Use the word convey in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The sweetest sentiment cannot convey what you mean to me.

Самое приятное чувство не может передать то, что ты для меня значишь.

Workshops convey occupational qualifications such as teamwork, moderating or evaluations techniques.

Мастер-классы передать профессиональной квалификации, такие как работа в команде, модерирование или методов оценки.

You must be able to effectively convey information through the written word.

И, конечно же, вы должны быть в состоянии эффективно передавать информацию через письменное слово.

But the design should convey a brand message.

Но в то же время дизайн должен передавать сообщение бренда.

Please convey this to your people.

Прошу вас, передайте это своему народу! .

Most words convey several concepts and thus possess the corresponding number of meanings.

Общеизвестно, что большинство слов передают несколько понятий и, таким образом, обладают соответствующим числом значений.

A picture can convey what thousand words can not.

Фотография может передать то, что нельзя выразить и тысячами слов.

They presumably convey knowledge about the minds and societies that developed them.

Они, по-видимому, передают знания о культурах и обществах, которые их развили.

No photo can convey its sheer majesty and scale.

Ни одна фотография не может передать его истинные размеры и величие.

No book or video can convey it.

Никакие фото и видео не в состоянии передать ее.

We can convey what we mean in different ways.

Мы можем передать то, что мы имеем в виду по-разному.

Hopefully my pictures will convey those to some extent.

Надеюсь, что мои снимки смогут хоть в какой-то степени это передать.

We convey so much information through our body language.

Когда мы говорим, мы передаём очень много информации языком тела.

It is really worth visiting because only photos cannot convey the atmosphere and impressions.

Но конечно лучше увидеть все своими глазами, поскольку ни одна фотография не передаст атмосферы и ощущений.

Otherwise he cannot convey this knowledge.

Соответственно, и они не могут передать эти знания дальше.

Organizations need experienced communicators to effectively convey their messages.

Организации нуждаются в опытных коммуникаторах, чтобы эффективно передавать свои сообщения.

Double coding meant the buildings convey many meanings simultaneously.

Под двойным кодированием подразумевалось, что здания одновременно передают много значений.

Pictures really don’t convey how big it is.

На самом деле, фотографии не передают, насколько он крут.

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convey — перевод на русский


I need two men who can break through the French line and convey an important message to the regiment or brigade

Мне нужны двое кто может прорваться сквозь линию французов и передать важное сообщение в полк или в бригаду

Making it doubly important that I shouldn’t let you go is… I’m about to convey some very vital information out of the country.

И я не могу отпустить вас, потому что вот-вот я должен… передать важную информацию за границу.

I want to convey Sr. Superior’s gratitude.

Хочу только передать благодарность госпожи настоятельницы

All I could do was convey the message you sent and return.

Все, что я мог передать, — это ваше сообщение.

I think it managed to convey the romantic spirit of the opera…

Думаю, этот знаменитый певец сумел передать весь романтизм оперы…

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We, Polish reporters, declare… that information about the strike, and the manner it is presented… fails to convey the sense of events which leads to disinformation.

Мы, польские журналисты на побережье Гданьским на забастовке, заявляем, что большинство информации о забастовке и способ ее подачи… не передает смысл событий. Это способствует дезинформации.

I just have a real problem drafting a will or any instrument that’s gonna cut out family and that’s gonna replace it and convey the bulk of this estate to a TV personality.

Это большая проблема переделывать завещание или любой другой документ, который лишает семью наследства и передает все состояние какому-то человеку из телевизора.

It conveys a sense of danger, of power.

Она передает чувство опасности, власти.

I love the way it conveys the feeling of summer.

Мне нравиться то ощущение лета, которое она передает.

And the President called to convey his personal best wishes.

Президент лично передаёт лучшие пожелания.

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I tried to… convey my regrets for whatever pain I might be causing him, and then… just then… you had the police call to invite me to meet you at the 24th Precinct.

Я хотела выразить… свое сожаление в связи с теми неприятностями, что ему доставляю, а потом… а потом… полиция позвонила мне, чтобы вызвать в 24-й участок.

Dr. Olham… I’d like to convey my… my deepest regrets.

Доктор Олам… я хотел бы выразить свои глубокие соболезнования.

He wanted to convey his vote of confidence that you all will handle this investigation with discretion.

Он хочет выразить общую мысль, Чтобы все вы вели это расследование осмотрительно.

The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude.

Благодарность — единственная эмоция, которую я хочу выразить.

I can think of no better way to convey this city’s appreciation and no finer person to choose for this job than Chief Thomas Delk.

Я думаю, город не сможет выразить лучше свою признательность, да и не найдется лучше человека для этой работы, чем шеф Томас Делк.

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I had no news to convey.

Ничего нового не могла тебе сообщить.

Unless you can give me certain reassurances, I shall feel bound to convey to the Minister the full extent of my anxieties.

Пока вы не дадите мне определённых заверений, я считаю нужным сообщить министру обо всех своих опасениях.

No, I sent you there to convey a piece of bad news.

Нет. Я вас послал только, чтобы сообщить плохую новость.

We need to convey to these gentlemen that Elias won’t be interested in making a deal.

Надо сообщить этим джентльменам, что Элиас вовсе не заинтересован в такой сделке.

Tom wanted to convey that he likes you a great deal.

Том хотел сообщить мне, что ты ему очень нравишься.

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You’ll find none to convey your thoughts.

оттого, что вы не найдете никого, кто бы мог донести ваши мысли.

I want to thank you for conveying to me your most powerful emotions because I’m going to enjoy this all the more.

Я хочу поблагодарить вас за донести до меня свои самые сильные эмоции Потому что Я собираюсь насладиться этим все больше.

I want to pick the exact, right phrase to convey the delicacy of what it is that I’m feeling right now.

Я хочу выбрать самую точную, верную фразу, чтобы донести до вас изысканность того, что я сейчас чувствую.

Framing, the angle, the exposure, trying to convey something, like an image that you see in your mind’s eye or… the way that you… dream it.

Оформление, угол, воздействие, пытаться что-то донести как картинка, которую ты видишь внутренним зрением или … о том, как ты мечтаешь.

What’s it trying to convey?

Что это пытается донести?

