Use the word convenient in a sentence

Synonym: handy, nearby, suitable, timely. Antonym: inconvenient, unhandy. Similar words: convenience, convention, conventional, lenient, constitutional convention, convene, convey, convert. Meaning: [-nt]  adj. 1. suited to your comfort or purpose or needs 2. easy to reach 3. large and roomy (`convenient’ is archaic in this sense). 

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1 When is it convenient for you?

2 Unfortunately, it’s not convenient for me today.

3 Our local shop has very convenient opening hours.

4 You’ll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare.

5 I find the new system much more convenient.

6 Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy.

7 Is seven convenient for you? 7.

8 It is very convenient to pay by credit card.

9 When would it be convenient for you?

10 I’ll call back at a more convenient time.

11 I can’t see him now-it isn’t convenient.

12 I can’t see him now; it’s not convenient.

13 Mail-order catalogs are a convenient way to shop.

14 I have to find a convenient location for the shelves.

15 True friendship isn’t about being there when it’s convenient; it’s about being there when it’s not.

16 He has become a convenient whipping boy for the failures of the old regime.

17 There wasn’t even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.

18 The children provided a convenient excuse for missing the party.

19 The meeting must be held at a time convenient for working mothers.

20 A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns.

21 The family thought it was more convenient to eat in the kitchen.

22 He used his wife’s birthday as a convenient excuse for not going to the meeting.

23 The school is at convenient distance from my home.

24 Can you spare five minutes when it’s convenient?

25 A bike’s a very convenient way of getting around.

26 We arranged a mutually convenient time to meet.

27 Our house is convenient for the shops.

28 Would this be convenient for you?

29 When else shall we meet again(,[] if Sunday is not convenient for you?

30 We rely quite a bit on ready-made meals — they are so convenient.

More similar words: convenience, convention, conventional, lenient, constitutional convention, convene, convey, convert, converse, conversion, invent, conversation, invention, inventory, conscientious, even if, evening, good evening, convoy, convince, convict, convinced, conviction, penitent, client, event, ancient, salient, patient, events.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word convenient, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use convenient in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «convenient». In addition, we also show how different variations of convenient can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are conveniently. If you click on the variation of convenient that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Convenient in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word convenient in a sentence.

  1. We want sufficient and convenient transportation at reasonable rates.

  2. But silk being costly and bamboo heavy, they were not convenient to use.

  3. The public came to like them as more convenient than the odd-value guinea.

  4. Many mods create powerful «god items» and place them in convenient locations.

  5. The Building News described the station in 1863 as «spacious and convenient ..

  6. In Morrison’s phrase, Fauré’s use of the term was more convenient than precise.

  7. This was a convenient place to concentrate French forces and assimilate reinforcements.

  8. It is a convenient way to utilize flavors from fresh herbs and spices to everyday cooking.

  9. The Crewe factory had convenient road and rail links to their existing facilities at Derby.

  10. Some considered the death too convenient and suspected the princess of poisoning her husband.

  11. He stayed wherever was convenient, including on occasion at the houses of prominent Catholics.

  12. Ronald returned to Oxford, where Merton College gave him convenient rooms near the High Street.

  13. The International District/Chinatown station also offers convenient access to the north entrance.

  14. Stafford’s Thornbury manor was convenient for Bristol and was a stopping point to and from London.

  15. However, Rockwell only took part in the war bond tour when it was convenient for his other interests.

  16. These colonies offer the player a convenient way to resupply without returning to a central star base.

  17. We want lodges and chalets at convenient intervals commanding the scenic possibilities of all our parks.

  18. Herbert Spencer, of the Survival of the Fittest, is more accurate, and is sometimes equally convenient.».

  19. The Nazis needed a convenient solution to rid themselves of Jews without a political or economic backlash.

  20. Because the site was remote, it was believed more convenient and secure for the workers to live on the site.

  21. The filmmakers had to build a road from the Bangalore highway to Ramanagara for convenient access to the sets.

  22. The eagle was especially desired by exporters, as the larger size and value made it more convenient to handle.

  23. The first daily bus service to Cowbridge was inaugurated in 1920, and proved much more convenient than the trains.

  24. Spectrophotometric assays are most convenient since they allow the rate of the reaction to be measured continuously.

  25. Ferries had operated across San Francisco Bay since 1851, but a bridge was far more convenient for automobile drivers.

