Use the word concern in sentences

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  1. Be exalted. Other major ideas in the book of Amos include: social justice and,


    ,for the disadvantaged; the idea that Israel’s covenant with God did not exempt
  2. Of 80 of the victims. In 1944 with the approach of the allies, there was,


    ,over the possibility of the corpses being discovered, at this point they had
  3. In the 19th century, with the rise of the Oxford Movement, there arose greater,


    ,for reunion of the churches of» Catholic confession. » This desire to work
  4. Considerable attention and thought to judicial matters. Asset underscores his,


    ,for judicial fairness. Alfred, according to Asset, insisted upon reviewing
  5. And phytohemagglutinins. Of these, oxalates and nitrates are of more,


    ,when amaranth grain is used in foraging applications. Some studies suggest
  6. Propiconazole. Although discontinued, this application is also one of the most,


    ,to the public. The vast majority of older pressure-treated wood was
  7. In the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. In 2005,there was some,


    ,that warm northern European currents were slowing down, but no scientific
  8. CM got so cold that water began to condense on solid surfaces, causing,


    , that this might damage electrical systems when it was reactivated. This turned
  9. Political antagonism to the King’s ministers. Inside parliament, the primary,


    ,changed from fears of an over-mighty monarch to the issues of representation
  10. Systems, like the earlier Amiga models, and the Commodore 64,are a,


    , assembler coding is a must. Optimized assembler code is written» by hand »
  11. Of fuel burning (whether fossil fuel or biomass). As a pollutant, they are of,


    ,because some compounds have been identified as carcinogenic, mutagenic,and
  12. Also, this plant can survive in tough conditions. This could be of particular,


    ,to cotton farmers using Roundup Ready cotton. The species Amaranths Palmer (
  13. Expanded from retail into manufacturing baseball equipment and is still a going,


    , In 1900 Spalding was appointed by President McKinley as the USA’s
  14. Of natural resources and respect for the environment, and increasingly,


    ,for the psychological wellbeing of all


    ed in the food production and
  15. Blockade into 1994 gave added urgency to the decision. Another environmental,


    ,is a significant drop in Lake Sevan’s water level because of draw downs for
  16. By the media, official health bodies and medical groups have expressed,


    ,over the touting of aspirin as a» miracle drug «. A 2010 study by Oxford
  17. Can be traced back to the meeting in St. Louis. Role in civilization Anglican,


    ,with broader issues of social justice can be traced to its earliest divines.
  18. Emphasis. However, they all share techniques learned from Yeshiva and most have,


    ,for the well-being of the attacker. Etymology and basic philosophy The word »
  19. Whilst the flucloxacillin acts against the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. Of,


    ,is the number of bacteria that become resistant to Ampicillin necessitating
  20. A Ni‘mat Allah Sufi. Shah Khalil Allah moved to Yard in 1815,probably out of,


    ,for his Indian followers, who used to travel to Persia to see their Imam and
  21. As opposed to in water or air. However, they are also a component of,


    ,in particulate matter suspended in air. Natural crude oil and coal deposits
  22. Of the role that testimony plays a part in epistemology. This was not an idle,


    ,for Hume. Depending on its outcome, the entire treatment would give the
  23. Impacts of rapid Asian growth. Water and air quality is also a cause of severe,


    ,across the region. China’s CO2 and sulfur dioxide emissions are now the
  24. Ends of nature, and that in a matter that is all important and of the greatest,


    ,to her, it must in fact serve these very aims, although only indirectly, as a
  25. Collegiality through manifesting the episcopate, to discuss matters of mutual,


    , and to pass resolutions intended to act as guideposts. It is held roughly
  26. III-Monowitz served as a labor camp for the Buna-Werke factory of the IG Carbon,


    , The SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV) was the SS organization responsible for
  27. Whose works were often allegorical and unintelligible, with very little,


    ,for laboratory work. Albeit others reserve that title for Robert Boyle or
  28. UK the National Autism Plan for Children recommends at most 30 weeks from first,


    ,to completed diagnosis and assessment, though few cases are handled that
  29. Of the populace had sought refuge elsewhere in Iran. After the war, the biggest,


    ,was the rebuilding of Abadan’s oil refinery. In 1993,the refinery began
  30. Of the incarnation is denied unless the Christian spirit can be allowed to,


    ,itself with everything that interests and touches human life. » Anglican focus
  31. With Shea on August 19, 1966 (a week before delivery),the crew expressed,


