Use the word conflict in a sentence

Synonym: battle, clash, contest, differ, disagree, fight, oppose, opposition, struggle. Similar words: conflict with, derelict, confuse, confirm, confess, confront, confident, convict. Meaning: [‘kɒnflɪkt]  n. 1. an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals) 2. opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings 3. a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war 4. a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests 5. an incompatibility of dates or events 6. opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot) 7. a disagreement or argument about something important. v. 1. be in conflict 2. go against, as of rules and laws. 

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1. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that deeps freedom alive. In a free country there will always be coflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. 

2. The local war escalated into a major conflict.

3. Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading.

4. Both sides were drawn, willy-nilly, into the conflict.

5. Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.

6. His words are in conflict with his deeds.

7. He is in constant conflict with the authorities.

8. The hours of those two exams conflict.

9. The conflict could escalate into a full-blooded war.

10. A regional conflict would erupt into violent warfare.

11. It is sometimes impossible to avoid conflict altogether.

12. The original findings conflict with more recent findings.

13. John often comes into conflict with his boss.

14. A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised.

15. It is rare for the responsibility for causing conflict to rest solely on one side.

16. The book’s theme is the conflict between love and duty.

17. Of course the ultimate responsibility for the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor.

18. There’s always a conflict between good and evil in his plays.

19. We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership.

20. Both sides in the conflict have agreed temporarily to suspend hostilities.

21. Conflict between management and workers makes for inefficiency in the workplace.

22. The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses’ pay.

23. Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress—or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict

24. The UN must perform a difficult balancing act between the two sides in the conflict.

25. The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict.

26. He is sounding out Middle Eastern governments on ways to resolve the conflict.

27. These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict.

28. They had worked for peace during the long era of conflict.

29. The boy pulled the boat’s head round in order to avoid the conflict with the boat in front of him.

30. This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.

More similar words: conflict with, derelict, confuse, confirm, confess, confront, confident, convict, confession, conference, conviction, confrontation, flip, flight, inflation, influential, on foot, on fire, the cost of living, strict, depict, victim, predict, fiction, verdict, dictate, picture, slice, click, strictly. 

Conflict most commonly refers to:
Conflict (process), the general pattern of groups dealing with disparate ideas
War, often known as armed conflict
Undeclared war, a conflict that is not recognised by some parties as a war

Social conflict, the struggle for agency or power in society
Conflict may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Horner says in the current climate, top politicians should perhaps be looking more closely at weak spots in their administration where there could be potential conflicts.


Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal has dropped out of theatre show The Village Bike due to scheduling conflicts with her new Broadway play The Real Thing.The…


Alexandre Ding & Wolf U. Blanckenhorn — 2002 (2)( Keywords: body size, dung flies, mating behaviour, mating system, Scathophaga stercoraria, Sepsis cynipsea, sexual conflict, sexual size dimorphism


One of the central benefits of the current system is that it separates trade disputes from other kinds of conflict.


Avoid conflicts — or fervently mitigate them.


It is essential for everybody on all sides of this conflict that this outburst of military violence must now cease.»


Rubin was on the brink of raising $ 100 million (# 77 million) from Japanese tech giant SoftBank but the funding fell through due to a conflict of interest with Apple, which has partnered with SoftBank on its $ 100 billion (# 770 million) Vision Fund.


One of the ideas that Williams is interested in continuing to pursue is the conflict between the ecology of pollen dispersal (the free-living phase of pollen ontogeny) and the ecology of pollen tube growth after pollination (where pollen is protected and competes with other pollen for fertilization success).


Inter-departmental conflict within government has damaged efforts to address Britain’s growing drinking problem, it has been claimed.


Sketching Keith’s inner conflicts and practical struggles with a graceful, mood-rich lyricism, Porterfield presses gently but painfully on some of the most inflamed and sensitive parts of American society.


WASHINGTON, March 21 — The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on 15 South Sudanese oil operators that it said were important sources of cash for the government, an action aimed at increasing pressure on President Salva Kiir to end the country’s conflict and humanitarian crisis.


Back in January this year, Foreign Secretary William Hague stood in the House of Commons and stated that the UK government was «stepping up» its approach to the Syrian conflict and confirmed that «all options are open» in responding to the crisis.


There are potential conflicts of interest between Project Isizwe and HeroTel, but we manage them via strict internal processes, external audits, and independent boards.


In order to determine the level of conflict exhibited between parents, each parent should complete as assessment to determine the frequency and intensity of the following behaviors:


We may pretend we do to avoid conflict with those people and systems that believe that total agreement is not only possible, but mandatory.


Wherever any prior local law of the county of Erie is found to be inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions contained herein, such prior local law shall be deemed hereby amended.


He blends the spiritual and the political — the sacred and the profane — without demonstrating any real fervor or making that conflict anything but annoying.


She sees women’s anger as a normal reaction to common interpersonal threats and conflicts that too often get resolved by being overpowered by the man’s anger.


On Tuesday, Cuomo said he appointed the special prosecutor because «I don’t even want the whiff of the perception of conflict of interest or impropriety.»


Here’s how that conflict led to a century of innovation.


Their desire to have more responsibility can lead to conflict.


Particularly as the Minister with responsibility for the United Nations, The International Criminal Court and Human Rights I believe our approach in relation to the current conflict is neither consistent with our values, specifically our commitment to the rule of law and our long history of support for International Justice.


Swiss law (excluding its rules on conflicts of laws) is applicable to these Customer Service General Terms and Conditions and the relationship between MCTR and the Customer.


In the conflict between the secular and the religious, how liberating it is to say, «No, I can not attend, I will be at church.»


A city spokesman said Wolfson bought the stock in 2007 — three years before he took the post — and that the investment amount was «close to $ 5,000» and, therefore, «far below the threshold that raises potential conflict of interest issues» for city employees.


Families that raise their children using many of the ideals, report far less conflict in the family and more co-operative behaviour.


If you hire new employees whose values do not align with the values of the company, it can lead to a great deal of conflict.


@cm Not withstanding the immediate cause of a conflict, religion along with language, culture, ethnic characteristics and nationality often serve to delineate «us» from «them» and use the difference to dehumanise the enemy.


It bears noting that Mr. Friedman’s position on the expansion should not be considered due to his obvious conflict of interest as Tops landlord.


It would help our industries if conflict was reduced over issues that affect our water, air and lands.


But such destruction of information also conflicts with the law of energy conservation, making this possibility implausible.


A couple of weeks ago I posted about a conflict in the New York Senate (between Democratic leader and marriage equality supporter Malcolm Smith and a group of three «rogue» Democrats lead by Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. of The Bronx) that was preventing a majority from taking hold.


I am not a proponent of ideology or principle-free politics just for the sake of achieving unity and avoiding conflict, but surely it could be possible and must now be imperative for Yoruba politicians and leaders to reserve our greatest energies and resourcefulness for development within the West and protection of Yorubaland and its people and interests from external threats.


Second, there is irreconcilable conflict between humans focused on fundamentals and machines fixated on data patterns — and the machines have the advantage because the market has been handed to them by rules.


They are prepared for the normal conflicts that arise and what they can do to support each other and move closer rather than further apart.


Years of sectarian conflict and the brutal, so-called caliphate of the Islamic State threaten all Iraqis, not least of all paperless deportees from the United States.


Even as intractable multi-year conflicts such as that waging in Syria come before the Council, it has found itself unable to act on account of China and Russia’s age-old protection of state sovereignty along with fears that the catastrophic failures of military incursions into Iraq and Afghanistan will be repeated.


June 26, 2008 CATA releases a conflict resolution kit for firms looking for alternate dispute mechanisms.


As Hoefle notes, that doesn’t always happen, giving way to conflict:


One highlighted was the conflict caused for women by the fact that the age at which they want to start their families often coincides with the key period for establishing their careers.


Every difference, every conflict between two people who love each other contributes to the growth and transformation of these two people — if you can stay in the room.


World Diamond Council president Edward Asscher credited KP with removing more than 99 % of the world’s conflict diamonds from the market, Bloomberg reported.


Few events represent such a confluence of global issues — the Israel-Palestine conflict, the reign of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, West German revolutionaries — or such a political minefield in dramatisation.


On March 17, more than two-dozen bitcoin marketplaces issued a joint letter warning that there is a «very real possibility that a Bitcoin network split may occur in the future» if the conflict isn’t resolved.


