Use the word consumption in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word consumption, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use consumption in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «consumption». In addition, we also show how different variations of consumption can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are consumption—in. If you click on the variation of consumption that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Consumption in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word consumption in a sentence.

  1. The consumption of detoxified A.

  2. Prey is plucked before consumption.

  3. Direct and indirect energy consumption by U.S.

  4. Nor did he confine his views to private consumption.

  5. One criterion is the consumption of calories per person.

  6. Death may occur from five to seven days after consumption.

  7. What percentage of income do we spend on food consumption?

  8. Edwards died in prison on January 27, 1847, of consumption.

  9. The recent partial Islamization of the region has not challenged its consumption.

  10. There have been references to the amount of his consumption increasing over time.

  11. Seafood Watch ranks farmed rainbow as a «Best Choice» fish for human consumption.

  12. Numerous alcoholic beverages are produced for local consumption and limited export.

  13. They assess that such bans have reduced tobacco consumption by 16% where instituted.

  14. Lemurs tend to be selective in their consumption of the part of the leaf or shoot as well as its age.

  15. These risk factors are smoking, hypertension (high blood pressure), and excessive alcohol consumption.

  16. Forest ravens cache food items for later consumption, generally using trees to evade other scavengers.

  17. Variability and the Time Period of Measurement: Income, consumption and other factors change over time.

  18. Generalized treatments he prescribed include fasting and the consumption of a mix of honey and vinegar.

  19. Together, direct and indirect consumption by US farms accounts for about 2% of the nation’s energy use.

  20. Different methods of preparation for consumption affect the leaching rate of cadmium, lead, and mercury.

  21. In anticipation of the bombings, Groves had Henry DeWolf Smyth prepare a history for public consumption.

  22. Although meat is eaten widely in India, the proportional consumption of meat in the overall diet is low.

  23. Not only the issues of income and expenditure are enough, but also own consumption from the family farm.

  24. The meat consumption includes predation on other primate species, such as the western red colobus monkey.

  25. Determining what is understood about the demographics of ukiyo-e consumption has required indirect means.

  26. To help Mary, who was chronically ill with consumption, Tucker arranged a trip to his old home in Bermuda.

  27. In less developed countries, therefore, the focus is only on consumption, which is more stable from income.

  28. The consumption of fruit juices stored in galvanized cans has resulted in mass parrot poisonings with zinc.

  29. Iridium is one of the rarest elements in Earth’s crust, with annual production and consumption of only three metric tons.

  30. The number of smokers continued to rise, but smokers could not buy as many cigarettes, so total tobacco consumption fell.

  31. On 9 December 2014, a remix version by American DJ duo FIXYN was made available for consumption through the same platform.

  32. About 500 young are culled for consumption each year in Mykines, using techniques similar to those of the Sula Sgeir hunts.

  33. Hot air balloons use the wind to take short trips, and powered flight uses it to increase lift and reduce fuel consumption.

  34. It is generally not considered to be lethal, although one source has reported deaths from the consumption of this mushroom.

  35. Nintendo of America censored certain dialogue, including references to breastfeeding, consumption of alcohol, and religion.

  36. On 7 August 2016, a combination of high wind and low consumption caused more wind power generation (106%) than consumption.

  37. Some historians have maintained that the focus on the consumption of the produce of the land gave the war its popular name.

  38. Worldwide consumption of silver more than doubled between 1958 and 1965, but production increased by only about 15 percent.

  39. At Sir Malcolm’s knighthood ceremony in February 1931, King George V expressed great interest in the R and asked many questions about its fuel consumption and performance.

  40. In December 2017, Facebook admitted passive consumption of social media could be harmful to mental health, although they said active engagement can have a positive effect.

  41. In the United States, a federal survey of food consumption determined that for women and men over the age of 19, average consumption was 9.7 and 14.2 mg/day, respectively.

  42. In the 2000s, the BRIC countries’ (Brazil, Russia, India and China) combined share grew from 32.6% to 56.5% in primary production and 21.4% to 47.8% in primary consumption.

  43. In turn, ale or beer was classified as «strong» or «small», the latter less intoxicating, regarded as a drink of temperate people, and suitable for consumption by children.

Consumption—in in a sentence

Consumption—in is a variation of consumption, below you can find example sentences for consumption—in.

  1. The Venetian ambassador reported that Edward had died of consumption—in other words, tuberculosis—a diagnosis accepted by many historians.

Synonyms for consumption

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word consumption has the following synonyms: economic consumption, usance, use, use of goods and services, ingestion, intake, uptake, pulmonary tuberculosis, phthisis, wasting disease, white plague, using up and expenditure.

General information about «consumption» example sentences

The example sentences for the word consumption that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «consumption» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «consumption».

Definition of Consumption

the usage of an item by a specific person or group

Examples of Consumption in a sentence

The consumption of large amounts of fat can trigger cardiovascular disease.


