Use the word contribute in a sentence

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And, any additional plastics we add will contribute further.

И, любые дополнительные пластмассы, которые мы добавляем, будут способствовать дальнейшему.

But Bargmann and colleagues showed that neuromodulators can also contribute.

Баргман и его коллеги показали, что нейромодуляторы также могут способствовать изменчивости поведения.

Regional decentralization of industrial development could contribute greatly to reducing large income disparities which often led to rural-urban migration.

Региональная децентрализация промышленного развития может в значительной степени содействовать уменьшению огромных различий в уровне доходов, которые нередко становятся причиной миграции из сельской местности в города.

If required, other sections of the secretariat might contribute further inputs.

В случае необходимости свой вклад в эту работу могли бы внести и другие подразделения секретариата.

Research would reveal that many others could also contribute.

Анализ показал бы, что такой вклад могли бы внести и многие другие стороны.

Further progress in TIA will contribute greatly to confidence-building and security among States.

Дальнейший прогресс в области транспарентности в вооружениях внесет большой вклад в укрепление доверия и безопасности между государствами.

Venezuela alone announced that it would contribute $3 million.

Одна только Венесуэла объявила, что она внесет З млн. долл. США.

Conflict-prevention activities are another area where the Council of Europe could contribute substantially.

Предотвращение конфликтов — это еще одна область, в которой Совет Европы мог бы внести существенный вклад.

Germany will contribute DM 1 million for Convention events organized by the secretariat.

Германия внесет в этот фонд взнос в сумме 1 млн. марок ФРГ на мероприятия, организуемые секретариатом в рамках Конвенции.

Training capacities of individual United Nations agencies should contribute fully to meeting system-wide training requirements.

Возможности отдельных учреждений Организации Объединенных Наций в области подготовки кадров должны в полной мере способствовать удовлетворению потребностей в такой подготовке в рамках всей системы.

Mexico would contribute $10000 to UNIFEM in 2000.

В ЮНИФЕМ в 2000 году Мексика намерена внести 10000 долл. США.

Nuclear-weapon-free zones contribute significantly to sustainable stability.

Зоны, свободные от ядерного оружия, вносят значительный вклад в дело обеспечения устойчивой стабильности.

The planned measures contribute substantially towards this target.

Те меры, которые сейчас планируются, существенно помогут достичь этой цели.

I feel guilty that I didn’t contribute something.

Я чувствую себя немного виноватым, что я ничего не сделал .

Others may contribute in my absence.

Может быть, кто-то его посещал в мое отсутствие.

Now I hope that I can contribute.

Investors should not contribute just because a billionaire also did.

Инвесторы не должны вносить свой вклад только потому, что миллиардер тоже сделал это.

Migrants can, when allowed, contribute significantly to development.

We contribute a small amount every month.

Мы каждый месяц вносим ему на счет небольшую сумму.

Health and activity levels may also contribute.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word contribute, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use contribute in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «contribute».

Contribute in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word contribute in a sentence.

  1. Tawney to contribute to the paper.

  2. Beavers may contribute to climate change.

  3. He invited most of the Yanni band to contribute.

  4. Such measures contribute to mitigating human–lion conflict.

  5. Thus it might contribute to the development of new species.

  6. He continued to contribute to The Herald while in government.

  7. Several other heavy metal bands contribute to the soundtrack.

  8. Other equipment choices contribute to the Edge’s unique sound.

  9. In 1938 Lancaster was invited to contribute topical cartoons to The Daily Express.

  10. These factors, says Freitag, contribute to why the Annals were «manifestly biased».

  11. He credits Paich himself with encouraging him to contribute more songs to the band.

  12. For very low-mass stars, molecules in the atmosphere also contribute to the opacity.

  13. According to National Geographic, these may contribute to future antibacterial drugs.

  14. Lemoine’s work has been said to contribute towards laying the foundation of modern triangle geometry.

  15. Xenon inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine α4β2 receptors which contribute to spinally mediated analgesia.

  16. Such wives, she contends, perform no useful role in society and, indeed, contribute to its immorality.

  17. The same year The Sunday Times asked her to contribute a regular column, which she did for four years.

  18. This formula suggests that when n is large, only the paths that minimize the integrant will contribute.

  19. They stated that it was no substitute for playing a real sport, but could contribute to weight management.

  20. Many of the Natives went on to contribute to rugby as representative players, administrators, or referees.

  21. The alliances and relationships with those she meets in Ghana contribute to Angelou’s identity and growth.

  22. The areas drained within Baja California and Sonora are very small and do not contribute measurable runoff.

  23. The nearby Canadian Rocky Mountains contribute to the city’s warm summers, mild winters, and windy climate.

  24. A folding brace handle with an offset design is common; this allows both hands to contribute to the torque.

  25. England won the first two Tests, although Hammond did not contribute in the first, making a first ball duck.

  26. Domestic and international travel and tourism combined directly contribute over €105.3 billion to German GDP.

  27. Factors that contribute to female preference may include the size, dominance and spatial ability of the male.

  28. He also changed his approach to his playing, opting to contribute solos and let songs form from jam sessions.

  29. On February 20, 1835, Frederic Henry Hedge and James Freeman Clarke asked her to contribute to each of their periodicals.

  30. This ice is formed from the ocean water and floats in the same water and thus does not contribute to a rise in sea level.

  31. In addition to the seventeen laws, numerous IFAB decisions and other directives contribute to the regulation of football.

  32. U-66 did not contribute to the May tally but, with her most successful month since April 1916, added to the June figures.

  33. Streams on the plateau do not contribute to the formation of alcoves or amphitheaters because they flow away from the rim.

  34. In his role as a Raider, Wheatley was able to contribute to some of the greatest memories in the history of the franchise.

  35. One factor that might contribute to this is that females have control over copulation, making paternity guards ineffective.

  36. Appeals to contribute engineering units produced a construction troop from Kenya, which was due to arrive in late December.

  37. Even as he approached the heights of his political career, he would contribute articles to journals such as The Countryman.

  38. Factors that contribute to the koala’s enduring popularity include its childlike body proportions and teddy bear-like face.

  39. However, such attitudes did not contribute to bringing the war to an end as the views of civilians had little influence on the Japanese Government’s decision to surrender.

  40. Ros, because of his relationship to Grey, also agreed to contribute and led the commission which negotiated with Glyndŵr over its payment and his brother-in-law’s release.

  41. Together, the N8 research universities have over 190,000 students and contribute more to the Northern economy in terms of GVA than agriculture, car manufacturing or media.

  42. Melting of floating ice shelves (ice that originated on the land) does not in itself contribute much to sea-level rise, since the ice displaces only its own mass of water.

  43. As this reaction releases less energy than the oxidation of NADH, complex II does not transport protons across the membrane and does not contribute to the proton gradient.

Synonyms for contribute

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word contribute has the following synonyms: give, chip in, kick in, lead, conduce, lend, impart, bestow, add, bring and put up.

General information about «contribute» example sentences

The example sentences for the word contribute that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «contribute» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «contribute».

способствовать, содействовать, сотрудничать, жертвовать, делать вклад, отдавать


- жертвовать (деньги и т. п.)

to contribute to the Red Cross — жертвовать в фонд Красного Креста
to contribute food and clothing for the relief of the refugees — жертвовать продукты питания и одежду в помощь беженцам
to contribute money — жертвовать /вносить/ деньги
to contribute time — уделять время
to contribute help — оказывать помощь (личным участием)
to contribute to a present for smb. — участвовать в складчине на подарок кому-л.

