Use the word concentrate in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word concentrate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use concentrate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «concentrate». In addition, we also show how different variations of concentrate can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are concentrates. If you click on the variation of concentrate that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Concentrate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word concentrate in a sentence.

  1. Younger students often concentrate in two or more.

  2. Bush wanted the institute to concentrate on hard science.

  3. Roasting converts the zinc sulfide concentrate to zinc oxide:.

  4. It would concentrate on reversing recent French gains in Poitou.

  5. The result is a concentrate with rare-earth content of up to 90%.

  6. He retired from his legal work to concentrate on his political career.

  7. If administered in the form of a radiocolloid it tends to concentrate in the liver.

  8. At this point, he stopped playing football to concentrate on his training in the ring.

  9. This was a convenient place to concentrate French forces and assimilate reinforcements.

  10. It was hoped that these transfers would concentrate enough force to achieve a break-in.

  11. The lead sulfide concentrate is melted in a furnace and oxidized, forming lead monoxide.

  12. Mills advised Cardus to concentrate on style: «We can be decorative at times; we can even be amusing.

  13. In Mozambique, sergeant major fish clean the mouth, while butterflyfishes concentrate on bite wounds.

  14. At age 21, O’Brien retired after the 1968 Olympics, so he could concentrate solely on making a living.

  15. She had decided to concentrate on the subject while recuperating from her cerebral haemorrhage in 1963.

  16. Such catalogues are numerous, but tend overwhelmingly to concentrate on a group of recognized geniuses.

  17. In 1960, Burnet scaled back his laboratory work, taking one day off per week to concentrate on writing.

  18. In March 2013 Voith Hydro decided to close down Wavegen choosing to concentrate on tidal power projects.

  19. Most enzyme kinetics studies concentrate on this initial, approximately linear part of enzyme reactions.

  20. On 6 July, the army was ordered to concentrate to the west in the Chern area, moving closer to the front.

  21. Willis often tried to persuade Poe to be less destructive in his criticism and concentrate on his poetry.

  22. The failure to clear beach obstacles forced subsequent landings to concentrate on Easy Green and Easy Red.

  23. The top three producers of mined lead concentrate in that year were China, Australia, and the United States.

  24. Morgan, however, could not fully concentrate on the task due to personal reasons and handed it over to Soule.

  25. Additionally, Draupadi-cult texts from Thajavur concentrate only on this second boon, omitting the other two.

  26. In his last years a propensity to concentrate on detail at the expense of the whole of a piece became marked.

  27. After the war Hellyer decided to concentrate on the distant fishing grounds off the coast of Iceland and the Barents Sea.

  28. Hirst and Rhodes persuaded him to reduce his pace and concentrate on bowling a good length while trying to spin the ball.

  29. Like many of his predecessors, Richard II conflicted with the nobles by attempting to concentrate power in his own hands.

  30. One reason he sought the settlement of European issues was the hope it would allow him to concentrate on domestic affairs.

  31. Luckless is trying to become a successful writer, but lacks the income that would allow him to concentrate on his writing.

  32. The rural nature of his new home in Iwama allowed Ueshiba to concentrate on the second great passion of his life: farming.

  33. On 8 October he commanded the army to concentrate around Günzburg and hoped to strike at Napoleon’s lines of communication.

  34. His father taught all his sons soccer and Luongo played until he was 14, at which point he decided to concentrate on hockey.

  35. Techniques such as microhematocrit centrifugation can be used to concentrate the blood, which makes the test more sensitive.

  36. Angelou met novelist John Oliver Killens in 1959 and, at his urging, moved to New York to concentrate on her writing career.

  37. In technical language, the associated trajectories of the fastest among N, concentrate near the optimal trajectory (shortest path) when the number N of particles increases.

  38. The 8th Air Corps was to concentrate its effort to supporting the advance of the II SS-Panzer Corps, with the XLVIII Panzer Corps to the west assigned limited air resources.

  39. The resulting furore endangered his position, causing him to be excluded from further work on the coinage, and Pistrucci was instructed to concentrate on the Waterloo Medal.

  40. Removing the need to guess syntax allowed players to concentrate on the story and puzzles, which created a smoother and more enjoyable experience, according to the magazine.

  41. As soon as the 1828 Summer Exhibition was over, Etty stopped work on other projects to concentrate on a diploma piece, without which he could not become a Royal Academician.

Concentrates in a sentence

Concentrates is a variation of concentrate, below you can find example sentences for concentrates.

  1. Seismic activity concentrates at the top of this anomaly.

  2. The fourth season concentrates on the school system and the mayoral race.

  3. In this process, lead bullion and slag is obtained directly from lead concentrates.

  4. In Part II, Handel concentrates on the Passion and ends with the «Hallelujah» chorus.

  5. The poem almost completely ignores Henry’s life and ministry and concentrates on his death.

  6. The later Transformational theory uses a similar approach but concentrates on the relationships themselves.

  7. His amnesia gives a purpose to Tenma’s life; she concentrates on her studies to become a doctor and help Karasuma.

  8. On Nothing, Meshuggah abandons the fast tempos of Chaosphere and concentrates on slow, tuned down tempos and grooves.

  9. Each student concentrates in at least one major area: creative writing, dance, drama, music, stagecraft, and visual art.

  10. The account, titled «Stephen Crane’s Own Story», concentrates mainly on the sinking of the Commodore, and the ensuing chaos.

  11. The ore concentrates are mostly sulfidic; they are converted to the oxides by heating under air in a process known as roasting:.

  12. Although the two are built on the same game engine, Oracle of Ages concentrates on puzzles, while Oracle of Seasons focuses on action.

  13. Lark thinks the comparison to Game of Thrones works to some extent, but points out that Lazarus concentrates more on a single character.

  14. This work shares van der Weyden’s emphasis on the volume and bulk of her book, and similarly concentrates on her delicately rendered fingers.

  15. The start of the book concentrates on Bond at home and his daily routines, which Fleming describes as «Elastic office hours from around ten until six, ..

  16. The orbiter element option concentrates on the «ocean» science, while the multiple-flyby element (Clipper) concentrates on the chemistry and energy science.

  17. Most allopreening activity concentrates on the head and neck, a lesser amount being directed towards the breast and mantle and an even smaller percentage applied to the flanks.

  18. The three largest currently mined deposits of pyrochlore, two in Brazil and one in Canada, were found in the 1950s, and are still the major producers of niobium mineral concentrates.

  19. While political history concentrates on the ongoing conflict between the Vijayanagara empire and the Deccan Sultanates, the architectural record reflects a more creative interaction.

  20. Isotope separation concentrates (enriches) the fissionable uranium-235 for nuclear weapons and most nuclear power plants, except for gas cooled reactors and pressurised heavy water reactors.

Synonyms for concentrate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word concentrate has the following synonyms: dressed ore, , boil down, reduce, decoct, centralize, centralise, condense, contract, digest, focus, center, centre, pore and rivet.

General information about «concentrate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word concentrate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «concentrate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «concentrate».