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And thence to France shall we convey you safe, and bring you back, charming the narrow seas to give you gentle pass;

Оттуда вас во Францию доставим. Затем назад примчим, для переправы Смирив пролив.

Don’t worry, boy, we’ll convey your message.

Не переживай парень, мы доставим послание.

Before you slight a common sailor, sir,— may I remind you that the British Navy and its common sailors— have conveyed your grace’s person thus far— without incident or injury.

ѕрежде чем вы станете неуважительно отзыватьс€ о простых мор€ках, сэр, могу € напомнить вам, что британский флот и его простые мор€ки доставили персону ¬ашей светлости сюда в целости и сохранности.

Placed, under my supervision, in a box inside a locked steel case, which was handcuffed to two armed couriers and conveyed to this building.

Под моим контролем ее положили в коробку, внутрь запертого железного ящика, прикованного наручниками к двум вооруженным охранникам, и доставили в это здание.

As soon as the warrant is issued, you will convey him to a place of termination.

Как только будет выпущено соответствующее распоряжение, вы доставите его к месту казни.

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Or let’s say I want to convey that I’ve just done something evil.

Или, скажем, я собираюсь показать что задумал что-то злодейское.

The only way to convey how much you’ve missed me is by your walk.

И единственный шанс показать, как ты сильно скучал — это походкой.

And I think the only way a person can convey respect is through his or her actions.

И я считаю, что единственный способ, которым человек может показать уважение это его или ее действиями.

He may be trying to convey that the elapsed time disparity is due to the effects of Einstein’s theory of special relativity.

Он может пытаться показать, что несоответствие с прошедшим временем связано с воздействием теории относительности Эйнштейна.

I believe what my expert witness is trying to convey is that my client, Frank Castle, was shot… point blank, execution style, in the head.

Думаю, что мой эксперт-свидетель пытается показать, что в моего клиента, Фрэнка Касла, стреляли… В упор, прямо в голову.

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When you look at it, you can see it conveys grief and sorrow…

Смотришь на нее и понимаешь, что она выражает боль, сожаление…

Perhaps my tone is not conveying the seriousness of my intention.

Пожалуй мой тон не выражает серьезность мои намерений.

Well, blue conveys confidence. And navy adds a sense of remorse.

Синий выражает уверенность, а темно-синий добавляет сожаления.

And convey my respect, as well.

Я также выражаю ему свое уважение.

We convey our condolences for the death of your teacher, Cempaka and the loss of the golden cane as well.

Мы выражаем наши соболезнования из-за смерти учителя ЧЕмпаки и из-за утраты золотого посоха.

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’ Jeremy said warmly, managing to convey that he not only knows about the trials of the last few days but also that he is pleased they have concluded positively

We stare at each other in the moonlight as I try to work out how I am to convey that I don’t want to ‘say the word’ as he put it

‘He says he will get a wagon to convey us down to the docks

ROBERT: After a considerable amount of kissing, touching and groping, you changed into this garment to convey to a man he should leave?

It was too soft to identify but loud enough to convey a mood

Blue is also associated with loyalty and will convey a message to people that you

your date that they are worth it but might also convey the feeling that there is another date in the future

«The state changes are more like impulses, that’s what I am trying to convey with this

Words could never convey the utter despair and horror that

hoped would convey the message that he was a complete

emotional intention that our thoughts convey

used to convey her here

When at last the dinner bell sounded, she knew as much about Harry as Kaitlyn was willing to convey

convey the impression that he’d be of no assistance in a

barely above a whisper, managed to convey a considerable

healing, this essay hopes to convey the child within)

I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale, surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure, though mixed with my other afflicting thoughts, to think that this was all my own; that I was king and lord of all this country indefensibly, and had a right of possession; and if I could convey it, I might have it in inheritance as completely as any lord of a manor in England

«Then why would Klarrain want to read them?» Klowa asked, hoping the question itself would be safe and didn’t convey his belief that such a plan would never work unless it was clandestine

She wouldn’t hurry to get back into the rounds of practice and recording sessions, the arguments over why this or that word didn’t quite convey the meaning and this or that riff was too twinkly or too dominant

because he used it as an example, as a way to convey

think to be the best, to convey to them what they feel

convey the mentalities from one generation to the next

age to convey their personal meditations

We still consider his revenue as consisting in this power of purchasing or consuming, and not in the pieces which convey it

My need to protect her, my amazement at her respect for every living being, my love… I couldn’t convey enough, but I tried

“Okay, I’ll convey your request to Ashpenaz and get his view on the matter

Xonia was murdered this morning,” Zarko replied, not knowing how else to convey the shocking message

There was much he wanted to say, and much he could not find the words with which to convey

Not because they were inquiries into the unknown or unknowable, but because the supporting knowledge required to convey the understanding was absent in her

His mouth tried to form the answer, but it became clear that he couldn’t convey the numbers

The metal emblem stared back in all of its reticence, silence that spoke more than that which words could convey

If the produce even of their own islands was much greater than what suited their market, the natives, they suspect, might find means to convey some part of it to other nations; and the best way, they imagine, to secure their own monopoly, is to take care that no more shall grow than what they themselves carry to market

After a little time, however, I was able to convey the important purposes a watch can serve, and when I carefully pried off the back plate of one

Please convey how you were treated to your superiors

I stopped and looked up at him, attempting to convey my love

They all, however, had exclusive charters, which, though not confirmed by act of parliament, were in those days supposed to convey a real exclusive privilege

Their charter was exclusive, and, though not confirmed by act of parliament, was in those days supposed to convey a real exclusive privilege

But in process of time, when the principles of liberty were better understood, it became every day more and more doubtful, how far a royal charter, not confirmed by act of parliament, could convey an exclusive privilege

It is relatively easy to find 4 to 8-letter words or phrases in any text, but to have meaningful and relevant codes of 296-letters that convey an understandable message about a specific subject or person is a phenomenon that is only encountered in the Bible

What is astonishing about this 187-letter ELS in the Bible, is the complexity of the fact that it actually contains 13 different codes that convey 85 different sentences, reading in both directions at various intervals and have the same negative outlook or describe something bad in each case

Many of the new Bible versions that have been released will change or omit certain aspects, which will alter the message that a passage intended to convey

Some may feel that a certain sentence may convey a literal message ‘A’, while others feel that it conveys an allegorical message ‘B’

