Use the word cost in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cost, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cost in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cost».

Cost in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cost in a sentence.

  1. Croix at a cost of $10,000.

  2. The extension cost £13,656.

  3. The total cost was £25,000.

  4. The final cost was £15,808.

  5. It would cost $250 million.

  6. The final cost was $343,595.

  7. The project cost $13 million.

  8. The project cost $41 million.

  9. The spot cost Perot $370,000.

  10. The cars cost $275,000 apiece.

  11. On 18 July, at a cost of 5,000 casualties, the U.S.

  12. The cost was $26,000, a very large sum at the time.

  13. Fees cost US$50 million for a four-year membership.

  14. The cost of damages was estimated at $12.1 million.

  15. This addition was expected to cost about $1 million.

  16. The work was projected to cost $52 million (about $88.8 million in 2019 dollars).

  17. In the end, the operation cost the German government more than 100 million marks.

  18. The shortage of lifeboats was not because of a lack of space nor because of cost.

  19. The venture was unsuccessful and cost Tetty a substantial portion of her fortune.

  20. Known as Escape from Quest World in development, Roswell cost $1 million to make.

  21. Damage in the state was estimated at $20 million, including the cost for restoring the power outages.

  22. In 2005 it was declared that the 108 Leopard 2A4s were to cost Spain just €16.9m, to be paid by 2016.

  23. Of that amount, 259,121,554 were sold to the United Kingdom at the cost of one dollar per troy ounce.

  24. Having become badly damaged through age, the obelisk was restored in August 2009, at cost of £15,000.

  25. Burges disregarded the £15,000 budget, producing a design that he estimated would cost twice as much.

  26. The defeat cost United two points the margin which eventually separated them and champions Liverpool.

  27. Sugar, unlike today, was considered to be a type of spice due to its high cost and humoral qualities.

  28. While certainly expensive, they could deliver extraordinary destructive power at relatively low cost.

  29. By September 1889, Hall’s production grew to 385 pounds (175 kilograms) at a cost of $0.65 per pound.

  30. The album cost US$3,500 to produce, $1,000 of which went to in-house producers Sean Slade and Paul Q.

  31. The closed stand was replaced with a new Gordon Road Stand in 1997 at a cost of more than £2 million.

  32. The western route was roughly 100 feet (30 m) shorter, and the eastern route would cost $25,000 more.

  33. The cost of each farm was in the region of £1,500 to £2,600: Lodge Farm, Castle Acre, cost £2,604 6s.

  34. The modified sword, which in total probably cost Rookwood more than £20, was delivered on 4 November.

  35. DeKort stated that Lockheed had accepted schedule and cost requirements that were impossible to meet.

  36. Stevens remained in the legislature for most years through 1842 but the episode cost him much of his political influence.

  37. The battalion’s last action of the war came on 9 September, in a failed attack on High Wood which cost it 122 casualties.

  38. The extension was considered by Caltrans as two 11.2-mile-long (18.0 km), two-lane viaducts that would cost $950 million.

  39. Completion of the trail is expected to cost $10 million, with funding to be provided by local communities along the path.

  40. It is one of the most expensive Leopard 2s built; the original contract was worth €1,910m but the final cost was €2,399m.

  41. It was proposed, probably for cost reasons, that the short-range battleships should have a hierarchy of three subclasses.

  42. The dismantling, expected to cost US$18 million, was approved by the State Legislative Emergency Board in September 2006.

  43. The walkway cost $4.3 million to construct, but is estimated to bring in $11.5 million in tourism revenue for the region.

  44. Mindful of the cost to his family, he commissioned his pyramid to lie in the only available free space not in the desert.

  45. Reporters went off to battle and, after the cost of newsprint soared, the paper was forced to double in price to a penny.

  46. Her white, hand-beaded, one shoulder Galanos 1981 inaugural gown was estimated to cost $10,000, while the overall price of her inaugural wardrobe was said to cost $25,000.

  47. The project was estimated to cost $578 million to convert only 22 miles (35 km) of the canal; the cost was designed to be divided between the state of Florida and the U.S.

  48. No charge is made for entrance to the national monument, but there is a cost for the ferry service that all visitors must use, as private boats may not dock at the island.

  49. As well as cost, criticisms of the building stem primarily from the modernist and abstract architecture, the quality of the building work and the location of the building.

  50. In September 1919, the Spalding War and Victory Memorials Committee was formed to oversee fundraising and construction of the memorial, the total cost of which was £3,500.

Synonyms for cost

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cost has the following synonyms: monetary value, price, , toll and be.

General information about «cost» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cost that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cost» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cost».

Examples of how to use the word “cost” in a sentence. How to connect “cost” with other words to make correct English sentences.

cost (n, v): the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something; If something costs an amount of money, you must pay that amount to buy or do it

Use “cost” in a sentence

We must defend our freedom at all cost.
This shirt costs 25 dollars.
Her estimate of the cost was completely wrong.
The costs have increased substantially.
The actual cost was higher than expected.
It has cost me $1000 altogether.
Can you give me the approximate cost of the repair?
The repair should cost approximately $80.
She had to keep calm at all costs.
This coat costs 120 dollars.
He always calculates how much something will cost.
We shared the cost of the meal.
I must help her at any cost.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

Synonym: amount, charge, loss, price, rate, sacrifice. Similar words: costly, costume, at any cost, at all costs, at the cost of, the cost of living, ecosystem, most. Meaning: [kɒst]  n. 1. the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor 2. the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold) 3. value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something. v. 1. be priced at 2. require to lose, suffer, or sacrifice. 

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(31) Coal used to cost 3 shillings a sack.

(32) Your share of the cost is 10.

(33) The cost is not sensitive to the batch size.

(33) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

(34) The cost of living is soaring.

(35) Reckon the cost before you decide.

(36) I’m dismayed atthe cost of the new house.

(37) Cost was a key element in our decision.