концентрат, обогащенный продукт, сконцентрировать, концентрировать


- концентрат, обогащённый продукт
- шлих
- с.-х. концентрированный корм
- пищевой концентрат


- концентрировать, собирать, сосредоточивать

to concentrate troops — сконцентрировать войска
he concentrated the power in his own hands — он сосредоточил власть в своих руках

- концентрироваться, собираться; сосредоточиваться (где-л.)

the crowd concentrated near the royal palace — толпа стекалась к королевскому дворцу

- сосредоточивать, устремлять

to concentrate all one’s thoughts [forces, attention] — сосредоточить все мысли [силы, всё внимание]

- сосредоточиваться, устремляться (на что-л.)

to concentrate on /upon/ a subject — сосредоточиться на каком-л. вопросе

- концентрировать
- обогащать (руду)
- сгущать, выпаривать

Мои примеры


to concentrate all one’s thoughts — сосредоточить все мысли  
concentrate forces — концентрировать войска; концентрировать силы; сосредоточить силы  
concentrate horn — щуп для опробования концентрата  
concentrate mining — концентрированные горные работы  
concentrate of emulsion — концентрат эмульсии  
concentrate on a problem — сосредотачиваться на проблеме  
concentrate on a state — концентрировать внимание на государстве  
concentrate on an issue — концентрироваться на вопросе  
concentrate on concern — концентрироваться на предмете озабоченности  
concentrate on development — сосредоточиваться на развитии; концентрироваться на развитии  

Примеры с переводом

Please be quiet, I’m trying to concentrate on my work.

Потише, я пытаюсь сосредоточиться на своей работе.

I found it hard to concentrate.

Мне было трудно сосредоточиться.

We must concentrate our efforts on finding ways to reduce costs.

Мы должны сосредоточить наши усилия и найти способ снизить издержки.

I was finding it hard to concentrate.

Мне было трудно сосредоточиться.

We need to concentrate on the matter in hand.

Мы должны сконцентрироваться на предмете обсуждения.

The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.

Болезнь нарушила его способность думать и сосредотачиваться.

The student has difficulty concentrating.

У этого ученика трудности с концентрацией.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

These groups concentrate in the inner cities

Be quiet — let me concentrate on my homework.

Is this orange juice fresh or is it made from concentrate?

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

concentrated  — концентрированный, сосредоточенный, обогащенный, сгущенный
concentration  — концентрация, сосредоточение, сосредоточенность, сгущение, уплотнение
concentrative  — сосредоточивающий
concentrator  — концентратор, обогатительная установка, профилирующая дисциплина, в колледже

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): concentrate
мн. ч.(plural): concentrates

Citra Solv is a citrus concentrate available at most stores

A good concentrate is called Extra Hot Horseradish available in stores or through Mo Hotta Mo Betta

Chilies are a great source of controlling many insects either as a powder or as a concentrate that can be added to water and sprayed

The Inspector is going on … concentrate, Liz …

To control, concentrate many times their more on the health of the soil and the health of the plant and less on controlling the red spiders

All Rose wants is to keep dancing, but deep down she realizes she will have succumb to her parents wishes and concentrate on her studies to become a doctor or a lawyer or something prestigious

Traps should be placed where they concentrate most, but not in the way of foot traffic

She was so tired she had to concentrate on not falling off

Glancing at the clock, I swallow the acrid liquid which is gathering in my mouth … concentrate, Liz …

Enough of that … concentrate on Emma

Smiling to myself, I withdraw into the lounge and try to concentrate on the documentary

This first step is one of the most difficult stages in the meditation process and involves constant unremitting ability to keep bringing the mind back to that «object» upon which the aspirant has chosen to concentrate

The choice of some «object» upon which to concentrate

» Objects upon which to concentrate are of four kinds:

You have to concentrate on breathing slowly at first or you’ll tingle out

Nothing to do except really concentrate on the next batter

I sit down on the chair by the phone and concentrate on breathing steadily while he chats

There was a very noisy week when we rehearsed to the sound of carpenters constructing the set, which made it very difficult to concentrate, followed by a weekend papering and painting the result of their labours to make it look like the interior of a house

Now I had something that I could concentrate all of my hopes and fears upon

He should stop thinking about refining the design of their speed yacht and concentrate on using it

‘Now you just stay here and concentrate on getting better

Lord those eyes of his! Concentrate silly girl, concentrate

“Why yes, I can then concentrate on focusing on what is in front

It meant we could concentrate on getting you well again

They had to concentrate on what was around them when it was brushy, but they were lost in their own thoughts when it was open and they were all alone

and just concentrate on the morality of breathing

Don’t get winded, concentrate on breathing

Nervously, I get my tawstones out and, aware that the men are standing by me, facing outwards looking for the first sign of trouble, I concentrate … there it is! Confidently, I move forward and put my hand over the crevice where I left the Element and give the Words

He falls silent and, respecting this, I concentrate on following Joris

If necessary, I could concentrate on the bald spot on the head of the lady in front of me and pretend it was a new planet

She watched him for a few seconds, he was not a natural chef and had to concentrate on the pan

Touching the stones, I concentrate on visualising Wiesse as clearly as I can … I see the bird’s eye flicker – it’s got the message

I smile across the table at him, then concentrate on my food, trying to look unobtrusive

‘Other manufacturies concentrate on fabric for household items … curtains and bedding, for example, but our looms are not large enough for that scale of material

All day I have been aware of this evening looming … unable to concentrate on anything and, in a way it was a relief when I could eventually go and shower

Watching Alessandra enjoying the clouds as she strode on in front made me ignore any further nonsense from my calves and concentrate on that stepped and steady climb

Scarily, I narrowly miss hitting the car in front of me when it stops at traffic lights … I make an effort to concentrate on my driving

He grins at me for a second, then turns back to concentrate on the road

It’ll be good for me to concentrate on the road

Graham is a two finger typist — a very fast two finger typist, it has to be said, but he has to concentrate on the keyboard when he’s typing

They’ve moved those blasted road works again … concentrate on the driving, Sarah! Yes, he’s driving along behind you … you can see him in the mirror … but you need to watch the road in front …

Walking to the office from the car park, I concentrate on calming down so that I present a sensible and, above all, normal face to the world as represented by Bill and Graham

it used to worry me, but I read somewhere that the blood supply tends to concentrate on the digestive system at times like this

I try to concentrate on the article on the page in front of me but it doesn’t work and, after twenty minutes or so, I shove the paper down to the foot of the bed and snuggle down under the duvet

Blowing me a kiss, he dashes off to open the door while I try to concentrate on the job in hand

The waiting relatives and friends of the lesser, more ordinary emergencies watch, and those conscious patients still able to concentrate on realities outside of their own sphere realise that they may not occupy the centre of the universe

She was really here about the girl who’s body she was in and he was going to have to concentrate on that

Once in the damn thing he has to concentrate

concentrate on the surface of your skin,’ said

She has to concentrate to stay cool and focussed

He has to concentrate

“I sold her a drop in an ampule, but it was concentrate

Andrew thought he could sit down and, with the quietness and peacefulness, could concentrate on great ideas and plans for future outings

“And if you hadn’t snagged that drop of concentrate we wouldn’t have had that aluminum to send him off with

With a supreme effort of will he was able to take his eyes off that and her wide breasts, and concentrate on what she was saying

“So when do you want to start?” Desa asked, holding his knee so he had to concentrate on the question

“I can imagine you find it hard to concentrate under those conditions

She tried to act normal, even tried to make love, but neither of them was able to concentrate

Now for students again: please concentrate on Dan, I know that together we can bring him home

Sorry, students, but I have to concentrate on the mission at hand, so please forgive me if I can’t give you the attention you deserve

mind and tried to concentrate on the job at hand

Now I’ll have the time to concentrate on school and my upcoming career

For me, I’m glad to for your being fired from your job in that case you can concentrate to your studies

