Use the word consider in a sentence

Synonym: contemplate, deliberate, look upon, ponder, reflect, regard, study, think, think of. Similar words: considerable, considerably, consideration, be considered as, outsider, consist, consist in, consist of. Meaning: [kən’sɪdə]  v. 1. deem to be 2. give careful consideration to 3. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes 4. show consideration for; take into account 5. think about carefully; weigh 6. judge or regard; look upon; judge 7. look at attentively 8. look at carefully; study mentally 9. regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He that would know what shall be must consider what has been. 

2. The jury has retired to consider its verdict.

3. I consider him to be a clever fellow.

4. We consider these freedoms fundamental to democracy.

5. We should consider the buildings as an ensemble.

6. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate.

7. You have to consider what to do next.

8. People consider foxes as clever but sly animals.

9. I consider myself highly privileged to have this opportunity.

10. consider things from every angle.

11. Let us consider the facts.

12. He didn’t consider the fitness of the tool.

13. You should consider where you are.

14. We consider this action justifiable.

15. I’d like some time to consider.

16. Employers must consider all candidates impartially and without bias.

17. I consider his remark a gross impertinence.

18. Consider all angles of the question.

19. Would you consider fostering ?

20. I’d appreciate it if you could consider it.

21. She paused a moment to consider.

22. We must consider these matters as a whole.

23. All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible.

24. You wouldn’t consider marrying a man for his money, then?

25. We need to consider how the law might be reformed.

26. Today they’ll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.

27. The declaration asked governments to consider introducing new environmental taxes.

28. In the day of prosperity be joyful(, but in the day of adversity consider. 

29. When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. 

30. As the president’s prestige continues to fall, they’re clearly beginning to consider him a liability.

More similar words: considerable, considerably, consideration, be considered as, outsider, consist, consist in, consist of, consistent, side by side, consistently, side, aside, beside, besides, resident, sidewalk, on the side, put aside, set aside, lay aside, rider, residence, president, aside from, cast aside, alongside, presidency, dimensions, residential. 

Having sat down to consider the excellent fair on offer – dried

We never consider as a serious

Consider that in the U

Additionally, because of lifestyle changes and a lower metabolism, it is important to consider how we eat as well as what we eat

If you live alone in a large home, consider having a housemate / companion who would be willing to do the grocery shopping and cooking in exchange for rent

But we behave in the same manner if we break something that we consider costly or unique

thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that

In human interaction, particularly with relatives, friends and neighbours, one is often required to counsel either for what we consider as the good of the individual or for our common advantage

‘She must be crazy!’ I said without thinking … he waits as I consider the point

“Well—” I consider telling her about the ants

Unfortunately wealth can create so much ill will simply because most of us consider that money can buy us happiness

How serious? Consider this scenario: one of your students starts running around the classroom with his pants on his head, yelling profanities about the education system

This assertion has caused a stir in some of the more conservative circles of the unliving that consider Dracula the exalted father of vampirism

Consider the many chemicals on the market today and the many health problems that arise from their continual use

Furthermore, consider the environmental pollution associated with their production, transport and consumer use

Before reaching for that bag of nitrates or other chemical fertilizers, the conscious homeowner or farmer should stop for a moment to consider what needs to be put back in the soil to enhance its life-giving properties

To practice Satya, one must think before he speaks and consider the consequence of his action

It was probably the romantic involvement that was motivating Tahlmute, and doosEr knew she should consider that

Instead you should first accept all ideas and then choose what you consider as the best

‘Hmmm … I wonder if she would consider it

«Did you consider that he might attempt to steal it as it goes by?»

” And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his

scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

Smith preferred to consider a thought from a familiar set of view points, rolling

If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review

Consider several traits of a shepherd, that are important as it relates to leadership

Consider these three as compared to the good leaders

In the end, the victims consider it as the greatest honour and happiness to serve an authority or a master

Bahkmar was born in 2312, unnoticed because the two hundredth anniversary of Talstan’s founding by Qaida, the Prophet of Holy War, was the year before, but he was able to consider himself two centuries younger than the nation all his life

I want us to consider for a moment

take time to consider the matter carefully

please consider the following word study and the application for today’s preachers

«What proportion of the population would we consider a successful conversion?» Khalid asked

consider the tremendous need for more men in the leadership of the church and to continue

Consider the «Minority Rule» in the church without elders

In our study, we will consider just three terms:

Consider carefully what Paul


I consider this book to be the culmination of the whole series, as it is the most well-written, with the most impressive illustrations

Brethren we have sought to consider the matter of how God authorizes, the matter of

They were not all wrong; the itinerary was too long, with too many stops, yet I didn’t consider it bad

«I’m inclined to allow we leave them here,» Kelvin said, «especially when we have to consider that we don’t have suitable replacement entities available without delaying our departure

She saw that there were some engineering details to consider and had to build some simulations

This limitation to life is, of course, entirely human-centric and bears no real scrutiny when we consider the true faith inherent in origin

Smith preferred to consider a thought from a familiar set of view points, rolling it across the heavens like thunder, looking at all those aspects of silence and darkness that reinforced the heavens as imagined by a responsible God

consider that it may have a more optimal outcome waiting

and consider thee, saying,

We don’t want to consider that God would do that

«And why two cups a day is what I consider stopped

They had big jars to purify the water before anyone would even consider putting it to their lips

‘If you’ll let me finish, you exasperating woman! – you can then make an appointment to meet with Pippa Akeman and her cronies, explain your connection with Joris and how you wish to use your inheritence and introduce the idea of JJ – how does that sound?’ he suggested, ‘That way, they’d have a chance to consider the idea without him being there

They would probably consider it pointless because he was likely to be eaten by something before daylight anyway

“Woman, do not for one moment think that I didn’t consider it!” He said with more force than he intended

It’s important in the process of achieving your goal to do a reality check from time to time, to give yourself the opportunity to consider the goal realistically and honestly

shall we, to consider this

Heaven forbid that we ever consider the possibility

Let us then consider the second argument against vegetarianism, that the vegetarian diet is dull and uninteresting