When national fuel consumption is low, the price of gas declines.


You should definitely increase your water consumption during the hot summer months.


If mankind doesn’t slow down its consumption of natural resources, it will soon deplete the planet’s supply.


Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to liver damage.


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Similarly for good health, we have to avoid harmful diet, drinks and consumption

· A tremendous increase in the consumption of medical drugs, with and without doctor’s advice, to treat common as well as chronic problems

Walking briskly on a daily basis not only results in calorie burning, it increases enzyme and metabolic activity that may result in increased calorie consumption for up to 12 hours after walking as little as 2 miles

Excessive alcohol consumption and side effects from medications can lead to falls, but ongoing problems with instability should be reported to a physician

of consumption from the rumble of small hours traffic

The supply of this vitamin decreases when there is an increase in the consumption of fats and minerals, and is conserved by the intake of fibrous foods

Desa didn’t have Luray’s need to slow her yaag consumption down right at the moment, so she wouldn’t mind the company of Yarin for a sleep

Since Luray did want to control her consumption, she would do better with shaNai

They were especially keen to send their tomatoes to the restaurants run by their celebrity chef chums in the bustling centres of expensive consumer consumption that shined amid the phantom lights of the capital city

bustling centres of expensive consumer consumption that shined

consumption, though, and was dead within a week

I shall have to calculate our range based on fuel consumption at lower altitudes

Several could, in spite of the hour and the yaag consumption

The increase in the wages of labour necessarily increases the price of many commodities, by increasing that part of it which resolves itself into wages, and so far tends to diminish their consumption, both at home and abroad

equal to the average annual consumption

was to produce goods for his own consumption, and that

But the average produce of every sort of industry is always suited, more or less exactly, to the average consumption; the average supply to the average demand

The consumption of the porcelain of China, of the spiceries of the Moluccas, of the piece goods of Bengal, and of innumerable other articles, has increased very nearly in a like proportion

In order to supply so very widely extended a market, the quantity of silver annually brought from the mines must not only be sufficient to support that continued increase, both of coin and of plate, which is required in all thriving countries; but to repair that continual waste and consumption of silver which takes place in all countries where that metal is used

The continual consumption of the precious metals in coin by wearing, and in plate both by wearing and cleaning, is very sensible ; and in commodities of which the use is so very widely extended, would alone require a very great annual supply

The consumption of those metals in some particular manufactures, though it may not perhaps be greater upon the whole than this gradual consumption, is, however, much more sensible, as it is much more rapid

We may from thence form some notion how great must be the annual consumption in all the different parts of the world, either in manufactures of the same kind with those of Birmingham, or in laces, embroideries, gold and silver stuffs, the gilding of books, furniture, etc

But the consumption of Birmingham alone, at the rate of fifty thousand pounds a-year, is equal to the hundred-and-twentieth part of this annual importation, at the rate of six millions a-year

The whole annual consumption of gold and silver, therefore, in all the different countries of the world where those metals are used, may, perhaps, be nearly equal to the whole annual produce

The different masses of corn, which, in different years, must supply the consumption of the world, will always be nearly in proportion to the respective produce of those different years

It must be observed, however, that whatever may be the supposed annual importation of gold and silver, there must be a certain period at which the annual consumption of those metals will be equal to that annual importation

Their consumption must increase as their mass increases, or rather in a much greater proportion

They are more used, and less cared for, and their consumption consequently increases in a greater proportion than their mass

After a certain period, therefore, the annual consumption of those metals must, in this manner, become equal to their annual importation, provided that importation is not continually increasing; which, in the present times, is not supposed to be the case

If, when the annual consumption has become equal to the annual importation, the annual importation should gradually diminish, the annual consumption may, for some time, exceed the annual importation

The mass of those metals may gradually and insensibly diminish, and their value gradually and insensibly rise, till the annual importation becoming again stationary, the annual consumption will gradually and insensibly accommodate itself to what that annual importation can maintain

The cattle necessarily kept upon the farm produce more milk than either the rearing of their own young, or the consumption of the farmer’s family requires ; and they produce most at one particular season

«So are they,» Alan said, «The media just displays consumption without limit

The landlord exchanges that part of his rude produce, which is over and above his own consumption, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of that part of it, for manufactured produce

But when he possesses stock sufficient to maintain him for months or years, he naturally endeavours to derive a revenue from the greater part of it, reserving only so much for his immediate consumption as may maintain him till this revenue begins to come in

The other is that which supplies his immediate consumption, and which consists either, first, in that portion of his whole stock which was originally reserved for this purpose; or, secondly, in his revenue, from whatever source derived, as it gradually comes in ; or, thirdly, in such things as had been purchased by either of these in former years, and which are not yet entirely consumed, such as a stock of clothes, household furniture, and the like

In one or other, or all of these three articles, consists the stock which men commonly reserve for their own immediate consumption

