Use the word contrast in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word contrast, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use contrast in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «contrast».

Contrast in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word contrast in a sentence.

  1. In contrast, the tail of H.

  2. By contrast, author Steven L.

  3. In contrast, IGN’s Douglass C.

  4. In contrast, the cap surface of P.

  5. In contrast to the unchanging latex of L.

  6. In contrast, she and her father were close.

  7. In contrast to Tremaine’s attitude, John W.

  8. By contrast, at a fan gathering in 2008, St.

  9. NADH, in contrast, is a doubly charged anion.

  10. The psychiatrist, by contrast, is an atheist.

  11. In contrast, there is no such path in the r-process.

  12. The three operas contrast strongly with one another.

  13. In contrast, the First Army held 10.5 days of supply.

  14. This is in contrast to most real-time strategy games.

  15. In contrast, the lower façades were left undecorated.

  16. By contrast, small mammals such as rodents develop gigantism in these conditions.

  17. IGN in contrast felt that characters such as Ren had grating or stilted dialogue.

  18. In contrast, Morris was playing fluently and scoring many runs from the back cut.

  19. By contrast, Akagera has a savanna ecosystem in which acacia dominates the flora.

  20. Such dualism makes them vulnerable, in contrast to the pure evil of Gabbar Singh.

  21. Cerebellar granule cells, in contrast to Purkinje cells, are among the smallest neurons in the brain.

  22. In contrast, Rupert’s cavalry used a modified version of tactics used by Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.

  23. In contrast, the femur’s more robust shaft is similar to that of Ara but dissimilar to Anodorhynchus.

  24. By contrast colds, influenza and rotavirus infections are usually a problem during the winter months.

  25. By contrast, in the same period, arable land decreased from 9,925 to 9,157 km (3,832 to 3,536 sq mi).

  26. In contrast to his defenders, the national press were almost unanimous in their condemnation of Lucan.

  27. This is in contrast to the goldcrest, which frequently feeds on the undersides of branches and leaves.

  28. In contrast, GamePro praised the «lively» character animations over the «mildly annoying» backgrounds.

  29. In contrast, Manning was reticent and uncomfortable in social settings and remained in the background.

  30. In contrast, others argue that the poem focuses mostly on the opinions, actions, and abilities of men.

  31. This was attributed to the strong narrative between episodes, in contrast to Telltale’s previous work.

  32. Band member Gordon Moakes has noted, «The contrast we saw between being away on tour and being home ..

  33. In contrast to their glam metal contemporaries in L.A., they were seen as much more raw and dangerous.

  34. The success of the conference was in marked contrast to the failure of the Non-Intervention Committee.

  35. In stark contrast to Kumara Vyasa’s war-torn epic, Chamarasa delivered a writing full of spirituality.

  36. By contrast, the northwest region consists mainly of flat prairie farmland; this continues in Benton County to the north.

  37. In contrast, Gabrielle said «I’d rather he died because he wanted to end it than it to be the result of a tragic mistake.

  38. By contrast, in air the combustion will cease as soon as the heat is removed because the oxygen is diluted with nitrogen.

  39. In contrast, about 53% of children aged 5–14 went to school in 1851, but today 58% of those aged 16–17 stay on at school.

  40. Europe, by contrast, received over 300 licensed games, including 8-bit ports of Genesis games and PAL-exclusive releases.

  41. In contrast, Laker edged Loxton down the leg side and it took a diving, low catch from Saggers to complete the dismissal.

  42. The musical approach on Kill ‘Em All was in contrast to the glam metal bands who dominated the charts in the early 1980s.

  43. Charles Way, by contrast, Wheatley’s closest friend on the team and roommate on the road, was nicknamed «Teacher’s Pet.».

  44. This was in great contrast to the colorful fantasy dreams in McCay’s signature strip Little Nemo, which he began in 1905.

  45. By contrast, a lower opacity means energy escapes more rapidly and the star must burn more fuel to remain in equilibrium.

  46. Because the series usually has a dark atmosphere, often consisting of «sets with grime and a sense of danger», Kripke wanted there to be a contrast between the two worlds.

  47. Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez drew particular focus in the media for his success in earlier rounds of the 2009 playoffs in contrast to past postseason performances.

  48. The emphasis on money evoked in the first pages and its contrast with the decrepit surroundings mirrors the novel’s themes of social organization and economic materialism.

  49. It re-established the French language, Catholic faith, and French civil law there, staving off the growth of an independence movement in contrast to the Thirteen Colonies.

  50. In contrast to his image as a member of the British aristocratic elite, he spent much of his later career working for solutions to the problems facing the world’s poorest.

Synonyms for contrast

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word contrast has the following synonyms: , direct contrast, line, dividing line, demarcation and counterpoint.

General information about «contrast» example sentences

The example sentences for the word contrast that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «contrast» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «contrast».

Synonym: compare, liken, match, measure. Similar words: contrast to, by contrast, on the contrary, contract, contractor, to the contrary, control, contribute. Meaning: [‘kɒntrɑːst]  n. 1. the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared 2. the act of distinguishing by comparing differences 3. a conceptual separation or distinction 4. the perceptual effect of the juxtaposition of very different colors 5. the range of optical density and tone on a photographic negative or print (or the extent to which adjacent areas on a television screen differ in brightness). v. 1. put in opposition to show or emphasize differences 2. to show differences when compared; be different. 

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1. It is interesting to contrast the two writers.

2. The yellow curtains contrast with the blue bedcover.

3. The two visitors provided a startling contrast in appearance.

4. There is a great contrast between good and evil.

5. This bag is big in contrast with that one.

6. Recall the misery of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today.

7. I like the contrast of the white trousers with the black jacket.

8. The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.

9. She is quiet and studious, in marked contrast to her sister.

10. The situation when we arrived was in marked contrast to the news reports.

11. There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.

12. The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier.

13. The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.

14. In striking contrast to their brothers, the girls were both intelligent and charming.

15. There is a stark contrast between the lives of the rich and those of the poor.

16. Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences.

