Use the word colorful in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word colorful, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use colorful in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «colorful».

Colorful in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word colorful in a sentence.

  1. Thompson’s life was nearly as colorful as his fiction.

  2. Pungmul performers wear a variety of colorful costumes.

  3. The most colorful specimens occur in warm humid weather.

  4. He is known for wearing colorful suits on television programs as a shogi expert.

  5. CC Jam’s costume was designed to be as colorful as possible to emulate rave culture.

  6. The harlequin duck is a colorful species of waterfowl found in the lakes and waterways.

  7. Newquist credit him with making the music more colorful because of his jazz influences.

  8. She described it as «the most fun, colorful world that helps guide your musical dreams».

  9. The Appaloosa is an American horse breed best known for its colorful spotted coat pattern.

  10. The 1.25-meter band has a very long and colorful history, dating back to before World War II.

  11. Race was also given a western-US accent and a knack for crafting elaborate, colorful similes.

  12. Until that time, 211 North Ervay will remain a colorful landmark in the heart of downtown Dallas.

  13. In the traditional tales of Algonquian tribes, the colorful turtle played the part of a trickster.

  14. This technique was downplayed starting in the second season, giving the show a more colorful look.

  15. The final effect, a «vaporous, colorful trail», came together only weeks before the film’s release.

  16. The leaves are colorful, mainly in the green and red color spectrums, with some variegated varieties.

  17. The season of colorful Russian ballets and operas, works mostly new to the West, was a great success.

  18. In the spa, the original Art Nouveau ornamentation has artistic mosaics, colorful windows and statues.

  19. Despite the muted palette, the film is more colorful than some previous Stern–Eastwood collaborations.

  20. The saekdongot is a type of hanbok, Korean traditional clothing, with colorful stripes by patchworking.

  21. Throughout most of her career, Lohan wore her hair in colorful cornrows, which took six hours to braid.

  22. This erosion exposed delicate and colorful pinnacles called hoodoos that are up to 200 feet (60 m) high.

  23. Cinematographer Serge Ladouceur also made the usual shadows and «moody lighting» more colorful and warm.

  24. Halos produced by cirrus clouds tend to be more pronounced and colorful than those caused by cirrostratus.

  25. He praised the colorful and detailed backgrounds, expressive character animations, sound effects, and music.

  26. Final Smash moves can be performed by destroying a Smash Ball: a colorful floating orb bearing the Smash Bros.

  27. But their dispute mirrored more than individual ambition.» Both were also known for their colorful red berets.

  28. The old paintings became just a colorful backdrop for chests filled with stuffed animals and prepared specimens.

  29. The colorful design was a popular way to add color to otherwise bland urban skylines of the mid-twentieth century.

  30. It features more colorful and detailed graphics, along with difficulty and gameplay tweaks and a different soundtrack.

  31. Mary and Joseph are echoed by the colorful vertical porphyry columns on the sides, and by the statues of Adam and Eve.

  32. In Sweet Thursday, Doc returns from the war to find Cannery Row almost deserted and many of his colorful friends gone.

  33. Newspapers across the country carried lengthy front-page stories examining Pierce’s colorful and controversial career.

  34. The colorful building of modernist design is situated on a prominent city corner and adjacent to Thanks-Giving Square.

  35. Critics complimented the gameplay, colorful designs and graphic quality, but criticized the inconsistent sound quality.

  36. No written description, however colorful, could have been as informative as the visit to Bouboulinas Street in Athens.».

  37. This was in great contrast to the colorful fantasy dreams in McCay’s signature strip Little Nemo, which he began in 1905.

  38. Boosted by fierce rivalries and colorful traditions, college football still holds widespread appeal in the United States.

  39. Combs had seen a similar clock in Edinburgh, Scotland, and believed it would be a colorful addition to the capitol grounds.

  40. The external shots of the colorful house complete with bright pink agricultural fencing were filmed in Palmdale, California.

  41. Alternative metal’s mix of styles and sounds represented «the colorful results of metal opening up to face the outside world.».

  42. The Bay to Breakers footrace, held annually since 1912, is best known for colorful costumes and a celebratory community spirit.

  43. According to Bowers, «by 1910, his innovative advertising and colorful personality projected him to the first rank of dealers.».

  44. The software contains hundreds of bright, colorful images and a musical score that reflects the different cultures of the world.

  45. Bizarre silks were woven on the drawloom, and the colorful patterns were brocaded or created with floating pattern wefts (lampas).