The first is that portion which is reserved for immediate consumption, and of which the characteristic is, that it affords no revenue or profit

Of all parts of the stock, either of an individual or of a society, reserved for immediate consumption, what is laid out in houses is most slowly consumed

Though the period of their total consumption, however, is more distant, they are still as really a stock reserved for immediate consumption as either clothes or household furniture

To maintain and augment the stock which maybe reserved for immediate consumption, is the sole end and purpose both of the fixed and circulating capitals

Their riches or poverty depend upon the abundant or sparing supplies which those two capitals can afford to the stock reserved for immediate consumption

If it is employed in procuring present enjoyment, it is a stock reserved for immediate consumption

The gross rent of a private estate comprehends whatever is paid by the farmer; the neat rent, what remains free to the landlord, after deducting the expense of management, of repairs, and all other necessary charges; or what, without hurting his estate, he can afford to place in his stock reserved for immediate consumption, or to spend upon his table, equipage, the ornaments of his house and furniture, his private enjoyments and amusements

The gross revenue of all the inhabitants of a great country comprehends the whole annual produce of their land and labour; the neat revenue, what remains free to them, after deducting the expense of maintaining first, their fixed, and, secondly, their circulating capital, or what, without encroaching upon their capital, they can place in their stock reserved for immediate consumption, or spend upon their subsistence

A certain quantity of very valuable materials, gold and silver, and of very curious labour, instead of augmenting the stock reserved for immediate consumption, the subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements of individuals, is employed in supporting that great but expensive instrument of commerce, by means of which every individual in the society has his subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements, regularly distributed to him in their proper proportions

So far as it is employed in the first way, it promotes prodigality, increases expense and consumption, without increasing production, or establishing any permanent fund for supporting that expense, and is in every respect hurtful to the society

So far as it is employed in the second way, it promotes industry ; and though it increases the consumption of the society, it provides a permanent fund for supporting that consumption; the people who consume reproducing, with a profit, the whole value of their annual consumption

That the greater part of the gold and silver which being forced abroad by those operations of banking, is employed in purchasing foreign goods for home consumption, is, and must be, employed in purchasing those of this second kind, seems not only probable, but almost unavoidable

The demand of idle people, therefore, for foreign goods, being the same, or very nearly the same as before, a very small part of the money which, being forced abroad by those operations of banking, is employed in purchasing foreign goods for home consumption, is likely to be employed in purchasing those for their use

Though the whole annual produce of the land and labour of every country is no doubt ultimately destined for supplying the consumption of its inhabitants, and for procuring a revenue to them; yet when it first comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, it naturally divides itself into two parts

Whenever he employs any part of it in maintaining unproductive hands of any kind, that part is from that moment withdrawn from his capital, and placed in his stock reserved for immediate consumption

Rouen is necessarily the entrepot of almost all the goods which are brought either from foreign countries, or from the maritime provinces of France, for the consumption of the great city of Paris

In the other parliament towns of France, very little more capital seems to be employed than what is necessary for supplying their own consumption; that is, little more than the smallest capital which can be employed in them

Of those three cities, Paris is by far the most industrious, but Paris itself is the principal market of all the manufactures established at Paris, and its own consumption is the principal object of all the trade which it carries on

London, Lisbon, and Copenhagen, are, perhaps, the only three cities in Europe, which are both the constant residence of a court, and can at the same time be considered as trading cities, or as cities which trade not only for their own consumption, but for that of other cities and countries

The situation of all the three is extremely advantageous, and naturally fits them to be the entrepots of a great part of the goods destined for the consumption of distant places

In a city where a great revenue is spent, to employ with advantage a capital for any other purpose than for supplying the consumption of that city, is probably more difficult than in one in which the inferior ranks of people have no other maintenance but what they derive from the employment of such a

That portion of his revenue which a rich man annually spends, is, in most cases, consumed by idle guests and menial servants, who leave nothing behind them in return for their consumption

That portion which he annually saves, as, for the sake of the profit, it is immediately employed as a capital, is consumed in the same manner, and nearly in the same time too, but by a different set of people: by labourers, manufacturers, and artificers, who reproduce, with a profit, the value of their annual consumption

The consumption is the same, but the consumers are different

But if the quantity of food and clothing which were thus consumed by unproductive, had been distributed among productive hands, they would have reproduced, together with a profit, the full value of their consumption

Its annual exportation will, in this manner, continue for some time to add something to the annual consumption of the country beyond the value of its own annual produce

will contribute, for some little time, to support its consumption in adversity

In every such project, though the capital is consumed by productive hands only, yet as, by the injudicious manner in which they are employed, they do not reproduce the full value of their consumption, there must always be some diminution in what would otherwise have been the productive funds of the society

But had not those wars given this particular direction to so large a capital, the greater part of it would naturally have been employed in maintaining productive hands, whose labour would have replaced, with a profit, the whole value of their consumption