(38) The apples cost eighty cents apiece.

(39) How much would it cost to get there?

(40) A professionally installed alarm will cost from about £500.

(41) That house must have cost a pretty penny.

(42) The makeup cost her a lot of money.

(43) College evening classes cost a bundle.

(44) We estimate the cost to be four thousand dollars.

(45) The cost of upkeep is born by the state.

(46) I offered to pay the cost of the taxi.

(47) It cost $5 a head to eat there.

(48) The cost would be somewhere around £1500.

(49) The total cost to you is £3 000.

(50) Beer cost three pounds a bottle.

(51) The cutbacks are justifiable on the grounds of cost.

(52) It will cost two, maybe three hundred pounds.

(53) Just out of interest, how much did it cost?

(54) The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive.

(55) She slurred over the high cost of her plan.

(56) How much did that bag cost?

(57) Food is supplied at a nominal cost.

(58) They cost a tremendous amount of money.

(59) The final cost should not exceed $ 5,000.

(60) It cost us nothing to go in.

More similar words: costly, costume, at any cost, at all costs, at the cost of, the cost of living, ecosystem, most, host, boost, ghost, mostly, poster, foster, at most, almost, post-war, hostage, hostile, first and foremost. 

eventually failed in their bid at the cost of al the lives onboard both vessels

The fact that there were a lot more eyes available made the price come down, but eye-time still wasn’t without significant cost to the average plots-man like himself

money towards the cost of the dol

They cost more than a natural quilt, but can be kept clean outdoors

what we call big sins and they can cost us heaven

Avoid chemicals at all cost! Learning to grow without using chemicals is not as scary as it seems nor is it impossible

Instead of saying avoid chemicals at all cost, I suggest not using any chemicals that can harm you and your environment

The cost to build a Snail Cafe is minimal

Professional services of trained counselors may also be made available free of cost to senior citizens who are in the grip of anxiety, depression, grief arising out of bereavement and conflicts due to problematic relationships with family members

I’m unhappily married to a freeloading spider who just squats around the web doing nothing but waste his precious energy and cost me precious sleep

disobeyed Him, which cost him to enter and possess

Human nature is such that he always tries to benefit at the cost of others and in the process if palms have to be greased, it is accepted and in some cases even encouraged to take undue advantage of the loopholes

The goods that cost you Rs 5,000 today would cost you over Rs 16,000, 20 years down the line if an average inflation rate of 6% is considered

Over a long period of a few years some share show a consistent growth, some show ups and downs around a mean value, some show a persistent fall in value and quite a few just vanish out of market or are quoted at a value which is not worth the cost of paper on which the share certificate is printed

Chemical fertilizers kill off the beneficial soil bacteria, as well as killing off earthworms and therefore should not be used, should be avoided at all cost! In this environment, the lawn and its bio-system will be operating under stress

The cost of a new phone wasn’t something he could permit himself these days

‘But that must have cost a fortune

What on earth could a soul cost, then?

Few natives have the money for a voice link, even now that our visit has brought the cost down by a factor of a thousand, most just send mail and few send it more than a couple times a year

He tried to calculate what hundred year old scotch would have cost a mortal

Since the stuff was now nothing more than encoded sensation levels, this applet probably cost less than twenty bucks

The semiconductor business was trying to make a comeback by putting more functionality into the optical and more-or-less permanent part of the system and a cheap, replaceable ‘yingolian crystal’ that cost less than an iron

A kayak or needleboat could have gone under the dock and cost a lot less, he had to pay for a yacht berth

‘Oh no … he was comfortable, I suppose you’d say … he’d inherited some property when his parents died and I know he used that towards the cost of Abery Hall but other than that, he’s just worked and earned

Have food stamps saved anyone? Has anyone been better off in life because they have health insurance? Does life get easier when we have these conveniences? Our tax money goes to pay for things like health insurance, food stamps, social security, Medicare, upkeep of unused buildings (that could be used to shelter the homeless if our Government really did care about us), great scientific studies like whether sick shrimp perform as well on a treadmill as healthy shrimp (this is a real study funded by the Government – it cost about 15 million dollars), army expenses, paying off the interest on our nation’s debt, veteran’s benefits, and government jobs such as postal workers or police officers

They cost you nothing

I glance at my man – that is going to cost him dearly

He knew where the hatching grounds were; it had cost the lives of many of the females, but they finally told him what he wanted to know

Entry criteria were argued about and the cost of his treatment at the expense of the public purse became an issue for some of the more garrulous members of the establishment

Scientology is here to make money and some of the data is true but should cost nothing, since the information is all around us for free if we look

“What will that cost you?”

Jewelry is an appropriate gift for you to give to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day as long as the cost and type of gift is commensurate with the stage of your current relationship

This, obviously, will cost money and, if the truth is not discovered quickly, it can cost you a lot of money

But the cost was great as Lester lost his wife in the battle

The bat cost us a hundred and sixty,

They do this at no cost to your organization

Your average cost will be ten thousand a month,’ I

deserves as much as the cost of a fountain pen?’

