Use the word concentrated in a sentence

concentrated — перевод на русский


Now that she’s back in proper hands, we can concentrate on more important things.

Теперь, когда она вновь в надёжных руках, мы можем сосредоточиться на более важных вещах.

What, David? Can you concentrate for just a moment?

Вы можете сосредоточиться на минуту?

George, that was fine, but you’ve got to concentrate again.

Джордж, все было отлично, но нам нужно сосредоточиться еще раз.

Now I can forget about it and concentrate on prettier things.

Итак, я могу забыть об этом и сосредоточиться на более приятном.

Now I will try to concentrate.

Я попробую сосредоточиться.

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Well, I expect it’s rather difficult for Mr. Rainsford… to concentrate on anything after all he’s been through.

Что ж, полагаю, мистеру Рэнсфорду тяжело сконцентрироваться после пережитого.

And then we must all concentrate.

А потом нам всем надо будет сконцентрироваться.

Can you concentrate?

Вы можете сконцентрироваться?

We must concentrate on getting one of those keys back.

Мы должны сконцентрироваться и придумать, как получить один из этих ключей назад.

He must keep his mind absolutely clear in order to concentrate on Ian.

Он не должен беспокоиться ни о чем, чтобы сконцентрироваться на Йене.

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Please, concentrate!

Концентрироваться надо, пожалуйста!

it keeps me from concentrating on my pain, or in other words, on myself.

она помогает мне концентрироваться не на боли, а на самом себе.

I can’t concentrate with this.

Я не могу с этим концентрироваться.

It helps me concentrate.

Это помогает мне концентрироваться.

Yes, though I still have to concentrate to hold my form.

Да, хотя я все еще должен концентрироваться для поддержания формы.

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And you propose to feed it the most concentrated dose of pure energy that man has ever been able to devise!

А Вы хотите накормить его наиболее концентрированной дозой чистой энергии, которую человечество никогда не было в состоянии разработать!

Bureaucratic ownership, in fact, is itself concentrated in the sense that… the individual bureaucrat has a relation to the possession… of the global economy… only through the intermediary of bureaucratic community, and only as a member of this community.

Мы называем бюрократическую собственность концентрированной в том смысле, что каждый отдельный бюрократ связан экономической властью лишь посредством бюрократического сообщества и только как член этого сообщества.

— Yes, in concentrated form.

— Да, в концентрированной форме.

The clouds turn out to be, not water but a concentrated solution of sulfuric acid.

Облака, оказывается, состоят не из воды, а из концентрированной серной кислоты.

But here… here they are dumped in their most concentrated form… yet around them grows life.

А тут… Здесь они сбрасывали в их наиболее концентрированной форме… Пока вокруг них растет жизни.

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I want you to concentrate just for a few seconds.

Соберись, хоть на несколько секунд.

Concentrate, Marion.

Соберись, Марион.

You love him, you’re offended An offended princess, concentrate

Ты играешь оскорблённую принцессу! Соберись!

Now pay attention and concentrate.

Теперь соберись.

Close your eyes, concentrate and surrender to me.

Закрой глаза, соберись и покорись мне.

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On the contrary, the French supposed that it was here, in the center, that the main Russian forces were concentrated.

Напротив, он предполагал, что здесь в центре, сосредоточены главные силы русских.

On the direction of the main blow we have already concentrated all the breakthrough armies.

На направлении главного удара, товарищ Сталин, уже сосредоточены все армии прорыва —

Because I believe… it is so that… in this tiny little substance you can find concentrated… all memories of my past lives.

Я абсолютно убеждён, что в этой крохотной субстанции сосредоточены все прожитые жизни.

They are still concentrated in the airport’s dining hall surrounded by terrorists armed with guns and grenades.

Они по-прежнему сосредоточены в столовой аэропорта в окружении террористов, вооруженных огнестрельным оружием и гранатами.

However, with our main forces concentrated in the north, I am concerned for the defense of Central.

Но пока наши главные силы будут сосредоточены на севере, будет ли Столица в безопасности?

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I began by concentrating.

С концентрации.

It’s like concentrated evil.

Зло в концентрации.

Studies have shown men and women can learn and concentrate better.

Исследования показали, что мужчины и женщины могут учиться лучше, показан возрастающий уровень концентрации.

Jo, how can you expect me to concentrate if you’re around all day?

Джо, как можно ожидать от меня концентрации, если ты будешь рядом весь день?

The fatigue, muscle pain and difficulty concentrating have been bothering her for over a year.

