Use the word concept in a sentence

Definition of Concept

an idea or notion

Examples of Concept in a sentence

Fortunately, the client loves our new advertising concept.


The flaws in the design concept have made the building unstable.


For the slower students, the complex concept will have to be broken down into smaller units.


The concept of evolution has been debated for hundreds of years.


Because I am not into art, I find it difficult to understand the painter’s creative concept.


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‘Aluminum’ was an abstract concept for me until now

The new society requires mobility where joint family concept may not be practical

Most of us have been exposed to the concept of God from our childhood

They are largely the dangers of a fine mental concept that runs ahead of the capacity of the physical body

The concept of ‘time’ also ceases to exist for you

The concept was cutting-edge in the last messages they had received from home

impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith

universe contained any concept as simple as song, you would have heard Smith sing

In the New Testament we find several Greek words that have the same concept of the

The concept of the watchman goes back to early Hebrew/Egyptian history

Whether we go to the Old Testament or the New Testament, we have been given a great concept of the watchman


Perhaps the concept of a shepherd is one that more familiar to us

gives insight to this concept


This concept is used in a variety of ways, both in the Old and New Testaments



Directly related to the concept of a ruler is that of an overseer



subordinated to the concept of rational purpose and destiny

have no concept of the spiritual character, or makeup of the church or their responsibility to watch over the soul of every member in the congregation

In the Great War, when the concept of concentration wiped out the lives of millions, there were always those who remained, those who survived and who told their stories

Time is an elastic concept in captivity

Sheol is the Hebrew concept of the underworld

‘You know, this time last week I’d never heard of Errd … the concept would have been fantastical, something out of a sci-fi story … and yet as soon as Karal started explaining all seemed so … normal

The reason that we can’t understand or express where the Spirit fits in or how the trinity works is because we have no need of either concept in our daily lives

All that Smith was aware of was the equivalent of a cosmic itch, and he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith unwittingly agreed with the future earthly Buddha in that He found the unformulated conjecture of eternal peace to be vexatious and maddening

That’s the concept of living on a

Maybe that was as big a concept to him as the electric ghosts were to her

The new concept candle flickered to life behind his eyes

I have also seen enquiries from France and Italy asking for information about the courses offered here at the Guild Hall so it seems that the concept of a trained cadre of performing musicians, singers and actors is taking off worldwide

And finally he understood that it made no sense to her because she had no concept of what an Earth farm looked like

She meets my gaze and I can read very plainly just how unpleasant she finds the concept

Alan was shocked by the graphic nature of her expression in addition to being torn by the concept

I think Alfred, Victoria, Morg and Glenelle are the only ones on the ship that know that, the others never really think about the concept; but our flesh would be dead

without notice, freedom is a relative concept,

‘So you are not totally against the concept

’ He said trying to imagine the concept

As I pull together all the garments scattered round the room and pack them in the bags, I try to come to terms with the concept that I would rather like my dream (as it is probably safer to call it) to be reality

He could see on her face that she wasn’t excited by that concept

Of course, now we have a generation who have no concept of church at all and trying to frame services which are accessible to them whilst at the same time meeting the needs of the believing congregation is very difficult

’ I said, relishing the concept

‘You’re doubtless familiar with the concept of love in a religious sense?’ she nods and her brow wrinkles as she tries to see where my argument is going

Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

He’s obviously relaxed with the concept that Simon is comforting me which is a relief

He clearly finds the concept of what he calls a big white powder puff of a wedding dress appalling but, until he knows how I feel about it, is trying to suppress his feelings

You may be familiar with the concept of keeping a ―diary,‖ but

And on the other hand, I hated the concept of knowing you were struggling with something and not being able to help

taught me the truth of this concept

of this concept, that the universe is filled with and

about healing, dramatically demonstrates the concept

That evening she tried to ask if sex was part of the ceremony, but in spite of their desire to help her and to understand, it was still too abstract a concept to get across

She never asked, and Ava never seemed to get home the concept that the essential difference was that Koruki lived in a healthy and thriving civilization, while Ava lived in the ruins of a former one

But he’s had a lot longer to get used to this concept than I have

That’s why the general public is so addicted to the concept of celebrity

I’m not used to the concept of us as a couple

They had never heard of the concept of doping migration, never thought a bit about what it takes to keep human souls in charge of their system, since they barely understood the concept of their simulated environment

When you real y understand the concept of non-‐separation you have to

Lucy had never bought into the concept that

’ He said firmly, the flush on his cheeks showing clearly just how strongly the concept affects him

’ I said, equally affected by the concept of having to go home but loathe to show it

Discipline went out of fashion some time ago but nothing replaced it so we’ve got second or even third generations who have no concept of self-control

’ I muttered, hesitating in the doorway, I hadn’t expected to run into her and am still adjusting to the concept of sleeping with Dave while his parents are in the house

clearly struggling with the concept

Sheila was heavy-eyed and heavy of movement — goodness knows what she had been doing with the day; Chrissie gave thought to the concept that the other woman used drugs … she’d seen enough addicts over the years not to be surprised or even shocked at the thought

He was clearly still troubled by that concept

“Not quite,” he replied slowly, “The concept of an independent

He brought it up (I didn’t dare) … said he’s staggered by how much I meant to him … he’s staggered! That is nothing to how I feel about it … that a man like him could care for a woman like me … a concept to approach gently and in small doses … even so, blows my mind

Mike’s not quite 28 and newly married; he’s not yet used to the concept of ‘his wife’ and uses the phrase regularly just for the kick it gives him

The young man was satisfied with this and appreciated his guest making it an accessible concept for him

