Use the word completely in a sentence

Antonym: incompletely. Similar words: complete, complex, complexity, replete, ample, sample, temple, simple. Meaning: [-lɪ]  adv. 1. to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole’ is often used informally for `wholly’) 2. so as to be complete; with everything necessary. 

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1. My car was completely wrecked in the accident.

2. Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.

3. Wait until the paint has completely dried.

4. He failed completely in the performance of his duty.

5. The witness completely vindicated him.

6. Buying our new house has completely cleaned us out.

7. Are you being completely truthful with me?

8. It is impossible to be completely objective.

8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

9. You are completely mistaken about Jane.

10. Her life changed completely when she won the lottery.

11. The garden’s completely overgrown with weeds.

12. His letter was completely without punctuation.

13. The vaccination doesn’t necessarily make you completely immune.

14. It’s completely up to you.

15. The road was completely blocked by an overturned truck.

16. The long journey completely drained me.

17. The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.

18. The question caught me completely unawares.

19. The baseball game completely enthralled the crowd.

20. The man was mad, completely mad.

21. He was just lying there completely pissed.

22. She’s completely insensitive to my feelings.

23. I’m completely submerged by work.

24. The window frame had rotted away completely.

25. The church was completely rebuilt in the last century.

26. I completely forgot that it was his birthday yesterday.

27. The path was completely covered by the dense foliage.

28. Her selfish behaviour completely spoiled the evening.

29. The question had me completely stumped.

30. The whole idea is completely cock-eyed.

More similar words: complete, complex, complexity, replete, ample, sample, temple, simple, wimple, lately, compete, comply, example, crumple, politely, implement, for example, privately, complaint, absolutely, fortunately, definitely, impolitely, intimately, ultimately, accurately, desperately, comply with, accomplice, compliance. 

stance when dealing with you? The next time you are completely

«I was, but I’m not any more, I thought I made that completely clear

How you use your time is completely up to you

Take decisive actions, rather than detaching completely from problems and stresses and wishing they would just go away

He was malnourished and his immune system was completely broken down by the disease

«I poo-poo’ed it at first,» Jorma said, «but those starships are completely made out of metal

Again, I am not telling you to cut this stuff out completely but be aware of how often you are consuming it

Luckily, Sparky hadn’t been completely tied up yet, so he broke out and growled as fiercely as a corgi/dachsund mix could

I wouldn’t put it past Venna to completely deny that she has ever laid eyes on me before even though she was the most tempestuous four Earth years my bed has ever experienced

The cannon erupted a steady stream of fire that completely engulfed the man

The next room they passed was completely empty

“I would have known all about it if I wasn’t stuck in radio silence land,” he pouted with a completely straight face, something that only Ackers could do

“I left for less than five minutes and my lunch is completely gone!” Ackers whined

Nobody can avoid all stress without completely dropping out of society and becoming a monk

Lo and behold, it’s like a completely different place — the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition, there are plenty of cattle and other livestock happily munching on feed in well-fenced pens, and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows

And then Ackers started up again right where he left off, completely oblivious to the tension in the room

For the five years that Nichols has conducted trials on his technique, it has been completely effective on whitefly and a broad spectrum of small bodied “infestation” insects without any damage to the treated plants

For someone as smart as The Operator was supposed to be, Johnny’s simple comment had completely stumped him

Children, elderly and pregnant women should avoid completely

Thank goodness I went out that evening … if I had been at home on my own, I’d have been completely minus any sort of alibi …

Stephen is completely lost in his thoughts over breakfast

Because she completely trusted her relationship with Kulai already, she kept to the course

They had already completely cut off his way back out

He placed the box over the alarm keypad, completely covering it, and then started entering random number combinations on his own keypad

The upstairs was completely empty; it looked like they were all still downstairs for now

‘She was as pissed as a newt when I got there … completely off her face

‘That you have been completely cleared of any suspicion

To understand the reasons why this culture flourished completely intertwined with the ocean and the earth around them, we must look at their relations with those around them

The documentary is still going on, though I have completely lost the thread of what they are talking about now