    ,about the amount of flammable material (mainly nylon netting and Velcro) in
  32. With other ingredients which have safety


    s. Growing U. S. consumer,


    ,about using antibiotics in animal feed has led to a niche market of »
  33. Of various religious traditions, though the concept of ‘others’ toward whom,


    ,should be directed can vary among cultures and religions. Altruism is the
  34. The intentions are even more abstract. The propositions of field theory do not,


    ,any one particular application; the mathematician now works in complete
  35. Is not necessary to explicitly cite Einstein’s axioms, the more so since they,


    ,subtle points on the» reality» and» locality» of experiments. In any
  36. TAI, as it would remain parallel to the continuous UTC. » Altruism is a,


    ,for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a
  37. Disposal of CCA lumber do not exist evenly throughout the world; there is also,


    ,in some quarters about the widespread landfill disposal of such timber. Mapping
  38. Breaker that would arm the main engine for lift off from the Moon. There was,


    ,this would prevent firing the engine, stranding them on the Moon. Fortunately a
  39. In some crops, which is both a crop production and a nutritional quality,


    , with potential economic and health implications. Insect-resistant GMO crops
  40. To some species, in many cultured species high stocking densities may be of,


    , Crowding can constrain normal swimming behavior, as well as increase
  41. Operating in substandard conditions. Unsafe abortion remains a public health,


    ,due to the higher incidence and severity of its associated complications, such
  42. Anglicans worldwide are active in many areas of social and environmental,


    , Continuing Anglicanism Continuing Anglican refers to a number of church bodies
  43. Antarctica is covered by the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. There has been some,


    ,about this ice sheet, because there is a small chance that it will collapse. If
  44. University of Granada (Spain). The opening of the tomb provoked considerable,


    ,among some sectors of Portuguese society and IP PAR – Institute Portuguese do
  45. Said» to spare the responsible politicians of the city of Graz further,


    , I withdraw from them as of this day the right to use my name in association
  46. Ug99 is currently spreading across Africa and into Asia and is causing major,


    , Approximately 40 % of the world’s agricultural land is seriously degraded. In
  47. Or lacking sufficient evidence-basis. Medical scientists expressed,


    ,that the evidence supporting acupuncture outlined in the report was weak, and
  48. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) went to work on the problems. Of primary,


    ,was the Pogo oscillation, which would not only hamper engine performance, but
  49. Concept there is a focus on attention to everything in existence. A constant,


    ,for Allah results in a careful attitude towards people, animals,and other
  50. Funerals are conducted with more and more speed, no ceremony, and little,


    ,for the feelings of the families of the deceased. The inhabitants passively

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Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

concern — перевод на русский



Это касается только меня!


Это и меня немного касается.

He said his business concerned Mrs. Kirkwood.

Он сказал, что дело касается миссис Кирквуд.

It ain’t nothing to concern us.

Да это нас не касается.

Oh, Ellen, how can you, when it concerns the whole country?

Ой, Эллен, что такое говоришь, когда касается всей страны?

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As far as my part of your future is concerned I read a poem somewhere once that said:

И, поскольку, я беспокоюсь о том, как сложится твое будущее я хочу процитировать пару строк из одного стихотворения:

The only thing I’m concerned about is that second act change. LILY:

Я беспокоюсь только о той сцене во втором акте.

I’m just concerned when I see you get so upset.

Я просто беспокоюсь, что могло так тебя расстроить.

You didn’t think I’d be concerned?

Ты не подумал, что я беспокоюсь?

I am concerned.

Я беспокоюсь.

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— That is not your concern!

-Это не ваша забота!

That would not have been of your concern under any circumstances Mr Pyncheon.

В любом случае, мистер Пинчен, это уже не ваша забота.

My first concern is the welfare of the Queen.

— Подозрения Его Величества расстраивают меня. Всей Франции известно, моя единственная забота — это благосостояние королевы.

Oil is no concern of ours.

Нефть — не наша забота.

I’m sorry, but that’s no concern of mine.

Простите, но это уже не моя забота.

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Like M. Villard, my only concern is the truth.

Как и месье Вилла, меня беспокоит только правда.

We are concerned about more than Casablanca.

Нас беспокоит нечто большее, чем Касабланка.

Now we are concerned with this plan of yours for the various Allied zones.

Сейчас нас беспокоит ваш план относительно зон союзников.

