Use the word comfort in a sentence

Synonym: assure, cheer, console, ease, gladden, relieve. Antonym: affliction, discomfort, distress, grief. Similar words: cold comfort, discomfort, comfortable, uncomfortable, aim for, north, tort, sort. Meaning: [‘kʌmfət]  n. 1. a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain 2. a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment 3. the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction 4. a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state. v. 1. give moral or emotional strength to 2. lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate. 

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1 From the father comes honour; from the mother, comfort

2 Comfort is better than pride.

3 To promise and give nothing is comfort to a fool. 

4 That will comfort yours.

5 They did everything for our comfort.

6 Indifferent attitude, made light of expression. Comfort.

7 They now live in relative comfort .

8 These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance.

9 Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.

10 He was her sole comfort.

11 His large income enabled him to live in comfort.

12 They live in modest comfort.

13 If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

14 All our sports shoes are designed for comfort and performance.

15 It suffices to comfort her with only a few words.

16 This new design will offer undreamed-of levels of comfort, safety and speed.

17 He grew up in the comfort of the Surrey stockbroker belt.

18 They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.

19 I hope you can find a little comfort in the knowledge that your grief is shared by so many friends who are thinking of you.

20 The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service.

21 Better to tell the truth and comfort their cry, than to create pain when you tell them a lie.

22 Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young,[] and a support and comfort to the aged. 

23 A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 

24 After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparable comfort.

25 I’ve never any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them.

26 These figures may look good on paper but are cold comfort to the islanders themselves.

27 I take this moment to tell you today that I’m so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You’re a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!

28 With video, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home.

29 A private car gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility.

30 He has enough money so that he can live in comfort.

More similar words: cold comfort, discomfort, comfortable, uncomfortable, aim for, north, tort, sort, forte, port, norther, abort, worth, northern, sport, short, effort, import, retort, exhort, mortal, extort, mortar, deport, worthy, resort, shorts, sort out, vortex, report. 

comfort — перевод на русский


I want respectability and comfort and security! We cannot get used to each other, cheri. Not too much.

у меня есть деньги что бы продлить это лето я хочу респектабельности комфорта и безопастности мы не должны привыкать друг к другу милый не так сильно. это было бы ужасно, не так ли?

I, too, have made a change for worldly comfort.

Я тоже меняюсь ради мирского комфорта.

I’m tired of comfort and pleasure.

Я устал от комфорта и удовольствий!

If you wanted comfort, you should have stayed in Chicago.

Если тебе хочется комфорта — тебе лучше было остаться в Чикаго.

For us, the generation of battlefront destitution we hope to see our kids, who grow among beauty and comfort become spiritually beautiful.

Нам, поколению, за которым фронты и лишения естественнее было бы видеть, чтобы наши дети росли среди красоты и комфорта, и были лучше нас душой.

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It’s a prime comfort to look on faces that’s friendly when a body’s in such a muck of trouble.

Человеку в такой беде первое утешение — видеть лица друзей.

I will find comfort elsewhere.

Я найду утешение.

— I want no comfort from you.

— Мне не нужно твоё утешение.

To believe, to pray, even if only to some pagan god… so long as belief is there, it brings comfort.

Итак, будем верить и молиться, пусть даже языческим богам! .. Покуда есть вера, есть утешение.

Yeah, well, he’s a comfort.

Наше утешение.

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Is it to comfort the souls of those who died?

Чтобы утешить души умерших?

There’s little we can do in any case, but we should at least comfort him.

Мы не можем помочь ему деньгами но мы должны, по крайней мере, утешить его.

And I, to comfort him, bid him he should not think on God;

Я, чтобы его утешить, сказала, что ему, мол, незачем думать о Боге;

I came to comfort you. And you betrayed me!

Я пришел утешить тебя, а ты предала меня!

I was not angry, and I was born a desire to comfort him, protect him.

Я уже больше на него не сердилась, и во мне родилось желание утешить его и защитить.

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It comforts me to know the thieves are as cold as us.

Одно утешает — ворам так же холодно, как и нам.

It must be a comfort to you to have him near you.

Вас, наверное, утешает, что он в рядом с вами.

You, my dear Mersenne, whose friendship comforts me and shows me I’m not entirely a stranger in my own country.»

Ты, мой дорогой Мерсенн, чья дружба утешает меня и показывает мне, что я не всецело иностранец в своей собственной стране.»

Knowing you exist comforts me

Утешает осознание того, что ты существуешь.

It comforts us, the oldsters.

Это утешает нас, стариков.

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Boss, I can always trust you to comfort a man.

Босс, вы всегда знаете, чем успокоить человека.

I wish there was something I could say to comfort you… ’cause I know what you’ll have to put up with… from some of the people in the village over this.

Я бы хотел сказать тебе что-нибудь, чтобы успокоить тебя потому что, я знаю, что тебе придется пережить из-за некоторых людей в нашей деревне.

You say that to comfort me, but I know how they feared her.

— Ты говоришь так, чтобы успокоить меня, но я знаю, как они её боялись.

When there was nothing but pain.. ..she was there to comfort him.

Когда мне было очень больно, она была рядом, чтобы успокоить боль.