They reached the part of the path that was steep and twisty and they had to concentrate on their feet which was cause for much laughter and holding on to each other

tried to concentrate on the matter at hand, but it was

He says it helps him concentrate

When she couldn’t concentrate on the music, Todd took hold of her head and forced her to look at him

obliged to concentrate on what the fellow was saying and

The alcohol did and he could see that she had to concentrate to avoid needing to hold the wall

he was able to concentrate on the prospect of being

But she had forced all thoughts of them from her mind in order to concentrate solely on survival

But right now she had to stop these daydreams of the future and concentrate on the present

that I should concentrate on those things about me which

concentrate on the service and sermon in the midst of

Earlier she would feel shy when I tried to concentrate on her

I was slipping, my mind was floating in a mist that made it difficult to concentrate, but I didn’t give up

He also found it difficult to concentrate with her hands exploring his body and he needed to focus on the task at hand

Zarko had to force himself to concentrate on what she was about to say, rather than on her elegant neck

And besides, when having to concentrate on driving, she missed out on all the little details that would make for great conversation later on when she was with her friends

He needed to concentrate on the matter at hand, the real reason for his visit this morning

concentrate on other aspects of your life,

But he merely said the new slave Miklos would free Nerissa to concentrate on running his household

favorable to sail this evening, there was a good chance that the search tomorrow morning would concentrate toward Alalcomenae

You need some distance and time to yourself in order concentrate on your own needs

«Concentrate upon the life’s center(core) The instruction is everywhere the same

I insisted that they sit in meditation «concentrating upon their core and, having been told that the second brain was a point «a couple of inches below and behind his belly button» he tried to concentrate upon this general

When we wish to concentrate upon the Hara,

He shook his head and tried to concentrate on the road

Concentrate on the supreme blissful light within,

Many of the poses in hatha yoga help you to relax and concentrate, two basic requirements for meditation

A person who can focus attention at will, and thereby control the content of consciousness, and who can concentrate on a task for as long as it takes to complete it, usually enjoys everyday life

Studies of individuals who report an above-average incidence of flow experiences indicate that these people have an unusual ability to control and concentrate their attention

Since one of the requirements for a flow experience is the ability to concentrate one’s attention, those with this ability can derive increased enjoyment of life via flow

This greater ability to concentrate can, by itself, make you happier

And as much as he desired to cast the note aside and relax in a noiseless room awash with the aroma of burning herbs, he chose to concentrate his renewed attention on the note’s closing lines

At the start, concentrate on getting that basic Squeeze Page up and online

waited! this gave Rex time to concentrate

You should concentrate on getting your introduction right

Tomorrow they could concentrate closely on the trail back towards Ohiopyle

Once this was over, he had to concentrate on finishing his degree in Pittsburgh next month

» He concentrated on the traffic, the steering was very, sluggish and he had started to yaw back and forth

Many of us live far from our babies and when we do see them, the attention is concentrated on them, perhaps more than on our adult children

He would talk no more after that, but took the wheel and concentrated on the race to the tunnel, five hours away at the speed he was driving

This heat is most concentrated around the equator where the sunlight is greatest

Every time the need arose I concentrated on the geography of my new home for a moment or two and then struggled up onto my knees

After the above incident, Alice never set foot in the dance school again; yet I still go there, ignoring the concentrated hostility which is persistently hovering over me

I often need to run after them and make them hold my hands either they like or or not! Moreover, during the break I can barely endure all that concentrated negativity against me: It is impossible for me to exchange even a word with anyone in there; if I dare approach a group of pupils, they turn their faces the other way, they stop talking and they all split in a second

I already knew what I had to do to survive, but how could I hope to do it when the rules could change at the whim of an adolescent boy or with the brutal premeditation of a sociopathic thug? I concentrated on the one thing that would keep me safe for now

Book shelves covered three walls with doorways let into them here and there; a young woman stood apparently wrapt in the volume she was reading, a thirty-something man with a large backpack at his feet scanned the shelf above his head, neck craned, lips muttering silently as he concentrated

Delivers L-ascorbic acid in concentrated form, without losing potency to improve the

So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn’t long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

After some concentrated breathing, I straightened my back to begin the slow dance

Thom concentrated on the project and slept in the lab, keeping his nose out of what was happening in ship’s politics and his own damn divorce

I don’t say he concentrated but at least he was there and we went through the motions

and concentrated all of her time and all of her husband’s vast

up a Heart-Wall one after another, in one concentrated

We did the Pre-Raphaelite poets at school, but we concentrated on a bloke called Swinburne and that put me off … Ozymandias is one of my favourites … that and a sonnet by a bloke called Drayton … and of course, Wilfred Owen

It took him being hurt again, but she concentrated on what he did and what happened in his environment from that time

with that concentrated heads-down attitude of young people who

It didn’t seem to bother him; he concentrated on skimming stones

Amanda concentrated and forced herself to her feet

She concentrated on shutting out the sounds she could hear from further down the corridor which suggested that Mickey was with Sheila as, tentatively, she crept along to the bedroom, uncertain what she would find

She closed her eyes, concentrated, and

intense the more she concentrated

Swallowing hard, Chrissie concentrated

Kev concentrated on his dinner

Petr concentrated on the feeling of pressure pushing

Ozzie concentrated on his meal, staring into space whenever not employed in filling his mouth

Aware that there was nothing he could do about it, he resolutely suppressed his growing anxiety and concentrated on the blisters

Andy concentrated on sipping the water in the glass

concentrated on his food

He concentrated on an image of Markham – his short grey hair,

he concentrated on the screen

concentrated on trying to explain how matters stood in as

ears as he concentrated on the images displayed on the screen in front of him

so the flavour was concentrated in what was left and

She was getting quite cold and wet lying on the ground, but she ignored it and concentrated on watching him

concentrated on her embroidery, sitting on the side of her

only concentrated on the dirt he was raking on the mound

I sat awhile and then continued my walk in an anti clock direction until I came to a spot with a view of the lower river, and here concentrated, where a flock of young swans some loosing their grey plumage and a few others with a full set of the bright white plumage

Lemoss concentrated his gaze

concentrated directly onto the bed

however, as they all concentrated on devising a plan for

” Fizzicist choked on the rest of the sentence as Nimblefax concentrated hard

She concentrated on her palm, her breath deep and even

During the whole time Desa concentrated on the behavior of their bodies and wound her arm around him

Nerissa concentrated on her weaving, determined that he wouldn’t notice her smile

I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing

“Look out!” The dragon had flown above them and swooped down low enough to shower their position with concentrated fire

And through concentrated glances, she studied the Guild Master’s movements

My meditation was deeper and more concentrated because of extended periods of practicing mindfulness

However because of lack of exercise, overheating, eating between the meals when not hungry, eating more indigestible foods like concentrated sweet-fried things causes problems of indigestion and fail to produce enough heat in the body

concentrated intently, with a bead of sweat

The patterns became more intense when concentrated upon and faded away when looked at from an angle

Gravity had been concentrated like soup

Air-entraining admixtures are produced in the form of the concentrated solutions, pastes or in the form of dry and easily soluble powder

concentrated around the ship, yet his sensors were telling him nothing, as if the ship were in normal space

Usually she shelled every beach in turn but today she had concentrated solely on V and W Beaches and the incoming reinforcements which must have left them chewing sand and the shit running down their legs

concentrated on out-glaring each other

Danny had concentrated on helping Frank to

I could not sit up so I glanced over to my right and looked at the figure that was lying in the bed there with its head and eyes bandaged I concentrated on the figure because it somehow seemed familiar

‘They made the logical assumption that we had concentrated all our resources into one part of the Moon, the part where we stayed, where we experimented