“I guess not?” Alan had to admit to himself that he didn’t understand the concept but he didn’t want to appear ignorant

‘I’ve already told Ben that he’s got to get his head round the concept that he’s got two sisters now

What an awful concept

Worse than that, there had been many times she had to spend hours trying to get a person to grasp the concept that marks on paper could represent the sounds of speech

Children or even adults from there would not have understood the concept of non-verbal information storage

He hoped Desa thought he was shuddering because he also thought it was such an abhorrent concept

Once the gentlemen were gathered near enough to see, he went methodically through the concept plans, making explanations and assigning tasks

Holding down a serious job was no new concept for her children

understand the concept of the sanctity of marriage

I find it sad that such a concept as lying exists

We wanted to stay independent as a Directorate at Fort Sam Houston but under the Air Force joint-base concept, higher-ups decided that we would become part of J3/J5

Not right, evil concept

«A profound concept,» he said, and thought for seconds more

«You live inside that concept do you not?»

He was the first person since Alan to really grasp the concept, and he was from a society that they’d all thought was primitive

This is a hard concept to understand in light of a loving God, but very true to life

David had a concept of ‘the heart of the father

There is a concept called “the not yet and the already”

For a start, the concept of

was simple in concept: go, preach what Jesus preached, and heal

‘Give me a few minutes so that I can come to terms with the concept of infinity

The entire concept simply slid away from him as he tried to pin it down

The concept of not actually producing anything at

Alan had made sure she understood this concept, even though they could listen to him telling her

truth, but was still uncomfortable about the concept of

What were the locals to Marsha? Just an abstract concept probably

Also, need I remind you that you were lost in the Rift – a concept that causes me to tremble

extended the concept of a God for all the nations and

  • Use the word CONCEPT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Our reconstruction efforts have tried to be faithful to the original concept of the film.

Since it’s a word… and a concept

The concept of the «new woman» was routinely mocked and vilified in the mainstream press as monstrous and degenerate.

Why you always mention your «Sport can save nation» concept

You represent a great idea… and we know that for millions of our national comrades… physical labor will not longer be a divisive concept.

Because you embody the concept of fidelity for us… therefore we wish to be faithful.

I did not mean to offend you personally, Herr von Bismarck… but I believe that your politics damage the concept of the monarchy.

The youngest empire of Europe allied with the oldest empire. What a concept!

It┬┤s an Oriental concept that destructive force acts upon itself.

Neither of us fitted his concept of what a real man should be:

Here is Tomorrow by Christopher Madden is a blueprint of the future which offers a daring concept of how man can shape his own destiny.

What do you mean? I mean that tonight you’ve made me ashamed of every concept I ever had of superior or inferior beings.

Panic is an unacceptable concept for every conscious rebel.

A twenty year old virgin lacking all concept of elementary precautions!

He’s already demonstrated that many military concepts are obsolete, especially our concept of supply.

Have you no concept that I am on the eve of my greatest triumph?

Maybe we can measure from here the concept of eternity.

I knew something would come of it last night. The most revolutionary concept ever to hit modern education.

Remember that, with its concept of predestination, you have what is essentially a pessimistic philosophy.

As soon as I received the samples, I identified the poison as that of a scorpion, but I had no concept of the creature’s size until I saw this.

But suddenly I knew they were really the two ends of the same concept.

It’s a whole new concept.

He’s against all of us, against the very concept of this journey.

This concept of hell is not unique to Buddhism.

In India the concept is thought to have arisen with Hinduism linked with reincarnation.

With the rise of Buddhism came the concept of ‘naraka’ the Sanskrit word for ‘hell’, which means ‘abominable’ or ‘tormenting’.

In Japan, the concept of Hell most commonly imagined is the Eight Great Hells of the Buddhist sutras.

I’m pleased to meet you. I agree with your concept on women.

You know, that’s a caveman concept of architecture.

Honey, have you any concept of what I’m actually trying to do?

Take the concept of «motherland».

But with a totally different concept!

Any intelligent person knows that the central concept of the parole system is to keep the criminal away from those elements conducive to a return to crime.

The concept of race was made a legal concept for the first time.

He was known to have dedicated his life to justice. To the concept of justice.

The defense presents affidavits… from legal authorities and famed jurists the world over… pleading that special considerations must be made in this case… saying that the entire work of Ernst Janning… was inspired by one motive, and one motive only: The endeavor to preserve justice and the concept of justice.

Do you think they have any concept of our problems?

I followed the concept that I believed to be the highest in my profession. The concept that says: «To sacrifice one’s own sense of justice…

I did what I’ve always done devoted my strength to destroying the concept of warfare.

Every man of power should be instilled with this maxim, which, by an odd paradox, exemplifies the concept of public good.

What hasn’t changed is my concept of a head of government.

That concept will never change.

Because my concept of myself has changed a lot.

The concept of necessity would cast its shadow ahead… if we didn’t know that human behaviour creates this antinomy:

The very concept is unimaginable.

Does your concept of desirability… include splitting Catholic opinion in America right down the middle?

I agree with Your Eminence that it’s a hard concept to understand.

  • Dictionary
  • C
  • Concept
  • Sentences
  • She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. [+ of]
  • The concepts of biology
  • Design company Seymourpowell has unveiled a new transport concept, the Aircruise.
  • How to calculate cost basis can be a confusing concept to those.
  • A concept restaurant with a Victorian decor and menu
  • The words conception, concept, notion, should be limited to the thought of what can not be represented in the imagination; as, the thought suggested by a general term.
  • Charter jets via concept which is becoming increasingly popular.
  • A concept phone.
  • He concepted and produced three films.

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