The true cost is a round one lakh forty

However, Jane is on a roll now and refuses to let a little thing like my shock at finding a pair of knickers can cost £40 stand in the way of finding me something pretty

The call would have cost something

“Lord Tarak, First Kai, what I have to tell you may cost me my life

Lawrence, an ancient cyborg who had imported the first of the Brazilian pills at any cost

I saved his life, but my one second of delay cost him his gift

cost of his treatment at the expense of the public purse became an

damage and hurt, this protection came at a cost

an undesirable cost at the end then consider whether or not you should take

‘Oh it cost a pretty penny, I can tell you

The current contractor tried to shovel all the blame for the extra cost onto the original firm and, although there are some grounds for that, there is also the fact that the new mob haven’t been putting their back into the job, but using their work force on a very lucrative housing development instead

the cost, God will defend you for it

system… that could literally cost you thousands of dollars, or you can choose to

start with WordPress with your only cost being that of a domain name and to pay

backfired on me because it cost me lots of money and my site was still lacking

Counting the Cost: Luke 14:25-30

28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sits not down first, and counts the cost,

will cost a little money that you can use to help in this process

In reality, it doesn’t cost much to get yourself to the point to have a

accomplice and her alibi, whatever it might cost in short term

paid for the cost of printing it

At the rate they were going it might cost them a whole week getting to the northern extremities of the urban complex

that the cost is more ‘an you wish to pay

“That’s pretty cheap,” Jorma noted, “only twice what the copying cost would be

the damage and count the cost

He remembered that building the four bungalow cottages, furnishing them, and installing the water/wastewater systems had cost them over $2000

Going by air would cut the time even more but borrowing a floater and pilot again would cost more than the price of the house

didn’t look back; any hesitation could cost him his freedom

He ignored them, to his cost, I’m afraid

others, but he now knew that this was at the cost of the man’s life

‘That’s going to cost a fortune – can’t get that sort of thing on the NHS

It would cost a bit to keep Chrissie somewhere decent – but they could probably offset the cost of her hospital fees against tax or something and at least it would keep that inconvenient mother of hers out of the picture

One can only write a small fraction of what was actually said, even if they could remember every word and write fast enough to get it all down in a reasonable time, the cost of the paper would be prohibitive

” Though it cost most of her money, the widow could not resist buying the scroll

“Do you understand what you cost us?”

“We cost you nothing, we were not even following the Tdeshi case

It had cost him three pennies in elevator to get up here, but he could get one back on the ride down

You know I have remarkable powers, but those powers come with a cost; the cost being my life force

I don’t even NEED shoes, but I can afford to buy them because I’m filthy, stinking rich! Those shoes cost more than the crummy shack you call a home that your family lives in!

“But how much does that cost?”

He couldn’t be far, since it must have cost dearly

Besides that, where are you going to get the money it would cost?”

water without cost from the spring of

He tried to get the vague data from B to fit a favorable cost structure

The extra twenty rooms had pushed the total over a million dollars, and that wasn’t including the cost of lunch and dinners

cost $60 dollars a week, then my

It will probably take a whole year, but you won’t have to change ships and you won’t have to pay for the part of the trip closest to the city where the cost is higher

would say—when you factor in the cost of drinks, tips, a movie, and all the painful

A new one would cost more than the company could handle

They launched into an effort to analyze improving the channel, and found that would cost them more than the new muscles would gain them

So I posted an ad on CompuServe for JJJ Investing, the ad cost money, maybe about $25 for six months

It is essential that the equipment arrive on dry land in Port Hedland on March 7th! There should be enough diamonds to cover the cost

After a little maintenance neglect, the resurrection costs exceed the cost of commercially available space that has been properly maintained and operating and kept its value

The delay cost them nearly two hours

And get this – the cost of taking six units at Pima College my first semester was $20, I kid you not

nights and the reduced cost for staying six

They were digging so deep and so distant, that the cost to transport their goods basically tripled its value; thus allowing Rafe to sell his silver at an obscene price

There are not many prophets at this level because not many are willing to pay the cost

There is a higher cost for those who walk in higher authority

«So what does this cost

The man, who loved her, thought: ‘Sooner than let your wife die, bring her some of the rapunzel yourself, let it cost what it will

Let us suppose, too, that the coarse materials annually wrought up in the one cost only seven hundred pounds, while the finer materials in the other cost seven thousand

» Ennin loved the game so that was a disaster for him, costing him another couple irons a year

Still, good manners kept her locked in place even if it ended up costing her life

This is three times more than systems costing ten times as much

She had planned for alternatives with this meeting ending with shouting about what an ass he was for costing her the partnership with Jorma and even some slamming of doors

give your illness to others at work, costing the company in more lost

[cost, costed, costed] to estimate the price of making a product — costing n

noticeable as the ball will fly the green, costing the golfer a shot

She was concerned about how much it was costing for her up keep in this assisted living home

It is easy to identify in the tides and currents of history times when lack of courage and resolve to confront a threat in its initial impulse ended up costing catastrophically more in its final unraveling

been designated and led to a construction delay costing $250,000

Wining and dining is a treat, from economical, delicious Thai food to culinary extravaganzas from all over the world, costing a great deal, and the choice is yours

Inclusion of fundraisings to cover the costing of

” Antiques were a status symbol and usually referred to highly polished fragile items costing vast amounts of money

Unappreciated at the time, and costing as little as the cheapest mass-produced furniture, my purchase of these apparently odd items had marked me out as eccentric After the restoration process that came with these purchases, they were appreciated by everyone else and approached the category of antiques

The members find it quite amusing that their despicable actions have the entire East End of London in a state of panic, are costing the country thousands of pounds in police overtime and have even caused the Queen herself to comment on the situation

Government schools are teaching less and costing more

with TV’s, radios, computers and hi-tech equipment costing pennies on the

Producing content without taking the time to understand your target audience will end up costing you customers because your prospects will start to avoid your communications since they are getting more relevant information from your competitors

wardrobe can end up costing you $2,400, but you’ll never realize it because the true cost is

The fairy shrimp is another species that has been designated and led to a construction delay costing $250,000

5-MW wind towers (costing $150-300 billion) would be necessary to meet the DOE’s goal of a mere 5% of the country’s electricity from wind by 2010

With 20/20 hindsight, I should have recognized that for the hyperbole it was and omitted a few items that wound up costing me the job

By 1987, they had grown to 152 earmarks, costing $1

1991, the number mushroomed to 538, costing $6 billion

or another spread out over 39 departments and agencies, costing

With a bit of ingenuity and advice you could start up without it costing you anything or very much, those costs will come later, but be assured, they will come