17. In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed.

18. Contrast fresh and frozen vegetables and you’ll find the fresh ones taste better.

19. The contrast could not have been made more explicit .

20. By contrast, he was much cleverer.

21. The colours in that picture contrast nicely.

21. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

22. In contrast with their system, ours seems very old-fashioned.

23. His actions were in stark contrast to his words.

24. Your action contrast with your principles.

25. There’s a marked contrast between his character and hers.

26. In this section we contrast four possible broad approaches.

27. There is a remarkable contrast between the two brothers.

28. Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children.

29. When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.

30. A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.

More similar words: contrast to, by contrast, on the contrary, contract, contractor, to the contrary, control, contribute, contributor, contretemps, contribute to, out of control, controversy, contribution, concentrate, under control, control group, controversial, beyond control, concentration, concentrating, trash, infrastructure, central, entrance, contend, context, contain, contest, confront. 

That’s in contrast to the 35 snails that they found in growth medium that had been treated with a standard dose of metaldehyde, a common molluscicide

In contrast to that spirit, listen to the apostle Paul

It’s not hard to spot their black fatigues in contrast with everyone else

Herndon in contrast was a dashing figure of no more than thirty, though it was three hundred and eighteen Earth years from his birth

” (Note that Jesus called Himself the Son of Man in contrast

We can see the contrast between David and Saul in a couple of incidents in their lives

And then, in complete contrast to our whispers, he raised his voice and with a stumpy finger that had lost its tip, he pointed to the sky and sang, ‘We make this drink from the sun and once you taste the fire, you will never leave

was blonde in contrast to Bram’s dark colouring

In contrast to the

Belle recognized the nature of the unformed plea, intuitively acknowledging that a woman’s practical interest in the modern achievement stood in contrast to a man’s academic appreciation; she said, “If you don’t mind, I’ll just go and check that the twins aren’t into any mischief

In contrast, there were a series of newer buildings on the other

In contrast, his wife was never seen in the same outfit twice and was the envy of some of the other ladies in the village for her versatility in the creation of her ensembles

The front room, its bare floorboards and rugs in stark contrast to her own taste, furnished with heavy leather chairs centred on an old fireplace

In contrast, Alistair seemed to be entirely blasé about the whole

In contrast with the building at

Titania wore a cornflower blue Moire tie-back, in contrast to Hipolyta’s salmon colored one

The third wagon was, by contrast, still and quiet,

It was such a contrast to this life here

weather – the sunshine in stark contrast to the snow and

He wondered at her extraordinary tension in such contrast with her evident state

It was coal black adding contrast to her gray hair and soft blue eyes, which looked as if she’d been crying for days

A land of great contrast, you can also find sub-tropical pine forests, pine forests and the Himalayas

In contrast the equipment she taught was pretty modern, a good representation of what you would find out there in the medium to large prosperous halls all over the city

Plush, black rolls of fur covered her shoulders and neck, a striking contrast to her lips which were painted dark red

The contrast is still greater when you return from France

contrast with the intense green of the leaves, so

In contrast, the amount of money you can make with a physical product

have, in contrast, infinitely more many

is a true spectacle, and the contrast with the

contrast you provide between the background and the text, the more

Our planet in fact is not stationary and exclusively blessed by the Divine in contrast with all other galactic spheres—much to our unjustified belittlement of them and exaltation of ourselves! In reality, the Earth spins around like one of those toy tops and travels around like one of those toy train sets, methodically and faithfully circling that hot, glowing ball in the sky that comes and goes on a daily basis, flaring up like my allergies and hemorrhoids that are just as regular and persistent as that shining, brilliant star we call the sun

What I am trying to get you to experience with this exercise is a sense of your “present self,” in contrast to your self-centered self

In contrast to

In fact they were a stark contrast to the misery just yards beneath their feet below

It was brightly lit in stark contrast to the bleak industrial landscape outside

God, by contrast, is seen as the Godhead personified

In contrast to his grey bristle she had softer longer fur of a light cream colour

Again, it was like stepping into another world, a contrast that that would stay with Monty for some time

In contrast to letters, memos do not usually contain salutations or closings, and may be typed or hand-written

The main contrast between the realist and the idealist is

The coolness of being inside a mountain was such a contrast from the searing heat of the outside, I never wanted to leave

By contrast his short, unshaped beard was a mix of dark ginger and grey

In contrast, the gnarled limbs grew in all directions

A video feed of the view outside did not give much away; at a glance the stars were static, the shadows – drawn in harsh contrast from craters – always seemed as fixed and sympathetically lifeless

He had just arrived and Captain Melstone was showing him round and the contrast between the Lt and his brand new uniform and the Captain who was dressed like us in a worn out one was evident

From this point forward, a distinct contrast developed between that which is considered “science” through the Theory of Evolution and that of the Bible, which is said to be a purely religious view

She was in a purple towelling robe, her hair slightly wild about her face; such a contrast to how he had always seen her before when so neatly made up, formal – her professional distance

The grip was in such contrast to the way he’d held his beer glass in the pub that

elder, in contrast to the Old Testament Levitical

Objectives set by Jack never achieved in sharp contrast to his

This was a fitting contrast to the frozen Arctic and a sailor’s fare of “salt horse

A sharp contrast in their attitudes to life before the wedding,

H, in contrast, wore her favorite cotton smock, handmade by her daughter from fabric Mrs

I say this much in contrast and defiance to the noted science writer Timothy Ferris, who has written a wonderful trio of books on cosmology, but seems lost at sea in maintaining that there are several minds within the mind, in continuous search for the one centrality to guide them

Contrast that truth with the un

In contrast to the David’s testimony, you have an added advantage in that you are not just declaring the word, but you are also provoking the power of the blood of Jesus as you make your declarations

In contrast, the true road to becoming educated lies in the continuing application of innate intelligence to ever-expanding fields of knowledge

The contrast between the muted colors of her coat and her day-glow green eyes was entrancing

Contrast, if you will, his punishment with that of the above two, and recall that the Shepard case made national headlines

This was in contrast to her Far East neighbor, Japan

This was in direct contrast to the “hands off” and “non-interference” policy of the United

Time after time, however, Clinton, in contrast, repeated the mantra that We (the government) had created the jobs

In contrast, Captain Hawes represented himself and the owners

In contrast to the old saying, you can have one without the other

However, he had never noted such a strong contrast between holding the spear and letting go

Contrast that with the T-bird, also low-slung on a short

” That’s because a lot of people think of Mexico as a place where bribing rules, in contrast to the U

