Use the word consoled in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word consoled, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use consoled in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «consoled».

Consoled in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word consoled in a sentence.

  1. Here the two grand dames had worked, bitched and consoled for years.

  2. Before his death he was consoled by Anselm and was blessed by his former opponent.

  3. Mary Godwin consoled herself with Shelley and the two started a passionate love affair.

  4. Mackenzie was upset over this loss, weeping in a neighbour’s home while supporters consoled him.

  5. Before his death, he had made his peace with Anselm, who blessed and consoled St-Calais on his deathbed.

  6. She is consoled by Rajat’s eccentric co-worker Girish (Rajeev Ravindranathan), but dismisses him abruptly.

  7. She was partly consoled by the visits of Hogg, whom she disliked at first but soon considered a close friend.

  8. Returning to Pasadena, Cameron consoled Parsons, painting a picture of Northrup with her legs severed below the knee.

  9. After his schnitzel truck was robbed by the Goody Bandit, he was consoled by Boingo and then received a callback for the commercial.

  10. Friends Isiah Thomas and Mark Aguirre consoled him that night, talking until the morning in his Boston hotel room amidst fan celebrations on the street.

  11. And if you wish to bring forth much fruit, both for yourselves and for your neighbours, and to live consoled, converse with sinners, making them unburden themselves to you.

  12. She consoled herself with what Servadio describes as «a new pleasure in shopping»; for Rossini, Paris offered continual gourmet delights, as his increasingly rotund shape began to reflect.

  13. In the immediate aftermath, Davies visited and consoled the bereaved families in Aberfan, and the following day he led a party which included the Duke of Edinburgh on a tour of the disaster site.

  14. The various would-be lovers are consoled or advised by Damon’s friend Thyrsis, and by the ageing nymph Galathea, who has herself not quite given up on love, though her advances to Thyrsis are rejected.

General information about «consoled» example sentences

The example sentences for the word consoled that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «consoled» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «consoled».

«You used to be pretty hung up on him,» she consoled

’ I consoled her

» He consoled himself with the thought that they were big lads and could probably look after themselves

He consoled him on the loss of Jared; but the fact that Jared stood his ground against overwhelming odds was most impressive

He consoled himself by thinking, «Well, if I’m as

Ozzie had listened sympathetically as she had related all this to him and, while she consoled herself with the food he’d ordered for her, suggested that perhaps she would consider marrying him and leaving all that behind

As he sat down on one of the benches, he consoled himself

“Ah, poor Harry,” consoled the ladies, feigning concern for his pretense of disappointment

his aching back, and consoled himself with the fact that

The one thing that consoled him was that it was keeping them from seeing where they were heading

“Jeremiah said, „A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more

consoled himself by pressing Sky record for later viewing and the

“It’s all right,” she consoled him

He could not be consoled … by anyone

He consoled himself with another goblet of wine

“Now, lads, tomorrow is another day,” consoled Bosco, patting his friends on the back

Dr Braun smiled at me reassuringly but I was not consoled by any means

Joseph consoled Ruby, as best he could, and made his way to the guardhouse

For they will surely be consoled

The little one, Beth could not be consoled

his aid in his need to be consoled, and all he did was fight

Sorrowing to lose their lovely leaves, they consoled themselves by watching for the sun

I consoled myself that this would last only a year

I excitedly wanted to show Carlotta everything, and then I remembered Hiacoomes and consoled her on his loss

One of the girls even screamed and had to be consoled by a nearby friend who wasn’t too happy

I consoled him as best I could and urged him to be patient; there was always more than one person with whom one could fall in love

He consoled himself with another drink from his whisky decanter and walked over to the answering machine to see if Suzy had left a message

I hoped he’d do the same, towel off and lie in the lap of his aunt as she consoled him out of me, telling him to move onto someone more suitable, someone more deserving; someone mortal

«Someone has to do it, Bob,» consoled Monica, «and I suppose the Guard is the group selected for the job

66 And there was great lamentation and noise in the king’s house, and the king heard it, and he said, What is the noise and lamentation that I have heard in the housee and they told the king that his first born son had died; then the king knew that all Joseph’s words that he had spoken were correct, and the king was consoled for his son by the child that was born to him on that day as Joseph had spoken

37 And also on account of their brother Benjamin they consoled themselves for the loss of his brother Joseph; what will they then do for him when they see the hand of any people prevailing over them, for his sake?