Their names would not only match the numerical structure, but in some cases even convey hidden messages and be part of other hidden messages that form part of ELS’s in remarkable complexity and detail

Interest), go direct, go for the kiss, or just convey sensuality to a woman you’re interested in

But it was enough to convey that she understood

Frank didn’t convey that he noticed

As I attempted to convey the utter joy this curious creature has brought into our lives, I suddenly realized it was falling on deaf ears

As we arrived at the connecting trenches that would convey us into the front line trenches we had to hug the walls as men who had been relieved stumbled past us in their haste to get to the reserve trenches where they could rest for a while

She remembered a dolphin had pressed its nose against the glass as if it wanted to communicate – at least convey a message, not to say hello, but something sorrowful

He tried to convey these thoughts to Jhordel, and was surprised when she told him she

Voice synthesized as if to convey menace, he said, ‘You know why I’m here; do not try to obstruct me

“The thing is, I need to convey them a message

I hope whoever sees or reads these pages will understand what I‘ve tried to convey to my grandsons

Specious arguments thought to convey the separation of Church and State on their own merits appear to be carrying the day, at least for the time being

“If you feel my father should be told of all occurrences here, then you are the very best person to convey that information

Machiavelli correctly argued that internal revolutions that seek to transform a society‘s social and political cultural must (necessarily) retain that society‘s material forms in order to convey a semblance of continuity without seemingly undermining their essential character, notwithstanding its altering of prevailing customs and practices that would otherwise promote resentment among its citizens

Secularists and Atheists alike have long expunged Evil (in its purest sense) from its lexicon as a word commonly thought to convey a religious (read: superstitious) connotation consistent with irrational impulses or ideas rather than ―considered reasoning

What kind of a message does such inquisitional posturing convey to people of Faith that they need not apply?

I greeted him with a salute and a hearty handshake and asked him to convey my heartfelt thanks to the others and headed towards the railway station

He knew it would be difficult to use words to convey to Stan how he felt at that very moment

I tried to convey to them that the surprise is ephemeral and fleeting, it lasts only an instant: it comes and it goes

Note that the above narrative doesn’t convey all the complicated logistics of finding mechanics, driving here and there, following each other on the highway, and cell-phone negotiations

She murmured skywards words to convey a lifetime of amorous expression, but they were lost together to a sea of feelings, far from this earth, somewhere amid the stars

Before leaving for Camp 146, Colling informed Tracy that he would be driving Miss Hamilton at an earlier time, and asked that he convey that information to Ferguson

The emotion that it intended to convey was completely lost to Hilderich

Words like pleasure, lust and love convey the feeling only awkwardly

The story of Cain and Abel is told in a short terse manner, using few words to convey much more than the simple interplay between the three main characters

It is left to extra-biblical sources to interpret into the story the things that would have logically been said and done that would give meaning to the sparse words chosen to convey the message

He did so politely, trying to appease the machine’s brooding mood, his voice trimmed and clipped to something an ambassador would use to convey assurance and calm:

It was talking sharp and fast, trying to convey as much as possible in a rapid, efficient fashion:

He forced a smile and gestured in a manner he hoped would convey his appreciation to their host

convey their message across to their audience the way they

Thomas did his best to convey a big smile and

Is this a real episode in a personal life story? If not, what principle had this biblical account been meant to convey?

An expression, touch or look can convey so much

humble and contrite spirit that He may convey His will, purpose, and

For a second or two, others couldn’t understand what I was trying to convey to them until there reached someone on the doorsteps with his shirt drenched in blood and a kitchen knife which was stabbed straight into his chest

Why would he have felt the need to include this advisory within his writings? He was born a scant thirty years after the Council of Nicaea had canonized the works chosen from the many that purported to truthfully convey the Christian message

In this paragraph it is clear the intention to convey the idea, indication or teaching that -as plants are there for sustenance- man must protect and respect all animal life

The idea, the image I would like to convey is this: there are fleas scattered by a car

9 My servants shall bring them down from Lebanon to the sea, and I will convey them by sea in floats to the place that you shall

Instead, I wrote frequent long letters to my parents trying to convey the flavour of my new experiences, leaving out anything that might worry them

Johnny kept inventing new gestures; each day there were more ideas he recognized and insisted on being able to convey

As my shoulders began to shake, he’d paused in his words of intercession; paused: his hands pressing into my shoulders conveyed a depth of love, of prayer, that words could not convey

oncoming threat, and he made sure to convey that

“Imperialism” seemed to convey more than Webster’s entry when

They cast about aimlessly, labeling our defenders with terms that were nonsense, terms that should properly convey to the

10 Sometimes also the priests convey from their gods gold and silver, and bestow it on themselves

letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah; 8 And a letter to Asaph the

should safely convey on their way both him, and all those who go up with him to build Jerusalem

Ÿ Both had a message they wished to convey, and pass on to others that it might be

faith in order to convey the ideas that other people, and the Lord, have led me to give

I offer the two following thoughts on faith in order to convey the ideas

to effectively convince the listeners in the congregation of it’s veracity, and to convey to

Ask for action items based on measure and convey the importance

torture and death for less than he was to convey now

words try to convey is the highest truth

We convey ideas not only with the use of elaborate

Q: The essence of art is to use the outer form to convey an inner

Q: Again the same excuse that words cannot convey reality

The mind of India can be defined as that conveyed by the most significant aspects of Indian Philosophy through scriptures and discourses

She sat now at her desk and conveyed her desires to the mainframe

That ancient bottle now conveyed by the

equivalent – the number of meanings that could be conveyed by a

language, which conveyed to anyone who cared to read it that the

Spelman’s conversation with Harry on the outbound journey to France conveyed from Harry solely in the letter to her

Jameson listened attentively and had to agree that his writings did not have the flourish and general elegance Titania and Hipolyta’s compositions conveyed

Their gloomy presence conveyed the same

conveyed by word of mouth, not only horizontally, but

This was regarded, in those times, as so important an object, that it was always considered as belonging to the sovereign, and neither to the finder nor to the proprietor of the land, unless the right to it had been conveyed to the latter by an express clause in his charter

his third wife, as had been conveyed to us by tayaji and at that

conveyed the microbe of beauty at their

message stand out and are conveyed short and sharp

love hasn’t yet been conveyed to me, I can imagine what

His eyes sought mine and in the space of seconds he conveyed his amusement at our attempt to confront him