And this: «Undoubtedly there are occasions where the demands of Christian discipleship and American citizenship conflict.


Being inadvertently sucked into a massive conflict of interest scandal nearly precluded the Bears from making this pick, but then we realized: «Hey… Isaac Yiadom is really, really good.»


Another conservative House lawmaker — Rep. Trent Franks of Arkansas — is calling for special counsel Robert Mueller to resign, arguing that he has a conflict of interest that should disqualify him from running the Department of Justice’s probe of potential connections between Trump’s surrogates and the Kremlin.


Uncovering those values is key to resolving complicated conflicts.


They will be told during a meeting in Geneva that religious minorities are among groups most vulnerable to being targeted in conflicts.


Some of this is going to bring both YouTube and Facebook into conflict with Netflix, which has been spending billions to license TV shows, movies and other content such as comedy shows and reality TV.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word conflict, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use conflict in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «conflict».

Conflict in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word conflict in a sentence.

  1. This resulted in further conflict.

  2. The conflict blurred ethnic lines.

  3. The conflict with Congress continued.

  4. According to Sasono, the conflict in ?

  5. John was well prepared for a conflict.

  6. McClellan, favored ending the conflict.

  7. A prolonged bureaucratic conflict ensued.

  8. Aberhart had been in some conflict with C.

  9. They are all separated in the ensuing conflict.

  10. This conflict, between Harun’s sons al-Amin (r.

  11. The split immediately escalated into armed conflict.

  12. Because of this, interspecific conflict is frequent.

  13. We thought we needed conflict, and chase and action.

  14. The «power of the purse» conflict was still at issue.

  15. The resulting conflict became known as the Creek War.

  16. This policy, along with other disputes, brought Thebes into conflict with Sparta.

  17. However, he considered the conflict in these works to have been poorly developed.

  18. First Nations members and the Stampede board have occasionally met with conflict.

  19. The conflict was inconclusive and ruinously expensive for the major participants.

  20. After Fox’s death in September 1806, the King and ministry were in open conflict.

  21. Ivor Montagu likened Eisenstein’s struggles with the film to Galileo’s conflict with the Inquisition.

  22. Józef’s activities were now in conflict with the Bolsheviks, who arrested him and his brother Marian.

  23. The inclusion of Konami-created character Solid Snake may seem to conflict with the Super Smash Bros.

  24. Its purpose was to serve as an umbrella organisation for the RAAF units deployed in the conflict, No.

  25. Aki and Sid must fight against General Hein, who wants to use more violent means to end the conflict.

  26. Unsure how many Texians he actually faced, Piedras was eager to defuse the conflict without violence.

  27. The outbreak of war with the British in 1812 led to continued conflict with Indians in the Northwest.

  28. As claims of Syrian fighters taking part in the conflict have surfaced, Azerbaijan was quick to deny.

  29. Felhoelter became the first of several military chaplains to lose their lives in the Korean conflict.

  30. As hard-headed as her father, Florence came into conflict with him after returning from music college.

  31. The Boers and the local Tswana and Basotho chiefdoms were in near-constant conflict, mainly over land.

  32. The overarching conflict is an escalating battle between the Trade Federation and the people of Naboo.

  33. This conflict was recorded by Josephus, although he made no mention of the name of the Nabataean king.

  34. The Pope was initially neutral in the two kings’ conflict, enabling Henry to consolidate his position.

  35. The press made allegations that Clinton had engaged in a conflict of interest and disguised a bribery.

  36. Beavers sometimes come into conflict with humans over land use; the individual beavers being labeled a «nuisance beaver».

  37. The conflict formed part of the ongoing Austria–Prussia rivalry that would shape German politics for more than a century.

  38. This conflict (Spanish: la Cuestión del Estrecho) is a major chapter in the history of the Christian reconquest of Spain.

  39. Following this, Anilai became embroiled in an armed conflict with a son-in-law of Artabanus, who eventually defeated him.

  40. Within a polity, mid-ranking population centres would have played a key role in managing resources and internal conflict.

  41. Following the Texan ratification of annexation in 1845, both Mexicans and Americans saw conflict as a likely possibility.

  42. The Navy’s dockyards under First Lord of the Admiralty Charles Middleton were all fully fitted and prepared for conflict.

  43. Most of the chronicles carry some bias for or against Stephen, Robert of Gloucester or other key figures in the conflict.

  44. Austrian diplomats also persuaded Saxony to re-enter the conflict on Austria’s side, though in a strictly defensive role.

  45. Although sensitive to the needs of the members, Levy was more observant than his congregants, which also led to conflict.

  46. According to Armenia’s former president, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, by giving certain Karabakh territories to Azerbaijan, the Karabakh conflict would have been resolved in 1997.

  47. While some in Antony’s camp suggested abandoning the naval conflict to retreat inland, Cleopatra urged for a naval confrontation, to keep Octavian’s fleet away from Egypt.

  48. Controversy, heresy, and the Western Schism within the Catholic Church paralleled the interstate conflict, civil strife, and peasant revolts that occurred in the kingdoms.

  49. Brumm’s process for writing sometimes begins with making notes about his family’s experiences; including games his children play and the conflict that arises between them.

  50. Cathleen Falsani, religion writer in an opinion piece in The Washington Post, points to the conflict with basic Christian teachings «Jesus was born poor, and he died poor.

Synonyms for conflict

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word conflict has the following synonyms: , battle, fight, engagement, dispute, difference, difference of opinion, struggle, run afoul, infringe and contravene.

General information about «conflict» example sentences

The example sentences for the word conflict that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «conflict» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «conflict».

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The two countries are in the middle of a great conflict.«
(great, major)

«They are involved in a bitter conflict.«
(bitter, serious)

«The increasing conflict between family members is getting serious.«
(increasing, escalating)

«The constant conflict between the two players is not good for the team.«
(constant, continuous, ongoing, long-running, unresolved)

«She is involved in a domestic conflict.«
(domestic, family)

«We are trying to stop future conflicts.«
(future, potential)

«The groups are involved in a political conflict.«
(political, social, religious)

Used with verbs:

«Let’s try to avoid conflict.«
(avoid, prevent)

«She is very good at managing conflict.«
(managing, handling)

«Her decisions always lead to conflict.«
(lead to, create, cause)

«He wants to end the conflict.«
(end, resolve, settle, solve)

«When did the conflict occur?«
(occur, happen, begin, end)

Used with prepositions:

«It happened during the conflict.«

«They are involved in a conflict with the school.«

«This conflict is between you and me.«

«The conflict with him was painful.«

«There is conflict over who will get the dog in the divorce.«
(over, about)

Asked By: Colin Green Date: created: Apr 05 2022

What are some examples of conflict

Answered By: Brandon Rivera Date: created: Apr 05 2022

5 Workplace Conflict Examples – And How to Handle Them

  • An employee feels they have been the victim of sexual harassment or discrimination.
  • An employee has been accused of treating another person unfairly or with harassment.
  • Ineffective communication led to a mistake.
  • Different work styles or personalities are clashing.

Asked By: John Richardson Date: created: Nov 07 2022

Whats an example for conflict

Answered By: Martin Martin Date: created: Nov 09 2022

Examples of conflict include: 1. Hamlets conflict with his uncle, whom he believes killed his father to become king, and Hamlets internal conflict with his own emotions throughout the play.

Asked By: Graham Kelly Date: created: Feb 07 2023

What is conflict in a story examples

Answered By: Brian Diaz Date: created: Feb 08 2023

Man vs. Society conflict can take various forms, such as the protagonist opposing his or her societys expectations, the protagonist being accused of a crime the protagonist did not commit, the protagonist being in conflict with his or her government, and so on.

Asked By: Brian Thomas Date: created: Mar 12 2022

What is the verb of conflict

Answered By: Gerld Evans Date: created: Mar 14 2022

Definition of conflict (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. 1: to be different, opposed, or contradictory : to fail to be in agreement or accord His statement conflicts with the facts.

Asked By: Wallace Garcia Date: created: Jan 28 2022

Answered By: Jonathan James Date: created: Jan 28 2022

(10 A crash course in conflict resolution) (11) According to his theory, businesses serve as structures for resolving conflicts (12) Conflict is interrelated, and conflict resolution is concentrated.