If you live alone you have no one to consider but yourself, and if you are a bachelor, your mother, your sister or even an understanding landlady will come to the rescue

And there was the matter of two grand to consider

Whoever gave it to her is the only one who should even consider it

to consider is, would you be interested in this person if the flirting wasn’t so bad? If so, try to be polite and take over

perhaps you may want to consider being on the safe side and signing up with a paid

Men who are trying to decide on a Valentine’s Day gift for their girlfriends should first carefully consider the present stage of the relationship

consider more expensive and extravagant gifts

short time and you aren’t really sure where the relationship is going, you might want to consider a less elaborate gift

This can create a difficult situation so you might consider having a conversation with your girlfriend about your status before shopping for Valentine’s Day

Could it be my foxy old aunt had cornered me into a decision? But just as I was about to put her off, she floored me with a question, ‘So why don’t you consider moving here?’

consider having someone call you on your cell phone as a check in so they know that you’re

Consider arriving with a small gift

You inhibitions will also be relaxed so things you didn’t consider doing before you

In the matching of two human beings, there are many things to consider

I consider what I recall … in the middle of the night, by the light of the lightstones dimly lighting the room, I had seen Berndt sitting on the edge of the bed … concerned, I had sat up and reached over to see what the problem was … at my touch he had turned, his eyes dark and troubled

The only dark cloud on their horizon was a note from their benefactor that had been pinned to a bottle of champagne that awaited them on the day of their arrival in their new home, offering his sincerest condolences on the sad news about the fisherman’s health and saying that he would consider it an honour if they would invite him to the funeral, long may that day be postponed

Statistically speaking, most women spend their twenties focusing on their lives and living for the moment, and it is not until they reach their thirties that they begin to consider marriage and

Consider the usual state of men at that age: career focused, womanizers, drug users, different sexual orientation, and

Consider them, and consider what your

argumentation, constantly try to consider the other person’s feelings and emotional state

Making a space on one of the top shelves, I fit the pot into it, allowing the leaves to cascade down over the books … I step back to consider the effect … yes, that looks nice

Piety required plainness, she wouldn’t have his feelings about that to consider

Does this sound like fantasy? Consider the fact that millions of people across America, the land of plenty, live unbelievably painful and horrible lives

Carefully consider the feedback you receive and revise the application as applicable

“may I ask a boon Lady Rayne; when there is time, will you join my troops and me for a day of training? They would consider it a great honor

«We need to consider the possibility that he has found a way to thwart our efforts to sentence him to three-d reality

“The main point we have to consider first is if her story is true

consider having his own nose an inch shorter than it was

looking at him hoping he would consider all options

matter of two grand to consider

Do not consider money your

Consider that women are

Consider the world they

an undesirable cost at the end then consider whether or not you should take

beliefs as paramount and wouldn’t dare consider flexing them a bit

If she got that, she would consider herself lucky

‘You should consider his offer, Sarah

I mean, if you’d consider possibly going out with me

health and saying that he would consider it an honour if they would

Consider the following two letters to be an expandable outline

I turn the TV off and consider what I’ve just heard

I pretend to consider this …

To know my perspective consider what I consider by

Have you considered turning to the Church as they could

That, technically, would be considered indecision

Different people require different amounts of sleep, but seven or eight hours is considered the average amount of time necessary for rest and regeneration

Early to bed and early to rise is generally considered healthiest

Children are considered as the nearest incarnation of God because they are yet to pollute their mind

Only 6 species in the USA all living things, cockroaches have been called are considered bad household pests

This high side of the lake is considered to be part of the Highlands by many

The goods that cost you Rs 5,000 today would cost you over Rs 16,000, 20 years down the line if an average inflation rate of 6% is considered

Though why I should be, I don’t know … we live in a very exposed world when it comes to what is considered newsworthy

I know not of Good or Evil, but you have taught me what acts are considered Evil

An attempt to arrive at that which lies back of the form considered, or to reach the idea that is responsible for the form

It is just a creation of our forefathers and saints to stop us from doing what is considered ethically wrong

When the Soul enters the body formed as a result of laws of nature, the body is considered to be alive

So far, health professionals have considered Amphorus DE not to be a cause of cancer in animals and humans

Soon he is told to love and not love others, be afraid of this and that, do only those things that are considered alright by his elders, wear clothes as made for him and so on

He didn’t see what it had to do with the cargo, other than Tahlmute cannot be considered confirmation that the deal was good

The Brazilians outside of town could be considered a tribe

If he moved the crate for them, from one faction to another, that could be considered interference in tribal affairs

I’m only 36 years old but that’s enough to remember when they were universally considered to be anti-social, trashy, criminal looking stains on the skin

I have during these last years of wandering and beggary often considered the

He considered it the worst part of his way of life

down the lane and just out of sight of the house, and considered what to do next

Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant

Johnny considered all three points carefully

’ She said, her mind working as she considered what was involved

drugs be considered a result?), I can only help you learn how to take

She considered herself a little more worldly than when she was mortal, but she hadn’t lived to be that old as a mortal, only thirty seven

age, she had never yet considered

Theo considered drawing his weapon and putting it to the old ladies head

was slow, but because despite being considered an intelligent man, he simply could no

She considered stopping her to let her know

considered the symphonic disagreement at the edge of the universe and, after a

Having considered the men to serve whose names

I didn’t contradict him but I wondered: When we left the seaside the time was 6:30 in the afternoon; how harmful would it have been, if we had stayed for fifteen more minutes? All things considered, I believe yesterday’s excursion was one of Alexander’s tricks, aiming to keep his disciples in subjection: He doesn’t allow them to enjoy anything, so that they don’t demand anything

Genetics was considered the blackest of the black arts and it had been at the heart of the generations of conflict between Talstan and China

It was considered a matter of modesty, dignity,

I considered them too to be brothers at war, made the more vicious by the ignorance of poverty

The military was considered the only morally appropriate use of technology by some

Every comment was carefully read and considered

All things considered, it was much nicer than I thought; the asram has been improved a lot since 1992: A spacious cottage has been built to the west, and another one is under construction nearby