He was out of breath, but conveyed his message nonetheless

He knew they would eventually come for him and he wasn’t concerned about the consequences; the message had to be conveyed to the king

He rode back to Darniil’s house and conveyed the king’s order to him

Thus equality is the key message conveyed by this characteristic

Last but not least, I would like to share a message which was conveyed from the other side of the veil

Every owner of wool, who carrieth, or causeth to be carried, any wool to any port or place on the sea coast, in order to be from thence transported by sea to any other place or port on the coast, must first cause an entry thereof to be made at the port from whence it is intended to be conveyed, containing the weight, marks, and number, of the packages, before he brings the same within five miles of that port, on pain of forfeiting the same, and also the horses, carts, and other carriages; and also of suffering and forfeiting, as by the other laws in force against the exportation of wool

Zacharias conveyed his greetings by a big grin and welcome in his eyes, Elizabeth with a kiss and a sweet smile

I literally shit myself and I was trembling like a leaf the look of horror on my face must have conveyed something

The message that is conveyed by the four Gospels and other books of the New Testament was already hidden in a “watermark”-like feature in the very first book of the Bible, written around 1500BC

Without knowing what to look for, the hidden information will not be conveyed and the person will just continue to read that which is visible in the surface text

Please visit the websites below to see in detail what information is conveyed in the Mel Gibson code and how the Bible exhibits similar intricacies found within the DNA molecule:

While Jews reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah and the New Testament in its entirety as being part of God’s Word, Christians are of the opinion that the information conveyed through Isaiah 53, as with many other passages and models that are used throughout the Bible, points to Jesus Christ as the Messiah

conveyed many times that we should never add to His

After all, everyone is entitled to his or her (own) opinion provided that what the viewing audience understands as reporting (the) news is correctly distinguished from ―spinning‖ or interpreting (the) news and that this distinction is properly conveyed to that audience

‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs

‖ Such carefree attitudes conveyed by teachers and school administrators oftentimes serve as self-fulfilling prophecies; whose (passive) acceptance continues to (willingly) lend its moral support to sexual tolerance; notwithstanding the waving of white flags seeking to override parental authority by withdrawing the support of schools that consider it their public duty to ―properly‖ instruct their (own) children

Rachel reacted with surprise, and her reaction conveyed to William she disapproved of his tone

Visibly, William conveyed the appearance of a lost, injured child

He ignored the nurse’s comment and conveyed to Kate that the guard would be fine and he had not suffered a fractured jaw

What sets our Nickelodeon Generation apart (in some manner) from prior generations is a troubling disregard for parental authenticity; a legacy passed down to them by their emotionally and morally stunted Boomer Parents whose puerile adolescence and (the) mixed messages conveyed to their offsprings have all but erased the traditional boundaries that formerly defined the (proper) role(s) of parent and child

One afternoon this week, the boy conveyed to his mother what was foremost on his mind regarding a subject brought up by his teacher in class; that this teacher, we did not ask her name, stated that anyone killing an animal would ―go to Hell

O‘Connor (privately) subscribes to the archaic notions oftentimes conveyed to his readers, his transparent agendum however, apparent to those properly schooled in divisive matters, must continue to sow confusion and reap resentment among the uninitiated and other individuals who are otherwise straddling the fence; whose (own) imbedded impressions about Race continue to color their thinking

She stood with her horse between them, watching over its back to hide her smirk as she explained, in a voice that conveyed no awareness of Kevin’s plight that they should loosen the saddles while they rested

The whispering trees had conveyed the urgency, taking note of the approaching army

Meticulous instructions had been conveyed to the leaders at the sacred pond

“A lot of information can be conveyed by dancing,” he explained

Yes, it was music, yes, some type of information was being conveyed, but it was conveyed symbolically

She felt his look conveyed that he had gained some kind of understanding of what she felt that she had failed in

Her eyes suddenly took on that earlier piercing glint that conveyed her annoyance instantly

wanted him to spend some time in Her vicinity and she conveyed her

Shri Maharaj conveyed this to all and

was conveyed to the priests from Wadi, they commenced their lunch

Something must have happened in those eight years that would have conveyed to them the assurance that even killing the founder’s heir would not bring them down

“You really need to eat baby,” I said, ignoring what she had just conveyed to me

But always, some small germ of the truth conveyed, lay well hidden within this “haystack of Man’s conceit

It conveyed through her body

As my shoulders began to shake, he’d paused in his words of intercession; paused: his hands pressing into my shoulders conveyed a depth of love, of prayer, that words could not convey

His smile conveyed kindness, and his

Problem was that Billy Fitzwater hadn’t conveyed this obligation, let alone the fact of the party itself, to his parents

Instead, their expressions conveyed wonder, if not welcome

Aerith to Cloud, and then to the busty Tifa, he conveyed little

In a vernacular that was even more profanity-laced than usual, Cory conveyed that he left the hospital because he was angry and wanted to get even with the sons of bitches that laid him out

Somewhere in a tapestry of profanity, Cory conveyed that he understood

I checked my messages and got a voice-mail from Cory who conveyed that Billingsly had a pair of headphones in his hand when he walked into the garage

seeing the multitude of the other army to he so great were sore afraid; upon which many conveyed themselves out of the host,

those who were fearful, and distrusted the justice of God, fled, and conveyed themselves away

his men: 20 For Judas had conveyed to them that were in it such things as were necessary; 21 But Rhodocus, who was in the Jews’

11 They were conveyed accordingly in this vessel, and at the end of it arrived at Schedia

conveyed by the words it spoke

completeness of meaning conveyed as the being spoke

was total, for each word conveyed the actual reality of

M: And if he tells you that it cannot be conveyed in words?

tle can be said in words, much more can be conveyed in sil-

pool, the same message I’d sung or stated or conveyed in some way—repeatedly—over the

Very little can be conveyed in words

21 And Angeas saw this thing, and he commanded all his officers to assemble the hewers of stone in thousands and tens of thousands, and they hewed stone without number, and the builders came and they built an exceedingly strong bridge, and they conveyed the spring of water from the land of Chittim to Africa, and those waters were for Jania the queen and for all her concerns, to drink from and to bake, wash and bathe with it, and also to water with it all seed from which food can be obtained, and all fruit of the ground

conveyed the message to Roger who, in turn, composed the following poem and sent it to Roque Escudero:

Participants conveyed that categorisation into these terms was

A sense was conveyed that categorisation was difficult to avoid

been doing a lot in the background and conveyed

I conveyed with a smile

“And Yazadril, Theramin asked me to tell you that he has conveyed your apologies to the human out by the border, for your having missed your meeting with him last night

He instructed editors to substitute expressions like people of the Jewish faith or simply Jews, which he felt subtly conveyed the notion that being Jewish was something one could freely choose, like being Methodist or a Presbyterian

I spoke to them, and conveyed your invitation

His first call took me by surprise, and it conveyed a mixed message

21 And Angeas saw this thing and he commanded all his officers to assemble the hewers of stone in thousands and tens of thousands and they hewed stone without number and the builders came and they built an exceedingly strong bridge and they conveyed the spring of water from the land of Chittim to Africa and those waters were for Jania the queen and for all her concerns to drink from and to bake wash and bathe with it and also to water with it all seed from which food can be obtained and all fruit of the ground

In the September issue of Forbes magazine, a prominent business publication just out on newsstands across the nation, my father conveyed the impression that I had failed to prove myself, and, at the least, was unworthy of succeeding him

Iffenia had conveyed to his mind that the Gathandrian Library had once been beautiful but had been all but destroyed in the recent wars

Most of our physical expression of emotion is conveyed by subtle movements and positions of the head, neck, wings and tail

5 Now Judas had pitched his tents at Eleasa and three thousand chosen men with him; 6 Who seeing the multitude of the other army to he so great were sore afraid; upon which many conveyed themselves out of the host insomuch as abode of them no more but eight hundred men

12 Now when word was brought to Judas of Nicanor’s coming and he had imparted to those who were with him that the army was at hand 13 those who were fearful and distrusted the justice of God fled and conveyed themselves away

18 Now when the king had taken a taste of the manliness of the Jews he went about to take the holds by policy 19 And marched toward Bethsura which was a strong hold of the Jews but he was put to flight failed and lost of his men: 20 For Judas had conveyed to them that were in it such things as were necessary; 21 But Rhodocus who was in the Jews’ host disclosed the secrets to the enemies; therefore he was sought out and when they had gotten him they put him in prison

3 But Dositheus called the son of Drimulus by birth a Jew afterward a renegade from the laws and observances of his country conveyed Ptolemy away and made an obscure person lie down in his stead in the tent

11 They were conveyed accordingly in this vessel and at the end of it arrived at Schedia

Shouts of warning leaped from campsite to campsite as night guards, aroused from their torpor, conveyed the alarm engendered by the sounds of battle

The role of the dead Iffenia in the heart of Jemelda and the influence of the Book of Blood overwhelmed him but, however strange and terrifying, he knew what she conveyed was the truth

14 And he began to say A certain man was rich and wore silk and purple and en- joyed himself every day in splendour and there was a poor man named Lazarus and he was throw down at the door of the rich man afflicted with sores and he longed to fill his belly with the crumbs that fell from the table of that rich man; yes even the dogs used to come and lick his sores; And it happened that that poor man died and the angels conveyed him into the bosom of Abraham and the rich man also died and was buried; And while he was being tormented in Hades he lifted up his eyes from afar and saw Abraham with Lazarus in his bosom; And he called with a loud voice and said My father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus to wet the tip of his finger with water and moisten my tongue for me; for look I am burned in this flame

On her ceasing to speak to me those six young men who were engaged in building came and conveyed her to the tower and other four lifted up the seat and carried it also to the tower

” First Of Those Who Fight conveyed his weariness in a very straightforward manner

There are some real insights conveyed in these few sentences

However, the possibility of such a resolution cannot be adequately conveyed in words; it has to be experienced to be understood

It is my belief from personal relationships with the people involved that we are conveying this crate to the most likely rightful owner

’ Berndt said, his expression conveying much

The capital of the country would be the same, though a greater number of pieces might be requisite for conveying any equal portion of it from one hand to another

” Helda hesitated slightly before conveying the bad news

If the serpent in the desert is in any way conveying a message about events that were to occur in the future, looking at this logically, we have in the desert people who dying because of their involvement with sin (being bitten by the serpents)

It took me a while to put this sentence together so that it would both make sense when reading the sentence itself, as well as providing the appropriate letters in the desired positions for conveying the hidden message

Remember?’ The honesty conveying through her eyes

That an individual may suddenly ―feel‖ the unexpected ―loss‖ of a close friend or loved one who is still living; conveying an

They had a range good enough to talk to the ship from here, and they seemed pretty competent at conveying inflections and little nuances of expression

“I didn’t know you spoke Russian,” said Colling, the tone of his voice conveying his annoyance, both at her concealing her linguistic ability and her flirting with the two soldiers

The Russian captain seated himself on the receptionist’s desk and said he would wait until Colling returned, a wink at Colling conveying his apparent intention to use the time to flirt with the pretty receptionist

conveying the idea that the Laws of Moses no longer operate in the world of today

“Oh?” Jarin Huss said, his expression conveying more surprise than he meant it to

46 And the report reached Esau, saying, Jacob died in Egypt, and his sons and all Egypt are conveying him to the land of Canaan to bury him

46 And the report reached Esau saying Jacob died in Egypt and his sons and all Egypt are conveying him to the land of Canaan to bury him

” He looked out over the assembly to see if his words were conveying the renewed urgency that he felt

Somonik was honored for his communications brilliance, and it was pointed out that at one point he had been conveying or participating in over eighteen hundred different conversations simultaneously

conveying the renewed urgency that he felt

‘Twas then I saw the butterfly in all of its magnificence, bow, waving its tremendous wings as if conveying its “good-bye

I turned and looked into Her eyes, then touched Her forehead with My hand conveying how much I had changed, what I had seen, what Earth had said, that unbeknownst to anyone I had been gone a long, long time in preparation for what task was soon to call Me back to Earth

wondering about conveying Barbara’s character

A lovely thought quaintly expressed, but conveying the great truth that every

conveying such a sense of resistless power that some have found themselves

Hence, we should focus on conveying our

Neither are we conveying new age, spiritual, or religious unconditional love such as ‘hug a tree’ type of love

