Use the word competition in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word competition, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use competition in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «competition».

Competition in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word competition in a sentence.

  1. Henry Award competition in 1928.

  2. They were barred from competition.

  3. Mode competition over the Internet.

  4. After a 1986 trial competition, Dr.

  5. Once again a competition was run, with A.

  6. This competition led to the track «Meth Vs.

  7. There were 142 entrants to the competition.

  8. The annual theater competition known as SING!

  9. It’s such a great competition for the fans.».

  10. A total of 8 skaters entered the competition.

  11. The first competition was the pentathlon on July 7.

  12. In 1991, the horse placed third in the competition.

  13. New South Wales won the competition in both seasons.

  14. The sculpture was the result of a design competition.

  15. There were 128 players in the qualifying competition.

  16. The first continental competition organised by UEFA was the European Cup in 1955.

  17. For the third game in a row in the competition, Oxford faced a penalty shoot-out.

  18. These two taxa appeared in textbooks as an example of replacement by competition.

  19. It was the final of the 1980–81 season of European cup competition, the UEFA Cup.

  20. It was also the first time a Welsh team had reached the final of the competition.

  21. The competition was split into two parts: «Principal Tournament» and the «Supplementary Competition».

  22. The club planned to hold a summer competition by covering the mountain with «straw and pine needles».

  23. Triggers for dispersal include the onset of sexual maturity and competition within the pack for food.

  24. Cardiff’s defence was praised after recording their sixth consecutive clean sheet in the competition.

  25. He played out his days in the Sydney competition and topped the bowling aggregates from 1901 to 1904.

  26. Although Jardine had retired from regular first-class competition, he continued to play club cricket.

  27. The champion of the competition receives an automatic bid to the NCAA Division I Baseball Tournament.

  28. The title was the twelfth time it had won the competition and the fifth time it had shared the title.

  29. The Football League Cup is a cup competition open to clubs in the Premier League and Football League.

  30. In 1933, the Westminster Skating Club conducted a competition encouraging the creation of new dances.

  31. In 1900 Ravel was eliminated in the first round; in 1901 he won the second prize for the competition.

  32. It capped off a season in which he topped the competition batting averages and took the most wickets.

  33. At the 32nd Japan Academy Prize ceremony held in February 2009, Departures dominated the competition.

  34. In the 2027 edition, the format will be changed to accommodate an expanded 14-team final competition.

  35. The team at Revolution had high expectations for Broken Sword, but there was significant competition.

  36. The first international ice dance competition took place as a special event at the World Championships in 1950 in London.

  37. Owen’s camp knew nothing of the new opponent but went along with the change to provide Owen with much needed competition.

  38. They won every Worlds and Olympic title between 1970 and 1978, and won medals at every competition between 1976 and 1982.

  39. After Weinman’s success in the competition, he visited the Mint to discuss the conversion of his models to finished dies.

  40. England could remain in the competition if they beat Spain in their last group game, but a 1–0 defeat saw them crash out.

  41. The addition of Quarter Horse lines produced Appaloosas that performed better in sprint racing and in halter competition.

  42. Several competition entries, including a cantata and a hymn composed for the Paris Exhibition of 1867, were unsuccessful.

  43. Notes:Teams marked * progressed to the next stage of the competition.Teams marked † were eliminated from the competition.

  44. Moore replied, stating that as Fraser had won the competition for the medal, she should adapt her design for the quarter.

  45. In spite of concerted efforts to uphold the statute, it eventually failed due to competition among landowners for labour.

  46. British gay magazine Attitude celebrated the DVD’s release with a competition to win one of three copies; they described the film as «a bit surreal, but totally amazing.».

  47. In 1985, he won the four-in-hand carriage driving competition at the Royal Windsor Horse Show in the United Kingdom and later was an honorary lifetime officer of the show.

  48. Museum director Matthew Mossbrucker theorized that Lakes propagated the lie «because he didn’t want the competition up at the quarry—playing mind games with Cope’s gang.».

  49. Given the economic importance of the prey taken, whether they are in competition with human fishing industry in the area is an important question which remains unassessed.

