Use the word confident in a sentence

1. I’m sure we’ll win./I’m confident about our victory.

2. He was confident of success.

3. She sounded more confident than she felt.

4. She was in a relaxed, confident mood.

5. I feel confident that we will win.

6. She sauntered onto the set, looking serenely confident.

7. Marina was a confident, happy child.

8. His confident leadership inspired his followers.

9. He’s got more confident as he’s got older.

10. I am confident of my future.

11. We are confident next year’s profits will be higher.

12. The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don’t understand.

13. I am confident that everything will come out right in time.

14. Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think. Do what’s best for your future happiness.

15. We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery.

16. They were doubly confident after this that he would win.

17. I’m hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.

18. Ally was confident that we would be ready on time, but I had my doubts .

19. Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities.

20. I’m hopeful and confident, too, that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.

21. We are confident that…

21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

22. There is nothing sexier than being confident and taking care of yourselves.

23. I’m hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.

24. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.

25. Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.

26. Be confident, not arrogant.

27. The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall, confident man.

28. When people put on uniforms, their attitude becomes more confident and their manner more officious.

29. In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I am confident that we will succeed.

30. Confidence doesn’t need any specific reason. If you’re alive , you should feel 100 percent confident.

I am confident of my success in this field.

He feels confident of getting the job.

I am confident of my success.

He feels confident of passing the examination.

A confident person can make the impossible possible.

A confident person never feels tensed and moves ahead with concentration and achieves his goals.

We must be confident about what we desire to achieve in life.

I am all confident to take this responsibility.

I am confident of my scholarly and intellectual activities.

She tried to take confident herself.

I am quite confident about my work and expect favourable results.

We are confident of our victory.

Be confident.

Wearing make-up can make a woman feel confident.

I am confident of my scholarly and intellectual activities.

One must be confident about what he desires to achieve in life.

He was confident of winning gold medal.

He is a self-confident and strong-willed man.

He is a very confident man.

I am confident of winning.

He is confident of his success in the examination.

He is confident of his success in the exanination.

I am confident that we will win the match.

Only a confident person can get this job.

He is confident about his success.

He is a confident speaker.

I am confident that he is innocent.

I am confident that she will come.

He is confident of what he wants and how he will have it.

I am confident he will not default in repaying your loan.

He is confident of his success in the competition.

We are confident of our success.

I am confident of securing a first division.

A positive response from the audience can help a person feel more confident.

I am confident that you will pass.

I am confident you will publicize my views.

He was quite-confident about it.

This time I did very well in the competitive test for admission and was very confident of being selected.

The confident and adventurous people would like to try new styles.

I am quite confident of his success.

He is confident of winning the election.

He is confident of satisfying the Selection Committee and getting the job.

He feels confident of getting a first class.

He is confident of this.

She is confident of success.

He is confident of success.

He is confident to win.

I am confident of passing in the first division.

I am confident of giving a practical shape to my ideas.

She is confident of good results.

I am confident of my success.

He is confident to pass in the first attempt.

He is confident of winning the prize.

I am very much confident of my success.

He is a confident speaker.

Only a confident person can get this job.

He is confident of securing the first prize.

He is quite confident of success.

We are confident that you will have no further trouble

I am confident your readers will understand my point.

I am confident that you will stop your children from this wrong activity.

Exercising is very essential to feel fresh confident and beautiful the whole day.

He looked confident but his inner feelings were quite different.

We’re confident of victory.

I’m pretty confident that she understood the problem.

He is confident that he will pass the examination.

We are firmly confident of victory.

I am confident he will keep his promise.

I am quite confident of it.

None but a confident person can get this job.

She is confident of her success.

I am confident you will publicize my views.

I am confident that you will pass.

I am confident of securing a first division.

This time I did very well in the competitive test for admission and was very confident of being selected.

I am quite confident of his success.

I am confident of success.

He is quite confident of success.

He is confident of winning the election.

I’m confident of passing the examination.

He is confident of his ability.

She is confident of her son’s success.

She’s not confident about the future.