Thus they are capable of spreading the most outrageous rumours as well as conveying truth and light

“Yes?» he answered, conveying his annoyance

Often times there is not one singular person or entity conveying this information

This knowledge was conceived as a method for conveying to the public the reason for the atrocities

conveying the more important message that ―I know that you are a good

It was obvious to him, to the person conveying the story to

conveying her story, tears were rolling down her cheeks,

victims are absolutely terrified of conveying their stories in

After conveying my story the Prime Minister wholeheartedly

I could think of nothing but conveying Linda’s message

“So why do you believe you’re pathetic?” He reached into his shoulder bag for a pair of magnets to use as a therapeutic metaphor conveying that we attract negativity by thinking negative thoughts

After conveying the good news to Toby he leaped up into the

Recall what I said about putting who you are into your book and you can see that conveying hilarity may actually come quite easily for you

bear to see you that way; when you were conveying your short

this person, without properly conveying the full message to my

is there a reward for conveying information leading

Corey began to tremble as he was conveying the story to my

My mother began to feel groggy, while Corey was conveying his

With all of the stress and tension of conveying my story, I’d

while Timmy was conveying his story

After conveying my story to Greg, he agreed that something

However, that didn’t stop him from conveying an

Mitchell kissed the top of her head, conveying the love he had for her

behavior you have found a way of conveying information, using the art of communication

Whether conveying meaning simple or complex, words are little pieces of imagination

Muslims always believed that Jesus Christ, while an important prophet to be respected, was only a simple man conveying the word of God

lucid and directed at finding and conveying information about the

the Split patient usually tries to spontaneously heal itself through dreams which often involve conveying information about past

I wish I had a better way of conveying it, but I have an ice cream headache right now and that’s the best I can come up with

Sunny was conveying them all necessary information quite successfully and was doing a great job for which he was there in that mission rather proving more than a machine

force her to slow down, but also to be very clear in conveying his question

You should be conveying the message that

are in business then you are conveying messages in the public domain

Neither are they to be accounted barely significative, but truly exhibitive also of those heavenly things whereunto they have relation; as being appointed by God to be a means of conveying the same to us, and putting us in actual possession thereof

As they held their hands thus, their eyes were locked, conveying to each other the convulsions of their souls

Writing humor isn’t easy, and conveying the same tone to a wide and mixed audience can be difficult as apposed to just acting it out

The warm, smooth texture of the wood that he had gripped for the past fifteen years offered a small amount of comfort, as if conveying to Edward that, if it came to it, he could use the cane as a weapon against this man that had taken it upon himself to invade his personal, private time

Its right eye in slow motion like it was exaggerating the act, like it was…like it was conveying a message to her

Byron stood slowly, his face remaining blank and emotionless, which had the strange effect of conveying deep uninterested malice

“I’m sorry Corrie, maybe some other time…” Joel declined with an implacable smile, his tone conveying to her that this ‘nightcap’ would most likely never happen

She gulped in some much-needed oxygen, conveying her gratitude with her eyes

statement “ I CAN THINK”, is he conveying a message that most people

Antoine does when she is conveying to me that the butter has come to an end

I wonder if there is any way of delicately introducing Germans into the conversation, and conveying to her that I have guessed about Dolly’s husband and don’t mind him a bit

Almost as if she were conveying some sort of compassion for his having to work

The scene was shot several times before lunch, Mara doing an abysmal job of conveying any real emotion

He was conveying as guardedly as he could a proposal that if the District Attorney would consent to turn his back while the law stumbled in one of the numerous pitfalls that beset a criminal prosecution, the organization would deliver the goods, quietly pass the word along to knife its own man and allow Carton to be re-elected

Only the eyes would still be conveying some intensity, a frozen intensity that could be blotted out with one blow

All in all, this is revolution! What I say may be called either idiocy (nonsense without any proofs), or axiom (the truth that doesn’t require any proofs), or postulate (a statement accepted as a true one although unprovable), or real sensation, that is, a form of conveying new Knowledge that can change the picture of the world and traditional conceptions of human capabilities

turned to it eagerly as themost effective means of conveying to reader or hearer his ardentsentiments

of the whole organ, including information about its current needs, and thus conveying hints

further conveying my fears

Yet such conveying

I saw an unnatural understanding in his brown eye, and something small and artless entered my mind, like a delightful firefly dancing in the vastness of my mind, conveying simple messages

When you deceive by conveying untruths and cheat to mislead, then your

substantiated as a verified fact then the mere conveying of such information becomes fraud

conveying a message on behalf of a greater power

hand with a strictness, not conveying brute force, rather a

dances conveying a prayer to the gods above for better weather,

conveying the essence of the universe itself

stars is so much easier than the lives of the rest, conveying a hope

own, so closed and hard to grab its essence, conveying a

Conveying that void of emptiness first witnessed by the lake, his brother could or would

Do you have a way of conveying such a large number of additional people off world in search of a new one, where both our peoples can start over again as one?”

the student neglects line drawing, his work will lack the expressive significance of form that only a feeling for lines seems to have the secret of conveying; while, if he neglects mass drawing, he will be poorly equipped when he comes to express form with a brush full of paint to work with

With the cutting away of the primitive support of fine outline design and the absence of those accents conveying a fine form

For only thus, when related to rhythm, do the form, tone, and colour of appearances obtain their full expressive power and become a means of vitally conveying the feeling of the artist

As was said above, their relation to the sides of the composition to which they are parallel in rectangular pictures is of great importance in uniting the subject to its bounding lines and giving it a well-knit look, conveying a feeling of great stability to a picture

What was said about long vertical and horizontal lines conveying a look of repose and touching the serious emotional notes, can be said of large flat tones

The small but infinitely important part of nature that pure drawing is capable of conveying has been neglected, and line work, until recently, went out of fashion in our schools

Good style depends on a clear idea of what it is you wish to do; it is the shortest means to the end aimed at, the most apt manner of conveying that personal «something» that is in all good work

In usage it conveys the idea of looking upon with a view to inspection or control

* This example is simplistic but conveys the idea that if a

mother-country, its real price, the real command of the necessaries and conveniencies of life which it conveys to the labourer, must be higher in a still greater proportion

