Use the word consumer goods in a sentence

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Тнп в рулонах CMR, задняя, ремни.

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Тнп CMR, задняя, срочно.

The fields of professional competence are Retail, Consumer Goods industry, Automobile industry.


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Тнп на паллетах боковая, задняя.

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Тнп кол. машин: 3 CMR, задняя.

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Тнп TIR, задняя, догруз на выгрузке.

This pertains mainly to the wholesale markets where Chinese consumer goods are sold.


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В частности речь об оптовых рынках страны, где продается китайский ширпотреб.


Lately foreign trade transactions

seem to face increased risks associated with consumer goods smuggling.


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В последнее время во

внешнеторговых операциях наблюдаются повышенные риски, связанные с контрабандой товаров потребления.


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Тнп кол. паллет: 3, догруз.

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Тнп CMR, задняя б/ н, на выгрузке.

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Тнп на паллетах кол. машин: 4 CMR, задняя.

To carry


69151- Ternopil, consumer goods 6 tons(distance 69151- Ternopil~ 861 km).

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Перевезти груз 69151- Тернополь, тнп 6 тонн( расстояние 69151- Тернополь~ 861 км).

We produce: clothing, bedding, sell: conversion released property; safety shoes,


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Производим: спецодежду, постельное белье; продаем: высвобождаемое конверсионное имущество; спецобувь,

СИЗ, ТНП, техткани.


WHETHER external form- ordinary consumer goods, you are forced to purchase, manipulating your emotions.

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Внешняя форма ЛИ- обычный потребительский товар, который вас вынуждают приобрести, манипулируя вашими эмоциями.

One positive aspect of the


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Одним из позитивных аспектов переходного


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Товары длительного пользования, принадлежащие домохозяйству.


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It is the world’s third-largest consumer goods company after Procter& Gamble and Nestlé.


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Consumer goods fair in Brno, personal exposition of seating furniture made of lamellar wood.

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Ярмарка бытовых товаров в Брно, собственная экспозиция мебели для сидения из пиленого шпона.

The recession rates in the consumer goods production have been reducing progressively.


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This is due to the growing number of consumer goods clay, which is sold under the guise of dishes.


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Это объясняется все растущим количеством глиняного ширпотреба, который продается под видом посуды.


The elimination of subsidies for key consumer goods force households either to go without

or to find additional sources of remunerated income.


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В связи с прекращением выделения субсидий на основные товары потребления домашние хозяйства вынуждены

либо обходиться без источников дохода от оплачиваемого труда, либо изыскивать дополнительные источники.


The entire area imports 60- 70% of consumer goods(clothes, footwear,

and household


and food(meat, fruits, and vegetables) from China.

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Регион на 60- 70% зависит от китайского ширпотреба( одежда,

обувь, предметы домашнего обихода) и продовольствия( мясо, овощи, фрукты).

The commodity structure of import consists of consumer goods, ready food products,

minerals, vehicles, cars and equipment.


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минералов, транспортных средств, машин и оборудования.


Those positive trends had also been reflected in increased demand for consumer goods, particularly among households with the lowest incomes.


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Эти позитивные тенденции проявились также в увеличении спроса на товары потребления, в частности со стороны семей с наименьшими доходами.


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1. The costs of daily consumer goods have been hiked at two times.

2. Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.

3. Subject matter of contract: consumer goods.

4. Consumer goods manufacturers averaged only 12.5 percent.

5. But even poor people buy consumer goods.

6. For example, a maker of consumer goods like cookies or cigarettes rarely has direct contact with a consumer.

7. Western cars, holidays, consumer goods and lifestyles are theoretically within their reach, although in practice quite beyond it.

8. Competitions for consumer goods are usually promoted on the pack concurrent with in-store promotion.

9. The result was a frenzied rush for consumer goods, both for their own sake and as a hedge against inflation.

10. It differs from the other consumer goods in the private market in four ways.

11. Thus they were unable to import consumer goods and meet basic needs of the people.

12. In these four ways, housing differs from other consumer goods though it remains fundamentally a private market commodity.