While Krishnan patted her a fatherly goodbye, Meenu consoled her wondering about Sunada’s exaggerated reaction to something so normal

I could not be adequately consoled by Gorvine after the settlement,

Several AA women slept over at our house and consoled and waited on Dixie

At least it wasn’t a total waste! she consoled herself

He consoled himself with the destruction they had caused, but it was not enough

” Talia consoled with mock-seriousness

66 And there was great lamentation and noise in the king’s house and the king heard it and he said What is the noise and lamentation that I have heard in the housee and they told the king that his first born son had died; then the king knew that all Joseph’s words that he had spoken were correct and the king was consoled for his son by the child that was born to him on that day as Joseph had spoken

37 And also on account of their brother Benjamin they consoled themselves for the loss of his brother Joseph; what will they then do for him when they see the hand of any people prevailing over them for his sake?

Well, at least they’re soldiers, Moshe consoled himself as Youssaf, stopping just short of his challenger, waved the seal-mark in his face, ordering at the same time, “Escort us to your leader!”

” Kragorram consoled as he gently enfolded her with arms, wings and tail

“The vizier thinks himself to be my better,” Myserrah consoled himself as he strode rapidly away

Well, at least they’re soldiers, Moshe consoled himself as Youssaf, stopping just short of his

Then was fulfilled the saying in Jeremiah the prophet which said A voice was heard in Ramah Weeping and much lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children And not willing to be consoled for their loss

I consoled myself with thoughts that he would be here next weekend

Gently David consoled his son and gave him a gentle touch on the back, letting him know that everything would be okay

Sam was upset, but was quickly consoled by the others

David and the others quickly consoled Jane; this was also hard for them

Had the situation been reversed, it would be him that needed to be consoled

room lined with consoled and many technicians working away, crunching numbers and speaking

Desolé burst into tears and, as he had been trained to do, Sebastian consoled her

When they entered Mary’s she was sitting in an armchair being consoled by Molly her sister-in- law

He consoled himself by playing chords on his guitar that he had

He found it consoled him for reasons that he could not explain

around her shoulders, consoled her as best he could

strengthened and consoled by them, as wel as their brothers and sisters

Ellen consoled him as best she could

Overwhelmed by regret, as he washed the bronze in tears, she was beside herself and consoled him with caress

could feel somewhat consoled

“A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more

” Hank consoled his wife

He was crying uncontrollably until his friends consoled him, then he

maybe he would be consoled

Near death experiences are bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the spirit can be counseled or consoled in our higher dimension

NDE are bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the soul can be counseled or consoled in our higher dimension

” Monika rubbed my back and consoled me, as I lost the battle to control my tears

Afterwards, I consoled

I’ve always been consoled by the fact that as bad as it might seem, the judgment could be a bit off, so one can always have hope

She consoled and comforted me

Miriam then started crying again, consoled as best she could by an equally emotional Nancy

She consoled me and

He consoled her and held her, then asked softly,

Vincent consoled her

As he took place in the car beside the Saudi prince, Viktor consoled himself by thinking that the seventy million euros he was going to get as a commission for this deal would go a long way to allow him to retire for good…that is if his old friend Vladimir Putin would let him do so: Viktor had been very useful to him in the last few years and Putin may just tell him that his services were too valuable to let him retire effectively

Gomz felt his dead heart ache at her condition and he gently consoled her like a baby by caressing her head and hair

Karan gently consoled her and said: Why do you still bother about his words, Tarana? Today is our special day Tarana

Mini and Arjun went near him and consoled him

companions consoled him with the idea that sooner or

” she consoled me

He cried and cried and I consoled him again and again

its ok beti…” My father consoled me again and again

” I consoled my mother

The village folks consoled and assured me to take care of us and my quarter, and gave a word to pay compensation for the lost of all my stuffs

I couldn’t see her tears; rubbed her dropping tears from her eyes; and consoled her not to repent for the past