Danny closed his eyes and concentrated

“How’s Ma has she changed I read in one of the letters that Rosie wrote me that she was getting much better?” Beth had a little habit of putting her right hand little finger in the corner of her mouth and sucking it when she concentrated

Centre whilst he concentrated on the production of their plants

“She fires concentrated bursts of gamma radiation that interfere with organ function and damage

” The artillery had been concentrating on the German rear areas but now some of it concentrated on the front line again and we could see the muzzle flashes of the guns behind us lighting up the sky

I now looked back to where the German fire had been concentrated against our Battalion and the carnage was unbelievable and it broke my heart just to look

Instead they concentrated on pouring fire into the unlucky wounded lying out to their front and they would fire at anything that moved or moaned

“The enemy have men concentrated in the trench opposite us and I think they are about to launch an attack on us Sir

he felt that the rest would get away in the surrounding ice while he concentrated on one or two of them

Instead he concentrated on the anger he felt, trying to focus every ounce of fury

He concentrated on that

All essential oils are highly concentrated and very few are suitable for undiluted (neat) use on the skin

Generally there is no difference between the dry and liquid formulations other than the liquid products are more quickly assimilated by the body and are more concentrated

What would Manna do now? Did he set them up for this trap? Why would he? Was he really Manna? All these questions flooded his mind until he realised he had no answers yet and concentrated on questions he could have answers to

Hotter and hotter it became as the women concentrated on its intensity, slowly the raised it to a position about four feet from the ground where it sat, tumbling, turning, twisting, engulfing itself until it was tightly compressed and the size of a large bucket, when the ball flew out of the open window and into the small clearing

But he had deliberately decided not to know, and had concentrated on other things

Shaking such thoughts aside, he concentrated on landing the helicopter, trying to ignore the girl’s constant chattering in his headphones

Ignoring McKee for the moment, Noble concentrated on keeping the hovercraft headed on the right course, now and then coughing deeply, forced to wipe the heavy sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his uniform

Vasant concentrated on his driving

We mostly concentrated on speed and drifting through corners

Sheena concentrated on her driving, pushing the car and her luck to the limit

assumption? Will higher corporate profits and salaries concentrated in fewer hands create a pyramiding effect? What would be the economic and socio/political fallout for world governments that would otherwise lose their middle/center?

She concentrated on memories of her mother and the hillside that had been her playground for so long, but finally the air became so foul that she could scarcely breathe

Concentrated populations, disease, and overwork reduced California Indians from as high as one million to under 300,000 in less than 80 years

As soon as I woke, I concentrated on going back to sleep so I could continue the same dream, and I did

I was sitting in my local, reading Uncle Hobart’s letter, the noise and bustle fading into the background as I concentrated on his shaky handwriting

He sat, thinking about that for moment, while I concentrated on my driving, enjoying the late summer afternoon sun as it warmed me through the windscreen

Ignoring him, I concentrated on my driving, trying to control the nervous tick that had started in the corner of my left eye

Never has any nation experienced the breadth of political influence concentrated among so many regardless of wealth, condition or status

Cole Bell sat in silence while his wife concentrated on the voice giving instructions on which turnings to take

An overly cautious man, he also tended to give way to opponents and instead concentrated on getting his allies to compromise too

Republicans, not wanting Obama to succeed anyway, concentrated on tax cuts and sabotaging unions, both guaranteed to worsen the economy

He concentrated on his leg, urging it to move

Nothing normal, alive, or man-made could have withstood that amount of concentrated, focused power

The intensity of sensations continued to grip him, even as he concentrated on watching

Philo concentrated what little strength remained in him and smirked derisively before adding in a low but steady, unwavering voice:

The driver chats about the weather for a few minutes then concentrates on the driving, leaving me to my thoughts

Concentrates the mind a bit, events like Sunday’s

concentrates their minds on other things than me,

I catch Simon’s eye and we both repress a smile as Sally goes bright red and Gary suddenly concentrates very hard on spooning up the last of his soup

Her eyes drawn lazily to her forearms, she spots some specks of apricot paint and concentrates on picking them off, checking her hands and giving them the same treatment

Davie ignores the bark and concentrates on doing his job

draws the sap and concentrates it into the leaves

This book concentrates on Castilian Spanish (ie the Spanish spoken in

The minority of shareholders or manager of financial organizations concentrates and administers this amazing money supply with total power to make decisions on the society, without running the risks because who answers for the loss is the investor or the Central Bank when a Bank breakage

Component/Unit Testing: This is the lowest level of testing and it concentrates on lowest unit verification

Jaden concentrates on the red words, just those words that change, and Unknown Nano particle removed from rear brain–safely stored

He concentrates on those words, but they stay the same

Jaden concentrates on the part of the screen that says Jaden Main

‘60% complete? What is that about?’ He concentrates on it, but it does not flash or do anything

He concentrates on different angles

’ He concentrates on those words; then they change

Jaden concentrates on the Initiate Anti-Gravity Engines to the left of him

Jaden concentrates on trying to get away faster

He concentrates on the projectile and he is looking from the pink torpedo’s view

He concentrates on the dog’s landmines and sends a small torpedo towards it, vaporizing it

Jaden concentrates on the fire and the molecules it is made of

Jaden concentrates on the army of aircraft coming towards him

Jaden concentrates on his head and he sees what the pilot is thinking

Jaden experiences the forceful movement with his new friends, but concentrates more on trying to breathe

He stares at his artificial body in front of him and concentrates

He concentrates on them and they slowly come towards his body

Jaden turns around and concentrates on his bubble dots around him, now sitting still

Jaden concentrates on a small piece of the cloud and a small piece comes off

— It rather concentrates upon measures for the animal holders (a maximum of two

Furthermore, knowing that this crater reflects and concentrates your energizing power, and knowing the frequency of the energy you draw from, we can use this location to further study that energy, and its emission from the sun

He shuts his eyes and concentrates, trying to ignore the rain, and always the sense of time and power slipping through his grasp

He concentrates, pushing aside the Scribe’s feeble attempts at questioning him, bears down in his mind on the cane, steps forward once more, and then he has it

“We’ve discovered that the best combination is for the support corps to take care of their battle wizard’s defenses with remotely cast spells, while the battle wizard concentrates on offensive efforts with draw spells

Johan cannot even begin to mull over the question of whether or not Simon will succeed, so he concentrates instead on their physical realities

Martin concentrates his focus and efforts to maximize results

Avery concentrates his stare into Recchia’s eyes with false humility and speaks, “I understand

Your mind concentrates on something and through this constant concentration, the mind is made controlled which leads to peace

course that has an exercise regime that mainly concentrates on the chest and

Silence concentrates the mind, gives rest to the spirit, and keeps it in constant

Aside from that, you can also purchase electrolyte concentrates, which you can mix with your water, from pharmacies

” says Lewis as he concentrates on the road ahead

Sharon makes no reply as she turns onto the main road and concentrates on the busy traffic around her

PETA concentrates most of its attention and activism on

It concentrates more on your local area where eBay operates worldwide

One concentrates on a focus, while the other tries to distract him telepathically

In effect, most analysis concentrates on earnings because it

concentrates on the context of earnings because it is concerned with both risk and

While most analysis concentrates on earnings, correctly

making predictions and concentrates on detecting an environment that is conducive to

concentrates pinning down the mech with more and more

begins to illuminate as she concentrates

Primitive home interior decorating is interesting because it concentrates on old and handmade items

Iverson concentrates on the monitors surrounding him

Christian crouches low and concentrates keeping the seal

· Paradoxical intention concentrates on the thing that a person fears and through the use of humour exaggerates that fear until it loses its potency