  26. It was a suspension bridge intended to provide convenient access from the densely populated north bank to the new park.

  27. It has a particularly convenient Feshbach spectrum to enable studies of ultracold atoms requiring tunable interactions.

  28. For some types of resonator, this can provide a convenient place to make a mechanical attachment for structural support.

  29. Aluminium chloride could be reduced by sodium, a metal more convenient and less expensive than potassium used by Wöhler.

  30. Their commercial extraction for nickel was investigated in the 1970s but abandoned in favour of more convenient sources.

  31. This apparently trivial observation can provide a convenient and revealing proof explaining why an odd number is nonzero.

  32. It was small, easy to test, and a convenient size for uncrewed scientific interplanetary missions or small nuclear «tugs».

  33. Outer space is a convenient setting for measuring the speed of light because of its large scale and nearly perfect vacuum.

  34. Waveguide filters are most useful in the microwave band of frequencies, where they are a convenient size and have low loss.

  35. This approach is more convenient for astronomers, since Vega is not always available for calibration and varies in brightness.

  36. The two-cent piece, initially popular, saw declining mintages as the public preferred the smaller, more convenient nickel coins.

  37. Early European explorers to the Americas used the great auk as a convenient food source or as fishing bait, reducing its numbers.

  38. A more modern and convenient competing bridge opened nearby at Chelsea Bridge in 1858, and usage of Battersea Bridge fell sharply.

  39. The festival culminates on the day of Ananta Chaturdashi, when the idols (murtis) are immersed in the most convenient body of water.

  40. In addition to being a convenient mode of transportation, the Johnstown Inclined Plane doubled as an escape route in event of flood.

  41. To counter this situation, it would be most convenient if the Japanese side could prove to us that the Emperor is completely blameless.

  42. The arrangement was convenient for the young actor, who used the premises as a base while he appeared in shows with the Rapier Players.

  43. It is a convenient and accurate marker for the axis of rotation of the Earth’s ecliptic, around which the celestial North Pole rotates.

  44. A convenient one for circuits at microwave frequencies (where distributed-element circuits are used) is in terms of their S-parameters.

  45. Eustace’s death removed an obvious claimant to the throne and was politically convenient for those seeking a permanent peace in England.

  46. The opening of the railway station, which provided convenient and cheap access to central London, started the urbanisation of Herne Hill.

  47. It must be positive, since the operator is negative definite, so it is convenient to write λ = ν, where ν > 0 is called the wavenumber.

  48. Because of its convenient location along the Northwestern Turnpike, the house served as a regional stagecoach stop and local polling place.

  49. The colony feature was designed to provide a convenient place for players to refuel, as well as a logical location to recruit crew and ships.

  50. McDonald found that traditional fold-out maps were too bulky to carry with him on travel research trips and wanted a more convenient solution.

Conveniently in a sentence

Conveniently is a variation of convenient, below you can find example sentences for conveniently.

  1. It is a large room with a door conveniently leading into the monks’ dormitory.

  2. The French conveniently ignored the Second Partition Treaty and claimed the entire Spanish inheritance.

  3. These lodgings were located conveniently close to several concert rooms, and to the residences of both J.

  4. Although very conveniently sited for passengers, Ramsgate Harbour station presented severe operating difficulties.

  5. The two compromised and agreed that the new government would support the «federative principle»—a conveniently elastic phrase.

  6. Subsequently, Gerardus Mercator made a practical map of the world in 1538, his map projection conveniently making rhumb lines straight.

  7. The city council realized that they had been bypassed and conveniently discovered that their original resolution was not «formally adopted».

  8. On 24 March 1909, he took the Admiralty-based appointment of naval assistant to the Second Sea Lord which placed him conveniently in London.

  9. Sanders’ report concluded that it was «an assembly site for long projectiles most conveniently handled and prepared in a vertical position».

  10. The ambience at Eynsford was one of alcohol (the «Five Bells» public house was conveniently across the road) and uninhibited sexual activity.

  11. These systems are faint and difficult to identify, but the novae and recurrent novae are such systems that conveniently advertise themselves.