‘There are two thoughts that should comfort you.

Но есть две вещи, которые должны вас успокоить.

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And what’s more comfort is knowing he won’t suffer anymore from pains in his joints.

И успокаивает, что он… больше не страдает от боли в суставах.

It’s comforting to know that.

Это успокаивает.

Well, that’s a comfort.

Это успокаивает.

Sometimes I still feel like doing it ’cause it’s comforting.

Иногда мне хочется так делать. Это успокаивает.

Isn’t it a comfort to see her like a prudent housewife getting everything ready for my departure?

Разве не успокаивает, что она как предусмотрительная хозяйка готовится вовсю к моему отбытию?

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I’m gonna convince her, though, we can have just as many comforts and luxuries here.

Я хочу убедить ее, что… мы можем иметь все удобства здесь.

I know it is wrong to raise my voice against any person… but there are those in your order who would change your way of life… for the sake of worldly comfort.

Я знаю, что неправильно возвышать мой голос против любой личности. Но есть те в вашем ордене, кто готов изменить свой образ жизни ради мирского удобства.

All the comforts of home.

Все удобства.

Those are the words he used to describe the comforts and pleasures with which the Proletariat are diverted from the more important, historic mission.

Этими словами описываются удобства и удовольствия,.. отвлекающие рабочий класс от более важной, исторической миссии.

They have every comfort — you’re looked after as long as you live.

Это престарелые. Конечно у них все удобства. За вами здесь присматривают.

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I know, and I can’t tell you what comfort that thought gives me.

Не представляете, как мне приятно это слышать.

It’s comforting to know that there are those who can be relied upon for support in times of stress.

Приятно знать, что есть такие на кого можно положиться в минуты стресса.

It must be so comforting to be all so settled.

Должно быть, удивительно приятно жить вот так — всем вместе.

That’s all right, dear signor Rasponi, Your hospitality is comforting to me I’m still a little shaky from this morning’s events.

Да что вы, дорогой синьор Распони, приятно мне у вас слегка развлечься от пережитых мною треволнений.

Comforting to know we’re the right sort of people.

Приятно чувствовать себя людьми подходящими.

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It is indeed fortunate for you that this is a hotel with great comfort and a cuisine most excéllent.

Вам очень повезло, что в гостинице весьма комфортно и превосходная кухня.

Had I known he would sail me into a nest of dons I can assure you I would still be resting in comfort at Gibrattar.

Знай я, что он притащит меня в гнездо донов, уверяю вас, я бы сейчас комфортно отдыхала в Гибралтаре.

— Then other men might be jealous of me. — I wear clothes for comfort.

в чем мне комфортно.

We put it in Farhan’s room, so he could study in comfort

И мьI не поставили его в своей спальне, мьI установили его.. ..в комнате Фархана, чтобьI ему комфортно бьIло учиться.

To be comforted, contained.

Чувствовать себя комфортно, защищенно.

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This is my idea of comfort.

Как удобно.

I can’t tell you how comforting that is.

Вы не представляете, как тут удобно.

Not comfort for me.

Нет удобно для меня.

It’s comfort, but…

Это удобно, но…

It’s a place of comfort to him.

Ему там очень удобно.

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Definition of Comfort

to relieve the distress or suffering of; to provide relief to

Examples of Comfort in a sentence

Ruth’s was able to comfort her best friend after her cancer diagnosis with her supportive words.


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That would probably help if you can comfort him

Ava had confided a lot about her life in the Kassikan, her comfort with Kulai and her torment under the influence of Tdeshi’s hormones

You need a cushioned shoe for comfort and to avoid injury when you’re exercising

Also define the risk you need to assume, which should be in tune with your comfort level

Serpent went to Mouse to comfort her and to receive comfort for his loss

Having attained to physical comfort, relaxation, and having withdrawn ourselves from the body consciousness, we next note our breathing and ascertain whether it is quiet, even and rhythmic

Asana should be done with comfort, ease, alertness and steadiness, achieving a balance between ease and effort

the back of the car, sitting back in deep leather comfort as the Moor drove them not to

Travis collapsed onto the ground in tears and his mother leaned down to comfort him

salvation, healing and eternal comfort in God

comfort, it can resurface in another part of the body

Trying to comfort her, though horribly aware that there is nothing I can say which will make things better, I sit beside her uttering soothing noises, one arm round her shoulders as she sobs for some minutes

Comfort him yes, but hit him also

’ I said, understanding his need for comfort

Stephen is behaving like a collie in charge of a flock of sheep, almost comical in his endeavours to be of comfort to Liz

took no comfort then in the wonderful fact that the first of her grandchildren had

«And that scares you doesn’t it?» Ava told him, using her comfort with cloning as a weapon, even against a mortal

is no comfort for demons if they have to share a body with the spirit that is

anything other than grim resignation, but he saw nothing there that would comfort

781 milliseconds and would receive their next timeslice in the comfort of their own entry hall

’ He said deliberately seriously understating the case, ‘In the summer, I tend to get my breakfast and bring it up to eat in bed, and, on the odd occasion when I’ve been ill, it has been a great comfort to be able to see that lot from the bed