I asked her to give love and respect to my entire family members; consoled to feel everything as her own; and I assured her not to worry for anything

Both my parents laughed at my terrifying queries; they both consoled me that nothing was wrong back home

I consoled my anger by thinking that I 208

Mark consoled that at least we had only misplaced a hotel this time and not an entire country

He consoled himself with the thought that when Trog

“It was bound to happen sooner or later,” she consoled him

He consoled himself with the fact that she was

«I convinced myself… consoled myself that Tracy was forced into it, so I always kept that promise

These limited skills, he knew, made him a particularly bad advert for his profession, but he consoled himself with the thought that his was always the first name on the guest-list at barbecues

He often light-heartedly consoled himself with that thought

somehow he felt consoled

“This is just the way things turned out,” he consoled

Lord Buddha consoled them all saying that that was the will of a devotee

It’s not important,” the bird consoled

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Consoled Sentence Examples

«It’s all right,» she consoled him. From the expression on his face, he wasn’t consoled by the answer. Once he would have wiped it away and consoled her.

Has consoled meaning?

/kənˈsoʊl/ to make someone who is sad or disappointed feel better by giving them comfort or sympathy: He tried to console her, but she kept saying it was all her own fault.

How do you use consolation in a sentence?

Consolation in a Sentence ?

  1. The court’s decision to award me two million dollars in damages was no consolation for the loss of my husband.
  2. When I opened the second place consolation prize, I was shocked to learn it was only a small gift card.

How do you use enmity in a sentence?

Enmity sentence example

  1. Great popularity necessarily brings with it bitter enmity and genuine criticism. …
  2. It is stated that the enmity against him was so great that now, as on other occasions, attempts were made to assassinate him. …
  3. This won him the enmity of the Dutch Socialists.

Was performed in a sentence?

To do something; to execute. The scientists performed several experiments. An autopsy was performed.

27 related questions found

What is the meaning wildly?

English Language Learners Definition of wildly

: in an uncontrolled or excited way : in a wild way. : very or extremely.

What is the example of perform?

Perform is defined as to complete something, to meet the requirements or to act in a show. An example of perform is for a doctor to do surgery. An example of perform is for a person to fulfill a promise. An example of perform is for an actor to play a role in a musical.

What is an example of enmity?

Enmity is defined as a deep and bitter hatred, usually shared between enemies. An example of enmity is the feelings held by many who live in Palestine and Israel. Deep-seated, often mutual hatred. … A state or feeling of opposition, hostility, hatred or animosity.

What enmity means?

enmity, hostility, antipathy, antagonism, animosity, rancor, animus mean deep-seated dislike or ill will. enmity suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed. an unspoken enmity hostility suggests an enmity showing itself in attacks or aggression.

What is consolation example?

1 : the act or an instance of consoling : the state of being consoled : comfort She found great consolation in all the cards and letters she received. 2 : something that consoles specifically : a contest held for those who have lost early in a tournament.

What does it mean when someone says if it’s any consolation?

: if it helps make things seem better (to someone) If it’s any consolation (to you), no one else got much of a raise this year, either.

What are some examples of consolation?

When someone sends you flowers after a loss, this is an example of consolation. When you receive a prize to make you feel better even though you did not win, this is an example of a consolation.

What is Consuled?

(koun′səl) 1. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation: joined in counsel with colleagues before deciding the issue. 2. Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person.

What confided means?

1 : to have confidence : trust We cannot confide wholly in our own powers. 2 : to show confidence by imparting secrets confide in a friend. transitive verb. 1 : to tell confidentially He dared not confide the secret to his family. 2 : to give to the care or protection of another : entrust …

What do you mean by self centered?

1 : independent of outside force or influence : self-sufficient. 2 : concerned solely with one’s own desires, needs, or interests.

What is secret animosity?

: a strong feeling of dislike or hatred : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude.

What is a 9 letter word meaning enmity?

+ Enmity with 9 Letters. HOSTILITY. 9. ANIMOSITY.

What is a sentence for apathy?

He has an apathy for serious reading. Apathy in government employees is not because they are low-paid or hungry. She alleged police’s apathy in dealing with her dowry complaint.