Asked By: Ralph Lee Date: created: Nov 30 2022

What is the synonym of the word conflict mentioned in the paragraph

Answered By: Jeremiah Gonzales Date: created: Dec 02 2022

Conflict is often described by its synonyms, such as contention, discord, dissension, strife, and variance.

Asked By: Bryan Hall Date: created: May 31 2022

What is a conflicting

Answered By: Gilbert Alexander Date: created: Jun 03 2022

Incompatible conflicting theories are defined as being in conflict, collision, or opposition.

Asked By: Jose Watson Date: created: May 06 2022

Is confliction a word

Answered By: Douglas Martinez Date: created: May 07 2022

Conflict is defined as the act or state of conflicting or clashing; disagreement: Although different accounts differ as to the precise appearance of the mighty warrior, most concur that he towered above his fellow soldiers.

Asked By: Jack Thomas Date: created: Jan 09 2022

How do you use the word connotation in a sentence

Answered By: Justin Gonzalez Date: created: Jan 11 2022

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word connotation. Examples of connotation in a Sentence a word with negative connotations For many people, the word “fat” has negative connotations.

Asked By: Eric Cox Date: created: Feb 02 2022

How do you use purpose in a sentence

Answered By: Hayden Perry Date: created: Feb 05 2022

If you win or lose, let it be on purpose. That served another purpose when the conversation turned to the possibility of another child. His purpose for bringing her here was unclear.

Asked By: Alexander Hughes Date: created: Dec 30 2021

What is a good sentence for External

Answered By: Justin Young Date: created: Jan 02 2022

1. Internal causes make external factors more effective. 2. The lotion is only for external use.

Asked By: Austin Evans Date: created: Jan 27 2022

How do you use context in a sentence

Answered By: Douglas Coleman Date: created: Jan 27 2022

It is important to consider the political and cultural context in which the novel was written. (1) His decision can only be understood in context. (2) You must place these events in their historical context. (3) This statement must be understood in the context of the entire document. (4)

Asked By: Landon Gonzalez Date: created: Dec 12 2021

What are the causes of conflict

Answered By: Hayden Harris Date: created: Dec 12 2021

Broadly, there are five causes of conflict:

  • Information – Something was omitted, was unclear, or both.
  • Environment – The conflict is caused by something in the environment.
  • People lack the necessary skills to carry out their jobs.
  • Values: Conflict results when personal values diverge.

Asked By: Horace Jones Date: created: Jan 01 2023

What is a good sentence for conservation

Answered By: Adam Sanchez Date: created: Jan 01 2023

The conservation of water has been one of the serious concerns of the Arabs since ancient times. Newton had divined the principle of the conservation of energy, so far as it belongs solely to mechanics. The conservation policy saved the animals that were in danger.

Asked By: Cody Wilson Date: created: Apr 29 2022

How does conflict occur in the society

Answered By: Albert Harris Date: created: May 01 2022

When two or more people disagree with one another in social interactions and each uses social power in a reciprocal manner in an effort to achieve opposing goals while obstructing the other from achieving their own, social conflict results.

Asked By: Robert Cooper Date: created: Jul 19 2022

What is a sentence for falling action

Answered By: Stanley Collins Date: created: Jul 19 2022

Examples of Falling Action: After a fight between two friends over a boy (the climax), they decide to talk it out instead of fighting.

Asked By: Ethan Allen Date: created: Jan 02 2022

What is a conflict give one example

Answered By: Alfred Thompson Date: created: Jan 05 2022

Opposition between characters or forces in a work of drama or fiction, especially when motivating or influencing the action of the plot, is referred to as conflict. Conflict is defined as to clash with someone or something.

Asked By: Geoffrey Powell Date: created: Jun 22 2022

What are the 4 types of conflicts

Answered By: Curtis Mitchell Date: created: Jun 24 2022

Conflict with the self, the internal conflict a lead character experiences, is frequently the most potent. Conflict with the self, the opposing force created, the conflict within the story generally comes in four basic types: Conflict with the self, Conflict with Others, Conflict with the Environment, and Conflict with the Supernatural.

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Carl Alexander


Is 20 Minutes Walk A Day Enough?

Can too much walking be bad for you? If you are following exercise guidelines (30 minutes a day, five days a week), it’s unlikely that you will see any negative consequences.But excessive exercise (such as completing a marathon or ultra-endurance event) places a significant load on the heart that can result in temporary reductions in function.. How long should I walk to burn 500 calories? Brisk walking at a pace of 4 MPH for 90 minutes will burn 500 calories. When at work take just 20 minutes during lunch to briskly walk around outside while running errands or catching up on your phone calls; you’ll not only burn 81 calories with each 10 minute task, but you’ll also benefit from the fresh air. Is it better to walk faster or longer? Researchers found that obese people who walk at a slower pace burn more calories than when they walk at…

Charles Carter


Harvest Bellagio Las Vegas

Does Bellagio have a food court? There is no food court at the Bellagio.. Can you wear jeans to a casino? When it comes to in-casino features like restaurants, the dress code is more strict: no jeans and no sneakers. If you stick with that dress code rule on the casino floor too, you will receive better service and fit in more easily. What are the worst hotels in Las Vegas? The 10 Worst Hotels In Las VegasFlamingo Hotel & Casino. … Excalibur Hotel & Casino. … On The Vegas Boulevard Hotel. … Circus Circus Hotel & Casino. … Stratosphere Hotel, Casino & Tower. … Tropicana Las Vegas. … Luxor. The Luxor is in serious need of a re-vamp. … Palms Casino Resort. Palms has been described as the worst hotel in Las Vegas by TripAdvisor reviewers.More items…•Oct 1, 2019 How much is the dinner buffet at Bellagio? Feature(s) &…

Hayden Rogers


Quick Answer: How To Lose Post Pregnancy Belly Fat

How long does it take for your stomach to deflate after giving birth? However, it takes most women six to eight weeks for their stomach to shrink back down to normal size after giving birth, reports Hello Giggles.That’s because not only does her tummy grow during pregnancy, but her uterus expands as well.. How can I reduce my tummy after delivery at home? Eat frequently Plan meals each day that feature natural, rather than processed foods. Eat between 1,800 to 2,200 calories a day if you are breast-feeding to ensure your infant has adequate nutrition. The secret is to eat small meals frequently. How can I reduce my waist without exercise? How to Lose Belly Fat Without ExerciseGet Sufficient Sleep. In a 2016 study, researchers at King’s College London discovered a link between sleep deprivation and consuming extra calories. … Stay Hydrated. Drinking water helps to prevent you from eating…

Kevin Bell


How Do I Know If I’M Doing HIIT Right?

How does HIIT burn fat all day? In the same study, HIIT was also found to shift the body’s metabolism toward using fat for energy rather than carbs.Another study showed that just two minutes of HIIT in the form of sprints increased metabolism over 24 hours as much as 30 minutes of running ( 14 ).. Is 10 minutes HIIT a day enough? You need to be doing some form of HIIT workout which alternates between high intensity and rest, eg. … If you are new to exercise, or generally unfit, then 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference to your stamina and general health and fitness. Is it OK to do HIIT at night? High-intensity interval exercise is known for a whole host of health benefits, but conventional wisdom has held that if you perform it too close to bedtime, it may mess with your sleep. Now,…

Gavin Foster


Hiit Without Equipment

What is HIIT equipment? High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a fast and effective way to burn fat and gain lean muscle mass.Body-Solid’s line of HIIT Training Equipment is designed to maximize your workouts and give you the most effective training time in the gym, at home, or anywhere you want to shred those extra pounds.. Is 15 minutes of HIIT enough to lose weight? While those short, intense routines definitely have their place in a weekly workout plan, we don’t believe it’s fair to mislead people, or to set them up for failure & an imbalanced training style, by saying that less than fifteen minutes is going to lead you to a healthy, lean body. Is 20 minutes walk a day enough? Two long-term Harvard studies found that simply walking 20 minutes a day may reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 30 percent. Set a…

Juan Williams


What Foods Burn Abdominal Fat?