The borrower may use it either as a capital, or as a stock reserved for immediate consumption

If he uses it as a stock reserved for immediate consumption, he acts the part of a prodigal, and dissipates, in the maintenance of the idle, what was destined for the support of the industrious

If he wants it as a stock for immediate consumption, it is those goods only which he can place in that stock

A capital may be employed in four different ways; either, first, in procuring the rude produce annually required for the use and consumption of the society ; or, secondly, in manufacturing and preparing that rude produce for immediate use and consumption; or, thirdly in transporting either the rude or manufactured produce from the places where they abound to those where they are wanted ; or, lastly, in dividing particular portions of either into such small parcels as suit the occasional demands of those who want them

Unless a capital was employed in transporting either the rude or manufactured produce from the places where it abounds to those where it is wanted, no more of either could be produced than was necessary for the consumption of the neighbourhood

If a poor workman was obliged to purchase a month’s or six months’ provisions at a time, a great part of the stock which he employs as a capital in the instruments of his trade, or in the furniture of his shop, and which yields him a revenue, he would be forced to place in that part of his stock which is reserved for immediate consumption, and which yields him no revenue

Their labour, when properly directed, fixes and realizes itself in the subject or vendible commodity upon which it is bestowed, and generally adds to its price the value at least of their own maintenance and consumption

The labourers and labouring cattle, therefore, employed in agriculture, not only occasion, like the workmen in manufactures, the reproduction of a value equal to their own consumption, or to the capital which employs them, together with its owner’s profits, but of a much greater value

A particular country, in the same manner as a particular person, may frequently not have capital sufficient both to improve and cultivate all its lands, to manufacture and prepare their whole rude produce for immediate use and consumption, and to transport the surplus part either of the rude or manufactured produce to those distant markets, where it can be exchanged for something for which there is a demand at home

There are many little manufacturing towns in Great Britain, of which the inhabitants have not capital sufficient to transport the produce of their own industry to those distant markets where there is demand and consumption for it

The foreign goods for home consumption may sometimes be purchased, not with

The effects, therefore, of a capital employed in such a round-about foreign trade of consumption, are, in every respect, the same as those of one employed in the most direct trade of the same kind, except that the final returns are likely to be still more distant, as they must depend upon the returns of two or three distinct foreign trades

The whole capital employed, therefore, in such a round-about foreign trade of consumption, will generally give less encouragement and support to the productive labour of the country, than an equal capital employed in a more direct trade of the same kind

Whatever be the foreign commodity with which the foreign goods for home consumption are purchased, it can occasion no essential difference, either in the nature of the trade, or in the encouragement and support which it can give to the productive labour of the country from which it is carried on

So far, therefore, as the productive labour of the country is concerned, the foreign trade of consumption, which is carried on by means of gold and silver, has all the advantages and all the inconveniencies of any other equally round-about foreign trade of consumption; and will replace, just as fast, or just as slow, the capital which is immediately employed in supporting that productive labour

But the same capital may employ as many sailors and shipping, either in the foreign trade of consumption, or even in the home trade, when carried on by coasting vessels, as it could in the carrying trade

The capital, therefore, employed in the home trade of any country, will generally give encouragement and support to a greater quantity of productive labour in that country, and increase the value of its annual produce, more than an equal capital employed in the foreign trade of consumption; and the capital employed in this latter trade has, in both these respects, a still greater advantage over an equal capital employed in the carrying trade

It ought, therefore, to give no preference nor superior encouragement to the foreign trade of consumption above the home trade, nor to the carrying trade above either of the other two

When the capital stock of any country is increased to such a degree that it cannot be all employed in supplying the consumption, and supporting the productive labour of that particular country, the surplus part of it naturally disgorges itself into the carrying trade, and is employed in performing the same offices to other countries

England, perhaps the second richest country of Europe, is likewise supposed to have a considerable share in it; though what commonly passes for the carrying trade of England will frequently, perhaps, be found to be no more than a round-about foreign trade of consumption

The extent of the home trade, and of the capital which can be employed in it, is necessarily limited by the value of the surplus produce of all those distant places within the country which have occasion to exchange their respective productions with one another ; that of the foreign trade of consumption, by the value of the surplus produce of the whole country, and of what can be purchased with it; that of the carrying trade, by the value of the surplus produce of all the different countries in the world

Actually, Danny had a good salary and benefits and his spouse likewise brought home a sizeable sum every month, but they and their children had all become fervent addicts of the constant consumption of more and better things

Our thoughts and actions create a vicious consumption circle, and in the end we’re nothing more than a bunch of junkies that can’t ever seem to get enough

They represented, first, that the exportation of gold and silver, in order to purchase foreign goods, did not always diminish the quantity of those metals in the kingdom ; that, on the contrary, it might frequently increase the quantity ; because, if the consumption of foreign goods was not thereby increased in the country, those goods might be re-exported to foreign countries, and being there sold for a large profit, might bring back much more treasure than was originally sent out to purchase them