- делать вклад (в науку и т. п.); способствовать, содействовать

to contribute suggestions on scientific questions — вносить предложения по научным вопросам
he contributed greatly to the improvement of national music — он многое сделал для развития национальной музыки
drink contributed to his downfall — одной из причин его падения было пьянство

- сотрудничать (в газете, журнале)

to contribute to a newspaper — писать и т. п. для газеты

Мои примеры


to contribute to charity — делать благотворительные пожертвования  
contribute to broad international cooperation — содействовать развитию широкого международного сотрудничества  
add contribute — увеличивать; увеличить  
contribute a seat to total — прибавлять к общему количеству мест  
contribute a share — вносить свою часть; вносить свою долю  
contribute capital — вкладывать капитал  
contribute data — представлять данные  
contribute in proportion — делать пропорциональный взнос  
contribute largely — значительно способствовать  
contribute mite — внести свою скромную лепту  

Примеры с переводом

Fresh air and exercise contribute to good health.

Свежий воздух и физические упражнения способствуют улучшению здоровья.

Public opinion can contribute to government decisions.

Общественное мнение может влиять на решения правительства.

We contributed clothing for the flood victims.

Мы пожертвовали одежду в помощь пострадавшим от наводнения.

He did not contribute to the project.

Он не стал принимать участия в этом проекте.

Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.

Алкоголь способствует ста тысячам смертей в год на территории США.

Why should I contribute to my super?

Почему я должен уплачивать взносы на мой пенсионный счет [в мой пенсионный фонд]?

Please contribute to this collection of money for homeless families.

Будьте так добры, пожертвуйте в фонд помощи бездомным семьям.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

contribution  — вклад, взнос, содействие, пожертвование, сотрудничество, статья, налог, контрибуция
contributor  — жертвователь, помощник, содействующий, содействующий
contributing  — способствовать, содействовать, сотрудничать, жертвовать, делать вклад, отдавать

Формы слова

contribute — перевод на русский


I want to contribute.

И хочу внести свой вклад.

Yet last night when I asked you to contribute to the king’s treasury, you refused.

А меж тем, вчера вечером, когда я просил вас внести свой вклад в казну короля, вы отказались.

Would you like to contribute something to it?

Хочешь внести свой вклад?

You know you’re contributing.

Ты знаешь, что вносишь свой вклад.

You were suppose to contribute once Maddy went to school.

Предполагалось что ты будешь вносить свой вклад, как только Мэдди пойдет в школу.

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And since it could contribute to my renown, I’ll take it.

А поскольку оно может способствовать моей известности, я возьму его.

Which can contribute to heart disease.

Да. Который может способствовать сердечным болезням.

I’d hate to contribute to your death.

Не хочу способствовать твоей преждевременной смерти.

I’ll contribute to your campaign if you agree to have ice cream with Emily and her mother after the awards Banquet.

Я буду способствовать вашей кампании если ты согласишься поесть мороженое с Эмили и ее матерью после награды на банкете.

And contribute to childhood obesity?

И способствовать детскому ожирению?

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I won’t contribute, but enjoy yourselves

Мне больше нечем помочь

Maybe these guys can contribute something to this case?

Эти парни могут вам помочь разобраться в вашем деле?

He can contribute to the world, and we can help him do that.

Помочь и ему, и человечеству.

But I would like you to contribute to the project.

Но ты можешь помочь моему проекту.

Of course not. «Contribute only to one’s own death.» That’s my motto.

Можно только себе помочь помереть.

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The least I can do is contribute with something

— и я хочу внести свой вклад.

All you have to do is contribute to their salon’s art collection as a fee, so…

Все, что нужно сделать — это внести свой вклад в их арт-коллекцию в качестве членского взноса, так вот…

If I can contribute…

Если я могу внести свой вклад…

I mean, I know it’s a ridiculous little local thing, but it might be fun to get out there and contribute.

В смысле, я знаю, что это просто нелепые местные мелочи, но это может быть забавно, вылезти отсюда и внести свой вклад.

Well, you can still contribute something.

Ты ещё можешь внести свой вклад.

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So that at the end of the day, at the final reckoning, each and every one of those policyholders shall have contributed one penny.

Итоговый результат следующий: Каждый держатель страхового полиса должен будет внести один пенни.

Your mother and I will be glad to contribute the balance for Harvard.

Твоя мама и я будем рады внести тебе баланс на Гарвард.

— Let us contribute something.

— Позволь нам кое-что внести.

What are you gonna contribute?

Что хотите внести?

Dutchman wants to contribute 5 million.

Голландец хочет внести 5 миллионов.

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even gardeners picking leaves in parks, they contribute to nature’s balance.

Даже садовники, убирающие листву в парках, вносят свой вклад в сохранение баланса вприроде

They contribute to the fight.

Они вносят свой вклад в борьбу.

Agents only contribute to the Time Capsule when… when…

Агенты вносят свой вклад во временную капсулу, только когда… когда…

As Morgan is aware, I encourage those who find respite here to enjoy the fruits of our grandeur for as long as they like, so long as they contribute.

Как известно Моргану, я поощряю тех, кто находит свой отдых здесь наслаждением плодами нашего величия пока им это нравится, пока они вносят свой вклад.

We each contribute, it’s true. But you…. You’re unique.

Каждый из нас вносит свой вклад, это правда, но ты…. …уникален.

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Have you contributed, young man?

Не хотите пожертвовать, молодой человек?

Who will contribute to its rescue?

Кто желает пожертвовать ради её спасения?

You come barging in here, asking me to contribute money to a volcano relief fund for Krakatoa.

Ты ворвался, требуя пожертвовать деньги в фонд помощи пострадавшим от вулкана Кракату.

Whether or not I might have something to contribute?

Могу я чем-либо пожертвовать или нет?

Finally, each member race will be able to contribute volunteers to join the Rangers… thereby assuring their independence and fairness.

Наконец, каждая союзная раса сможет пожертвовать добровольцев для Рейнджеров таким образом подтверждая свою независимость и честные намерения.

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You can’t contribute to it.

Ты не можешь содействовать этому.

I’d love to contribute to your campaign.

Я бы хотел содействовать твоей кампании.

We were hoping to contribute to your class action.

Мы бы хотели содействовать в вашем коллективном иске.

The purpose of this exercise was to see if your purported group of geniuses could contribute to a high-end military operation.

Цель этой тренировки заключалась в том, чтобы ваша предполагаемая группа гениев могла содействовать военным операциям высокого класса.

Your work would contribute to the survival of the Serbian minority in this area…

Ваша работа будет содействовать выживанию сербского меньшинства в этом крае…

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Don’t you want to contribute further to this fleet record by flying more missions?

Разве не хотите внести свою лепту в наш послужной список?

I know there are a lot of people who may not consider it a sanctity but I also know this isn’t an erosion I’ll contribute to.

Я знаю, наверное, есть немало людей, которые не считают Институт брака неприкосновенностью. …Но также я знаю, что не внесу свою лепту в его разрушение…

It’s not like I was contributing To the delinquency of a senior. Ha ha.

Как будто я внес свою лепту в преступления против стариков.

— Phillip! We all have to contribute.

— Филипп, мы все должны внести свою лепту.

I’m sure the victims must have contributed to the panic.

Жертвы наверняка внесли свою лепту в панику.

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Contribute to the management of the child.

Будешь участвовать в воспитании ребенка.

Then how could you possibly have contributed to the substantive arguments?

Так вам удалось участвовать в основной дискуссии?

We want to contribute.

Мы же все хотим участвовать.

multiple partners for the girls and this time all of the boys are going to have to contribute to maximize our odds.

Полигенное отношение. Но теперь все мужчины должны участвовать, чтобы повысить шансы.

Oh, come on. I contributed to this cover-up.

Я вас умоляю, я участвовала в сокрытии ценностей.

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The word “contribute” doesn’t always come with a preposition. However, when it does, it helps us to understand which ones work best. This article will explain the correct prepositions you can use with “contribute” and how they differ.

