Use the word come across in a sentence

Synonym: attain, chance on, chance upon, come over, come upon, discover, encounter, fall upon, happen upon, light upon, meet, resonate, run across, run into, see, strike. Similar words: across, get across, put across, cut across, cross out, gross, come at, come about. Meaning: v. 1. find unexpectedly 2. be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression 3. come together 4. communicate the intended meaning or impression 5. be received or understood. 

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1. Perhaps I shall come across him in France.

2. Why don’t you come across to our house this evening?

3. You must have come across some real characters, working in the circus.

4. I’ve never come across anyone quite like her before.

5. This is the worst place I’ve come across.

6. These themes come across very strongly in the novel.

7. Your speech didn’t come across; nobody understood your opinion.

8. I perhaps come across him tomorrow.

9. He’s the most unpleasant man I’ve ever come across.

10. We must hang in whenever we come across difficulties.

11. Come across to my office this afternoon.

12. Be careful when you come across the street.

13. I hoped she’d come across with some more information.

14. The robber told the woman to come across with her purse.

15. Let us know if you come across anywhere that has something special to offer.

16. I never remember having come across a man like that.

17. Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie.

18. We’ve just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages.

19. By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.

20. The refugees come across the border in vast numbers .

21. We still hope the company will come across for us.

22. Turn up your dictionary when you come across difficult words.

23. You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what’s what.

24. They worked him over because he hadn’t come across with the information.

25. I don’t think he’ll ever come across with all the information.

26. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.

27. The papers were stored away in a secret place[](, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance.

28. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.

29. He owes me five pounds but I doubt if he’ll ever come across .

30. He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.

More similar words: across, get across, put across, cut across, cross out, gross, come at, come about, by no means, at home and abroad, come home, sacred, crop, toss, crops, crowded, at a loss, mean, possible, morose, each, beach, reach, react, teach, overcrowded, prospect, teacher, preach, the same as. 

  [ kʌm əˈkrɒs ]  

1. Встретить или найти что-то случайно
2. Производить впечатление
3. Быть понятым
4. Снабжать чем-то по необходимости

1. Встретить или найти что-то случайно

Заголовок BBC с фразовым глаголом   come across

Sheep dog attacks not a nice thing to come across.
Нападения собак на овец не очень приятная вещь, с которой приходится сталкиваться.

В этом варианте перевода у Come Across есть синонимы Run Across и Run Into, которые по-русски звучат абсолютно одинаково: внезапно встретить, наткнуться. Но есть одна особенность применения.

I came across a word I’d never seen before.
Я наткнулся на слово, которого никогда раньше не видел.

She came across some old photographs in a drawer.
Она наткнулась на старые фотографии в ящике стола.

This technology’s unlike anything we’ve come across.
Эта технология не похожа ни на одну из тех, с которыми мы сталкивались.

2. 2. Производить впечатление

She comes across as very self-confident.
Она выглядит очень уверенной в себе.

He came over as a sympathetic person.
Он показался мне отзывчивым человеком.

3. Быть понятым

What comes across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.
То, что сквозит в его более поздних стихах, – это огромное чувство печали.

He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.
Он говорил долго, но смысл его слов на самом деле не доходил до меня.

4. Снабжать чем-то по необходимости

В этом варианте перевода используется конструкция Come Across With something.

I hoped she’d come across with some more information.
Я надеялся, что она поделится еще какой-нибудь информацией.

You had better come across with what you owe me. You owe me money, and I wish you would come across.
Тебе лучше признаться в том, что ты мне должен. Ты должен мне денег, и я бы хотел, чтобы мы встретились. (тут фразовый глагол выступает в двух ипостасях)

  •     Фразовые глаголы с COME
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом ACROSS
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом WITH

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word come across, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use come across in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «come across».

Come across in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word come across in a sentence.