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«The intern appears confident.«
(appears, looks, seems, be: is/am/are)

«She feels confident in her abilities.«
(feels, be: is/am/are)

«He sounds confident.«

«She is becoming more confident at work.«
(be + becoming, be + getting, be + growing)

«She remains confident that she will get the promotion.«

Used with adverbs:

«He is extremely confident that he will get the job.«
(extremely, very, highly, totally, completely)

«It is risky to be overly confident.«
(overly, too)

«The player has become increasingly confident.«

«I am reasonably confident about getting a raise.«
(reasonably, fairly)

Used with prepositions:

«He feels confident about his future.«

«He is not very confident at his job.«

«I’m confident in our abilities to get it done.«

In raising a confident child, motivation is one of the greatest gifts you

She had to come all the way down around the staircase and back up the entry hall to see who it was, but she was confident it would be the Brazilian with the boat

These are just a few examples selected from IG commercial members’ catalogs, because I know these products and feel confident in recommending them to you

She’s confident now as she’s ever been

By that token she should be more confident that she could survive on this planet, she’d owned a few properties during her meander to the north where one had to get a cook fire going with twigs for every hot meal

’ I said, my voice sounding a hell of a lot more confident that I am feeling

He’s usually more confident … verging on the pompous

become confident in the help of God

Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident

swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless

She was confident that once he was actually running, he would be just as quick as she was to refuse to go back out

deep and endless, a calling wind from the birth of time itself, assured and confident

As I became more confident in my new surroundings I stood up and tested the cell for height

«We can be confident that the knowledge of our approach is in the hands of the Kassikan,» Abdol told them

«Are you really that confident?» Chief Horcheese wasn’t, judging by the way she’d asked

By this last day of his guard rota The Kid was much more confident

He is an undergraduate of medicine school, confident of himself but not arrogant

Over the first few days, as my body healed after the beating and I grew more confident, I noticed some subtle changes in the sound of the place

I tried to sound bluff and confident

Herndon had no way to observe for himself what direction the asteroid would emerge, but he was confident the Al-Harron’s crew was skilled enough to nudge that asteroid so it would need little correction to strike its target, the Kassikan

Byram had business in the city of the Kassikan, and by the time they reached that megalopolis, he was confident enough of Herndon’s capabilities with the boat to let him take it as far as he needed

Herndon was confident he could get his own business done in one or two weeks and then wondered what he would do for the remainder

Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless landscape should possess

Her voice was low in pitch, confident and calm

Then she couldn’t let go of her lifestyle, nor did she feel confident in telling those who loved her about it

The sound of him; deep and endless, a calling wind from the birth of time itself, assured and confident

This is a good place to come if you like seafood sear and broil and want to be pretty confident it will be good

The confident trickster offers

Because they were calm, it made Luray confident there were no dangerous predators around

«Just be confident, watch for it, be ready to spear it if it shows, think with anger about how deep you’re going to drive that spear into his throat when he charges

«Desa; saying that doesn’t help me project a confident aroma

Berndt stands, arms folded in resignation, as Joris goes on to explain that Leos frequently appear confident but underneath are insecure and crave affection

Berndt, totally in control and confident, giving the words of passing … so familiar to me I can almost say them with him … a little voice in my head asking repeatedly why should that be so?

Naked, I tried to look confident but plodding along the shoreline sinking into sand was like waddling along a tight rope without any sense of balance

You are calm and confident

A lack of interest in her friends may imply you have less than long-term interest in your girlfriend and she may pull away from you thinking you feel less than confident about taking on all

Together we stand on the rock, he confident – me slightly wary; taking my hand, he closes his eyes and begins a quiet but compelling chant

If you and your girlfriend have been dating for quite awhile and you are fairly confident you are both strongly committed to each other, you can

Be confident in your ability to have a good time while

Glayet either knew she was back and was confident she was on her side, or she was willfully ignorant of his true power

They stand erect, responsible and confident with hands on hips in ankle length skirts and boots of leather, amused by the fashions of the visitors on the quayside