13. Their consumer goods are yearned for throughout the class hierarchy.

14. Prices of most foodstuffs and consumer goods have gone down.

15. Because the internal market for consumer goods was too small; 2.

16. Consumer goods occupy a much more contradictory place in the circulation and realisation of capital than do fixed assets.

17. Textbooks used to teach that consumer goods with well-known brand names were nearly invincible and able to get away with outrageous pricing.

18. As the market opens up[], I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods.

19. Roads were clogged with juggernauts ferrying around vast quantities of consumer goods.

20. Imports of capital goods rose 50. 7 percent and consumer goods almost doubled in 1995, it said.

21. They cultivated work of sorts, trading in hashish, black market currency, and smuggled radios and other consumer goods.

22. Some local strIkes wrenched considerable concessions for the workers in housing and better distribution of consumer goods.

23. High customs tariffs and turnover taxes were introduced to prevent a large-scale inflow of consumer goods.

24. The money was used to purchase either arms or consumer goods,[] rather than as investment capital to increase production facilities.

25. Seventy years of empty store shelves have created great pent-up demand for consumer goods, including electronics.

26. That’s why there is a shortage in the supply of domestic consumer goods.

27. The single-minded mission of commercial television today is to produce audiences for sale to advertisers of consumer goods and services.

28. Product mix improved with the export of more manufactures and the import of fewer luxury consumer goods.

29. After controlling for other factors that contribute to family wealth, the research found that small families had more consumer goods.

30. I was dazzled by the friendly clerks, who kept bowing at customers, and the quantity and quality of consumer goods.

consumer goods — перевод на русский

/kənˈsjuːmə gʊdz/

All the medical ones, then the ones that test consumer goods.

Для начала все медицинские, потом все, делающие тесты потребительских товаров.

And behind them were western companies, and us, all demanding our new consumer goods and toys.

А за ними стояли западные компании и все мы, требующие новых потребительских товаров и игрушек.

Manufactures consumer goods overseas.

Занимается производством потребительских товаров за рубежом.

Additional taxes on certain luxury and consumer goods and an increase in wealth tax and income tax rates for higher income groups.

Введены дополнительные налоги на отдельные предметы роскоши и потребительские товары, увеличен налог на имущество и налог на прибыль для лиц с большим доходом.

Computers now allowed manufacturers to economically produce short runs of consumer goods.

Компьютеры теперь позволили производителям экономически выгодно изготавливать небольшие партии потребительских товаров.

From 1490, a consumer goods company… made use of the cat eyes… trademark along with the brand name CATTY… on in-house manufactured goods.

С 1490 компания по торговле ширпотребом… сделала использование кошачьих глаз… торговой маркой вместе с именем брэнда — КЭТТИ… для товаров собственного производства.

From the mid 1800s as a conglomerate of postal works and household consumer goods manufacturing and sales, the CATTY COMPANY brand name appears on the world market… and a massive public relations campaign begins.

С середины 19-го века как конгломерат почтовых служб… и ширпотребных производств и дилеров, брэнд КЭТТИ и КОмпания появился на мировом рынке… и началась массивная рекламная кампания.

Most consumer goods travel thousands of kilometers… from the country of production to the country of consumption.

Большинство товаров путешествует тысячи километров… от страны производства к стране потребления.

But I’ve plastered my likeness on consumer goods.

На все я приклеил Эмблему усов.