She is a professor of Religion, she is here to edit “The Unknown History of Christianity”, she is considered to be a very important person and she obviously hates my guts -without a reason whatsoever

All things considered, lessons at Janus are nothing but a waste a time: Actually I am dragooned into going there, because they make me think I were lost without it

I considered my life so far

I considered using my own excrement

Artificially inflating demand was not considered an acceptable business practice in this culture, and people did not patronize merchants who engaged in ‘push’ advertising

Most people who had a comfortable place to sleep and enough to eat, considered themselves well off

Here, having more than you needed was considered gauche

I considered a return to my hunger strike, but a combination of lethargy and Menachem’s cajoling kept me eating

On this planet it is the decades of age that are marked and neither had reached their first, when they will be considered a child

On attaining the age of two, near puberty, the child is considered an adolescent and three marks the beginning of adulthood

Steven considered this for a moment before prodding my foot with the toe of his boot

Ernesto was first officer and considered himself next in line for the captain’s wife, as well as command, and none had been able to change that course of events

» In fact Jalloo was a good portion of the variety he was supposed to indulge in and she considered that an important fringe benefit to this job

Enlil was considered to be so powerful that even other gods could not look upon him

The culture at this time would have considered that life is a cycle

Lucy saw with absolute clarity under this calm but deep moonlight, that accepting the request would bring freedom of a kind that, at her tender and exciting age, she had never yet considered

Even the Messiah was considered to be a man like Moses

These tassels were considered the rabbi’s “wings

» Ekendosa or Fendeveermon is considered mid winter

All things considered it was an appropriate ending … they buried him at sea

His own land is considered the land of the twelve – the twelve tribes of Israel

He found it hard to string a sentence together, not because he was slow, but because despite being considered an intelligent man, he simply could no longer be bothered

On that basis, Roman civilization was considered the greatest civilization of all

I’ll try and remember what is considered proper here is not the same as where my memories come from

His wisdom is considered foolish to those that are wise

I’m sure we’ve all read the passage in Galatians where Paul reiterates the verse in Deuteronomy about how anyone who dies upon the “tree” is considered cursed

Sepphoris was about 3 miles away from Nazareth, and to the Jews of Nazareth was considered the city on the hill

No one considered their things to be theirs, but shared all their possessions with one another

The habitants of Buttercup considered themselves fortunate to

He was unwilling to protect his own people, and is thus considered equally a bad shepherd as the wicked priests

Have you considered displaying your paintings? They would certainly be of a sufficiently high standard to exhibit, I think

The only thing that needs to be considered and understood is its timing

During that time, God promotes His Body to a place of stature that we are now considered Divine

If there is coming a day where we will be so like Jesus that we are considered heirs with Him, then anything that would keep us from that reality here and now is to be violently opposed

On the other hand, if I sit in studying every evening, this could be considered painful while I’m doing it, however in the long term I will have gained skills and knowledge and I could possibly go on and gain better employment

Now, If I told that joke, it would be considered offensive

SAMANTHA: No, it would be considered a bad joke, but that’s not the real funny part

They had traveled nearly twenty miles, but not all of it could be considered progress

Although wrinkles are more associated with the dermatological clock of the skin, it is still considered as the resulting product of the greatest effects of harmful influences in the skin

considered when choosing skin creams that will best work for wrinkles

Nowadays, looking good is not any more a factor of being vain but is already considered

They neither of them considered for a moment that I should be lumbered with the backpack – there are advantages to being the only woman in the group

for such action in both fact and considered reason,

acne and other skin problems, there are still some factors that need to be considered

Here are some of the factors that need to be considered before applying dermabrasion

describe first what is generally considered to be the easiest

Lmore assured them that the recipes were as authentic as you’d find in this basin and this place would be considered a little touristy but would still draw plenty of business in Trenst itself

These dragons are considered to be rogues; they flame and kill anything and everything

He considered the situation for a moment or two and shrugged his shoulders

Social services raised the alarm when one of their staff went missing, but no one considered it possible that two small children might have something to say on the matter

I still considered sleep a punishment

if handled maturely with the feelings of all considered, the relationship can teach new

But, all things considered, and after the third bottle of shampoo, he supposed that it simply wasn’t meant to be

Berndt produces some oil and herbs and, although I daresay our meal would be considered pretty basic by virtually anyone, it tastes delicious after a morning riding through the pouring rain

Considered at par with the

A gift of one dozen or more red roses is considered to be a romantic gift but it is also very common so your girlfriend is not likely to read too much into this type of gift

considered to be a sensual color that is very alluring

James displayed his best dragon etiquette and told Ichor he considered it a great honor to meet the Second of the Ancients

It was not too long before people considered it a great honor to have Jake visit their town

She was talking of theories that were considered somewhat fringe

For instance, if you are more than 5 years away from retirement, you can find out the return you need to earn considering your present saving pattern or you can find out the amount you need to invest at a given rate of return

‘Not really …’ I replied, casting my mind round the options I have just been considering

’ Emma said slowly, considering my comment

’ I replied after considering her question for a moment

’ The policeman said considering ‘It would have made a nasty noise

She rubs her foot on his leg under the table, seems to be considering what to say

He stood stock still for a moment considering his options

’ He said considering the idea

’ I said, warily considering the connotations

God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation”

word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation” (Hebrews 13:7)

“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted” (Galatians 6:1)

But there is a point worth considering over here

’ Kara said considering the point

‘Use it to endow the Entertainer Guild, you mean?’ he asked, considering the idea

‘Yes … hmmm … what do you think, Lintze?’ Wiesse said considering the idea

’ He replied literally … his mind considering the suggestion

’ He said, considering the idea

’ I replied, unwilling to confess to being a Leo as well … Joris stands, his head on one side considering me as I try to stand confidently returning his gaze

factor in considering whether to choose this sort of treatment

Slowly, I nodded knowingly, considering

’ Berndt said considering the idea seriously

’ Wiesse said, his face showing how deeply he is considering the proposal

’ I said slowly considering the idea

is, of course, considering that there are no surprises

These services are assessing your potential with other individuals while you are simply living out your life considering other things that might require your attention

a person you never before seen and, after considering the atmosphere and the current subject

