Use the word conduct in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word conduct, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use conduct in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «conduct».

Conduct in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word conduct in a sentence.

  1. His conduct was another matter.».

  2. Barbirolli’s ambition was to conduct.

  3. Gawain «shows us what moral conduct is.

  4. Leopoldo Mugnone was appointed to conduct.

  5. His conduct was condemned by a local newspaper.

  6. The ranger arrested him for disorderly conduct.

  7. We must conduct a struggle against slanderers.».

  8. Eventually he was arrested for disorderly conduct.

  9. They also led the league in unsportsmanlike conduct.

  10. He suggested the trial was about Mackenzie’s conduct.

  11. Hogan’s general conduct created tension with Conwell.

  12. Martin had scandalized New Orleans society by her conduct.

  13. Deployed to Malaya to conduct maritime reconnaissance, No.

  14. By February, his personal conduct had begun to draw criticism from his superiors.

  15. Certainly the conduct of Lord Harris did not tend to calm the general excitement.

  16. The French admiral later attempted to explain his conduct during the engagement:.

  17. Gunn was censured by The Football Association and warned about his future conduct.

  18. His first was to conduct his music and to accept a doctorate from Yale University.

  19. At the meeting, Webster apologised for his conduct, and the directorate stood by him against Tyndall.

  20. However, he was sent off at Tonbridge for violent conduct in his second match, and never played again.

  21. After completing training, these two squadrons were to conduct operations exclusively over Yugoslavia.

  22. He was promised safe conduct and marched under guard to the townhouse where the council had assembled.

  23. Opik, were given a $97,000 grant by NASA to conduct a three-year study of interplanetary gas and dust.

  24. In June, the division was withdrawn into reserve to conduct training exercises for the Ypres offensive.

  25. Imlay had authorized her to conduct his business dealings, referring to her in legal documents as «Mrs.

  26. His conduct secured a recommendation for the Victoria Cross, which was awarded to Smith in August 1915.

  27. The Pershings were fielded, but arrived in Europe too late to have an effect on the conduct of the war.

  28. Instead, in his speech, Roosevelt attacked Foraker and defended his own conduct in the Brownsville case.

  29. Vandegrift, therefore, decided to conduct a series of small unit operations around the Matanikau Valley.

  30. Beecham did not conduct during this season; Monteux and others conducted the Beecham Symphony Orchestra.

  31. Doran reported that Miceli then ordered him not to conduct further testing along that avenue of inquiry.

  32. Mowbray was instructed in how to conduct himself henceforth, and a precise regimen was imposed upon him.

  33. The presence of this fleet gave an opportunity to conduct a series of naval, air and military exercises.

  34. Since taking over as commissioner before the 2006 season, Roger Goodell has made player conduct a priority of his office.

  35. Wood bore no grudge and attended their first concert, although it was 12 years before he agreed to conduct the orchestra.

  36. The Navy transferred significant elements of the High Seas Fleet, including the four Königs, to conduct Operation Albion.

  37. Under the Lanham Act, the former conduct, at least, is clearly unlawful.» The court then went on to cite Anti-Monopoly v.

  38. Department of Defense (DOD) did not force OTA to conduct an EIS within 60 days they would sue the three federal agencies.

  39. Meriam and the Brookings Institution to conduct a two-year study of the overall condition of Indians in the United States.

  40. He made frequent trips to Manchester, for Hallé concerts or to watch Thomas Beecham conduct at the Manchester Opera House.

  41. Washington ordered Scott to conduct a series of preliminary raids in mid-1791 that would keep the enemy occupied while St.

  42. Following the report, Prescott ordered the MCA to conduct a competency review into the actions and behaviour of Henderson.

  43. This was rejected, one reason cited being the alleged conduct of the Māori soldiers towards Italian prisoners at Takrouna.

  44. As the Tromsø area was within range of RAF bases in northern Scotland if the Lancasters were modified, this attack was somewhat simpler to conduct than Operation Paravane.

  45. Republicans in Congress disagreed, arguing the action contradicted claims Obama made during his presidential campaign about ethical conduct and transparency in government.

  46. He and his wife travelled extensively in Europe, and in 1954 he visited the US once again, having been invited to lecture at Cornell and other universities and to conduct.

  47. A Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3 Orion plane flew to Fiji on 31 December, enabling Fijian authorities to conduct aerial surveys and damage assessments on 1 and 2 January.

  48. It also informed the Joint Chiefs that in the event of war with the Soviet Union, it would not be required to force an unconditional surrender or to conduct an occupation.

Synonyms for conduct

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word conduct has the following synonyms: behavior, behaviour, doings, demeanor, demeanour, deportment, behave, acquit, bear, deport, comport, carry, carry on, deal, lead, direct, take, guide, , transmit, convey and channel.

General information about «conduct» example sentences

The example sentences for the word conduct that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «conduct» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «conduct».

Synonym: action, behavior, direct, guide, lead, manage, manner. Similar words: on duty, product, reduction, production, productive, productivity, introduction, second. Meaning: [kən’dʌkt]  n. 1. manner of acting or controlling yourself 2. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people. v. 1. direct the course of; manage or control 2. lead, as in the performance of a composition 3. behave in a certain manner 4. transmit or serve as the medium for transmission 5. take somebody somewhere 6. lead musicians in the performance of. 

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(1) Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.

(2) He dare not tell us his evil conduct.

(3) The prisoner was released early because of good conduct.

(4) Police will conduct random breath tests.

(5) Ethics deals with moral conduct.

(6) This is a conduct that beseems a gentleman.

(7) This conduct is more than I can digest.

(8) We accused him of immortal conduct toward her.

(9) Such conduct is unworthy of praise.

(10) We condemned him for his bad conduct.

(11) The victim’s conduct had involved an element of provocation.

(12) Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct.

(13) His conduct disagrees with his words.

(14) I’m fed up with your conduct.

(15) I doubt the wisdom of his conduct.

(16) She was affronted at his conduct.

(17) His conduct vexed her very much.

(18) He was arrested for disorderly conduct.

(19) The prisoner was released early for good conduct.

(20) by the same rules of social conduct as other people.

(21) I was called to account for my conduct by the headmistress.

(22) His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services.

(23) 25 officers were investigated following allegations of improper conduct during the murder inquiry.

(24) From beginning to end his conduct had been despicable and wicked.

(25) Her family was given safe conduct to Britain when civil war broke out.

(26) The dean tasked me to conduct experiments with new teaching methods.

(27) The virtue of a man ought to be measured not by his extraordinary exertions,[] but by his everyday conduct

(28) She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.

(29) Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct.

(30) Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.

More similar words: on duty, product, reduction, production, productive, productivity, introduction, second, condemn, condition, secondary, construct, conditions, construction, constructing, beyond control, end up, stand up, wind up, duck, round up, industry, bond, reduce, stand up for, stand up to, blond, educate, end up with, educator. 

conduct — перевод на русский


So if anybody’s going to conduct an investigation…

Так что, если кто и будет проводить расследование…

I think it would be easier, sir, if we were to conduct the bidding in pounds sterling.

Сэр, будет проще, если мы будем проводить торги в фунтах стерлингов.

May I conduct Your Magnificences to the gallery now?

Могу ли я проводить вас в ложу?

You are here to complete an emergency mission, not conduct tests, captain.

Вы здесь на задании, а не чтобы проводить тесты.

The Doctor would not have instructed me to conduct you to them if he had not thought it safe. Twelve seconds.

Доктор не попросил бы меня проводить вас к ним, если бы не был уверен, что это безопасно.

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— It’s very important for you to understand that this is not the way that we conduct ourselves, and of course we will pay for it, so if you just send us the cost, we’ll reimburse you for the window.

Так важно, чтобы вы поняли, подобное поведение нам не присуще и мы, разумеется, всё оплатим, так что, если вы пришлёте нам счёт, мы покроем стоимость издержек за окно.

— I thought your conduct quite disgusting.

-Я нахожу твое поведение крайне отвратительным.

That’s not a matter of conduct, but of elementary instinct.

Поведение тут не при чем, это просто элементарные инстинкты.

Your conduct was disgusting.

Твое поведение отвратительно.

Zero for Conduct

Ноль за поведение

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Maybe, you know, conduct a small preliminary examination to sort of weed out the culls, as it were, huh?

Может, провести небольшой конкурс и спокойно отсортировать претендентов, как думаешь?

Sorry, could not conduct their negotiations in another place?

Извините, не могли бы провести свои переговоры в другом месте?

Tonight I propose to conduct a further experiment on myself… this time using a much stronger formula… containing a tincture of opium.