Which Preposition Can Be Used After “Contribute”?

“Contribute to” is the most common preposition we can use with “contribute.” It means that someone has dedicated their time or money “to” a specific service or target. Generally, “contribute” does not need a preposition, and it works well without one.

contribute preposition

To help you understand why “contribute” isn’t the best choice for prepositional phrases, we can refer you to the following examples. We won’t include any prepositions, and you’ll see that the meaning still holds up.

  • Thank you to those who contributed their money to my cause.
  • I appreciate all who contributed their time to get my business up and running.
  • Thank you for what you contributed.

As you can see, we do not use prepositions in any of the above examples.

However, just because they’re not all that common doesn’t mean they’re not correct. As we’ve stated, “to” is a great preposition to use with “contribute,” and it looks like this:

  • I appreciate anyone who contributed to helping me figure this project out.
  • Thank you for contributing to getting me through college.

There aren’t many other useful choices (besides “on”), so we should only stick with “To” when it needs to be shown.

How Prevalent Is The Use Of The Different Prepositions?

It might help you to see some statistics to understand how uncommon it is to use prepositions with “contribute.” You’ll notice just how popular “to” is in all cases.

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “contribute to” is the only acceptable preposition to use with the word. We use it whenever someone has given something toward a service or goal. There are no other correct prepositions in this graph.

contribute to,contribute for,contribute on,contribute in

We included “on,” “in,” and “for” in the above graph to show you some comparisons. They have very limited uses in the graph because they are not common. Only “on” is another correct variation that we can use in certain cases.

For the most part, you should either use “contribute” on its own or “contribute to,” depending on whether you’re talking about the overall goal. There is generally no reason to use any of the other prepositions.

Examples Of How To Use “Contribute To” In A Sentence

So, let’s look at the only real prepositional choice we have here. “Contribute to” works well in many cases, and it would help to understand when it shines from the examples below.

  1. I would like to contribute to your goal if you’re happy to take my donation.
  2. He has contributed to my target, which is exactly the amount I needed to finish it.
  3. Thank you to those of you who have contributed to making sure this place runs smoothly while the manager is away.
  4. Your contribution to the cause will not be forgotten, and we’re so grateful for you and your family.
  5. This contribution to the hospital will go a long way in helping all the sick and needy to get the things they want.
  6. I would like to contribute to this project because it’s something I hold very dear to my heart.
  7. She contributed to the project overall, though she didn’t seem to want to take any credit for it when asked.

“Contribute to” works whenever we want to show that someone has spent time or money and given it to a goal. We use it to show that someone committed a selfless act to help another person or group, and their contribution was a great help in the long run.

Also, we could replace “to” with “toward,” as the two prepositions have identical meanings. “Toward” is just a slightly more old-fashioned version of “to,” which is why it’s not all that common.

  • Thank you for contributing toward this project.

Examples Of How To Use “Contribute On” In A Sentence

“Contribute on” is not common at all. However, that does not mean it’s incorrect. There are a few specific cases where we might see it used correctly. The following examples will showcase this.

  1. Thank you for your contribution on the topic we discussed early.
  2. I would like to contribute on this matter if you’re happy to hear me.
  3. I think you should contribute more on what the group says.
  4. I would like to contribute on why we need more public libraries in this area.
  5. You should contribute on the discussion while it’s been carried out.

“Contribute on” only works when we are talking about a discussion or debate. We use it when someone has contributed their ideas or information that might have been useful to the overall topic, though “contribute to” still works in these cases as well.

What Does “Contribute” Mean?

While it’s great to know what prepositions work well with “contribute,” it isn’t much use if we don’t know what the word means. So, we’ll refer you to the definition that we can use for the word here.

“Contribute” means to give something to help someone else achieve a goal. Usually, this contribution is money or time-related, and it’s often done through the selflessness of the person. We can use it whenever donations or contributions are made to aid others.

The definition of “contribute,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people.”

“Contribute” – Synonyms

Now let’s check out some alternatives that might be useful for you. If you aren’t too keen on using “contribute,” or you’d just like to expand your vocabulary, any of these are great choices to replace it.

  • Give
  • Donate
  • Gift
  • Make a donation
  • Put up
  • Come up with
  • Play a part in
  • Have a hand in
  • Be a factor in
  • Be instrumental toward
  • Help

All of these synonyms are useful to use in place of “contribute” in many contexts. Choose your favorite and start playing around with them to see which works best for you.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Other psychological factors, including depression, lowered self-esteem associated with overall loss of physical strength and the onset of physical signs of aging, anxiety, and substance abuse can all contribute to male impotence

As women age, hormonal production diminishes and this can indirectly contribute to discomfort

If we do have a center within a reasonable distance then we should take part in all its programmes and contribute for its proper management

If you contribute to these conversations, you have

“Very interested, and honored that you’d think an old history professor could contribute something to the effort

He made her a nice cup of tea, sat down opposite her and suggested an alternative way in which she could contribute to family life

His argument is that I’ve given him a chance to have a day out not only in entertaining company but also in a beautiful part of the country and must therefore allow him to contribute towards the costs

He was limping home in shame and despaired of being able to contribute anything to disabling any doomsday weapon system out here

they can cause or contribute to physical pain?

alternative way in which she could contribute to family life

It was a lot to take in, but Harry had, once he got some perspective on the issue, been able to acknowledge his new role in the family’s finances and hoped someday to be able to also contribute significantly towards them

Going out with Sally and her family would be nice … yes, I’ll go … I’ll pop over to see Sally tomorrow and ask if there is anything I can contribute to the picnic

There are many factors that contribute to a

What I mean though is that with proper direction, you can contribute to greatly improve your situation as well as others’

Thus, not only the great landlord or the rich merchant, but even the common workman, if his wages are considerable, may maintain a menial servant; or he may sometimes go to a play or a puppet-show, and so contribute his share towards maintaining one set of unproductive labourers; or he may pay some taxes, and thus help to maintain another set, more honourable and useful, indeed, but equally unproductive

to contribute to the general expenses of the

will contribute, for some little time, to support its consumption in adversity

The butcher, the brewer, and the baker, soon join them, together with many other artificers and retailers, necessary or useful for supplying their occasional wants, and who contribute still further to augment the town

The former benefitted from the healthy hygiene and overall scrubbing he received while the latter took advantage of a willing and free meal that would likewise contribute to their wellbeing and longevity

You know how it goes, right? Jobs that have become a burdening, stressful weight rather than a joyous opportunity to learn and contribute; once vibrant relationships gone sour yet clung to in a monotonous and abject state of surrender; and unending financial woes that in great part are self-generated due to an insatiable purchasing hunger that feeds on itself like the viral monster that it is

These Babylonian girls had lots to talk about during conversations, whereas she couldn’t contribute anything at all

«Well, we also like to pay occasional visits to the Godly Succubi in Ashcote when we’re in the area, so you can say we also contribute to Men of Midas in a way,» he chuckled

It seems to be altogether impossible that the bounty could ever contribute to lower the price of grain

The corn bounty, it is to be observed, as well as every other bounty upon exportation, imposes two different taxes upon the people; first, the tax which they are obliged to contribute, in order to pay the bounty ; and,

therefore, which they contribute to the payment of the first tax, they must contribute £6:4s

It would, besides, impose only one tax upon the people, that which they must contribute in order to pay the bounty

In The How of Happiness, the author points out that having goals provides distinct benefits that contribute to happiness:

However, having purposes and goals does contribute to happiness, and happier people are healthier and live longer

These effects of following your passion all contribute to happiness

After the business of the farmer, that of the corn merchant is in reality the trade which, if properly protected and encouraged, would contribute the most to the raising of corn

The trade of the merchant-exporter of corn for foreign consumption, certainly does not contribute directly to the plentiful supply of the home market