  12. The front of the house had a pediment in the central wing decorated with a coat of arms; the rooms were not large but were conveniently situated.

  13. The location was conveniently close to the main railway line between Calais and Saint-Omer, the canalised river Aa, main roads and electric grid lines.

  14. Meanwhile, news of Henry’s death had reached Stephen of Blois, conveniently placed in Boulogne, and he left for England, accompanied by his military household.

  15. As a pupil he was neither especially quick nor diligent, but the college was conveniently close to the city for Delius to be able to attend concerts and opera.

  16. Dickinson left no formal statement of her aesthetic intentions and, because of the variety of her themes, her work does not fit conveniently into any one genre.

  17. Connah concluded that the skeleton probably dated to the Roman-British occupation, and that the Neolithic ditch was simply an area of conveniently soft ground for the burial.

  18. After it was completed, it was quickly found that the sculpture does not need someone to upkeep and maintain it since, conveniently, it is located outside and the rain can do it itself.

  19. One may select exactly one of the possible arguments of z as the so-called principal argument, denoted Arg(z), with a capital A, by requiring φ to belong to one, conveniently selected turn, e.g.

  20. The Highland Railway route was chosen, but the Great North won a concession that goods and passengers that could be exchanged at any junction with through bookings and with services conveniently arranged.

Synonyms for convenient

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word convenient has the following synonyms: commodious, roomy, spacious, handy, ready to hand, accessible, favorable, favourable and expedient.

General information about «convenient» example sentences

The example sentences for the word convenient that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «convenient» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «convenient».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Simple and convenient way to accept banking cards using a smartphone.

Простой и удобный способ, позволяющий принимать к оплате банковские карты, используя смартфон.

Time convenient to talk to our representative.

Интервал времени, удобный для общения с нашим представителем.

Travelling by Swiss public transport is comfortable and convenient.

Путешествие по Швейцарии на общественном транспорте проходит легко и с комфортно.

The present composition may be stored in any convenient container until required.

Композиция по данному изобретению может храниться в любой подходящей емкости, пока не потребуется ее использовать.

It’s very convenient because it’s always at hand.

Это очень удобно, потому что он всегда «под рукой».

Rattan furniture — environmentally friendly, non-toxic, convenient and practical.

Мебель из ротанга — экологически чиста, не токсичная, удобная и практичная.

Everything is done online and is very convenient.

Все происходит в режиме онлайн и это действительно очень удобно.

But it’s still less convenient than gasoline.

Однако использование газа все же менее удобно, чем бензина.

Many people consider it safe and convenient.

Тем не менее, многие считают ее удобной и безопасной.

They will not act until everything is convenient and two-sided.

Они не будут действовать, пока все не станет удобным и двусторонним.

The four-hour schedule is also convenient for parents working part-time and women dealing with housekeeping.

Четырехчасовой график также удобен для родителей, работающих неполный рабочий день, и женщин, занятых домашними делами».

The platform offers convenient new interaction modes that developers can use.

Платформа предлагает новые удобные интерактивные режимы, которые разработчики могут использовать в своих приложениях.

Including convenient services for the environmentally conscious citizens.

В том числе и удобные сервисы для экологически сознательных граждан.

They do it when it is convenient for them.

Они это делают в удобное для них время, когда им выгодно.

Teaching can be anytime that is mutually convenient.

Занятия можно проводить в любое время, если оно удобно обеим сторонам.

They are merely a convenient practice, a voluntary arrangement.

Они являются лишь удобным практическим механизмом, результатом договоренности, достигнутой на добровольной основе.

Accessible, convenient savings systems for poor communities are also required.

Кроме того, нужны доступные, удобные системы накопления сбережений для бедных общин.

Most local government bodies arranged meetings at times convenient for women with family responsibilities.

Большинство местных государственных органов проводят совещания во время, удобное для женщин с точки зрения выполнения ими семейных обязанностей.

Five is just a convenient number.

Ну, пять — это была просто удобная цифра.

Because it combines many positive features that make it universal, convenient and simple.

Потому что он объединяет в себе множество положительных особенностей, которые делают его универсальным, удобным и простым.

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convenient — перевод на русский


Is it convenient to take a phone call?