Сегодня я попробую провести опыт на себе, используя на этот раз более сильную формулу, содержащую опиум.

Now, just to be on the safe side, I think we’d better conduct an experiment.

Теперь, на всякмй случай, я думаю, нам лучше провести эксперимент.

I’d like to conduct a little experiment.

Я бы хотел провести небольшой эксперимент.

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I mean, who should conduct the investigation?

Кто должен вести следствие?

Crashing everything , conducting like a crazy.

Все стала крушить и вести себя, как сумасшедшая… Это ужасно.

But in order to conduct this business…

Но, чтобы вести это дело, мне нужно будет видеться с Вами.

— Your people must conduct extended Search on this site.

— Ваши люди должны вести расширенный поиск от этого места.

I’m not authorized to conduct negotiations about surrender.

Я не уполномочен вести переговоры о капитуляции.

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I’ll have more time for composing, learning to conduct.

У меня будет больше времени сочинять музыку, учиться дирижировать.

Markus said sex with me was better than conducting Rite of Spring.

Маркус говорил, что секс со мной он любит больше, чем дирижировать.

Am I supposed to conduct with my penis?

Я должен дирижировать своим пенисом?

You’re not the one conducting a musical on CNN.

Тебе хорошо: тебе не надо дирижировать мюзиклом по СиЭнЭн.

Buzzer music, I shall conduct you in.

Послушаем сигналы. Я буду дирижировать.

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The advisability of his conducting a further demonstration… of his… painless operation technique.

— Целесообразность проведения дальнейших демонстраций его безболезненных приемов хирургии.

We were while I was still on holiday… but now I have been empowered by His Majesty’s representative… to conduct an inquiry.

Мы были, когда я был в отпуске, но сейчас я уполномоченный представитель Его Величества, для проведения расследования.

We have arrived at the Phoenix Cluster but it will take us several hours to determine the best possible location from which to conduct our survey.

Мы прибыли в Кластер Феникса, но нам понадобится несколько часов на определение лучшей из возможной позиции для проведения исследования.

I promise. I want you to know that I’ve okayed the use of a new high-tech mobile home from which to conduct this manhunt.

Я бы хотел, чтобы ты знал, что я был за использование высокотехнологичного мобильного вагончика для проведения этого преследования.

Ishimaru Zama was using the secret railroad to conduct his tests across the country.

— Теперь все ясно, Малдер. Ишимару Зама …. Он использовал секретную железную дорогу для проведения своих тестов по всей стране.

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It’ll only be a disorderly conduct charge.

Нарушение общественного порядка.

1944, Oran Juvenile Court, two years for disorderly conduct.

1944 год, оранский суд по делам несовершеннолетних, два года за нарушение общественного порядка.

Three petty thefts two incidents of disorderly conduct one assault…

Три мелких кражи, два нарушения общественного порядка, одни побои…

The charges range from disorderly conduct to assault on a security officer.

Обвинения — от нарушения общественного порядка до нападения на офицера охраны.

— Drunk driving and disorderly conduct.

— Вождение в пьяном виде, сопротивление при аресте и, думаю, нарушение общественного порядка.

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From the experiments, conducted on animals, it’s difficult find out about the influence of hibernation on human mental condition.

Ќа основании экспериментов, проведенных на животных, трудно судить о вли€нии гибернации на человеческую психику.

For as we know from experiments conducted on American Gls during the Korean War, sleep deprivation is a one-way ticket to temporary psychosis.

Ибо, как известно из экспериментов, проведённых на американских солдатах во время Корейской войны, лишение сна — самый короткий путь к временному психозу.

After we conducted surveys we came to the conclusion that 11 of you will be included in the treatment program Promin.

После проведённых нами обследований, мы пришли к выводу, что 11 из вас будут включены в программу лечения промином.

You will all brief Agent Carlson and McAvoy on any interviews that you’ve conducted thus far as well as any and all evidence gathered at the scene.

Вы должны ознакомить агентов Карлсона и Макэвоя с результатами всех опросов, проведённых на данный момент а также со всеми уликами, собранными на месте похищения.

Can I just say, the McLaren is epic, I agree with you, but in the two tests we conducted so far, the victor is the Audi.

Я просто хочу сказать, что McLaren — великолепен. Я согласен, но в двух проведённых тестах, победитель — Ауди.

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I persuaded Heinrich to conduct his ballet.

Я уговорила Генриха руководить его балетом.

Odo, do you think Starfleet would allow you to conduct my debriefing?

Одо, как вы думаете, звездный флот позволит вам руководить моим допросом?

I have been charged with conducting your troops aboard, sir.

я назначен руководить погрузкой ваших людей на судно, сэр.

Now, Matthew, tomorrow, Lotte will finger your hymn on the organ, but I wish to conduct you myself.

Значит так, Мютью, завтра Лотти попробует сыграть твой гимн на органе, но я хотел бы сам руководить тобой при подготовке.

They won’t allow us to conduct interrogations but we can have someone present.

Они не позволили нам руководить допросами но согласились на присутствие наших наблюдателей.

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He’s out there operating without any decent restraint… totally beyond the pale of any acceptable… human conduct… and he is still on the field, commanding troops.

Он чинит беспредел… он вне границ дозволенного… по отношению к людям… и все еще остается на территориях, где ведутся боевые действия. Под его командованием войска.

The court ruled that the conduct of her assailant was the proximate cause of her death.

Суд постановил, что действия насильника стали непосредственной причиной её смерти.

We contend that, in order to inherit a fortune, the defendant engaged in a daily routine of relentless, predatory sexual conduct -— oral, vaginal, and…

Мы утверждаем, что для унаследования состояния подсудимая ежедневно вела неустанные, хищные сексуальные действия — оральные, вагинальные и ..

Basically, you argue that the government’s conduct is so outrageous that it violates fundamental principles of fairness to prosecute the defendant.

В общем, вы должны утверждать, что действия правительства настолько выходят за все рамки, что нарушают право обвиняемого на справедливый суд.

Outrageous Government Conduct.

Возмутительные действия правительства.

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He did not conduct any

He heeds his conduct at home, work, play, worship, and in his thinking

In the matter of helping conduct

must have to conduct business with such meetings that there is the danger of dissenting

Conduct towards others should always be governed by the

It was not easy to think while in this much pain, greater than any mortal could ever endure, greater than natural nerves can conduct

«But how would they conduct any weapons research if they’re in a narcotic haze?»

I know how to conduct myself madam

Our character and conduct need to be governed from that reality, even though we have not yet attained unto it

“None whatsoever, she knows how to conduct herself

Another method is to conduct your own investigation and this only costs you time and

“Oh yes my Lord, you may rely on my discretion, I shall conduct the test immediately and return with the results

would conduct the negotiations for the sale of their wares

He had regular business to conduct that detained him in some of those offices and many of the ladies with private workspace delayed him for the skills of his hands, one fringe benefit of life at the Kassikan he still allowed himself to indulge in

No doubt you will continue to conduct your own investigations and you are welcome to report anything you find to this office

‘Perhaps you wouldn’t mind turning your mobile off while we conduct this interview, sir?’ Jarvis suggested once the formalities had been carried out

He’d found people to interview several of their friends, in most cases they were able to conduct the interview without anyone suspecting that they are being interviewed

His conduct has been honorable however and his approach, though unorthodox, has been inspired and effective

They would expect him to move away, but he had the excuse that he was supposed to report to this field to conduct biological observations

‘As long as I don’t have to account for your conduct whether good or bad, you know I can’t interfere, but I warn you, if you try to influence me or my realm I will destroy you

“Don’t worry! I can tell you JORN is not resourced or tasked to conduct surveillance operations 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week

«Yes, it may contain impurities and conduct electricity

With business to conduct that was a much better choice than the deep rich green in Glurie’s keg

N: The council of the fishes were amazed at the rabbit’s courtesy to their King and slunk away with shame at their own rude conduct in kidnapping him, when a simple request would have been enough

outrageous conduct was tolerated and readily forgiven),

Though some particular men may sometimes increase their expense very considerably, though their revenue does not increase at all, we maybe assured that no class or order of men ever does so; because, though the principles of common prudence do not always govern the conduct of every individual, they always influence that of the majority of every class or order

But though the conduct of all those different companies has not been unexceptionable, and has accordingly required an act of parliament to regulate it, the country, notwithstanding, has evidently derived great benefit from their trade

A private man who lends out his money to perhaps half a dozen or a dozen of debtors, may, either by himself or his agents, observe and inquire both constantly and carefully into the conduct and situation of each of them