Though the carrying trade must thus contribute to reduce the average money price of corn in the home market, it would not thereby lower its real value; it would only raise somewhat the real value of silver

Some motives contribute positively to mental health and happiness, and others do not

They are not only very grievous occasional taxes, but they contribute to establish perpetual taxes, of the same kind, still more grievous ; the ruinous taxes of private luxury and extravagance

The reason why anyone would employ us is because of what we can contribute to the employer e

They raise its value, and thereby contribute to encourage its increase

— It is a rare opportunity for us to witness and contribute to the emergence of a new age

What is necessary for the defence and support of the whole empire, and in what proportion each part ought to contribute, can be judged of only by that assembly which inspects and super-intends the affairs of the whole empire

contribute money to charity, compared to an average of

for themselves contribute to the overall wealth of

Every different order of citizens is bound to contribute to the support of the sovereign or commonwealth

The cultivators or farmers contribute to the annual produce, by what are in this system called the original and annual expenses (depenses primitives, et depenses annuelles), which they lay out upon the cultivation of the land

In the following book, therefore, I shall endeavour to explain, first, what are the necessary expenses of the sovereign or commonwealth; and which of those expenses ought to be defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society ; and which of them, by that of some particular part ouly, or of some particular members of the society: secondly, what are the different methods in which the whole society may be made to contribute towards defraying the expenses incumbent on the whole society ; and what are the principal advantages and inconveniencies of each of those methods : and thirdly, what are the reasons and causes which have induced almost all modern governments to mortgage some part of this revenue, or to contract debts; and what have been the effects of those debts upon the real wealth, the annual produce of the land and labour of the society

It was not till the seige of Veii, that they who staid at home began to contribute something towards maintaining those who went to war

In a more advanced state of society, two different causes contribute to render it altogether impossible that they who take the field should maintain themselves at their own expense

In modern times, many different causes contribute to render the defence of the society more expensive

The consideration of that necessity comes, no doubt, afterwards, to contribute very much to maintain and secure that authority and subordination

His subjects, upon ordinary occasions, contribute nothing to his support, except when, in order to protect them from the oppression of some of their fellow-subjects, they stand in need of his authority

But when, from different causes, chiefly from the continually increasing expense of defending the nation against the invasion of other nations, the private estate of the sovereign had become altogether insufficient for defraying the expense of the sovereignty; and when it had become necessary that the people should, for their own security, contribute towards this expense by taxes of different kinds; it seems to have been very commonly stipulated, that no present for the administration of justice should, under any pretence, be accepted either by the sovereign, or by his bailiffs and substitutes, the judges

the indolence and vanity of the rich is made to contribute, in a very easy manner, to the relief of the poor, by rendering cheaper the transportation of heavy goods to all the different parts of the country

A great revenue, half a million, perbaps {Since publishing the two first editions of this book, I have got good reasons to believe that all the turnpike tolls levied in Great Britain do not procduce a neat revenue that amounts to half a million ; a sum which, under the management of government, would not be sufficient to keep, in repair five of the principal roads in the kingdom}, it has been pretended, might in this manner be gained, without laying any new burden upon the people; and the turnpike roads might be made to contribute to the general expense of the state, in the same manner as the post-office does at present

The proud minister of an ostentatious court, may frequently take pleasure in executing a work of splendour and magnificence, such as a great highway, which is frequently seen by the principal nobility, whose applauses not only flatter his vanity, but even contribute to support his interest at court

The Turkey company contribute to maintain an ambassador and two or three consuls, who, like other public ministers, ought to be maintained altogether by the state, and the trade laid open to all his majesty’s subjects

The decay of that general trade may even frequently contribute to the advantage of their own private trade; as, by diminishing the number of their competitors, it may enable them both to buy cheaper, and to sell dearer

“You have something to contribute to this, Mars?”

Alex smiled, happy to have been able to contribute

tax, which puts it out of the power of the proprietors of land to contribute so largely towards the defence of the state as they otherwise might be able to do

The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state

The expense of government to the individuals of a great nation, is like the expense of management to the joint tenants of a great estate, who are all obliged to contribute in proportion to their respective interests in the estate

Those improvements sometimes contribute, indeed, to the discharge of the other landlords of the district

His successful ones contribute to the improvement and better cultivation of the whole country

The attention of the sovereign can be, at best, but a very general and vague consideration of what is likely to contribute to the better cultivation of the greater part of his dominions

It seldom happens that any part of it is applied towards the improvement of land; or is so employed as to contribute, in any respect, towards increasing the revenue of the great body of the people

His Prussian majesty had probably, upon that account, thought it reasonable that it should contribute a good deal more towards relieving the exigencies of the state

A tax upon house-rents, therefore, would in general fall heaviest upon the rich ; and in this sort of inequality there would not, perhaps, be any thing very unreasonable It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion

Nothing can be more reasonable, than that a fund, which owes its existence to the good government of the state, should be taxed peculiarly, or should contribute something more than the greater part of other funds, towards the support of that government

A house of ten pounds rent in a country town, may sometimes have more windows than a house of five hundred pounds rent in London ; and though the inhabitant of the former is likely to be a much poorer man than that of the latter, yet, so far as his contribution is regulated by the window tax, he must contribute more to the support of the state

The war having been undertaken, it was said, in defence of the trade of the country, the merchants, who were to profit by it, ought to contribute towards the support of it

She helped out, first from a sense of boredom and wanting something to do and then from a sense of interest and wanting to contribute

In order that the greater part of the members of any society should contribute to the public revenue, in proportion to their respective expense, it does not seem necessary

As every man’s humour regulates the degree of his consumption, every man contributes rather according to his humour, than proportion to his revenue: the profuse contribute more, the parsimonious less, than their proper proportion

Those who live in another country, contribute nothing by their consumption towards the support of the government of that country, in which is situated the source of their revenue

If in this latter country there should be no land tax, nor any considerable duty upon the transference either of moveable or immoveable property, as is the case in Ireland, such absentees may derive a great revenue from the protection of a government, to the support of which they do not contribute a single shilling

The first couple of months, I shared half of the expenses, but as soon as he got his finances under control, he told me not to contribute

It is not contrary to justice, that both Ireland and America should contribute towards the discharge of the public debt of Great Britain

cruiser and that they had thirty-five prisoners to contribute to the population, the following exchange ensued:

But countries which contribute neither revenue nor military force towards the support of the empire, cannot be considered as provinces

If any of the provinces of the British empire cannot be made to contribute towards the support of the whole empire, it is surely time that Great Britain should free herself from the expense of defending those provinces in time of war, and of supporting any part of their civil or military establishment in time of peace; and endeavour to accommodate her future views and designs to the real mediocrity of her circumstances

Now, in your growth and productivity in life, if you contribute anything to the betterment of the human species, you will have achieved immortality, and by the way, contributed to our understanding of man, which is the most important of all understanding

When every element was in place to contribute to a complete reality how could he put aside it’s effects and be sure he was not truly in peril?

You will go into subsequent phases stronger, larger and with a greater awareness of your individual muscles, all of which will contribute to even greater success and better gains as we move though the rest of the program

Ultimately, we would all contribute in one way or another

I have nothing interesting to contribute

Unluckily the Sergeant heard of his business skills and made Mark the Rooinek contribute most of his profits to the final going away party

There is no such thing as the dole though the government tries to help but there is simply not enough money and too many without a job, making it impossible for those lucky enough to be able to contribute enough

 How much will this contribute to the overall purpose?