The house is remarkably clean considering that no-one has lived here for several weeks, and, seeing my surprise, Ms Jones tells me that David’s cleaner had been coming in to check on the place regularly

Considering their culture, to be hanging here in a place of honor meant it was very important

They neglected to purge the breeder females, considering them useless except as suppliers of fresh workers

In fact, the archaeologist said that considering there is so much evidence to show Dorini was an established Minoan settlement, it’s surprising there has never been an official dig

And considering we gave you

‘Jessie …’ I stammered ashamed — considering our conversation in the pub the other week she’d have every reason to be off with me — but she gives me a warm hug

It wasn’t surprising, considering she was the best looking girl in

Considering how much he has drunk, his enunciation’s rather good

The head trainer said you’re doing pretty well too, except in sex ed, especially considering that you can’t speak a word of Minoan

He said slowly, considering the matter

considering the ring thing when disaster struck

“That was very brave of you Mistress Sera, considering your condition and all

Considering everything in existence is me, I love

Jo looks at me as though considering

Kieran looks at me for a long moment considering this

‘Do you? That’s a very big ask considering the

He stared into the middle of a bush considering her words

In the next bay the nurses and doctor attending Bex are considering other options

’ Ozzie said slowly, considering the question

No doubt she was considering where this would lead

Not surprising considering what Ozzie put her through – but she’d married him after all, it was reasonable to assume she knew what she was doing at the time

’ She said slowly, considering his point and trying to imagine how it would look

She pauses, considering, but the way back to official silence is already barred

’ Andy replied, considering the unspoken suggestion

’ The Inspector said, considering the point

She hoped she was right, she had trusted him with much more than she should considering what might have happened and the positions of people who might have been involved

“I think that is difficult to believe considering the current circumstances,”

Physically, there is no reason for her continuing coma but it is entirely possible that her condition is psychological, especially considering what you’ve told me

began tapping his lips as if considering a complicated

’ He said after considering the matter for some moments

Considering that the most exciting activity Anna has during an average week is a meeting for Sunday school helpers, this is wild living indeed

To his surprise, they were just considering such a program, and began taking on proteges in small numbers last year

the public well considering the options available to him

This seems unlikely considering what I know about her husband … gradually, I worm the whole story out of her

Considering this house is so tiny, it is quite a feat mislaying something but all the same it takes me some ten or so minutes to locate the newspaper I want, tucked under a cushion on the sofa

Considering how big the waves could be even all the way down here in the pinkie finger of the Dromedian arm, this was nothing

His search turned up empty, not surprising considering who he was dealing

It’s not as busy as you thought it’d be considering it’s school holidays, bet everyone else came here over the bank holiday weekend

‘Sally’s still sound asleep and the kids are okay, well, as okay as they can be considering

began considering whether he should repeat the comment,

of people abroad (considering the hour and the weather),

“You there, fine sir! Have you ever considered considering the consideration of considering to consider being more considerate? Well my good friend, I’m glad you asked, because,” Monica began to say on the TV, to which Olorhleng angrily smashed his television into a million tiny pieces

‘Yes and no,’ said Jean after considering the statement

His common sense said that was a very foolish thing to do, considering how her physical presence affected him

something which happened far too often considering the running they did

hands on his hips, considering carefully everything he had

How very appropriate, do you not think? Considering also our own community’s native industry and reliance upon that season?” She concluded with the question, and left it to the group before her

lives—an extraordinary feat considering whom we were dealing with—but I could

At least, that’s what she was considering the minute the phone rang, and Julianna Russo barged into the picture

«Not quit,» Jim responded, after considering her comment

As he sat there considering his predicament, the

«But considering she’s had to put this together by herself, without her Grandmother to tell her, she’s done very well» Emma looked to Jim, had he known the story all along? Was it what, he was referring to when he’d insisted he couldn’t tell her? «He couldn’t tell you Emma

If she’d gotten a hold of him again, she would’ve asked for the divorce, she’d been considering

Pat called me to say that this Japanese girl was looking for a place to live and she was considering another house as well is my house

Considering they were at the point, where there was more dark then light, she sleep a lot

After several minutes of thought and considering the

But then again, considering what it could have become, even though it still survived, it would never be anything more than a monstrosity; its hollow, rotting and near-lifeless trunk the ultimate metaphor for the remnants of the elven race

Considering the value of any one of their lives, the time-table was staggering

One the computer may not readily admit, considering what Rapheal had done to it

And considering he is the only one capable of fixing the ship, it appears we are at his mercy

thoughtful and began considering the implications of the

‘I suppose not,’ said Jean after considering the

No doubt she knew where he meant this to lead and was considering the whole scenario and was making her choice now

Though both were small, considering they were several Gypsium Nights shy of adulthood, even a full grown human would’ve appeared childlike walking next to the elf

Considering the numerous plants, the color green was, surprisingly, one of the least visible colors

How can I blame you, considering you’ve witnessed the Graelic in action

Considering his words a gift, he hung on the One Elf’s every raspy word

Considering those weapons were the ones that were visibly apparent, Brice figured they were but a small portion of the man’s true arsenal

‘I was just considering the same thing myself,

Theodorous leapt to his feet, surprisingly fast considering all the armor he wore, and slapped his hand to his chest, proclaiming, «It would be an honor Solo Ki to end my days at your side

with Richard, who was considering the story he’d just

Clothier, who decided to ignore the remark considering his shirt was on this match

A blur of silver-fire, the One Elf incinerated everything within arms-reach (which was a great deal of space considering the elf’s incredible size), ending his hurricane of steel and silver in front of a pair of ten foot double doors fastened shut with boards and chain

While the newly born child can experience only love, he has no fear, he is free to decide anything and considers capable of doing whatever he wants

that God considers to be necessary for us

’ Joris said, his eyes narrowing as he considers the map

“Stop blaming yourself for that, we all know any spark could have set it off and no one considers your hack the real cause of this war