My only concern is with my client, Diane Tremayne.

Меня беспокоит только мой клиент.

Oh, Ann, what were you so concerned about?

О, Энн! Что же вас так беспокоит?

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Particular concern was caused by a widely publicized but subsequently descredited report that LSD might damage chromosomes.

ќсобое беспокойство было вызвано широко распространЄнным, но затем оказавшимс€ ложным отчетом о том, что Ћ—ƒ способно повредить хромосомы. ћного опасностей было придумано, в то врем€ как некоторые были вполне реальными.

I’m obliged for your concern.

Я обязан за Ваше беспокойство.

Your concern over my health touches me deeply.

Твое беспокойство меня очень трогает.

Today he walked the same road, experiencing the same concern, The same shiver throughout the body.

Сегодня он шёл той же дорогой, испытывая то же беспокойство, ту же дрожь во всём теле.

But when I saw her on the stage, I felt that concern kakoe-.

Но когда я увидел её на сцене, то почувствовал какое-то беспокойство.

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Do not apologize, I see that you are concerned.

Не извиняйся, я вижу, что ты обеспокоен.

As far as I’m concerned, give me terra firma any day.

Насколько я обеспокоен, подавайте мне сушу каждый день.

It’s the emergency supply I was concerned about.

Набор для неотложных ситуаций, вот чем я был обеспокоен.

My colleague is concerned about these death-by-violence projects you’ve been reporting.

Мой коллега был обеспокоен заговорами, приближающимся насилием, о которых вы докладывали в мое отсутствие.

Our inability to reach the landing party is strange, and I am concerned.

То, что мы не смогли связаться с десантной группой, странно, и я обеспокоен.

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That only concerns me!

Это мое дело.

What you do with your hat is your own concern.

Что ты делаешь со своей шляпой — дело твое.


Миссис Бунтин, я не люблю лезть не в свое дело, но с момента возвращения мистера Престона вы не заметили каких-нибудь разногласий между им и его женой?

It concerns the monster.

Все дело в чудовище.

It is not your concern.

Не твое дело. Нет.

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Since when are we concerned with what other people think?

С каких пор нас волнует, что думают остальные?

You’re concerned what people will think?

Вас волнует то, что подумают люди?

You so concerned about what he thinks?

— Вас так волнует, что он думает?

I don’t think that’s any of our concern.

Нас это не волнует.

that is none of my concern, you have not paid your quota, and I…

Меня это не волнует, Вы не оплатили свой взнос, и я…

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My only concern is for the truth.

Нет, нет, я волнуюсь только за правду.

It’s you I’m concerned about, Mr. Simms, and your wife… who is a client and a very dear friend of mine.

Я волнуюсь о вас, мистер Симмс, и вашей жене, моей клиентке и очень дорогом друге.

You know, I have examined myself very honestly, trying to figure out whether I am suspicious… because I’m genuinely concerned or, you know, a little jealous.

Я искренне пыталась разобраться в своих чувствах, стараясь понять, может я слишком подозрительна? .. Потому что я действительно волнуюсь и, вы знаете, немножко ревную.

I’m really concerned!

Франсуа, я волнуюсь.

I’m not so concerned about me, but the people who work for me.

Я волнуюсь не за себя, но… за людей, которые работают на меня.

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As far as I’m concerned.

Я заинтересован продолжать.

The Emperor of all Rome is very concerned for your safe arrival.

Император всего Рима очень заинтересован в вашем безопасном прибытии.

As far as I’m concerned, everything’s been covered.

Поскольку я заинтересован, обо всём позаботятся.

I’m very much concerned!

Я очень заинтересован!

I’m not concerned in disputes between Earthmen.

Я не заинтересован в спорах между землянами.

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Used with adjectives:

«The storm caused growing concern.«
(growing, rising)

«She has genuine concern for her friends.«

«He has great concerns about his future.«
(great, serious)

«Affordable healthcare is a national concern.«

«The flu epidemic is causing general concern.«
(general, widespread, public)

«Child safety is a common concern for parents.«
(common, valid, legitimate)

«What is your main concern?«
(main, primary, major, chief)

Used with verbs:

«I feel concern for my brother’s well-being.«
(feel, have)

«She does not show any concern for her family.«
(show, express)

«The earthquake caused concern.«
(caused, heightened)

«I understand your concerns.«

«How can I ease your concerns about driving?«
(ease, reduce, lessen)

Used with prepositions:

«We gave him money out of concern.«
(out of)

«Parents have valid concerns about their children.«
(about, over)

«I have serious concerns for her safety.«

концерн, беспокойство, интерес, забота, касаться, относиться, заботиться


- отношение; касательство

to have no concern with — не иметь никакого отношения /касательства/ к
It’s no concern of mine. — Это меня не касается.
What concern is it of yours? — Что вам до этого?