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Mr. Ackman’s company was also reported to have taken a big stake in Fortune Brands, a consumer-goods conglomerate that makes Jim Beam whiskey and Titleist golf clubs. ❋ Brendan Conway (2010)

Last month, regulators decided to fine consumer-goods maker Unilever for daring to talk about price hikes though they now seem to be backtracking. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The headline measure is a 26% increase in food and consumer-goods subsidies, which already averaged 8% of GDP per year over the previous four years. ❋ Unknown (2011)

U.S.-based Coca-Cola is seeking to make a bigger splash in the growing Middle Eastern consumer-goods market. ❋ Ellen Knickmeyer (2011)

Analyst say consumer-goods companies like Hindustan Unilever don’t have much space to raise product prices given the highly competitive market in which they operate. ❋ Rumman Ahmed (2011)

«If competitors can’t come out with a ‘me too’ in a relatively short period of time—and let’s face it, they’ve known about this as long as anyone else—these clinical claims are going to help Durex’s market position,» said Chas Manso de Zuniga , a consumer-goods analyst at Evolution Securities who has closely followed CSD500’s progress under both SSL and Reckitt. ❋ Tommy Stubbington (2011)

«What started as what appeared to be an individual problem in South Africa, Brazil, Korea, is now global,» Mr. Gordhan said at a consumer-goods conference in Johannesburg, adding that it was up to the «big players» to come up with a global strategy for currencies if competitive devaluation is to be avoided. ❋ Robb M. Stewart (2010)

Like many consumer-goods companies, L’Oréal has placed its bets on the rising middle classes in Asia, Africa and Latin America. ❋ Christina Passariello (2012)

The consumer-goods company said net profit for the October-December quarter fell to 6.38 billion rupees $140.3 million from 6.49 billion rupees a year earlier. ❋ Rumman Ahmed (2011)

The squeeze on disposable incomes from stagnant wages and high inflation means there may be further bad news for consumer-goods companies and retailers. ❋ Richard Barley (2011)

Another of his top picks was ITC Ltd., an Indian consumer-goods company with operations in areas like hotels, paperboard and agribusiness. ❋ Unknown (2011)

European regulatory approval for the product, developed by U.K. biotechnology firm Futura Medical PLC and licensed to Durex’s owner, SSL International, was held up during SSL’s takeover last year by consumer-goods giant Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC. ❋ Tommy Stubbington (2011)

While developing markets continue to grow fast, consumer-goods sales in the U.S. and other developed markets remain sluggish. ❋ Anjali Cordeiro (2010)

Although many restaurants are functioning as normal, supplies of rice, noodles and other groceries are running low, with many of the city’s main consumer-goods distribution centers wiped out. ❋ Patrick Barta (2011)

Still, experts say a clinically proven, patented innovation should help the consumer-goods firm take market share from major competitors, which include U.S. manufacturer Church & Dwight Co. and Australia’s Ansell Ltd. ❋ Tommy Stubbington (2011)

They are both largely branded consumer-goods companies. ❋ Ann Zimmerman (2011)

In that case, «China should respond with a significant fiscal package» of about 3% of GDP, the IMF said, including reductions in consumption taxes and new subsidies for consumer-goods purchases and for corporate investments in pollution-control equipment. ❋ Shen Hong (2012)

Other companies—including consumer-goods giant Procter & Gamble Co. and supermarket Tesco PLC—said they were considering their positions. ❋ Paul Sonne (2011)

«My primary [work experience] [centered around] the [acquisition and reallocation of necessary consumer goods].» ❋ Anonymouse Donor (2020)

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[ kuhn-soo-mer goodz ]

/ kənˈsu mər ˌgʊdz /

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plural noun Economics.

goods that are bought and used in satisfaction of human wants, as clothing, food, or appliances, and are not utilized in any further production (contrasted with capital goods).



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Origin of consumer goods

First recorded in 1885–90

Words nearby consumer goods

consume, consumedly, consumer, consumer credit, consumer durable, consumer goods, consumerism, consumerist, consumerize, consumer packaged goods, consumer price index Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to consumer goods

How to use consumer goods in a sentence

  • General Mills, one of the world’s most iconic consumer goods brands, used to spend a lot more time and money on re-creating content for its various channels.

  • The regulatory challenges are unusual for such a young consumer goods startup.

  • Technology and consumer goods companies, for instance, typically have better capabilities in managing supplier complexity.

  • Like other consumer goods behemoths, Unilever held up well as shoppers filled their pantries during the pandemic.

