Use the word considered in a sentence

Have you considered turning to the Church as they could

That, technically, would be considered indecision

Different people require different amounts of sleep, but seven or eight hours is considered the average amount of time necessary for rest and regeneration

Early to bed and early to rise is generally considered healthiest

Children are considered as the nearest incarnation of God because they are yet to pollute their mind

Only 6 species in the USA all living things, cockroaches have been called are considered bad household pests

This high side of the lake is considered to be part of the Highlands by many

The goods that cost you Rs 5,000 today would cost you over Rs 16,000, 20 years down the line if an average inflation rate of 6% is considered

Though why I should be, I don’t know … we live in a very exposed world when it comes to what is considered newsworthy

I know not of Good or Evil, but you have taught me what acts are considered Evil

An attempt to arrive at that which lies back of the form considered, or to reach the idea that is responsible for the form

It is just a creation of our forefathers and saints to stop us from doing what is considered ethically wrong

When the Soul enters the body formed as a result of laws of nature, the body is considered to be alive

So far, health professionals have considered Amphorus DE not to be a cause of cancer in animals and humans

Soon he is told to love and not love others, be afraid of this and that, do only those things that are considered alright by his elders, wear clothes as made for him and so on

He didn’t see what it had to do with the cargo, other than Tahlmute cannot be considered confirmation that the deal was good

The Brazilians outside of town could be considered a tribe

If he moved the crate for them, from one faction to another, that could be considered interference in tribal affairs

I’m only 36 years old but that’s enough to remember when they were universally considered to be anti-social, trashy, criminal looking stains on the skin

I have during these last years of wandering and beggary often considered the

He considered it the worst part of his way of life

down the lane and just out of sight of the house, and considered what to do next

Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant

Johnny considered all three points carefully

’ She said, her mind working as she considered what was involved

drugs be considered a result?), I can only help you learn how to take

She considered herself a little more worldly than when she was mortal, but she hadn’t lived to be that old as a mortal, only thirty seven

age, she had never yet considered

Theo considered drawing his weapon and putting it to the old ladies head

was slow, but because despite being considered an intelligent man, he simply could no

She considered stopping her to let her know

considered the symphonic disagreement at the edge of the universe and, after a

Having considered the men to serve whose names

I didn’t contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday’s excursion was one of Alexander’s tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn’t allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don’t demand anything

Genetics was considered the blackest of the black arts and it had been at the heart of the generations of conflict between Talstan and China

It was considered a matter of modesty, dignity,

I considered them too to be brothers at war, made the more vicious by the ignorance of poverty

The military was considered the only morally appropriate use of technology by some

Every comment was carefully read and considered

All things considered, it was much nicer than I thought; the asram has been improved a lot since 1992: A spacious cottage has been built to the west, and another one is under construction nearby

She is a professor of Religion, she is here to edit “The Unknown History of Christianity”, she is considered to be a very important person and she obviously hates my guts -without a reason whatsoever

All things considered, lessons at Janus are nothing but a waste a time: Actually I am dragooned into going there, because they make me think I were lost without it

I considered my life so far

I considered using my own excrement

Artificially inflating demand was not considered an acceptable business practice in this culture, and people did not patronize merchants who engaged in ‘push’ advertising

Most people who had a comfortable place to sleep and enough to eat, considered themselves well off

Here, having more than you needed was considered gauche

I considered a return to my hunger strike, but a combination of lethargy and Menachem’s cajoling kept me eating

On this planet it is the decades of age that are marked and neither had reached their first, when they will be considered a child

On attaining the age of two, near puberty, the child is considered an adolescent and three marks the beginning of adulthood

Steven considered this for a moment before prodding my foot with the toe of his boot

Ernesto was first officer and considered himself next in line for the captain’s wife, as well as command, and none had been able to change that course of events

» In fact Jalloo was a good portion of the variety he was supposed to indulge in and she considered that an important fringe benefit to this job

Enlil was considered to be so powerful that even other gods could not look upon him

The culture at this time would have considered that life is a cycle

Lucy saw with absolute clarity under this calm but deep moonlight, that accepting the request would bring freedom of a kind that, at her tender and exciting age, she had never yet considered

Even the Messiah was considered to be a man like Moses

These tassels were considered the rabbi’s “wings

» Ekendosa or Fendeveermon is considered mid winter

All things considered it was an appropriate ending … they buried him at sea

His own land is considered the land of the twelve – the twelve tribes of Israel

He found it hard to string a sentence together, not because he was slow, but because despite being considered an intelligent man, he simply could no longer be bothered