- беспокойство; забота; тревога; озабоченность

to express deep concern — выражать большую озабоченность /-ое беспокойство/
to feel concern about one’s future — беспокоиться о будущем
to feel no concern for smth. — быть равнодушным к чему-л.
to cause concern — вызывать беспокойство /тревогу, озабоченность/

- участие; интерес

mutual concern — взаимный интерес
to show concern for an invalid — заботиться о больном
He has little concern with politics. — Он мало интересуется политикой.

- дело; фирма; предприятие; концерн

paying concern — прибыльное /доходное/ предприятие
going concern — предприятие на ходу, в действии
family concern — семейная фирма

- доля; пай; участие (в предприятии)

to have a concern in a business — быть участником /пайщиком, акционером/ предприятия /партнёром в фирме/

- важность; значение

My only concern is to find my daughter. — Единственное, что для меня важно — найти свою дочь.
matter of great concern — дело большой важности

- pl. дела

meddling in smb.’s concerns — вмешательство в чьи-л. дела

- арх. разг. вещь; штука

The hackney-coach is a great square concern. — Шестиместная карета — это такая огромная квадратная штуковина.

- проблема; вопрос; источник беспокойства, «головная боль»

Safety is our chief concern. — Наша главная задача — безопасность.
public health concern — проблема здравоохранения
New York traffic is a constant concern. — Дорожные пробки — вечная проблема Нью-Йорка.
number of serious concerns — ряд серьёзных проблем


- касаться (в рассказе); описывать

The story concerns a good girl and a wicked fairy. — В сказке говорится о хорошей девочке и злой фее.

- касаться; затрагивать; иметь касательство, отношение

as concerns — что касается
as far as I am concerned — что касается меня
where the children are concerned — когда речь, идёт о детях
to whom it may concern — тем, кого это касается; ≅ справка, удостоверение (заголовок справки, удостоверения и т. п.)
The problem concerns us all. — Вопрос этот касается нас всех.
That doesn’t concern you at all. — Это вас совсем не касается.
He is said to have been concerned in the crime. — Говорят, что он замешан в преступлении.

- беспокоить; волновать; заботить

to be concerned about smb.’s health — беспокоиться о чьём-л. здоровье
Don’t let my illness concern you. — Пусть моя болезнь вас не беспокоит.
Everybody was concerned at the news. — Все были встревожены этим известием.

- refl интересоваться; заниматься

to concern oneself with literature [politics] — интересоваться /заниматься/ литературой [политикой]

Мои примеры


a lack of concern for conventional morality — безразличие к принятым нормам морали  
a saintly concern for his fellow men — праведная забота о своих собратьях  
to have a concern in smth. — быть заинтересованным в чём-л.  
business concern — торгово-промышленная фирма  
cause for alarm [concern] — повод для беспокойства  
concern of community — беспокойство общества  
concern of customers — интересы клиентов  
concern of stockholders — интересы акционеров  
concern of suppliers — интересы поставщиков  
concern of trade association — интересы торговой ассоциации  
banking concern — банковский концерн  
major concern — крупное предприятие, крупный концерн  

Примеры с переводом

Her ill health concerns me.

Меня беспокоит её слабое здоровье.

The problem concerns us all.

Эта проблема касается всех нас.

I appreciate your concern, but honestly, I’m fine.

Я ценю вашу заботу, но честно говоря, у меня всё в порядке.

Don’t concern yourself with matters that are not your business.

Не суй нос не в свои дела.

Our mother’s illness concerns us.

Мы обеспокоены болезнью матери.

He concerns himself with trivia.

Он занимается чепухой.

The novel concerns three soldiers.