Stephen stares at the screen as though completely immersed in the subject under discussion

’ He said absently, completely missing my amazement that he not only knows the child’s name but also how old he is

‘Puts Liz completely in the clear though

’ Stephen said, completely glossing over the fact that it is also bothering him

viable and completely restored! the doctors could not explain that

under the ever ticking clock-face of consumer excess faded out completely

The roof would need completely replacing, the windows were rotten, the

He was completely and utterly transfixed

From what she’s said, he’s completely lost it

a special stretcher just jumped out of that stretcher and ran, completely

The sound of cars faded completely as Lucy took a tentative step off the ramp

‘How are you coping with this madhouse? The first time Mike brought me here I completely lost track of who everyone was

It would take another couple hours for the region to pass from view of the main scope completely

Her brakes failed completely, I gather

«How can I save you?» then in a completely different voice, «Ava’s got a sister?» and back to his own voice, «How did I get here?»

It was now known that the Kassikan had been secretly influencing Earth for centuries, nearly taking over America in the 1970’s, Europe in the 1990’s, completely taking over Brazil by 2350

’ I said, feeling completely stuffed by the small quantity of food I have ingested

The sheer physical effort required for this foray along the corridor left me completely shattered for a good half hour

They had completely replaced Americans and Chinese as the boogeymen in their culture

It was a leap of faith, especially when my earlier thoughts had run in completely the opposite direction

Then Athena, who has studied multimedia in London and is supposed to be a great expert in computers, yet she is completely off base

The wind blows again and the landscape changes completely

I really have had too much to drink and the passion on top has completely wiped my head out

It was like a waterfall and pumping blood and a drumbeat all at the same time and it drowned her out completely in a few seconds

Conclusion: From now on Themis is not only uninterested in me but he also ignores me completely! A week later I will repeat the magic ritual -in vain; I could as well say the situation is getting worse and worse: Now Themis is courting all women in our class except me, especially when I am present! He is flirting everyone but me! He even arranges outings or day trips with them in such an ostentatious manner that I -as well as the whole gym- can hear everything; needless to say, I am never given the chance to be a member of that enviable party

He knew they would have to completely sterilize the planet to beat them

I was completely wrong

On the other hand, nobody can say they lack these three characteristics completely; without them, even in a small degree, nobody survives infancy

After the living nightmare of the last month, I feel relatively normal, completely washed out, but normal

The sheer closeness of other bodies, of living, breathing fellow travellers, completely changed my view of the world

Instead he had to go completely on his own, keeping no council and avoiding attention whenever possible

He had his grounds completely trapped these days, he was not about to let himself be distracted to the point where any uppity mundane could pseudo-encapsulate him again

In that sense, it’s good to be here where we live on instead of ending so completely that we never even know it

Elond has always been honest with him, in fact she seemed to be completely without guile

The completely symmetrical space resembles some sort of shiny, weird cube

A wink accompanies her last comment and Apollo begins to understand the situation, but he still doesn’t trust her completely

But his girlfriend’s voice continued to converse with him and ignored Alfred completely

Alfred wondered if Alan had completely forgotten the phone and was going to leave it on thru their bedroom antics? He completely panicked, heart pain and all

Other towns seem to be completely driven mad with sexual passions

There was something happening within the spirit realm that was completely unannounced to anyone else

I was feeling a bit rough – I’ve got some medicine to reduce the effect of migraine but it doesn’t stop it completely

completely bereft of spirituality, or a being so in tune with

We turned over completely, then surfed down it on the hull, then over again and this time it held us down for a long time, shaking us underwater

God shows Abram something completely different than anyone else in history has ever known

The sound of cars faded completely as Lucy took a tentative step off the ramp and into the underpass proper

For his part he became completely withdrawn and Luray had gone back to Zhlindu

All three are present and completely accounted for in the Man Jesus Christ

Angie tried to look as if she knew what that all meant while the young man swallowed nervously, his eyes darting at Kara, apparently completely taken up with writing on the paper

about you losing yourself completely in the moment of sheer

I now have proven to myself that is completely counter

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

These things are true, even though they are completely invisible to the thoughts and understandings of the nations and the inhabitants of those nations