  50. The commission then held another design competition for Pennsylvania architects only, which prevented Cobb, a Chicagoan, from submitting a design or finishing his capitol.

Synonyms for competition

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word competition has the following synonyms: , contention, rivalry, contest, rival, challenger, competitor and contender.

General information about «competition» example sentences

The example sentences for the word competition that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «competition» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «competition».

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Used with adjectives:

«There will be a major competition for swimming.«
(major, national)

«The sports competition will host the best athletes from each country.«
(sports, international)

«There is serious competition between the two teams.«
(serious, fierce, intense, stiff, strong, tough)

Used with verbs:

«He usually wins the running competition.«
(wins, dominates, loses)

«Let’s have the spelling competition this year.«
(have, hold)

«I want to enter the swimming competition.«
(enter, take part in, join)

«He had to withdraw from the competition due to injuries.«
(withdraw from)

«Who is judging the competition?«
(be + judging, be + sponsoring)

«The competition takes place in Athens.«
(takes place)

«The competition is open to all players.«
(be + open to)

«He is facing his toughest competition.«
(be + facing, be + going against)

«She beat the competition.«
(beat, eliminated)

Used with prepositions:

«There are five women in the competition this year.«

«There is intense competition between the two countries.«

«She entered a competition for the best cake.«

competition — перевод на русский


This is not a competition, doctor.

Это не соревнование, доктор.

Besides, this isn’t supposed to be a competition!

Кроме того, соревнование не предполагалось!

When I was a child, before I was like this… I watched a ski-jumping competition.

Когда я была ребёнком, до того, как я стала такой, я смотрела соревнование по прыжкам на лыжах с трамплина.

It seemed that from the shock of the revolution, society had… been reduced to dust and that a competition had opened… to determine the new form to be given to the edifice… to be built in its place; each one proposed his plan, this one produced it in the newspapers, that one in posters… that quickly covered the walls;

Казалось, что шок от революции был сведён обществом к сору, и началось соревнование в определении новой формы, которую должно придать сооружению, воздвигнутому на прежнем месте; один предложил свой план — провести кампанию в газетах или постерах, которыми можно быстро заклеить

Why don’t you arrange a competition to find the nicest bottom here?

Почему бы нам не устроить здесь соревнование и найти самую прекрасную задницу?

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— Hey. Let’s take a look at the competition.

— Пойдем, посмотрим на конкурс.

When IS that competition you were talking about?

А когда тот конкурс, про который мы говорили?

On Saturday, 29.9 in Belgrade’s Grand Dancing Hall there will be a competition for young singers.

В субботу 29.09 в Белграде проходит конкурс молодых певцов.

There was a singing competition at the university.

В актовом зале университета шел песенный конкурс.

I’ve entered the fashion design competition.

Я прошла конкурс дизайнеров модной одежды.

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He’s eliminating his competition, that’s all.

Он уничтожает конкурентов.

He’s a good journalist… and could start working for the competition by tomorrow.

Он — хороший журналист… и уже завтра мог бы начать работу у конкурентов.

That would make a story for your competition.

О, у ваших конкурентов выйдет прекрасная статья —

I made it up to get rid off the competition.

Я это придумал, чтобы убрать конкурентов.

— Don’t like the competition?

— Не любите конкурентов?

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So, the awkward child is becoming an attractive dish, and you don’t like it, because from now on, there’s gonna be competition.

Итак, гадкий утёнок становится прекрасным лебедем, и тебе это не нравится, потому что с этого момента возникает конкуренция.

Martelli called it competition.

Мартелли сказал, что это конкуренция.

I know it all. You know, you know, but do you know what the competition is?

— Представляешь, какая конкуренция?

Paulo guaranteed me that their competition would be disastrous.

Пауло меня убедил, что их конкуренция была предопределена.

Competition for you Zoe.

Конкуренция для тебя, Зоэ.

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He is Franco’s chief competition in the under-200-pound class.

Это главный соперник Франко в категории до 90 кг.

Quentin, you’ve got competition.

Кантэн, у вас появился соперник.

