Use the word consisted in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word consisted, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use consisted in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «consisted».

Consisted in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word consisted in a sentence.

  1. It consisted of two parts.

  2. The 7th Army consisted of:.

  3. The 4th Army consisted of:.

  4. Sturges and consisted of No.

  5. The crew consisted of pilots Lt.

  6. It consisted of Stimson, James F.

  7. Its set consisted of an open plaza.

  8. The staff consisted of about 180 people.

  9. The 2021 season consisted of 65 home games.

  10. The force consisted of two frigates, the Sv.

  11. The crew consisted of 38 officers and enlisted men.

  12. Her air group consisted of 24 Zeros and nine B5N2s.

  13. Their crew consisted of 1,360 officers and ratings.

  14. The first qualifying round consisted of 64 players.

  15. The crew consisted of 39 officers and enlisted men.

  16. Bulk petrol storage consisted of 7,000 imperial gallons (32,000 l; 8,400 US gal).

  17. The symptoms consisted of severe blistering of the skin and respiratory ailments.

  18. Under the Italian flag, her crew consisted of 13 officers and 191 enlisted ranks.

  19. The match was completed in 18 minutes, and consisted of only 16 legal deliveries.

  20. Her crew consisted of 1,333 officers and enlisted men as built and 1,368 in 1935.

  21. Diets soon consisted of oxhide, strips of which were boiled to make a «disagreeable» glue-like jelly.

  22. It consisted of a single room, with an altar and a stela bearing the hieroglyph for «offering table».

  23. This national state consisted of Prussia, the largest member state, and 21 other north German states.

  24. The brigade consisted of his former 2nd Regiment of Light Cavalry and a National Guard cavalry corps.

  25. It consisted of a 32-page book, with separate maps that detailed locations in the adventure scenario.

  26. The armoured deck consisted of a 65 mm (2.6 in) mild steel plate laid over two 9 mm (0.35 in) plates.

  27. The technical departments were handled by Saran’s regular crew, which consisted of cinematographer A.

  28. The prime crew for Apollo 13 consisted of Jim Lovell (CDR), Fred Haise (LMP) and Ken Mattingly (CMP).

  29. Their anti-aircraft (AA) armament consisted of two quick-firing (QF) 3-inch (76 mm) 20 cwt Mk I guns.

  30. Union cavalry consisted of the 6th and 9th Kansas, the 2nd Ohio, and 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry Regiments.

  31. The main story consisted of 11 parts running through the Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps books.

  32. He didn’t have patience for that; his own work consisted of little aperçus, but quite brilliant ones.

  33. New Zealand’s early uniforms consisted of a black jersey with a silver fern and white knickerbockers.

  34. The steam plant consisted of six oil-fired and sixteen coal-fired boilers trunked into a large funnel.

  35. The flight consisted of an MOL mockup built from a Titan II propellant tank, and Gemini spacecraft No.

  36. It consisted of six destroyers, five minesweepers and about 3,000 personnel in its regular forces and volunteer reserves.

  37. The original machinery for all three ships consisted of three Parsons steam turbine sets, arranged in three engine rooms.

  38. The rest of the Royal Navy’s amphibious capability consisted of six Round Table class landing ship logistics (LSL) ships.

  39. Work in the 19th century consisted of cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the prison, tailoring, bootmaking, and printing.

  40. The three-piece band consisted of Reznor on guitars and lead vocals, Ron Musarra on drums, and Chris Vrenna on keyboards.

  41. Recorded during 2004, the album consisted of new material mostly co-written by Chilton, Stephens, Auer, and Stringfellow.

  42. The vertebral column of Tyrannosaurus consisted of ten neck vertebrae, thirteen back vertebrae and five sacral vertebrae.

  43. When Lewis and Clark visited the area in 1806, the Clackamas tribe consisted of about 1,800 people living in 11 villages.

  44. The tour consisted of a 34-song setlist show with a duration of 3 hours and 45 minutes, her longest concert held to date.

  45. Her propulsion system consisted of two four-cylinder triple-expansion steam engines manufactured by AG Germania in Tegel.

  46. The first study session met in December and consisted of the «Spinning Song» from Wagner’s opera The Flying Dutchman, played by Dannreuther in Liszt’s piano transcription.

  47. The Palmyrenes constructed an extensive irrigation system in the northern mountains that consisted of reservoirs and channels to capture and store the occasional rainfall.

  48. The autumn maneuvers consisted of a blockade exercise in the North Sea, a cruise of the entire fleet to Norwegian waters, and a mock attack on Kiel ending on 12 September.

  49. They were also collected into volumes, which consisted of four monthly issues and an appendix (volumes 21–28 switched to a semi-annual publication run without appendices).

  50. As AMP, he occupied a seat on the Air Board, the service’s controlling body that consisted of its most senior officers and which was chaired by the Chief of the Air Staff.

General information about «consisted» example sentences

The example sentences for the word consisted that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «consisted» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «consisted».

  • Use the word consisted in a sentences

Sentence Examples

When our Party consisted of only seven members… it already had two principles.

The court jewels of the Grand Duchess Swana consisted of 14 pieces.

Kittredge, it may interest you to know… that this so-called «»affair»» consisted of exactly two kisses… and a late swim.

The flight consisted of 69 short hops… and 15 crashes.

The investment of your aunt in my house consisted of 3 units.

That consisted absolutism.

Imagine, the whole factory consisted of two rotten sheds!

My pleasure consisted of a glass of sak├® and a plate of beans.