His attitude was in sharp contrast to the one my training

Still, it stood in marked contrast to the

Rita’s long black hair wild and inconsistent with her white lace gloves and in sharp contrast with the sombre attire of Akbar

The Banter Mountains were really just hills, but against the stark contrast of the desert, they seemed to loom up in homage to Illeander in the far distance, yet again obscured by heat haze

Remember that in contrast with the rest of the world, this hiring injustice is perpetrated on a minority community who are now being wholly excluded from businesses, the professions, and general employment

A child‘s maturity level is determined in part by that child‘s (incipient) understanding of things that are factual or real (or possible) in contrast with ideas considered to be a product of wishful thinking or make-believe that are otherwise agreeable in themselves provided that the (rational) limits and conditions of the imagination are properly outlined

I don‘t believe in the ―Age of Innocence‖, although I believe that recent generations have witnessed a rescission of innocence in proportion to mitigating sentiment in contrast with sentimentality

Anti-Heroes have always fascinated our imaginations symbolizing, as many of them do, wayward lifestyles and manners in contrast with conventional customs (seemingly) common and lacking spontaneity and originality

Remember that in contrast with the rest of the world this is done to a numerical smaller community who is now being excluded in business, the professions and employment (same as the Jews were in Nazi Germany but for very different reasons)

An individual‘s values (and interests) is oftentimes a study in contrast

The de-emphasizing of Christ‘s Divinity by nominal ―Christians,‖ (Protestants and sadly, Catholics alike), stressing His good works and moral teachings (only); that is to say, His ―Humanism‖ in contrast with His Divinity, is troubling to traditional believers who correctly understand that without the Resurrection, the redemption of sin occasioned by His own self-sacrifice is meaningless

The morally and intellectually constant are oftentimes prepared to assume the mantle of leadership in sharp contrast with other individuals who, lacking courage or insight, are likely to dismiss such opportunities that Chance has otherwise occasioned

Even the food became a kind of torture, the delight of my taste buds only throwing my frustration into contrast

By contrast there were fewer than 100 Blacks in the Confederate Army

In contrast, except for North Korea, every other Communist country without exception allowed reforms, often became at least partly democratic or at least less oppressive

Just a moment before, he had looked small and unimportant and certainly unthreatening, a stark contrast to the agnates who encircled him

Unfortunately, the drizzling and, at times, heavy rain of the first day interfered with our determination as tourists and deprived us from appreciating the night life of that stunning city, such as enjoying the sunset in one of the bars in front of Sentosa Island, or observing the nocturnal animals in the only Night Safari in the world, or participating in many other entertaining and instructive opportunities which can be found in the late evening in that large attractive modern city where East happily meets West and where the old and the new harmoniously mingle in a dramatic contrast of style and substance

In contrast with the rain and the clouds that at times complicated our first day in Singapore, light and sun encouraged and rewarded our second day, thus making possible for us to enjoy two excursions: one to Singapore River early in the morning when there were few tourists and the other to Sentosa in the afternoon, just before the crowds of tourists invaded that exciting island

Straightened his tie, silky pink in contrast to his sober navy suit

Concerning “the natural man”, the contrast between the soul, life, and spirit is a man governed by the Holy Spirit and one in whom the Holy Spirit is absent

His right hand, the one adorned with the Holy Diadems, was scratching his chin in a rather detached and insouciant way, in stark contrast to his earlier searing demeanor

For now, he was more than content to feel a gentle rush of air which was quite a novelty in contrast to the non-existent wind in the sunlit parts of this place

The atmosphere in their room was in contrast to the cheerfulness he normally encountered when he climbed the stairs after hiding the jeep in the barn

has the benefit of revealing a greater contrast between fragmentation and unity

The contrast with the Ministers of the Pantheon was sharp: they instilled fear, caution, piety, obeisance, and misery

The contrast was painfully sharp, and the effects of Pilgrim’s faith on the psyche more than intriguing

This is in contrast with the constitutional position of the Church of England

As it was outlined to them, and began to sink in, in contrast to the round of objections that had been raised to each of Colling’s decisions, Zaminoski’s concept quickly became a project involving all of them

In contrast, when they cross over to the rugged west coast, they would find it similar in some respects to the Kimberley region on Australia’s west coast and the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, with sweeping bends and spectacular scenery

That, which would come now would without doubt be in strong contrast to the calm meal, but she could not change it

Then she felt Ethan’s knife against her throat, the coldness of the steel a stark contrast to the warm sweat covering her from head to toe

“I’m trying to use my senses,” he said calmly in contrast to his earlier demeanor

None of the nearby stores were open yet and there was a soft morning mist that added to the eerie calm that contrasted strongly with all the fighting and explosions they had just left behind

The roles of men and women in worship are contrasted:

black achkan, which contrasted with his white beard and a tight skullcap of lace

His Spiderman T-shirt and jeans contrasted with the

castle contrasted the other fortifications Tom could see in several

This contrasted neatly with

which contrasted sharply with his previously sedate style of driving

In fact, her beauty was even more pronounced when contrasted with the coarse, dull fabric of the robe

night and contrasted beautifully with her fair arms and neck that

The austerity of their manners gave them authority with the common people, who contrasted the strict regularity of their conduct with the disorderly lives of the greater part of their own clergy

As our (collective) body of shared values continue to diminish under the dynamic influence of multiculturalism and where the evolution of self-contained communities, especially in our inner cities, continues mapping their (own) chartered course, such events must inevitably give rise to expanding pockets of diverse groups who, as a rule, feel more at ease in their (own) ethnic environments perceived to be culturally and socially sympathetic to their needs contrasted by ‖homogenous‖ groups who, increasingly threatened by ―foreign‖ values that provide little, if any meaning, seek refuge of their own

The expression ―Feet of Clay‖ implies a transitory, material existence that is essentially weak or flawed or (otherwise) subject to decay; contrasted with spiritual existence that is eternal, everlasting and timeless

Paul is speaking of natural as contrasted with spiritual cognition applied to spiritual truth, and therefore of the soul, as the organ of human cognition, contrasted with the spirit, as the organ of spiritual cognition

The man, therefore, whose cognition of truth depends solely upon his natural insight is natural, as contrasted with the spiritual man to whom divine insight is imparted