What are good belly fat burning foods? Foods that fight belly fatBananas.Filled with potassium and magnesium, bananas curb bloating that is caused by salty processed foods….Citrus fruits.Similarly, the potassium in citrus helps combat bloating and the antioxidants fight inflammation, which is associated with belly-fat storage….Oats….Pulses….Eggs….Nuts.Oct 9, 2017. Does drinking water help you lose weight? Water can be really helpful for weight loss. It is 100% calorie-free, helps you burn more calories and may even suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. The benefits are even greater when you replace sugary beverages with water. Does apple cider vinegar burn belly fat? According to this study, adding 1 or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your diet can help you lose weight. It can also reduce your body fat percentage, make you lose belly fat and decrease your blood triglycerides. This is one of a few human studies that have investigated…

Albert Murphy


What Is The Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat?

Is walking better than running? Walking can provide a lot of the same benefits of running.But running burns nearly double the number of calories as walking….If your goal is to lose weight, running is a better choice than walking.If you’re new to exercise or aren’t able to run, walking can still help you get in shape.. What are the 5 foods that cause belly fat? Here are 12 things that make you gain belly fat.Sugary Foods and Beverages. Many people take in more sugar every day than they realize. … Alcohol. Alcohol can have both healthful and harmful effects. … Trans Fats. … Inactivity. … Low-Protein Diets. … Menopause. … The Wrong Gut Bacteria. … Fruit Juice.More items…•May 16, 2016 What can I drink to burn belly fat? The 8 Best Weight Loss DrinksGreen Tea. Share on Pinterest. … Coffee. Coffee is used by people around the world to boost…

Dominic Adams


Quick Answer: Hiit Epoc

Is one HIIT workout a day enough? According to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, one 23-minute HIIT session per week can boost aerobic capacity, lower blood pressure, and lower body fat…and one session is nearly as effective as doing three 23-minute sessions per week.. Is Hiit better than walking? Obviously, if you walk for 30 minutes, it’s not going to burn as many calories as 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). … What is a good EPOC? “If you do a moderate to hard workout, you’re going to have an EPOC effect of maybe two to 10 hours. But it’s not significant—it might be anywhere from 150 to 200 calories in the course of that time, which is only about 20 calories an hour, maximum,” McCall says. How does HIIT training effect EPOC? Research has shown that the more intense your workout, the…

Jeremiah Brooks


Quick Answer: How To Lose Belly Fat From Pregnancy

How does your stomach feel when your pregnant first month? Some women experience feelings inside their stomachs in the early stages of pregnancy that replicate the sensation of their muscles being pulled and stretched.Sometimes referred to as ‘abdominal twinges’, these tingles are nothing to worry about.. What is the lower belly pooch called? panniculusPregnancy or significant weight fluctuations can create a pocket of skin and fat in the lower abdomen. This paunch is known as the panniculus, and its appearance can become more pronounced with age. Why does my stomach stick out after pregnancy? What causes diastasis recti? Your abdominal muscles normally meet in the middle of your abdomen. When you’re pregnant, hormonal changes allow the connective tissue to thin and stretch so your belly can expand. As a result, your growing uterus causes your abdominal muscles to separate and move aside. What are some unusual signs of early pregnancy?…

Gabriel Morgan


Quick Answer: How To Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy Fast

How do I tighten my stomach after having a baby? Here are some things you can do to help firm up loose skin.Develop a cardio routine.Cardio exercise can help burn fat and tone your muscles….Eat healthy fats and proteins….Try regular strength training….Drink water….Massage with oils….Try skin-firming products….Hit the spa for a skin wrap.. Does having a baby age your face? Some studies report that pregnancy and childbirth dramatically accelerate aging in women at the cellular level. Other research, though, suggests that motherhood and pregnancy may slow down the aging process. How can I make my face slimmer? Here are 8 effective methods to help you lose fat in your face.Do facial exercises. … Add cardio to your routine. … Drink more water. … Limit alcohol consumption. … Cut back on refined carbs. … Switch up your sleep schedule. … Watch your sodium intake. … Eat more fiber. What causes weight…

Jordan Lewis


Quick Answer: Hiit Meal Plan

How long should you wait to eat after HIIT? You should look to refuel your body no later than 60 to 90 minutes after your HIIT workout.This provides your muscles with what they need to replenish their glycogen stores adequately.So, if 2019 is the year that you give HIIT a try, make sure that you’re also choosing the right nutrients after your workout.. How many calories does 30 minutes of HIIT burn? Some studies show that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can burn as much as 450 calories per 30 minutes. HIIT is activity that’s done at a very high level or strength, for brief bouts of time, then followed by a period of rest or easy recovery. The intense part can last from 15 seconds to a few minutes. Is 20 minutes of HIIT enough? But with HIIT, you need to do the exact opposite. Your workout is already super-short,…

Andrew Barnes


Question: Hiit Drills

What are some good HIIT exercises? Best HIIT WorkoutsPush-ups.Sit-ups.Lunges.Crunches.Jumping jacks.High knees.Cable chops.Squat.More items…•Aug 7, 2020. Does HIIT burn belly fat? Because HIIT training can increase the rate at which your body burns calories, it is an excellent training method to burn overall body fat, including belly fat. One study showed that people performing HIIT three times a week for 20 minutes lost an average of 4.4 pounds in 12 weeks without any dietary changes. Is it bad to do HIIT everyday? HIIT is the perfect way to condense the benefits of activity into 30 minutes or less. But when it comes to an intense exercise like HIIT, doing it every day, or for periods longer than 30 minutes can put you at risk for injury, overtraining, mental burnout, and prevent muscle recovery. Does Hiit make you gain weight? All types of workouts, HIIT included, will make you gain muscle. If…

Evan Long


Quick Answer: Hiit Benefits

Does HIIT burn belly fat? Because HIIT training can increase the rate at which your body burns calories, it is an excellent training method to burn overall body fat, including belly fat.One study showed that people performing HIIT three times a week for 20 minutes lost an average of 4.4 pounds in 12 weeks without any dietary changes.. How long before you see results from HIIT? HIIT Weight Loss Program Results A review of interval training programs found that many trainers used a high-intensity interval training program on their clients for two to 16 weeks to see fat loss and an increase in lean muscle mass. Does Hiit lose weight? One of the many reasons why HIIT workouts are so popular is because they’re extremely effective for weight loss. When trying to lose weight, you want to burn fat and build lean muscle to continue to burn more fat. HIIT…

· If the conflict is escalating, remove yourself from the situation until you can face it calmly and appropriately

Our mental and emotional states conflict

One way or the other there would be a conflict this morning

Flesh and spirit are in conflict with one another

My mind was not renewed, my flesh was in conflict with the spirit

Allowing for the unknowable and the agnostic, tolerating the conflict between

Genetics was considered the blackest of the black arts and it had been at the heart of the generations of conflict between Talstan and China

He thought once again of the stages of evolution, this stage is marked by conflict between the urge to be an individual and the urge to be part of a greater organism

Harry Cozen is in command and this is his greatest gambit, but alien propaganda threatens to reveal the war’s greatest secret on the very day the broadest and bloodiest battle of the conflict unfolds

The latest conflict between the current city-states of that region [Alcazar, Corsair] have put the area on high-alert status

to conflict or fear

‘Do you have the signs of the zodiac here?’ I asked, unsure of whether astrology would conflict with his faith

These are always in direct conflict with the more conservatives

these types of thinkers together, you would have a stew of conflict in the realms of money

of the heart, no conflict within

us, but a greater hope you have no inner conflict with us before doing so

She did feel some remorse and conflict at hoping against hope there’d be a cancellation that would give her sooner access, but she rose above it

“It’s shit on the table now,” she said, not forgiving him, but not wanting conflict since she wanted his cooperation on the boat sheet issue

The boy can rot for all he cares, which is a symptom of the conflict that he feels inside

their eyes on the conflict raging on the opposite shore

kind of military conflict in Europe was inevitable

hostility and conflict between the French and Italian

That was most near the root of his conflict, he was also determined to stay in his kitchens where he was the chef and lord of his domain

sign of conflict or coolness there, either

When their needs came in conflict, the wars began

fertile as any they had seen, but years of conflict and wars

of the conflict, falling regularly and suffering the most

conflict of war behind

Some of them even blamed the conflict between the Royal

In this dream, I also saw the conflict between those who were

there is a conflict in us

and these things conflict with the plan of God to go out into the

began to encounter stark reminders of the conflict and

aggravation of the conflict between Muslims and

The more complex answer is twofold: A) Your inner and partly unconscious desires are often at conflict with some of the goals you are aiming at