Тебе удобно говорить?

Oh, that should be convenient to do the wash.

О, наверное, тут удобно стирать.

It’s convenient to have the first wife’s permission, isn’t it?

Удобно, когда есть разрешение первой жены, верно?

— And so convenient!

— Это очень удобно!

Last night wasn’t so convenient.

Вчера было бы не очень удобно.

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Yes, he’s in… but it may not be convenient.

Да, он дома… но это может быть не очень удобно.


Очень удобно.

Well, I could, I suppose. But its not convenient when keeping up with Jack, Jr.

-Может быть, но это не очень удобно, когда есть маленький ребёнок.

The Fourth Child was conveniently found at just the right time.

Очень удобно, что Четвёртое Дитя было «найдено» вовремя.

And they could conveniently lay the blame on a dead man.

А вину очень удобно свалить на мёртвого человека.

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How very convenient, Mr. Thomas.

Как кстати, мистер Томас!

How very convenient.

Невероятно кстати.

— How very convenient.

— Невероятно кстати.

Then I met you, and I thought… how convenient it was that you should think that you had shot him.

Но потом я встретила вас и подумала, как кстати вы решили, что застрелили его.

Actually, since he’s not here, it’s quite convenient

Наоборот, раз его нет, это очень кстати.

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How convenient.

Как удачно!

It’s just awfully convenient, isn’t it?

Очень удачно, не так ли?

That doesn’t strike you as a bit convenient?

Вам не кажется, что время выбрано уж очень удачно?

Well, how convenient.

Как удачно.

How very convenient.

Как удачно!

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Jim’s death was quite convenient, wasn’t it?

Джим умер очень вовремя, правда?

Mmm. Well, the only one I give a damn about is the one who was so conveniently knocked over when the French spy escaped.

Тот, о ком я говорю, очень вовремя подвернулся под ноги, когда французский шпион убегал

But if this isn’t a convenient time…

Если я не вовремя…

This is convenient

Очень вовремя.

This prophetic dream is really convenient.

Всё таки действительно вовремя, этот пророческий сон

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At this hour, it’s not convenient.

В это время, это неудобно.

Princess, I think it is not convenient to speak of that now.

Я думаю, княжна, что теперь неудобно говорить об этом.

— It is not convenient. And it’s not fair.

Это совсем неудобно и недобросовестно.

So it’s really not convenient for me to talk right now.

Поэтому мне в самом деле неудобно сейчас разговаривать.

It’s not real convenient for me.

Да мне самому неудобно.

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We can discuss compensation at a more convenient time.

Мы можем обсудить вознаграждение в более подходящее время.

Oh, no, you’re right, he should have picked a more convenient time to assault me.

Да, ты прав, ему надо было выбрать более подходящее время для нападения на меня.

That’s very convenient. Um…

Очень подходящее имя.

Too convenient to be a coincidence.

Слишком подходящее, чтобы быть совпадением.

Or the killer could’ve put the body on ice until they found a more convenient time to dispose of it.

Или убийца держал тело на льду, пока не нашел более подходящее время, чтобы избавиться от него.

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That’s convenient, I don’t like men who cry, I like irresponsible ones, idiots, elusive ones, singles with multiple partners,

Весело будет рассказывать мне о тех, с кем у тебя получилось. Очень кстати. Я не люблю мужчин, которые плачут.

And I wouldn’t like things to go wrong either… which brings me conveniently to my next point.

И я бы тоже не хотел, чтобы все пошло не так, как надо что очень кстати подводит нас к моей следующей мысли.

Possibly a genius who’d written a terrific first book, but tragically and most conveniently,

Вероятно гением, написавшим потрясающую первую книгу, но трагически и очень кстати

He conveniently forgot to mention that earlier.

— Он очень кстати забыл об этом упомянуть.

Well, last time you offered to buy me a drink, you conveniently left your wallet and I got stuck for the…

Ну, в последний раз предложив мне выпить, ты очень кстати забыл взять с собой бумажник, и я попал на бабки.

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Isn’t it convenient that he arrived moments after you left?

Совпадение ли то, что мы встретились сразу после того, как Вы убежали?

That’s pretty convenient, isn’t it?

Вот так совпадение, да?