To work out the costing for this new roof

if the case went to trial, it could end up costing upwards

It was a Cuban hand wrapped Corona Especial costing two dollars green

it was all going to come to me without costing anyone a single

phrases costing over $2

they will end up costing you money

‘conversion’ means to you and then uses that to calculate what it is costing you to make a

top of the list, that are costing advertisers the most per click

provide universal coverage costing no more than 15% of GDP

care type plan that would accrue monies to the providers for care costing less

estimates that over 300 lobbyists are at work costing various stake-holders

burden that is costing jobs while lowering the standard of living of the middle

«This is probably costing you a whole lot of money…»

«You know how much this is costing my parents!» Quinn started

So employees are costing businesses a lot more than they first thought, and there’s nothing they can do about it!

writing? Or is it just a hobby, costing you more in

full display ads costing thousands in magazines, where the copywriter and everyone

78 per copy thus costing the author/publisher/client a total

Activity Based Costing (ABC)

„Fair? Fair? This is costing me money! You promised that if I got Max out of the way, ArtWorks would be able to move in

No one thought in a million years that it would wind up costing any one of them their lives

Even more tragic, Anna’s response to her own struggles at school would deem her unable to attend the class that could have provided her with the skills to handle her boyfriend more effectively during the argument that wound up costing her, her life

“How much is she costing you, boy?” That was it

” He sighed deeply, “Even if it is costing us a million pounds he is worth every penny

Everything about Stavka was needless, an insane idea costing numerous lives, the freedoms of several generations of men and women

When we’re happy that the scenario is correctly scoped I do a costing on it

The problem is that people are living a lot longer than we had ever thought and without this projected years ago, it is costing the government more than it can afford

That kind of greed is going on a lot in this country by a select few and it is costing our country dearly

Costing You Tens Of Thousands Of Dollars

that about real estate investing that are costing you tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of

investing and therefore costing you tens of thousands of dollars

Now Sir Richard would be forced to use all his efforts — costing Triplet International and the Ecuadorian government time and money — to convince the Foreign Secretary that whatever evidence he’d been provided with was unfounded

It’s said to be costing one billion dollars per week

However if the item is very expensive, say costing $1,000, then a 20% commission would be $200, which would be better than earning a 75% commission of a $100 product

Well, they simply wouldn’t pay for the initial specification and costing work

you take the client through exactly what the costing preparation process will be

This costing and timing will give him a good ballpark of what the project is going to involve

In the chapters on costing and scheduling you’ll have the project pretty well tied up time-wise

Please don’t skimp on this defining and costing and timing process

Don’t use it as a backstop for sloppy job definition and costing

costing and timing and scheduling process on all these types of jobs

If you’re a sole-contractor the basic principles with costing and timing are much the same, so

Well, that’s about all there is to costing and timing, even on very large and complicated jobs

I reckon this costing aspect is the trickier bit of what you’ll be doing, but over

the preliminary work of defining, specifying and costing the job

Katsu’s failure had caused him to lose his position in the guild, and had it not been for Chao Min stepping in and taking him off the Guild’s hands may very well have ended up costing him his life

doubly tragic in their case because it also claimed Victor’s wife, costing Abdul his

Taking the Philippines, apart from costing him dearly in ships, planes and men, was also upsetting mightily the overall strategic plans of Japan, forcing the reassignment of many ships and units to what was looking more and more like a bottomless pit

The truth is that those damn Americans in the Philippines have thrown a big wrench in our strategic plans, by costing us valuable time and resources

In truth, malaria, dengue fever and a number of other tropical diseases are costing me more casualties than Japanese actions

on advertising links displayed all over the web, thus costing the advertisers

I’ve grown quite a big list in 3 years and that ended up costing me a lot

information stolen and misused in some way every year, costing consumers $5

machinery costing $100 more

Consequently, each maturity level of debt has the potential of costing a

5″ floppy disks were common in many stores, often only costing a few dollars each

‘’The war in Indochina was costing a fortune to the French and was even hurting their economy, which is still recovering from the extensive damages of the Second World War

It’s costing us a packet to remain closed

It was costing him fifty grand a year to stay alive

Once back in Africa, Hannibal’s fortunes were reversed and he was defeated by Scipio: costing

Gates could buy 580,000 homes costing $100,000 each

trucks costing $29,000 each

With hospital stays costing as much as $15,000 a week, just ten week long referrals can be worth $150,000 to a hospital

The patent system wastes billions of dollars stifling competition while costing consumers billions more by virtue of product monopolies for companies that may well not have been the true inventors and

trying to find a common way to coordinate the costing of new ships, which at the moment is open to

Chatham had been received, to complete the costing of the Building List

She’d shown Midge the phone log and halfway convinced her that it was costing more to stay open that hour than to start later

‘’If we are to use our heavy bombers in a way that would effectively hurt the Germans militarily without costing us an unacceptable level of casualties, then we will definitely have to change our bombing tactics, at the least

On their part, the Germans still had not caught on fully to that new factor in air combat, something that was costing them dearly these days

But wait, there’s more- I had to pay a fee of $10 to recycle it! This free TV set ended up costing me some money to throw away

through with you for drinking in public, it usually ended up costing

They also needed exercise, and all of that ended up costing

of the ‘ageing’ population, both on account of increased lifespan for pension and social security and higher healthcare costs

In US, there is debate on rising healthcare costs

Not a poison; all poisons should be avoided at all costs! Can also prevent dogs and cats from coming near your property

It is economical for all families as the integrated costs are considerably less than the addition of individual households when living separately

I daresay she didn’t intend for it to come over so clearly, and maybe I am being over-sensitive but I felt it all the same … Well, if the only job I can get is in Taunton, I’ll just have to move back to Bridgwater … at least that will cut my travelling costs

Since the beginning of the year she had been talking me into buying her a certain blouse, which costs 12,000 drachmas, as a present for her birthday -which was yesterday