A scientist concentrates his mind and invents many things

He concentrates all his energies into one focus and throws them upon the materials he is analysing and so finds out their secrets

The Yogi who concentrates on the Muladhara Chakra gets full knowledge of the Kundalini and the various means to rouse it to action

DQ, IQ and OQ, but concentrates on the particular PQ approach that should be used for WPU

Hypnosis is also achieved by a reduction of the influx of signals into the brain; the subject concentrates on one sensor stimulus before it

It concentrates on victory issues without the matters of wondering about the individual worries situations, from a temper inside

from all physical things and concentrates on the Self within his body, he

If man concentrates on his inner he will escape time

Chinese concentrates on eating wall nuts because the seed has resemblance to the human brain in geometry, therefore it conceal hidden power of thinking

” Just to be on the safe side he concentrates his magic towards the undergrowth and imagines the molecules there swirling and dancing together

When the body of Christ concentrates on building His kingdom,

The reason is that at this time of the day, places are calmed and the human spirit concentrates in the recitation of the noble verses and linked to Allah (God)

“The soul is a field of energy, both material and non-material at the same time, of freedom, love, truth and beauty, that is created day by day; it condenses and concentrates around a central nucleus, which is the I of an individual or the I of a populace, because this is the goal that an individual or a populace have set for themselves

FONEMED concentrates hiring in the 24 Nurse

He concentrates while attempting to grab a treat from the trembling platter

Brandy hides his embarrassment as her face concentrates on the shoe continuing to draw curves in the sand

product: one that concentrates on the radical new features of the

He who concentrates on this most excellent

Meditation a mind that concentrates on a virtuous object, and

concentrates on emptiness it mixes with emptiness very eas-

The Professor ignores Dirk and concentrates on his plate but Ward gives Dirk a long hard look forcing Dirk to bow his head in defeat

They hurt and burn, as if she has just cut her hand open and allowed the blood to run free, and make walking terribly agonizing if she truly concentrates on the wounds that placate her body

Instead, she concentrates on the world around her and the agony that seems to have been inflicted upon the earth

Our will find that the man that concentrates is well poised, whereas the man that allows his mind to

Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at

In other words heat translate to space and space concentrates back

Those in science concentrates on the material

As the space concentrates through the movement

of the aircraft a cloud appears around the aircraft because the water vapour in that space concentrates

surrounding the object, gravity concentrates space into becoming denser by circling and also hotter

In other words heat translate to space and space concentrates back to heat

In concentration there is a performer who concentrates and there is an object being concentrated upon

In that case; the Capitalistic system is the greatest thing ever invented by modern humans… Even though it concentrates more wealth into less hands than all the combined Empires and Kingdoms of 12,000 years of Civilized History

Even at the highest level of competition, the best results are only achieved when the athlete completely puts aside the need to win and concentrates only upon their performance

It is an automatic vicious cycle that so far: has never changed, that always filters out the best, and concentrates the worst of humanity into positions of power and wealth

Where is the noise, and Rita’s voice, coming from? She concentrates harder, then it comes to her—below—“come down,” she hears another, softer voice inside her say

� It counts and concentrates on a very different mathematic

He concentrates his eyesight deep into it as possible, hoping to find something

concentrates it and makes greater use of it

‘Yes? What about them?’ I asked, concentrating on the potatoes and wondering what is coming

Concentrating on the effect instead of the cause is wasted effort

‘Do you want me to read this to you, Barney?’ I said, ignoring her question and concentrating on my grandson

Half my mind concentrating on the job in hand, I reach for the phone and pick it up

’ She told me, concentrating on drying up the fiddly bits of the caffetiere

Ava spent most of her time concentrating on the Heavenly Mother

’ I conceded, concentrating on my nail varnish

’ He said stiffly, concentrating on his plate, and I am reminded of Rose’s prediction that things would be difficult for us

‘I’ve been careful, saved sensibly so I can retire when I want to … and Joris left me … some …’ The phrase stuck in her throat; concentrating her attention on the plate in front of her, she hauled herself back together again under cover of sharing condiments

’ Iain glanced at Kara who was concentrating on her lunch

It should reflect inner peace and serenity, no matter how hard you are concentrating

Berndt travels in silence, concentrating on his thoughts

At the turning area in the light from an old van and a single bulb in a shed, fifteen or so fishermen crunch on the gravel, concentrating hard whilst straightening coloured nets and winding spiky lines around their baskets with bare hands

I stare at Berndt’s back as I follow him along the narrow pathway … concentrating on trying to ignore the growing soreness I feel in my thighs

’ He said concentrating on nurturing the tiny flame he has managed to achieve

’ Gilla explained, moving across to the looms where four women are busy concentrating on their work

As I read through my notes, yet again, the telephone on my desk rings and, almost grateful for the distraction, I pick up the receiver, not really concentrating on it

He was really concentrating on an intense three-d plot of the path of TUa-4431-3389-14, and only Heymon, Darryl and Victor had the current coordinates for that door to his lab

’ He replied, concentrating on the driving

‘Oh fine,’ is the mumbled reply but they are really not concentrating on me at all!

I have trouble concentrating for the rest of the morning … it’s fortunate that Gary appears to be on a different planet

Concentrating on that took her mind off the scenery for the time being

He’s concentrating on the traffic coming round the roundabout, looking for a gap he can leap into

The companions were silent for a while, concentrating on the task

He was concentrating on her involvement, trying to do what he guessed she wanted

Very soon I find that, by concentrating on work, I can blank out any thought of the situation between Dave and I

If she was concentrating on something she was not very social

‘Hmm …’ he replied, concentrating on what he is doing

It’s only by concentrating totally on Bex’s placid, sleeping face that she can prevent herself from tearing Billy’s throat out

She watches as he conscientiously crosses and re-crosses the small area of grass, concentrating on neatly trimming the herbage and careful to avoid cutting into the trailing cable

“Jorma?” Ava had been concentrating on this it seemed, while it was now a distant incident in his past

He was studiously concentrating on his breakfast, apparently not listening to the conversation

’ She said absently, concentrating on what she was doing

Over-confident and not concentrating properly, Andy strode off along the bridleway

Concentrating on not dropping the tray he was holding, the uniformed policeman kicked the door gently with one foot while he balanced on the other and manipulated the tray through the doorway, protruding tongue demonstrating precisely how much effort it was taking him

When their eyes meet, she had trouble concentrating, and looked down at her feet

“You’re doing this on purpose,” he said after attempting, “You must be concentrating on dtair-infested rinko or something

Her voice had picked up a lot of hard miles in the last couple decades, but she had been concentrating on her appearance since then

The new vocalist was concentrating on her voice

of the sun as it grew, concentrating the flavour, only to be

whiff of brimstone, I tried concentrating on the benefits of

Andrew was silent — apparently concentrating on watering

They were going over the drive train carefully, concentrating on its alignment, she thought

Concentrating, I allowed my conscious to merge with hers and led her to the pathways within her

She became a maze of intricate paths, but I turned her towards concentrating on the ones that led outside of her body

As much as Arkaneh wanted to, concentrating on the matter wasn’t easy, with the two grunts constantly throwing empty promises at the dying man, always throwing him off his train of thought

I insisted that they sit in meditation «concentrating upon their core and, having been told that the second brain was a point «a couple of inches below and behind his belly button» he tried to concentrate upon this general