But a banking company, which lends money to perhaps five hundred different people, and of which the attention is continually occupied by objects of a very different kind, can have no regular information concerning the conduct and circumstances of the greater part of its debtors, beyond what its own books afford it

conduct of the professor but I knew better

the conduct of gallant men

Their own distress, of which this prudent and necessary reserve of the banks was, no doubt, the immediate occasion, they called the distress of the country ; and this distress of the country, they said, was altogether owing to the ignorance, pusillanimity, and bad conduct of the banks, which did not give a sufficiently liberal aid to the spirited undertakings of those who exerted themselves in order to beautify, improve, and enrich the country

By means of the great credit which so great a pledge necessarily gave it, it was, notwithstanding its too liberal conduct, enabled to carry on business for more than two years

But a bank which lends money, perhaps to five hundred different people, the greater part of whom its directors can know very little about, is not likely to be more judicious in the choice of its debtors than a private person who lends out his money among a few people whom he knows, and in whose sober and frugal conduct he thinks he has good reason to confide

The debtors of such a bank as that whose conduct I have been giving some account of were likely, the greater part of them, to be chimerical projectors, the drawers and redrawers of circulating bills of exchange, who would employ the money in extravagant undertakings, which, with all the assistance that could be given them, they would probably never be able to complete, and which, if they should be completed, would never repay the expense which they had really cost, would never afford a fund capable of maintaining a quantity of labour equal to that which had been employed about them

It obliges all of them to be more circumspect in their conduct, and, by not extending their currency beyond its due proportion to their cash, to guard themselves against those malicious runs, which the rivalship of so many competitors is always ready to bring upon them

If the prodigality of some were not compensated by the frugality of others, the conduct of every prodigal, by feeding the idle with the bread of the industrious, would tend not only to beggar himself, but to impoverish his country

It can seldom happen, indeed, that the circumstances of a great nation can be much affected either by the prodigality or misconduct of individuals; the profusion or imprudence of some being always more than compensated by the frugality and good conduct of others

Those unproductive hands who should be maintained by a part only of the spare revenue of the people, may consume so great a share of their whole revenue, and thereby oblige so great a number to encroach upon their capitals, upon the funds destined for the maintenance of productive labour, that all the frugality and good conduct of individuals may not be able to compensate the waste and degradation of produce occasioned by this violent and forced encroachment

This frugality and good conduct, however, is, upon most occasions, it appears from experience, sufficient to compensate, not only the private prodigality and misconduct of individuals, but the public extravagance of government

When we compare, therefore, the state of a nation at two different periods, and find that the annual produce of its land and labour is evidently greater at the latter than at the former, that its lands are better cultivated, its manufactures more numerous and more flourishing, and its trade more extensive; we may be assured that its capital must have increased during the interval between those two periods, and that more must have been added to it by the good conduct of some, than had been taken from it either by the private misconduct of others, or by the public extravagance of government

My mom decided to conduct an inquiry with my friends,

In the midst of all the exactions of government, this capital has been silently and gradually accumulated by the private frugality and good conduct of individuals, by their universal, continual, and uninterrupted effort to better their own condition

To reduce very much the number of his servants, to reform his table from great profusion to great frugality, to lay down his equipage after he has once set it up, are changes which cannot escape the observation of his neighbours, and which are supposed to imply some acknowledgment of preceding bad conduct

But if a person has, at any time, been at too great an expense in building, in furniture, in books, or pictures, no imprudence can be inferred from his changing his conduct

may improve; but that of the one, with only equal good conduct, must always improve more slowly than that of the other, on account of the large share of the profits which is consumed by the interest of the loan

The lands cultivated by the farmer must, in the same manner, with only equal good conduct, be improved more slowly than those cultivated by the proprietor, on account of the large share of the produce which is consumed in the rent, and which, had the farmer been proprietor, he might have employed in the further improvement of the land

When asked about it she always replied, “To avoid any unbecoming conduct on our part

The perpetrators of this despicable conduct will be executed forthwith by death in the fiery furnace

He was totally confused by her sudden conduct

The sneaking arts of underling tradesmen are thus erected into political maxims for the conduct of a great empire ; for it is the most underling tradesmen only who make it a rule to employ chiefly their own customers

Our country gentlemen, when they imposed the high duties upon the exportation of foreign corn, which in times of moderate plenty amount to a prohibition, and when they established the bounty, seem to have imitated the conduct of our manufacturers

When our country gentlemen, therefore, demanded the establishment of the bounty, though they acted in imitation of our merchants and manufacturers, they did not act with that complete comprehension of their own interest, which commonly directs the conduct of those two other orders of people

Though from excess of caution he should sometimes do this without any real necessity, yet all the inconveniencies which his crew can thereby suffer are inconsiderable, in comparison of the danger, misery, and ruin, to which they might sometimes be exposed by a less provident conduct

Though, from excess of avarice, in the same manner, the inland corn merchant should sometimes raise the price of his corn somewhat higher than the scarcity of the season requires, yet all the inconveniencies which the people can suffer from this conduct, which effectually secures them from a famine in the end of the season, are inconsiderable, in comparison of what they might have been exposed to by a more liberal way of dealing in the beginning of it the corn merchant himself is likely to suffer the most by this excess of avarice; not only from the indignation which it generally excites against him, but, though he should escape the effects of this indignation, from the quantity of corn which it necessarily leaves upon his hands in the end of the season, and which, if the next season happens to prove favourable, he must always sell for a much lower price than he might otherwise have had

The same motives, the same interests, which would thus regulate the conduct of any one dealer, would regulate that of every other, and oblige them all in general to sell their corn at the price which, according to the best of their judgment, was most suitable to the scarcity or plenty of the season

You practice right action (or right conduct) when all that you do issues from selflessness, kindness, charity, and compassion

In pursuing their interest their own way, their conduct has upon many occasions been overlooked, either because not known or not understood in Europe; and upon some occasions it has been fairly suffered and submitted to, because their distance rendered it difficult to restrain it

This superiority of conduct is suitable both to the character of the French nation, and to what forms the character of every nation, the nature of their government, which, though arbitrary and violent in comparison with that of Great Britain, is legal and free in comparison with those of Spain and Portugal

Compare the mercantile manners of Cadiz and Lisbon with those of Amsterdam, and you will be sensible how differently the conduct and character of merchants are affected by the high and by the low profits of stock

The soldiers, who are bound to obey their officer only once a-week, or once a-month, and who are at all other times at liberty to manage their own affairs their own way, without being, in any respect, accountable to him, can never be under the same awe in his presence, can never have the same disposition to ready obedience, with those whose whole life and conduct are every day directed by him, and who every day even rise and go to bed, or at least retire to their quarters, according to his orders

If mean and improper persons are frequently appointed trustees ; and if proper courts of inspection and account have not yet been established for controlling their conduct, and for reducing the tolls to what is barely sufficient for executing the work to be done by them ; the recency of the institution both accounts and apologizes for those defects, of which, by the wisdom of parliament, the greater part may, in due time, be gradually remedied

In the instructions which are given to the governor of each province, those objects, it is said, are constantly recommended to him, and the judgment which the court forms of his conduct is very much regulated by the attention which he appears to have paid to this part of his instructions

About the middle of the last century, the fine for admission was fifty, and at one time one hundred pounds, and the conduct of the company was said to be extremely oppressive

Though those complaints produced no act of parliament, they had probably intimidated the company so far, as to oblige them to reform their conduct

The conduct of those companies had probably given occasion to those two acts of parliament

But that board seems to have no direct jurisdiction over the committee, nor any authority to correct those whose conduct it may thus inquire into; and the captains of his majesty’s navy, besides, are not supposed to be always deeply learned in the science of fortification

The conduct of their servants in India, and the general state of their affairs both in India and in Europe, became the subject of a parliamentary inquiry: in consequence of which, several very important alterations were made in the constitution of their government, both at home and abroad

Notwithstanding that, during a momentary fit of good conduct, they had at one time collected into the treasury of Calcutta more than £3,000,000 sterling ; notwithstanding that they had afterwards extended either their dominion or their depredations over a vast accession of some of the richest and most fertile countries in India, all was wasted and destroyed

It is merely to enable the company to support the negligence, profusion, and malversation of their own servants, whose disorderly conduct seldom allows the dividend of the company to exceed the ordinary rate of profit in trades which are altogether free, and very frequently makes a fall even a good deal short of that rate