The stolen equipment consisted of five .50 caliber American machine guns… and four boxes .50 caliber ammunition belts, five .30 caliber American machine guns… and four boxes .30 caliber ammunition belts… and, uh… two boxes of smoke pots?

Mr. Kittredge, it might interest you to know that our so-called affair consisted of exactly two kisses and one rather late swim.

Tell me, Miss Emma, is it true that on the morning of the murders… breakfast consisted of bananas, cookies, and cold mutton soup?

What if the mankind consisted of Goosevs…

If it consisted of Goosevs…

The terrible power of the Pharisees consisted in not fearing the banal and the ridiculous.

That dowry consisted of jewels which I put in a suitcase.

And we sent Denis Rake as a radio operator. «The Mont-Mouchet,» like most of the Maquis groups consisted of members from the forced labor group which was based in Auvergne.

It consisted in offer him a job in exchange of total submission.

It consisted of brown bread, Gorgonzola, wine which the Germans gave to us, cigarettes.

The strategy of long stated period it consisted of waiting until the allies to equal the Germans in number and equipment, before launching great an offensive one, although this to imply to have to wait up to 1941.

(man) Of course, the Japanese were brought up in three or four cardinal truths from cradle to grave — that the emperor was divine, the country was invincible, and it consisted of… a chosen race.

Our group consisted of me, Sanogen, Alimov and Uzbek, who was the Young Communist organiser of our battalion.

This method consisted of painting on the small dots of pure colours on the canvas.

my youth consisted of dark thunder storms interrupted at times by a radiant sun the thunder and rain were so tempestuous that scarcely any fruit could ripen in my yard now I’m in the autumn of my years and I have a need for… and I have a need for a rake and spade

my youth consisted of dark thunder storms interrupted at times by a radiant sun

It could have consisted of historical analyses, theories, essays, memoirs.

It could have consisted of films like the one I am making at this moment.

My first pay packet consisted of 500 zlotys.

Our filming crew… consisted of only us three.

The celebrated Library of Alexandria in Egypt consisted of almost a million papyrus scrolls.

I consisted of nothing more than the will to survive, to live through the night to eat to drink to sleep.

You know, and we had tried working together, but really our work consisted mostly… of my trying to do these incredibly painful prostrations that they do in the monastery.

You know, and we had tried working together, but really our work consisted mostly… of my trying to do these incredibly painful prostrations that they do in the monastery. You know, so really we hadn’t been working very much.

Known locally as Moose Juice, it consisted of equal parts Moose Brand beer and ethyl alcohol.

In my earliest years, I realized life consisted of two contradictory elements.

Cocktails consisted of warm beer in two different shaped glasses.

Forgive me, but I thought most of your official duties consisted of a lot of this.

«The crew consisted of four individuals» «whose identities have not been confirmed,» «it being strongly suspected that they too are false.»

Just before the black Death in London in 1348, a King Rat was found that consisted of no less than 5 rats.

Examination consisted of questions and answers in the usual psychiatric flow… in order to determine the patient’s mental condition.

What was left consisted largely of a network of underground tunnels.

A side order consisted of a chunk of white meat tuna… a dollop of mayonnaise, some carrot strips and potato chips.

on the day sumter fell, the regular army of the united states consisted of fewer than 17,000 men, most of whom were stationed in the far west.

Now I see wherein it consisted.

As usual, the ceremony consisted of singing all 23 stanzas of the Space Corps anthem.

I’d quite like to have composed a philosophical work which consisted entirely of jokes.

On top of that, my practice had grown stagnant and my social life consisted of hanging around a bar every night.

Do you remember of what that meal consisted, Hastings?

Advanced Products has historically consisted of 4 divisions:

Is there any word on what the food consisted of?

That’s pretty much what his direction consisted of. If you acted so you’d look like his photo, he was satisfied.

Our morning visit to the Diros Caves proved to be very interesting: It consisted of a 30-minute boat ride and a 15-minute walk to the exit

The remainder of the evening consisted of going over to Jaseem’s and installing the HouseWife9

A Gujarati feast consisted of every

It consisted of one part crumble, one part rhubarb and five thousand

Their lives consisted of a daily battle with the

The evening meal consisted of bread and cheese and a warm oatmeal-like dish

The bridge consisted of three

His meal consisted

belongings consisted of some clothes, my ball glove, and of course, several boxes

consisted of gruel the colour and consistency of mud

I had my 5 foot circle that consisted of two separate pieces of the plywood, part of the 4 x 8 and part of the 2 X 8

The sound they were making consisted mainly of waves much like the equipment was stuck in a long slow loop

The bluebook consisted of who knows 20-30 pages of written answers to essay questions

when you arrive! If I said that it consisted of half a dozen

Supper consisted of stew and potatoes

It consisted in such treasure as was found concealed in the earth, and to which no particular person could prove any right

consisted of a line of kajal and a touch of gloss on her lips

All taxes having been usually paid in paper money, the prince would not have wherewithal either to pay his troops, or to furnish his magazines; and the state of the country would be much more irretrievable than if the greater part of its circulation had consisted in gold and silver

The paper currencies of North America consisted, not in bank notes payable to the bearer on demand, but in a government paper, of which the payment was not exigible till several years after it was issued ; and though the colony governments paid no interest to the holders of this paper, they declared it to be, and in fact rendered it, a legal tender of payment for the full value for which it was issued

It consisted commonly in a few wretched cattle, maintained altogether by the spontaneous produce of uncultivated land, and which might, therefore, be considered as a part of that spontaneous produce

consisted of my peers, had increased to a bursting point and there

Hers consisted of finding poking and mocking everything the priest said

consisted of Father, Mother, and Denny Day

They consisted, indeed, of a very different order of people from the first inhabitants of the ancient republics of Greece and Italy