  1. Cuomo said: «I really want the songs to come across untainted this time around..

  2. In each level, the player may come across one other player temporarily connected to their game.

  3. In their flight, Candide and Cacambo come across two naked women being chased and bitten by a pair of monkeys.

  4. Jack and Juliet come across Kate and they split up: Juliet continues for the Tempest alone, as Jack minds Kate.

  5. When Mario and Luigi wake up, they try to find her and, after hours of searching, come across a giant egg in the forest.

  6. Spielberg felt that actors in the roles, performing lines of technical medical dialogue, would come across as unnatural.

  7. In fact the number of fake instruments and imitations one could come across is much greater than the number of originals.

  8. They find that, at times, his attempt to convey a social message is so dominant that the works come across as propaganda.

  9. Since he arrived so late, he had to traverse in between spectators who thought no more riders would come across the route.

  10. The performance itself is, like the best in the business, played well enough to come across as effortless, as non-acting.».

  11. Unlike most other seabirds, frigatebirds drink freshwater when they come across it, by swooping down and gulping with their bills.

  12. Once in a while as a programmer, you come across a movie that is so special and different from anything you’ve seen that it sticks with you.

  13. The actors were initially uncertain about the strength of the three main characters in the film and how the hero Joe Kidd would come across.

  14. When someone gives an initial impression of being introverted or extroverted, questions that match that impression come across as more empathic.

  15. By June, not having come across a single ship, President turned north; she put into North Bergen, Norway, on 27 June to replenish her drinking water.

  16. Butler blamed the deaths on intoxicated factory workers and Irish-Americans who had come across the bridge from Augusta, and over whom he had no control.

  17. During his trip to America Fleming had come across the name Spang—old German for «maker of shoe buckles»—which he appropriated for the villainous brothers.

  18. The underground Boston paper Fusion published a review stating, «the Kinks continue, despite the odds, the bad press and their demonstrated lot, to come across.

  19. During World War II, it was in Planet Stories that a reader was most likely to come across a female character who could fight, instead of merely being fought over.

  20. While exploring, the player is likely to come across enemy resistance, with their aggressiveness based on how badly the player has damaged that particular gang recently.

  21. Kunal Guha of the Mumbai Mirror wrote, «It’s rare to come across films that force you to keep aside your yardsticks of what a good film is and dive into the experience».

  22. Ben Brantley wrote in The New York Times, «The tragic inevitability of Carousel has seldom come across as warmly or as chillingly as it does in this vividly reimagined revival.

  23. No one is merely a dancer or an extra or an archetype, which may be the greatest defense this show offers against what can come across as cute condescension toward the exotic East.

  24. Battle art director Shintaro Takai has explained that it was his intention that battles in Final Fantasy X come across as a natural part of the story and not an independent element.

  25. A little known fact is that Shackleton also instructed Mackintosh to leave a fully equipped emergency lifeboat at McMurdo Sound, if Shackleton did not come across from the Weddell Sea.

  26. Continuing their travels, the two come across a universe where singer and performer Frank Sinatra was never born, resulting in the loss of the 1960 presidential election by President John F.

  27. Argento biographer Alan Jones agreed that Argento’s intention did come across in these scenes, and Newman cites the on-screen use a videophone as an attempt by Argento to place Tenebrae in the near future.

  28. Even though the episode is «self-conscious», «reflexive», and humorous, the real-time aspects of «X-Cops» «heighten[s] the sense of realism within the episode», and makes the result come across as hyper-realistic.

Synonyms for come across

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word come across has the following synonyms: come over, fall upon, strike, come upon, light upon, chance upon, chance on, happen upon, attain, discover, , meet, run into, encounter, run across, see and resonate.

General information about «come across» example sentences

The example sentences for the word come across that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «come across» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «come across».

натолкнуться, повстречаться, набрести, выложить, случайно встретиться


- быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

your speech came across very well — ваша речь произвела большое впечатление

- театр. пользоваться успехом

she came across — публика её приняла

- (as) разг. показаться, произвести какое-л. впечатление

he came across to me as a very nice person — он показался мне очень приятным человеком

- (with) амер. разг. отдать требуемое, расплатиться

I’ll make him come across with the money — я заставлю его выложить деньги

- сл. согласиться на половую связь (тк. о женщине); отдаться

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Did his speech come across?