The dragon continued its dive, completely unaware of what had

“Down there I suppose, completely opposite from where the barn

” What is so interesting about this verse is that it is completely a ploy against Caesar

It was still completely unintelligible of course, but there was a lot more to sample

only began to walk after he passed through completely

Refused so completely that the data showed no city here, just jungle-covered ruins

But what about now, on his own and helpless? How long would he be able to live this way? Was it just hours or minutes until he was devoured? Or would he avoid the carnivores only to slowly starve to death as he wandered around completely lost for the next few weeks?

Strangely enough I bumped into Torald Rigel last month completely by chance in Cheapside

He declares that He will completely abolish the wicked rulers and the wicked men that blaspheme and desecrate His name among the nations

We need to be completely purged of anything and everything that is not of God

time the dragon was flying in completely the opposite direction,

Maybe life does continue, though completely different and distinct, in a very similar fashion as to what we see now

Kate said she understood completely; she kept wondering if she was guilty of vanity because she had thought the same thing

‘You will be completely private up here

The interchange with the customs takes place in Spanish and goes completely over my head

I have completely lost my bearings and haven’t the faintest idea where we are in relation to the coast … Joris, first checking all is clear, waves us across, and we disappear quickly into the woods on the other side

In my wanderings I actually find a discarded fold-up bed and try to sleep on it under a ramshackle stone building on the edge of a public park but after only half an hour my own snoring wakes me and so with dry throat I wander back to the Flea Market area and even at this hour am greeted with early morning hellos from the traders and completely seduced by the mouth-watering aromas of hot sesame cakes and sugar-dusted doughnuts, of pastries and fresh coffee

‘Lintze, I haven’t been sitting in here contemplating my navel for the past day or so … I don’t know what you understand by the term ‘retreat’, but here on Errd it is an in-depth soul-searching … there is no hiding from either Gotte or oneself … I should have done it years ago when I split up from Sanna … but I rejected the idea that I needed to … denied it completely


  1. I was completely shocked
  2. I was completely stunned
  3. I was completely shocked

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Q: Using the word completely in a sentence?

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Match the words in A to the words in B and use them to complete the sentences.

1. toxic a. species
2. factory b. fumes
3. acid c. pollution
4. natural d. power
5. soil e. habitats
6. plant f. waste
7. solar g. rain
  1. _ is very harmful to the environment.
  2. A lot of _ is dumped into this river.
  3. Chemicals cause _ .
  4. _ is environmentally friendly.
  5. Many _ are in danger of dying out.
  6. Forest fires cause many animals to lose their _ .
  7. How can I avoid breathing _ from cars while cycling in the city?

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 8a. Save the earth. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Сопоставьте слова в A со словами в B и используйте их для завершения предложений.

1. токсичный a. виды
2. фабрика b. пары
3. кислотный c. загрязнение
4. натуральный d. мощность
5. почва е. среда обитания
6. растение f. трата
7. солнечный g. дождь
  1. _ очень вредно для окружающей среды.
  2. В эту реку сбрасывается много _.
  3. Химические вещества вызывают _.
  4. _ экологически чистый.
  5. Многие _ находятся под угрозой вымирания.
  6. Из−за лесных пожаров многие животные теряют свой _.
  7. Как я могу избежать дыхания _ от машин во время езды на велосипеде по городу?

1 – b, 2 – f, 3 – g, 4 – e, 5 – c, 6 – a, 7 – d.
1. Acid rain is very harmful to the environment.
2. A lot of factory waste is dumped into this river.
3. Chemicals cause soil pollution.
4. Solar power is environmentally friendly.
5. Many plant species are in danger of dying out.
6. Forest fires cause many animals to lose their natural habitats.
7. How can I avoid breathing toxic fumes from cars while cycling in the city?