Their advice consisted of two different proposals

His dessert most often consisted of big servings of cherry pie or chocolate cake, those being favorites of mine too, I’ll have you know

Wealth, therefore, according to them, consisted in cattle, as, according to the Spaniards, it consisted in gold and silver

The two principles being established, however, that wealth consisted in gold and silver, and that those metals could be brought into a country which had no mines, only by the balance of trade, or by exporting to a greater value than it imported ; it necessarily became the great object of political economy to diminish as much as possible the importation of foreign goods for home consumption, and to increase as much as possible the exportation of the produce of domestic industry

In this consisted a great part of the policy of Mr Colbert, who, notwithstanding his great abilities, seems in this case to have been imposed upon by the sophistry of merchants and manufacturers, who are always demanding a monopoly against their countrymen

It consisted of thin, soft leather pieces held together by leather straps

If their trade should be of such a nature, that one of them exported to the other nothing but native commodities, while the returns of that other consisted altogether in foreign goods; the balance, in this case, would still be supposed even, commodities being paid for with commodities

By such maxims as these, however, nations have been taught that their interest consisted in beggaring all their neighbours

It consisted of a lounge at one end separated from the bedroom with a solid wooden partition

The loss of the Portugal trade would, no doubt, have occasioned a considerable embarrassment to the merchants at that time engaged in it, who might not, perhaps, have found out, for a year or two, any other equally advantageous method of employing their capitals; and in this would probably have consisted all the inconveniency which England could have suffered from this notable piece of commercial policy

The only valuable part of them consisted in some little fillets, bracelets, and other ornaments of gold, and in some bales of cotton

It consisted of a luxurious leather material

universes, they — the royal family — consisted

This land tax, or land rent, like the tithe in Europe, consisted in a certain proportion, a fifth, it is said, of the produce of the land, which was either delivered in kind, or paid in money, according to a certain valuation, and which, therefore, varied from year to year, according to all the variations of the produce

In this very simple institution consisted the whole expense which any Grecian state seems ever to have been at, in preparing its citizens for war

In courts which consisted of a considerable number of judges, by proportioning the share of each judge to the number of hours and days which he had employed in examining the process, either in the court, or in a committee, by order of the court, those fees might give some encouragement to the diligence of each particular judge

When the breach of contract consisted in the non-payment of money, the damage sustained could be compensated in no other way than by ordering payment, which was equivalent to a specific performance of the agreement

These consisted of Huntley and Palmer biscuits which everyone called dog biscuits because they looked just like them

This news had boosted our moral no end and we were in a good mood as we sat down to eat breakfast which consisted of that old time favourite bully and biscuits but before we took a bite all hell broke loose

Wherein consisted the happiness and perfection of a man, considered not only as an individual, but as the member of a family, of a state, and of the great society of mankind, was the object which the ancient moral philosophy proposed to investigate

In the early ages, both of the Greek and Roman republics, the other parts of education seem to have consisted in learning to read, write, and account, according to the arithmetic of the times

In the republics of ancient Greece, particularly in Athens, the ordinary courts of justice consisted of numerous, and therefore disorderly, bodies of people, who frequently decided almost at random, or as clamour, faction, and party-spirit, happened to determine

At Rome, on the contrary, the principal courts of justice consisted either of a single judge, or of a small number of judges, whose characters, especially as they deliberated always in public, could not fail to be very much affected by any rash or unjust decision

After it finished the whistles started and blasted out warning us and we set off on our way the first part of the assault was across open farm land which much of Cape Helles consisted of

Their reward consisted altogether in what they got from their scholars ; and a citizen, who had learnt his exercises in the public gymnasia, had no sort of legal advantage over one who had learnt them privately, provided the latter had learned them equally well

Not only did Panin have to focus on the words of the original Greek texts, but also on their arrangements, positions, numeric values, the syllables they contained and the letters that they consisted of

In those days the principal expense of the sovereign seems to have consisted in the maintenance of his own family and household

After inflation stopped, the Universe consisted of a quark-gluon plasma, as well as all other elementary particles

floor had been only stone, this one’s floor consisted of a stone path bordering a crystal clear pool of

Or, if neither of these methods was found convenient, each family might compound for its consumption of this liquor, either according to the number of persons of which it consisted, in the same manner as private families compound for the malt tax in England; or according to the different ages and sexes of those persons, in the same manner as several different taxes are levied in Holland ; or, nearly as Sir Matthew Decker proposes, that all taxes upon consumable commodities should be levied in England

When the war began, the squadron consisted of only six

Back then the materials consisted of a study manual, workbooks

Her days consisted of rising late in the morning

This was normal, of course, as they would have their own friends and partners, though Rachel’s community had mostly consisted of other psychiatric patients and doctors

It consisted of huge warehouses and we were soon staggering under the weight of a stack of different uniforms which, it must be said, were of good quality

It consisted of dark blue pants with nice big pockets (by regulation they had to be empty), and light blue short-sleeved shirts and a soft cap with the gold Police star upon it centred above the peak

I got promoted quite fast at that time and was put in charge of the Security Flight ―B‖ which consisted of approximately two hundred men

I only saw pictures of it, as our platoon was assigned to the PT display, which consisted of 800 men doing callisthenics

We draw our kit on the first day which consisted of camouflaged overalls, old fashioned sail webbing (suitably appropriated from the Army just after the Korean War), a sleeping bag and an R1 (SLR) rifle without a strap and two magazines

The patrol dogs consisted of Alsatians handled by members called patrol dog handlers