What is a correct pronunciation?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect («correct pronunciation») or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

What type of word is perform?

[transitive, intransitive] perform (something) to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc.

What kind of verb is performed?

1[transitive] perform something to do something, such as a piece of work, task, or duty synonym carry somethingout to perform an experiment/a miracle/a ceremony She performs an important role in our organization. This operation has never been performed in this country.

What does effectuate mean in English?

transitive verb. formal : to cause or bring about (something) : to put (something) into effect or operation : effect sense 2 … the insured or depositor relies on the insurer or bank to effectuate his wishes …—

What does it mean to love wildly?

Loving wildly and living fully, loving souls and loving hearts, loving humans and loving things. It’s being passionate and following aliveness. All with the risk of judgement, of it sometimes being unreturned, of being rejected.

  • Use the word Consoled in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The Emperor Constantine, followed by his court, designated to each his post for combat, consoled the wives, and encouraged the men.

That is, if she hasn’t consoled herself with another.

I trust the Burns-Norvells consoled you.

She consoled herself very quickly.

She probably was consoled by another.

…»Bless those who cry for they must be consoled«

With these words the illustrious senator Arborius Silvanus and prefect of the praetorium consoled this morning the hapless orphan.

You know how I consoled myself When you vanished from the feast?

I consoled myself, with the thought of your death.

Go be consoled by a woman!

I consoled myself to the thought that finding one would more than compensate for my failure as a botanist.

[And another thing consoled Don Camillo that evening.] [The vote Peppone’s wife had promised was well worth…] [… cycling 30 km, after all, one vote can be of decisive importance.]

Cheered me and consoled me

I consoled him when I could.

O Divine Master… grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled… as to console… to be understood as to understand… to be loved as to love… for it is in giving that we receive… it is in pardoning that we are pardoned… and it is in dying that we are born… to eternal life.

Sometimes he consoled himself that the life he led was a temporary thing.

And so we consoled ourselves for the downfall of our nation by getting petty revenge in matters of internal affairs, a trend which, as you know, continued long afterwards.

Well, I consoled her for days.

She was sad, and I consoled her for an hour.

I will not be consoled… except by her presence.

He tried to act cheerful, but he could never be consoled by the little stranger he found in his house.

Sad to be consoled so quickly.

… She who you consoled, counseled, and forgave ..

But be consoled with inexperience and the liveliness of youth.

As he has consoled 1,800 others.

I am consoled because I am able To recognize a man of value.

‘I consoled myself with the knowledge that firearms didn’t work underwater.

This means that the dead in Pascoli’s poem are never frightening, persecuting presences, indeed they’re the only presences with whom the poet can have a relationship, cry and be consoled.

They came here to be consoled.

You think praying at Yasukuni consoled them?

I could have consoled him!

Every time I feel sad in prison… I think of the Koran verse that says, «Speak Allah’s name, and your heart will be consoled

I am consoled with the fact that you have nice buttocks.

Afterwards I consoled the loved ones.

When she died, I consoled myself with Mary.

«consoled only that I am — «planted here.»

Somebody jist as sweet as he Cheered me and consoled me.

consoled of my departure in advance, he bids my absent days untold remain?

I mean, you guys are the ones who have supported and consoled and understood, unconditionally.

Forthis reason,Iwill not relate how I helped the poor… assisted the infirm, consoled the despairing.

It was she consoled me… told me we would see each other again.

I am not some wifey to be consoled with a cup of tea and cuddle.

«We are consoled by the thought that some of these creatures have been spared.»

He’s already consoled me enough as it is.

Ah. And Chandler was really sweet and he consoled me and we drank too much. — Yeah, baby.

Asked by: Mattie Christiansen DDS

Score: 4.2/5
(19 votes)

Consoled Sentence Examples

«It’s all right,» she consoled him. From the expression on his face, he wasn’t consoled by the answer. Once he would have wiped it away and consoled her.

What is an example sentence for consolation?

1 Your company has been a great consolation to me. 2 This news was of little consolation to us. 3 The only consolation for the team is that they get a chance to play the game again. 4 Her appointment was seen as a consolation prize after she lost the election.