  46. With their elaborate and colorful costumes, performers are the only focal points on Peking opera’s characteristically sparse stage.

  47. The guide was critically well received, earning praise for its extensive discography, Christgau’s judgment, and his colorful writing.

  48. The fungus has been used medicinally by the Oneida Native Americans, and also as a colorful component of table decorations in England.

  49. To depict the perfect world of «What Is and What Should Never Be», the usual shadows and «moody lighting» more made colorful and warm.

  50. Geologist Clarence Dutton called the iron oxide-rich lower member of the Claron the Pink Cliffs series due to its colorful appearance.

Synonyms for colorful

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word colorful has the following synonyms: colored, coloured, crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushed, bay, bicolor, bicolour, bicolored, bicoloured, bichrome, dichromatic, black, blackened, blue-flowered, brightly-colored, brightly-coloured, buff-colored, buff-coloured, chestnut-colored, chestnut-coloured, chocolate-colored, chocolate-coloured, cinnnamon colored, cinnamon-coloured, cinnamon-red, cream-colored, creamy-colored, creamy-white, dark-colored, dark-coloured, dusky-colored, dusky-coloured, dun-colored, dun-coloured, fawn-colored, fawn-coloured, flame-colored, flame-coloured, flesh-colored, flesh-coloured, garnet-colored, garnet-coloured, ginger, gingery, gold-colored, gold-coloured, honey-colored, honey-coloured, indigo, lead-colored, lead-coloured, liver-colored, liver, metal-colored, metal-coloured, metallic-colored, metallic-coloured, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, monochromous, motley, calico, multicolor, multi-color, multicolour, multi-colour, multicolored, multi-colored, multicoloured, multi-coloured, painted, particolored, particoloured, piebald, pied, varicolored, varicoloured, neutral-colored, neutral-coloured, olive-colored, olive-coloured, orange-colored, orange-coloured, orange-hued, orange-flowered, pale-colored, pale-hued, pastel-colored, peach-colored, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, purple-flowered, rainbow-like, red-flowered, roan, rose-colored, rosy-colored, rust-colored, silver-colored, straw-colored, straw-coloured, tawny-colored, tawny-coloured, trichromatic, trichrome, tricolor, violet-colored, violet-coloured, violet-flowered, violet-purple, colourful, ablaze, flaming, bright, brilliant, vivid, changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot, deep, rich, fluorescent, prismatic, psychedelic, shrill, vibrant, chromatic, brave, braw, gay, flamboyant, unrestrained, flashy, gaudy, jazzy, showy, sporty, many-sided, noisy, loud and picturesque.

General information about «colorful» example sentences

The example sentences for the word colorful that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «colorful» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «colorful».


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colorful — перевод на русский


That child has some colorful expressions!

А эта крошка красочно выражается!

— It’s colorful.

Очень красочно.

It’s not exactly elegant, but at least it’s colorful.

Возможно не слишком элегантно, но зато красочно.

Well… very colorful.

Что ж… очень красочно.

well, it’s very colorful.

Что ж, очень красочно.

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And less colorful.

И не такие яркие.

Anthropology teaches us that the alpha male is the man wearing the crown, displaying the most colorful plumage and the shiniest baubles.

Антропология учит нас что альфа — самец это мужчина носящий корону, распускающий яркие перья и мыльные пузыри.

I… I didn’t really know her very well, but she was in my art class, and she used to paint these really colorful oil paintings, like, just, you know, shapes, really.

Я…не особо её знала,но она ходила на уроки рисования со мной , и рисовала такие яркие картины маслом как…просто как…знаешь, как фигуры.

Colorful and ambitious, but I’d never make the mistake of letting them see me be indecisive.

Яркие и амбициозные, , но я бы никогда не позволила им увидеть свою нерешительность.

Colorful, stretchy awareness bracels.

Яркие силиконовые информационные браслеты.

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Wonderful, colorful silk handkerchiefs!

Замечательно, разноцветные шелковые платки!

Colorful designs are painted on the ground to attract harmony and good fortune for the coming year.

На земле рисуют разноцветные узоры, чтобы привлечь гармонию и удачу в новом году.

We have colorful tile roofs, typical cobblestone streets… and very rich fields.

У нас есть разноцветные черепичные крыши, обычные мощенные улицы,.. и очень богатые плантации.

Inside, colorful frescos greet the eye.

Внутри разноцветные фрески радуют глаз.

Colorful wires.