In every age and country of the world, men must have attended to the characters, designs, and actions of one another; and many reputable rules and maxims for the conduct of human life must have been laid down and approved of by common consent

As soon as writing came into fashion, wise men, or those who fancied themselves such, would naturally endeavour to increase the number of those established and respected maxims, and to express their own sense of what was either proper or improper conduct, sometimes in the more artificial form of apologues, like what are called the fables of Aesop; and sometimes in the more simple one of apophthegms or wise sayings, like the proverbs of Solmnon, the verses of Theognis and Phocyllides, and some part of the works of Hesiod

In the modern philosophy, it was frequently represented as generally, or rather as almost always, inconsistent with any degree of happiness in this life; and heaven was to be earned only by penance and mortification, by the austerities and abasement of a monk, not by the liberal, generous, and spirited conduct of a man

In the attention which the ancient philosophers excited, in the empire which they acquired over the opinions and principles of their auditors, in the faculty which they possessed of giving a certain tone and character to the conduct and conversation of those auditors, they appear to have been much superior to any modern teachers

Every man, too, is in some measure a statesman, and can form a tolerable judgment concerning the interest of the society, and the conduct of those who govern it

In free countries, where the safety of government depends very much upon the favourable judgment which the people may form of its conduct, it must surely be of the highest importance, that they should not be disposed to judge rashly or capriciously concerning it

» But there are also some callings which, though useful and even necessary in a state, bring no advantage or pleasure to any individual; and the supreme power is obliged to alter its conduct with regard to the retainers of those professions

A man of rank and fortune is, by his station, the distinguished member of a great society, who attend to every part of his conduct, and who thereby oblige him to attend to every part of it himself

While he remains in a country village, his conduct may be attended to, and he may be obliged to attend to it himself

His conduct is observed and attended to by nobody; and he is, therefore, very likely to neglect it himself, and to

He never emerges so effectually from this obscurity, his conduct never excites so much the attention of any respectable society, as by his becoming the member of a small religious sect

All his brother sectaries are, for the credit of the sect, interested to observe his conduct; and, if he gives occasion to any scandal, if he deviates very much from those austere morals which they almost always require of one another, to punish him by what is always a very severe punishment, even where no evil effects attend it, expulsion or excommunication from the sect

The austerity of their manners gave them authority with the common people, who contrasted the strict regularity of their conduct with the disorderly lives of the greater part of their own clergy

was afterwards deposed from the throne of Denmark, where his conduct had rendered him as odious as in Sweden

In his own conduct, therefore, he is obliged to follow that system of morals which the common people respect the most

‘So they can take him away and conduct a battery of tests? Last time I asked questions about him I got taken away and declared insane

conduct their business was behind the

He hated having to conduct a conversation like this, shouting in the street

If the collector himself should become bankrupt, the parish which elects him must answer for his conduct to the receiver-general of the election

But in the present times, through the greater part of Europe, a creditable day-labourer would be ashamed to appear in public without a linen shirt, the want of which would be supposed to denote that disgraceful degree of poverty, which, it is presumed, nobody can well fall into without extreme bad conduct

survive the hardships to which the bad conduct of their parents exposes them, yet the example of that bad conduct commonly corrupts their morals ; so that, instead of being useful to society by their industry, they become public nuisances by their vices and disorders

God to you; and considering the result of their conduct,

The same frivolous passions, which influence their conduct, influence his

To the honour of our present system of taxation, indeed, it has hitherto given so little embarrassment to industry, that, during the course even of the most expensive wars, the frugality and good conduct of individuals seem to have been able, by saving and accumulation, to repair all the breaches which the waste and extravagance of government had made in the general capital of the society

The distance of those provinces from the capital, from the principal seat of the great scramble of faction and ambition, makes them enter less into the views of any of the contending parties, and renders them more indifferent and impartial spectators of the conduct of all

“I will try to find some witnesses but things look pretty hopeless I will also see if I can get some people to give you a testimonial as to you conduct and what kind of soldier you have been so I had better be on my way as we haven’t long left”, saying this he stood up and left to find his witnesses

little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death

This time the chief supervisor would conduct an evaluation report

» And further: „As under the smiles of Heaven, America is indebted for freedom and independence, rather to the joint exertions to the citizens of the several states than to the conduct of the Commander-in Chief, so she is indebted for their support, rather to a continuation of those exertions, than to the prudence and ability manifested in the exercise of the powers delegated to the President of the Unites States

I’ve suggested that we bring in our own investigative team to coordinate with the various law enforcement entities and conduct any additional inquiries as they see fit

A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep

For the five years that Nichols has conducted trials on his technique, it has been completely effective on whitefly and a broad spectrum of small bodied “infestation” insects without any damage to the treated plants

Business could still be conducted verbally in the Gengee City Merchant’s Association, both he and Taktor conducted verbal business

Usually the work of Interpol agents was conducted in anonymity and most of his colleagues preferred this

By a mixture of lamp and torch light Aunt Billie then conducted him around the seven

I have been also witness to some business meetings where business was conducted in

You know about logic and you know the physiology of the human brain, you know it is logic conducted by nerve cells with a form of electrical charges, and you know it is moderated by chemicals and hormones

She was most impressed, as was I; by the way you conducted yourself

It is therefore extremely important for grant recipients to keep accurate records of all transactions conducted with Federal funds

“My lady, we have always conducted DNA tests on all couples seeking to mate permanently

Scientific research is constantly being conducted, and

John the farmer rapidly conducted his business with the

All this was conducted in the Lyndesfarne language, of

New Orthanc looks black from the outside but enough light was conducted in to let one see quite well thru the walls, it looked like one was behind smoked glass

The extra light was conducted thru the glass of the walls and frame to the interior and levels now far below ground

The office she was visiting was not the one in the Kassikan, Kulai’s Morningday business was conducted from an office on the sixth floor of his building

He spent hours going over the transcripts, these things could sometimes get down to the picayune details of how the interviews were conducted

“We had no operations anywhere near Fourth and have never conducted an operation on campus

His walls were festooned with screens and he had a brook driving an escapement driving a big tracking mirror on a suntower collecting light that was conducted thru thick fiber bundles to his components with outlets all over the room, most of them in use

“We, the Council of Tahoe City, make proclamation of the establishment of a School for our children, aged six through thirteen, to be publicly financed through the receipt of taxes assessed upon all sales of goods, merchandise, and services conducted in this town during the months of June, July and August of each year henceforth

The conversation that ensued, reminded Emma of many she herself had conducted

Alfred knew his biological observations would wait while Alan conducted some biological observations of his own

He hoped he conducted himself properly, it hadn’t been easy

Mirepoix conducted my transaction without the slightest

These are always conducted with the utmost silence and secrecy till the moment of execution; and when the workmen yield, as they sometimes do without resistance, though severely felt by them, they are never heard of by other people

Lacking vocal chords and functioning eardrums, communication with Hollabrand flowed smoother when conducted telepathically

When the usual hour arrived the grand-vizir conducted Scheherazade to the palace, and left her alone with the Sultan, who bade her raise her veil and was amazed at her beauty

the produce of a kitchen garden had, it seems, been little more than sufficient to pay the extraordinary culture and the expense of watering ; for in countries so near the sun, it was thought proper, in those times as in the present, to have the command of a stream of water, which could be conducted to every bed in the garden

Seth had conducted many experiments in his Earthly travels and had concluded that, with a small amount of concentration, the human beings saw the Fair Folk as tall, well muscled, handsome and blond versions of themselves

It was declared invalid, obscene and indicative as to how the campaign had been conducted

It was pleasantly warm here with sunlight conducted to the center of the room

But the actions had been conducted by Imorbis’ will alone, all part of his many layered plan

61Cygni A somewhere below the horizon, only the conducted light thru the atmosphere keeping it in twilight

The fine manufacture, on the other hand, was not, in those times, carried on in England, but in the rich and commercial country of Flanders; and it was probably conducted then, in the same manner as now, by people who derived the whole, or the principal part of their subsistence from it

note that our society is conducted by politicians, the

Their previous encounters with the Dark Army had been conducted under the Treaty, making their journey to the Sanctuary a safely guided exodus

My opinion to the effect that the mind can influence, even shape, the brain is shared by a number of scientists who have conducted numerous experiments in the field

Eighty thousand pounds of gold and silver, therefore, can in this manner be spared from the circulation of the country ; and if different operations of the the same kind should, at the same time, be carried on by many different banks and bankers, the whole circulation may thus be conducted with a fifth part only of the gold and silver which would otherwise have been requisite

need to sound professional (unless it is being conducted as a webinar or

If you are having troubling visitations by the way you could try Sage smudging your house as Shaman have long used this technique successfully to help clear the psychic atmosphere their ceremonies are conducted in