What is a consoled mean?

consoled; consoling. Definition of console (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of : comfort console a widow I consoled myself with the thought that things could be much worse.

What is a sentence for Providence?

1. Her recovery was a special providence of God. 2. The despot claimed to be the chosen instrument of divine providence.

What is a sentence for Consul?

a diplomat appointed by a government to protect its commercial interests and help its citizens in a foreign country. 1) The Consul spoke slowly and with great gravity. 2) The consul looked at her so gratefully I think he forgot I was in the room. 3) It was the consul, of course, who had to be willing.

36 related questions found

What is consul simple words?

English Language Learners Definition of consul

: a government official whose job is to live in a foreign country and protect and help the citizens of his or her own country who are traveling, living, or doing business there. : either one of two chief officials of the ancient Roman republic who were elected every year.

What is a general consul?

noun, plural consuls general. a consular officer of the highest rank, as a person who is stationed at a place of considerable commercial importance or supervises other consuls.

What is an example of Providence?

Providence is the guardianship and care provided by a deity or god. Religious people thank their god for his providence. … For religious people, any good thing that happens to them — like landing a new job, getting healthy, or finding money on the ground — could be considered an example of providence.

What is an act of providence?

Act of providence is an accident against which ordinary skill and foresight could not guard. This is synonymous to act of God. For certain acts no one can be held responsible. Naturally occurring events that are unavoidable can be considered as act of providence. In such cases, liability will not rest on one person.

What do you mean by self centered?

1 : independent of outside force or influence : self-sufficient. 2 : concerned solely with one’s own desires, needs, or interests.

How do you console someone?

7 Ways to Console Someone Going Through a Hard Time

  1. Be There for Them. We show up for the people we care about. …
  2. Tell Them (and Show) That You Love Them. …
  3. Let Them Know You’re Thinking of Them.
  4. Take Time to Listen. …
  5. A Hug Can Speak Volumes.
  6. Share Memories. …
  7. Continue Offering Support.

What type of word is consoled?

verb (used with object), con·soled, con·sol·ing. to alleviate or lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment of; give solace or comfort: Only his children could console him when his wife died.

Which is the best example of offering consolation?

(sports) A consolation goal. The definition of consolation refers to comfort that is given to someone in a time of disappointment, or to the people or things that are providing that comfort. When someone sends you flowers after a loss, this is an example of consolation.

How do you use cower in a sentence?

Examples of cower in a Sentence

They cowered at the sight of the gun. She was cowering in the closet. I cowered behind the door. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘cower.

What is meant by God’s providence?

Traditional theism holds that God is the creator of heaven and earth, and that all that occurs in the universe takes place under Divine Providence — that is, under God’s sovereign guidance and control. According to believers, God governs creation as a loving father, working all things for good.

What is the meaning of the name Providence?

The name Providence is primarily a female name of English origin that means Divine Guidance Or Care. … As a given name, Providence was used most often in Middle English, originally from the Latin providentia. Providence was also a television show (1999-2002) starring Melina Kanakaredes.

What do you mean by divine providence?

In theology, Divine Providence, or simply Providence, is God’s intervention in the Universe. The term Divine Providence (usually capitalized) is also used as a title of God.

How do you use the word providence?

Providence in a Sentence ?

  1. Because of Jim’s providence, he and his wife have a nice retirement egg.
  2. Cara’s providence in her health ensured her doctor was able to find and remove the cancer tumor before it spread.
  3. When the squirrel stores his nuts for the winter, he is showing a good example of providence.

What does Providence mean on a job application?

Providencenoun. the act of providing or preparing for future use or application; a making ready; preparation.

What is the job of consul general?

The consul general serves as a representative who speaks on behalf of their state in the country where they are located, although ultimate jurisdiction over the right to speak on behalf of a home country within another country belongs to the single ambassador.

Who can be a consul?

One myth we must disperse immediately is that honorary consul titles are not sold on the internet. To become an honorary consul you must work with a diplomatic consultant, sometimes also called a diplomatic broker or must have a very strong international political network of your own.

What’s the difference between an embassy and a consulate?