I could touch it without whimpering, and somehow found comfort in the strangely skewed ridge that had formed at the top of my septum

Knowing that you are not alone, that others bear the burden of living like you do, is a strange sort of comfort

I unfolded it slowly, measuring each crease between my fingers, aching for the comfort of words and yet totally afraid of what I might read

Our kisses and our caresses in the dark night hours somehow brought comfort and assuaged the loneliness that otherwise threatened to engulf us

anger but she knew she did not have time to comfort him further, for the

He took no comfort then in the wonderful fact that the first of her grandchildren had called her Nana to her face before Charos stole her away from him

The stench of wet decay was almost a comfort

MacKenzie searched his old friend’s face for a sign, for a token that suggested anything other than grim resignation, but he saw nothing there that would comfort him

I rejoice that in pain there is comfort, in struggle there is ability to overcome, in persecution there is endurance, and in torture there is a crown

To the woman who complained that riches hadn’t made her happy, the Master said, «You speak as if luxury and comfort were ingredients of happiness; whereas all you need to be really happy, my dear, is something to be enthusiastic about

This moment, this comfort, the warmth of the axe blade

Ashley and Beth went to her and offered comfort as sisters would

Everything is as you left it in the snug comfort

When, after careful practice, you can perform this asana to your liking and can hold it in comfort for several minutes, while you hold it practice deep breathing with your eyes closed and your spine held straight

Berndt standing, head held high, the Gottestones of his calling in his hands, smiling … actually smiling and giving us words of hope and comfort

is the comfort, is the beauty of living,

She sought the comfort of Daniels arms, and she cried and mourned for that ‘silly’ dog

It’s called Hotel Anessis and the name means comfort

Your new calmness of mind will make it unnecessary for you to turn to food for comfort or as a means of relieving tension or boredom

Repressing the urge to go and comfort him, I turn my attention to the document he’s given me

the counting comfort, the reassurance of wolf,

In despair Archibald thought that at least he might be able to comfort her with a kiss

Incidentally the Shoulderstand is especially recommended for women after childbirth after a suitable period of recuperation has elapsed, but in all cases do not prolong the posture beyond the point of absolute comfort

Around his waist he wrapped a thick woollen scarf to comfort his kidneys and hold up his trousers

Almost immediately after leaving the border, in the comfort of knowing I was safe, I lost it again

Before long, we were enjoying the reassuring comfort of silence amongst friends

joints or other scenes as all interaction is limited to the website, which is also in the comfort of your home or office

‘ We stood silently, respectfully, our minds resting in the comfort of that moment

Elizabeth assisted the doctor, and now she needs your comfort

She may need the comfort in this time of stress

«I understand, and I try to comfort her as often as I can

Were we mortals I would tell you it is your duty to do your best to satisfy her, especially spiritually, with her need for comfort and affection

As immortals, it is still your duty to satisfy her needs for comfort and affection, you said as much in your vows

«Is there forgiveness for one who does not provide his wife sufficient comfort in her marriage bed?» Thom didn’t know where the viewpoint of Arthur’s visual channel patch-thru into this cubicle was, but he looked the confessional grill directly in the eye

I floated in the comfort of this smooth, luminous primeval liquid, looking at the patterns and the shifting net of sunlight underneath, and the sand way down below, ecstatic in the thrill of being aware of simple existence in a universe without change

“With my wife to comfort me and my children to keep me young I’m extremely happy and content”

Do you know, they came to see me as though they were guests in my house? I tried to comfort my Maria and explain as best I could that it is over now, but because she’s who she is it’ll take a long time for her to come through this

She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else

While her husband and daughter found comfort in its reassuring presence, Helen was driven to distraction by even the faintest note

comfort of friends and the advice of therapists, opened

the car, pushing her towards a better life of plenty and comfort

unable to comfort him in any way, and could only

case they were of no comfort for they burned as they fell, adding to

comfort of the lights in the court building’s entrance hall and

I used a condom,’ I said as I shifted my cushion for comfort

he might be able to comfort her with a kiss

The beating of her heart would comfort and calm the tiny animal, and her body heat would eventually warm it up

What little she knew about this time was that it was farther back in time than Greece or Rome, but the level of comfort seemed at least as good, and probably far better among the poor

Tom settled for the comfort of a

comfort» in his or her life

their father’s ex boss hurried back to his car and the comfort of

Cold comfort awaited Annie as she stepped through the front

1If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship

While her husband and daughter found comfort in its

comfort all that mourn;

there was little comfort in that and there was no escaping the worm

in the wagons, so we can ride in comfort on the return journey

It is one of the two concessions that Jock has made towards home comfort for his pet scientist

Your machines are a great source of wealth and comfort

Once again, Mandy was enchanted by the native design and inviting comfort of the appointments

great comfort to be had while staring into the flames

Broadband comes as part of the cable package, and it provides Ted with a window on the world and hard porn comfort when he is sober enough to be interested, which is less and less frequently these days

That had been too close for comfort

was comfort in taking instruction

Her comfort zone is being compromised

Tentatively at first, she delves into her memory, drawing on the comfort of the room around her, a shield against the hurt and horror

They kept the fire in the hearth and the cook stove always burning for warmth and comfort against the cold and dimness of the days

She resigns herself to the long hours of dead waking, and as she tries to settle, as she tries to find a position of relative comfort, she asks herself a simple question; «Why, Billy, why can’t you do something useful for a bloody change?»