On that basis, Roman civilization was considered the greatest civilization of all

I’ll try and remember what is considered proper here is not the same as where my memories come from

His wisdom is considered foolish to those that are wise

I’m sure we’ve all read the passage in Galatians where Paul reiterates the verse in Deuteronomy about how anyone who dies upon the “tree” is considered cursed

Sepphoris was about 3 miles away from Nazareth, and to the Jews of Nazareth was considered the city on the hill

No one considered their things to be theirs, but shared all their possessions with one another

The habitants of Buttercup considered themselves fortunate to

He was unwilling to protect his own people, and is thus considered equally a bad shepherd as the wicked priests

Have you considered displaying your paintings? They would certainly be of a sufficiently high standard to exhibit, I think

The only thing that needs to be considered and understood is its timing

During that time, God promotes His Body to a place of stature that we are now considered Divine

If there is coming a day where we will be so like Jesus that we are considered heirs with Him, then anything that would keep us from that reality here and now is to be violently opposed

On the other hand, if I sit in studying every evening, this could be considered painful while I’m doing it, however in the long term I will have gained skills and knowledge and I could possibly go on and gain better employment

Now, If I told that joke, it would be considered offensive

SAMANTHA: No, it would be considered a bad joke, but that’s not the real funny part

They had traveled nearly twenty miles, but not all of it could be considered progress

Although wrinkles are more associated with the dermatological clock of the skin, it is still considered as the resulting product of the greatest effects of harmful influences in the skin

considered when choosing skin creams that will best work for wrinkles

Nowadays, looking good is not any more a factor of being vain but is already considered

They neither of them considered for a moment that I should be lumbered with the backpack – there are advantages to being the only woman in the group

for such action in both fact and considered reason,

acne and other skin problems, there are still some factors that need to be considered

Here are some of the factors that need to be considered before applying dermabrasion

describe first what is generally considered to be the easiest

Lmore assured them that the recipes were as authentic as you’d find in this basin and this place would be considered a little touristy but would still draw plenty of business in Trenst itself

These dragons are considered to be rogues; they flame and kill anything and everything

He considered the situation for a moment or two and shrugged his shoulders

Social services raised the alarm when one of their staff went missing, but no one considered it possible that two small children might have something to say on the matter

I still considered sleep a punishment

if handled maturely with the feelings of all considered, the relationship can teach new

But, all things considered, and after the third bottle of shampoo, he supposed that it simply wasn’t meant to be

Berndt produces some oil and herbs and, although I daresay our meal would be considered pretty basic by virtually anyone, it tastes delicious after a morning riding through the pouring rain

Considered at par with the

A gift of one dozen or more red roses is considered to be a romantic gift but it is also very common so your girlfriend is not likely to read too much into this type of gift

considered to be a sensual color that is very alluring

James displayed his best dragon etiquette and told Ichor he considered it a great honor to meet the Second of the Ancients

It was not too long before people considered it a great honor to have Jake visit their town

She was talking of theories that were considered somewhat fringe

  • Use the word Considered in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And these…these are not Yoon’s. These can be considered to be from Yoon’s fans.

He considered them as raw material.

until now no one would have considered farming in this dry rocky nutrient poor soil.

For the last time, movie was presented in 1928. in USA and since than it was considered as lost.

(The Rubicon is considered to be the boundary of Italy)

As well as the medical dangers the committee in their report considered and then dismissed the possible spiritual benefits of LSD

«Have you considered that I will no longer have a hope of ever redeeming myself?»

«Yes, but is it considered fair to force oneself on one’s betrothed?»

The original negative is considered lost.

The Austrian silent film «Mozart, life, love and suffering» (1921) had been considered lost for over three quarters of a century.

But, for goodness, do you forget… I considered everything.

In the latter part of the Middle Ages the earth was considered to be a stationary sphere in the middle of the universe.

During the Middle Ages, devils and Hell were considered real and constantly feared.

Today, this strange insensitivity is considered a symptom of hysteria.

Moreover, your unqualified behaviour towards city clerk Hermann Schraat is considered a serious offense against a public administrator.