Smile, it costs you nothing and it real y lights up a person»s face

few watering stations at all costs and only take a sip or two at the other stations

This in turn leads to a lecture from Wiesse on how important this waterway is as an artery to the West Country, stressing how vital it is for local commerce and going into incredible and extremely boring detail about how it is maintained and how much it costs

Depends on what it costs

Another method is to conduct your own investigation and this only costs you time and

His argument is that I’ve given him a chance to have a day out not only in entertaining company but also in a beautiful part of the country and must therefore allow him to contribute towards the costs

He showed Heymon the itemized list, fabrication costs only

Indeed, with the decline in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance, red tape and health and safety initiatives, great-aunt Edith had financed some of the finer pieces in the apartment, including a real Ming chrysanthemum pot and a small Lowry, through her prowess at conducting phishing expeditions across the global email network in search of the details of other people’s bank accounts

The audits are necessary to make sure that Federal dollars have been spent properly on legitimate costs

And it costs a bomb

If it costs you: hold

costs lots of money, but when you figure in how much your time is worth, it is by

in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance,

Keeping costs down

“If we are full during the Summer Season, we’ll be putting $1,400 against the costs we incurred building the bungalows

Explained clearly, as she had done with her family, the costs, benefits, and allowances which might be arranged, and then sat quietly for her new friend’s considered response

The messenger costs would have been too high and few have the determination to correspond using a ‘for pickup’ box

All it costs is the fence and we brought that with us

“Because we must protect it!” Suzie said, as they came up and approached the Impenetrable Cavern, “The Spirit of the Valley told us that the Impenetrable Cavern and its secrets must be protected at all costs

One suit without the vast it costs about thousand Hong Kong dollars

Daycare costs more in our and Starbucks pays my wife believe it or not

«I want all the current reports on the reservations, payrolls, occupancy, and a breakdown of the food and beverage costs

After a little maintenance neglect, the resurrection costs exceed the cost of commercially available space that has been properly maintained and operating and kept its value

But though the wear and tear of a free servant be equally at the expense of his master, it generally costs him much less than that of a slave

bring grocery goods to the great town than to the country village ; but it costs a great deal

An ox there, he says, costs little more than the labour of catching him

If the court upholds the agreement to pay in Ort he will not have a ducit left to pay, it will have gone in fees and costs

In the present commercial state of the known world, the most barbarous nations, I believe, among whom land property is established, have some foreign commerce of this kind, and find among their wealthier neighbours such a demand for all the materials of clothing, which their land produces, and which can neither be wrought up nor consumed at home, as raises their price above what it costs to send them to those wealthier neighbours

It costs us over two irons a year for cooking and hot water in our home

It does not cost less labour to bring silver to the great town than to the remote parts of the country; but it costs a great deal more to bring corn

It does not cost less labour to bring silver to Amsterdam than to Dantzic ; but it costs a great deal more to bring corn

It costs more labour, and therefore more money, to bring first the materials, and afterwards the complete manufacture to market

There is scarce any commodity which brings a better price there; or which, in proportion to the quantity of labour and commodities which it costs in Europe

‘That costs more,’ said Marie, not bothering to hide

As it costs a greater quantity of labour and subsistence to bring them to market, so, when they are brought thither they represent, or are equivalent to a greater quantity

The people of Earth who remain biological can only lust after that, for those who are virtual it costs next to nothing

They are the only one of the three orders whose revenue costs them neither labour nor care, but comes to them, as it were, of its own accord, and independent of any plan or project of their own

The acquisition of such talents, by the maintenance of the acquirer during his education, study, or apprenticeship, always costs a real expense, which is a capital fixed and realized, as it were, in his person

The improved dexterity of a workman may be considered in the same light as a machine or instrument of trade which facilitates and abridges labour, and which, though it costs a certain expense, repays that expense with a profit

Circulation comes to be carried on by a new wheel, which it costs less both to erect and to maintain than the old one

company taking care of this for you, it still costs

Take a look at not only how much your product costs, but what influence

You must educate your customers about why your product costs the

to help calculate renovation costs for builders, real estate agents or

Though the manufacturer has his wages advanced to him by his master, he in reality costs him no expense, the value of those wages being generally restored, together with a profit, in the improved value of the subject upon which his labour is bestowed

“I just want one, yaar, I heard it costs about fifteen a card!”

“Yes, but the template of the card costs two thousand! They don’t

In agriculture, too, Nature labours along with man ; and though her labour costs no expense, its produce has its value, as well as that of the most expensive workmen

(this costs five dollars to activate)

Overheads are the general running costs of your business

with and split the costs, or an investor for your business

He was known for his ultra-aggressive nature and is someone you didn’t want to mess with and who was best to avoid contact with at all costs if you planned on finishing out your safari with all your limbs and body parts still attached to their original frame! He had a huge set of sharp teeth with long canines that could be used quite effectively for fighting, coupled with a cranky disposition and unfaltering determination that would surpass that of the best mixed martial arts fighters that take center ring nowadays

In England, as the coinage costs nothing, the current coin can never be much more valuable than the quantity of bullion which it actually contains

He does not consider that this extraordinary expense, or the bounty, is the smallest part of the expense which the exportation of corn really costs the society

She had to nourish that optimism, at all costs

As they are the universal instruments of commerce, they are more readily received in return for all commodities than any other goods ; and, on account of their small bulk and great value, it costs less to transport them backward and forward from one place to another than almost any other sort of merchandize, and they lose less of their value by being so transported

The Elf reached out and touched Dena’s shoulders with her hands, “It’s really you!” and she sucked in her breath, “Did you get caught in the tosser field and the wrinkle field at the same time? The instructions the Guild sent along with those pieces of equipment specifically cautioned to avoid that encounter at all costs!”

the costs of all our missions — paid as a barter

must preserve the balance at all costs

— the specific costs connected with additional processing of the a

She had had too many experiences where, she was certain, luck had played a vital role in her obtaining sexual gratification, a thing fondly to be wished for, strived for at all costs