Ignoring this last comment which is far too close to what I was thinking for comfort, I return to our previous subject of conversation

” His tone gave no comfort to Harry as he attended carefully to the postures, mannerisms and words of the men before him

’ He said, as if he knows instinctively what will help comfort her at this time

and so, he left the comfort of his warm bed and

People who enjoy certain levels of creature comfort or civilization will tell you other things they think are required

liberty to the captive, and comfort all

It had offered her comfort, and security after her father died, she’d never meant to let him rule her life though

Instead, she simply laid her face on his chest, and drank in the comfort he was offering

She couldn’t help but want to comfort him

Beth had slipped into her comfort zone, the kitchen

» He looked to her for comfort, but the weight he felt came from his own mind not hers

When the boy, my new guard touched me, I felt like a child again, like a naughty little boy who had been sent to his room only to be comforted half an hour later by a worried mother hen

After the jokes came the razor slash, and we each comforted the other as the bruises and scabs healed

Despite the hope and the warmth that comforted me during those first few days with Menachem, that conversation about my father was the catalyst for a spell of deep depression

I lay in the dark, breathless, warmed and comforted

He always liked churches, that was one of the things that comforted him the most about religion was the grand spaces where it was practiced

She seems comforted by this

He actually comforted her and they had a talk about what goes where in human genitalia

My master comforted me and told me she was not lost

things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in

comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation

surprised but strangely comforted by a strong smell of garlic that

His steps getting quicker and quicker as he moved off down the path, he comforted himself with the thought that this was the sensible course to take

It comforted and

Emma at least took comforted in that fact

tempest and not comforted behold I

Each was more convinced of the other’s growing friendship and both were happily comforted at the thought

“Thank the gods,” he growled, comforted that the walls were utterly still to his touch

But still he wailed, and kicked with his legs, and refused to be comforted

Vic comforted Glenelle, Alfred heard something about «Sometimes these things can’t be helped,» but he didn’t have time to get involved

after supper, and were comforted by the solemn service –

We have comforted and heated

I comforted myself with the thought that if they were talking, they weren’t kissing

“Rest assured, you’re still the prettiest of them all,” he comforted her and put his arm around her shoulders to show some affection

Ravena comforted, “Those ‘smudges’ in the scanning data are well within tolerances

Danny felt strangely comforted

Torbin is it?’ It was her, and he felt comforted by her mild tones, even though it was as if she’d forgotten him

I don»t think I have ever been so comforted by anyone»s presence

“So what do you think about me doing my bit for you brave lads I have got this pretty coloured skin and the people like you and me are dying so that these war profiteers can make even more money to wallow in”, she broke down crying and I held her in my arms and comforted her

” That comforted me somewhat

I comforted myself by telling myself that I wanted to make sure he was all right before I moved on

comforted by the excitement of the voyage they were taking and

I could tell him all my troubles, and he always comforted me with a dependable purr and a sympathetic look in his golden eyes

Cigarettes comforted us in these situations and were reasonably cheap so it was no wonder so many of the lads smoked

Anyone would have liked to have stopped and comforted their friends and seen what they could do for them but it would have been suicide to even try

As I comforted her, I began to be comforted myself

He felt his heartbeat slow and felt comforted

But, of course, he did not see her, and no friendly face comforted him preceding the fight

endless, and he didn’t find himself comforted by any of them

He felt strangely comforted by them all being there with him and Esther, but was also alarmed as he would have to manage them somehow

Ray was feeling particularly sorry for himself and talking to Nathan again, especially in that cemetery, had comforted him but also disturbed him

” Manna comforted the old man

Many a time I sat in a Casspir waiting for the hail of bullets and (you know what) to hit the fan, and I would be comforted by someone chain smoking close by

her lap, she rocked and hushed and comforted, as though Toinette had

Then she went on: «I comforted the poor little

away from home, but safe and comforted and sheltered

I would have so dearly loved to have been comforted by her, been held in her arms while she told me her son would get over his silliness and return to his normal self and then all our dreams would become a reality

Vera comforted me as best she could

Dr Preston patted me on my shoulders in a kind and comforting way, but I was not comforted at all

Sarah sounded so motherly to William that he felt comforted enough to continue

for they will be comforted

Brendan ate in silence, comforted only by ‘the Damned Cat,’ as he had been calling her lately

The servant comforted her mistress

must, the need for the patient to be comforted during the course of

He had been furious with Laus, and he had hugged, kissed, and comforted her

It was as if something was there in the back of her mind that she could not talk about, and it had comforted her to pet him and draw him close to her in the middle of the telling, or sometimes as her story drew to a close

She had not returned the embrace, merely stood rigid in his arms, and now the expression on her face was more shocked than comforted

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted

He comforted, he was there, and he loved her

24 And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in to her, and lay with her, and she bore a son, and he called his name