Their ecclesiastical government is conducted upon a plan equally frugal

But the colony government of all these three nations is conducted upon a much more extensive plan, and is accompanied with a much more expensive ceremonial

But as all the different merchants, who joined their stocks in order to fit out those licensed vessels, would find it for their interest to act in concert, the trade which was carried on in this manner would necessarily be conducted very nearly upon the same principles as that of an exclusive company

lyrics play a big part in the way that the game (known as jogo) is conducted

The administration of the French colonies, however, has always been conducted with much more gentleness and moderation than that of the Spanish and Portuguese

A prayer also gains strength when it is conducted in a union of more than an individual i

Selection of coarse porous aggregate is conducted on the basis of empirical data that link their bulk density with density (ρ ) and strength of concrete c

If at all there is any judgment, it is one conducted by ourselves

Studies conducted on stroke patients revealed that those with highest levels of Beta carotene have the best survival rate

A study conducted at the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research in Italy found that those who ate more carrots had one third the risk of heart attack as compared with those who ate fewer carrots

 Marketing can be conducted entirely on the internet and through e-mail

In war and negotiation, the councils of Madras and Calcutta, have upon several occasions, conducted themselves with a resolution and decisive wisdom, which would have done honour to the senate of Rome in the best days of that republic

conducted by the director whose name is

I conducted this search for an hour or so and saw nothing

When that great work was finished, the most likely method, it was found, of keeping it in constant repair, was to make a present of the tolls to Riquet, the engineer who planned and conducted the work

Their mercantile projects were not much better conducted

circumstances, is a species of warfare, of which the operations are continually changing, and which can scarce ever be conducted successfully, without such an unremitting exertion of vigilance and attention as cannot long be expected from the directors of a joint-stock company

countries of Europe were thus formed into a sort of spiritual army, dispersed in different quarters indeed, but of which all the movements and operations could now be directed by one head, and conducted upon one uniform plan

conducted with overwhelming distractions —

But whether such a government us that of England, which, whatever may be its virtues, has never been famous for good economy; which, in time of peace, has generally conducted itself with the slothful and negligent profusion that is,

This was programming usually only conducted by the most specialised of

This kind of discussion could be conducted in many ways, through body language

This has been confirmed by tests, which were conducted on fossilised tree wax or amber that had trapped air bubbles in it, where it was found that the air, contained in these bubbles, had about 50% additional oxygen in its composition

The islands conducted most of their business

It was a surprise but I think I hid it well and conducted myself confidently

FBI agents conducted a full dress raid on

that we conducted successful transactions with the scientists

Investigations are being conducted into how and why so many people died in the prison and, despite demands for a response, Downing Street have yet to issue a statement

ceremonies conducted, those assembled to pay their respects would leave the bay, and the long

A search of the shop was conducted, and the boys’ shoes were found in a closet

Wheeling around the corners of the tracks was conducted in perfect harmony

Fetish sacrifices were conducted separately in the sacred quarter known as Bantama, employing the celebrated execution bowl, a large brass basin some five feet in diameter, ornamented with four small lions around its rim and a space for the victim’s neck to rest on the edge

Apparently the Army had conducted an efficiency study at their artillery test grounds

Chaplain Brown conducted a service under fire over the grave of Captain O’Neil, and later assisted Chaplain Swift with a general burial in the valley

” The exchange was conducted by Colonel Astor, Lieutenant Miley, and Captain Maestre, and Commandante Irles and Captain Rios who conducted Hobson and his men from the city

The Security Forces conducted sweeps in the city of Nairobi arresting whoever else may be involved to ensure that the remaining insurgents don’t have any physical support for food and medicine etc

The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted proves that less

Interestingly towards the west of Owamboland called the Kaokoveldt the mountainous terrain prevented the armoured vehicles from operating so they conducted most of their operations on foot and got to be exceedingly fit and scrawny

“Our members understand the study must be conducted in such a way that the results are not presupposed

Interception has previously been conducted independently and only with a High Court Judge giving permission to do so

Katrina was not the ―fault‖ of the Federal Government although I would agree that coordinated evacuation and subsequent relief efforts, especially at the state and local level, could have been conducted more efficiently

Other witnesses indicate a search is being conducted on both sides of the riverbank

Searches are also being conducted on private property fronting on McKerlie Line

The ceremony is conducted

Following the ceremony Phil conducted a

The rest of his business, he conducted alone

The first, at the border – she discovered by asking the driver when everything was removed from the luggage bay – was conducted by federal narcotics police, and the second, only a dozen miles further along, by Port Authority Police from Limon

But much of the Wizard-skills were conducted, had to be conducted, in nakedness

“Imagine if a council of war was being conducted, and you could listen from a half a mile away,” said Bernie

The autopsy was conducted by the local pathologist to determine the cause of death, the state of health of Simon before he died, and whether any medical diagnosis and treatment before death was appropriate

I am attached to the Joint Counter Terrorism team MI5, I have with me Stuart Page and this interview is being conducted in Army Communication Office Highland Region at the bequest of MI6

He was glad they were dead, as they had conducted cruel acts on Stuart

and conducting regular prayer and worship services

This cover will also take care of pre as well as post-hospitalisation expenses like money spent on buying medicines and conducting medical tests

midst of it all, as if conducting a violent symphony of discord, there stood the man in

The Shark was conducting his main business from here, lost in the Irish countryside, hidden under a layer of lush green local pasture

A stingy spirit must not prevail in conducting the affairs of the church (2:21)

With each item listed in his panoply of destruction, images flowed and twisted together, images of limbs and contorted faces, of blood and bone and rock, and in the midst of it all, as if conducting a violent symphony of discord, there stood the man in black, his flowing locks streaming in the winds and currents of calamitous fatality as his arms gesticulated wildly

As she gazed on her former life for the last time she found her eyes drawn to the tallest glass tower on the city skyline, on the windows of which the brilliant afternoon sun was conducting a symphony of light

We have to know the truth, are these state changes conducting information or just random noise like energy produces? Or was Thom doing just what he had done, generating a false universe and pretending it is real data? Or was he generating a false universe and believing it was real data? Without understanding how those signals actually originated, there was no way to tell

«Major Thom Husband has prepared a report on some important research he has been conducting

Indeed, with the decline in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance, red tape and health and safety initiatives, great-aunt Edith had financed some of the finer pieces in the apartment, including a real Ming chrysanthemum pot and a small Lowry, through her prowess at conducting phishing expeditions across the global email network in search of the details of other people’s bank accounts

“The experiment we were conducting was to try and determine if logical simulations of fourth order condensates can be entangled with the fourth order condensates in the dark bodies

at conducting phishing expeditions across the global email network

There was no doubt in his mind that Jorma was conducting an interrogation when he next asked, “Do you have any idea how many shonggot victims there are every year?”

Not only had he come to a meeting, he was conducting it as THE MAYOR

Millions of people lived inside the jungle-covered basaltic plug in the center of this basin making audio equipment, ceramics with photographs embedded in them and conducting research into the psychoacoustics of audio cognition

For several days now Brice had been conducting lessons within the garden of the Archenon, gathering together daily in a clearing adjacent to the Statue of the Unpure Soldier

You can overcome this problem by conducting your own testing on your

To dream that your father is dead forewarns that you need to proceed with caution in conducting some business matter

Are you conducting the tests?’

Others as fascinated as we stared at people conducting businesses in this most holy place of worship

The degree, however, which is commonly possessed, is generally sufficient for conducting the whole simple business of the society

It is confined to enforcing the law for its operations, while the Army is limited only to the laws of war when conducting their campaigns

bells, thus conducting the complex social life of those favoured

” Annoyed at his high sense of drama, she followed to the garage behind the inn where he, with the help of two Boston friends, was conducting the interrogation, but upon hearing what the woman had to say, she grudgingly admitted that, for once, he had been right

) Much to Truman’s surprise, John Hall was one of the two CIA men conducting interviews at the training center

Aerial warfare was so revolutionary, that it threw out all the old ideas of so-called, ‘gentlemen,’ conducting warfare with so-called, ‘rules

That included water: with a rented rowboat he posed as a man fishing for a big catch, repeatedly casting between the pilings while conducting a close-up inspection of the underside of the pier

They must be conducting a security exercise

Marcus and Johanna are in a building on Michigan Avenue, north of the Hancock building, conducting a meeting

Theobald was conducting partisan coalitions

Hirosaki University in Fukushima Prefecture was told to stop conducting

One or more auditors conducting an audit, supported if needed by Technical Experts

Example: You are conducting monthly Reviews isn’t it?

