Michele Clapton discusses Jon Snow’s evolving costume and what external forces dictate his style.
Necalli’s costume was chosen by the 2015 Capcom Cup winner Kazunoko, and this year’s winner will be able to choose a character to receive a new costume too.
Convincing herself she had to have a «super expensive» and «scandalous» Playboy bunny costume, Kate felt she couldn’t buy the generic Playboy bunny costume from a Halloween store.
We thought going to the Halloween party dressed as the Kardashians with our friends would win us best costume — until we saw the Kardashian sisters’ actual group costume.
«It was booming since the winter fair held by our king and then this soap opera fueled the Thai costume fever,» said Chutima Wongchiangkwang, 55, a costume vendor.
Since Mindy’s at the Costume Awards, she’s clearly decided to put on the costume of someone that wasn’t putting on Old Spice in Spanx a few hours earlier.
Read more: An infamous lingerie brand is selling a sexy ‘Beyond Burger’ costume this HalloweenLike the sexy Beyond Burger, the Hard Outlaw costume highlights White Claw’s cultural dominance.
But he said he had to «view the banana costume as a whole, as opposed to inspecting the individual components that come together to create the banana costume
Carter, a veteran costume designer for film and television, made history last year when she became the first African-American woman to win an Oscar for costume design.
If you’re gunning for Halloween costume gold this year, you’re in for a treat that’s even better than full-size candy bars: the R29 trending Halloween costume predictor.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads In 1876, French scholar and artist Auguste Racinet published Le Costume historique (The Costume History), an illustrated sartorial tour throughout world history.
You have to think of a costume, obtain that costume either by buying it or surveying your friends for certain items, and then if you really wanna go all-out, you have to think of the hair (or wig) you want, and the makeup that’d work for that costume too.
The shark costume retails for $25 for toddlers and $30 for kids, while parents can pick up the unicorn costume for both toddlers and kids at the same prices.
Seeing one’s completed costume in a case, ready to be deployed for a movie’s opening screening, is a magical moment, and something a store-bought costume can never provide.
In «Your Halloween Costume Expires Sooner Than You Think,» Jennifer Harlan writes about how the pop-culture Halloween costume came to be: The high heels were on the move.
You need to see this fan’s Jack costume, because while we may have many questions about Jack’s future, there’s zero question that this guy is winning the costume game.
In each episode of ‘DIY Costume Squad,’ one of our expert hosts shows you how to make your own DIY costume based on popular movie/TV/video game characters.
That said, while it’s obviously not illegal to wear a clown costume, some police departments have said that wearing a clown costume just to freak people out is prohibited.
In each episode of DIY Costume Squad one of our expert hosts shows you how to make your own DIY costume based on popular movie/TV/video game characters.
In each episode of ‘DIY Costume Squad’ one of our expert hosts shows you how to make your own costume based on popular movie, TV and video game characters.
In the latest episode of «DIY Costume Squad,» our crafty host Dustin shows you how to make your own Edward Scissorhands costume at home using materials anyone can access.
Robin Scoops Ahoy Halloween Costume for Adults See Details This is the perfect costume for a couple of friends because, as we all need to remember, Robin is gay. 
«The ISU regrets that by error the wrong costume (Free Skating instead of Short Program costume) of Mr. Shulepov has been presented for voting,» the ISU wrote on Twitter.
So first, the governor of Virginia admitted to wearing blackface in college for a Michael Jackson costume — by the way, making it the least accurate Michael Jackson costume possible.
After she gives him the costume, or transforms it into him, I think we’ll see the revamped Rita costume that a lot of people have been hoping to see.
If you don’t have a recent example, continue the conversation by recalling your favorite Halloween costume as a kid or discussing a time you helped someone else make a costume.
Now, he’s the inspiration for a sexy Halloween costume: Yandy’s «Sexy Undecided Voter Costume» features a red top, a white blouse, high-waisted pants, a mustache, glasses and a microphone.
Other memorable instances include former Disney star Hilary Duff wearing a pilgrim costume with her then-boyfriend dressed in a Native American costume for a Halloween party in Beverly Hills.
«I found the costume for Luca, and then a few days later, we found out we were expecting, so I surprised Joe with the costume and the sign,» Black explains.
In each episode of ‘DIY Costume Squad’ one of our expert hosts shows you how to make your own DIY costume based on popular movie, TV and video game characters.
At first, she’s just got somewhat of an ability-enhancing costume, that heightens her fighting ability and eventually learns to summon the costume to her so she can wear it.
The show’s costume designer Daniel Lawson is actually nominated for a costume design Emmy this year (he also earned a nod for outstanding costumes at the 2010 Primetime Emmy Awards).
My family at the time was not doing so well, financially, so I had to put together my version of a Hannah Montana costume from the Dollar Tree costume section.
Lena Lollis, the red-headed costume designer, has sourced each piece of Doc’s costume individually — aside from the wig, sunglasses, and custom headset, which the Doc has generously provided himself.
Lena Lollis, the red-headed costume designer, has sourced each piece of Doc’s costume individually — aside from the wig, sunglasses, and custom headset, which the Doc has generously provided himself.
From «Sorry To This Man» to «Kombucha Girl,» here are 12 gloriously internet-worthy meme costume ideas that’ll earn you some greatly coveted pop culture points at your costume party.
The ISU drew heat when the costume was included among more than 50 others in the best costume category, one of four different categories for the upcoming ISU Skating Awards.
There, I was told that Janie Bryant — yes, the Janie Bryant, aka Mad Men’s award-winning costume designer — «or someone else from her team» would be fitting me for a costume.
If you’re pressed for a last minute costume and even consider a horribly offensive costume, just pass on it and dress up as a sexy cat like the rest of us. 
«One of the great privileges of costume design is our costumes and things we design and build, they literally touch the lives of our cast members,» says Costume Designer Joe Kucharski.
Though it’s hard finding a work-appropriate costume the day before Halloween, I decide to make a last minute DIY Disney princess costume with some stuff I found online at Target.
Costume shops are popping up on every other corner, candy aisles are invading our local convenience store, and, just like that, the pressure is on to cook up the perfect costume.
Charlie Kline has an exhaustive shopping list for what to buy for the most accurate costume, but for a quick Halloween costume, you don’t have to stress over all that detail.
Like any Star Wars costume, you can probably source all of the original costume components, but the design’s also generic enough that you can probably put it together with normal clothes.
Few movies have more entrancing and decadent costume work than «Marie Antoinette,» which captures 18th-century Versailles in all of its gaudy splendor, and won the Academy Award for costume design.
Tom Burgoyne, who wears the Phanatic costume, said in an interview on Monday with the Philadelphia sports radio station WIP that the litigation «kick-started» the discussion on the new costume.