Isn’t life a perpetual conflict, anyway? (Those appalled by my views on life should revisit the preceding pages of this book)

a one if it would conflict with their theology

To dream that you have an opponent signifies an aspect of yourself in which you are in conflict with

The dream may point to some love triangle or some relationship conflict

To dream that you are shadow boxing indicates an internal conflict

To see twins fighting in your dream represent a conflict between the opposites of your psyche

conflict and being stuck freeze toward Presence where there are no pathways

I have tried to cover some of the words that may confuse or have conflict with interpretations problems

Hence the Imperial always spoke of the conflict with an especially acute pain that many knew —

Both of them quietly acknowledged that even one life lost in this conflict was one too many, and now with all of these bloody weeks gone by, there could be no truly happy ending

Also, you’ll have long ago forgotten the details of the products you are promoting amid such a lengthy sequence, and you could easily find that they actually conflict with offers and promotions you make in your Broadcast emails

Markus: I am a loyal employee, and I believe that it is in the best of both of our interests to have this conflict resolved

Hating war creates conflict

be in conflict with that real — but hidden — game plan

Most people are, in some way, in conflict with the

A Priest might invoke enough to Heal two or three, but after such a conflict as had just occurred, the power of the Serrenites would be spread too thin

as The Great Goat Caper, and it involved the stuff that great novels were made of: Drama, treachery, intrigue, and conflict

Unless it viewed a human order to be in direct conflict with its primary directive of protecting the ship and its human cargo from any threat, it could not actually refuse an order from the command crew

He hadn’t left the base without the expectation of trouble, or even conflict

Theistic evolution supporters can be seen as one of the groups who reject the conflict thesis, regarding the relationship between religion and science — that is, they hold that religious teachings about creation and scientific theories of evolution need not contradict

blood when a dog locks its jaw in prey, so there’s no conflict between the biting and the breathing

conflict with the First Law

long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws

Temple of Solomon and is the core of the conflict between Muslim

“What is this terrible conflict we have in our leaders Nim?

and their conflict with the Palestinians

vengeance or punishment to anyone on either side of the conflict in order to instill a sense of respect for both North and South, and avoid hate and further bloodshed

The birds were singing in the sky and no one would have thought that there was any kind of conflict going on round here

was no written document signed by both sides of the conflict to

I do believe that in his latest novel, „The Dead Town,» Dean Koontz had it just about right when he had one of his seedier characters declare: „We think different from what a bunch of pencil neck Ivy League professors of conflict resolution think

He was loath about lecturing them on Genesis as he feared those passages would conflict with the histories of Kismeria in too many ways to even consider

The submersible was a relic from the China-Russian conflict forty-seven years previously

He imagined how the endgame would be described in his memoirs (assuming he lived long enough): his reluctance to accede to the final act of destruction, the conflict within his own mind

The man wearing a light short-sleeved shirt, but sweating profusely in the intense heat of early evening, said: ‘In spite of the militant stance of the Saudi leader the majority of public opinion appears to be against this conflict escalating into war

There were just too many small differences regarding ‘what if’ scenarios, the defensive strategies if the conflict spread

And I suppose I need someone at least partially rational to explain to me how property rights can be in conflict with civil rights

Military strategists, when describing the most pivotal stage of a conflict, often used the term tipping-point

The existence of nuclear weapons had for over a century not been a part of any conflict, and then only ever used as miniature targeting devices

So it appears the next stage in this conflict has been reached, and we no doubt can expect further pronouncements of condemnation from Western leaders

Adem’s expression was also focused, though Wil’s sense of him through the kigare was that he was in conflict with Carl’s ideas

She knew she could never stand up to her, could do nothing to hurt her, and would be crushed in the blink of an eye if they were ever to meet in conflict

The potential resource for knowledge and, more worryingly, conflicting beliefs and ideas may send an AI or EI (Evolutionary Intelligence) into its own state of mental conflict

He initially justified the release as protection in disruptions in supply caused by the current conflict in Libya

Civil conflict ensued, considered to result from disputed rights over land ownership between ideologically opposed factions

I also need to run this by an existing client of mine for any conflict of interest

For her the lines of conflict had long ago been drawn, but for him they had blurred with time

The Madra had been in conflict with the race of people on a set of Islands off of the coast

Given your history of conflict, it seems they were saved from an increasingly unstable – and overcrowded – world

The brave Baquero was killed, vainly attempting to rally his men; and as the leading files of the almost exhausted Americans clambered over the ridge, and prepared for the crash of hand-to-hand conflict, a straggly line of pale blue rose against the sky, as the Spaniards sprang up from their trenches, evacuated their fort, and fled precipitately into the intervening valley before Santiago

In an out and out conflict, no country in Southern Africa could even begin to compete military wise with Apartheid South Africa

The conflict which was up to then very much like flying columns seen in the Second World War and later by mercenary Colonel Mike Hoare in the Kongo (DRC today, Zaire before that) now had the serious risk of becoming conventional

Reason as a means of resolving conflict

Immigration Reform is unlikely to occur anytime soon for the (very) simple reason that such measures designed to quiet the tides of illegal immigration must necessarily conflict with the efforts of corporate lobbyists and their political minions in conjunction with private enterprises that have come to rely heavily on cheaper sources of labor to operate their businesses and who have repeatedly demonstrated their calloused indifference to rules of law and native born working men and women and are willing to operate outside the law if that‘s what it takes, at the expense of Native Americans for the ―benefit‖ of Illegal Aliens who are ―here‖ to collect a paycheck if nothing else, who routinely flaunt our nation‘s laws while abetting an underground economy injurious to open markets

matters of state conflict

Many shot the terrorist’s Soviet made T55 tanks out during the conflict in Angola

An elected official, however ―duty‖ bound to promote the interests of his or her constituents, is equally bound, if not more so, to serve the interests of the nation in whatever manner such commitments might (otherwise) conflict with (narrower) parochial interests or concerns

This system of government was unworkable, however, for a variety of reasons, not least of which was the federal government‘s inability to promote a national agenda, or any meaningful legislation for that matter, which might otherwise conflict with local interests

The sheer scale of the conflict in the Eastern Front was so far beyond anything we experienced that it is not comparable in any way shape or form

Unlike the adults I also knew the West would probably for reasons I did not understand save us if it came to open conflict

As a military conflict it was insignificant with very low casualties despite the recent claims of hundreds of thousands dead which is plain silly and proved wrong afterwards

As with all conflict the two sides have widely different views on each other with the colonials considering the insurrection to be nothing short of tribal barbarism and an attack on whites because they were white

They treated all terrorism as a crime scene which was also brilliant for it made it then possible to gain an understanding how the conflict developed by matching the bullets expended by the terrorists to the attacks

Topher recalled feeling conflicted

confused them and they became conflicted about what they should do

Well… this was a ridiculous idea, he thought to himself; his emotions were conflicted

that Ranger felt conflicted in his relationship with

The roars of laughter from the older men at his absurdly conflicted expressions rang out suddenly over the lake and echoed through the woods

When Jameson got wind of the tentative notion, he was conflicted

Without the seductions of a conflicted ego, reality lacks the incentive to transform itself into illusion

you will be conflicted

He nodded, and the flicker of compassion in his face made me even more conflicted

Very kind, but conflicted, his heart, I don’t know

He gives me a conflicted look and touches his lips to my forehead, right between my eyebrows

I stare into his dark, conflicted eyes for an instant before he punches me in the jaw

“I think my conflicted emotions confused the simulation,” he says

Decades before, when Ganesh had to perform this very task, he had been conflicted by the very same emotions he was reliving today

It conflicted somewhat with what I learned going to church

I feel so conflicted

She felt fatigued and conflicted for having wasted so many years in school

Her emotions are conflicted

with conflicted emotions—joy and embarrassment

Was her mind conflicted over something or was she just trying to change the subject from where it had strayed? Perhaps both

The Major hesitated for a moment, looking conflicted

conflicted with religion was physically dangerous,

findings even when they conflicted with the Bible

This clearly conflicted with Genesis, but religion

accepted though it conflicted with the biblical

The show of respect conflicted with the annoyance in his voice

which conflicted with Genesis, was a plant of “godless

I felt so conflicted

«Well, that is a complication and I understand how you will be conflicted

“You’re conflicted,” he said after a moment

Dayne didn’t seem conflicted at all

Equally naturally, being in lust I dismissed any of my ideas that conflicted with his and made further plans for his seduction