You can contribute nothing of value

I would be the first to argue that any orderly, well governed society requires the cooperation of all its (productive) citizens and that each should properly contribute his or her own proportionate ―fair‖ share of the burden otherwise required for public services available to every citizen regardless of income

With her safely in the shower and the final change of donated clothes laid out, Beth ordered from room service lunch for both in the hope that food might contribute to calm her and reduce the emotional crisis she sensed coming, then flopped on the bed trying to steady her own frazzled nerves

Colling brushed off Gambelli’s suggestion that the other men contribute more than $8

Amonas had felt he could not contribute at this time, and did not bother Hilderich with questions or other small talk

They obtain their funds from some 38 countries who contribute to them on a quota basis established by

That will still leave them with 3000 employees and many other countries that contribute to them and

” Those goals are to have each country contribute

Finally, these objectives plus its presuppositions contribute to the impact of the Project

With that, paradoxically the own excluded people solve its survival problems and security, they leave the informality, they leverage economic production of the country and simultaneously they contribute to the accumulation power and utilization of the wealth

And the fourth is that everyone who stays here must contribute to the welfare of this environment by working

Ollie and Jason, as tenth graders would observe and maybe have a chance to contribute to the rebuttal of Larchfield’s case against

Contributed chapters to several books

He contributed a lot in the planning of the community and the rules that they had set up

As they approached, a whiff of the fragrance reached them and contributed to the joy of their deliverance

contributed to this ebook and the Brave Heart System

Even though they may have already contributed to the

contributed to the War which you have so recently experienced at

The fact that he’d been born on a starship from YingolNeerie seemed irrelevant now, other than the fact that their fundamentalism might have contributed to his ambition

That employment, however, by occasioning a new demand, and by diminishing the quantity which could be employed in any other way, may have afterwards contributed to keep up or increase their value

has contributed to sink the common price of butcher’s meat in the London market, somewhat below what it was about the beginning of the last century

The great rise in the price both of hogs and poultry, has, in Great Britain, been frequently imputed to the diminution of the number of cottagers and other small occupiers of land ; an event which has in every part of Europe been the immediate forerunner of improvement and better cultivation, but which at the same time may have contributed to raise the price of those articles, both somewhat sooner and somewhat faster than it would otherwise have risen

intellect – contributed to the destruction of the

That the trade and industry of Scotland, however, have increased very considerably during this period, and that the banks have contributed a good deal to this increase, cannot be doubted

The splendid but visionary ideas which are set forth in that and some other works upon the same principles, still continue to make an impression upon many people, and have, perhaps, in part, contributed to that excess of banking, which has of late been complained of, both in Scotland and in other places

As Herold entered the sea of words, her voice only sounded one word Among many, as she contributed to the dia-monologue:

Those laws and customs, so favourable to the yeomanry, have perhaps contributed more to the present grandeur of England, than all their boasted regulations of commerce taken together


The increase and riches of commercial and manufacturing towns contributed to the improvement and cultivation of the countries to which they belonged, in three different ways :

The advantageous situation of the country, and the great number of independent status which at that time subsisted in it, probably contributed not a little to this general cultivation

Instead of raising, it would tend to lower the price of the commodity in the home market ; and thereby, instead of imposing a second tax upon the people, it might, at least in part, repay them for what they had contributed to the first

Some improper regulations, some injudicious restraints, imposed by the servants of the East India Company upon the rice trade, contributed, perhaps, to turn that dearth into a famine

imperfections, has, perhaps, contributed more, both to the plentiful supply of the home market, and to the increase of tillage, than any other law in the statute book

They were missives which only contributed to the gnawing concern

The Eng1ish colonists have never yet contributed any thing towards the defence of the mother country, or towards the support of its civil government

The government of Spain contributed scarce any thing to any of them

That of England contributed as little towards effectuating the

But that those great events should likewise have contributed to encourage the industry of countries such as Hungary and Poland, which may never, perhaps, have sent a single commodity of their own produce to America, is not, perhaps, altogether so evident

Those great events may even have contributed to increase the enjoyments, and to augment the industry, of countries which not only never sent any commodities to America, but never received any from it

Secondly, This monopoly has necessarily contributed to keep up the rate of profit, in all the different branches of British trade, higher than it naturally would have been, had all nations been allowed a free trade to the British colonies

as it certainly has, it must have fallen still lower, had not the monopoly established by that act contributed to keep it up

If to each colony which should detach itself from the general confederacy, Great Britain should allow such a number of representatives as suited the proportion of what it contributed to the public revenue of the empire, in consequence of its being subjected to the same taxes

Its followers are very numerous ; and as men are fond of paradoxes, and of appearing to understand what surpasses the comprehensions of ordinary people, the paradox which it maintains, concerning the unproductive nature of manufacturing labour, has not, perhaps, contributed a little to increase the number of its admirers

This circumstance, it is probable, contributed more than any other to determine the fate of those battles

Many different causes contributed to relax the discipline of the Roman armies

Have those public endowments contributed in general, to promote the end of their institution ? Have they contributed to encourage the diligence, and to improve the abilities, of the teachers? Have they directed the course of education towards objects more useful, both to the individual and to the public, than those to which it would naturally have gone of its own accord ? It should not seem very difficult to give at least a probable answer to each of those questions

The privileges of graduates are a sort of statutes of apprenticeship, which have contributed to the improvement of education just as the other statutes of apprenticeship have to that of arts and manufactures

As they had generally contributed a good deal to the victory, it seemed not unreasonable that they should have some share in the spoil

In the red-shift example, if we had freedom of movement in the Universe, it would have contributed immensely to the resolution of our measurements and assisted us in obtaining more certainty from the conclusions that scientists are drawing

Combined with the money the children contributed until they married, it lasted until our last child had a home of her own

42 Imagine how an additional layer of ice above the atmosphere would have contributed to preventing damage from the sun impacting on life on Earth

These factors would all have contributed to very favourable life-supporting conditions on Earth

In 1765 and 1766, the whole revenue paid into the treasury of France, according to the best, though, I acknowledge, very imperfect accounts which I could get of it, usually run between 308 and 325 millions of livres ; that is, it did not amount to fifteen millions sterling; not the half of what might have been expected, had the people contributed in the same proportion to their numbers as the people of Great Britain

The singular countries of Holland and Zealand, besides, require a considerable expense even to preserve their existence, or to prevent their being swallowed up by the sea, which must have contributed to increase considerably the load of taxes in those two provinces

Several extraneous sums, altogether independent of that ordinary revenue, have contributed towards it

Moreover, one wonders how he became the editor of the Harvard Law Review without having contributed a single article

Now, in your growth and productivity in life, if you contribute anything to the betterment of the human species, you will have achieved immortality, and by the way, contributed to our understanding of man, which is the most important of all understanding

From the twelfth century on, this civilization that had contributed so much in medicine, science and technology in centuries past, has contributed virtually nothing

Barack Obama is fond of stating that Muslims have contributed a great deal not only to the development of America, but to Western Civilization in sum

Some said that the British actions contributed two additional years to the war

There are many people who have contributed to this history

That ignorance, more than anything else, contributed to his disquietude, and left him

Mountain adventure, and the girls contributed ghost and burglar stories

Each member contributed special skills with one objective to kill terrorists

In a parody of words contributed to that great man, President Reagan «Open this gate and bring your troops home

defined, would be excluded from receiving SS benefits regardless of much these individuals have contributed to the system over the years

The war in Iraq, burgeoning budget deficits, escalating energy prices, the Katrina fumble, immigration and controversies surrounding his chief political advisor have contributed to the president‘s growing unpopularity among Liberals and Conservatives, alike, thereby exhausting whatever remaining political capital he might have had in advancing the judicial career of a long time friend

Cerbini‘s critique of the Educational System, the Media and Immorality and the manner they have indirectly contributed to rather egregious jury verdicts of late

It is this kind of message that graffiti and destruction should not be considered a serious matter that has contributed to the absence of polite and civilized manners in today‘s society