В романе рассказывается о трёх солдатах.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

concerned  — заинтересованный, обеспокоенный, озабоченный, связанный, имеющий отношение
concerning  — относительно, касательно, относительно, касательно, касающийся
concernment  — заинтересованность, озабоченность, дело, предприятие, участие, важность
unconcern  — беззаботный, беззаботность, безразличие, равнодушие

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: concern
he/she/it: concerns
ing ф. (present participle): concerning
2-я ф. (past tense): concerned
3-я ф. (past participle): concerned

ед. ч.(singular): concern
мн. ч.(plural): concerns

Synonym: affect, business, company, enterprise, firm, interest, involve, trouble. Similar words: concerning, concert, concede, concept, conceive, conception, concentrate, concentration. Meaning: [kən’sɜːn]  n. 1. something that interests you because it is important or affects you 2. an anxious feeling 3. a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it 4. something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness 5. a feeling of sympathy for someone or something. v. 1. have to do with or be relevant to 2. be on the mind of. 

1, Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern you.

2, My prime concern is to protect my property.

3, The noise would have provoked alarm and neighbourly concern.

4, Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern.

5, Thank you for your concern.

6, Provision of shelter was their main concern.

7, To whom it may concern

8, He felt some concern for her safety.

9, He has a concern in the business.

10, Our primary concern must be the children.

11, Our only concern is the children’s welfare.

12, Don’t interfere in matters that do not concern you!

13, It is not your concern.

14, This issue has caused wide public concern.

15, She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.

16, Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.

17, He expressed grave concern at American attitudes.

18, Environmental protection has been a global concern.

19, She has deep concern for her son’s.

20, The decision caused ripples of concern among the parents.

21, Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.

22, There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.

23, There is concern that the giant panda will soon become extinct.

24, Concern for others seems to be at a discount today.

25, The Red Cross’s primary concern is to preserve and protect human life.

26, It was a matter of some concern to most of those present .

27, My concern for their well — being was misunderstood as interference.

28, The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/controversy over farming methods.

29, There has been concern in/throughout the West about the effects of this measure.

30, The relative frequency of this illness in the area is of concern to all doctors.

  • Use the word CONCERN in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Wetin concern me with English

Particular concern was caused by a widely publicized but subsequently descredited report that LSD might damage chromosomes.

This only concern about knowing himself at the height of fame has even become more intense after our engagement.

«… HE’S FREE OF THAT concern




How does my wife concern you?

The important but delicate concern of Oliver MacBright…

The matter does not concern you, Madame Greifer.

His concern about the whereabouts of his friend led Harry Peel to go to where the call for help had come.

Something that — that ought to concern you:

However, these expenses of yours did concern us… in so far as the money might have come out of our till.

I can quite understand Mr Harker’s concern.

concern yourself with humanity, like your brother.

Most of the public still takes the position, «How does this concern me?»

I think that Frank’s interests need concern you no longer.

You shouldn’t get worked up over things that don’t concern you.

Your business doesn’t concern me.

I don’t see how that trash can possibly concern me.

Because I begin to get goofy ideas and they concern you, Anne.

None of your ideas could be goofy, Stewart, if they concern me.

That is not your concern!

In what way does this concern me?

I hope that’s no longer your concern.

Before I get through, I’m laying before you here… the last general statement of the concern.

Her money is just one concern for me.

Your apparent concern for these Christians is traitorous.

That’s my concern. Get out!

And him running barefoot through it or something? Can’t you find any better way to pass your time than spying on matters that don’t concern you?

The boy isn’t your concern, understand?

Miss Griffith, kindly understand that I want no more interference in things that don’t concern you.

Now, ladies, it shall be our concern… to make your pilgrimage as comfortable as possible.

Your sympathy, your concern… all pretense, underneath which you resent me.

Your bar brawl doesn’t concern me.

My boy, the disciplinary committee has agreed, under pressure from your kind-hearted teacher… such magnanimity, Mr. Viot… out of consideration for your family and concern for you, and in view of our commemoration day tomorrow,

Mr. Browning, my daughter’s health has been my main concern for many years…

I don’t understand your concern over such a mother.

Young man, you needn’t concern yourself about me.


And I do further solemnly swear that I will permit no concern other than the good of the state to influence me in the exact performance of those duties which herewith I undertake.

That’s the Lord’s concern.

Your only concern is for your daughter’s future.

It’s your concern as much as mine

No, and it doesn’t concern her. It’s about inheritance

concern (v, n): to cause worry to someone; a worried or nervous feeling about something, or something that makes you feel worried

Use “concern” in a sentence

That’s not my concern.
I fully understand your concerns.
It’s no concern of mine.
My primary concern is your safety.

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