Astonished, I was comforted

Nic held me and comforted me

Neither Faith nor Una had any idea how sick the boy really was; a watchful mother would have had a doctor without delay; but there was no mother, and poor little Carl, with his sore throat and aching head and crimson cheeks, rolled himself up in his twisted bedclothes and suffered alone, somewhat comforted by the companionship of a small green lizard in the pocket of his ragged nighty

She tries to touch my shoulder and I yank it away, not wanting to be comforted

to herself again, and comforted her with loving words and said to her,

16 Then the king was troubled, and ail his servants comforted her

did eat bread with him in his house, and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought on him:

She comforted herself with its unlikelihood, but she prepared herself in advance for that day, as best she could

17 show me a token for good; that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because you, Lord, has holpen me, and comforted

52 I remembered your judgments of old, O Lord; and have comforted myself

out into singing, O mountains, for the Lord has comforted his people, and will have mercy on his afflicted

Jerusalem, for the Lord has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem

11 O you afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, see, I will lay your stones with fair

one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem

· Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted

lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not

“Jessie…” comforted Wedge, his words seeming louder as the

” Tifa comforted her, stroking her hair as she

13 So shall my anger be accomplished, and I will cause my fury to rest on them, and I will be comforted, and they shall know that I

water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the Earth

Pharaoh shall see them, and shall be comforted over all his multitude, even Pharaoh and all his army killed by the sword, says the

24 But those who repent, he granted them return, and comforted those who failed in patience

17 The prayer of the humble pierces the clouds, and till it comes near, he will not be comforted; and will not depart, till the Most

24 He saw by an excellent spirit what should come to pass at the last, and he comforted them that mourned in Sion

10 And of the twelve prophets let the memorial be blessed, and let their bones flourish again out of their place, for they comforted

15 So the angel that was come to talk with me held me, comforted me, and set me

many are the adversities of Sion? be comforted in regard of the sorrow of Jerusalem

was taken from me, and he took me by the right hand, and comforted me, and set me on my feet, and said to me, 31 What ails you?

or who departs by sea but does not arrive at the port, can he be comforted? 4 Or he who promises to give a present to another, but

to those who fear you what is prepared for them, so that then forward they may be comforted

how I have been the more careful to leave you the words of this epistle before I die, that you may be comforted regarding the evils

They had become a part of her—the new her—and she a part of them, and it comforted her to know that they were physically close

Its presence comforted her; its big grey eyes searched the way for danger

Its presence comforted her

in us, as Moses in his song, which witnessed to their faces, declared, saying, And he shall be comforted in his servants

comforted Achior, and praised him greatly

He had been comforted by Dr Hancox’s news that he had phoned the hospital personally through his own contacts and they had told him it was doubtful that Becky would ever pull through

1 After these things God said to Adam, «You did ask of Me something from the garden, to be comforted with, and I have given you these three tokens as a consolation to you; that you trust in Me and in My covenant with you

9 But Adam’s heart was comforted by God’s words to him, and he worshipped before Him

11 Then Adam’s heart was comforted; and he took Eve, and they went out of the cave, to make some food for their bodies

Still, he always told it the exact same way, and Sarah always felt there was something comforting about that

Strangely this thought of foreign heads was comforting

It’s comforting – living alone can be difficult when you are worried about something and just having someone who is not involved to talk to can clear your head

Comforting myself that I can cope with a pretend kiss, I take my place

A circumstance for which I envy them heartily … I am trying to be positive but although logic tells me that the likelihood of me being in that state is remote, my record for bad luck so far is not comforting

The light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her shoulders, not worn, as that would be too much admission of sensibility, but comforting nonetheless

It was pleasantly warm sitting in the sunshine, the familiar view comforting in its unchangingness

Slowly, my senses steadying, I open my eyes and try to calm my breathing … the familiar room is comforting

Leaning against him is comforting – scenting the fresh sweat and animal maleness of the man, the tears recede

The old girl put a comforting hand on his shoulder, slipped a grubby piece of paper under his nose and quietly made her way back out into the insomniac streets of the city

As it was she was quite content to end the day as she often did by toasting the world with another hint of single malt, safe in the comforting knowledge that the sun, like people, inevitably moves towards sunset

In the resulting confusion, with neighbours comforting Miss Jones and paramedics aiding the young man, they had no time in which to become acquainted

” He found he was enjoying her enthusiasm, her presence was somehow familiar, even comforting

It was a good feeling; the smell of her was comforting

My God, I can hear them! They were keening a very low humming; it was a soothing, warm, comforting sound

I spot Alastair’s car; it’s comforting

The routine of getting his personification ready to present to others was comforting

He’s obviously relaxed with the concept that Simon is comforting me which is a relief

She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else

Ken first became aware of the haunting but strangely comforting melody down at his local pub one evening a few weeks after Alan’s rude and abrupt departure

her and smiled what she hoped would be a big and comforting

The old girl put a comforting hand on his shoulder, slipped

anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was

Ken first became aware of the haunting but strangely comforting

“You can be an irritating as well as a comforting friend

Home for him was always with him, comforting and guiding his thoughts and feelings