Утомление, боль в мышцах и сложность концентрации, возможно, беспокоили ее более года.

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Concentrate all power of rangerscopes and vlbrascopes on all entrances to the city.

Сосредоточить всю силу смотрителей и виброскопов на входе в город.

This will allow us to concentrate all our forces in the east and inflict the Russians a devastating blow between the Vistula and the Oder.

Это позволит нам сосредоточить все силы на Востоке… и нанести русским уничтожающий удар между Вислой и Одером.

You said we need an armistice in the west in order to concentrate all forces on the Eastern front?

Вы говорили, что нужно перемирие на Западе… для того, чтобы сосредоточить все силы на Восточном фронте?

Concentrate all fire on the Reich Chancellery.

Сосредоточить весь огонь по рейхсканцелярии!

Yes, concentrate all fire on the Reich Chancellery.

Есть сосредоточить огонь по рейхсканцелярии!

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Maybe it was too concentrated.

Может вы были чересчур сконцентрированы.

The particles are concentrated in one small valley.

Частицы сконцентрированы в одной маленькой долине.

It appears to be concentrated within Felisa Howard’s coffin.

Похоже, они все сконцентрированы в гробу Фелиссы Говард.

See if they’re concentrated in one area.

Посмотри, не сконцентрированы ли они в какой-нибудь одной области.

See, Bobby, the richest Americans were concentrated in the South.

Видишь, Бобби, самые богатые американцы были сконцентрированы на Юге.

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You must concentrate your powers on transfer.

Вы должны сконцентрировать все свои силы на перемещении.

OK. Just like last time, I want you to just focus and concentrate.

Как и в прошлый раз, ты должен сконцентрировать внимание.

With less territory to defend, we can concentrate our troops and hold off any attack if the enemy attacks at all.

Уменьшенив защищаемую территорию, мы сможем сконцентрировать войска и сдерживать любые атаки, если они будут.

Cheeseman believed if concentrated enough energy in a moment in time then you could alter the past and create a new future.

Правда. Он верил в то, что если в определенный момент времени сконцентрировать достаточно энергии, можно будет изменить прошлое и создать новое будущее.

Now, I can concentrate the extrapolator on the top six levels, 500 to 495.

Я могу сконцентрировать экстраполятор на шести верхних этажах, с 500 по 495.

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  • сосредоточиться
  • сконцентрироваться
  • концентрироваться
  • концентрированной
  • соберись
  • сосредоточены
  • концентрации
  • сосредоточить
  • сконцентрированы
  • сконцентрировать

» He concentrated on the traffic, the steering was very, sluggish and he had started to yaw back and forth

Many of us live far from our babies and when we do see them, the attention is concentrated on them, perhaps more than on our adult children

He would talk no more after that, but took the wheel and concentrated on the race to the tunnel, five hours away at the speed he was driving

This heat is most concentrated around the equator where the sunlight is greatest

Every time the need arose I concentrated on the geography of my new home for a moment or two and then struggled up onto my knees

After the above incident, Alice never set foot in the dance school again; yet I still go there, ignoring the concentrated hostility which is persistently hovering over me

I often need to run after them and make them hold my hands either they like or or not! Moreover, during the break I can barely endure all that concentrated negativity against me: It is impossible for me to exchange even a word with anyone in there; if I dare approach a group of pupils, they turn their faces the other way, they stop talking and they all split in a second

I already knew what I had to do to survive, but how could I hope to do it when the rules could change at the whim of an adolescent boy or with the brutal premeditation of a sociopathic thug? I concentrated on the one thing that would keep me safe for now

Book shelves covered three walls with doorways let into them here and there; a young woman stood apparently wrapt in the volume she was reading, a thirty-something man with a large backpack at his feet scanned the shelf above his head, neck craned, lips muttering silently as he concentrated

Delivers L-ascorbic acid in concentrated form, without losing potency to improve the

So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn’t long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

After some concentrated breathing, I straightened my back to begin the slow dance

Thom concentrated on the project and slept in the lab, keeping his nose out of what was happening in ship’s politics and his own damn divorce

I don’t say he concentrated but at least he was there and we went through the motions

and concentrated all of her time and all of her husband’s vast

up a Heart-Wall one after another, in one concentrated

We did the Pre-Raphaelite poets at school, but we concentrated on a bloke called Swinburne and that put me off … Ozymandias is one of my favourites … that and a sonnet by a bloke called Drayton … and of course, Wilfred Owen