We sat in my small office which consisted of a desk and a shelf that stood from the ceiling to the floor and which could not breathe for the sake of the files packed onto it

The building consisted of two floors, the ground floor the factory and the first floor the offices

As a captain in the Polish army, my uniform consisted of high black boots that reached to my knees and a hat with the emblem of the division on its front

consisted of staring blankly straight ahead in whatever direction

The immediate family consisted of Ron and me, Chris, Heidi his

The fifth willow stick was put next to my altar, which consisted of a mound of dirt, and on the fifth willow stick at the

The evidence consisted of Caroline’s panicked telephone call and subsequent terrorized dash into the arms of the police and their statements as to his violent rage

The casino, such as it was, consisted of nothing more than a short line of slots and a scattering of tables where low-stakes poker and blackjack were the games of choice

The plant consisted of an old, but sturdily built, dock that jutted deep into a wide well-protected estuary, with a building described to her as a fish washhouse built along its center

One night on the tour, where we stopped to camp, the ground consisted of big, spherical beach-ball-sized boulders

The result was a sheet of text that consisted simply of groups of five numbers one after another

The scale consisted of a platform and a metal post with a

It was 9:45 before we were dressed and ready for breakfast that consisted of a piece of stale bread toasted and a chilled glass of fresh orange juice

As we banked left and right, crisscrossing in the air along with the other extremely modified blackhawk (the modifications largely consisted of a relic bible attached to its nose, leather-bound and hand-written by a catholic Saint), it looked almost as if a couple of playful night-birds courting in the sweet, warm summer night

The only real open space consisted of the small dance floor, where men took turns jitterbugging with the Red Cross girls

It consisted of bologna sandwiches and coffee

The new men consisted of both transfers from other units and new recruits out of training

Although the remainder of the first half consisted largely of one-way traffic towards the Lincoln goal, the visiting keeper kept the enemy at bay

Its furnishings consisted of a double bed, a dresser and a small table that could serve as a desk or dressing table

The village consisted of a number of whitewashed peasant cottages lining an unpaved dusty street

Brendan considered what little he knew of espionage and mass mind control, which largely consisted of stuff he read as a boy in spy novels and science fiction

Without markets, there was no opportunity to replenish their supplies, and their breakfast on the morning of the day they reached the river consisted of boiled potatoes

The estate actually consisted of a cluster of working tenant farms, and throughout the war they had been better fed than most

Its streets consisted of three dirt tracks crossing the rutted highway

Every meal consisted of some variety of fish, prepared in various ways

The first stream of tracers passed over the deck just in front of the wheelhouse, confirming for Colling that the cutter’s armament consisted of a heavy machine gun

The ancient weapons consisted only of spears, swords, pikes or bows and arrows

All of the tables were of glass, where each table consisted

” The hot treatment consisted of my Uncle taking us for a car ride, and then he’d crank the heat up in the car on a summer hundred degree day for a hundred hours in a row and keep the windows SHUT! Well, actually it probably only lasted about one minute, but when you’re five or six years old, it seemed like hours

The troupe consisted of eight humans

The palace was quite large and elegant and consisted of a single square building raised on a platform some ten feet above the level of the street

It consisted mostly in cautioning me not to adopt the beliefs of others

This consisted of a new consultant (how they learned

The cargo hold consisted of twelve watertight compartments, so that most of the cargo could be saved in the event of a breech in the hull

Those abilities consisted of levitation, healing, and telepathy among others

These consisted of very colorful textiles with rather abstract representations of people, creatures, and temples or some sort of buildings and many very fine ceramics, which were a little more realistic (usually) and quite varied in shape and color

Definition of Consisted

mas made up of

Examples of Consisted in a sentence

The cake recipe consisted mainly of flour and water but also included a few other ingredients.


Our teacher explained that the class project consisted of two different parts, writing a paper and creating a model.


The fine art exhibit consisted of over 200 paintings created by artists from all over the world.




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Sentences ending with consisted

  • Bartja told me in what that education consisted. [10]
  • To prevent bloodshed I removed up stairs and took up quarters with the untitled plebeians in one of the fourteen white pine cot-bedsteads that stood in two long ranks in the one sole room of which the second story consisted. [5]

Sentences containing consisted two or more times

  • Ostensibly it consisted of a Great Council of four persons, of whom one was the Governor-General, Warren Hastings; really it consisted of one person—Warren Hastings; for by usurpation he concentrated all authority in himself and governed the country like an autocrat. [5]