Let’s take a few minutes andbrainstorm some ways that we can cut costs

costs are lower and the risks are lower

marketing costs is the cost of getting a new customer

The hundred next adjoining to the sea coast, out of, or through which the wool is carried or exported, forfeits £20, if the wool is under the value of £10; and if of greater value, then treble that value, together with treble costs, to be sued for within the year

if any person lay any wool, not entered as aforesaid, within fifteen miles of the sea, it must be seized and forfeited ; and if, after such seizure, any person shall claim the same, he must give security to the exchequer, that if he is cast upon trial he shall pay treble costs, besides all other penalties

The working of that lace costs him, perhaps, two years labour

The superiority of produce, which in consequence of this undivided attention, they are enabled to raise, is fully sufficient to pay the whole expense which the maintenance and employment of the unproductive class costs either the proprietors or themselves

“Well, it turned out that only around a fifth of the world’s population were actually actively in favour of the further exploration of space and the costs involved

Such as they are, however, it seldom costs the sovereign or commonwealth any expense to prepare them for the field

He is not unwilling, therefore, to serve without pay during a short campaign ; and it frequently costs the sovereign or commonwealth as little to maintain him in the field as to prepare him for it

What may be the amount of the whole expense which the church, either of Berne, or of any other protestant canton, costs the state, I do not pretend to know

The more it costs to acquire any

Their strong beer, therefore, costs them eight shillings a-barrel less than it costs the common brewer, who must have his profit upon the tax, as well as upon all the other expense which he advances

Searching for the perfect lessons for you will serve to keep costs down and also to provide optimal help in areas where you most need it

If you weren’t praising him, everything else was taken as a put-down, and he’d challenge it at all costs

requires expensive maintenance and repair costs and at the same time could not withstand long

wanted to avoid such a happening at all costs

We currently have, therefore, a murderous so-called polity versus an elected Prime Minister trying, against all costs, to keep his people from being blown up by suicide bombers

His given coordinates resided in his head like sacred text on ancient parchment; so delicate and precious, at all costs to remain hidden

After all, his efforts extended the war for two additional years with related costs of nearly four billion dollars, according to some

But I got so good at closing that I rarely had to absorb any of the materials costs myself

threatened to sue until they found out that the costs of a suit would be about the cost of repairs, so instead they complained to the

Collateral damage was to be avoided at all costs since it caused legal problems afterwards

Now at this time we were keeping the horses in a stable which costs were about one hundred fifty dollars a month plus feed, vet bills, and the Farrier

The costs were beginning to get out of hand so I suggested we sell the house and buy a piece of property out in the country

Such thinking is implausible; perhaps, given the rise in social costs exceeding in proportion the exploited wages many of these families oftentimes receive

Any mamba is a really a nasty reptile to be avoided at all costs

Any (American) company operating abroad and selling cheaply made products at ―home‖ at an exorbitant profit, should, in my opinion, be hit with the stiffest import tariffs imaginable to help defray the social costs incurred by the taxpayer for individuals who have otherwise lost their jobs or are (under-employed)

A society that measures its economic output in terms of per capita GDP, a useless indicator in many respects, without regard to its components (people), may ultimately discover its social costs equally prohibitive

The litany of abuses predicated in the name of free expression, or proxy ―decisions‖ made on behalf of others who are unable to make informed decisions, are understood by the hordes of mentally ill people roaming the streets, who should be otherwise institutionalized for their own safety, if not for the safety of our society, for that matter, who remain on the streets, unable to properly care for themselves, mandated by civil rights organizations fearful that their rights may be jeopardized, people otherwise incapable of making a rational assessment of their own condition; not to mention conferring legitimacy to sexual deviancy in all its varieties that many of us have casually resigned ourselves to as ―simply‖ alternative lifestyles or championing (equal) protection under the law, that, in some instances, should call for censorship, or implausible assumptions regarding the ―unborn,‖ (Abortion) remanding millions of innocents to an early grave, a convenience for women fretting over their figures or professional careers, abetted by spineless politicians, who for expediency sake, continue advancing legislation denying them (―unborn‖) their own inalienable right to choose, had they the means, or encouraging a culture of death (Euthanasia) for the convenience of (the) would-be custodians of the terminally ill or perhaps to (simply) reduce the increasing costs of Healthcare, or the legalization of drugs because that too is a convenient alternative for a number of individuals who have seemingly lost the will to rid our society of rampant drug abuse and therefore justify such (hare-brained) schemes from the vantage point of opportunity savings or reduced social costs, or movements to eliminate God from the public consciousness lest society be reminded of its sins or perhaps because many of us have (conveniently) chosen to become our own gods

Although this highly sophisticated and financially prohibitive and ―impractical‖ venture may appear ‖implausible‖ to some, the reduction in stress-related travel, increased quality time, higher productivity at the workplace and the system‘s ameliorating impact on our environment (already) under enormous stress, not to mention our nation‘s increasing dependence on foreign sources of oil, may very well offset the cost(s) associated with this awesome undertaking

evolutionary standards of (moral) decency! At some indeterminate juncture, having (nearly) exhausted its loftiest social, cultural and intellectual ideals, a society begins striking diminishing or marginal returns, also understood as the ―law of relative increasing costs

Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline

  • Use the word cost in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The actual cost of the contents of these two packets does not exceed three tenths of a penny.

cost of living, there’s no lights, no water, the schools are poor…

Remember. We must impress this Harrods style director at any cost.

I doubt that she was shocked from the cost of it.

How much is that going to cost you?

«This, unfortunately, could cost you your life.»

«Because I predict that your trip to Gaul will cost many lives.»

I think one could say very briefly ? that it was the attempt to have rights without duties, claims without responsibilities and pleasure without cost.