Meditation does not involve just concentrating on an object

Martin at times had difficulty concentrating on her face as she talked

Warlock said to Matin that he wanted to clear out everything east of Ohiopyle before concentrating there

Joseph had been concentrating all his energy on moving us to safety as rapidly as possible

His victims simply hadn’t been concentrating

He lay thinking instead of concentrating on the ‘Spooks’

“In about an hour’s time the artillery will put a barrage on concentrating on the German wire it won’t be anything big just enough to get them to send a wiring party out

” The artillery had been concentrating on the German rear areas but now some of it concentrated on the front line again and we could see the muzzle flashes of the guns behind us lighting up the sky

Her eyes closed, concentrating on the rhythm of the music

I know at this moment it – he will distracted by his imminent demise, and will be concentrating on each CPU node for signs of attack

«If I wanted to cut down trees I would use an axe! Somebody here is not concentrating well enough

I wasn’t concentrating too much that evening

The right can only hope to seek out the power by concentrating on where magic’s collide and filtering out the bad from the good

By concentrating on them and trying to hobble along on the gravel shoulder, I was barely aware of the trucks going by

“I haven’t cleaned the refrigerator or the stove yet, been concentrating on the walls and floors

Concentrating harder on the screen, she made out the shape of a large cat, stretching itself up against the window, trying to reach the half-open top casement

They stopped talking, concentrating on dragging the half-conscious man towards the car, casting worried looks over their shoulders all the while

Concentrating on a moving image stimulates more internal movement

Concentrating harder, willing his body upwards, Darkburst was instantly transported high into the air

Concentrating on Soffen’s image, Brock drew her essence into his mind’s-eye

He should have been concentrating on what he was doing, instead of letting his mind wander back to the battle, he realised

He was becoming a bit concerned since it seemed that Kate was not concentrating, not supplying him with the facts he wanted

The nourishment from the bountiful meal was making a difference, and William was concentrating more on resolving his dilemma

“You see it, too? That these two men are not wearing hats and they are concentrating on the underside of the bridge, just like William did?” Paul seemed to be pleased that she noted the same thing he did

“What about Riley?” he asked shortly, concentrating on bulling his way through a red light

‘Archie’ was concentrating on something above us, but I couldn’t see it

A few minutes later, she had blanked out the rest of the world and was busy concentrating on the task at hand

«Calm down,» she thought, concentrating on the flint, tightly gripped within her hand

He took on a solemn expression, as if praying or concentrating deeply

He went on, concentrating his focus on Lanris who was now listening more intently, having sat up and facing the dekar

“Is that your new name for me? Jeez?” She was concentrating on another turn

These mood swings and the evident trouble he had concentrating, these were things he would have to ask him about soon

His thoughts wandered of Jay while concentrating on driving and hope of a good recovery from his injuries

“Thank you,” said Brett, concentrating on his approach to the carousel

The officer did not rise; he was concentrating on a file folder spread out in front of him

If he had been concentrating on me before, he seemed to be concentrating on me even more intently as if he were a scientist and I were something totally new under the microscope

Artie had trouble concentrating on this innovation of Churchill’s

He knelt down, concentrating as

Without concentrating, he pulled a small golden coin reflexively

focus, keep concentrating on that fresh air scene, nothing else

Looking closely at the being of light, he only had one face, but in some strange and odd way seven distinct faces could be seen in that one face, each concentrating fully on the being of darkness

Keep concentrating on your speed

“If you are planning on winning this game Jaden, you need to always be fully concentrating

He is fully concentrating and has a serious look on his face

Jaden counteracts the gravity forces around his body pulling him down while concentrating on his shield around him

By concentrating on the junctions and lines of col-

face and half closed his eyes, concentrating his focus on

He hears this in the background while he is concentrating on this large tree in front of him

In my head, I tried to mellow things out, concentrating on an

«I’m very sorry, Miss Rawlings,» he said, «to have opened the door and jumped into the room while you were concentrating on reading

«You really are concentrating now, aren’t you, Monica?» he said

Hypnotic states are normal, everyday states of consciousness, typified by concentrating

“Nothing,” I said, concentrating on the water plants in the little pond

concentrate — перевод на русский


Now that she’s back in proper hands, we can concentrate on more important things.

Теперь, когда она вновь в надёжных руках, мы можем сосредоточиться на более важных вещах.

What, David? Can you concentrate for just a moment?

Вы можете сосредоточиться на минуту?

George, that was fine, but you’ve got to concentrate again.

Джордж, все было отлично, но нам нужно сосредоточиться еще раз.

Now I can forget about it and concentrate on prettier things.

Итак, я могу забыть об этом и сосредоточиться на более приятном.

Now I will try to concentrate.

Я попробую сосредоточиться.

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Well, I expect it’s rather difficult for Mr. Rainsford… to concentrate on anything after all he’s been through.

Что ж, полагаю, мистеру Рэнсфорду тяжело сконцентрироваться после пережитого.

And then we must all concentrate.

А потом нам всем надо будет сконцентрироваться.

Can you concentrate?

Вы можете сконцентрироваться?

We must concentrate on getting one of those keys back.

Мы должны сконцентрироваться и придумать, как получить один из этих ключей назад.

He must keep his mind absolutely clear in order to concentrate on Ian.

Он не должен беспокоиться ни о чем, чтобы сконцентрироваться на Йене.

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Please, concentrate!

Концентрироваться надо, пожалуйста!

it keeps me from concentrating on my pain, or in other words, on myself.

она помогает мне концентрироваться не на боли, а на самом себе.

I can’t concentrate with this.

Я не могу с этим концентрироваться.

It helps me concentrate.

Это помогает мне концентрироваться.

Yes, though I still have to concentrate to hold my form.

Да, хотя я все еще должен концентрироваться для поддержания формы.

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And you propose to feed it the most concentrated dose of pure energy that man has ever been able to devise!

А Вы хотите накормить его наиболее концентрированной дозой чистой энергии, которую человечество никогда не было в состоянии разработать!

Bureaucratic ownership, in fact, is itself concentrated in the sense that… the individual bureaucrat has a relation to the possession… of the global economy… only through the intermediary of bureaucratic community, and only as a member of this community.

Мы называем бюрократическую собственность концентрированной в том смысле, что каждый отдельный бюрократ связан экономической властью лишь посредством бюрократического сообщества и только как член этого сообщества.

— Yes, in concentrated form.

— Да, в концентрированной форме.

The clouds turn out to be, not water but a concentrated solution of sulfuric acid.

Облака, оказывается, состоят не из воды, а из концентрированной серной кислоты.

But here… here they are dumped in their most concentrated form… yet around them grows life.

А тут… Здесь они сбрасывали в их наиболее концентрированной форме… Пока вокруг них растет жизни.

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I want you to concentrate just for a few seconds.

Соберись, хоть на несколько секунд.

Concentrate, Marion.

Соберись, Марион.

You love him, you’re offended An offended princess, concentrate

Ты играешь оскорблённую принцессу! Соберись!

Now pay attention and concentrate.

Теперь соберись.

Close your eyes, concentrate and surrender to me.

Закрой глаза, соберись и покорись мне.

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On the contrary, the French supposed that it was here, in the center, that the main Russian forces were concentrated.

Напротив, он предполагал, что здесь в центре, сосредоточены главные силы русских.

On the direction of the main blow we have already concentrated all the breakthrough armies.

На направлении главного удара, товарищ Сталин, уже сосредоточены все армии прорыва —

Because I believe… it is so that… in this tiny little substance you can find concentrated… all memories of my past lives.

Я абсолютно убеждён, что в этой крохотной субстанции сосредоточены все прожитые жизни.