And when it comes to creating the perfect costume, people tend to fall into one of two categories: They’re either the DIY type, or they’re the costume-in-a-bag type.
And while you may love to tag team your costume with your BFF or significant other, we’re calling it now: 2019 will be the year of the well-executed group costume.
Viewers thought Sekhon won the costume competition because of an interview she did with host Steve Harvey during the show, but Miss Philippines actually had the best costume of the competition.
«First of all, I just want to say — son, I’m proud of you,» he jokes, referring to the similarities between the Thingamajig costume and his own Monster costume from last season.
News reports and a photo of him in costume attracted wide criticism, but he defended his costume and said many people did not understand the tradition of dressing up for Purim.
You put on your costume & it isn’t even noon.
Or say, ‘Let me see your costume — turn around?
First time in costume since we made the movie !
I left this Fake costume in a Halloween store… . . . .
» And yet one cannot help but imagine that Duff’s costume, along with the costume of every other celebrity attending a highly publicized Halloween bash with countless photographers present, was very «thought through.
The best costume award may go to Broadway star and Tony Award winner Cynthia Erivo, who stunned in an Avatar costume, complete with head-to-toe blue make-up, ears and wardrobe.
Rather than spending money on a Halloween costume you’ll probably never wear again, invest in a few pieces to make the perfect royals DIY Halloween costume you can wear after October 31.
Yesterday, Marvel Studios held an open-house event that showed off some concept art from the film, revealing that Captain Marvel’s costume would be a modern take on the character’s traditional costume.
Every year on the First Monday in May, the Metropolitan Museum of Art hosts the Costume Institute Gala to kick off the opening of its popular fashion exhibit at The Costume Institute.
It took lingerie purveyor and sexy Halloween costume maker Yandy just three days to go from idea to product execution on its Sexy Op-Ed Anonymous Halloween costume for the 2018 season.
So the costume designers vote for the five costume design nominees, the actors vote for the acting nominees, and so on, with everybody in the Academy voting to nominate for Best Picture.
Lane looks at Spectral costume sitting in the middle of the booth, and says that it’s a costume that took months design and build, before it ever landed on a sound stage.
But, for those who are willing to get a bit creative and spend more time putting a costume together, you can put together a killer costume just by visiting a thrift store.
Lili Reinhart teased her Halloween costume on Twitter Thursday, and much to Riverdale fans’ surprise and delight, she said it’s going to be a couple’s costume — but not with boyfriend Cole Sprouse.
A yellow plaid outfit remarkably similar to that worn by Alicia Silverstone as Cher in the ’90s classic Clueless is being sold by the costume maker Costume Culture by Franco as «Notionless».
Meanwhile, the Little Bo-Peep costume consisted of a pink dress and tutu with a bonnet, while the pup in the Buzz Lightyear costume rocked Buzz’s iconic spacesuit and a purple hood.
The Tony Awards will also give honors for excellence to Bessie Nelson, a longtime costume beader, and to Ernest Winzer Cleaners, a 110-year-old business with a specialty in costume work.
The creative genius, who has had successful careers as an interior designer and businesswoman, became a fashion icon after an exhibition of her eccentric costume jewellery at The Costume Institute in 2005.
Fun fact No. 2: The costume is so hot that, in breaks from the action, Sven retreats to a «puppet corner» offstage, where dressers supply water and even hold tissues for nose blowing (the actors can’t use their hands while in costume), and where an air conditioning tube can be inserted into the costume to lower their body temperature.
If you’re still looking for a Halloween costume, consider dressing up as a marshmallow or any costume that requires an inflatable suit, but don’t pressure yourself to be as talented as this kid. 
David Joyner, the puppeteer who braved the dark abyss inside the Barney costume for a decade, described what being Barney was really like to Business Insider: Being inside this costume is pretty cool.
There are long periods of pondering and planning, an array of (mostly coherent) notes of costume possibilities, and a mental log of cornerstone pop culture moments that are primed to take costume form.
Halloween costumes are a blast when you’re solo (who doesn’t love a punny costume, or a reason to play with makeup?) But when you’re partnered up, choosing a Halloween costume isn’t just fun
Oh, and I was really pleased that the costume designer figured out a way to give Vulture the poofy neck-fur that’s part of his usual comics costume, without making him look ridiculous.
She’s raised over $150 million to date for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute (which contains the three-year-old Anna Wintour Costume Center) through the annual Met Gala, which she organizes.
Ahead of Halloween last month, costume shoppers ditched brick-and-mortar stores for online options, with Amazon getting 85% of sales in the online costume market, according to 1010data’s eCom Market Benchmark report.
Photographs of the actress in costume emerged in March 2017.
But I loved my costume and I loved my story.
But those qualities abate with the work’s numerous costume changes.
Naturally, we’re basing our costume advice on your astrological sign.
So, it’s unsurprising that Kim’s costume would cause a stir.
Entertainment Weekly has a preview of the women in costume.
A clever Halloween costume could help you professionally, Hickey says.
I ripped off my costume and headed for the gym.
They showed up at parties around the world in costume.
The costume a kind of ritual he has to enact.
I made my first costume, which was a total nightmare.
Skaters can even be penalized for things like costume violations.
The doll is dressed up in Copeland’s Firebird dance costume.
See the full costume truck tour in the video above.
How much longer must we endure this overdone group costume.
Put down the Eggo Waffles this costume is already overdone.
Stitch Dog Costume See Details Lilo & Stitch Dress See Details
Harley Quinn wasn’t just the birthday girl’s costume choice, though.
What is your favorite Halloween costume Heidi Klum’s ever worn?
What does it take to design a costume for Beyoncé?
When they returned Wendy explained she overheated from her costume.
When her Halloween costume was too legit to quit 13.
Dunst is wearing a space costume and holding a dog.
Swift couldn’t resist revealing that he loaned her the costume.
The event is held to benefit the museum’s Costume Institute.
Actual Elvis didn’t wear a costume during his own wedding.
Finally, Raymonda’s Wedding has fun with folksy Hungarian costume camp.
Disney doesn’t allow adults to go into parks in costume.
You can go ham on your Daenerys Targaryen Halloween costume.
But it was Foster’s costume that drew attention from Cox.
But in the context of the evening the costume mattered.
Dozens have been arrested (including one in a Santa costume).
Two people dressed in costume dance on stage in 1984.
I’m overheated in my costume and I did pass out.
Mrs. Incredible Deluxe Costume for Adults by Disguise, $69.95; shopdisney.
Tinker Bell Prestige Costume for Adults by Disguise, $79.95; shopdisney.
Belle Costume Dress Set for Adults by Disguise, $54.95; shopdisney.
Buzz Lightyear Inflatable Costume for Adults by Disguise, $79.95; shopdisney.
Mr. Incredible Deluxe Costume for Adults by Disguise, $59.95;
Last week, she sewed herself a ketchup packet Halloween costume.