I hold Abi, muttering comforting noises and stroking her hair as she sobs her worry into my shoulder

” Alan overheard Yhomaire comforting her on their walk up the street when he was gawking in shop windows

As comforting as Kit’s hand had been, she somehow felt better knowing Jim was there

«That’s comforting to me in a way

So the wise girl retired for the time, but, of course, a good deal of the smell of hot cabbage remained behind, as it will do, and Toad, between his sobs, sniffed and reflected, and gradually began to think new and inspiring thoughts: of chivalry, and poetry, and deeds still to be done; of broad meadows, and cattle browsing in them, raked by sun and wind; of kitchen-gardens, and straight herb-borders, and warm snap-dragon beset by bees; and of the comforting clink of dishes set down on the table at Toad Hall, and the scrape of chair-legs on the floor as everyone pulled himself close up to the table

Not wanting to stray too far from the marine and his comforting presence

him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder

He’d only meant the gesture to be comforting

comforting fact was that I wasn’t the only one shaken; it had not

It was a familiar sound; almost comforting

Their father Adrianus would merely chuckle and embrace his wife, offering comforting kisses

His hands were perspiring and the cool mug was comforting to hold

He drew a deep breath, once more briefly reveling in the comforting scent

But in some unexpected way, the robust breeze was comforting — even though the near-spectral moons did give him pause

warm and comforting look, she completed her thought

It seeks to hold your entire attention and trap you in the comforting illusion of a rational universe, when the real universe is irrational

You live this life without the comforting, but illusory, certainty of reason

All of it was beautiful, comforting

“I find it immensely comforting! And that our Elf is just the sort of individual these lofty entities want in their club—that is beyond satisfying

Soon one of the nurses would come and mop her brow, providing a comforting arm

Yet strangely she was also profoundly comforting

She had closed her eyes to take in the atmosphere and the comforting sound and had drifted in that reverie for a few DRAFTChapter 18 481

My tears landed in her soft blonde hair, and whispered comforting words to her, hoping she could hear me

Suffice to say the information unraveled from those regressions is both comforting and profound

However, the woman – perhaps sensing the man was intent on something more than mere emotional comforting – returned to her seat after a light pat on his shoulder

Sarah gently squeezed Shelley’s shoulder and then removed her comforting arm and walked across to the control panel

He smiled; that same gentle, pleased smile that was so dear and comforting

’ He imagined how inadequate he’d be at comforting Raiya at this time and was glad to be doing the only possibly useful thing, although she clearly believed the same

lonesome she would be without his comforting voice

It was just as she remembered, warm and comforting

you are a strong environmental advocate, then it can be comforting to know that some of the

At first he was afraid, but as he watched the red strands of flame dancing, he saw it as beautiful, comforting

It was no longer warm and comforting

She moved to the sofa and pulled him towards her in a deep, comforting embrace

He found himself searching for the warm, comforting face of Alexia to support him, knowing that she too would be outraged by the videos

He held out his hand to her, and when she accepted it, he pulled her close in a comforting embrace

There was nothing he recognized from previous jumps, no comforting

almost comforting, giving the bared flesh of her arms and face an eerie hue

She fumbled for something comforting to say

Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg have lived in constant companionship with Our Queen, greatly comforting and aiding her in her solitude

Sheena walked over, putting a comforting arm around Dawn’s shoulders

She found the verses comforting, the message strong and powerful

She inhaled the warm scent of the foal against her body, resonated with each beat of his heart, and soaked in the comforting assurance that she had done all she could do

It was comforting to have Spencer as my boyfriend, he was by my side, supporting me throughout this difficult time

They shimmered back at him with a comforting brightness that cut to his innermost core

Gone were the wild flowers that had swayed in the summer breezes, lending their scents to the comforting smell of the sett

Dr Preston patted me on my shoulders in a kind and comforting way, but I was not comforted at all

No doubt about it, he’ll be back in a minute,» I mumbled to myself in a comforting mantra

I hate comforting a

” Words of faith: somehow, they weren’t particularly comforting, but Herminia was already sweeping through the open doors to the dining room

At the same time, I marveled at how far into the insanity I’d fallen to find anything comforting about his closeness

Nevertheless it was somewhat comforting to know that they only wanted to prevent the spread of a contagious and dangerous pneumonia that at the time was threatening the region

Lyra could see that Piers was near to tears and went to put a comforting hand on his arm

What I found somewhat comforting though, was that he acted and talked like he wanted me to know he wasn’t telling me everything

He was snoring heavily and though it would have normally been less than a pleasant sound, under the circumstances it was mildly comforting

It was comforting to know he was armed also

She tried to think comforting thoughts but all she managed was to utter with a croak:

As comforting as that knowledge was, he always made friends with other lads who had been smuggled to the front by their dads

He mopped his brow ridge and curled his tail up close for comforting reassurance

Amonas nodded with a slightly comforting smile and hurried away, headed to a cluster of trees and bush that Hilderich could not clearly make out

These can be both comforting and reassuring

It seemed Lone Dove was comforting Blue Bird, but was crying in reaction to something herself

Strangely, he found the memory of him comforting now

Discovering that I was not the only one out of touch with up to the minute buzz words and phrases was most comforting