Charlotte had been chastised by many for conducting in the behaviour she had chosen with regards to my uncle, but I was one of the few who never blamed her

conducting analysis of the probability of the validity of any near death experience

Tour guides advise the tourists to be firm in conducting their haggling in the above-mentioned fashion

“The RCMP constable was supposed to be conducting surveillance in a

Health Canada is conducting inspections in Toronto of Apotex

The Los Angeles Community College District had been conducting summer classes in Salamanca several years before Roger brought his first group of students there, a three-hour drive away from Ponferrada, his hometown

Nearly 15 years after the wake-up call of the “Nation at Risk” report, the journal Education Week, after conducting an exhaustive study

Needless to say, I was very angry because Dino, the still new (hired August 2001) GC had specifically instructed me, as the basis for my annual evaluation to determine whether I became a permanent employee, to investigate the overhead accounts where Hottman and Hansen were conducting business without approval of Legal, Contracts, and the Director

As Theramin will be conducting the ceremony, he will be the first to emerge from the room downstairs, walk down the aisle, and take his place atop the topmost tier of the podium

He’s kept them on alert, and I imagine at this moment they’re conducting a detailed reconnoiter of the island

Zarkog was still blasted back by the Force for almost ten kilometers as he struggled to deal with the shock of losing his turncoats to The Just Alliance while conducting his psionic battle with The Swarm, but the only injuries he suffered were from the fierce and sudden acceleration forces he experienced

15 «It happened when he had come back again having received the kingdom that he commanded these servants to whom he had given the money to be called to him that he might know what they had gained by conducting business

I withdrew a conducting chip from a compartment and was proudly demonstrating how to install it to my students and boasting about the properties of her new implant when the crisis occurred

He was drilling in Dulce, New Mexico, when he supposedly uncovered a massive underground lair where aliens were conducting experiments

For example, the student teams of IEDC Executive MBA Programs work for 11 months on a real-life project, conducting a “rigorous analysis of the external and organizational context as well as the indicated area on which the project focuses, delivering concrete solutions to the problem and an action plan for the solution implementation,” she says

EMBA Programs use different tools to learn what students, alumni, and organizations think, such as conducting surveys and focus groups, keeping an open door, meeting with students on a regular basis, and responding quickly to their questions and requests

Zarkog was still blasted back by the Force for almost six miles as he struggled to deal with the shock of losing his turncoats to The Just Alliance while conducting his psionic battle with The Swarm, but the only injuries he suffered were from the fierce and sudden acceleration forces he experienced

were conducting the trade with?”

the podium, raised his arms up high and began conducting

Luckily a Su-Katii general was in the region conducting a training exercise and he managed to reorganize the demoralised troops

In conducting loss reviews with prospects and clients, here are some examples of the customer’s version of why a company loses the contract:

Of course had he been influenced like the others, I wouldn’t have to waste my time conducting this search

good the Sophianalyst conducting the group is at what they do

Karl Lashley has pointed out, after conducting numerous experiments on the brains of animals, that neither the learning nor the retention of a habit is localised in any one area of the cortex

«That’s cause Kurt wasn’t conducting the Hayley train

erator experiments that scientists have been conducting in the past can only

and it starts conducting

T1, which starts conducting and turns the pump on

conducting and transistor T1 gets forward biased and it

the iR beam due and it starts conducting

We have called in a lot of resources to do this and have already seconded personnel from a number of other sources within the government including the Defence force who are assisting with some of the logistics in the form of providing transport to a number of sites under the guise of conducting exercises

“Simultaneously with this, Interpol and a number of overseas agencies will be conducting raids in most of the areas where we suspect Jacob to be active with illegal drug manufacturing

electrically conducting fluids, including plasmas and liquid metals

conducting a private rehabilitation class with a 70 year old man, and he was getting to the

«Denson,» says Steng as they are conducting a cursory examination of the body and site,

Whenever I pay my respects to my little boy’s grave, I have to endure locals conducting tours; drunken teenagers; or looky loos hoping their cameras will catch a floating orb

irony arises as a consequence of conducting a cost-benefit analysis, namely the necessity for

conducting an interview with her, which she wanted to avoid

by conducting séances at home

Clarity and the girls saw through progressive news briefs on television conducting public opinion polls that the letter had hit the publicś sentiment right on target

processes, such as conducting an inspection, launching a small

when conducting systematic or programmatic analyses, but in

> Conducting Meaningful Performance Reviews with Employees

‘Out of the frying pan into the fire,’ Zeno grinned at Jarek as his mother took hold of her visitor’s head and pressed it to her bosom, practically burying his nose in her cleavage while conducting a thorough examination of the wound

Then with watery eyes he tells everyone, “Super conducting energy storage test project

“Good, but tell her I’m conducting a fire safety inspection or some other bullshit excuse for visiting

The law stated that ground, maritime and air forces were to preserve the peace and independence of the nation and to maintain national security by conducting operations on land, at sea and in the air to defend the nation against direct and indirect aggression

was responsible for conducting research on the species, but that his work was cut short by the

see why I am not too bothered with the Research I am now conducting?

Here, you will find samples of all the letters and forms you will need in conducting

conducting this man’s life review and teaching the wife (who

While he was conducting research about how oils might aid healing, his arm caught fire and subsequently poured lavender oil onto it by accidental, which in turn caused the arm to heal faster, leaving no scar

conducting market research in addition to continuing to grow the quality of

forums which comes up after conducting this search is Golf Forum (Figure 9

Christianity secured its start in Ephesus largely through the efforts of Paul, who resided here more than two years, making tents for a living and conducting lectures on religion and philosophy each night in the main audience chamber of the school of Tyrannus

In conducting studies on sleep and the causes of sleeplessness, it has

While conducting dharmic discourse at Misty Nest, he tended the aged at ‘Gautam Home’ with equal felicity

They had hoped that the civil authorities would dispose of him as Herod had put an end to John, but they discovered that Jesus was so conducting his work that the Roman officials were not much alarmed by his preaching

2 On Tuesday evening Jesus was conducting one of his customary classes of questions and answers when the leader of the six spies said to him: «I was today talking with one of John’s disciples who is here attending upon your teaching, and we were at a loss to understand why you never command your disciples to fast and pray as we Pharisees fast and as John bade his followers

He employed the larger part of his former messenger corps as his helpers in conducting this camp; he now used less than twenty men on regular messenger duty

heartedly responded to consumer uproars about market losses by conducting

This would show that you respect him, and you simply want to follow his lead in conducting the interview

“Did you stop taking it for the study they are conducting at Dominex Pharmaceuticals?»

tance of conducting reality checks privately, discretely, and above all, silently

Thus the skillful general conducts his army just as though he were leading a single man, willy-nilly, by the hand

She also conducts cooking classes at the

• Brief the audit code of conducts

Consider what happens when a user conducts a search on Google or Bing

conducts its legislative business

and hence the pnp transistor BC558 conducts and

Transistor T3 conducts to N2 goes high

This induced leads (from emitter of transistor T4 and ground) and voltage, when connected to the base of transistor T1, connect the buzzer and lED1 away from the rest of forward biases it and it conducts when ring is passing the circuit at a remote location

Denson conducts polymerase chain reaction tests from the loose hair Steng was able to secure from Skully

He has several programs that he conducts, namely Blog Mastermind and

“So it bonds to the myelin sheath and conducts electricity

Once in every seven years, the Lord of the World conducts at Shamballa a

When the priest conducts the Mysteries of

As you look up at the fat guys sweaty balls while you kneel next to him and look through his possessions as your partner conducts a strip search think of this ITS

-The Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation conducts

statement if the condition is true and conducts other specified execution

” She currently conducts “well-ness week-

Graphite conducts electricity and is the soft gray/black substance used as “lead” in pencils

higher than the visions under which schooling presently conducts its

Plain water conducts

This operation has to be managed by our pensive intentional modes of `reflection, projection, application and invertingòver our sensual conducts of `sight, digestion, feeling and auditing` that would present the bearings of the location of this current existing place over here

The element of fire and stormy weather must have given us enough material upon which to exercise these prospective conducts that were vital for conceptions and perceptions to be processed upon thought that were spiraling out further more than our organic potentials could afford to understand

Consequently diligent conducts were being awarded a halo of a saint whilst our Mentor was venerated over aspects that were beyond us to understand