To you, what makes up a good space suit costume?
Just, you know, to make sure the costume is accurate.
I hope bear suits become a Halloween costume this year.
Three friends (and costume contest judges) pose in cosplay together.
She overheated because of her heavy costume, makeup, and lights.
But can I always wear an Alice in Wonderland costume?
There is a rumor that we might be in costume.
Thomas’ brother Joe clearly did not choose a political costume.
Brexit You’ll have to shelve your spooky Brexit Halloween costume.
In it, she is wearing a giant inflatable penis costume.
Josh Sundquist is the still the reigning Halloween costume king!
And many of the other guests even came in costume.
Yeah, you’ve had a year to plan your Halloween costume.
Taylor Swift threw an epic New Year’s Eve costume party.
I like thinking of it as putting on a costume.
Her permanent mask is a perfect effort-free Halloween costume.  
If you thought your Eleven costume was incredible, step aside.
We’ve found the coolest, most insane Stranger Things costume ever.
«A round costume for a round person,» she said, wryly.
Almost every show brought along with it a new costume.
For costume costumes, however, it’s digitally native brands, like HalloweenCostumes.
Last year, they dropped an employee wearing a zebra costume.
Well, he didn’t come to the door in the costume.
There’s nothing I love more than an extremely online costume.
There are so many directions you can take your costume.
Click through to see her Halloween costume in the works.
They’re directors, cartoonists, costume designers, composers, and special effects artists.
So I think this is the best costume for today.
Can she handle seeing Ellie die while in LARPing costume?
He wore the costume to Heidi Klum’s infamous Halloween party.
This giraffe costume is his favorite thing to wear pic.twitter.
DIYing a Halloween costume always sounds like a fun idea.
Leslie, however, encouraged Harington to wear his Jon Snow costume.
He wore a Batman costume to prom and Kimye’s wedding.
There’s not really a way to make that costume tasteful.
Kerrigan’s costume designer, Vera Wang, a former ice skater herself.
«The costume was no respecter of your bladder,» Coel said.
«Half of my costume was done in post,» she said.
It also makes a great Duke Silver costume for Halloween.
I overheated in my costume and I did pass out.
So what does this all mean for your Halloween costume?
Always ask politely, «Are you wearing a costume at all?»
I dream of costume designing an adaptation of the series.
Who said you’d never use that sexy nurse costume again?
In summary: a lot of effort went into this costume.
Fans of Haynes were excited for yet another fabulous costume.
And we weren’t the only ones fangirling over CiCi’s costume.
If creative is sexy, we’ve got your costume ideas covered.
Keep reading to find your perfect Halloween costume for 2017.
But we aren’t told exactly where the costume came from.
With every choice you make, every costume, line of dialogue.
The red costume was recognizable — but it wasn’t quite right.
The costume designer was really brilliant — there were Guess booties!
The costume is inspired by spaceflight and is entirely speculative.
Someone give this costume designer an Emmy right this minute.
«This is a costume,» he says of his grey suit.
Rebecca even bought herself a poop costume for the occasion.
Need a foolproof winning entry for that Halloween costume contest?
If so, Gwyneth Paltrow’s Halloween costume needs a spoiler alert.
Was a sexy Dat Boi costume ever up for consideration?
I noticed that you still sell a «The Dress» costume.
You can also save 49% on this costume right now.
Through expression and costume, she maps an attachment to place.
We treated it very much like a costume for her.
Unfortunately, their Mexican stereotype costume is already out of stock.
Here are 20 funny and adorable costume ideas for dogs.
But, there are also fabric versions of this costume available.
Luckily, this is an affordable, easy costume for your pup.
You don’t need a boyfriend to do a couple’s costume!
It’s official: Selena Quintanilla is this year’s top Halloween costume.
«Honey, this is a Spanx bodysuit,» Nice Costume Lady counters.
The related costume exhibit opens May 5 at the museum.
Don Cheadle is trading his superhero costume for some hoops.
I didn’t have the costume ready until Halloween of 2000.
Biden: …Obama: Just don’t let him find the snowman costume.
Wear a costume, and you won’t be the only one.
This costume somehow attracted a man 26 years my senior.
Iron Man is literally an entire movie about a costume.
You’ve worked as a costume designer since the late 80s.
A white undershirt completes the costume, as well as sneakers.
The Vader costume cost less than $1,500 to put together.
You can even cop a Dr. Pimple Popper Halloween Costume.
Games, crafts and costume gathering for children 1243 and up.
The internet immediately had mixed opinions on Hill’s Halloween costume.
It means they have yet another badass costume to recreate.
I felt confused, nervous and slightly ridiculous in my costume.
Jennifer Lopez’s character from «Hustlers» would make an iconic costume.
And I thought we can base a costume around that.
This red, devilish bike and costume is a full theme.
«This makeup is supposed to be a costume,» Davy continued.
You could also dust off this bunny costume for Easter.
This inflatable Rex outfit will likely win any costume contest.
We found an extensive diagram of the store’s costume offerings.
Manuel Duarte’s costume was inspired by the ancient Mayan civilization. 
This woman won her office costume contest, and maybe Halloween.
Second, they have alternate costume pieces for each ofthe heroes.
The scariest Halloween costume, party or display you’ve ever experienced?
Lopez herself even gave Rinna’s costume the stamp of approval.
Heidi Klum’s Halloween costume was her most gruesome one yet.
Heidi Klum’s 2019 Halloween costume is her most gruesome yet.
And costume makers are more than willing to play along.
Who or indeed what is inside the Mr Blobby costume?
Denise Wingate [costume designer]: It was only my second movie.
Coming up with a Halloween costume can be sooo stressful.
Class is in session with this adorable baby nerd costume.
A Halloween Dinner Cruise costume party is planned for Oct.
True even wore face paint to complete her lion costume.
Family matriarch Kris Jenner chose a costume from Pixar’s «Coco.»
A Robin costume hangs in a memorial in the Batcave.
Ms. Radmacher, 41, works in Manhattan as a costume designer.
Costume-drama queen Keira Knightley — in yet another period piece!
Musicians in medieval costume descended stairs in front of me.
Art Review This year’s Costume Institute exhibition is finally here.
But that’s the genius of the show’s intentional costume design.
I haven’t been to a proper costume party in years.
So D.I.Y. I was a costume designer in another life.
There was a human inside this humongous Kuchi Kopi costume.
She left acting soon after and became a costume designer.
Will Your Halloween Costume Reflect Current Events or Pop Culture?
She soon left acting, and is now a costume designer.
There would be no overstuffed costume fittings or stark studios.
What was your favorite celebrity Halloween costume from the weekend?
Metal security gates have been torn apart like costume jewelry.
Oversize costume pearls can add attitude to a classic LBD.
He plans to see the film — but not in costume.
In case you forgot, there were several costume changes onstage.
Rubie’s Adult Size Jurassic World Inflatable Dinosaur Costume, $44.50; amazon.
Boîte A costume party without a holiday fulcrum is tricky.
Logan told Mashable he crafted his son’s Mandalorian costume himself.
The Broadway costume designer William Ivey Long recalled sending Mrs.
Prince Harry was photographed wearing a Nazi costume in 2005.
First, Scarlet Witch is seen in her iconic comic costume.
And by the way, our culture is not a costume.