How convenient. Won’t be back until late tonight.

— Какое совпадение…

Don’t you think it’s a little convenient she just happens to be here?

Это что совпадение, что она оказалась здесь?

Don’t you think it’s convenient?

Думаешь, это совпадение?

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When it’s convenient they call themselves parents or children. When it’s inconvenient there’s no telling what they’ll say.

Когда выгодно, сразу вспоминают .о родственных связях.

— That was convenient for me.

— Мне это оказалось выгодно.

Oh, so when it’s convenient, you remember your lessons.

Значит, когда выгодно, ты помнишь мои уроки.

And you can’t just back out when you feel like it, When it’s morally convenient, when you don’t have the guts.

И ты не можешь просто отступить, когда тебе этого хочется когда это морально выгодно, когда у тебя не хватает духу.

But then I’d have to wonder who made it convenient, Cyrus, and I don’t think either one of us wants that.

Но потом я подумал, кто бы мог так подгадать, и решил, что никому это не выгодно.

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Examples of how to use the word “convenient” in a sentence. How to connect “convenient” with other words to make correct English sentences.

convenient (adj): suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

Use “convenient” in a sentence

Is it convenient for you if I come at 5 p.m.?
Is it convenient for you if I come at 2 p.m?
If it’s convenient, please come here tonight.
We must arrange a convenient time and place for the meeting.

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«We will bring the crate to a convenient pick-up point for your transport

Kate, the wanderer returns bearing bubbly, three this afternoon convenient to call round? Need help with preparations? X N

I know I have assumed a lot in sending her across without permission, but thought it would save time – as well as being convenient

Kelvin would have thought it convenient that the natives were all in the water when he released the gas, leave less evidence

They were sitting backlit by the fireplace staring out toward where the sounds were coming from and a little bit behind the most convenient trunk

Alan had explained that quirk of human evolution, the week was a day there, even shorter than here by a convenient amount

At a convenient docking point, we are decanted with our ggs for the final leg of our trip

In view of the fact that Yoga asanas should be done on an empty stomach it is usually convenient to perform your practice schedule first thing in the morning when you get out of bed

You can remain in this position for as long as you find convenient

He has made it very clear that he doesn’t care for convenient little compromises and political deals, believing absolutely that a spade should be called a shovel

Morg used as little magic as possible in everyday life, but while on duty he used what was convenient for the crew and allowed for his rank

What sort of time would be convenient, Jo?’

Have a think about what other evening might be convenient and we’ll talk about it then

“How convenient,” was all she said

She had spoken little of her love affairs, they sounded pretty tepid and convenient to him, at least what he had heard so far

If they were normal people and the only one convenient however, they would get together again, maybe on the way up, maybe once they were there

A person obsessed with the vindication of insanely held ideas or prejudices will often select the convenient surrogate for venting their tensions of the built up frustration

convenient at the time

It was not convenient at the

It is convenient that the man is a south paw

slowly, “Perhaps it was just a convenient location close to where we

Tom took cover under a convenient awning and stood in the lee of

She sounds really chirpy as she tells me all about it and, before I can comment, she goes on to mention my invitation and asks which night would be most convenient for me

‘Yes … when would be most convenient for you?’

Is it convenient for you to see the Bailli’s clerk?’ Corrente

Very convenient indeed, as Mrs

“I can start any time,” he answered, “but when is convenient for you?”

But if this date is not convenient to you then it doesn’t matter

I said personally I love military people but I since I live 35 miles away from Lackland Air Force Base, I didn’t think it would be convenient for a young soldier to live in my house

But it was still very convenient to use that poker table and fold up the legs as best I can to put the poker table into a small space when I wasn’t using it

She had to cut off, but she was frozen, how could she answer these questions? Should she pretend she was sitting in one of the buildings nearby in Zhlindu? Controlling the probe from there? She was just using the asteroid pinball with Narrulla as a convenient prop for a story she wanted to sell? But before she could start to blurt that out, he continued his own line of questioning

That was very convenient about Alan’s present home also

The two races were so often working together, and so physically similar (other than their size), that the rest of the Triad found it convenient to lump them together

convenient bench in one of the smaller squares, Jean

The great improvements in the coarser manufactories of both linen and woollen cloth furnish the labourers with cheaper and better clothing; and those in the manufactories of the coarser metals, with cheaper and better instruments of trade, as well as with many agreeable and convenient pieces of household furniture