He conducts phone and Skype consultations

All kinds of conducts contrary to the

what Krishn has to say on the way in which this realized sage conducts

‘‘The man who has renounced all desires, and who conducts him-

He conducts himself according to the state

He writes while stoned, he conducts meetings while stoned

“In whatever manner he conducts himself, the man who knows

Will “Three references, please” become the standard salutation for exchanging identification? When a landlord does a credit check on you, shouldn’t you, to be prudent, also do a credit check on them to feel assured that they will fulfill their obligations to pay the mortgage, utilities, even property taxes? Whenever someone conducts a credit check, you are requesting a history of payments made and debts incurred

“Do not work for nor patronize any company, owner, or housing agency that conducts background checks

It is how one conducts one’s life in the younger years, say when they were in their 30s and 40s

Conducts outbound calls to customers introducing

Conducts outbound telephone calls to consumers promoting

Avoid contact with anything that conducts electricity

As the ruler of the country and its religious leader, he needs to make sure that his family upholds the proper moral conducts

The location of where Pilate conducts his questioning is

com, Red Cross stores in Merry Ole England weren’t quite so merry this past Christmas as they refused to sell cards depicting traditional religious themes for fear of offending those in regions where the Red Cross conducts relief efforts

Toscanini always conducts from memory Difficulty with his

A very successful businessman who conducts all affairs on Truth methods said, «The

I submitted an article in which I show what the manner is in which gravity conducts movement by

travels in harmony with the Earth that conducts all the spinning taking place at that point

and now only conducts with the Earth rotating side-on movement

ings of human sacrifice, it is a giant who conducts the

traditional dogma conducts to pessimism by making evil eternal

‘ Calvin himself cannot refrain from confessing that the decree of God concerning sinners seems to him horrible…In a word, the traditional dogma conducts to pessimism by making evil eternal

In a word, the traditional dogma conducts to pessimism by making evil eternal

Black conducts, reflects, (refracts is it?), the heat

Apollo, it may here be mentioned, is useful as well as ornamental, for his lyre is tipped with a metal point which does duty as a lightning-rod, and conducts the fluid to the body and down the nether limbs of the god

So we can say that the medium of air conducts sound at a certain speed

It conducts light at a speed of about two hundred thousand miles per second

For example, Coach conducts more than 10,000 customer interviews every year before it launches new luxury handbag and accessory products

Personally, I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for what he does and how he conducts himself

Reaching into more than 100 countries, RRI conducts public and corporate seminars all over the world on topics ranging from peak performance and life transformation to business growth and financial mastery

Tony Robbins conducts his live Unleash the Power Within events with translation in seven languages

We have an excellent priest, he conducts the service decently and with dignity, and the deacon is the same

It is possible that when the author conducts his readers to a spot and says, «In such a street there stands such and such a house,» neither street nor house will any longer exist in that locality

(Exeunt Guests: he conducts them to the door

, after which one of the leading brethren conducts a prayer-meeting for about an hour

conduct (v, n): to organize and perform a particular activity; behaviour

Use “conduct” in a sentence

We’re conducting a survey.
We’re conducting a survey.
He shamed his whole family by his conduct.
He is ashamed of his son’s conduct.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


A sentence using the word conduct. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use conduct in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for conduct.

  • He pressed her to conduct him. (10)
  • Some of us discussed her conduct. (10)
  • My maid Aennchen will conduct you. (10)
  • What sort of conduct did he call this? (8)
  • Your conduct here has been most improper. (8)
  • Janet approved his conduct, and was right. (10)
  • Probably this explains his conduct to Evan. (10)
  • Respect for right conduct is felt by every body. (4)
  • Brutal selfishness is the phrase for my conduct. (10)
  • Or was it his conduct he wished her to profit by? (9)
  • I thanked them in my heart for their loyal conduct. (10)
  • He promised to conduct her to her hotel immediately. (10)
  • We conduct these affairs upon a different principle. (10)
  • Besides, Rose had dignified him by her decided conduct. (10)
  • She proceeded to conduct Mrs. Grancey Lespel to her room. (10)
  • The Irish, it is true, do not conduct an argument coolly. (10)
  • Edward now found himself able to conduct a correspondence. (10)
  • He left no friend thinking over the riddle of his conduct. (10)
  • Do you find an apology in their acts for intemperate conduct? (10)
  • Your conduct, as far as I can see, is absolutely unjustifiable. (8)
  • Dartrey angrily attributed his good conduct to the lowest motives. (10)
  • Edbury whipped his four-in-hand to conduct our voters to the poll. (10)
  • Henrietta prepared to conduct him to Lekkatts; her bonnet was brought. (10)
  • Jackson Hart was not given to undue speculation over matters of conduct. (13)
  • Slow-and-sure Joshua Abnett would conduct her safely, barring accidents. (10)
  • Arnold requested Smith to leave them to conduct their conversation privately. (18)
  • I am content to take my patent of nobility for good conduct in the revolution. (10)
  • So thinking, he determined to change his course of conduct, and he was happier. (10)
  • Very bitterly he thought of the unneighborly conduct of that woman and her cubs. (8)
  • All roads lead to Rome, and ours appears to conduct us perpetually to this tree. (10)
  • The good gentleman had not exactly understood his duties, or how to conduct them. (10)
  • And I give you notice that at this meeting your conduct will be called in question. (8)
  • I tried to face the evil, and take a line of conduct, staggering, as I did on my feet. (10)
  • Mademoiselle prudently forbore from satirical remarks on his person or on his conduct. (10)
  • The mystery of her conduct troubling his wits for the many hours was explained by Danvers. (10)
  • And the immodesty of her conduct was perceptible to her while she thus made her heart bare. (10)
  • Mr. Pempton spoke to Miss Graves of the task for a woman to conduct a command so extensive. (10)
  • If you value her conduct or happiness, infuse as much of your own spirit into her as you can. (4)
  • His wife, whatever her conduct, had clear eyes and an almost depressing amount of common sense. (8)
  • Those that best pleased her, as placing his conduct in the noblest light, seemed most improbable. (4)
  • Willoughby may undoubtedly have very sufficient reasons for his conduct, and I will hope that he has. (4)
  • Annette had to conduct the business with Mr. Phippun and Mr. Tinman as to payment for the chiwal-glass. (10)
  • When I reflect on what he is, and his conduct to Caroline, I have inscrutable longings to slap his face. (10)
  • With that he quitted his chair, and hospitably proposed to conduct his guest over the house and grounds. (10)
  • He scarce had the power to conduct himself reverently, so intense was his longing to show her his sympathy. (10)
  • He scarce had the power to conduct himself reverently, so intense was his longing to show her his sympathy. (22)
  • On foot, from necessity or in deference to his dismounted commander or associates, his conduct was the same. (1)
  • Why, since he had accepted his fate, should he pretend to judge the conduct of people his superiors in rank? (10)
  • On the top of this wall were gutters of wood to conduct water to any part which the enemy should set on fire. (19)
  • Besides, Andrew knew, his whole conduct was a tacit admission, that she had condescended in giving him her hand. (10)
  • Let then our joy be in war: in uncompromising Action, which need not be the less a sagacious conduct of the war . (10)
  • During all these proceedings, nothing could be possibly more kind and considerate than the conduct of our opponents. (6)
  • It was the natural result of the conduct of each party, and such as a very imprudent marriage almost always produces. (4)
  • Sir Thomas, poor Sir Thomas, a parent, and conscious of errors in his own conduct as a parent, was the longest to suffer. (4)
  • There was no telling how conduct like this might have been received by the Yellow-and-Blues if Mr. Barrett had not spoken. (10)
  • She saw the indelicacy of putting himself forward as he had done, and the inconsistency of his professions with his conduct. (4)
  • The immensely large capital now required for the conduct of a daily newspaper in a great city has had important consequences. (16)
  • She was a veteran Pagan, and may have had the instinct that a peculiar virtue in this young one was the spring of his conduct. (10)
  • I would write to him myself, but have mislaid his direction; and, as I hinted above, am afraid he took something in my conduct amiss. (4)
  • He ought to have known; he ought to have given them warning; but when did a Forsyte ever imagine that his conduct could upset anybody! (8)
  • Owing to the hubbub around the two who were guilty of this unmeasured joke upon consequential ladies, I had to conduct her to the gate. (10)
  • He now put the whole case fairly and squarely, and his candour and openness seemed to him to react and characterise his conduct throughout. (9)
  • Upon the whole, I commend my own conduct in this affair extremely, and regard it as a very happy instance of circumspection and tenderness. (4)
  • Especially I protested that I could not hold myself guilty of misfortunes I had not intended, even though my faulty conduct had caused them. (9)
  • For supposing him to blame himself, her power to cast a shadow of blame on him went from her, and therewith her vindication of her conduct. (10)
  • She disentangled her bonnet from the array of her spreading hair, talking of Richard, and his handsome appearance, and extraordinary conduct. (10)
  • He is a man of easy wit and repartee, and of tact and practical intelligence; qualifications necessary to the successful conduct of his vocal calling. (21)
  • It is obvious that what is outrageous conduct may be admirable criticism, that what is admirable conduct may be inferior, shuffling criticism. (16)

Also see sentences for: actions, administer, administration, attend, behavior, demeanor, deportment.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for conduct. Now that you’ve seen how to use conduct in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Select First Letter

Marseille said they had decided to dismiss Michel, citing his conduct, «in particular over the last three weeks».