The high price of exchange, besides, must necessarily have operated as a tax, in raising the price of foreign goods, and thereby diminishing their consumption

The fiery consumption of Nadab and Abihu is a biblical example of what

The English in those days had nothing wherewithal to purchase the pay and provisions of their armies in foreign countries, but either the rude produce of the soil, of which no considerable part could be spared from the home consumption, or a few manufactures of the coarsest kind, of which, as well as of the rude produce, the transportation was too expensive

By opening a more extensive market for whatever part of the produce of their labour may exceed the home consumption, it encourages them to improve its productive power, and to augment its annual produce to the utmost, and thereby to increase the real revenue and wealth of the society

The two principles being established, however, that wealth consisted in gold and silver, and that those metals could be brought into a country which had no mines, only by the balance of trade, or by exporting to a greater value than it imported ; it necessarily became the great object of political economy to diminish as much as possible the importation of foreign goods for home consumption, and to increase as much as possible the exportation of the produce of domestic industry

First, restraints upon the importation of such foreign goods for home consumption as could be produced at home, from whatever country they were imported

merchant naturally prefers the home trade to the foreign trade of consumption, and the foreign trade of consumption to the carrying trade

In the home trade, his capital is never so long out of his sight as it frequently is in the foreign trade of consumption

The merchant, in order to save a second loading and unloading, endeavours always to sell in the home market, as much of the goods of all those different countries as he can; and thus, so far as he can, to convert his carrying trade into a foreign trade of consumption

A merchant, in the same manner, who is engaged in the foreign trade of consumption, when he collects goods for foreign markets, will always be glad, upon equal or nearly equal profits, to sell as great a part of them at home as he can

Asked by: Ruben Reynolds

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(22 votes)

Consumption means using, buying or eating something. … Consumption is related to the verb consume, which means to eat, use, or buy.

In what sense is the word consumption used?

Consumption: An old and once common term for wasting away of the body, particularly from pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Other old TB terms include the King’s evil or scrofula (TB of the lymph nodes in the neck) and Pott’s disease (TB of the spine).

How do you use consumption in a sentence?

Consumption in a Sentence ?

  1. The consumption of large amounts of fat can trigger cardiovascular disease.
  2. When national fuel consumption is low, the price of gas declines.
  3. You should definitely increase your water consumption during the hot summer months.

How do you use the word consume?

  1. consume something to use something, especially fuel, energy or time. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels. …
  2. consume something (formal) to eat or drink something. …
  3. ​[often passive] (formal) to fill somebody with a strong feeling. …
  4. ​consume something (formal) (of fire) to completely destroy something.

What’s an example of consumption?

The definition of consumption is buying and using something or how much of something has been used up. … An example of consumption is eating a snack and some cookies. An example of consumption is when a person consumes 2 bushels vegetables per day.

45 related questions found

What are the three types of consumption?

In national income accounting, private consumption expenditure is divided into three broad categories: expenditures for services, for durable goods, and for nondurable goods.

What exactly is consumption?

Tuberculosis, also known as consumption, is a disease caused by bacteria that usually attacks the lungs, and at the turn of the 20th century, the leading cause of death in the United States.

Does consume mean buy?

Consumption means using, buying or eating something. If we don’t reduce our energy consumption, we will run out of fuel. Conspicuous consumption is buying something to show off. Consumption is related to the verb consume, which means to eat, use, or buy.

What is a good sentence for consumption?

1. Water consumption decreased during the winter. 2. The meat has been certified fit for human consumption.

What consumes your mind controls your life?

“What consumes your mind, controls your life.” That’s when everything made sense to me. I know now that my negative attitude and thinking attracted more negativity. … I think positive not because it makes life easier along the way.

What is a word for time consuming?

Words related to time-consuming

tedious, stiff, gradual, tame, stagnant, low, moderate, sluggish, dull, off, slack, protracted, delayed, prolonged, down, reduced, lingering, hindered, impeded, detained.

What is the synonym of consumption?

consumption, using up, expenditurenoun. the act of consuming something. Synonyms: spending, phthisis, use, expenditure, outgo, uptake, ingestion, pulmonary tuberculosis, using up, wasting disease, economic consumption, expending, intake, outlay, usance, white plague, use of goods and services.

What is consumption pattern?

Definition. The combination of qualities, quantities, acts and tendencies characterizing a community or human group’s use of resources for survival, comfort and enjoyment.

What is consumption simple words?

Full Definition of consumption

1a : the act or process of consuming consumption of food consumption of resources. b : use by or exposure to a particular group or audience The document was not intended for public consumption. 2 : use of something the jet’s high consumption of fuel the consumption of electricity.

Why is it called consumption?

In the 1700s, TB was called “the white plague” due to the paleness of the patients. TB was commonly called “consumption” in the 1800s even after Schonlein named it tuberculosis. During this time, TB was also called the “Captain of all these men of death.”