E nodded, but a conflicted feeling flooded over him

physically based and less evaluative, less complex and less conflicted

All your friends are deeply conflicted young Amanda, and in time you shall see this for yourself

There is nothing wrong with my friends, it is you that is conflicted

Elise Jones was conflicted

“Wendy, you are deep, conflicted and complex

She is conflicted between doing what she knows is the right thing to do and being loyal to her father and sister

Her emotions about him were entirely too conflicted to deal with right now

BCG looks conflicted and so does the doctor

I am conflicted

Simon watched, conflicted as to how he felt or what to do

Churchill was silent for a long moment, obviously conflicted by the price England would have to pay for such a quick victory in this war

Seeing this replay made me feel accomplished, but conflicted: I seemed to be able to comprehend the incomprehensible, but I sucked at altering my own behavior

He had already had a long discussion with her on that subject four days ago and understood why she was loath on depending much on the British and the Americans: both countries had their own agendas that partly conflicted with her long-term goals and both had serious disagreements with her, be it about racism for the Americans or about imperial attitude in the case of the British

Faye, on the other hand, was a sweet, innocent young woman trapped in a marriage with this Romeo but whose mean streak was cleverly concealed by her Southern-belle demeanour; though this conflicted with Elizabeth Bascomb’s vivid depiction of the charming, granddaughter-like figure, Feltus realized that Lady Ashburn was somewhat more clever in her observations and interaction with the suspect

Conflicted was the name of the game and I tried rationalizing that I would never see Elizabeth again

I can tell you are conflicted,» I said in the calmest, most neutral voice I could muster

He was conflicted in the situation

She felt conflicted at first with the idea of having eventually to eliminate the Americans, but her faith and loyalty to her country quickly won over her doubts

Korean Peninsula, to Japan as well, but that conflicted with Russia’s interests in Manchuria

He foresaw a communist world, and his desire for Soviet control of a unified Germany that he could essentially enslave for war reparations conflicted with the French, British and American design for a prosperous Germany that didn’t feel oppressed and frustrated, and was thereby less prone to lash out again

She finally returned to the hiding storage compartment, her mind still conflicted but resigned to do what had to be done

pull, we’re conflicted about following it

Still, he felt conflicted

Niki looked up to him, wanting to understand, but she was conflicted by the emotions she was feeling, unable to separate Garcia’s dissatisfaction with the paper from a perceived dissatisfaction with her

“Umm? Oh! No, no, I’m fine,” Garcia said, trying not to sound conflicted

And trying to provoke a highly sexed, but psychologically conflicted billionaire into fucking her within an inch of her life

Of course you were conflicted

The conflicted child

«In the meanwhile, I have a patient whom I’d like to refer to you if it’s possible—a young man who recently lost his little infant daughter and who is very depressed and spiritually conflicted

Not wanting to leave, but wanting to see my friend Ignatius again so as to share my adventures with my wise and wonderful soul-brother, I walked to the path leading through the woods in a somewhat conflicted state of mind

She had entered into all of this today with her entire heart, conflicted as her theology and feelings were

The muscles in his jaw clenched shut, and as he offered a conflicted look, his breathing shallowed

But I also realised that Wayne was a conflicted man

Number of jobs sit in the middle of conflicted decisions

Whatever the Totem was, it was the only thing that could make her feel conflicted feelings of safety and danger at the same time

Her desire to be friends conflicted with her need to let

For it conflicted totally with the joyful situation they had experienced just a few hours earlier over lunch

He felt conflicted about having Danny, he supposed, burdened with his

” To have everyone believe I was Bethanie made my soul churn in conflicted emotions

Maggie exited the office, her expression a conflicted state of giddy remorse

Although he couldn’t bring himself to respond to my concerns, I could see it in his eyes that he felt conflicted on the whole

“You were happy to cut him out of that monster nugget,” said Johnny to Mary’s conflicted countenance

Now I understood why I kept having conflicted feelings about it, and the sudden calmness I’d felt after wanting to panic and leave

I was also still conflicted on this sudden relationship that had been sprung on me

I suspected he’d be conflicted

Their parents scoffed at this idea, saying it was just a phase, while their teachers merely considered them as doing nothing more than playing games to further express their conflicted gender identities

Alaric had been so conflicted that he accidentally lashed out at her

I was definitely feeling conflicted about everything

Though I had been conflicted about touching women in the Quiet, I decide that this is different

The hurt, misery anguish, and lust for revenge had been building up like a pressure cooker and now with his thoughts conflicted, the only release valve was laughter

Civilization is structured so that its human inhabitants have no choice but to exist in a state of conflicted interests

It is only by living as a whole person with a whole sense of Pure Wonder without splitting it up into conflicted segments that people can develop their own humanity

When she looked back up at Cayden, she noticed he was looking down at the floor with a conflicted look on his face, it almost seemed as if he was debating something in his head

She opened her mouth to explain her confused and conflicted feelings, but Kristen was already pulling her out into the hall where all the girls were now sleeping

detecting it, genuine concerns for the boy’s well-being conflicted with the prospect that

With a cry she threw herself at His feet in joy that she was not rejected, but conflicted of spirit because she of all was the most unworthy of the mercy being offered to her

I was still very conflicted about the whole situation with him

Conflicted, he asked, “But what about this code? What about—”

“I felt confused, conflicted and regretful,” he told me in 2015

There has been a lot of conflicting information that I have the active thyroid hormone

A type 3 can act worse than a type 1, it all depends on who does or doesn’t get help or meds or whose personality elevates or depreciates the event with conflicting factors

If the body gives a conflicting response such as telling

Doctor Jasari is torn between two conflicting emotions and it is all that he can do to ask a civl question

jumble of conflicting emotions as he stumbled into the

Now we have two conflicting interests coming to us on this case, that in itself is not terribly unusual

With conflicting feelings whirling in his head, he stuck the

Jean’s head was a whirl of conflicting thoughts as he went

Everyone wants a healthier diet, but with all of the conflicting nutrition information in the media it is hard to determine what type of diet is healthy

It is also possibly conflicting with the ultimate goal of your life

My desires are obviously conflicting and this prevents me from fully benefiting from everything I could get from PPW

In fact, they were at odds and there was a strong animosity between them—not necessarily due to their conflicting personalities, but rather it was a consequence of their natural, symbiotic relationship that converted one into the hunter and the other, the hunted

Little did anyone know how much conflicting emotion surged through him

These people are usually the same ones who have trouble understanding the conflicting personalities/level of wisdom of their children

The conflicting nature of these two voices would often lead us to questions similar to the following:

Thus, the journey in life is a one that speaks of self-mastery, which involves making decisions within an environment of conflicting emotions and desires

Obviously, you cannot have conflicting goals in life or

It is easy to understand that to have conflicting goals will

Had she betrayed Khan because he was becoming dull? Did she just want a new person to manipulate? Khan had kept her out of the ring, so would she use Raven to do the same? His mind was in pieces, and conflicting ideas jostled for space in his thoughts

The potential resource for knowledge and, more worryingly, conflicting beliefs and ideas may send an AI or EI (Evolutionary Intelligence) into its own state of mental conflict

Raven was fighting his emotions, conflicting desires and fears clawing at him

constant now, and not the conflicting whirlpool that had played around him moments earlier

General Wheeler assumed command on shore, and conflicting orders resulted

Although international treaties and alliances are of vital importance to the security of any nation, they must neither compromise a nation‘s sovereignty nor permit conflicting (national) interests to undermine that nation‘s purposeful designs unless intended to promote harm to other (peaceful) nations

Discordant (human) emotions are oftentimes the result of conflicting designs that drive an individual to distraction or despair; individuals who have lost sight of themselves; that is to say, of their intended purpose, that render their lives uncertain or without meaning

Conflicting viewpoints and differences of opinion are perennial rites of passages that typically define traditional parental/child relationships

This defective reasoning, of course, does not admit a (conflicting) Higher Moral Authority that otherwise ―informs‖ a society whose members have (supposedly) been reduced to the lowest common denominator; material beings or high grade machines lacking moral and spiritual substance; guided solely by pre-determined dynamics subject to their (own) unitary laws