More example sentences with the word consisted in them

  • It consisted of wood and stones, and was covered with a thick layer of moss, raised at the head in a slanting direction. [10]
  • It perfectly consisted with a keen sense of whatever was sordid and selfish in a man on whom his career must have had its inevitable effect. [8]
  • Soldiers and merchants, whose various ranks in society were betokened by the length of their white garments, bordered with colored fringes, were interspersed among the crowd of half-naked, sinewy men, whose only clothing consisted of an apron, the costume of the lower classes. [10]
  • A young priest whispered to his neighbor, «He is praying—» and Anana noticed with silent anxiety the strong hand of his teacher clutching the manuscript so tightly that the slight material of which it consisted threatened to split. [10]
  • Like a caldron where a witch mixes all manner of strange things for a philter, each barricade consisted of every sort of rubbish, together with objects originally useful. [10]
  • Indeed—and this thought was cynical and out of character—he asked himself on one occasion whether his principal achievement so far had not consisted in getting on unusual terms with Eldon Parr. [9]
  • Its narrow doorway was besieged by a crowd, for within the first of the rock-chambers of which it consisted, a harper was singing a dirge for the long-since buried prophet, his wife and his sister. [10]
  • Sure enough, it was a Pi Ute Injun I used to know in Tulare County; mighty good fellow—I remembered being at his funeral, which consisted of him being burnt and the other Injuns gauming their faces with his ashes and howling like wildcats. [5]
  • In an extinct variety of the turkey, the top-knot consisted of bare quills surmounted with plumes of down, so that they somewhat resembled the racket- shaped feathers above described. [1]
  • It could be used only after breeding-time, and consisted of a hut built of boughs where the birdcatcher lodged. [10]
  • It consisted of two kinds of wine; tea, bread, cheese, and cold meats, and was served on the centre-tables in the reception room and the verandahs—anywhere that was convenient; there was no ceremony. [5]
  • Having been given to understand that the crowd was not all Republican, but consisted of men of all parties, he continued:] This is as it should be. [7]
  • He was listening to the general’s report—which consisted chiefly of a criticism of the position at Tsarevo-Zaymishche—as he had listened to Denisov, and seven years previously had listened to the discussion at the Austerlitz council of war. [2]
  • His dress answered to his face—if indeed that could be called dress which consisted of a linen apron and a white kerchief thrown over his shoulders after sundown. [10]
  • He was inclined to believe that morality consisted largely, if not wholly, in clear thinking, and not in the precepts of the Sunday-school. [9]
  • These were by this time deserted by their inhabitants, who were busy in the field, the house, or the quarries; they consisted of a few ill-lighted rooms with bare, unfinished walls. [10]
  • The roof of the whole long structure had originally consisted of palm branches, upon which mud and turf had been piled; but this, too, was now in repair only on the central building. [10]
  • Jake went to the tannery house and received his orders—orders of which he made a great mystery afterward at the store, although they consisted simply of directions to be prepared to drive Jethro to Brampton the next morning. [9]
  • The account of the property bequeathed to the young knight was only too quickly completed, for, though the precentor’s will made his foster son the sole heir, the legacy consisted only of the house, some portable property, and scarcely more than a thousand florins. [10]
  • It consisted of the plank platform on which he stood, a wooden house, half painted, with a dirty piazza (unroofed) in front, and a sign board hung on a slanting pole—bearing the legend, «Hotel. [5]
  • That issue of the paper consisted of forty pages; seven columns to the page; two hundred and eighty columns in all; fifteen hundred words to the column; an aggregate of four hundred and twenty thousand words. [5]
  • It belonged to the most distinguished merchant in the place, and consisted of a large open courtyard in the form of a square, surrounded by the building and its communicating wings. [10]
  • A part of the entertainment at this ceremony consisted in the listening to the reading of short extracts from the prize essays, some or all of them in the dead languages, which could not have been particularly intelligible to a large part of the audience. [6]
  • The rest of the cabinet consisted of men of less eminence, who subordinated themselves more easily. [7]
  • Toward midnight, when supper was announced, the crowd thronged to the supper room where a long table was decked out with what seemed a rare repast, but which consisted of things better calculated to feast the eye than the appetite. [5]
  • So we tramped some four miles through the mud and fog, and finally found his «apartments»; they consisted of a single room over a barber’s shop in a back street. [5]
  • The walls and slanting roof of this quickly-built and movable banqueting-hall, consisted of a strong, impenetrable carpet-stuff, woven at Thebes, and afterwards dyed purple at Tanis by the Phoenicians. [10]
  • On the right side of this plot of ground rose the one-storied dwelling house, its length stretching into distant perspective, as it consisted of a single row of living and bedrooms. [10]
  • It will be seen that what the surgeon wanted consisted chiefly of opiates, stimulants, cathartics, plasters, and materials for bandages. [3]
  • The more immediate scenery consisted of fields and farm-houses outside the car and a monster-headed dwarf and a moustached woman inside it. [5]
  • It consisted of rosin, wine, rad, galangae, juniper berries, the root of the aromatic rush, asphalte, mastic, myrrh, Burgundy grapes, and honey. [10]
  • All the skeleton-like ribs of the roof showed in the dim light, naked overhead, and the only floor to be trusted consisted of the few boards which bridged the lath and plaster. [6]
  • It consisted in reality of a troop of more than two hundred horsemen mounted on pure white Nicaean horses, whose bridles and saddle-cloths were covered with bells and bosses, feathers, fringes, and embroidery. [10]
  • The most ancient progenitors in the kingdom of the Vertebrata, at which we are able to obtain an obscure glance, apparently consisted of a group of marine animals (32. [1]
  • His prescriptions consisted principally of simples. [3]
  • After these, in order of rank, came a body royally attired representing the lay peers of France; it consisted of three princes of the blood, and La Tremouille and the young De Laval brothers. [5]
  • It consisted of one log house and is not set down on the map. [5]
  • I heard of one case where, day after day, the lecturer’s audience consisted of three students—and always the same three. [5]
  • Now it consisted of two deep grooves in the deep snow; that was all, save for a curving turnout here and there for team to pass team. [9]
  • The party consisted of Tookaram, my mother, Yessoo, Tookaram’s younger brother, and myself. [5]
  • The family consisted of the Squire and his wife, a son and a daughter married and not at home, a son in college at Cambridge, another son at the Seminary, and a daughter Alice, who was a year or more older than Ruth. [5]
  • This market consisted of some thousands of small clerical posts under the government —the supply of material for it was multitudinous. [5]
  • The district consisted of several counties, but the unanimous vote of the people of his own county was for Lincoln. [7]
  • The chief attraction of military service has consisted and will consist in this compulsory and irreproachable idleness. [2]
  • This ruin consisted of merely a couple of crumbling masses of masonry which bore a rude resemblance to human faces; they leaned forward and touched foreheads, and had the look of being absorbed in conversation. [5]
  • By this standard of measurement, this nation, two or three generations ago, consisted of mere cripples, paralytics, dead men, as compared with the men of to-day. [5]
  • Her total distrust of his judgment in the matters cited and others like them consisted with the greatest admiration of his mind and respect for his character. [8]