«Oh how convenient, I wonder if she knew you were coming? I wonder if they already did something with him? What I think is the dumbest thing on their part is that they had to dream up such an outlandish story

It is convenient for the maintenance of the cattle employed in the cultivation of the corn; and its high rent is, in this case, not so properly paid from the value of its own produce, as from that of the corn lands which are cultivated by means of it

«In what? A beautiful city full of beautiful music with good food, good friends, with a nice home in a convenient and friendly neighborhood? Oh torture me more

This institution rendered it sufficiently safe for the tenant, and much more convenient for the landlord, to convert, as they call it, the corn rent, rather at what should happen to be the price of the fiars of each year, than at any certain fixed price

The substitution of paper in the room of gold and silver money, replaces a very expensive instrument of commerce with one much less costly, and sometimes equally convenient

All merchants, therefore, and almost all men of business, find it convenient to keep such cash accounts with them, and are thereby interested to promote the trade of those companies, by readily receiving their notes in all payments, and by encouraging all those with whom they have any influence to do the same

It would be convenient if you join the conference

A bank, indeed, which lends its money without the expense of stamped paper, or of attorneys’ fees for drawing bonds and mortgages, and which accepts of repayment upon the easy terms of the banking companies of Scotland, would, no doubt, be a very convenient creditor to such traders and undertakers

Nothing can be more convenient for such a person than to be able to purchase his subsistence from day to day, or even from hour to hour, as he wants it

In other parts of Europe, after it was found convenient to secure tenants both against heirs and purchasers, the term of their security was still limited to a very short period ; in France, for example, to nine years from the commencement of the lease

These last were composed chiefly of the proprietors of lands, among whom the public territory was originally divided, and who found it convenient to build their houses in the neighbourhood of one another, and to surround them with a wall, for the sake of common defence

It was curious, but convenient

In a country where the surplus produce of a large estate must be consumed upon the estate itself, it will frequently be more convenient for the proprietor, that part of it be consumed at a distance from his own house, provided they who consume it are as dependent upon him as either his retainers or his menial servants

Dangling by her feet over the convenient ventilation grate Yula still presided over, the Elf took in the bridge activity, but her focus was on the monitors directly below her—the navigation consoles

But in every country, the home market, as it is the nearest and most convenient, so is it likewise the greatest and most important market for corn

Of all the commodities, therefore, which are bought in one foreign country, for no other purpose but to be sold or exchanged again for some other goods in another, there are none so convenient as gold and silver

Without pretending, therefore, that they had paid any part, either of the original purchase money, or of the subsequent expense of improvement, they petitioned the parliament, that the cultivators of America might for the future be confined to their shop; first, for buying all the goods which they wanted from Europe; and, secondly, for selling all such parts of their own produce as those traders might find it convenient to buy

convenient to buy every part of it

I will call you in a few days to arrange an interview at a time convenient to you

The greater part of that nation are thereby not only excluded from a trade to which it might be convenient for them to turn some part of their stock, but are obliged to buy the goods which that trade deals in somewhat dearer than if it was open and free to all their countrymen

If, without any exclusive company, the trade of Holland to the East Indies would be greater than it actually is, that country must suffer a considerable loss, by part of its capital being excluded from the employment most convenient for that port

‘But that is rather convenient, though

There was silence as he reached out and slid his fingers into a convenient crack in the overhang

No society, whether barbarous or civilized, has ever found it convenient to settle the rules of precedency of rank and subordination, according to those invisible qualities; but according to something that is more plain and palpable

Afterwards, they universally found it convenient to delegate it to some substitute, bailiff, or judge

How convenient that he and his ship were taken out of the picture

Those parliaments are, perhaps, in many respects, not very convenient courts of justice; but they have never been accused ; they seem never even to have been suspected of corruption