Contrasted with his

Strange thing is that all this contrasted with the immense amount of

unmarked, athletic wings contrasted with the blue sky and the

Contrasted with the Godly blessed by God

parable of the house built on the rock, as contrasted to the one built on the sand

Martin,» said Monica as she approached the secretary sitting behind the white desk, which contrasted with her sunset hair

the state or quality of being dedicated to God, religion, or spiritual things or values, esp as contrasted with material or temporal ones

You are the sunlight which is contrasted by the moon

The color went along with her dark skin contrasted only by a huge bunch of white jasmines decking her long hair and a shyly-happy smile showing her pearl-white teeth

The Pastor, who almost looked his age of twenty in a smart suit, contrasted with the reporter who was wearing a button down shirt

especially when contrasted to that of the successor states of the Roman Empire

Also, we contrasted our predicament with the lives of our parent friends

That beaming tropical elf wore a white tunic and sandals that contrasted brightly with his black hair and skin, as did his pearl studded gold crown of office

Those who are eager for wealth are contrasted with the faithful:

The ROI of an EMBA is also immediate, he says, because you are learning and applying what you learn in the program, contrasted with a full-time MBA experience where the ROI comes after students leave the program and start working in that first position

Each sharply contrasted the other in color,

she contrasted the grey bolts and grim metal of a starship like light against darkness

The man wore a black hat which contrasted with his silver hair

Her long black hair ponytail contrasted with the white material

the personalized arrangement of one’s own residence is often contrasted with the impersonal

Dualism — an understanding of reality gained through reduction of the whole into parts or objects which are then compared and contrasted

• Identification of the consequences of each output, coming to understand the purpose of the business and how it contrasted with the old business

“BILL STOP THAT!” The high-pitched shouting contrasted with the deep report of the shotgun as Bill let fly 2 more blasts

contrasted starkly with her dark skin

Matthew remembered his pleasant jovial personality that contrasted with the firebrand sermons he used to deliver

6 The word God, the idea of God as contrasted with the ideal of God, can become a part of any religion, no matter how puerile or false that religion may chance to be

No sincere prayer is denied an answer except when the superior viewpoint of the spiritual world has devised a better answer, an answer which meets the petition of the spirit of man as contrasted with the prayer of the mere mind of man

Olmec was as tall as Conan, and heavier; but there was something repellent about the Tlazitlan, something abysmal and monstrous that contrasted unfavorably with the clean-cut, compact hardness of the Cimmerian

His hair was thick, brushed back from a high forehead and his eyes a piercing blue that contrasted against his dark hair

It stank too, of sweat and horses, heavy male musk that contrasted sharply with Blackfin’s perfume

Man’s aesthetic appreciation of beauty contrasted with ugliness

At the bottom was a stream and the water contrasted darkly with the snow

the atonement for Christians only are overwhelming contrasted with

The armourer had gone to a great deal of effort to produce a first class job and the fittings included some polished brass plates on the leather shoulder straps which contrasted nicely with the polished black of the iron

Irrigation water maintained the lawns and a selection of trees, which was in stark contrasted to the surrounding land which was parched and treeless

Her modern look contrasted with the

Dubbed » The Cathedral and the Bazaar,» the speech contrasted the management styles of the GNU Project with the man-

The shimmering water contrasted with the darkness of the rusty pail

contrasted with the cooler air lifting up from the river

Behind the towering figure in black stood a young woman who appeared to be sobbing and cradling something in her arms; her snow-white uniform contrasted loudly with the blackness surrounding her, and Elizabeth realized immediately that it was not Faye but rather a much younger woman who seemed to keep her face hidden from view whenever possible

Indeed, the scarf looked so perfectly peaceful amidst the landscape that it could easily have been overlooked by most as a marker of some special place to a young couple, yet in the context of their search, it contrasted starkly with the natural beauty and seemed to cry out for help and recognition

Though he had never noticed the painting before, Feltus suddenly realized his distaste for the artwork and how out of place it looked in this elegant setting whose style greatly contrasted with that of the subject of the artist’s evident admiration

The coroner was at a small Queen Anne desk, which contrasted awkwardly with the Louis XV motif, in the center of the room directly beneath one of the grand chandeliers that sparkled radiantly like polished diamonds and maintained a formal, solemn expression; one of the oversized armchairs that would serve as the witness box was placed between him and the jury in a circle of light cast by the chandelier while his assistant was situated just to his left

A smile crossed his lips as he noticed how obviously Lady Jane’s chiffon gown in royal purple with plumed hat and Lord Ashburn’s tweed jacket with plum-coloured ascot contrasted with the simple black-and-grey attire of Preacher Cooper and Elizabeth, respectively

Lady Jane, whose light grey silk gown with high, ruffled collar and pillbox hat that greatly complemented Lord Ashburn’s pin-striped, three-piece grey suit and dark grey silk shirt with bow tie, stood regally by her husband’s side with a steady but confident air; her entire appearance, with her hair flowing to her shoulders and her makeup coordinated with her attire, contrasted starkly with that of her counterparts, and her perpetual sense of superiority further alienated her from them

The foyer was totally dark as Feltus, followed close by Lowell who had drawn his revolver from beneath his jacket, cautiously entered and quickly glanced behind the door before flipping the switch for the chandelier that filled the area with immense, twinkling light, which contrasted with the dark parlour where only a single lamp by the settee adjacent to the painting futilely attempted to push back the shadows in which evil seemed to lurk

She slowly moved her trembling hand to her forehead, as if checking for a temperature, and her flushed cheeks that contrasted greatly with her sudden pallor and gave her a deathly appearance, especially with the laced black clothing she was wearing

Her face was ashen white, which contrasted greatly with her dark clothing and brilliantly red lips, and sunken as if she had just recovered from a lengthy illness that had robbed her of both strength and weight, leaving her horribly emaciated

shock through his body as it contrasted with his much warmer feet

His bright green silk robe contrasted starkly with

As he walked back to the Faramdoulas’ house, Theo contrasted the light banter and easy laughter of his compatriots with the weightier intellectual arousal the Doctor had stimulated in him through his Islamic perspective on history

outside into the cool air that contrasted sharply with the warmth of

There was however something strange with the convoy, starting with the haphazard mix of vehicle types that contrasted with the appearances of normal military convoys