  • His wages consisted of his board and clothes—«more board than clothes,» as he once remarked to the writer. [5]
  • Others consisted solely of Cossack cavalry. [2]
  • It consisted entirely of blossoming rose-bushes. [10]
  • The building consisted of barns, stable-room for twelve or fifteen horses, and a hut for an eating-room for passengers. [5]
  • Mainly it consisted of an urgent desire that you come to see us next week, if you can possibly manage it, for that will be a reposeful time, the turmoil of breaking up beginning the week after. [5]
  • The lecture consisted of an imaginary dialogue between Cato and Laelius. [6]
  • The homestead consisted of a threshing floor, outhouses, stables, a bathhouse, a lodge, and a large brick house with semicircular facade still in course of construction. [2]
  • The meal consisted of a quart of ale, a quart of wine, and a chine of beef; a loaf of bread is not mentioned, but we hope (says Froude) it may be presumed. [4]
  • This blemish consisted of a marked flatting of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh notes of the refrain or chorus of the piece. [5]
  • His dress consisted of a long purple robe with sleeves, and the yellow boots worn by the Lydians;—his whole appearance produced an impression of the greatest modesty and a total absence of pretension. [10]
  • His dress consisted of a large high-crowned hat, a worn dark suit, a pair of capacious shoes, and a dirty white neckerchief sufficiently limp and crumpled to disclose the greater portion of his wiry throat. [12]
  • This redoubt consisted of a knoll, on three sides of which trenches had been dug. [2]
  • The crowd consisted of a few Russians and many of Napoleon’s soldiers who were not on duty—Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, in a variety of uniforms. [2]
  • The property consisted of a couple of small hills with a shallow swale between, out yonder among the back settlements of New York State. [5]
  • The expedition consisted of 198 persons, including the mules; or 205, including the cows. [5]
  • What Verus was now projecting he regarded as being a simple act of self-defence; and after all, it consisted merely in detaining Hadrian for an hour, interrupting him in an idle occupation—the observation of the stars. [10]
  • Pierre’s attire by now consisted of a dirty torn shirt (the only remnant of his former clothing), a pair of soldier’s trousers which by Karataev’s advice he tied with string round the ankles for warmth, and a peasant coat and cap. [2]
  • Certainly it was not merely his dress, which consisted wholly of velvet, silk, and satin, with the gold of the Fleece that hung below the lace ruff at his throat. [10]
  • And as for my career, as you call it, it has merely consisted in doing as best I could the work that has come to me. [9]
  • It consisted of more than eight hundred members, divided into five classes, and conducted by three so-called Prophets. [10]
  • His pharmacopoeia consisted mainly of simples, such as the venerable «Herball» of Gerard describes and figures in abounding affluence. [3]
  • Part of the little raft’s belongings consisted of an old sail, and this they spread over a nook in the bushes for a tent to shelter their provisions; but they themselves would sleep in the open air in good weather, as became outlaws. [5]
  • She was free-born, like himself—the son of a forest keeper—and, again like him, belonged to a Swiss family; her heritage (she was an orphan), which consisted of a house and arable land in her home, Sarnen, where she still sent her savings, satisfied his requirements. [10]
  • The changer’s shop, like all those in the Sook or Bazaar of Fostat, consisted of a wooden stall in which he sat with his assistants. [10]
  • His preparations consisted in ransacking his «box» for a pen. [5]
  • These traps consisted in apparently casual references to social distinction, aristocratic title and privilege, and such things. [5]
  • The extent of her knowledge of this gentleman consisted in the facts that he was a bachelor, a member of a prominent Philadelphia family, and that time hung heavy on his hands. [9]
  • Her spurs, that he had stupidly neglected to remove, consisted of silver frames and gold chains, and the rowels, large as silver dollars, were fancifully engraved. [13]
  • Mr Grinder’s company, familiarly termed a lot, consisted of a young gentleman and a young lady on stilts, and Mr Grinder himself, who used his natural legs for pedestrian purposes and carried at his back a drum. [12]
  • He began to enlarge his ancestry and spread it out all around, and ennoble it right and left, and it was not long until it consisted almost entirely of dukes. [5]
  • Unionville consisted of eleven cabins and a liberty-pole. [5]
  • This consisted in each one in turn flinging her shoe over her head. [10]
  • But the walls could stand it—at least the partitions could, for they consisted simply of one thickness of white «cotton domestic» stretched from corner to corner of the room. [5]
  • He thought he could say, in as large a sense as any other man, that his pleasure consisted in belief that the policy he had pursued was the best, if not the only one, for the safety of the country. [7]
  • Yet Pierre’s cunning consisted simply in finding pleasure in drawing out the human qualities of the embittered, hard, and (in her own way) proud princess. [2]
  • The imagery employed consisted principally of roses, lilies, birds, clouds, and brooks, with the celebrated comparison of wayward genius to meteor. [6]
  • The dressing station consisted of three tents with flaps turned back, pitched at the edge of a birch wood. [2]
  • The fifth party consisted of those who were adherents of Barclay de Tolly, not so much as a man but as minister of war and commander in chief. [2]
  • The Egyptian Cosmos consisted of the three great realms, the Heavens, the Earth and the Depths. [10]
  • But our left—which consisted of the Azov and Podolsk infantry and the Pavlograd hussars—was simultaneously attacked and outflanked by superior French forces under Lannes and was thrown into confusion. [2]
  • The main street consisted of four or five blocks of little white frame stores which were too high to sit down on, but not too high for various other purposes; in fact, hardly high enough. [5]
  • South Pass City consisted of four log cabins, one if which was unfinished, and the gentleman with all those offices and titles was the chiefest of the ten citizens of the place. [5]
  • Its whole surface consisted of drops closely pressed together, and all these drops moved and changed places, sometimes several of them merging into one, sometimes one dividing into many. [2]
  • The highest exercise consisted of disputations on all manner of subtle and captious questions, and the Latin verses which the scholars hammered out under the rule of Father Jodocus were so vile as to rouse Magister Peter to great and righteous wrath. [10]
  • The southern cliff-wall consisted of dark granite, the northern of red sandstone; in a distant branch of the valley lay the mines in which copper was found. [10]
  • The whole furniture consisted of a chest, several stools, a bench covered with cushions, a table, and two plain wooden arm-chairs. [10]
  • Their dissipations together consisted of «sundaes» at a drug-store, or sometimes of movie shows at the Star or the Alhambra. [9]
  • Yet his knowledge consisted merely of a confused medley of false and true occurrences. [10]
  • The resemblance probably consisted merely in the shape of the somewhat too narrow face, with its absolutely straight nose, and a chin which was rather too small, as well as in the sound of the high voice. [10]
  • The whole battle consisted in what Orlov-Denisov’s Cossacks had done: the rest of the army merely lost some hundreds of men uselessly. [2]
  • Father Peter’s find consisted exclusively of gold ducats—mine also. [5]
  • It did not consist in the fact that she had eyes, nose, mouth, chin, hair, ears, it consisted in their arrangement. [5]
  • It consisted in clutching the antagonist just above the hips. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word consisted in a sentence? How do you use consisted in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word consisted?
It contains example sentences with the word consisted, a sentence example for consisted, and consisted in sample sentence.