Разноцветные проводочки.

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Filming in Africa means… for many of us… colorful images, naked breast women, exotic dances and fearful rites.

Снимать фильм в Африке означает… для многих из нас… цветные картинки, женщин с обнажённой грудью, экзотические танцы и внушающие страх обряды

Colorful clouds…

Цветные облака…

Does she use colorful accessories to break up a neutral palette like you?

Использует ли она цветные аксессуары. разбавляя натуральную палитру как ты?

Colorful or monochromatic?

Цветные или однотонные?

I was concerned about your colorful unit training my men, Duke, until I heard about your experience with ruthless terrorist organizations.

Я был немного обеспокоен тем, что вы выдаете моим людям всякие цветные шмотки, Дюк, пока не услышал о вашем опыте работы с беспощадными террористическими организациями.

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So colorful.

Такие колоритные!

And the bathrooms are so colorful.

А туалеты такие колоритные.

You must get some pretty colorful customers in here.

Наверное, у тебя тут бывают очень колоритные покупатели.

Well, all these places have very colorful histories.

Ну, во всех местах есть весьма колоритные истории.

He went with a more colorful nutcracking analogy.

Он использовал более колоритные эпитеты.

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You’re so colorful.

Такие цветастые.

the pageantry of the 4 day con is not to be missed members of this giant table will adorn themselves with colorful plumage and perform bizarre mating displays to stand out from their rivals competition among males for the demographically fewer females

Не пропустите зрелищность четвёртого дня Участники облачаются в цветастые наряды и совершают странные брачные ритуалы, чтобы выделиться среди соперников Драки между самцами из-за редко встречающихся самок яростны, но почти никогда не смертельны

Springfield’s ladies are wearing colorful Easter hats to celebrate the resurrection of…

Дамы Спрингфилда принарядились в цветастые пасхальные шляпки, чтобы отпраздновать воскресение…

If you’re gonna go with something graphic, colorful, and color-blocking like that, it does have to be very precise.

Если решаешь шить нечто графичное, цветастое, Надо быть крайне акуратной.

And don’t let him watch anything too violent… Or even too colorful… Or he will freak out.

Не разрешай ему смотреть на что-то слишком фиолетовое… или даже слишком цветастое… а то он станет беситься.

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I know you have a colorful home life.


Your mother’s led a colorful life.

У вашей матери насыщенная жизнь.

Does the child know about your colorful past?

Ребёнок знает о твоём насыщенном прошлом?

Does the child know about your colorful past?

А ребёнок знает твоём насыщенном прошлом? Это угроза?

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He had a colorful emblem over one breast and some groupings of rectangles over the other

The fish were spiny and colorful, but adorned with prehensile tails and a row of three eyes on each side of their head where a normal fish would have gills

Larger chileeth and ensals pursued them from below, colorful birds from above

Wherever it was looked like a fairy-canyon of crystal miles wide, but in the foreground one could see business-like buildings of worked stone with colorful plaza’s between them, not as overgrown with jungle as cities in this basin

She looked good but not gaudy today, in a white peasant blouse and big colorful skirt, both of a gauzy material, both without underwear

Colorful flags adorned large spires at each home; and beyond Duncan could see children running and playing

The sun rose slowly and its rays flowed into the room through a large stained glass window high above sending colorful prisms of light dancing about the room in a descending pattern

Unlike Reston, it was colorful and in good repair, not gaunt, rusted steel skeletons and crumbly, graffiti-covered concrete covered with moss, kudzu and choke-cherry

Even the plainest clothing was well made and colorful

There was a pretty nice bed in it, she showed Ava a chest of clothing, which had some of those flounced skirts, plain but colorful skirts and open-fronted blouses in it, several long strips of soft cloth, a bronze hand mirror and an oil lamp

The water spigot was a colorful little dolphin with a cork in his mouth

There was a bench on one wall, with a pitcher and basin on it, along with some towels and fuzzy, colorful wool blankets

The shores were all lined with bright and colorful buildings, often with six or eight floors

The colorful sails were just as common

There was a nice garden of colorful rinkos out behind, companioned with many varieties of bean fronds

There were lots of colorful pamphlets around, each about a different seminar or research project, most of them in fasion arts

What would he say to them? How would she be received once he told his colorful tale of demonic possession by an electric ghost from the stars? How would she feel herself?