The belief in a Divine Being must necessarily engender conflicting loyalties between God and the self-appointed guardians of Historical Determinism whose (moral) authority must go unchallenged

standardized working environments? When measured in constant dollars, is he or she properly convinced that the average worker employed in comparable positions is relatively worse off today? It seems that the (fictitious) contempt for Wal-Mart and to a lesser extent, their competitors who are being given a free pass for not performing quite as well, perhaps, has less to do with the negative impact on traditional (small) businesses and changing landscapes than their (Democrats‘) obligatory pandering to their union base whose conflicting interests, properly understood, need not be elaborated here

Delnagro‘s troubling column (―Anthem gets attention‖) questioning why players and fans attending professional sporting events should be required to stand during the playing of our National Anthem, despite conflicting ideological viewpoints, instead of being allowed to ―sit it out in peace‖, if that is their desire, underscores a disturbing tendency among a number of Americans who routinely take peace for granted

There are conflicting reports of who fired the first shot, ATF agents or cult members

Additionally, there was conflicting evidence regarding Gene Frazer: his maid and several others verified that he packed and left several days before the murder for what he said was a trip to the US, but he was not listed as a passenger on bus, plane or ship, nor did immigration record his departure

Could it be that we’d come into conflicting currents caused by

The day came when Gareth’s head was spinning with conflicting advice

The conflicting land-use needs of nomadic peoples—followers of wild, then gradually domesticated, herds—and members of more settled communities have created a friction between them that has had a long tradition

He of the lowest underclass, but whom she owed her very life to, stirred conflicting feelings within her

Ignoring the conflicting thoughts and messages which tumbled in his mind he let the emotion of fear expand, experiencing it fully, but not becoming part of it

These range from basic instinctive and learned reactions…all the way up to self-conscious thinking and reflection…In the middle are the processes of deliberative and reflective thinking…which mediate between the conflicting goals of the top and bottom levels

“We are getting a lot of conflicting

Elena: The last time I was here there was an issue conflicting me, but when I found the answer I was looking for, the door to the exit of the labyrinth opened for me

two witnesses gave conflicting evidence, so invalidating all the other witnesses, which

something as stupid as conflicting point of

are recognized as conflicting objects

conflicting information coming in (and causing me to feel naïve and

Levinson went on to point out that these conflicting emotions cause a father to behave in an unpredictable and contradictory manner, leading those close to him to think that while on the one hand he wants the business to succeed, on the other, he is determined to make it fail

on what is good for us accounts for not only conflicting advice, but

Because of conflicting statements from them, I started to suspect something,” David continued

The harassment came from long hours trying to make sense of, and respond to, conflicting and unprofessional orders from Washington; the fear came from knowing the results were not right and never would be, and the consequences to both conscience and career were not pleasant to contemplate

Because I believed the welfare of humanity might depend on their continued relationship, I encouraged and supported it in spite of my conflicting feelings

conflicting beliefs into the works, the last thing they wanted to

struck by conflicting emotions

2 The socialists (euphemistically called ‘liberals’) show no tolerance for any societal ideas of conflicting experience or viewpoints, and they are totally unwilling to listen to or try to comprehend any other opinion or belief

“I’ve been having conflicting opinions on the matter,” Hal said,

Often, people within the company have conflicting

«Oh, just drive around,» Waitress declared after much conflicting advice, «there ain’t a dozen streets in the whole town

Christianity, Islam and Judaism) faith is emphasised in the face of conflicting information which nullifies ‘useful’ information

A J Deikman notes that one of the phenomena common to all subjects is what appears to be the ‘simultaneity of conflicting perceptions’ during advanced meditation states

Bohr’s complementarity principle is not mathematically derived from quantum theory — it was invoked on an intuitive basis to explain the conflicting theories which arose from experimental results

As Science moves into an appositional phase — where conflicting and complementary internally self-consistent ‘linear theories’ are accepted (as in the case of the particle-wave duality in quantum physics), we will see a closer matching between scientific and mystical models of reality

This construct creates numerous behaviors represented by the conflicting principles of different affinities to certain values

He walked to the bus stop with conflicting thoughts about the whole arrangement

The nominees were not representing the majority of ordinary folks but some special and very narrow interest groups with conflicting ideology

By this betrayal the entire human race is paying as Leonardo now considered them inferior beings, unable to control their emotions, conflicting and consequently destructive

aroused such conflicting feelings he did not have the inclination to

“The conflicting energies within the Dharmic Equilibrium have reached a state of critical mass

can be nothing but conflict between them, like oil and water, fire and ice, conflicting objectives from the outset

And the hiding of conflicting religious information below the Vatican

There are thought to be many other factors that could lead to the onset of Alzheimer’s, but additional research is needed due to there being a lot of conflicting evidence

of yourself as being rich, conflicting thoughts from the vague quarters of your

She discerned the shades of guruji’s conflicting interests present in the predicament of her own father

Try to use a scent-free fabric softener, as you don’t want to start developing conflicting

6 And thus did Jesus make plain to the twelve the painful and conflicting path which they must tread if they would follow him

He scowled, his sensations a tangle of conflicting emotions

These conflicting emotions may possibly explain why he groaned as they came near the tomb

12 When Martha and Mary heard this command of Jesus directing that the stone in front of the tomb be rolled away, they were filled with conflicting emotions

Conflicting legends sought to explain the reason for that race’s eventual downfall, and the abandonment of the city by the survivors

As the procession moved down Olivet toward Jerusalem, more especially when they were met by the thousands of pilgrims who poured forth to welcome the Master, James was cruelly torn by his conflicting emotions of elation and gratification at what he saw and by his profound feeling of fear as to what would happen when they reached the temple

are located in her and not in conflicting demands or meanings

Always remember that dogs can have a hard time in distinguishing two commands, especially if they are conflicting

Your dog would have a hard time telling which person to follow, if two people would give him conflicting commands at a time

Stories were conflicting, but this much Conan learned: that a lean, wiry Zingaran with the dangerous black eyes and mustaches of the western folk was somewhere on the road ahead of him, and apparently making for Messantia

It was a farce, a scam, leaving a paper trail of conflicting goals and achievements where few existed

His faith was so real and all-encompassing that it absolutely swept away any spiritual doubts and effectively destroyed every conflicting desire

This does not embrace those unfortunate souls who possess conflicting ideologies, but the repulsive creatures who use the service for financial gains

They also conspire to hatch up counter postulates and float conflicting and diverting ideas

only loose end seemed to be a number of conflicting statements regarding the part

Each witness gave a conflicting story

about really about conflicting perceptions, interpretations, and values

Conflicting emotions pulled at me in all directions

Inward, she felt a barrage of conflicting feelings

Sometimes, stories are conflicting with each other

points out that by reflecting on the conflicting aspects, it is often

He was preceded by conflicting rumors, supposed to be in the most distant places at the same time, and even General Moncada did not believe in his return until it was officially an-nounced that he had seized two states on the coast

But the conflicting thought was that since there had been quite a few winners so far, this theory seemed far-fetched

Then in the 1960s, American society went through a cultural revolution and split into many cultures with conflicting morals

These paradoxes allow these seemingly conflicting dualities to have 120

Success can never be achieved by having conflicting rules

Professional services of trained counselors may also be made available free of cost to senior citizens who are in the grip of anxiety, depression, grief arising out of bereavement and conflicts due to problematic relationships with family members

The joint family conflicts are usually due to intolerance and comparison with each other

elders realizing the conflicts that do exist among the brethren

the major conflicts take place in the use of money through their everyday lives

You were both fervent, dedicated people — you had to be — but, as he grew older I think his conflicts began to take their toll and so his heart grew weaker until, in that dressing room, in that final moment, it gave out and without warning his struggles were over

The person receiving the word is left confused as to why this conflicts with what God has shown them

interpreted rightly and in context, conflicts with the conclusions of

He spoke with the weight and wretchedness of veterans of storied conflicts from decades past

Faith is acceptance of what you know even though it conflicts with your logical mind set

Then imagine friction arising from emotions or interpersonal conflicts that use up that energy

Wars, conflicts, pollution are chief effects of this imbalance in attitude

How is the universe any worse off for that? He now had access of every recorded event in human history; much of it – the scientific and technological achievements, conflicts – was driven by a false belief in the greater good