Haven’t you considered, that the murderer has Vasseur’s hands … I don’t have those hands. Haven’t you considered, that the murderer has Vasseur’s hands …

«The administration, having considered the workers’ demands with the utmost care…»

This dance instinct is also being considered …for physical education in schools.

.Se dares to be considered «a girl?»

Out of respect for her husband, whom she now considered a genius, Mrs Jonathan no longer made scenes.

A birth during a funeral is considered unclean.

They might have considered us.

It seems in the West where men are so and so, that, that’s considered a pretty good piece of work.

Ward is right. That being the case, it is quite liable to recur, possibly with the same results. Well, that’s a point I hadn’t considered.

Yes, that’s a point I have not considered.

Fortunately for film history, several copies did survive, and Nosferatu is now considered an Expressionist classic.

Hollywood studios had long toyed with the idea of filming Dracula, but were put off by the horrifying subject, and many studio readers considered it unfilmable for reasons of censorship.

Universal had already convinced Tod Browning, Chaney’s director at MGM, to helm Dracula, and considered a flurry of other actors for the lead role.

William Courtenay, lan Keith, and Chester Morris were also considered.

Dubbing in those days was considered cheating.

Rats were simply considered «bad theatre» by industry censors.

Here’s dialogue the Lord Chamberlain’s office considered beyond the pale.

In the past, as today, and even when I was far away, I always considered Fanny my fianc├®e.

«considered» — that’s a fine word.

You’re considered much too dangerous for local consumption.

Indeed, I’d be glad to see your firm is considered, just as soon as Mr Glidden…

The use of drugs or other practices which produce lethargic coma, or lifeless sleep, shall be considered attempted murder.

If the person has been buried alive, the act should be considered murder no matter what result follows.

The Middleton name has to be considered.

Rather undignified. Of course. And we wouldn’t have considered it if we hadn’t had a rotten season.

You should have considered that earlier.

But a woman must decide purely on instinct, guesswork, if she wants to be considered nice.

I guarantee you, you’ll be considered the biggest martyr in the history of cement.

Pardon me, senhor. The American foxtrot is considered too tame, too dull.

And there’s Miss Hatton, his fianc├®e, to be considered.

I’m aware that in America it is not considered very important, but in my country…

You think I’m so dumb I haven’t considered the possibilities of a murder.

Have you considered what lies ahead of you?

I considered it many times!

He was still living in the days when stockings were considered underwear.

considered — перевод на русский


Now I consider Daniel a friend.

Я считаю Дениэла другом.

I don’t consider myself particularly beautiful or talented.

Я не считаю себя особенно красивой и талантливой.

You see, I .. I don’t consider your son an idiot.

Видите ли, я не считаю вашего сына идиотом.

I consider them to be idiots… and almost dishonest people.

Я считаю их дураками и непорядочными. Да.

— I consider myself very lucky.

— Наоборот. Я считаю, мне повезло.

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Considering your distinction and age, it is surprising that fate has not introduced us before.

Учитывая Ваши заслуги и возраст, странно, что судьба не свела нас до сих пор.

Considering your interest in the owner, it’s a wonder you didn’t.

Учитывая твой интерес к её хозяину, удивительно, что ты этого не смогла.

We suggest a sentence of 2 years and 6 months in confinement considering the nature of the crime and time wasted on the justice system.

Мы предлагаем заключение н 2 года и 6 месяцев учитывая природу преступления и потраченное в суде время.

It certainly was, considering the state of my finances.

Это конечно было, учитывая мое финансовое состояние.

Well, that’s quite cheap, but considering its condition…

Это очень дешево, но учитывая состояние…

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Bid him therefore consider of his ransom; which must proportion the losses we have borne, the subjects we have lost, the disgrace we have digested.

Поэтому предложите Генриху подумать о своём выкупе, который должен быть соразмерен понесённым нами потерям, числу подданных, которых мы лишились, оскорблениям, которые мы перенесли.


Вы не забудете подумать?

Not for one moment would I consider taking her out of a setting… that is so perfect for her.

Как я мог хотя бы на секунду подумать, чтобы вырвать её из привычной обстановки Которая ей идеально подходит

I think your suggestion is good, but I must consider first.

Я думаю твое предложение хорошее, но я должен еще подумать.

I said it wasn’t bad, but I must consider it.

Вот я и говорю, хорошее предложение, но мне нужно подумать.

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If the person has been buried alive, the act should be considered murder no matter what result follows.