Meanwhile, the two grips that did that are in costume.
Opt for a costume everyone will understand, like Audrey Hepburn.
Click ahead for our favorite takes on the easy costume.
» Here the costume designers explain how they dressed «The Irishman.
I left this fake millenial costume in a Halloween store… . . .
Also a good source of party and Halloween costume ideas.
«Heidi Bivens [Euphoria’s costume designer] is incredible,» the actress gushes.
Yeah, I was looking for a female empowerment Halloween costume.
Jolie sold costume jewelry and Eva a line of wigs.
You can dress as a clown without the full costume.
If Rita had a costume like that back then… wow.
Cane & Co. Greyhound Bus Halloween Costume, $67.49, available at Etsy
YOLSUN Pet Fleece Halloween Pumpkin Costume, $10.99, available at Amazon
Yellow Flower Headwear Costume for Dogs, $6.99, available at Target
She apparently pursues this passion while dressed in period costume.
Super Bowl XXII & XXVI How did you develop your costume?
With an arsenal of supplies such as cardboard, a bike helmet and other household items, member of the elite «DIY Costume Squad» Benjamin Martin shows you how to make a dangerous-looking Predator costume.
«The design and technical equipment of the costume create a near-total illusion that a real robot is standing in front of you,» according to a description of the costume on the company’s website.
He notes in the video that he’ll be displaying this particular costume in his workshop along with the hot glue gun that the school used to construct the costume, framed in a shadow box.
Stacey Battat, the costume designer, and I looked at a lot of portraits of that time and we went to the costume archive at the Met and looked at the real fabrics they used.
Here’s his advice for what to consider as you assemble a workplace-ready costume: The ultimate embarrassment would be to show up in an elaborate costume to find that your office does not celebrate Halloween.
«Broose was a big Halloween fan himself and had designed an amazing Beast costume, a character he would later animate — and his costume helped inspire the look of the Beast in the movie,» Sundquist says.
The costume designer sourced tons of items for the film at costume houses in New York and LA, but also she says, scored big in Brooklyn vintage shops like Beacon’s Closet and L Train Vintage.
Then I start cutting out the fabric pieces for her Halloween costume — my mom has an entire craft room and tons of fabric, and mailed me most of the fabric I needed for the costume.
In our third installment of «DIY Costume Squad,» master DIY-er Benjamin Martin takes affordable, accessible items and turns them into a legit Mega Man costume, complete with a homemade light-up blaster and helmet.
Couple’s costume idea from r/funny A photo of the couple’s costume shared by Redditor lackingprivacy quickly gained traction on the subreddit r/funny for cleverly poking fun at the transformative powers of Snapchat filters.
But this Halloween season Kmart didn’t order the banana costume after «the parties had some difficulty reaching an agreement,» and Kmart decided to buy its banana costume from another vendor, according to the court filing.
Not long after Robbie’s Instagram post surfaced, a mysterious 19-second video ※ featuring Robbie in costume, along with flashes of other actors in Birds of Prey (seemingly in costume as well) ※ showed up.
Party City currently sells «Scooby Doo» costume sets comprised of a costume for adults — you can choose between Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Fred — and another for dogs that transform them into the beloved cartoon character.
Ralph Northam admitted to donning blackface as part of a costume decades ago, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted Wednesday that he, too, as a young man darkened his face for a college costume party.
On Saturday, Kelsey Hall wrote on Twitter that if a picture of herself dressed in a Christmas tree costume got 1,000 retweets she would wear the costume to class for the rest of the semester.
Specifically, it’s Rubie Costume Co.’s officially licensed «Jurassic World» costume, but all you really need to know is that it’s goofy as hell, and you can be surprisingly active (and hilarious) while wearing it.
I also remember going to a release party for the fourth book, where my sister and I made her a Fluffy the three-headed dog costume and she won second prize in the costume contest!
Maybe you start to plan your costume a year in advance.
All signs point to a group Halloween costume for the ages.
Have you started making your «udder-ly» incredible cow costume yet?
And if you’re really adventurous, there’s also a dick pic costume.
Wearing a «safe for work» costume should be top of mind.
So I designed the costume to have many jewels and adornments.
«I love my horns,» Jolie says of her iconic Maleficent costume.
Get crafty with your costume by ironing on an Incredibles logo.
And by that we mean you should wear a shark costume.
Undercover Kylo Ren from ‘Saturday Night Live’ was a popular costume.
It’s just so easy to act out when wearing a costume.
Also, it’s gauche to use it as a costume or uniform.
Subsequently, Bartos dons the costume and demeanor of a stoic governess.
Hundreds of fans gathered, many in costume, in honor of West.
And then the body language followed and then the costume followed.
It had VR, set recreations, and actors in costume—the works.
«The attitude was different,» he said about acting in the costume.
Costume rentals are available if you find something dope but expensive.
This textile isn’t the creation of a sci-fi costume director.
The creepy novelty costume comes from the folks at  Yandy.
As costume dramas go, it is very dark and very funny.
What says «family-friendly» more than a Costume and Rifleman’s parade?
The costume also caught the attention of the official Slack account.
Makeup artist Frank Ippiloto made a life-sized Lego minifigure costume.
I can actually say, ‘Yes, I was in the rabbit costume.
Could a costume designer outfit a human actor as a centaur?
The look was designed in collaboration with costume designer Catherine Hahn.
This bride who surprised her groom in a T-Rex costume.
Tonight he wore his Black Panther costume to the movie theater.
De Lesseps eventually apologized for her the Diana Ross Halloween costume.
Women wore department store dresses or frocks created by costume designers.
Watch both showers during their peaks, then don your halloween costume.
Our howling Halloween Pet Costume Sweepstakes was made possible by MyPetCandle.
It go well with your Death Trooper or Jyn Erso costume.
He also happens to be a top-notch Halloween costume architect.
Jennifer does 12 costume changes, and she does makeup changes, too.
Yandy debuted a sexy Ken Bone Halloween costume in his likeness.
And this isn’t the couple’s first Halloween costume of the season.
Also known as the easiest Halloween costume you can pull together.
Every costume, the attention paid to every detail, and the beauty.
She crushed every costume change and was reliably charming as well. 
«You guys ever have costume changes at Tiny Desk?» she joked.
Minnie Mouse Rose Gold Costume for Adults by Disguise, $69.95; shopdisney.
Rex Inflatable Costume for Adults by Disguise – Toy Story, $119.95; shopdisney.
Cover: Nandi Howard and Sarah Deng discuss a Mulan Halloween costume.
«My costume opened up,» Papadakis, 22, explained later to the press.
And the same with makeup, costume, set dressing, and so forth.
Ultimately, the category went to Black Panther costume designer Ruth Carter.
Apparently he is as awed by his costume as we are.
Here at the peanut gallery, we think Ariel wins best costume.
She started her journey on the show in a shark costume.
Yesterday, our colleague Lisa Lerer shared her politically themed Halloween costume.
Is your costume a classic, like a pumpkin or a witch?