A third man considers it

not prevent another from making what he or she considers to be a sound

Yes Brent and he gave me the impression that he considers you a member of his family

“She considers Tdeshi to be her mother

Shaun considers the offer

They are not of great monetary value, Miss Grey, but would be a reminder of someone who, as Philip Stevenson informs me, considers herself to be a friend of Bunty Danvers

Alex considers his position

Alex considers the innate strangeness of Barnstaple

Jock considers Shaun’s explanation

” Ted considers the phrase for a moment

Alex considers this for a moment

He got very suspicious of me I’m afraid, he said I was asking too many pointed questions about things the Kassikan considers confidential

«She considers this home, too

This considers itself ‘Scandinavia with a twist’

Dingle does not appreciate machinery flying over his home and considers your flight path a severe nuisance, perhaps you would change it, come down the outer coastline or stick to hot air balloons was his suggestion»

considers that it picked up suf icient material,

Boyd’s father considers this issue a stumbling block to

To see or dream that you are wearing a turban suggests that you are feeling confined by what society considers normal

This practice considers the Buddha a savior of humanity

Though the produce of his estate may be sufficient to maintain, and may, perhaps, actually maintain, more than a thousand people, yet, as those people pay for every thing which they get from him, as he gives scarce any thing to any body but in exchange for an equivalent, there is scarce anybody who considers himself as entirely dependent upon him, and his authority extends only over a few menial servants

The information or data we gather from the present only, will leave us with improvable philosophies as the only results, no matter from which perspective one considers a subject

If one considers the same verse in the original Hebrew however, the sentence contains 7 words that are made up of 28 letters

It is even more astonishing to find that if one considers each book in the New Testament, they all demonstrate this very peculiar feature: Each book contains words that are only used in that specific book and are divisible by 7

Statistically, and if one considers this phenomenon to be a result of chance, one is not supposed to find the kind of information in ELS’s as lengthy, as accurate and as complex as one finds it in the Bible

Although the Designer of this Book did provide his rules for living and perfection, they are there to show us what the Creator considers as good and perfect

He considers what the land will cost him, in tax and price together

” I thought to myself is this bloke a fucking idiot or what he considers it lucky to have him when I m facing a capital charge with no witnesses to stand up for me

She becomes Jean Fairsythe’s trainer with the sword to make her a Blademaiden and considers herself the sworn protector of the Daughter of Thor

When it considers itself secure it thrusts in its weapon and sucks the blood

It is a philosophy of form without feeling or (spiritual) substance; a philosophy that considers ―things‖ as they ―are‖ in a manner that rejects the notion of God in whose image Humankind was created; endowed with the capacity to freely love one another as God loves His (own) Creation; unconditionally

Although such programs are not (directly) encouraging teenage promiscuity, its putative ―inevitability‖ seems to lend implicit support to (sexual) conduct that ―conventional wisdom‖ otherwise considers the ―norm

Now, one year later, he considers such scores ―meaningless‖

Such measures are not easily reconciled by one who considers himself a Free Market Conservative

The magnitude of that triumph amounts to a sweep if one considers that the president has carried along with him other Republican candidates in the Senate and the House of Representatives, so that since 1900 when republican McKinley was president, neither party had succeeded in reelecting simultaneously the Presidency, the Congress and the Senate, while at the same time adding seats in both chambers of congress

He considers traveling as an escape of enchantment while relaxing in an undisturbed and sunny beach of Labadee in the Caribbean and gazing at the awe inspiring Sounds of New Zealand

That upon praising its son, considers

She was sent to work in the rice fields at the age of twelve and considers it quite normal to kill a King Cobra herself as he may be as bold as to try and steal one of the family’s chickens

Bank president, Paul Wolfowitz, considers that battling graft is his top priority

he that considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trou-

This Current Account “Social” receives every resource from any species and it always considers its value as donation

that considers as wealth of the nations the

It considers all the deposit money in it as donation, as well as

Your mind will immediately process this visualization as a real event due to the amount of sensations, emotions, and feelings attached to it and will imprint it in your memory as an episode of your life that it considers real

In case the beneficiary person belongs in more than one nonprofit organization in the current system, the new systematics considers only one vinculum with the Project and it discards the others

I wait with my hands clutching his arms for stability as he considers his response

Tris considers this, chewing on the inside of her cheek

She considers me for a moment, biting the inside of her cheek

David considers this for a moment, then clears his throat

She bites the inside of her cheek and considers me

1 Blessed is he who considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble

the Lord, and He considers all his goings; His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be held by the ties of his own

The righteous man wisely considers the house of the wicked, but God overthrows the

He who hastens to be rich has the evil eye, and considers not that poverty shall come on him

The righteous one considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked regards not to know it

she considers the field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants the vineyard; she surrounds her legs with strength, and

However, one of the difficulties in discerning or comprehending karma is due to the fact that it often does not ripen in one lifetime (if one considers the possibility of rebirths)

This book considers the possibility of rebirths, knowing that each reader can meditatively ponder the idea and explore the truth of the teachings for themselves

19 And none considers in

When a man considers this, he does not kill or cause to kill

believes the Word; considers others; no fear; An unjust one: self-centered, not faithful; unprincipled; fainthearted; disbelieving

— Arthmes already considers himself a citizen of the world by the

“Actually, he impressed me favorably, also, but he considers me something of a threat to him

begets a son, that sees all his father’s sins which he has done, and considers, and does not such like, 15 That has not eaten on the

28 Because he considers, and turns away from all his transgressions that he has

“And if he found out? Do you think the boy could or would protect you? Are you aware that the Khakhan considers me his ambassador? Can you even conceive what he would do to you?”

one considers the total cost of cleaning up and decommissioning the reactors will be

21 He who considers her ways in his heart shall also have understanding of her secrets

18 He seeks out the deep, and the heart, and considers their crafty devices, for the Lord knows all that may be known, and he beholds

In verses 2 to 6, Isaiah shows what he considers to be an unbelievable fact, the

Of course, there is another type of audience which considers

And PETA shows little compunction about the techniques it considers acceptable to compel compliance