They are still concentrated in the airport’s dining hall surrounded by terrorists armed with guns and grenades.

Они по-прежнему сосредоточены в столовой аэропорта в окружении террористов, вооруженных огнестрельным оружием и гранатами.

However, with our main forces concentrated in the north, I am concerned for the defense of Central.

Но пока наши главные силы будут сосредоточены на севере, будет ли Столица в безопасности?

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I began by concentrating.

С концентрации.

It’s like concentrated evil.

Зло в концентрации.

Studies have shown men and women can learn and concentrate better.

Исследования показали, что мужчины и женщины могут учиться лучше, показан возрастающий уровень концентрации.

Jo, how can you expect me to concentrate if you’re around all day?

Джо, как можно ожидать от меня концентрации, если ты будешь рядом весь день?

The fatigue, muscle pain and difficulty concentrating have been bothering her for over a year.

Утомление, боль в мышцах и сложность концентрации, возможно, беспокоили ее более года.

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Concentrate all power of rangerscopes and vlbrascopes on all entrances to the city.

Сосредоточить всю силу смотрителей и виброскопов на входе в город.

This will allow us to concentrate all our forces in the east and inflict the Russians a devastating blow between the Vistula and the Oder.

Это позволит нам сосредоточить все силы на Востоке… и нанести русским уничтожающий удар между Вислой и Одером.

You said we need an armistice in the west in order to concentrate all forces on the Eastern front?

Вы говорили, что нужно перемирие на Западе… для того, чтобы сосредоточить все силы на Восточном фронте?

Concentrate all fire on the Reich Chancellery.

Сосредоточить весь огонь по рейхсканцелярии!

Yes, concentrate all fire on the Reich Chancellery.

Есть сосредоточить огонь по рейхсканцелярии!

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Maybe it was too concentrated.

Может вы были чересчур сконцентрированы.

The particles are concentrated in one small valley.

Частицы сконцентрированы в одной маленькой долине.

It appears to be concentrated within Felisa Howard’s coffin.

Похоже, они все сконцентрированы в гробу Фелиссы Говард.

See if they’re concentrated in one area.

Посмотри, не сконцентрированы ли они в какой-нибудь одной области.

See, Bobby, the richest Americans were concentrated in the South.

Видишь, Бобби, самые богатые американцы были сконцентрированы на Юге.

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You must concentrate your powers on transfer.

Вы должны сконцентрировать все свои силы на перемещении.

OK. Just like last time, I want you to just focus and concentrate.

Как и в прошлый раз, ты должен сконцентрировать внимание.

With less territory to defend, we can concentrate our troops and hold off any attack if the enemy attacks at all.

Уменьшенив защищаемую территорию, мы сможем сконцентрировать войска и сдерживать любые атаки, если они будут.

Cheeseman believed if concentrated enough energy in a moment in time then you could alter the past and create a new future.

Правда. Он верил в то, что если в определенный момент времени сконцентрировать достаточно энергии, можно будет изменить прошлое и создать новое будущее.

Now, I can concentrate the extrapolator on the top six levels, 500 to 495.

Я могу сконцентрировать экстраполятор на шести верхних этажах, с 500 по 495.

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Definition of Concentrate

to focus all of your attention or mental effort to the thing you are doing

Examples of Concentrate in a sentence

With his sister’s music blaring in the background, it was impossible for Dante to concentrate on his piano lesson.


Her ability to concentrate under extreme pressure set the attorney general apart from her peers.


Even though they liked to play more than study, the two sisters always found a way to concentrate on their work.


The tick of the timeclock made it nearly impossible to concentrate on shooting the ball.


When asked what his secret was to not falling off of the tight rope, the stuntman replied with two words, “I concentrate.”


Other words in the Active category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

concentrate (v): to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem

Use “concentrate” in a sentence

Please concentrate on your work.
You should concentrate on one thing and learn to do it well.
Turn off the television. I can’t concentrate.
Turn off the television. I can’t concentrate.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


Synonym: focus, intensify, strengthen, think about. Antonym: distract. Similar words: concentrating, concentration, central, entrance, concept, concern, concert, concede. Meaning: [‘kɒnsəntreɪt]  n. 1. the desired mineral that is left after impurities have been removed from mined ore 2. a concentrated form of a foodstuff; the bulk is reduced by removing water 3. a concentrated example. v. 1. make (the solvent of a solution) dense or denser 2. direct one’s attention on something 3. make central 4. make more concise 5. draw together or meet in one common center 6. compress or concentrate 7. be cooked until very little liquid is left 8. cook until very little liquid is left. 

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1. I can’t concentrate on my work.

2. I can’t concentrate when I’m hungry.

3. Could you just concentrate on the job in hand?

4. Concentrate the broth by boiling it.

5. I can’t concentrate with all that noise going on.

6. Just try to concentrate on hitting the ball.

7. Concentrate your mind on study.Don’t look around.

8. You should concentrate on your study.

9. Adrian was finding it difficult to concentrate.

10. I couldn’t concentrate on my work — my mind was on other things.

10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

11. I found it a strain having to concentrate for so long.

12. I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.

13. Your essays tend to concentrate on one theme to the exclusion of everything else.

14. Come on, concentrate! We haven’t got all day to do this.

15. Concentrate on your work.

16. They will concentrate on teaching the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.

17. It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and make something of himself.

18. You must concentrate all your energies on the study of English.

19. Try and concentrate more on your work.

20. Women concentrate in a small number of occupations.

21. At work you need to be able to concentrate.

22. The group plans to concentrate on six core businesses.

23. He scrunched up his face, trying to concentrate.

24. I can’t concentrate with Ann’s constant chatter.

25. I wish you’d concentrate on what I’m saying.

26. Be quiet — let me concentrate on my homework.

27. You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.

28. We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.

29. I was finding it hard to concentrate.

30. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. Oprah Winfrey 

More similar words: concentrating, concentration, central, entrance, concept, concern, concert, concede, conceive, contract, contrast, conception, concerning, incentive, contrast to, contractor, by contrast, strategy, strategic, frustrate, to the contrary, illustrate, accentuate, demonstrate, on the contrary, once, at once, all at once, once more, Cent.. 

What do we mean by concentrate?

To direct or draw toward a common center; focus. intransitive verb

To bring into one main body. intransitive verb

To make (a solution or mixture) less dilute. intransitive verb

To converge toward or meet in a common center. intransitive verb

To increase by degree; gather. intransitive verb

To direct one’s thoughts or attention. intransitive verb

A product that has been concentrated, especially a food that has been reduced in volume or bulk by the removal of liquid. noun

Reduced to a pure or intense state; concentrated.

That which has been reduced to a state of purity or concentration by the removal of foreign, non-essential, or diluting matter. noun

. To bring or draw to a common center or point of union; cause to come close together; bring to bear on one point; direct toward one object; focus: both in literal and in figurative uses.

Hence To intensify the action of, as by bringing it to bear upon one point; render more intense the properties of, as by removing foreign weakening or adulterating elements; specifically, in chem., to render more intense or pure by removing or reducing the proportion of what is foreign or inessential; rectify.

In mining, to separate (ore or metal) from the gangue or rock with which it is associated in the lode. See dress, 5 .

To approach or meet in or around a common point or center: as, the clouds rapidly concentrated in a dense mass.

To become more intense or pure. See I., 2.