In the distance a large dark blob staggered along, contrasted by the lighter grey of the river

His skin was sickly-pale and it contrasted against the black of his suit and long coat

That contrasted with the often jittery or nervous looks she had seen on the faces of too many American infantrymen in this war

For this time period, she was truly flying in high fashion and contrasted sharply with the French pilots, who wore well-worn flying coveralls and simple floatation vests, plus hard helmets with separate goggles

He cleared his throat to speak, but the lady spoke first, inviting them into the overflowing warmth of the centrally heated villa that contrasted comfortably with the eight degrees of winter sunshine

inviting, as contrasted to the monster it would become after gaining the power of the empire

The tri-colours of her police car contrasted sharply with black panels and gleaming chrome as she parked between two Daimler hearses in the large grounds of the funeral parlour

Apart from being the only woman present, Ingrid’s stunning youth also contrasted sharply with the crowd of men in their advanced forties and fifties

Apart from being even more fit physically and being stronger, Elizabeth was by then highly educated, with advanced degrees and competences in sciences and applied technologies that contrasted with the rudimentary and very basic education she had received at the palace in her youth

Did I mention how the red of the bra sharply it contrasted with pale Irish skin? Or how she had a

function in real situations, as contrasted with theoretical judgment in abstract situations

Apart from the truly fantastic living conditions she and her family had found on the KOSTROMA, which contrasted starkly with their impoverished past life in polluted, overpopulated India, she was able to study part-time in the evening to complete her diploma in hydroponics techniques

Imagine the laissez-faire attitude of a cafe in Nice contrasted with the frightful panic of a deadly chase through the crowded city streets of Cairo, or a gorgeous sunny seascape with a looming shadow just at the edge of your vision

While her deep skin tan contrasted with the milky skin that was considered a mark of beauty in France, it added to the impression of perfect health and fitness radiating from her

Only by breaking out through the surface of this immeasurable pool are we able to find action; again, contrasted by the unlimited depth of stillness

On her part, Ingrid noted the often worn out clothes of the other customers, which contrasted with her own modern, high quality female suit

The dark silk stockings she wore contrasted perfectly with the tasteful pink and black of the rest of her underwear

The white coat contrasted with her

In order to voice out any amount of debacles out of these sorts of ingredients a form of resistance has to be made out so as to emulate out any type of response being tuned out whenever these items are contrasted or confronted along with our sorts of lives we have

Across Bihar, the RSS cadres contrasted Bihar’s backwardness with images of Gujarat’s prosperity in their door-to-door campaign

Images of film stars dancing in front of the ruling Yadavs were contrasted with those who were spending their nights in camps in an unforgiving UP winter

His political naivety was also exposed when Arnab grilled him on the Congress’s role in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots and contrasted it with the party’s stand on the 2002 Gujarat riots

When Modi contrasted a ‘powerless’ UP with a fully electrified Gujarat, there were wild cheers

The light and airy architecture of the establishment immediately contrasted with the feeling the monk experienced as he entered

is to be contrasted with vengeance;

Her china doll complexion and pale skin contrasted largely with her scarlet red bikini, its sheer colour immediately drawing your eyes to her chest

lush, green color that contrasted sharply with the stark bareness of the

contrasted sharply with Credit’s theme of simplicity

A branch curved around her brow like a circlet and trickles of blood where thorns had scratched her forehead contrasted starkly with her pale face

contrasted it so much with our American society as much

It is our purpose to observe the contrasting values, and to decide for ourselves what is wanted in our physical experience

‘What about property and stuff like that?’ I asked, contrasting this to the little I know of wedding vows on Earth

And so we trudged, arm in arm, dazzled by the breathtaking beauty contrasting with the pointless tragedy that had invaded our lives

Her face grew pale, contrasting with the dark and threatening sea

‖ There are many ways of stating the contrasting choice that each moment offers, but the basic idea is the same: you can live from a positive life-affirming place or in a mode of negativity and protection

blurred region of green and grey, the haze over the isle contrasting

green of the pines and firs contrasting against the gold of the crops in

thick creamy-white fat contrasting with the pink meat on the plate

To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself

This environment has been presenting us with contrasting choices throughout our incarnation e

You can substitute different vegetables, but be sure to use ones that have contrasting colors

As he got within a few metres the grounds illuminated by a bioluminescent band running under the solar- panelled roof, revealing the neatly trimmed garden, the blue-white light spilled over to reveal the contrasting wild undergrowth

They were large men with brown skin and big black bushy beards their teeth flashed white as they smiled or laughed contrasting with their dark skin

This is important because by contrasting

As I got closer I remembered Major Melstone and I was nearly sick again I got control of myself and it was then that I noticed the Lieutenants blonde hair contrasting with the dark earth of the hole

contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and

Spotlights bathed them in bright light contrasting the prevailing gloom throughout the bar, broken only by the pale glow of candles under ruby-red glass

Behind her was a flash of white, contrasting with the stark darkening forest

[62] Jon Landaw uses the contrasting terms «waking dream» and «sleeping dream» in FPMT Education Department, Discovering Buddhism at Home Program, «Subject Area 13: Introduction to Tantra», teachings and meditations by Jon Landaw (Portland, OR: FPMT, Inc

Shoes, pants and dress shirt, suit, all black, contrasting with a silver

Then comes the contrasting status of the unbeliever

In Psalm 4, The writer starts by praising God, and continues by contrasting the

man and his plans to our attention by contrasting everything that is us and ours to

uses the first part of the verse, without also quoting the last part of this verse, that the two contrasting

alive in you, contrasting the life in the flesh, which is

of abundant green growth contrasting sharply with the

For instance, your earlier observation contrasting my lovely grandchildren with the depraved SS would be considered garbage according to Sci–Coll, because the State’s scientific research suggests the opposite

Contrasting beautiful Namibia, Namibia our country

During the best known negotiations of all time, those between Moses and Pharaoh, we see two contrasting positions collide

field to the forest, their red and black hoodies contrasting with

They settled on a watered silk look, pale cream background with broad contrasting stripes widely set, a filigree of the same shade down the middle between each set of stripes