I believe that many of us are losing sight of the bigger picture by focusing our attention exclusively on inanimate objects while paying scant attention to the causal factors that have contributed to higher crime rates in our nation as compared, for example, with other industrialized nations that enforce stricter gun-control laws

Nonetheless, due to the Junta Vecinal’s opportune and determined pledge, under the leadership of Mayor María Concepción Crespo Marqués and her lieutenant Félix Barrio Fernández, and due, additionally, to the persistent and unselfish dedication of many of the local residents who contributed talent, time and treasure, the memorable Little Church was rebuilt

Many people contributed time and talent to execute the international motif under Marguerite’s guidance

forgets that many people have contributed to his “success” and that if he compares

This in itself may have considerably contributed to the sexual dysfunction of much of the later church

1993 to 2001 the EPA contributed over $2 billion to various organizations

takeover by the government we have contributed $111 billion and the CBO estimates that those two will

but the money contributed is not invested to their account

is probable that we have contributed around $55 billion of that amount

The IMF has now contributed billions to Greece, Ireland and Portugal and

It contributed its principles to, and Followers subconsciously drew from these other cults, precepts at variance with the teachings of its founder, Jesus of Nazareth

are voluntarily contributed by their members

Then there’s a big room with a lot of sofas and chairs and tables where there’s a library of books that people who live at Sea Bluff have contributed, both pocket and hard cover, and anyone can take a book he wants, keep it or return it

They have unknowingly contributed to an amazing synthesis that has given form and color to the endeavor that has produced what I feel is a miracle

And to all those others in my life who have contributed to the forming of a character that has become such a Character, I give added plaudits

If one preferred satellite and balloon temperature data over surface data from urban areas where heated concrete contributed, then the earth had increased in temperature over the past century less than the latter methods suggest

contributed to his missing the mark when it came to Capitalism

This contact with diverse manners and customs probably contributed the spark that would later ignite the supreme achievement of the Greeks during their Golden Age in the fifth century

contributed to the founding plans for the colonies

More palpable are those who contributed materially to this book, and to whom I offer my gratitude

They both contributed a small number of auxiliary troops that were used mostly to bring up supplies from our staging area depot

Donna and I have invested our savings, our retirement, we have sold some of our possessions, and our family has contributed money, time, and services to this ministry

I am Kadohadacho, the tribe that contributed the immortal Smoking Mirror to the Khanate,” he waxed

He added that they also contributed heavily to the war against the Moros by turning most of the taxes they collected over to the crown

contributed to our country as aviators

The Court’s incessant drive to destroy religion in public life has contributed heavily to the degeneration of morals, values, and behavior throughout society

solutions that have contributed to saving and

nized the talents of the other contributed

Those factors contributed to

has contributed to the enhancement of

roundings, and his new state of being contributed to the

many others; all contributed

Its subtropical warm climate and its food rich-woods and coastal waters have contributed to make

by Contributed — Story: 57703

It also contributed to my conclusion that the criminal

Each of his children contributed to give him a new, last-minute computer with Windows 98

His findings contributed to

His mother’s memory, his sisters’ messages of sympathy and offers of help, and the expressions of support that kept pouring in from women friends of the family firmly reassured him that not all women behave irresponsibly, and effectively contributed to restore his trust in them

It has contributed to delaying and in some cases stopping various projects such, as building of oil refineries, and has generally caused increased costs and problems with our production of energy

contributed over $2 billion to various organizations

The Department of Energy has contributed to the problems by their issuance of rules and regulations concerning the construction of nuclear plants and refineries

This contributed to Ingalls’ loss of overhauls—besides the exorbitant cost overruns

Then he gave my job to my assistant who had contributed little more to the claims team effort than carrying the Trial Lawyers’ briefcases and sucking up to Assistant Secretary of the Navy Gordon McDonald, constantly lobbying for my job

Age typically does not significantly diminish the need and desire for sex, that regular sexual activity is standard when a partner is available, and that most elderly believe that sex contributes to both physical and psychological health

Moreover, Vitamin C is known to produce collagen, the known protein that contributes to

Whatever increases the fertility of land in producing food, increases not only the value of the lands upon which the improvement is bestowed, but contributes likewise to increase that of many other lands, by creating a new demand for their produce

A dwelling-house, as such, contributes nothing to the revenue of its inhabitant ; and though it is, no doubt, extremely useful to him, it is as his clothes and household furniture are useful to him, which, however, make a part of his expense, and not of his revenue

It is by this service chiefly that he contributes indirectly to support the productive labour of the society, and to increase the value of its annual produce

It as effectually replaces the capital of the person who produces that surplus, and as effectually enables him to continue his business, the service by which the capital of a wholesale merchant chiefly contributes to support the productive labour, and to augment the value of the annual produce of the society to which he belongs

By paying that price, he indirectly pays all those wages and profits, and thus indirectly contributes to the maintenance of all the workmen and their employers

He generally contributes, however, but a very small proportion to that of each; to a very few, perhaps, not a tenth, to many not a hundredth, and to some not a thousandth, or even a ten thousandth part of their whole annual maintenance

Though he contributes, therefore, to the maintenance of them all, they are all more or less independent of him, because generally they can all be maintained without him

Each of them, however, taken singly, contributes often but a very small share to the maintenance of any individual of this greater number

But the herring-bus bounty contributes to no such good purpose

If a purpose leads to happiness, or at least contributes to happiness, how does it do that? For one thing, purpose can promote happiness if it reduces the number of concerns on which you focus your attention

The trade of the merchant-importer of foreign corn for home consumption, evidently contributes to the immediate supply of the home market, and must so far be immediately beneficial to the great body of the people

The trade of the merchant-carrier, or of the importer of foreign corn, in order to export it again, contributes to the plentiful supply of the home market

Mastering the dichotomy of life eventually contributes to the growth of our soul and humanity on Earth

contributes to ensuring that you will continue to create

The class of proprietors contributes to the annual produce, by the expense which they may occasionally lay out upon the improvement of the land, upon the buildings, drains, inclosures, and other ameliorations, which they may either make or maintain upon it, and by means of which the cultivators are enabled, with the same capital, to raise a greater produce, and consequently to pay a greater rent

The industry of merchants, artificers, and manufacturers, though in its own nature altogether unproductive, yet contributes in this manner indirectly to increase the produce of the land

But when it is applied to any other purpose, each carriage is supposed to pay for more than that wear and tear, and contributes to the supply of some other exigency of the state

As every man’s humour regulates the degree of his consumption, every man contributes rather according to his humour, than proportion to his revenue: the profuse contribute more, the parsimonious less, than their proper proportion

During the minority of a man of great fortune, he contributes commonly very little, by his consumption, towards the support of that state from whose protection he derives a great revenue

regularly contributes to other player’s pockets,” he said and laughed

government contributes the amount that they estimate is needed for a minimum pension

principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social

expectation just contributes to the emotional stress around sexual

Object-orientation contributes to the

Remember not all activities of quality assurance are directly contributes to realization of product in a project, some of them are linked to the organizational maturity and contribution to other projects

Vilfredo Pareto the Italian economist used this chart in distinguishing the key factors which contributes significantly to the results

siveness that contributes to a higher standard

That contributes to the social degeneration upon which the Civil War depends

This supposed objectivity is phony, and contributes to alienate

Everything contributes to

What contributes to that pleasing scenic condition is the fact that, under a volcanic layer, rest numerous and abundant deposits of water

Each caste contributes to the survival of the Colony; each caste has its role to play

Roger’s unwavering dedication to International Education stems from his sincere belief that it fosters friendships among peoples of different languages and cultures and contributes in a very positive way to world understanding and peace

that give rise to the ‘best’ appearance of the object, not realizing that each appearance contributes

Against this negative view of material compatibility, the compatibility between a self-object and intentional source means that the self-object contributes to sustaining the source, and that a source cannot be understood as an isolated object independent of external factors for its persistence