Tag a photo of your Spidey costume on Instagram with #SpideyHalloween.
But the Costume Institute’s annual exhibitions are more than just spectacle.
Say goodbye to careless home-wear and welcome the comfort costume.
But there are some classic comfort costume combinations I might suggest.
In costume, it’s impossible to hide her fascination with the case.
Then they made the mistake of letting Bushnell order the costume.
«She’s a girl boss, definitely,» Famed costume designer Pat Field confirms.
Get a goat costume, or better yet, get this Instagram account.
Some brave souls even dress in costume to greet incoming competitors.
I prefer the aesthetic design of the costume in the series.
As that storyline develops, it’s how I felt in the costume.
One Redditor uploaded a video of a terrifyingly realistic Demogorgon costume.
That’s why costume dramas always clean up at the Academy Awards.
Amazon said the costume ($14.45) is one of its top sellers.
Who knows, you might find some costume inspiration of your own.
Fans rallied around the cause of finding Luna a Halloween costume.
Maybe you need something to wear that will define your costume.
The pin was designed by costume designer and stylist Arianne Phillips.
So this year, I’m back on the market for a costume.
If possible, choose a costume that you can wear boots with.
But this year- I may have stumbled upon the foolproof costume.
Simpson’s father, Joe Simpson, loved her costume just as much too.
We go to school to learn our makeup, costume and craft.
The only thing worse than the costume itself is the description.
A photo of himself decked out his Loki costume, of course.
A strong Halloween costume is only as good as its execution.
The Necalli costume chosen by Ultra Street Fighter IV champion Kazunoko.
When you put on your costume, you slip into an attitude.
In fact, her getup just may inspire our next Halloween costume.
The rules: Each costume would have to have a different challenge.
Another cool couples costume idea for this Halloween 😱#MarioKart pic.twitter.
The real star of this Wonder Woman though is her costume.
Meanwhile, a man in a gorilla costume walks through the shot.
«Don’t judge anybody if they come in a costume,» she says.
Honestly, who wasn’t expecting a bit more in the costume department?
Does this costume represent a culture that is not my own?
«That’s not a witch costume,» Obama said, pointing to Bee’s outfit.
I am SO sorry to people I offended with my costume.
Do you think this costume smells better than a real tauntaun?
Also as usual, the costume rollout was truly something to behold.
But the fun doesn’t actually start until you’ve found a costume.
The concept here, per Jonze’s drawings, is: big costume, little head.
Then you may be this close to your next Halloween costume.
We’d love for Butler to weigh in and explain his costume.
This year, Neil Patrick Harris’ famed family costume went old-school.
BurgerFi: Customers in costume get a free small custard on Halloween.
Lynn Falconer, the show’s costume designer, knows this better than anyone.
She couldn’t kiss him because he had a plastic costume on.
As I’ve told everyone, it’s a very hot piece of costume.
If only your squad’s Halloween costume were as easy to organize.
And Black Widow finally had a costume and widow-like weaponry.
Have we become immune to the sensitivities around such a costume?
Prepare yourself: Colton Hayne’s Halloween costume for 2017 is a doozy.
Costume comes undone while performing two nights before the ball dropped?
But Robison’s costume wasn’t the only one to catch Lively’s eye.
But Foster was more bothered by her costume than the dialogue.
Back in the day, choosing a Halloween costume was no sweat.
All in all, very cool, very iconic, very good Halloween costume.
Do you feel stressed about having to budget for a costume?
If a woman wants to wear a sexy costume, she should.
The response to Lily’s costume has been pretty varied, Leor said.
Johnny Depp & His Vomitously Vibrant Costume / Alice Through the Looking Glass
Cultural costume is included alongside events like swimsuit and evening gown.
Eranthe Mitone prepares her cultural costume in advance of the pageant.
A Chinese-American delegate accessorizes her cultural costume with a dragon.
Her opponent, Donald Trump, was also a popular costume in 2016.
It’s this film’s version of the Aquaman costume from the comics.
Usually I’ll be in costume or there’ll be a weird element.
McCormick also shared a throwback photo of the pair in costume.
The remarkable wardrobe reconstructions were executed by costume designer Joanna Beatty.
Instead, the costume designer relied on old glamour shots for inspiration.
How do TV and film differ in terms of costume creation?
So if you choose this costume, you must be pretty important.
Be the warmest attendee at your next inanimate object costume party.
Perfect your Assassin’s Creed costume with these knife gauntlets from Thingiverse.
Someone even proposed before the movie whilst dressed in the costume.
Choosing a doctor costume for your dog can be pretty cute.
Make your dog’s cone more exciting by crafting a martini costume.
How did you decide on the costume style you went with?
And since crime doesn’t pay, Bane’s costume sold for £96,000 ($124,603).
Culture isn’t a costume, even if you identify as a steampunk.
Yes, she wanted to appear out of a pregnant woman costume.
It turns out that particular costume feature was inspired by history.
People in costume sitting on the floor is my favorite thing.
Steve Smith Sr. In Yoda costume as he addresses media. pic.twitter.
Benedict Cumberbatch in full costume as Doctor Strange after his training.
And, fortunately, the rest of the costume isn’t quite as terrible.
Subscribe to CineFix YouTube for new episodes of «DIY Costume Squad».
How did you develop your costume and and your superfan persona?
When Berman saw Kmart’s new banana costume, however, he went bananas.
Something tells us this will be the Halloween costume of 2016.
We have English costume designer Jenny Beavan to thank for that.
For many furries, putting on their costume sparks a fascinating metamorphosis.
Y.R.U Deadly Intensive Care Costume Set, $2292, available at Dolls Kill.
Finding the right Halloween costume is supposed to be fun, right?
It’s the week before Halloween and you don’t have a costume.
This year’s Pixar lamp was his most complex costume to date.
You can buy this unicorn costume for $39.99 at Party City.
You can buy this Chucky costume for $29.99 at Party City.
You can buy this Fortnite costume for $34.99 at Party City.
You can buy this clown costume for $29.99 at Party City.
You can buy this Descendants costume for $44.99 at Party City.
You can buy this witch costume for $24.99 at Party City.
Guerrasio: So what was it like on set directing in costume?
It was designed by Academy Award-winning costume designer Eiko Ishioka.
Making a fish tube costume will take a bit of work.
Cost: $24Find out more about Baju Kucing Tangerang’s Batman costume here.  
Cost: $34.99Find out more about Halloween Costume’s Marty McFly costume here.
Cost: $22.95 to $26.95Find out more about ShopDisney’s Ewok Costume here.
Adopting a cuisine or a costume is not «appropriating» a culture.
You’ll need this stormtrooper costume to fend off ghosts this Halloween!
These hats looked more like costume pieces than serious headwear options.
This pretzel costume makes your pet look like a tasty treat.
This cowboy costume will have other pets putting their paws up.
Cost: $74.95Find out more about ShopDisney’s Mary Poppins Deluxe Costume here.
Cost: $69.95Find out more about ShopDisney’s Bo Peep Deluxe Costume here.
Cost: $129.95Find out more about ShopDisney’s Oogie Boogie Prestige Costume here.
Cost: $59.99Find out more about Party City’s Inflatable Genie Costume here.
This cop costume turns your cat into one of Halloween’s finest.
The 2018 «Heavenly Bodies» costume-themed, Met Gala was last night.
Watch your dog transform into a dinosaur with this stegosaurus costume.