Many shops featured fairly large men dressed in fine suits standing watch outside the entrances; their quality raiments contrasting sharply with their brutish faces

He is dressed in a rich-blue linen jacket and contrasting tan slacks

or contrasting certain other things

Contrasting between sects within a religion (Sunnis

instruments in a cacophony of sounds contrasting against each other

Bêlit posed picturesquely among the ruins, the vibrant life in her lithe figure contrasting strangely with the desolation and decay about her

A small fishing boat, two miles away, its white outline contrasting sharply with the darkness of the heavily forested islands, was coasting steadily north

The corn was being harvested with over a hundred acres a checkerboard of battered cornstalks contrasting the proud stalks standing next, totally oblivious to their fate

The two distinctly contrasting forms now rotated together in this odd embrace

The guys dressed conservatively in light color pants with contrasting jackets and ties

Having to adjust to the contrasting conditions

contrasting with the rain outside

er,» says Stallman, contrasting songs with software programs

realization that his essay contrasting the Stallman-Torvalds

Since he has no reference point of his self to gauge her feelings, he does not know how important he should consider her feelings, especially when contrasting them with his feelings

Perhaps in order to make the universe as beautiful as possible there has to be suffering – sort of as a contrasting agent

By contrasting themselves with the lower class, they tried to demonstrate with their relative progress that the black race deserved full rights of American citizenship

Contrasting their lives and ministries provides a case study about the reasons why many African Americans do not participate in evangelical missions

By contrasting the doctrinal choices of Drew and Proctor, I expose the demobilizing consequences of choosing to believe white liberals’ attacks on the Bible

Apart from the fact that the woman was beautiful, even with her bald head, and wore the latest in high fashion clothes, their apparent hurry contrasting with the normally lazy rhythm of the giants around them had attracted Ingrid’s attention

Their bodies were lean under the sports jackets they donned; their skin contrasting from dark to light, and the woman were nowhere to be seen

It was highly enigmatic how such contrasting manners could be successfully combined into one person and how that individual managed to portray herself in different ways to different people—strangers at that, but Feltus resolved that this was merely one of the facets of women that men were not supposed to fathom

All the Messenger’s sayings are an interpretation of the Qur’an, and he is far above saying words contrasting with each other

itself in such a modern neighborhood, contrasting starkly with the

dabbed the back of his neck, the cool water contrasting sharply with

(Lvoof) The place held a certain fascination for him as his mother and aunts talked very often of its glories in contrasting these to the bleakness of the African environment, which he loved so much

They could not decide what it might be, with so much lava coating, poor light and the black crater one side contrasting with blinding yellow and white on the other

The brass doorknob was oddly cold like solid ice, invigorating the nerves in his fingertips that instinctively sought to recoil, contrasting sharply with the sweltering summer heat


remains in order that a clear and contrasting testimony of the truth can go out to the world

I have never seen before a group of people with such contrasting auras and alignments

Thus, understanding the concept of contrasting moving

Contrasting with the lack of other security guards or watchmen around the other warehouses in the port, that constituted one indicator by itself that the Meridian warehouse contained some very valuable goods

worth contrasting this with other creation myths

This also works in reverse with contrasting vibrations

consisted contrasting starkly with the light which pulsated around him

Thousands of daisies, morning glories and other wildflowers filled the tree-covered, spiritually created mountains with contrasting yellows, greens, blues, and oranges so vivid — if the most scenic view along the Blue Ridge Parkway could have seen it; it would have blushed with envy

This exercise would be undertaken along the next four chapters that would treat out thèfactors of existenceìndividually, independently and exclusively by contrasting their potentials along with our own lives

cannonballs contrasting emotive intricated habituation and versatilities

This exercise would be undertaken along the next four chapters that would treat out the `factors of existence` individually, independently and exclusively by contrasting their potentials along with our own lives

A sixteen-minute video with the ‘Modi aanewala hai’ song and clips of Modi’s speeches would be played on the TV screen on the rath, often taking up local issues like bijli and contrasting them with the promise of twenty-four-hour power supply as in Gujarat

Did the contrasting financial positions of the two main parties make a difference in the campaign? Yes, to some extent

Now have a look in Verse 9, at the contrasting attitude of Caleb

Even now, they were probably contrasting her abilities against Keller’s evolved cunning

The gallows loomed on the platform, contrasting strangely with the bright trees

contrasting these with our present state, we

‘Individually they picture contrasting charms but together they symbolize beauty itself,’ he analyzed his own state of mind

“Don’t you see that it symbolizes the contrasting phases of my life?” he said in remorse

then that he goes on contrasting his own earlier days of poverty with

From such repeated contrasting experiences, he learns that the

The surface had been scattered with rose petals, the crimson stark against the contrasting white of the tablecloth

Few better qualify to debate the difference between life and death—to pass judgment on the contrasting powers of creating life and of ending it—than a mother of seven

His hands reached for them both, his fingertips gently teasing the contrasting yield between soft breasts and attentive nipples, his back pressed into the sheets beneath him in the necessity of connection, their bodies pushing against his

For the eye sees, the ear hears, and the tongue tastes, then these sensations move to the spirit which sends up the rays of these perceptions to the brain, when it is true in seeking truth, and there, the thought performs the processes of comparing, contrasting, disuniting and assembling then the spirit attains its demand

So, if man sets examples for himself from those who have lived before him of his parents, relatives and his forefathers, and acquaints his spirit with those who have dwelled in their dwellings, then he informs it about death and its awe, the grave and its loneliness, and repeats such lesson to it daily, there, it will fear and stop indulging in loving this world and turning to it, then it will seriously seek to know the Provider Who looks after it, where the spirit’s efforts gather with that of the thought which acts dashingly and searches earnestly, and it keeps comparing and contrasting, disuniting and assembling, asking itself by itself and answering until it reaches deciding the existing of the Great Creator who has created everything, then he continues researching till he comes to believe that He, the Almighty, is the Supporter Provider who provides the creatures and supplies them with their needs without forgetting them a twinkling of an eye

The newspaper continued with an account of Tim’s childhood with his mother in a one-bedroom apartment in central Sydney, contrasting it with the affluence of the Paget household

The two contrasting creations – one conducive to

She was wearing a wide belt about her waist that was of a different, contrasting shade of gold, with a square buckle made from covered what looked like millions of diamonds