It took him being hurt again, but she concentrated on what he did and what happened in his environment from that time

with that concentrated heads-down attitude of young people who

It didn’t seem to bother him; he concentrated on skimming stones

Amanda concentrated and forced herself to her feet

She concentrated on shutting out the sounds she could hear from further down the corridor which suggested that Mickey was with Sheila as, tentatively, she crept along to the bedroom, uncertain what she would find

She closed her eyes, concentrated, and

intense the more she concentrated

Swallowing hard, Chrissie concentrated

Kev concentrated on his dinner

Petr concentrated on the feeling of pressure pushing

Ozzie concentrated on his meal, staring into space whenever not employed in filling his mouth

Aware that there was nothing he could do about it, he resolutely suppressed his growing anxiety and concentrated on the blisters

Andy concentrated on sipping the water in the glass

concentrated on his food

He concentrated on an image of Markham – his short grey hair,

he concentrated on the screen

concentrated on trying to explain how matters stood in as

ears as he concentrated on the images displayed on the screen in front of him

so the flavour was concentrated in what was left and

She was getting quite cold and wet lying on the ground, but she ignored it and concentrated on watching him

concentrated on her embroidery, sitting on the side of her

only concentrated on the dirt he was raking on the mound

I sat awhile and then continued my walk in an anti clock direction until I came to a spot with a view of the lower river, and here concentrated, where a flock of young swans some loosing their grey plumage and a few others with a full set of the bright white plumage

Lemoss concentrated his gaze

concentrated directly onto the bed

however, as they all concentrated on devising a plan for

” Fizzicist choked on the rest of the sentence as Nimblefax concentrated hard

She concentrated on her palm, her breath deep and even

During the whole time Desa concentrated on the behavior of their bodies and wound her arm around him

Nerissa concentrated on her weaving, determined that he wouldn’t notice her smile

I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing

“Look out!” The dragon had flown above them and swooped down low enough to shower their position with concentrated fire

And through concentrated glances, she studied the Guild Master’s movements

My meditation was deeper and more concentrated because of extended periods of practicing mindfulness

However because of lack of exercise, overheating, eating between the meals when not hungry, eating more indigestible foods like concentrated sweet-fried things causes problems of indigestion and fail to produce enough heat in the body

concentrated intently, with a bead of sweat

The patterns became more intense when concentrated upon and faded away when looked at from an angle

Gravity had been concentrated like soup

Air-entraining admixtures are produced in the form of the concentrated solutions, pastes or in the form of dry and easily soluble powder

concentrated around the ship, yet his sensors were telling him nothing, as if the ship were in normal space

Usually she shelled every beach in turn but today she had concentrated solely on V and W Beaches and the incoming reinforcements which must have left them chewing sand and the shit running down their legs

concentrated on out-glaring each other

Danny had concentrated on helping Frank to

I could not sit up so I glanced over to my right and looked at the figure that was lying in the bed there with its head and eyes bandaged I concentrated on the figure because it somehow seemed familiar

‘They made the logical assumption that we had concentrated all our resources into one part of the Moon, the part where we stayed, where we experimented

Danny closed his eyes and concentrated

“How’s Ma has she changed I read in one of the letters that Rosie wrote me that she was getting much better?” Beth had a little habit of putting her right hand little finger in the corner of her mouth and sucking it when she concentrated

Centre whilst he concentrated on the production of their plants

“She fires concentrated bursts of gamma radiation that interfere with organ function and damage

” The artillery had been concentrating on the German rear areas but now some of it concentrated on the front line again and we could see the muzzle flashes of the guns behind us lighting up the sky

I now looked back to where the German fire had been concentrated against our Battalion and the carnage was unbelievable and it broke my heart just to look

Instead they concentrated on pouring fire into the unlucky wounded lying out to their front and they would fire at anything that moved or moaned

“The enemy have men concentrated in the trench opposite us and I think they are about to launch an attack on us Sir

he felt that the rest would get away in the surrounding ice while he concentrated on one or two of them

Instead he concentrated on the anger he felt, trying to focus every ounce of fury

He concentrated on that

All essential oils are highly concentrated and very few are suitable for undiluted (neat) use on the skin

Generally there is no difference between the dry and liquid formulations other than the liquid products are more quickly assimilated by the body and are more concentrated

What would Manna do now? Did he set them up for this trap? Why would he? Was he really Manna? All these questions flooded his mind until he realised he had no answers yet and concentrated on questions he could have answers to