All my confident poise deserts me and I feel an absurd urge to burst into tears – shit! Some of this must have shown in my face, for the next thing I know is that Karen is reaching across the table

cool and speak with a confident voice

’ I assured him, wishing that I was feeling as confident as I hope I sound

Rayne could tell that Lord Tarak had trained his warriors well; they were confident and prepared; they knew exactly what to do

The Princess looked confident pushing through the water making a line for the south but then, to my confusion and astonishment, after a few minutes I saw her begin to slow and come about in a steady wide circle

He had to project the air of a confident and experienced battle captain ready to identify threats and respond to them decisively

might create an affirmation that states: “I feel calm, confident

Rather than saying, “I feel calm, confident

Let‘s say you want to feel confident on command (useful as you head into that job interview)

Then, whenever you are feeling confident, you press down on the trigger point

Once programmed it then just becomes a matter of setting it off whenever you are looking to feel more confident

confident to program the trigger? There

This confident Anna is a vast improvement on the sad one you used to know

through her next test feeling relaxed and confident,

The thing that made him most confident he was on the right track, this had all started happening as soon as they were diverted to the Kuiper Belt

Yes, all the brains of the crew had theories, but he could tell none of them were very confident of theirs but Thom, and his was too preposterous to take seriously, an alien intelligence lurking in the dark matter

I’ve never seen her so confident … it was marvellous

“Several of us have,” answered Rytal, “and we are confident that we can master the ship

until you feel confident that you have arrived at the

She was pretty confident that she would be given food and water and a place to sleep until she learned the language

Though I am confident that you can learn to do proxy

Boras was so confident of himself that the thought of failure never entered his mind; his ego simply wouldn’t allow it

’ I said, trying to sound more confident than I feel

6Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body,

rise against me, in this will I be confident

A wise man fears, and departs from evil: but the fool rages, and is confident

’ He said, bouncing back into the confident Dave the rest of the world knows so well

Confident that, like the rest of the material, once digested he would be able to make a more critical exposition of it

I said with a confident smile

Ward was visibly appeased by this confident assertion

confident with this new-found knowledge, Tom slipped the string

I’m confident that place and

He was acting quite confident and didn’t seem at all nervous to be questioned by someone from I

I’ve shrugged it off this long and I’m confident I can do it for as

confident that he knew what he was looking for

“I understand your frustration,” he said, “but I’m quite confident none of us had anything to do with it

” Harold was confident to a degree that was nearly infectious in both his manner and speech

confident that justice would be firm and swift on both

confident in his findings, it would have been nice to hear the results of the

It was in a fairly dilapidated condition when we took it on and it took a couple of years of hard slog to get it all straight, but at least you can be confident that all the plumbing and electrics are sound

The next ‘given’ is caught in the midst of physical and spiritual dualities and is the emotional center, which empowers our confident orientation within the world we live, through the meaning we bring to it

She turned to Matt with a more confident face

Now more confident, she rose up and proceeded to head back to the others

Instead he wanted to be confident of his communicative ability

He was confident in the knowledge that Sandini’s murderer

He seemed particularly confident today that he had

Julia tried to be confident, for though she was not sure whether the five of them could stop Justice, she knew she had to fight for liberty, for the creature that called itself Justice was truly nothing more than a monster driven by vengeance and hatred, and she knew that under him there would be no more freedom for any living creature in the universe, and she could simply not abide by that

confident that we would never see Freddy Flowers again, and that was good

For once, I felt confident

confident, he had nevertheless set off that morning

” He could see she was confident of that

were nearing Troyes he was confident that they hadn’t

one side of the room, as self-satisfied and confident as

Confident in the knowledge that what we were

confident of his negative reply

«If you find it,» Glenelle said, «You can feel a LOT more confident about Alan’s soul

I called him again, confident that — this time – I could

confident Prague would have plenty to keep everyone else

now I am more confident in His voice than ever

confident — перевод на русский


I was confident that in the course of their investigation, they would reach out to you and Tom.

Был уверен, что в ходе расследования, они выйдут на тебя и Тома. Так и случилось.

However Jaffrey is confident that we can collect these bonds immediately.

Однако Джеффри уверен, что мы сможем немедленно обратить их в деньги…

I’m confident that tonight… we struck a telling blow… in the cause of wall-to-wall carpeting.