A fruit salad consists of a mixture of fruits with dressing.

His strength does not consist only on the size of his muscles, but in the content of his character.

The committee consists of at least one member of each department.

The touring group will consist of the top ten performers.

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The garbage consisted of unwanted cans, bottles, food, and paper

If you attended the class with any consistency, you’d have a
passing grade.

She dislikes scrambled eggs because of their rubbery

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Q: How do you you use consist in a sentence?

Write your answer…

1. Health does not consist with intemperance. 

2. Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. 

3. A home does not consist in the quality of its architecture and decoration.

4. The politician’s actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches.

5. Their lives consist of the humdrum activities of everyday existence.

6. True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.

7. Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

8. Love doesn’t consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.

9. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.

10. Theory should consist with practice.

11. Our deeds must consist with our words.

12. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.

13. Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.

14. The award will consist of a lump sum to a maximum value of $5000.

15. The atmosphere consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen.

15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

16. With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.

17. At this point esch chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.

18. Many jazz trios consist of a piano, guitar and double bass.

19. A company’s assets can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery, specialist knowledge or copyright material such as music or computer software.

20. «What does your market research consist of?»— ‘Well. the thing is. it depends on our target age group.’

21. The area does not consist entirely of rich people, despite popular belief.

22. The development will consist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices.

23. Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.

24. The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.

25. The listening texts consist of short, bite-sized chunks which are accessible to beginners.

26. The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman.

27. Society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships.

28. Without you Sunshine Breakfast would only consist of Cornflakes.

29. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.

30. consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.

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The main task consisted in creating working space which combined working atmosphere with home.


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Главная задача состояла в том, чтобы создать рабочее пространство, совмещающее рабочую обстановку с домашней.


The second task consisted in a team construction of building models under limited temporary conditions,

as well as the presentation of received objects.


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Второе задание заключалось в командном строительстве макетов зданий при ограниченных временных условиях,

а также в презентации полученных объектов.


Seminar participants were assigned to working groups whose main task consisted of preparing the discussions following each conference

and of submitting written summary reports on each lecture.


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Участники семинара были распределены по рабочим группам, основная задача которых заключалась в подготовке дискуссий после каждого совещания

и в представлении письменных кратких отчетов о каждой лекции.


Our task consisted in conveying the message that superior originality

and style of our brand is worth final communication: when the person first sees it, love will be lasting forever- until death-«Love until the grave.


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что превосходная оригинальность и стиль нашего бренда стоит конечной связи: когда человек впервые видит это, любовь будет длиться вечно- до самой смерти-« Любовь до гроба».


The Committee’s main task consists of examining the reports submitted by Governments.


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Основная задача Комитета состоит в рассмотрении докладов, представляемых правительствами.


In all the exercises department performs a complex task consisting of five persons.

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Во всех упражнениях комплексной задачи отделение выступает в составе пяти человек.

The CD’s supreme task consists in the negotiation of arms control and disarmament treaties.


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Высшая задача КР состоит в переговорах по договорам в области контроля над вооружениями и разоружения.


Specifically our task consists in broadcasting to people who are able to accept the truth.


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Конкретно наша задача— вещать для тех людей, которые способны принимать Истину.


Important regulatory tasks consisted of the setting of maximum tariffs and the enforcement of minimum service standards.


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Важные задачи в сфере регулирования заключаются в установлении максимальных тарифов и в обеспечении соблюдения минимальных стандартов обслуживания.


In this case the main task consists in finding variants of service combinations ensuring the maximum efficiency.