What is the modern day word for consumption?

OTHER WORDS FOR consumption

1 depletion, exploitation, utilization.

What is a good sentence for the word immediately?

1. He lay down and was asleep immediately. 2. Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading.

How do you use credit in a sentence?

Examples of credit in a Sentence

She’s finally getting the credit she deserves. He shared the credit with his parents. You’ve got to give her credit; she knows what she’s doing. Verb Your payment of $38.50 has been credited to your account.

What are foot soldiers called?

Also known as foot soldiers, infantrymen or infanteer, infantry traditionally rely on traveling by foot between combats as well, but may also use mounts (mounted infantry), military vehicles (motorized, and mechanized infantry), watercraft (naval infantry), or aircraft (airborne infantry) for between-combat mobility …

What does consume your own smoke mean?

Breath Your Own Smoke

This refers to the danger of being poisoned by the carbon monoxide produced by an internal combustion engine, like that in an automobile (other than a Tesla.) In business, the term is used when companies believe their own marketing hype and as a result make poor decisions.

What is the difference between consuming and eating?

As adjectives the difference between consuming and eating

is that consuming is holding one’s attention or interest while eating is suitable to be eaten without being cooked.

Did anyone survive TB in the 1800s?

By the dawn of the 19th century, tuberculosis—or consumption—had killed one in seven of all people that had ever lived. Throughout much of the 1800s, consumptive patients sought «the cure» in sanatoriums, where it was believed that rest and a healthful climate could change the course of the disease.

Why is tuberculosis called the romantic disease?

In the 19th century, TB’s high mortality rate among young and middle-aged adults and the surge of Romanticism, which stressed feeling over reason, caused many to refer to the disease as the «romantic disease».

Is there a vaccine for tuberculosis?

Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. This vaccine is not widely used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and small children in other countries where TB is common. BCG does not always protect people from getting TB.

Which part of income is paid to capital?

In economics, the wage or labor share is the part of national income, or the income of a particular economic sector, allocated to wages (labor). It is related to the capital or profit share, the part of income going to capital, which is also known as the K–Y ratio.

  • Use the word CONSUMPTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The drug was freely available and everyone joined in its ritualized consumption.

She’d been stricken with galloping consumption and had only held out for the space of a year.

Suppose somebody has… oh, say, consumption… that bars him from a lot of things.

Also, we have obligatory champagne consumption.

It’s meant chiefly for American consumption.

You’re considered much too dangerous for local consumption.

Long hours, short wages, steam, sweat, consumption, slavery.

May I remind you… that the port on the sideboard is for the party after services and not for haphazard consumption.

I will personally myself take consumption of all responsibilities.

I’m doing special research on glands and their vitamin consumption.

If there are any more accidents if there are any more attempts to spoil the fish such as making them unfit for consumption by kerosene or other means men will be chosen at random and tried for sabotage by a military court.

How’s our fuel consumption? — Nothing to worry about.

You must be careful! It can become bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, consumption, tuberculosis..

Continue your gas consumption tests to your destination.

Wasn’t that the dame that died of consumption

The rest of the time is spent in the consumption of great quantities of wine and gambling and making love to the girls from the cigarette factory.

Yeah, we got to watch our consumption.

Automatic transmission, deluxe 5 side walls, high compression, overhead valves, extremely low petrol consumption, 4 wheel hydraulic pepper touch brakes, single sheet glare-proof windscreen, — and conservatively priced at 1750 pounds.

Vital lag in industrial production… coal mining output can be stepped up… electric kilowatt hour consumption not up to its potential.

-l’m nothing, Susanne. I’m a worn-out article of consumption.

His blood chemistry shows an abnormal consumption of energy.

The oxygen consumption‘s way up.

But, you know, you have to say certain things for public consumption.

If it’ll please your honour, I’ll even cut down on my consumption of water.

Sometimes the climate here does remarkable things for consumption.

What about petrol consumption?

Wait till you see the photographs Mr Duffy will release for public consumption.

Here are the fuel consumption reports… for K.G. V and Rodney, sir… as close as I can calculate them.

consumption per capita now 5.2┬░/┬░ above last year.

We have sufficient livestock to satisfy the greater part of our consumption.

I know the chemical composition of the gases within the belt at the rate of consumption by fire.

But beyond 40 years, the balance between consumption and utility tips to the detriment of the latter.

So after a stint in the peace corps and lots of world travel, I decided that I wanted my life to be more than about, well, consumption and status.

He thinks it’s consumption, doesn’t he, Papa?

What makes it worse is her father died of consumption.

What I’m afraid of is, with your Irish bogtrotter idea that consumption is fatal you’ll figure it’s a waste of money to spend any more than you can help

With him he had consumption.

Well, it finished him quick. That and the consumption.

And then this stuff of your getting consumption.