And the real cost of having any peaceful enjoyment of the world is that one maintains institutions from makes a sacrifice in order to preserve one’s inheritance.

He knows very well that it might cost you your head — and he does not lift a finger to help you—

That will cost you your life, my boy!

«Revolutions cost money, gentlemen!»

The Cooperative is Fighting… the high cost of Living. Will You Help It?

Userti, my daughter, Princess sovereign of Egypt, it is to you, at all cost, that I wish to leave the throne of Egypt, and not to Seti

It is a very nice room. What does it cost?

The discovery of this trap-door cost Joseph Buquet his life.

You need a new one… ÔÇô And how much would it… er… cost?

«Look at him — cost me a thousand — looks like a million!»

That sock in the jaw will cost you your job!»

Wanted to know how much it would cost… to furnish a flat in Flatbush.

Say, do you know that eggs cost 15 cents a dozen?

It will cost you a lot to find a room in Vienna … It is full of foreigners!

That’s gonna cost about $1200 to mount.

Now, these lots cost me $ 9,000 and I’m gonna let you have them for 15 because I like you.

Encontrare’ a work to any cost.

«The first warning will destroy a shed, only… The second will cost some human lifes…

Well, that little joke will just cost you… 30 days on bread and water in the dark!

Well, this’ll just cost you your parole.

Figurin’ how much it’ll cost to take her out tonight, Buddy?

That magazine cost me a nickel.

It cost me a fortune, but I am he.

Let me know how much it cost and I’ll give you a check for it.

Go to Malpertuis and bring back Reynard, cost what it may.

Lona wore a dress for the opera ball which cost at least 5000 kronen.

Them Chinese mannequin coats cost a lot of jack.

Gentlemen, doesn’t cost you a dime. Half price for the army and free for girls!

Boy, them gold frames sure cost plenty of dough.

Gonna cost you big, because I’m taking big chances.

Yes, it cost me some energy, young lady… to endure the separation from you for so long.

Say, how much did all this cost you?

That will cost him a lot of money if they consider him a retard.

A filly that won in the fifth today. cost me a bundle, too.

An alternate take of this shot with Lugosi, along with many others, can be seen in the Spanish versi├│n, where they were used as a cost-cutting measure.

Dracula only started to hurl the vase, but then thought better, saving his producer the cost of replacing an expensive prop for every performance.

The Spanish film was produced at the amazing cost of $66,000, as compared to the $341,000 lavished on the English-language film.

You know this will cost you several years.

Sentence using the word cost. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use cost in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for cost.

  • At what cost? (10)
  • At what cost? (22)
  • Cost of the lot. (17)
  • You have taught me at what a cost! (10)
  • The cost cannot be great. (10)
  • I know how much it has cost you. (10)
  • He would cost a pretty penny up there. (8)
  • Edward asked how much the opal had cost. (22)
  • The estimate of cost is probably too high. (7)
  • Perhaps it might cost a whole twenty pounds. (4)
  • Could he bear his own happiness at such a cost? (8)
  • Possibly cost of surveying lot, but not always. (17)
  • I had him for Emily; cost me two hundred guineas. (8)
  • I pretended to estimate the probable cost of one. (10)
  • The small house cannot stand this additional cost. (17)
  • Maintenance cost, such as coal, gas, and electricity. (17)
  • I know it cost money, but this is a question of taste. (10)
  • Apparently he named the cost of his purchase per dozen. (10)
  • It had not once cost her an effort to maintain her balance. (5)
  • The effort to repress it must have cost them horrible pain. (10)
  • In that case he would be ready to defray the cost of admission. (5)
  • Nothing but the cost of the place (to be considered you know!) (10)
  • Fun, at any cost, is the one object worth a shot in such a world. (10)
  • Emilia musically murmured, and it cost her nothing to smile again. (10)
  • The increased cost of white paper and of labor has also had an effect. (16)
  • The cost is itemized and the contractor adds a percentage as his share. (17)
  • It cost me a struggle to turn aside to Germany from the Italian highroad. (10)
  • She had struck on the hope for the detested yoke to be broken at any cost. (10)
  • He was a little ashamed afterward of the resolution it had cost him to do so. (9)
  • But in his rashness and thirst for renown, Murray had not counted well the cost. (19)
  • The only justification for thin walls is the slightly reduced cost of materials. (17)
  • This must truly have cost him dear, as any author of fixed habits will understand. (9)
  • It is always best to overestimate the cost in the beginning than to underestimate it. (17)
  • The pecuniary cost to the show of the privileges it enjoys is entirely in his keeping. (21)
  • He was for action at any cost, with all the forces he could gather, and without delays. (10)
  • I guarantee a trusty army and navy under a contract, at two-thirds of the present cost. (10)
  • So the cost of the building is put into marble halls and idiotic decoration of all kinds. (9)
  • Ay, good: but not at such a cost as an extra tax, or compulsory service of our working man. (10)
  • At the cost of certain knowledge that the rumour he had been resolved not to believe was true. (8)
  • It cost Clementina a good deal of trouble to answer him as she wished and not hurt his feelings. (9)
  • Loss of colour, loss of light in her eyes, were the sole signs of what it cost her to maintain it. (10)
  • Some are captivated by hands that can wield the rod, which in earlier days they escaped to their cost. (10)
  • All these weeks he had kept himself in hand; but to do so had cost him more than he liked to reflect on. (8)
  • He offered, however, voluntarily to pay half the expenses of the funeral, stating the limit of the cost. (10)
  • Prices in this country are never put up except when some kind of scarcity increases the cost of production. (7)
  • And what have we succeeded in doing, that the childish effort to move it should be continued at such a cost? (10)
  • It would be interesting to see what was the total cost per year to repaint them and keep the roofs in order. (17)
  • Wherever the cost permits, one cannot deny that materials of such durable nature are the proper ones to use. (17)
  • At least there was no other way to her love, and that love he could not live without, cost him what it might. (13)
  • John Thresher had a laborious mind; it cost him beads on his forehead to mount to these heights of meditation. (10)
  • It is said that the State of Alabama has more dogs than school-children, and that they cost more for their keep. (7)
  • He made a jest of the trouble it had cost him, even some sleeplessness, and said he felt now like a convalescent. (9)
  • This lack of proper-size framing timbers saved the builder money but would cost the buyer a pretty penny some day. (17)
  • Still other architects claimed that the cost of construction could only be reduced by standardizing all of the parts. (17)
  • When he recovered, he gave a feast that was the talk of all Munich for three weeks and cost him sixty thousand marks. (12)
  • One could live a great deal cheaper, undoubtedly, if he could supply himself from other people without any labor or cost. (14)
  • She seemed to him merely triumphant, and he could not conceive what it had cost her to nerve herself up to her too easy victory. (9)
  • Copper, since the war, has come back into use again as a sheet metal for the small house, for its cost has dropped within reason. (17)
  • It came, indeed, so easily from the pen that I had the misgiving which I always have of things which do not cost me great trouble. (9)
  • This insures better-class work, but in practically all cases it is more expensive, and no assurance can be had of the final cost. (17)
  • I promise you, the stick was not idle; I think every decent step that Modestine took must have cost me at least two emphatic blows. (2)
  • It is the old story, that a well-built article is bound to cost more than a poorly built one; but how to know the well-built article! (17)
  • My Spanish recitations cost me some time and trouble as yet, for I make the students parse and construe with never-failing strictness. (14)
  • Likewise the cost of a house can be reduced by shaping as nearly to a square as possible, and reducing the outside walls to the minimum. (17)
  • The cost of the effort was the breaking out of innumerable wounds, old and new; the gain was the display of the miracle that Italy lived. (10)
  • But then she saw the pictures, and was so entranced that her smile seemed almost to express a satisfaction at the sacrifices they had cost. (12)
  • Yet the necessary capital and the cost of production are so much smaller than ours that their various backers can afford to keep them afloat. (16)
  • Many architects conscientiously tried to reduce the cost of construction of the small house by inventing cheaper ways and methods of building. (17)
  • The transgression cost seventy-five men their positions, and for the rest of the season other circuses marvelled at our state of grace and piety. (21)
  • Characteristically, he felt that it cost her dear to make use of that little primitive device of common loves; the touch awoke within him only chivalry. (8)
  • In 1914 this house cost $5,529.00, but at the peak of prices in 1920 this house cost $12,815.00, which was an increase of 131 per cent. (17)
  • Sufficient booty was captured to cover the cost of this expedition, and the New Englanders returned flushed with triumph and eager for a more daring blow. (19)
  • To reduce the cost of hot-water heating and make it also available for this class of small house, the manufacturers produced another type of water heating-plant. (17)