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Главная задача при этом заключается в нахождении обеспечивающих максимальную эффективность вариантов сочетаний услуг с учетом имеющихся ограничений на инвестиционные возможности.


For the President, the task consists in pointing out avenues of compromise, both substantive and procedural ones.


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Задача Председателя состоит в указании путей компромисса- как в предметном, так и в процедурном плане.


the motivation of profession choice and the examination of pupils’ erudition.


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мотивация выбора профессии и проверка эрудиции школьников.


A task consists in determination of factors giving in this industry the key to success in a competition.


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Задача заключается в определении факторов, дающих в данной отрасли ключ к успеху в конкуренции.


One is clear:

the republic has nice sports traditions, and my task consists in that to increase greatly them.


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Ясно одно: республика имеет славные спортивные традиции, и моя задача заключается в том, чтобы их преумножить.


A few days ago, from this very rostrum,

His Holiness Pope John Paul II rightly reaffirmed that our task consists not merely of serving by.


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Несколько дней назад с этой самой трибуны Его Святейшество Папа Иоанн

Павел II вновь справедливо заявил, что наша задача состоит не только в том, чтобы быть.


alerting public opinion to equality issues by participating in projects and campaigns, organizing symposia and publishing documents of various kinds.


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и привлечении внимания общественного мнения к проблемам равенства посредством участия в проектах и кампаниях, организации симпозиумов и издательской деятельности.


since the first contact is made by them and all the time they are in the restaurant their work is valued by the diner.


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так как первый контакт сделанные ими и до тех пор, пока вы находитесь в ресторане их


ценится закусочной.


For instance, if you get regulatory documents mentioning that X and

Y are to be accomplished by the game, your task consists of writing test scenarios which will cover various aspects of X and Y.


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К примеру, если у Вас есть нормативный документ, в котором указано,

что X и Y должны быть пройдены в игре, Ваша задача состоит в написании тестовых сценариев, которые покроют X и Y аспекты.


Our tasks consisted in finalizing some elements of the already finished site:

adding functionality of subscriptions with custom logics of work(training courses with registration, etc.), finalizing blocks for personnel, and a number of other elements.


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Наши задачи состояли в доработке некоторых элементов уже готового сайта:

добавление функционала подписок с кастомной логикой работы( курсы обучения с регистрацией, прочее), доработки блоков по персоналу, ряд других элементов.


On this stage of analysis a task consists in general description of intrasectoral rivalry,

determination of rules, on which it is conducted in this industry, and estimation of force of intrasectoral competition presently and in a prospect.


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На данном этапе анализа задача заключается в общей характеристике внутриотраслевого соперничества, определении

правил, по которым она ведется в данной отрасли, и оценке силы внутриотраслевой конкуренции в настоящее время и в перспективе.


One of the most important tasks consisted in rationalizing the structure of the web sites and preparing material for them in all

the official languages, for linguistic diversity was a crucial and integral part of United Nations information policy.


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Одна из важнейших задач заключается в рационализации структуры вебсайтов и подготовки материалов для них на всех официальных языках,

поскольку языковое разнообразие является важной и неотъемлемой частью информационной политики Организации Объединенных Наций.


The task consists in that on the background of overall strengthening of the body

and its psycho-emotional state to increase muscle tone the pelvic floor and abdominal wall, the lumbar region, to improve the functional state of organs of digestion.


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Задача состоит в том, чтобы на фоне общего укрепления организма

и его психоэмоционального состояния повысить тонус мышц тазового дна, брюшной стенки, поясничной области, улучшить функциональное состояние органов пищеварения.


The Soglom Avlod Uchun foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and regional chief administrations, participates in the implementation of the medical/social home-visiting(MSP)

system, whose task consists in integrating the work of State

and public structures into health care for women and children, and undertaking extensive advocacy for family planning, inoculation and disease prevention.


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Фонд» Соглом авлод учун» совместно с Министерством здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан и хокимиятами участвует в реализации системы Медико-социального патронажа(

МСП), задача которого состоит в интеграции усилий государственных

и общественных структур в оздоровлении женщин и детей, проведении широкой разъяснительной работы по планированию семьи, необходимости вакцинации и профилактики различных заболеваний.


In keeping with the Constitution, the Rights of the Child Act, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international instruments, between 2001 and 2006 the Republican Coordination Council for Children’s Affairs dealt with the development and implementation of Government policy in respect of children, as well as the full realization of

children’s rights and the regulation of voluntary-sector activities for children; the Council’s tasks consisted in conducting outreach work among children

and inculcating a sense of civic duty.


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В соответствии с Конституцией Азербайджанской Республики, Законом о правах детей, Конвенцией о правах ребенка и другими международными нормами, разработкой государственной политики Азербайджанской Республики в отношении детей и ее претворением в жизнь, а также полным обеспечением прав детей, регулированием детской общественной деятельности государства в 2001-

2006 годах занимался Координационный совет Республики по делам детей, функция, которого заключалась в проведении среди детей воспитательной работы,

воспитании чувства гражданского долга.


Their tasks consist in monitoring the implementation of recommendations formulated by the human

rights organizations for Police in its operational activities.


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Их задачи заключаются в контроле за выполнением рекомендаций правозащитных организаций в адрес полиции

и ее оперативной деятельностью.


The main tasks consist of performance of technical work with utilization of notions

and approaches practiced within these areas of activity as well as in training at certain educational levels.


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Главные задачи состоят в выполнении технической работы с применением понятий и

методов в вышеупомянутых областях деятельности, а также в обучении на определенных образовательных уровнях.


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