Hanging on a golden clasp from the very middle of the strand was a highly polished star-shaped stone in contrasting wave bands of light yellow, tan, brown, red, grey and black

“ This region contains many contrasting landscapes; wooded forests, meadows and marshlands, rolling hills, and a varied coastline that stretches for miles and miles

Hanging on a gold clasp from the very middle of the strand was a highly polished star-shaped stone in contrasting wave bands of light yellow, tan, brown, red, grey and black

“ That was a day of many contrasting emotions

the bottom half was wallpapered in wide segments of slate blue, contrasting with smaller stripings of bright red and white

A cleanly person of the usual decent widow type welcomed us with a cordiality contrasting pleasantly with the indifference of those widows whose rooms had been all engaged

» That was a day of many contrasting emotions

But at least I was in Greece and I’d read somewhere that ‘Greece always gives more than it takes’, so with two weeks of immeasurable contrasts stretching out before me on my very own quest with nothing to guide me but sweet ignorance and a ferry, I drained my glass and moved out under a parasol

The cause of the contrasts lays in the recent

Contrasts? On the

Even in that one, an example of contrasts is

These contrasts have led people who believe in Creation, to come up with terms like “Creation Science” and “Intelligent Design” which is labelled by mainstream science as “pseudo-science”

Laura knew her father was a man of intriguing contrasts

Lennox was a study in contrasts

From that height we could contemplate spectacular landscapes, with a 360º bird’s eye view of truly sensational contrasts between the silhouette of the city and the islands that surround it

This contrasts the task that the Lord gave the Levite priests with the

Psalm 5 opens with a plea to the Lord, and then contrasts some of the ways in

Much of the rest of the Psalm contrasts the saints, or

Verses 2 to 11, Paul now sums up what the law can do, and contrasts this with what the

Verses 5, is one of several verses that follow where, in different ways, Paul contrasts the

Verse 13 and 14, Paul contrasts the behaviour of believers with the behaviour of sinners, and

In order to maximize the sensations and the contrasts between the sensations caused by the reflection of the two pieces, I will Translocate one of the pieces directly in front of you and just above you, positioned and angled so that the sunlight and your power are reflected directly onto your face, head and torso

So far as your senses will be able to detect, the substitution should be instantaneous, which should also make any contrasts you perceive between the two pieces’ reflectivity as apparent as possible

It contrasts beautifully with his totally white hair

*The direction of “going forth” now plays a key role in the revelations, and contrasts to the coming in of the repentant exiles during the epilogue

This was such a place of contrasts it rather amazed Gianni

series of failed relationships and incurable contrasts

This contrasts with the idea that

The following list contrasts the two states and the words I’ve chosen to represent those distinctions

contrasts, and more than anything else, she was breathtaking

The low world, the lower one, which its vision fuses in green and brown spots, contrasts enormously with the immensity of the top world of infinite blue and white foam clouds

Lighting was full strength spots with straw filters, creating strong, warm highlights, deep shadows, stark contrasts and discrete acting areas

There would be no contrasts

The program just outlined wil provide you with a continuity of contrasts

“The dharma of compromise hauls the coupe of matrimony on the parallel track of contrasts

The life was uncertain, dream-like, with sharp contrasts of battle, pillage, murder, and flight

we obtain information that contrasts a time progression (naive extrapolation) with an

contrasts sharply with a popular conception of environmentalists as people that want Health and Happiness for All

feldspar matrix, and this matrix contrasts dramatically with the icy blue doubly terminated aquamarine

Set in the present day in a world not our own, Mañana is a world of contrasts and amalgamations

” In his book, he contrasts this to the high ‘financial death rate’ of banks, which can systematically suspend their payments and can fail without the support of the central banks

This contrasts with the torturer or sadist who, like the vampire, is pitiless

They have a sense of connectedness and rootedness which contrasts sharply with the empty materialism of our society

If one contrasts the young Ernest, with only his dreams and few pieces

History has shown contrasts, and Namibia, the country we are so fortunate to live in, advocates the diversity of every individual

He has his wits disordered by his devoted reading of chivalric romances and sets out in search of knightly adventures with his companion, Sancho Panza, whose short, fat appearance contrasts with that of Don Quixote

New York City and the contrasts prove the point: humans are

Witnessing these devilish visions contrasts with witnessing the facts and Godly lights through God’s messenger (cpth)

In the physical world there are innumerable contrasts and these may, for convenience sake, be designated by distinctive names

Suddenly the contrast mind (the mind that contrasts constantly between good and bad) arises and comments on how great the work is going on

There was this force in his movement that contrasts sharply with the Ben I knew, a gentle and calculated Ben

The black zigzag spine of the snake tail continues to the beast’s back and contrasts with his golden reptile skin

During the three years she had been his darling friend, he had become intimately acquainted with contrasts of rapture and despair which he, a quiet man, of the gentle, court-official type who in leisure moments reads the classics and is never without a little volume of Horace in his pocket, hadn’t supposed existed

«But I’d give up these splendid contrasts very _willingly_,» she whispered, her face gone suddenly terror-stricken

He enfolds her in his arms, warm and secure and most definitely real, and she contrasts the feeling of his touch, of his cheek against her hair and the moisture of his breath in the cold, with the lingering feeling that her hands are soaked in blood

of exaggerated picturesqueness, with itsviolent contrasts, mingling of the sublime and vulgar, the

plays, which are full of humorous contrasts, were writtenduring his residence in Spain and are,

In order to underline contrasts and stress differences: throughout this book, I myself use words like: life, death, normality, reality in an absolute fashion or manner

Of sober architecture, simplicity and harmonious dimensions, it is richly decorated and this contrasts with the austerity of the monument

� Scarcity consciousness contrasts dramatically with abundance consciousness

Without life’s contrasts and challenges there would be the risk of living in an emotional and intellectual vacuum, a plane of spiritual boredom without the opportunity for personal development

It seems that perhaps we can only appreciate the wonders of creation and the Creator because of our personal perception of the world from the experience of all the contrasts, challenges, joys and pain it has offered and dealt to us

Humans interpret atom-energy structures and functions through contrasts of observed differentiations of features, functions and facts (science) of a structure