My competition.

Мой соперник?

Bertie needs some competition.

Берти нужен соперник.

You have got competition, buddy.

У тебя появился соперник, приятель.

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The competition was exciting, but also costly and both companies were itching to earn money from tracks already laid.

Состязание было захватывающим, но дорогостоящим и обеим компаниям хотелось получать прибыль с уже проложенного пути.

There’s too much competition.

Это стало похоже на состязание.

Why not consider it a competition between vulgarity and poetry?

Это будет состязание вульгарности и поэтичности.

The competition’s tough out there.

Состязание будет непростым.

But let’s have a competition with us, let’s have.

Но пусть будет у нас состязание. Ну, пусть будет.

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That’s not my first competition!

Это ведь не первый мой турнир!

— Hey, check this out. How about that? A little friendly competition.

Дружеский турнир?

Ajino Sousuke won the All-Japan competition while he was at college.

Аджино Сосуке выиграл турнир страны, когда ещё учился в консерватории.

I can’t hope to win the competition like this.

Так мне турнир не выиграть.

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Well, competition. I like that.

Мне нравится соперничество.

Competition always makes a woman obvious.

Соперничество всегда делает женщин более естественными.

The competition is killing him.

Соперничество убивает его.

No. It’s not really competition, is it?

Нет, да это ведь никакое не соперничество, не так ли?

You know, Dr Crane, the last thing I want to do is encourage more competition between you and Niles.

Знаете, доктор Крейн я совсем не хочу усугублять ваше соперничество с братом.

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t’s so bored to join so many competitions.

Скучно постоянно соревноваться

Of course, there’s not a lot of competition.

Конечно, не с чем особо соревноваться.

You’d be in competition with yourself.

Будешь соревноваться сама с собой.

I don’t want you feeling like you have to do that competition now to avenge me.

Я не хочу чтобы ты чувствовал, будто ты должен соревноваться чтобы отомстить за меня.

You’re not in competition with yourself.

Ты ведь не должен с собой соревноваться.

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Now, the way I see it, our real competition now is Cameron.

Насколько я знаю, наша основная соперница — Кэмерон.

Sarah, whatever you may think your only competition for my affections is our little girl.

Сара, неважно, что ты думаешь… но твоя единственная соперница в любви — это наша маленькая девочка.

I am not your competition.

Я тебе не соперница.

My competition.

моя соперница.

Cynthia, our competition in the wrapping paper contest, is in a wheelchair.

Синтия, наша соперница по продаже оберточной бумаги, в инвалидном кресле.

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Use the word competition in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use competition in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for competition.

  • But look at the competition! (8)
  • Any conception of the competition nowadays? (8)
  • Competition brings a realizing sense of fairness. (16)
  • They would be exposed to fierce local competition. (16)
  • But the ensuing period of competition did not last. (16)
  • Competition among commercial agencies would have even less to recommend it. (16)
  • Some of the high-class weeklies feel the competition of the ten-cent monthlies. (9)
  • He was of an older generation, and he could see life only in the light of competition. (13)
  • He was her dear Wickham on every occasion; no one was to be put in competition with him. (4)
  • In the strictly news-gathering field there is probably a decrease of competition at hand. (16)
  • What one newspaper did, that others were forced to do or be distanced in the competition. (16)
  • It had been hurt by the fierce competition of its sensational and more enterprising contemporaries. (16)
  • The rivalry is greater, the light of competition is stronger, the relation to the public is closer. (16)
  • The drummer is discharged because, competition having disappeared, custom must come without solicitation. (7)
  • There would thus be a chaos of ineffective competition among either coöperative or commercial press agencies. (16)
  • A period of sharp competition followed, but in 1882 the two associations signed a treaty of partnership for ten years. (16)
  • Then the competition for white elephant supremacy began, and it continued bitterly during the existence of the two animals. (21)
  • As for the essayist, the poet, the traveller, the popular scientist, they are nowhere in the competition for the favor of readers. (9)
  • With that competition, you know what your plant at Lapham would be worth, and what the shrinkage on your manufactured stock would be. (9)
  • She supports herself and him by washing for the poor people among whom they live, at rates which destroy Chinese and domestic competition. (1)
  • Competition would be so sharp that solicitors would have to be employed to make sales; and they too must have a living out of the business. (7)
  • It pays to aim high and get into the currents of the best demand, where prices are better, terms fairer, and competition an absolute nullity. (16)
  • The competition grew to the extent even of sending fast boats all the way to Europe, and soon became extravagant enough to cause its collapse. (16)
  • As America reaches out for commercial predominance, so the American circus challenged competition abroad, and foreign rivals quivered and shrunk. (21)
  • Equal competition among a number of coöperative associations would, for reasons already explained, mean comparatively ineffective and weak services. (16)
  • The competition in sensationalism, to which we owe the yellow press, as it is called, will become a competition in cleanliness and accuracy. (16)