Hotter and hotter it became as the women concentrated on its intensity, slowly the raised it to a position about four feet from the ground where it sat, tumbling, turning, twisting, engulfing itself until it was tightly compressed and the size of a large bucket, when the ball flew out of the open window and into the small clearing

But he had deliberately decided not to know, and had concentrated on other things

Shaking such thoughts aside, he concentrated on landing the helicopter, trying to ignore the girl’s constant chattering in his headphones

Ignoring McKee for the moment, Noble concentrated on keeping the hovercraft headed on the right course, now and then coughing deeply, forced to wipe the heavy sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his uniform

Vasant concentrated on his driving

We mostly concentrated on speed and drifting through corners

Sheena concentrated on her driving, pushing the car and her luck to the limit

assumption? Will higher corporate profits and salaries concentrated in fewer hands create a pyramiding effect? What would be the economic and socio/political fallout for world governments that would otherwise lose their middle/center?

She concentrated on memories of her mother and the hillside that had been her playground for so long, but finally the air became so foul that she could scarcely breathe

Concentrated populations, disease, and overwork reduced California Indians from as high as one million to under 300,000 in less than 80 years

As soon as I woke, I concentrated on going back to sleep so I could continue the same dream, and I did

I was sitting in my local, reading Uncle Hobart’s letter, the noise and bustle fading into the background as I concentrated on his shaky handwriting

He sat, thinking about that for moment, while I concentrated on my driving, enjoying the late summer afternoon sun as it warmed me through the windscreen

Ignoring him, I concentrated on my driving, trying to control the nervous tick that had started in the corner of my left eye

Never has any nation experienced the breadth of political influence concentrated among so many regardless of wealth, condition or status

Cole Bell sat in silence while his wife concentrated on the voice giving instructions on which turnings to take

An overly cautious man, he also tended to give way to opponents and instead concentrated on getting his allies to compromise too

Republicans, not wanting Obama to succeed anyway, concentrated on tax cuts and sabotaging unions, both guaranteed to worsen the economy

He concentrated on his leg, urging it to move

Nothing normal, alive, or man-made could have withstood that amount of concentrated, focused power

The intensity of sensations continued to grip him, even as he concentrated on watching

Philo concentrated what little strength remained in him and smirked derisively before adding in a low but steady, unwavering voice:

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Содержит пиво( 80%) и концентрат лимонного сока(, 6%).

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Содержит пиво( 80%) и концентрат грейпфрутового сока(, 3%).

Must buy: inexpensive white goods, orchids,

singing vases, concentrated pre-mixed Singapore Sling cocktail.


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Что купить: недорогую технику, орхидеи в любом виде,

поющие вазы, концентрат коктейля Singapore Sling.


Than concentrated salt brine lymph, the more protected from infections in the body.


Using concentrated sulfuric acid we obtain a red precipitate

not containing potassium.


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Используя концентрированную серную кислоту, можно получить красный осадок,

не содержащий калия.


You see, my caste concentrated on expanding our cerebral abilities.

After her death, we concentrated our attention in the medicine of Dr. Jacob Tanios.

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После ее смерти мы сосредоточили внимание на лекарстве Джекоба Таниуса.

In one place we concentrated our warehouses, spacious production halls and office space.


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В одном месте, мы сосредоточили склады, производственные помещения, а также просторные офисы.


You can inhale concentrated oxygen and regenerate you soul by oxygen therapy.


Concentrated formula is very effective at fighting the signs of aging skin.


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Формула концентрата очень эффективна воздействует на борьбу с признаками старения кожи.


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Потоки ПИИ попрежнему характеризуются концентрацией в региональном и страновом разрезе.


Lyophilized from a concentrated(1 mg/ml) solution in water containing no additives.

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Concentrated bupivacaine is not recommended for epidural freezing.

Huaxiajie concentrated on the developments and research in soundproof suspendedceiling panels.

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Хуаксяджие сконцентрировало на развитиях и исследовании в звукоизоляционных приостанавливанных панелях потолка.

Despite the big forces concentrated in Chechnya the troops in the republic bear big losses.

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Несмотря на большие силы, сконцентрированные в Чечне, войска в республике несут большие потери.

Parabolan is an anabolic steroid that carries a concentrated strength that is a bit unique.

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Параболан анаболический стероид который носит сконцентрированную прочность которая будет немного уникальным.

Formulation: Lyophilized from a concentrated(1mg/ ml) solution containing no additives.

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Soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid solution and showed green fluorescence.