Его речь была понятна?

The first candidate came across really well.

Первый кандидат произвёл очень хорошее впечатление.

He comes across as someone who means what he says.

Кажется, он из тех, кто говорит то, что думает.

You came across as being angry, not just disappointed.

Ты выглядел рассерженным, а не просто расстроенным.

Come across (with the money)!


I don’t always come across with consistency.

Я не всегда последовательно излагаю свои мысли.

He waited in silence until I came across with the truth.

Он молча ждал, пока я не расскажу правду.

come across — перевод на русский

/kʌm əˈkrɒs/

Remember, our juror came across one just last week.

Помните, наш присяжный заседатель наткнулся на такую на прошлой неделе.

Anyway, I was going through his things and I came across this invitation from Owen.

Я осматривал его вещи и наткнулся на приглашение от некоего Онима.

I’ve been studying their literature for a while, and I came across this.

Какое-то время изучал их литературу и наткнулся на эту книгу.

If I hadn’t come across her when I did, she might have lain in that frozen water till the spring thaw.

Если бы я не наткнулся на нее, она могла бы пролежать в этой замерзшей воде до весенней оттепели

Two days before my marriage I was leafing through the RSVPs and I came across yours.

За два дня до моей свадьбы я пролистывал ответы на приглашения и наткнулся на твое.

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You know, in all my travels, I’ve never come across anything like this before.

Знаете за время всех моих путешествий я ещё ни разу не сталкивался ни с чем подобным.

I believe I’ve come across it, sir.

Думаю, я сталкивался с этим, сэр.

The most powerful hallucinatory induction I’ve ever come across.

Самая мощная галлюциноторная индукция, с которой я сталкивался.

This is the hardest stuff I’ve ever come across.

Это самый твердый материал, с которым я сталкивался.

It’s just that he’s, um, well, he’s-he’s the most convincing delusional I’ve ever come across.

Просто… это самый убедительный бред, с которым я когда-либо сталкивался.

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I was snooping around Tex’s room and came across this in the wastebasket.

Но, кажется, я что-то нашел. Я осматривал комнату Текса и вытащил это из мусорной корзины.

Speaking of which, I just come across downstairs on the floor.

Кстати говоря, я тут нашел внизу на полу.

I was just checking the files, and I came across this carbon copy of an inquiry he sent to Persian Gulf command.

Я только что просматривал бумаги и нашел копию его запроса в командование флота акватории Персидского залива.

But a Samaritan who was traveling on that road came across the man. And when he saw him his heart was filled with pity.

Самарянин же некто, проезжая, нашел на него и, увидев его, сжалился

Then someone called. A man had come across the car.

Потом позвонил неизвестный, человек, который нашел машину.

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He’s one of the shrewdest cats I ever come across.

Он один из самых хитрых умников, кого я когда— либо встречал.

I’ve never come across Daleks that have mastered invisibility before.

Я никогда еще не встречал далеков, которые освоили невидимость.

I have never ever, in my travels, come across a man as large as you with as much muscles, who has absolutely no penis.

Но ни разу на своем пути я не встречал такого здоровенного детину как ты, с такой горой мышц и полным отсутствием члена.

Well, I’ve never come across this one before.

Ну, я его раньше никогда не встречал.

In your travels through Mahoneyland, ever come across one Nathaniel Lee?

Пока ты путешествовал по Махонилэнду, не встречал имя Натаниэль Ли?

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The Intrepid must have come across the organism while it was still low in energy, still hungry.

«Интрепид» видимо столкнулся с существом, когда у него было мало энергии, и оно было голодно.

You see, in my meanderings I’ve come across something rather unpleasant.

Видите ли, в моих блужданиях я столкнулся кое с чем довольно неприятным.

We think the ship was in flight when they just came across the probe.

Мы полагаем, что корабль столкнулся с зондом в полёте.

Come across whom, madam?