” He considers human beings to be “an evolutionary mistake, a cancer of the earth

Whup considers all things from what he can see

When one considers that a particle’s

While the insane person considers a life spiritually rewarding that involves sharing, a sane person thinks of him/herself and their choices are based on self-importance

That could have the salutary effect of tying him to the challenging of what he considers the unfettered impertinence and irreverence in too many aspects of modern art

Those are certainly low prices if one considers that the Australian dollar is half the value of the American dollar

Roger definitely agrees for he considers its bay as the most scenic, pleasing and breath-taking he has ever contemplated

That answer failed to convince Roger who considers any country’s government a servant and protector of the people, not its master and exploiter

[2] Any overburden the mining company considers excess (that which it’s not able to place back onto the ridge top) is moved into neighboring valleys

The Spanish considers the standpoint of the person speaking; theEnglish, that of the person addressed

When one considers each proposition to be a theory

Instead it attempts to remake society into its image of what it considers the final state of human perfection

The victim’s own family often considers how

When a Party considers that the numbers of stray animals present it with a problem, it

Article 12 stipulates that, when a party considers that the numbers of stray animals

considers appropriate to reduce these numbers in a humane way

and 70% considers sterilization as the best solution

He also holds intact the proceeds from the sale of your home, and he asked me to assure you that he considers it to be entirely yours, both possessions and funds

The spell considers them low ranking soldiers, and so it only initiates one-way communication with them

“By the way,” Talia asked her with a mischievous grin as they passed through a small cloakroom, “Did you know that Mark considers myself, my mother, and you, to be the three most beautiful and desirable elven females he’s seen?”

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«Please carefully consider your options.«
(carefully, seriously, strongly)

«I did briefly consider quitting my job.«

«I never considered moving an option.«

«Have you ever considered retiring?«

Used with prepositions:

«They are considering me for the job.«

Used with nouns:

«We must consider the facts.«
(facts, evidence, idea, issue, options, problem, topic)

Used with verbs:

«We must consider all of the evidence.«
(must, need to, have to)

«We should consider him for the position.«
(should, ought to)

consider (v): to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision

Use “consider” in a sentence

We are considering going to Canada.
We must consider what to do next.
I think it’s time for me to consider going on a diet.

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How to use in-sentence of “consider”:

+ For example, consider two Companycompanies which want to share multiple gigabytes of information that constantly changes.

+ Do we consider BuzzFeed reliable? Could I get some other opinions, please? I am asking here instead of continuing to try to talk with the editor, because the editor has a history of not replying to things posted on his/her talk page.

+ Most types of environmental economics consider the shift to measuring them inevitable, arguing that reframing political economy to consider the flow of these basic commodities first and foremost, helps avoids use of any military fiat except to protect “natural capital” itself, and basing credit-worthiness more strictly on commitment to preserving biodiversity aligns the long-term interests of ecoregions, societies, and individuals.

+ Many people consider him an early conservationist or “tree-hugger”.

+ I would consider an unblock if it was only a minor edit war and if the user promises not to engage in a future edit war, but as it’s a 24 hour block it would be not a big deal if I denied them; the block would only last a day.

consider in sentences?

consider in sentences?

Example sentences of “consider”:

+ I’m just asking because it seems counterintuitive to consider lifting the ban when it has not been adhered to in the first place.

+ What do you consider to show notability? Guidelines exist because notability is subjective to each individual.

+ Many people consider it to be the best encyclopaedia, because they think it is accurate and has lots of detail.

+ Hoover was uncharismatic and did not relate to the people well, which made many people consider him as mean-spirited.

+ Though “hōtō” is a type of “udon”, locals do not consider it to be an “udon” dish because the dough is prepared like dumplings rather than noodles.

+ Among those who consider it to be a terrorist group are the United States, while China remains neutral, and maintains contacts with Hezbollah.

+ First consider the Electrical impedance of the series LC circuit.

+ I'm just asking because it seems counterintuitive to consider lifting the ban when it has not been adhered to in the first place.

+ What do you consider to show notability? Guidelines exist because notability is subjective to each individual.
+ Many people consider it to be the best encyclopaedia, because they think it is accurate and has lots of detail.

+ Historians of chess consider this as the most important change since the game was invented.

+ So, unless anyone else has something extraordinary to bring to the discussion, I would consider this debate closed, and we’ll stick with the icons we already have.

+ Critics consider Sonic Youth as an important element in the rise of indie rock movements.

+ Many zoologists consider the Palearctic and Nearctic to be a single Holarctic ecozone.

+ Melvin, Charles King Western Armenians consider Armenians who assimilate within the local population of the country where they were eventually forced to emigrate as lost to their nation due to the continuing exile after the actual genocide itself, and thus consider that lost Armenian to be another victim of the genocidal attempt to eliminate the Armenians.

More in-sentence examples of “consider”:

+ The countries included Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Laos, Moldova, Mongolia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Montenegro, and South Korea.  They asked the IPC Governing Board to consider letting Russia compete at the 2018 Winter Paralympics.  The letter was signed weeks before the IPC Governing Board met in Abu Dhabi.

+ Comments before complaints of "too short" roll in, do consider that this article probably already meets the criteria of what makes a VGA.

+ The countries included Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Laos, Moldova, Mongolia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Montenegro, and South Korea.  They asked the IPC Governing Board to consider letting Russia compete at the 2018 Winter Paralympics.  The letter was signed weeks before the IPC Governing Board met in Abu Dhabi.

+ Comments before complaints of “too short” roll in, do consider that this article probably already meets the criteria of what makes a VGA.

+ With regard to these underlying comparisons she says: “On another level we are struck by the permanent verbal mix of the ape-like and the human, a combination which leaves us pensive and asks the legitimate question where we, who consider ourselves sapiens in a double sense, should finally classify man.”.

+ If an article contains many statements of questionable origin that you suspect is original research, consider placing the tag at the top of the article instead.

+ The peoples’ do not consider areas of Gilgit and Baltistan to be legally or constitutionally part of Pakistan or India.