This shark costume is perfect for dogs who love the water.
This year’s winner of the National Costume Show hailed from Myanmar.
Mister Myanmar, Thiha Kyaw, wore a costume designed by Phyo Pyae.
Rachel doubled over laughing at the sight of her sister’s costume.
Your dog will feel extra cuddly in this teddy bear costume.
Be your own living dead at the first zombie costume parade.
Meanwhile, Paris was the inspiration behind sister Nicky Hilton’s 2018 costume.
It’s official — Liza Koshy won Halloween with her Mahatma Gandhi costume.
Kylie Jenner wore a Playboy bunny costume for a Halloween party.
Jaden Smith paid tribute to Tyler, The Creator with his costume.
He married Tzili Doron, an Israeli-born costume designer, in 1991.
Tim Burton in his Halloween costume made by his mother. pic.twitter.
Side note: This year’s Halloween costume choice is done and dusted.
And of course there is no better costume than a pumpkin!
Is it fun seeing and working with costume designer Salvatore Perez?
I’m also enjoying the way he makes fun of Daredevil’s costume.
According to the show’s costume designer, Lyn Paolo, it’s about time.
Your costume tends to be more important than your finish time.
Cher harmonizing on «Tonight» with three other Chers in full costume?
The gig, along with the costume, seem wildly perfect for her.
It’s not so much about achieving a costume that’s of something.
Want a custom costume for the Disney-lover in your life?
Rebel Wilson looked killer, pun intended, in her makeup and costume.
Nobody wants to spend money or time on an adequate costume.
Susan Alloway’s daughter Erin was very specific about her Halloween costume.
This costume included a plethora of Calloway’s signature flower, the orchid.
Last year, True also wore a hat for her pumpkin costume.
«I’m nothing like that guy,» Fallon said, in full Washington costume.
You can buy a sexy «Beyond Burger» costume for Halloween 2019.
The Beyond Burger costume is selling for $36.95 on Yandy’s website.
A costume drama set in the Gilded Age in New York?
Jewelry was then divided into two categories only: fine and costume.
For someone who works in costume design, you don’t look overdone.
It’s not too late to cobble together a last-minute costume.
«There’s a purity to that costume, isn’t there?» said Tom Mollo.
From Ane Crabtree, our costume designer, I got both in spades.
Snapchat is selling an $80 dancing hot dog costume on Amazon.
«I am not overly concerned about the costume change,» Sophie said.
Sara’s character design work and costume design work is so impeccable.
Tiffany Haddish’s banking on slaying with her Halloween costume this year.
Does the costume help put you into that frame of mind?
It’s a costume that the actor has long been familiar with.
Turns out, Boris was just a man in a robot costume.
The protagonist’s costume will become a character in its own right.
The original costume designers looked at a lot of ninja clothes.
They would next see each other, in costume, the following night.
Her mother retired as a costume designer, also in New York.
«There are about 24 to get into that costume,» she said.
Dressed in a silken costume (ooh!), she eats with chopsticks (ahh
My mom actually sewed this costume for me—it’s really funny.
Lovi wore an elaborate butterfly costume with embroidered flowers and wings.
I need twenty bucks for a cab to get Patti’s costume.
The Costume Institute has the money it needed for the exhibition.
Bottom line: You just found your Halloween costume for this year.
Costume designer Julian Day took some liberties with Elton&aposs looks.
The costume itself is sleek and sexy, but also looks intimidating.
As for the rest of the costume, it’s up to you!
But they transformed when they put on their mask and costume.
JAM: When did you run your first Disney race in costume?
For the Rapunzel costume, I made myself deal with the wig.
BuzzFeed News was the first to report on Parker’s costume choice.
One wore a Batgirl costume and another went as a unicorn.
No. Will it exist as a costume on a technicality alone?
There are about 200 dancers in costume dancing to drum music.
Your cat whiskers are smeared and your costume is coming apart.
Here’s his amazing costume, coined on Reddit as Vincent van Glow.
T: Cynthia, how important is costume when you’re playing a character?
Nurses swaddled the boy up in an Olaf the snowman costume.
Must wear costume and bring a dish based on nominated movie.
In another TikTok, she shows off her copper IUD Halloween costume.
The movie won an Oscar for best achievement in costume design.
And there’s so much knowledge — every prop, every costume is important.
And I think that he just saw this as another costume.
JerrisApparel New Cinderella Dress Princess Costume Butterfly Girl, $15.99–$25.99; amazon.
She made her own costume out of tinfoil and hangers. 5.
Your students might imagine they are the costume or set designers.
Wyler employed a hundred costume-makers and some fifteen thousand extras.
Trump Is really a costume away from a full-on dictator.
»   «I dressed up in an Aladdin costume and put makeup on.
However, Carter emboldened these costume designers with edgy, high-tech touches.
Ms. Stearns changed into her pregnancy-hiding costume on the way.
I cobble together a costume last minute and walk to work.
Yeah, the new costume is definitely more of a minimalist interpretation.
Last year, the evening raised $12 million for the Costume Institute.
Jenner and her friends also debuted a Fanta-themed group costume.
Rasta Imposta Tootsie Roll Dog Costume, $8.95-$18.43, available at Amazon
Compositionally, they are nearly identical, though with some slight costume changes.
Lacey arrives on camelback, with an opening line to match: «I hear you like a good hump, and so do I.» American hero Alexis wears a shark costume that she repeatedly insists is a dolphin costume.
Spirit Halloween, which hosts costume pop-up shops around the country, for instance, had just one 218X-to-220X costume on its website at press time: Oktoberfest Gretchen — shoes, stockings, and beer mug purse sold separately.
So if you’re still looking for a Halloween costume for you and your boo, BFF, or dog — and you want something really different — we highly suggest you check out the «couples costume idea» meme on Twitter.
A group of costume and set designers for the Minnesota Opera in Minneapolis, which has canceled all performances, is stitching masks out of gowns sent by a local hospital, said Corinna Bakken, the opera’s costume director.
Without a pause, the costume assistants backstage put away the outfits that the dancers removed, then lay out a new set of outfits so they are ready for the next costume change and the next number.
The retailer has also received countless backlash in previous years for their controversial pregnant Kylie Jenner costume, which they named «Reality Star in the Making» and the year before they made a sexy Donald Trump costume.
Harvey also confused Malaysia and the Philippines when announcing the winner of the national costume competition, where contestants display a costume that best represents their country’s culture — although some people speculated the mistake was for ratings.
Sure, the costume costs a whopping $80—a little pricey, considering that a normal hot dog costume only runs you like $20—but can you really put a price on dancing hot dog–levels of happiness?
Every year, the Gala is themed to the show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute, and in 2019, the Costume Institute is putting on «Camp: Notes on Fashion,» looking at camp the aesthetic sensibility.
Related, Ivanka Trump wears a lot of her costume jewelry: Kate wrote a story Tuesday about Ivanka Trump’s brand discontinuing her fine jewelry line of pricey diamond and gold pieces, and focusing more on inexpensive costume jewelry.