When we talk of any particular sum of money, we sometimes mean nothing but the metal pieces of which it is composed, and sometimes we include in our meaning some obscure reference to the goods which can be had in exchange for it, or to the power of purchasing which the possession of it conveys

Even in the monied interest, however, the money is, as it were, but the deed of assignment, which conveys from one hand to another those capitals which the owners do not care to employ themselves

PR presents an image of you & your biz in a way that conveys exactly 365 what you want to say w/out being too obvious

Used as a greeting or farewell, it conveys the meaning,

In addition to this, if we know that the Bible is a document that was constructed by someone who is not bound by the same limitations that we as humans are bound by, what should we make of the information that it conveys? Can we trust it? Should we stop and listen to what it is saying? How should we treat the information when we have provable evidence that it was put together by someone, who is not only outside of our time and dimensional space, but who claims to be responsible for creating the environment in which we live? We will firstly set out to identify aspects in the Bible, relating to the presence of design and also consider aspects of design at different levels

This relates to the physical text and the message it conveys

This sentence reads forwards and backwards and conveys exactly the same message

Furthermore, this code conveys a lot of relevant information about Buddhism, not only in the message itself, but also the way in which the message is designed

Some may feel that a certain sentence may convey a literal message ‘A’, while others feel that it conveys an allegorical message ‘B’

Or one can choose to rely on a document, which is scientifically proven to be far above human capability to construct, both in its structure and content, and which is proven to be 100% true in the information that it conveys

Given these facts, what attitude should we adopt with respect to what is written in the Bible? Should we not pay careful attention to the message it conveys? If we know and can scientifically prove with 100% certainty that the Bible is the only Book on Earth that demonstrates that a supernatural Being was responsible for its construction in its entirety; that every letter in the original languages, in which this Book was written, was placed in their individual positions with intense purpose and that this Book has been preserved through the ages without changing, omitting or adding one letter, does this not give us enough reason to at least read it and try to understand what is our Creator’s purpose for us?

You should realize that kissing- a simple kiss on the lips- is actually a comfort move that conveys direct interest, without escalating too fast

I’m not sure that “intimidation” really conveys what Johnson is

It is axiomatic that every individual who properly enjoys life, gives (reflective) pause to all that is meaningful and of certain value; held motionless by uncertain forms that have yet to take shape however aroused by such notions that (necessarily) compel he or she to probe deeper into their essential nature notwithstanding how they (may) oftentimes exceed the capacious limits of that individual‘s (private) understanding that nevertheless continues to intrigue inquiring minds cognizant of intuitive impressions part real / part imaginary yet real in the real sense of being One in All; (however separated) whose underlying presence, however, conveys a (higher) spiritual or moral standing…that the young, conditioned by the expectancies of youth united with the old seeking redemption for unfulfilled promises or missed opportunities; each converging toward the same starting/ending point, the one embarking on life and the other approaching its end, in some manner, however, occasioning a (new) beginning, a jubilee, an extension of life which becomes younger (while growing older), brought together, youth/age, childlike in all its manly/womanly innocence while the middle years patiently bide their appointed time

Abstract Art conveys neither Reality nor Truth

It conveys that

conveys that our hearts are not in it, we are keeping

more than the word conveys? Every atom may be a universe, as

by it; it merely conveys an idea

That in its kingdom always reigns, but in modesty conveys obedience

However, it still only conveys the visual component of the Reading to Mark, here

As the spell translates the sound of your words into Draconian, it also translates those more subtle human emotional signals into those of dragons, and conveys them by means of a small Illusion of a simplified dragon figure

The only other course that has been proposed with any seriousness involves fighting a very long defensive war, and relying on the tactical advantage that such a defensive stance conveys

Grunwald about health care conveys some truths about our health care system

Viral marketing is more powerful than third-party advertising because it conveys an implied endorsement from a friend

words will do it, what usually takes place when a Master conveys a message

(for example) conveys a message, we may be quite certain that its sense is

Over His head in response flashed forth the Blazing Star which conveys the

This is so because the very essence of the word love conveys unseen subtle electromagnetic vibrations of light

Although the use of the word self conveys a single, definite thing, rather than a set of multiple and complex interacting processes or constellations, various aspects of oneself actually become salient in different situations and at different times, depending upon a multitude of factors

Conveys what you need it to convey

; Do they deserve to be punished for the rest of eternity, to be damned to hell? If you answered ‘yes’ you have failed the test of understanding what true unconditional love conveys

conveys to the Bulldozer that you have heard him and that you want to

couple of weeks later their bank conveys their

(2) The wording of some bible versions conveys an alternative meaning; being that Nebuchadnezzar did remember the dream but deliberately withheld it in order to test the authenticity of the interpretation

accuracy; with the optimal balance being that which most efficiently conveys accurate meaning

A written instrument that, when executed and delivered, conveys

It conveys a message of

He conveys the message of ALLAH almighty to Prophets

The mirror conveys both truth and lies

It conveys its truth, its knowing, through a story, through muthos

It conveys its many truths not by explaining them, but by imitating them, which in the end can only be done through poetry

money goes for a good cause – and the content conveys a message we are all sorely

It conveys years

There could be moments in life when a mere touch of a dear one conveys more empathy than a score of sympathetic words

It conveys trust

His tight grip on my elbow conveys the message that he knew what I was attempting

This conveys a more informal and natural tone

A kind of self-fulfilling prophecy, it acts like a request to the universe at large and conveys what you desire most

conveys the patient as if in “social interaction”, and

If the distinctive feature of art is that the intelligence it conveys tells individuals about

them yield accurate indications of the intelligence the material conveys, nor for that matter

that conveys a bitter occurrence to an offender of oneness

page bounces from the page and contacts the lens of my eye where the lens conveys the photons

The light hits the page bounces from the page and contact the lens of my eye where the lens conveys the

conveys is so much more, the confidence that the new world will

expand his fame, a fame that conveys no purpose thus must cease

Anything that conveys caring, genuine caring, will aid the process

conveys to others defines how they think of you

it conveys meanings which are not to

it conveys meanings which are not to be found in any of the New or Old Testament words for which it is

relationship of the Doctrine of Two Spirits outline and how it underlies and conveys specific meaning

it conveys meanings which are not to be found in any of the New

it conveys meanings which are not to be found in any of the

Its accuracy depends on the completeness with which it conveys the particular emotional significance that is the object of the drawing