Перевод ответа
1. Кислотный дождь очень вреден для окружающей среды.
2. В эту реку сбрасывается много заводских отходов.
3. Химические вещества вызывают загрязнение почвы.
4. Солнечная энергия экологически безопасна.
5. Многие виды растений находятся под угрозой исчезновения.
6. Лесные пожары лишают многих животных естественной среды обитания.
7. Как я могу избежать вдыхания токсичных паров от автомобилей во время езды на велосипеде по городу?

1. My advice to you is not to sign it. — Мой вам совет: не подписывать его.
If I were you I would not sign it. – На вашем месте я бы не стал подписывать.
2. I think she really likes him. — Я думаю, что она действительно любит его.
She really likes him, doesn’t she? — Она действительно любит его, не так ли?
3. You are not allowed to visit me any more. — Вам не разрешено посещать меня больше.
You mustn’t visit me any more. — Вы не должны посещать меня больше.
4. I don’t think they have finished yet. — Я не думаю, что они уже закончили.
They haven’t finished yet, have they? — Они еще не закончили, не так ли?
5. I don’t understand, so I can’t explain it to you. — Я не понимаю, поэтому я не могу вам это объяснить.
If I understood I would explain it to you. — Если бы я понял, я бы вам это объяснил.
6. If you work hard, you will soon be as good as the rest of the class. — Если вы будете усердно работать, то скоро будете так же хороши, как и остальная часть класса.
If you work hard, you will soon catch up with the rest of the class. — Если вы будете усердно работать, вы скоро догоните остальную часть класса.


Упражнение 3, с. 69

3. Use words from the Check these words box to complete the sentences. — Используйте слова из рубрики Check these words, чтобы завершить предложения.

1 Jason deCaires Taylor is a fantastic artist — he makes beautiful sculptures out of cement.
Джейсон Декер Тейлор — фантастический художник, он делает прекрасные скульптуры из цемента.

2 When snorkelling, you need to put flippers on your feet to help you swim.
Когда вы ныряете с маской и трубкой, вам нужно надеть ласты на ноги, чтобы помочь себе плавать.

3 Jason usesI local people as models for his statues.
Джейсон использует местных жителей в качестве моделей для своих статуй.

4 It’s very easy to damage coral reefs if you touch them.
Очень легко повредить коралловые рифы, если дотронуться до них.

5 Jason hopes the park will attract lots of visitors.
Джейсон надеется, что парк привлечёт много посетителей.

6 There are thousands of colourful, exotic sea creatures in the Carribbean Sea.
В Карибском море обитают тысячи ярких экзотических морских существ.

7 Over time, coral will grow on the sculptures.
Со временем на скульптурах вырастут кораллы.

8 Pollution from factories and cars causes a lot of damage to the environment.
Загрязнение от заводов и автомобилей наносит большой ущерб окружающей среде.

Упражнение 4, с. 69

4. Complete the opposites in your notebook. Use the words in bold in the text. Check with your partner. — Заполните антонимы в своей тетради. Используйте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте. Посоветуйтесь со своим одноклассником.

1 discourage ≠ encourage
препятствовать ≠ поощрять

2 ugly ≠ beautiful
уродливый ≠ красивый

3 repels ≠ attracts
отталкивает ≠ притягивает

4 top ≠ bottom
верхний ≠ нижний 

5 above ≠ below
выше ≠ ниже

6 far from ≠ near
далеко от ≠ близко

7 protecting ≠ damaging
защита ≠ повреждение

8 smallest ≠ largest
маленький ≠ крупнейший

9 take off ≠ put on
снять ≠ поставить на

10 repaired ≠ damaged
отремонтировано ≠ повреждено

Might — may — could — will probably — will definitely

Упражнение 5, с. 69

5. Read the theory. Find examples in the text. — Прочтите теорию. Найдите примеры в тексте.

might: might not believe their eyes, … so divers might even see someone …

(will) probably: … you probably won’t be able …

We may visit the underwater park when we go to Cancun. (It’s possible; Perhaps)
Мы можем посетить подводный парк, когда поедем в Канкун. (Это возможно; Возможно)