  • Among the consumer goods dropouts are Coca-Cola, Constellation Brands, Whirlpool, General Mills, and Darden Restaurants, joined by industrials Raytheon, Honeywell, Air Products & Chemicals, and General Motors.

  • Zumbiel Packaging A Kentucky-based manufacturer of paperboard packaging for consumer goods.

  • I think that as a country, we need to look at books as part of our culture rather than consumer goods as well.

  • Zumbiel Packaging Kentucky-based manufacturer of paperboard packaging for consumer goods.

  • Kent is co-chair of the Consumer Goods Forum, a fellow of the Foreign Policy Association, and a member of the Business Roundtable.

  • Business investment to produce consumer goods and services will, therefore, remain modest as well.

  • In addition to contracts already made, the Soviet officials were still putting out feelers for consumer goods.

  • But the Soviet search for ships could not be viewed entirely in the light of a desire to produce more consumer goods.

  • Actually, small quantities of durable consumer goods have always been produced by heavy industry ministries.

  • They made a great fanfare about providing more consumer goods to the people and improving the neglected agricultural sectors.

  • She did make clear to me that she thought the consumer goods here were superior to those in Russia.

British Dictionary definitions for consumer goods

pl n

goods that satisfy personal needs rather than those required for the production of other goods or servicesCompare capital goods

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for consumer goods

Goods, such as food and clothing, that satisfy human wants through their consumption or use. (Compare capital goods.)

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

: goods that directly satisfy human wants

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Raw materials are the fundamental resources that enable the production of a broad range of consumer goods, construction materials, transportation equipment and more.

Sandro Shubladze, Forbes, 27 Mar. 2023

Cumene is an intermediate chemical used to produce phenol, which is a refined product used to produce everyday consumer goods and construction materials.

Kennedy Sessions, Chron, 23 Mar. 2023

Advertisement The naira’s continued devaluation, a high rate of exchange for the US dollar, and a chronic cash crunch have, together, forced the fast-moving consumer goods company’s hand.

Faustine Ngila, Quartz, 23 Mar. 2023

Homefront Americans, loaded with discretionary income for the first time since 1929 and with no consumer goods or flank steaks to spend it on, flocked to the movies as if radio never existed.

Thomas Doherty, The Hollywood Reporter, 17 Mar. 2023

Varma brings more than 20 years of experience across a range of consumer goods companies, most recently as CFO of MotifFoodWorks.

Sheryl Estrada, Fortune, 14 Mar. 2023

But if the Fed doesn’t tame inflation, consumer goods and services will stay too expensive.

Michelle Singletary, Washington Post, 15 Mar. 2023

Soon, Midgley’s miracle gas would find a new use in consumer goods — one that ultimately became even more dangerous to the environment than its use as a refrigerant.

Steven Johnson, New York Times, 15 Mar. 2023

Is suburban drone delivery of consumer goods one of these things?

IEEE Spectrum, 8 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘consumer goods.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1901, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of consumer goods was
in 1901

Dictionary Entries Near consumer goods

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“Consumer goods.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
30 Mar 2023
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An example would be «Consumer goods have risen in the past 10

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Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 5 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to consumer goods, such as: consumer items, consumption goods, goods for sale, and retail goods.

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How to use consumer goods in a sentence

In addition to contracts already made, the Soviet officials were still putting out feelers for consumer goods.


But the Soviet search for ships could not be viewed entirely in the light of a desire to produce more consumer goods.


Actually, small quantities of durable consumer goods have always been produced by heavy industry ministries.


They made a great fanfare about providing more consumer goods to the people and improving the neglected agricultural sectors.


Social production is divided into two departments, engaged in the production of producer and consumer goods respectively.


Variable capital and surplus value in Department I together represent the demand of this department for consumer goods.


The further technical progress advances, the more do consumer goods recede as compared with producer goods.


In addition, there is no obvious reason why means of production and consumer goods should be produced by capitalist methods alone.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • consumer durables
  • consumer goods
  • durables
  • hard goods

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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