But even for those casual costumes, a detail piece can turn an outfit that you clearly threw together at the last minute into something memorable and cool — or even turn a non-costume ensemble into a costume.
But for others who’ve graduated on to more sophisticated Halloween costume pastures where cleverness trumps popularity and more importantly, palsy budgets trump those $100+ costume sets, you might what to look towards your favorite fast-fashion shops.
Marketing it as a «Brave Red Maiden» costume, Entertainment Weekly reports the costume website dared women to «be bold and speak your mind» whilst clad in a red mini dress, matching hooded red cloak, and a bonnet.
More importantly, Kiley noted this is actually a couples’ costume, writing: «The finished costume will add caution tape and my fiance is dressing as a firefighter and she will be following me around with a fire extinguisher.»
The blue-grey jacket, which was found by Lane at a costume house and screen-matched, is «the only significant Han Solo costume piece from the original trilogy ever to come to public auction», the company says.
The extensive costume and makeup process went on for several hours, with Klum seen wiggling into a humanoid alien body suit with a team of artists painting on her costume, blow-drying it, and even adding gelatin.
I think the costume does work, but one of the things you have to balance is the desire to wear a costume for your safety, not to wear a mask you now hide behind to feel safe.
That’s what the Goblin costume does—Spider-Man tries to ground the character in military hardware by tying the costume and the glider and the pumpkin bombs to a research program instead of an inexplicable Halloween aesthetic.
Alongside the mock up spaceship deck and sleeping chamber, there are film costumes on view, like Jane Fonda’s Barbarella costume from 1968 and a millennium falcon costume from the 1977 space opera, Star Wars: A New Hope.
However, Lillard’s intentions don’t involve murdering people while wearing a clown costume.
Alexis Chaney is an MFA costume design candidate at Carnegie Mellon University.
That said, building a costume around crutches or a chair isn’t easy.
As for the stature, that’s nothing Broadway costume designers haven’t overcome before.
Where we can help you is in selecting your all-important costume.
Williams said she went with this costume in honor of her fans.
«Baby Girl Aaliyah» she captioned a video of herself in full costume.
Machado was also a muse to Jackie Onassis’ costume designer, Oleg Cassini.
» Sumiran Kabir Sharma, Costume Designer «Our clothes are very drapey and flowy.
«Making something costume-y can kill a look,» Delgado previously told Refinery29.
Griffith’s idea at all, but that of Paris-trained, Costume Designer Guild’s
Actually, there’s only one I liked, and it involved a sloth costume.
I’m trying to find all the props and secondary is the costume.
But these aren’t even the first of Kylie’s costume for the holiday.
This rule is partly because only Disney employees may dress in costume.
No Doubt about it — Gabrielle Union knows how to rock a costume.
«We got an exact suit made,» Kardashian West said of his costume.
«A lot of artists were transfixed by the costume design,» says Lee.
Joe Jonas picked a Halloween costume that is close to his heart.
You look like a costume that I can purchase at Party City.
Fortunately, it’s not hard for Baldwin to slip into his Trump costume.
Plus, he is wearing an adorable monkey costume and licking a banana.
The news makes family Halloween costume possibilities for 2017 just endlessly exciting.
So Ruby ordered this furry costume because she’s into being a furry.
They’re a sick band and the song works well with my costume.
Furious, Martin found Long alone in the costume shop and confronted him.
The getup is somewhere between official-looking uniform and attention-grabbing costume.
She was fine, though — it was just part of her Halloween costume.
THE SHAPE OF WATER Paul Austerberry, Jeff Melvin, Shane Vieau COSTUME DESIGN
The all-red costume also features a leather helmet with small horns.
Brady’s costume for the holiday this year was a Star Wars stormtrooper.
That’s not the first time the stars have been in costume lately.
» In his review of Gemini, Lane described Kirke’s costume as «hardly flattering.
» In response, Hunt taunted him: «You can’t just take your costume off.
In reality, this dress hasn’t been pilfered from either show’s costume closet.
Ellen Mirojnick’s stunning costume design is worth the price of admission alone.
Before you do anything, check in with our handy interactive costume guide.
Dany’s near-constant costume changes are putting her in prima donna status.
I believe it was and still is this T-rex costume. Bored?
What’s even better is that this works as a great group costume.
And one fan had an idea for how to improve the costume.
Not everyone was critical, though — some fans loved Kelly’s country-inspired costume.
In the present, she wears a handmaid’s costume tattered from running around.
The star said of Cheban’s costume, «We got an exact suit made.»
To this day, director Joel Schumacher is asked about the costume quirk.
Thursday is Halloween, and please don’t be a dope with your costume.
I’m pleased to announce the winners of our political Halloween costume contest.
Patricia Taylor, a costume designer, was her son’s date for the night.
The footman was dressed in a costume, including a wig and hat.
When you do, how much effort do you put into your costume?
This little girl’s Halloween costume comes with an extra level of spook.
Costume designer Lorraine Carson shared the detail in the film’s production notes.
Images of Heard in costume as the heroine have already been released.
Word of the protests has reached the show’s costume designer Ane Crabtree.
In his place, there was a chica as pale as costume pearls.
She dressed Jacob in a Batman costume, and pallbearers donned superhero outfits.
Still wondering what particular makeup look you’ll use for your Halloween costume?
Ayanna James is the costume director for one of television’s biggest shows.
The museum also displays David Bowie’s costume from «Labyrinth»—codpiece and all.
With Halloween around the corner, you’re probably starting to brainstorm costume ideas.
«This isn’t a costume,» a ‘grammer dressed up as the meme joked.
The limited-edition ornament and charm are inspired by the Rockettes’ costume.
I realize my costume hurt and offended people and I truly apologize.
Kylie Jenner, whose Barbie costume is seriously impressive but not entirely unfamiliar.
Little to no fuss was made about Kourtney’s King Of Pop costume.
Thompson, meanwhile, dressed up as Khal Drogo to complete the couples’ costume.
If you are still looking for Halloween costume ideas, look no further.
Whatever your level, you’re bound to find your best costume yet ahead.
This is quite possibly the best mother-daughter costume pairing we’ve seen.
As in, the costume he wears on set for Game of Thrones.
The costume PC police are out in full force again this year.
FOWLER: I think that would — PERINO: It would be a boring costume.
Kylie, 21, opted for a group costume as a gaggle of Fantanas.
A Halloween costume needn’t necessarily be topical to be a big hit.
If none of these are meeting your costume needs, don’t sweat it.
«There are so many expectations around a good Halloween costume,» Michelle said.
The costume didn&apost go over well, but Maher refused to apologize.
Jacob will be dressed in a Batman costume, reported CNN affiliate WYFF.
Williams explains that she got too hot in her costume and fainted.
Not too much in her costume, but every once in a while.
He traded Friday’s Trump costume for a short-shorts-wearing jock getup.
Even if that means getting all sweaty after wearing a Pikachu costume.
This cast provides perfect costume fodder, sometimes in more than one way.
Like it or not, Halloween is coming — and that means costume shopping.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Costume | Costume Sentence