I might go to Chile for my summer holiday this year. (It’s just possible, There is a slight possibility)
Возможно, в этом году я поеду в Чили на летние каникулы. (Это просто возможно, Есть небольшая вероятность)

The park could help to protect Mexico’s damaged coral reefs. (It’s possible)
Парк мог бы помочь защитить повреждённые коралловые рифы Мексики. (Это возможно)

We‘ll probably go snorkelling tomorrow. (It’s likely/ There’s a very good chance)
Завтра, наверное, пойдём нырять с маской. (Это вероятно/ Есть очень хороший шанс)

I‘ll definitely be back home by Thursday. (It’s certain)
Я обязательно вернусь домой к четвергу. (Это точно)

Упражнение 6, с. 69

6. Use the words in brackets to rewrite the sentences in your notebook. — Используйте слова в скобках, чтобы переписать предложения в тетрадь.

1 It will probably rain tomorrow.
Завтра, вероятно, пойдет дождь.

2 The underwater park could attract 750,000 visitors per ver.
Подводный парк мог бы привлечь 750 000 посетителей в год.

3 We may go snorkeling this afternoon.
Сегодня днём мы можем заняться подводным плаванием.

4 Coral will probably grow on the sculptures in the underwater park soon.
Кораллы, вероятно, скоро вырастут на скульптурах в подводном парке.

5 We might swim to the park today.
Сегодня мы могли бы поплавать в парк.

6 We’ll definitely go to Cancun next weekend.
Мы обязательно поедем в Канкун в следующие выходные.

Speaking & Writing 

Упражнение 7, с. 69 

7. a) Think! Tell the class two reasons why someone should visit the Cancun underwater park. — Подумайте! Расскажите классу о двух причинах, по которым кто-то должен посетить подводный парк Канкуна.

Reason 1: You should visit this park because it is the largest underwater sculpture park in the world.

Причина 1: Вы должны посетить этот парк, потому что это самый большой парк подводных скульптур в мире.

Reason 2: You should visit this park because you will get to see a very clever way in which people are trying to conserve coral reefs.

Причина 2: Вы должны посетить этот парк, потому что вы увидите очень умный способ, с помощью которого люди пытаются сохранить коралловые рифы.

b) Why is the park important? In three minutes write a few sentences. Tell the class. — Почему парк так важен? За три минуты напишите несколько предложений. Расскажи классу.

The park is important because it protects sea life. It attracts sea creatures and encourages coral to grow on the statues. It also encourages people to think about the environment.

Парк важен, потому что он защищает морскую жизнь. Он привлекает морских существ и побуждает кораллы расти на статуях. Это также побуждает людей думать об окружающей среде.

Упражнение 8, с. 69 

8. Imagine you are holiday in Cancun and are you going to visit the underwater park. Write a short email to your friend telling them all about it. Write: where you are, what you are going to visit, what you will do/see there. Read your email to your partner. — Представьте, что вы отдыхаете в Канкуне и собираетесь посетить подводный парк. Напишите короткое электронное письмо своему другу, рассказав ему всё об этом. Напишите: где вы находитесь, что собираетесь посетить, что будете там делать/видеть. Прочтите своё электронное письмо своему однокласснику.

Dear Alex,
Guess what! I am in Cancun, Mexico. It’s amazing here. Tomorrow, I am going to visit the world’s largest underwater sculpture park! I’ll put on some snorkelling gear and swim out to an underwater park full of life-size statues. There are hundreds of sculptures of people and animals. The sculptor made the statues to attract sea creatures and encourages coral to grow on them. I’ll definitely have a great time. I can’t wait!

See you,

Дорогой Алекс,
Знаешь что? Я в Канкуне, Мексика. Здесь удивительно. Завтра я собираюсь посетить самый большой в мире парк подводных скульптур! Я надену снаряжение для подводного плавания и поплыву в подводный парк, полный статуй в натуральную величину. Здесь сотни скульптур людей и животных. Скульптор сделал статуи, чтобы привлечь морских существ и побуждает кораллы расти на них. Я определённо отлично проведу время. Не могу дождаться!


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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 6 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 6 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 6 класс

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