If there were conflicts he didn’t get to know about them

In Somalia, for example, humanitarian efforts spearheaded by the United Nations (UN) to provide famine relief to that starving country has resulted in inter-clan conflicts among tribal warlords who perceive such intervention (nation-building) as a threat to their territorial sovereignty

An even stickier proposition may surface whenever conflicts arise between the peculiar aspects of Justice and private designs or what is properly referred to by many as Conscience, that oftentimes bows to its ―own‖ Truth

(―What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul‖?) Once again, these (internal) conflicts should give pause to whether or not that individual should otherwise tender his or her resignation

What I find truly remarkable about the servile mindset of politically correct attitudes (which appear to have taken on a life of their own) are the (internal) conflicts that (must) oftentimes arise whenever artificial expressions of a questionable sort inevitably collide with the thoughtful judgments of individuals who, in their private moments, (would) otherwise know better than to acquiesce to affected manners

What: The Cold War, a mix of declared and undeclared, official and unofficial wars and conflicts that lasted 40 years

Left out are conflicts which were largely anti-colonial struggles or between nations which, though partly proxy wars, had primarily other causes

It also does not explain much about later conflicts in the Cold War, as the second theory does

Intra-Societal conflicts must inevitably produce unintended consequences respecting legal precedents affirming that no one individual or group of individuals is above the law

The famous military treatise, �The Art of War� written by Sun Tzu depicts a philosophy of war for managing conflicts and winning battles

Hawaii continued to have a turbulent history, with some one of the most radical labor conflicts in the US, seeing major strikes in 1900, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1912, 1920, 1924, 1934, 1938,and 1940

Such a war would have happened not only at the same time as US conflicts with Britain, but close to the same time as Mexico’s conflicts with France over unpaid debts led to the Pastry War

What may make a settlement more likely is not just the other conflicts complicating the war

A native of Dixons City Academy and graduate of Bradford College, he began travelling the world at the age of 19 and participated in various regional conflicts and provided protection to the 14th Maharaja of Patiala where he learned Sniping, Vehicle operating skills and explosive skills

” He was still having some internal conflicts, but saw no good options

avoid conflicts, get along with others more and generally have a

p) High reduction of the conflicts among countries with the elimination of the economic and monetary frontiers, because the Project solves the problem of the income

foreign conflicts that has led to the deaths of thousands and thousands

It avoids economic retaliations or conflicts of interests among the country-members, as well as it puts an end to contraband, robbery, tax, import quota and wash of the money

The national and world benefits will be incalculable, because they put an end to the socioeconomic conflicts and it avoids Planet Earth’s destruction, without damaging its organizations and the people

Besides, those countries are in constant civil wars or conflicts among neighboring countries that cause immense fields of refugees

without idleness, waste and destructive conflicts

The models, the baselines, data gathering, conflicts of interest because of grants, and refusal to tolerate the views of others, brought to mind The Inquisition, and the

Rondon believed that the internecine conflicts with rival groups were based on previous hostilities and territorial disputes

All conflicts of Spirit

Our problems and conflicts also arise from our own negative and destructive actions

Throughout history world conflicts have been deeply rooted to energy

conflicts with the aero modeling club and philatelic society meet, but there was one entry that stopped Donald dead in his tracks

ing conflicts on projects, and complete every

Another source of international conflicts is our stubborn, deep-rooted

This caused a lot of conflict in our species, similar to the conflicts that plagued the past 5000 years of your history, Jaden

There are many conflicts between different species from different planets

We get into conflicts with many species and try to help other species when we can

from the habitual tendency to create and perpetuate conflicts?

created the innumerable conflicts of life and death, pleasure

Our unconscious mind is full of conflicts, which over-

If its history relates an initial English colonization, it also narrates conflicts between English, French and Spaniards

“Sincere and friendly” dialogue could very well resolve conflicts between rational people, but it would result in “a cynical ruse for the soulless fanatics that accept as virtue the dishonor of deceit”

So what gave rise to this countercurrent stream? This revolutionary programme we call life? This programme that conflicts with the second law of thermodynamics and the fabric of the cosmos? And who or what created this deviant programme—and for what purpose? Chance, alone, cannot account for life or increasing order or anti-entropy in a universe bound by increasing entropy over time

Not mincing his words, Roger castigated Castro for his mismanagement of the Cuban economy through hit-and-miss policies, for his relentless persecution of people who dared to disagree with him, and for his ill-advised and damaging adventurism with Cuban soldiers into world conflicts thousands of miles away from Cuban soil

In his thesis, Roger exposes Alarcon’s will to bring to the novel the profound conflicts of life and the complexity of human feelings in a convergence of social evolution within Christian traditional canons

In his mind, Josie’s professed lesbianism was just a state of sexual temptation that did not define her, for she was much more than just her sexual conflicts

Exploration should be done to uncover any unresolved conflicts in the patient’s life

We allow ourselves to become embroiled in conflicts that to most Americans, and frequently ‘the Congress’, have not been ‘sold’ on the reasoning that the conflict is in defense of ‘the nation’ or ‘our national interests’

priorities or create conflicts of interest

“So, you’re saying we should pray but no matter who prays it won’t be done if it conflicts with God’s plan

His testimonial to her at his 5-04 wedding reception totally convinced me that despite whatever conflicts they might have had when he was younger, he did indeed love and miss his mother

conflicts between the large conscript armies of World Wars I and

humane principles are applied in conflicts with terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda

jaw flexed as he fought with internal conflicts

experiential evaluation conflicts with the constraints of infant theory, the difference between

conflicts? The circularity in that question prompted a quick and unexpected laugh, but I am

When conflicts in the

depressed over on-the-job conflicts is more prone

appearances—call forth a different recognized object that conflicts with the currently recognized

proliferates out of these conflicts cannot begin

illusion when length computed one way conflicts with length computed by another, although it is

commonly accepted theory conflicts with a new and improved theory devised by this scholar

the name of illusion, applying this label, in one way or another, to theoretical conflicts that are a

Recall that the classical use of illusion arises from perceptual conflicts (a white room that

These simple arguments prove nothing, but are forwarded to suggest that conflicts originated

However, records from these times are sparse, and there may have been conflicts of which we are not aware

Moreover, as interpreters began to collect different interpretations of biblical texts, they tended to deal with conflicts between authorities by harmonizing such opinions rather than simply keeping some and discarding others…

However, this oppression was not in vain, since the conflicts generated by these tensions provide the necessary preconditions for the endpoint of the eventual utopia

They had built Kraka, then abandoned it when they later voluntarily reduced their populations to reduce conflicts between them caused by their territoriality instinct

Characteristically, the son is terribly torn by these conflicts, and the father sees the son as ungrateful and unappreciative

Like Marjie, Nuke couldn’t handle emotional conflicts between the people he loved without becoming quite distressed

stifled by conflicts in the church

Paul identified the source of the conflicts and

There were conflicts over whether and when radio-telephone (voice) or Morse Code should be utilized

If there were conflicts between the Elders,

Loneliness, storms, and conflicts within families and between keepers and assistants made lighthouse life challenging

Due to his foresight and courage the war in Afghanistan is ended, and soon his good works may resolve conflicts throughout the world

Those who do not resolve their conflicts that originated as far back as

group that has given of itself, by exposing their own conflicts, problems and existential

conflicts that explode within the group itself and to reinforce the wisdom that emerges as a

experimental design and the results, thus removing the conflicts of interest

cases, resolving conflicts and insulating physicians from the threat of legal action

regarding appropriateness without any conflicts of interest since they would have

withholding of results, and conflicts of interest

People with conflicts of interest at the NIH would be excluded from

conflict (n, v): an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles; If beliefs, needs, or facts, etc. conflict, they are very different and cannot easily exist together or both be true

Use “conflict” in a sentence

His ideas conflict with mine.
It is impossible to resolve the conflict.
It is an international armed conflict.
There is a great conflict between religion and science.
Is there a conflict between science and religion?

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Definition of Conflict

a disagreement that may be mental, verbal, physical, or associated with scheduling or the accuracy of information

Examples of Conflict in a sentence

As a teenager, Danielle’s greatest internal conflict is which pair of shoes to wear with which outfit.


The violent conflict left thousands dead in the African nation.


If a peace treaty does not end the conflict, there is a possibility of an international war.


Surprisingly, the Middle Eastern conflict stems from religious differences.


In group therapy, we learn healthy ways to deal with conflict in our lives.


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