There was a glimpse of sadness in Ebira’s green eyes and Enilia gave her hand a comforting squeeze

Ebira walked quickly after Ilmal who turned and placed a comforting arm around the young woman’s shoulders

His cheek against her hair, his hand on her neck, comforting, loving

In between the sobs, she managed to tell what had happened and Elior shook his head quietly and continued comforting her with kisses and caresses

She leaned against him until her sensed were filled with his warmth, his fragrance, his comforting embrace

Mevarn buried his face in her hair and just continued his comforting rocking

Soft sounds of water spraying the garden, its moisture palpable on my skin if I was walking past, the reassuring sight of Frank on his knees tending an outside patch of cheerful growth — details like this of their sanctuary on the corner of an ever-noisier intersection were comforting

This can be soothing and comforting in mild cases of separation anxiety in dogs

individual locations comforting, representing the irregularity of

We were not told that destroying our environment in the quest for our worldly comforts is immoral

15:3-5; James 5:19-20), and comforts the weak and sad sheep in times of sickness

She comforts me as best as she can, kneeling by my chair and holding me tightly

” She recovered quickly, “Here am I seeking my own comforts and ignoring your pre-imminent concerns as a mother

So she did the next best thing she sacrificed the larger kitchen everyone else had received, and went on the search for the little comforts, Mike clung tightly to in Salt Lake

laugh and smile, he comforts you

They live for the blessing of heaven and the freedom of the captives rather than the comforts of this world

) `Stupid animal that I was’ (he said), `now I must sit in this dungeon, till people who were proud to say they knew me, have forgotten the very name of Toad! O wise old Badger!’ (he said), `O clever, intelligent Rat and sensible Mole! What sound judgments, what a knowledge of men and matters you have! O unhappy and lost Toad!’ With cries such as these he passed his days and nights for several weeks, refusing his meals or snacks, though the grim and ancient jailer, knowing that Toad was rich, often pointed out that many comforts, and indeed luxuries, could be sent in— at a price—from outside

But for all of its comforts, it was a town that she was eager to leave at first light; something about the air, something in the way the wind gave a sad howl kept her uneasy

The car had all sorts of conveniences and comforts not usually available

The small upper rooms were rented to travelers who could afford such small comforts

People wanted to know how our leave had gone and more important what home comforts had we brought back with us from ‘Blighty’

possessions, creature comforts, and experiences than he ever would have

Fresh paint inside and out, with many new comforts,

* The Southern Cross was a charity who supplied much needed comforts from home to the troops and policemen on the Borders during the war

The triggering device behind these uprisings has been, among other things, a growing perception of (native) French complacency, indifference and (perhaps) bigotry by a (weary) nation that has grown accustomed to its creature comforts; supported by emerging working classes who feel deprived of its social and political rights as well as uncertain of their own proper role in French society

The airport stands out as one of the most beautiful and comfortable that I have ever seen: it relaxes the body, comforts the soul and enriches the spirit

For him, the perspective of wandering translates into a vision of adventures, pleasure and enjoyment, free from the anguish and anxiety of the hidden or the unknown and the comforts of the daily routine

stage for us to leave the comforts of home and venture out across

Thank god for the comforts of America, but the irony is that our

comforts have created a real chal enge for the American church

They were only shepherds, so they didn´t have many comforts to share; and could not afford to stop working either

If it comforts you, some of them insist that it isn’t as bad as it seems

family than we could ever have grown had we not left the comforts of

Some non-shamans tried their best to secure comforts from others

He shakes his head again, and I wonder, suddenly, if this is how he comforts himself: by convincing himself that the bad things he’s done don’t matter

25 I chose out their way, and sat chief, and dwelt as a king in the army, as one who comforts the mourners

19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me your comforts delight my soul

18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will lead him also, and restore comforts to him and to his mourners

one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem

It is within walking distance of the Louvre art gallery and the River Seine, and promises modern comforts in its rooms as well as fine dining

from the same boat material but such creature comforts had failed

and produce sparks; he may be enjoying the comforts of Brian’s

It appears that schools are for teachers comforts not to educate the children

Baker comforts him in the midst of his sobs

Justin Davidson said an entrepreneur is a special person who has opted for the excitement and risks of independent businessman rather than the comforts and security of corporate life

rented them this penthouse over 4,500 sq ft, with all possible comforts, setup the

As he tumbled through the absence of things, the circle and the cane went with him, strange comforts in the unaccountable light

When Mary sings, I know that my pains are echoes of Her own, and that always comforts me

God comforts those who are in trouble (2

You may bring a radio, television, or other comforts of home

Your love comforts me and allows me to experience the manifestation of Your visions and dreams

“One who would serve will not waste a thought upon his own comforts, which he leaves to be attended to or neglected by his Master on high

Since he was taking care of the people like a father figure, sacrificing his own comforts and self interests, and willing to go to jail for them; people started calling him ‘Bapu’ (father)

This capacity to sacrifice his personal comforts and even that of his family showed a very strong desire for community service

The comforts and security of civilization have come at a terrible emotional price and, in my opinion, have not been worth it