+ The subtropical city of Brisbane would seriously consider bidding for the Olympic Games in 2020 or 2024, former Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has said.

+ By the time your mattress reaches this milestone, it’s time to consider buying a new one.

+ If you propose to block a significant range, or for a significant time, consider asking a user with checkuser access to check for collateral damage – that is, for the presence of other users who may be unintentionally affected by the range block.

+ Since “pornography” is a word that many people consider to be the name for something that is morally wrong or ugly, businesses do not say that they are in “the business of pornography” but rather in the “adult entertainment” business.

+ If they are needed for the statement to be true, consider removing the statement.

+ I don’t know anything about our policies or procedures on installing extensions, but could we consider the mentioned in the tech news above? It would give us up-to-date dab-related special pages.

+ List of extinct volcanoes includes volcanoes which scientists consider unlikely to erupt again.

+ We consider the Polish nasal to be alveolo-palatal, but not palatal.

+ A The main quality a person needs to do this job is to be able to remain calm and rational, carefully consider the evidence, and then take prompt and decisive action.

+ Many people consider him, Antonio Cervantes and Miguel “Happy” Lora to be the three greatest boxers ever to come from that country.

+ They became close friends, and in 1798 they published their poems in a book called “Lyrical Ballads”, which many critics consider a key event in English Romanticism.

+ Because a large part of the legislature was now imprisoned, the session was canceled and representatives did not consider any additional anti-war measures.

+ However, if editing that extra-page window seems like too much effort, then consider merely copying the code to the top of the current template.

+ Some authorities consider the geomyoids related to squirrels, beavers, and mountain beavers.

+ Many critics consider Jonson to be among the best playwrights of his time, a time when William Shakespeare also lived.

+ Current evidence strongly suggests that termites have evolved directly from true cockroaches, and many authors now consider termites to be in the family of cockroaches.

+ Try to always consider that an infobox exists to support an article and provide a quick synopsis of important facts.

+ Some may consider it useless.

+ In short, please consider this editor for adminship.

+ As a simple example, consider the average daily high temperatures for two cities, one inland and one near the ocean.

+ In other words, a universe is a collection of all the elements one wishes to consider in a given problem.

+ Before saving a track listing created with one of these, consider to remove fields that are likely to remain empty in the foreseeable future.

+ I know that we currently do not have enough entries for all of them, but in the medium term we should consider subdividing the category.

+ Light rail transit functioning as feeders to the main MRT network has been under study for some time, particularly since the existing urban configuration of self-containing new towns spread out in the suburbs meant it was feasible to consider having light rail systems connecting each town to the MRT station in the town centre, a role which has traditionally been provided by feeder buses.

+ The more unsure someone is, the more likely they are to consider other’s opinions as right.

+ In either case, as with any “nervous habit”, it is more helpful to consider the causes of the boredom or of the stress, rather than try to repress the behavior itself, in this case masturbation.

+ These ethnic groups such as the Balti and Burig are of Tibetan origin and consider themselves to be ethnically Tibetan, are Muslims as well.

+ Jews, Christians and Muslims consider him to be a holy figure.

+ When the conjunction expresses significant meaning, you might consider leaving the conjunction in place as the start of the second sentence.

+ You all consider this: in my user page I linked a calendar of Italian soldiers.

+ However, the way to imagine this “gravity” is not so much as the force that we normally consider when we think of gravity, since normal gravity is created as well.

+ Palmer claimed Lady Barbara FitzRoy was Charles’ daughter, however he never recognised her and most sources consider John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough her likely father.

+ If the box cannot cleanly fit in the appropriate section, consider instead using one or more of the inline text templates mentioned in the See Also section below.

+ In cases of long-term vandalism from an IP address, consider blocks over a period of months or years instead.

+ Please consider “weeding the link farm” yourself, rather than using this tag to ask someone else to do it.

+ He is also highly respected among Sunnis, who consider him as a renowned scholar.

+ On the other hand, some experts started to consider improvements for FDM.

+ We also consider the number as the principal square root of −1, and called it the imaginary unit.

+ For example, if we consider the heights of the students in a class, the frequency table might look like below.

+ Serious aspirational professional hockey player kids should strongly consider Simcoe as a starting point.

+ The word consult generally means to talk about something, consider all the facts, and make a decision.

+ I think that blocking too many ranges may be harmful if done by someone who does not know what they’re doing, so please consider the circumstances before blocking.

+ They consider themselves unique and special and believe that they should be treated differently.

+ Many animal welfare groups, who strongly focus on factory farming, try to educate consumers about several veal production procedures that they consider to be inhumane.

Definition of Consider

to deliberate or ponder about something cautiously

Examples of Consider in a sentence

The avid reader would consider purchasing the next book in the series even though she was broke and the book was expensive.


After giving birth to twelve children, the pregnant woman decided to consider giving birth at home since she was an expert.


Due to the rave reviews of the restaurant’s meatloaf, Paul would consider ordering it because he wanted a good meal.


Other words in the Intelligent category:

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consider — перевод на русский


Now I consider Daniel a friend.

Я считаю Дениэла другом.

I don’t consider myself particularly beautiful or talented.

Я не считаю себя особенно красивой и талантливой.

You see, I .. I don’t consider your son an idiot.

Видите ли, я не считаю вашего сына идиотом.

I consider them to be idiots… and almost dishonest people.

Я считаю их дураками и непорядочными. Да.

— I consider myself very lucky.

— Наоборот. Я считаю, мне повезло.

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Considering your distinction and age, it is surprising that fate has not introduced us before.

Учитывая Ваши заслуги и возраст, странно, что судьба не свела нас до сих пор.

Considering your interest in the owner, it’s a wonder you didn’t.

Учитывая твой интерес к её хозяину, удивительно, что ты этого не смогла.

We suggest a sentence of 2 years and 6 months in confinement considering the nature of the crime and time wasted on the justice system.

Мы предлагаем заключение н 2 года и 6 месяцев учитывая природу преступления и потраченное в суде время.

It certainly was, considering the state of my finances.