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Солубле в сконцентрированном решении масляной серной кислоты и показанном зеленом флуоресцировании.

Silent, attentive, receptive, concentrated on the Divine- this is the path to purity.

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Молчаливый, внимательный, восприимчивый, сконцентрированный на Божестве; это- путь к чистоте.

The 0.75%(most concentrated) formulation is used inretrobulbar block.

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NEW PRODUCTS Huaxiajie concentrated on the developments and research in soundproof suspended ceiling panels.

Many kinds of.

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НОВЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫ Хуаксяджие сконцентрировало на развитиях и исследовании в звукоизоляционных приостанавлив.

Risk has proved to be considerably more concentrated than market participants and supervisory agencies believed.


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Риски оказались более сконцентрированными, чем это предполагали участники рынка и надзорные учреждения.


The developers concentrated all the drama and power of the machine in the bonus round.


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В бонусном раунде разработчик сконцентрировал весь драматизм и силу этого автомата.


I bet you have seen him make concentrated dark matter a lot.

Definitely grandchildren», he said and his determined and concentrated facial expressions automatically softened.


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Определенно, мои внуки,» говорит он и его определенное и сконцентрированное выражение лица автоматически смягчается.


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Results: 3381,
Time: 0.0619





Definition of Concentrated

focused all of one’s attention on something

Examples of Concentrated in a sentence

The student concentrated on his studies for several hours a day, his focus paying off on test day.


Entirely concentrated on the video game, the Fortnite player was too entranced to hear anything going on around him.


During the election, the candidate concentrated most of his campaign efforts on a certain group of voters.


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  • Use the word CONCENTRATED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The Violent Unknown Event concentrated its vehemence on the head, face and neck of Hasp Fallbazz.

I guess you would’ve concentrated more on being athletic since you couldn’t read.

And then as I concentrated it occurred to me that this was supposed to be an experiment.

Do you think, if I concentrated and put my whole soul into it someday I might be a putterer?

They are to be concentrated so as to spread the blaze mainly to the storerooms and depots.


Now, concentrate. Concentrate as you’ve never concentrated before.

They’ve concentrated the munitions at the Soulet railhead.

Munitions for the advance concentrated in a dump at railhead at Soulet.»

I have concentrated everything in it.

There’s a concentrated effort at readjustment to normal peacetime activity but unemployment, coming in the wake of the wartime boom is beginning to grip the country.

Here’s our fleet- concentrated off Cristobal at the Atlantic gate.

He knows our cavalry’s concentrated to stop him.

If Lee had concentrated his artillery, and succeeded in enfilading Round Top we would have been licked at Gettysburg.

There’s a stroke of luck, coming down in a neutral country when I was all ready to be concentrated in a German concentration camp.

Maybe it was too concentrated.

Close your eyes and I’ll shoot you one of these concentrated Mickeys.

At last, they arrive at the final crystallization the one that contains the concentrated results of all the others.

In the meanwhile, we secretly concentrated our entire naval strength at Midway.

We’ve stood up, we’ve lain down. We’ve concentrated, we’ve sat interminably… while that tiresome old woman recited extremely unflattering verses at us.

3 wagons of concentrated milk 15 of flour 2 of tinned fish 8 tons of sugar leaving for Stuttgart 3/5/42

Here were concentrated the multiple activities of Allied intelligence operations.

Almost the entire German production is concentrated here.

They’ve concentrated three tribes.

See, I always concentrated on making him able to look out for himself.

This is concentrated 1,000 times.

Despite the H├┤tel des Invalides originally being a retirement home… for the most severely injured war veterans, the makers of this film… have concentrated only on the part housing the museum.

We played down the presidential appointments and concentrated on the «Gorilla Man» killings.

He needs concentrated therapy.

…so concentrated and so dedicated… «

Not yet. The big trick will be to maneuver him to still water… where this liquid rotonone compound, when spread under pressure, can anesthetize him in a matter of seconds, providing, of course, we can give him a concentrated dose.

Miss Partridge, you see, I’m a businessman… and all my life I’ve concentrated on business.

… and a definitive job may have been out of the question in the short time you’ve had, but the Department of Defense hopes that during these two days of concentrated efforts, you’ve come to some conclusion about this.

And you propose to feed it the most concentrated dose of pure energy that man has ever been able to devise!

Set up a field of force…here! A concentrated shower of Omega particles.

I concentrated on the simplest experiment:

I concentrated my entire thought on its creation.