To approach or meet in a common center; to consolidate. intransitive verb

To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or force; to fix. transitive verb

To increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore; to intensify, by getting rid of useless material; to condense; ; — opposed to dilute. transitive verb

, (intransitive) To bring to, or direct toward, a common center; to unite more closely; to gather into one body, mass, or force. verb

A substance that is in a condensed form.

To smoke weed before an activity Urban Dictionary

You will learn this in geometry.
Concentric means «sharing the same center». Con- = used multiple times, -Centric = center-related. (like cooperate: multiple people doing the same task)
So, it’s like a dartboard or bullseye: the circles are all around the same point.
Something three-dimensional, like cylinders (water bottles, spray cans), may be coaxial. Urban Dictionary

The act or process of concentrating, especially the fixing of close, undivided attention. Urban Dictionary

What they did to the jews Urban Dictionary

Orange juice with pulp without the juice Urban Dictionary

Euphemism for the delightful, ambrosial act of excreting; to shit.
See concentration. Urban Dictionary

Focusing your attention on someone or something. Urban Dictionary

1. To get dissed or made fun of
2. the newer version of juiced Urban Dictionary

Something you learn in chemistry which my cousin calls hell Urban Dictionary

Somewhere that has swimming pools, post offices, rabbit breeding, greenhouses, horse grooming, orchestras, libraries, a currency, hospitals, dentists, theatres, opera houses, cinemas, religious facilities, sports facilities, soccer fields, sport teams, saunas, artist studios, complaint offices, maternity wards, and much much more. Urban Dictionary

A concentrate is a form of substance which has had the majority of its base component (in the case of a liquid: the solvent) removed. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Allow me to list off the ingredients in the Barbacoa sauce starter: apple cider vinegar, canola oil, water, vinegar, salt, lime juice concentrate, chipotle pepper, tomato paste, red chile pepper, onion, cumin, oregano, bay leaf, black pepper, cloves.


You need to be focused, well organised and concentrate at all times to reap the benefits of the victory gained.


Will is amazed by his mother’s ability to continue her efforts to fund the library in Afghanistan even while facing a death sentence, until he realizes that «she used her emotions to motivate her and help her concentrate.


And when compared to whey protein concentrate, micellar whey was more resistant to protease digestion.


Ingredients, Makes 3 servings: 1 cup frozen banana chunks 1 cup frozen apricots 1/4 cup apple juice frozen concentrate 3/4 cup fortified soy — or rice milk Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.


On the next three apps, they don’t have to worry about filtering by race and can, instead, concentrate on other important filters.


Both whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate can be made into whey protein hydrolysate, so its protein content can vary.


Ashtanga yogis practice a prescribed set of asanas, channel energy through the body using bandhas (locks), and concentrate on singular points using drishti (gaze) in asanas.


It is supplied in Focus Factor as a concentrate (15 % DHA from fish body oil).


Try 1 ounces of this tart concentrate twice a day (one dose around 3 p.m. and the other dose around 8 p.m.) mixed in kefir or yogurt for extra calcium and blood sugar balance.


There are also very enlightening insights on the differences between «concentrate producers» and «bottlers» that every manager or entrepreneur can learn from as well as an examination of the concepts of «blue ocean strategy» and «core competences».


«The collectors have become really smart and only concentrate on certain artists, certain periods, certain material.»


Marc Jacobs Beauty Re (marc) able Full Cover Foundation Concentrate is a full coverage foundation that is an ultra-lightweight, oil-free foundation concentrate.


I checked the links for yacon syrup and the Benefityourlifestore does not carry it and other link only has the concentrate and tablets.


Be sure to use fresh pineapple juice that is not from concentrate, otherwise you’ll miss out on all the good nutrients.


The lower supply, in turn, has led to increased prices, both in the futures market for frozen orange juice concentrate, as well as for consumers.


Headquarters: Niagara Falls, So in 2005, he founded The Ice House Winery — Ontario, Canada Employees: 40 (at peak) a refurbished peach packing plant that now manuProduct: Icewine factures icewine in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Jamie Macfarlane, owner: «Icewine is a concentrate, so it creOntario, Canada.


Next we come to milk protein concentrate, probably the most disgusting ingredient in the food supply.


Microbial communities in biological denitrification system using methanol as carbon source for treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate from coking wastewater — Enchao Li — Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination


If desired, drizzle each muffin with melted coconut cream concentrate after muffins have completely cooled.


so I just doubled up on the coconut concentrate, yummmm!


No need of this, most of arsenal players hv jst a minor problems to amend, let wenger concentrate on making that amendments, to make them great players.


All three manufacturers were affected by the pet food recalls due to tainted rice protein concentrate or wheat gluten.


To increase the protein concentration of the… concentrate, though, additional processing is sometimes used.


Frozen lemonade concentrate is the surprise ingredient that adds bright, lemony flavor and a hint of sweetness which keeps the added sugar to a minimum.


Then add the coconut milk, chopped tomatoes and tomato concentrate.


There are different forms of protein powders (whey concentrate, whey isolate, casein protein, milk protein isolate, etc.).


Ingredients 1 tsp Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt 1 TBSP ground cinnamon Juice from one real lemon, not from concentrate 2 TBSP fermented tea from a SCOBY OR if… Read More


Whey permeate (also called dairy product solids, deproteinized whey or modified whey) is a coproduct of the production of whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate.


You would hope that for our next game whatever the result we can take some respite from the poor league form and concentrate on defending a trophy that deep down nobody cares about.


Place almonds, cashews, oats, dates, peanut butter (and any beet root powder or cranberry juice concentrate to change the color if you are using it), process in food processor until everything is completely broken down and the «dough» begins to stick together.


«Our coconut water is not from concentrate and nothing is added, which is very important to Earth Origins Market customers.


The trick for a strong and robust, but not sludgy, concentrate is to use coarsely-ground beans.


You only need 1/4 cup of orange juice concentrate to make this smoothie.


Catfish is another form of meat concentrate thus its presence contributes to the total protein value of the feed.


PancreaTabs Tablets is a pancreatic enzyme concentrate of porcine origin fortified with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E.


Fruit juice concentrate is a fast-growing ingredient used by the food industry.


The following year, the MV Nunavik, operating on behalf of a Canadian firm, sailed from the Hudson Strait through the passage to China carrying nickel concentrate.


Clergymen who follow this belief concentrate on conversion and evangelism.


The whey will be converted to whey protein concentrate and lactose in the joint venture’s processing plant at Germany.


Let’s assume that you’re not going to be one of the lucky authors who smash the bestsellers lists to smithereens without embracing the web, and concentrate on one of the best social media outlets for indie authors: Instagram.


I’ve heard better absorbtion, but don’t you debunk that argument a little while talking about concentrate and isolate?


When ready to serve, pour 1 cup of the tea concentrate over ice, and add a few Tablespoons coconut milk or cream, and enjoy!


Date juice concentrate can be used to naturally sweeten instant and ready-to eat porridge cups, sachets and pots.


Close your eyes and concentrate at your 3rd Eye.


This four citrus seed extract concentrate is designed to support the immune system and stave off Candida, sore throats and intestinal problems.


This flavorless concentrate is added daily to drinking water to provide the safest, healthiest way to conveniently keep teeth clean without brushing.


Dogs can probably digest pea protein concentrate more easily than pea fiber but we still wonder if this ingredient might counteract some of the claims about how this food is good for dogs with a sensitive stomach.


When a pair of oil tankers are battered in a 1952 storm, Bernie and his team concentrate on how to reach them.


A new study published in Nutrients found Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate aided recovery among eight semi-professional male soccer players following a test that simulated the physical and metabolic demands of a soccer game.


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