Это конечно было, учитывая мое финансовое состояние.

Well, that’s quite cheap, but considering its condition…

Это очень дешево, но учитывая состояние…

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Bid him therefore consider of his ransom; which must proportion the losses we have borne, the subjects we have lost, the disgrace we have digested.

Поэтому предложите Генриху подумать о своём выкупе, который должен быть соразмерен понесённым нами потерям, числу подданных, которых мы лишились, оскорблениям, которые мы перенесли.


Вы не забудете подумать?

Not for one moment would I consider taking her out of a setting… that is so perfect for her.

Как я мог хотя бы на секунду подумать, чтобы вырвать её из привычной обстановки Которая ей идеально подходит

I think your suggestion is good, but I must consider first.

Я думаю твое предложение хорошее, но я должен еще подумать.

I said it wasn’t bad, but I must consider it.

Вот я и говорю, хорошее предложение, но мне нужно подумать.

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If the person has been buried alive, the act should be considered murder no matter what result follows.

Если человек был захоронен заживо, этот акт считается убийством независимо от последствий.

When I tell you it’s considered the mechanical wonder of the age, you’ll be surprised.

Когда я скажу, что она считается механическим чудом эпохи, вы удивитесь.

This is considered the area of greatest danger.

Это считается районом наибольшей опасности.

In a company of this size that is not considered a large salary.

В компании такого размера это не считается большой зарплатой.

In France it’s considered a very beautiful river, due mostly to its light.

Во Франции Луара считается очень красивой рекой, прежде всего из-за своего света.

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Once, I even considered killing myself and the kids.

Когда-то я думал даже убить себя и детей.

«You mean, you’d even consider it?»

Ты имеешь в виду, что когда-то думал об этом?

I consider doing that… because of the sequel.

Как же думал… береженого бог бережет.

Have you ever considered retiring from the world?

Ты когда-нибудь думал уединиться от мира?

I considered going to Scotland Yard, where he’s held in the highest esteem.

— Китайцам? Я думал пойти в Скотланд Ярд, где он пользуется огромнейшим уважением.

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I should have required time to consider Mrs. Garrison’s request.

Мне необходимо время, чтобы рассмотреть просьбу миссис Гаррисон.

I don’t suppose you’d consider renting it out by the day.

Этого нельзя было бы рассмотреть днем.

You can either wage it with real weapons, or you might consider an alternative.

Можете вести ее при помощи оружия, а можете рассмотреть альтернативу.

There is much to be considered before I return to launch point.

Перед тем, как вернуться к месту пуска, мне надо многое рассмотреть.

I expect Mrs Ethel Shroake to consider my credentials any day now.

я ожидаю госпожу Ётэль Ўроак чтобы рассмотреть мой мандат в любой день.

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If it were, considering the Platonians’ hostile propensities, two or three of them would have combined forces centuries ago and deposed Parmen.

Если рассматривать враждебные действия платонианцев, двое или трое объединили бы силы сто лет назад и свергли бы Пармена.

Considered in its own terms, the spectacle is the affirmation of appearance… and the affirmation of all human life, that is to say social life, as simple appearance.

Если рассматривать спектакль через призму его собственного о себе мнения, то он подтверждает эту видимость, а также подтверждает, что человеческая социальная жизнь является всего-навсего простой видимостью.

You can’t be seriously proposing, and the rest of us considering… putting on a pornographic network news show.

Не можешь же ты всерьёз предлагать, а остальные — рассматривать… запуск похабной информационной передачи.

Then, of course, there’s the rest of the world to consider.

Также конечно нужно рассматривать и весь остальной мир.

But even though this is an official visit, this meeting can be considered to be a friendly one, if you like.

С другой стороны, несмотря на то, что это визит официальный, нашу встречу вполне можно рассматривать, как дружескую.

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Surely now, you should consider changing the orders for tomorrow.

Ваше превосходительство должны учесть это и понять, что необходимо изменить нашу диспозицию на завтра.

But her injuries are comparatively minor, when you consider the incredibility of her being alive at all.

Но её ранения сравнительно малы, если учесть, что удивительно, что она вообще осталась жива.

Three days’ silence isn’t a long time… when you consider the benefits.

Три дня молчания — это не так уж долго, если учесть пользу.

They are much stronger when you consider… their size…

Они намного сильнее… если учесть их размер…

Well it’s not many if you consider the size of the population.

Ну не так уж это и много, если учесть численность населения.

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— One has to consider it.

— Это необходимо обдумать.

It helps me to consider what I have to do with you.

Это поможет мне обдумать, что c вами делать.

The rest of us had better go and sit down and consider our position.

Нам надо успокоиться и обдумать сложившуюся ситуацию.

She should consider.

Она должна всё обдумать.

You have 12 hours to consider your position.

У вас 12 часов, чтобы обдумать свое положение.

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But unfortunately the present jurisdiction of my good friend Mr Lincoln’s country did not favour multiplication of the elephant, and we considered the idea was not practical.

К сожалению, юрисдикция мистера Линкольна в его стране не благоприятствует размножению слонов, и мы сочли идею непрактичной.

It appears we four are the only ones the Kelvans consider essential.

Оказалось, кельванцы сочли нужным оставить лишь нас четверых.

They weren’t considered viable by our engineers.

Наши инженеры не сочли их экономически выгодными.

Well, because we considered it appropriate to inform President Njala of Beaumont’s presence.

Мы сочли уместным предупредить О готовящемся покушении майора Бомона президента Нджалу.

Now, unless you want my ship to consider… capturing me an unfriendly act—

Если вы не хотите, чтоб на корабле сочли мое похищение вражеским…

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On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for consider.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is see
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is regard
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is reckon
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is view
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is study
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is take
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is look at
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is deal
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is weigh
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is count
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is turn over
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is debate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is deliberate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is moot
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is believe
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is conceive
  • • Relevant word or phrase for consider is think
  • Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Use the word conflict in a sentence
  • Use the word confident in a sentence
  • Use the word conduct in a sentence
  • Use the word conditions in a sentence
  • Use the word conditional in a sentence