With six weeks of concentrated effort, you could write enough to get a big advance from any publisher.

The creature went for them and penetrated the line before Brandt could bring any concentrated firepower to bear.

And he concentrated real hard on the chartreuse and orange one… and as sure as i’m sitting here in the cafeteria of the park central insurance company that woman picked up the chartreuse and orange scarf.

concentrated artillery and mortar fire.

180 thousand fighters are concentrated in the cold under the snow in a small space.

In them you will find one .45 caliber automatic… two boxes of ammunition… four days concentrated emergency rations… one drug issue containing antibiotics… morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills… sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills… one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible…

Charles Stuart, who has made no battle plan at all, sees, on the right wing, his men run from this concentrated musketfire and sees, on his left wing, the MacDonalds, tired, hungry, rebellious at not being given their rightful battle position by O’Sullivan, hold back from charging the royal army right.

On the contrary, the French supposed that it was here, in the center, that the main Russian forces were concentrated.

we just concentrated on places right alongside the paved highway.

They found life limited and concentrated on developing their mental power.


Cosmic rays, concentrated.

«Concentrated» is Fear Zero’s second studio release. The EP was released in 2005 under the label Satch Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

A pendant will give a practical, concentrated light, while lamps positioned on a small occasional table or console will cast soft pools of illumination, bringing an inviting warmth to entrance halls.


Urine that has a specific gravity (SG) of 1.010 is neither concentrated nor dilute; it is the same SG as the fluids going through the kidneys.


Algae did not have enough concentrated energy to be cost-effective, Bevirt concluded.


Let’s believe for one second in an efficient market and imagine that 50 % of investors are concentrated and 50 % are diversified.


Because CO2 is less concentrated and at much lower pressure in smokestack gases than it is in syngas, it won’t spontaneously dissolve into a liquid solvent.


Dry apricots are often lower in vitamin C but all other nutrients become more concentrated.


Each bottle — dermatologist tested for safety and efficacy and suitable for sensitive skin — contains a concentrated extract of 2,000 quinoa husks.


These diets are traditionally lower in protein anyway, since they exclude the concentrated proteins in animal flesh.


Two new programs offer recent Pew Fellows the opportunity for concentrated time, away from Philadelphia, to devote to their creative practice:


This document outlines the role that afterschool programs play in supporting families living in high-poverty areas by answering questions about what afterschool program participation looks like, what the demand for afterschool programs is, what is preventing parents from taking advantage of and children from participating in afterschool programs, and what the afterschool program experience is like for families in communities of concentrated poverty


Pattern Recognition, in its concentrated endeavor to make its artistic discipline accessible to the community, asks an important question: how might we «mobilize» abstract art?


What we are witnessing with the Ashley Madison case is just a concentrated example of what websites like this continually do in helping undermine relationships: they profit from causing misery.


Their diet also included a large brown «candy,» which contained a concentrated liver extract to supply unknown vitamins, sugar, and peppermint oil to provide a «never-to-be-forgotten taste.»


If the chosen implementation is a concentrated fund which is unconstrained by benchmark weightings, the fund’s performance can diverge significantly from any relevant index.


In this step, Weed includes all concentrated, extracted, and synthesized substances — including vitamin and mineral supplements, standardized herbal tinctures and all herbs in capsules.


The company’s focus in Washington has been more concentrated on fallout from its handling of Russian-linked propaganda used during the 2016 presidential election.


Rather than hold an ETF, which mirrors an index that can contain hundreds of companies, a concentrated portfolio would hold only a small number of securities (sometimes as few as two or three).


Focus on pressure points — your temples, the start of your eyebrows — and press in small, concentrated circles.


This cosmic paperweight is handmade by an artist who uses laser beams to make tiny stars: Each laser pulse passes through the glass except at its focal point, where the concentrated energy creates a bright star.


This section is very concentrated; each bullet point is just one to three words with plenty of white space for a clean, scannable appearance.


Thanks to some of the best minds in litter, we’ve created six environmentally-friendly cat litters that harness naturally absorbent corn to deliver concentrated power.


Over time, she transitioned from brewing this tea in her kitchen for her and her small family to selling the concentrated spiced Chai to local markets.


I rather want to write a concentrated knowledge post I can point new parents asking me for advice to.


Fish oil supplements can also be taken to obtain a concentrated amount of omega-3 fatty acids.


Enables on-sun testing for any HydroGEN concepts that require concentrated solar energy inputs.


High urine specific gravity means the urine is very concentrated.