Если человек был захоронен заживо, этот акт считается убийством независимо от последствий.

When I tell you it’s considered the mechanical wonder of the age, you’ll be surprised.

Когда я скажу, что она считается механическим чудом эпохи, вы удивитесь.

This is considered the area of greatest danger.

Это считается районом наибольшей опасности.

In a company of this size that is not considered a large salary.

В компании такого размера это не считается большой зарплатой.

In France it’s considered a very beautiful river, due mostly to its light.

Во Франции Луара считается очень красивой рекой, прежде всего из-за своего света.

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Once, I even considered killing myself and the kids.

Когда-то я думал даже убить себя и детей.

«You mean, you’d even consider it?»

Ты имеешь в виду, что когда-то думал об этом?

I consider doing that… because of the sequel.

Как же думал… береженого бог бережет.

Have you ever considered retiring from the world?

Ты когда-нибудь думал уединиться от мира?

I considered going to Scotland Yard, where he’s held in the highest esteem.

— Китайцам? Я думал пойти в Скотланд Ярд, где он пользуется огромнейшим уважением.

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I should have required time to consider Mrs. Garrison’s request.

Мне необходимо время, чтобы рассмотреть просьбу миссис Гаррисон.

I don’t suppose you’d consider renting it out by the day.

Этого нельзя было бы рассмотреть днем.

You can either wage it with real weapons, or you might consider an alternative.

Можете вести ее при помощи оружия, а можете рассмотреть альтернативу.

There is much to be considered before I return to launch point.

Перед тем, как вернуться к месту пуска, мне надо многое рассмотреть.

I expect Mrs Ethel Shroake to consider my credentials any day now.

я ожидаю госпожу Ётэль Ўроак чтобы рассмотреть мой мандат в любой день.

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If it were, considering the Platonians’ hostile propensities, two or three of them would have combined forces centuries ago and deposed Parmen.

Если рассматривать враждебные действия платонианцев, двое или трое объединили бы силы сто лет назад и свергли бы Пармена.

Considered in its own terms, the spectacle is the affirmation of appearance… and the affirmation of all human life, that is to say social life, as simple appearance.

Если рассматривать спектакль через призму его собственного о себе мнения, то он подтверждает эту видимость, а также подтверждает, что человеческая социальная жизнь является всего-навсего простой видимостью.

You can’t be seriously proposing, and the rest of us considering… putting on a pornographic network news show.

Не можешь же ты всерьёз предлагать, а остальные — рассматривать… запуск похабной информационной передачи.

Then, of course, there’s the rest of the world to consider.

Также конечно нужно рассматривать и весь остальной мир.

But even though this is an official visit, this meeting can be considered to be a friendly one, if you like.

С другой стороны, несмотря на то, что это визит официальный, нашу встречу вполне можно рассматривать, как дружескую.

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Surely now, you should consider changing the orders for tomorrow.

Ваше превосходительство должны учесть это и понять, что необходимо изменить нашу диспозицию на завтра.

But her injuries are comparatively minor, when you consider the incredibility of her being alive at all.

Но её ранения сравнительно малы, если учесть, что удивительно, что она вообще осталась жива.

Three days’ silence isn’t a long time… when you consider the benefits.

Три дня молчания — это не так уж долго, если учесть пользу.

They are much stronger when you consider… their size…

Они намного сильнее… если учесть их размер…

Well it’s not many if you consider the size of the population.

Ну не так уж это и много, если учесть численность населения.

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— One has to consider it.

— Это необходимо обдумать.

It helps me to consider what I have to do with you.

Это поможет мне обдумать, что c вами делать.

The rest of us had better go and sit down and consider our position.

Нам надо успокоиться и обдумать сложившуюся ситуацию.

She should consider.

Она должна всё обдумать.

You have 12 hours to consider your position.

У вас 12 часов, чтобы обдумать свое положение.

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But unfortunately the present jurisdiction of my good friend Mr Lincoln’s country did not favour multiplication of the elephant, and we considered the idea was not practical.

К сожалению, юрисдикция мистера Линкольна в его стране не благоприятствует размножению слонов, и мы сочли идею непрактичной.

It appears we four are the only ones the Kelvans consider essential.

Оказалось, кельванцы сочли нужным оставить лишь нас четверых.

They weren’t considered viable by our engineers.

Наши инженеры не сочли их экономически выгодными.