An embassy is a diplomatic mission generally located in the capital city of another country which offers a full range of services, including consular services. … A consulate general is a diplomatic mission located in a major city, usually other than the capital city, which provides a full range of consular services.

Consoled used in sentences. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use consoled in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for consoled.

  • They are consoled too. (10)
  • Lady Busshe consoled her. (10)
  • This consoled her a good deal. (8)
  • Cecilia would have consoled her. (10)
  • She consoled him with her lovely serenity. (12)
  • He consoled himself by cursing superstition. (10)
  • He consoled himself by cursing superstition. (22)
  • Their unabated warmth consoled me in the bitterest of seasons. (10)
  • At last he gave it up; she would not come, would not be consoled. (8)
  • She consoled herself with the reflection that utterance was inadequate. (10)
  • Miss Gage was there with her, and she remained to be consoled after Mrs. Deering departed. (9)
  • Dacier consoled her with a piece of gold, saying he would come and see Mrs. Danvers in the morning. (10)
  • At first the poet is consoled by the serene beauty of the summer night, but his fears gain the upper hand. (3)
  • But he was consoled by the lunch which he had with Westover at a restaurant where it was served in courses. (9)
  • She was in that mood, familiar to us all, when we long to be consoled and even flattered for having been silly. (9)
  • She felt that the revolution of the idea of love in her mind (all that consoled her) was becoming a temptation. (10)
  • There never was anything about Durgin in the letters, and Westover was both troubled and consoled by this silence. (9)
  • The band wheels off meltingly in a tune all cadences, and twirls, and risings and sinkings, and passionate outbursts trippingly consoled. (10)
  • We would rather not need to be consoled than to have the finest consolation that was ever manufactured out of the commonplaces of history. (14)

Also see sentences for: consolation, consolations, consolatory, console, consoling.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for consoled. Now that you’ve seen how to use consoled in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

Sentences ending with consoled

  • Papa and the servants were well; and all received me with an affection which should have consoled. [14]

More example sentences with the word consoled in them

  • Mr. Brad, to whose nineteenth-century and newspaper eye Philip had shrunk from confiding his modest creation, but who was consulted in the business, consoled him with the suggestion that this was a sure way of getting his production read. [4]
  • This thought consoled us, but did not warm our feet. [4]
  • Him I consoled to the best of my ability, and afterwards, in some slight measure, supplied his wants. [6]
  • Her laugh was silvery, and nothing consoled Bent-Anat so much as to hear it. [10]
  • Napoleon consoled the Parisians in their year of defeat by gilding the dome of the Invalides. [6]
  • Still, it was not that which so greatly consoled her. [10]
  • But she was no doubt consoled by the fact that for some time past she had had complete control of Lord Haldwell’s emotions. [11]
  • He reflected that neither of them could feel it as people of more worldly knowledge would, and he consoled himself with the fact that Fulkerson was really not such a charlatan as he seemed. [8]
  • On the other hand, starlings, as we have seen, may be consoled thrice in the same day for the loss of their mates. [1]
  • Nell and her grandfather ate sparingly, for both were occupied with their own reflections; the other gentlemen, for whose constitutions beer was too weak and tame a liquid, consoled themselves with spirits and tobacco. [12]
  • Even the very comfortable life secured to her by the distinguished valet, who was respected by men of the highest rank, by no means consoled her for it. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word consoled in a sentence? How do you use consoled in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word consoled?
It contains example sentences with the word consoled, a sentence example for consoled, and consoled in sample sentence.

  • reassured
  • relaxed
  • satisfied
  • allayed
  • alleviated
  • appeased
  • cared
  • comforted
  • mollified
  • pacified
  • placated
  • reconciled
  • solaced
  • soothed
  • comfortable
  • for

On this page you’ll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to consoled, such as: reassured, relaxed, satisfied, allayed, alleviated, and appeased.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

How to use consoled in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • allayed
  • alleviated
  • appeased
  • cared
  • comfortable
  • comforted
  • consoled
  • for
  • mollified
  • pacified
  • placated
  • reassured
  • reconciled
  • relaxed
  • satisfied
  • solaced
  • soothed

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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