It is more concentrated than whole duck.


Essentially, a fruit butter is a highly concentrated form of fruit (like apple, pear, or pumpkin), which can be easily spread, like butter.


As part of a concentrated focus on further building the food and beverage program at the luxury resort, Barnsley Resort now -LSB-…]


There was even one study where cells exposed to ale vera rapidly became 2 times more concentrated with collagen than usual.


I’ve been putting a concentrated oil on my face at night, and after many years of bad acne my skin has cleared.


We’re taking our most concentrated stab at authenticity with the installation of an open badging launch at our high school.


Is highly concentrated fructose «natural» and «good» for you, or is it actually linked to increasing risks for heart disease & diabetes?


While the Skin Set series is already a distillation of a history of content, also included in the show is a newer body of work; Pope.L’s cut-out panels are a further evolution that take lists of some thousand plus titles from that series and materialize them, becoming their own concentrated and further abstracted source of language and poetry.


Students may perceive those students only doing a course or two at a term at an advantage as they can focus their studies in a more concentrated way in those areas.


But dried tofu, whose flavor is concentrated and often smoky, is incredible cold, as a kind of salad tossed with chili oil, vinegar, thinly sliced celery, crushed peanuts, and maybe even a little white sugar.


Renewable energy work, meanwhile, is mostly concentrated around large cities such as New York, DC, Chicago and San Francisco.


Baobab is a whole food vitamin C and there are greater benefits in getting vitamins from whole food than from concentrated supplements.


Para Biotic Plus is a comprehensive blend of concentrated essential oils and standardized herbal extracts designed to promote healthy intestinal and immune system function.


In freight yards, ports, borders, and other areas of concentrated truck and rail activity (often near lower-income neighborhoods), children, the elderly, and people with health conditions are disproportionately affected by the freight sector’s emissions because their health systems are more vulnerable to pollutants.


Research has shown that extraction or isola — tion of a polysaccharide, usually through chemical, enzymatic, or aqueous means, can either enhance its health benefit (usually because it is a more concentrated source) or diminish the beneficial effect.


Raisins, the dried version of grapes, seem to be much more concentrated.


In this concentrated form, fenugreek can be taken to relieve the symptoms of menopause and support cardiovascular health.


However, in the case of some nutrients — including some antioxidant nutrients like quercetin, kaempferol and myricetin — desi-type beans provide more concentrated nutrient amounts since these nutrients are found in the seed coat and this seed coat is thicker in desi-type beans.


These unique granules of savory micro-algae are a truly delectable way to reap the amazing health benefits of one of Nature’s purest, most concentrated, green superfoods.


Because the tea leaves are ingested and are more concentrated, matcha provides your body with high levels of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, amino acids, and fibre.


Because most of these companies are based in Silicon Valley, this creates a «feedback loop» where the money that’s already located there stays concentrated there.


I use milks as well so I temper them into my milks and add to my oils at RT before pouring my concentrated lye solution.


This week, the regulator has reportedly set to path on-site inspections of various cryptocurrency exchanges as a concentrated move to increase scrutiny and force domestic exchanges to adopt better cybersecurity practices.


Sugar includes glucose, fructose (as in fruit sugar), lactose (as in milk), sucrose (as in table sugar), maltose or malts (as in rice malt and honey), jam or jelly (contains concentrated juice, which is high in fruit sugar), maple syrup, corn syrup, palm sugar (traditionally used in macrobiotic cooking), and the very deceiving organic brown sugar, which is not all that different from white sugar.


The pilots tell the NTSB they looked at the computers during what they called a concentrated period of discussion of scheduling issues arising from the merger of Northwest and Delta. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Think of the number of products and services that are driven by what I call concentrated attractors — ingredients that, in nature, attract us to what is good for us, but in the economy, are often concentrated to such a degree that they squeeze out almost everything of real value. ❋ Unknown (2009)

NTIA said the FCC needs to look at what it called concentrated markets for broadband where competition is lacking, including markets where there may be two providers but only one with sufficient speeds for applications like streamed video. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Did it with what he called a concentrated thought force. ❋ Unknown (2010)

GENEVA — The World Health Organization estimated Thursday that 1 billion of the world’s poorest people suffer from neglected tropical diseases such as dengue, rabies and leprosy that remain concentrated in remote rural areas and urban slums despite being mostly eradicated from large areas of the world. ❋ AP (2010)