Indeed, I have consumption.

Prof. Pizzorno is an illustrious coworker of Prof. Allen’s. In Italy, he intends to open a Center of Applied Sociology to the publicity sector of consumption.

The subject of his paper is, Production development and increase in consumption.

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for consumption.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is intake
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is ingestion
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is uptake
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is wasting disease
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is pulmonary tuberculosis
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is white plague
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is phthisis
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is use
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is usance
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is use of goods and services
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is economic consumption
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is expenditure
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consumption is using up
  • We know that smoking, alcohol, lack of physical activity, being overweight or obese, increased consumption of red meat – so basically, dietary factors and environmental and lifestyle factors – are likely playing a big role, there are also some other factors, such as the growing incidence of inflammatory bowel disease, that may also be playing a role, and I think the biggest factors is most likely the diet, the lifestyle and the environmental factors.

    Ohio State University

    Found on CNN
    21 days ago

    They were established as risk factors in older cohorts of patients, but they do seem to be also associated with early-onset disease, and those are things like excess body weight, lack of physical activity, high consumption of processed meat and red meat, very high alcohol consumption.

    Rebecca Siegel

    Found on CNN
    21 days ago

    It’s also kind of a little bit demeaning to blame residential use for these crises, it’s just a small sliver of the overall consumption. It’s a much bigger problem, and we really need to start bringing in these big industries that are guzzling water during this time of drought.

    Amanda Starbuck

    Found on CNN
    28 days ago

    Any possible (and, as yet unproven) risks of excess erythritol would also need to be balanced against the very real health risks of excess glucose consumption.

    Oliver Jones

    Found on CNN
    1 month ago

    We will boost consumption and expand domestic demand by promoting efforts toward structural wage increases.

    Fumio Kishida

    Found on CNN
    1 month ago

    Though there are better, more eco-friendly ways to shop, the two approaches to shopping these sites that cause more eco burden are 1) not shopping with modest consumption in mind( buying more than you need, duplicates ‘ just in case, ’ or overindulging in extras or add-ons because of sale pricing) ; and, 2) purchasing excess with an ‘ I ’ll return this if it does n’t work ’ mindset, returns are extremely environmentally taxing, from the transit to the waste and sometimes tossed merchandise, so shop with a mindset of moderation whenever possible.

    Ashlee Piper

    Found on CNN
    1 month ago

    We are seeing headwinds shifting to tailwinds across markets around the world, including the Asia Pacific region, and continued recovery coming out of the pandemic, the Asia Pacific region will continue to be a key growth driver for Starbucks globally and we remain optimistic of its long-term growth and opportunities, underpinned by a growing middle class and rising coffee consumption.

    Michael Conway

    Found on CNN
    1 month ago

    CPI is the big inflation report that affects markets more than any other, the Fed pays more attention to PCE [the Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index], but consumers and investors pay a lot of attention to the CPI. It tends to be the one that moves markets most by far.

    Randy Frederick

    Found on CNN
    1 month ago

    On the one hand, investors have been expecting the economy to fall into a recession following the Fed’s rate hikes, assuming that higher borrowing costs will make it ever more challenging for consumers to continue spending on credit, on the other hand, the combination of a strong job market and pandemic savings mean that Americans have maintained a steady consumption pace even as they switched their focus from goods to services.

    George Ratiu

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    By measuring alcohol consumption at two time points, we were able to study the relationship between reducing, ceasing, maintaining and increasing alcohol consumption and incident dementia.

    Keun Hye Jeon

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    Our findings regarding a initiation of mild alcohol consumption cannot be directly translated into clinical recommendations, thereby warranting additional studies to confirm these associations further.

    Keun Hye Jeon

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    People don’t really monitor their pours of wine, for example, they may think they are drinking a standard-sized glass of wine, but it’s really a glass and a half every time. Drink two of those pours and they’ve had three glasses of wine. That’s no longer mild or moderate consumption.

    Richard Isaacson

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    If someone downs five drinks on Saturday and Sunday that’s 10 drinks a week so that would qualify as a moderate alcohol intake, to me, that is not that is not the same as having a glass of wine five days a week with a meal, which slows consumption.

    Richard Isaacson

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    I’ve never personally suggested someone to start drinking moderate amounts of alcohol if they were abstinent, but there’s really not a one-size-fits-all approach towards counseling a patient on alcohol consumption.

    Richard Isaacson

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    Moving away from taxing income and toward taxing consumption is a step in the right direction for a pro-growth and simpler tax code.

    Garrett Watson

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    There is an understandable political instinct to alleviate the price because it directly addresses the cost concerns of households and businesses. But making gas cheaper removes the incentive to reduce overall consumption.

    Milan Elkerbout

    Found on CNN
    2 months ago

    The key to rapid economic recovery and high-quality development is to convert current total income to consumption and investment as much as possible.