It’s easy to say we act the way we do as we are tired, most of the time we are and it contributes

contributes to the response rate that comes from these lists when selling your products

«A man is valued not by what he gets but by what he contributes»

which accounts for about one third of our total health care bill and contributes to

Every human being contributes and has access to the Akashic records

This suggests that the ability to delay gratification contributes powerfully to intellectual potential, quite apart from IQ itself

Steng contributes a fact, “Brinkley was born in early 1960, according to the immigration records

Heavy drinking over the long term can also impair your liver’s ability to activate vitamins, which contributes to the malnutrition often suffered by long term alcoholics

which contributes to the greater good – so start by reiterating the goal, and then show how further

Only 40 per cent of the land is irrigated while 60 per cent of the population depends on agriculture and contributes just 20 per cent to the GDP

Studies have shown that self-reliance contributes to the birth of de-motivation

toward the realization of shared dreams contributes dramatically to the level of

“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching, if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness

The one whose area contributes the most to our increase in sales will win the trip to Hawaii

It contributes a small annual profit to

Goleman says in his book Emotional Intelligence, that IQ contributes about

pretty well with Goleman’s observation that: “At best, IQ contributes about

one year contributes only 25% to IQ in the year following

Thus far we have focused on how the emotional brain contributes to anger

The success of one contributes to the overall success of the other, until the day arrives that our tycoon instrument manufacturer is seated front row centre for a performance led by the most popular actor of his time

I think that their hair contributes a lot to the beauty of the ancestor girls

Thankfully with most new house shares, each of the chosen tenants contributes what

change in price unless it contributes to lowering the cost of capital first

Thus, the research contributes to the understanding of the content Nigerian firms provide via the Web

And so the modern lottery of medical malpractice awards contributes to ever higher health costs to be paid by American

deal, which contributes to their calorie-burning

So in year 1, if Bill contributes $10,000 to his plan, the unused $40,000 of his contribution limit DOES NOT carry over to the next year

contributes to, using the G-Wizard

contributes to the skin’s strength

The architecture of our buildings contributes to the ecology of the local terrain

Before the Angel or VC investor contributes funds to the venture, they will

where a platform IP contributes to all the market applications

foundation of «ojas», the chemical that contributes most to the immunity and vigor of the

Declare that, as the dead horse does not have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overheads, and therefore contributes substantially more to the bottom line than many other horses

As you know a well-designed dwelling contributes to the quality of living

The electricity industry currently contributes about 1 ¾%to GDP

The downstream gas industry currently contributes 0

The coal industry currently contributes a little over 0

· The death of any partner that financially contributes to the household

Silent anger contributes marriage stability

and berries, contributes to better health

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in most plants, has an inhibiting action on lipoxygenase, an enzyme that contributes to problems with asthma

It has long been thought that consumption of alcohol contributes to snoring, and at least one study has found this to be true, but several studies have been unable to verify this

To compete successfully in today’s economy, organizations have to treat the knowledge that contributes to their core competencies just as they would any other strategic, irreplaceable asset

For example, a programmer who contributes 20,000 lines of code to a project may add less value to the company than oner who contributes 2,000 lines of code in one-tenth the time, assuming the code provides the same functionality

onto users walls contributes to the social adoption Fans and users

woman…the fact that she contributes more to the Temple,

Safety concerns contributes to the litter piling up within the nation

Self-expression contributes to the litter piling up within the nation

For example, you may be born in one place but spend your entire Life in a different place, which contributes more effectively to the deep development and Synthesis of Aspects of those Qualities that can be realized in the greatest degree for this NUU-VVU-Form in its given Time Flow

rotary issues in a matter of minutes, which contributes to all-

of both outer and inner activities, in such a manner that it contributes to the coming of an

Billions of billions of NUU-VVU-Configurations of each of billions of Formo-Types of an innumerable set of LLUU-VVU-Forms and other Proto-Forms of GOOLGAMAA-A participate simultaneously in this global inertial Process of interqualitative Synthesis! And each one of all these creatures — in each range of synthetic creativity — contributes its own psychomental share to the process of inertial formation and differentiation of the same UU-VVU-Information between all innumerable UU-VVU-copies generated by this Information in different-qualitative structures of Self-Consciousnesses of all living creatures and reflected through their Focuses of Dual Reflection into realizational “niches” of individual ODS

needs, that distorts those visions contributes to impair the resulting creations

That is, I state that all these processes of formation, which we subjectively define for ourselves as “objects and circumstances” of the outer World, don’t happen anywhere “outside”, in some Galaxies and “cosmic spaces” inaccessible to our Understanding and perception, where Certain mysterious and omnipotent “Higher Cosmic Intelligences” create something specially for us all the time, — no, all this is ignorant nonsense, which just contributes to your separation from the deepest Truth of your eternal and infinite Existence in different Forms of Self-Consciousness! Absolutely everything that each of you defines for yourself as “your personal Life” happens and is carried out in the information space of your “personality” Self-Consciousness on the basis of the individual VVU-Information which “is unpacked” at every successive moment when the Focus is in the skrruullerrt system, creates an individual part of TEC out of the general slloogrent dynamics, and is projected into the individual ODS in the form of UU-VVU-copies

The proton contributes to that reducing of space

Margarine (vegetable shortening, hydrogenated oils) is not really edible and ends up in the blood stream where it clogs arteries and contributes to heart attacks

• Education: The schooling we have had (or have not had) contributes to career

trapped emotions appeared as a contributing factor,

and this may have been a contributing factor to the

contributing factor in the creation of this cancer? I

“Is there a trapped emotion that is contributing to

The Lodges’ account, into which they had been annually contributing about fifteen hundred dollars was now, after nine years of also modestly compounded interest: $25,400

As in a civilized country there are but few commodities of which the exchangeable value arises from labour only, rent and profit contributing largely to that of the far greater part of them, so the annual produce of its labour will always be sufficient to purchase or command a much greater quantity of labour than what was employed in raising, preparing, and bringing that produce to market

You may be told that the individual is contributing to your success in a more

Were two men of equal fortune to spend their revenue, the one chiefly in the one way, the other in the other, the magnificence of the person whose expense had been chiefly in durable commodities, would be continually increasing, every day’s expense contributing something to support and heighten the effect of that of the following day ; that of the other, on the contrary, would be no greater at the end of the period than at the beginning

Even upon this very moderate supposition, the great body of the people, over and above contributing the tax which pays the bounty of 5s

It is reasonable, therefore, that they should be defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society ; all the different members contributing, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities

As Assistant Attorney General under Clinton, formed the infamous wall between the activities of the CIA and FBI, thus contributing mightily to the disaster of 9/ll, without so much as an admonishment from her president

Can we ever guess at just what point it shades into evil? I offer as examples, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Christopher Dodd, without whose help, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack would have not blown up, thus causing, not merely contributing to, the incredible housing crisis of the last two years

Churchill ordered bombing civilian targets in 1942 as a way to placate the Soviets, to say Britain was contributing to the war effort without directly invading Europe yet

Irene River American industries were contributing their fair share

Overtime has been a contributing factor to the current year’s projected deficit

Another (unintended) factor contributing to worker anxiety is low savings/investment to spending ratios

Another big plus about Shannon’s return to the old neighborhood, she remembered distinctly, was that he and Sal saw each other less frequently, contributing greatly to the quality of her life

that they were contributing to their animal’s poor health and pending death

Right up to the election itself many conservatives remained convinced he was not one of them, contributing to his defeat

However, some of the powers that be in the Church of Scotland did not help themselves by giving an impression that the Kirk was not unduly worried at the prospect of losing so many committed and contributing members

At any rate, I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep for five days, leading to my first psychosis, or at least contributing to it