A magnificent high-road cannot be made through a desert country, where there is little or no commerce, or merely because it happens to lead to the country villa of the intendant of the province, or to that of some great lord, to whom the intendant finds it convenient to make his court

convenient for government to borrow two millions at eight per cent

perpetual monopoly, all the other subjects of the state are taxed very absurdly in two different ways : first, by the high price of goods, which, in the case of a free trade, they could buy much cheaper ; and, secondly, by their total exclusion from a branch of business which it might be both convenient and profitable for many of them to carry on

inicon,” Brett fumbled, “Have failed and it continues to resist voluntarily giving any useful information I move that the device should be transported to the Science Compound at the first convenient opportunity where non-priority investigations may continue as and when convenient

Masters, however, had been found, it seems, for instructing the better sort of people among those nations, in every art and science in which the circumstances of their society rendered it necessary or convenient for them to be instructed

The privileges of graduation, besides, are in many countries necessary, or at least extremely convenient, to most men of learned professions, that is, to the far greater part of those who have occasion for a learned education

Were there no public institutions for education, no system, no science, would be taught, for which there was not some demand, or which the circumstances of the times did not render it either necessary or convenient, or at least fashionable to learn

The teachers of each little sect, finding themselves almost alone, would be obliged to respect those of almost every other sect; and the concessions which they would mutually find in both convenient and agreeable to make one to another, might in time, probably reduce the doctrine of the greater part of them to that pure and rational religion, free from every mixture of absurdity, imposture, or fanaticism, such as wise men have, in all ages of the world, wished to see established ; but such as positive law has, perhaps, never yet established, and probably never will establish in any country ; because, with regard to religion, positive law always has been, and probably always will be, more or less influenced by popular superstition and enthusiasm

He found it convenient, accordingly to give up the business of merchant, the business to which his family had originally owed their fortune, and, in the latter part of his life, to employ both what remained of that fortune, and the revenue of the state, of which he had the disposal, in projects and expenses more suitable to his station

Every tax ought to be levied at the time, or in the manner, in which it is most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay it

A tax upon the rent of land or of houses, payable at the same term at which such rents are usually paid, is levied at the time when it is most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay ; or when he is most likely to have wherewithall to pay

Taxes upon such consumable goods as are articles of luxury, are all finally paid by the consumer, and generally in a manner that is very convenient for him

All nations have endeavoured, to the best of their judgment, to render their taxes as equal as they could contrive ; as certain, as convenient to the contributor, both the time and the mode of payment, and in proportion to the revenue which they brought to the prince, as little burdensome to the people

The time of payment for the tax, being the same as that for the rent, is as convenient as it can be to the contributor

Every constitution, therefore, which it is meant should be as permanent as the empire itseif, ought to be convenient, not in certain circumstances only, but in all circumstances; or ought to be suited, not to those circumstances which are transitory, occasional, or accidental, but to those which are necessary, and therefore always the same

convenient that Lewis had arrived with a set of

convenient electricity board box at waist level

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them

Though they sometimes fall upon the person who is not very able to pay, the time of payment is, in most cases, sufficiently convenient for him

It is in general, however, but a small part of the public revenue, which, in a great empire, has ever been drawn from such taxes ; and the greatest sum which they have ever afforded, might always have been found in some other way much more convenient to the people

But it is certainly more convenient for the buyer to pay four pounds a-year for the privilege of keeping a coach, than to pay all at once forty or forty-eight pounds additional price to the coach-maker ; or a sum equivalent to what the tax is likely to cost him during the time he uses the same coach

Such families, therefore, must drink their beer at least nine or ten shillings a-barrel cheaper than any liquor of the same quality can be drank by the common people, to whom it is everywhere more convenient to buy their beer, by little and little, from the brewery or the ale-house

“That’s why marriage is a convenient structure then

The country has been much longer in a state of improvement and cultivation, and is, upon that account, better stocked with all those things which it requires a long time to raise up and accumulate ; such as great towns, and convenient and well-built houses, both in town and country

In those times of violence and disorder, besides, it was convenient to have a hoard of money at hand, that in case they should be driven from their own home, they might have something of known value to carry with them to some place of safety

The same violence which made it convenient to hoard, made it equally convenient to conceal the hoard

The value of the former may be supposed always the same, or very nearly the same; and it makes, therefore, a more convenient transferable stock than the latter