Under our system, government officials promulgate and enforce the rules of ethical conduct.


They erode the standards of decent conduct on which our society depends.


In late March, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) announced its own digging into Cambridge Analytica, as well as a plan to create its own code of conduct for its members.


The regular punishment for violent conduct is a normal three-match ban, but because of his red against Sunderland in November meant that his term was extended to four games.


Criminal contempt is typically reserved for cases where there has been «a failure for an effective civil enforcement, there has been particularly egregious conduct, repeat offenders or sentences where there have been violence or damaged property.»


This ordinance is in no way intended to take the place of provisions of state, municipal or county law otherwise intended to ensure the safety and good conduct of any person making use of Park District facilities, programs and services.


The funder had no role in design or conduct of the study, data analysis, interpretation of the data, or writing the manuscript.


«Weinstein’s wrongful and outrageous conduct has not just deprived Ms. Judd of the specific opportunity to play a prominent role in a blockbuster film trilogy; it has had a long-lasting ripple effect on her whole career,» the complaint said.


In his decision, Judge William Orrick noted that his fines covered only a third of what BlackBerry sought, saying the amount was «directly tied to additional revenue that Typo could have expected from its illegal conduct


Management Corporate Culture Several recent financial and corruption scandals have forced multinationals to develop comprehensive corporate conduct and compliance programs.


Both won’t be charged for their conduct according to the FA as reported by Sky Sports.


The Labour leader has strongly denied this and has previously signed a «code of conduct» against abusive behaviour during the leadership election.


Although his off the pitch conduct has at times been questioned by Wenger, with proper fitness routines and supervision, the best of Jack Wilshere is yet to come.


They outlined duties of workers, gave the people a written code of conduct and described the laws of the Kingdom, perhaps the most famous of which is echoed in the Old Testament view of justice — «If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out.»


«We will make them pay for their illegal and reprehensible conduct,» Cuomo said.


Such restriction or inhibition includes, without limitation, conduct which is unlawful, or which may harass or cause distress or inconvenience to any person and the transmission of obscene, defamatory or offensive content or disruption of normal flow of dialogue within this site.


«This prosecution, based on information provided by someone of utterly unreliable credibility, seeks to criminalize conduct that the Supreme Court of the United States recently found to be not unlawful,» he said in an apparent reference to the case of former Virginia Bob McDonnell.


Approximately 10 % of teens suffer from conduct disorder, and most of them exhibit signs in early adolescence.


They represent a continuation of the distortions and bad faith that have characterised the conduct of the NPP side of the Transition team.


Schneiderman, who had been running for re-election, said he contested the women’s accounts, but «while these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct


Was anyone in county government aware of sexual harassment and/or abuse by Al Dirschberger while he was employed by Erie County, and allowed said conduct to continue unabated?


That doesn’t completely eliminate the conduct, but we have other reasons we recognize the tort anyway.


«I can express that this has been a difficult process for my client,» Ko-Csonka’s lawyer wrote to Maclean «s. «This is scandalous conduct on the part of the Respondents, and TDL in particular.»


«Specifically, over a period of more than four years, the defendants attempted to cover up the assault of a handcuffed prisoner by Burke by obstructing the federal grand jury investigation and, when they learned that the scope of the investigation expanded into an investigation of the obstructive conduct, the defendants then attempted to obstruct the obstruction investigation,» Rohde wrote.


That’s typical of the state’s conduct in this affair, much like a child who closes his eyes and plugs his ears in the hope that the person in front of them will disappear.


If a parent has been involved in alienating, cruel or illegal behavior, this conduct can be considered a factor in any proceeding to gain or adjust custody.


Senator Dahiru had dragged the APC, Tambuwal and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) before the court praying for an order of the court to nullify and set aside the Sokoto state APC primary election on the grounds that its conduct was not in compliance with the Electoral Act 2010, the APC guideline on the primary election and the party’s constitution.


And they need more time to review the documents and conduct studies before rendering a final opinion.


She died all because of their selfish and annoying code of conduct.


The Chairman explained how the additional budgetary provision would be expended to include salaries and Social Insurance contributions, recurrent expenses such as utilities, maintenance and others for 867 offices and residencies nationwide, including staff welfare, provision of core electoral expenses like the conduct of voter education, legal services and for renovation of office and residential buildings.


Then, with the slimmest provocation, he is a molten slag heap, snapping shafts over his knee, bending his putter over his head, angrily decapitating sprinkler heads, producing enough conduct unbecoming to earn a satchelful of fines from the Tour.


Pitino also filed a civil suit against Adidas in October for what he called «outrageous conduct in conspiring to funnel money to the family of a college basketball recruit… all without Coach Pitino’s knowledge, participation, or acquiescence.»


Back in 2012, before the Lake of Fire became part of the province’s political lingo, then-party leader Danielle Smith confirmed the existence of a good conduct bonds of $ 1,000 to be paid by anyone who ran for a Wildrose Party nomination.


Liability should apply only to officer conduct that is objectively unreasonable, not judgment calls on the margins.


In this light, the authorisation for the conduct of Ex AYEM AKPATUMA was authorised and troops deployed to curb menace of the herdsmen-farmers conflict and other criminal activities in the North Central Region amongst others.


Samuel also noted that they would be looking more closely at conduct that might infringe Part IV of the TPA: «We’ll also be taking a close look at restrictive agreements and leases.


He also alleged possible criminal conduct by a high-ranking member of BSO — the matter involved a 2015 fight with a neighbor — and claimed the sheriff’s office has allowed a private contractor to access free gasoline at police and fire station pumps.


There is a silent code of conduct that you don’t reveal the disagreeable parts of yourself that could threaten the security of the system or its ideology.


It says the decision suggested an unwillingness by David Cameron to refer difficult cases to the adviser, who is supposed to oversee the ministerial code of conduct.


The limited number of studies that met our inclusion criteria prevented the conduct of statistical analyses of the relationship between industry sponsorship and study results.


Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny will be eligible to play in Arsenal’s next match, after having his straight red for perceived violent conduct during…


«In principle I’m supportive of an industry code of conduct, particularly where it levels the playing field for growers and suppliers in Australia, who for many years, pre-dating our existence in the market, have been complaining of unfair business practices by the major supermarkets,» Mr Daunt said in an exclusive interview.


«While these allegations are unrelated to my professional conduct of the operations of the office, they will effectively prevent me from leading the office’s work at this critical time,» he said.


«We would like to place on record our admiration for the courage shown by Rhian Brewster throughout this process and commend his exemplary conduct.


Power operates through the normalizing gaze of the prison guard: it is not a mere external restraint on our conduct but has a productive role in shaping our inner world and identity to make us obedient and manageable.


River Trails Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant or spectator for inappropriate conduct.


«It is hard to understand how any candidate, much less one for District Attorney, would engage in such conduct.


• Parenting programmes are short-term, structured interventions, which have in previous reviews been shown to be effective in treating conduct problems in certain groups of children


Chief of Army Staff, Gen. Yusuf Buratai, has charged soldiers training young officers of 76 regular intake NATRAC to demonstrate high sense of professional conduct while discharging their constitutional responsibilities.


Listing Results Conduct Recipes

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WebView Recipe: Pistachio-Crusted Pork Cutlets This delicious dinner is just under 400 calories and packs lots of protein, calcium and potassium. Make sure the cutlets are no more than a half-inch thick so they’ll cook quickly. …


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1,300+ Delicious Low Carb Recipes Recipe Diet Doctor

WebWe offer 1,333 nutritionally approved and tested low carb recipes that are easy to follow, created by some of the most loved low carb cookbook authors, chefs, and dietitians from around the world. The Diet …


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