Now, what might science have discovered in a way of contributing to this? In looking forward to the conclusion of chapter 17, The Revelation, there is a description of an event that seems evocative of John’s visionary experience

increasing at the old rate and this has led to a larger number retiring than are contributing to the system

His sacrifice (restitution) seems to have been for the sin of artifice, contributing to his brother’s loss of his birthright

he had been contributing to throughout the NYC excursions stops

contributing and more receiving the benefits

Contributing time to test many kinds of user input will help harden a project against

Usage of prototypes, conference room piloting, performing meeting with client or review by client all of them contributing to validation of requirements

Dan Seligman, a contributing editor of Forbes magazine, wonders whether the media bosses behind such mind-bending use of words in their reporting of pedophilia in the Catholic Church really believe in what they are saying

Teach them to earn their place by being a contributing part of it

excluded as contributing to a DNA profile, then you could say the blood

energy security, potentially resulting in increased greenhouse gas emissions, and contributing to an imbalance between electric supply and demand

“The next to be invited were eight thousand of the magically gifted among The People of Life, and they generally co-operated in groups of dozens to hundreds in contributing to gifts and selecting them

It was evident that the pains had been contributing

“Everyone we have with any magic is contributing power there, even if they can barely light a candle, by Imperial Decree! I was there this morning myself with eight of my friends

That includes thousands who were in the Great Link and were driven to the brink of breakdown by sharing in your deaths and Talia’s suffering during your battle with Zarkog, and some suffered from being Linked or contributing power beyond their healthy limits

Sam struggled to think of something to say, as a way of contributing to the conversation

After the first shock Trask went cold, contributing only occasional sarcasm to this initial conclave

have received this power are contributing to the growth of those who gave it to

are a few other reasons that are contributing to

There have been a couple of deaths where we have suspected that the side effects were the direct contributing cause

It sounds strange, but it’s true — your child’s habits at school may be contributing to problems at home

By achieving a good mental health and physical health, you become capable of contributing something good towards your family and also to this society

Dealing systems are on-line computers that link the contributing banks around the world on a

His father too was becoming a nuisance, insisting it was time his son found an after school job and started contributing to the family expenses


The CEO of CN at the time of the disaster, Roger Cook, and the representative of the new owners, Bill Mason, and by default UVS Holdings itself were most probably complicit in contributing to the disaster, insomuch as they were:

» Rather was this a season for thinking over the whole eventful and varied career of the Urantia bestowal and for the careful laying of those plans for further ministry which would best serve this world while also contributing something to the betterment of all other rebellion-isolated spheres

If you stay here and are a part of this system then you’re contributing to the system that promotes war and jihad and terrorism

There were heaps of garbage and filth on the pavements contributing to the constant stench that arose from the stagnant water

And by cutting corners what do they get but bits and pieces of accretion? Oh, how they have to take care to remain faceless while still active in their occupation! And in time, they insensibly melt into the multitude of the retired to continue their humdrum existence but not before contributing their mite to corrupt the system

He cautioned his hearers not mistakenly to apply his illustrations of father and son so as to make it appear that God is like some overindulgent and unwise parents who conspire with the foolish of earth to encompass the moral undoing of their thoughtless children, and who are thereby certainly and directly contributing to the delinquency and early demoralization of their own offspring

One of the engineers contributing remotely to the project was located on the research station where Greg grew up

They also started the education process that would culminate in the passengers becoming contributing members of the community on Homestead

As you negotiate the deal, make sure your interests are completely aligned and that each party is contributing in all areas

minimum such credit will appear, if a credit AGREED TO BY THE PARTIES IN WRIT-for all contributing authors of the Collec-xxiv

started contributing to the literary community in

False national pride was seen as one of the major contributing factors to the war and history had proved that lines on a map had become tools of division and deception

Sure it is a better world that isn’t run by greedy warlords and corrupt governments, but it is still based on everyone contributing

He cherished his wife, relatives and friends and was a giving person, contributing many dollars to numerous charities

These home missions societies established African-American churches and colleges, contributing to the idea that blacks should focus only on local missions

Weston, the founding president of Crozer Seminary in Pennsylvania, as a contributing editor to the Bible’s notes

Contributing to the huge success of the release were the beautiful piano introduction and the smooth harmonies provided by Jimmy Ibbotson and Jeff Hanna of the Nitty Ditty Dirt Band – at this point, they were not quite just dirt

“The musician, stirred by the performance, takes home with him the desire to manufacture instruments that compliment the quality of the production he witnessed, thereby contributing to its future success

influenced by the party leadership and special interest groups contributing to re-election

“I don’t suppose it will happen, especially after all that you’re contributing to your congregation and their church,” he said, obviously implying the additional work in which the minister had engaged for sometime

On average, people have about 70 years on this planet contributing to the future

fewer shares to be issued, contributing to performance on a per share basis

the cost of debt is a contributing factor through the effect of interest rate changes in the

While it was initially successful, sales and popularity would soon begin to decline with contributing factors being Sega’s damaged reputation from the relative failures of the 32X and Saturn, software pirating, and the overwhelming anticipation for the upcoming PlayStation 2

That would be contributing to the greater good

Common statistical analysis can identify correlations between any number of contributing risk factors and their impact on health

It may have been no small coincidence that industry prospered in eighteenth century England along with a great rise of periodicals and newspapers that aided in the dissemination of news and information contributing to intellectual collaboration

And many other countries joined Britain in contributing to the 100,000 exhibits of the latest products and technologies under nineteen acres of glass and iron of the Crystal Palace display hall

Your parents should be charged with contributing to her intentions

It was that kind of disunity that has been cited as a contributing reason for increasingly autocratic rule under men like Julius Caesar in Rome and Napoleon in France

Unfortunately there are more and more hard working people that aren’t contributing to useful production

Years of productive capacity that could be contributing to society are being utterly wasted in school, along with the freedom and all the resources consumed in the process

That mistruth is contributing to the decline of courtesy and goodwill

However, medical research has now shown it is a contributing factor

contributing to what is going on with me

I sense there are other things contributing to the sunken land mass

Do you know why? Because she believed that it had been a joint effort, with Marines, soldiers and sailors as well as aviators contributing to the victory

There were other contributing facters

We would be raising a contributing member of the next generation

Those radio messages had in fact helped in alerting her forces of when exactly the enemy was coming, thus contributing greatly in closing the trap on the enemy

He was a contributing author to three Commodore Computer books

I told him not to dye his hair because it could be a contributing factor

one of the main contributing factors for the rise in unemployment and the rise in the number of

investigating contributing factors of medical bills to bankruptcy

and LH by the pituitary, contributing to the onset of hot flashes and related symptoms

implications for contributing to the creation of the problem, there are

That means asking questions; looking for any contributing roots — are there generational issues; are there trauma, abuse issues; is it a habitual pattern; when did it start; how did it start? It just helps to search, because sometimes, for example, a young man may have experienced a family breakup, and in the midst of the pain, he’s gone looking for comfort

These ingredients are all contributing to the massive amount of MSG found in the American diet

Research also suggests that our increased consumption of trans and polyunsaturated fats is contributing to the increase in asthma in our children, which is nearing epidemic proportions

To keep herself focused and oriented, she had to remind herself that she was a doctor—a forensic psychologist—whose livelihood and way of contributing to the world was by dealing with issues like this

Definition of Contribute

to donate something to a cause, whether it be time, money, or ideas

Examples of Contribute in a sentence

Ariana Grande and several other artists came together to contribute to charity concert for victims of the Manchester terrorist attack.


Experts in the field contribute new research to the medical journal every month.


Rising unemployment rates contribute to the growing homeless population.


Musicians like Taylor Swift contribute to charity organizations several times a year.


The increase in terrorist attacks contribute to growing fear, anxiety, and racism.


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