The next apparent step in concentrated energy production is fusion power, but even the research into developing fusion power is hideously expensive … so expensive that there are only a comparative handful of research projects pressing forward. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The author reports that the steepest declines in concentrated poverty occurred in the Midwest and the South. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Feeding ducks in concentrated areas to keep them from hunters may sound like a good idea … until the ducks start crapping in the same concentrated areas. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Everything exhibited by adults, with the possible exception of adult sexuality, is there in concentrated and chaotic form. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Of the fifty-two, twenty-six minority minzus have a population of over 5,000 and are located in concentrated areas; sixteen are located across provincial boundaries; fifteen minzu are located across the boundaries; and fifteen minzus cannot be found in other areas of China. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Almost half of prostitution-related arrests were made on just 0.3 percent of the 25,000 city blocks surveyed, and prostitution incidents tended to occur along major streets — suggesting that prostitutes, like other retailers, need to display their wares in concentrated and consistent locations where potential consumers congregate. ❋ Unknown (2008)

He believed for a gas to be effective it must be delivered to the lungs in concentrated doses. ❋ ____Maggie (2008)

So I don’t have time to dominate the comments as you do, I’ve got to get my wisdom out in short, concentrated doses and get back to schedule. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The [solar system] is concentric. All the planets [orbit] the sun.
A properly set table has the bowls and [plates] concentric. ❋ Solomon H (2006)

If you have great [powers] of concentration , that means you’re able to [focus] all your [attention] on the matter at hand. ❋ Mariendra (2014)

Person 1: Yo Hitler sent those [Jews] to [concentration camp] so they could think right?
Person 2: [no nigga]. They died
Person 1: damn ❋ DikInYoMouf69 (2018)

Don’t [drink] that! That’s [lemonade] [concentrate]! Not lemonade! ❋ Iamusingthisonehopefullyitisnt (2010)

«[Hold on], I’m going to the bathroom, I need to [concentrate].»
«Yo, [Imma gonna] concentrate nigga». ❋ Rony Orwell (2014)

[Tanvi] and I had to [concentrate] to study for an [exam]. ❋ Tanvib123 (2018)

john: yo man [whats up] wit you
[eric]: i just [concentrated] ❋ Cassay (2008)

[Juiced]? [Naw]! He [got] Concentrated! ❋ Hackenberger’s Novice Debate Class (2007)

[I would rather] eat [Popeyes biscuit] than [learn] molar concentration ❋ Aughbygarrison (2022)

[Concentration] [camps] are pretty much impossible to [survive] in. ❋ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ (2022)

Similar words: concentrate, concentrate on, concentration camp, concentration, concentrating, central, conceited, concerted. Meaning: [‘kɑnsntreɪtɪd /’kɒn-]  adj. 1. gathered together or made less diffuse 2. of or relating to a solution whose dilution has been reduced 3. intensely focused 4. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source 5. being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature; unable to dissolve still more of a substance. 

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1. He concentrated his pupils and declared the exciting news.

2. Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated.

3. The liquid is found in a highly concentrated form.

4. New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.

5. Most of our forces have concentrated at the bridge.

6. She turned the nozzle and the spray concentrated down to a stream.

7. Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.

8. The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.

9. Construction of the aircraft is being concentrated at Prestwick.

10. They concentrated on better definition of the optical image.

11. Most development has been concentrated in and around cities.

12. These noisy conditions aren’t really conducive to concentrated work.

13. Fighting was concentrated around the towns to the north.

14. He concentrated his attention on the question of technology.

15. The latter part of the debate concentrated on abortion.

16. These jobs are disproportionately concentrated in the service sector.

17. His mood lifted as he concentrated on his driving.

18. Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.

19. In 19th-century Britain, industries became concentrated in particular localities.

20. He made a concentrated effort to improve his work.

21. The orange juice has been concentrated.

21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

22. She had concentrated on her music to the neglect of her other studies.

23. Most of the country’s population is concentrated in the north.

24. He concentrated mainly on the flying and spoke very little.

25. When the enemy’s ships are all concentrated at the entrance to the harbor, it must mean trouble.

26. Most research in the field has concentrated on the effects on children.

27. They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side.

28. In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs.

29. He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.

30. To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.

More similar words: concentrate, concentrate on, concentration camp, concentration, concentrating, central, conceited, concerted, entrance, decentralize, entranceway, discount rate, concealment, frustrated, contravention, centre, sconce, contra, conceal, conceit, concede, concert, concern, concept, conceive, ensconce, eccentric, contrast, contrary, contract. 

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