Individuals process information learning to interpret contrasts and shapes of atom-energy structures and their functions in relation to individual’s personal experiences

But is it so very improbable that the next stage of thought is to restore the doctrine in all its pristine purity and force, as being in perfect harmony with sound ideas upon the subject of wealth and poverty, the rich and the poor, and the contrasts everywhere seen and deplored? In Christ’s day, it is evident, reformers were against the wealthy

Christ contrasts «eternal life» for the saved with «eternal punishment» for the lost

contrasts «eternal life» for the saved with «eternal punishment» for the lost

This is an important consideration, as there is generally a strong contrast between them, the shadows usually being warm if the lights are cool and vice versa; and such contrasts greatly affect the vitality of colouring

The effect of the harsh contrasts in the lines is further added to by the harsh contrasts of tone: everywhere hard lights are brought up against hard darks

Harsh contrasts of tone produce much the same look of terror as harsh contrasts of line

The contrasts of line are here but confined to the smaller parts, and there are no contrasts of light and shade, chiaroscuro not being yet invented

However, it will be seen by the accompanying diagram how consistently the harsh contrasts of line were carried out in the planning of this picture

Greater contrasts and variety of colour may be indulged in where the middle range only of tones is used, and where there is little tone contrast, than where there is great contrast

In other words, you cannot with much hope of success have strong contrasts of colour and strong contrasts of tone in the same picture: it is too violent

And again, where you have strong contrasts of tone, such as Rembrandt was fond of, you cannot successfully have strong contrasts of colour as well

Japanese and Chinese use of contrasts of colour, 208

“Again, Paul contrasts the pleasures which as a Christian he could enjoy while in the body with those he could enjoy out of the body

Paul’s weighty but neglected statement, before the Areopagus at Athens—when, standing in the very capital of paganism, the centre of the traditions of the heathen world, he surveys the past, and contrasts it with the present

6, where he contrasts the different effects of the law,—or ministry of condemnation, and the gospel, or ministry of righteousness

’ The ‘passing away’ of the world, and the ‘abiding forever’ of the servants of God, are contrasts which establish the literal interpretation of the subsequent words, ‘He that has not the Son of God has not the life

Plato’s account of pleasure is remarkable for moderation, and in this respect contrasts with the later Platonists and the views which are attributed to them by Aristotle

 Nancy Reagan and Betty Ford were a study in contrasts, with Betty’s fun-loving persona a polar opposite to Nancy’s steely self-control

An article in the latest issue of the “New Republic” discusses the recent hearings on the Office of Federal Contract Compliance and contrasts Senator Dirksen’s “clowning performance” with Ted Kennedy’s “cool and clever handling” of both himself and the situation

Murky as well, and very rich in saline material, their pure indigo contrasts with the green waves surrounding them

We left downtown and entered more residential neighborhoods, which were full of sharp contrasts

To those who have looked at Rome with the quickening power of a knowledge which breathes a growing soul into all historic shapes, and traces out the suppressed transitions which unite all contrasts, Rome may still be the spiritual centre and interpreter of the world

This contrasts with the typical bearish crowd, whose lifetime is measured in months

This contrasts with a decline in the price of Westvaco common stock from 116½ in 1929 to 3 in 1932

When we examine these recent price figures with care we see some interesting analogies and contrasts with those of forty years earlier

This program of acquisition of small fractions of businesses (common stocks) at bargain prices, for which little enthusiasm exists, contrasts sharply with general corporate acquisition activity, for which much enthusiasm exists

The PMV contrasts with the value that the stock market is placing on the equity of the firm

Ideally, the stock’s price/volume action should become “quiet” over the previous several days, which contrasts with the much larger and stronger volume move that comes on the pocket pivot itself

Consider adding a row (or column, or both) of contrasts; for example, if the table has only two rows, we could add a row of differences, row 1 minus row 2

He then contrasts this to a pharmaceutical company where the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concerns itself with the safety of drugs it regulates, but it does not control the prices that a business can charge for them

1 summarizes the contrasts

2 contrasts return volatility scatterplots for the first and second halves of the 58-year sample

As just noted, growing developing world demand for energy contrasts with finite supplies

This procyclical pattern contrasts with the countercyclical pattern found in rational return expectations that are based on econometric forecasting models and valuation ratios

I made you talk: ere long I found you full of strange contrasts

  1. By contrast, he was much cleverer.
  2. It’seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterday’s icy wind.
  3. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.
  4. By contrast, the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent.
  5. Habituation, by contrast, reduces responsiveness to the familiar.

What does contrast mean in writing?

In literature, an author uses contrast when they describe the difference(s) between two or more entities. For example, in the first four lines of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130, Shakespeare contrasts a mistress to the sun, coral, snow, and wire. Contrast is the antonym of simile.

How do you show contrast in writing?

When & How to Write Contrast

  1. Show, don’t tell. Instead of saying: “Tim was a kind man, while Martha was mean,” show the contrast!
  2. Don’t be overly simplistic. This is especially important in essays.
  3. Consider making a table. In this article, several of the examples have tables that clearly lay out the contrasts between characters.

What is an example of contrast effect?

1. the perception of an intensified or heightened difference between two stimuli or sensations when they are juxtaposed or when one immediately follows the other. Examples include the effect produced when a trombone follows a violin or when bright yellow and red are viewed simultaneously.

What is a contrast transition word?

What Are Compare And Contrast Transition Words? As the name clearly implies, they are transition words that establish a comparison or a contrast between one thing and another. These are very useful and quite widely used in any form of writing.

What is a comparison word problem?

COMPARISON problems are the type of problems looked at this week, which involve figuring our similarities or differences between sets. Difference Unknown: One type of compare problem involves finding out how many more are in one set than another. For example, James has 6 mice. Joy has 11 mice.

What does fewer mean in word problems?


When would you use comparison bars for a word problem?

You usually use drawing of comparison bars for word problems when the word problem deals with comparison between two quantities. This usually occurs when you are looking for the difference between two quantities.

What is a comparison bar?

What is a comparison bar model? A comparison bar model uses solid bars to show known and unknown amounts. Bars are arranged vertically underneath each other so learners can see the difference in the length of the bars. The brackets show the total.


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  • Use the word context in a sentence
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  • Use the word consumption in a sentence