Also see sentences for: charge, expenditure, expense, loss, outlay, price.

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Sentence examples for COST from high-quality
English sources.

  • But what about its cost of equity?

  • The lower the index number, the lower the cost of living.

  • Even if the healing agent adds 50% to the concrete cost, this makes up just 1-2% of the total construction cost.

  • Paying out $2,000 for one full month would cost $568 billion, more than double the CARES Act cost of $268 billion.

  • Usually, cruising boats cost much less than racing ones.

  • «Total cost» includes the cost of a required prerequisite degree.

  • Some budget hotels cost 7,500 points per night, while most others cost 15,000.

  • Because of all the extra components, hybrids cost around $3,500 more than their petrol equivalents.

Use COST in a sentence.

  • While a new Illustrious might cost £600m ($1 billion), say the admirals, a 40,000-tonne carrier might not cost hugely more.

  • Public universities cost between $2,400 and $7,100 (€2,000-€6,000), but private universities can cost up to $38,000 (€32,000).

  • The cost scenarios ranged from paying $3.50 to getting paid $1, and the participants had to decide whether they were willing to pay the cost to get their quizzes regraded.

  • Pieces of couture can easily cost over $100,000 and Chiu said, without naming a price, that her most expensive pieces cost «more than the median cost of a home in the US.»

  • The cost of bureaucracy is a direct financial cost burden on the productive output of millions of human beings, and an opportunity cost in addressing multiple critical social needs.

  • Cost of living: The cost of living in Chiang Mai is 54.40% lower than the cost of living in New York; the average monthly rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in downtown Chiang Mai is $389.

  • Work in the field of cost functions, for example, originally tested the theory that marginal cost—the addition to total cost resulting from an increase in output—first declines as production expands but ultimately begins to rise.

  • Licensed facilities are also more cost-efficient and well-regulated than overflow facilities, according to Donohoe, who said privately-run overflow facilities cost between $850 and $1,000 a day per child while licensed facilities cost between $200 to $300.

  • The Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 cost £349.95, the Bose QuietComfort 35 II cost £299.95, the Sony WH-1000XM4 cost £350, the B&W PX7 cost £349.99, the Master and Dynamic MW65 cost £449 and the B&O Beoplay H95 cost £700.

  • Three methods are in general use: average cost; first-in, first-out (FIFO), which assigns the cost of the last units purchased to the inventory and the cost of the first units purchased to the goods that were sold; and last-in, first-out (LIFO), in which the reverse pattern is followed.

  • The notion of total cost is used to define average cost (the average cost of a unit of output is the total cost divided by the number of units produced) and marginal cost (the marginal cost of a given unit of output is the increase in the total cost required to produce that unit).

  • These include the cost of the foregone lifetime earnings of those killed in the war, the cost of lifetime medical care for those permanently incapacitated by the war, the cost of replacing the physical capital destroyed or damaged by the war, the cost of supplying the armed forces with the weapons of war, the cost of sustaining the armed forces and those in support functions (including their pay and pensions), and the losses to the economy caused by the diversion of resources from peaceful investment in future economic capacity.

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