Use the word context in a sentence

context (n): the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explainit

Use “context” in a sentence

Can you guess the meaning of this phrase from the context?
He didn’t understand the context of this paragraph.
We always need to put the words in contexts.

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Used with adjectives:

«Take a look at the broad context.«
(broad, general, larger, wider)

«Use words in the correct context.«
(correct, right, appropriate)

«It is only done in a certain context.«
(certain, specific, particular)

«The movie was made in a modern context.«
(modern, different, new, contemporary)

«It is easier to understand in its present context.«
(present, current, normal, original)

«It was handled in a business context.«
(business, work, professional, formal)

Used with verbs:

«Can you give the proper context of the book?«
(give, provide)

«It’s important to create the right context for teaching.«
(create, establish)

«My words were taken out of context.«
(be + taken out of)

Used with prepositions:

«Try to understand the words in context.«

«It is easier to understand within the context of the story.«

  • Use the word CONTEXT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Klein isn’t interested in the image in itself, but he’s interested in the way this image can be arranged, cropped, put in different context.

Confabulations of this sort — given its diplomatic context — only I can handle them.

But then, a passage torn from its context

But all his efforts were in the context of his office.

If you look at the context in which this statement appears… you will see that James is speaking to those… who make great assumptions as to the future… with never a thought of the contingency of life itself.

I need to set the proper context to pass a lex… what-you-call-it, a bill applying to certain persons.

Certain phrases should never be quoted out of context.


However, back then, it was in the context of mathematics.

We need to put the man back into context among the men of that incredible period of the 1650s who know that a page in European history has been turned, and that a new one is to begin, though it’s unclear where it will lead.

Colleagues, I proudly say that we convened again to clarify our ideas and to report the results of one year of research in the context of scientific progress.

They are all rather banal in terms of context, but he certainly delivered them with a lot of fanfare.

Yes, as far as mathematics is concerned, a natural and purely mathematical context does indeed exist.

The religious life lost all meaning… in such a context.

Indeed, if a socialist might admire the wealth of the US he must place it in perspective in the relative world context… ..and at that level understand it, using rareness and exploitation as criteria.

I think it may be very important to the future of our quadripartite relationship… to get that particular remark into very clear context.

In general, the study of the varying dimensions of human experience in the context of man in his society is known as human social cybernetics.

This data would naturally assure the immediate social dominance of the chosen subject within the context of the experimental, socially isolate gestalt.

The communal telepathic experience translated into the larger social national context would presumably carry with it its intrinsic qualities of willing reciprocal dependency and a mutual experiential creativity.

In this context, the true norm is an expanded form of bisexuality which we term omnisexuality.

No, what is the context here?

But if you wish to involve yourself in an argument about it, pray explain the word «progress» in this context.

Our national economy, even our national survival devolves upon the consolidation, by merger of the smaller and weaker economic units with the larger and lustier pillars of our commercial context.

What attracts me irresistibly to the things or people around me that I cannot take my eyes off is precisely that which I cannot understand, words taken out of context, gestures left hanging in mid-air, images glimpsed unexpectedly

Anybody can lift that shit out of context

Maybe we can use some lines out of context.

It’s revolutionary in concept, really, because they won’t be offices so much as living modules, almost cocoons where a man can coordinate his activities outside the context of mere business.

We’ll just say that He and She have started to think of themselves in a historical context.

If you’d face that, look at Vietnam in the context and you’d understand it

Well, it’s when you act out of context with your environment.

Ulan (or Lan) may have different meanings in the context.

They’ve started reading out lists of so called war criminals. I suppose it must be somewhat frightening to hear one’s name in that context.

So you see, I knew him in a different context on the path.

And it was used… it was used in the context of defending a certain homosexual practice.

Come on! That’s out of context, and you know it.

I’m here to propose an alternative to… soccer and to the spreading of popular song, a serious cultural speech not a boring one, Professor Palumbo, please… in the context of a TV program that, as we know, manipulates public opinion… Torqua!

Their longevity lies within the context of your communication.

In our present context… it means infiltration of the Democrats.

Seven little workers, so you get the social context, too.

Stefan George wanted his poems to be presented in a certain ambiance… not torn from their proper context.

You have to look at it in a historical context.

But the Spanish Civil War at that time,… a war in whose context was the treason of Western Democracies,… was a lost cause.

Since this contact was initiated in a sociopolitical context particularly satisfying for the subject, It is probable that this relationship can continue for a certain time, Which would allow the gathering of supplemental information.

These revelations, their dramatic historical context, will kindle, in 51, an extreme curiosity, Which will cause him to ask Questions.

He had a very good idea about the sense and the style of the comedy and keeping it within the kind of context of a reality, so we could make the characters believable.

«l’m trying to see things in their proper context

I see it in the context of the events of 1945, to name just one year.

Of course, it was all more or less abstract, removed from the existing social context, and in particular, removed from the mentality of the people, who were not in any way ready to wage war against the state,

Let us consider the historical context and say, firstly,

Definition of Context

the setting in which something occurs

Examples of Context in a sentence

Without context, many conversations that you overhear only a part of make no sense whatsoever, and can often be kind of weird.


Hearing the words ‘Hitler was pretty good’ would be unsettling if you did not know that the context of the conversation was in regards to his short lived art career.


If you did not know the context of the conversation was a fictional book, you would think someone talking about Elves and Unicorns was insane.


Because my teacher did not know the context of the situation, she sent my friend and I to the principal’s office when she heard us talking about our favorite guns in a fictional video game.


Very few movies make any sense if you start watching them halfway, because you don’t know the context of the movie’s plot.


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- контекст

out of context — в отрыве от контекста

- ситуация; среда, окружение

in this context — в данном случае; при этом условии; в этой связи
in the context of — в связи с; применительно к; с учётом; с точки зрения
in the context of today’s America — в условиях современной Америки

Мои примеры


to cite a passage out of context — цитировать какой-л. фрагмент в отрыве от контекста  
historical context — исторический контекст  
context editor — контекстный редактор  
to lift a word from / out of context — вырывать слово из контекста  
context switch — контекстный переключатель (программы)  
context condition — контекстное условие  
association context — контекст соединения (абонентов сети)  
firm context — твердый контекст  
linear context — линейный контекст  
soft context — мягкий контекст  

Примеры с переводом

His comments, taken out of context, seem harsh.

Его высказывания, вырванные из контекста, кажутся резкими.

This small battle is very important in the context of Scottish history.

Это небольшое сражение было очень важным в контексте шотландской истории.

The statistics are not very meaningful when taken out of context.

Статистические данные не очень осмысленны, когда они вырваны из контекста.

We need to consider these events in context.

Мы должны рассматривать эти события в их историческом контексте.

Don’t distort her meaning by taking her words out of context.

Не искажайте смысл её слов, вырывая их из контекста.

It is important to look at the novel in its historical context.

Важно рассматривать этот роман в его историческом контексте.

This debate should be set in an international context.

Эти дебаты должны быть проведены на международном уровне.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the otherwise anodyne comments sounded quite inflammatory when taken out of context…

The women have the opportunity to situate their own struggles in a wider historical context.

…taking that statement completely out of context essentially falsifies it, whether that’s your intention or not…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

contexture  — сплетение, композиция, ткань

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): context
мн. ч.(plural): contexts

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