Well, because we considered it appropriate to inform President Njala of Beaumont’s presence.

Мы сочли уместным предупредить О готовящемся покушении майора Бомона президента Нджалу.

Now, unless you want my ship to consider… capturing me an unfriendly act—

Если вы не хотите, чтоб на корабле сочли мое похищение вражеским…

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Asked by: Raymond Wyman

Score: 4.5/5
(32 votes)

Considering sentence example

  1. Was he actually considering having two wives? …
  2. «I do,» Wynn said in a considering tone. …
  3. Felipa tipped her head to the side, as if she was considering that information. …
  4. He was considering going to school but undecided about course study.

How do you use considering?

You use considering that to indicate that you are thinking about a particular fact when making a judgment or giving an opinion. Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.

How do you use considered in a sentence?

Considered sentence example

  • I considered this change of events. …
  • She would never have considered back-talking her parents. …
  • I considered my answer. …
  • He hadn’t even considered that she might not want to go. …
  • Dusty considered her words. …
  • If not for her unusual power, and his cold magic, she would’ve considered him crazy.

How do you use consider in the beginning of a sentence?

Consider sentence example

  1. It was too far to consider driving every day, even if she had a car. …
  2. If computers are so popular, perhaps we should consider buying one for the use of our guests. …
  3. I don’t know what you will think of it, but I consider it my duty to let you know of it. …
  4. Consider it a fact.

Is considered as correct?

In short, the “considered as” construction is almost always redundant. If you use “considered” to describe what people think of someone or something, you simply don’t need “as.” For instance, “LeBron James is considered one of the best basketball players of all time.” Or, “Bad grammar should be considered a crime.”

20 related questions found

What type of verb is consider?

[transitive] consider somebody/something to think about something, especially the feelings of other people, and be influenced by it when making a decision, etc. You should consider other people before you act.

Is considered to be or as?

«Considered as» is less common than «considered to be» and they may have different meanings. He is considered to be a well-known professor. This sentence means there are a lot of people who share the same idea about him. He is considered as a well-known professor.

What is the word the considered in grammar?

The word the is considered a definite article because it defines the meaning of a noun as one particular thing. It’s an article that gives a noun a definite meaning: a definite article. Generally, definite articles are used to identify nouns that the audience already knows about.

What does it mean to consider something?

: to think about (something that is important in understanding something or in making a decision or judgment) : to think about (a person or a person’s feelings) before you do something in order to avoid making someone upset, angry, etc. See the full definition for consider in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is an example of consideration?

The definition of consideration is careful thought or attention or compassionate regard for someone or something. An example of consideration is someone deciding between two options for dinner.

What kind of word is considering?

CONSIDERING (preposition, conjunction) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Do you put a comma after considering?

1 Answer. Comma is required here. If not, it may confuse the subject of the participle’considering’, whether Susie or Marie. Comma offers now the clarity that Susie is the subject.

What is a considered person?

regarded with respect or esteem: a highly considered person.

What is the root word of consider?

The verb consider comes from the Latin for «contemplate,» and hidden in the word is sid,, the Latin root for «star.» Originally it meant to examine something very thoroughly, or carefully, as if you were staring at the night sky, contemplating its mystery.

What are the 3 types of articles?

Definite and Indefinite Articles (a, an, the) In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.

What kind of word is my?

The word «my» is a pronoun called a possessive adjective .

Where do we use a an?

English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite article. For example, if I say, «Let’s read the book,» I mean a specific book.

Which is considered as poor?

A poor is an individual who does not have the minimum essential necessities of life. Women, infants and elderly are considered as the poorest of the poor. This is because, in a poor household, these people suffer the most and are deprived of the maximum necessities in life.

What part of speech is consider?

consider is a verb, considerate and considerable are adjectives, consideration is a noun:I consider him a friend.

What is the phrasal verb of consider?

look at something (somewhat informal) to consider, think about, or study something, especially in order to learn something useful or important:I’m going to look at the budget estimates on the weekend.

What are the 4 types of verbs?

There are four TYPES of verbs: intransitive, transitive, linking, and passive.

What is a correct pronunciation?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect («correct pronunciation») or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Verlie Orn

Score: 4.6/5
(49 votes)

Considering sentence example. Considering the problems they presented, she could hardly blame him for that. I am not considering my own pleasure and I won’t allow it to be said! Royce and I have been considering a job with an outfit in Wyoming.