The test is whether it has life and conveys genuine feeling

it conveys meanings which are not to be found in any of the New or Old Testament words for which it is presented as an equivalent» Canon Farrar, Excursus II, «Eternal Hope

George Campbell: «It is very (interesting) that neither in the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, nor in the New, does the word hades convey the meaning which the present English word hell, in the Christian usage, always conveys to our minds» Diss

He conveys the Spirit, by His command, upon whomever He wills of His servants, to warn of the Day of Encounter

George Campbell: «It is very that neither in the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, nor in the New, does the word hades convey the meaning which the present English word hell, in the Christian usage, always conveys to our minds

But the feeling which all our first teaching conveys is important

With a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is exactly what Stephen needs

Williamson! It conveys nothing to my mind

We want to learn how to recognize a cascade in action and to identify the sort of information it conveys

Of course the phrase tough times conveys a definite bearish sentiment

First, water use simply conveys the idea that corn and soybean crops use more water at certain times and less at others

In any particular case the message that the book value conveys may well prove to be inconsequential and unworthy of attention

Sikes is basically a good kid, the prosecution conveys

cortical, thalamic, and hippocampal input that conveys information about environ-

However, this is where this analogy reaches its limits: In the car example, providing information about where the car traveled conveys some clues as to the path the car took, compromising the secret of Satoshi’s address a bit

Twice he repeated this cry, of whose orthography the following barely conveys an idea:—

This means that yesterday’s, last month’s, or last year’s market return conveys no information about future returns

Price momentum conveys different information about the prospects of a stock and is a much better indicator than factors such as earnings growth rates

Williamson? It conveys nothing to my mind

To those who have not chanced specially to study the subject, it may possibly seem strange, that fishes not commonly exceeding four or five feet should be marshalled among WHALES—a word, which, in the popular sense, always conveys an idea of hugeness

Second: To the native Indian of Peru, the continual sight of the snowhowdahed Andes conveys naught of dread, except, perhaps, in the mere fancying of the eternal frosted desolateness reigning at such vast altitudes, and the natural conceit of what a fearfulness it would be to lose oneself in such inhuman solitudes

Though Jeremy Bentham’s skeleton, which hangs for candelabra in the library of one of his executors, correctly conveys the idea of a burly-browed utilitarian old gentleman, with all Jeremy’s other leading personal characteristics; yet nothing of this kind could be inferred from any leviathan’s articulated bones

Erskine, that it conveys a contrary idea, by declaring that he was indebted for it to his (Mr

Miss Merlin attended but three rehearsals; yet ere the night of the performance, Veynes had decided, as he put it, that they were made for one another—a phrase which has not, in a man’s mouth, all the reciprocity that it conveys

You convey one moiety of it to the gentleman from Delaware, and the other to me; he conveys his moiety to me, and I thus become entitled to the whole

передавать, транспортировать, выражать, сообщать, перевозить, переправлять


- перевозить, транспортировать

to convey goods [passengers, luggage] — перевозить товары [пассажиров, багаж]

- передавать (особ. звук, запах и т. п.)

air conveys sound — воздух является проводником звука

- сообщать; передавать

to convey greetings [ideas, information] — передавать приветствия [мысли, сведения]

- выражать

words fail to convey my feelings — нет слов, чтобы выразить мои чувства
to convey the meaning — передать смысл
it conveys nothing to my mind — это мне ничего не говорит
it conveys little [a great deal] to me — это мне мало о чём [о многом] говорит

- юр. передавать имущество, права (кому-л.)

when was this house conveyed to you? — когда вы получили этот дом?

Мои примеры


to convey / express / offer one’s condolences to smb. — выражать соболезнования кому-л.  
to convey false information — сообщить ложную информацию  
to convey / transmit an impulse — передавать импульс  
to convey / relay / transmit a message — передавать письмо  
convey and transfer — перевозить и передавать  
baggage convey belt — устройство раздачи багажа  
to convey goods — перевозить товары  
to convey greetings — передавать приветствия  
right to convey — право отчуждения у отчуждателя  
to convey an estate — передать вещно-правовой титул  

Примеры с переводом

She conveyed the message to me.

Она передала мне это сообщение.

How can I convey these ideas to the children?

Как я могу объяснить эти вещи детям?

Please convey / give my respects to your parents.

Пожалуйста, передай поклон твоим родителям.

The firm conveys goods to all parts of the country.

Эта фирма поставляет товары во все регионы страны.

This train conveys passengers to London.

Это пассажирский поезд на Лондон.

Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi.

Ваш багаж будет доставлен в гостиницу на такси.

The auditory nerves convey impressions of sound.

Слуховые нервы воспринимают слуховые образы.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

To convey sympathy to a bereaved parent by telephone struck him as maladroit …

…capsulized accounts of the breach in national security failed to convey its gravity…

…unfortunately, the message that the artist was trying to convey has been misapprehended by many museum patrons…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conveyance  — перевозка, транспортировка, передача, перевозочные средства, конвейер
conveyer  — конвейер, транспортер
conveyor  — конвейер, транспортер, перевозчик, разносчик
conveying  — подача, транспортировка, передача, подача материала

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: convey
he/she/it: conveys
ing ф. (present participle): conveying
2-я ф. (past tense): conveyed
3-я ф. (past participle): conveyed

Definition of Convey

to deliver or make understood

Examples of Convey in a sentence

The popular writer hoped his personal story would convey a message of hope to all those living with depression.


Hopefully the Valentine’s card will convey the deep feelings I have for my boyfriend.


My daughter often rolls her eyes to convey her displeasure.


The nerves convey messages to the brain in order to trigger responses.


When my husband wears his red tie, he is trying to convey an image of power and confidence.


Be careful how you dress for the interview because your clothes convey an important message to the interviewer.


When our cousin’s husband died, we sent flowers to convey our condolences.


Athletes do not convey positive messages when they get arrested for drunk driving and beating their spouses.


During the short film, the music will convey the emotions of the characters.


If you are interested in going on the mission trip to convey Christianity, please speak with Bishop Mitchell today.


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