This court attracted flocks of colorful wildlife, and it was one of the quietest places within the walls as the purple grey of dawn battled the chill of dark down among these mossy stones

There were many kinds of plants resembling thick jumbles of purple above-ground lily pads with thick colorful leaves

will lay your stones with colorful

with colorful flowers, and beautiful

I think that might’ve run into the thousands of dollars so very sad ending to a unique and colorful character and I hope he had a great rest of his life as I don’t think he missed going to Don Bosco

A little deck appeared with a wide lounge chair on it, shaded by a colorful umbrella

«I’m sorry, it’s just that sometimes your manner of expression is so colorful

«I see nothing colorful or comical,» Alfred said in something of a huff

The water was shallow and sandy blue and generously sprinkled with colorful sails

I sank my fingers into the colorful array once more

He greeted her with an exaggerated flourish of his colorful sleeve

The train rolls along toward its other stop on the schedule, and the sight-seeing is pretty good, as, up ahead, Sadie, Rachel, and Gretchen are waiting and, to the delight of the children, they are holding colorful “bouquets” of balloons

Colorful flowers bloomed in abundance

Each colorful leaf had seemed to reflect the glow of love they had for each other

was a very colorful place to grow up as it had all the interests one could imagine at that time

The Nimrod captain was long remembered by the entire crew for his colorful, high-spirited and jovial nature

Nye was a colorful and witty old sea captain and gained the

“What a colorful colloquialism,” Books said

universe’s palette, and then creating art that sparkles with colorful diamonds and gems,

I walked through the unlocked gate and into the yard where some colorful chickens were running around in a fenced-in area

There was also a group of gypsies dressed in their traditional colorful garb begging for alms

Roulette was straightforward like blackjack, but more colorful and exciting, plus you could play on your feet and players were less serious

Turning, she saw her hostess dressed in silken pants with a colorful floral top and a scarf about her neck, the ends of which flowed over her shoulder on the light breeze

The colorful and ornate architectonic and baroque Chinese style of the façade made me think of the cathedral of Canterbury, in England, which I describe in my Odyssey Fulfilled

He had several of the colorful native jackets and wore them daily, but this particular one was his first, from long ago when he lived with the priests, and had come back with him on his last visit

It was large and brightly lit with white russet carpet, high white walls and adorned with large, colorful canvases of local art, apparently created by children

Raine McLennan had become a fixture on Orcas in the summertime, offering sought-after, colorful descriptions of past, present and future life experiences for the throngs of tourists who haunted this beautiful island every year

Dugout canoes that serve as taxis between the islands, sported colorful canopies

The reef and myriads of colorful fish were all clearly visible on the shady side of a canoe

She reached the highway and trudged to a handicrafts shop where she bought a blouse and pair of colorful trousers

“Wake up my dear,” said the colorful man

The cashier gave him colorful new banknotes which were different from the Russian occupation notes he was used to

looked absolutely beautiful with her hair all braded and woven with colorful flowers

It was so lively, so colorful, so sensuous all of it

could see that a large, nauseatingly colorful bruise was forming up her right arm,

“The River? The sparkly colorful one that mutated us? That’s where we’re

Things were on schedule and their agent Raphael was friendly and colorful

) It was large and very colorful

These consisted of very colorful textiles with rather abstract representations of people, creatures, and temples or some sort of buildings and many very fine ceramics, which were a little more realistic (usually) and quite varied in shape and color

Even the sound remained off as he sat there watching the colorful images

I took two tubes with colorful liquids

For her party, Theresa had churned up some homemade strawberry ice cream, which she scooped into colorful little bowls with star-spangled toothpick flags planted on each scoop

The sea was filled with the colorful boats of the various people of the coast, trading, hunting sea animals, fishing, or even traveling

He added that one rarely got the opportunity to hear the more colorful elements of the Otomi language delivered with Cuauhtzin’s characteristic vigor

We were going slowly so we wouldn’t miss any of the many colorful birds in the forest

Outside, the air was humid and smelled of smoke and candle wax, and the sidewalk was stained with colorful wax drippings

The furnishings included a rather oversized bed, with heavy colorful quilts thrown on it, in the corner next to the hearth, a small heavy table and chair on the other side of the hearth, a free-standing storage cabinet for clothes, a large trunk for storage, a hand mirror made of bronze, and behind a silk screen, a tub for bathing

The pressure outside the ship greatly increases as it passes through very thick, bright red clouds that look very colorful

Blue Javian lightning bolts strike upwards from the vivid colorful ocean

At a distance on top of the mountains are huge, colorful, glowing coral reefs, the size of elephants