How do you use considering in a sentence?

in spoken English, as a sentence adverb at the end of a sentence (making a comment on the whole sentence or clause): He does very well, considering. They’ve made remarkable progress, considering they only started last week. Considering the price we paid, it was a very disappointing meal.

What does considering mean in a sentence?

You use considering to indicate that you are thinking about a particular fact when making a judgment or giving an opinion. He must be hoping, but considering the situation in June he may be hoping for too much too soon. … I think you’re pretty safe, considering.

What goes after considering?

Consider can be followed by a noun, a that-clause, or a gerund.

How do you use considered in a sentence?

Considered sentence example

  1. I considered this change of events. …
  2. She would never have considered back-talking her parents. …
  3. He hadn’t even considered that she might not want to go. …
  4. I considered my answer. …
  5. Dusty considered her words. …
  6. If not for her unusual power, and his cold magic, she would’ve considered him crazy.

35 related questions found

What is the considered in grammar?

The word the is considered a definite article because it defines the meaning of a noun as one particular thing. It’s an article that gives a noun a definite meaning: a definite article. Generally, definite articles are used to identify nouns that the audience already knows about.

Is considered to be or as?

In short, the “considered as” construction is almost always redundant. If you use “considered” to describe what people think of someone or something, you simply don’t need “as.” For instance, “LeBron James is considered one of the best basketball players of all time.”

How do you use considering the fact?

Sentence examples for considering the fact that from inspiring English sources. Considering the fact that Android is owned by Google, it was a shockingly poor performance. Considering the fact that this community is vast, it is really hard for anyone to fully understand it.

Do you put a comma after considering?

1 Answer. Comma is required here. If not, it may confuse the subject of the participle’considering’, whether Susie or Marie. Comma offers now the clarity that Susie is the subject.

What does considering the circumstances mean?

3 adv When you are giving an opinion or making a judgment, you can use considering to suggest that you have thought about all the circumstances, and often that something has succeeded in spite of these circumstances.

What do you mean considering?

1 : to think about carefully: such as. a : to think of especially with regard to taking some action is considering you for the job considered moving to the city.

What does considering mean on application status?

It means that your application is being reviewed. And a interview is requested if your qualifications match the position. “Application under consideration” usually means they are reviewing your information to see if you would be a good candidate for the job.

What does all considering mean?

adverb. informal all in all; taking into account the circumstancesit’s not bad considering.

What does Considering the fact mean?

1 prep You use considering to indicate that you are thinking about a particular fact when making a judgment or giving an opinion.

Has been taken into consideration meaning?

: to think about (something) before one makes a decision or forms an opinion We will take your experience into consideration when we decide who will get the job. Results of the study should be taken into consideration before the medication is prescribed to patients.

How do you use the least in a sentence?

Without any exaggeration; to put it plainly or mildly. We were disappointed, to say the least, but we decided to put it behind us and get on with the project. My roommates were making out in the living room when I came home last night. It was awkward, to say the least.

Do I need a comma before to say the least?

They also appear in the middle of a sentence and need to be set off by commas. Examples of interjections are words/phrases like «oh!», “of course”, “indeed”, “however”, “to say the least.” For example: … Note that if you begin the sentence with any of these sentences, the rules for comma placement change.

What does owing to the fact mean?

Definitions of owing to the fact that

because; since. «Attendance was small, partly owing to the fact that a message had been forwarded to the visitors not to come.»

What word could replace especially without changing the sentence’s meaning?

The standard test for synonymy is substitution: one form can be replaced by another in a sentence without changing its meaning. … The former are sometimes called cognitive synonyms and the latter, near-synonyms, plesionyms or poecilonyms.

What is the meaning of Consider it done?

used to say that one will gladly do something that he or she has been asked to do «Can you mail this letter for me?» «Consider it done.»

Is considered tense?

«considered» is a past participle, it doesn’t carry tense and therefore doesn’t express past in your example. English, unlike other languages from the same origin, is special in that the past participle and the past tense are morphologically the same. They express different things, though.

What are the 3 types of articles?

Definite and Indefinite Articles (a, an, the) In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective.

What is and in grammar terms?

A conjunction is a word used to connect other words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. And, but, or, if, when, although, because, and unless are all common conjunctions in English. Some conjunctions consist of more than one word, for example as soon as; these may be described as compound conjunctions.


its important to consider your friends feelings

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