Я уверен,что сегодня вечером.. мы внесли весомый вклад в дело продвижения коврового покрытия.

Given the opportunity, I’m confident I shall get to the top.

Если только мне представится возможность, я уверен, что смогу подняться до самого верха.

Now I am confident that you gentlemen will review without passion the evidence that you have heard, come to a decision and restore this man to his family.

Теперь я уверен, что вы, джентльмены, рассмотрите… без предвзятости… свидетельства, которые вы слышали, придете к решению… и вернете этого человека его семье.

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And now we feel confident we can reproduce our leader from his nose.

И сейчас мы чувствуем уверенность, что можем возродить нашего лидера из носа.

You are a strong, confident woman who does not need to smoke.

В тебе сила и уверенность женщины которой не нужно курить.

You are a strong, confident woman who does not need to smoke.

В тебе сила и уверенность женщины которой не надо курить.

You are a strong, confident woman who does not need to smoke.

В тебе сила, уверенность женщины которой не надо курить.

And yours are so confident.

И в ваших глазах такая уверенность.

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He’s very confident.

Он очень самоуверенный.

you sound pretty confident.

Ты слишком самоуверенный.

Would you say this man was confident?

Вы можете сказать, что этот человек самоуверенный?

A less confident version of your father, though a lot older.

Менее самоуверенный, чем твой отец, хотя и намного старше.

Arrogant, confident

Высокомерный, самоуверенный…

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I’m still confident that not a single Western politician will negotiate with the SS or SD.

По-прежнему убежден, что ни один из серьезных политиков Запада не пойдет на переговоры с СС или СД.

In that case… I should be confident that your aim is decent.

В таком случае, я должен быть убежден, что цель, которую вы преследуете, добрая.

Well, it may not cater to all tastes, but I’m confident you’ll find something to pique your interest.

Может, и не на всякий вкус, но я убежден, что здесь ты найдешь что-нибудь, достойное твоего интереса.

You seem confident in your beliefs.

Ты, похоже, в этом убежден.

Scott seemed pretty confident the bomb was already in place.

Скотт был убежден, что бомба уже на месте.

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I’m feeling pretty confident, everybody.

Я чувствую себя немного самонадеянно.

— Well, that’s confident.

— Очень самонадеянно.

Pretty confident of you to front up like this.

Довольно самонадеянно вот так подойти.

You know, I wasn’t that confident,

Это было слегка самонадеянно, но стало таким после всего этого.

U’re confident, Rudo.

Ты самонадеян, Рудо.

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You’re so confident.

И откуда такая самоуверенность?

How confident!

Какая самоуверенность!

So confident, even in retreat.

Какая самоуверенность даже при отступлении.

And he was feeling more confident every day.

И его самоуверенность росла с каждым днём.

What? Then why were you so confident?

А откуда была такая самоуверенность?

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I was so confident, I decided to weave round bottlenecks.

Я был настолько спокоен,что решил поехать мимо узких улиц.

‘Cause you are extremely confident out there on that stage.

Потому что ты невероятно спокоен на сцене.

Oh, I’m so confident.

Ну, теперь я спокоен.

The Gestapo is confident.

В гестапо совершенно спокойны.

Between Brooks Innovations and Mayor Boston, I’m confident that we can find a way to make you feel comfortable about expediting the great expansion.

Находясь между Брукс Инновейшнс и мэром Бостоном, я могу точно сказать, что мы найдём способ, чтобы вы были спокойны по поводу ускорения сроков.

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Pretty confident I’d join up.

Не сомневался, что я буду в деле.

I was more than confident in my abilities.

Я не сомневался в своих способностях.

In any event, I’ve heard you bitch about her so often, I’m reasonably confident you’ll be putting your back into it.

В любом случае, ты так часто жаловалась на нее, что я не сомневался, ты еще вернешься к этому.

I’m quietly confident.

Я не сомневался.

— I feel confident with my recommendations.

Я не сомневаюсь в своих рекомендациях.

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I am confident.

Я доверяю ему.

I feel very confident leaving the ship under your command, General.