There is a huge explosion of colorful light from the tail

There are mechanical, colorful fish that resemble dolphins, triggers, angelfish and sharks the size of a truck

Pick out a gaudy egg of your dreams from his colorful basket and don’t worry

” He looked toward and beyond Ogg to the colorful,

He appeared as foreign as the gorgeous coast and his colorful clothes in the background

A visit to the Zócalo commands attention indeed, for, just as the cathedral, it is located in a very colorful sector of the city

It is not easy to reach those two forts just by walking even briskly, but strolling was what the Fernández and Lincoln families wanted to do in that cruise for the purpose of stringing together the colorful story of Nassau’s past

To that end, the group preferred to seek and visit a plethora of vistas and historic buildings that offer a colorful glance of the past

Today, however, Skagway serves as a place of departure for scenic adventures and to keep custody of the excitement and flurry of those colorful days of gold fever

As they were coming out of a restaurant after breakfast, they witnessed a very dazzling wedding cortege of dozens of beautifully decorated carriages driven by colorful horses

and colorful as those along the Blue Ridge Parkway

This object of wonder is hidden in a harmonious blend of colorful foliage and clear, pure water of the combined streamlets Miera and Miruelos

that had a big colorful sign attached to the side

My eyes pause on the colorful exotic birds in cages further at the corner of the room

I accelerate toward the colorful, elongated, pergola engulfed with climbing roses and green vines

” He hands her a bouquet of colorful tulips

We stop to complement the two girls, and thereafter Emily pulls me toward the colorful shoe section

Like overexcited wedding guests throwing confetti, the thick branches let the colorful leaves fall on us as we drive along

There are a range of colorful shirts in the wardrobe

The ads had been colorful and

sporting huge colorful stones when the woman appeared again with

Layers of colorful rugs had been scattered

Ashi stared at the colorful blob and bounced the baby

I drew a big heart that is pretty and colorful with a smaller heart

To either side of the aisle stood the thousands of attendees, wearing an eye-dazzling array of colorful finery

Those from continents wore loose, colorful robes, tied at the waist with chains of flowers

The area was lit as almost bright as day by the polar aurora twisting and turning in colorful bands that filled the sky

That smiling tropical elfess appeared, wearing a great headdress of multicolored feathers and pearls, and a very colorful linen sheet with flower patterns draped about her in a manner that left half her shapely bosom bared

A herd of over fifty unicorns appeared around the gigantic blue stone, as colorful as the dragons had been

In Johnnie Babcock’s colorful recollection: “If credit hours were logged for the time I sat across the desk from Roy H

Most of the other boats were out sailing on the round lake, their colorful sails waving as they tacked in the warm breeze

Colorful (カラフル) is a 2010 Japanese animated feature film directed by Keiichi Hara. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

No doubt, you’ll soon realize that whatever your needs — for example, an adjustable mattress, a colorful finish, or a sturdy frame — there are many models to choose from.


Each farm themed 3D block has bright colorful animals with tons of textures to explore, sure to have baby…


The capital is colorful, it’s full of life and it’s a true melting pot.


You know, we’ve been doing the dining room table thing for I don’t know how many years, and my father-in-law started out by not doing anything, to drawing spreadsheets, to now making really fabulous, weird, wonderful, colorful, abstract doodles.


With the beautiful «Woodwinds» catamaran, you’ll go to the most colorful reefs of Little Bonaire.


The line features seven colorful flavors including Key Lime, Greek Yogurt, Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Yogurt and Chocolate.


On top, a bounty of berries, juicy and colorful, brushed with a little apricot jam for extra shine and dusted with a shower of powdered sugar, if you should so desire.


Since I like colorful pictures, I always up the saturation.


I simply love how colorful you have made this dish making it an absolute pleasure to eat it, cause we eat with our eyes first Those radishes do look pretty on the top!!


Check out the colorful festivities celebrating her daughter Laurel’s birthday, with plenty of…


About Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery One hundred and five years after Prohibition forced the closure of one of the nation’s most prolific whiskey producers, two young descendants of its pioneering founder, Charles Nelson, have thrown open the doors to their revived Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery in the colorful Marathon village of Nashville, Tennessee.


Made from pure cotton and appliquéd with colorful cursive, it’s perfect for cuddling up and relaxing.


Developed by Blizzard Entertainment, Overwatch thrusts players into a chaotic, colorful world of white-knuckle competition.