  • The costume requires it.
  • The costume was very becoming to him.
  • How sympathetically the costume is painted!
  • The costume was a sham and a pretence.
  • This was a gala costume of some sort.
  • Her costume was still in his thoughts.
  • One was habited in the costume of an ecclesiastic.
  • Even more remarkable than his costume was his face.
  • The costume is rather becoming to me.
  • That she posed only in costume now did not satisfy him.
  • His costume is at once serviceable and unique.
  • His costume was splendidly savage.
  • Is it still that costume for the charade?
  • The full costume of a picador.
  • The designs are then sent to the costume maker.
  • Elegant visiting or promenade costume is appropriate.
  • I am not going to pay for a costume that is indecent!
  • Any costume will look beautiful on such women.
  • There was no local character in costume or customs.
  • Although this costume (fig.
  • He indicated her costume with a gesture of his hand.
  • I make compliments on your costume of the ride.
  • The female costume is also different.
  • The costume dances did not come until after supper.
  • My costume attracted universal attention.
  • Camilla wore a seductive costume of irresistible effect.
  • Yes, the costume must have been very becoming to you.
  • A costume like this was never worn by a worm.
  • A costume like this was never worn by a worm.
  • Your costume will come in useful another time.
  • He is seen full face in the costume of his order.
  • Modern tailor-made costume and smart hat.
  • Kim wore her costume every chance she got.
  • His working costume was suited to comfort rather than show.
  • A full bridal costume should be white from head to foot.

How To Use Costume In A Sentence?

  • His costume is well chosen, at all events.
  • Then comes a change of costume and the second act is set.
  • The costume was an odd one, though.
  • He personates characters, with costume and mimic gesture.
  • The costume marks the sea-captain of four centuries ago.

Definition of Costume

To dress or adorn with a costume or appropriate garb. | A style of dress, including garments, accessories and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period or people. | An outfit or a disguise worn as fancy dress etc.

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On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Costume in a sentence

Costume sentence

sentence with Costume

Costume used in a sentence

Costume make sentence

make sentence with Costume

make sentence of Costume

Costume sentence in english

Definition of Costume

the common attire worn in a certain place, time and country

Examples of Costume in a sentence

Women’s costume during the Tudor Dynasty of the Medieval period included tight corsets under full-length fitted gowns.


When America won its independence, the men wore powdered wigs and a knee-length cropped pants for their costume.


During the Ms. Universe pageant, the women saunter on stage wearing the national costume of their country that is symbolic of aspects of their country.


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