Столкнулся с кем, мадам?

Maybe I’m -— maybe I’m just putting myself in your place, but if I came across something from my childhood, and it reminded me of my mom, I might get a little misty, maybe even want to talk about it.

Может, я просто ставлю себя на твое место, но если бы я столкнулся с чем-нибудь из своего детства, и оно напомнило бы мне о моей маме, то мои глаза наполнились бы слезами, может я даже захотел поговорить об этом.

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— Get inside before we come across… — A demon!

— Предлагаю зайти внутрь, пока мы не встретили…

What would you do if you came across him again?

Что бы вы сделали, если бы встретили его еще раз?

Hey, where’d you say you came across him again?

И где,говорите, вы его встретили?

JANE: We just came across lionesses with their eight cubs quite local to where the Dorobo guys live.

Мы только что встретили львиц и восемь львят, совсем близко от того места, где живут Доробо.

You’re the only decent folks we’ve come across.

Вы — единственные приличные люди, которых мы встретили.

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Although I did come across something interesting while researching the ship’s name.

Хотя я действительно натолкнулся на нечто интересное когда изучал название вашего судна.

Did he say how he came across this key?

ПОТЕРЯННЫЙ РАЙ Он не говорил, как он натолкнулся на этот ключ?

I recently came across some information about how your father managed to overturn his conviction and get out of prison.

Я недавно натолкнулся на некоторую информацию… о том, как твой отец сумел покинуть тюрьму.

Later Bill would come across a study, which revealed that… only 15-20 percent of fresh soldiers shot to kill.

Позже Билл натолкнулся на результаты исследования, согласно которому только 15-20 процентов новобранцев стреляют на поражение

I came across an old Chuck Berry songbook I had at home and I thought,

Я натолкнулся на старый сборник песен Чака Берри, лежавший у меня дома, и подумал:

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«We didn’t find the real object of our abhorrence and despair, «so we rushed at everything we came across with wilder and wilder fury.

Мы не нашли того, что вызвало нашу ненависть и отчаяние, поэтому стали крушить все, что нам попадалось, с все большей и большей яростью.

I once came across a place that might be just what you’re looking for.

Мне как-то попадалось местечко точь в точь, как ты ищешь!

— You ever come across anything like time travel?

— Тебе ничего не попадалось про что-нибудь типа путешествий во времени?

Not that I’ve come across.

Не то, что мне попадалось.

You know, when I was digitizing the old NIS files, I came across a case where a Marine drill instructor fell six stories and survived.

Знаете, когда я оцифровывал старые дела МорПола, мне попадалось дело, где инструктор морпехов упал с шестого этажа и выжил.

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He came across as one of those idealistic types— you know, a little bit of an attitude?

Мне попался один из тех редких идеалистов, который верил в то, что он делал.

Came across my desk, and I took a look at it.

Отчёт попался мне на глаза, и я его прочитала.

Yeah, we came across this when I was in vice.

Нам такой попался, когда я работала в отделе нравов.

Happily, I’ve come across another.

К счастью, мне попался ещё один.

So, I came across this artifact.

Мне попался этот артефакт.

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And Aristaeus, he always comes across this corn field to meet me and frolic with me. Let’s go to meet him!

А Аристей всегда проходит через эту пшеницу, идя ко мне на встречу, а также чтобы поразвлечься со мной!

If one ever comes across such a defining ‘break-shot’ moment, your once-peaceful world will shatter into pieces.

Если даже кто-то проходит через определенный «разбивающий» момент, твой умиротворенный мир может рассыпаться на куски.

I mean, look at-— There’s a sample of everything that comes across his desk in a day.

В смысле посмотрите.. Это образцы всего, что проходит через его стол за день.

Every few years, Proctor’s name comes across my desk but we can never tie him to anything.

Каждые несколько лет имя Проктора проходит через мой рабочий стол но мы ни разу не смогли его повязать.

I was coming across the backyard and I heard gasping’ and bangin’.

Я проходил мимо и услышал стук и крики.

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