You can’t go wrong with this tangy tropical fruit salad, perfect for breakfast or as a colorful side dish at brunch.


Included: Cat Tail 5ft vinyl background, green floor rug, foliage, faux rocksSpring Tree Mosiac 5ft vinyl background, green floor rugSpring fence 5ft vinyl background, Floor sidewalk 5ft vinyl floordrop 6ft Vinyl colorful mosaic background5ft blue wooden floor vinyl All great condition.


With Meryl Streep at her best (which is saying something) as Graham, and Tom Hanks cast as the Post’s colorful editor Ben Bradlee (described as a «pirate» by one board member), «The Post» certainly doesn’t lack for star power.


For now, I’m loving the hints of winter mixed with the colorful floral arrangement.


Hahaha, we were looking for something colorful in the garage.


There is so much to discover in Guatemala, Central America’s most colorful travel destination.


The Helix Nebula, for example, resembles a doughnut in colorful images.


Since the town is so colorful, you can get away with a lot of color here!


You can add accessories like colorful glasses and pink or red nails.


The are so fun and colorful and inviting.


While Barack’s painting stars the former president amidst a colorful wall of foliage, Michelle’s is simpler, featuring the former first lady in a geometric printed dress, sitting in repose against a blue-gray backdrop.


Personally, I am never going to give up meat all together, I’m just into a varied diet with lean proteins including meat, poultry, fish, and plant-based protein along with colorful produce in season — my personal hashtag should be #AllTheFoods!


Pick a theme of your child’s liking, cut out shapes for it, and your child can make this fun colorful window cling art project.


Despite its adorable characters and colorful worlds, this Mario game promises tons of depth to sink your teeth into.


I personally don’t usually wear bright hued options, but I love seeing girls and ladies wearing colorful and different pattern crochet.


Gourmet meatless sausage from Beyond Meat, colorful peppers and onions and our mouth-watering Mozzarella Style Shreds.


Some of this divergence can be explained by the fact that parents want to read actual books with colorful pictures to their children.


Anyway, I really like almost every beauty trend you mentioned, especially colorful manicure and blushy blush, I think they both do fit so well springtime!


Kicking off the weekend with this extra fun & colorful shoot I wore this look last weekend while out and about running errands with my husband.


The winner of last week’s most clicked link for On Trend Tuesdays Linkup is Stefanie of The Style Safari, with this fun, colorful outfit!


Bangkok is everything you’d expect from the capital of Thailand: it’s noisy, crowded, colorful, exciting, infuriating, and smile inducing.


Before and after the sermon, a 10-person band led by a young, flannel shirt-wearing, ambient electric guitar-playing worship leader plays highly produced music from an elevated stage accompanied by full lights and a colorful media presentation.


In my personal (pink loving) opinion I think pink just about goes with every color, especially in the colorful months.


You will be able to design a colorful and dynamic bulletin board display using your students» finished butterfly book report projects.


Haystack Rock is one of Oregon’s most recognizable landmarks, home to colorful tidepools and diverse bird life.


While the Microsoft Surface wasn’t an instant hit, the tablet features a fun, colorful design that stands out (although, it’s larger and more expensive than other options).


Great crime comedy from The Coen Brothers, a smart story with very weird and colorful characters, Jeff Bridges puts on a great comedic performance, great work from the supporting cast that includes John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman and many others


It’s relatively quiet there and you swim between rocks, while colorful fish swim beneath you.


From Charlie Chaplin’s silent antics as the lovable Tramp in The Kid (1921) to the colorful Japanese fantasy film Jellyfish Eyes (2013), subscribers will discover a wide range of films available for all-ages.


What better way to brighten up a strict, polished look than a sparkly or a colorful bra?


Can’t wait to try this, it looks so healthy and colorful


Temecula, CA — There is no better combination in Southern California than dozens of colorful hot air balloons gracing the dawn skies, and warm afternoons of sampling fine wines while watching your favorite band in concert.


And in typical Tarantino fashion there’s a lot of blood and colorful chatter.


Open spacious contemporary studio-style suite offering a King bed and sofa bed lounge setting, with a kitchenette, dining table and a lanai (balcony) that provides high atop sweeping views of either the Yacht Harbor and Pacific Ocean or colorful city, majestic mountains and Pacific Ocean.


A lovely, colorful bedding set for a newborn is a wonderful gift.


I love fun food holidays and i lobe how colorful all your foods are!


But instead of a naïve waif, we have melancholy Pierre serving as the link to a motley cast of colorful characters.


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