    Guo Shuqing

    Found on CNN
    3 months ago

    The core of a virtuous economic cycle lies in wage growth, and must be realized at all costs. Companies must generate profits and then properly distribute them to workers, consumption will grow, business investment will grow and further promote economic growth.

    Fumio Kishida

    Found on CNN
    3 months ago

    Ever since I’ve talked to the president about the economy, he’s distinguished between the short-term and the long-term, between consumption and investment, these have always been foundational to his economic thinking.

    Jared Bernstein

    Found on CNN
    3 months ago

    There’s not much they can do aside from shifting policies and providing more clarity and certainty to the oil sector on the future of oil consumption, oil companies are hesitant to invest in raising production and building new capacity because the administration has openly, openly indicated that it will be pushing Americans away from consuming fossil fuels. And that certainly has an impact on the future viability of the oil sector. And I think that’s why we probably won’t see much meaningful improvement.

    De Haan

    Found on FOX News
    6 months ago

    But even if they could, the generating facilities in Sichuan were built to export power to the east coast, they don’t really have great connectivity to the rest of the Sichuan grid. They were never intended to serve Sichuan power consumption needs.

    David Fishman

    Found on CNN
    7 months ago

    The biggest impact on gasoline prices is reduced consumption and also the fears of recession around the world.

    Andy Lipow

    Found on CNN
    7 months ago

    It is possible that these sites would help improve the safety and health of our urban areas, but if done without a strong plan, they could work against this purpose, these unintended consequences in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland can not be taken lightly. Worsening drug consumption challenges in these areas is not a risk we can take.

    Gavin Newsom

    Found on CNN
    7 months ago

    These unintended consequences in cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland can not be taken lightly. Worsening drug consumption challenges in these areas is not a risk we can take.

    Gavin Newsom

    Found on CNN
    7 months ago

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    [ kuhn-suhmp-shuhn ]

    / kənˈsʌmp ʃən /

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    the act of consuming, as by use, decay, or destruction.

    the amount consumed: the high consumption of gasoline.

    Economics. the using up of goods and services having an exchangeable value.


    1. Older Use. tuberculosis of the lungs.
    2. progressive wasting of the body.



    There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

    Which sentence is correct?

    Origin of consumption

    1350–1400; Middle English consumpcyon (<Middle French ) <Latin consūmptiōn- (stem of consūmptiō) a consuming, wasting, equivalent to consūmpt(us), past participle of consūmere to consume (con-con- + sūmp- (variant stem of sūmere to take up, spend) + -tus past participle suffix) + -iōn--ion

    OTHER WORDS FROM consumption

    non·con·sump·tion, nouno·ver·con·sump·tion, nounpre·con·sump·tion, nounself-con·sump·tion, noun

    un·der·con·sump·tion, noun

    Words nearby consumption

    consuming, consummate, consummation, consummatory behavior, consummatory behaviour, consumption, consumption goods, consumption tax, consumption weed, consumptive, cont. Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to consumption

    drinking, expenditure, utilization, burning, damage, decay, decrease, depletion, desolation, destruction, devastation, diminution, dispersion, dissipation, eating, exhaustion, loss, misuse, ruin, waste

    How to use consumption in a sentence

    • This will put a lid on overall consumption recovery as the low-income population far outnumbers high-income ones.

    • China in recent years has made concerted efforts to focus its economy less on trade, and more on goods and services for domestic consumption.

    • A sharp increase in consumption — and a dip in savings — in China and India helped the world economy recover after 2008.

    • Narayan believes that China’s domestic consumption could pick up sooner than India’s, and that consumption could support global growth.

    • Data from Apple News’ ad-supported side suggests more consumption may be responsible.

    • A wine consumption map of the U.S. is as fallible as that wine map of Europe.

    • The highest per capita wine consumption in the world is in the Vatican.

    • But we have a long way to go before we can match the French in individual consumption.

    • In the video, Brown misspoke slightly on the number of turkeys killed each year for consumption.

    • Excessive alcohol consumption is a major public health problem in the United States.

    • To-day men of science are trying to conquer the horrors of cancer and smallpox, and rabies and consumption.

    • The cost of erection and the consumption of coal are not above one-third of a Boulton and Watt’s, to perform the same work.

    • But speaking broadly, consumption goods, present or future, are the end in sight of the industrial struggle.

    • Please remember that under socialism the scramble for wealth is limited; no man can own capital, but only consumption goods.

    • That was «back in the Sixties,» when his lapses were as far apart as they were unrivalled in consumption, span, and pyrotechny.

    British Dictionary definitions for consumption


    the act of consuming or the state of being consumed, esp by eating, burning, etc

    economics expenditure on goods and services for final personal use

    the quantity consumed

    pathol a condition characterized by a wasting away of the tissues of the body, esp as seen in tuberculosis of the lungs

    Word Origin for consumption

    C14: from Latin consumptiō a wasting, from consūmere to consume

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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