If it were up to me, I would see you stay at the castle and enjoy the immeasurable comforts of Coral Wing

I would guess you’d draw no more than two years at a minimum security facility—a Club Fed close to your home where you can play tennis, watch television and enjoy many creature comforts

But still, the great inner peace irradiates from him and comforts everyone who listens

If the Word spoken is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit, you’ll find that it comforts and challenges and builds up and exposes ‘the secrets of men’s hearts’ compelling those who hear to acknowledge that God is speaking (1 Corinthians 14:3, 24–31)

In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul

through Him flows the Love which comforts millions, and His is the Voice

this very job online from the comforts of our own home its self

marketing is a very relaxed job that you can do from the comforts of your

As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you

He just wants to survive and enjoy a few comforts before he dies

It comforts me in a really odd way

Realizing that the Shelto was nothing more than a massive child, he comforts it

He got on well with his golfing partner and as long as he could live his life and obtain his comforts, it didn’t matter

Frank liked his comforts

I was four hours from the comforts of home, and I suddenly found myself

“The City comforts some, protects others, and provides sanctuary for most

Sheila said this new life would save me from the comforts of my middle-class- white-anglo-

and delight in the comforts of the still night

the Old South met with the modern amenities and creature comforts

I must say that the construction units that rebuilt this base seemed to have paid more attention to creature comforts than to operational needs

How the root gives purpose to the plant which it comforts with

Jazz attested that had she been more attuned to her duties rather than the comforts of a hot bath and a bottle of wine Yvonne Barns would have been alive today

We all move from the comforts

comforts, relationships, even the meaning that may have given his life a

and said to him, «Behold, your brother Esau comforts

And now I can move ta the city an’ have all those comforts I been talk’n’ ’bout, good food, an’ nice clothes, an’ sof’ beds, an’ all those things

The warranty of Your favor comforts

Our relatively long lives in modern times living in rich nations surrounded by comforts, safety, technology, and abundance are extremely fortunate on a scale that few appreciate and absolutely not

I had many comforts and some success

The line of ZTA arguments in this matter was that if Government of Zulimistan was really right in its policies and past military actions then people should be apprised of all facts and actions should be justified so that people are justified and appeared to believe that whatever government did was done in national interests and for people comforts and government policies and proceedings were not to show hegemony at all

‘’I see!’’ Said simply Nancy, who was making a mental note about the need to completely renovate the sanitary and heating installations, in order to bring some modern comforts to the residence

May God bless them with roaring success in all their undertakings! But the question is: Can all these comforts and scientific discoveries and inventions give immortality, eternal satisfaction and everlasting peace? Have these material comforts enhanced human happiness? Is not man more restless today than ever before? Is he not more dissatisfied and discontented despite all these comforts? Life has become more complex and intricate

consumption of material comforts, food,

happiness and the creature comforts that have become so

way of creature comforts while you’re on the inside

Here’s the most interesting scripture: Now, the God of all comfort, comforts you in your distress, so you can comfort others, in the same way God comforted you

Frugal comforts excessive force relieves

Built to house an altar of some sort, it didn’t offer much in the way of creature comforts, but it kept the water off while he slept

There is a slight, but undeniable, alteration in the sound of the human voice that somehow comforts us

sadden us, but it seldom comforts us

sound that roots us, comforts us

They were words about the comforts and encouragements by the way, laid up for all who believe to life everlasting, even Christ’s daily help, sympathy, and watchful care

No matter how dark, how tragic its tone becomes at times, it is a song that always comforts us on the most profound human level

Whatever a sneering world may please to say, they have meat to eat which the world knows not, and inward comforts which the world cannot understand

Increase in material comforts, it may generally be laid down, does not in

Breathe in a way that calms and comforts

For those who seek comforts, ours is surely the wrong address

In the comforts of a closed indoor space, you can work out to your heart’s

After all those inimical twists and ironical turns as life went on for long without any hiccups, it appeared as if life had left with nothing up its sleeve to surprise us; so it never occurred to me that it could be a lull before the storm that was about to be unleashed on us by the inimical fate; like all of Gen-Next, Satish too was fond of fast cars; how often I used to tell him, ‘go west my boy for the roads here are deathtraps’, but he would rather prefer the comforts of the eastern life to the mundane luxuries of the west

The image is a form; but they’re thinking: what is the function of a hand? A hand holds, a hand comforts, a hand hides, a hand does all of these things; so when a Hebrew person reads ‘and God hid Moses in the crevasse of the rock with His hand’, they’re thinking: what’s God doing to Moses in that cave? He’s hiding him; comforting him; touching him

In the end, however, he could entice a few deprived poor into Islam that assured the comforts of ‘here’, and more, in the ‘Hereafter’ for them

It was thus, he was known to avoid material comforts, save his fondness for perfumes, apart from women

comfort (n, v): a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain; to make someone feel better when they are sad or worried

comfort (n, v): a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain; to make someone feel better when they are sad or worried

Use “comfort” in a sentence

She tried to comfort him, but he kept crying.
My uncle now lives in comfort.
I’m only trying to comfort you.
His high salary enabled him to live in comfort.

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