Я полностью доверяю вам командование кораблём, генерал.

I’m fully confident of the calibre of Prof. Gim’s students.

Я на сто процентов доверяю ученикам профессора Кима.

When they get confident, she wears a muzzle, for their safety.

Как только они начинают доверять друг другу, она надевает намордник, в целях безопасности.

Someone I can be confident in.

Я могу вам доверять.

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I’m confident I can beat anyone.

что смогу победить любого.

I miss you terribly, but you’ll soon be in my arms. That makes me feel confident and strong.

Жутко по тебе скучаю, но скоро смогу тебя обнять.

I’m really confident this time.

На сей раз я правда смогу.

I wasn’t confident I could take care of her.

Не знал, смогу ли её защитить.

I am not confident that I can survive with just a memory after I let go of a woman whom I loved.

Я не смогу жить только памятью о той, которую я любил.

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confident sequence — доверительная последовательность  
confident of victory — уверенный в победе  
confident market — рынок с устойчивыми ценами  
be quite confident — быть абсолютно уверенным в  
confident of success — уверенный в успехе  
confident personality — уверенная личность  
mutually confident entities — взаимодоверяющие субъекты; взаимодоверяющие объекты  
self confident — самоуверенный  
self-confident — уверенный в своих силах; уверенный в себе; самоуверенный  
theory of confident intervals — теория доверительных интервалов  

I feel quite confident about the future.

Я достаточно уверен в своём будущем.

I am confident about my ability to do the job.

Я уверен, что способен выполнить эту работу.

We are confident we have done nothing wrong.

Мы уверены, что мы не сделали ничего дурного.

The company is confident of success.

Компания уверена в успехе.

She entered the room with a confident stride.

Она вошла в комнату уверенным шагом (уверенной походкой).

The players seem more relaxed and confident this season.

В этом сезоне игроки выглядят более спокойными и уверенными в себе.

Abigail walked to the microphone, poised and confident.

Абигейл подошла к микрофону, хладнокровная и уверенная в себе.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

They have a confident air about them.

The players are all in a confident mood.

She has become noticeably more confident.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Confident is the fifth studio album by American singer Demi Lovato. It was released on October 16, 2015, by Hollywood, Island and Safehouse Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Although cautious, we’re confident we have enough statistical power to detect an influence of the moon,» he says.


By the end of the 19th century the scholars of Protestant liberalism had fully accepted the humanistic origins of the Bible, come to terms with the scientific notion of biological evolution, and were completely confident that the essential core of Christian doctrine could be salvaged intact and re-expressed in terms relevant to the modern age.


While some confident ladies strolled around the pool decked in studded -LCB- basically -RCB- thong swimwear, I wisely went for more coverage.


With a fast metabolism, you can easily maintain a healthy weight, burn fat, and enjoy feeling confident and strong by building and maintaining youthful muscle.


Say it together multiple times, until you are confident that your child knows it.


Find out how Michael can help you or your employees present ideas in a more confident, effective, and inspiring way so that ideas become action.


She created ground rules to help employees feel confident that they would be safe if they told her their true feelings about Xirrus.


The current president of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), Affail Monney, is confident that he will be given another term as president of the Association in tomorrow’s [Friday] elections.


Interrupting successfully is more about how you use your voice than engaging with your body; the more extreme body movements you do, the less confident you appear.


We have many ongoing issues in downtown Flushing and I feel confident that through this collaboration, we can work together in moving forward.»


But Alli was just took quick for Harrison McGahey, who hacked him down, and Kane’s confident penalty looked to have secured Tottenham victory only for Davies to engineer the most unlikely of finishes.


«We are confident this partnership will be sustainable over the long term and will be beneficial to both parties.


I’m a bigger girl, and even though I’m confident, outgoing, and sexy, I used to have a hard time meeting guys when out with my friends.


I’m confident this won’t be the only recipe from this book fueling our workouts in the future.


«Although safety and effectiveness in treating episodic and chronic migraine still have to be confirmed in phase three studies, I am confident that we will have access to new medicines that have been specifically developed for this indication to help us tackle the problem of primary headache,» Prof Sprenger added.