It was just convenient to be with him now

one witnessing that most couples sat there in their convenient

Or, if neither of these methods was found convenient, each family might compound for its consumption of this liquor, either according to the number of persons of which it consisted, in the same manner as private families compound for the malt tax in England; or according to the different ages and sexes of those persons, in the same manner as several different taxes are levied in Holland ; or, nearly as Sir Matthew Decker proposes, that all taxes upon consumable commodities should be levied in England

This mode of taxation, it has already been observed, when applied to objects of a speedy consumption, is not a very convenient one

It is for transacting either domestic or foreign business, that gold or silver money is either necessary or convenient

It is convenient for the Americans, who could always employ with profit, in the improvement of their lands, a greater stock than they can easily get, to save as much as possible the expense of so costly an instrument of commerce as gold and silver; and rather to employ that part of their surplus produce which would be necessary for purchasing those metals, in purchasing the instruments of trade, the materials of clothing, several parts of household furniture, and the iron work necessary for building and extending their settlements and plantations ; in purchasing not dead stock, but active and productive stock

It is more convenient for the colonists to pay in tobacco than in gold and silver

It would be more convenient for any merchant to pay for the goods which his correspondents had sold to him, in some other sort of goods which he might happen to deal in, than in money

But it seldom happens to be convenient for all the correspondents of a merchant to receive payment for the goods which they sell to him, in goods of some other kind which he happens to deal in

The British merchants who trade to Virginia and Maryland, happen to be a particular set of correspondents, to whom it is more convenient to receive payment for the goods which they sell to those colonies in tobacco, than in gold and silver

Their great demand for active and productive stock makes it convenient for them to have as little dead stock as possible, and disposes them, upon that account, to content themselves with a cheaper, though less commodious instrument of commerce, than gold and silver

About 7665 results found using ‘CONVENIENT’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • That, of course, was a very convenient interpretation for whoever was the ruler.  (open, save, copy)

  • Frozen dinners are convenient, but many also are high in fat, calories and salt.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s sounds like they want government to do a lot when it’s convenient for them.  (open, save, copy)

  • So, it may sound convenient to use this two exchange rates in talking about CYN.  (open, save, copy)

  • I live in the West Country and Heathrow is the most convenient national airport.  (open, save, copy)

  • Consider using something like Timebridge to schedule a mutually convenient time.  (open, save, copy)

  • A convenient double-decker bus takes visitors around the zoo on a narrated tour.  (open, save, copy)

  • Put old projects farther away, even if it’s just a less convenient file cabinet.  (open, save, copy)

  • Flights with the most convenient connections are slightly higher, at about $434.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘convenient’:

  1. Suited to your comfort or purpose or needs; «a convenient excuse for not going» [source]
  2. Commodious: large and roomy (`convenient’ is archaic in this sense); «a commodious harbor»; «a commodious building suitable for conventions» [source]
  3. (convenience) the state of being suitable or opportune; «chairs arranged for his own convenience» [source]
  4. (convenience) public toilet: a toilet that is available to the public [source]
  5. (convenience) appliance: a device or control that is very useful for a particular job [source]
  6. Convenience is anything that is intended to save resources (time, energy) or frustration. A convenience store at a petrol station, for example, sells items that have nothing to do with gasoline/petrol, but it saves the consumer from having to go to a grocery store. … [source]
  7. (Convenience (musical)) Gregg Coffin is an actor and playwright. [source]
  8. Of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient [source]
  9. (CONVENIENCE) Entertaining, Make-Ahead, No-Cook, Portable/Picnic, Family [source]

Synonyms for ‘convenient’:


  • suitable
    , fit
    , appropriate
    , opportune
    , handy
    , comfortable
    , apt
    , expedient
    , proper
    , fitting
    , favourable

Translate ‘convenient’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘convenient’:

Definition of Convenient

to make something simpler for ease or relief

Examples of Convenient in a sentence

“If it is convenient for you,” said the neighbor, “I can meet you halfway so you don’t have to travel as far.”


The emergency medical clinic was open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week in order to make it convenient for the working class to get adequate medical care.


Since the computer software was so convenient to use, the citizens could quickly complete the application online.


Taking back roads through the city makes it convenient to get to work within a matter of minutes even during rush hour.


In order to make it as convenient as possible, the scheduler offered to deliver the appliances at any time the customer requested.


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