Also see sentences for: conflict, contention, contest, emulation, equal, match, mate.

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“Competition” in a Sentence (with Audio)

competition (n): a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else

Use “competition” in a sentence

Use “competition” in a sentence

He dropped out of the competition.
Are you worried about the competition?
I was in competition with 5 others for the job.

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  • Use the word competition in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Yes, unless I’m mistaken, you’re the winner ofthe Round Britain Shortest, Fattest, Dumpiest Woman competition.

If I stay longer in this competition, I will miss prom, but, I — You know, I’d rather be here than at [laughing] prom.

Aw, no! Cherie: I definitely feel a lot of competition.

Because we’ve been really close so far In the friend side of the competition.

So it’s gonna be hard to battle him. Cee lo: What do you think about your counterpart/competition?

This is a competition, bro. So, when I say, «sing your part,»

Both: dwhuh-oh, whuh-oh, stuck like glue d dyou and me, baby d Cee lo: I’m checking out my competition,

Make sure that none of our competition gets wind of this.

You really think Rebecca considers you two her competition?

So, we’ll spend some time together, and enjoy some healthy competition.

Well, it’s not a competition.

In the competition for the Senate seat, there were noisy debates between the supporters of Cato’s Republican Party and the followers of Julius.

An unannounced competition for the ladies …

How’s the competition looking?

Say, if your Friend doesn’t participate, there’ll be no competition in the long-distance run.

Ms. Georgette Rambert is the winner of the competition.

Seems he’s a friend of this artist guy and he don’t wanna let on he’s competition.

The reason we get along is we ain’t in competition, you know.

They probably figured the competition would be too much for ’em.

In a competition, you’d be disqualified.

In the days when he used to come out here, there wasn’t so much competition.

I was just washing my car, because everything has to be in top shape in these days of keen competition.

The whole point is I… that I just don’t want any competition.

Well, if that’s our only competition

I just lost a big order to the competition at Bockelmann.

I’II have three big cognacs and go work for the competition!

You’re sending customers to the competition?

Did you read the news about the competition?

I might see things differently, but she might have a point. -You’re defending the competition?

The teetotalers will take over and we’re rid of the competition.

The cabinet figures that we have to meet foreign competition.

competition‘s too strong for me. You better give him the spot.

Sports Queen competition…will be held in Shanghai Fast East Sports Meet soon…

Jamesy, how about you and me starting a little competition for the common people?

It’s open competition. But if you sell under my nose or the Chinaman’s… you’re taking a risk, but it will be fair.

The competition in Tokyo is fierce.

Too busy in a crazy competition for nothing.

Can you imagine what that chesty Nob Hill guy is going to say since there won’t be any competition.

You know, I don’t go for that sucker competition, Mary.

But it isn’t competition.

They have a competition and give a prize of $10,000 in gold… to the proprietor of the joint who puts on the most artistic show.

Do you realize the immense task we shall undertake… when we set ourselves to an active and aggressive peace… when we direct our energies to tear out the wealth of this planet… and exploit all these giant possibilities of science… that have been squandered hitherto upon war and senseless competition?

In fact I think of the competition Have to be just like this How you think

There was a lot of competition.

Are you going to have competition?

Why, that almost sounds like competition.

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