With the holidays on their way I’m confident you will be enjoying plenty of fun gatherings.


«I want to be very clear that we are very confident in the payout percentage coverage and the sustainability of our current dividend of $ 0.66 per share per quarter.


All of the critical details are covered, and then some, but it’s presented in a way that makes you the confident financial expert you need to be.


When I find an amazing pair of jeans I feel: Like I could literally be wearing a potato sack on top and still feel confident.


When Cecelia Tate found herself in need of a job 28 years ago, she wasn’t feeling confident but encouragement from her then-boyfriend (now-husband) gave her the push she needed.


Staff will assist you in breastfeeding so that you feel more confident.


«I’ve finished the Bikini plan and i’m feeling stronger and more confident than ever.


She started Kids & Company in 2002 with the goal of establishing a unique national child care model that would allow parents to return to work, confident that care was available on a full, part-time and emergency basis.


With the help of BASC members taking up this fantastic offer, we are confident The Game Fair will go from strength to strength over the next three years.


When you’ve been married for thirteen years, you know exactly what kind of humor your partner will appreciate when she’s actively pushing a baby out of her body, and Dan, sensing it would make me feel confident and safe, had the entire delivery room in stitches that night.


For the frosting, I used 16oz brick of cream cheese because I hate to have leftover cream cheese and not confident of my scale, etc., plus, I always seem to run out of frosting, so having more would help.


PARIS, France — Shares in French cosmetics group L’Oréal rose on Friday after its fourth quarter sales beat expectations, with a confident outlook for 2018, while comments regarding its intentions on Nestle further buoyed the stock.


A bigger athlete is also usually a more confident athlete, and more intimidating athlete to his or her opponents — not a bad thing in a tough, contact sport like rugby.


He was kind and confident, and I liked how up-front he was about the risks of the surgery and how hard recovery could be.


Once they get called out and we address them you will feel so much more confident and lighter.


Fast, skilled, confident on the ball, a good header, a calming presence.


When we noticed that all home dogs had produced a record of 2,871-2,340 with just -5.54 units, we were fairly confident that layering a few more simple filters could result in significant profits.


«We are confident that our enhanced proposal sufficiently addresses any concerns that led Family Dollar’s board of directors to reject our prior proposal without any discussions between our companies,» Dollar General chief Rick Dreiling said in a press release.


«I am confident that (Trump) will make a good call and put someone in that position that can handle the responsibilities and obligations of that high-level cabinet spot,» Reed said.


With these lofty goals, I approached the kitchen last weekend feeling confident.


We were too confident going into the match, talks about winning the title and crap like that.


But Lee, who’s projecting $ 4.5 million in revenues for 2001, remains confident.


Know that we’re in a time where we have access to professional, medical, and friendly support by the click of a button, so reach out, you’re just going to be a better you for your baby and a stronger, more confident you for YOU!


I want everyone to feel included, confident, and cared for while establishing a new rhythm with baby.


But we can be reasonably confident that certain macroeconomic variables — like GDP or population — or specific factors, like snow coverage, do have predictive power for future performance.»


But like his older brother, after a few minutes with our hoverboard expert, he was confident enough to try it on his own.


«I’m still confident that in the end, we’ll get to a place where the state and the city get together to deal with the MTA,» Heastie said.


The Prime Minister has been confident that an insatiable demand for cheap energy meant the environmental file wouldn’t ever become a real priority in either country.


I can understand why Pico is over confident, the guy has been the best of the best at everything he does since a little kid.


I feel like this combo elongates my silhouette, and makes me more confident.


«I was relatively confident myself,» Roueff says.


He wrestled smart, intelligent, confident matches.»


Further, it’s claimed that «various sources are confident» that the deal can be completed by next week, which suggests that we could be seeing a conclusion to the matter in the near future.


«I knew I wanted to do a natural birth and felt confident I could handle it,» she says.


Harpers Ferry, West Virginia (CNN)- Democratic strategists are becoming increasingly confident that the West Virginia Senate seat of the late Robert Byrd will remain in Democratic hands, believing that momentum is on the side of popular Governor Joe Manchin.


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